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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML17299A35514 May 1985Palo VerdeAdvises That Wk of 850617 Would Be Suitable for Lasl Representatives to Visit Facility to Identify Areas in Which Sabotage Actions Could Result in Radiological Release Per 10CFR100
ML20056G57130 March 1993Notifies of Selection to Conduct Review of Several Proposed Options for Realignment or Elimination of Region V Ofc. J Montgomery & B Faulkenberry Have Lead in Project
ML20056G57420 April 1993Request That Scope of 930330 Study Charter Group Be Modified to Include Listed Addl Tasks
ML20056G7173 June 1993Provides Comments on Results of Study Group Rept on Combining Regions IV & V.Study Does Not Address That Texas Has No Taxes,Constituting Significant Gain for Individuals Being Transferred
ML20056G7237 September 1993Comments on Draft Region V Realignment Study.Comments Include Addl Benefits of Option 2 Not Mentioned in Rept & Addl Consideration for Option 4
ML20056G7297 September 1993Comments on Draft Region V Realignment Study.Example on Top of Page 76,not Good Because Region IV Has Been Staffed This Way for Quite Some Time
ML20056G7377 September 1993Submits Comments on Draft Region V Realignment Study.On Page 29 of Draft Realignment for Option 1,addl Advantage for Combined Iv/V Should Be Included
ML20056G74127 April 1993Informs That NRR Has Reviewed Region V Realignment Study Options for Impacts on Implementation on NRR Program Activities,Per 930402 Request
ML20056G75423 April 1993Informs That NMSS Has Assessed Programmatic Impact of Region V Realignment,Per 930402 Request.In General,No Significant Programmatic Impacts Exist Due to Relocation.Specific Discussion of Positive & Negative Impacts Encl
ML20056G76323 April 1993Submits Concerns Raised by IRM Re Region V Realignment Study.Lists Sys Supported by Sys Development Branch That Would Be Affected by Consolidation of Regions IV & V
ML20056G76420 May 1993Provides Views on Options Considered by Study Group Re Region V Realignment
ML20057A23220 June 1988Forwards Draft Natl Program Review Rept for Region IV for Review & Comment
ML20057A3236 May 1989Forwards Draft Natl Program Review Rept for Regional Comment.Rept Provides Results of NMSS Review of 1988 Programs Under Headquarter Responsibility Re Region
ML20065J1043 May 1984Comanche PeakForwards Current Status List of Emergency Preparedness NRC Appraisal App B Items
ML20072J2977 June 1983Fort Saint VrainForwards Corrected Pages to Radiological Emergency Exercise Scheduled for 830615
ML20091N93125 May 1984Fort Saint VrainRequests Deletion of General Emergency Category from Plant Guidelines & Emergency Action Levels.Matl in Support of Request Will Be Furnished by 840630
ML20116E7906 June 1988Reed CollegeAck Receipt of NRC Re Recent Insp of Reactor Facilities & Procedures
ML20134G2892 August 198507000734Requests 45-day Extension for Response to Re Radiological Safety Insp to Allow Reflection of New Organizational Units & Proposed Reorganization of Responsibilities
ML20136D18910 December 1985Framatome ANP RichlandResponds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License SNM-1227.Corrective Actions:Working Limit of 10 Calendar Days to Complete & Distribute Nuclear Matl Transaction Rept Adopted on 851101
ML20137H2553 June 1995Fort Saint VrainForwards Copy of OI Rept,Reviewing Licensee Investigation Rept & Confirmed Licensee Conclusions That Radiation Survey Records & Radiation Work Permits Falsified.W/O Encl
ML20137J06127 November 198507002984Responds to Violation Noted in Matl Control & Accounting Safeguards Insp Rept 70-2984/85-02.Corrective Actions Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20138B0993 September 1985Washington State UniversityResponds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-027/85-02.Corrective Action:Short Form Security Plan Procedures Manual Written on 850805
ML20138K44813 December 1985Framatome ANP RichlandRequests Confirmatory Survey Rept Re Pu Decontamination Effort for Specialty Fuels Bldg Room 173 & Recommendation for Conversion of Room to Place of Use for U Only. Incinerator Will Be Installed Upon Release of Room
ML20147G6132 March 1988Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 3,to Installation of ADP & Broadband Cabling Sys at One White Flint North. Contractor:Visions Data Cable,Inc
