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Revision 003-00 to C Sp 600.4, Communications - Radiopaging and Enrs/Arcos Practice Test
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/2016
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16053A139 (16)



From Date/Time WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001

02/11/16 08:16 DOCUMENTS lfUl Page:

h UIIiiil illIll1I11hi Ui Trans No. :000153676 Tr.ansmittal Group Id: 1610147 Total Items: 00001 Item Facility Type Sub. Document Number/ITitle Sheet Revision Doc Date Copy # Media Copies

  • 0001 MP PROC OPS C SP 600.4 003 P 01 COMMUNICATIONS - RADIOPAGING AND ENRS/ARCOS PRACTICE TEST Please check the appropriate response and return form to NDS Bldg 475/3 Millstone Power Station or Fax to 860-440-2057.

All documents received.

Documents noted above not received (identify those not received).

I no longer require distribution of these documents.

Date: Signature:

Date: Signature:

TechnicalPr --?edure Approval

~Domunnon' Instructions for completing this form are included in AD-AA-1 00.

  • rocedure Ntjmber !2. Revision 3. Change Type & No.


4. Page
4. 5. EtfectiveDa~ (If not approval date)

C SP 600.4 003-00 of 5. Effect>*/*/a*f not approval date)

6. Procedure Title 7. Expiration Date Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test
8. Type of Request El New Procedure [] Revision El Deletion Lii Vendor Procedure Change: Li Minor Revision Li OTO - Permanent Revision Required El OTO - No Permanent Revision Required
9. Has a Condition Report (CR) Been Submitted? El Yes Li No CR No.: CA3006229
10. Reason and Description of Change Changes to paragraph in Discussion section. Per CA3006339, EP to change the requirements for conducting the practice test to include all qualified ECs in order to reduce the delta in the level of EC proficiency.
11. CFAM, If Required (Print Name) 12. CFAM, if Required (Signature) 13. Date N/A
14. Does this change involve a Temporary Modification that affects nuclear safety as documented in CM-AA-TCC-204? No

[15. Does this procedure require a 50.59 / 72.48 Evaluation (Form No. 730947)?

16. Is this a "Special Test' procedure, an EPIP or Security procedure, a FCA, a FSG, an EOP, required by RP-AA-274, or is it an ICCE-desionated Drocedure that reauires a 50.59 / 72.48 Screen?
17. A new procedure or procedure deletion? LI Yes [J No A hangePurposeor addition to any of the following: Li Acceptance Criteria or Tolerances El "Level of Use" [ e ]N W iInitial Conditions El Scaling or Setpoints Li System/Component As-Left Condition(s) LiYs N El The method for meeting a commitment El Reactivity Management
19. A change that adds or deletes a subsection, deletes a step verification (IV, CV, or PC), adds an alternative method for performing a task, Li Yes [] No involves a less conservative method for performing a task, or affects equipment qualification? _______

20 A change that decreases personnel safety or fire protection effectiveness? Li Yes [] No

21. A change that modifies, relocates, deletes, or adds a hold point? (Review by the Q[C or certified discipline QC Level i/I/ll[ Inspector is LiYs N required. For OTOs and MRs, QIC or Level i/Ill1Inspector initial here.)[Ye ]N
22. A change to CAUTION or WARNING statements? This does not include adding CAUTION or WARNING statements. Li Yes [] No
23. A change to a procedure marked "Infrequently Conducted or Complex Test or Evolution"? Li Yes [] No
24. Requester/Writer (Printed Name) 25. Date 26. Reviewed By (Printed Name) 27. Date Morris Sanders!/ Debbie Canling 01/27/2016 N/A If FSRC approval is required for a Procedure Change, it is not necessary for SRO to approve the Procedure Change. Place N/A in blocks 35 and 36.

.. L.. - . . S ASS Li 28. FSRC L;i 29. Peer Group (CFAM) Li 30. Cognizant Management B []31. Cognizant Management A

32. Req~iredAppro~val,*utho*-t*j(Print Namne, 33. Req ~red Approv*,7uth ity (Sig ature) 34./Date
35. SRO Approval For Chang'* (Print Name)j6S A 9 oa For Chan es(inf~e) 37. Date N/A 38 Site Vice President Approval, If Required (Print Name) 39. Site Vice President Approval, If Required (Signature) 40. Date N/A NOTE: The individual(s) posting a new or revised document to EDMS are responsible for ensuring Nuclear E-Forms is updated.

