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NUREG-1350, Vol. 30, Information Digest 2018-2019, Cover
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Issue date: 08/14/2018
From: Couret I L
Office of Public Affairs
Meyd, Donald
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ML18226A101 List:
NUREG-1350 V30
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Information Digest2018-2019NRCNUREG-1350, Volume 26 August 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNUREG-1350, Volume 30August 20182018-2019 Information Digest U.S. NRCNUREG-1350, Volume 30 August 2018 AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALSIN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC's Library at Publicly released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers and their attachments.

NRC publications in the NUREG series, NRC regulations, and Title 10, "Energy," in the Code of Federal Regulations may also be purchased from one of these two sources. The Superintendent of Documents Washington,DC 20402-0001 Internet: T elephone: (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104 The National Technical Information Service 5301 Shawnee R d www.ntis.gov800-553-6847 or, locally, (703) 605-6000A single copy of each NRC draft report for comment isavailable free, to the extent of supply, upon written request as follows:

Address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Branch Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: distribution.resource@nrc.govFacsimile: (301) 415-2289 Some publications in the NUREG series that are posted at NRC's Web site address

doc-collections/nuregs are updated periodically and may differ from the last printed version. Although references to material found on a Web site bear the date the material was accessed, the material available on the date cited may subsequently be removed from the site.

Non-NRC Reference Material Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, transactions, Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports.

Such documents as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC conference proceedings may be purchased from their sponsoring organization.

Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at-The NRC Technical LibraryTwo White Flint North1 1545 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738 These standards are available in the library for reference use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National Standards, from-American National Standards Institute11 West 42nd StreetNew York, NY Legally binding regulatory requirements are stated only in laws; NRC regulations; licenses, including technical speci

-views expressed in contractorprepared publications in this series are not necessarily those of the NRC.

The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and adminis

-trative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG-XXXX)or agency contractors (NUREG/CR-XXXX), (2) proceedings of conferences (NUREG/CP-XXXX), (3) reports resulting from international agreements (NUREG/IA-XXXX),(4)brochures (NUREG/BR-XXXX), and (5) compilations oflegal decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors' decisions under Section 2.206 of NRC's regulations (NUREG-0750).

DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the U.S. Government.

Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any employee, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this publication, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Information Digest2018-2019NRCNUREG-1350, Volume 30 Manuscript Completed: July 2018 Date Published: August 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOf~ce of Public Affairs Washington, DC ii Section Photo Captions:

Section 1: NRC: An Independent Regulatory Agency

1. The Prairie Island nuclear power plant in Minnesota.
2. The NRC Headquarters complex in Rockville, MD.
3. An NRC inspector conducts routine inspections of plant equipment to ensure the plant is meeting NRC regulations. Section 2: Nuclear Energy in the U.S. and Worldwide1. A satellite photograph captures the sunrise over the Earth.

The NRC participates in the annual General Conference for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria.

3. The United Nations General Assembly meets in New York to discuss, among other topics, world nuclear matters.

Section 3: Nuclear Reactors

1. The St. Lucie nuclear power plant in Florida.
2. An NRC inspector conducts routine inspections of plant equipment to ensure the plant is meeting NRC regulations.
3. A spray pond at the Palo Verde nuclear plant in the middle of the Arizona desert allows the plant to ef~ciently dispense heat from water used to cool some plant components.

Section 4: Nuclear Materials

1. Physicians use yttrium-90 microspheres to treat liver cancers.
2. A moisture density gauge indicates whether a foundation is suitable for constructing a building or roadway.
3. A worker displays a small ceramic fuel pellet.Section 5: Radioactive Waste1. Dry casks are transported to a storage site.
2. A transport package is placed inside a conveyance vehicle.
3. A worker inspects a dry cask storage facility. Section 6: Security and Emergency Preparedness
1. Biometric access control locks within a nuclear facility provide another layer of protection.
2. Barbed wire provides an added layer of security while protecting a nuclear facility from intruders.
3. Security of~cers protect nuclear facilities from intruders.

Section 7: Appendices

1. The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, in Pennsylvania.
2. Permanent removal of a major component as part of the decommissioning process of the Trojan site near Ranier, OR.
3. NRC regulations are contained in Title 10, "Energy," of the Code of Federal Regulations , Chapter 1, Parts 1 to 199. Not shown is Parts 51 to 199.

Section 8: Glossary

1. A worker displays a small ceramic fuel pellet.
2. A piece of natural uranium ore.3. Diagram of a moisture density gauge.Section 9: Web Link Index
1. A computer and keyboard.2. An icon of the World Wide Web and url address link.
3. A graphical representation of the global reach of the Internet.

iii iiiAbstract The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has published the Information Digest annually since 1989. The Information Digest provides information about the agency and the industries it regulates. It describes the agency's responsibilities and activities and provides general information on nuclear-related topics. The Information Digest includes NRC and industry data in an easy-to-read format. Infographics help explain the information with visual aids. The 2018-2019 Information Digest includes NRC data in the appendices and non-NRC data (e.g., International Atomic Energy Agency, Energy Information Administration, and U.S. Department of Energy data) that were updated as of July 1, 2018, including data associated with maps and graphics. The next Information Digest that will contain updated data will be published in August 2019. The Digest is an annual publication, with updates to certain data every 2 years. The Information Digest will direct readers to the most current information, which is available online.The NRC reviews the information from industry and international sources but does not independently verify it. The Web Link Index provides sources for more information on major topics. The NRC is the source of all photographs, graphics, and tables unless otherwise noted. All information is ~nal unless otherwise noted. Any corrections and updates will appear in the digital version of the publication on the NRC Web site at

. The NRC welcomes comments or suggestions on the Information Digest. To submit comments, write to the Of~ce of Public Affairs at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or at


iv NRC resident inspectors perform routine inspection activities to ensure nuclear power plants operate according to NRC regulations.

vContentsAbstract iii NRC At A Glance xi Accomplishments and Highlights for 2017-2018 xv 1. NRC: An Independent Regulatory Agency 1 About the NRC 2 Mission Statement 2 Major Activities 4 Organizations and Functions 8Fiscal Year 2018 Budget 1 2 2. Nuclear Energy in the U.S. and Worldwide 1 5Worldwide Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear Power 16International Activities 17 3. Nuclear Reactors 2 3U.S. Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear Power 24U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 24Oversight of U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 32 Reactor License Renewal 34Research and Test Reactors 37New Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Licensing 39New Commercial Nonpower Production and Utilization Facility Licensing 44Nuclear Regulatory Research 45 4. Nuclear Materials 49 Materials Licenses 50 Medical and Academic 51 Industrial 52Transportation 54 Material Security 55 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 56 Fuel Cycle Facilities 60 vi 5. Radioactive Waste 63Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 64High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 66Transportation 72 Decommissioning 74 6. Security and Emergency Preparedness 79 Overview 80 Facility Security 80Cyber Security 81 Materials Security 82Emergency Preparedness 82 Incident Response 84 Emergency Classi~cations 86International Emergency Classi~cations 87 7. Appendices 89Abbreviations 90Quick-Reference Metric Conversion Tables 93 APPENDIX A: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 95 APPENDIX B: New Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Applications 112APPENDIX C: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed To Operate 113 APPENDIX D:

Canceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 117 APPENDIX E:

Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors by Parent Company 123 APPENDIX F: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licenses-Issued by Year 125 APPENDIX G: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licenses-Expiration by Year, 2013-2055 125 APPENDIX H: Operating Nuclear Research and Test Reactors Regulated by the NRC 126 APPENDIX I: Nuclear Research and Test Reactors under Decommissioning Regulated by the NRC 128 APPENDIX J:

Radiation Doses and Regulatory Limits 128 vii APPENDIX K: Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Licensing History 1955-2018 129 APPENDIX L: Materials Licenses by State 131 APPENDIX M:

Major U.S. Fuel Cycle Facility Sites 132 APPENDIX N: Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs:

NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees 133 APPENDIX O:

Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees 134 APPENDIX P:

U.S. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Membership 138 APPENDIX Q:

NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning 139 APPENDIX R:

Nuclear Power Units by Nation 140 APPENDIX S:

Nuclear Power Units by Reactor Type, Worldwide 141APPENDIX T: Native American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant 142APPENDIX U:

States with Integrated University Grants Program Recipients in FY 2017 143APPENDIX V:

Signi~cant Enforcement Actions Issued, 2017 144APPENDIX W:

Laws Governing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 147 APPENDIX X:

International Activities: Conventions and Treaties Pertaining to Nuclear Safety, Security, and International Safeguards 148APPENDIX Y:

International Activities: List of Multilateral Organizations in which the NRC Participates 149 APPENDIX Z:

International Activities: List of Import and Export Licenses Issued for 2017 1518. Glossary 155Glossary (Abbreviations, Definitions, and Illustrations) 1569. Web Link Index 189 viiiFiguresNRC: An Independent Regulatory AgencyFigure 1. How We Regulate 3Figure 2. A Typical Rulemaking Process 6Figure 3. NRC Organizational Chart 9Figure 4. NRC Regions 11Figure 5. NRC Total Authority, FYs 2008-2018 12Figure 6.

NRC FY 2018 Distribution of Enacted Budget Authority; Recovery of NRC Budget 13 Nuclear Energy in the U.S. and WorldwideFigure 7. Nuclear Share of Electricity Generated by Country 16 Nuclear ReactorsFigure 8. U.S. Gross Electric Generation by Energy Source, 2017 25Figure 9. U.S. Electric Share and Generation by Energy Source, 2012-2017 25Figure 10. Gross Electricity Generated in Each State by Nuclear Power 26Figure 11. U.S. Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 28Figure 12. Day in the Life of an NRC Resident Inspector 29Figure 13. NRC Post-Fukushima Safety Enhancements 31Figure 14. Reactor Oversight Action Matrix Performance Indicators 33Figure 15. Reactor Oversight Framework 33Figure 16. License Renewals Granted for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors 35Figure 17.

U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors-Years of Operation by the End of 2018 35Figure 18. License Renewal Process 36Figure 19. Size Comparison of Commercial and Research Reactors 37Figure 20. U.S. Nuclear Research and Test Reactors 38Figure 21. The Different NRC Classi~cations for Types of Reactors 40Figure 22. New Reactor Licensing Process 41Figure 23. Locations of New Nuclear Power Reactor Applications 41Figure 24. NRC Research Funding, FY 2018 46 ix Nuclear MaterialsFigure 25. Agreement States 50Figure 26. Life-Cycle Approach to Source Security 55Figure 27. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle 56Figure 28. The In Situ Uranium Recovery Process 58Figure 29. Locations of NRC-Licensed Uranium Recovery Facility Sites 59Figure 30. Locations of NRC-Licensed Fuel Cycle Facilities 61Figure 31. Simpli~ed Fuel Fabrication Process 61 Radioactive Waste Figure 32. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 65Figure 33. Spent Fuel Generation and Storage After Use 68Figure 34. Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel 70 Figure 35. Licensed and Operating Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations by State 71Figure 36. Ensuring Safe Spent Fuel Shipping Containers 72Figure 37. Reactor Decommissioning Overview Timeline 75Figure 38. Power Reactor Decommissioning Status 76Figure 39. Locations of NRC-Regulated Sites Undergoing Decommissioning 77 Security and Emergency PreparednessFigure 40. Security Components 81Figure 41. Emergency Planning Zones 83Figure 42. The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale 87 xNRC regulations are contained in Title 10, "Energy," of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1 to 199. Not shown is Parts 51 to 199.

xiMission Statement The NRC licenses and regulates the Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety, and to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.

Commission Chairman Kristine L. Svinicki Term ends June 30, 2022Commissioner Jeff Baran Term ends June 30, 2023 Commissioner Stephen G. Burns Term ends June 30, 2019 Commissioner Annie Caputo Term ends June 30, 2021Commissioner David A. Wright Term ends June 30, 2020 Locations Headquarters:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-415-7000, 800-368-5642 Rockville, MD Regional Of~ces:

Region I-King of Prussia, PA 610-337-5000, 800-432-1156 Region II-Atlanta, GA 404-997-4000, 800-577-8510 Region III-Lisle, IL 630-829-9500, 800-522-3025 Region IV-Arlington, TX 817-860-8100, 800-952-9677 Headquarters Operations Center:

Rockville, MD 301-816-5100 The NRC maintains a staffed, 24-hour Operations Center that coordinates incident response with Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies.

Training and Professional Development:

Technical Training Center, Chattanooga, TN 423-855-6500 Professional Development Center, Rockville, MD 301-287-0556 Resident Sites:

At least two NRC resident inspectors, who report to the appropriate regional of~ce, are located at each nuclear power plant site.

NRC Fiscal Year 2018 Budget

  • Total authority: $937 million ($922 million enacted budget with $15 million carryover authority)
  • Total authorized staff: 3,186 full-time equivalents
  • Estimated fees to be recovered: $790.3 million
  • Separate appropriation for the Of~ce of the Inspector General: $12.9 million
  • Total research budget: $42 million Reactor Program: $30 million New/Advanced Reactor Licensing: $11 million Materials and Waste: $1 million What Does the NRC Do?
  • Regulation and guidance-rulemaking
  • Policymaking
  • Licensing, decommissioning, and certi~cation
  • Research
  • Oversight and enforcement
  • Incident response
  • Emergency preparedness and response NRC AT A GLANCE xiiNRC Governing Legislation The NRC was established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974. The most signi~cant laws that govern the regulatory process of the agency are in Appendix W to this Information Digest. The NRC's regulations are found in Title 10, "Energy," of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR).

The text of many laws may be found in NUREG-0980, "Nuclear Regulatory Legislation."NRC by the NumbersU.S. Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear PowerNRC-licensed nuclear reactors generate about 20 percent of U.S. gross electricity, or about 805 billion kilowatt-hours.

Nuclear Reactors

  • 99 commercial nuclear power plants operating in 30 States at 59 sites

- 65 pressurized-water reactors and 34 boiling-water reactors

  • Four reactor fuel vendors
  • 23 parent operating companies
  • About 80 different designs
  • About 6,550 total inspection hours at each operating reactor site in 2017

- Oyster Creek (Exelon) plans to shut down in October 2018.

- Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Entergy) will close by end of May 2019.

- Three Mile Island Unit 1 (Exelon) plans to shut down in September 2019.

- Davis Besse (FirstEnergy) plans to shut down in May 2020.

- Perry (FirstEnergy) plans to shut down in May 2021.


Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 (Entergy), will close in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

- Beaver Valley, Units 1 and 2 (FirstEnergy), will close in May and October 2021, respectively.

- Palisades Nuclear Plant (Entergy) will close by May 2022.

- Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 (Paci~c Gas & Electric) intends to close by August 2025.

Reactor License Renewal Commercial power reactor operating licenses are valid for 40 years and may be renewed for additional 20-year terms.

  • 13 reactors operate under their original license.
  • 89 reactors were issued renewal licenses, including 3 reactors permanently shut down.
  • Three sites have submitted letters of intent to request initial license renewal.

Subsequent License Renewal This type of licensing would allow plants to operate from 60 to 80 years.

  • Five early site permits (ESPs) were issued and one application docketed:

- System Energy Resources, Inc., for the Grand Gulf site in Mississippi

- Exelon Generation Company, LLC, for the Clinton site in Illinois

- Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC, for the North Anna site in Virginia

- Southern Nuclear Operating Company, for the Vogtle site in Georgia

- PSEG Power, LLC, and PSEG Nuclear, LLC, for a site in New Jersey

- The NRC is reviewing one ESP application from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for two or more small modular reactor (SMR) modules at the Clinch River Nuclear Site in Roane County, TN.

xiiiCombined License-Construction and Operating for New Reactors

  • Since June 2007, the NRC has received and docketed 18 combined license (COL) applications for 28 new, large light-water reactors.
  • The NRC suspended or canceled 10 COL application reviews at the request of the applicants (Bell Bend, PA; Bellefonte, AL; Callaway, MO, Calvert Cliffs, MD; Comanche Peak, TX; Grand Gulf, MS; Nine Mile Point, NY; River Bend, LA; Shearon Harris, NC; and Victoria County Station, TX).
  • As of July 1, 2018, the NRC has issued COLs for 14 reactors at Fermi, MI; North Anna, VA; South Texas Project, TX; Turkey Point, FL; V.C. Summer, SC; and Vogtle, GA. On July 31, 2017, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) announced plans to cease construction on V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3, and requested the NRC withdraw the COLs by letter dated December 27, 2017. By letter dated January 25, 2018, Duke Energy requested termination of the COLs Levy County Units 1 and 2, in Florida. The NRC approved the termination on April 26, 2018. In June 2018, Nuclear Innovation North America submitted a letter requesting that the COLs for South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4, be withdrawn.
  • Five reactor design certi~cations (DCs) have been issued:

- General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's ABWR (Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor)

- Westinghouse Electric Company's System 80+

- Westinghouse Electric Company's AP600

- Westinghouse Electric Company's AP1000

- General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's ESBWR (Economic Simpli~ed Boiling-Water Reactor)

  • Three DC applications are under review for the APR1400, US-APWR (Advanced Pressurized-Water Reactor) designs, and NuScale designs.
  • One DC application for US-EPR (Evolutionary Pressurized-Water Reactor) is suspended at the request of the applicant.
  • One DC renewal application is under review for the ABWR design.

Nuclear Research and Test Reactors

  • 31 licensed research and test reactors operate in 21 States.

Nuclear Materials Materials Licensing

  • The NRC and the Agreement States have approximately 19,300 licensees for medical, academic, industrial, and general users of nuclear materials.

- The NRC regulates approximately 2,800 licenses.

- 37 Agreement States regulate approximately 16,500 licenses.

  • Wyoming has submitted a ~nal application and Vermont has submitted a draft application to become Agreement States.
  • The NRC issues approximately 1,600 new licenses, renewals, or amendments for existing materials licenses annually. The NRC conducts approximately 900 health, safety, and security inspections of materials licensees each year.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

  • 11 uranium recovery sites are licensed by the NRC:

- 10 in situ recovery sites

- One conventional mill in standby status with the potential to restart in the future

  • 11 fuel cycle facilities are licensed by the NRC:

- One uranium hexauoride conversion facility ("ready-idle" status)

- Five uranium fuel fabrication facilities

- Two gas centrifuge uranium enrichment facilities (one operating and one construction pending)

- One mixed-oxide fuel fabrication facility (under construction and review)

- One uranium enrichment laser separation facility (construction decision pending)

- One depleted uranium deconversion facility (construction decision pending)

  • The NRC issues about 60 fuel cycle facility licensing actions per year, including amendments; renewals; new licenses; and safety, environmental, and safeguards reviews.

NRC AT A GLANCE xivNational Source Tracking System The National Source Tracking System, also known as NSTS, tracks more than 76,000 sources held by about 1,400 NRC and Agreement State licensees. Of those sources, about 52 percent are Category 1 sources and 48 percent are Category 2. The majority are cobalt-60, the most widely used isotope in large sources.

Domestic Safeguards The NRC and the U.S. Department of Energy use the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS) to track transfers and inventories of source and special nuclear material. Licensees that import and export source material, and licensees that possess foreign-obligated source material, must report transfers and inventories to NMMSS. More than 300 licensees report to the NMMSS database. These licensees verify their inventories on an annual basis through a process of reconciliation that checks their reported transactions against their previous year's ending inventory.

Radioactive Waste Low-Level Radioactive Waste

  • 10 regional compacts
  • Four licensed disposal facilities High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage
  • 79 licenses for independent spent fuel storage installations in 34 States:

- 15 site-speci~c licenses

- 64 general licenses Transportation-Principal Licensing and Inspection Activities

  • 1,000 safety inspections of fuel, reactor, and materials licensees are conducted annually.
  • 50-70 new, renewed, or amended container-design applications for the transport of nuclear materials are reviewed annually.
  • 150 license applications for the import and export of nuclear materials from the United States are reviewed annually.
  • More than 3 million packages of radioactive materials are shipped each year in the United States by road, rail, air, or water. This represents less than 1 percent of the Nation's yearly hazardous material shipments.

Decommissioning Approximately 100 materials licenses are terminated each year. The NRC's decommissioning program focuses on the termination of licenses that are not routine and that require complex activities.

  • 20 nuclear power reactors in various stages of decommissioning (DECON or SAFSTOR)
  • Four research and test reactors permanently shut down and in various stages of decommissioning
  • 13 complex materials sites in various stages of decommissioning
  • Two fuel cycle facilities (one partial decommissioning)
  • Plants conduct additional emergency drills between full-scale exercises to maintain their preparedness and pro~ciency in responding to emergencies.
  • Every 3 years, each nuclear plant undergoes a force-on-force security inspection. These inspections include mock combat drills. The NRC spends about 16,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> a year scrutinizing security at nuclear power plants, including 8,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> of force-on-force inspections.

xvNuclear Reactors Power Reactors

  • Con~rmed implementation of post-Fukushima safety enhancements related to the mitigating strategies, spent fuel pool instrumentation, and severe-accident-capable hardened containment vent orders; completed post-Fukushima ood and seismic hazard reevaluation activities for over three-quarters of reactor sites; completed all post-Fukushima activities for approximately one-half of reactor sites
  • Completed more than 1,300 licensing actions and other licensing tasks, while also reviewing a number of nuclear power plant license renewal applications
  • Issued combined licenses for Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 (FL)
  • Continued oversight of construction at two new reactors at Vogtle (GA)
  • Completed all required inspection and assessment activities of the Reactor Oversight Process, including initiating four inspections in response to safety-signi~cant events
  • Participated in Eagle Horizon 2017 and 2018, a national-level exercise that tested the NRC's ability to relocate senior managers during a Continuity of Operations event
  • Continued to conduct force-on-force security inspections at U.S. nuclear power plants, testing licensees' abilities to protect against the design-basis threat
  • Executed the ~rst series of full-implementation cyber security inspections
  • Published extensive research results on a variety of topics related to operating facility safety, severe accident analysis, improved methods for risk assessment, reliability of examination methods for primary system boundary components, seismic analysis guidelines, and ~re phenomena for electrical faults
  • Strengthened nuclear safety cooperation through more than 100 active international agreements, including new international partnerships under the recently created Radiation Protection Analysis Program
  • Completed the regulatory basis for the proposed Emergency Preparedness for Small Modular Reactors and Other New Technologies rulemaking
  • Completed the regulatory basis for the proposed Regulatory Improvements for Power Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning rulemakingNonpower Reactors
  • Issued a construction permit for Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC, for a medical isotope production facility in Missouri
  • Issued 10-year renewed research and test reactor (RTR) licenses for GE Hitachi's Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Pennsylvania State University Materials and Waste
  • Issued the Agreement State Policy Statement, which describes the respective roles and responsibilities of the NRC and Agreement States in the administration of programs carried out under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
  • Completed approximately 1,600 radioactive materials licensing actions
  • Completed the acceptance review for the consolidated interim storage facility application from Holtec International, Inc.
  • Completed 11 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program reviews of Agreement States, ~nding all adequate to protect public health and safety
  • Finalized a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. National Park Service for coordination of response actions involving radioactive materials at the Great Kills Park site in Staten Island, NY
  • Completed a comprehensive revision to the Category I fuel cycle security inspection program, including risk-informing and consolidating the inspection procedures for more ef~cient implementation
  • Delivered to the Commission the draft rule package for Cyber Security at Fuel Cycle Facilities rulemaking in the fall of 2017
  • Led an interagency task force effort to develop the 2018 quadrennial report to the President and Congress relating to the security of radiation sources in the U.S.ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2017-2 018 xvi* Completed an indepth evaluation of the NRC patient release program, which concluded that current regulations are protective of public health and safety
  • Completed the modi~ed small quantities protocol rulemaking through a revision of 10 CFR Part 75, "Safeguards on Nuclear Material-Implementation of US/IAEA Agreement"
  • Completed all activities involving technical issues associated with Generic Letter 2015-01, "Treatment of Natural Phenomena Hazards in Fuel Cycle Facilities"
  • Approved a ~nal rule amending requirements for medical uses of radioactive materials (10 CFR Part 35," Medical Use of Byproduct Material"), which included amending the de~nition of medical events associated with permanent implant brachytherapy, and changes to training and experience requirements for various users
  • Deployed a portal called the Licensing Support Network (LSN) library for searching and analyzing 3.69 million discovery documents related to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) application for authorization to construct a high-level nuclear waste geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, NV
  • Provided two public training webinars on the LSN library and multiple short training clips available on the NRC's YouTube channel Agencywide
  • Continued to reprioritize the agency's work, increase ef~ciency and effectiveness, and improve the ability to adapt to a changing work environment
  • Pursued substantial rulemaking activities on topics including decommissioning of nuclear reactors; mitigation of beyond-design-basis events; performance-based emergency core cooling system acceptance criteria; enhanced weapons, ~rearms background checks, and security event noti~cations; cyber security for fuel facilities; enhanced security for special nuclear material; low-level radioactive waste disposal; medical use of byproduct material; and the modi~ed small quantities protocol
  • Issued the ~scal year (FY) 2018 proposed fee rule, held a public meeting to support stakeholder outreach, and incorporated the comments received into the ~nal fee ruleInternational Activities
  • Continued representing the NRC as part of U.S. delegations, negotiating agreements for civil nuclear cooperation (Section 123 Agreements)
  • Participated in various U.S. Government nuclear safety and security initiatives in collaboration with U.S. executive branch agencies through activities such as meetings of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors, Group of Seven (G7) Nuclear Safety and Security Group, and Joint Standing Committees on Nuclear Energy Cooperation
  • Participated as part of U.S. Government delegations to international meetings addressing implementation of treaties and conventions, including the Sixth Review Meeting of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Preparatory Committee meeting
  • Participated in the IAEA Annual Meeting of the Standing Advisory Group on Technical Assistance and Cooperation and International Conference on Nuclear Security
  • Supported numerous IAEA regulatory peer review missions, including the Integrated Regulatory Review Service and the International Physical Protection Advisory Service
  • Arranged assistance projects for more than 100 countries
  • Assisted several countries in creating national registries of radioactive sources and provided ongoing support to countries that developed registries through the NRC's Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership xvii* Continued regulatory program development assistance, through the NRC's International Regulatory Development Partnership, for about 30 countries considering or operating civilian nuclear power programsAdministration
  • Processed 687 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and 205 appeals in FY 2017, with 60 FOIA requests and three FOIA appeals in the backlog by the end of FY 2017
  • Issued 81 escalated enforcement actions, nine actions involving civil penalties, and 62 escalated notices of violation without a proposed civil penalty
  • Closed 96 investigations in FY 2017; in 94 percent (90 investigations), developed suf~cient information to reach a conclusion regarding substantiated or unsubstantiated allegations of willful wrongdoing
  • Continued to conduct agency outreach to audiences interested in NRC activities, including through the use of social media
  • Awarded and maintained a portfolio of more than 610 contracts and interagency agreements with obligations in excess of $290 million in FY 2017
  • Received 81 proposals for the Integrated University Program and awarded 46 grants in FY 2017: 16 faculty development, 12 scholarship, 13 fellowship, and ~ve trade school/community college scholarships; awarded $15 million in grants to 34 academic institutions
  • Awarded $2.34 million in grants to seven Minority Serving Institutions in FY 2017Public Meetings and Involvement
  • Hosted the annual Regulatory Information Conference, where thousands of participants from around the world discussed the latest technical issues
  • Conducted approximately 1,000 public meetings in the Washington, DC, area and around the country addressing a full range of NRC issues
  • Continued using social media to share information with the public using platforms that address the major categories of social communication, with a focus on social networking and microblogging (Facebook and Twitter)
  • Gained more than 900 followers on Twitter and sent approximately 480 tweets; gained nearly 1,300 page likes and published more than 170 posts on Facebook

doc-collections/congress-docs/.ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2017-2 018 xviiiContact Us U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 800-368-5642, 301-415-7000, TTD: 301-415-5575 Public Affairs 301-415-8200, fax: 301-415-3716 e-mail: Public Document Room 800-397-4209, fax: 301-415-3548 TDD: 1-800-635-4512 Employment Human Resources: 301-415-7400 General Counsel Intern Program, Honor Law Graduate Program, or 2-Year Judicial Clerkship Program: 301-415-1515 Contracting Opportunities Small Business: 800-903-7227 License Fee Help Desk 301-415-7554 e-mail: Mailing Address U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Delivery Address NRC Storage and Distribution Facility 4934 Bolling Brook Parkway Rockville, MD 20852

xixReport a Concern Emergency Report an emergency involving a nuclear facility or radioactive materials, including:

  • any accident involving a nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel facility, or radioactive materials
  • lost or damaged radioactive materials
  • any threat, theft, smuggling, vandalism, or terrorist activity involving a nuclear facility or radioactive materials Call the NRC's 24-Hour Headquarters Operations Center:

301-816-5100 We accept collect calls. We record all calls to this number.

Non-Emergency This includes any concern involving a nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel facility, or radioactive materials.You may send an e-mail to However, because e-mail transmission may not be completely secure, if you are concerned about protecting your identity, it is preferable that you contact us by telephone or in person. You may contact any NRC employee (including a resident inspector) or call:

NRC's Toll-Free Safety Hotline:

800-695-7403 Calls to this number are not recorded between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time. However, calls received outside these hours are answered by the Headquarters Operations Center on a recorded line.Some materials and activities are regulated by Agreement States, and concerns should be directed to the appropriate State radiation control program, which can be found at

. The NRC's Office of the Inspector General The Of~ce of the Inspector General (OIG) at the NRC established the OIG Hotline to provide NRC employees, other government employees, licensee and utility employees, contractor employees, and the public with a means of con~dentially reporting suspicious activity to OIG concerning fraud, waste, abuse, and employee or management misconduct. Mismanagement of agency programs or danger to public health and safety may also be reported through the hotline.

It is not OIG policy to attempt to identify people contacting the OIG Hotline. People may contact OIG by telephone, through an online form, or by mail. There is no caller identi~cation feature associated with the hotline or any other telephone line in the Inspector General's of~ce. No identifying information is captured when you submit an online form. You may provide your name, address, or telephone number, if you wish.

Call the OIG Hotline:

800-233-3497, TDD: 800-270-2787 7 a.m.-4 p.m. (eastern time)

After hours, please leave a message.


2About the NRC The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency created by Congress. The NRC regulates the Nation's civilian commercial, industrial, academic, and medical uses of nuclear materials.The NRC's scope of responsibility includes regulating commercial nuclear power plants; research and test reactors; nuclear fuel cycle facilities; medical, academic, and industrial uses of radioactive materials; the decommissioning of licensed facilities and sites; and the transport, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials and wastes. The agency issues licenses for and oversees the use of radioactive materials and certi~es nuclear reactor designs, spent fuel storage casks and transportation packages. The agency also licenses the import and export of radioactive materials and works closely with its international counterparts to enhance nuclear safety and security worldwide. To ful~ll its responsibilities, the NRC performs ~ve principal regulatory functions, as seen in Figure 1. How We Regulate. Mission StatementThe NRC licenses and regulates the Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety, and to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment. Vision Demonstrate the Principles of Good Regulation in performing our mission.To be successful, the NRC must not only excel in carrying out its mission but must do so in a manner that engenders the trust of the public and stakeholders. The Principles of Good Regulation-independence, openness, ef~ciency, clarity, and reliability-guide the agency. They affect how the NRC reaches decisions on safety, security, and the environment; how the NRC performs administrative tasks; and how its employees interact with each other as well as external stakeholders. By adhering to these principles and values, the NRC maintains its regulatory competence, conveys that competence to stakeholders, and promotes trust in the agency. The agency puts these principles into practice with effective, realistic, and timely actions.

3Figure 1. How We Regulate Regulations and Guidance

  • Rulemaking* Guidance Development* Generic Communications* Standards Development Figure 3. How We Regulate Oversight* Inspection* Assessment of Performance* Enforcement
  • Allegations
  • Investigations* Incident Response Licensing, Decommissioning, and Certi~cation
  • Licensing
  • Decommissioning
  • Certi~cation Support for Decisions* Research Activities* Risk Assessment* Performance Assessment* Advisory Committee Activities
  • Adjudication Operational Experience* Events Assessment* Generic Issues 1 5 4 2 3 Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
1. Developing regulations and guidance for applicants and licensees.
2. Licensing or certifying applicants to use nuclear materials, operate nuclear facilities, and decommission facilities.
3. Inspecting and assessing licensee operations and facilities to ensure licensees comply with NRC requirements, responding to incidents, investigating allegations of wrongdoing, and taking appropriate followup or enforcement actions when necessary.
4. Evaluating operational experience of licensed facilities and activities.
5. Conducting research, holding hearings, and obtaining independent reviews to support regulatory decisions.


Nothing but the highest possible standards of ethical performance and professionalism should in~uence regulation.


Nuclear regulation is the public's business, and it must be transacted publicly and candidly.


The highest technical and managerial competence is required and must be a constant agency goal.

Clarity: Regulations should be coherent, logical, and practical. Agency positions should be readily understood and easily applied.


Regulations should be based on the best available knowledge from research and operational experience.Principles of Good Regulation 4Strategic Goals Safety: Ensure the safe use of radioactive materials.

Security: Ensure the secure use of radioactive materials.Statutory Authority The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 created the NRC from a portion of the former Atomic Energy Commission. The new agency was to independently oversee-but not promote-the commercial nuclear industry so the United States could bene~t from the use of radioactive materials while also protecting people and the environment. The agency began operations on January 18, 1975. The NRC's regulations can be found in Title 10, "Energy,"

of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR). The principal statutory authorities that govern the NRC's work can be found on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index for more information).

The NRC, its licensees (those licensed by the NRC to use radioactive materials), and the Agreement States (States that assume regulatory authority over certain nuclear materials) share responsibility for protecting public health and safety and the environment. Federal regulations and the NRC's regulatory program play a key role. Ultimately, however, the licensees bear the primary responsibility for safely handling and using radioactive materials.

Major ActivitiesThe NRC ful~lls its responsibilities by doing the following:

  • licensing the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of commercial nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities
  • licensing the possession, use, processing, handling, exporting, and importing of nuclear materials
  • licensing the siting, design, construction, operation, and closure of low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal sites in States under NRC jurisdiction
  • certifying the design, construction, and operation of commercial transportation casks
  • licensing the design, construction, and operation of spent fuel storage casks and interim storage facilities for spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste See the complete list of the NRC's authorizing legislation in Appendix W.

5* licensing nuclear reactor operators

  • licensing uranium enrichment facilities
  • conducting research to develop regulations and to anticipate potential reactor and other nuclear facility safety issues
  • collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors and certain nonreactor activities
  • issuing safety and security regulations, policies, goals, and orders that govern nuclear activities
  • interacting with other Federal agencies, foreign governments, and international organizations on safety and security issues
  • conducting criminal, civil, and administrative investigations of alleged violations by NRC licensees
  • inspecting NRC licensees to ensure adequate performance of safety and security programs
  • enforcing NRC regulations and the conditions of NRC licenses and imposing, when necessary, civil sanctions and penalties
  • conducting public hearings on nuclear and radiological safety and security and on environmental concerns
  • implementing international legal commitments made by the U.S. Government in treaties and conventions
  • developing effective working relationships with State and Tribal governments
  • maintaining an effective incident response program and overseeing required emergency response activities at NRC-licensed facilities
  • implementing lessons learned from the March 2011 nuclear accident in Japan to enhance safety at U.S. commercial nuclear facilities
  • involving the public in the regulatory process through meetings, conferences, and workshops; providing opportunities for commenting on proposed new regulations, petitions, guidance documents, and technical reports; providing ways to report safety concerns; and providing documents under the Freedom of Information Act and through the NRC's Web site (see Figure 2. A Typical Rulemaking Process)
  • engaging and informing the public through social media platforms and by providing interactive, high-value data sets (data in a form that allows members of the public to search, ~lter, or repackage information)



  • Advance notice of proposed rulemaking
  • Draft regulatory basis
  • Preliminary proposed rule language
  • Commission issues staff requirements memorandum
  • Commission issues staff requirements memorandum
  • Final regulatory analysis
  • Draft environmental assessment
  • Draft regulatory analysis (cost-bene~t)
  • Draft guidance
  • Public meeting STAKEHOLDER INPUT (for Materials-related rulemaking)
  • Agreement States
  • Congress/Executive order
  • Commission/EDO direction
  • Staff-identi~ed need
  • Petition for rulemaking FINALIZE REGULATORY BASIS RULE RULE TAKES EFFECTSTARTFigure 2. A Typical Rulemaking ProcessThe process of developing regulations is called rulemaking. The NRC initiates a new rule or a change to an existing rule when there is a need to do so to protect public health and safety. Additionally, any member of the public may petition the NRC to develop, change, or rescind a rule. The Commission directs the staff to begin work on a new rulemaking activity through approval of a staff rulemaking plan. Proposed Rules NRC regulations (rules) provide licensees with requirements that, if met, will result in the adequate protection of workers, the public, and the environment.

The impetus for a proposed rule could be a direction from the Commission to the NRC staff or a petition for rulemaking submitted by a member of the public.

Each proposed rule that involves signi~cant matters of policy is sent to the NRC Commission for approval.

7 If approved, the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register and usually contains the following items:

1. the background information about the proposed rule
2. an address for submitting comments
3. the date by which comments should be received in order to ensure consideration by the staff
4. an explanation indicating why the rule change is thought to be needed
5. the proposed text to be changed Usually, the public is given 75 to 90 days to provide written comments. Not all rules are issued for public comment. Generally, those excepted from public comment concern agency organization, procedure, or practice; are interpretive rules (e.g., guidance interpreting current regulations); or are rules for which delaying their publication to receive comments would be contrary to the public interest and impracticable.

Final Rules Once the public comment period has closed, the staff analyzes the comments, makes any needed changes, and prepares a draft ~nal rule for Commission approval. Once approved, the ~nal rule is published in the Federal Register and usually becomes effective 30 days later.

Direct Final Rulemakings When appropriate, the NRC can shorten the traditional rulemaking process by using a direct ~nal rulemaking process. This process is only used for regulatory changes that the NRC believes are noncontroversial.

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemakings For especially important or complex rules, the NRC may publish an advance notice of proposed rulemaking and conduct one or more public meetings. The notice requests public comment well in advance of the proposed rulemaking stage. The notice describes the need for the proposed action but discusses only broad concepts.

Rulemaking InformationThe public can access a centralized, Web-based tracking and reporting system, which provides real-time updates on all NRC rulemaking activities on the NRC Web site at


8Organizations and FunctionsThe NRC's Commission has ~ve members nominated by the President of the United States and con~rmed by the U.S. Senate for 5-year terms. The members' terms are staggered so one Commissioner's term expires on June 30 of each year. The President designates one member to serve as Chairman. The Chairman is the principal executive of~cer and spokesperson of the agency. No more than three Commissioners can belong to the same political party. The Commission as a whole formulates policies and regulations governing the safety and security of nuclear reactors and materials, issues orders to licensees, and adjudicates legal matters brought before it. The Executive Director for Operations carries out the policies and decisions of the Commission and directs the activities of the program and regional of~ces (see Figure 3. NRC Organizational Chart).Commissioner Term Expiration*

The NRC is headquartered in Rockville, MD, and has four regional of~ces. They are located in King of Prussia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Lisle, IL; and Arlington, TX. The NRC's corporate of~ces provide centrally managed activities necessary for agency programs to operate and achieve goals. Corporate support is needed for a succesful regulatory program. The NRC has the following major program of~ces:

The Of~ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation handles all licensing and inspection activities for existing nuclear power reactors and research and test reactors.

The Of~ce of New Reactors oversees the design, siting, licensing, and construction of new commercial nuclear power reactors.

The Of~ce of Nuclear Regulatory Research provides independent expertise and information for making timely regulatory judgments, anticipating potentially signi~cant safety problems, and resolving safety issues. It helps develop technical regulations and standards and collects, analyzes, and disseminates information about the safety of commercial nuclear power plants and certain nuclear materials activities.* Commissioners listed by seniority.

