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Palisades Nuclear Plant Sheathing Filler Rept.
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Issue date: 07/31/1981
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{{#Wiki_filter:*. " , ,. ENGRES-CLl-LDH17 Doc Con No 950-00210

  • . 950-22*22*03 File Index 138101018024 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT SHEATHING FILLER REPORT ,*-**--' 8111230525 811117\ 1 PDR ADOCK 05000255:

P PDR: .. 1981 Prepared By: L D Hughes, Chemical Engineer Laboratory Services Department Consumers Power Company

  • mTROWCTION On May 13, 1981 the Chemical Department of System Protection a.nd Laboratory Services received a request from Operating Services Department to participate in the analysis of sheathing filler samples. The samples were the resul.t of a NRC required ten year Surveillance Program *:ror the Palisades Containment Building Post-Tensioning System. *
  • The first sheathing fille'l' sample was received in the Laboratory on June 6, 1981 and the last batch was received on July 14, 1981. A total. of 34 samples were received and analyzed for the following parameters:

water content, base number, chloride, sulf'ide and nitrate. The samples were analyzed according to Chemical Division Work Procedure CHEM-372, and the results are listed in Table 1 .. * .REP'ERENCES

l. Surveillance Procedure for Pa.J..isades Containment Building Post-Tensioning TSFT-2Q Rev 3.; Job # 12447/066, May 26, 1981. 2. *Pal.isades Tendon Surveillance Program..;Sheathing Testing, Chemical Division Work Procedure CBEM-37, Rev. O, June 8, 1981
  • Samples were collected by plant personnel and placed in 1 liter Nalgene plastic bottles where they were shipped to the Chemical Laboratory for analysis.

A list of what tendons were sampled and when the samples were received is given in Table le Thirty-four samples were received over a seven week period giving an average of approximately five samples per week. EXPERIMENTAL ..... Upon receiving the sample, the sample was receipt *inspected, logged in and uJ.ed for analysis. The analysis.was performed according to Chemical.Division Work Procedure-CHEM 372. EQUIPMENT The used for the work-up of the samples and their analysis is listeq in CHEM-37

  • CONCLUSIONS From.Table 1, approximately 67°/o of the original sheathing filler samples (nine tendons) passed the five tests performed on theme Of, the samples that failed, the most prevalent failure mode was exceeding the water content limits. *one tendon (67BF) appeared to have higher than acceptable chloride and nitrate levels, but in reanalyzing a second *sample the results were acceptable thus indicating a contB:JI!ination problem with the first batch of samples. All of the failed were found acceptable after the old sheathing filler was replaced with new filler. *, ..

(1) (2) (3) .. (4) (5) ** DH-041 .*. Attachment to Sheathing Filler Laboratory Report Notes Regarding Failed Sheathing Filler Samples Tendon 67BF

  • Te.ndon Vl 76 Tendon D245 Tendon D335
  • Tendon 0333 ,--... Field end sample, high nitrates reported.

Shop. end, high chlorides reported. Second grease sample analysed and results were within acceptance limits. See 67BF-2 F&S. Field end sample, water limit exceeded. Tendon drained and regreased. Field end of tendons sampled to establish boundary of condition. Sample analysis yielded results within acceptance limits-See Vl74 F&V 176 F. (Specimen wire

  • removed and examined :-no corrosion observed)

Field and shop end sample results for alkalinity (base number) were !Ow, both ends of tendon greased. Resampled filler, sample analysis yielded iesults within acceptance limits. See 0245-2 F&S. (Specimen wire removed and examined -no corrosion observed) Shop_end sample, water limit exceeded. Tendon filler removed by compressed ait and replaced. Resampled. filler, sample analysis yielded results whithin acceptance limits. Shop end of adjacent tendons sampled to establish

  • boundary of tion. See 0333-lS and 0337-S. *Analysis indicated water in excess -of limits for D333:-S. Results for D337-s were O.K. F'ield end .of samples D335 0333 were sampled to further. establish boundary of excessive water *condition of 0335 S.

analysis yielded results within acceptance See D333 North and 0335 North.* "' .

  • Sqop end sample, water limit exceeded.

Degreased** and replaced filler. Resampled filler, sample analysis yielded results were within acceptance* .limits. See D333-2S * ' * . ---. ***-**--*-*---SYSTI:U


ScrV'ice-s Chf'.mical Dh*ision PALISADES NUCLEAR PLAN! SHEAITIING FILLER RE.PORT FORH TSFT-2(Q), JOB 12447/066 .Bateh Ho 2...

