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Email - from: Williams, Charles R. to: Lake, Louis; Thomas, George; Carrion, Robert; 'Nausdj@Ornl.Gov'; Souther, Martin; 'Archer, John C. (Reading)'; 'Wells, Richard P. (Reading)' Cc: Miller, Craig L (Charles.Williams@Pgnmail.Com), Subject:
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/2010
From: Williams C
Progress Energy Co
To: Robert Carrion, Lake L, George Thomas
Office of New Reactors, NRC/RGN-II
Download: ML102871033 (31)


Sengupta, Abhijit From: Williams, Charles R. []

Sent: Monday, January 11,2010 5:49 PM To: Lake, Louis; Thomas, George; Carrion, Robert; ''; Souther, Martin; 'Archer, John C. (Reaiding)'; 'Wells, Richard P. (Reading)'

Cc: Miller, Craig L kI 4


FM 5.8 Dtaftfor Review EAIit FM 5.8 Exhibit 3b Petrogfaphlc C .pdf; FM 5.8 Exbibit 3 trographicactec



2009-11-11 .pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 4WC ratio RB-1 5.pdf; 5.8 Exhibit 5h Petrogra ic Mactec 2009-12-23.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 6 permeability v w2c f m Mehta.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 If

  • ,

Petrographic CTL.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 - ASR test report - PII.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 9 ASTM C1260.pdf; FM 5.q.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibitl ACI 201.2R-01 Durability.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 2 Mix Design- from Donde Repair Re ort- p.pdf; FM 5.8 Exhibit 3a Petrographic Erlin Hime lay 1976.pdf , Ij Mr Lake and others, Attached for your review is draft of FM 5.8 and its exhibits. Note that Exhibit 5b will be sent separately due to file size. If you have any questions, please contact me or Craig Miller.

Thank you, Charles Williams 919-516-7417 The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:

FM 5.8 Exhibit 3b Petrographic CTL.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c Petrographic Mactec 2009-11-11.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 4 WC ratio RB-15.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 5a Petrographic Mactec 2009-12-23.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 6 permeability v w2c from Mehta.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 Petrographic CTL.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 - ASR test report - PII.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 9 ASTM C1260.pdf FM 5.8.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit1 ACI 201.2R-01 Durability.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 2 Mix Design- from Dome Repair Report-cgp.pdf FM 5.8 Exhibit 3a Petrographic Erlin Hime May 1976.pdf Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.







The specimen represented air-entrained concrete.:

made with. crushed fossiliferous coarse a Kre-Water-cement, ratio paste. Therewas no evidence that he aggregates ha. een either w chemicallye or physically unsound..

The specimen was from an area where fractures.

had existed for a period of time. and where moisture had been present. That was demoni-"

strated by secondary deposits on fract ure, surfaces..

The specimen wasrelatively small. Larger specimens different areas of the struc-ture would be desirable for examination in

" order to obtain a better representation: of the concrete.

INTRODUCTION "Reported herei~n are the results: of petrographic studies" of a concrete fragment submitted by J. Artuso of Con-struction Engineering Consultants.: The specimen is from the dome of the, containment structure of the Florida:

Power Corporation, Crystal River, Unit III.

Requested by Mr. Artuso were petrographic studies for.

evaluating the specimen, and particularly for evidence of features that would cause-volume instability.


, FM 5.8 Exhibit 3a page2 of3.

ERLIN, HIME ASSOCIATES - MATERIALS ANO CONCRETE CONSULTANTS STUDIES Specimen - The specimen was an elongated fragment having nominal lateral dimensions of 5 inches, and a maximum thickness of about 3/4 inch, All surfaces were fracture surfaces except for a sh'allow channel about 3/32 inch wide and 1/8 inch deep., The channel appears to be the terminal area of a saw cut.

Petrographic Studies - Coarse aggregate of the sp.ecimen was a buff to light brown, fine-grained, fossiliferous limestone having a maximum nominal size of 3/4 inch.

The fine aggregate was a siliceous sand composed prin-cipally of quartz.

The aggregates were not partic'liarly well graded, as evidenced by deficiencies of the finer sizes of the coarse aggregate and the coarser sizes of the fine aggregate.

There was no evidence that the aggregates had been chemically or physically unsound. Particular attention was directed to alkali-silica reactivity withb respect to the coarse aggregate because a similar type of aggregat'e, does contain a highly reactive variety of chert. Neither the chert the chert nor the product of the reaction of with alkalies (alkali-silica gel) was present.

Paste of the specimien was medium dark grey, firm, and contained abund.ant residual and relict cement. The quality of the paste reflects a low watei -cement ratio.

Air occurred as small, discrete;, spherical voids that bccasionally were very slightly distorted, and as coarser irregularly shaped voids. The spherical. voids, are..

characteristic of entrained: air voids;. theb irregularly shaped voids,.. of entrapped air,. The air content ofithe specimen is estimated to be 51/2 percent and the parameters of the air-voaid system are judged' to be effective- for protecting critically saturated concrete exposed to cyclic freezing.

On one of the lateral surfaces were secondary deposits composed of tufts of fine acicularlettr"gnit' (3CaO:.

A1203. 3CaSO" 31H 2 0), and. calcite ( 6 aCO 3 )* 'Ettingit_)

was also present as tufts in some air voidsjuSt below the fracture surface.

The fragment was not uniformly thick; it tapered to a knife-like edge;. Along that edge, were. fine fractures C-13

.FM 5.8 Exhibit 3a page 3 of 3 ERLIN. HIME ASSOCIATES - MATERIALS AND CONCRETE CONSULTANTS oriented, subparallel to the long axis. of the fragment.

The fractures transected coarse aggregate particles. On those fracture, s-urfaces were secondary deposits similar to those described above,.

The secondary compounds demonstrate that the fragment was from an area where fractures present for a period of time had been exposed to moisture.

May 10, 1976, Erlin, Hime Associates, Inc.

by: Bernard Erlin, President Petrographer IF I:

'N C-14

. FM 5.8 Exhibit 2 Page 1 of 1 App. A - Att.

1z9 No. 5 I 'SY

,. A. T-.21,510 ,,.,.) - . C- . ":  :" r""'..


  • LA *> ~~h'.A-~

, 7 Ib3.

'I C. A. S:) O.A.: C.,A.