Stephen G. Burns June 30, 2019 Annie Caputo June 30, 2021 David A. Wright June 30, 2020 Kristine L. Svinicki Chairman June 30, 2022 Jeff Baran June 30, 2023 9Figure 3. NRC Organizational ChartExecutive Director for OperationsDirector, Of~ce ofNuclear Regulatory ResearchDirector, Of~ce of Nuclear MaterialSafety and SafeguardsDirector, Of~ce ofAdministrationDirector, Of~ce ofEnforcementDirector, Of~ce of Investigations Chief Human Capital Of~cerRegional Administrator Region IRegional Administrator Region IIRegional Administrator Region IIIRegional Administrator Region IVDirector, Of~ce of Small Business and Civil RightsChief Information Of~cer Assistant for OperationsDirector, Of~ce of New ReactorsDirector, Of~ce of Nuclear Reactor RegulationDirector, Of~ce of Nuclear Security and Incident ResponseDirector, Of~ce ofInternational ProgramsDeputy Executive Director for Reactor andPreparedness ProgramsDeputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital ProgramsSecretary of the CommissionGeneral CounselDirector, Of~ce ofCongressional AffairsDirector, Office of Public AffairsExecutive Director,Advisory Committee on Reactor SafeguardsDirector, Office of Commission Appellate AdjudicationInspector General Commissioner Commissioner Chairman Commissioner CommissionerChief Administrative Judge (Chairman), Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel The CommissionNote: For the most recent information, go to the NRC Organization Chart at .Chief Financial Of~cer 10 The Of~ce of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards regulates the production of commercial nuclear fuel; uranium-recovery activities; decommissioning of nuclear facilities; and the use of radioactive materials in medical, industrial, academic, and commercial applications. It regulates safe storage, transportation, and disposal of low- and high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The of~ce also works with other Federal agencies, States, and Tribal and local governments on regulatory matters.

The Of~ce of Nuclear Security and Incident Response initiates and oversees the implementation of agency security policy for nuclear facilities and users of radioactive material and coordinates with other Federal agencies and international organizations on security issues. This of~ce also maintains the NRC's emergency preparedness and incident response programs.

The NRC regional of~ces conduct inspections and investigations, take enforcement actions (in coordination with the Of~ce of Enforcement), and maintain incident response programs for nuclear reactors, fuel facilities, and materials licensees. In addition, the regional of~ces carry out licensing for certain materials licensees (see Figure 4. NRC Regions).

The advisory committees, including the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI), are independent of the NRC staff. The ACRS reports directly to the Commission, which appoints its members. The advisory committees are structured to provide a forum where experts representing many technical perspectives can provide independent advice that is factored into the Commission's decision-making process. Most committee meetings are open to the public, and any member of the public may request an opportunity to make an oral statement during committee meetings.

The NRC Headquarters complex is located in Rockville, MD.

11Figure 4. NRC Regions Nuclear Power Plants

  • Each regional of~ce oversees the plants in its region-except for the Callaway plant in Missouri, which Region IV oversees.

Materials Licensees

  • Region I oversees licensees and Federal facilities located in Region I and Region II.
  • Region III oversees licensees and Federal facilities located in Region III.
  • Region IV oversees licensees and Federal facilities located in Region IV.Nuclear Fuel Processing Facilities
  • Region II oversees all the fuel processing facilities in all regions.
  • Region II also handles all construction inspection activities for new nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities in all regions.


Headquarters (1)

Regional Of~ce (4)Technical Training Center (1)

Region IV oversees a nuclear plant in Missouri 12Fiscal Year 2018 Budget For ~scal year (FY) 2018 (October 1, 2017, through September 30, 2018), the NRC's budget is $922 million. The NRC has 3,186 full-time equivalents (FTE) in FY 2018; this includes the Of~ce of the Inspector General (see Figure 5. NRC Total Authority, FYs 2008-2018). The Of~ce of the Inspector General received its own appropriation of $12.9 million. This amount is included in the total NRC budget. The breakdown of the budget is shown in Figure 6. NRC FY 2018 Distribution of Enacted Budget Authority; Recovery of NRC Budget. By law, the NRC must recover, through fees billed to licensees, approximately 90 percent of its budget authority, less the amounts appropriated from general funds for Waste-Incidental-to-Reprocessing activities, Generic Homeland Security activities, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board activities, and Advanced Reactors Regulatory Readiness activities. The NRC collects fees each year by September 30 and transfers them to the U.S. Treasury. The agency estimates that it will recover $790.3 million in fees in FY 2018.Figure 5. NRC Total Authority, FYs 2008-2018 Note: Dollars are rounded to the nearest million.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

Carryover Authority Dollars in Millions Total Authority Dollars in Millions 08 3,707 926 09 3,848 1,046 10 3,961 1,067 11 3,992 1,054 14 3,815 1,056 15 3,779 1,015 34 23 15 16 3,595 1,002 17 3,396 13 3,931 986 12 13 3,953 1,038 917 18 3,186 922 13Figure 6.

NRC FY 2018 Distribution of Enacted Budget Authority; Recovery of NRC Budget Nuclear Reactor Safety Program:

75% ($689.6 Million)Nuclear Reactor Safety Program:

77% (2,430 FTE)Headquarters 74%(2,372 FTE)Regions 26% (814 FTE)Nuclear Materials Fees: $84.5 MillionReactor Fees:

$705.8 MillionBudget Not Recovered By Fees: $131.6 MillionEstimated Fees To Be Recovered FY 2018:

$790.3 Million*Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program:

22% ($204.6 Million)Integrated University Program:

2% ($15 Million)Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program:

21% (693 FTE)Inspector General:

1% ($12.9 Million)Inspector General:

2% (63 FTE)* Recovered fees do not include the use of prior year carryover where fees were previously collected. Notes: The NRC incorporates corporate and administrative costs proportionately within programs.

Numbers are rounded. Enacted budget for FY 2018. Total Budget: $922 MillionTotal FTE: 3,186Recovery of Budget FY 2018

15 16Worldwide Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear Power Nuclear reactor technology was ~rst developed in the 1940s initially for producing weapons, but President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program shifted the focus to power generation, scienti~c research, and the production of medical and industrial isotopes. Today, nuclear technology is global, and nuclear

-generated power is a part of the worldwide energy portfolio. As of May 2018, there were 450 operating reactors in 30 countries with a total installed capacity of 393,843 megawatts electric (MWe). In addition, 58 reactors were under construction. Based on preliminary data from 2017, France had the highest portion (71.6 percent) of total domestic energy generated by nuclear power (Figure 7. Nuclear Share of Electricity Generated by Country).

See Appendix R for the number of nuclear power reactor units by nation and Appendix S for nuclear power reactor units by reactor type, worldwide.France 71.6%Belgium 49.9%Slovakia 54%Ukraine 55.1%Hungary 50%Slovenia 39.1%Switzerland 33.4%Sweden 39.6%Rep. Korea 27.1%Armenia 32.5%Czech Rep.

33.1%Bulgaria 34.3%Finland 33.2%Spain 21.2%U.S.A.20%Romania 17.6%Japan 3.6%Germany 11.6%United Kingdom 19.3%Russia 17.8%Canada 14.6%S. Africa 6.7%Argentina 4.5%Pakistan 6.2%India 3.2%Mexico 6.0%Netherlands 2.9%Brazil 2.7%China 3.9%Iran 2.2%Figure 7. Nuclear Share of Electricity Generated by CountryNote: Each country's short-form name is used.

Source: IAEA, Power Reactor Information System database, as of May 2018 17See Appendices X, Y, and Z for lists of international activities.In addition to generating electricity, nuclear materials and technology are used worldwide for many other peaceful purposes, such as:

  • Radioactive isotopes help diagnose and treat medical conditions.
  • Irradiation makes food safer and last longer and assists in making pest-resistant seed varieties with higher yields.
  • Nuclear gauges maintain quality control in industry.
  • Radioactive isotopes date objects and identify elements.The NRC engages in international activities to exchange regulatory information related to the safe and secure civilian use of nuclear materials and technologies.

International Activities The NRC's international activities support the agency's domestic mission, as well as broader U.S. domestic and international interests. They are wide ranging and address these issues:

  • convention and treaty implementation
  • nuclear nonproliferation
  • export and import licensing for nuclear materials and equipment
  • international safeguards support and assistance
  • international safety and security cooperation and assistance
  • international safety and security information exchanges
  • cooperative safety research
  • emergency noti~cation and assistance
  • liabilityThe NRC works with multinational organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) and bilaterally with regulators in other countries through cooperation and research agreements. These interactions allow the NRC to share and learn the best regulatory safety and security practices. In addition, joint research projects give the NRC access to research facilities not available in the United States.

The NRC also works with other U.S. agencies to implement conventions and treaties by participating in interagency groups devoted to establishing and enforcing rules, regulations, and policies.

18Conventions and TreatiesAll countries that ratify nuclear-related conventions and treaties must take actions to implement them. Their actions help ensure high levels of safety and security. For example, the NRC actively participates in and provides leadership for the implementation of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS). The objectives of the Convention are to maintain a high level of nuclear safety worldwide, to prevent accidents with radiological consequences, and to mitigate such consequences should they occur. The Convention is an important part of the evolving global nuclear safety regime.In addition, the NRC actively participates in and supports the implementation of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. The Joint Convention establishes an international peer review process and provides incentives for nations to take appropriate steps to bring their nuclear activities into compliance with general safety standards and practices. Both the CNS and the Joint Convention are important parts of the evolving global nuclear safety regime.Other examples include the NRC's international cooperation and assistance activities, as well as import and export licensing of nuclear materials and equipment. These activities ful~ll obligations undertaken according to Articles II, III, and IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which, for instance, gives all parties to the Treaty the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials, and scienti~c and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Export and Import LicensingThe NRC reviews applications to license exports and imports of nuclear materials and equipment to determine that such exports and imports will be in the best interest of the United States and will be consistent with agreements for the peaceful use of nuclear materials (Section 123 Agreements). The NRC's export and import regulations are found in 10 CFR Part 110, "Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material." The NRC participates in meetings of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources (see the Web Link Index for the Code of Conduct) to ensure that U.S. export and import controls are appropriate.

See Appendix X for a list of conventions and treaties and Appendix Z for a list of export and import licenses.

19Bilateral Cooperation and AssistanceThe NRC has information-sharing agreements with other countries, as well as Taiwan and the European Atomic Energy Community (see Appendix X for the list of bilateral information exchange and cooperation agreements with the NRC).

CooperationThere are a wide range of programs that enhance the safety and security of peaceful nuclear activities worldwide. With countries that have mature nuclear power or radioactive materials programs, the NRC focuses on sharing information and best practices. With countries that have new programs, the NRC focuses on helping develop and improve their regulatory activities.

Some of the bene~ts of consulting with other countries include:

  • awareness of reactor construction activities that could apply to new reactors being built in the United States
  • prompt noti~cation to foreign partners of U.S. safety issues
  • sharing of safety and security information AssistanceThe NRC offers bilateral training, workshops, and peer reviews of regulatory documents to assist more than 60 countries as they develop or enhance their national nuclear regulatory infrastructures and programs. The NRC also supports and participates in regional working group meetings to exchange technical information among specialists. If asked, the NRC will respond directly to countries looking for help to improve their controls of radioactive material.

See Appendix Y for a list of multilateral organizations in which the NRC participates.The NRC participates in the annual General Conference for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria.

Photo courtesy of IAEA 20Foreign Assignee Program The NRC provides on-the-job training to foreign nationals at NRC Headquarters and the regional of~ces. The NRC's Foreign Assignee Program allows the NRC staff to exchange information with regulators from around the world. This helps both organizations better understand each other's regulatory programs, capabilities, and commitments. It also helps to enhance the expertise of both foreign assignees and the NRC staff. The program also fosters relationships between the NRC and key of~cials in other countries. Since its inception in 1975, the NRC has hosted more than 400 foreign assignees.

Foreign Trainee Program The NRC provides opportunities for engineers, scientists, and regulatory personnel from other countries to attend NRC training courses at the Technical Training Center. On a regular basis, some two dozen regulatory staff members from other countries attend NRC training courses.

Multilateral Cooperation and AssistanceThe NRC plays an active role in the different programs and committee work of global organizations. The agency works with multiple regulatory counterparts through IAEA, OECD/NEA, and other multilateral organizations on issues related to:

  • safety research and development of standards
  • radiation protection
  • risk assessment
  • waste management
  • transportation
  • technical assistance
  • training, communications, and public outreachInternational Cooperative ResearchThe NRC participates in international cooperative research programs to share U.S. operating experience and to learn from the experiences of other countries. The NRC also participates in international efforts to improve the security of radioactive materials and the management of radioactive waste.The NRC participates in cooperative research programs with many countries and organizations. This helps leverage access to foreign research data and test facilities otherwise unavailable to the United States.

21The United Nations General Assembly meets in New York to discuss, among other topics, world nuclear matters.

23 24U.S. Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear Power In 2017, NRC-licensed nuclear reactors generated 20 percent of U.S. gross electricity, or about 805 billion kilowatt-hours (see Figure 8. U.S. Gross Electric Generation by Energy Source, 2017, and Figure 9. U.S. Electric Share and Generation by Energy Source, 2012-2017).Since the 1970s, the Nation's utilities have asked permission to generate more electricity from existing nuclear plants. The NRC regulates how much heat a commercial nuclear reactor may generate. This amount of heat, or power level, is used with other data in many analyses that demonstrate the safety of the nuclear power plant. This power level is included in the plant's license and technical speci~cations. The NRC must review and approve any licensee's requested change to a license or technical speci~cation. Increasing a commercial nuclear power plant's maximum operational power level is called a power uprate. The NRC has approved power uprates that have collectively added the equivalent of seven new reactors' worth of electrical generation to the power grid. The NRC expects a few more power uprate applications through 2018.

See Glossary for information on the electric power grid.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2017, each of the following States generated more than 40,000 thousand megawatt-hours of electricity from nuclear power: Illinois, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and New York. Illinois ranked ~rst in the Nation in both generating capacity and net electricity generation from nuclear power.Illinois nuclear power plants accounted for 12 percent of the Nation's nuclear power generation. The 2017 data cited reect the total net generation electricity from nuclear sources in each of these States (see Figure 10. Gross Electricity Generated in Each State by Nuclear Power). As of June 2018, 30 of the 50 States generate electricity from nuclear power plants.

U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors Power plants convert heat into electricity using steam. At nuclear power plants, the heat to make the steam is created when atoms split apart in a process called ~ssion. When the process is repeated over and over, it is called a chain reaction. The heat from ~ssion creates steam to turn a turbine. As the turbine spins, the generator turns and its magnetic ~eld produces electricity. Nuclear power plants are very complex. There are many buildings at the site and many different systems. Some of the systems work directly to make electricity. Some of the systems keep the plant working correctly and safely. All nuclear power plants have a containment structure with reinforced concrete about 4 feet (1.2 meters) thick that A-Z 25Figure 9.

U.S. Electric Share and Generation by Energy Source, 2012-2017Note: Figures are rounded. Source: DOE/EIA, June 22, 2018 ,

- Table 7.2A Electricity Net Generation: Total (All Sectors)Year Billions of Kilowatthours Coal Gas*Natural Gas Nuclear Figure 13. U.S. Net Electric Generation by Energy Source, 2002-2011Petroleum 05 06 07 08 09 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 0 400 1,200 800 1,600 2,000 percent share net generation (in billions of KWh) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 50%40%30%20%10%0%Hydroelectric**

Nuclear Renewable***Non-hydroelectric renewablehydroelectric 2017Figure 8. U.S. Gross Electric Generation by Energy Source, 2017 Renewable 17%Petroleum 0.5%Nuclear 20%Natural Gas 32.1%Coal 30.1%Hydroelectric 7.3%Solar 1.3%Note: Figures are rounded. Source: DOE/EIA, June 22, 2018 ,

- Table 7.2A Electricity Net Generation: Total (All Sectors)

26Figure 10. Gross Electricity Generated in Each State by Nuclear PowerTotal Nuclear Power Generated by State (in thousand megawatt-hours)

None 20 States< less than 20,000 16 States 20,001 to 40,000 8 States 40,001 to 60,000 4 States> more than 60,001+2 StatesTotal Nuclear Power Generated (in thousand megawatt-hours)

CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NC Net Electricity Generated in Each State by Nuclear PowerSource: DOE/EIA, "Monthly Nuclear Utility Generation by State and Reactor," Annual December 2017, EIA-923 and EIA-860 Reports, https://www.eia.govNote: *U.S. Territories not pictured. American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Minor Outlying Islands do not generate nuclear power.

Illinois 97,191 Pennsylvania 83,199S. Carolina 54,344 Alabama 42,651 N. Carolina 42,374New York 42,167 Texas 38,581 New Jersey 34,032 Georgia 33,708 Michigan 32,381 Arizona 32,340 Tennessee 31,817 Virginia 30,533 Florida 29,146 California 17,901 Ohio 17,687 Connecticut 16,499 Louisiana 15,409 Maryland 15,106 Minnesota 13,904 Arkansas 12,691 Kansas 10,647 New Hampshire 9,990Wisconsin 9,648 Washington 8,128 Missouri 8,304 Nebraska 6,912 Mississippi 7,364 Massachusetts 5,047 Iowa 5,213 27houses the reactor. To keep reactors performing ef~ciently, operators remove about one-third or half of the fuel every year or two and replace it with fresh fuel. Used fuel is stored and cooled in deep pools on site. The process of removing used fuel and adding fresh fuel is known as refueling.

The United States has two types of commercial reactors.

Pressurized-water reactors are known as PWRs. They keep water under pressure so it heats but does not boil. Water from the reactor and the water that is turned into steam are in separate pipes and never mix. In boiling-water reactors, or BWRs, the water heated in the reactor actually boils and turns into steam to turn the generator. In both types of plants, the steam is turned back into water and can be used again in the process.The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants that generate electricity.

There are several operating companies and vendors and many different types of reactor designs. Of these designs, only PWRs and BWRs are currently in commercial operation in the United States. Although commercial U.S. reactors have many similarities, each one is considered unique (see Figure 11.

U.S. Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors).

See Glossary for typical PWR and BWR designs.

Resident Inspectors Since the late 1970s, the NRC has maintained its own sets of eyes and ears at the Nation's nuclear power plants. These onsite NRC staff are referred to as resident inspectors. Each plant has at least two such inspectors, and their work is at the core of the agency's reactor inspection program. On a daily basis, these highly trained and quali~ed professionals scrutinize activities at the plants and verify adherence to Federal safety requirements. Oversight includes inspectors visiting the control room and reviewing operator logbook entries, visually assessing areas of the plant, observing tests of (or repairs to) important systems or components, interacting with plant employees, and checking corrective action documents to ensure that problems have been identi~ed and appropriate ~xes implemented.Resident inspectors promptly notify plant operators of any safety-signi~cant issues the inspectors ~nd so they are corrected, if necessary, and communicated to NRC management. If problems are signi~cant enough, the NRC will consider whether enforcement action is warranted. More information about the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process and the resident inspector program is available on the agency's Web site (see Figure 12. Day in the Life of an NRC Resident Inspector).

See Appendix E for a list of parent companies of U.S. commercial operating nuclear power reactors, Appendix A for a list of reactors and their general licensing information, Appendix T for Native American Reservations and Trust lands near nuclear power plants, and Appendix J for radiation doses and regulatory limits.

A-Z 28Figure 11. U.S. Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 2 2 2 Licensed to Oper a te (99)R E G I ON I CO N NEC T I C U T Mill s tone 2 an d 3 Calvert C liff s 1 a n d 2 MA S SACH U S E TT S N E W H A MPSH I R E Seabrook N E W J E R SE Y Ho p e C ree k Oyster Cree k Sa l em 1 a n d 2 F itz P a tric k Ind i an P o i nt 2 and 3 N i ne M i le P oint 1 P E N N SY L V AN I A Be a ver V al l ey 1 an d 2 L i meri c k 1 an d 2 P eac h B ottom 2 a nd 3 Susq u e h a n na 1 a n d 2 Three M i le I s land 1 RE G I O N I I AL A BA M A B r o w ns F er r y 1 , 2 , and 3 F arley 1 and 2 FLORID A St. Luc i e 1 and 2 T urkey P oi n t 3 and 4 GEORGI A Ed w in I. H a tch 1 and 2 V o g tle 1 and 2 NO R TH C AR O LI N A B r u n s w ick 1 and 2 McGu i re 1 and 2 Harris 1 S O UTH CAROLIN A C a t a w b a 1 and 2 Oconee 1 , 2 , and 3 R obinso n 2 S u mme r TE N NESSE E Seq u oy ah 1 and 2 W a tts Bar 1 and 2 V I RG I NI A North An n a 1 an d 2 S u r r y 1 and 2 RE G I O N II I Braid w ood 1 a n d 2 Byron 1 a n d 2 C l into n Dre s den 2 a n d 3 LaSalle 1 and 2 Quad Cities 1 a n d 2 Duane A rnol d M ICHIGA N Cook 1 and 2 F ermi 2 P a l isade s M I N NE S O T A Monticell o Prairie Isla n d 1 a n d 2 D a vis-B e s s e P er r y WIS C ON S I N P o i nt Beach 1 an d 2 R E G I ON I V A R KA N SAS Arkansas Nuclear 1 and 2 A R I Z O N A P a l o V erde 1 , 2 , a n d 3 C A L I FO R N I A Di a bl o Ca n yo n 1 an d 2 W o l f C reek 1 L O UI SI A N A R iver Be n d 1 W a terford 3 M IS S I S SI PP I Gran d G u l f M IS S O U R I C al l a wa y N E B R AS K A C oope r C oma nc he P eak 1 a n d 2 So u th T exas Pro j ect 1 a nd 2 W A S H I NG T O N C ol u mb i a= 2 units= 1 unit= 3 units MA R YL A N D Pilgri m N E W YO R K Gi n n a a n d 2 ILLINOI S IO W A OHI O K A N S A S T EX A S 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 U.S. Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors 2 2 CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA WV OH MI PA NY ME V T NH IN GA FL AK HI SC NC MD DC DE NJ RI CT MANote: NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed. Data are as of June 2018. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


29Figure 12. Day in the Life of an NRC Resident Inspector START Have a safe day!3 1 Resident inspectors play a very important role for the NRC. They are the agency's on-the-ground eyes and ears.Inspectors routinely inspect safety systems, discuss safety issues with plant employees, and submit publicly available reports.

As part of their routine, inspectors proceed with inspection activities, observe plant workers, make sure the plant is following NRC rules, and report concerns.The inspector attends the plan-of-the-day meeting with plant of~cials to understand what activities are planned.

As with everyone at the plant, the inspector passes through security checkpoints.Each morning, the inspector visits the reactor's control room, gets information on the plant status, and relays this information to NRC of~ces.An NRC resident inspector is a specially trained expert who lives in the community around the plant.

Each plant has at least two inspectors.Learn more about resident inspectors. Watch the videos on the NRC YouTube Channel at

NRCgov.2 4 5 6 7 30Post-Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear AccidentOn March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan and created a 45-foot (13.7-meter) tsunami. The reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility survived the earthquake but were damaged by the tsunami that arrived almost an hour later. Without power from the grid and with the tsunami knocking out backup power, three of the plant's reactors suffered catastrophic failures.The NRC sent experts to Japan in the days and weeks after the accident, and other agency staff reviewed the lessons from the accident. The review concluded that U.S. plants can operate safely while NRC actions, based on those lessons, enhance safety at U.S. commercial nuclear power plants. At the front lines of this effort were the agency's resident inspectors and regional staff. They have inspected and monitored U.S. reactors as the plants work on these enhancements. This work will continue to ensure plants have the required resources, plans, and training (see Figure 13. NRC Post-Fukushima Safety Enhancements and the Web Link Index). Principal Licensing, Inspection, and Enforcement ActivitiesThe NRC's commercial reactor licensing and inspection activities include:

  • reviewing separate license change requests from power reactor licensees
  • performing inspection-related activities at each operating reactor site
  • ensuring the quali~cations of NRC-licensed reactor operators, who must requalify every 2 years and ask the NRC to renew their license every 6 years
  • reviewing applications for proposed new reactors
  • inspecting construction activities
  • reviewing operating experience items each year and distributing lessons learned that could help licensed facilities operate more effectively
  • issuing notices of violation, civil penalties, or orders to operating reactors for signi~cant violations of NRC regulations on public health and safety
  • investigating allegations of inadequacy or impropriety associated with NRC-regulated activities
  • incorporating independent advice from the ACRS, which holds both full committee meetings and subcommittee meetings during each year to examine potential safety issues for existing or proposed reactors See Appendix C for a list of reactors undergoing decommissioning and permanently shut down and Appendix V for a list of signi~cant enforcement actions.

31Hardened Vents Order Seismic WalkdownsFlooding Walkdowns Seismic Reevaluations FLEX EquipmentFLEX Offsite EquipmentEmergency Preparedness StaffingEmergency Preparedness CommunicationsFlooding Reevaluations Mitigation Strategies Order Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events RulemakingSpent Fuel Pool InstrumentationEmergency ProceduresNote: FLEX refers to the industry's term for mitigation strategy equipment.Figure 13. NRC Post-Fukushima Safety Enhancements An NRC inspector conducts routine inspections of plant equipment to ensure the plant is meeting NRC regulations.

32Oversight of U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors The NRC establishes requirements for the design, construction, operation, and security of U.S. commercial nuclear power plants. The agency ensures the plants operate safely and securely within these requirements by licensing the plants to operate, licensing control room personnel, establishing technical speci~cations for operating each plant, and inspecting plants daily.

Reactor Oversight ProcessThe NRC's Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) veri~es that U.S. reactors are operating in accordance with NRC rules, regulations, and license requirements. If reactor performance declines, the NRC increases its oversight to protect public health and the environment. This can range from conducting additional inspections to shutting a reactor down.The NRC staff uses the ROP to evaluate NRC inspection ~ndings and performance records for each reactor and uses this information to assess the reactor's safety performance and security measures. Every 3 months, through the ROP, the NRC places each reactor in one of ~ve categories. The top category is "fully meeting all safety cornerstone objectives," while the bottom is "unacceptable performance" (see Figure 14. Reactor Oversight Action Matrix Performance Indicators). NRC inspections start with detailed baseline-level activities for every reactor. As the number of issues at a reactor increases, the NRC's inspections increase. The agency's supplemental inspections and other actions (if needed) ensure licensees promptly address signi~cant performance issues. The latest reactor-speci~c inspection ~ndings and historical performance information can be found on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index). The ROP is informed by 50 years of improvements in nuclear industry performance. The process continues to improve approaches to inspecting and evaluating the safety and security performance of NRC-licensed nuclear plants. More ROP information is available on the NRC's Web site and in NUREG-1649, Revision 6, "Reactor Oversight Process"(see Figure 15.

Reactor Oversight Framework).

33Figure 14. Reactor Oversight Action Matrix Performance IndicatorsFigure 15. Reactor Oversight Framework GREEN WHITE YELLOW RED GREEN WHITE YELLOW REDPerformance Indicators Inspection FindingsINCREASING SAFETY SIGNIFICANCEINCREASING SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE GREEN WHITE YELLOW RED GREEN WHITE YELLOW REDPerformance Indicators Inspection FindingsINCREASING SAFETY SIGNIFICANCEINCREASING SAFETY SIGNIFICANCEProtect Public Health and Safety in the Use of Nuclear PowerReactor Safety Initiating Events Mitigating Systems Barrier IntegrityPublic Radiation SecuritySafety-Conscious Work EnvironmentResolutionHuman PerformanceMissionStrategic Performance AreasCornerstonesCross-Cutting AreasOccupational RadiationEmergency PreparednessRadiation SafetySafeguards 34Reactor License RenewalThe Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, authorizes the NRC to issue 40-year initial licenses for commercial power reactors. The Act also allows the NRC to renew licenses. Under the NRC's current regulations, the agency can renew reactor licenses for 20 years at a time. Congress set the original 40-year term after considering economic and antitrust issues, as opposed to nuclear technology issues. Some parts of a reactor, however, may have been engineered based on an expected 40-year service life. These parts must be maintained and monitored during the additional period of operation, and licensees may choose to replace some components (see Figure 16. License Renewals Granted for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors). For current reactors grouped by how long they have operated, see Figure 17.

U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors-Years of Operation by the End of 2018. Nuclear power plant owners typically seek license renewal based on a plant's economic situation and on whether it can continue to meet NRC requirements in the future (see Figure 18. License Renewal Process).The NRC reviews a license renewal application on two tracks: safety and environmental impacts. The safety review evaluates the licensee's plans for managing aging plant systems during the renewal period. For the environmental review, the agency uses the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437) to evaluate impacts common to all nuclear power plants, then prepares a supplemental environmental impact statement for each individual plant. The supplement examines impacts unique to the plant's site. The public has two opportunities to contribute to the environmental review-at the beginning and when the draft report is published. The NRC considered the environmental impacts of the continued storage of spent nuclear fuel during rulemaking activities and published its ~nal Continued Storage Rule and supporting generic environmental impact statement in 2014. The rule addresses the environmental impacts of the continued storage of spent nuclear fuel beyond a reactor's licensed operating life before ultimate disposal (previously referred to as "waste con~dence"). The environmental impacts of continued storage of spent nuclear fuel are incorporated into each environmental review for license renewal. Subsequent License Renewal The NRC staff developed guidance and a standard review plan for "subsequent license renewals" that would allow plants to operate for more than 60 years (the 40 years of the original license plus 20 years in the initial license renewal). The Commission determined the agency's existing regulations are adequate for subsequent license renewals, but the new guidance would help licensees develop aging management programs appropriate for the 60-year to 80-year period.

See Appendices F and G for power reactor operating licenses issued and expired by year.

35Figure 16.

License Renewals Granted for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2= 2 units= 1 unit= 3 units Licensed to Operate (99)

Original License (13) License Renewal Granted (8 6)2 CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NCFigure 17.

U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors-Years of Operation by the End of 2018Note: Ages are based on operating license issued date and have been rounded up to the end of the year. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at

datasets/.Note: The NRC has issued a total of 89 license renewals; three of these units have permanently shut down.

Data are as of May 2018. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at

/. Figure 21. Years of OperationNote: Ages have been rounded up to the end of the year.Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years>40 years 1reactor 7reactors 41reactors 50reactors 36Figure 18. License Renewal ProcessNot applicable to the subsequent license renewal process Opportunities for public interaction If a request for a hearing is grantedAvailable at License Renewal Process DECISIONSTARTLore m ipsu Final Supplement to GEIS Issued**

Hearings*Environmental Review 10 CFR Part 51Site Environmental Audit NRC Decision on Application**

Draft Supplemental Environmental Inpact Statement Public Comment/Meeting Draft Supplement to Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) Issued**

License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping Meeting License Renewal Application**

ACRS Letter Issued**Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Review Safety Evaluation Report Issued**

Safety Evaluation Audit & Review Inspection Reports Issued**Onsite Inspection(s)

Safety Review 10 CFR Part 54The NRC published the ~nal guidance documents in the summer of 2017. The agency is reviewing an application for subsequent license renewal of the Turkey Point reactors in Florida. The NRC has also received letters of intent for Peach Bottom to apply for subsequent license renewal in 2018, Surry to apply in 2019, and North Anna to apply in 2020.

Public Involvement The public plays an important role in the license renewal process. Members of the public have several opportunities to contribute to the environmental review. The NRC shares information provided by the applicant and holds public meetings. The agency fully and publicly documents the results of its technical and environmental reviews. In addition, ACRS public meetings often discuss technical or safety issues related to reactor designs or a particular plant or site. Individuals or groups can raise legal arguments against a license renewal application in an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) hearing if they would be affected by the renewal and meet basic requirements for requesting a hearing. (For more information, see the Web Link Index.)

37Research and Test Reactors Nuclear research and test reactors (RTRs), also called "nonpower" reactors, are primarily used for research, training, and development to support science and education in nuclear engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, anthropology, medicine, materials sciences, and related ~elds. These reactors do not produce electricity. Most U.S.RTRs are at universities or colleges. The largest U.S. RTR (which produces 20 megawatts thermal (MWt)) is one-75th the size of the smallest U.S. commercial power nuclear reactor (which produces1,500MWt). The NRC regulates currently operating RTRs (see Figure 19. Size Comparison of Commercial and Research Reactors and Figure 20.

U.S. Nuclear Research and Test Reactors). The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) also uses research reactors, but they are not regulated by the NRC.NRC inspectors visit each RTR facility at least once a year to conduct varying levels of oversight. RTRs licensed to produce 2 MWt or more receive a full NRC inspection every year. Those licensed to produce less than 2 MWt receive a full inspection every 2 years.


TEST REACTOR SMALLEST COMMERCIAL POWER REACTOR 1,500 Megawatts thermal 20 Megawatts thermalFigure 19. Size Comparison of Commercial and Research ReactorsNote: Nuclear research and test reactors, also known as "nonpower" reactors, do not produce commercial electricity.

38 Principal Licensing and Inspection Activities The NRC's RTR licensing and inspection activities include:

  • licensing the operating sites, including license renewals and license amendments
  • overseeing decommissioning
  • licensing operators
  • overseeing operator relicensing programs
  • overseeing security programs
  • conducting inspections each year, based on inspection frequency and procedures for operating RTRs See Appendices H and I for a list of research and test reactors regulated by the NRC that are operating or are in the process of decommissioning.Figure 20. U.S. Nuclear Research and Test Reactors CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NCRTRs Licensed/Currently Operating (31)

U.S. Nuclear Research and T est Reactors Note: For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


39New Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Licensing New reactors are often considered to be any reactors proposed in addition to the current eet of operating reactors (see Figure 21. The Different NRC Classi~cations for Types of Reactors). The NRC's current review of new power reactor license applications improves on the process used through the 1990s (see Figure 22. New Reactor Licensing Process). In 2012, the NRC issued the ~rst combined construction permit and operating license (called a combined license, or COL) under the new licensing process. The NRC continues to review applications submitted by prospective licensees, and (when appropriate) issues standard design certi~cations, early site permits (ESPs), limited work authorizations, construction permits, operating licenses, and COLs for facilities in a variety of projected locations throughout the United States. The NRC has implemented the Commission's policies on new reactor safety through rules, guidance, staff reviews, and inspection.See Glossary for typical PWR and BWR designs.

The NRC's ongoing design certi~cation, COL, and ESP reviews are incorporating lessons learned from the Fukushima accident. The environmental impacts of continued storage of spent nuclear fuel are incorporated into each environmental review for new reactor licensing. The NRC considered these impacts in a rulemaking and published its ~nal Continued Storage Rule and supporting generic environmental impact statement in September 2014.

Section 5 discusses the Continued Storage Rule in more detail.

Combined License Applications-Construction and Operating By issuing a COL, the NRC authorizes the licensee to construct and (with speci~ed conditions) operate a nuclear power plant at a speci~c site, in accordance with established laws and regulations. If the Commission ~nds that the acceptance criteria are met, a COL is valid for 40 years. A COL can be renewed for additional 20-year terms (see Figure23. Locations of New Nuclear Power Reactor Applications). For the current review schedule for active licensing applications, consult the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index).

A-Z See Appendix B for a list of new nuclear power plant licensing applications in the United States.

40Figure 21. The Different NRC Classi~cations for Types of ReactorsOperating ReactorsSmall Modular ReactorsAdvanced ReactorsResearch and Test Reactors Design: The U.S. ~eet consists mainly of large reactors that use regular water ("light" water, as opposed to "heavy" water that has a different type of hydrogen than commonly found in nature) for both cooling the core and facilitating the nuclear reaction.

Design: Small modular reactors (SMRs) are similar to light-water reactors but are smaller, compact designs. These factory-fabricated reactors can be transported by truck or rail to a nuclear power site. Additional SMRs can be installed on site to scale or meet increased energy needs.

Design: Advanced reactors are a new generation of nonlight-water reactors. They use coolants including molten salts, liquid metals, and even gases such as helium.

Design: Research and test reactors-also called "nonpower" reactors-are primarily used for research, training, and development. They are classied by their moderator, the material used to slow down the neutrons, in the nuclear reaction. Typical moderators include water (H 2O), heavy water (D 2O), polyethylene, and graphite.

Safety: All NRC-licensed research and test reactors have a built-in safety feature that reduces reactor power during potential accidents before an unacceptable power level or temperature can be reached.

Fuel: Reactors may also be classied by the type of fuel used, such as MTR (plate-type fuel) or TRIGA fuel. TRIGA fuel is unique in that a moderator (hydrogen) is chemically bonded to the fuel.

Capacity: These current licensed facilities range in size from 5 watts (less than a night light) to 20 MWt (equivalent to 20 standard medical X-ray machines).

Capacity: The generation base load of these plants is 1,500 MWt (495 MWe) or higher.


These reactors are about one-third the size of typical reactors with generation base load of 1,000 MWt (300 MWe) or less.

Capacity: These plants range in power from very small reactors to a power level comparable to existing operating reactors.

Safety: These reactors have "active" safety systems powered by alternating current (ac) and require an operator to shut down.

Safety: These reactors can be installed underground, providing more safety and security. They are built with passive safety systems and can be shut down without an operator.

Safety: These reactors are expected to provide enhanced margins of safety and use simplied, inherent, and passive means to ensure safety. They may not require an operator to shut down.

Fuel: These reactors require enriched uranium.

Fuel: These reactors require enriched uranium.

Fuel: These reactors could use enriched uranium, thorium, or used nuclear fuel.

41Figure 22. New Reactor Licensing Process Public CommentsCombined License Application Review Process Notice of Hearing Hearings Commission Decision on Application Safety Review Public Involvement Environmental Review Combined License Application Final Environmental Impact Statement Final Safety Evaluation ReportSTART DECISION Location of Projected New Nuclear Power ReactorsFermi PSEG (ESP)Turkey Point North Anna Clinch River (ESP)

Shearon Harris*Vogtle William Lee Levy CountyV.C. SummerComanche Peak*South Texas = A proposed new reactor at or near an existing nuclear plant = A proposed reactor at a site that has not previously produced nuclear power = Approved reactor

= 2 units

= 1 unit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NCFigure 23. Locations of New Nuclear Power Reactor Applications

  • Review suspended Note: On July 31, 2017, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) announced its decision to cease construction on V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3; and the licensee has requested that the COLs be withdrawn. As of October 2017, Duke Energy has announced plans to cancel reactors at Levy County, FL, and William States Lee, SC. Applications were withdrawn for Calvert Cliffs, Grand Gulf, Nine Mile Point, Victoria County, and Callaway (COL and ESP). In June 2018, Nuclear Innovation North America submitted a letter requesting that the COLs South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4, be withdrawn. NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed. Data are as of July 2018. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


42Public Involvement Even before the NRC receives an application, the agency holds a public meeting to talk to the community near the proposed reactor location. The agency explains the review process and outlines how the public may participate in the process.

After the application is submitted, the NRC asks the public to comment on which factors the agency should consider in its environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act. The NRC later posts a draft environmental evaluation on the agency's Web site and asks for public input. There is no formal opportunity for public comment on the staff's safety evaluation, but members of the public are welcome to attend public meetings and make comments. Individuals or groups can raise legal arguments against a new reactor application in an ASLB hearing if they would be affected by the new reactor and meet basic requirements for requesting a hearing. The NRC announces opportunities to request these hearings in press releases, in the Federal Register, and on the NRC's Web site. Early Site Permits An ESP review examines whether a piece of land is suitable for a nuclear power plant. The review covers site safety, environmental protection, and emergency preparedness. The ACRS reviews safety-related portions of an ESP application. As with COL reviews, the public participates in the environmental portion of the NRC's ESP review, and the public can challenge an application in a hearing.

The NRC issues certi~cations for reactor designs that meet basic requirements for ensuring safe operation. Utilities can cite a certi~ed design when applying for a nuclear power plant COL. The certi~cation is valid for 15 years from the date issued and can be renewed for an additional 15 years. The new reactor designs under review incorporate new elements such as passive safety systems and simpli~ed system designs. The ~ve certi~ed designs are-

  • General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's (GEH's) Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor (ABWR)* Westinghouse Electric Company's System 80+
  • Westinghouse Electric Company's AP600
  • Westinghouse Electric Company's AP1000
  • General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's (GEH's) Economic Simpli~ed Boiling-Water Reactor (ESBWR)The NRC is reviewing three applications for design certi~cations for the APR1400, U.S. Advanced Pressurized-Water Reactor, (US-APWR) and NuScale designs.