  • Sheathing Filler or Teo.don Description and Receipt Date D 335 s i.c.p

r . 'I __ _ . 4. s. . .. Remarks: Water l Dry Wt I / 7. 'i 2 t 2 7E* o*. 3 Base No mgKOH/ S1!' J, f 3 f .. zs--* 0 2.i o, -1 z. Chloride /0*3 3 .'-1

  • Reviewed *by #/J")j. '* --rp0681-0774a129-96 ATTACIIME!iT .J PROC no Chero-37 PAGE l or l REVISION Original DATE 6/8/81. JUtrate mgN0 3/l I, I f. ' Sulf i<Jr 1.C """ I. 1.: ..=...! ... : .. C -LI. C *--*---*** .t:. 1-c I ---i ./

... * ... -----------*-------------------* consum:'P.s POWER COHPJ\.HY Batch No ----SYSTEU FIWIECIION AND LADOP..ATORi SERVICES DEPJ\RTllEHT laboratory Service;; . Chemical Division PALISADES lnJCLEAR PLANT SHI.ATIIING FILLER REPORT FORH !SFI-2(Q), JOB 12447/066 Filler or Tendon water Pase Ho DescriE"tion and ReceiJ!t Date X D*a Wt mg.KOH/&!!! L :ft. f . ., B;: 51;.,LI ,J,5Lff.l Q )..., r .1.s ' . -=--t ..., . 2. :rt' 7 BP p,;ft). lk 'flS.__l . ) o," ---r. 3. ' . ...;-, b*.St.*.:'*""C'f.'W.5 ( ;i.oiQ.P'-f "_Q.60 "'{I. b ff r .-\), ....... ,, lef -I 2 (. 1,j 4 ]. '7 -- lrJfi. . 5. "lt 01. '-f 5 5;1d b{'Li*l £(),..I -( .* I o.f. ; Jt /j). '15 _5..{o * ".h7/S-1 ,,e.(). I -0.57 Chloride mgCl/l . '-/ { /Ao l-0 1. . .:0 "'-(.0 ,, 0 Reviewed by 'ctiJ1L < --rp0681-0774a129-96 A'nACUMDlT J PROC NO .Cbem-37 . FAGF. 1 or 1 REVISIOll Origind DATE 6/8/f31 Nitrate mg!!0 3!1 e**. .:A.) ..£. /. ..t../, I ..L.f,f . "'-/.. I -Sulfia _!EF..SO_ ..t. c:i. I .c '*' ----*---=._rJ. ! -*' -* .c:. Cl . i Date .6PI.,( /r l * >.

  • COHSUHERS POWER CCUPJ\.NY Batch ND s+ {g . SYSTE.11 FRO'fECllO?I Alm . l.ABORAlORI SERVICES DEP.hR.lllEHT I.abor.ato1y Services Chemical Division PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT SIIEATIIING FlLLE.R REPORT FORH TSIT-2(Q), JOB 12447 /066 . Sheathing Filler or Tendon Description and Receipt Date Water 1 Dry Wt Base !Jo*

0.12 2. tr "7 Bt) o.r'fr 3-31* 3. *:rr .\)so 51\ctl /.J. 3 1 0*3C; 'f .. J.5 I p I t

. ' So Chloride mgCl/l ...((. () I, f /.J ---Reviewed by %

ATXACHMEir.l' J PROC Jm Cbel"l-37 PAGE l OF i-. REVISIOn Original DAIE 6/8/81 Nitrilte mgN0 3/l / * .3 /,8' Lf. _; Sulfid mgS/l ----.t..". ' ---__ .. _ ..:.0., -----( ** I I

  • CO.NSUl1ERS l"OWER . COHP h."IY Batch }IO 7 .. S:XSIEU FROTECTION AND ** LABORATORY SERVICES DEPARTiff'.NT Laboratory Services .Chemical' Division PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT SHEATHING FILLER REPORT FORH JOB 12447/066 Sheathing Filler or Tendon Water Base lfo DescriEtion and Receipt Date i Dry*Wt mgKOH/E!!! .L -it v -1 2(;. r-,;/A £1.A t:&rJ, IC"f-b . .2.. S' 2. +:-L) -132. 5i;6 1 E .. J

'c., I /, 7 I ----.-&b1/n . 3 . L. Fte/l £,_,,./ I I .£.C. I I.* 2 4. 5. Remarks: Chloride /. b I* SJ 30 < --. Reviewed by -i!IJ1J rp0681-0774a129-96

