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Rev 9 to, Quad-Cities Process Control Program for Processing Radioactive Wet Waste.
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1990
Shared Package
ML20029B196 List:
PROC-900430-01, NUDOCS 9103060177
Download: ML20029B198 (16)



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01530/0229Z 9i0396017/ Y1UZZZ FDR ADOCK 05000254 R PDR

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I. PURPOSE t / The purpose of this-Process (.ontrol Program (PCP) is to insure that the Radwasts System is used as applicable to process all low level radioactive wet wastes solidified or dewatered at Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station. The Process Control Program shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solld radioactive waste based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, State regulat'ons, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal and shipping of solid radioactive waste. If the provisions of this Process Control Program are not satisfied the station will suspend shipments of the defectively processed or defectively packaged waste. This program covers the =-plant cement, vendor cement, vendor dewatering and vendo'r encapsulating systems. Idet wastes at Quad-Cities Station consist of filter media (powdered resin and fiber), bead resin, and oily sludges and residues. When expended, these wastes are transferred to v, riots storage tanks or in some cases these wastes are transferred direc+iy into a burial container for processing.

Vendor precessing of tne waste is done in either a transportation cask or a process shicio and offers the advantage of reduced radiation exposure to personnel involved in performing the necessary package handling operations.

II. IN-PLANT CEMENT SOLib 64ASTE SYSTEM A. Description (Class A unstable waste form only)

The resin slurry is transferred to one of two centrifuges for dewatering. The centrifuges have a capacity of 25 gpm. The solids are separated from the water and d op into a hopper associated with each cantrifuge. The water is routed back to a storage tank.

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Each hopper has a 40 cubic foot capacity. At the bottca of the

/ hopper there 1
a hopper discharge valve. This is a remotely operated, air operated, fail close/ valve. Connected to the hopper discharge valve is the sludge c' .,te and the drum feed valve. The sludge chute is 8 inches in elameter and-6 feet 5 inches long, with a capacity of 2.2 cubic feet. The drum feed valve is also renotely operated, air operated, aid fail-closed. The hopper discharge valve and the drum feed valve are interlocked to prevent both valves from being open simultaneously.

Cement is added to a drum from the cement silo. The cement sllo has a capacity of 620 cubic feet. Cement is fed through a rotary feeder down a transfer tube through the mixer head, into the crum.

The mixer goes into the drum and forms a seal to prevent dispersion of cement dust or spillage during mixing. The mixer has two speeds, 100 rpm and 200 rpm, that are programmed into the mix cycle.

Drums are capped at the load-out conveyor area before loading into a shipping vehicle. A cap is set in place and a seal ring is snapped over it. A threaded bolt is used to tighten the seal ring.

Drum storage consists of three conveyor lines, with room for 25 drums on each line. Drums stored on the storage lines are removed and eithu shipped, stored in storage hins located in the radwaste fact'.$ty, or stored in the Interim Radwaste Storage facility.

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,; 8. Operation of the In-Plant Cement solid Waste SysteQ L '

In order to insure-solidification of spent resins with no free wa'ter, tests were conducted at Quad-Cities Station using unspent resin. Fresh rest,ns were mixed up in the proportions that would be expected to be normally processed. These resins were then put into a o

drum and the drum was processed tt. sugh the cement system. .The drum was capped as normal and allowed to set in storage for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

After 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the drum was cut open lengthwise and inspected. The results of the inspection resultrj in a change of the proportions of water and cement until the fin &l product was soliJ u:4. free of water. A series of drums were processed using spent resins, hrd the drums weie visually inspected for no free water prior to shipping.  ;

No free water was observed. Based on these tests, specific station procedures were written to assure that solidified barrels produced by the in-plant cement system fall withfn t'he test results. Since all of the barrels made on the in-plant system are classif ed as Class A unstable, per 10 CFR 61, no additional testing cutside of the initial station tests.are required.

The general procedure that is followed to process spent resins is described below. Specific plant operating procedures are followed by the operator.

1. The e.npty drum is covered with a plastic bag and taped in place to prevent external contamination.
2. A half'of a bag of dry cement is added to the empty drum.
3. The empty drums are loaded on a conveyor.
4. One empty drum from the conveyor is loaded on a transfer cart (remote operatio"),

b The transfer cart is advanced to the selected hopper station (remote operation).

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6. The drum is filled alth resins to a prescribed level (remote I operation).

2 The resin is transferred from the hopper to the l drum through the sludge chute. The discharge valve on the l sludge chute is a manually operated remote valve. The operator views the drum through a mirror and-fills the drum to between the first and second roll hoop from the top of the drum.

