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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20054G11117 June 1982Forwards Westinghouse Analytical Assessment for Effects of Loose Parts,Zion 1, & Affidavit Requesting Certain Portions Be Considered Proprietary & Be WithheldAffidavit
ML20054G11815 June 1982Discusses Reasons for Withholding Info Contained in Analytical Assessment for Effects of Loose Parts,Zion 1 & Forwards Affidavit Certifying Proprietary NatureAffidavit
ML20054H1494 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Generating Stations Emergency Plan Telephone Directory
ML20054H56321 June 1982Provides Status of NUREG-0737,Item II.F.2, Reactor Vessel Level Indicating Sys. Design of Proposed Mods Expected to Be Completed During Next Operating Cycle
ML20054H68816 June 1982Forwards Revision 3 to Procedure 0291A, Meteorological Monitoring,Offsite Dose Calculation Program for Emergency Preparedness at Operating Nuclear Power Plants & Revision 4 to QA Program for Meteorological Monitoring Programs
ML20054H92610 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-295/82-12 & 50-304/82-10 on 820401-0514 & Notice of Violation
ML20054J63722 June 1982Confirms 820617 & 18 Telcons W/Util.Actions Delineated in 820526 & 0622 Confirmatory Action Ltrs Are Acceptable. Startup & Operation of Zion Unit 1 May Proceed
ML20054J66922 June 1982Confirmatory Action Ltr Re Missing Piece from Reactor Coolant Pump Loop a Cold Leg Stop Valve Disc,Discussed During 820616 & 17 Telcons.Util Will Conduct Two Addl Tests to Evaluate Potential Presence of Missing Part
ML20054J7199 June 1982Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-295/82-03 & 50-304/82-03.Corrective Actions: Procedure Zap 3-52-1,re Change of Instrument Setpoint,Will Cover Changes of safety-related Instrument Scaling
ML20054J8658 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revised Generating Station Emergency Plan Environ Director Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Revision 2 to Procedure ED-3 Re Demand Polling of Meteorological Data
ML20054K38724 June 1982Forwards Safety Evaluation & Eg&G Technical Evaluation Rept of Degraded Grid Protection for Class IE Power Sys. Electrical Sys Design Mod & Draft Tech Specs Contained in Util Acceptable
ML20054K44018 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-295/82-08 in Mar,Apr & May 1982 & Notice of Violation.W/O Notice of Violation
ML20054K49916 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-295/82-10 & 50-304/82-08 in Mar, Apr & May 1982.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054K61218 June 1982Provides Util Response to Item 4 of NRC Re Flooding of Reactor Cavity During Current Refueling Outage. Flooding Discussed at 820519 Meeting & Summary of Concerns & Resolutions Submitted.Effects Rectified
ML20054K68116 May 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 440-1, Emergency Communications Sys & Operational Tests. Receipt Form & Procedure Change Request Encl
ML20054K68815 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 2 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures EPIP 120-1, Operations Director. Receipt Form & Procedure Change Request Form Encl
ML20054K95916 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 700-1, Emergency Phone List. Receipt Form & Procedure Change Request Form Encl
ML20054L02122 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-304/82-11 on 820512-14.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054L06630 June 1982Submits Monthly Status Rept Re Evaluations Performed in Response to IE Bulletin 79-14.No Changes at Dresden & Zion Since Last Status Rept.Piping Stress Found to Exceed Limit & Three Nodes Overstressed at Quad Cities
ML20054L46118 June 1982Forwards Amend 74 to License DPR-39,safety Evaluation & Notice of Issuance & Availability.Amend Changes Tech Specs for Total Peaking & Normalization Factors for Core Height
ML20054L46829 June 1982Informs That Response Re Facility Probabilistic Study Will Not Be Provided by 820630,due to Large Number & Detailed Nature of Questions
ML20054L5751 July 1982Forwards Submittal Re plant-specific Valve Operability Assessments Per TMI Item II.D.1 & Generic Ltr 81-36, Revised Schedule for Completion of TMI Action Item II.D.1, Relief & Safety Valve TestingOperability Assessment
ML20054M31623 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 2 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 550-1, Onsite Nonradiological Emergency Response Equipment. Station Procedure Change Request Encl