  • ATTACill1EllT J PROC .HO Chem-37 PAGE l OF *1 REVISION Original DATE 6/8/81 Nitrate Sulfide mgN0 3/l __ , , ( .c. l' I -------,,t:..f_IJ . ,£._ {. t..l ..t:..C. I ./ . '-10% ,... -j,,.,.. -f Date I I

... *

  • Batch .No ?{ ---=------

SYSTEtt PROTECTION AND LAUORl\l'ORY SERVICES DEPARTtlEJIT I.aboratory Servicer. Chemical Division PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT SHEATIUNG FILLER REPORT FORM TSFI-2(Q), JOB 12447/066 Sheathing*Filler or Tendon Water Base No Description and Receipt Date % Dry Wt L +/-t" 73 o;= -,l__l {_l! f . (). '1 /. '6 * / ,-,(. . .. . *. * ... * ... . *5* *....... *----------- Remarks:

  • Chloride mgCl/l *2*? . ATTACHME:Il'T J PROC NO Chem-37 PAGE l OF 1 REVISION Original DATE 6/8/81 Nitrate Sulfide mgN0 3/l mgS/l 3.7 L.( .* , . . 7.'4: ... . ' 'f,.;t:, .. *.*
    • . *.-:* .* .
  • -*.** -* Reviewed by rp0681-0774a129-96
  • . ... . .* . --------------------S-YS_'I_E_H--P-U-OT-E-CTJOH Alm .. CONSU!IERS POWER COUPJ\lIT l.ABOPJ\TORY SERVICES DEPAR1HEUT Batch No '1 Sheathing Filler or Tendon Laboratory Services Chemical.Division PALISADES.NUCLEAR PLANT Sm::ATHING FILLER REPORT FORU TSFT-2(Q), JOB 12447/066 Water Base No Description and Receipt Date % Dry Wt L .:#" t:u3 7

£0./ I . "1 tt. DJJS-.3 I .i.s:7. ..2.'-1-f.5 5. ti. D 3.:3 I j/;op Loo. , I, I Chloride mgCl/l .i_ ... I .2. 0 ?-'.i. 7;.2 . ATTACID1Elfl' J PROC NO Cbem-37 PAGE l OF l REVISION Original DATE.6/8/81 Nitrate mgN0/1 , , 3 1.s .s.;*2. ( , I Sulfidr: mgS/l .:.&-.. / I ----* 4'.0. I .Remarks: .,,..... e.><U;;Jls 7't6 t.v'.:iiel2 £,,.v-&:,...-1 ,,,,,,..,,{ 1l: /)33 3 -I ,. ---Reviewed by rpo681-0114al29-96 .. . *' . * .. * ** . '*M** ....... ...... , *.. CONSUHERS POWER COUf/\lTY Batch Jfo ( 0 --'--'---SYSIEtt PROTECTION AND LADOllA1'0RY SERVICES DEP/JlTiiEJ?T Laboratory Services Chemical Divinion PALISADES NUCLEAR PLAlIT SHEATHING FILLER REPORT FORH TSFT-2(Q), JOB 12447/066 Sheathing Filler or Tendon Water Bllse No DescriEtion and Receipt Date L l!_o.). Lf 5 -2 t,;1J 7,l.:r/;u it lJ:'J.'{5

  • -2 .5 j, 06'! I ) 4 2.

5;1J I Ji (;7 AF-2 sh".P-7bl'iL ' ) 4. ti:. 1J 333 -2. Si,cp 7fqff.r I ; j Remarks:. i Dry Wt . .!:...(), ( .L.O. I 0.3 .o. :L. 0. tz 0 i: 0 0 fr,3. 'L 'i 0 0 Chloride . mgCl/l s . I 4.0 ATTACHMENT J PROC no Chem-37 PAGE 1 OF l REVISION Od.giunl DATE 6/8/81 nitrate mgN0:/1 f, z "-I. c 4/.c .£../. c *4(,,..0 Sulfidr mgS/l C,j 0. 'S .it:.,,_ L.C'. , J J:.:.0 _ *( *" **---. Reviewed by Date. "8'/s/? r I ' rp0681-0774a129m96 " .... l *** -.. * ** cmrnwtERS f'O\-IER COUI'A?iY

  • Batch No 11 . .r/2.. *-* SYSTEifrifoTECilON AllD LflllORA'I'ORY SERVICES IJEPAHUIBNT I.aboratorv Servicei:.

