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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000483/198403028 September 1984Partially Withheld Ltr Extending Appreciation for Cooperation Re Const Deficiencies.Insp Rept 50-483/84-30 Discussing Technical Concerns Encl.Other Concerns Forwarded to Regions II & IV
ML17195A95018 September 1985Forwards Two Safety Evaluations Approving Util plant-unique Analysis Rept on Pool Dynamic Loads for Mark I Containment & Mods on Containments & Torus Attached Piping.Bnl Technical Evaluation of plant-unique Analysis Rept Encl
ML20054E8381 June 1982Advises That Revision 10 to Quad Cities Station Security Plan & Revision 11 to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Security Plan Transmitted by Util 810610 & 1027 Ltrs,Respectively, Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Approved
ML20054E8957 June 1982Approves Request for Withholding Info Per 10CFR2.790 Re Improved Thermal Design Procedures (CAW-82-15)Affidavit
ML20054F25410 June 1982Requests Util Address Encl Concerns on Loose Parts Monitoring Program in Final Design Rept
ML20054F2579 June 1982Forwards Refs 1,5,16,20 & 49 from plant-unique Analysis Rept,As Requested.W/O Encl
ML20054H0777 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-237/82-07 & 50-249/82-07 on 820412-16 & 19-23 & Notice of ViolationAffidavit
ML20054H51017 June 1982Approves Util 810518 & 0727 Requests to Withhold Repts YAEC-1249P & YAEC-1265P from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790
ML20054J91523 June 1982Advises That SEP Topic IX-6 Re Fire Protection,Considered Completed for Conducting Integrated Assessment
ML20054K12715 June 1982Forwards IE Enforcement Meeting Repts 50-269/82-20, 50-270/82-20,50-287/82-21 & 50-369/82-19 on 820521.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054K25523 June 1982Forwards IE Safeguards Insp Repts 50-338/82-22,50-339/82-22, 50-280/82-18 & 50-281/82-18 on 820616-18.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054K36718 June 1982Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Suspected Act of Vandalism at Facility & Firing of QC Inspector & Secy 82-16,82-16A & 82-16B.Forwards Documents Listed in App A.App B Documents Withheld (FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20054K97622 June 1982Notifies That Use of Subsections NC-4427,ND-4427 & NE-4427 in Winter 1981 Addenda to Section III of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Acceptable for Use to Meet Fillet Weld Requirements
ML20054K99125 June 1982Forwards Amends 85,50 & 78 to Licenses DPR-21,DPR-61 & DPR-65,respectively & Notice of Issuance & Availability. Amends Reflect Organizational Changes & Increase in Millstone Plant Fire Brigade from Three to Five Members
ML20054L14118 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-010/82-05,50-237/82-09 & 50-249/82-10 on 820403-0506.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054L38816 June 1982Ltr to All Research & Test Reactor Licensees Requesting That Reg Guide 2.6 (for Comment) & ANSI/ANS-15.16 (Draft II Dtd 811129) Be Used to Meet Requirement of Final Amend to 10CFR50.54(r) Re Emergency Planning.Fr Notice Encl
ML20054M1142 July 1982Forwards Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance for Jul 1980-June 1981.Mgt Attention at Facilities Agressively Oriented Toward Nuclear SafetySystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20054M21229 June 1982Responds to Appeal Re Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Re Atlas Machine & Iron Works,Inc.Forwards Me Resner 811109 & 820113 Memos to File
ML20054M68725 May 1982Advises That 810605 Commitment to Conduct Requested Confirmatory Test Re Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Prior to Startup Acceptable.Test Results Requested at Least 90 Days Prior to Unit Startup Date
ML20054M83521 June 1982Responds to FOIA Request for Nine Categories of Records Generated by Present NRC Commissioners & White House. Forwards Documents Listed in App.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20054M8469 September 1981Expresses Gratitude for Hospitality Extended During Site Visit
ML20054M8479 September 1981Expresses Appreciation for Assistance During Site Visit
ML20054M88115 April 1982Forwards G Zech 820304 Memo to Files Re 820221 Visit to Facilities,In Response to 820301 Request
ML20054M92923 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-280/82-16,50-281/82-16, 50-338/82-16 & 50-339/82-16 on 820518-19.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20054N0551 July 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-237/82-08,50-249/82-09, 50-254/82-09 & 50-265/82-10 on 820503-06 & 17-18 & Notice of Violation
ML20055A10922 June 1982Confirms 820622 Telcon Re Staff Augmentation Times at Facility in Event of Emergency
ML20055A19428 June 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-010/82-07,50-237/82-11 & 50-249/82-12 on 820610.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20055A26028 May 1982Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Requests by Licensees for Exemption or Extension Beyond 820201 Date Specified by Final Rule,Commission Analysis,Comments,Or Actions Re Emergency Planning.Forwards App a Documents
ML20055A43316 June 1982Discusses Alternative Methods for NRC to Conduct Confirmatory Analyses of Westinghouse NSSS Designed NSSS W/O Involvement of OL Applicants.Transient & Accident Evaluation Performed on Generic Basis Generally Acceptable
ML20055A61513 July 1982Confirms 820714 Meeting W/Util in Glen Ellyn,Il to Discuss Proposals Re Completion of IE Bulletin 79-14 Requirements
ML20055A8302 July 1982Forwards Control Room Design Review Technical Evaluation Rept.Rept Documents NRC Positions on Snupps Responses to Human Engineering Discrepancies in Control Room
ML20055A97714 July 1982Confirmatory Action Ltr Re 820714 Meeting to Complete IE Bulletin 79-14 Requirements.Region 3 Will Be Informed of Listed Actions Taken on Any Potential Deviations
ML20055B0429 July 1982Advises That 10 & 50-mile Radius Emergency Planning Maps & Emergency Response Photographs Will Be Forwarded Under Separate Cover.List of Maps & Explanation of Use Encl
ML20055B39515 July 1982Clarifies NRC Position Re Procedures for Admitting NRC Personnel to Facility.Inspectors Listed on Encl 1 Require Permanent Nonemployee,No Escort Required Picture Badges. Personnel on Encl 2 to Be Treated as Nonregular Employees
ML20055B6517 July 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-213/82-13,50-245/82-14, 50-336/82-15 & 50-423/82-07 on 820607 & 08.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20055C15223 July 1982Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-010/82-09,50-237/82-13 & 50-249/82-14 on 820616-17 & 21-25.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20055C39226 February 1990Approves Util 900214 Request for Use of B&W Steam Generator Plugs W/Alloy 690 as Alternative to Alloy 600.Alternate Matl Is nickel-base Alloy (ASME Designation SB-166)
ML20055F90316 July 1990Confirms Results of 900710 Meeting in Glenn Ellyn,Il Re Il Dept of Nuclear Safety Resident Engineer Program