43The NRC is reviewing a GEH application to renew the ABWR design certi~cation.

GEH submitted its application in 2010.

Advanced Reactor Designs Several companies are considering advanced reactor designs and technologies and are conducting preapplication activities with the NRC. These technologies are cooled by liquid metals, molten salt mixtures, or inert gases. Advanced reactors can also consider fuel materials and designs that differ radically from today's enriched-uranium dioxide pellets with zirconium cladding. While developing the regulatory framework for advanced reactor licensing, the NRC is examining policy issues in areas such as security and emergency preparedness. Small Modular Reactors Small modular reactors (SMRs) use water to cool the reactor core in the same way as today's large light

-water reactors. SMR designs also use the same enriched uranium fuel as today's reactors. However, SMR designs are considerably smaller and bundle several reactors together in a single containment. Each SMR module generates 300 MWe (1,000 MWt) or less, compared to today's large designs that can generate 1,000 MWe (3,300 MWt) or more per reactor. The NRC's discussions to date with SMR designers involve modules generating less than 200 MWe (660 MWt).New Reactor Construction Inspections NRC inspectors based in the agency's Region II of~ce in Atlanta, GA, monitor reactor construction activity. These expert staff members ensure licensees carry out construction according to NRC license speci~cations and related regulations.The NRC staff examines the licensee's operational programs in areas such as security, radiation protection, and operator training and quali~cation. Inspections at a construction site verify that a licensee has completed required inspections, tests, and analyses and has met associated acceptance criteria. The NRC's onsite resident construction inspectors oversee day-to-day licensee and contractor activities. In addition, specialists at NRC Region II's Center for Construction Inspection periodically visit the sites to ensure the facilities are being constructed using the approved design.The NRC's Construction Reactor Oversight Process assesses all of these activities. Before the agency will allow a new reactor to start up, NRC inspectors must con~rm that the licensee has met all of the acceptance criteria in its COL.

The agency also inspects domestic and overseas factories and other vendor facilities. This ensures new U.S. reactors receive high-quality products and services that meet the NRC's regulatory requirements. The NRC's Web site has more information on new reactor licensing activities (see the Web Link Index).

44New Commercial Nonpower Production and Utilization Facility Licensing Doctors worldwide rely on a steady supply of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) to produce technetium-99m in hospitals, which is used in radiopharmaceuticals in approximately 50,000 medical diagnostic procedures daily in the United States. The NRC supports the national policy objective of establishing a reliable, domestically available supply of this medical radioisotope by reviewing license applications for Mo-99 production facilities submitted in accordance with the provisions of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Since 2013, the NRC staff has received two construction permit applications for nonpower production and utilization facilities, from SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. (SHINE), and Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC. The proposed facilities would irradiate low-enriched uranium targets in utilization facilities, such as SHINE's proposed accelerator-driven subcritical operating assemblies, then separate Mo-99 from other ~ssion products in hot cells contained within a production facility. The NRC approved the construction permits for SHINE in February 2016, and for Northwest Medical Isotopes in May 2018.The NRC staff conducts safety and environmental reviews on these construction permit applications, which will also be the subject of both a mandatory hearing and an independent review by the ACRS. If the NRC issues these construction permits, each facility must also submit an application for, and be granted, an operating license.The NRC anticipates receiving additional construction permit applications, operating license applications, materials license applications, and license amendment requests in the coming years from other potential Mo-99 producers.Ahead of the issuance of any permit or license, the NRC continues to develop necessary infrastructure programs for these facilities, including inspection procedures for construction and operation. The agency provides updates on the status of these licensing reviews through NRC-hosted public meetings, Commission meetings, and interagency interactions.Technetium-99m (99mTc) is produced by the decay of molybdenum-99 (99Mo) and is used in diagnostic nuclear medical imaging procedures.

45Nuclear Regulatory ResearchThe NRC's research supports the agency's mission by providing technical advice, tools, methods, data, and information. This research can identify, explore, and resolve safety issues, as well as provide information supporting licensing decisions and new regulations and guidance. The NRC's research includes:

  • independently con~rming other parties' work through experiments and analyses
  • developing technical support for agency safety decisions
  • preparing for the future by evaluating the safety implications of new technologies and designs for nuclear reactors, materials, waste, and security The research program focuses on the challenges of an evolving industry, as well as on retaining technical skills when experienced staff members retire. The NRC's research covers the light-water reactor technology developed in the 1960s and 1970s, today's advanced light-water reactor designs, and fuel cycle facilities. The agency has longer term research plans for more exotic reactor concepts, such as those cooled by high-temperature gases or molten salts. The NRC's research programs examine a broad range of subjects, such as:
  • material performance (such as environmentally assisted degradation and cracking of metallic alloys, aging management of reactor components and materials, boric-acid corrosion, radiation effects on concrete, alkali-silica reaction in concretes, and embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels)
  • events disrupting heat transfer from a reactor core, criticality safety, severe reactor accidents, how radioactive material moves through the environment, and how that material could affect human health (sometimes using NRC-developed computer codes for realistic simulations)
  • computer codes used to analyze ~re conditions in nuclear facilities, to examine how reactor fuel performs, and to assess nuclear power plant risk
  • new and evolving technologies (such as additive manufacturing and accident-tolerant fuel)
  • experience gained from operating reactors
  • digital instrumentation and controls (such as analyzing digital system components, security aspects of digital systems, and probabilistic assessment of digital system performance)
  • earthquake and ooding hazards 46Figure 24. NRC Research Funding, FY 2018 Note: Dollars are rounded to the nearest million.

Note: Totals may not equal sum of components because of rounding.

Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission New/Advanced Reactor Licensing-$11 MReactor Program-$30 MMaterials and Waste-$1 M Note: Totals may not equal sum of components because of rounding.

Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission New/Advanced Reactor Licensing-$11 MReactor Program-$30 MMaterials and Waste-$1 MTotal $42 Million (M)

  • ultrasonic testing and other nondestructive means of inspecting reactor components and dry cask storage systems and developing and accessing ultrasonic testing simulation tools to optimize examination procedure variables
  • the human side of reactor operations, including safety culture, and computerization and automation of control roomsThe Of~ce of Nuclear Regulatory Research also plans, develops, and manages research on ~re safety and risk, including modeling, and evaluates potential security vulnerabilities and possible solutions (see the Web Link Index for more information on speci~c NRC research projects and activities).The NRC's research program involves about 5 percent of the agency's personnel and uses about 11 percent of its contracting funds. The NRC's $42 million research budget for FY 2018 includes contracts with national laboratories, universities, research organizations, and other Federal agencies (e.g., the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Geological Survey). NRC research funds support access to a broader group of experts and international research facilities. Figure 24. NRC Research Funding, FY 2018, illustrates the primary areas of research. The majority of the NRC's research program supports maintaining operating reactor safety and security. The remaining research budget supports regulatory activities for new and advanced reactors, industrial and medical use of nuclear materials, and nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste programs. The NRC cooperates with universities and nonpro~t organizations on research for the agency's speci~c interests.

47The NRC's international cooperation in research areas leverages agency resources, facilitates work on advancing existing technologies, and determines any safety implications of new technologies. The NRC's leadership role in international organizations such as the IAEA and the OECD/NEA helps guide the agency's collaborations.The NRC maintains international cooperative research agreements with more than two dozen foreign governments. This work covers technical areas from severe accident research and computer code development to materials degradation, nondestructive examination, ~re risk, and human-factors research. Cooperation under these agreements is more ef~cient than conducting research independently. Professor Douglass Henderson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison standing above the pool of the University's TRIGA research reactor.Photo courtesy: University of Wisconsin-Madison See Appendix U for States with Integrated University Grants Program recipients.

49 50Figure 25. Agreement StatesThe NRC regulates each phase of the nuclear fuel cycle-the steps needed to turn uranium ore into fuel for nuclear power plants-as well as storing and disposing of the fuel after it is used in a reactor. In some States, the NRC also regulates nuclear materials used for medical, industrial, and academic purposes. Work includes reviewing applications for and issuing new licenses, license renewals, and amendments to existing licenses. The NRC also regularly conducts health, safety, and security inspections.

Materials Licenses States have the option to regulate certain radioactive materials under agreements with the NRC. Those that do are called Agreement States (see Figure 25. Agreement States). These States develop regulations and appoint of~cials to ensure nuclear materials are used safely and securely. Agreement States must adopt rules consistent with the NRC's. Only the NRC regulates nuclear reactors, fuel fabrication facilities, consumer product distribution, and certain amounts of what is called "special nuclear material"-that is, radioactive material that can ~ssion or split apart. Radioactive materials, or radionuclides, are used for many purposes. They are used in civilian and military industrial applications; basic and applied research; the manufacture of consumer products; academic studies; and medical diagnosis, treatment, and research. They can be produced in a reactor or an accelerator-a machine that propels charged particles. The NRC does not regulate accelerators but does license the use of radioactive materials produced in accelerators.

See Appendix L for a list of the number of materials licenses by State.

CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI USVI PR SC NC AS GU MP Agreement States Agreement States Non-Agreement States States Pursuing AgreementsNote: For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


51Medical and Academic The NRC and Agreement States review the facilities, personnel, program controls, and equipment involved in using radioactive materials in medical and academic settings. These reviews ensure the safety of the public, patients, and workers who might be exposed to radiation from those materials. The NRC regulates only the use of radioactive material, which is why the NRC does not regulate x-ray machines or other devices that produce radiation without using radioactive materials.

Medical The NRC and Agreement States license hospitals and physicians to use radioactive materials in medical treatments and diagnoses. The NRC also develops guidance and regulations for licensees. These regulations require licensees to have experience and special training, focusing on operating equipment safely, controlling the radioactive material, and keeping accurate records. To help the NRC stay current, the agency sponsors the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes. This expert committee includes scientists, physicians, and other health care professionals who have experience with medical radionuclides. Nuclear MedicineDoctors use radioactive materials to diagnose or treat about one-third of all patients admitted to hospitals. This branch of medicine is known as nuclear medicine, and the radioactive materials are called radiopharmaceuticals.Two types of radiopharmaceutical tests can diagnose medical problems. In vivo tests (within the living) administer radiopharmaceuticals directly to patients. In vitro tests (within the glass) add radioactive materials to lab samples taken from patients.

Photo courtesy: SirtexPhoto courtesy: NordionSamples from two manufacturers of yttrium-90 (Y-90), SIR-Spheres (left) andTheraSphere (right). Vial containing millions of Y-90 microspheres used to treat liver cancers.

52Radiation Therapy Doctors also use radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices to treat medical conditions. They can treat hyperthyroidism and some cancers, for example, and can also ease the pain caused by bone cancer. Radiation therapy aims to deliver an accurate radiation dose to a target site while protecting surrounding healthy tissue. To be most effective, treatments often require several exposures over a period of time. When used to treat malignant cancers, radiation therapy is often combined with surgery or chemotherapy.There are three main categories of radiation therapy:

1. External beam therapy (also called teletherapy) is a beam of radiation directed to the target tissue. Several different types of machines are used in external beam therapy. Treatment machines regulated by the NRC contain high-activity radioactive sources (usually cobalt-60) that emit photons to treat the target site.
2. Brachytherapy treatments use sealed radioactive sources placed near or even directly in cancerous tissue. The radiation dose is delivered at a distance of up to an inch (up to 2.54 centimeters) from the target area.
3. Therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals deliver a large radiation dose inside the body. Different radioactive materials can be given to patients and will concentrate in different regions or organ systems.

Academic The NRC issues licenses to academic institutions for education and research. For example, quali~ed instructors may use radioactive materials in classroom demonstrations. Scientists in many disciplines use radioactive materials for laboratory research. Industrial The NRC and Agreement States issue licenses that specify the type, quantity, and location of radioactive materials to be used. Radionuclides can be used in industrial radiography, gauges, well logging, and manufacturing. Radiography uses radiation sources to ~nd structural defects in metal and welds. Gas chromatography uses low-energy radiation sources to identify the chemical elements in an unknown substance. This process can determine the components of complex mixtures, such as petroleum products, smog, and cigarette smoke. (It can also be used in biological and medical research to identify the parts that make up complex proteins and enzymes.) Well-logging devices use radioactive sources and detection equipment to make a record of geological formations from inside a well. This process is used extensively for oil, gas, coal, and mineral exploration.

53 A-ZNuclear Gauges Nuclear gauges are used to measure the physical properties of products and industrial processes nondestructively as a part of quality control. Gauges use radiation sources to determine the thickness of paper products, uid levels in oil and chemical tanks, and the moisture and density of soils and material at construction sites. Gauges may be ~xed or portable.

See Glossary for illustrations of xed and portable gauges.

The measurement indicates the thickness, density, moisture content, or some other property that is displayed on a gauge readout or on a computer monitor. The top of the gauge has shielding to protect the operator while the radioactive source is exposed. When the measuring process is completed, the source is retracted or a shutter closes, minimizing exposure from the source. A ~xed gauge has a radioactive source shielded in a container. When the user opens the container's shutter, a beam of radiation hits the material or product being processed or controlled. A detector mounted opposite the source measures the radiation passing through the product. The gauge readout or computer monitor shows the measurement. The material and process being monitored dictate the type, energy, and strength of radiation used. Fixed uid gauges are used by the beverage, food, plastics, and chemical industries. Installed on a pipe or the side of a tank, these gauges measure the densities, ow rates, levels, thicknesses, and weights of a variety of materials and surfaces. A portable gauge uses both a shielded radioactive source and a detector. The gauge is placed on the object to be measured. Some gauges rely on radiation from the source to reect back to the bottom of the gauge. Other gauges insert the source into the object. The detector in the gauge measures the radiation either directly from the inserted source or from the reected radiation.The moisture density gauge, shown at right, is a portable gauge that places a gamma source under the surface of the ground through a tube. Radiation is transmitted directly to the detector on the bottom of the gauge, allowing accurate measurements of compaction. Industry uses such gauges to monitor the structural integrity of roads, buildings, and bridges. Airport security uses nuclear gauges to detect explosives in luggage.

A moisture density gauge indicates whether a foundation is suitable for supporting a building or roadway.

54 A-ZCommercial Irradiators The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other agencies have approved the irradiation of food. Commercial irradiators expose food and spices, as well as products such as medical supplies, blood, and wood ooring, to gamma radiation. This process can be used to eliminate harmful germs and insects or for hardening or other purposes. The gamma radiation does not leave radioactive residue or make the treated products radioactive. The radiation can come from radioactive materials (e.g., cobalt-60), an x-ray tube, or an electron beam.

See Glossary for information and illustrations of commercial irradiators.

The NRC and Agreement States license about 50 commercial irradiators. Up to 10 million curies of radioactive material can be used in these types of irradiators. NRC regulations protect workers and the public from this radiation. Two main types of commercial irradiators are used in the United States: underwater and wet-source-storage panoramic models. Underwater irradiators use sealed sources (radioactive material encased inside a capsule) that remain in the water at all times, providing shielding for workers and the public. The product to be irradiated is placed in a watertight container, lowered into the pool, irradiated, and then removed. Wet-source-storage panoramic irradiators also store radioactive sealed sources in water. However, the sources are raised into the air to irradiate products that are automatically moved in and out of the room on a conveyor system. Sources are then lowered back into the pool. For this type of irradiator, thick concrete walls and ceilings or steel barriers protect workers and the public when the sources are lifted from the pool.

Transportation More than 3 million packages of radioactive materials are shipped each year in the United States by road, rail, air, or water. This represents less than 1 percent of the Nation's yearly hazardous material shipments. The NRC and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) share responsibility for regulating the safety of radioactive material shipments. The vast majority of these shipments consist of small amounts of radioactive materials used in industry, research, and medicine. The NRC requires such materials to be shipped in accordance with DOT's safety regulations.

Truck carries transport package for research reactor fuel.

55 A-ZMaterial SecurityTo monitor the manufacture, distribution, and ownership of the most high-risk sources, the NRC set up the National Source Tracking System (NSTS) in January 2009. Licensees use this secure Web-based system to enter information on the receipt or transfer of tracked radioactive sources (see Figure 26. Life-Cycle Approach to Source Security). The NRC and the Agreement States use the system to monitor where high-risk sources are made, shipped, and used.Sources tracked in the system are known as Category 1 and Category 2 sources. They have the potential to cause permanent injury and even death if they are not handled safely and securely, in compliance with NRC requirements. The majority of these sources are cobalt-60.

See Glossary for denitions of the categories of radioactive sources.

The NRC and the Agreement States have increased controls on the most sensitive radioactive materials. Stronger physical-security requirements and stricter limits on who can access the materials give the NRC and the Agreement States added con~dence in their security. The NRC has also joined with other Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration, to set up an additional layer of voluntary protection. Together, these activities help make potentially dangerous radioactive sources even more secure and less vulnerable to malevolent uses.

Figure 26. Life-Cycle Approach to Source Security B a c k g r o u n d C h e c k s A c c e s s C o n t r o l s / P h y s i c a l B a r r i e r s L a w E n f o r c e m e n t C o o r d i n a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g o f S h i p m e n t s I n c i d e n t R e s p o n s e Life Cycle Approach to Source Security DisposalSecurity Controls DistributionTransfersManufactureof SourcesNational Source Tracking System B a c k g r o u n d C h e c k s A c c e s s C o n t r o l s / P h y s i c a l B a r r i e r s L a w E n f o r c e m e n t C o o r d i n a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g o f S h i p m e n t s I n c i d e n t R e s p o n s e Life Cycle Approach to Source Security DisposalSecurity Controls DistributionTransfersManufactureof SourcesNational Source Tracking System B a c k g r o u n d C h e c k s A c c e s s C o n t r o l s / P h y s i c a l B a r r i e r s L a w E n f o r c e m e n t C o o r d i n a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g o f S h i p m e n t s I n c i d e n t R e s p o n s e Life Cycle Approach to Source Security DisposalSecurity Controls DistributionTransfersManufactureof SourcesNational Source Tracking System 56Figure 27. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Mining Heap Leach In Situ Disposal MillingEnrichment Conversion ReactorEnriched UraniumNaturalUranium Uranium Recovery Deconversion of Depleted Uranium Depleted UraniumUranium-Plutonium Mixture Reprocessed UraniumFresh UO 2 Fresh MOX Spent MOX Spent UO 2 UO 2MOX Fuel FabricationStorage PoolDry Cask Reprocessing Facility** Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, including mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, is not practiced in the United States.

Note: The NRC has no regulatory role in mining uranium. Nuclear Fuel Cycle The typical nuclear fuel cycle uses uranium in different chemical and physical forms. Figure 27. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle illustrates the stages, which include uranium recovery, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication, to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. Uranium is recovered or extracted from ore, converted, and enriched. Then the enriched uranium is manufactured into pellets. These pellets are placed into fuel assemblies to power nuclear reactors.

Uranium Recovery The NRC does not regulate conventional mining but does regulate the processing of uranium ore, known as milling. This processing can be done at three types of uranium recovery facilities: conventional mills, in situ recovery facilities, and heap leach facilities. Once this processing is done, the uranium is in a powder form known as yellowcake, which is packed into 55-gallon (208-liter) drums and transported to a fuel cycle facility for further processing. The NRC has an established regulatory framework for uranium recovery facilities. This framework ensures they are licensed, operated, decommissioned, and monitored to protect the public and the environment.

57 A-ZConventional Uranium Mill A conventional uranium mill is a chemical plant that extracts uranium from ore. Most conventional mills are located away from population centers and within about 30 miles (50 kilometers) of a uranium mine. In a conventional mill, the process of uranium extraction from ore begins when ore is hauled to the mill and crushed. Sulfuric acid dissolves and removes 90 to 95 percent of the uranium from the ore. The uranium is then separated from the solution, concentrated, and dried to form yellowcake.

In Situ RecoveryIn situ recovery is another way to extract uranium-in this case, directly from underground ore. In situ facilities recover uranium from ores that cannot be processed economically using other methods. In this process, a solution of native ground water, typically mixed with oxygen or hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate or carbon dioxide, is injected into the ore to dissolve the uranium. The solution is then pumped out of the rock and the uranium separated to form yellowcake (see Figure 28. The In Situ Uranium Recovery Process).

Heap Leach Facility Heap leach facilities also extract uranium from ore. At these facilities, the ore is placed in piles or heaps on top of liners. The liners prevent uranium and other chemicals from moving into the ground. Sulfuric acid is dripped onto the heap and dissolves uranium as it moves through the ore. Uranium solution drains into collection basins, where it is piped to a processing plant. At the plant, uranium is extracted, concentrated, and dried to form yellowcake. The NRC does not currently license any heap leach facilities.

See Glossary for denition and illustration of heap leach recovery process.

Licensing Uranium Recovery Facilities The NRC continues to receive applications to build new uranium recovery facilities and to expand or restart existing facilities. The current status of applications can be found on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index). Existing facilities and new potential sites are located in Wyoming, New Mexico, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Oregon and in the Agreement States of Texas, Colorado, and Utah (see Figure 29. Locations of NRC-Licensed Uranium Recovery Facility Sites).

58Figure 28. The In Situ Uranium Recovery Process Injection wells pump a solution of native ground water, usually mixed with sodium bicarbonate and oxygen, into the aquifer (ground water) containing uranium ore. The solution dissolves the uranium from the deposit in the ground and is then pumped back to the surface through recovery wells , all controlled by the header house. From there, the solution is sent to the processing plant. Monitoring wells are checked regularly to ensure the injection solution is not escaping from the wellfield. Confining layers keep ground water from moving from one aquifer to another.

The Uranium In Situ Recovery Process Underlying Monitoring Well Recovery Well Injection Well Overlying Monitoring Well Perimeter Monitoring Well typical 500' Perimeter Monitoring Well Perimeter Monitoring Well Central Processing Plant Header House Recovery Well Submersible Pump Monitoring Well From Processing Plant To Processing Plant Monitoring Well Confining Layer (Upper Clay)

Confining Layer (Lower Clay)

Aquifer (Sand/Gravel)

Aquifer (Sands, Clays, and Gravel)

Uranium-Bearing Aquifer (Sand)Injection Well Injection WellInjection wells pump a solution of native ground water, typically mixed with oxygen or hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate ore carbon dioxide into the aquifer (ground water) containing uranium ore. The solution dissolves the uranium from the deposit in the ground and is then pumped back to the surface through recovery wells , all controlled by the header house. From there, the solution is sent to the processing plant. Monitoring wells are checked regularly to ensure the injection solution is not escaping from the welleld. Conning layers keep ground water from moving from one aquifer to another.

59 A-Z The NRC takes into account the views of stakeholders, including Native American Tribal governments, to address their concerns with licensing new uranium recovery facilities. The NRC is also responsible for the following actions:

  • inspecting and overseeing both active and inactive uranium recovery facilities
  • ensuring the safe management of mill tailings (waste) at facilities that the NRC requires to be located and designed to minimize radon release and disturbance by weather or seismic activity
  • enforcing requirements to ensure cleanup of active and closed uranium recovery facilities
  • applying stringent ~nancial requirements to ensure funds are available for decommissioning
  • making sure licensees follow requirements for underground disposal of mill tailings and provide liners for tailings impoundments
  • monitoring to prevent ground water contamination
  • monitoring and overseeing decommissioned facilities See Glossary for more information on mill tailings.

Figure 29. Locations of NRC-Licensed Uranium Recovery Facility SitesTitle of Map goes here.

States with authority to license uranium recovery facility sites States where the NRC has retained authority to license uranium recovery facilities Final Agreement State application received NRC-licensed uranium recovery facility sites (22)

CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NCNote: For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


60 See Appendix M for major U.S. fuel cycle facility sites.

A-ZFuel Cycle Facilities The NRC licenses all commercial fuel cycle facilities involved in conversion, enrichment, and fuel fabrication (see Figure 30. Locations of NRC-Licensed Fuel Cycle Facilities, and Figure 31. Simpli~ed Fuel Fabrication Process).

See Glossary for more information on enrichment processes.

The NRC reviews applications for licenses, license amendments, and renewals. The agency also routinely inspects licensees' safety, safeguards, security, and environmental protection programs. These facilities turn the uranium that has been removed from ore and made into yellowcake into fuel for nuclear reactors. In this process, the conversion facility converts yellowcake into uranium hexauoride (UF 6). Next, an enrichment facility heats the solid UF 6 enough to turn it into a gas, which is "enriched," or processed to increase the concentration of the isotope uranium-235.The enriched uranium gas is mechanically and chemically processed back into a solid uranium dioxide (UO

2) powder. The powder is blended, milled, pressed, and fused into ceramic fuel pellets about the size of a ~ngertip. The pellets are stacked into tubes or rods that are about 14 feet (4.3 meters) long and made of material such as zirconium alloys; this material is referred to as cladding. These fuel rods are made to maintain both their chemical and physical properties under the extreme conditions of heat and radiation present inside an operating reactor.After careful inspection, the fuel rods are bundled into fuel assemblies for use in reactors. The assemblies are washed, inspected, and stored in a special rack until ready for shipment to a nuclear power plant. The NRC inspects this operation to ensure it is conducted safely.

Domestic Safeguards Program The NRC's domestic safeguards program for fuel cycle facilities and transportation is aimed at ensuring that special nuclear material (such as plutonium or enriched uranium) is not stolen and does not pose a risk to the public from sabotage or terrorism. Through licensing and inspections, the NRC veri~es that licensees apply safeguards to protect special nuclear material.The NRC and DOE developed the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS) to track transfers and inventories of special nuclear material, source material from abroad, and other material. The NRC has issued licenses authorizing facilities to possess special nuclear material in quantities ranging from a single pound to multiple tons. These licensees verify and document their inventories in the NMMSS database. The NRC and Agreement States have licensed several hundred additional sites that possess special nuclear material in smaller quantities. Licensees possessing small amounts of special nuclear material must con~rm their inventory annually in the NMMSS database.

61 Location of Fuel Cycle Facilities Uranium Hexa~uoride Conversion Facility (1)

Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facility (5)

Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility (1)

Gas Centrifuge Uranium Enrichment Facility (2)

Uranium Enrichment Laser Separation Facility (1)

Depleted Uranium Deconversion Facility (1)

CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL SC NC AK HIFigure 30. Locations of NRC-Licensed Fuel Cycle FacilitiesNote: There are no fuel cycle facilities in Alaska or Hawaii.

For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at

/.Figure 31. Simpli~ed Fuel Fabrication Process Incoming UF 6 Cylinders UF 6 Vaporization UO 2 Powder Production Powder Processing/Pellet Manufacturing Fuel Rod/Bundle/Assembly/

Quality CheckTransport to Nuclear Reactors Fabrication of commercial light-water reactor fuel consists of the following three basic steps:

(1) the chemical conversion of UF 6 to UO 2 powder (2) a ceramic process that converts UO 2 powder to small ceramic pellets (3) a mechanical process that loads the fuel pellets into rods and constructs nished fuel assemblies

63Photo courtesy: NAC International 64Low-Level Radioactive Waste DisposalLow-level radioactive waste (LLW) includes items contaminated with radioactive material or exposed to neutron radiation. This waste typically consists of contaminated protective shoe covers and clothing, wiping rags, mops, ~lters, reactor water treatment residues, equipment and tools, medical waste, and laboratory animal carcasses and tissue. Some LLW is quite low in radioactivity-even as low as just above background levels found in nature. Some licensees, notably hospitals, store such waste on site until it has decayed and lost most of its radioactivity. Then it can be disposed of as ordinary trash. Other LLW, such as parts of a reactor vessel from a nuclear power plant, is more radioactive and requires special handling. Waste that does not decay fairly quickly is stored until amounts are large enough for shipment to an LLW disposal site in containers approved by DOT and the NRC.Commercial LLW can be disposed of in facilities licensed by either the NRC or Agreement States. The facilities are designed, constructed, and operated to meet NRC safety standards. The facility operator analyzes how the facility will perform in the future based on the environmental characteristics of the site. Current LLW disposal uses shallow land disposal sites with or without concrete vaults (see Figure 32. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal).Determining the classi~cation of waste is a complex process. The NRC classi~es LLW based on its potential hazards. The NRC has speci~ed disposal and waste requirements for three classes of waste-Class A, B, and C-with progressively higher concentrations of radioactive material. Class A waste, the least radioactive, accounts for approximately 96 percent of the total volume of LLW in the United States. A fourth class of LLW, called "greater-than-Class-C waste," is not generally acceptable for near-surface disposal. Under the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, DOE is responsible for disposal of greater-than-Class-C waste. The volume and radioactivity of waste varies from year to year. Waste volumes currently include several million cubic feet each year from operating and decommissioning reactor facilities and from cleanup of contaminated sites.The LLW Policy Amendments Act gave the States responsibility for LLW disposal.

The Act authorized States to:

  • form regional compacts, with each compact to provide for LLW disposal site access
  • manage LLW import to, and export from, a compact* exclude waste generated outside a compact See Appendix P for regional compacts and closed LLW sites.

65Figure 32. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Low-Level Radioactive W aste Disposal Dr ainage Sy stem Lo w-Le v e l W aste Impermeable Back~ll T op Soil Canister s Impermeable Clay-Reinforced Concrete VaultsThis LLW disposal site accepts waste from States participating in a regional disposal agreement.The States have licensed four active LLW disposal facilities:

  • EnergySolutions' Barnwell facility, located in Barnwell, SC-Previously, Barnwell accepted LLW from all U.S. generators of LLW. Barnwell now accepts waste only from the Atlantic Compact States of Connecticut, New Jersey, and South Carolina. The State of South Carolina licensed Barnwell to receive Class A, B, and C waste.
  • EnergySolutions' Clive facility, located in Clive, UT-Clive accepts waste from all regions of the United States. The State of Utah licensed Clive for Class A waste only.
  • US Ecology's Richland facility, located in Richland, WA, on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation-Richland accepts waste from the Northwest Compact States (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming) and the Rocky Mountain Compact States (Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico). The State of Washington licensed Richland to receive Class A, B, and C waste.
  • Waste Control Specialists' Andrews facility, located in Andrews, TX-Andrews accepts waste from the Texas Compact, which consists of Texas and Vermont. It also accepts waste from out-of-compact generators on a case-by-case basis. The State of Texas licensed Andrews to receive Class A, B, and C waste.

66High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Commercial spent nuclear fuel, although highly radioactive, is stored safely and securely throughout the United States. Spent fuel is stored in pools and in dry casks at sites with operating nuclear power reactors. Several storage facilities do not have operating power reactors but are safely storing spent fuel. Waste can be stored safely in pools or casks for 100 years or more. The NRC licenses and regulates the storage of spent fuel, both at commercial nuclear power plants and at separate storage facilities. Most reactor facilities were not designed to store the full amount of spent fuel that the reactors would generate during their operational lives. Facilities originally planned to store spent fuel temporarily in deep pools of continuously circulating water, which cools the spent fuel assemblies. After a few years, the facilities were expected to send the spent fuel to a reprocessing plant. However, in 1977, the U.S. Government declared a moratorium on reprocessing spent fuel in the United States. Although the Government later lifted the restriction, reprocessing has not resumed in the United States.

See Glossary for information on fuel reprocessing (recycling).

As a result, facilities expanded their storage capacity by using high-density storage racks in their spent fuel pools. To provide supplemental storage, some fuel assemblies are stored in dry casks on site (see Figure 33. Spent Fuel Generation and Storage After Use). These facilities are called independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSIs) and are licensed by the NRC. These large casks are typically made of leak-tight, welded, and bolted steel and concrete surrounded by another layer of steel or concrete. The spent fuel sits in the center of the cask in an inert gas. Dry cask storage shields people and the environment from radiation and keeps the spent fuel inside dry and nonreactive (see Figure 34. Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel). The NRC regulates facilities that store spent fuel in two different ways. The NRC may grant site-speci~c licenses after a safety review of the technical requirements and operating conditions for an ISFSI. The NRC has issued a general license authorizing nuclear power reactor licensees to store spent fuel on site in dry storage casks that the NRC has certi~ed. Following a similar safety review, the NRC may issue a Certi~cate of Compliance and add the cask to a list of approved systems through a rulemaking. The agency issues licenses and certi~cates for terms not to exceed 40 years, but they can be renewed for up to an additional 40 years (see Figure 35. Licensed and Operating Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations by State).

See Appendices N and O for information about dry spent fuel storage and licensees.

A-Z 67Public Involvement The public can participate in decisions about spent fuel storage, as it can in many licensing and rulemaking decisions. The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the NRC's own regulations call for public meetings about site-speci~c licensing actions and allow the public to comment on Certi~cate of Compliance rulemakings.

Members of the public may also ~le petitions for rulemaking. Additional information on ISFSIs is available on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index).

Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal The current U.S. policy governing permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste is de~ned by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, and the Energy Policy Act of 1992. These acts specify that high-level radioactive waste will be disposed of underground in a deep geologic repository licensed by the NRC. Because the timing of repository availability is uncertain, the NRC looked at potential environmental impacts of storing spent fuel over three possible timeframes: the short term, which includes 60 years of continued storage after a reactor's operating license has expired; the medium term, or 160 years after license expiration; and inde~nite, which assumes a repository never becomes available. The NRC's ~ndings-that any environmental impacts can be managed-appear in the 2014 report NUREG-2157, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel." The NRC adopted those ~ndings into NRC regulations in a Continued Storage Rule. This rule provides an important basis for issuing new or renewed licenses for nuclear power plants and spent fuel storage facilities.The NRC holds public meetings around the country, where NRC staff members provide information about the agency's role and mission and about the performance of area nuclear power plants.

68Figure 33. Spent Fuel Generation and Storage After Use Fuel Assembly Nuclear Reactor Fuel Rods Uranium Fuel Pellets Fuel Rod Coolant 1A nuclear reactor is powered by enriched uranium-235 fuel. Fission (splitting of atoms) generates heat, which produces steam that turns turbines to produce electricity. A reactor rated at several hundred megawatts may contain 100 or more tons of fuel in the form of bullet-sized pellets loaded into long metal rods that are bundled together into fuel assemblies. Pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) contain between 120 and 200 fuel assemblies. Boiling-water reactors (BWRs) contain between 370 and 800 fuel assemblies.

2After 5-6 years, spent fuel assemblies (which are typically 14 feet [4.3 meters]

long and which contain nearly 200 fuel rods for PWRs and 80-100 fuel rods for BWRs) are removed from the reactor and allowed to cool in storage pools.

At this point, the 900-pound (409-kilogram) assemblies

contain only about one-~fth the original amount of uranium-235.

Uranium Fuel Pellet Fuel Rod Uranium Fuel Pellet Fuel Rod Fuel Assembly 69 3Commercial light-water nuclear reactors store spent radioactive fuel in a steel-lined, seismically designed concrete pool under about 40 feet (12.2 meters) of water that provides shielding from radiation. Pumps supply continuously owing water to cool the spent fuel. Extra water for the pool is provided by other pumps that can be powered from an onsite emergency diesel generator. Support features, such as water-level monitors and radiation detectors, are also in the pool. Spent fuel is stored in the pool until it is transferred to dry casks on site (as shown in Figure 34) or transported off site for interim storage or disposal.

Uranium Fuel Pellet Fuel Rod Storage Cask Canister Bundle of Spent Fuel Assemblies 70Spent Fuel Dry Storage OverviewFigure 34. Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel 2 The canisters can also be

stored in aboveground concrete bunkers, each of which is about the size of a one-car garage.

1 Once the spent fuel has suf~ciently cooled, it is loaded into special canisters that are designed to hold nuclear fuel assemblies. Water and air are removed. The canister is ~lled with inert gas, welded shut, and rigorously tested for leaks. It is then placed in a cask for storage or transportation.

The dry casks are then loaded onto concrete pads.At nuclear reactors across the country, spent fuel is kept on site, typically above ground, in systems basically similar to the ones shown here.

The NRC reviews and approves the designs of these spent fuel storage systems before they can be used.

71Figure 35.

Licensed and Operating Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations by State Licensed and Operating Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations by State MISSISSIPPI Grand Gulf MISSOURI Callaway NEBRASKA Cooper Ft. Calhoun NEW HAMPSHIRE Seabrook NEW JERSEY Hope Creek Salem Oyster Creek NEW YORK Indian Point FitzPatrick Ginna Nine Mile PointNORTH CAROLINA Brunswick McGuire OHIO Davis-Besse Perry OREGON TrojanPENNSYLVANIA Limerick Susquehanna Peach Bottom Beaver Valley Three Mile Island SOUTH CAROLINA Oconee Robinson Catawba Summer TENNESSEE Sequoyah Watts Bar TEXAS Comanche PeakUTAH Private Fuel Storage*

VERMONT Vermont Yankee VIRGINIA Surry North AnnaWASHINGTON Columbia WISCONSIN Point Beach Kewaunee LaCrosse ILLINOIS Braidwood Byron Clinton GEH Morris (Wet)

Dresden La Salle Quad Cities ZionIOWA Duane Arnold LOUISIANA River Bend Waterford MAINE Maine YankeeMARYLAND Calvert Cliffs MASSACHUSETTS Yankee Rowe Pilgrim MICHIGAN Big Rock Point Palisades Cook FermiMINNESOTA Monticello Prairie Island ALABAMA Browns Ferry Farley ARIZONA Palo Verde ARKANSAS Arkansas Nuclear CALIFORNIA Diablo Canyon Rancho Seco San Onofre Humboldt Bay COLORADO Fort St. Vrain CONNECTICUT Haddam Neck Millstone FLORIDA Crystal River St. Lucie Turkey Point GEORGIA Hatch Vogtle IDAHO DOE: Three Mile Island-2 (Fuel Debris)

DOE: Idaho Spent Fuel Facility ISFSI Site-Speci~c License (15)

ISFSI General License (64) 34 States have at least one ISFSI CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL SC NC* Facility licensed only, never built or operated.Alaska and Hawaii are not pictured and have no sites. Data are current as of May 2018. NRC-abbreviated site names listed. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


72Transportation The NRC is also involved in the transportation of spent nuclear fuel. The NRC establishes safety and security requirements in collaboration with DOT, certi~es transportation cask designs, and conducts inspections to ensure that requirements are being met. Spent fuel transportation casks are designed to meet the following safety criteria under both normal and accident conditions:

  • prevent the loss or dispersion of radioactive contents
  • shield everything outside the cask from the radioactivity of the contents
  • dissipate the heat from the contents
  • prevent nuclear criticality (a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction) from occurring inside the caskTransportation casks must be designed to survive a sequence of tests, including a 30-foot (9-meter) drop onto an unyielding surface, a puncture test, a fully engul~ng ~re at 1,475 degrees Fahrenheit (802 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes, and immersion under water. This very severe test sequence, akin to the cask striking a concrete pillar along a highway at high speed and being engulfed in a severe and long-lasting ~re and then falling into a river, simulates conditions more severe than 99 percent of vehicle accidents (see Figure 36. Ensuring Safe Spent Fuel Shipping Containers).Figure 36.

Ensuring Safe Spent Fuel Shipping Containers The impact (free drop and puncture), ~re, and water immersion tests are considered in sequence to determine their cumulative effects on a given package.

73To ensure the safe transportation of spent fuel and other nuclear materials, each year the NRC takes the following actions:

  • conducts transportation safety inspections of fuel, reactor, and materials licensees* reviews, evaluates, and certi~es new, renewed, or amended transportation package design applications
  • conducts inspections of cask vendors and manufacturers to ensure the quality of dry cask design and fabrication
  • reviews and evaluates license applications for the export or import of nuclear materialsAdditional information on materials transportation is available on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index).

A transport package is placed inside a conveyance vehicle. Photo courtesy: NAC International 74Decommissioning Decommissioning is the safe removal of a nuclear facility from service and the reduction of residual radioactivity to a level that permits release of the property and termination of the license. NRC rules establish site-release criteria and provide for unrestricted and (under certain conditions) restricted release of a site. The NRC also requires all licensees to maintain ~nancial assurance that funds will be available when needed for decommissioning. The NRC regulates the decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, materials and fuel cycle facilities, research and test reactors, and uranium recovery facilities, with the ultimate goal of license termination (see Figure 37. Reactor Decommissioning Overview Timeline and Figure 38. Power Reactor Decommissioning Status).Reactor Decommissioning When a nuclear power plant operator decides to cease operations, it must submit to the NRC a "post-shutdown decommissioning activities report" (PSDAR). This may be submitted before shutting down, or no later than 2 years following permanent cessation of operations. The PSDAR includes detailed plans for decommissioning the facility, as well as an estimate of what decommissioning will cost.The ~rst stage of decommissioning for a nuclear power plant is a transition from operating status to a permanently shutdown condition. This involves revising the NRC's requirements for operating reactors and license amendments to change the plant's licensing basis to reect its decommissioning status. These changes are in areas such as personnel, spent fuel management, physical and cyber security, emergency preparedness, and incident response. The NRC is developing new regulations that will make this transition from operations to decommissioning more ef~cient.