Chemical.Division PALISADES truer.EAR PLANT sHE.Arui?rn FILLER REPORT FORH TSFT*2(Q), JOB 12447/066 Sheathing Filler or Tend.on Base No . Description and Receipt Date % Dry Wt . mgKOH/gm. 1 ti

  • Shop. 7/10/n C.c, r' .0--3* 5.

.* . Remarks: Chloride mgCl/l . ,;,i. ' A'HACHME!IT J PROC NO Chem-37 PAGE 1 OF l REVISION Original DATE 6/8/81 ?litrate Sulfide mgN0 3/I mgS/l .L/ .(.' 'c.. , .. I

  • APPENDIX 4 Laboratory Re.port on Wire Specimen Tests
  • Dff-041
  • A-4

' '*Consum ** ERL Pro I I wer Company 138101018024 Sample No ____ 1 ____ _ (i:*, .

  • 67BF-S .. endon I.D. __________

_ 6-18-81 Date Tested Semple* Length (in ). ____ 2_4.._ _ _._ ,** ** t.ABtcl!LA PALISAi>il:s,HuctEAltJLANT TEN. YP!A1t .TEttnoft stiRVEttWd£. .. Distance from sample center to buttonhead (tt-)_.* *._. ............. ......., .. ....,.J .... *i ... ** ........ * .. : ....... ___ ._-.-.. .... ......,. .......... ..., . ..., . ..., Y.ield Ten Sile Diem. Strength* Strength (in) !ill. (ibs) ... 1**:1t * .. Jibs) JL.... *ASTM A42l, j. qfHn required 0.248 NA io.013 lte . 11,tao. . ... . . . ... . . µ,p?o Actual Tested 0.252 10,()$0* Equi:Pment: Tinius-Olsen Super "L", co 13741*0001;. S/N too6g. 5126/81 . . . . ' . . ApprovOd

  • * . and Systems Supervisor . . '). / ..

___ t_* __ -f-1!;..._;._......_. _____________ /a*-L*Johns.on MS-TT .; Elongation @ Fracture !!!.ll.. (%) Init . . NA 4.o NA *. 4.5 *#f

  • '*C0nsum *ERL Pro ' I wer Company 138101018024

-* Sample No _____ 2 ___ _ I ,D, 67BF-M Date Tested 6-18-81 Sample Length (in ) ____ 2_4 ___ _ TABLE A PALISADES. NUCLEAR.j;tAit.(t TEN YEAR. ,'l'ENJX>N ... sURVE:tttANdE WIRE.TEiffSttETESi',bATA By .. *. Distence from. sample center to buttonhead (rt )_ . ....._.....,.. ..... 7.:...6.-:.,..._ ....... ...., .............. -.**-..;;*.*<<;o..;**".-.* ...._ ........ .,. Yield Diam. , Strength strength (in) !!!.!!. (lbs) ?nit, .. (lbs),. ASTM (?:'.Un required o.21ia .*it 10,013 f4t ii.,180. r,W,* 0.251 10,200 . . .... i2,o25 Actual Tested '*, *' .. *-' .. Equipment: Tinius-Olsen Super "L", Co H374l-0001;

  • S/N 70066. CUlbrated 5/26/81 Init NA . . J4t ,,.+-btttiL .-:Jan t
  • 18. /'lBI . . G J JO.oock and Systems SuperTiaor Approved.

_____ ()_: .;...' ' ... ________ __ I R L Johnson . E&nt Bupervisor r "°"' . If tql J Elongation @ Fracture (%) In it 4.o NA *. 4e5 1(! . . . . * ;. Compwiy

  • 138101018024 I I i .* . Semple No *
  • 3 ----------'-'--

af 1 end on _6_7B_F_-_r ______ _ Date Tested 6-18.;.81

Sample Length (in ) __ 2_4_......_ __ _ i ., . ,.* . ; ,. TABLE A. PALISADES NUCLEAR PIJJft . TEN YEAR.TENDON stm\IEiLLi\?fCE . wtRE. TENSiLE. TES.T. bATA . .. .Distance from sample center to buttonhead (ft) ....................

    • -.." ... J .... 3._0 ..........