uclear B-Forms Updated for Site(s)? 42. Nuclear B-Forms Updated Print Name/Signature 43. Date WMP [] NA U]SU E]N/A Key: FSRC-Facility Safety Review Committee; EPIP-Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures; EOP-Emergency Operating Procedure; OTO-One Time Only; MR-Minor Revision; ICCE-Infrequently Conducted or Complex Evolutions; FCA-Fire Contingency Action; FSGs-FLEX Support Guideline; SRO-Senior Reactor Operator; QIC-Quality Inspection Coordinator; CFAM-Corporate Functional Area Manager Form No. 730682(April 2015)


Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test C SP 600.4 i, i*ii!!* THI{

aA?{*,.k*?.NK CT ;!.i!il;!ii!*i!ii!i !*;

Approval Date: 02/10/16 Effective Date: 02/11/16 Lee ofUs Reference

Millstone All Units Surveillance Procedure Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE.................. ................................ 2
2. PREREQUISITES ........................................... 3
3. PRECAUTIONS ............................................. 4
4. INSTRUCTIONS ............................................ 5 4.1 ENRS Practice Test...................................... 5 4.2 ENIRS Test Failures..................................... 12
5. REVIEW AN]) SIGNOFF..................................... 13
6. REFERENCES ............................................. 13


OF CHANGES ................................... 13 ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS C2 SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log"

, C SP 600.4 Level of Use ACT REVIEW' Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 1 of 13

I . ,

1. PURPOSE 1.1 Objective This procedure provides instructions for perforning the practice tests to ensure the operability of the Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRSIARCOS) and radiopager systems and to maintain satisfactory performance levels.

Performance of this procedure ensures these ENRS/ARCOS components are OPERABLE and can satisfy the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix E.

1.2 Discussion ENRS components (human and system) are tested to ensure operational readiness to notify State and Local Officials within the EPZ as well as SERO personnel in the event of an actual emergency.

The practice test is to be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per shift sequence (3 nights, 3 days, 4 nights, 4 days) for shift personnel. The practice test is to be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per week for off shift personnel.

Performance of thle practice test is not required during training weeks.

Performance of any of the following satisfies the requirement for completion of the practice test for a shift sequence for an individual:

  • ENRS Practice Test
  • Monthly radiopager test
  • Drill messages
  • Real events During plant outages and declared emergencies, only the designated Shift Emergency Communicator for the affected unit needs to perform the practice test. Any other qualified Emergency Communicators on shift for the affected unit do not have to perform the practice test. All qualified Emergency Communicators for thle unaffected unit will still need to complete the practice test during their shift.

~C SP 600.4 Level of Use STOP* THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference , 2 of 13

The ENRS practice test activates only the control room console pager, sends a test fax to the Control Room and calls the control room ENRS phone. A monthly log is maintained in each Control Room for individuals to record completion of their practice test. A copy of the completed log is forwarded to the Emergency Planning group at the end of each month.

1.3 Applicability This procedure is performed inl all MODEs.

1.4 Frequency 1.4.1 Practice tests C SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log" shall be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per shift sequence.

2. PREREOUISITES 2.1 General 2.1.1 Unit SM or US has authorized practice testing for the entire month by signing and dating C SP 600.4-001 2.1.2 Personnel performing this procedure are familiar with equipment operation.

2.1.3 Forms are maintained in thle respective control rooms.

2.1.4 The affected/unaffected unit control room has been notified prior to performing the test on the ENRS/AiRCOS terminal.

2.2 Documents 2.2.1 MP-26-EPA-REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Plan Resource Book" C SP 600.4 Level of Use ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 3 of 13

2.3 Definitions 2.3.1 ARCOS - Automated Roster Callout System 2.3.2 ASFC - 'Accepts Summary for Callout" Report 2.3.3 EPD - Emergency Preparedness Department 2.3.4 MAXIMIZE - To restore 2.3.5 Callout Results screen - Allows visual observation of past or present callout status.

3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Failure to select the correct activation may result in an unwarranted callout or the release of misinformation.

3.2 An actual event takes precedence over testing. The practice test shall be postponed until after the release or termination of the real event.

3.3 No system maintenance or activities are to be performed concurrent with testing performed by this procedure.

3.4 If at any time, an error occurs and a call-out has been initiated, check the "Stop" box and click "Submit" to stop the call-out.

Levelof Us , , C SP 600.4 Lee oeferUse STOP THINK *-ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence4 of 13

1. If any of the following is experienced, the ENRS should be immediately assessed for operability or function with respect to 10CFR50.72 criteria:
  • A system error occurs.
  • Communication is lost with Internet service.
2. It is the intent of the station that appropriate personnel are immediately called in to assess the operability or function of the ENRS/ARCOS and are available to assist the ENRS Operator with preparations should notification of a communications failure be required using an alternate means.

4.1.1 IF at any time, an error occurs AND a call-out has started, PERFORM the following:

a. SELECT "View" tab to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen to end the callout.
b. CLICK in the "Stop" box.

