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to Suppl 2 of Seismic Re-evaluation. Rept Reflects Revisions to Analysis Re Emergency Diesel Generator & Cooling Water Heat Exchanger
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1981
Shared Package
ML20003C813 List:
NUDOCS 8103180503
Download: ML20003C816 (8)


- . . - --. .. - . = . - - - - .- - - - .

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! 2 of 4 2 of 4 3 of 4 3 of 4 4 of 4 4 of 4 Data Sheet 8 Sheet 1 of 3 Data Sheet 8 Sheet 1 of 3 2 of 3 2 of 3

! 3 of 3 3 of 3 e

8103180503 -_ _ . _ . . . - - _ . - _ . _ . . . _ . . , _ . . . . _ . . . . . , . - . . . . , _ . - - - - . _ _ . . - , _ . - _ . . ~ _.

. l Sheet 1 of 4 Data Sheet 7 Qualification Summary of Equipment Flant Name: Davis-Besse 1 Type:


1. Utility: Toledo Edison PWR J _
2. NSSS: 8&W 3. A/E: Bechtel BWR II. Component Name' Emergency Diesel Generator System ,
1. Scope: [ ] NSSS [%iBOP Engine Model 645E4
2. Model Number: Generator Model A20 Quantity: 2
3. Vendor: Power Systems (formerly Bruce SM Diesel, Inc.)
4. If the component is a cabinet or panel, name and model No. of the devices included: NA Diesel Engine with direct-connected
5. Physical Description a. Appearance AC generator, exciter and auxiliary -


b. Dimensions 34'L .x 6' W x 10' H ( Apprcx.)

Engine-Generitor Foundation 100,000 lbs., Engine 45,000 lbs.,

c. Weight Generator 30,000 lbs., Auxiliary Equipment 17,600 lbs.
6. Location: Building Diesel Generator Bldg. (Aux. Bldg. Area 6) 585 Feet Elevation
7. Field Mounting Conditions [\[] Bolt (No. 16 , Size lh )

i (Engine-Generator) [ ] Weld (Length )


I Natural Frequencies in Each Direction (Side / Side. Front /Back, Vertical):


See Sheet 4 of 4 F/B: V:

A_'.. :

9. a. Functional


Serves as a standby emergency source of AC power,-to be used when normal power is not available

b. Is the equipment required for [ ] Hot Standby [ ] Cold Shutdown

.tNf]Both assuming offsite power is not available Pertinent Reference Design Snacifications: 7749-M-180, 10.

7749-C-41A-Supplement 2

Sheet 2 of 4 Data Sheet 7 Is Equipment Available for Inspection in the Plant: [M]Yes [ ] No III.

IV. Equipment Qualification Method: Test:

Analys : kEncine-cenerator.AccessorvRack,etc.

4ontrols and Combination of Test and Analysis:VInstrumentation Flight Dynamics, Inc. Report No. A-9-80, Rev. 1 Test and/or Analysis by (name of Company or Laboratory & Report No.)

Power Systems Report No. 6032 Vibration Inpat:

Wyle Laboratories Report No. 45193-1 V.

Figures II-27A,B,C

1. " Revised" Required Response Spectra (attach the graphs):

(based on 0.20g)

2. Required Acceleration in Each Direction:

See Sheet 4 of 4 V=

S/S = 'F/3 =

VI. If Qualification by Test, then Complete: N/A

[ ] random

[ ] Multi-Frequency: [ ] sine beat

1. [ ] Single Frequency []
2. [ ] Single Axis [ ] Multi-Axis SSE Other
3. No. of Qualification Tests: OBE (specify)
4. Frequency Range:


TRS enveloping RRS using Multi-Frequency Test [ ] Yes (Attach TRS & RRS graphs) [ ] No F/B = V=

6. Input g-level Test at S/S =
7. Laboratory Mounting:

_, Size _) [ ] Weld (Length )[]

1. [ ] Bolt (No.

[ ] Not Applicable Functional operability verified: [ ] Yes [ ] No 8.