Although this metnod of adding resin to the drum is not precise, it can be controlled to a high degree. If an operator determines that the quantity of resins varies from the prescribed level, he can compensate with water and/or cement.

7. Water is aMed (remote operation). Normally 16-20 gallons of water are added to each drum. This amou,7 w be varied if necessary for complete solidification. The amount of water required is selected, and t. flow otegrator gives the inlet valve a closed signal when that amount is delivered.
8. The drum is transferred to the mixing station (remote operation).
9. The cement timer is set.
10. The mixer cycle (remote operation) is started. The mixer lowers into the drum and forms a tight seal. The mixer will begin to rotate at slow soced. The air slide blower and dust collector are started. The cement feeder and vibrators start and cemant is metered to the drum. The mixer increases to fast speed. The cement feeder stops and the air-slide blower and dust collector stop. Wher. the mixer completes- the cycle, the RPM meter will start to decrease. At this point, the mixer control swit:h is moved from AUTO to FAST and the mixer is given an additional 5 minutes on fast speed. The switch is then returned to AUTO, and the mixer cycle is complete.


11. The drua is transferred to the inspection station (remote operation),
12. The mixed ' drum contact radiation reading are logged and the contents of the drum are observed. If determined that I

more cement is required, the drum H returned to the mixer and additional cement is added. When the mix is satisfactory, the drum is transferred to the drun storage lines.

C. Verification of In-Plant Cement $_ystem Solidification Each solidified drum is verif trd to be void of free water prior to shipping or storage. The drum is transferred from the storage lines to the load-out conveyor. At this point, each drum is visually inspected to verify it is void of free water and the contents solidified. The protective plastic bag is removed, and the drum is capped. The drum is then surveyed for smearable contamination and dose rate. The drum is then loaded into the shipping' vehicle or placed in storage. -

If a drum is found to contain free water, dry cement.will be added to solidify the free water or the drum will be recycled _throeph the mixing line as req;! red. The drum will not be shipped with more than 0.5 percent freestand\nt) water.

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? A.

Contractor solidification services are utillred at the Station for wastes whi,ch are required to be classified as stable waste per 10 CFR 61 and/or burial site licenses. Add 4tionally, in certain circumstances, contractor services may also be used to process wastes which are not required to be stable per 10CFR61 and/or burial site licenses. The contractor must have procedures or other support documents as necessary to produce a waste form which meets all the requirements of 10CFR61 and applicable burial site criteria. A copy of the vendor's procedures (which states station interface requirements), and other support documents are submitted to an on-site review prior to use to assure compatability with Station Systems, procedures, and Technical Specifications. Specific station procedures are then developed from this vendor information and approved prior to use.

Normally, a batching tank is uttitzed to collect the radwaste to be solidified. The tank can be filled from any of the following:

1. Condensate Phase Separators.
2. Cleanup Phase Separators.
3. Spent Resin Tanks.
4. Waste Sludge Tank.

After the tank is filled with radwaste, a decant pump is used to remove water from the top of the settled sludge. When the decanting operation is completed, the tank contains about 1,900 gallons of sludge.

The m!xing tank can be operated on recirculation to allow a tank sample to be taken for analysis and sample solidification tests as required.

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In certain cases, for exar.ple, castes resulting from chemical deconttWinations, the waste is sent directly to a liner in which the sol'r p u kn will take plac . In this case a sample is taken out of the liner after it has been properly mixed prior to adding solidification chemicals. The recipe foT solidification will be determined based on a successful solidification demonstration using the sample taken from the liner.

A temperature monitor in the liner is used to note the maximum temperature during the exotherm. After sufficient cooling the liner is prepared for shipment or storage.

B. Operation t,f,the Vendor Solidification S_ystem A liner is prepared for use by installing a thermocouple and tubing for level indication. The fill head is placed over the liner and locked in-place.

The radwaste is added to the liner. The mixing tank, if used, is first mixed for'about 10 minutes. The proper amount of radwaste is delivered by a radwaste pump or slurried from portable processing equipment. Haste flow to the liner 1s monitored by a TV camera. The radwaste pipe lines and waste transfer hose to the fill head are then-flushed.

After the radwaste has been put-into the liner the process is completed by the contractor. The contractor adds cement and

- additives in accordance with their approved PCP. After final mixing the temperature is monitored and the maximum temperature is noted.

When the solidified liner has sufficiently cooled, the contractor and Station personnel visually inspect the product and verify that it is an acceptable product. The liner is then covered with a lid, secured, surveyed and shipped or stored in the Interim Radwaste Storage Facility.