..., .. .......,.......,,.. .. ..., .. ..., ... ...., .. ..., .. .....,. ,*, Yield Teniliie Diem. sti'ength {in) !!!.!i ._ rriit .... {ibsi ASTM A421, I I required 0.248 k lo,oi3 4 11.1acf . Actual Tested 0.251 10tQ75 ' 1?;PoQ ' I 4 . Equipment: Tinius-Olsen. "-L". Co 13741-00011 slk Cal:ll>r.att!d S/26/81 Apprqved Al} Materia"U and.,S stems Supervisor

  • I _-.,, .. Approved.

____ Q_ .... _* ... * .... f(') ___ i.__ ____ ......, ............. .. h.L Johnson .* , MS-'1'7 Elongation @ Fracture {%) In it Jie 4.o ., 4.6 I . I " .. -.. I I . lier Company 138101018024 . ***. -** TJilihl: A *. i'ALtsADkS h116tEAit::PLIUT* . . TF!rt,YBARTEifOOii.atmVEittANriE WIRE ,:.TENSILE 11EST_ bAtk Semple Ho _____ *4 ___ _,_ I.D.

  • D245-F .-------------

Date Tested. ___ _____ _ Semple Length (in) 24 ---------Diem. (in) Yield.* Strength (ibs) .. * . :.

Approved . *
  • G J Kloock ** Mater .a. and S stems Supervisor
  • Approved_.

___ ... E&R . **'* ... *

  • Init*. -. :* .. . * .. MS-TT ** Elongation

@Fracture .!!!!!. (%) Init * : NA 4.o JJ *. µ .5 IJ . . -. ,, **-,*.* . . . . Con . Pe1wer Company

  • ERL ect . 138101018024

_, f I I .6 *Semple.No Gren don 1.n. __ n_2_4.-5-_M_. _____ _ 1'ML1i:*A PALISADta JHJ.ottMtJPtWrft. TE .. N****y'<!:tAft*'1T' '"oo**'N'** lhto'd -.* * *, £&1:Ul. *u.w _. ,:..:,. .Uwu1. *a *Date Teated 6-1a..:a1 .By


....... .. ------------

Sample Length :( iri) __ 2_4 ____ _ .Distance
from *BBJ!!.ple center *to -.buttonhead (f't ) ...... --. ....................

5._5,... ........ , . ..,..:*-_.* ................ ,, . .., .. :**.*.--**..., .. -...,. ...... ......._. ASTM A42l, ,:

.r.:* Actual.Teated Diem. (in) 0.248 0.251 *Init "Yield Strength (l.bsJ .. 10;013. 10,500 " µ stZ.ength . .(ihsJ .11,?80 12* *. 30() . Equipnent:


  • "L",. Co. 13741-00t)i

,. 8ltt ,ct\tlt>rated Sf26/81 . . . . . . , . . . . ' ' . -t * ., . Init NA p

    • Tu.Ae .*I 8J ..
  • 1p Bl , .. . :bat* . . * \J).t1le

'/'l&! l . MS-TT ** 'Elongation

  • @ Fracture <%> In it .,
  • 0 .5P. )*.9 I . _,

I -*,, .. . ; , I I . '1'.Mtk_A,. P iWisAriEs . -tfilo!iiWtJ'IJANT. . TEN YEAH .Tmft)Qft . WIRE

bA1tA Semple No ___ _.....5_.

_ _..._ __ n:* . . . 3*rendori I.D. D245-S . 6-18-81 Date Tested Sample Length (in) 24 Distance from sample to buttonhead (rt) .... :l;iQ* .. .* , , .ASTM A421, . * {j 'Un. required Ac_tunl, Tested Diem. (in) . 0.248 0.251 lf A n r1 . Yield .. st*rength (lbs..) 10,013 .. 10.550 ::* . ,, etrerikth .. (1'ba) :: .. ,;, . i2,350 Tinius-Olsen Buper."L", Co 13741-0001. B/.N tobgda 5126/Bl ............. ______ ....,. a;, Kloock Materials Systems Supervisor Approved ___ Q_. __ R L Johnson Hnn,,.rvi nnr .

  • MS-'17 *. Elongation

@ Fracture (%) In it i..o " NA NA µ --4,7 µ.