9. Test Results including modifications made:

including results):

10. Other tests performed (such as fragility test, Supplement 2.

~ -- -

Rev. 1

Sheet 3 of 4 Data Sheet 7 VII. If Qualification by Analysis or by the Combination of Test and Analysis, then Complete:

1. Description of Test incitding Results:Three relavs were subiected to a seismic simulation test consisting of biaxial random multifrequency testing in each of two test orientations. The specimens were electrically powered and monitored for electrical function during the test. They demonstrated sufficient integrity to withstand the seismic environment without comornmisa nf structurac nr alactrical functions.
2. Method of Analysis See Sheet 4 of 4

[ ] Static Analysis [ ] Equivalent Static Analysis

[ ] Dynamic Analysis: [ ] Time-History

[ ] Response Spectrum

3. Model Type: [ ] 3D [ ] 2D [ ] 10 See Sheet 4 of 4 [ ] Finite Element [ ] Beam [ ] Closed Form solution
4. h)ComputerCodes: See Sheet 4 of 4 Frequency Range and No. of modes considered: See Sheet 4 of 4

[ ] Hand Calculations

5. Method of Combining Dynamic Responses: [ ] Absolute Sum ,[ ] SRSS See Sheet 4 of 4 [ ] Other:

(specify) l l 6. Damping: 3% Basis for the damping used: Table IT-1

7. Support Considerations in the model: See Sheet 4 of 4 l
8. Critical Structural Elements:

Governing Load (a) (b) (c) or Response Seismic Total Stress (c) - (b)

A. Identification Location Combination Stress Stress Allowable (a)

Accessory Rack on Seismic 18,908 21,009 24,444 0.182 Engine-Generator Base Spectrum psi psi osi Effect Upon Functional B. Max. Deflection Location Operability Diesel Engine Air Exhaust Nozzle No effect, loads are within Vendor recomended allowable values Supplement 2

Sheet 4 of 4 Data Sheet 7 Accessory Control Internal Panel!

Engine Rack Cubicles and Eouioment II.8 Natural Frequencies in each Direction 41.9 Hz 14.68 Hz >33 Hz Not S/S

>41.9 Hz >33 Hz Determined F/B V >41.9 Hz >33 Hz V.2 Required Acceleration in Each Direction Used S/S 0.4379 Response Spectra 0.4379 5.09 0.448g per Figures 0.448g 5.0g F/B V 0.469g II-27A,B&C 0.469g 5.0g VII.2 Method of Analysis Static Dynamic Test & Analysis Test & Analysis VII.3 Model Type Finite Element Finite Element 10 1D VII.4 Computer Codes SAP IV SAP IV None None Frequency Range and N/A 5 Modes, 4th N/A N/A No. of modes considered Mode = 34.8 Hz VII.5 Method of Combining N/A SRSS N/A N/A Dynamic Responses VII.7 Support Considerations Rigid SAPIV Boundary Field-mounted Field-mounted Elements Full Supports Supports in the model Stiffness at base, rack stiffness at pipe conn's.

Supplement 2

Sheet 1 of 3 Data Sheet 8 Qualification Summary of Equipment I. Plant Name: Davis-Besse 1 Tyge:

1. Utility: Toledo Edison PWR ,/
2. NSSS: 1&W 3. A/E: By htel BWR II. fpmponentName Emergency Diesel Cooling Water Heat Exchanger 1, Scope: [ ] NSSS [MB0P
2. Model Number: 2208-Type SU-2 Pass Quantity: 2
3. Vendor: Power Systems from Thermxchanger, Inc.
4. If the component is a cabinet or panel, name and model No. of the

, devices included: N/A Horizontal, U-Tube, Shell & Tube

5. Physical Description a. Appearance Heat Exchanger.
b. Dimensions _11'-4" Long. 22" 00 Shell
c. Weight 5420 lb. empty. 6820 lb. operatina
6. Location: Building Diesel Generator Blda. (Aux. Blda. Area 6)