ML20148C37011 March 1988Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 7,to Demountable Wall Sys for NRC Consolidation. Contractor:Transwall Corp
ML20148F63425 March 1988Reed CollegeForwards Table 1 to Physical Security Plan Omitted from 880311 Submittal.Table Withheld
ML20148H39916 February 1988Framatome ANP RichlandForwards Revised Fnmc Plan,Reflecting Conversion from Exxon Nuclear Document to Advanced Nuclear Fuels & Containing Normal Updating Changes
ML20149M71622 February 1988Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 5,to Ergonomic Chairs for Consolidation Into White Flint One & Two. Contractor:Harter Corp
ML20150D88211 March 1988Corrected Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 7,to Demountable Wall Sys for NRC Consolidation. Contractor: Transwall Corp
ML20151V19228 July 1988San OnofreDocuments 880713 Telcon Between L Norderhaug & P Champion Re Temporary Devitalization of Unit 1 Vital Area.Security Compensatory Measures Implemented to Continue to Protect Diesel Battery Room & Switchgear Room as Vital Equipment
ML20151Y42512 April 1988Vallecitos Nuclear CenterResponds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-073/88-01. Corrective Actions:Revised Doe/Nrc Forms 741,742 & 742C for Period Ending 870930,which Included Accumulated Losses Due to Fission & Transmutation,Submitted to Region V on 880314
ML20196C09311 February 1988Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 2,to Installation of ADP & Broadband Cabling Sys at One White Flint North. Contractor:Visions Data Cable,Inc
ML20196C33411 February 1988Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 1,to Installation of ADP & Broadband Cabling Sys at One White Flint North. Contractor:Visions Data Cable,Inc
ML20203N5473 September 1986Framatome ANP RichlandResponds to NRC Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 70-1257/86-06.Corrective Actions:Inoperative Lights Will Be Listed in Security Activities Log Until Repaired
ML20204F21116 July 1986Washington State UniversityResponds to NRC 860709 Notice of Violation.Corrective Actions:Sargent & Greenleaf,Inc Changeable Combination Padlock on Security Storage Container Installed on 860624
ML20204H7874 August 1986Framatome ANP RichlandRequests Region Conduct Confirmatory Survey & Provide Recommendation for Deleting Centrifuge Test Facility as Authorized Place of Use from License
ML20205J2083 October 1988Framatome ANP RichlandForwards Rev 7 to ANF-538(P), Physical Protection Plan for Matl of Low Strategic Significance. Revised Plan Shows Site Drawing for Two New Security Gates,Reflects Company Name Change & Represents Updating of Physical Protection Plan
ML20205Q73031 March 1987Notification of Contract Execution: Mod to Otis Elevonic 401 Sys at One White Flint North to Provide Executive Priority Svc, Awarded to Otis Elevator Co
ML20206N5137 August 198607000734Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License SNM-696.Corrective Actions:Neutralization of Matl Stopped & Waste Treatment Operators Advised to Use 100- Gallon Instead of 500-gallon Tank Until Procedure Revised
ML20206P6298 April 1987Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 1,to Mod to Otis Elevonic 401 Sys at One White Flint North to Provide Executive Priority Svc. Contractor:Otis Elevator Co
ML20207R35128 May 198607000734Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License SNM-696.Corrective Actions:Detailed Insp of HTGR Fuel Fabrication Facility Completed & Improperly Sealed Ducts & Enclosures Identified & Sealed
ML20209D89222 April 1987Notification of Delivery Order,Mod 1,to Sys Furniture. Deliverer:Haworth,Inc
ML20209H38515 April 1987Notification of Contract Execution: Demountable Wall Sys for NRC Consolidation, Awarded to Transwall Corp
ML20210E00429 December 1986Framatome ANP RichlandRequests Comments on Application for Renewal of License SNM-1227 by 870215.Site Visit Not Planned Due to Participation in Team Assessment in Nov 1986.Results of Confirmatory Survey for CTF Also Requested
ML20211A60427 May 1986Requests Review of Encl Package on Final Amend to 10CFR20 to Require Use of Accredited Personnel Dosimetry Processors. Concurrence Requested by 860612.W/o Encl
ML20214E48430 April 1987Framatome ANP RichlandForwards Responses to NRC Safety Assessment Team Rept Re 861103-07 Assessment of Operational Safety.Recommends That NRC Reconsider Use of Geometry Containers in U Recovery Operations