,.c. CLICK on "Submit."

4.1.2 LOG-IN to ENRS/ARCOS terminal using your standard MBULO GIN ID and password.

4.1.3 OPEN ARCOS icon.

4.1.4 At ARCOS Login screen, ENTER user login and password.

4.1.5 CLICK on "Login" button. At the main screen ("Welcome to"), SELECT the "Callout" tab.

4.1.6 Minimize the ARCOS screen.

4.1.7 OPEN shortcut to IRF.DOTX form icon.

Level of Use C SP 600.4 STOP 'THINK ACT:

REVIEW Rev. 003-00

  • " Reference -

5 of 13

NOTE Practice Test IRFs are not assigned IRF numbers.

4.1.8 To prevent IRF number assignment, SELECT "CANCEL' and then "OK."

4.1.9 SELECT "Drill" on IRF line 2.

NOTE The Daily ENRS Practice Session Worksheets book contains various practice scenarios, one for each day of the month (i.e., number 3 is used on the third of the month). The scenarios are designed to make the user utilize the various pull-downs in the ENRS/ARCOS system to become familiar and proficient with the various system options.

4.1.10 Refer To Daily ENRS Practice Session Worksheets book and ENTER event information into IRF template from the worksheet for the particular day of the month.

  • 4.1.11 PRINT IRF form to local printer.

4.1.12 COMPARE printed IRF form with the practice session worksheet for the day and ENSURE information is correct.

4.1.13 SAVE IRF as follows:

a. CLICK "Office Button."
b. SELECT "Save As."
c. In "Save in" drop down, SELECT IRF folder.
d. In "File name" in Incident Report From, ADD date (month, day, year) and IRF authorized time (e.g., Incident Report Form 020613.1600).
e. CLICK "Save."
f. CLOSE IRE Leve of se ' C SP 600.4 Leel ferUse STOP 'THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence6of 13

4.1.14 TRANSMIT radiopager practice test message, as follows:

a. SELECT the maximize button on the ARCOS screen.
b. CLICK on the 'Activations" button to display list of activations.
c. LOCATE appropriate activation.

It is extremely important that the scenario chosen for the practice test does not include State and Local Officials. Only the appropriate unit practice test activation shall be used.

d. Only one of these scenarios should ever be selected for practice test:
  • Unit 2 Practice Test (4402)
  • Unit 3 Practice Test (4403)
  • BOF Practice Test (4400)
e. SELECT 'Activate" under 'Actions Column." (this will display Callout Edit Page)
f. In "Trouble Location," SELECT Unit/Site.
g. In "Reason" SELECT, correct classification.
h. In "Custom Message," SELECT minor EAL heading.
i. At "IRE Form," CLICK on 'Attach."
j. CLICK on "Browse."
k. In IRF folder, LOCATE IRF with proper date and time.
1. Double CLICK on appropriate IRF.


{c of se sP 600.4 LeelferUse { STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 7 of 13

V CAUTION The callout fields must be read and verified prior to selecting the "Initiate Callout" button.

4.1.15 STOP and ENSURE all fields are accurate:

  • Reason = Correct classification
  • Trouble Location =Correct unit/site
  • Custom Message =Correct EAL heading
  • IRF Form Title = Incident Report Form, Date, and Authorized Time.

4.1.16 In "Manual Bypass" section, CLICK on "Initiate Callout."

4.1.17 Refer To MP-26--EPI-FAP07-001, "Incident Report Form (IRF)" and RECORD the following in box 15:

  • Callout ID
  • Callout time 4.1.18 IF wrong activation OR message has been chosen, PERFORM the following:
a. Immediately terminate callout from "View Open Callouts" screen by clicking on the stop box.
b. CLICK on "Submit."
c. NOTIFY appropriate SM/DSEO of incorrect activation or message.

~C SP 600.4 Leel ferUse STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence8of 13

NOTE Normally after starting a callout the IRF data is recorded. However, due to the configuration of the practice test scenario, the IRE data is recorded after responding to the phone call and prior to acknowledging the pager message due to the timing involved.

4.1.19 CHECK ENRS/ARCOS call-out system, WHEN ENR(SIARCOS system calls ENRS phone, ENTER responses to system prompts.

4.1.20 CHECK Radiopager System as follows:

NOTE There is a short delay between the sending of the paging message and the activation of the pager which should not exceed five minutes. Any delay over five minutes should be reported to Telecommunications.

a. CHECK that practice test pager activates.
b. At the "View Open Callouts" screen, SELECT Callout ID to display the Callout Detail Report.
c. CLICK on the "Accepts" button and MONITOR 'Accepts Summary for Callout" screen to acknowledge notification.
d. CHECK fax is received at appropriate location (i.e., Control Room or EOF).