ML20054M33523 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 4 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 700-1, Corporate Command Ctr Group Directory. Receipt Form & Station Procedure Change Request Form Encl
ML20054M34525 June 1982Informs That Item B.2 in 800229 Confirmatory Order Is Complete & Satisfies Requirements Re TMI Action Item III.D.3.4, Control Room Habitability
ML20054M37615 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 110-1, Station Director. Station Procedure Change Request Encl
ML20054M38724 June 1982Submits Addl Info Re Actions Taken to Correct Deficiencies Identified During 810826 Emergency Preparedness Appraisal. Encl Documents Assistance Provided by City of Zion,Jul 1981- Apr 1982.Agreement W/City Unresolved
ML20054M39116 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 2 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 140-1, Maint Director. Station Procedure Change Request Encl
ML20054M51018 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-295/82-13 & 50-304/82-12 on 820604.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054M5848 July 1982Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for June 1982
ML20054M59123 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 7 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 320-1, Activation of Generating Station Emergency Plan Station Group. Station Temporary Change Requests Encl
ML20054M61928 June 1982Confirms 820626 Telephone Authorization for Change in Tech Specs,Allowing Plant Operation W/One Safety Injection Pump Inoperable If Both Centrifugal Charging Pump Sys & RHR Sys Operable
ML20055A0342 July 1982Forwards IE Safeguards Insp Rept 50-295/82-15 on 820615-18. No Noncompliance Noted
ML20055A33612 July 1982Forwards Addl Info Re Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys,In Response to NRC 820106 Request.Two Oversize Drawings Encl.Aperture Cards Are Available in PDR
ML20055A91414 July 1982Forwards Info on Plans & Schedules Re NUREG-0737,Items II.B.2,II.B.3 & II.F.1 on Radiation Monitors,As Supplemental Response to Generic Ltr 82-05
ML20055B0439 July 1982Forwards Revised Schedule for Implementation of PWR Fuel Mgt Program,Due to Extended Outage for Steam Generator Repairs. NRC Concurrence or Comments on Schedule Requested by 820901
ML20055B23816 June 1982Forwards Public Version of Revision 2 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 130-1, Technical Director. Receipt Form & Procedure Change Request Form Encl
ML20055B39615 July 1982Clarifies NRC Position Re Procedures for Admitting NRC Personnel to Facility.Inspectors Listed on Encl 1 Require Permanent Nonemployee,No Escort Required Picture Badges. Personnel on Encl 2 to Be Treated as Nonregular Employees
ML20055B45315 July 1982Confirms Plans for 820721 Meeting in Region 3 Ofc to Discuss 820628 Startup of Unit 2 W/Degraded Safety Sys
ML20055B4938 July 1982Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-295/82-12 & 50-304/82-10.Corrective Actions: Practice of Bypassing Gripper Tube Up Interlock Immediately Discontinued
ML20055C29221 February 1990Forwards Errata Data for Radioactive Effluent Rept for Jan- June 1989 & Solid Radwaste Rept for Jul-Dec 1988
ML20055D24322 June 1990Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-295/90-07 & 50-304/90-07 on 900414-0602.No Violations Noted
ML20055D52326 June 1990Responds to Confirmatory Action Ltr CAL-RIII-90-11 Re Actions Required to Confirm Valve Operability for Unit 1,per IE Bulletin 85-003
ML20055D52927 June 1990Forwards Table Outlining Status of Significant Events Re PWR Reload Safety Analysis Methods for Plant Cycle 13.Requests That Transient Analysis Topical Rept Be Reviewed & SERs Issued Prior to 910830
ML20055D83918 June 1990Provides Supplemental Info in Response to Generic Ltr 88-17, Loss of Dhr. Permanently Installed Level Transmitter, Independent from Refueling Vessel Level Recorder & Led Readout Will Be Utilized
ML20055D84624 June 1990Forwards WCAP-10962,Rev 1, Zion Units 1 & 2 Reactor Vessel Fluence & Ref Temp for PTS Evaluations
ML20055E81126 March 1990FOIA Request for Records Re Indemnification Agreements Between Util & AEC or NRC & Public Liability Insurance
ML20055H08720 July 1990Provides Status Rept on Molded Case Circuit Breakers Replacement,Per NRC Bulletin 88-010.Traceable Replacement Breakers for Units 1 & 2 Being Procured safety-related & Meet Criteria of Bulletin Action 7
ML20055H76325 July 1990Forwards Financial Info Re Decommissioning of Plants
ML20055J11926 July 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info Re Status of Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions. Current Status of Issues Encl