  • ' ; ; .. ' Sample. No __ 7 ______ _ I D Vl 76-S :. . . *. * *-----------

Date Tested 7-16-81 -------------------- S wn pl e Length (in )_2_4 _____ _ ,'i'ABLE ,A . PALISAI>EB. NUCLEAR l'trurr. TEN*YEAR:TENDQN sfrRVEiLLANCE wiRETENSILE TEST.DATA . BY. . .......... _._,. __ -.... .. Distance from sample center to buttonhead (rt)_...,.1...,*t ... * ..._. . ..., .... ,._ .......... ......, .. _...,.......,.......,.....,..., Yiel,d. Tenai1e Diem. strength llttengt;h

  • (in) .!!!!i (lbs):. ird.t: ---... Jibs) A421, ASTM

@!'fin required 0.248 * ... ltc .10,013 Jfe -$ . 0.251 10,750 12,75(;-Actual Tested ........ , /, :':'.-*'* "* .. . Equipment: Tinius-Olsen Super "L", Co *13741-0001 9 Sift too6Gj Cd:ibrlited 'J/26/81 !!!.ti. Approved_d ___ ,._*t:_* ... . 7"' I bate ........ , ..... "." 17 -g D A DeeNoyer.I" Project Buperllsor . G .J JQ.oock , .. ,. Evalua.t ions. & '.resting SuperviBol' .* *MS-TT Elongation @ Fracture (%) !!!!t J,. 0 }fE " 5e95

    • ; .. ** . . . Sample No_9 _______ _ <J.:'1 1 endon I .D. V176-M *
  • TEN YEAtt TENOOff StJllVEftMN.CE mfiE .. T.Efis1tE.:'rEisT.

twrA Date Tested 7.;.16-81 By .. Semple: Length (in ) __ 2_4 ____ _ Distance from sample center to buttonhead (1't)_ ..... J3 ..... *a .... * .......... -........ ..__ ....... ......., .............. .._...._

  • Yield Tensile Diem.* Strength Strength (in) Init (lbs)
  • in it (lbs) ASTM A421, required 0.246 k 10,013 k li,760 :. n . Actual Tested 0.251 10,800 12,750 . Equipment:

Tinius-Olsen Super "L", Co 13741-00011 S/N fo66G, Cai.ibtated-5/26/81 Approved_/}_*

  • __......... . .
  • DA DesNcl.{r Project Supervisor
*, Date,.** .. f 7-'j{ !!!ll. k ApProved . .61'1 tamiol' .** *. . .... _***
_.* .**. * /7
  • G J Kloock * . .
  • Date *., .... 2 "" r 2 -8 I ' .. Engine*e:ifing Evaluations

& 'l'esting SupervUbr MS-T7 ** Elongation @ Fracture (%) In it 4.o Jf, 6e4


I.D. Vl76-F Date Tested 7-16-81 By GJCheck/JDGratz Sample Length (in ) __ 2_4 _______ _ . Distance from sample center to buttonhead (ft)_1_8_9 ________ _ Yield Tensile Elongation Diem *. Strength Strength @ Fracture (in) Init In it * {lbs l Init . (.,.ASTM A42l, 0.246 10,013 k 11,TBO. 4.o NA , .. required . 4e Actual Tested 0.251 10,650 12,640 5.8 Equipment: Tinius-Olsen Super nL", Co N3741-000l, S/N 70066, Calibrated 5/26/81 Approved _ .. _ __.__ Date. __ 7,.__-/i--;..,7_-_8_.;il._ ____ _ Project Supervisor Date._* / ___ . :>_-__.;FJ / ___ _ G J 10..oock ing Evnlt1nt:fone: & Testing Supervisor

  • APPENDIX 5 Ram Calibration Report
  • DH-041 A-5

. j I : . . : \.,n,,,; ** .i.-J. J. 1 "-' ... J. .l \. u lJ ,. t------------------------------i lnryco CALIBRATION FORM ., . WI Inland S1eel comr-:* '* 'II 71 ;:2 f/ Date ....... &t.L--..._ Project __ Contract CALIBRATION DATA Rec a 11 Date ....... _____ _ Gauge or Device Name Svl!Vlcl4NCJr uAUGtr Number _:l:t_;;J..;;..J...f ____ _ Manufacturer __ .8..__-1-_,tv=-----* _* _ Type or Mod el __ __ Range 136 6 t.n

  • 59.$ . / Master Calibration Device
  • Number 62.(! Z. _

__ .

  • Master Device Date:

.. _SJ+( ___ _ . Test Range /j Sb' . ,30, *-. . . .. -. .I* ReadinS? .. . . . . .