F. A. 1237 FA,: 1220 .A*O: U nx: h1.0 3.6 az~.

Ozu. L.D, :

I~.-.: 16-5 lbs. DMd: Z2 ,e OZs.

I'uater. -P71 1Water: 271 It 27 i'lb~z.

I -I--

  • 727550-2 7:. .2c)-4 i 'T.%x~i.(DOo)-.3


r,-7 Cornret: 6,?32) FA M.-',,'

1 $00 G*.A.: It C.A.: It 110,0 3.6 OZ,. 2 ..0 2..

Did:. 21.0 Sd+/- 2.3.0 os.

  • D-.-~:23.0 UTZ*tor: 276 lbs.,

W- (c0*oLw ., D.'1-16 /,iC-ýC) -5 62ý lbs -

It ft c,-A.Ialt C.A.

U ft 25 0 1,3 1 0. O~c.

Dtd: lbs. F, I~t !-

IV'"Xtr: .335 lbs. ~tez: 2190 290 736.*:- hI-h 1Y. ( 50cwlp) 47 C"en tc: 152 16150 F.A. : 1185 Dt .A, h .5;

.920 W._0r, .294 lbs..


FM 5.8 Exhibit 1 Page 1 of I 201.2R-10 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT Table 2.3-Requirements to protect against damage to concrete by sulfate attack from external sources of sulfate Severity of potential Water-soluble solu- Sulfate (SOX in w*cm by mass, Cementitious exposure ble sulfate (SO 4 )* water, ppm max.ft material requirements No special require- No special require-Class 0 exposure 0.00 to 0.10 0 to 150 ments for sulfate ments for sulfate resistance resistance

>0.10 and <0.20 > 150 and < 1500 0.50' C 150 Type 11or Class I exposure equivalent§ 0.20 to < 2.0 1500 to < 10,000 0.451 C 150 Type V or Class 2 exposure equivalent§ 2.0 or greater 10,000 or greater 0.401 C 150 Type V plus Class 3 exposure pozzolan or slag§ Seawater exposure - - See Section 2.4 See Section 2.4

Slu late expressed as S is related to sulfate expressed as SO3 , as given in eports of chemical analy! is of portland cements as follows: S0 3% x 1.2 7 S0 4 %.

tACI 318, Chapter 4, includes requirements for special exposure conditions such as steel-reinforced concrete that may be exposed to chlorides. For coticrete likely to be subjected to these exposure conditions, the maximum w/cm should be that specified in ACI 318, Chapter 4, if it is lower than that stated in Table 2.3.

ýThese values are applicable to normalweight concrete. They are also applicable to structural lightweight concrete except that the maximum w/cm ratios 0.50, 0.45, and 0.40 should be replaced by specified 28 day compressive strengths of 26, 29, and 33 MPa 3750, 4250, and 4750 psi) respectively.

For Class I exposure, equivalents are described in Sections 2.2.5, 2.2.6, and 2.2.9. For Class 2 exposure, equivalents are de-scribed in Sections 2.2.5, 2.2.7, and 2.2.9. For Class 3 exposure, pozzolan and slag recommendations are described in Sections 2.2.5, 2.2.8, and 2.2.9.

35% by mass, calculated as percentage by mass of the " B. Any blend of portland cement of any type meeting total cementitious material. ASTM C 150 or C 1157 with fly ash or natural poz-zolan meeting ASTM C 618, silica fume meeting For silica fume, the portland-cement portion of the test ASTM C 1240, or slag meeting ASTM C 989, that mixture should consist of a cement with Bogue calculated meets the following requirement when tested in accor-C 3 A 3 of not less than 7%. The silica fume proportion dance with ASTM C 1012. Any fly ash, natural poz-should be between 7 and 15% by mass, calculated as per- zolan, silica fume, or slag used should have been centage by mass of the total cementitious material. previously qualified in accordance with Section 2.2.5.

" Expansion

  • 0.10% at 6 months.

For slag, the portland-cement portion of the test mixture 2.2.7 Type V Equivalentfor Class 2 Exposure should consist of a cement with Bogue calculated C 3 A 3 of A. ASTM C 150 Type III cement with the optional not less than 7%. The slag proportion should be between limit of 5% max. C 3A; ASTM C 150 cement of any 40 and 70% by mass, calculated as percentage by mass of type having expansion at 14 days no greater than the total cementitious material. 0.040% when tested by ASTM C 452; ASTM C 1157 Type HS; or Material qualification tests should be based on passing re- B. Any blend of portland cement of any type meeting sults from two samples taken at times a few weeks apart. The ASTM C 150 or C 1157 with fly ash or natural poz-qualifying test data should be no older than one year from the zolan meeting ASTM C 618, silica fume meeting date of test completion. ASTM C 1240, or slag meeting ASTM C 989 that The reported calcium-oxide content 4 of the fly ash used in meets the following requirement when tested in accor-the project should be no more than 2.0 percentage points dance with ASTM C 1012:

greater than that of the fly ash used in qualifying test mix- Expansion < 0.05% at 6 months. Any fly ash, natural tures. The reported aluminum-oxide content 4 of the slag pozzolan, silica fume, or slag used should have been used in the project should be no more than 2.0 percentage previously qualified in accordance with Section 2.2.5 points higher than that of the slag used in qualifying test mix- in order for a test of only 6 months to be acceptable.


2.2.6 Type H Equivalentfor Class I Exposure If one or more of the fly ash, natural pozzolan, silica A. ASTM C 150 Type III cement with the optional limit fume, or slag has not been qualified in accordance of 8% max. C 3A; C 595M Type IS(MS), Type IP(MS), with Section 2.2.5, then 1-year tests should be per-Type IS-A(MS), Type IP-A(MS); C 1157 Type MS; or formed on the proposed combination and the ex-pansion should comply with the following limit:

3 Expansion < 0.10% at 1 year.

The C 3A should be calculated for the sum of the portland cement plus calcium sul-fate in the cement. Some processing additions, if present in sufficient proportions, can 2.2.8 Class 3 Exposure-any blend of portland cement distort the calculated Bogue values. Formulas for calculating Bogue compounds may meeting ASTM C 150 Type V or C 1157 Type HS with fly be found in ASTM C 150.

ash or natural pozzolan meeting ASTM C 618, silica fume 4

Analyzed in accordance with ASTM C 114. meeting ASTM C 1240, or slag meeting ASTM C 989, that

,- 5.8 Chemical Attack



Concrete is vulnerable to multiple mechanisms of chemical attack that may lead to deterioration over time and potential failure. In porous materials, water can be the source of chemical processes of degradation by transporting aggressive ions. Therefore, controlling permeability is the main method for limiting water related damage. The two other factors affecting durability are the availability of aggressive ions, and the presence of concrete constituents that are vulnerable to these ions. Chemical attack may be prevented by reducing permeability, using non-reactive concrete components, and preventing aggressive ions from penetrating the concrete.

