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Request for Additional Information (RAI) on the Spent Fuel Management and Funding Plan for La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (TAC No. L52608)
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2003
From: Huffman W C
To: Berg W L
Dairyland Power Cooperative
-RFPFR, TAC L52608
Download: ML033460186 (4)


December 11, 2003Mr. W. L. BergGeneral Manager Dairyland Power Cooperative 3200 East Avenue South P. O. Box 817 La Crosse, WI 54602-0817


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (RAI) ON THE SPENT FUELMANAGEMENT AND FUNDING PLAN FOR LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR (L52608)In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(bb), reactor licensees that havepermanently shutdown are required to submit for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval a program for the management and funding of spent fuel. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(bb), you submitted a letter to the NRC dated September 26, 2003, addressing the spent fuel management and funding plans for the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor. The staff has reviewed your 50.54(bb) submittal and requests additional information in supportof the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor spent fuel management and funding plan. Specifically:1)The September 26, 2003, submittal from Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) statesthat DPC continues to fund the expenses of its SAFSTOR activities for La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) from it regular operating and maintenance (O&M) budget, and these costs are recovered from DPC's rate charges to its cooperative members under a long-term contract. The submittal states that DPC is using this mechanism to meet its 10 CFR 50.54(bb) obligation. In addition, DPC also states that the SAFSTOR costs are relatively small compared to DPC's annual O&M costs for all of their generation and transmission facilities. First, NRC staff is requesting that DPC provide a breakdown of the SAFSTOR costs associated with the wet storage of the spent fuel by major category (i.e., security costs, O&M costs associated with the maintenance of the spent fuel pool, and licensing costs) for LACBWR as well as the total O&M costs for maintaining all the generation and transmission facilities. Second, the staff is requesting DPC provide a discussion of the long-term wholesale power contract related to the period covered since the SAFSTOR period for the LACBWR may extend beyond the long-term contract.2)The staff is requesting that DPC provide a detailed description of the contingency(backup) plan for funding the costs of the SAFSTOR of LACBWR if the existing wholesale power contract is discontinued, or if the projected revenues from the contract are reduced. DPC must recognize that 10 CFR 50.54(bb) requires the licensee to have a plan in place that addresses the necessary funding to support storage of the spent fuel until the title of the fuel is transferred to the Secretary of Energy.

Mr. W. L. Berg-2-3)The DPC September 26, 2003, submittal stated that DPC

's 25 member cooperatives settheir own rates through participation in the DPC

's board of directors. First, are DPC

'srates set annually or for the term of the long-term contract? Second, are all of the

DPC's 25 member cooperatives aware that LACBWR

's SAFSTOR costs are included inthe overall O&M projected costs? Third, do the 25 member cooperatives have the authority to reduce or eliminate the LACBWR

's projected SAFSTOR costs?Your staff may contact me at (301) 415-1141 if you have any questions concerning therequested information.Sincerely,/RA/William C. Huffman, Project Manager Section A Decommissioning Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and SafeguardsLicense No. DPR-45Docket No. 50-409 cc: See next page December 11, 2003Mr. W. L. Berg-2-3)The DPC September 26, 2003, submittal stated that DPC

's 25 member cooperatives settheir own rates through participation in the DPC

's board of directors. First, are DPC

'srates set annually or for the term of the long-term contract? Second, are all of the

DPC's 25-member cooperatives aware that LACBWR

's SAFSTOR costs are included inthe overall O&M projected costs? Third, do the 25-member cooperatives have the authority to reduce or eliminate the LACBWR

's projected SAFSTOR costs?Your staff may contact me at (301) 415-1141 if you have any questions concerning therequested information.Sincerely,/RA/William C. Huffman, Project Manager Section A Decommissioning Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and SafeguardsLicense No. DPR-45Docket No. 50-409 cc: See next pageDISTRIBUTIONPUBLIC DCB r/fJGreevesWReamerDGillenGSmithCCraigCBurhkhalter BThomasCPittiglioPJLee RidsNmssDwmDcbRidsRgn3MailCenter RidsNmssPMDOrlandoRidsNmssPMWHuffmanADAMS Accession No.:*Via Interoffice MemorandumOFFICENRR/DRIP/RPRPDCBDCB/LADCB/SCNAMEBThomas*WHuffman*CBurkhalter*GSmith*

DATE11/04/0212/11/0312/11/0312/11/03DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML033460186.wpd La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor cc:

Mr. Fritz Schubert, Esq.Dairyland Power Cooperative 2615 East Avenue South La Crosse, WI 54601Whieler, Van Sickle and AndersonSuite 801 25 W. Main Street Madison, WI 53703-3398Mr. Roger Christians, Plant ManagerLa Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Dairyland Power Cooperative P.O. Box 275 Genoa, WI 54632Town ChairmanTown of Genoa Route 1 Genoa, WI 54632Mr. Jeffery KitsembelElectric Division Wisconsin Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854Regional AdministratorRegion III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351