The NRC allows a licensee up to 60 years to decommission a nuclear power plant. This may include extended periods of inactivity (called SAFSTOR), during which residual radioactivity is allowed to decay, making eventual cleanup easier and more ef~cient. A facility is said to be in DECON when active demolition and decontamination is underway. Active decommissioning of a nuclear power plant takes about 10 years on average.NRC oversight and inspection continue throughout the entire process. Two years before decommissioning is completed, the plant operator must submit a "license termination plan," detailing procedures for the ~nal steps. The NRC inspects and veri~es that the site is suf~ciently decontaminated before terminating the license and releasing the site for another use.

See Appendices C, I, and Q for licensees undergoing decommissioning.

75Figure 37. Reactor Decommissioning Overview Timeline See Appendices C, I, and Q for licensees undergoing decommissioning.DECOMMISSIONINGOVERVIEWSHUTDOWN FUEL TRANSFER TODRY CASKDECONTAMINATIONSAFSTOR DISMANTLING LAND REUSE........................................................................................... up to 60 years LAND REUSEDECOMMISSIONING0-2 yearsLicensee SubmitsDecommissioningPlansLicense Is Terminated and the Site Is ReleasedREACTOR DECOMMISSIONING TIMELINE TRANSITIONTransition fromOperating Reactor to Shutdown 76Figure 38.

Power Reactor Decommissioning Status FLORIDA Crystal River 3 ILLINOIS Dresden 1 Zion 1 and 2MARYLAND N.S. Savannah MASSACHUSETTS Yankee Rowe MAINE Maine Yankee MICHIGAN Fermi 1 Big Rock Point NEBRASKA Fort Calhoun NEW YORK Indian Point 1 Shoreham OREGON Trojan PENNSYLVANIA Saxton Peach Bottom 1 Three Mile Island 2SOUTH DAKOTA Path~nder VERMONT Vermont Yankee WISCONSIN LaCrosse Kewaunee CALIFORNIA GE EVESR GE VBWR Humboldt Bay 3 Rancho Seco San Onofre 1 San Onofre 2 and 3 COLORADO Fort St. Vrain (DOE License)

CONNECTICUT Millstone 1 Haddam Neck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSAFSTOR S S S S S S S S S D D D D D D S DECON IISFSI (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation) onlyLicense Terminated (no fuel on site)

Decommissioning Completed Power Reactors Decommissioning Status S S D D D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL SC NCAlaska and Hawaii are not pictured and have no sites.

Notes: ISFSIs are also located at all sites undergoing decommissioning or in SAFSTOR. GE Bonus, Hallam, and Piqua decommissioned reactor sites are part of the DOE nuclear legacy. For more information, visit DOE's Of~ce of Legacy Management LM Sites Web page at CVTR, Elk River, and Shippingport decommissioned reactor sites were either decommissioned before the formation of the NRC or were not licensed by the NRC. Licensees have announced their intention to permanently cease operations for the following: Oyster Creek (2018), Pilgrim (2019), Three Mile Island (2019), Davis Besse (2020), Perry (2021), Indian Point (2020 and 2021), Beaver Valley (2021), Palisades (2022), and Diablo Canyon (2024 and 2025). NRC-abbreviated reactor names are listed. For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


77Decommissioning of Materials LicensesThe NRC terminates approximately 100 materials licenses each year. Most of these license terminations are routine, and the sites require little or no cleanup to meet the NRC's criteria for unrestricted access. The decommissioning program focuses on the termination of licenses for research and test reactors, uranium recovery facilities, fuel cycle facilities, and sites involving more complex decommissioning activities. These facilities typically were manufacturing or industrial sites that processed uranium, radium, or thorium or were military bases. They are required to begin decommissioning within 2 years of ending operations, unless the NRC approves an alternative schedule. (See Figure 39. Locations of NRC-Regulated Sites Undergoing Decommissioning.)SECY-17-0111,"The Status of the Decommissioning Program-2017 Annual Report," contains additional information on the decommissioning programs of the NRC and Agreement States. More information is on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index).Figure 39.

Locations of NRC-Regulated Sites Undergoing Decommissioning Locations of NRC-Regulated Sites Undergoing DecommissioningPower Reactor Sites Complex MaterialsFuel Cycle FacilitiesResearch and Test ReactorsUranium Recovery Sites CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH PA NY ME V T NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NC MI CTNote: For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at


79 80Overview Nuclear security is a high priority for the NRC. For decades, effective NRC regulation and strong partnerships with Federal, State, Tribal, and local authorities have ensured effective implementation of security programs at nuclear facilities and radioactive materials sites across the country. In fact, nuclear power plants are likely the best protected private sector facilities in the United States. However, given today's threat environment, the agency recognizes the need for continued vigilance and high levels of security.In recent years, the NRC has made many enhancements to the security of nuclear power plants. Because nuclear power plants are inherently robust structures, these additional security upgrades (see Figure 40. Security Components) largely focus on:

  • well-trained and armed security of~cers
  • high-tech equipment and physical barriers
  • greater standoff distances for vehicle checks
  • intrusion detection and surveillance systems
  • restrictive site-access control, including background checks and ~ngerprinting of workersThe NRC also coordinates and shares threat information with DHS, the U.S. Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, intelligence agencies, and local law enforcement.

Facility SecurityUnder NRC regulations, nuclear power plants and fuel facilities that handle highly enriched uranium must be able to defend successfully against a set of threats the agency calls the design-basis threat (DBT). This includes threats to a plant's or facility's physical security, personnel security, and cyber security. The NRC does not make details of the DBT public because of security concerns. However, the agency continuously evaluates this set of threats against real-world intelligence to ensure the DBT remains current. To test the adequacy of a facility's defenses against the DBT, the NRC conducts rigorous force-on-force inspections at each facility every 3 years. During these inspections, a highly trained mock adversary force "attacks" a nuclear facility. Beginning in 2004, the NRC made these exercises more realistic, more challenging, and more frequent.Publicly available portions of security-related inspection reports are on the NRC's Web site (see the Web Link Index). For security reasons, inspection reports are not available for the NRC-licensed fuel facilities that handle highly enriched uranium.

81GuardTowersWaterBarriersRovingPatrols SecurityOfficersAccessControls IntrusionDetectionSystem/FencelineSTOPFigure 40.

Security Components Protecting nuclear facilities requires all of the security features to come together and work as one.

Cyber SecurityNuclear facilities use digital and analog systems to monitor, control, and run various types of equipment, as well as to obtain and store vital information. Protecting these systems and the information they contain from sabotage or malicious use is called cyber security. The reactor control systems of nuclear plants are isolated from the Internet, but for added security, all nuclear power plants licensed by the NRC must have a cyber security program.In 2013, the NRC began regular cyber security inspections of nuclear power plants under new regulations designed to guard against the cyber threat. The experience that the NRC gained in developing the cyber security requirements for nuclear power plants provided a basis for developing similar cyber security requirements for nonreactor licensees and other nuclear facilities.The NRC's cyber security team includes technology and threat experts who constantly evaluate and identify emerging cyber-related issues that could possibly endanger plant systems. The team also makes recommendations to other NRC of~ces and programs on cyber security issues. In October 2014, the NRC joined other independent regulatory agencies to create the Cyber Security Forum for Independent and Executive Branch Regulators. According to its mission statement, the forum aims to "increase the overall effectiveness and consistency of regulatory authorities' cyber security efforts pertaining to U.S. critical infrastructure, much of which is operated by industry and overseen by a number of federal regulatory authorities."

82Materials Security Radioactive materials must be secured to reduce the possibility that terrorists could use them to make a radiological dispersal device, sometimes called an RDD or dirty bomb. The NRC has established rules to provide the requirements for the physical protection of certain types and quantities of radioactive material. Additionally, the NRC works with the Agreement States, other Federal agencies, IAEA, and licensees to protect radioactive materials from theft and malicious use. In 2009, the NRC deployed the National Source Tracking System, designed to track the most risk-sensitive radioactive materials in sources. Other improvements allow U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents to promptly validate whether radioactive materials coming into the United States are properly licensed by the NRC or an Agreement State. In addition, the NRC improved and upgraded the joint NRC-DOE database tracking the movement and location of certain forms and quantities of special nuclear material.

Emergency PreparednessOperators of nuclear facilities are required to develop and maintain effective emergency plans and procedures to protect the public in the unlikely event of an emergency. Emergency preparedness plans include public information, preparations for evacuation, instructions for sheltering, and other actions to protect the residents near nuclear power plants in the event of a serious incident. The NRC includes emergency preparedness in its inspections and monitors performance indicators associated with emergency preparedness. Nuclear power plant operators must conduct full-scale exercises with the NRC, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and State and local of~cials at least once every 2 years. Some of these exercises include security and terrorism-based scenarios. These exercises test and maintain the skills of the emergency responders and identify areas that need to be addressed. Nuclear power plant operators also conduct their own emergency response drills.

Emergency Planning ZonesThe NRC de~nes two emergency planning zones (EPZs) around each nuclear power plant. The exact size and con~guration of the zones vary from plant to plant, based on local emergency response needs and capabilities, population, land characteristics, access routes, and jurisdictional boundaries. The zone boundaries are exible, and the NRC may expand these zones during an emergency if circumstances warrant. For a typical EPZ around a nuclear plant, see Figure 41. Emergency Planning Zones. The two types of EPZs are the plume-exposure pathway and ingestion pathway. The plume-exposure pathway covers a radius of about 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the plant and is the area of greatest concern for the public's exposure to and inhalation of airborne radioactive contamination.

83Research has shown the most signi~cant impacts of an accident would be expected in the immediate vicinity of a plant, and any initial protective actions, such as evacuations or sheltering in place, should be focused there. The ingestion pathway, or food safety sampling area, extends to a radius of about 50 miles (80 kilometers) from the plant and is the area of greatest concern for the ingestion of food and liquid contaminated by radioactivity.Protective Actions During an actual nuclear power plant accident, the NRC would use radiation dose projection models to predict the nature and extent of a radiation release. The dose calculations would account for weather conditions to project the extent of radiation exposure to the nearby population. The NRC would confer with appropriate State and county governments on its assessment results. Plant personnel would also provide assessments. State and local of~cials in communities within the EPZ have detailed plans to protect the public during a radiation release. These of~cials make their protective action decisions, including decisions to order evacuations, based on these and other assessments.

Figure 41.

Emergency Planning Zones10-mile plume-exposure pathway50-mile food sampling area5 miles downwind2-mile radiusNote: A 2-mile ring around the plant is identi~ed for evacuation, along with a 5-mile zone downwind of the projected release path.

84Evacuation, Sheltering, and the Use of Potassium Iodide Protective actions considered for a radiological emergency include evacuation, sheltering, and the preventive use of potassium iodide (KI) supplements to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine, which can cause thyroid cancer.Under certain conditions, it may be preferable to evacuate the public away from further exposure to radioactive material. However, a complete evacuation of the 10-mile (16-kilometer) zone around a nuclear power plant is not likely to be needed in most cases. The release of radioactive material from a plant during a major incident would move with the wind, not in all directions surrounding the plant. The release would also expand and become less concentrated as it traveled away from a plant. For these reasons, evacuations can be planned based on the anticipated path of the release.

Under some conditions, people may be instructed to take shelter in their homes, schools, or of~ce buildings. Depending on the type of structure, sheltering can signi~cantly reduce someone's dose when compared to staying outside. In certain situations, KI may be used as a supplement to sheltering. It may be appropriate to shelter when the release of radioactive material is known to be short term or is controlled by the nuclear power plant operator.The risk of an offsite radiological release is signi~cantly lower and the types of possible accidents signi~cantly fewer at a nuclear power reactor that has permanently ceased operations and removed fuel from the reactor vessel. Nuclear power plants that have begun decommissioning may therefore apply for exemptions from certain NRC emergency planning requirements. Once the exemptions are granted, State and local agencies may apply their comprehensive emergency plans-known as all-hazard plans-to respond to incidents at the plant. Additional information on emergency preparedness is available on the NRC's Web site (see Web Link Index).

Incident Response Quick communication among the NRC, other Federal and State agencies, and the nuclear industry is critical when responding to any incident. The NRC staff supports several Federal incident response centers where of~cials can coordinate assessments of event-related information. The NRC Headquarters Operations Center, located in the agency's headquarters in Rockville, MD, is staffed around the clock to disseminate information and coordinate response activities. The NRC also reviews intelligence reports and assesses suspicious activity to keep licensees and other agencies up to date on current threats.

85The NRC works within the National Response Framework to respond to events. The framework guides the Nation in its response to complex events that might involve a variety of agencies and hazards. Under this framework, the NRC retains its independent authority and ability to respond to emergencies involving NRC-licensed facilities or materials. The NRC may request support from DHS in responding to an emergency at an NRC-licensed facility or involving NRC-licensed materials. DHS may lead and manage the overall Federal response to an event, according to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5, "Management of Domestic Incidents." In this case, the NRC would provide technical expertise and help share information among the various organizations and licensees. In response to an incident involving possible radiation releases, the NRC activates its incident response program at its Headquarters Operations Center and one of its four Regional Incident Response Centers. Teams of specialists at these centers evaluate event information, independently assess the potential impact on public health and safety, and evaluate possible recovery strategies.The NRC staff provides expert consultation, support, and assistance to State and local public safety of~cials and keeps the public informed of agency actions. Meanwhile, other NRC experts evaluate the effectiveness of protective actions the licensee has recommended to State and local of~cials. If needed, the NRC will dispatch a team of technical experts from the responsible regional of~ce to the site. This team would assist the NRC's resident inspectors who work at the plant. The Headquarters Operations Center would continue to provide around-the-clock communications, logistical support, and technical analysis throughout the response.During an exercise in the agency's Headquarters Operation Center, the NRC reactor safety team looks at simulated projected core temperature levels.

86Emergency ClassificationsEmergencies at nuclear facilities are classi~ed according to the risk posed to the public. These classi~cations help guide ~rst responders on the actions necessary to protect the population near the site. Nuclear power plants use these four emergency classi~cations:

Noti~cation of Unusual Event:

Events that indicate a potential degradation in the level of safety or indicate a security threat to the plant are in progress or have occurred. No release of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring is expected unless further degradation occurs.

Alert: Events that involve an actual or potential substantial degradation in the level of plant safety or a security event that involves probable life-threatening risk to site personnel or damage to site equipment are in progress or have occurred. Any releases of radioactive material are expected to be limited to a small fraction of the limits set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Site Area Emergency: Events that may result in actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed to protect the public or hostile action that results in intentional damage or malicious acts are in progress or have occurred. Any releases of radioactive material are not expected to exceed the limits set forth by the EPA except near the site boundary.

General Emergency: Events that involve actual or imminent substantial core damage or melting of reactor fuel with the potential for loss of containment integrity or hostile action that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility are in progress or have occurred. Radioactive releases can be expected to exceed the limits set forth by the EPA for more than the immediate site area.

Nuclear materials and fuel cycle facility licensees use these emergency classi~cations:

Alert: Events that could lead to a release of radioactive materials are in progress or have occurred. The release is not expected to require a response by an offsite response organization to protect residents near the site.Site Area Emergency: Events that could lead to a signi~cant release of radioactive materials are in progress or have occurred. The release could require a response by offsite response organizations to protect residents near the site.

87IAEA uses the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) as a tool for promptly and consistently communicating to the public the safety signi~cance of reported nuclear and radiological incidents and accidents worldwide (see Figure 42. The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale).The scale can be applied to any event associated with nuclear facilities, as well as to the transport, storage, and use of radioactive material and radiation sources. Licensees are not required to classify events or provide offsite noti~cations using the INES. But the NRC has a commitment to transmit to IAEA an INES-based rating for an applicable event occurring in the United States rated at Level 2 or above, or events attracting international public interest.Figure 42. The International Nuclear and Radiological Event ScaleBelow Scale/Level 0 INES events are classi~ed on the scale at seven levels. Levels 1-3 are called incidents and Levels 4-7 are called accidents. The scale is designed so that the severity of an event is about 10 times greater for each increase in level on the scale. Events without safety signi~cance are called deviations and are classi~ed as Below Scale or at Level 0.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1Major AccidentAccident IncidentSerious AccidentAccident with Wider ConsequencesAccident with Local Consequences Serious Incident IncidentAnomalySource: NRC This edition of the Digest provides a snapshot of data; for the most current information and data collection, please visit the NRC Web site Dataset Index Web page at

90Abbreviations ABWR advanced boiling-water reactor AC Allis Chalmers ac alternating current ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Managment System ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution AEC Atomic Energy Commission (U.S.)

AEP American Electric Power Company AGN solid homogeneous core (Aerojet-General Nucleonics)

AP1000 Advanced Passive 1000 Megawatt (Westinghouse pressurized-water reactor)AP600 Advanced Passive 600 Megawatt (Westinghouse pressurized-water reactor)ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board B&R Burns & Roe B&W Babcock & Wilcox BALD Baldwin Associates BECH BechtelBRRT Brown & Root BWR boiling-water reactor CB&I Chicago Bridge & Iron CE Combustion Engineering CFR Code of Federal Regulations CNS Convention on Nuclear Safety Co. company COL combined license Comm. Op. date of commercial operationCon Type containment typeDRYAMB dry, ambient pressureDRYSUB dry, subatmospheric ICECND wet, ice condenser MARK 1 wet, MARK I MARK 2 wet, MARK II MARK 3 wet, MARK III CP Issued date of construction permit issuance CPPNM Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material CT computerized tomography CP civil penalty CVTR Carolinas Virginia Tube Reactor CWE Commonwealth Edison Company DANI Daniel International DBDB Duke & Bechtel DBT design-basis threat DC design certi~cation DHS Department of Homeland Security (U.S.)DOE Department of Energy (U.S.)

DOT Department of Transportation (U.S.)

DUKE Duke Power Company EBSO Ebasco EDO Executive Director for Operations EIA Energy Information Administration (DOE)EP emergency preparednessEPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)EPR Evolutionary Pressurized-Water Reactor EPZ emergency planning zone ESBWR Economic Simpli~ed Boiling-Water Reactor ESP early site permit EVESR ESADA (Empire States Atomic Development Associates)

Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor Exp. Date expiration date of operating license FBR fast breeder reactor FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FLUR Fluor Pioneer FOIA Freedom of Information Act FR Federal Register FTE full-time equivalent FW Foster Wheeler FY ~scal year G&H Gibbs & Hill GA General Atomics GCR gas-cooled reactor GE General Electric GEH General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy GEIS generic environmental impact statement GETR General Electric Test Reactor GIL Gilbert Associates GL general license GPC Georgia Power Company GW gigawatt GWh gigawatt-hour(s)

Gy grayHLW high-level waste HTG high-temperature gas (reactor)HWR heavy-water reactor IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency INES International Nuclear Event Scale ISFSI independent spent fuel storage installation ISR in situ recovery IUP Intergrated University Program KAIS Kaiser Engineers kW kilowatt(s) kWh kilowatt-hour(s)

KI potassium iodide LLP B&W lowered loopLLW low-level radioactive waste LMFB liquid metal fast breeder (reactor)

LOCA loss-of-coolant-accident LR Issued license renewal issued LSN Licensing Support Network 91LWGR light-water-cooled graphite-moderated reactor Mo-99 molybdenum-99 MOX mixed oxide MW megawatt(s)MWe megawatt(s) electric MWh megawatt-hour(s)

MWt megawatt(s) thermal NEA Nuclear Energy Agency NMMSS Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System NOV notice of violation NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)

NSP Northern States Power Company NSSS nuclear steam system supplier and design type GE 2 GE Type 2 GE 3 GE Type 3 GE 4 GE Type 4 GE 5 GE Type 5 GE 6 GE Type 6 WEST 2LP Westinghouse Two-Loop WEST 3LP Westinghouse Three-Loop WEST 4LP Westinghouse Four-Loop NSTS National Source Tracking System OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OIG Of~ce of the Inspector General OL operating license OL Issued date of latest full power operating license PG&E Paci~c Gas & Electric Company PHWR pressurized heavy water reactor PRA probabilistic risk assessment PRIS Power Reactor Information System PSDAR p ost-shutdown decommissioning activities report PSEG Public Service Electric and Gas Company PWR pressurized-water reactor Rad radiation absorbed dose RDD radiological dispersal devise RIC Regulatory Information Conference RLP B&W raised loop ROP Reactor Oversight Process RSS rich site summaryRTR research and test reactor S&L Sargent & Lundy S&W Stone & Webster SCF sodium-cooled fast (reactor)

SDP signi~cance determination process SI Systme Internationale (d'unités) (International System of Units)

SL severity level SL site-speci~c license SMR small modular reactor SOARCA State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses SSI Southern Services Incorporated STP South Texas Project TMI-2 Three Mile Island, Unit 2 Sv sievert TRIGA Training Reactor and Isotopes Production, General AtomicsTVA Tennessee Valley Authority UNSCEAR United Nations Scienti~c Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UE&C United Engineers & Constructors UF6 uranium hexauoride US-APWR U.S. [version of] Advanced Pressurized-Water Reactor VBWR Vallecitos Boiling-Water Reactor WDCO Westinghouse Development Corporation WEST Westinghouse Electric WNA World Nuclear AssociationY-90 yttrium-90 92 Alabama AL Alaska AK American Samoa AS Arizona AZ Arkansas ARCalifornia CA Colorado CO Connecticut CTDelaware DE District of Columbia DC Florida FLGeorgia GA Guam GU Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NVNew Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NMNew York NYNorth Carolina NC North Dakota ND Northern Mariana Islands MP Ohio OH Oklahoma OKOregon OR Pennsylvania PA Puerto Rico PR Rhode Island RISouth Carolina SC South Dakota SDTennessee TNTexas TX Utah UTVermont VTVirgin Islands VIVirginia VAWashington WAWest Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WYState and Territory Abbreviations 93SPACE AND TIME Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply by Length mi (statute) km 1.609347 yd m *0.9144 ft (int) m *0.3048 in. cm *2.54Area mi 2 km 2 2.589998 acre m 2 4,046.873 yd 2 m 2 0.8361274 ft 2 m 2 *0.09290304 in 2 cm 2 *6.4516Volume acre foot m 3 1,233.489 yd 3 m 3 0.7645549 ft 3 m 3 0.02831685 ft 3 L 28.31685 gal L 3.785412 oz mL 29.57353 in 3 cm 3 16.38706Velocity mi/h km/h 1.609347 ft/s m/s *0.3048 Acceleration ft/s 2 m/s 2 *0.3048NUCLEAR REACTION AND IONIZING RADIATION Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply by Activity (of a radionuclide) curie (Ci)

MBq *37,000.0 dpm becquerel (Bq) 0.016667 Absorbed dose rad gray (Gy) *0.01 rad cGy (centigray)

  • 1.0 Dose equivalent rem sievert (Sv)
  • 0.01 rem mSv *10.0 mrem mSv *0.01 mrem µSv (microsievert)
  • 10.0Exposure roentgen (R)

C (coulomb)/kg 0.000258 (x-rays and gamma rays)QUICK-REFERENCE METRIC CONVERSION TABLESHEAT Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply by Thermodynamic

°F K *K = (°F + 459.67)/1.8 temperatureCelsius temperature

°F °C *°C = (°F - 32)/1.8 Linear expansion 1/°F 1/K or 1/°C

  • 1.8 coef~cient Thermal conductivity (Btu
  • in.)/(ft 2
  • h * °F)

W/(m * °C) 0.1442279Coef~cient of heat Btu/(ft 2

  • h * °F)

W/(m 2 * °C) 5.678263 transfer Heat capacity Btu/°F kJ/°C 1.899108 Speci~c heat capacity Btu/(lb * °F) kJ/(kg * °C)

  • 4.1868 94QUICK-REFERENCE METRIC CONVERSION TABLES Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply byEntropy Btu/°F kJ/°C 1.899108Speci~c entropy Btu/(lb * °F) kJ/(kg * °C) *4.1868Speci~c internal Btu/lb kJ/kg *2.326 energy MECHANICS Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply by Mass (weight) ton (short) t (metric ton)
  • 0.90718474 lb (avdp) kg *0.45359237 Moment of mass lb
  • ft kg
  • m 0.138255 Density ton (short)/yd 3 t/m 3 1.186553 lb/ft 3 g/m 3 16.01846 Concentration (mass) lb/gal g/L 119.8264 Momentum lb
  • ft/s kg
  • m/s 0.138255 Angular momentum lb
  • ft 2/s kg
  • m 2/s 0.04214011 Moment of inertia lb
  • ft 2 kg
  • m 2 0.04214011Force kip (kilopound) kN (kilonewton) 4.448222 lbf N (newton) 4.448222Moment of force, torque lbf
  • ft N
  • m 1.355818 lbf
  • in. N
  • m 0.1229848Pressure atm (std) kPa (kilopascal)
  • 101.325 bar kPa *100.0 lbf/in 2 (formerly psi) kPa 6.894757 inHg (32 °F) kPa 3.38638 ftH 2 O (39.2 °F) kPa 2.98898 inH 2 O (60 °F) kPa 0.24884 mmHg (0 °C) kPa 0.133322Stress kip/in 2 (formerly ksi)

MPa 6.894757 lbf/in 2 (formerly psi)

MPa 0.006894757 lbf/in 2 (formerly psi) kPa 6.894757 lbf/ft 2 kPa 0.04788026Energy, work kWh MJ *3.6 cal th J (joule) *4.184 Btu kJ 1.055056 ft

  • lbf J 1.355818 therm (U.S.)

MJ 105.4804 Power Btu/s kW 1.055056 hp (electric) kW *0.746 Btu/h W 0.2930711

  • Exact conversion factorsNotes: The information contained in this table is intended to familiarize readers with commonly used International System of Units (SI) units and provide a quick reference to aid understanding of documents containing SI units. The conversion factors listed here have not been approved as NRC guidelines for the development of licensing actions, regulations, or policy.To convert from metric units to inch-pound units, divide the metric unit by the conversion factor.Sources: Federal Standard 376B, "Preferred Metric Units for General Use by the Federal Government," and International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, ICRU Report 33, "Radiation Quantities and Units," issued 1980.HEAT (continued) 95For the most recent information, go to the Dataset Index Web page at

Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 2,568 12/06/1968 102Entergy Operations, Inc. B&W LLP DPR-51 05/21/1974 56 London, AR BECH 12/19/1974 98 (6 miles WNW of Russellville, AR)

BECH 06/20/2001 82 05000313 05/20/2034 72 87 Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,026 12/06/1972 93Entergy Operations, Inc. CE NPF-6 09/01/1978 91 London, AR BECH 03/26/1980 85 (6 miles WNW of Russellville, AR)

BECH 06/30/2005 94 05000368 07/17/2038 89 70Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,900 06/26/1970 92FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. WEST 3LP DPR-66 07/02/1976 86Shippingport, PA S&W 10/01/1976 86(17 miles W of McCandless, PA)

S&W 11/05/2009 90 05000334 01/29/2036 91 99 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,900 05/03/1974 91FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. WEST 3LP NPF-73 08/14/1987 97Shippingport, PA S&W 11/17/1987 98(17 miles W of McCandless, PA)

S&W 11/05/2009 90 05000412 05/27/2047 97 90 Braidwood Station, Unit 1 III PWR-DRYAMB 3,645 12/31/1975 91 Exelon Generation Co., LLC WEST 4LP NPF-72 07/02/1987 95 Braceville, IL S&L 07/29/1988 103 (20 miles SSW of Joliet, IL) CWE 01/27/2016 93 05000456 10/17/2046 90 98 Braidwood Station, Unit 2 III PWR-DRYAMB 3,645 12/31/1975 93 Exelon Generation Co., LLC WEST 4LP NPF-77 05/20/1988 98 Braceville, IL S&L 10/17/1988 96 (20 miles SSW of Joliet, IL) CWE 01/27/2016 91 05000457 12/18/2046 95 98Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 II BWR-MARK 1 3,952 05/10/1967 88Tennessee Valley Authority GE 4 DPR-33 12/20/1973 94Limestone County, AL TVA 08/01/1974 90 (10 miles S of Athens, AL) TVA 05/04/2006 94 05000259 12/20/2033 83 97 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 96Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 II BWR-MARK 1 3,952 05/10/1967 99Tennessee Valley Authority GE 4 DPR-52 06/28/1974 79Limestone County, AL TVA 03/01/1975 98 (10 miles S of Athens, AL) TVA 05/04/2006 85 05000260 06/28/2034 94 83Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 II BWR-MARK 1 3,952 07/31/1968 83Tennessee Valley Authority GE 4 DPR-68 07/02/1976 89Limestone County, AL TVA 03/01/1977 88 (10 miles S of Athens, AL) TVA 05/04/2006 92 05000296 07/02/2036 80 93 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1 II BWR-MARK 1 2,923 02/07/1970 77Duke Energy Progress, LLC GE 4 DPR-71 09/08/1976 92 Southport, NC UE&C 03/18/1977 89 (20 miles S of Wilmington, NC) BRRT 06/26/2006 93 05000325 09/08/2036 83 93 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2 II BWR-MARK 1 2,923 02/07/1970 98Duke Energy Progress, LLC GE 4 DPR-62 12/27/1974 73 Southport, NC UE&C 11/03/1975 98 (20 miles S of Wilmington, NC) BRRT 06/26/2006 81 05000324 12/27/2034 92 82Byron Station, Unit 1 III PWR-DRYAMB 3,645 12/31/1975 88 Exelon Generation Co., LLC WEST 4LP NPF-37 02/14/1985 96Byron, IL S&L 09/16/1985 97(17 miles SW of Rockford, IL) CWE 11/19/2015 88 05000454 10/31/2044 97 89Byron Station, Unit 2 III PWR-DRYAMB 3,645 12/31/1975 94 Exelon Generation Co., LLC WEST 4LP NPF-66 01/30/1987 86Byron, IL S&L 08/02/1987 94(17 miles SW of Rockford, IL) CWE 11/19/2015 94 05000455 11/06/2046 86 46 Callaway Plant, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,565 04/16/1976 103 Union Electric Co.

WEST 4LP NPF-30 10/18/1984 77 Fulton, MO BECH 12/19/1984 89(25 miles ENE of Jefferson City, MO) DANI 03/06/2015 96 05000483 10/18/2044 87 77 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 97Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,737 07/07/1969 81Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC CE DPR-53 07/31/1974 97 Exelon Generation Co., LLC BECH 05/08/1975 91Lusby, MD BECH 03/23/2000 97 (40 miles S of Annapolis, MD) 07/31/2034 89 05000317 97 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,737 07/07/1969 101Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC CE DPR-69 08/13/1976 81 Exelon Generation Co., LLC BECH 04/01/1977 100Lusby, MD BECH 03/23/2000 86 (40 miles S of Annapolis, MD) 08/13/2036 95 05000318 91 Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1 II PWR-ICECND 3,411 08/07/1975 89Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC WEST 4LP NPF-35 01/17/1985 96York, SC DUKE 06/29/1985 86 (18 miles S of Charlotte, NC) DUKE 12/05/2003 88 05000413 12/05/2043 97 90 Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 2 II PWR-ICECND 3,411 08/07/1975 92Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC WEST 4LP NPF-52 05/15/1986 86York, SC DUKE 08/19/1986 100 (18 miles S of Charlotte, NC) DUKE 12/05/2003 86 05000414 12/05/2043 88 96 Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 III BWR-MARK 3 3,473 02/24/1976 100 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 6 NPF-62 04/17/1987 82 Clinton, IL S&L 11/24/1987 97 (23 miles SSE of Bloomington, IL)

BALD N/A 87 05000461 09/29/2026 89 84 Columbia Generating Station IV BWR-MARK 2 3,544 03/19/1973 97Energy Northwest GE 5 NPF-21 04/13/1984 80Hanford Reservation in Benton County, WA B&R 12/13/1984 98(12 miles NW of Richland, WA) BECH 05/22/2012 78 05000397 12/20/2043 92 77 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,612 12/19/1974 98 Comanche Peak Power Co., LLC.

WEST 4LP NPF-87 04/17/1990 94 Vistra Operating Co., LLC G&H 08/13/1990 85 Glen Rose, TX BRRT N/A 100(40 miles SW of Fort Worth, TX) 02/08/2030 92 05000445 91 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 98 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,612 12/19/1974 91 Comanche Peak Power Co., LLC.

WEST 4LP NPF-89 04/06/1993 99 Vistra Operating Co., LLC BECH 08/03/1993 93 Glen Rose, TX BRRT N/A 88(40 miles SW of Fort Worth, TX) 02/02/2033 100 05000446 68 Cooper Nuclear Station IV BWR-MARK 1 2,419 06/04/1968 87 Nebraska Public Power District GE 4 DPR-46 01/18/1974 97Brownville, NE B&R 07/01/1974 88(23 miles S of Nebraska City, NE)

B&R 11/29/2010 97 05000298 01/18/2034 84 99 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 III PWR-DRYAMB 2,817 03/24/1971 91FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.

B&W RLP NPF-3 04/22/1977 95Oak Harbor, OH BECH 07/31/1978 74(21 miles ESE of Toledo, OH) B&W 12/08/2015 97 05000346 04/22/2037 79 97 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,411 4/23/1968 84 Paci~c Gas & Electric Co. WEST 4LP DPR-80 11/02/1984 95Avila Beach, CA PG&E 05/07/1985 87 (12 miles WSW of San Luis Obispo, CA) PG&E Withdrawn 87 05000275 11/02/2024 98 81 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,411 12/09/1970 97 Paci~c Gas & Electric Co. WEST 4LP DPR-82 08/26/1985 82Avila Beach, CA PG&E 03/13/1986 86 (12 miles WSW of San Luis Obispo, CA) PG&E Withdrawn 95 05000323 08/26/2025 88 95 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 III PWR-ICECND 3,304 03/25/1969 104 Indiana Michigan Power Co. WEST 4LP DPR-58 10/25/1974 78 Bridgman, MI AEP 08/28/1975 94(13 miles S of Benton Harbor, MI)

AEP 08/30/2005 78 05000315 10/25/2034 82 72 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 III PWR-ICECND 3,468 03/25/1969 91 Indiana Michigan Power Co. WEST 4LP DPR-74 12/23/1977 85 Bridgman, MI AEP 07/01/1978 101(13 miles S of Benton Harbor, MI)

AEP 08/30/2005 79 05000316 12/23/2037 71 104 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 99 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent)Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 III BWR-MARK 1 2,957 01/10/1966 104 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 3 DPR-19 02/20/1991 A 85 Morris, IL S&L 06/09/1970 98 (25 miles SW of Joliet, IL) UE&C 10/28/2004 83 05000237 12/22/2029 91 84Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3 III BWR-MARK 1 2,957 10/14/1966 91 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 3 DPR-25 01/12/1971 89 Morris, IL S&L 11/16/1971 95 (25 miles SW of Joliet, IL) UE&C 10/28/2004 89 05000249 01/12/2031 84 91Duane Arnold Energy Center III BWR-MARK 1 1,912 06/22/1970 83NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC GE 4 DPR-49 02/22/1974 89 Palo, IA BECH 02/01/1975 79 (8 miles NW of Cedar Rapids, IA)

BECH 12/16/2010 88 05000331 02/21/2034 79 88 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 II BWR-MARK 1 2,804 09/30/1969 89Southern Nuclear Operating Co.

GE 4 DPR-57 10/13/1974 94Baxley, GA BECH 12/31/1975 89 (20 miles S of Vidalia, GA) GPC 01/15/2002 101 05000321 08/06/2034 93 97 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 II BWR-MARK 1 2,804 12/27/1972 98Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. GE 4 NPF-5 06/13/1978 89Baxley, GA BECH 09/05/1979 99 (20 miles S of Vidalia, GA) GPC 01/15/2002 91 05000366 06/13/2038 101 95 Fermi, Unit 2 III BWR-MARK 1 3,486 09/26/1972 54 DTE Electric Company GE 4 NPF-43 03/20/1985 62 Newport, MI S&L 01/23/1988 82(25 miles NE of Toledo, OH) DANI 12/15/2016 69 05000341 03/20/2045 86 82 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 IV BWR-MARK 3 4,408 09/04/1974 70Entergy Operations, Inc. GE 6 NPF-29 11/01/1984 86 Port Gibson, MS BECH 07/01/1985 82(20 miles S of Vicksburg, MS) BECH 12/01/2016 93 05000416 11/01/2044 47 58 A: The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) issued a provisional operating license (OL) on 12/22/1969, allowing commercial operation. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 02/20/1991.

100 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent)H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,339 04/13/1967 85Duke Energy Progress, Inc. WEST 3LP DPR-23 07/31/1970 85 Hartsville, SC EBSO 03/07/1971 86(26 miles NW of Florence, SC) EBSO 04/19/2004 85 05000261 07/31/2030 95 88Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 I BWR-MARK 1 3,902 11/04/1974 93PSEG Nuclear, LLC GE 4 NPF-57 07/25/1986 80 Hancocks Bridge, NJ BECH 12/20/1986 102 (18 miles SE of Wilmington, DE)

BECH 07/20/2011 83 05000354 04/11/2046 85 94 Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 2 I PWR-DRYAMB 3,216 10/14/1966 90Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC WEST 4LP DPR-26 09/28/1973 77Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

UE&C 08/01/1974 93 Buchanan, NY WDCO N/A 77(24 miles N of New York, NY) 09/28/2013 53 05000247 73 Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 I PWR-DRYAMB 3,216 08/13/1969 100Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC WEST 4LP DPR-64 12/12/1975 94Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

UE&C 08/30/1976 98 Buchanan, NY WDCO N/A 86(24 miles N of New York, NY) 12/12/2015 102 05000286 73 James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant I BWR-MARK 1 2,536 05/20/1970 84 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 4 DPR-59 10/17/1974 89 Scriba, NY S&W 07/28/1975 79 (6 miles NE of Oswego, NY) S&W 09/08/2008 96 05000333 10/17/2034 76 80 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,775 08/16/1972 91Southern Nuclear Operating Co.

WEST 3LP NPF-2 06/25/1977 90 Columbia, AL SSI 12/01/1977 102 (18 miles S of Dothan, AL) DANI 05/12/2005 86 05000348 06/25/2037 86 100 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,775 08/16/1972 104Southern Nuclear Operating Co.