4.1.21 RECORD IRE data, as follows:

a. CLICK on "Custom Msgs" button.
b. At the "Please Select a Message Type" drop down box, SELECT "IRFiE Message."
c. At the "Message Admin" screen, CLICK on either "Record New Message" button.
d. On the "Message Detail" screen under Message Properties in the description field, ENTER IRF date and authorized time (e.g., IRE 020613.1400).

C SP 600.4 Leel ferUse STOP "TH-INK

'" ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence9 of 13

e. On the "Message Detail" screen under "Recording Console,"

SELECT "Record," AND WHEN finished recording message, select "Stop."

f. To verify recorded information is satisfactory, SELECT "Play" and LISTEN to the message.
g. WHEN message is verified, SELECT "UPLOAD."


"(Upload Data Saved Successful)" should appear on the top of the screen once information has been uploaded.

h. CLICK on "Save Info" button.
i. CLICK on "View" to return to "View Open Callouts" screen.
j. CLICK on "Edit" in the "Callout ID" section.
k. In "CIRF MSG" drop down, SELECT the IRF file for correct date and time.
1. CLICK on "Save."
m. CLICK on "View" to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen.
n. ACKNOWLEDGE page by calling into ENRS/ARCOS using designated call-in number and ENTER responses to system prompts.

4.1.22 To RESTORE ENRS/ARCOS to Normal/Standby Operation, PERFORM the following:

a. SELECT "Custom Msgs" button to open "Message Admin" screen.
b. REMOVE check from the "Only display messages for MIPS BOF M" box.
c. Under "Please Select a Message Type" drop down, SELECT "IRF Message."
d. WHEN list of IRF messages is displayed, CLICK on "Edit."
e. In "Message Detail Screen," CLICK on "Delete."

Level f UseC sP 600.4 Leel ferUse STOP THINK* ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 10 of 13

f. At the warning box, 'A~re you sure you want to delete this message," CLICK on "OK."
g. IFF more than one IRF message was recorded, REPEAT steps 4.1.22d. through 4.1.22f. until all messages are deleted.
h. SELECT "View" tab to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen to end any open callouts.

NOTE If callout is in a "Done" status, the stop box will not be available for selection.

i. CLICK on "Stop" box, if available.
j. CLICK on "Submit."
k. At the top of the screen, CLICK on "Log Out."
1. CLOSE 'ARCOS" screen.
m. On the desktop, OPEN IRF folder and DELETE any IRFs.

NOTE Log- off will only be required if a local log-on was performed.

4.1.23 IF logged on locally, ENSURE log-off of ENIRS KIOSK.L 4.1.24 Refer To C SP 600.4-001 and COMPLETE ENRS practice test log entry.

4.1.25 DISCARD IRF paperwork.

4.1.26 IFF acceptance criteria listed on C SP 600.4-001 are not met, PERFORM the following:

a. NOTIFY affected unit SM/US of system problem.
b. Go To Section 4.2.

- End of Section 4.1 -

Level of Use I C SP 600.4 Reference I STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 11 of 13

4.2 ENRS Test Failures NOTE

1. If any of the following is experienced, the ENRS shall be immediately assessed for operability or function with respect to 10CFR50.72 criteria:
  • A system error occurs.
  • Communication is lost with ARCOS site.
2. It is the intent of the station that appropriate personnel are immediately called in to assess the operability or function of ENRS/ARCOS and are available to assist the Emergency Communicator with preparations if notification of a communications failure is required using an alternate means.
3. If the ENRS Operator is unable to easily perform a routine test from the applicable Control Room on the scheduled day, due to concurrent Control Room activities, the test may be performed from an alternate location with Emergency Preparedness concurrence.

4.2.1 NOTIFY EPD of system status.

4.2.2 IF~practice test fails, PERFORM the following, as applicable:

  • IF hardware or software related problem, Refer To MP EPA- REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Plan Resource Book," and NOTIFY Information Technology personnel.
  • IF telephone line problems are detected or reported, Refer To MP-26-EPA-REF08B, and NOTIFY Telecommunications personnel.
  • INITIATE Corrective Actions.

- End of Section 4.2 -

C SP 600.4 SLevel of Use ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 12 of 13

5. REVIEW AND)SIGNOFF 5.1 The review and signoff for this procedure is C SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log."
6. REFERENCES 6.1 Developmental Documents 6.1.1 10CFR50, Appendix E, "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities" 6.1.2 MP-26-EPA-FAP01, "Management Program for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness" 6.2 Procedures 6.2.1 MP-26-EPA-REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Planning Resource Book" 6.2.2 MP-26-EPI-FAP07, "Notifications and Communications"


OF CHANGES 7.1 Added new paragraph 2 in Discussion section, per CA3006229: EP to change the requirements for conducting the practice test to include all qualified ECs in order to reduce the delta in the level of EC proficiency.

