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Supports Philippine Movement for Environ Protection 790419 Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.Proposed Nuclear Exports Pose Serious Risks to Health,Safety & well-being of Public
Person / Time
Site: 05000574
Issue date: 05/30/1979
From: Sister Leonile
Shared Package
ML19242A765 List:
NUDOCS 7908060249
Download: ML19242A785 (2)


Docket Number Export-Ir port 11000495 ffGEc HnAuiA Philippines Thief 3ccketing Snd services Secticn

  • U.3. Luclear negl, tory Concission Washin; ton, D.C 20555 C. 3. k .

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Dear Sir:

We are writing to expross our strong support for the Petitien for Leave to Intervene and Request for Hesrict filed by the Philippine Movement f or 2nvironm ental Protecticn, on April 19, $79, in the above-captioned proceedinzs, concerning the proposed export cf a nuclear power reactor and fuel to the Philippines ty the Eastinghouse Zlectric Corporation. ,

Ue are residents of the Philippines, deeply worried stout the serious risi:s to health, safety, and wil-being cf the public posed by the proposed nuclear exports. Cur people will be affected by the decisicn of the Conmission on the pending application. Cpecifical y.

we are concerned about:

1 the effect of the nor 31 operstiers of the plant on the health and sefety of people living close to the plant.

2. the dan ?r to us of en accident in*civing the release of rsdiation, like the one which occured ct tre Three riile Island nuclear power plant in the U.S. ;

'. the ricks of a nucleer accident due to earthquakes or volcanic eruptione in tTe vicinity of the plant; 4

the odernacy of contingency plans in the event of an ener;ency, including the evacua tion of those of us living near the plcnt;

5. the safety of e3nprents for the movement and disposal of rsdioactive wast ?s centroted by the plant and the dicpcs31 of .

the pla nt itself at the end of its useful life.

We ore appealin: *he Commission to gr?nt the F SF a hearing because the Filitino , Ic has b:an ef fectively denied any right to participate in the decir an here on the Philirpine nuclear Tow (; Flant.

'ie he vo L een unable to ; sin access to occura te information concernin:

the risks of nuc le ar rower. Cur petitions and pleas for a full putlic aveluation of the pl?ns for the pla nt heve been ignored totally by covernnent officisic. 7ven the decision ofthe Philippine Atomic

ncer Cov-icsic i on Ap ril L, 1 79 to li:ense the construction of the plant has been wit hheld from the public, purthermcre, we reve obtain d little help frcm the Filipino ccienti:ic and t a:hnical :oumunity to precent our cSJG WCFUSe of their fear of haracuent and intimidation by tha :L o v e rnment . Cur concerns outlined above re=3in unracolved; and an open he9 ring Lefore the Commiscion is our only hopel

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We ask that this le:ter be docketed and made -a part of the pub-lic record in these proceedings. 1!c requ'st.that you send us by return mail a copy of this letter with the s' amp of your office in~

dicating the date and ti at wh!.ch it was d.icketed. '!e further request that the Commission sard us copies c .' any of its future decisions or orders concerning the proposed n: clear exports.

We are t_gning this let':er because our ccncerns are real and very serious. A.c further evidence of this, v. are sending you which will also help cover your costs.

Lc :ing forward to your re ponse.

Sincerely, hr. EMMa 2cDGcAc FHM

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