WEST 3LP NPF-8 03/31/1981 91 Columbia, AL SSI 07/30/1981 89 (18 miles S of Dothan, AL) BECH 05/12/2005 98 05000364 03/31/2041 90 91 101 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent)LaSalle County Station, Unit 1 III BWR-MARK 2 3,546 09/10/1973 97 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 5 NPF-11 04/17/1982 95 Marseilles, IL S&L 01/01/1984 93 (11 miles SE of Ottawa, IL) CWE 10/19/2016 99 05000373 04/17/2042 89 96 LaSalle County Station, Unit 2 III BWR-MARK 2 3,546 09/10/1973 103 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 5 NPF-18 12/16/1983 88 Marseilles, IL S&L 10/19/1984 95 (11 miles SE of Ottawa, IL) CWE 10/19/2016 83 05000374 12/16/2043 95 88 Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1 I BWR-MARK 2 3,515 06/19/1974 85 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 4 NPF-39 08/08/1985 101Limerick, PA BECH 02/01/1986 91(21 miles NW of Philadelphia, PA)

BECH 10/20/2014 100 05000352 10/26/2044 93 100 Limerick Generating Station, Unit 2 I BWR-MARK 2 3,515 06/19/1974 95 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 4 NPF-85 08/25/1989 94Limerick, PA BECH 01/08/1990 99(21 miles NW of Philadelphia, PA)

BECH 10/20/2014 89 05000353 06/22/2049 101 86McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 1 II PWR-ICECND 3,411 02/23/1973 105Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC WEST 4LP NPF-9 07/08/1981 82 Huntersville, NC DUKE 12/01/1981 82 (17 miles N of Charlotte, NC) DUKE 12/05/2003 95 05000369 06/12/2041 89 90McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 2 II PWR-ICECND 3,411 02/23/1973 82Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC WEST 4LP NPF-17 05/27/1983 95 Huntersville, NC DUKE 03/01/1984 94 (17 miles N of Charlotte, NC) DUKE 12/05/2003 87 05000370 03/03/2043 97 86 Millstone Power Station, Unit 2 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,700 12/11/1970 83 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. CE DPR-65 09/26/1975 95Waterford, CT BECH 12/26/1975 85 (3.2 miles WSW of New London, CT) BECH 11/28/2005 85 05000336 07/31/2035 93 85 102 Millstone Power Station, Unit 3 I PWR-DRYSUB 3,650 08/09/1974 100 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. WEST 4LP NPF-49 01/31/1986 87Waterford, CT S&W 04/23/1986 87 (3.2 miles WSW of New London, CT) S&W 11/28/2005 97 05000423 11/25/2045 83 89 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1 III BWR-MARK 1 2,004 06/19/1967 101Northern States Power Company-Minnesota GE 3 DPR-22 01/09/1981 B 50 Monticello, MN BECH 06/30/1971 78 (30 miles NW of Minneapolis, MN)

BECH 11/08/2006 78 05000263 09/08/2030 93 86 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 1 I BWR-MARK 1 1,850 04/12/1965 87 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC GE 2 DPR-63 12/26/1974 C 88 Scriba, NY NIAG 12/01/1969 98 (6 miles NE of Oswego, NY) S&W 10/31/2006 88 05000220 08/22/2029 96 87 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 I BWR-MARK 2 3,988 06/24/1974 83 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC GE 5 NPF-69 07/02/1987 99 Scriba, NY S&W 03/11/1988 87 (6 miles NE of Oswego, NY) S&W 10/31/2006 100 05000410 10/31/2046 92 101 North Anna Power Station, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYSUB 2,940 02/19/1971 89Virginia Electric & Power Co. WEST 3LP NPF-4 04/01/1978 89Mineral (Louisa County), VA S&W 06/06/1978 100(40 miles NW of Richmond, VA)

S&W 03/20/2003 91 05000338 04/01/2038 89 99 North Anna Power Station, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYSUB 2,940 02/19/1971 99Virginia Electric & Power Co. WEST 3LP NPF-7 08/21/1980 85Mineral (Louisa County), VA S&W 12/14/1980 92(40 miles NW of Richmond, VA)

S&W 03/20/2003 99 05000339 08/21/2040 87 89 B: The AEC issued a provisional OL on 09/08/1970, allowing commercial operation. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 01/09/1981.

C: The AEC issued a provisional OL on 08/22/1969, allowing commercial operation. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 12/26/1974.

APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 103 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,568 11/06/1967 90Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC B&W LLP DPR-38 02/06/1973 91 Seneca, SC DBDB 07/15/1973 91(30 miles W of Greenville, SC) DUKE 05/23/2000 96 05000269 02/06/2033 83 95 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,568 11/06/1967 102Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC B&W LLP DPR-47 10/06/1973 82 Seneca, SC DBDB 09/09/1974 101(30 miles W of Greenville, SC) DUKE 05/23/2000 89 05000270 10/06/2033 98 88 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,568 11/06/1967 86Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC B&W LLP DPR-55 07/19/1974 97 Seneca, SC DBDB 12/16/1974 92(30 miles W of Greenville, SC) DUKE 05/23/2000 97 05000287 07/19/2034 91 97Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station I BWR-MARK 1 1,930 12/15/1964 88 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 2 DPR-16 07/02/1991 D 106Forked River, NJ B&R 12/10/1969 90(9 miles S of Toms River, NJ) B&R 04/08/2009 109 05000219 04/09/2029 95 113 Palisades Nuclear Plant III PWR-DRYAMB 2,565.4 03/14/1967 74Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

CE DPR-20 02/21/1991 E 85 Covert, MI BECH 12/31/1971 86 (5 miles S of South Haven, MI) BECH 01/17/2007 89 05000255 03/24/2031 99 86Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,990 05/25/1976 100 Arizona Public Service Company CE 80-2L NPF-41 06/01/1985 85Wintersburg, AZ BECH 01/28/1986 90 (50 miles W of Phoenix, AZ) BECH 04/21/2011 94 05000528 06/01/2045 83 85Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,990 05/25/1976 90 Arizona Public Service Company CE 80-2L NPF-51 04/24/1986 91Wintersburg, AZ BECH 09/19/1986 90 (50 miles W of Phoenix, AZ) BECH 04/21/2011 85 05000529 04/24/2046 95 86 D: The AEC issued a provisional OL on 04/09/1969, allowing commercial operation. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 07/02/1991.

E: The AEC issued a provisional OL on 03/24/1971, allowing commercial operation. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 02/21/1991.

APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 104Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,990 05/25/1976 88 Arizona Public Service Company CE80-2L NPF-74 11/25/1987 79Wintersburg, AZ BECH 01/08/1988 101 (50 miles W of Phoenix, AZ) BECH 04/21/2011 85 05000530 11/25/2047 85 92 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2 I BWR-MARK 1 4,016 01/31/1968 88 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 4 DPR-44 10/25/1973 100Delta, PA BECH 07/05/1974 88(17.9 miles S of Lancaster, PA) BECH 05/07/2003 99 05000277 08/08/2033 96 92 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 3 I BWR-MARK 1 4,016 01/31/1968 103 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 4 DPR-56 07/02/1974 85Delta, PA BECH 12/23/1974 103(17.9 miles S of Lancaster, PA) BECH 05/07/2003 75 05000278 07/02/2034 95 86 Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 III BWR-MARK 3 3,758 05/03/1977 92FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.

GE 6 NPF-58 11/13/1986 73Perry, OH GIL 11/18/1987 96 (35 miles NE of Cleveland, OH)

KAIS N/A 83 05000440 03/18/2026 91 85 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station I BWR-MARK 1 2,028 08/26/1968 98Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

GE 3 DPR-35 06/08/1972 74 Plymouth, MA BECH 12/01/1972 97 (38 miles SE of Boston, MA) BECH 05/29/2012 85 05000293 06/08/2032 92 86 Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 III PWR-DRYAMB 1,800 07/19/1967 100NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC WEST 2LP DPR-24 10/05/1970 84Two Rivers, WI BECH 12/21/1970 90 (13 miles NW of Manitowoc, WI)

BECH 12/22/2005 92 05000266 10/05/2030 86 86 Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 III PWR-DRYAMB 1,800 07/25/1968 89NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC WEST 2LP DPR-27 03/08/1973 F 93Two Rivers, WI BECH 10/01/1972 90 (13 miles NW of Manitowoc, WI)

BECH 12/22/2005 94 05000301 03/08/2033 86 85F: AEC issued a provisional OL on 11/18/1971. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 03/08/1973.

APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 105 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1 III PWR-DRYAMB 1,677 06/25/1968 81Northern States Power Co.-Minnesota WEST 2LP DPR-42 04/05/1974 G 90Welch, MN FLUR 12/16/1973 84 (28 miles SE of Minneapolis, MN)

NSP 06/27/2011 77 05000282 08/09/2033 81 88 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2 III PWR-DRYAMB 1,677 06/25/1968 74 Northern States Power Co.-Minnesota WEST 2LP DPR-60 10/29/1974 59Welch, MN FLUR 12/21/1974 101 (28 miles SE of Minneapolis, MN)

NSP 06/27/2011 65 05000306 10/29/2034 78 80 Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 III BWR-MARK 1 2,957 02/15/1967 102 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 3 DPR-29 12/14/1972 85Cordova, IL S&L 02/18/1973 103 (20 miles NE of Moline, IL) UE&C 10/28/2004 83 05000254 12/14/2032 92 85 Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 III BWR-MARK 1 2,957 02/15/1967 92 Exelon Generation Co., LLC GE 3 DPR-30 12/14/1972 91Cordova, IL S&L 03/10/1973 90 (20 miles NE of Moline, IL) UE&C 10/28/2004 95 05000265 12/14/2032 85 89 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant I PWR-DRYAMB 1,775 04/25/1966 90 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC WEST 2LP DPR-18 09/19/1969 93 Ontario, NY GIL 07/01/1970 91(20 miles NE of Rochester, NY) BECH 05/19/2004 89 05000244 09/18/2029 94 87 River Bend Station, Unit 1 IV BWR-MARK 3 3,091 03/25/1977 91Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

GE 6 NPF-47 11/20/1985 84 St. Francisville, LA S&W 06/16/1986 96 (24 miles NNW of Baton Rouge, LA) S&W N/A 76 05000458 08/29/2025 78 77 St. Lucie Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 3,020 07/01/1970 72 Florida Power & Light Co. CE DPR-67 03/01/1976 74 Jensen Beach, FL EBSO 12/21/1976 101(10 miles SE of Ft. Pierce, FL) EBSO 10/02/2003 83 05000335 03/01/2036 68 90G: AEC issued a provisional OL on 08/09/1973. The NRC issued a full-term OL on 04/05/1974.

APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 106 St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYAMB 3,020 05/02/1977 68 Florida Power & Light Co. CE NPF-16 04/06/1983 91 Jensen Beach, FL EBSO 08/08/1983 82(10 miles SE of Ft. Pierce, FL) EBSO 10/02/2003 77 05000389 04/06/2043 85 84 Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 I PWR-DRYAMB 3,459 09/25/1968 97PSE&G Nuclear, LLC WEST 4LP DPR-70 12/01/1976 88 Hancocks Bridge, NJ PSEG 06/30/1977 86 (18 miles SE of Wilmington, DE)

UE&C 06/30/2011 95 05000272 08/13/2036 99 90 Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 I PWR-DRYAMB 3,459 09/25/1968 88PSE&G Nuclear, LLC WEST 4LP DPR-75 05/20/1981 100 Hancocks Bridge, NJ PSEG 10/13/1981 73 (18 miles SE of Wilmington, DE)

UE&C 06/30/2011 85 05000311 04/18/2040 71 85Seabrook Station, Unit 1 I PWR-DRYAMB 3,648 07/07/1976 75NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC WEST 4LP NPF-86 03/15/1990 100Seabrook, NH UE&C 08/19/1990 93 (13 miles S of Portsmouth, NH)

UE&C N/A 87 05000443 03/15/2030 90 92 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-ICECND 3,455 05/27/1970 89Tennessee Valley Authority WEST 4LP DPR-77 09/17/1980 83Soddy-Daisy, TN TVA 07/01/1981 100 (16 miles NE of Chattanooga, TN)

TVA 09/24/2015 87 05000327 09/17/2040 90 88 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-ICECND 3,455 05/27/1970 77Tennessee Valley Authority WEST 4LP DPR-79 09/15/1981 90Soddy-Daisy, TN TVA 06/01/1982 90 (16 miles NE of Chattanooga, TN)

TVA 09/25/2015 73 05000328 09/15/2041 95 83Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,948 01/27/1978 90Duke Energy Progress, Inc. WEST 3LP NPF-63 10/24/1986 83 New Hill, NC EBSO 05/02/1987 99 (20 miles SW of Raleigh, NC) DANI 12/17/2008 87 05000400 10/24/2046 88 99 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 107South Texas Project, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,853 12/22/1975 93 STP Nuclear Operating Co. WEST 4LP NPF-76 03/22/1988 91Bay City, TX BECH 08/25/1988 81 (90 miles SW of Houston, TX) EBSO 09/28/2017 78 05000498 08/20/2047 73 85South Texas Project, Unit 2 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,853 12/22/1975 72 STP Nuclear Operating Co. WEST 4LP NPF-80 03/28/1989 59Bay City, TX BECH 06/19/1989 103 (90 miles SW of Houston, TX) EBSO 09/28/2017 85 05000499 12/15/2048 92 97 Surry Power Station, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYSUB 2,587 06/25/1968 92Virginia Electric and Power Co.

WEST 3LP DPR-32 05/25/1972 91Surry, VA S&W 12/22/1972 99(17 miles NW of Newport News, VA) S&W 03/20/2003 76 05000280 05/25/2032 96 101 Surry Power Station, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYSUB 2,587 06/25/1968 91Virginia Electric and Power Co.

WEST 3LP DPR-37 01/29/1973 101Surry, VA S&W 05/01/1973 95(17 miles NW of Newport News, VA) S&W 03/20/2003 82 05000281 01/29/2033 101 93 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 1 I BWR-MARK 2 3,952 11/03/1973 70Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC GE 4 NPF-14 07/17/1982 87Berwick (Luzerne County), PA BECH 06/08/1983 83(70 miles NE of Harrisburg, PA) BECH 11/24/2009 76 05000387 07/17/2042 77 97 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 2 I BWR-MARK 2 3,952 11/03/1973 83Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC GE 4 NPF-22 03/23/1984 80Berwick (Luzerne County), PA BECH 02/12/1985 88(70 miles NE of Harrisburg, PA) BECH 11/24/2009 82 05000388 03/23/2044 93 86Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 I PWR-DRYAMB 2,568 05/18/1968 100 Exelon Generation Co., LLC B&W LLP DPR-50 04/19/1974 78Middletown, PA GIL 09/02/1974 104(10 miles SE of Harrisburg, PA) UE&C 10/22/2009 77 05000289 04/19/2034 82 80 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 108Turkey Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,644 04/27/1967 40 Florida Power & Light Co. WEST 3LP DPR-31 07/19/1972 81 Homestead, FL BECH 12/14/1972 84 (20 miles S of Miami, FL) BECH 06/06/2002 78 05000250 07/19/2032 93 80Turkey Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 4 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,644 04/27/1967 85 Florida Power & Light Co. WEST 3LP DPR-41 04/10/1973 70 Homestead, FL BECH 09/07/1973 88 (20 miles S of Miami, FL) BECH 06/06/2002 106 05000251 04/10/2033 99 98Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 2,900 03/21/1973 86South Carolina Electric & Gas Co.

WEST 3LP NPF-12 11/12/1982 93 Jenkinsville, SC GIL 01/01/1984 81 (26 miles NW of Columbia, SC)

DANI 04/23/2004 79 05000395 08/06/2042 96 77Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-DRYAMB 3,625.6 06/28/1974 91Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. WEST 4LP NPF-68 03/16/1987 101Waynesboro, GA SBEC 06/01/1987 87 (26 miles SE of Augusta, GA) GPC 06/03/2009 91 05000424 01/16/2047 101 93Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-DRYAMB 3,625.6 06/28/1974 102Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. WEST 4LP NPF-81 03/31/1989 87Waynesboro, GA SBEC 05/20/1989 92 (26 miles SE of Augusta, GA) GPC 06/03/2009 100 05000425 02/09/2049 94 96Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,716 11/14/1974 77Entergy Operations, Inc. COMB CE NPF-38 03/16/1985 89 Killona, LA EBSO 09/24/1985 90 (25 miles W of New Orleans, LA)

EBSO N/A 80 05000382 12/18/2024 96 80Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 II PWR-ICECND 3,459 01/23/1973 87Tennessee Valley Authority WEST 4LP NPF-90 02/07/1996 90Spring City, TN TVA 05/27/1996 89 (60 miles SW of Knoxville, TN) TVA N/A 76 05000390 11/09/2035 85 77 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 109Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 II PWR-ICECND 3,411 01/24/1973

---Tennessee Valley Authority WEST 4LP NPF-96 10/22/2015

---Spring City, TN TVA 10/19/2016

---(60 miles SW of Knoxville, TN) TVA N/A 0 05000391 10/22/2055 26 45Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 IV PWR-DRYAMB 3,565 05/17/1977 80Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp. WEST 4LP NPF-42 06/04/1985 H 65Burlington (Coffey County), KS BECH 09/03/1985 83 (28 miles SE of Emporia, KS) DANI 11/20/2008 78 05000482 03/11/2045 74 96 H: The original OL (NPF-32) was issued on 03/11/1985. The license was superseded by OL (NPF-42), issued on 06/04/1985.

Bellefonte Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1**

II PWR-DRYAMB 3,763 12/24/1974 N/ATennessee Valley Authority B&W 205 (6 miles NE of Scottsboro, AL) TVA 05000438 TVA Bellefonte Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2**

II PWR-DRYAMB 3,763 12/24/1974 N/ATennessee Valley Authority B&W 205 (6 miles NE of Scottsboro, AL) TVA 05000439 TVA Enrico Fermi Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 III ESBWR 4,500 N/A DTE Electric Company GEH NPF-95 05/01/2015 Newport, MI (25 miles NE of Toledo, OH) 05200033 North Anna Power Station, Unit 3 II BWR 4,500 N/ADominion Virginia Power ESBWR NPF-103 06/02/2017 Mineral (Louisa County), VA GEH (40 miles NW of Richmond, VA) 05200017 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent)Operating Reactors Under Active Construction or Deferred Policy Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent) 110 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors under Active Construction or Deferred Policy (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type Licensed OL Issued 2017*Location NSSS MWt Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer License LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor Number Exp. Date (Percent)South Texas Project, Unit 3*** IV BWR 3,926 N/A STP Nuclear Operating Co. ABWR NPF-97 02/12/2016 Bay City, TX (90 miles SW of Houston, TX) 05200012 South Texas Project, Unit 4*** IV BWR 3,926 N/A STP Nuclear Operating Co. ABWR NPF-98 02/12/2016 Bay City, TX (90 miles SW of Houston, TX) 05200013 Turkey Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 6 II PWR 3,400 N/A Florida Power and LIght AP1000 NPF-104 04/12/2018 Homestead, FL (20 miles S of Miami, FL) 05200040 Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 7 II PWR 3,400 N/A Florida Power and LIght AP1000 NPF-105 04/12/2018 Homestead, FL (20 miles S of Miami, FL) 05200041 Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 2 A II PWR 3,400 N/ASouth Carolina Electric & Gas Co.

AP1000 NPF-93 03/30/2012South Carolina Public Service Auth. WEST 2LP Jenkinsville (Fair~eld County), SC (26 miles NW of Columbia, SC) 0520027 C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 3 A II PWR 3,400 N/ASouth Carolina Electric & Gas Co.

AP1000 NPF-94 03/30/2012South Carolina Public Service Auth. WEST 2LP Jenkinsville (Fair~eld County), SC (26 miles NW of Columbia, SC) 05200028

On July 31, 2017, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) ceased construction on V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3.

111Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 3 II PWR 3,400 N/ASouthern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. AP1000 NPF-91 02/10/2012Waynesboro (Burke County), GA WEST 2LP (26 miles SE of Augusta, GA) 05200025 Electric Generating Plant, Unit 4 II PWR 3,400 N/ASouthern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. AP1000 NPF-92 02/10/2012Waynesboro, (Burke County), GA WEST 2LP (26 miles SE of Augusta, GA) 05200026 William States Lee III Nuclear Station, Unit 3 B II PWR 3,400 N/ADuke Energy Carolinas AP1000 NPF-101 12/19/2016Cherokee County, SC WEST 2LP(2 miles SE of Gafney, SC) 05200018 William States Lee III Nuclear Station, Unit 4 B II PWR 3,400 N/ADuke Energy Carolinas AP1000 NPF-102 12/19/2016Cherokee County, SC WEST 2LP(2 miles SE of Gafney, SC) 05200019 APPENDIX ACommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Operating Reactors under Active Construction or Deferred Policy (continued)

Plant Name, Unit Number CP Issued 2012-Licensee Con Type COL Issued 2017*Location NSSS Comm. Op. CapacityDocket Number NRC Architect Engineer Licensed LR Issued FactorNRC Web Page Address Region Constructor MWt Exp. Date (Percent)B: In September 2017, Duke Energy announced cancellation of William States Lee nuclear power plant, Units 3 and 4.

  • Average capacity factor is listed in year order starting with 2012. ** Bellefonte Units 1 and 2 are under the Commission Policy Statement on Deferred Plants (52 FR 38077; October 14, 1987).*** In June 2018, Nuclear Innovation North America submitted a letter requesting that South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4, COLs be withdrawn.Note: Plant names and data are as identi~ed on the license as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

Source: NRC, with some data compiled from U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Energy Information Administration (EIA).

112 Applicant Docket Number TypeSubmittal Date Design Site StateExisting Plant?Date Accepted Status Combined License (Construction and Operating)Nuclear Innovation North America, LLC 05200012 &

05200013 COL 9/20/07 ABWRSouth Texas Project, Units 3 and 4 TXYes 11/29/07 COL Issued 02/09/2016Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)05200014 &

05200015 COL 10/30/07 AP1000Bellefonte, Units 3 and 4 AL No 1/18/08Withdrawn-12/02/2016Dominion Virginia Power 05200017 COL 11/27/07 ESBWRNorth Anna, Unit 3 VAYes 01/28/08 COL Issued 06/02/2017 Duke Energy Carolinas05200018 &

05200019 COL 12/13/07 AP1000Lee Nuclear Station, Units 3 and 4 SC No 2/25/08 COL Issued 12/19/2016 Progressive Energy05200022 &

05200023 COL 2/19/08 AP1000Shearon Harris, Units 2 and 3 NCYes 4/17/08 Suspended-05/02/2013Southern Nuclear Operating Co.05200025 &

05200026 COL 3/31/08 AP1000Vogtle, Units 3 and 4 GAYes 5/30/08 COL Issued 02/10/2012South Carolina Electric and Gas05200027 &

05200028 COL 3/31/08 AP1000V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3 SCYes 7/31/08 COL Issued 03/30/2012 AmerenUE 05200037 COL 7/24/08U.S. EPRCallaway, Unit 2 MOYes 12/12/08Withdrawn-10/19/2015Duke Energy Florida05200029 &

05200030 COL 7/30/08 AP1000Levy County, Units 1 and 2 FL No 10/6/08Withdrawn-04/26/2018DTE Electric Company 05200033 COL 9/18/08 ESBWRFermi, Unit 3 MIYes 11/25/08 COL Issued 05/01/2015Luminant Generation Co.05200034 &

05200035 COL 9/19/08 US-APWRComanche Peak, Units 3 and 4 TXYes 12/2/08 Suspended-03/31/2014Entergy 05200036 COL 9/25/08 ESBWRRiver Bend, Unit 3 LAYes 12/4/08Withdrawn-06/14/2016 PPL Bell Bend 05200039 COL 10/10/08U.S. EPRBell Bend (1 Unit)PAYes 12/19/08Withdrawn-09/22/2016Florida Power and Light05200040 &

05200041 COL 6/30/09 AP1000Turkey Point, Units 6 and 7 FLYes 9/4/09 COL Issued 04/12/2018 Design Certi~cationAREVA NP 05200020 DC 12/11/07U.S. EPR N/A N/A N/A 2/25/08Suspended-03/27/2015Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 05200021 DC 12/31/07 US-APWR N/A N/A N/A 2/29/08Applicant Delayed

-Not ScheduledKorea Electric Power Company and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power 05200046 DC 12/23/14 APR 1400 N/A N/A N/A 3/4/15Scheduled Toshiba Corporation 05200044 DC 10/27/10 ABWR N/A N/A N/A 12/14/10Withdrawn-12/30/2016GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy 05200045DC 12/7/10 ABWR N/A N/A N/A 2/14/11 ScheduledNuScale Power LLC 05200048DC 01/6/17 NuScale N/A N/A N/A 3/23/17 Scheduled Early Site Permit PSEG Site 05200043 ESP 5/25/10Not yet announced PSEG Site NJYes 8/4/10Issued 05/06/2016TVA Clinch River SMR Site 05200047 ESP 5/25/10Not yet announced Clinch River Site TN No 1/12/17 Scheduled APPENDIX B New Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Applications Notes: Withdrawal was requested for Calvert Cliffs, Grand Gulf, Nine Mile Point, Victoria County, Bellefonte, and Callaway (COL and ESP). On July 31, 2017, a decision was announced by South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) to cease construction on V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3 , and by letter dated December 27, 2017, SCE&G requested withdrawl of the corresponding COLs; NRC action is still pending. In September 2017, Duke Energy announced cancellation of William States Lee nuclear power plant, Units 3 and 4 project. As of June 2018, Nuclear Innovation North America submitted a letter requesting that the COLs for South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4, be withdrawn.

Data are current as of May 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019. NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed.

113 APPENDIX CCommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed To Operate Unit Reactor NSSS OL Issued Decommissioning Location Type Vendor Shut Down Alternative Selected Docket Number MWt OL Terminated Current License Status Closure Date Est.

Big Rock Point BWR GE 05/01/1964 DECON Charlevoix, MI 240 08/29/1997 DECON Completed 05000155 01/08/2007 Crystal River 3 PWR B&W LLP 12/03/1976 SAFSTOR Crystal River, FL 2,609 02/20/2013 SAFSTOR in Progress 05000302 2074Dresden 1 BWR GE 09/28/1959 SAFSTOR Morris, IL 700 10/31/1978 SAFSTOR 05000010 2036 Fermi 1 SCF CE 05/10/1963 SAFSTOR Newport, MI 200 09/22/1972 SAFSTOR 05000016 2032 Fort Calhoun 1 PWR-DRYAMB CE 08/09/1973 SAFSTOR Ft. Calhoun, NE 1,500 10/24/2016 SAFSTOR in Progress 05000285 2076 Fort St. Vrain HTG GA 12/21/1973 DECON Platteville, CO 842 08/18/1989 DECON Completed 05000267 08/08/1997 GE EVESR Experimental GE 11/12/1963 SAFSTOR Sunol, CA Superheat Reactor 02/01/1967 Possession Only 05000183 12.5 04/15/1970 License Expired 01/1/2019 01/2016GE VBWR (Vallecitos)

BWR GE 08/31/1957 SAFSTOR Sunol, CA 50 12/09/1963 SAFSTOR 05000018 2019 Haddam Neck PWR WEST 12/27/1974 DECON Meriden, CT 1,825 12/05/1996 DECON Completed 05000213 11/26/2007

114 APPENDIX CCommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed To Operate (continued)

Unit Reactor NSSS OL Issued Decommissioning Location Type Vendor Shut Down Alternative Selected Docket Number MWt OL Terminated Current License Status Closure Date Est.

Humboldt Bay 3 BWR GE 08/28/1962 DECON Eureka, CA 200 07/02/1976 DECON in Progress 05000133 2019 Indian Point 1 PWR B&W 03/26/1962 SAFSTOR Buchanan, NY 615 10/31/1974 SAFSTOR 05000003 2026 Kewaunee PWR WEST 2LP 12/21/1973 SAFSTOR Carlton, WI 1,772 05/07/2013 SAFSTOR 05000305 2073La Crosse BWR AC 07/03/1967 DECON Genoa, WI 165 04/30/1987 DECON in Progress 05000409 2020Maine Yankee PWR CE 06/29/1973 DECON Wiscasset, ME 2,700 12/06/1996 DECON Completed 05000309 09/30/2005 Millstone 1 BWR GE 10/31/1970 SAFSTOR Waterford, CT 2,011 07/21/1998 SAFSTOR 05000245 12/31/2056 Path~nder BWR AC 03/12/1964 DECON Sioux Falls, SD 190 09/16/1967 DECON Completed 05000130 07/27/2007 Peach Bottom 1 HTG GA 01/24/1966 SAFSTOR Delta, PA 115 10/31/1974 SAFSTOR 05000171 12/31/2034 Rancho Seco PWR B&W 08/16/1974 DECON Herald, CA 2,772 06/07/1989 DECON Completed 05000312 09/25/2009

115 APPENDIX CCommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed To Operate (continued)

Unit Reactor NSSS OL Issued Decommissioning Location Type Vendor Shut Down Alternative Selected Docket Number MWt OL Terminated Current License Status Closure Date Est.San Onofre 1*

PWR WEST 03/27/1967 DECON San Clemente, CA 1,347 11/30/1992 SAFSTOR 05000206 12/30/2030 San Onofre 2*

PWR CE CE 02/16/1982 DECON San Clemente, CA 3,438 06/12/2013 DECON in Progress 05000361 2032San Onofre 3 PWR CE CE 11/15/1982 DECON San Clemente, CA 3,438 06/12/2013 DECON in Progress 05000362 2032 Savannah, N.S.

PWR B&W 08/1965 SAFSTOR Baltimore, MD 74 11/1970 SAFSTOR 05000238 12/01/2031 Saxton PWR WEST 11/15/1961 DECON Saxton, PA 23.5 05/01/1972 DECON Completed 05000146 11/07/2005 Shoreham BWR GE 04/21/1989 DECON Wading River, NY 2,436 06/28/1989 DECON Completed 05000322 04/11/1995 Three Mile Island 2 PWR B&W 02/08/1978

    • Middletown, PA 2,770 03/28/1979 SAFSTOR 05000320 12/31/2036 Trojan PWR WEST 11/21/1975 DECON Rainier, OR 3,411 11/09/1992 DECON Completed 05000344 05/23/2005 Yankee-Rowe PWR WEST 12/24/1963 DECON Rowe, MA 600 10/01/1991 DECON Completed 05000029 08/10/2007 Vermont Yankee BWR-Mark 1 GE 4 03/21/1972 SAFSTOR Vernon, VT 1,912 12/29/2014 SAFSTOR in Progress 05000271 2073 116 APPENDIX CCommercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed To Operate (continued)

Unit Reactor NSSS OL Issued Decommissioning Location Type Vendor Shut Down Alternative Selected Docket Number MWt OL Terminated Current License Status Closure Date Est.

Zion 1 PWR WEST 10/19/1973 DECON Zion, IL 3,250 02/21/1997 DECON in Progress 05000295 2019 Zion 2 PWR WEST 11/14/1973 DECON Zion, IL 3,250 09/19/1996 DECON in Progress 05000304 2019

  • Site has been dismantled and decontaminated with the exception of the reactor vessel, which is in long-term storage.
    • Three Mile Island Unit 2 has been placed in a postdefueling monitored storage mode until Unit 1 permanently ceases operation, at which time both units are planned to be decommissioned.Notes: GE Bonus, Hallam, and Piqua decommissioned reactor sites are part of the DOE nuclear legacy. For more information, visit DOE's Legacy Management Web site at CVTR, Elk River, and Shippingport decommissioned reactor sites were either decommissioned before the formation of the NRC or were not licensed by the NRC.

See the Glossary for de~nitions of decommissioning alternatives (DECON, SAFSTOR).

Source: DOE, "Integrated Database for 1990, U.S. Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste, Inventories, Projections, and Characteristics" (DOE/RW-0006, Rev. 6), and NRC, "Nuclear Power Plants in the World," Edition 6.Data are current as of July 2018. The next printed update will be in August 2019.

117 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power ReactorsPart 50-Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket NumberAllens Creek 1 BWR 1982 Houston Lighting & Power Company 1,150 Under CP Review 4 miles NW of Wallis, TX 05000466Allens Creek 2 BWR 1976 Houston Lighting & Power Company 1,150 Under CP Review 4 miles NW of Wallis, TX 05000467 Atlantic 1 & 2 PWR 1978 Public Service Electric & Gas Company 1,150 Under CP Review Floating plants off the coast of NJ 05000477 & 478 Bailly 1 BWR 1981 Northern Indiana Public Service Company 645 With CP 12 miles NNE of Gary, IN 05000367 Barton 1 & 2 BWR 1977 Alabama Power & Light 1,159 Under CP Review 15 miles SE of Clanton, AL 05000524 & 525 Barton 3 & 4 BWR 1975 Alabama Power & Light 1,159 Under CP Review 15 miles SE of Clanton, AL 05000526 & 527 Black Fox 1 & 2 BWR 1982 Public Service Company of Oklahoma 1,150 Under CP Review 3.5 miles S of Inola, OK 05000556 & 557 Blue Hills 1 & 2 PWR 1978 Gulf States Utilities Company 918 Under CP Review SW tip of Toledo Bend Reservoir, TX 05000510 & 511Cherokee 1 PWR 1983 Duke Power Company 1,280 With CP 6 miles SSW of Blacksburg, SC 05000491Cherokee 2 & 3 PWR 1982 Duke Power Company 1,280 With CP 6 miles SSW of Blacksburg, SC 05000492 & 493 Clinch River LMFB 1983 Project Management Corp., DOE, TVA 350 Under CP Review 23 miles W of Knoxville, in Oak Ridge, TN 05000537 Clinton 2 BWR 1983 Illinois Power Company 933 With CP 6 miles E of Clinton, IL 05000462 Davis-Besse 2 & 3 PWR 1981 Toledo Edison Company 906 Under CP Review 21 miles ESE of Toledo, OH 05000500 & 501 118 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (continued)Part 50-Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket Number Douglas Point 1 & 2 BWR 1977 Potomac Electric Power Company 1,146 Under CP Review Charles County, MD 05000448 & 449 Erie 1 & 2 PWR 1980 Ohio Edison Company 1,260 Under CP Review Berlin, OH 05000580 & 581 Forked River 1 PWR 1980 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 1,070 With CP 2 miles S of Forked River, NJ 05000363 Fort Calhoun 2 PWR 1977 Omaha Public Power District 1,136 Under CP Review 19 miles N of Omaha, NE 05000548 Fulton 1 & 2 HTG 1975 Philadelphia Electric Company 1,160 Under CP Review 17 miles S of Lancaster, PA 05000463 & 464 Grand Gulf 2 BWR 1990 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

1,250 With CP 20 miles SW of Vicksburg, MS 05000417Greene County PWR 1980 Power Authority of the State of NY 1,191 Under CP Review 20 miles N of Kingston, NY 05000549Greenwood 2 & 3 PWR 1980 Detroit Edison Company 1,200 Under CP Review Greenwood Township, MI 05000452 & 453 Hartsville A1 & A2 BWR 1984 Tennessee Valley Authority 1,233 With CP 5 miles SE of Hartsville, TN 05000518 & 519 Hartsville B1 & B2 BWR 1982 Tennessee Valley Authority 1,233 With CP 5 miles SE of Hartsville, TN 05000520 & 521 Haven 1 (formerly Koshkonong)

PWR 1980 Wisconsin Electric Power Company 900 Under CP Review 4.2 miles SSW of Fort Atkinson, WI 05000502 Haven 2 (formerly Koshkonong)

PWR 1978 Wisconsin Electric Power Company 900 Under CP Review 4.2 miles SSW of Fort Atkinson, WI 05000503Hope Creek 2 BWR 1981 Public Service Electric & Gas Company 1,067 With CP 18 miles SE of Wilmington, DE 05000355 119 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (continued)Part 50-Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket Number Jamesport 1 & 2 PWR 1980 Long Island Lighting Company 1,150 With CP 65 miles E of New York City, NY 05000516 & 517 Marble Hill 1 & 2 PWR 1985 Public Service of Indiana 1,130 With CP 6 miles NE of New Washington, IN 05000546 & 547 Midland 1 PWR 1986 Consumers Power Company 492 With CP S of City of Midland, MI 05000329 Midland 2 PWR 1986 Consumers Power Company 818 With CP S of City of Midland, MI 05000330 Montague 1 & 2 BWR 1980 Northeast Nuclear Energy Company 1,150 Under CP Review 1.2 miles SSE of Turners Falls, MA 05000496 & 497 New England 1 & 2 PWR 1979 New England Power Company 1,194 Under CP Review 8.5 miles E of Westerly, RI 05000568 & 569 New Haven 1 & 2 PWR 1980 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 1,250 Under CP Review 3 miles NW of New Haven, NY 05000596 & 597 North Anna 3 PWR 1982 Virginia Electric & Power Company 907 With CP 40 miles NW of Richmond, VA 05000404 North Anna 4 PWR 1980 Virginia Electric & Power Company 907 With CP 40 miles NW of Richmond, VA 05000405 North Coast 1 PWR 1978 Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority 583 Under CP Review 4.7 miles ESE of Salinas, PR 05000376Palo Verde 4 & 5 PWR 1979 Arizona Public Service Company 1,270 Under CP Review 36 miles W of Phoenix, AZ 05000592 & 593 Pebble Springs 1 & 2 PWR 1982 Portland General Electric Company 1,260 Under CP Review 55 miles WSW of Richland, WA, near Arlington, OR 05000514 & 515 Perkins 1, 2, & 3 PWR 1982 Duke Power Company 1,280 Under CP Review 10 miles N of Salisbury, NC 05000488, 489 & 490 120 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (continued)Part 50-Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket Number Perry 2 BWR 1994 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.

1,205 Under CP Review 35 miles NE of Cleveland, OH 05000441 Phipps Bend 1 & 2 BWR 1982 Tennessee Valley Authority 1,220 With CP 15 miles SW of Kingsport, TN 05000553 & 554 Pilgrim 2 PWR 1981 Boston Edison Company 1,180 Under CP Review 4 miles SE of Plymouth, MA 05000471 Pilgrim 3 PWR 1974 Boston Edison Company 1,180 Under CP Review 4 miles SE of Plymouth, MA 05000472 Quanicassee 1 & 2 PWR 1974 Consumers Power Company 1,150 Under CP Review 6 miles E of Essexville, MI 05000475 & 476 River Bend 2 BWR 1984 Gulf States Utilities Company 934 With CP 24 miles NNW of Baton Rouge, LA 05000459Seabrook 2 PWR 1988 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire 1,198 With CP 13 miles S of Portsmouth, NH 05000444Shearon Harris 2 PWR 1983 Carolina Power & Light Company 900 With CP 20 miles SW of Raleigh, NC 05000401Shearon Harris 3 & 4 PWR 1981 Carolina Power & Light Company 900 With CP 20 miles SW of Raleigh, NC 05000402 & 403Skagit/Hanford 1 & 2 PWR 1983 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 1,277 Under CP Review 23 miles SE of Bellingham, WA 05000522 & 523 Sterling PWR 1980 Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation 1,150 With CP 50 miles E of Rochester, NY 05000485 Summit 1 & 2 HTG 1975 Delmarva Power & Light Company 1,200 Under CP Review 15 miles SSW of Wilmington, DE 05000450 & 451 121 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (continued)Part 50-Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket Number Sundesert 1 & 2 PWR 1978 San Diego Gas & Electric Company 974 Under CP Review 16 miles SW of Blythe, CA 05000582 & 583 Surry 3 & 4 PWR 1977 Virginia Electric & Power Company 882 With CP 17 miles NW of Newport News, VA 05000434 & 435Tyrone 1 PWR 1981 Northern States Power Company 1,150 Under CP Review 8 miles NE of Durond, WI 05000484Tyrone 2 PWR 1974 Northern States Power Company 1,150 With CP 8 miles NE of Durond, WI 05000487Vogtle 3 & 4 PWR 1974 Georgia Power Company 1,113 With CP 26 miles SE of Augusta, GA 050000426 & 427Washington Nuclear 1 (WPPSS)

PWR 1995 Energy Northwest 1,266 With CP 12 miles NE of Richland, WA 05000460Washington Nuclear 3 (WPPSS)

PWR 1995 Energy Northwest 1,242 With CP 12 miles NE of Richland, WA 05000508Washington Nuclear 4 (WPPSS)

PWR 1982 Energy Northwest 1,218 With CP 12 miles NE of Richland, WA 05000513Washington Nuclear 5 (WPPSS)

PWR 1982 Energy Northwest 1,242 With CP 12 miles NE of Richland, WA 05000509Yellow Creek 1 & 2 BWR 1984 Tennessee Valley Authority 1,285 With CP 15 miles E of Corinth, MS 05000566 & 567 Zimmer 1 BWR 1984 Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company 810 With CP 25 miles SE of Cincinnati, OH 05000358 122 Bellefonte 3 & 4 AP1000 December 2, 2016 Tennessee Valley Authority 1,100 With COL Review Scottsboro, Jackson County, AL 05200014 & 05200015 Bell Bend U.S. EPR September 22, 2016 Bell Bend, LLC 1,600 With COL Review Luzerne County, PA 5200039 Callaway 2 U.S. EPR October, 29, 2015 Union Electric Company (Ameren UE) 1,600 With COL Review Fulton, Callaway County , MO 05200037Calvert Cliffs 3 U.S. EPR July 17, 2015 UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC 4,500 With COL Review Near Lusby in Calvert County, MD 05200016 Grand Gulf 3 ESBWR January 9, 2009 Entergy Operations, Inc.