C SP 600.4 SLevel of Use ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 13 of 13


From Date/Time WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001

02/11/16 08:16 DOCUMENTS lfUl Page:

h UIIiiil illIll1I11hi Ui Trans No. :000153676 Tr.ansmittal Group Id: 1610147 Total Items: 00001 Item Facility Type Sub. Document Number/ITitle Sheet Revision Doc Date Copy # Media Copies

  • 0001 MP PROC OPS C SP 600.4 003 P 01 COMMUNICATIONS - RADIOPAGING AND ENRS/ARCOS PRACTICE TEST Please check the appropriate response and return form to NDS Bldg 475/3 Millstone Power Station or Fax to 860-440-2057.

All documents received.

Documents noted above not received (identify those not received).

I no longer require distribution of these documents.

Date: Signature:

Date: Signature:

TechnicalPr --?edure Approval

~Domunnon' Instructions for completing this form are included in AD-AA-1 00.

  • rocedure Ntjmber !2. Revision 3. Change Type & No.


4. Page
4. 5. EtfectiveDa~ (If not approval date)

C SP 600.4 003-00 of 5. Effect>*/*/a*f not approval date)

6. Procedure Title 7. Expiration Date Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test
8. Type of Request El New Procedure [] Revision El Deletion Lii Vendor Procedure Change: Li Minor Revision Li OTO - Permanent Revision Required El OTO - No Permanent Revision Required
9. Has a Condition Report (CR) Been Submitted? El Yes Li No CR No.: CA3006229
10. Reason and Description of Change Changes to paragraph in Discussion section. Per CA3006339, EP to change the requirements for conducting the practice test to include all qualified ECs in order to reduce the delta in the level of EC proficiency.
11. CFAM, If Required (Print Name) 12. CFAM, if Required (Signature) 13. Date N/A
14. Does this change involve a Temporary Modification that affects nuclear safety as documented in CM-AA-TCC-204? No

[15. Does this procedure require a 50.59 / 72.48 Evaluation (Form No. 730947)?

16. Is this a "Special Test' procedure, an EPIP or Security procedure, a FCA, a FSG, an EOP, required by RP-AA-274, or is it an ICCE-desionated Drocedure that reauires a 50.59 / 72.48 Screen?
17. A new procedure or procedure deletion? LI Yes [J No A hangePurposeor addition to any of the following: Li Acceptance Criteria or Tolerances El "Level of Use" [ e ]N W iInitial Conditions El Scaling or Setpoints Li System/Component As-Left Condition(s) LiYs N El The method for meeting a commitment El Reactivity Management
19. A change that adds or deletes a subsection, deletes a step verification (IV, CV, or PC), adds an alternative method for performing a task, Li Yes [] No involves a less conservative method for performing a task, or affects equipment qualification? _______

20 A change that decreases personnel safety or fire protection effectiveness? Li Yes [] No

21. A change that modifies, relocates, deletes, or adds a hold point? (Review by the Q[C or certified discipline QC Level i/I/ll[ Inspector is LiYs N required. For OTOs and MRs, QIC or Level i/Ill1Inspector initial here.)[Ye ]N
22. A change to CAUTION or WARNING statements? This does not include adding CAUTION or WARNING statements. Li Yes [] No
23. A change to a procedure marked "Infrequently Conducted or Complex Test or Evolution"? Li Yes [] No
24. Requester/Writer (Printed Name) 25. Date 26. Reviewed By (Printed Name) 27. Date Morris Sanders!/ Debbie Canling 01/27/2016 N/A If FSRC approval is required for a Procedure Change, it is not necessary for SRO to approve the Procedure Change. Place N/A in blocks 35 and 36.

.. L.. - . . S ASS Li 28. FSRC L;i 29. Peer Group (CFAM) Li 30. Cognizant Management B []31. Cognizant Management A

32. Req~iredAppro~val,*utho*-t*j(Print Namne, 33. Req ~red Approv*,7uth ity (Sig ature) 34./Date
35. SRO Approval For Chang'* (Print Name)j6S A 9 oa For Chan es(inf~e) 37. Date N/A 38 Site Vice President Approval, If Required (Print Name) 39. Site Vice President Approval, If Required (Signature) 40. Date N/A NOTE: The individual(s) posting a new or revised document to EDMS are responsible for ensuring Nuclear E-Forms is updated.