01530/0229Z C. Verification of Vendor Supplied Solidification Syste7

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Verification of solidification first involves sampling the radweste prior to solidification in order to determine the proper proportions of the ingredients that will produce an acceptable, product. A representative laboratory sample of waste is taken. In accordance with the vendor's PCP program, small, scaled-down amounts of cement and additives are added in the proper quantitles. Based on an acceptable lab sample solidification, scale-up factors are developed for the full scale solldtfication. The full scale solidification will not be done until a satisfactory lab sample solidification has been verified.

A visual inspection of each liner is performed by both the vendor and station personnel prior to installing the 11d. The visual Inspection further verifies that the product is acceptable per the contractors PCP. If the visual inspection does not verify solidification, the contractor will be required to provide the station an acceptable resolution.


A. Description Contractor dewatering services may be utilized at the Station in lieu of solidification for stable waste forms as directed by station operating personnel. The contractor must have procedures or other support documents to produce a waste form which meets all the requirements of 10CFR61 and the applicable burial site criteria. A copy of the vendor's procedures (which states station interface requirements) and other support documents are submitted to an on-site review prior to use to assure compatability with Station Systems, procedures, and Technical Specifications. Specific station procedures are then developed from this vendor information and approved prior to use.

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A mixing tank is utilized to collect the radcaste to be

? dewatered. The tank can be filled from any of the following:

1. Condensate Phase Separators
2. Cleanup Phase Separators ,
3. Spent Resin Tanks -
4. Haste Sludge Tank After the tank is filled with radwaste, a decant pump is used to remove water from the top of the settled sludge. When the decanting operation is completed, the tank contains about 1,900 gallons of sludge.

The mixing tank can be operated on recirculation in order to allow a tank sample to be taken for analysis if required. In certain cases, for example, wastes resulting from chemical decontaminationt.,

the waste is sent directly to a High Integrity Container (HIC) in which the dewatering will take place.

B. Operation of the Vendor Dewaterina System A High Integrity Container (HIC) is prepared for use by installing a thermocouple, if not already installed, and inspecting dewatering elements and thermocouple leads, if installed. The fill head is placed over the HIC and locked in-place.

The radwaste is added to the HIC. The mixing tank, if utilized, is first mixed for approximately 10 minutes. Tie proper amount of radwaste is delivered by the radwaste pump or c temical decontamination sys. equipment. Haste flow to the HIC is monitored by a TV camera. The radwaste pipe lines and waste transfer hose to the fill head are then flushed.

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After the radcaste.has been put into the HIC the balance of the dewatering process is completed by the contractor. The contractor dewaters in accordance with their approved procedures or other support documents until the acceptance criteria is met. When the process is complete, the contractor and 1tation personnel verify that each HIC is an acceptable product and samples are taken from the HIC. The HIC is then covered with a lid, secured, surveyed and shipped or stored in the Interim Radwaste Storage Facility.

C. Vert'ication of Vendor Supplied Dewaterino System

'!*rtfication of an acceptable dewatered product is delineated in the contractors procedures. The acetatance criteria is dependent upon the type of dewatering system used and the material dewatered.


A. Des cri ption,,

Contractor encapsulation services may be utilized by the Station for wastes which are required to be classified as stable waste per 10CFR61 and/or burial site licenses. The contractor must have procederet or other support documents as necessary to produce a waste form which meets all the requirements of 10CFR61 and the applicable burial sits criteria. Vendor procedures are used to prepare specific Station procedures which are submitted to an on-site review prior to use to assure compatibility with station systems procedures and Technical Specifications.

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8. Vendor Encapsulation Method A liner is prepared by the vendor which has a prepoured bottom and partial sides. The item to be encapsulated is placed inside the prepour and the remaining portton of the liner is filled with a stable formula of cement. -

When the encapsulation has sufficiently cooled, the contractor and Station personnel visually inspect the product and verify that it


is an acceptable product, The liner is then covered with a lid, serured, surveyed and shipped or stored in the Interim Radwaste Storage Facility.

C. Verification of Vendor Encapsulation To verify encapsulation, a visual inspection of each *:!ner is performed prior to installing the lid. The visual inspection verifles that the product meets to acceptance criteria of the contractors procedures. If the liner is not an acceptable product, the vendor will be required by the station to provide an acceptable resolution.

VI. HIGH INTEGRITY CONTAINER USAGE High Integrity container-(HIC's) are used at the Station for various approved waste packaging. The vendor which supplies the HIC must provide the Station with a copy of the Certificate'of Compliance for the HIC which details specific limitations on use of the HIC.