  • 5(,k . . ?tf s-. . Error L . l. *. Mefhod'of Calibration riumber or .describe other).*_'

_________________ _ .. By:.-FfECTIVE DATE* : PAGE ,' '! 0 CALIBRATION DATA CAI..JBRATION FORM '* Contract f///;;J.. 'I/ Recall Date 11/L//?"/ I I ' Gauge or Device Name _ _,.5i .... -=U;...;G=--e- _____ Number -Manufacturer __gf __ W..__ ______ , Type or Model Range '-!6' fY'-* 3?:.. Master Calibration Device

  • t!.At..1 l'ER Number Z.

_ Master Device Calibration Date: bLJ{[ 6-fl3-trj

  • Test Range Reading Error ,66 1.'?/,h -e-3'1S-: I 395" -(7-' . . . . * . . . -.. * . . ... : . -* . ' . 1',{ethod ,of Calibratlon (Procedure number or describe other)

By: .... *-* ..... ........ Date: ...,.........rF--=-+- EFFECTIVF DATE PREV._REV. f\ f\

  • PROJECT: fJ /IL I S ,ti D -CONTRACT/PART . NO .. :'"'f / T-/,;}, "'f / ""\d Siul comp.a..., 0 I *I ii . i Q ji .. -..

-*-... -.... . ' . . : . *"-.. :.: .

  • Jack Description p; N 1.r-Tona 7'5"0 Register No_ ..

!Oeoretical Ram Area / 5 0 I 7 Max. Pressure PSI Calibrating 'Device .Used B Retv,¢R RPgister No., "'I ,I a Constant .':.? -: ::i Calibrating Gauge Des*c:ripti_?n ,eN5.V ** .

  • Register No .. :;¢ /

No. ;:;I/-/ 1tam Position :J 11 Other Data or Remarks Test Increment Tar et PSI. .. . _ 'JtUu No _*_2..-*"'---* Ram Position ___ ._. 7"'-_ .. * * * ! .. . . .. *:. ....... ! *.* ... . .. ...

  • I======================:::::::::====================.

I lculation of Ram Area

  • Readout x Load Cell Constant PSI (Gauge Readin&) / ! Calibrate* )Js kJl.-or<?

Date: "l\1 *.,29 .. ii /.tq'4tr-Z Date: 'f!Z.'f if Computed ISO, 71;, sq. in. Agency: P TL . Computed Date: I"-1-t'l by: itle: fLA..,,r /t. Title: 'm * * .54f COm:Dents: -Dor:=-s vo-f INCL. I OOo { lDoo g" Dll..1'$, . . ( . . . ileadin c noted vith *an asterisk *'have :not been used in the of* the mean ar EFFECTIVE DAT£ 12-26-80 .PREY .REV. f}. REViSJON f}. PAGEl of 1 IHRYCO, Inc: *. f:':;. .... -: lfil; . rE':: -'=" LINEAR REGRESSION .. CAL I Ee RAT I .** PAL!SADES rm. 41r.1241 Jt..C*{ DESCF:IPT!QN. PINE 750 'CDrffF:ACT/F't;RT TONS NO. 9177 THEORETICAL RAM AREA. CALIBRATING DEVICE USED. CALIBRATING GAUGE DESCRIPTION. Mf.:X PRESSURE. F:EG I MO. PSI CONSTANT. F:EG!STEF: NO. ACTUAL GAUGE LOAD CELL READING CPSI> READOUT 3000 ... 2<> .. 4000***:',*-: .... * .. - 5000 47.10* 5660 3000 2s:30 4000 37.60-5020 47.20-5660 ... 3030 :::: . .. . 4020

  • COMPUTED COMPUTED FORCE ( >-451.397 605.064 753.929 853.173 452.998 601.863 755.530 853.173 456 .. 199 605 .. 064 753.929 853 .. 173 BEEN OMITTED FROM THE FINAL CALCULATIONS . c [J* /J'IJ

_BY. _ _: . '1(j 11 /'f'OI_ .... *. f i i ; V..'1/JACK CALIBRATION RECORD FORM QA 12.8.B *

  • PROJECT: p L .. ' ;.;-5 CONTRACT /P AP..T NO. : 4 I r "( I In Inland StHf '°'1\pal'Y Jack Description Pl N '::-Tons 7 .S"Y' 4 Theoretical Ram *Area /Ca 7 Max. Pressure PSI r<e.rn Calibrating Device .Used fiP-9>' El! RPgister Ro. /"? Constant g_ec C' Calibrating Cauge Des"cripti?n

--1-..t..L..f. ....... .......,7'-----**_* . Register No?-: I ea\ **Run No. :;£/ Test Increment Tar et PSI 3otHJ Run Jio. # ?-.* lWn No. *.).t_s /f