4,500 With COL Review Near Port Gibson in Claiborne County, MS 05200024 Levy 1 and 2 AP1000 April 26, 2018 Duke Energy Florida 1,100 With COL Levy County, FL 05200029 & 05200030 Nine Mile Point 3 ESBWR January 9, 2009 UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC 4,500 With COL Review 25 miles SE of Cincinnati, OH 0500038 River Bend 3 ESBWR June 14, 2016 Entergy Operations, Inc.

1,594 With COL Review St. Francisville, LA 5200036 Victoria County Station 1 and 2 ESBWR June 11, 2010 Exelon Nuclear Texas Holdings, LLC 4,500 With COL Review Near Victoria City in Victoria County, TX 05200031 & 05200032 APPENDIX DCanceled Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (continued)Part 52-Licensing, Certi~cation, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants Unit Canceled Date Utility Con Type Status Location MWe per Unit Docket Number Notes: Cancellation is de~ned as public announcement of cancellation or written noti~cation to the NRC. Only NRC-docketed applications are included. "Status" is the status of the application at the time of cancellation. Applications were withdrawn for Calvert Cliffs, Grand Gulf, Nine Mile Point, Victoria County, and Callaway. On July 31, 2017, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) announced its decision to cease construction on V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3, and the licensee has requested that the COLs be withdrawn.

NRC action is still pending.In October 2017, Duke Energy has announced plans to cancel reactors at Levy County, FL, and William States Lee, SC. Units 3 and 4. In June 2018, Nuclear Innovation North America submitted a letter requesting that the COLs for South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4, be withdrawn.Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019. NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed.Source: DOE/EIA, "Commercial Nuclear Power 1991," DOE/EIA-0438, Appendix E, and the NRC 123 APPENDIX ECommercial Nuclear Power Reactors by Parent Company Utility NRC-Abbreviated Reactor Unit NameAmerenUE Callaway* Arizona Public Service Company Palo Verde 1, 2, & 3* Dominion Generation Millstone 2 & 3 North Anna 1 & 2 Surry 1 & 2 DTE Electric Company Fermi 2 www.dteenergy.comDuke Energy Brunswick 1 & 2 Catawba 1 & 2 Harris 1 McGuire 1 & 2 Oconee 1, 2, & 3 Robinson 2Energy Northwest Columbia Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Arkansas Nuclear One 1 & 2 Grand Gulf 1 Indian Point 2 & 3 Palisades Pilgrim 1 River Bend 1 Waterford 3 Exelon Corporation, LLC Braidwood 1 & 2 Byron 1 & 2 Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2 Clinton Dresden 2 & 3 FitzPatrick Ginna LaSalle 1 & 2 Limerick 1 & 2 Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 Oyster Creek Peach Bottom 2 & 3 Quad Cities 1 & 2 Three Mile Island 1First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley 1 & 2 Davis-Besse Perry 1 124 APPENDIX ECommercial Nuclear Power Reactors by Parent Company (continued)

Utility NRC-Abbreviated Reactor Unit Name Indiana Michigan Power Company Cook 1 & 2 Nebraska Public Power District Cooper www.nppd.comNextEra Energy Inc. with principal subsidiaries Duane Arnold Florida Power & Light Co. and Point Beach 1 & 2 NextEra Energy Resources, LLC Seabrook 1 St. Lucie 1 & 2 Turkey Point 3 & 4Northern States Power Company Monticello Minnesota doing business as Xcel Energy Prairie Island 1 & 2 Paci~c Gas & Electric Company Diablo Canyon 1 & 2*

www.pge.comPSEG Nuclear, LLC Hope Creek 1 Salem 1 & 2South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Summer www.sceg.comSouthern Nuclear Operating Company Farley 1 & 2 Hatch 1 & 2 Vogtle 1 & 2 STP Nuclear Operating Company South Texas Project 1 & 2*

www.stpegs.comTalen Energy Corp.

Susquehanna 1 & 2 www.talenenergy.comTennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry 1, 2, & 3 Sequoyah 1 & 2 Watts Bar 1 & 2Vistra Energy Comanche Peak 1 & 2*

www.vistraenergy.comWolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Wolf Creek 1*

  • These plants have a joint program called the Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing group.

They share resources for refueling outages and develop some shared licensing applications.Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

125* AEC Issued a provisional operating license allowing commercial operations.

Notes: This list is limited to reactors licensed to operate. Year is based on the date the initial full-power operating license was issued.

NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed. Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

1969Dresden 2*

Ginna*Nine Mile Point 1*Oyster Creek*

1970 Point Beach 1*

Robinson 2 1971Dresden 3 Monticello*

1972 Palisades*

Pilgrim Quad Cities 1 Quad Cities 2 Surry 1Turkey Point 3 1973Browns Ferry 1 Indian Point 2 Oconee 1 Oconee 2 Peach Bottom 2 Point Beach 2*

Surry 2Turkey Point 4 1974 Arkansas Nuclear 1Browns Ferry 2 Brunswick 2Calvert Cliffs 1 Cooper Cook 1Duane Arnold FitzPatrick Hatch 1 Oconee 3 Peach Bottom 3 Prairie Island 1 Prairie Island 2Three Mile Island 1 1975 Millstone 2 1976Beaver Valley 1Browns Ferry 3 Brunswick 1Calvert Cliffs 2 Indian Point 3 Salem 1 St. Lucie 1 1977 Davis-Besse D.C. Cook 2 Farley 1 1978 Arkansas Nuclear 2 Hatch 2 North Anna 1 1980 North Anna 2 Sequoyah 1 1981 Farley 2McGuire 1 Salem 2 Sequoyah 2 1982 LaSalle 1 SummerSusquehanna 1 1983McGuire 2 St. Lucie 2 1984 Callaway Columbia Diablo Canyon 1 Grand Gulf 1 LaSalle 2 Susquehanna 2 1985Byron 1 Catawba 1 Diablo Canyon 2 Fermi 2 Limerick 1Palo Verde 1 River Bend 1Waterford 3Wolf Creek 1 1986 Catawba 2Hope Creek 1 Millstone 3Palo Verde 2 Perry 1 1987Beaver Valley 2 Braidwood 1Byron 2 Clinton Harris 1 Nine Mile Point 2Palo Verde 3Vogtle 1 1988 Braidwood 2South Texas Project 1 1989 Limerick 2South Texas Project 2Vogtle 2 1990 Comanche Peak 1Seabrook 1 1993 Comanche Peak 2 1996Watts Bar 1 2015Watts Bar 2 APPENDIX FCommercial Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licenses-Issued by Year APPENDIX GCommercial Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licenses-Expiration by Year, 2013-2055Notes: This list includes Indian Point 2 & 3, which entered timely renewal on September 29, 2013, and December 12, 2015. It is limited to reactors licensed to operate. NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed. Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

2013 Indian Point 2 2015 Indian Point 3 2024 Diablo Canyon 1Waterford 3 2025 Diablo Canyon 2 River Bend 1 2026 Clinton Perry 2029Ginna Nine Mile Point 1Oyster Creek 2030 Comanche Peak 1 Monticello Point Beach 1 Robinson 2Seabrook 2031Dresden 3 Palisades 2032Pilgrim Quad Cities 1 Quad Cities 2 Surry 1Turkey Point 3 2033Browns Ferry 1 Comanche Peak 2 Oconee 1 Oconee 2 Peach Bottom 2 Point Beach 2 Prairie Island 1 Surry 2Turkey Point 4 2034 Arkansas Nuclear 1Browns Ferry 2 Brunswick 2Calvert Cliffs 1 Cook 1 CooperDuane Arnold FitzPatrick Hatch 1 Oconee 3 Peach Bottom 3 Prairie Island 2Three Mile Island 1 2035Millstone 2 Watts Bar 1 2036Beaver Valley 1Browns Ferry 3Brunswick 1 Calvert Cliffs 2 St. Lucie 1 Salem 1 2037Cook 2 Davis-Besse 1 Farley 1 2038 Arkansas Nuclear 2 Hatch 2 North Anna 1 2040 North Anna 2 Salem 2 Sequoyah 1 2041 Farley 2McGuire 1 Sequoyah 2 2042 LaSalle 1 Summer Susquehanna 1 2043 Catawba 1 Catawba 2 Columbia LaSalle 2 McGuire 2 St. Lucie 2 2044Byron 1 Calloway Grand Gulf 1 Limerick 1 Susquehanna 2 2045 Fermi 2 Millstone 3Palo Verde 1Wolf Creek 1 2046 Braidwood 1 Byron 2 Harris 1Hope CreekNine Mile Point 2 Palo Verde 2 2047Beaver Valley 2 Braidwood 2Palo Verde 3South Texas Project 1 Vogtle 12048 South Texas Project 2 2049 Limerick 2 Vogtle 2 2055Watts Bar 2 126 APPENDIX HOperating Nuclear Research and Test Reactors Regulated by the NRC Licensee Reactor Type Power Level Licensee Number Location OL Issued (kW) Docket NumberAerotest TRIGA (Indus) 250 R-98 San Ramon, CA 07/02/1965 05000228Armed Forces Radiobiology TRIGA 1,100 R-84 Research Institute 06/26/1962 05000170 Bethesda, MD Dow Chemical Company TRIGA 300 R-108 Midland, MI 07/03/1967 05000264 GE-Hitachi Tank 100 R-33 Sunol, CA 10/31/1957 05000073 Idaho State University AGN-201 #103 0.005 R-110 Pocatello, ID 10/11/1967 05000284 Kansas State University TRIGA 250 R-88 Manhattan, KS 10/16/1962 05000188 Massachusetts Institute HWR Reected 6,000 R-37 of Technology 06/09/1958 05000020 Cambridge, MA Missouri University of Science Pool 200 R-79 and Technology 11/21/1961 05000123 Rolla, MO National Institute of Nuclear Test 20,000 TR-5 Standards & Technology 05/21/1970 05000184 Gaithersburg, MDNorth Carolina State University Pulstar 1,000 R-120 Raleigh, NC 08/25/1972 05000297 Ohio State University Pool 500 R-75 Columbus, OH 02/24/1961 05000150Oregon State University TRIGA MARK II 1,100 R-106 Corvallis, OR 03/07/1967 05000243 Pennsylvania State University TRIGA 1,100 R-2 State College, PA 07/08/1955 05000005Purdue University Lockheed 12 R-87 West Lafayette, IN 08/16/1962 05000182 Reed College TRIGA MARK I 250 R-112 Portland, OR 07/02/1968 05000288 127 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Critical Assembly 0.1 CX-22 Troy, NY 07/03/1964 05000225 Rhode Island Atomic GE Pool 2,000 R-95 Energy Commission 07/23/1964 05000193 Narragansett, RITexas A&M University AGN-201M #106 0.005 R-23 College Station, TX 08/26/1957 05000059Texas A&M University TRIGA 1,000 R-83 College Station, TX 12/07/1961 05000128 U.S. Geological Survey TRIGA MARK I 1,000 R-113 Denver, CO 02/24/1969 05000274University of California/Davis TRIGA 2,300 R-130 Sacramento, CA 08/13/1998 05000607University of California/Irvine TRIGA MARK I 250 R-116 Irvine, CA 11/24/1969 05000326 University of Florida Argonaut 100 R-56 Gainesville, FL 05/21/1959 05000083 University of Maryland TRIGA 250 R-70 College Park, MD 10/14/1960 05000166 University of Massachusetts/Lowell GE Pool 1,000 R-125 Lowell, MA 12/24/1974 05000223 University of Missouri/Columbia Tank 10,000 R-103 Columbia, MO 10/11/1966 05000186 University of New Mexico AGN-201M #112 0.005 R-102 Albuquerque, NM 09/17/1966 05000252University of Texas TRIGA MARK II 1,100 R-129 Austin, TX 01/17/1992 05000602 University of Utah TRIGA MARK I 100 R-126 Salt Lake City, UT 09/30/1975 05000407 University of Wisconsin TRIGA 1,000 R-74 Madison, WI 11/23/1960 05000156Washington State University TRIGA 1,000 R-76 Pullman, WA 03/06/1961 05000027 Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

APPENDIX HOperating Nuclear Research and Test Reactors Regulated by the NRC (continued)

Licensee Reactor Type Power Level Licensee Number Location OL Issued (kW) Docket Number 128 APPENDIX INuclear Research and Test Reactors under Decommissioning Regulated by the NRC Licensee Reactor Type OL Issued Location Power Level (kW)

Shutdown General Atomics TRIGA MARK F 07/01/60 San Diego, CA 1,500 09/07/94 General Atomics TRIGA MARK I 05/03/58 San Diego, CA 250 12/17/96 General Electric Company GETR (Tank) 01/07/59 Sunol, CA 50,000 06/26/85 University of Buffalo Pulstar 03/24/61 Buffalo, NY 2,000 07/23/96 Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

APPENDIX J Radiation Doses and Regulatory Limits 400 200 0 600 800 1,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 620 450 310 100 40 30 10 4 2.5Annual Nuclear Worker Dose Limit (NRC)

Whole Body CTAverage U.S. Annual DoseDenver Avg. Annual Natural Background DoseU.S. Avg. Natural Background Dose Annual Public Dose Limit (NRC)From Your Body Cosmic Rays Chest X-RaySafe Drinking WaterLimit (EPA)Transatlantic FlightRadiation Doses and Regulatory Limits (in Millirems)Dose Limit from NRC-Licensed ActivityDoses in Millirem Radiation Doses 129 APPENDIX KCommercial Nuclear Power Plant Licensing History 1955-2018YearOriginal Licensing Regulations (10 CFR Part 50) 1 Current Licensing Regulations (10 CFR Part 52) 4 Permanent Shutdowns 7 Operable Units 8 CP Issued 2 Full-Power OL Issued 3 COL Issued 5 Operating COLs 6 1955 1 0- -- -0 0 1956 3 0- -- -0 0 1957 1 1- -- -0 1 1958 0 0- -- -0 1 1959 3 1- -- -0 2 1960 7 1- -- -0 3 1961 0 0- -- -0 3 1962 1 6- -- -0 9 1963 1 2- -- -1 11 1964 3 3- -- -1 13 1965 1 0- -- -0 13 1966 5 2- -- -1 14 1967 14 3- -- -2 15 1968 23 0- -- -1 13 1969 7 4- -- -0 17 1970 10 3- -- -1 20 1971 4 2- -- -0 22 1972 8 6- -- -2 27 1973 14 15- -- -0 42 1974 23 15- -- -2 55 1975 9 2- -- -0 57 1976 9 7- -- -1 63 1977 15 4- -- -0 67 1978 13 4- -- -1 70 1979 2 0- -- -1 69 1980 0 2- -- -0 71 1981 0 4- -- -0 75 1982 0 4- -- -1 78 1983 0 3- -- -0 81 1984 0 6- -- -0 87 1985 0 9- -- -0 96 1986 0 5- -- -0 101 1987 0 8- -- -1 107 1988 0 2- -- -0 109 1989 0 4- -- -3 111 1990 0 2- -- -0 112 1991 0 0- -- -1 111 1992 0 0- -- -2 109 1993 0 1- -- -0 110 1994 0 0- -- -0 109 1995 0 0- -- -0 109 1996 0 1- -- -3 109 1997 0 0 0 0 2 107 1998 0 0 0 0 1 104 1999-2011 0 0 0 0 0 104 130 2012 0 0 4 units 0 0 104 2013 0 0 0 0 4 100 2014 0 0 0 0 1 99 2015 0 1 1 units 0 0 100 2016 0 0 4 units 0 1 99 2017 0 0 1 unit 0 0 99 2018 0 0 2 units 0 0 99Total 177 133 12 units 0 34- - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission was the regulatory authority

- - Not applicable 1 Data in columns 1-3 are based on 10 CFR Part 50 and in columns 4-6 are based on 10 CFR Part 52 2~ Issuance by regulatory authority of a permit, or equivalent permission, to begin construction. ~ Under current~ licensing~

regulations,~the~construction~ permit~ is~ no~ longer issued~ separately~from~the operating license.3~ Numbers reect permits or licenses issued in a given year, not extant permits or licenses.

4. Data in columns 4-6 are based on 10 CFR Part 52.5 Number of applications received for combined licenses (construction and operating) in a given year, including one that was~ subsequently~ withdrawn.~See Appendix A Part 52 on status of plant construction and Appendix B for more information on withdrawn licenses and received applications.6 Issuance by regulatory authority of full-power operating license, or equivalent permission in a given year.7 Number of operating plants transitioned to shutdown in a given year. Does not represent the total number of reactor units included.

8 The number of operable units equals the cumulative number of units holding full-power licenses minus the cumulative number of permanent shutdowns.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration/Annual Energy Review 2011 located at

and compilation of NRC information following 2011.

APPENDIX KCommercial Nuclear Power Plant Licensing History 1955-2018 (continued)YearOriginal Licensing Regulations (10 CFR Part 50) 1 Current Licensing Regulations (10 CFR Part 52) 4 Permanent Shutdowns 7 Operable Units 8 CP Issued 2 Full-Power OL Issued 3 COL Issued 5 Operating COLs 6 131 APPENDIX L Materials Licenses by State Number of Licenses State NRCAgreement States Alabama 20 380 Alaska 79 0 Arizona 11 342 Arkansas 6 209California 70 1,728 Colorado 20 314 Connecticut 153 0Delaware 50 0 District of Columbia 37 0 Florida 20 1,623Georgia 22 405 Hawaii 65 0 Idaho 81 0 Illinois 25 620 Indiana 267 0 Iowa 1 155 Kansas 15 273 Kentucky 14 354 Louisiana 15 471 Maine 2 100 Maryland 64 535 Massachusetts 27 411 Michigan 435 0 Minnesota 13 151 Mississippi 5 283 Missouri 267 0 Montana 90 0 Nebraska 4 132 Nevada 5 239New Hampshire 4 82 New Jersey 28 558 Number of Licenses State NRCAgreement States New Mexico 15 207New York 23 993North Carolina 22 572 North Dakota 3 85 Ohio 41 552 Oklahoma 19 234Oregon 4 274 Pennsylvania 52 608 Rhode Island 2 44South Carolina 6 348 South Dakota 42 0Tennessee 24 520Texas 58 1,509 Utah 14 205Vermont 36 0Virginia 57 389Washington 21 337West Virginia 193 0 Wisconsin 9 289 Wyoming 106 0 Puerto Rico 115 0Virgin Islands 9 0 Guam 9 0 American Samoa 2 0Northern Marianas 1 0Total number of materials licenses in Agreement State jurisdiction 16,531Total number of materials licenses in NRC jurisdiction 2,795Total number of materials licenses in the United States 19,326Notes: The NRC and Agreement State data are as of June 2018. These totals represent an estimate because the number of speci~c radioactive materials licenses per State may change daily.

The next printed update will be in August 2019. The NRC licenses Federal agencies in Agreement States.Agreement StateStates Pursuing Agreements 132 APPENDIX M Major U.S. Fuel Cycle Facility Sites Licensee Location Status Docket #Uranium Hexauoride Conversion FacilityHoneywell International, Inc.Metropolis, ILready-idle*

04003392 Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facilities Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC Wilmington, NC active 07001139Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility Columbia, SC active 07001151 Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.

Erwin, TN active 07000143BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc.Lynchburg, VA active 07000027 Framatone, Inc.Richland, WA active 07001257 Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication FacilityCB&I AREVA MOX Services, LLC Aiken, SCconstruction 07003098 Gas Centrifuge Uranium Enrichment FacilitiesCentrus Energy Corp American Centrifuge Plant Piketon, OHlicense issued, construction halted 07007004URENCO-USA (Louisiana Energy Services)

Eunice, NM active 07003103AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC Eagle Rock Enrichment Facilities Idaho Falls, IDlicense issued, construction not started 07007015 Uranium Enrichment Laser Separation Facility GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment, LLC Wilmington, NClicense issued, construction not started 07007016 Depleted Uranium Deconversion FacilityInternational Isotopes, Inc.

Hobbs, NM (Lea County)license issued, construction not started 04009086* The facility is being maintained with minimal operations to support a future return to production.

Note: AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC Eagle Rock Enrichment Facilities requested to terminate license on never-built facilities in a letter dated May 14, 2018.

Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

133Vendor Docket # Storage Design Model General Nuclear Systems, Inc.

07201000 CASTOR V/21 (expired)NAC International, Inc.

07201002 NAC S/T (expired) 07201003 NAC-C28 S/T (expired) 07201015 NAC-UMS 07201025 NAC-MPC 07201031 Magnastor 07201013 NAC-STCHoltec International 07201008 HI-STAR 100 07201014 HI-STORM 100 07201032 HI-STORM FW 07201040 HI-STORM UMAXEnergySolutions, Inc.

07201007 VSC-24 07201026 Fuel Solutions TM (WSNF-220, -221, -223)

W-150 Storage Cask W-100 Transfer Cask W-21, W-74 CanistersTransnuclear, Inc.

07201005 TN-24 (expired) 07201027 TN-68 07201021 TN-32 07201004 Standardized NUHOMS

-24P, -24PHB, -24PTH, -32PT, -32PTH1, -37PTH, -52B, -61BT, -61BTH, -69BTH 07201029 Standardized Advanced NUHOMS

-24PT1, -24PT4 07201030 NUHOMS HD-32PTH 07201042 NUHOMS EOS Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019. (See latest list on the NRC Web site at

)APPENDIX N Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs:

NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees 134 Arkansas Nuclear GL Energy Solutions, Inc.

VSC-24 07200013 Entergy Nuclear Holtec International HI-STORM 100 Operations, Inc.

Beaver Valley GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-37PTH 07201043 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Big Rock Point GL Energy Solutions, Inc.

Fuel Solutions TM 07200043 Entergy Nuclear W74 Operations, Inc. Braidwood GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200073 Exelon Generation Co., LLCBrowns Ferry GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100S 07200052 Tennessee Valley Authority HI-STORM FW Brunswick GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-HD-61BTH 07200006 Carolina Power Co. Byron GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200068 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Callaway GL Holtec International HI-STORM UMAX 07201045 Union Electric Co.

Ameren MissouriCalvert Cliffs SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200008 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear NUHOMS-32P Power Plant, Inc.

Catawba GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-UMS 07200045 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Magnastor Clinton GL Holtec International HI-STORM FW 07201046 Exelon Generation Co.,LCC Columbia Generating GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200035 Station Energy Northwest Comanche Peak GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200074 Luminant Generation Company, LLC Cooper Nuclear Station GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07200066 Nebraska Public Power District Crystal River GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS--32PT 07201035 Duke Energy, LLC Davis-Besse GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200014 FirstEnergy Nuclear NUHOMS--32PTH Operating Company DC Cook GL Holtec International HI-STORM 07200072 Indiana/Michigan Power Diablo Canyon SL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200026 Paci~c Gas & Electric Co.

APPENDIX O Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees Name License Storage Docket Licensee Type Vendor Model Number 135Dresden GL Holtec International HI-STAR 100 07200037 Exelon Generation HI-STORM 100 Company, LLC Duane Arnold GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07200032 NextEra Energy Inc. Duane Arnold, LLC Fermi GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200071 DTE Electric Company Fort Calhoun GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-32PT 07200054 Omaha Public Power DistrictFort St. Vrain*

SL FW Energy Modular Vault 07200009 U.S. Department of Energy Applications, Inc.

Dry Store Grand Gulf GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100S 07200050 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

H.B. Robinson SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-7P 07200003 Carolina Power &

GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200060 Light Company Haddam Neck GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-MPC 07200039 CT Yankee Atomic Power Hatch GL Holtec International HI-STORM100 07200036 Southern Nuclear Operating, Inc. HI-STORM100SHope Creek/Salem GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200048 PSEG Nuclear, LLC Humboldt Bay SL Holtec International HI-STORM 100HB 07200027 Paci~c Gas & Electric Co.

Idaho National Lab SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-12T 07200020 TMI-2 Fuel Debris, U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Spent Fuel Facility SL Foster Wheeler Concrete Vault 07200025 Environmental Corp.

Indian Point GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200051 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

James A. FitzPatrick GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200012 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Joseph M. Farley GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200042 Southern Nuclear Operating Co.

Kewaunee GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-39PT 07200064 Dominion Energy NAC International, Inc.

Magnastor Kewaunee, Inc. La Salle GL Holtec International HI-STORM100 07200070 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Lacrosse GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-MPC 07200046 Dairyland Power APPENDIX O Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees (continued)

Name License Storage Docket Licensee Type Vendor Model Number 136 Limerick GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07200065 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Maine Yankee GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-UMS 07200030 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company McGuire GL Transnuclear, Inc.

TN-32 07200038 Duke Energy, LLC Millstone GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-32PT 07200047 Dominion Generation NAC International, Inc.

Magnastor, NAC UMS Monticello GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07200058 Northern States Power NUHOMS-61BTH Co., Minnesota Nine Mile Point GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07201036 Constellation Energy North Anna GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMSHD32PTH 07200056 Virginia Dominion Generation SL Transnuclear, Inc.

TN-32 07200016 Oconee SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200004 Duke Energy Company GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200040Oyster Creek GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-61BT 07200015 AmerGen Energy Company, LLC Palisades GL EnergySolutions, Inc.

VSC-24 07200007 Entergy Nuclear Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-32PT Operations, Inc.

NUHOMS-24PTPalo Verde GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-UMS 07200044 Arizona Public Service Co. Holtec International HI-STORM Peach Bottom GL Transnuclear, Inc.

TN-68 07200029 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Perry GL Holtec International HI-STORM 07200069 FirstEnergy Pilgrim GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07201044 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Point Beach GL EnergySolutions, Inc.

VSC-24 07200005 FLP Energy NUHOMS-32PT Point Beach, LLC Prairie Island SL Transnuclear, Inc.

TN-40 HT 07200010 Northern States Power TN-40 Co., Minnesota Private Fuel Storage SL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200022 Facility Quad Cities GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100S 07200053 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Rancho Seco SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24P 07200011 Sacramento Municipal Utility District APPENDIX O Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees (continued)

Name License Storage Docket Licensee Type Vendor Model Number 137 APPENDIX O Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees (continued)

Name License Storage Docket Licensee Type Vendor Model Number R.E. Ginna GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-32PT 07200067 Constellation Energy River Bend GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100S 07200049 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Salem GL Holtec International HI-STORM 07200048 PSEG Nuclear San Onofre GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-24PT 07200041 Southern California Edison Co.

Seabrook GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-HD-32PTH 07200061 FPL Energy Sequoyah GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200034 Tennessee Valley Authority St. Lucie GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-HD-32PTH 07200061 Florida Power & Light Co.

Surry SL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMSHD 07200002 Virginia Dominion Generation GL NUHOMSHD-32PTH 07200055 Susquehanna GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-52B 07200028 Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC NUHOMS-61BT NUHOMS-61BTHTrojan SL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200017 Portland General Electric Corp.

Turkey Point ISFSI GL Transnuclear, Inc.

NUHOMS-HD-32PTH 07200062 Florida Power & Light Co.Vermont Yankee GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200059 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Virgil C. Summer GL Holtec International HI-STORM FW 07201038 South Carolina Electric & GasVogtle GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100S 07201039 Southern CompanyWaterford Steam GL Holtec International HI-STORM 100 07200075 Electric Station Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.Watts Bar GL Holtec International HI-STORM FW 07201048 Tennessee Valley AuthorityYankee Rowe GL NAC International, Inc.

NAC-MPC 07200031 Yankee Atomic Electric Zion GL NAC International, Inc.

Magnastor 07201037 Zion Solutions, LLC* Fort St. Vrain is undergoing decommissioning and was transferred to DOE on June 4, 1999.Notes: NRC-abbreviated unit names. Data are current as of July 2018, and the next printed update will be in August 2019.

License Types: SL = site-speci~c license, GL = general license 138 Appalachian CompactDelaware Maryland Pennsylvania West Virginia Atlantic Compact Connecticut New Jersey South Carolina*

Central Compact Arkansas Kansas Louisiana Oklahoma Central Midwest Compact Illinois Kentucky Midwest Compact Indiana Iowa Minnesota Missouri Ohio Wisconsin Northwest Compact Alaska Hawaii Idaho Montana Oregon Utah* Washington*

Wyoming Rocky Mountain Compact Colorado Nevada New Mexico (Northwest accepts Rocky Mountain waste as agreed between compacts.)

Southeast Compact Alabama Florida Georgia Mississippi Tennessee VirginiaSouthwestern Compact Arizona California North Dakota South Dakota Texas CompactTexas* Vermont Unaf~liated District of Columbia Maine Massachusetts Michigan Nebraska New Hampshire New York North Carolina Puerto Rico Rhode IslandBeatty, NV, closed 1993 Shef~eld, IL, closed 1978 Maxey Flats, KY, closed 1977 West Valley, NY, closed 1975 APPENDIX PU.S. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Membership Closed Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Sites Licensed by the NRC or Agreement States* Site of an active low-level waste disposal facility.Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

139 Company Location Alameda Naval Air Station Alameda, CABWX Technology, Inc., Shallow Land Disposal Area Vandergrift, PACimarron Environmental Response Trust Cimarron City, OKDepartment of Army, Jefferson Proving Ground Madison, INDepartment of Army, Picatinny Arsenal (ARDEC)

Picatinny, NJ FMRI, Inc. (Fansteel)

Muskogee, OKHunter's Point Naval Shipyard San Francisco, CA Lead Cascade (Centrus)

Piketon, OHMcClellan Air Force Base Sacramento, CA Sigma Aldrich Maryland Heights, MOUNC Naval Products New Haven, CTWest Valley Demonstration Project West Valley, NYWestinghouse Electric Corporation-Hematite Festus, MONotes: Data are current as of July 2018. The next printed update will be in August 2019.

APPENDIX Q NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL SC NC AK HI* NRC-regulated complex materials sites (13) 140 APPENDIX R Nuclear Power Units by Nation Under Construction In Operation or on Order Gross MW Gross MW Nuclear Power Number Electrical Number Electrical Country Production GWh*

of Units Capacity of Units Capacity ShutdownArgentina 6,161 3 1,755 1 29 0 Armenia 2,411 1 408 0 0 1 P Bangladesh 0 0 0 1 1200 0 Belarus 0 0 0 2 2,388 0 Belgium 41,031 7 6,207 0 0 1 P Brazil 15,740 2 1,990 1 1,405 0 Bulgaria 15,549 2 2,000 0 0 4 P Canada 96,074 19 14,512 0 0 6 P China 247,469 39 36,959 18 21,145 0 Czech Republic 26,785 6 4,160 0 0 0 Finland 21,575 4 2,877 1 1,720 0 France 379,100 58 65,880 1 1,650 12 P Germany 72,163 7 10,013 0 0 29 P Hungary 15,219 4 2,000 0 0 0 India 35,000 22 6,780 7 5,300 0 Iran 6,366 1 1,000 0 0 0 Italy 0 0 0 0 0 4 P Japan 29,073 42 41,482 2 2,756 18 P Kazakhstan 0 0 0 0 0 1 PKorea, Republic of 141,098 24 23,518 4 5,600 1 P Lithuania 0 0 0 0 0 2 P Mexico 10,572 2 1,615 0 0 0 Netherlands 3,278 1 515 0 0 1 P Pakistan 7,867 5 1,430 2 2,200 0 Romania 10,561 2 1,411 0 0 0 Russia 187,499 37 30,159 6 4,919 6 P Slovakia 14,016 4 1,950 2 942 3 P Slovenia 5,968 1 727 0 0 0 South Africa 15,209 2 1,940 0 0 0 Spain 55,599 7 7,416 0 0 3 P 141 Sweden 63,063 8 8,622 0 0 5 P Switzerland 19,502 5 3,467 0 0 1 P Turkey 0 0 0 1 1200 0 Ukraine 85,576 15 13,835 2 2,178 4 P United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 4 5,600 0 United Kingdom 63,877 15 10,362 0 0 30 P United States 804,950 99 105,514 2 2,500 34 P Overview of Worldwide Nuclear Power Reactors-As of May 6, 2018 Nuclear Electricity Supplied (GWh) 2,487,981Net Installed Capacity (MWe) 393,843 Nuclear Power Reactors in Operation 450Nuclear Power Reactors in Long-Term Shutdown 0 Nuclear Power Reactors in Permanent Shutdown 166 Nuclear Power Reactors under Construction 58

  • Annual electrical power production for 2017.

P = Permanent Shutdown Notes: Totals include reactors that are operable, under construction, or on order; the country's short-form name is used; and the ~gures are rounded to the nearest whole number. Sources: IAEA Power Reactor Information System Database; analysis compiled by the NRC. For more information go to Data are current as of May 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

APPENDIX R Nuclear Power Units by Nation (continued)

Under Construction In Operation or on Order Gross MW Gross MW Nuclear Power Number Electrical Number Electrical Country Production GWh*

of Units Capacity of Units Capacity Shutdown In Operation Number Reactor Type of Units Net MWePressurized light-water reactors (PWR) 294 276,965Boiling light-water reactors (BWR) 75 72,941Heavy-water reactors, all types (HWR, PHWR) 49 24,598Light-water-cooled graphite-moderated reactor (LWGR) 15 10,219Gas-cooled reactors, all types (GCR) 14 7,720Liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactors (FBR) 3 1,400Total 450 393,843 Note: MWe values are rounded to the nearest whole number.Source: IAEA Power Reactor Information System Database, Compiled by the NRC from IAEA data. Data are current as of May 2018. The next printed update will be in August 2019.

APPENDIX SNuclear Power Units by Reactor Type, Worldwide 142 APPENDIX TNative American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant* Tribe is located within the 10-mile emergency preparedness zone of operating reactors.

Notes: This table uses NRC-abbreviated reactor names and Native American Reservation and Trust land names. There are no reservations or Trust lands within 50 miles of a reactor in Alaska or Hawaii. For more information on other Tribal concerns, go to the NRC Web site at NRC-abbreviated reactor names listed. Data are current as of July 2018, and the next printed update will be in August 2019.

Native American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant* Tribe is located within the 10-mile emergency preparedness zone of operating reactors.Note: This table uses NRC-abbreviated reactor names and Native American Reservation and Trust land names. There are no reservations or Trust lands within 50 miles of a reactor in Alaska or Hawaii. For more information on other Tribal concerns, go to the NRC Web site at reactor names listed. Data as of July 2018, and the next printed update will be be August 2019.

ARIZONA Palo Verde Ak-Chin Indian Community Tohono O'odham Trust Land Gila River Reservation CONNECTICUT Millstone Mohegan Reservation Mashantucket Pequot Reservation Narragansett Reservation Shinnecock Indian NationFLORIDA St. Lucie Brighton Reservation (Seminole Tribes of Florida) Fort Pierce Reservation Turkey Point Hollywood Reservation (Seminole Tribes of Florida) Miccosukee Reservation Miccosukee Trust LandIOWA Duane Arnold Sac & Fox Trust Land Sac & Fox ReservationLOUISIANA River Bend Tunica-Biloxi ReservationMASSACHUSETTS Pilgrim Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Trust LandMARYLAND Calvert Cliffs Rappahannock TribeMICHIGAN Palisades Pottawatomi Reservation Matchebenashshewish Band Pokagon Reservation Pokagon Trust Land*

DC Cook Pokagon Reservation Pokagon Trust LandMINNESOTA Monticello Shakopee Community Shakopee Trust Land Mille Lacs Reservation Prairie Island Prairie Island Community* Prairie Island Trust Land* Shakopee Community Shakopee Trust LandNEBRASKA Cooper Sac & Fox Trust Land Sac & Fox Reservation Iowa Reservation Iowa Trust Land KickapooNEW YORK FitzPatrick Onondaga Reservation Oneida Reservation Nine Mile Point Onondaga Reservation Oneida ReservationNORTH CAROLINA McGuire Catawba ReservationSOUTH CAROLINA Catawba Catawba Reservation Oconee Eastern Cherokee Reservation Summer Catawba Reservation VIRGINIA Surry Pamunkey Reservation Chickahominy Indian Tribe Chickahominy Indian Tribe - Eastern Division Nansemond Indian Tribe Upper Mattaponi TribeWASHINGTON Columbia Yakama Reservation Yakama Trust Land WISCONSIN Point Beach Oneida Trust Land Oneida Reservation CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NC 143 APPENDIX UStates with Integrated University Grants Program Recipients in FY 2017 Notes: The 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act authorized the Integrated University Program (IUP) for 10 years for a total of $45 million per year: $15 million each to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the U.S. Department of Energy, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The IUP provides grants to academic institutions to support education in nuclear science and engineering to develop a workforce capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. To date, the NRC has awarded 420 IUP grants, including 122 faculty development, 103 scholarship, 120 fellowship, and 75 trade school and community college scholarship grants. More than 100 faculty and 3,500students have received support. The NRC has invested approximately

$9.7 million in its trade school and community college scholarship program to support the development of trade and craft workers in the nuclear industry. States with Integrated University Grants Program Recipients in FY2017 CA NV OR WA ID UT WY MT CO NM AZ TX OK KS NE SD ND MN WI IA IL MO AR LA MS AL TN KY VA MD DC DE NJ RI WV OH MI PA NY ME V T CT NH MA IN GA FL AK HI SC NC Recipient of Integrated University Grants PR USVI 144 APPENDIX VSigni~cant Enforcement Actions Issued, 2017 Signi~cant (escalated) enforcement actions include notices of violation (NOVs) for severity level (SL) I, II, or III violations; NOVs associated with inspection ~ndings that the signi~cance determination process (SDP) categorizes as White, Yellow, or Red; civil penalties (CPs); and enforcement-related orders. The NRC Enforcement Policy also allows related violations to be categorized collectively as a single problem. Escalated enforcement actions are issued to reactor, materials, and individual licensees; nonlicensees; and fuel cycle facility licensees.

Action #NameType Issue DateEnforcement Action EA-16-164Rozell Testing Laboratories, LLC Materials 1/11/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-180 White Earth Department of Transportation Materials 1/17/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-152American Engineering Testing, Inc.Materials 1/18/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-231 Wyoming Medical Center Materials 1/23/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-232XCEL NDT, LLC Materials 1/25/2017Problem SL III EA-16-224 Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Materials 1/26/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-214 Spectrum Health Hospitals Materials 2/02/2017 NOV SL III IA-16-059Mr. Curtis Thompson Individual 2/02/2017Order prohibiting involvment in NRC-licensed activities for 1 year EA-16-184PSEG Nuclear, LLC (Hope Creek Generating Station)

Reactor 2/06/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections IA-16-075Mr. Casey Pooler Individual 2/15/2017Order prohibiting involvment in NRC-licensed activities for 3 years; NOV SL III EA-16-236 Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Dresden Nuclear Power Station)Reactor 2/27/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-16-247Entergy Operations, Inc. (Arkansas Nuclear One )

Reactor 2/27/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-16-066Botsford General Hospital Materials 3/01/2017 NOV SL III IA-17-028Mr. Roy Taylor Individual 3/01/2017 NOV SL III EA-15-218Louisiana Energy Services, LLC Fuel Facility 3/03/2017Problem SL III IA-16-029Mr. Pieter van der Heide Individual 3/03/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-114 Homestake Mining Materials 3/28/2017Con~rmatory Order result of an ADR mediation EA-16-191Premier Technology, Inc.

Materials 3/31/2017Problem SL III EA-16-255 Somascan, Incorporated Materials 4/05/2017Problem/CP SL III-$7,000 EA-16-241Exelon Nuclear (Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station)

Reactor 4/13/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-17-014Southern Nuclear Operating Co. (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant)Reactor 4/25/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections 145 APPENDIX VSigni~cant Enforcement Actions Issued, 2017 (continued)

EA-16-251PSEG Nuclear, LLC (Hope Creek Generating Station)

Reactor 5/03/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-258Hayre McElroy & Associates, LLC Materials 5/11/2017 NOV/CP SL III-$7,000 EA-17-012DTE Energy Company (Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2)

Reactor 5/11/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections IA-17-004Mr. Eli Dragomer Individual 5/11/2017 NOV SL III EA-15-124 Kim Engineering Materials 5/25/2017 NOV/CP SL III-$7,000 EA-16-281 ADCO Services, Inc.