Chemical attack may be the result of Sulfate attack, soft-water attack, acid and base attack, aggressive water attack, phosphate ion attack, and biological attack. A detailed discussion of these mechanisms is beyond the scope of this document and may be found in external sources.

The effects of chemical attack vary, but generally include loss of concrete cover accompanied by staining, erosion, reduction of concrete constituents, cracking, and spalling.

A visual survey is considered (ACI 349) an effective way of quantifying the effects of damage and identifying possible sources and composition of the aggressive chemicals.

This document will attempt to identify potential reactions and determine if any occurred in a way that impacted the observed failure.

Data to be collected and Analyzed:

1. Permeability of the concrete (Industry Standards; mix design; Petrographic reports; pour card analysis)
2. Availability of reactive concrete components (Petrographic reports)
3. Availability of aggressive ions
4. Visual inspections (exhaustive search of IWL inspections was conducted)
5. Reports of damage related to chemical attacks (exhaustive search of IWL inspections was conducted)

Verified Supporting Evidence: None Verified Refuting Evidence:

a. The concrete meets industry standards for low permeability required for durability (FM 5.8 Exhibit 1 - ACI 201 table 2.3; FM 5.8 Exhibit 2 - mix design; FM 5.8 Exhibit 3 - representative Petrographic reports; FM 5.8 Exhibit 4 - graph of water/cement ratio from pour cards).

1/11/2010 -Page I of 3 B ntF eto ff1, d PUTriyimithout P FRmizio DRAFT ]

5.8 Chemical Attack (cont.)

b. Petrographic reports (FM 5.8 Exhibit 3 and 5) found no evidence of destructive Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR). Although reactive components were found in some aggregates, the quantities were small and did not present an AAR problem.
c. Accelerated ASR test (ASTM C1260 - FM 5.8 Exhibit 9) confirmed that the concrete exhibits innocuous behavior with expansion of 0.1% or lower (FM 5.8 Exhibit 8).
d. The structure was not exposed to aggressive chemicals.
e. Inspections over the life of the structure did not detect any indication of damage due to chemical attack.


a. Industry standards, as demonstrated in FM 5.8 Exhibit 1 from ACI 201, use water to cement (W/C) ratio as an indication of concrete's permeability. It has been established that concrete with W/C of 0.4 or lower has voids system that is mostly made of disconnected discreet small voids - making it practically impermeable (FM 5.8 Exhibit 6).

FM 5.8 Exhibit 4 is a graph based on data from all pour cards of concrete used in panel RB-15 (between buttresses 4 and 3) of the containment structure. It shows that all the concrete was placed with W/C ratio of less than 0.41, with an average of 0.40.

FM 5.8 Exhibit 2 is a summary of mix designs used in the construction. These designs were prepared with W/C of either 0.41 or 0.38.

FM 5.8 Exhibit 3 includes pages from representative Petrographic reports that made an attempt at estimating the W/C ratio.

Estimating W/C is notoriously inaccurate, as demonstrated by the estimates that range from 0.4 to 0.6 and as explained in the body of the CTL report (FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c).

Based on the above it is concluded that the concrete has very low permeability.

b. Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) requires the presence of reactive aggregates in sufficient quantities to cause destructive expansion, as well as sufficient moisture. According to Petrographic reports (FM 5.8 Exhibits 3 and 5), reactive aggregates were not present in quantities that support destructive expansion. After over 30 years in service the concrete did not exhibit typical AAR damage. Accelerated tests performed in 2009 confirm this conclusion (FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 and FM 5.8 Exhibit 9),
c. Sulfate attack is a process of forming expansive products in the hardened concrete by converting cement components into Ettringite and/or Gypsum. This process requires permeable concrete, moisture, and availability of sulfate ions.

As demonstrated above, the concrete at CR3 has very low permeability and there are no readily available sources of sulfate ions, either from the soil or the environment.

Petrographic analysis found no evidence of sulfate attack (FM 5.8 Exhibit 7).

d. Leaching and efflorescence are a process and indication of moisture transfer through the concrete, resulting in the removal of dissolved salts. These salts crystallize into white powder on the exposed surface when the water evaporates. No indications of 1/11/2010 " " " , 200 Page 2 of 3 DDRAFT1 o. o aw -.


  • .1 I

12 5.8 Chemical Attack (cont.)

such process were reported in IWL inspection reports over the life of the structure, nor were any observed during visual inspections of the containment structure by P11 in 2009.

e. Exposure to acids has the potential to cause significant damage to concrete. There is no indication that the containment structure was exposed to acids during its lifetime.



The containment structure's concrete did not undergo chemical attack . Therefore, chemical attack was not a contributor to the delamination.

1/11/2010 'III Propri~tz2r~ C~,,f~LntiaI, p009 Page 3 of 3 Do n"t reic~e Lu 1 1;,J 1~~.ty withcut ~eir;&~iz4i DRAFT 1

FM 5.8 Exhibit 9 Page 1 of 1 C 1260 the zero reading to the end of the 16 day period. conducted tests in different laboratories on specimens of a sample of aggregate should not differ by more than 43 % (Note

11. Precision and Bias
7) of the mean expansion.

11.1 Within-Laboratory Precision-It has been found that the average within-laboratory coefficient of variation for ma- NOTE 7-These numbers represent, respectively, the (Is %) and terials with an average expansion greater than 0.1 % at 14 days (d2s %) limits as described in Practice C 670.

is 2.94 % (5) (Note 7). Therefore, the results of two properly 11.3 Bias-Since there is no accepted reference material for conducted tests within the same laboratory on specimens of a determining the bias of this test method, no statement on bias sample of aggregate should not differ by more than 8.3 % is being developed.

(Note 7) of the mean expansion.