Elevation 585 Feet

7. FieldMountingConditions[M] Bolt (No. 4 , Size 3/4" ) 1

[ ] Wald (Length )


8. Natural Frequencies in Each Direction (Side / Side Front /Back, Vertical):

Sholl: Greater than 33 Hz all directions Tube Bundle: S/S: 15.2 Hz F/B: > 33 Hz V: 15 2 Hz 1

9. a. Functional


Cool the engine jacket water of the Emergency Diesel Generator (See Data Sheet 7)

b. Is the equipment required for [ ] Hot Standby [ ] Cold Shutdown (M]Both assuming offsite power is not available
10. Pertinent Reference Design Specifications: 7749-M-180 7749-C-41A Supplement 2

__  %%_A

Sheet 2 of 3 Data Sheet 8 III. Is Equipment Available for Inspection in the Plant: [h]Yes [ j No IV. Equipment Qualification Method: Test:

Analysis: k ,,

Combination of Test and Analysis:

Test and/or Analysis by URS/ John A Blume & Assoc. Report No. 8039-1 (name of Company or Laboratory & Report No.)

Flight Dynamics, Inc. Report No. A-9-80, Rev.1 V. Vibration Input: Flight Dynamics, Inc. Report No. A-10-80 ,1

1. " Revised" Pequired Response Spectra (attach the graphs): Fiaures li-27A.8,C
2. Rcquired Acceleration in Each Direction: (based on 0.20g)

ShG11: 0.448g 0.460g Tube Bundle: S/S =0.75o F/B = 0.4379(used) 0.50g V = 1.50g 1 VI. If Qualification by Test, then Complete: N/A

[ ] random

1. [ ] Single Frequency [ ] Multi-Frequency: i ] sine beat -

[ j _,

2. [ ] Single Axis [ ] Multi-Axis
3. No: of Qualification Tests: OBE SSE Other (specify)
4. Frequency Range:
5. TRS enveloping RRS using Multi-Frequency Test [ ] Yes (Attach TRS & RRS graphs)

[ } No

6. Input g-level Test at S/S = F/B = V=
7. Laboratory Mounting:
1. [ ] Bolt (No. , Size ) [ ] Weld (Length )[]
8. Functior.a1 operability veri,fied: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable
9. Test Results including modifications made:
10. Other tests performed (such as fragility tsst, including results):

j Supplement 2

_.. . _ _ ._. _ Rev._1

Sheet 3 of 3 Data Sheet 8 VII. If Qualificption by Analysis or by the Combination of Test and Analysis, then Complete:

1. Description of Test including Results: N/A
2. Method of Analysis

[ ] Static Analysis [k]EquivalentStaticAnalysis

[ ] Dynamic Analysis: [ ] Time-History

[ ] Response Spectrum

3. Model Type: [M]3D [ ] 2D [ ] ID

[k]FiniteElement [k] Beam [ ] Closed Form solution (Tube bundle) (Tube bundle) 1 4, [k]. Computer Codes: sap IV. Weldino Research Council (WERCO) Release 5.0.2 ANSYS l1 Frequency Range and No. of modes considered: N/A


5. Method of Combining Dynamic Responses: [ ] Absolute Sum ikjSRSS

[ ] Other:


6. Damping: 3% Basis for the damping used: Table II-1
7. Support Considerations in the model: Heat exchanger bolted to Diesel-Generator skid
8. Cr4 1 scal Structural Elements:

Governing Load (a) (b) (c) or Response Seismic Total Stress (c) - (b)

A. Identification Location Combination Stress Stress Allowable ('a )

Bending stress in the

  • 27.56 32.4 =

base plate of the support ksi ksi legs 35.0

  • Anchor bolts (max. stress
  • 32.8 1 intensity) ksi ksi Fixed support junction with . 59.1 60.0
  • shell (max. stress intensity) ksi ksi Effect Upon tunctional
  • No Max.t availab.le B. DeG ection fromLocation the analysis Operability 0.091" Tube bundle None. Stresses and forces are within allowable values.

Supplement 2 Rev. 1