uclear B-Forms Updated for Site(s)? 42. Nuclear B-Forms Updated Print Name/Signature 43. Date WMP [] NA U]SU E]N/A Key: FSRC-Facility Safety Review Committee; EPIP-Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures; EOP-Emergency Operating Procedure; OTO-One Time Only; MR-Minor Revision; ICCE-Infrequently Conducted or Complex Evolutions; FCA-Fire Contingency Action; FSGs-FLEX Support Guideline; SRO-Senior Reactor Operator; QIC-Quality Inspection Coordinator; CFAM-Corporate Functional Area Manager Form No. 730682(April 2015)


Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test C SP 600.4 i, i*ii!!* THI{

aA?{*,.k*?.NK CT ;!.i!il;!ii!*i!ii!i !*;

Approval Date: 02/10/16 Effective Date: 02/11/16 Lee ofUs Reference

Millstone All Units Surveillance Procedure Communications - Radiopaging and ENRS/ARCOS Practice Test TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE.................. ................................ 2
2. PREREQUISITES ........................................... 3
3. PRECAUTIONS ............................................. 4
4. INSTRUCTIONS ............................................ 5 4.1 ENRS Practice Test...................................... 5 4.2 ENIRS Test Failures..................................... 12
5. REVIEW AN]) SIGNOFF..................................... 13
6. REFERENCES ............................................. 13


OF CHANGES ................................... 13 ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS C2 SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log"

, C SP 600.4 Level of Use ACT REVIEW' Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 1 of 13

I . ,

1. PURPOSE 1.1 Objective This procedure provides instructions for perforning the practice tests to ensure the operability of the Emergency Notification and Response System (ENRSIARCOS) and radiopager systems and to maintain satisfactory performance levels.

Performance of this procedure ensures these ENRS/ARCOS components are OPERABLE and can satisfy the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix E.

1.2 Discussion ENRS components (human and system) are tested to ensure operational readiness to notify State and Local Officials within the EPZ as well as SERO personnel in the event of an actual emergency.

The practice test is to be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per shift sequence (3 nights, 3 days, 4 nights, 4 days) for shift personnel. The practice test is to be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per week for off shift personnel.

Performance of thle practice test is not required during training weeks.

Performance of any of the following satisfies the requirement for completion of the practice test for a shift sequence for an individual:

  • ENRS Practice Test
  • Monthly radiopager test
  • Drill messages
  • Real events During plant outages and declared emergencies, only the designated Shift Emergency Communicator for the affected unit needs to perform the practice test. Any other qualified Emergency Communicators on shift for the affected unit do not have to perform the practice test. All qualified Emergency Communicators for thle unaffected unit will still need to complete the practice test during their shift.

~C SP 600.4 Level of Use STOP* THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference , 2 of 13

The ENRS practice test activates only the control room console pager, sends a test fax to the Control Room and calls the control room ENRS phone. A monthly log is maintained in each Control Room for individuals to record completion of their practice test. A copy of the completed log is forwarded to the Emergency Planning group at the end of each month.

1.3 Applicability This procedure is performed inl all MODEs.

1.4 Frequency 1.4.1 Practice tests C SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log" shall be performed by each qualified Emergency Communicator once per shift sequence.

2. PREREOUISITES 2.1 General 2.1.1 Unit SM or US has authorized practice testing for the entire month by signing and dating C SP 600.4-001 2.1.2 Personnel performing this procedure are familiar with equipment operation.

2.1.3 Forms are maintained in thle respective control rooms.

2.1.4 The affected/unaffected unit control room has been notified prior to performing the test on the ENRS/AiRCOS terminal.

2.2 Documents 2.2.1 MP-26-EPA-REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Plan Resource Book" C SP 600.4 Level of Use ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Reference STOP THINK 3 of 13

2.3 Definitions 2.3.1 ARCOS - Automated Roster Callout System 2.3.2 ASFC - 'Accepts Summary for Callout" Report 2.3.3 EPD - Emergency Preparedness Department 2.3.4 MAXIMIZE - To restore 2.3.5 Callout Results screen - Allows visual observation of past or present callout status.

3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Failure to select the correct activation may result in an unwarranted callout or the release of misinformation.

3.2 An actual event takes precedence over testing. The practice test shall be postponed until after the release or termination of the real event.

3.3 No system maintenance or activities are to be performed concurrent with testing performed by this procedure.

3.4 If at any time, an error occurs and a call-out has been initiated, check the "Stop" box and click "Submit" to stop the call-out.

Levelof Us , , C SP 600.4 Lee oeferUse STOP THINK *-ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence4 of 13

1. If any of the following is experienced, the ENRS should be immediately assessed for operability or function with respect to 10CFR50.72 criteria:
  • A system error occurs.
  • Communication is lost with Internet service.
2. It is the intent of the station that appropriate personnel are immediately called in to assess the operability or function of the ENRS/ARCOS and are available to assist the ENRS Operator with preparations should notification of a communications failure be required using an alternate means.

4.1.1 IF at any time, an error occurs AND a call-out has started, PERFORM the following:

a. SELECT "View" tab to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen to end the callout.
b. CLICK in the "Stop" box.

,.c. CLICK on "Submit."

4.1.2 LOG-IN to ENRS/ARCOS terminal using your standard MBULO GIN ID and password.

4.1.3 OPEN ARCOS icon.

4.1.4 At ARCOS Login screen, ENTER user login and password.

4.1.5 CLICK on "Login" button. At the main screen ("Welcome to"), SELECT the "Callout" tab.

4.1.6 Minimize the ARCOS screen.

4.1.7 OPEN shortcut to IRF.DOTX form icon.

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NOTE Practice Test IRFs are not assigned IRF numbers.

4.1.8 To prevent IRF number assignment, SELECT "CANCEL' and then "OK."

4.1.9 SELECT "Drill" on IRF line 2.

NOTE The Daily ENRS Practice Session Worksheets book contains various practice scenarios, one for each day of the month (i.e., number 3 is used on the third of the month). The scenarios are designed to make the user utilize the various pull-downs in the ENRS/ARCOS system to become familiar and proficient with the various system options.

4.1.10 Refer To Daily ENRS Practice Session Worksheets book and ENTER event information into IRF template from the worksheet for the particular day of the month.

  • 4.1.11 PRINT IRF form to local printer.

4.1.12 COMPARE printed IRF form with the practice session worksheet for the day and ENSURE information is correct.

4.1.13 SAVE IRF as follows:

a. CLICK "Office Button."
b. SELECT "Save As."
c. In "Save in" drop down, SELECT IRF folder.
d. In "File name" in Incident Report From, ADD date (month, day, year) and IRF authorized time (e.g., Incident Report Form 020613.1600).
e. CLICK "Save."
f. CLOSE IRE Leve of se ' C SP 600.4 Leel ferUse STOP 'THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 003-00 Refeence6of 13

4.1.14 TRANSMIT radiopager practice test message, as follows:

a. SELECT the maximize button on the ARCOS screen.
b. CLICK on the 'Activations" button to display list of activations.
c. LOCATE appropriate activation.

It is extremely important that the scenario chosen for the practice test does not include State and Local Officials. Only the appropriate unit practice test activation shall be used.

d. Only one of these scenarios should ever be selected for practice test:
  • Unit 2 Practice Test (4402)
  • Unit 3 Practice Test (4403)
  • BOF Practice Test (4400)
e. SELECT 'Activate" under 'Actions Column." (this will display Callout Edit Page)
f. In "Trouble Location," SELECT Unit/Site.
g. In "Reason" SELECT, correct classification.
h. In "Custom Message," SELECT minor EAL heading.
i. At "IRE Form," CLICK on 'Attach."
j. CLICK on "Browse."
k. In IRF folder, LOCATE IRF with proper date and time.
1. Double CLICK on appropriate IRF.


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V CAUTION The callout fields must be read and verified prior to selecting the "Initiate Callout" button.

4.1.15 STOP and ENSURE all fields are accurate:

  • Reason = Correct classification
  • Trouble Location =Correct unit/site
  • Custom Message =Correct EAL heading
  • IRF Form Title = Incident Report Form, Date, and Authorized Time.

4.1.16 In "Manual Bypass" section, CLICK on "Initiate Callout."

4.1.17 Refer To MP-26--EPI-FAP07-001, "Incident Report Form (IRF)" and RECORD the following in box 15:

  • Callout ID
  • Callout time 4.1.18 IF wrong activation OR message has been chosen, PERFORM the following:
a. Immediately terminate callout from "View Open Callouts" screen by clicking on the stop box.
b. CLICK on "Submit."
c. NOTIFY appropriate SM/DSEO of incorrect activation or message.

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NOTE Normally after starting a callout the IRF data is recorded. However, due to the configuration of the practice test scenario, the IRE data is recorded after responding to the phone call and prior to acknowledging the pager message due to the timing involved.

4.1.19 CHECK ENRS/ARCOS call-out system, WHEN ENR(SIARCOS system calls ENRS phone, ENTER responses to system prompts.

4.1.20 CHECK Radiopager System as follows:

NOTE There is a short delay between the sending of the paging message and the activation of the pager which should not exceed five minutes. Any delay over five minutes should be reported to Telecommunications.

a. CHECK that practice test pager activates.
b. At the "View Open Callouts" screen, SELECT Callout ID to display the Callout Detail Report.
c. CLICK on the "Accepts" button and MONITOR 'Accepts Summary for Callout" screen to acknowledge notification.
d. CHECK fax is received at appropriate location (i.e., Control Room or EOF).