VII. WASTE CLASSIFICATION Station wastes will be classified as Class A, Class 8, or Class C to determine.the acceptability for near-surface disposal and for the purpose-of segregation at the disposal site. The waste class will be based on the  ;

l concentration of certain radionuclides in the waste as outlined in 10CFR61.55. )

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,, Radionuclide concentrations util be deterbined based'on the volume or

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weight of the final waste form as' discussed in Section C.2 of the Branch i Technical Position Paper on Waste Classification,

, Of the four suggested methods for determining radionuclide concentration, the one most commonly used is the direct measurement of individual radionuclides (gamma emitters) and the use of scaling factors to determine the radionuclide concentration of difficuit to measure radionuclides (normally non-gamma emitters). The use of the other suggested methods; material accountability, classification by source or i gross radioactivity measurements may occur if the situatien best fits the use of that methodology.

Approved Station procedures are used in the determination of-j radionuclide concentration for difficult to measure nuclides (normally non-gamma emitters) and for the classification of radioactive waste for j near-surface burial.

VII. SHIPMENT MAN!FES_T Each shipment of radioactive waste to a licensed land disposal


facility will'be accompanied by a shipment manifest as required by 10CFR20.311(b) and 10CFR20.311(c). The manifest will contain the name, address, and telephone number of the waste generator. The manifest will l-L also include the name, address, and telephone number or the name and EPA

hazardous waste identification number of the person transporting-the waste-to the land disposal facility.

The. manifest will also indicate to the extent practicable: a physical description of the-waste;'the volume; radionuclide identity and quantity; the total radioactivity; and the-principal chemical form. The solidification agent, if applicable, will be identified.

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Haste containing more than 0.1% chelating agents by reight util be identified and the weight percentage of the chelating agent estimated.

Haste classification, Class A, B, or C, will te clearly indicated on the manifest. The total quantity of the radionuclides H-3, C-14. Tc-99, and I-129 will be shown on the manifest. -

Each manifest will include a certification by the waste generator that the transported materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked, and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of-Transportation and the NRC. A representative of the Station will sign and date the manifest. Approved Station procedures are used for the preparation of burial site radioactive shipping manifests.

The Station will maintain a manifest recordkeeping and tracking system that meets the requirements of 10CFR20,311(d).

IX. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS A. Trainina A trainiag program will exist to ensure that waste processing will be performed according to Station procedures and in accordance-with the requirements of the Station PCP. An Individual's training record will be maintained for audit and inspection. The processing and shipment-of-radioactive material will be performed by qualified and trained personnel.

B. Record Retention Records of processing data, test and analysis results, documents, results of training, inspections and audits will be retained in accordance with company quality assurance requirements for record retention. Records of reviews performed for changes made l

to the PCP shall be retained for the duration of the Unit Operating License.

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e C. Documentation Control Licensee initiated changes may be made to the PCP provided that the change:

1. Is documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained  ;

for the duration of the Unit Operating License. This documentation shall contain:

a. Sufficient information to support the change tegether with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and
b. A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of thcs. solidified waste product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations.

Changes to the PCP shall become effective after review and Ih acceptance by the Onsite Review function and the approval of the Plant J Manager. Changes to the PCP shal'1 be submitted to the Commission in the Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the changes were made.

Radioactive waste that does not fall within previous waste processing expertence will be evaluated and, if necessary, included in l the PCP prior to final processing and disposal.

D. Quality Control Licensee procedures ensure that a vendor processing radioactive waste, for burial, adhere to their procedures ar.: that cn acceptable product that meets regulatory regul:9ments and burial site criteria results. This procedure addresses the .equirement to assess the f impact of changes in a vendor's PCP or the Station's PCP and requires ' l l h a 10CFR50.59 safety evaluation for any changes in the vendor's PCP. I


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E.. Major Channes to Radioactive Waste Treatment Syste's lI':." -

Major changes to the Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems may be made provided:

l. The change is reported in the Monthly Operating Report for the ,

period in which the evaluation was rivlewed by the On-site Review Function. The discussion of each change shall contain:

4. A summary of.the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.
b. Sufficient detailed-information to support the reason for the change,
c. A detailed description of t'e equipment, components, and process involved and the interfaces with other plant systems,
d. An evaluation of the change which shows the predicted quantity of solid waste that differs from that previously predicted in the license application and amendments.
e. A compar'ison of the predicted volume of radioactive solid waste to the actual volume for the period in which the changes


were made.

f. An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the r.hange.

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g. DocumentatMn of the fact that the change was r6 viewed and found acceptable by the On-site Review Function.
- 2. The change shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the On-Site Review Function.


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