11.2 Multi-Laboratory Precision-It has been found that

12. Keywords the average multilaboratory coefficient of variation for materi-als with an average expansion greater than 0.1 % at 14 days is 12.1 aggregate; alkali-silica reactivity; length change; mor-15.2 % (5) (Note 7). Therefore, the results of two properly tar; sodium hydroxide APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information)

X1. INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS Xl. 1 There is good agreement in the published literature innocuous and deleterious in field performance. For these (1,2,7-10) for the following expansion limits: aggregates, it is particularly important to develop supplemental XI.I.1 Expansions of less than 0.10 % at 16 days after information as described in 3.3. In such a situation, it may also casting are indicative of innocuous behavior in most cases (see be useful to take comparator readings until 28 days (8,10).

Note X1.1).

NOTE Xl. 1-Some granitic gneisses and metabasalts have been found XI.1.2 Expansions of more than 0.20 % at 16 days after to be deleteriously expansive in field performance even though their casting are indicative of potentially deleterious expansion. (See expansion in this test was less than 0.10 % at 16 days after casting (10).

3.3.) With such aggregate, it is recommended that prior field performance be XI.1.3 Expansions between 0.10 and 0.20% at 16 days investigated. In the absence of field performance data, mitigative measures after casting include both aggregates that are known to be should be taken as discussed in 3.4.

REFERENCES (1) Oberholster, R. E., and Davies, G.," An Accelerated Method for (6) Hooton, R. D.," Interlaboratory Study of the NBRI Rapid Test Method Testing the Potential Alkali Reactivity of Siliceous Aggregates." and CSA Standardization Status," Report EM-92, Ontario Ministry of Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 16, 1986, pp. 181-189. Transport, March 1990, pp. 225-240.

(2) Davies, G., and Oberholster, R. E., "Use of the NBRI Accelerated Test (7) Hooton, R. D., and Rogers, C. A., "Evaluation of Rapid Test Methods to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing the for Detecting Alkali-Reactive Aggregates," Proceedings,Eighth Inter-Alkali-Silica Reaction," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 17, 1987, national Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Kyoto, 1989, pp.

pp.97-107. 439-444.

(3) Davies, G., and Oberholster, R. E., "An Interlaboratory Test Pro- (8) Hooton, R. D.," New Aggregate Alkali-Reactivity Test Methods,"

gramme on the NBRI Accelerated Test to Determine the Alkali- Report MAT-91-14, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, November Reactivity of Aggregates," National Building Research Institute, 1991.

CSIRO, Special Report BOU 92-1987, Pretoria, RSA, 1987, 16 pp. (9) Fournier, B., and Berube, M. A., "Application of the NBRI Accelerated (4) Oberholster, R. E., "Alkali Reactivity of Siliceous Rock Aggregates: Mortar Bar Test to Siliceous Carbonate Aggregates Produced in the St.

Diagnosis of the Reaction, Testing of Cement and Aggregate and Lawrence Lowlands, Part 2: Proposed Limits, Rates of Expansion, and Prescription of Preventative Measures," Alkali in Concrete, Research Microstructure of Reaction Products," Cement and ConcreteResearch, and Practice, Copenhagen, 1983, Danish Concrete Association, pp. Vol 21, 1991, pp. 1069-1082.

419-433. (10) Hooton, R. D., and Rogers, C. A., "Development of the NBRI Rapid (5) Rogers, C.A., "Multi-laboratory Study of the Accelerated Mortar Bar Mortar Bar Test Leading to its Use in North America," Proceedings, Test (ASTM Test Method C 1260) for Alkali-Silica Reaction," Ninth International Conference on AAR in Concrete, London, 1992, Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, Vol 21, 1999, pp. 185-194. pp. 461-467.


FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 page 1 of 4 Accelerated ASR tests on CR3 concrete performed at the University of Colorado Testing Methods There are two driving forces for ASR in Portland cement concrete:

Alkali in cement paste and reactive silica in aggregate. The two driving forces must act together to start ASR.

  • Two testing methods were used to examine the reactive potentials of the two driving forces
1. To measure the expansion of the concrete specimens in 100% relative humidity at 80 °C for examining if the cement paste still has sufficient alkali to form ASR gel.
2. To measure the expansion of the concrete submerged in NaOH solution (IM concentration, at 80 'C) for investigating the reaction potential of the aggregate.

This testing method is based on ASTM C1260.

  • Testing period: 14 days for both tests (same as ASTM C 1260).

CR3 - P11 ASR Test Report 12/31/09

FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 page 2 of 4 Experimental set up for the two tests Two specimens were placed in NaOH solution and the other two on top of a water bath.


CR3 - PII ASR Test Report 12/31/09 if

FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 page 3 of 4 ASR expansion test results the spcecimen to measure the expansion in 100% relative humidity at 80'C the spcecimen to measure the expansion submerged in NaOH solution (IM concentration) at 80'C ASR Test Report CR3 - PII 12/31/09

FM 5.8 Exhibit 8 page 4 of 4 ASR expansion test results ASR expansion 0.12%


- A-l(#15)

-i- A-2(#27) 0.08%

I-1(#17) 0 --x-1-2(#28) cj~ 0.06%

0 0.04%



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time(day)

CR3 - P11 ASR Test Report 12/31/09

FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 Page 1 of 4 Building Knowidge. Deliveri Results, REPORT OF PETROGRAPHIC EXAMINATION Date: November 2, 2009 CTLGroup Project No.: 059169 Petrographic Examination of Concrete Half Core from Delaminated Containment.Wall, Crystal River, Florida One saw cut half concrete core labeled Core #5 (Figs. 1 and 2) was received on October 27, 2009 from Mr. Jerzy Zemajtis, Project Manager, CTLGroup on behalf of Mr. Paul Fagan of Progress Energy, Crystal River, Florida. According to Mr. Zemajtis, the core represents the outer portion of concrete from a containment wall and the core is fractured at its inner surface at a delamination that was found to be present when access was gained to the wall interior. The delamination is approximately at a depth of 200 mm (8.0 in.) where horizontal post tensioning ducts are present.

Petrographic examination (ASTM C856-04) of the core was requested in order to determine, if possible, ifthe delamination is a recent feature, or alternatively if it occurred at some earlier time in the age of the structure.

FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The following findings result from the petrographic examination.

Based on the general appearance, and both the physical and microstructural properties, the fracture at the point of delamination is most likely a fairly recent event. However, it is not possible to be completely definitive about the time frame since an older fracture, if subsequently well protected from air and moisture ingress, may also have similar characteristics.

The fracture surface passes through, not around the aggregates particles, is moderately hard, and does not exhibit loose surface debris. There is an absence of significant microcracking in the general vicinity of the fracture, and only limited evidence of surface deposits (slight efflorescence).

Corporate Office: 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Illinois 60077-1030 Phone: 847-965-7500 Fax: 847-965-6541 Washington D.C. Office: 9030 Red Branch Road, Suite 110 Columbia, Maryland 21045-2003 Phone: 410-997-0400 Fax: 410-997-8480 CTLGroup is a registered dib/a of Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc.

FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 Page 2 of 4 Progress Energy Page 2 of 10 Crystal River November 2, 2009 CTLGroup Project No. 059169 Carbonation to any significant depth from the fracture surface into the outer concrete is not observed (Fig. 3). Incipient carbonation is exhibited in thin section at the immediate fracture surface (Fig. 6a). However, an older delamination surface that was not exposed to air due to the depth of outer concrete, and other possible wall coverings, may also have such an absence of carbonation.

The cement hydration adjacent to the fracture is well advanced and comparable to that of the body of the core (Figs. 6b and 6c). This suggests that there was no moisture ingress to the fracture surface, over a period of time long enough, to change the general degree of hydration.

This is supported by an absence of secondary deposits within air voids adjacent to the fracture surface.

Additional Comments The concrete represented by Core #5 is well consolidated and free of any cracks or excessive microcracks (Fig. 4). The concrete consists of crushed carbonate rock coarse aggregate and natural sand fine aggregate, well distributed in a portland cement paste. No evidence is exhibited of any deleterious chemical reactions involving the cement paste and / or aggregates.

The concrete could be considered marginally air entrained based on an approximate volume of 1 to 2% of small, spherical entrained air voids in the hardened cement paste (Fig. 5).

Based on the physical properties and microstructure of the hydrated cement paste, and the tight aggregate to paste bond, lack of major cracks and microcracks, and absence of a materials-related distress mechanism, the concrete is considered to be in good condition.

Further details of the petrographic examination are given in the following image and data sheets.

METHODS OF TEST Petrographic examination of the provided sample was performed in accordance with ASTM C 856-04, "Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete." The core was visually inspected and photographed as received. The core half was ground (lapped) on the saw cut surface to produce a smooth, flat, semi-polished surface. Lapped and freshly broken surfaces of the concrete were examined using a stereomicroscope at magnifications up to 45X.

n 1311" r-viedW; eAs w CLGroup.comn Ueru,

FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 Page 3 of 4 Progress Energy Page 9 of 10 Crystal River November 2, 2009 CTLGroup Project No. 059169 PETROGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF HARDENED CONCRETE, ASTM C 856 STRUCTURE: Containment wall DATE RECEIVED: October 27, 2009 LOCATION: Crystal River EXAMINED BY: Derek Brown SAMPLE Client Identification: Core #5.

CTLGroup Identification: 2452601.

Dimensions: Core diameter = 95 mm (3.75 in.). Core length = approximately 197 mm (7.75 in.); partial wall thickness.

Top End: Even, slightly rough formed surface.

Bottom End: Uneven and rough, fractured core end.

Cracks, Joints, Large Voids: Text.

Reinforcement: None observed in the core supplied.

AGGREGATES Coarse: Crushed rock composed of carbonate rock type.

Fine: Natural quartz sand.

Gradation & Top Size: Visually appears evenly graded to an observed top size of 18 mm (0.75 in.).

Shape, Texture, Distribution: Coarse- Sub rounded to angular, slightly irregular to rough, evenly distributed. Fine- Rounded to sub angular, slightly smooth to somewhat rough, evenly distributed PASTE Color: Medium gray, uniform coloration throughout the length of the core.

Hardness: Moderately hard at the outer surface and in the body of the core. At the fracture surface the paste is also moderately hard.

Luster: Subvitreous.

Paste-Aggregate Bond: Tight. Freshly fractured surfaces pass through aggregate particles.

Air Content: Estimated 2 to 4% total. Approximately 1 to 2% of the total air is larger entrapped air voids of up to 3 mm (0.12 in.) in size, plus a few large voids of 4 to 10 mm (0.16 B. Idftq~ DeVe 6%de RestAW,

FM 5.8 Exhibit 7 Page 4of 4 Progress Energy Page 10 of lb Crystal River November 2, 2009 CTLGroup Project No. 059169 to 0.4 in.). Somewhat uneven distribution of voids. Marginally air entrained based on the very low volume of moderate to small sized spherical air voids in the hardened cement paste.

Depth of Carbonation: 4 to 5 mm (0.16 to 0.20 in.) as measured from the outer surface.

Negligible when measured from the inner fractured core surface.

Calcium Hydroxide*: Estimated 6 to 12% of small to medium sized crystals evenly distributed throughout the paste, and around aggregate to paste interfaces. Estimation of the volume is difficult due to the presence of calcite fines in the cement paste.

Residual Portland Cement Clinker Particles*: Estimated 4 to 8%. Some large cement particles, particularly belite clusters, of up to 0.15 mm in size suggest a portland cement as produced more than 30 years ago.

Supplementary Cementitious Materials*: None observed by the core supplied.

Secondary Deposits: None observed either in the body of the core and or near the fracture surface.

MICROCRACKING: A small number of medium length (5 to 10 mm), randomly orientated microcracks are evenly distributed throughout the body of the core. At the fractured end of the core there was no observed increase in microcracking relative to the body of the core.

ESTIMATED WATER-CEMENT RATIO: Moderate to moderately high (0.50 to 0.60) but estimation may be biased upwards due to the well advanced degree of hydration / apparent old age of the concrete.


1. Water droplets applied to freshly fractured surfaces were somewhat slowly absorbed by the hardened cement paste.
2. Some small areas of the inner fractured surface of the core, as received, exhibit a thin white haze of efflorescence-like substance suggesting leaching of lime in solution from within the core, or alternatively, moisture on or flowing past the fractured surface at the delamination position within the wall.
3. A moderate volume of fine calcite particles is present within the hardened cement paste, most likely from coarse aggregate crusher fines.

percent by volume of paste fw~dtnq .4dýeDe~wr"gRe~ts, iwwGLGroup.corn

FM 5.8 Exhibit 4 Page 1 of 1 CR3 - PII 12/18/2009 11:34 AM test data original filled vl.xls

page 1 of 1 113

.- 50,000 dmax= 75rm 30 C 20,000 038mm --


".*i. 13 mm "0 too 3.3 "2,000 30- T3  :

27 E200 x Ii0,0 0- 0 . 500 7U' 4

,8 mm

>18 QU

~ .~ 200 15 ot100 Cement 12 Posgate 9>J -s> 50rý a.o), a 0gi 0.14 Q 0,.56, 0 0,80,9t1.0 d d Water/ Cement Ratio ment ratio and maximium. aggregate SiteonconeL

ýasure of' the flow of water through concrete in cýubic

ýa for a unit h-ydraulic gra-dient. [I(a), From -C~oce~

4fReclama~tion, 1975, >p. 37, (b)-, adapted fr-01m Btonl-org, Denmiark, 1979.1 te-r depetids inainly on the Ivater/cetnent rat6(ioh rintinuiltv -It eimillarv, oids) anid Ilaximlam >agglv~ivtt,

, FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c page 1 of 5

..... engineering and constructing a better tomorrow November 11 2009 Mr. Craig Miller Progress Energy (352) 795-6486 ex 1026 Craig.miller@ Subject; Report of Petrographic Observations Crystal River Containment Wall Steam Generator Replacement Project Crystal River Nuclear Generating Facility, Florida MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 Dear Mr.

MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is pleased to present this report of our petrographic observations performed on two concrete cores that were shipped to our laboratory under chain of custody. An additional core was received under chain of custody for limited observations. It is our understanding the two cores submitted for petrographic observations are from an area of the containment wall where a fracture was discovered running parallel to the surface at a depth of approximately 8 to 9 inches. We understand the core that was submitted for limited observations was from an area where the subject fracture had not occurred.

The cores submitted are as follows:

Core Number Laboratory Number Description of the Core Assigned by MA CTEC

.5 '.21269 Froma.n area where the occured 2 21270 From an area where the fracture had not occurred 7 21271 . From an area where the fracture had occurred Each core was photo documented as received and then saw cut longitudinally into halves. Each half was labeled with the same sample number and than A and B were added to designate the halves. As requested the B half for cores 21269 and 21270 were shipped to CTL Group in Skokie Illinois, The B half of core 21271 is being held for possible future use. The A half's of the cores were used for our analysis.

The purpose of our work was to perform a petrographic analysis of samples 21269A and 21271A and limited observations of sample 21270A. It is our understanding that you also require specific information MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.

9177 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123

  • Phone: 858-278-3600 - Fax: 858-278-5300

FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c page 2 of 5.

Cyst'al River Concrete Core Obsenvalions November 1/, 2009 Report oJ PetrographicObservations MA CTEC 'roject No, 6468-09-2535 Clistal River Nuclear GeneraiingFaIvility, Florida relative to the age of the fractured surfaces on samples 21269A and 2127 IA. Sample 21270A was used as a control sample that did not have a fractured surface, Petrographic Observations A Petrographic Analysis is a visual and microscopic analysis of cementitous materials perfornied. by a qualified petrographer. Petrographic examinations are typically performed on polished sections or thin sections. Polished sections are generally cut sections that have been lapped (ground flat and smooth) and polished and are observed using reflected polarized light microscopes at magnifications of up to SOX.

Thin sections are samples mounted to glass slides and ground to specific thicknesses (generally 20, 30, or 40 microns depending on the application) and observed using transmitted polarized light microscopes at magnifications of up to 600X.

A petrographic evaluation may be performed to identify and describe a specific item of interest, such as the presence-or extent of distress in concrete, or to provide a general characterization and measure of quality of the materials being. evaluated. .. The petrographic evaluation, of concrete examines the constituents of the concrete including coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, embedded items, hardened paste, and air void structure. The examination identifies cracking present in the concrete, indications.of corrosion,. extent of damage from external 'sources, aggregate reaction, chemical attack, sulfate attack,.

freeze thaw cracking, acid attack, and other mechanisms of deterioration. The petrographic examination can also estimate the water to cement ratio, look for indicationsof mineral additives, and unhydrated cement particles in the paste, look for. indications of bleed'water and excss porosity in the concrete, look for indications of curing procedures used and methods of finishing, observe micro cracking present and other conditions within the concrete which might.give information on the.overall quality or the quality of any particular constituent material. Aggregate mineralogy, rock types, and mineral crystal structure can be identified when thin sections are viewed under a transmitted polarized light microscope.


The petrographic analysis was performed in general accordance with the applicable sections of ASTM C 856-04 Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened, Concrete. The results of our petrographic analysis are on the attached sheets, Summary of Petrographic Observations of Hardened.

Concrete. Photographs from our examination are attached. A summary of our observations and discussion are as follows.


FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c page 3 of 5 Cr3,stal River Concrete Core Observalions Ar!.wenber" I/ , 2009 Report oýf PeirographicObservation*s MA CTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 Crystal River Nuclear Genterating Facilit/, Florida Aggregate The coarse aggregate generally consisted of a natural carbonate crushed rock with a maximum size of 3/4 inch. The rocks types observed included limestone, fossiliferous limestone, and a few particles of chert and/or limestone and chert. The particles were generally angular to sub-rounded in shape and fairly evenly distributed. The coarse aggregate appeared to comprise approximately 50% of the total aggregate quantity with the remaining fraction being fine aggregate.

On sample 21271, there were 4 coarse aggregate pieces On the cut surface of the core that retained moisture (and moisture in the surrounding paste) longer than other portions.of the sample. These pieces are shown in Photographs 5, 6, 7, and 8. One of the pieces (Photograph.5 for core 21271) had a darkened rim. A thin section was prepared from the piece in photograph 7and this piece contained microcrystalline quartz and radial silica and exhibited localized evidence of alkali silica reaction.

The fine aggregate was observed to be a natural siliceous sand consisting mostly of quartz. The particles were generally sub-angular to sub-rounded in shape and fairly evenly distributed.

Cement Paste TlIhe cement paste was medium light gray (Reference colors from The Geological Society of America Rock-Color Chart,. 1991). The paste appeared moderately hard and not easily scratched with a hardened steel point. The concrete appeared to have been placed at a moderately low water to cement ratio',

possibly in the range of 0.4 to (05. Indication of placement at a high water to cement ratio such as significant bleed channels and water gain voids were not observed.

Air Voids, Voids, and Cracks The concrete appeared to be-air entrained and had a total air content estimated to be:arOund 2 to 3%. The voids were generally small and spherical. Some air void clustering was observed around a few coarse aggregate particles, The air void distribution was moderately un-even, and some small areas lacked air entrainment. There was limited mineral growth observed in some of the air voids. Calcium, hydroxide was observed lining some air voids.,


FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c page 4 of 5.'


- Location.

- Type


Not observed

- Degree & Type

- Reaction Procdict,*

- Location

- Identification Nature and Condition of Surface There appeared to be white paint on the

' T f or- titc iv ttrtr~~r culrvora n_ tki "r"'.

[ visual Estimatedobservations E~tijuiattu uttt observations only) only),,

water-cement ratio (based on (bo-rdit tUte tu van sal

....ratio Appeared possiblv cement content in the to have range of 0.4low a moderately Appuaied tu have, a lUndeiitbty higlI to 0.5 w/c PASTE:

Color (GSA rock color chart 199.1) . Medium light gray Hardness Appeared moderately hard when scratched with a hardened steel point Porosity Did not appear very porous. It took from 10 minutes to over 20 minutes to absorb 15 micro liter drops of water.

Carbonation The outer 14 to 1/22inch of the exterior surface was carbonated. The fractured surface was not carbonated.

Residual un-hydrated Cement: Some un-hydrated/partially hydrated

- Distribution cement particles were observed

- Particle Size

- Abundance

- Composition Mineral Admixtures . FIy-ash was not observed

- Size

- Abundance

- Identification Contamination: Not observed

- Size

- Abundance

- Identification Equipment Used:

Cannon EOS Digital Rebel with 50mm macro lens and microscope adapters AmScope 7X to 45X stereo zoom microscope (with and without polarized light)

Olympus BH-2 polarized light microscope Zeiss Photomicroscope II polarized light microscope Aven Digital Microscope Starrett 6 inch rule SN 109000003 Note: No M&TE used is subject to calibration requirements.

PetrographicObservations,Sample I.D. 21269A Page 3 of 3 Form Reviewed and Approvedfor Use on Crystal River Cores Project 6468.09-2535 J. Allan Tice, ProjectPrincipal



FM 5.8 Exhibit 3c page 5 of 5 fMACTEC particle.

Fractures One end of the core contained a fractured surface. There were some other minor fractures on the end with the fractured surface. There were some fractures associated the chert particle discussed previou° sly. ...........

_ . ..

Embedded Items Not observed

- Shape

- Size

- Location

- Type Alteration: Not observed Degree & Type Reaction Products

- Location

- Identification Nature and Condition of Surface There appeared to be white paint on the I reatments exterior surtace o0 the core Estimated water-cement ratio (based on Appeared to have a moderately low w/c

[Ivisual observations only),-

Fstiranted cemient ccnfew (bai(d nn AIt.




......P A T . ..

ratio ,possibly in the range of 0.4 to 0.5 Appeared to hb_1', a mederately high cement content PASTE:

Color (GSA rock color chart 1991) Medium light gray ......

Hardness Appeared moderately hard when scratched with a hardened steel point Porosity Did not appear very porous. It took from 10 minutes to over 20 minutes to absorb 15 micro liter drops of water.

Carbonation The outer 1/4 to '/2 inch of the exterior surface was carbonated. The fractured surface was not carbonated.

Residual un-hydrated Cement: Some un-'hydrated/partially hydrated

- Distribution cement particles were observed

- Particle Size

- Abundance

- Composition __

Mineral Admixtures . Fly-ash was not observed

- Size

- Abundance

- Identification Contamination: Not observed Size Abundance Identification PetrographicObservations, Sample I.D. 21271A Page 3 of4 Form Reviewed and Approved for Use on Crystal River Cores Project 6468-09.2535 J. Allan Tice, Project Principal

  • FM r 5.8 Exhibit 5a Page 1 of 3 AMACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow, December 23, 2009 Mr. Craig Miller Progress' Energy


Report of Petrographic Observations.

Crystal River Containment Wall Steam Generator Replacement Project, Crystal River Nuclear Generating. Facility, Florida MACTEC.Project 6468-09-2535 Dear Mr. Miller MACTECI Engineering, and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is pleased. to 'present' this report of our petrographic: observations performed. on a concrete, chunk that was shipped to our laboratory under chain*

of custody. It is our understanding the chunk is from an area .of the containment wall where a fracture was discovered running parallel to the surface at a depth of approximately 8'to 9 inches. We understand the ,submitted. chunk contains the subject fractured surface and' a portion. of the 'concrete that was cast.

against a tendon duct.

The, purpose of our work was, to perform a petrographic analysis of the sample to observe' the fractured surface and the surface that was cast against the tendon duct. for depth of carbonation and other similarities or differences..


A Petrographic Analysis is a visual and microscopic analysis of cementitous' materials performed by a qualified petrographer. Petrographic examinations' are typically performed on polished, sections or thin sections'. Polished sections 'are generally cut sections that have been lapped. (ground flat and smooth) and polished: and are observed using reflected polarized' light microscopes 'at magnifications of up, to 80X.

Thin sections. are samples mounted to glass:slides and ground to specific thicknesses'(generally 20, 30, or 40 microns depending on the application) and. observed using transmitted polarized light. microscopes at magnifications of up to 600X."

A petrographic evaluation may be performed to identify and describe a specific item of interest such as the presence. or extent of distress in concrete, or to provide a general characterization and measure of MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.

9177 Sky Park Court, San Diego,,CA 92123 , Phone: 858-27873600 - Fax: 858-278-5300 www.mactec~com

FNA ýq R Fyhihit r),q FM~~~Pn R ~u 5 f'3 2 oii MACTEC



PROJECT NAME Crystal River Core Petrography Project PROJECT NUMBER 6468-09-2535 DATE SAMPLED RECEIVED 12-2-09 SAMPLE I.D. 21378 SAMPLE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION Chunk of Concrete identified as "small AS RECEIVED, piece adjacent to sleeve". The chunk has a section, that appears to have.

been cast against a tendon duct and reportedly has a section of the subject fractured surface adjacent to the surface cast against the duct.


OBSERVATIONS Shape Angular to sub rounded.

Grading Approximately.. 33/4 maximum size Distribution Even. Approximately 50% of the aggregates appeared to be. coarse, aggregates with the remaining fraction.

being the fine- aggregate.

Texture Fine Composition. Carbonatel Rock Types Limestone, fossiliferous limestone-Alteration: Not observed: .

