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Proposed Tech Specs 1.0 Re Definitions
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1996
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18102A692 List:
NUDOCS 9612310073
Download: ML18102A693 (3)


J?ocument Control Attachment 1

  • k
  • LR-N96423 Supplement to LCR S96-03 SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-70 AND DPR-75 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 SUPPLEMENT TO REQUEST FOR CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANNEL CALIBRATION DEFINITION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES WITH PROPOSED CHANGES The following Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License No. DPR-70 are affected by this change request: Technical Specification Page Definition 1.4 1-1 The following Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License No. DPR-75 are affected by this change request: Technical Specification Page Definition 1.4 1-1 Insert "A" A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such that it responds within the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter that the channel monitors.

The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm, display, and trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an inplace qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining

_agjustable devices in the Whenever an RTD or thermocouple sensing element is replaced, the next required CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include an inplace cross calibration that compares the other sensin _elements with the recently installed sensin The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may ( performe y means of any series of sequential, overlapping, "'---r total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.

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96-12316073 961223 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P PDR Page 1 of 3 --\


. .. DEFINED TERMS l.l The DEFINED TERMS of this section appear in capitalized type and are throughout these Technical Specifications.

ACTION 1.2 ACTION shall be that part of a specification which prescribes remedial measures required under designated c.onditions.



FLUX. DIFFERENCE shall be the difference in normalized flux signals between the top and bottom halves of a two section excore neutron detector.


as necessary, of the c annel output such that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel *monitors.

The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall *encompass the entire channel including the sensor and al arm and/or trip functions, and shall include the"CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by-any series of sequential, overlapping or .total channel steps such that the entire channel is calibrated.

CHANNEL CHECK 1.5 A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation.

This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.

CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST 1.6 A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the primary sensor as to verify OPERABILITY including alann and/or trip functions.

SALEM -UN IT l 1-1 Amendment No. 59


  • 1.0 DEFINITIONS DEF !NED TERMS .. 1.1 The DEFINED TERMS of this section appear in capitalized type and are throughout these Technical Specifications.

ACTION 1.2 ACTION shall be that part of a specification which prescribes.remedial measures required under designated conditions.



FLUX DIFFERENCE shall be the difference in normalized flux signals between the top and bottom halves of a two section excore neutron detector.


  • 1.4 A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the "Cliaflnel output such that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel monitors.

The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by any series of sequential, or total channel steps such that the entire channel is calibrated.

CHANNEL CHECK 1.5 A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation.

This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other and/or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.

  • CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST 1.6 A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the primary sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip. functions.


-UN Ii 2 1-1 Amendment No. 28