  • Ram Position ,;;, .. 3!J" 0 SticiO Load Celi Readout Other Data or Remarks ... . . .. : .... . . ...::...:*-..*

.. *-'.:: .. R.eadin s noted asterisk* .have not been used in the computation of the mean*a EFFECTIVE DATE 12-26-80 PREY. REV. _6 REViSIOH 6 PAGEl of . TNRYCo. lnc. .:::,. PROJECT. PALISADES JACK P!NE 750 ND. ldT!'.:!41 F:EGISTSF: PSI CALI8RAT!NG DEVICE USED. ,... THEOf:S:T!CAL F:AM AF:EA. . F 1 RESSUF-!Cm F.'.EGH'..TEf: NO.

:::::: i ...... l ::::: l 1 . {::: . 'if;°'"§*

CAL!DRAT!NG GAUGE DESCRIPT!ON. I F* UT ACTUAL GAUGE F:EADING (PSI) 3000 4010 5000 5660 3000 4000 5000 5650. 3000 4000 *sooo 5660 LOAD CELL READOUT 28.20 37 .. 80 47.00 53.20 28.10 37.70 46.90 53.10 28.00 37.70 47.00 53. 3(l COMPUTED FORCE 00 451.397 605.064 752.329 8!:*1. .S72 '*'+9. 796 '+63 7!:-0 .. 728 849.971 448'.196 603.463 752.329 853.173 F:EGIST!:F: NO. * --THESE READINGS HAVE BEEN OMITTED FROM THE FINAL ERRORS IN JACK CALIBRATION ERROR IN

  • . :.

GAUGE ********** -:* * = = .:: ACCURAC-Y OF .GAUGE. *************** ERRORS IN GAUGE CALIBRATION . * -. ,. .. INTERPOLATION IN MASTEF! ********* , ._ .... ('.:.;** .. INTERPOLATION IN FIELD GAUGE **** .. *:: .. . Accur<:ACY OF MASTER ************** ACCURACY OF FIELD GAUGE ********* ERRORS IN FIELD USE -OF GAUGE 0. 0100 t{SI o. 002s trnr -0,. 0000 0.0125 0.0125 Om0300 0.1050 ' ..... : * * *. INTERPOLATION .°ERF:OR ************* Om 0125 t{SI ...

0. 1050 t{SI .. _ ..
10. 0000 ,j

.... ;,,,. . . *: . . * .. <; .. .-*GAUGE *-READING O{SI)

        • iL:,'.*:
-.J 0000 .. <NOT *<
6667 > -**

.. . 0057 .. --* ....... . . ERROR RATICf .:IN ..

  • GAUGES *********
  • 0153 ERROR:':*RATID

.0163 . . __ : ..... ... . -. . *r:: .. 1 v *. *. *.*. . r.,1-r1 COMPUTED. i;, r&.' ., *,*: :".":'"" ... -** ... . .. .. ... .. . . ..

  • * . Description

{:)1 N t:-Tons 7 S-0 Register oret ica.1 Ram Area __,_/...,,S:,J-.!"b--'-7____ Max. Pressure PSI Uprating Device .Used RPgister No. 4 t f

  • .£Ubrating Gauge Des*cription

___..-'-'-Ll,..,:;"'-'---JI'----**-* Register No£ I /l>o07-{\

  • Run No .. :;). / Test Increment Tar et PSI Ram Position Actual Gauge Readin PSI ' Run No .. -ff .,._......

Ram Position 5 // I bc:La .* No. #5 JP8'Z>* *:.* 1.oad Celi

  • Readout ..

.;;_ . : .. :*.=:: *-,** -.... ... -* ** -:,; ... -:. -.* =.-* ... Other Data or Remarks .. .. * .. i . ___ ... . -..... *.--; .. * ... : Area

  • Readout x Load Cell Constant PSI (Gauce Reading) t/i 1 caU.\rated

'71 . llitness: Date: Vito . Computed , sq. in. Agency: P'T * * . Computed . Date: -s-1-i'l by: ? . lila-p;- itle: ft..wr !i"u(-., * * . * . Title: * * * *. * *. *. Comments: CAt.1 pos=-s. µoz t..t.Jc4vOE /()oo \ Z,.t'Joo 2e-A?>11J(J . Readin s noted vith an asterisk

  • have not been used in the computation of the mean ar EFFECTIVE DATE 12-2.6-80:
  • PREV.REV.6 REViSION 6. PAGEl of :
  • . Inc.}}