Degree Products Coatings Not observed


Internal Cracking Not observed!

Generally not observed except in the:

J vicinity of the fractured surface.

Contamination Not observed FINE AGGREGATE:*

Shape Generally sub-rounded to sub-angular Grading #4 and smaller PetrographicObservations,Sample LD. 21378 Pagel of 4 Form.Reviewed and Approved for Use on CrystalRiver Cores Project6468-09-2535 J. Allan Tice, ProjectPrincipal

  • FM 5r8 Fxhihit 5I Paae 3 of 3

'IMACTEC Distribution Even Texture Fine Composition Siliceous Rock Types Quartz Alteration: Not Observed

- Degree

- Products Coatings Not Observe

[ Rims Not Observed Internal Cracking A few internal fractures were observed Contamination Not observed ICHARACTERISTICS CONCRETE:

OSRVATIONS I Air-Entrained or Not Appeared to have-some air entrainment. Total air content based on visual observations appeared to be 2 to 3%

Air Voids: Mostly small and spherical. Some air

- Shape_ void clustering was observed around a

- Size few coarse aggregate particles. The

- Distribution air void distribution was moderately un-even, some small areas lacked air entrainment. There was some limited mineral growth observed in some of the air voids. Calcium hydroxide was observed lining some air voids.

Bleeding Not Observed.

Segregation Not Observed Aggregate-Paste Bond Coarse and fine aggregates appeared.

to have: a good bond to the cement paste withfew openings. Some aggregate particles had increased.

calcium hydroxide in the paste surrounding the perimeter of the particle.

Fractures One long hairline crack was observed and is shown, in the attached photograph #6.

Someminor fractures were observed near the portion that was cast against the duct and the portion that contained the fractured surface.

Embedded Items Not observed

- Shape.

PetrographicObservations,Sample I.D. 21378 Page 2.of 4 Form Reviewed and Approved for Use onCrystalRiver Cores Project 6468-09-2535 J. Allan Tice, ProjectPrincipal

'>--.FM 5.'8 Exhibit 3b page 1 of 3 Copy No. 1 Report for Progress Energy CTLGroup Project No. 059169 Petrographic Examination of Concrete Half Core from Delaminated Containment Wall, Crystal River, Florida November 2, 2009 Submitted by:

Derek Brown COA #4731 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Illinois 60077-1030 (847) 965-7500 9030 Red Branch Road, Suite 110 Columbia, Maryland 21045

. w ,l e

  • r*-*i* Ai, :e :s u I t s.

CTLGroup is a registered d/b/a of Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc.

4~V~ ~ ~

FM 5.8 Exhibit 3b 2010 o2f "

Progress Energy Noage age"3 of Crystal River November 2, 2009 '

CTLGroup Project No. 059169 For thin-section study, small rectangular blocks were cut from the core inner surface fracture region and within the body of the core. One side of each block was lapped to produce a smooth, flat surface. The blocks were cleaned and dried, and the prepared surfaces mounted on separate ground glass microscope slides with epoxy resin. After the epoxy hardened, the thickness of the mounted blocks was reduced to approximately 20 lam (0.0008 in.). The resulting thin sections were examined using a polarized-light (petrographic) microscope at magnifications up to 400X to study aggregate and paste mineralogy and microstructure.

Estimated water-cement ratio (w/c), when reported, is based on observed concrete and paste properties including, but not limited to: 1) relative amounts of residual (unhydrated and partially hydrated) portland cement clinker particles, 2) amount and size of calcium hydroxide crystals,

3) paste hardness, color, and luster, 4) paste-aggregate bond, and 5) relative absorbency of paste as indicated by the readiness of a freshly fractured surface to absorb applied water droplets. These techniques have been widely used by industry professionals to estimate w/c.

Depth and pattern of paste carbonation was initially determined by application of a pH indicator solution (phenolphthalein) to freshly cut and original fractured concrete surfaces. The solution imparts a deep magenta stain to high pH, non-carbonated paste. Carbonated paste does not change color. The extent of paste carbonation was confirmed in thin-section.

Derek Brown Senior Microscopist Microscopy Group DB/DB Notes: 1. Results refer specifically to the sample submitted.

2. This report may not be reproduced except in its entirety.
3. The sample will be retained for 30 days, after which it will be discarded unless we hear otherwise from you.

8i*ding Krmedge;OeWrgRewht www.CTLGroup .. rn

FM 5.8 Exhibit 3b F paqe3of 3 Progress Energy 0 of 10 Crystal River November 2, 20d9 CTLGroup Project No. 059169 to 0.4 in.). Somewhat uneven distribution of voids. Marginally air entrained based on the very low volume of moderate to small sized spherical air voids in the hardened cement paste.

Depth of Carbonation: 4 to 5 mm (0.16 to 0.20 in.) as measured from the outer surface.

Negligible when measured from the inner fractured core surface.

Calcium Hydroxide*: Estimated 6 to 12% of small to medium sized crystals evenly distributed throughout the paste, and around aggregate to paste interfaces. Estimation of the volume is difficult due to the presence of calcite fines in the cement paste.

Residual Portland Cement Clinker Particles*: Estimated 4 to 8%. Some large cement particles, particularly belite clusters, of up to 0.15 mm in size suggest a portland cement as produced more than 30 years ago.

Supplementary Cementitious Materials*: None observed by the core supplied.

Secondary Deposits: None observed either in the body of the core and or near the fracture surface.

MICROCRACKING: A small number of medium length (5 to 10 mm), randomly orientated microcracks are evenly distributed throughout the body of the core. At the fractured end of the core there was no observed increase in microcracking relative to the body of the core.

ESTIMATED WATER-CEMENT RATIO: Moderate to moderately high (0.50 to 0.60) but estimation may be biased upwards due to the well advanced degree of hydration / apparent old age of the concrete.


1. Water droplets applied to freshly fractured surfaces were somewhat slowly absorbed by the hardened cement paste.
2. Some small areas of the inner fractured surface of the core, as received, exhibit a thin white haze of efflorescence-like substance suggesting leaching of lime in solution from within the core, or alternatively, moisture on or flowing past the fractured surface at the delamination position within the wall.
3. A moderate volume of fine calcite particles is present within the hardened cement paste, most likely from coarse aggregate crusher fines.

percent by volume of paste

!3Ading 7mý de re Res*ts wvvw.GTLGrcup.cXmn