Materials 5/30/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-130JANX Integrity Group Materials 6/01/2017Problem SL III IA-16-049Toby Lashley Individual 6/01/2017Order prohibiting involvment in NRC-licensed activities for 1 year IA-16-050Mr. Kevin Lashley Individual 6/01/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-026 Guam Medical Imaging Center Materials 6/06/2017Problem SL III EA-17-036 Guam Regional Medical Center Materials 6/06/2017 NOV SL III EA-16-267P4 Production, LLC Materials 6/13/2017Problem SL III EA-17-062 ERP Federal Mining Complex, LLC Materials 6/21/2017Problem SL III EA-16-255 Somascan, Incorporated Materials 6/27/2017Order Imposing a Civil Penalty of $7,000 EA-16-262Cameco Resources/Power Resources, Inc.

Materials 6/28/2017Problem SL III EA-17-028Energy Northwest (Columbia Generating Station)

Reactor 7/06/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-17-063Hill's Pet Nutrition Materials 7/27/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-022Tennessee Valley Authority (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant)

Reactor 7/27/2017Con~rmatory Order result of an ADR mediation EA-17-058Westinghouse Electric Com

-pany, LLC Fuel Facility 8/09/2017Con~rmatory Order result of an ADR mediation EA-17-027 Geo-Logic Associates, Inc.

Materials 8/14/2017Problem SL III EA-16-216 STP Nuclear Operating Company (South Texas Project Electric Generating Station)

Reactor 8/18/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-025Geo-Engineering & Testing, Inc.

Materials 8/18/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-043FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. (Perry Nuclear Power Plant)

Reactor 8/24/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-17-048Allen County Cardiology Materials 9/05/2017Problem/CP SL III-$7,000 EA-17-096Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy Materials 9/14/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-097Coastal Wireline Services, Inc.

Materials 9/14/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-082Washington University Materials 9/21/2017 NOV SL III Action #NameType Issue DateEnforcement Action 146 Notes: Reactor facilities in a decommissioning status are listed as materials licensees. The NRC report on Issued Signicant Enforcement Actions can be found on the NRC Web site at


.APPENDIX VSigni~cant Enforcement Actions Issued, 2017 (continued)

EA-17-122Duke Energy Corporation (Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 2)Reactor 10/16/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-17-091 Michiana Hematology Oncology, PC Materials 10/31/2017Problem SL III EA-17-125Board of Light and Water City of Marquette Materials 11/08/2017 NOV SL III IA-17-030Mr. Devin Caraza Individual 11/08/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-079Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Materials 11/15/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-118 Midwest Engineering and Testing, Inc.

Materials 11/21/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-077 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (Millstone Power Station)

Reactor 11/21/2017Con~rmatory Order result of an ADR mediation EA-17-098 Exelon Generation Company (Clinton Power Station)

Reactor 11/27/2017 NOV White SDP ~nding resulting in plant inspections EA-17-101Qal-Tek Associates, LLC Materials 12/12/2017Problem/CP SL II-$22,400 EA-17-090 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC Fuel Facility 12/14/2017Con~rmatory Order result of an ADR mediation EA-17-148 Construction Consulting and Testing Materials 12/18/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-104Avera McKennan Hospital Materials 12/21/2017Problem SL III EA-17-157 K & S Engineers, Inc.

Materials 12/21/2017 NOV SL III IA-17-111Mr. Mark Sperlich Individual 12/21/2017 NOV SL III EA-17-147 CTI and Associates, Inc.

Materials 12/28/2017 NOV/CP SL III-$7,000 Action #NameType Issue DateEnforcement Action 147 APPENDIX WLaws Governing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

1. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (Pub. L.83-703)
2. Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (Pub. L.93-438)
3. Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1980, 5 U.S.C., App. 1.
4. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, as amended (Pub. L.95-604)
5. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 (Pub. L.95-242)
6. West Valley Demonstration Project Act of 1980 (Pub. L.96-368)
7. Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended (Pub. L.97-425)
8. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (Pub. L.99-240)
9. Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-486)
10. Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109-58) Fundamental Laws Governing Civilian Uses of Radioactive Materials Nuclear Materials and Facilities
1. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
2. Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended
3. Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1980 Radioactive Waste
1. Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended
2. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985
3. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 Nonproliferation
1. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 Fundamental Laws Governing the Processes of Regulatory Agencies
1. Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. Chapters 5 through 8)
1. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, entry into force on March 5, 1970; the United States is a party to the Treaty
2. Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Tlatelolco Treaty), entry into force for each government individually, the United States is a party to the speci~c protocols appended to the Treaty
3. Three to four other treaties specifying nuclear weapons-free zones in Africa, the South Paci~c (Rarotonga), and Southeast Asia, including one being negotiated on the Middle East; the United States is only bound by speci~c protocols
4. Convention on Early Noti~cation of a Nuclear Accident, entry into force October 27, 1986; the United States is a party
5. Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, entry into force February 26, 1987; the U.S. is a party
6. Convention on Nuclear Safety, entry into force October 24, 1996; the U.S.

is a party

7. Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, entry into force June 18, 2001; the U.S. is a party
8. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), entry into force February 8, 1987; the U.S. is a party
9. Amendment to the CPPNM, entry into force May 8, 2016; the U.S. is a party
10. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, entry into force August 30, 1975; the U.S. is a party (also to amendments in 1978 (incineration), 1978 (disputes), 1980 (list of substances), 1989 (procedures), 1993 (banning dumping of low-level radioactive wastes into the sea), 1996 (protocol to replace the 1972 Convention with a more restrictive text regulating the use of the sea as a depository for waste materials)
11. Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage; entry into force April 15, 2015
12. Agreement between the United States of America and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the United States of America (INFCIRC/288); entry into force December 9, 1980
13. Model Protocol Additional to the Agreement Between State(s) and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (INFCIRC/366), entry into force April 6, 1989; U.S. is a party
14. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the United States of America and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the United States of America (INFCIRC/288/Add. 1); entry into force January 6, 2009
  • This excludes arms control agreements.

Note: Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.

149 APPENDIX YInternational Activities: LIST OF MULTILATERAL ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH THE NRC PARTICIPATESInternational Commission on Radiological ProtectionInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Commission on Safety Standards (CSS)Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards Committee (EPReSC)Nuclear Safety Standards Committee (NUSSC)

Nuclear Security Guidance Committee (NSGC)Radiation Safety Standards Committee (RASSC)Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC)Waste Safety Standards Committee (WASSC)Source:

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) specialized agency Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy The Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI)

The Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA)The Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC)The Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH)

The Nuclear Development Committee The Nuclear Law Committee (NLC)The Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear Data and Codes (MBDAV)

Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP)Source: Nations Scienti~c Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) UNSCEAR reports to the United Nations General Assembly. It assesses global levels and effects of ionizing radiation and provides a scienti~c basis for radiation protection.Source:

150BILATERAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION AGREEMENTS WITH THE NRCNotes: The country's short-form name is used. The NRC's technical arrangements are initiated and renewed for 5-year terms.Data are current as of July 2018; the next printed update will be in August 2019.EURATOM is the European Atomic Energy Community.Tecro (Taiwan) is the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Of~ce in the United States.Argentina Armenia Australia Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Croatia Czech Republic Finland France GermanyGeorgia GhanaGreece Hungary India Indonesia Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Lithuania Mexico Netherlands Peru Poland Republic of Korea RomaniaSingapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Tecro (Taiwan)

Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom VietnamEURATOMAgreement Country APPENDIX YInternational Activities: (continued) 151 APPENDIX ZInternational Activities:LIST OF IMPORT AND EXPORT LICENSES ISSUED FOR 2017 License Number Applicant Docket Number PXB16.07 REVISS Services Inc.

11006142 PXB17b.11 Industrial Nuclear Company 11006012 PXB184.02Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

11006143 PXB1a.05Weatherford International Inc. & Subsidiaries & Af~liate Companies 11006277 PXB200.01Mistras Group, Inc.

11006199 PXB211.00Weatherford International Inc. & Subsidiaries & Af~liate Companies 11006246 PXB213.00Tucker Energy Services 11006257 PXB214.00 University of Wisconsin-Madison 11006269 PXB215a.00 ISOFLEX Radioactive, LLC 11006262 PXB215b.00 ISOFLEX Radioactive, LLC 11006262 PXB3.09Nordion (Canada) Inc.

11006070 PXB3.10Nordion (Canada) Inc.

11006070 PXB6.23 Alpha-Omega Services, Inc.

11006027 PXB6.24 Alpha-Omega Services, Inc.

11006027 Licenses under Appendix P to 10 CFR Part 110,"Expert and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material" support the use of radioactive sealed sources for a variety of medical, industrial, research, and educational activities. Some applicants have previously obtained a combined export/import license to allow export or import, use, resale, and import or export back to the supplier for recycling. These combined licenses are no longer appropriate and can no longer be amended going forward, given the authorization for imports of Appendix P materials under a general license (see 10 CFR 110.27, "General License for Import"). These combined import/export licenses needing amendment are converted to export-only licenses. The 2010 changes to 10 CFR Part 110 generally necessitate speci~c licenses for only Appendix P, Category 1 and 2 exports.LIST OF IMPORT AND EXPORT LICENSES: NON-APPENDIX P License Number Applicant Docket Number IW033 Perma-Fix Northwest Richland, Inc. (PFNW) 11006229 IW029/01EnergySolutions Services, Inc.

11005896 IW009/03AREVA Inc.

11005149 XB1310/06 Leidos, Inc.

11005525 XB1334 Siemens Corporation for Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.11006251 XB1335 Philips North America, LLC 11006260 XCOM1187/02 Sulzer Pumps (US) Inc.

11005671 XCOM1202/01AREVA, Inc.

11005788 XCOM1202/02 Framatome Inc.

11005788 XCOM1209/01Enrichment Techology US, Inc.

11005838 XCOM1274Holtec International 11006128 XCOM1289/01ATI Specialty Alloys & Components 11006177 XCOM1292/01ATI Specialty Alloys & Components 11006186 XCOM1300Mirion Technologies (IST) Corporation 11006221 XCOM1305 Materion Brush, Inc.

11006242 152 License Number Applicant Docket Number APPENDIX ZInternational Activities: (continued)LIST OF IMPORT AND EXPORT LICENSES: NON-APPENDIX P (continued)XCOM1307 Materion Brush, Inc.

11006247 XCOM1310Curtiss-Wright Corporation 11006263 XCOM1313 Materion Advanced Chemicals 11006274XMAT409/01 Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.

11005753XMAT410/03 Sigma-Aldrich Co., LLC 11005754XMAT412/02Linde Electronics and Specialty Gases, a Division of Linde Gas North America LLC 11005876XMAT415/02Linde Electronics and Specialty Gases, a Division of Linde Gas North America LLC 11005907XMAT418/02 Sigma-Aldrich Co., LLC 11005977XMAT419/02-R Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.

11005993XMAT420/01 Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.

11005994XMAT422/02 Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.

11005997XMAT427/01Airgas USA, LLC 11006098XMAT427/02Airgas USA, LLC 11006098XMAT437Linde Electronics and Speciality Gases, a Division of Linde Gas North America LLC 11006238XMAT438 Sigma-Aldrich Co., LLC 11006253 XR178Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC 11006216 XSNM3135/05 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, L.L.C.

11005186 XSNM3398/05 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, L.L.C.

11005555 XSNM3471/02AREVA Inc.

11005652 XSNM3551/02AREVA Inc.

11005623 XSNM3551/03 Framatome Inc.

11005623 XSNM3643/02 TN Americas LLC 11005864 XSNM3697/02 Framatome Inc.

11005959 XSNM3722/02 TN Americas LLC 11006019 XSNM3722/03 TN Americas LLC 11006019 XSNM3747/02-RAREVA Inc.

11006110 XSNM3747/03 Framatome Inc.

11006110 XSNM3754 Thermo Fisher Scienti~c 11006166 XSNM3757U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA 11006187 XSNM3763/02Edlow International Company as an Agent for ANSTO 11006195 XSNM3768/01Edlow International Company as an Agent for PT INUKI 11006228 XSNM3769Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC 11006233 XSNM3770-REldow International Company 11006234 XSNM3770/01 Edlow Intenational Co.

11006234 XSNM3771Edlow International Company as Agent for SCK-CEN 11006235 XSNM3772U.S. Department of Energy/NBL 11006236 XSNM3773 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, L.L.C.

11006237 XSNM3774 Thermo Fisher Scienti~c 11006239 XSNM3775 Thermo Fisher Scienti~c 11006240 XSNM3776U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA 11006241 XSNM3777U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA 11006244 XSNM3778 Thermo Fisher Scienti~c 11006255 XSNM3779AREVA, Inc.

11006258 XSNM3780AREVA Inc.

11006265 XSNM3780/01 Framatome Inc.

11006265 153 License Number Applicant Docket Number APPENDIX ZInternational Activities: (continued)LIST OF IMPORT AND EXPORT LICENSES: NON-APPENDIX P (continued)XSNM3781AREVA, Inc.

11006267 XSNM3782/01 Framatome Inc.

11006288 XSNM3782AREVA Inc.

11006288 XSNM3785 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, L.L.C.

11006278 XSNM3787 Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, L.L.C.

11006280 XSNM3788U.S. Department of Energy 11006283 XSNM3794US Department of Energy NNSA 11006302 XSOU8707/06 MP Mine Operations LLC 11004455 XSOU8774/06 Materion Advanced Chemicals, Inc.

11005173 XSOU8780/07AREVA Nuclear Materials LLC 11005211 XSOU8787/05Urenco, Inc.

11005277 XSOU8789/07 ConverDyn 11005360 XSOU8798/06 RSB Logistic Inc.

11005445 XSOU8798/07 RSB Logistic Inc.

11005445 XSOU8827/01 MP Mine Operations LLC 11005966 XSOU8828/02 Global Advanced Metals USA, Inc.

11006003 XSOU8842Southern Ionics Minerals, LLC 11006256 XSOU8843 Manufacturing Sciences Corporation 11006271 XW012/05 Perma-Fix Northwest, Inc.

11005699 XW015/01AREVA Inc.

11005789 XW018/01EnergySolutions Services, Inc.

11005897 XW022 Perma-Fix Northwest Richland, Inc. (PFNW) 11006230 Non-Appendix P Components Guide (XSNM) denotes export of special nuclear material (plutonium, uranium-233, or uranium enriched above 0.711 percent, by weight, in the isotope uranium-235).(XCOM) denotes export of minor reactor components or other nuclear facility (e.g., nuclear fabrication) components under NRC jurisdiction (refer to Title 10 CFR Part 110, "Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material," Appendix A, Items (5)-(9), for minor reactor components and Appendices B-K and N-O for other nuclear facility components).(XSOU) denotes export of source material (natural or depleted uranium; thorium; a mixture of uranium and thorium other than special nuclear material; or certain ores [e.g., tantalum and niobium that contain, by weight, 0.05 percent or more of the aforementioned materials for nonnuclear end use]).(XB) denotes export of byproduct material; 10 CFR Part 110, Appendix L, for an illustrative list of byproduct materials under NRC jurisdiction.(XR) denotes export of reactor facilities, 10 CFR Part 110, Appendix A, items (1)-(4).(IW) denotes import of radioactive waste.(XW) denotes export of radioactive waste.

NRC Source Surface Gauge Detectors Radiation Depth Bioshield Figure 31. Moisture Density Guage 156Reactors that differ from today's reactors primarily by their use of inert gases, molten salt mixtures, or liquid metals to cool the reactor core. Advanced reactors can also consider fuel materials and designs that differ radically from today's enriched-uranium dioxide pellets within zirconium cladding.Agreement State A U.S. State that has signed an agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorizing the State to regulate certain uses of radioactive materials within the State.The energy that is released through a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay process. One kind of nuclear reaction is ~ssion, which occurs in a nuclear reactor and releases energy, usually in the form of heat and radiation. In a nuclear power plant, this heat is used to boil water to produce steam that can be used to drive large turbines. The turbines drive generators to produce electrical power.The natural radiation that is always present in the environment. It includes cosmic radiation that comes from the sun and stars, terrestrial radiation that comes from the Earth, and internal radiation that exists in all living things and enters organisms by ingestion or inhalation. The typical average individual exposure in the United States from natural background sources is about 310 millirem (3.1 millisievert) per year.

NEUTRON NUCLEUS FRAGMENT NEW NEUTRON NUCLEUS Nuclear Reaction 157How Nuclear Reactors WorkIn a typical design concept of a commercial BWR, the following proce ss occurs:

1. The nuclear fuel core inside the reactor vessel creates heat from nuclea r fission.
2. A steam-water mixture is produced when very pure water (reactor coolant) moves upward through the core, absor bing heat.
3. The steam-water mixture leaves the top of the core and enters the two stages of moisture separation where water droplets are removed before the steam is allowed to enter the steamline.
4. The steam is piped to the main turbine, causing it to turn the turbine generator, which produces electricity.
5. The steam is exhausted to the condenser, where it is condensed into water. The resulting water is pumped out of the condenser with a series of pumps and pumped back to the reactor vessel. The reactor's core contains fuel assemblies that are cooled by water circulated using electrically powered pumps. These pumps and other operating systems in the plant receive their power from the electrical grid. If offsite power is lost, cooling water is supplied by other pumps, which can be powered by onsite diesel generators or steam generated by the core. Other safety systems, such as the containment cooling system, also need electric power. BWRs contain between 370-800 fuel a ssemblies.

Control RodsTurbineGenerator SteamlineReactor VesselCoreSeparators& DryersFeedwater Condenser Heater Condensate PumpsDemineralizerEmergency Water Supply SystemsRecirculation Pumps Feed Pumps Containment Cooling System 4 5 3 1, 2 ContainmentStructure Typical Boiling-Water Reactor Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWalls made of concrete and steel 3-5 feet thick (1-1.5 meters)A nuclear reactor in which water is boiled using heat released from ~ssion. The steam released by boiling then drives turbines and generators to produce electrical power. BWRs operate similarly to electrical plants using fossil fuel, except that the BWRs are heated by nuclear ~ssion in the reactor core.

158A medical procedure during which a sealed radioactive source (or sources) is implanted directly into a person being treated for cancer (usually of the mouth, breast, lung, prostate, ovaries, or uterus). The radioactive implant may be temporary or permanent, and the radiation kills cells in the tumor as long as the device remains in place and emits radiation. Brachytherapy uses radioisotopes, such as iridiu m-1 92 or iodin e-125, which are regulated by the NRC and Agreeme nt States.As de~ned by NRC regulations, byproduct material includes any radioactive material (except enriched uranium or plutonium) produced by a nuclear reactor or through the use of a particle accelerator, or any discrete source of radiu m-226 used for a commercial, medical, or research activity. It also includes the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium or the fabrication of fuel for nuclear reactors. In addition, the NRC, in consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. D epartment of Energy (DOE), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and others, can designate as byproduct material any source of naturally occurring radioactive material, other than source material, that it determines would pose a threat to public health and safety or the common defense and security of the Unit ed States.CanisterSee Dry cas k storage.

The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can carry under speci~ed conditions for a given period of time without exceeding approved limits of temperature and stress.The amount of electric power that a generator, turbine transformer, transmission, circuit, or system is able to produce, as rated by the manufacturer.The ratio of the available capacity (the amount of electrical power actually produced by a generating unit) to the theoretical capacity (the amount of electrical power that could theoretically have been produced if the generating unit had operated continuously at full power) during a given ti me period.A percentage that a generating unit ful~lled its capacity in generating electric power over a given time period. This percentage is de~ned as the margin between the unit's available capacity (the amount of electrical power the unit actually produced) and its theoretical capacity (the amount of electrical power that could have been produced if the unit had operated continuously at full power) during a certain time period. Capacity utilization is computed by dividing the amount of power actually produced by the theoretical capacity and multiplyi ng by 100.A heavily shielded container used for the dry storage or shipment (or both) of radioactive materials such as spent nuclear fuel or other high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Casks are often made from lead, concrete, and/or steel. Casks must meet regulatory requirements.

159The International Atomic Energy Agency's Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources de~nes the ~ve categories for radiation sources to help ensure that suf~cient controls are being used to achieve safety and security:

  • Category 1 sources, if not safely or securely managed, would be likely to cause permanent injury to a person who handled them or was otherwise in contact with them for more than a few minutes. It would probably be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded material for a period of a few minutes to an hour. These sources are typically used in radiothermal generators, irradiators, and radiation teletherapy.
  • Category 2 sources, if not safely or securely managed, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled them or was otherwise in contact with them for a short time (minutes to hours). It could possibly be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of hours to days. These sources are typically used in industrial gamma radiography, high- and medium-dose rate brachytherapy, and radiography.
  • Category 3 sources, if not safely or securely managed, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled them or was otherwise in contact with them for hours. It could possibly-although it is unlikely to-be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of days to weeks. These sources are typically used in ~xed industrial gauges such as level gauges, dredger gauges, conveyor gauges, spinning pipe gauges, and well-loggi ng gauges.
  • Category 4 sources, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly cause temporary injury to someone who handled them or was otherwise in contact with or close to them for a period of many weeks, though this is unlikely. It is very unlikely anyone would be permanently injured by this amount of radioactive material. These sources are typically used in ~xed or portable gauges, static eliminators, or low-dose brachytherapy.
  • Category 5 sources cannot cause permanent injury. They are used in x-ray uorescence devices and electron captur e devices.Only Categories 1 and 2 for radiation sources are de~ned by NRC requirements.The NRC categorizes special nuclear materials and the facilities that possess them into three categories based upon the materials' potential for use in nuclear weapons or their "strategic significance":
  • Category I, high strategic si gnificance
  • Category II, moderate strategic s igni~cance* Category III, low strategic si gnificanceThe NRC's physical security and safeguards requirements differ by category, with Category I facilities subject to more stringent requirements because they pose greater security and safeguards risks.

160Information that has been determined pursuant to an Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to indicate its classi~ed status when in documentary form. The NRC has two types of classi~ed information. The ~rst type, known as national security information, is information that is classi~ed by an Executive order. Its release would damage national security. The second type, known as restricted data, would assist individuals or organizations in designing, manufacturing, or using nuclear weapons. Access to both types of information is restricted to authorized persons who have been properly cleared and have a "need to know" the information to accomplish their of~ci al duties.An NRC-issued license that authorizes a licensee to construct and (with certain speci~ed conditions) operate a nuclear power facility, such as a nuclear plant at a spec ific site.A facility that uses high doses of radiation to sterilize or treat products, such as food and spices, medical supplies, and wood ooring. Irradiation can be used to eliminate harmful bacteria, germs, and insects or for hardening or other purposes. The radiation does not leave radioactive residue or make the treated products radioactive. Radiation sources include radioactive materials (e.g., cobal t-60), an x-ray machine, or an electron beam.A group of two or more U.S. States that have formed alliances to dispose of low-level radioactive waste (LLW).The maximum number of years that could be added to a nuclear power plant's license expiration date to recapture the period between the date the NRC issued the plant's construction permit and the date it granted an operating license. A licensee must submit an application to request this extension.

Figure 34.

Commercial IrradiatorSource: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Radiation Shield Control Console Storage Pool RadiationSource Irradiation Room Loading Conveyor System UnloadingProcessedProductPhoto courtesy: Nordion 161A resilient gas-tight shell or other enclosure around a nuclear reactor to con~ne ~ssion products that otherwise might be released to the atmosphere in the event of a severe reactor accident. Such enclosures are usually dome-shaped and made of steel-reinforced concrete.ContaminationUndesirable radiological or chemical material (with a potentially harmful effect) that is either airborne or deposited in (or on the surface of) structures, objects, soil, water, or living organisms.The condition involving ~ssion of nuclear materials when the number of neutrons produced equals or exceeds the nuclear containment. During normal reactor operations, nuclear fuel sustains a ~ssion chain reaction or criticality. A reactor achieves criticality (and is said to be critical) when each ~ssion event releases a suf~cient number of neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of reactions.The process of safely closing a nuclear power plant (or other facility where nuclear materials are handled) to retire it from service after its useful life has ended. This process primarily involves decontaminating the facility to reduce residual radioactivity and then releasing the property for unrestricted or (under certain conditions) restricted use. This often includes dismantling the facility or dedicating it to other purposes.

Se e SAFSTOR.A phase of reactor decommissioning in which structures, systems, and components that contain radioactive contamination are removed from a site and safely disposed of at a commercially operated low-level waste disposal facility or decontaminated to a level that permits the site to be released for unrestr icted use.A process used to reduce, remove, or neutralize radiological or chemical contamination to reduce the risk of exposure. Decontamination may be accomplished by cleaning or treating surfaces to reduce or remove the contamination, ~ltering contaminated air or water, or subjecting contamination to evaporation and precipitation. The process can also simply allow adequate time for radioactive decay to decrease the radioactivity.An approach to designing and operating nuclear facilities that prevents and mitigates accidents that release radiation or hazardous materials. The key is creating multiple independent and redundant layers of controls or design features to compensate for potential human and mechanical failures so that no single control, no matter how robust, is exclusively relied upon to achieve safety or security. Defense in depth includes the use of access controls, physical barriers, redundant and diverse key safety functions, and emergency response measures.

162Uranium with a percentage of uraniu m-235 lower than the 0.7 percent (by mass) contained in natural uranium. Depleted uranium is the byproduct of the uranium enrichment process. Depleted uranium can be blended with highly enriched uranium, such as that from weapons, to make rea ctor fuel.A description of the type, composition, and capabilities of an adversary that a security system is designed to protect against. The NRC uses the DBT as a basis for designing safeguards systems to protect against acts of radiological sabotage and to prevent the theft of special nuclear material. Certain nuclear facility licensees are required to defend against the DBT.Certi~cation and approval by the NRC of a standard nuclear power plant design independent of a speci~c site or an application to construct or operate a plant. A design certi~cation is valid for 15 years from the date of issuance but can be renewed for an additional 10 to 15 years.The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements estimates that an average person in the United States receives a total annual dose of about 0.62 rem (620 millirem or 6.2 millisievert) from all radiation sources, a level that has not been shown to cause humans any harm. Of this total, natural background sources of radiation-including radon and thoron gas, natural radiation from soil and rocks, radiation from space, and radiation sources that are found naturally within the human body-account for about 50 percent. Medical procedures such as computed tomography (CT) scans and nuclear medicine account for about another 48 percent. Other small contributors of exposure to the U.S. population include consumer products and activities, industrial and research uses, and occupational tasks. The maximum permissible yearly dose for a person working with or around nuclear material is 5 rem (50 mill isievert).A method for storing spent nuclear fuel in special containers known as dry casks. After fuel has been cooled in a spent fuel pool, dry cask storage allows spent fuel assemblies to be sealed in casks and surrounded by inert gas. They are welded or bolted closed, and each cask includes steel, concrete, lead, or other material to provide leak-tight containment and radiation shielding. The casks may store fuel horizontally or vertically.

163A permit granted by the NRC to approve one or more proposed sites for a nuclear power facility, independent of a speci~c nuclear plant design or an application for a construction permit or combined license. An ESP is valid for 10 to 20 years but can be renewed for an additional 10 to 20 years.A 4,500-megawatt thermal nuclear reactor design that has passive safety features and uses natural circulation (with no recirculation pumps or associated piping) for normal operation. The NRC certi~ed the ESBWR standard design submitted by General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy on October 15, 2014.The percentage of the total energy content of a power plant's thermal energy that is converted into electricity. The remaining energy is lost to the environmen t as heat.A system of synchronized power providers and consumers, connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. In the continental United States, the electric power grid consists of three systems- the Eastern Interconnect, the Western Interconnect, and the Texas Interconnect. In Alaska and Hawaii, several systems encompass areas smaller than the State.A corporation, agency, authority, person, or other legal entity that owns or operates facilities within the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico for the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric power (primarily for use by the public). Facilities that qualify as cogenerators or small power producers under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act are not considered electric utilities.Sets of plant conditions that indicate various levels of risk to the public and that might require response by an offsite emergency response organization to protect citizens near the site.The programs, plans, training, exercises, and resources used to prepare for and rapidly identify, evaluate, and respond to emergencies, including those arising from terrorism or natural events such as hurricanes. EP strives to ensure that operators of nuclear power plants and certain fuel cycle facilities can implement measures to protect public health and safety in the event of a radiological emergency. Licensees who operate certain nuclear facilities, such as nuclear power plants, must develop and maintain EP plans that meet NRC requirements.The agency within the U.S. Department of Energy that provides policy-neutral statistical data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policymaking, ef~cient markets, and public understanding about energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

164 See Uranium e nrichment.An automated system used by the NRC to document incoming noti~cations of signi~cant nuclear events with an actual or potential effect on the health and safety of the public and the environment. Signi~cant events are reported to the NRC by licensees, Agreement States, other Federal agencies, the public, and other countries.Absorption of ionizing radiation or the amount of a hazardous substance that has been ingested, inhaled, or contacted the skin. Acute exposure occurs over a short period of time. Chronic exposure is exposure received over a long period of time, such as during a lifetime.

See Occupati onal dose.A component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security responsible for protecting the Nation and reducing the loss of life and property from all hazards such as natural disasters and acts of terrorism. FEMA leads and supports a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and m itigation.An independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also regulates and oversees hydropower projects and the construction of lique~ed natural gas terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines. FERC protects the economic, environmental, and safety interests of the American public, while working to ensure abundant, reliable energy in a fair, competiti ve market.The 12-month period from October 1 through September 30 used by the Federal Government for budget formulation and execution. The FY is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, FY 2017 runs from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017.Fissile materialA nuclide that is capable of undergoing ~ssion after capturing neutrons. Although sometimes used as a synonym for ~ssionable material, this term has acquired its more restrictive interpretation with the limitation that the nuclide must be ~ssionable by thermal neutrons. With that interpretation, the three primary ~ssile materials are uraniu m-2 33, uraniu m-2 35, and plutoniu m-239. This de~nition excludes natural uranium and depleted uranium that have not been irradiated or have only been irradiated in thermal reactors.

165FissionThe splitting of an atom, which releases a considerable amount of energy (usually in the form of heat). Fission may be spontaneous but is usually caused by the nucleus of an atom becoming unstable (or "heavy") after capturing or absorbing a neutron. During ~ssion, the nucleus splits into roughly equal parts, producing the nuclei of at least two lighter elements. In addition to energy, this reaction usually releases gamma radiation and two or more daughter neutrons.A type of security exercise designed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of a security system. For the NRC, force-on-force exercises are used to assess the ability of the licensee to defend a nuclear power plant and other nuclear facilities against a design-basis threat.An on-the-job training program sponsored by the NRC for assignees from other countries, usually under bilateral information exchange arrangements with their respective regulatory organizations. The assignees' regulatory authorities generally identify the individuals participating and pay their salaries.A Federal law that requires Federal agencies to provide, upon written request, access to records or information. Some material is exempt from FOIA, and FOIA does not apply to records that are maintained by State and local governments, Federal contractors, grantees, or private organizations or b usinesses.A structured group of fuel rods (long, slender, metal tubes containing pellets of ~ssionable material, which provide fuel for nuclear reactors). Depending on the design, each reactor core may have dozens of fuel assemblies (also known as fuel bundles), each of which contains dozens of fuel rods.

Fuel Assembly Spent fuel assemblies, are typically 14 feet [4.3 meters] long and contain nearly 200 fuel rods for PWRs and 80-100 fuel rods for BWRs.

Uranium Fuel Pellet Fuel Rod 166The series of steps involved in supplying fuel for nuclear power reactors. The uranium fuel cycle includes the following:* uranium recovery to extract and concentrate the uranium to produce yellowcake

  • conversion of yellowcake into uranium hexa uo ride (UF 6)* enrichment to increase the concentration of uran ium in UF 6* fuel fabrication to convert enriched UF 6 into fuel for nuclear reactors* use of the fuel in reactors (nuclear power research or naval propulsion)
  • interim storage of spent nu clear fuel
  • reprocessing of spent fuel to recover the ~ssionable material remaining in the spent fuel (currently not done in the Unit ed States)
  • ~nal disposition of high-level radioac tive waste
  • transportation of the uranium in all forms, including spent fuelThe NRC regulates these processes, as well as the fabrication of mixed-oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel, which is a combination of uranium and plutoni um oxides.The processing of reactor fuel to separate the unused ~ssionable material from waste material. Reprocessing extracts uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel so they can be used again as reactor fuel. Commercial reprocessing is not practiced in the United States, although it has been in the past. However, the U.S. Department of Energy operates reprocessing facilities at Hanford, WA, and Savannah River, SC, for national defense purposes.A long, slender, zirconium metal tube containing pellets of ~ssionable material, which provide fuel for nuclear reactors. Fuel rods are assembled into bundles called fuel assemblies, which are loaded individually into the reactor core.A human resources measurement equal to one person working full time for 1 year.Uranium enrichment technology that uses many rotating cylinders that are connected in long lines to increase the concentration of uraniu m-235. Gas is placed in the cylinder, which spins at a high speed, creating a strong centrifugal force. Heavier gas molecules move to the cylinder wall, while lighter molecules collect near the center. The stream, slightly enriched, is fed into the next cylinder. The depleted stream is recycled back into the previous cylinder.An analytical technique for separating chemical substances from a mixed sample by passing the sample, carried by a moving stream of gas, through a tube packed with a ~nely divided solid that may be coated with a liquid ~lm. Gas chromatography devices are used to analyze air pollutants, blood alcohol content, essential oils, and food products.

167A uranium enrichment process used to increase the concentration of uraniu m-235 in uranium for use in fuel for nuclear reactors by separating its isotopes (as gases) based on their slight difference in mass. (Lighter isotopes diffuse faster through a porous membrane or vessel than do heavier isotopes.) This process involves ~ltering UF 6 gas to separate uraniu m-2 34 and uraniu m-235 from uraniu m-238, increasing the percentage of ura niu m-235. In May 2013, the last remaining gaseous diffusion plant in operation in the United States in Paducah, KY, shut down. A similar plant near Piketon, OH, was closed in March 2001. Another plant in Oak Ridge, TN, closed years ago and was not regulated b y the NRC.Devices used to measure, monitor, and control the thickness of sheet metal, textiles, paper napkins, newspaper, plastics, photographic ~lm, and other products as they are manufactured. Gauges mounted in ~xed locations are designed for measuring or controlling material density, ow, level, thickness, or weight. The gauges contain sealed sources that radiate through the substance being measured to a readout or controlling device. Portable gauging devices, such as moisture density gauges, are used at ~eld locations. These gauges contain a gamma-emitting sealed source, usually cesiu m-137, or a sealed neutron source, usually americiu m-2 41 and beryllium.

The total amount of electric energy produced by a power generating station, as measured at the generator terminals.Source Surface Gauge Detectors Radiation Depth Bioshield Figure 31. Moisture Density GuageGaseous Diffusion Process Enriched Stream Depleted Stream Low Pressure Low Pressure High-Pressure Feed Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Detector Shutter Control Material Flow Shielding Source Shutter Pipe Figure 35.

Cross-Section of Fixed Fluid Gauge 168The gross amount of electric energy produced by a generating station, minus the amount used to operate the station. Net generation is usually measured in w att-hours.The maximum amount of electric energy that a generator can produce (from the mechanical energy of the turbine), adjusted for ambient conditions. Generator capacity is commonly expressed in megawatts.An excavated, underground facility that is designed, constructed, and operated for safe and secure permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). A geological repository uses an engineered barrier system and a portion of the site's natural geology, hydrology, and geochemical systems to isolate the radioactivity of the waste.A unit of power equivalent to one billion (1,000,000,0

00) watts.One billion (1,000,000,000) w att-hours. See Electric p ower grid.The time required for half the atoms of a particular radioactive material to decay. A speci~c half-life is a characteristic property of each radioisotope. Measured half-lives range from millionths of a second to billions of years, depending on the stability of the nucleus. Radiological half-life is related to, but different from, biological half-life and effective half-life.The science concerned with recognizing and evaluating the effects of ionizing radiation on the health and safety of people and the environment, monitoring radiation exposure, and controlling the associated health risks and environmental hazards to permit the safe use of technologies that produce ionizing radiation.A method for extracting uranium from ore. The ore is placed in piles or heaps on top of liners. The liners prevent uranium and other chemicals from moving into the ground. Sulfuric acid is dripped onto the heap and dissolves uranium as it moves through the ore. Uranium solution drains into collection basins, where it is piped to a processing plant. At the plant, uranium is extracted, concentrated, and dried to form y ellowcake.

Figure 36. The Heap Leach Uranium Recovery Process Heap Dried Yellow-cake Acid Recirculation Liner System Collection Basin Processing Plant PROCESSING PLANTExtractedConcentrated StrippedDrying Acid Drip Slope 169The highly radioactive materials produced as byproducts of fuel reprocessing or of the reactions that occur inside nuclear reactors. HLW includes the following:* irradiated spent nuclear fuel discharged from commercial nuclear power reactors

  • highly radioactive liquid and solid materials resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, which contains ~ssion products in concentration, including some reprocessed HLW from defense activities and a small quantity of reprocessed commercial HLW
  • other highly radioactive materials that the Commission may determine require permanent isolationUranium enriched to at least 20 percent uraniu m-235 (a higher concentration than exists in natural uranium ore).A common method currently used to extract uranium from ore bodies without physical excavation of the ore. ISR is also known as "solution mining" or in situ leaching.Activities that address the short-term, direct effects of a natural or human-caused event and require an emergency response to protect life or property.A complex designed and constructed for the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel; solid, reactor-related, greater-than-Class-C waste; and other associated radioactive materials. A spent fuel storage facility may be considered independent, even if it is located on the site of another NRC-licensed facility.A United Nations agency established in 1957 to serve as a world center of cooperation in the nuclear ~eld. The agency works with nearly 170 member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear technology.An association established in January 1997 to give national nuclear regulators with mature civilian nuclear reactor and materials programs a forum to discuss nuclear safety and security issues of mutual interest. Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America ar e members.Exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation may be intentional, such as in cancer treatments or in sterilizing medical instruments. Irradiation may also be accidental, such as from exposure to an unshielded source. Irradiation does not usually result in radioactive contamination, but damage can occur, depending on the dose received.

170Two or more forms (or atomic con~gurations) of a given element that have identical atomic numbers (the same number of protons in their nuclei) and the same or very similar chemical properties but different atomic masses (different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei) and distinct physical properties. Thus, carbo n-12, carbo n-1 3, and carbo n-14 are isotopes of the element carbon, and the numbers denote the approximate atomic masses. Among their distinct physical properties, some isotopes (known as radioisotopes) are radioactive, because their nuclei are unstable and emit radiation as they decay spontaneously toward a more stable nuclear con~guration. For example, carbo n-1 2 and carbo n-13 are stable, but carbo n-1 4 is unstable and ra dioactive.A unit of power equivalent to 1, 000 watts.Source material, byproduct material, or special nuclear material that is received, possessed, used, transferred, or disposed of under a general or speci~c license issued by the NRC or Agreement States and is not otherwise exempt from r egulation.A company, organization, institution, or other entity to which the NRC or an Agreement State has granted a general or speci~c license to construct or operate a nuclear facility, or to receive, possess, use, transfer, or dispose of source, byproduct, or special nuclear material.The collection of documents or technical criteria that provides the basis upon which the NRC issues a license to construct or operate a nuclear facility; to conduct operations involving the emission of radiation; or to receive, possess, use, transfer, or dispose of source, byproduct, or special nuclear material.A library providing access to publicly available documents related to the hearings regarding the Department of Energy's application for authorization to construct a high-level nuclear waste geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, NV. The LSN Library is af~liated with Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), the agency's of~cial recordkeeping system. A term used to describe reactors using ordinary water as a moderated coolant, including boiling-water reactors (BWRs) and pressurized-water reactors (PWRs), the most common types used in the Unit ed States.A general term for a wide range of waste that is contaminated with radioactive material or has become radioactive through exposure to neutron radiation. A variety of industries, hospitals and medical institutions, educational and research institutions, private or government laboratories, and nuclear fuel cycle facilities 171generate LLW. Some examples include radioactively contaminated protective shoe covers and clothing; cleaning rags, mops, ~lters, and reactor water treatment residues; equipment and tools; medical tubes, swabs, and hypodermic syringes; and carcasses and tissues from laborator y animals.A potential accident in which a breach in a reactor's pressure boundary causes the coolant water to rush out of the reactor faster than makeup water can be added back in. Without suf~cient coolant, the reactor core could heat up and potentially melt the zirconium fuel cladding, causing a major release of radioactivity.A unit of power equivalent to 1,000, 000 watts.A unit of energy equivalent to 1,000 kilowatts of electricity used continuously for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.About 2,2 00 pounds.Primarily, the solid residue from a conventional uranium recovery facility in which uranium or thorium ore is crushed and processed mechanically or chemically to recover the uranium, thorium, or other valuable materials. This naturally radioactive ore residue contains the radioactive decay products from the uranium chains (mainly the uraniu m-238 chain). Although the milling process recovers about 93 percent of the uranium, the "tailings" contain several naturally occurring radioactive elements, including uranium, thorium, radium, polonium, and radon, as well as heavy metals and other con stituents.A type of nuclear reactor fuel that contains plutonium oxide mixed with either natural or depleted uranium oxide, in ceramic pellet form. This differs from conventional nuclear fuel, which is made of uranium oxide before it is irradiated in a reactor. Using plutonium reduces the amount of enriched uranium needed to produce a controlled reaction in commercial light-water reactors. However, plutonium exists only in trace amounts in nature and, therefore, must be produced by neutron irradiation of uraniu m-238 or obtained from other manufactured sources. As directed by Congress, the NRC regulates the fabrication of MOX fuel by DOE, a program that is intended to dispose of plutonium from excess nuclea r weapons.Periodic or continuous determination of the amount of ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination in a region. Radiation monitoring is a safety measure to protect the health and safety of the public and the environment through the use of bioassay, alpha scans, and other radiological survey methods to monitor air, surface water and ground water, soil and sediment, equipment surfaces, and personnel.

