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Safety Evaluation for Delay in Testing of Reactor Vessel Internal Vent Valves
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1980
From: Domeck C
Shared Package
ML19257B792 List:
575, NUDOCS 8001180354
Download: ML19257B795 (2)


.....-...w. s u >< o License No. NPF-3

  • Serial No. 575 Page One of Two January 10, 1980 SAFETY EVALUATION FOR DELAY IN TESTING OF REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS VENT VALVES The internals steaming in thevent valves core are provided following a LOCA so to that relieve the pressure generated by covered. the core remains sufficiently the followingInspection purposes: and manual actuation of the internals vent valves fulfill
1. Ensure valve operability
  • 2.

Ensure that valves are not stuck during normal operation.


Demonstrate that the valves are fully open at the forces equivalent to the differential pressure assumed in the safety analyses.

The inspection program for these valves also ensures that of these components will be maintained at the structural integrity of the plant.

To the extent applicable, an acceptable level throughout the life Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.this program is in compliance with Davis-Besse Unit of these valves be descastrated at1 Technical Specification requires that opera least once per 18 months during shutdown.

Technical Specification 4.0.2.a provides a maximum allowable extension of 4.5 months (25% of 18 months) for the 18 month period.

on May 12, 1978 during the BPRA/ ORA removal outage. The valves were last tested In order to meet the Technical Specification surveillance interval, the valve operability should, Amen dmen t Request theref ore, be demonst rated by March 2 7, 1980. This License two mon ths. provides for a relaxation in that schedule by approximately The testing is now proposed to be completed by May 30, 1980.

The present March 15, 1980. scheduled date for the first refueling outage at Davis-Besse Unit 1 is The projected refueling schedule does not guarantee the fulfill-ment of Technical Specification surveillance requirement valves by March 27, 1980. for the internals vent It should be noted that Davis-Besse Unit I has undergone several prolonged outages (including the March 30 to July 11, 1979 This saving in core operating time is enough to accountoutage) af ter the testing done in May 1


for the delay in testing since the intent of Section XI of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is to provide a mechanism for the direction of an inspection based on operating time of the power facility.

Paragraph IWA-2400(a) of the 1974 Section XI with addenda through Summer 1975 states:

". . .These inspection intervals represent calendar years af ter the reactor facility has been placed into commercial service. The interval may be extended by as much as one year to permit inspections to be con-current with plant outages."

1770 327 800118025f5E#f'


. Docket !;o. 50-346

  • License !;o. NPF-3 Page Two of Two
January 10, 1980 Serial f;o. 575 In addition to the above, B6'a' has informed Toledo Edison (letter DB-79-22 3 dated ;;ovember 20, 1979) that an extension in the required technical specifi-cation for exercising the valves by several months is justified. This is based on successful demonstration of valve exercise at A!;O-1, SMUD, Crystal River-III and Oconee-1.

Pursuant to the above, if the scheduled date for completion of valve testing is extended to May 30, 1980:

1) The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR is not inc re as ed.
2) A possibility for an accident or malfunctien of a different type than any evaluated previously in the FSAR it not created.
3) The margin of safety as defined in the basis af any Technical Specification is not reduced.

Consequently, this is not an unreviewed safety question.


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