4.1.21 RECORD IRE data, as follows:

a. CLICK on "Custom Msgs" button.
b. At the "Please Select a Message Type" drop down box, SELECT "IRFiE Message."
c. At the "Message Admin" screen, CLICK on either "Record New Message" button.
d. On the "Message Detail" screen under Message Properties in the description field, ENTER IRF date and authorized time (e.g., IRE 020613.1400).

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e. On the "Message Detail" screen under "Recording Console,"

SELECT "Record," AND WHEN finished recording message, select "Stop."

f. To verify recorded information is satisfactory, SELECT "Play" and LISTEN to the message.
g. WHEN message is verified, SELECT "UPLOAD."


"(Upload Data Saved Successful)" should appear on the top of the screen once information has been uploaded.

h. CLICK on "Save Info" button.
i. CLICK on "View" to return to "View Open Callouts" screen.
j. CLICK on "Edit" in the "Callout ID" section.
k. In "CIRF MSG" drop down, SELECT the IRF file for correct date and time.
1. CLICK on "Save."
m. CLICK on "View" to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen.
n. ACKNOWLEDGE page by calling into ENRS/ARCOS using designated call-in number and ENTER responses to system prompts.

4.1.22 To RESTORE ENRS/ARCOS to Normal/Standby Operation, PERFORM the following:

a. SELECT "Custom Msgs" button to open "Message Admin" screen.
b. REMOVE check from the "Only display messages for MIPS BOF M" box.
c. Under "Please Select a Message Type" drop down, SELECT "IRF Message."
d. WHEN list of IRF messages is displayed, CLICK on "Edit."
e. In "Message Detail Screen," CLICK on "Delete."

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f. At the warning box, 'A~re you sure you want to delete this message," CLICK on "OK."
g. IFF more than one IRF message was recorded, REPEAT steps 4.1.22d. through 4.1.22f. until all messages are deleted.
h. SELECT "View" tab to return to the "View Open Callouts" screen to end any open callouts.

NOTE If callout is in a "Done" status, the stop box will not be available for selection.

i. CLICK on "Stop" box, if available.
j. CLICK on "Submit."
k. At the top of the screen, CLICK on "Log Out."
1. CLOSE 'ARCOS" screen.
m. On the desktop, OPEN IRF folder and DELETE any IRFs.

NOTE Log- off will only be required if a local log-on was performed.

4.1.23 IF logged on locally, ENSURE log-off of ENIRS KIOSK.L 4.1.24 Refer To C SP 600.4-001 and COMPLETE ENRS practice test log entry.

4.1.25 DISCARD IRF paperwork.

4.1.26 IFF acceptance criteria listed on C SP 600.4-001 are not met, PERFORM the following:

a. NOTIFY affected unit SM/US of system problem.
b. Go To Section 4.2.

- End of Section 4.1 -

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4.2 ENRS Test Failures NOTE

1. If any of the following is experienced, the ENRS shall be immediately assessed for operability or function with respect to 10CFR50.72 criteria:
  • A system error occurs.
  • Communication is lost with ARCOS site.
2. It is the intent of the station that appropriate personnel are immediately called in to assess the operability or function of ENRS/ARCOS and are available to assist the Emergency Communicator with preparations if notification of a communications failure is required using an alternate means.
3. If the ENRS Operator is unable to easily perform a routine test from the applicable Control Room on the scheduled day, due to concurrent Control Room activities, the test may be performed from an alternate location with Emergency Preparedness concurrence.

4.2.1 NOTIFY EPD of system status.

4.2.2 IF~practice test fails, PERFORM the following, as applicable:

  • IF hardware or software related problem, Refer To MP EPA- REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Plan Resource Book," and NOTIFY Information Technology personnel.
  • IF telephone line problems are detected or reported, Refer To MP-26-EPA-REF08B, and NOTIFY Telecommunications personnel.
  • INITIATE Corrective Actions.

- End of Section 4.2 -

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5. REVIEW AND)SIGNOFF 5.1 The review and signoff for this procedure is C SP 600.4-001, "ENRS Practice Test Log."
6. REFERENCES 6.1 Developmental Documents 6.1.1 10CFR50, Appendix E, "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities" 6.1.2 MP-26-EPA-FAP01, "Management Program for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness" 6.2 Procedures 6.2.1 MP-26-EPA-REF08B, "Millstone Emergency Planning Resource Book" 6.2.2 MP-26-EPI-FAP07, "Notifications and Communications"


OF CHANGES 7.1 Added new paragraph 2 in Discussion section, per CA3006229: EP to change the requirements for conducting the practice test to include all qualified ECs in order to reduce the delta in the level of EC proficiency.

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