172The guiding principles, roles, and structures that enable all domestic incident response partners to prepare for and provide a uni~ed national response to disasters and emergencies. It describes how the Federal Government, States, Tribes, communities, and the private sector work together to coordinate a national response. The framework, which became effective March 22, 2008, builds upon the National Incident Management System, which provides a template for managing incidents.A secure, Web-based data system that helps the NRC and its Agreement States track and regulate the medical, industrial, and academic uses of certain nuclear materials, from the time they are manufactured or imported to the time of their disposal or exportation. This information enhances the ability of the NRC and Agreement States to conduct inspections and investigations, communicate information to other government agencies, and verify the ownership and use of nationally tracked sources.Uranium containing the relative concentrations of isotopes found in nature: 0.7 percent uraniu m-235, 99.3 percent uraniu m-238, and a trace amount of uraniu m-234 by mass. In terms of radioactivity, however, natural uranium contains about 2.2 percent uraniu m-235, 48.6 percent uraniu m-238, and 49.2 percent uraniu m-234. Natural uranium can be used as fuel in nuclear reactors or as feedstock for uranium enrichment f acilities.The gross amount of electric energy produced by a generating station, minus the amount used to operate the station. Note: Electricity required for pumping at pumped-storage plants is regarded as electricity for station operation and is deducted from gross generation. Net electric generation is measured in watt-hours, except as otherw ise noted.A nuclear reactor that is used for research, training, or development purposes (which may include producing radioisotopes for medical and industrial uses) but has no role in producing electrical power. These reactors, which are also known as research and test reactors, contribute to almost every ~eld of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geology, archeology, and ecology.The primary center of communication and coordination among the NRC, its licensees, State and Tribal agencies, and other Federal agencies regarding operating events involving nuclear reactors or materials. Located in Rockville, MD, the Headquarters Operations Center is staffed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day by employees trained to receive and evaluate event reports and coordinate incident response a ctivities.See Atomic energy.

173A specialized agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which was created to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing the scienti~c, technological, and legal bases for safe, environmentally friendly, and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The NEA's current membership consists of 31 countries in Europe, North America, and the Asia-Paci~c region, which account for about 86 percent of the world's installed nuclear capacity.Fissionable material that has been enriched to a composition that will support a self-sustaining ~ssion chain reaction when used to fuel a nuclear reactor, thereby releasing energy (usually in the form of heat or useful radiation) for use in other processes.See Special nuclear material, Source material, and Byproduct material.A centralized U.S. Government database used to track and account for source and special nuclear material. The system contains current and historical data on the possession, use, and shipment of source and special nuclear material within the United States, as well as all exports and imports of such material. The database is jointly funded by the NRC and DOE and is operated under a DOE contract.In reactor physics, a substance (other than ~ssionable material) that has a large capacity for absorbing neutrons in the vicinity of the reactor core. This effect may be undesirable in some reactor applications, because it may prevent or disrupt the ~ssion chain reaction, thereby affecting normal operation. However, neutron-absorbing materials (commonly known as "poisons") are intentionally inserted into some types of reactors to decrease the reactivity of their initial fresh fuel load for fuel intended to achieve higher burnup levels during the fuel cycle. Adding poisons, such as control rods or boron, is described as adding "negative reactivity" to the reactor.A thermal power plant, in which the energy (heat) released by the fissioning of nuclear fuel is used to boil water to produce steam. The steam spins the propeller-like blades of a turbine that turns the shaft of a generator to produce electricity. Of the various nuclear power plant designs, pressurized-water reactors and boiling-water reactors are in commercial operation in the United States. These facilities generate about 20 percent of U.S. e lectrical power.

174An annex to the National Response Framework that provides for a timely, coordinated response by Federal agencies to nuclear or radiological accidents or incidents within the United States. This annex covers radiological dispersal devices and improvised nuclear devices, as well as accidents involving commercial reactors or weapons production facilities, lost radioactive sources, transportation accidents involving radioactive material, and foreign accidents involving nuclear or radioactive material.The heart of a nuclear power plant or nonpower reactor, in which nuclear ~ssion may be initiated and controlled in a self-sustaining chain reaction to generate energy or produce useful radiation. Although there are many types of nuclear reactors, they all incorporate certain essential features, including the use of ~ssionable material as fuel, a moderator (such as water) to increase the likelihood of ~ssion (unless reactor operation relies on fast neutrons), a reector to conserve escaping neutrons, coolant provisions for heat removal, instruments for monitoring and controlling reactor operation, and protective devices (such as control rods and s hielding).A subset of radioactive waste that includes unusable byproducts produced during the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, including extraction, conversion, and enrichment of uranium; fuel fabrication; and use of the fuel in nuclear reactors. Speci~cally, these stages produce a variety of nuclear waste materials, including uranium mill tailings, depleted uranium, and spent (depleted) fuel, all of which are regulated by the NRC. (By contrast, "radioactive waste" is a broader term, which includes all wastes that contain radioactivity, regardless of how they are produced. It is not considered "nuclear waste" because it is not produced through the nuclear fuel cycle and is generally not regulated by the NRC.)The internal and external dose of ionizing radiation received by workers in the course of employment in such areas as fuel cycle facilities, industrial radiography, nuclear medicine, and nuclear power plants. These workers are exposed to varying amounts of radiation, depending on their jobs and the sources with which they work. The NRC requires its licensees to limit occupational exposure to 5,000 millirem (50 millisievert) per year. Occupational dose does not include the dose received from natural background sources, doses received as a medical patient or participant in medical research programs, or "second-hand doses" to members of the public received through exposure to patients treated with radioactive materials.An intergovernmental organization (based in Paris, France) that provides a forum for discussion and cooperation among the governments of industrialized countries committed to democracy and the market economy. The primary goal of OECD and its member countries is to support sustainable economic growth, boost employment, raise living standards, maintain ~nancial stability, assist other countries' economic development, and contribute to growth in world trade. In addition, 175OECD is a reliable source of comparable statistics and economic and social data. OECD also monitors trends, analyzes and forecasts economic developments, and researches social changes and evolving patterns in trade, environment, agriculture, technology, taxation, and other areas.Sealed sources of radioactive material contained in a small volume (but not radioactively contaminated soils and bulk metals) in any one or more of the following c onditions:

  • an uncontrolled condition that requires removal to protect public health and safety from a radiological threat
  • a controlled or uncontrolled condition for which a responsible party cannot be readily identified
  • a controlled condition compromised by an inability to ensure the continued safety of the material (e.g., the licensee may have few or no options to provide for safe disposition of the material)
  • an uncontrolled condition in which the material is in the possession of a person who did not seek, and is not licensed, to possess it
  • an uncontrolled condition in which the material is in the possession of a State radiological protection program solely to mitigate a radiological threat resulting from one of the above conditions and for which the State does not have the necessary means to provide for the appropriate disposition of th e materialThe period during which a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility is out of service. Outages may be forced or scheduled and full o r partial.The shutdown of a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility for emergency reasons, or a condition in which the equipment is unavailable as a result of an unanticipated breakdown. An outage (whether full, partial, or attributable to a failed start) is considered "forced" if it could not reasonably be delayed beyond 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> from identi~cation of the problem, if there had been a strong commercial desire to do so. In particular, the following problems may result in force d outages:
  • any failure of mechanical, fuel handling, or electrical equipment or controls within the generator's ownership or direct responsibility (i.e., from the point the generator is responsible for the fuel through to the electrical connect ion point)
  • a failure of a mine or fuel transport system dedicated to that power station with a resulting fuel shortage that cannot be economical ly managed
  • inadvertent or operator error
  • limitations caused by fu el qualityForced outages do not include scheduled outages for inspection, maintenance, or refueling.

176A forced outage that causes a generating unit to be removed from the committed state (when the unit is electrically connected and generating or pumping) or the available state (when the unit is available for dispatch as a generator or pump but is not electrically connected and not generating or pumping). Full-forced outages do not include fail ed starts.The shutdown of a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility for inspection, maintenance, or refueling, which is scheduled well in advance (even if the schedule changes). Scheduled outages do not include forced outages and could be deferred if there were a strong commercial reason to do so.A thimble-sized ceramic cylinder (about 3/8-inch in diameter and 5/8-inch in length), consisting of uranium (typically uranium oxide), which has been enriched to increase the concentration of uraniu m-235 to fuel a nuclear reactor. Modern reactor cores in PWRs and BWRs may contain up to 10 million pellets stacked in the fuel rods that form fuel a ssemblies.A regulatory approach that focuses on desired, measurable outcomes, rather than prescriptive processes, techniques, or procedures. Performance-based regulation leads to de~ned results without speci~c direction on how those results are to be obtained. At the NRC, performance-based regulatory actions focus on identifying performance measures that ensure an adequate safety margin and offer incentives for licensees to improve safety without formal regulatory intervention by the agency.A quantitative measure of a particular attribute of licensee performance that shows how well a plant is performing when measured against established thresholds. Licensees submit their data quarterly; the NRC regularly conducts inspections to verify the submittals and then uses its own inspection data plus the licensees' submittals to assess each plant's pe rformance.A license, issued by the NRC, that authorizes the licensee to possess speci~c nuclear material but does not authorize its use or the operation of a nuclear facility.The process of increasing the maximum power level at which a commercial nuclear power plant may operate. This power level, regulated by the NRC, is included in the plant's operating license and technical speci~cations. A licensee may only change its maximum power output after the NRC approves an uprate application. The NRC analyses must demonstrate that the plant could continue to operate safely with its proposed new con~guration. When all requisite conditions are ful~lled, the NRC may grant the power uprate by amending the plant's operating license and technical speci fications.

177A common nuclear power reactor design in which very pure water is heated to a very high temperature by ~ssion, kept under high pressure (to prevent it from boiling), and converted to steam by a steam generator (rather than by boiling, as in a BWR). The resulting steam is used to drive turbines, which activate generators to produce electrical power. A PWR essentially operates like a pressure cooker, where a lid is tightly placed over a pot of heated water, causing the pressure inside to increase as the temperature increases (because the steam cannot escape) but keeping the water from boiling at the usual 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius). About two-thirds of the operating nuclear reactor power plants in the United States are PWRs.

Typical Pressurized-Water ReactorWalls made of concrete and steel 3-5 feet thick (1-1.5 meters)

SteamlineCore Containment Cooling SystemTurbineGenerator Condenser Heater Condensate PumpsDemineralizer Reactor Coolant PumpsPressurizerEmergency Water Supply Systems SteamGenerator ReactorVessel Control Rods Coolant Loop Feed Pumps 4 ContainmentStructure Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 2 1How Nuclear Reactors WorkIn a typical design concept of a commercial PWR, the following process occurs:

1. The core inside the reactor vessel creates heat.
2. Pressurized water in the primary coolant loop carries the heat to the steam generators.
3. Inside the steam generators, heat from the primary coolant loop vaporizes the water in a secondary loop, producing steam.
4. The steamline directs the steam to the main turbine, causing it to turn the turbine generators, which produces electricity.The steam is exhausted to the condenser, where it is condensed intowater. The resulting water is pumped out of the condenser with a series ofpumps, reheated, and pumped back to the steam generators. The reactor's corecontains fuel assemblies that are cooled by water circulated using electricallypowered pumps. These pumps and other systems in the plant receivetheir power from the electrical grid. If offsite power is lost, coolingwater is supplied by other pumps, which can be powered by onsite diesel generators. Other safety systems, such as the containment cooling system, alsoneed electric power. PWRs contain between 120-200 fuel assemblies.

178A systematic method for assessing three questions that the NRC uses to de~ne "risk." These questions consider (1) what can go wrong, (2) how likely it is to happen, and (3) what the consequences might be. These questions allow the NRC to understand likely outcomes, sensitivities, areas of importance, system interactions, and areas of uncertainty, which the staff can use to identify risk-signi~cant scenarios. The NRC uses PRA to determine a numeric estimate of risk to provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the design and operation of a nuclear po wer plant.Production expense is one component of the cost of generating electric power, which includes costs associated with fuel, as well as plant operation and ma intenance.One of the two units used to measure the amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person, known as the "absorbed dose," which reects the amount of energy that radioactive sources deposit in materials through which they pass. The radiation-absorbed dose (rad) is the amount of energy (from any type of ionizing radiation) deposited in any medium (e.g., water, tissue, air). An absorbed dose of 1 rad means that 1 gram of material absorbed 100 ergs of energy (a small but measurable amount) as a result of exposure to radiation. The related international system unit is the gray (Gy), where 1 Gy is equivalent t o 100 rad.A form of radiation, which includes alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, x-rays, neutrons, high-speed electrons, and high-speed protons. Compared to nonionizing radiation, such as found in ultraviolet light or microwaves, ionizing radiation is considerably more energetic. When ionizing radiation passes through material such as air, water, or living tissue, it deposits enough energy to break molecular bonds and displace (or remove) electrons. This electron displacement may lead to changes in living cells. Given this ability, ionizing radiation has a number of bene~cial uses, including treating cancer or sterilizing medical equipment. However, ionizing radiation is potentially harmful if not used correctly, and high doses may result in severe skin or tissue damage. It is for this reason that the NRC strictly regulates commercial and institutional uses of the various types of ionizing radiation.Energy given off by matter in the form of tiny, fast-moving particles (alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons) or pulsating electromagnetic rays or waves (gamma rays) emitted from the nuclei of unstable radioactive atoms. All matter is composed of atoms, which are made up of various parts; the nucleus contains minute particles called protons and neutrons, and the atom's outer shell contains other particles called electrons. The nucleus carries a positive electrical charge, while the electrons carry a negative electrical charge. These forces work toward a strong, stable balance by getting rid of excess atomic energy (radioactivity). In that process, unstable radioactive nuclei may emit energy, and this spontaneous emission is called nuclear radiation.

179All types of nuclear radiation are also ionizing radiation, but the reverse is not necessarily true; for example, x-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, but they are not nuclear radiation because they do not originate from atomic nuclei. In addition, some elements are naturally radioactive, as their nuclei emit nuclear radiation as a result of radioactive decay, but others become radioactive by being irradiated in a reactor. Naturally occurring nuclear radiation is indistinguishable from induced radiation.A radioactive material or byproduct that is speci~cally manufactured or obtained for the purpose of using the emitted radiation. Such sources are commonly used in teletherapy or industrial radiography; in various types of industrial gauges, irradiators, and gamma knives; and as power sources for batteries (such as those used in spacecraft). These sources usually consist of a known quantity of radioactive material, which is encased in a manmade capsule, sealed between layers of nonradioactive material, or ~rmly bonded to a nonradioactive substrate to prevent radiation leakage. Other radiation sources include devices such as accelerators and x-ray g enerators.Exposure limits; permissible concentrations; rules for safe handling; and regulations on the receipt, possession, use, transportation, storage, disposal, and industrial control of radioactive material.The therapeutic use of ionizing radiation to treat disease in patients. Although most radiotherapy procedures are intended to kill cancerous tissue or reduce the size of a tumor, therapeutic doses may also be used to reduce pain or treat benign conditions. For example, intervascular brachytherapy uses radiation to treat clogged blood vessels. Other common radiotherapy procedures include gamma stereotactic radiosurgery (gamma knife), teletherapy, and iodine treatment to correct an overactive thyroid gland. These procedures use radiation sources, regulated by the NRC and its Agreement States, that may be applied either inside or outside the body. In either case, the goal of radiotherapy is to deliver the required therapeutic or pain-relieving dose of radiation with high precision and for the required length of time, while preserving the surrounding healt hy tissue.An of~cially prescribed magenta or black trefoil on a yellow background, which must be displayed where certain quantities of radioactive materials are present or where certain doses of radiation could be received.Undesirable radioactive material (with a potentially harmful effect) that is either airborne or deposited in (or on the surface of) structures, objects, soil, water, or living organisms (people, animals, or plants) in a concentration that may harm people, equipment, or the environment.

180The spontaneous transformation of one radionuclide into one or more decay products (also known as "daughters"). This transformation is commonly characterized by the emission of an alpha particle, a beta particle, or gamma ray photon(s) from the nucleus of the radionuclide. The rate at which these transformations take place, when a suf~cient quantity of the same radionuclide is present, depends on the half-life of the radionuclide. Some radionuclides (e.g., hydroge n-3, also known as "tritium") decay to stable daughters that are not radioactive. However, other radionuclides (e.g., uraniu m-238) decay to radioactive daughters (e.g., thoriu m-234) and may be part of a radioactive decay chain consisting of two or more radionuclides linked in a cascading series of radioactive decay.The property possessed by some elements (such as uranium) of spontaneously emitting energy in the form of radiation as a result of the decay (or disintegration) of an unstable atom. Radioactivity is also the term used to describe the rate at which radioactive material emits radiation. Radioactivity is measured in units of becquerels or disintegrations p er second.The use of sealed sources of ionizing radiation for nondestructive examination of the structure of materials. When the radiation penetrates the material, it produces a shadow image by blackening a sheet of photographic ~lm that has been placed behind the material, and the differences in blackening suggest aws and unevenness in the material.An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously, thereby emitting radiation. About 5,000 natural and arti~cial radioisotopes have been i dentified.A pharmaceutical drug that emits radiation and is used in diagnostic or therapeutic medical procedures. Radioisotopes that have short half-lives are generally preferred to minimize the radiation dose to the patient and the risk of prolonged exposure. In most cases, these short-lived radioisotopes decay to stable elements within minutes, hours, or days, allowing patients to be released from the hospital in a relatively s hort time.The central portion of a nuclear reactor, which contains the fuel assemblies, water, and control mechanisms, as well as the supporting structure. The reactor core is where ~ssion ta kes place.The process by which the NRC monitors and evaluates the performance of commercial nuclear power plants. Designed to focus on those plant activities that are most important to safety, the ROP uses inspection ~ndings and performance indicators to assess each plant's safety pe rformance.

181The process of removing older fuel and loading new fuel. These actions are all performed underwater to supply continuous cooling for the fuel and provide shielding from the radioactive s pent fuel.Reactor Building (Containment)Fuel BuildingRefueling BayFuel Transfer CanalRefueling BridgeRefueling BridgeReactor Building CraneRefueling BridgeFuel Storage PoolFuel Inspection StandSpent Fuel Storage RacksSpent Fuel Storage RacksRefueling CavitySteam Dryer and Separator Storage PoolNew Fuel Storage RacksFuel Transfer TubeReactor CoreReactor VesselReactor VesselContainment VesselTorusPWR Refueling SummaryBWR Refueling SummaryPWR Refueling Summary:As new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the fuel building, the reactor building crane (not shown) lifts them to the fuel inspection stand, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage racks (which are dry), or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. To refuel the reactor, the vessel head is removed, the fuel transfer canals and transfer tube areas are ~ooded, and removable gates are opened in order to connect the refueling canal to the fuel pool. The reactor building refueling bridge is used to remove a fuel assembly from the reactor vessel and transfer it to the "up-ender" basket, which is then tilted until it is horizontal, sent through the transfer tube into the fuel building, and returned upright. The refueling bridge then moves the fuel assembly into the spent fuel storage racks. This process is reversed when fuel is loaded into the reactor.BWR Refueling Summary:As new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the reactor building, the reactor building crane lifts them to the refueling ~oor, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage area (which is dry), or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. To refuel the reactor, the containment vessel lid and the reactor vessel head are removed, the refueling cavity above the reactor vessel is ~ooded, and the gates between the reactor cavity and fuel pool are removed. The refueling bridge removes one fuel bundle at a time from the reactor and transfers it to the spent fuel storage racks until about a third of the fuel is removed. The process is reversed when fuel is removed from the fuel pool and placed in the reactor. In BWRs the fuel remains in a vertical position throughout the process.

Spent Fuel Storage PoolPWR refuelingAs new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the fuel building, the reactor building crane (not shown) lifts them to the fuel inspection stand, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool before refueling begins. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage racks (which are dry) or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool before refueling begins. To refuel the reactor, the vessel head is removed, the fuel transfer canals and transfer tube areas are ooded, and removable gates are opened in order to connect the refueling canal to the fuel pool. The reactor building refueling bridge is used to remove a fuel assembly from the reactor vessel and transfer it to the "up-ender" basket, which is then tilted until it is horizontal, sent through the transfer tube into the fuel building, and returned upright. The refueling bridge then moves the fuel assembly into the spent fuel storage racks. This process is reversed when fuel is loaded into the reactor.BWR refuelingAs new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the reactor building, the reactor building crane lifts them to the refueling oor, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage area (which is dry) or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool before refueling begins. To refuel the reactor, the containment vessel lid and the reactor vessel head are removed, the refueling cavity above the reactor vessel is ooded, and the gates between the reactor cavity and fuel pool are removed. The refueling bridge removes one fuel bundle at a time from the reactor and transfers it to the spent fuel storage racks until about a third of the fuel is removed. The process is reversed when fuel is removed from the fuel pool and placed in the reactor. In BWRs, the fuel remains in a vertical position throughout the process.Reactor Building (Containment)Fuel BuildingRefueling BayFuel Transfer CanalRefueling BridgeRefueling BridgeReactor Building CraneRefueling BridgeFuel Storage PoolFuel Inspection StandSpent Fuel Storage RacksSpent Fuel Storage RacksRefueling CavitySteam Dryer and Separator Storage PoolNew Fuel Storage RacksFuel Transfer TubeReactor CoreReactor VesselReactor VesselContainment VesselTorusPWR Refueling SummaryBWR Refueling SummaryPWR Refueling Summary:As new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the fuel building, the reactor building crane (not shown) lifts them to the fuel inspection stand, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage racks (which are dry), or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. To refuel the reactor, the vessel head is removed, the fuel transfer canals and transfer tube areas are ~ooded, and removable gates are opened in order to connect the refueling canal to the fuel pool. The reactor building refueling bridge is used to remove a fuel assembly from the reactor vessel and transfer it to the "up-ender" basket, which is then tilted until it is horizontal, sent through the transfer tube into the fuel building, and returned upright. The refueling bridge then moves the fuel assembly into the spent fuel storage racks. This process is reversed when fuel is loaded into the reactor.BWR Refueling Summary:As new fuel shipping canisters arrive in the reactor building, the reactor building crane lifts them to the refueling ~oor, where the fuel is removed from the canister and inspected for defects. The fuel can then be stored in either the new fuel storage area (which is dry), or in the refueling pool, depending upon the needs of the site. Fuel in the new fuel storage area is moved into the fuel pool prior to refueling activities. To refuel the reactor, the containment vessel lid and the reactor vessel head are removed, the refueling cavity above the reactor vessel is ~ooded, and the gates between the reactor cavity and fuel pool are removed. The refueling bridge removes one fuel bundle at a time from the reactor and transfers it to the spent fuel storage racks until about a third of the fuel is removed. The process is reversed when fuel is removed from the fuel pool and placed in the reactor. In BWRs the fuel remains in a vertical position throughout the process.

Spent Fuel Storage Pool 182The governmental function of controlling or directing economic entities through the process of rulemaking and adj udication.An annual NRC conference that brings together NRC staff, regulated utilities, materials users, and other interested stakeholders to discuss nuclear safety topics and signi~cant and timely regulatory activities through informal dialogue to ensure an open regulatory process.One of the two standard units used to measure the dose equivalent (or effective dose), which combines the amount of energy (from any type of ionizing radiation) that is deposited in human tissue with the biological effects of the given type of radiation. For beta and gamma radiation, the dose equivalent is the same as the absorbed dose. By contrast, the dose equivalent is larger than the absorbed dose for alpha and neutron radiation because these types of radiation are more damaging to the human body. Thus, the dose equivalent (in rem) is equal to the absorbed dose (in rads) multiplied by the quality factor of the type of radiation (Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 20.1004, "Units of Radiation Dose"). The related international system unit is the sievert (Sv), where 100 rem is equivalent to 1 Sv.Natural, but limited, energy resources that can be replenished, including biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar, and wind. These resources are virtually inexhaustible but limited in the amount of energy that is available per unit of time. In the future, renewable resources could also include the use of ocean thermal, wave, and tidal action technologies. Utility renewable resource applications include bulk electricity generation, onsite electricity generation, distributed electricity generation, nongrid-connected generation, and demand-reduction (energy ef~ciency) tec hnologies.The combined answer to three questions that consider (1) what can go wrong, (2) how likely it is to occur, and (3) what the consequences might be. These three questions allow the NRC to understand likely outcomes, sensitivities, areas of importance, system interactions, and areas of uncertainty, which can be used to identify risk-signi~cant scenarios.An approach to regulatory decisionmaking that considers only the results of a probabilistic risk a ssessment.An approach to regulatory decisionmaking in which insights from probabilistic risk assessment are considered with other engineering insights.

183An approach to regulation taken by the NRC that incorporates an assessment of safety signi~cance or relative risk. This approach ensures that the regulatory burden imposed by an individual regulation or process is appropriate to its importance in protecting the health and safety of the public and the environment.The term referring to a facility's system, structure, component, or accident sequence that exceeds a predetermined limit for contributing to the risk associated with the facility. The term also describes a level of risk exceeding a predetermined signi~ca nce level.The use of material control and accounting programs to verify that all special nuclear material is properly controlled and accounted for, as well as the physical protection (or physical security) equipment and security forces. As used by the IAEA, this term also means verifying that the peaceful use commitments made in binding nonproliferation agreements, both bilateral and multilateral, are honored.A special category of sensitive unclassi~ed information that must be protected. Safeguards Information concerns the physical protection of operating power reactors, spent fuel shipments, strategic special nuclear material, or other radioactive material.In the regulatory arena, this term applies to systems, structures, components, procedures, and controls (of a facility or process) that are relied upon to remain functional during and following design-basis events. Their functionality ensures that key regulatory criteria, such as levels of radioactivity released, are met. Examples of safety-related functions include shutting down a nuclear reactor and maintaining it in a safe-shutdown condition.When used to qualify an object, such as a system, structure, component, or accident sequence, a term identifying that object as having an impact on safety, whether determined through risk analysis or other means, that exceeds a predetermined signi~cance criterion.A long-term storage condition for a permanently shutdown nuclear power plant. During SAFSTOR, radioactive contamination decreases substantially, making subsequent decontamination and demolition easier and reducing the amount of low-level waste requiring disposal.The sudden shutting down of a nuclear reactor, usually by rapid insertion of control rods, either automatically or manually by the reactor operator (also known as a "react or trip").

184Information that is generally not publicly available and that encompasses a wide variety of categories, such as proprietary information, personal and private information, or information subject to attorney-client privilege.A decrease in the rate of ~ssion (and heat or energy production) in a reactor (usually by the insertion of control rods into the core).Small reactors that use water to cool the reactor core in the same way as today's large light-water reactors. SMR designs also use the same enriched-uranium fuel as current U.S. reactors. However, SMR designs are considerably smaller and can bundle together several reactors in a single containment. Each SMR module generates 300 megawatts electric (MWe) or less, compared to today's large designs that can generate 1,000 MWe or more per reactor. The NRC's discussions to date with SMR designers involve modules generating less than 200 MWe.Uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or ores that contain, by weight, 1/20 of 1 percent (0.05 percent) or more of (1) uranium, (2) thorium, or (3) any combination thereof. Source material does not include special nuclear material.Plutonium, uraniu m-2 33, or uranium enriched in the isotopes uraniu m-233 or ur aniu m-2 35.An underwater storage and cooling facility for spent (depleted) fuel assemblies that have been removed from a reactor.Nuclear reactor fuel that has been used to the extent that it can no longer effectively sustain a chain reaction.The condition of a nuclear reactor system in which nuclear fuel no longer sustains a ~ssion chain reaction (i.e., the reaction fails to initiate its own repetition, as it would in a reactor's normal operating condition). A reactor becomes subcritical when its ~ssion events fail to release a suf~cient number of neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of reactions, possibly as a result of increased neutron leakage o r poisons.Treatment in which the source of the therapeutic radiation is at a distance from the body. Because teletherapy is often used to treat malignant tumors deep within the body by bombarding them with a high-energy beam of gamma rays (from a radioisotope such as cobal t-60) projected from outside the body, it is often called "external beam radiotherapy."

185Code of Federal Regulations The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) addresses energy-related topics.

Chapter I, Parts 1 to 199, contain the regulations (or rules) established by the NRC. These regulations govern the transportation and storage of nuclear materials; use of radioactive materials at nuclear power plants, research and test reactors, uranium recovery facilities, fuel cycle facilities, waste repositories, and other nuclear facilities; and use of nuclear materials for medical, industrial, and academic purposes.A change in the reactor coolant system temperature, pressure, or both, attributed to a change in the reactor's power output. Transients can be caused by (1) adding or removing neutron poisons, (2) increasing or decreasing electrical load on the turbine generator, or (3) accident c onditions.Material contaminated with transuranic elements-arti

~cially made radioactive elements, such as neptunium, plutonium, americium, and others-that have atomic numbers higher than uranium in the periodic table of elements. Transuranic waste is primarily produced from recycling spent fuel or using plutonium to fabricate nuclea r weapons.A radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Because it is chemically identical to natural hydrogen, tritium can easily be taken into the body by any ingestion path. It decays by emitting beta particles and has a half-life of about 1 2.5 years.See Pow er uprate.A radioactive element with the atomic number 92 and, as found in natural ores, an atomic weight of about 238.

The two principal natural isotopes are uraniu m-235 and uraniu m-2 38. Uraniu m-235 is composed of 0.7 percent natural uranium and is ~ssile.

Uraniu m-238 is composed of 99.3 percent natural uranium, is ~ssionable by fast neutrons, and is fertile. This means that it becomes ~ssile after absorbing one neutron. Natural uranium also includes a minute amount of ur aniu m-2 34.A piece of natural uranium ore 186The process of increasing the percentage of uraniu m-2 35 (U-235) from 0.7 percent in natural uranium to about 3 to 5 percent for use in fuel for nuclear reactors. Enrichment can be done through gaseous diffusion, gas centrifuges, or laser isotope s eparation.

Figure 39. Enrichment ProcessesA. Gaseous Diffusion ProcessB. Gas Centrifuge Process Enriched Stream Depleted Stream Low Pressure Low Pressure High-Pressure Feed UF 6 Feed Fraction Enriched in U-235 Fraction Depleted in U-235 Casing Rotor Electric Motor Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionGas centrifuge process The gas centrifuge process uses many rotating cylinders that are connected in long lines. Gas is placed in the cylinder, which spins at a high speed, creating a strong centrifugal force. Heavier gas molecules move to the cylinder wall, while lighter molecules collect near the center. The stream, now slightly enriched, is fed into the next cylinder. The depleted stream is recycled back into the previous cylinder. A facility that converts enriched UF 6 into fuel for commercial light-water power reactors, research and test reactors, and other nuclear reactors. The UF 6, in solid form in containers, is heated to a gaseous form and then chemically processed to form uranium dioxide (UO

2) powder. This powder is then processed into ceramic pellets and loaded into metal tubes, which are subsequently bundled into fuel assemblies. Fabrication can also involve MOX fuel, which contains plutonium oxide mixed with either natural or depleted uranium oxide in ceramic pe llet form.A facility that receives natural uranium in the form of ore concentrate (known as yellowcake) and converts it into UF 6, in preparation for fabricating fuel for nuclear reactors.

187The Federal agency established by Congress to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States, among other missions.The Federal agency responsible for leading the uni~ed national effort to secure the United States against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life. DHS is also responsible for preparing for and responding to all hazards and disasters and includes the formerly separate FEMA, the Coast Guard, and the Secre t Service.The Federal agency responsible for protecting human health and safeguarding the environment. EPA leads the Nation's environmental science, research, education, and assessment efforts to ensure that attempts to reduce environmental risk are based on the best available scienti~c information. EPA also ensures that environmental protection is an integral consideration in U.S. p olicies.Viability assessmentA decisionmaking process used by DOE to assess the prospects for safe and secure permanent disposal of high-level waste in an excavated, underground facility known as a geologic repository. This decisionmaking process is based on (1) speci~c design work on the critical elements of the repository and waste package, (2) a total system performance assessment that will describe the probable behavior of the repository, (3) a plan and cost estimate for the work required to complete the license application, and (4) an estimate of the costs to construct and operate the repository.Radioactive materials at the end of their useful life or in a product that is no longer useful and requires proper disposal. See High-level waste, Low-level waste, and Spent nuc lear fuel.Classi~cation of low-level waste (LLW) according to its radiological hazard. The classes include Class A, B, and C, with Class A being the least hazardous and accounting for 96 percent of LLW in the U.S. As the waste class and hazard increase, the regulations established by the NRC require progressively greater controls to protect the health and safety of the public and the environment.A unit of power (in the International System of Units) de~ned as the consumption or conversion of 1 joule of energy per second. In electricity, a watt is equal to current (in amperes) multiplied by voltage (in volts).


190Web Link IndexNRC: An Independent Regulatory AgencyMission, Goals, and Statutory Authority Strategic Plan (NUREG-1614)

Statutory Authority Major Activities Public Involvement of Information Act and Privacy Act Regulatory Guides 10, Code of Federal Regulations Rulemaking Dockets Rulemaking and Petition for Rulemaking Actions Petition Process of Investigations Annual Report FY 2017 Enforcement Actions and Functions Organization Chart The Commission Direction-Setting and Policymaking Activities NRC Regions NRC BudgetPerformance Budget: Fiscal Year 2018 (NUREG-1100)

191U.S. and Worldwide Nuclear EnergyU.S. Electricity U.S. Energy Information AdministrationOf~cial Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government https://www.eia.govWorldwide Electricity Generated by Commercial Nuclear PowerInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS)

Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) https://www.oecd-nea.orgWorld Nuclear Association (WNA) Nuclear Power Reactors and Uranium Requirements WNA Reactor Database Of~ce of International Programs Regulatory Information Conference (RIC) Activities NRC Of~ce of International Programs and Conventions of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership http://rsrp-online.orgInternational Regulatory Development Partnership http://irdp-online.orgOperating Nuclear ReactorsU.S. Commercial Nuclear Power ReactorsCommercial Reactors of U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power ReactorsReactor Oversight Process (ROP) 192NUREG/BR-0508, "Reactor Oversight Process", "Reactor Oversight Process"

ROP Performance Indicators Summary ROP Contact Us Form Lessons Learned Reactors New Reactor Licensing Reactor License RenewalReactor License Renewal Process CFR Part 51, "Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions" CFR Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants"

Status of License Renewal Applications and Industry Activities Nuclear Research and Test ReactorsResearch and Test Reactors Regulatory ResearchNuclear Reactor Safety Research State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Risk Assessment in Regulation Instrumentation and Controls Computer Codes Generic Issues Program Committee To Review Generic Requirements, Revision 4, "Research Activities FY 2018-2020"

193Nuclear MaterialsAgreement States Of~ce of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards State Communication Portal https://scp.nrc.govU.S. Fuel Cycle Facilities U.S. Fuel Cycle Facilities Recovery Uranium Milling/Recovery Materials Licenses Materials Licensees Toolkits "10 CFR-Part 70" Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material Applications and Others Medical Applications and Others Uses Medical Uses Gauges and Commercial Product Irradiators General License Uses Uses of Nuclear Materials Industrial Applications Consumer Product Uses WasteU.S. Low-Level Radioactive Waste DisposalLow-Level Radioactive Waste High-Level Radioactive Waste Management:

Disposal and StorageHigh-Level Radioactive Waste Nuclear Fuel Storage Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage 194U.S. Nuclear Materials TransportationNuclear Materials Transportation and Tribal Of~cial Transportation Advance Noti~cation Designees Decommissioning of the Decommissioning Program: 2016 Annual Report Security and Emergency Preparedness Nuclear SecurityNuclear Security Nuclear Security SafeguardsDomestic Safeguards Security Information Security Material Security Radioactive Material Security Preparedness and Response Emergency Preparedness and Response and Test Reactors Security Preparedness Stakeholder Meetings and Workshops Emergency Action Level Development Emergency Preparedness Drills

hostile-action.html NRC Participation Exercise Schedule

195Other Web LinksDatasetsSpreadsheets of NRC-Regulated Licensee Information Opportunities NRC-A Great Place to Work Basic References of Energy Terms Involvement NRC Library of Information Act and Privacy Acts Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Public Document Room Licensing Support Network Library

Public Meeting Schedule Documents for Comment Business and Civil Rights Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses Diversity Discrimination Complaint Activity Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Limited English Pro~ciency Serving Institutions Program Comprehensive Diversity Management Plan Brochure

196Social Media Platforms NRC Blog




GovDelivery RSS 197 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET (See instructions on the reverse)


1. REPORT NUMBER (Assigned by NRC, Add Vol., Supp., Rev., and Addendum Numbers, if any.)

NUREG-1350, Vol. 21

3. DATE REPORT PUBLISHED MONTH August YEAR 2009 4. FIN OR GRANT NUMBER n/a 2. TITLE AND SUBTITLE U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Digest 2008-2009 Edition

Ivonne Couret

6. TYPE OF REPORT Annual 7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dates) 2008 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, provide Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address; if contractor, Public Affairs Staff
9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, type "Same as above"; if contractor, provide NRC Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Same as 8, above p rovide name and mailing address.)

and mailing address.)

11. ABSTRACT (200 words or less)
12. KEY WORDS/DESCRIPTORS (List words or phrases that will assist researchers in locating the report.)

Information Digest 2009-2010 Edition NRC Facts Nuclear Regulatory Commission

13. AVAILABILITY STATEMENT unlimited (This Page) unclassified (This Report) unclassified
15. NUMBER OF PAGES 190 16. PRICE NRC FORM 335 (9-2004)PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Office of Public Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 2018-2019 Information Digest provides information about the agency and the industries it regulates. It describes the agency's responsibilities and activities and provides general information on nuclear-related topics. The 2018-2019 Information Digest includes NRC data in the appendices and non-NRC data (i.e., IAEA, EIA, and DOE data) throughout the publication ,updated as of July 1, 2018. The next Information Digest that will re~ect updated data will be published in August 2019. In this edition we discontinued providing Industry Trends information because the program was discontinued. The Digest will remain an annual publication, with certain data being updated every 2 years. Readers will be directed to the most current and updated information, which is available online. The NRC reviews the information from industry and international sources but does not independently verify it. The Web Link Index provides sources for more information on major topics. The NRC is the source of all photographs, graphics, and tables unless otherwise noted. All information is nal unless otherwise noted. Corrections and updates will appear in the digital version of the publication on the NRC Web site. The NRC welcomes comments or suggestions on the Information Digest. To submit comments, write to the Ofce of Public Affairs at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or send an email to

.Ivonne Couret, et al.There may be a supplementary document produced re~ecting specic sections of the document.

2018-2019 2018 August (2-89) NRCM 1102, 3201,3202NUREG-1350, Vol. 30 2018-2019 Information Digest 2018-2019 Edition NRC Facts Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR