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Completed Questionnaire for NRC Reliability Study of Standby Diesel Generator Units.
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1978
NUDOCS 8001150869
Download: ML19317F550 (110)



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s . I Questionnaire  ! for

                -                             NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RELIABILITY STUDY
                 -                                         of Standby Diesel Generator Units                                              l Date Questionnaire completed:       January 19, 1978

Plant Name: Davis-Besse Unit No. 1 Power Systems Model: 20-64 5-E4 Diesel Manufacturer: Number of Units: 2 2600 Rat'ed Speed: 900 RPM Size Kw/ Unit: 166 Average Operating Hours Per Unit to Date: DIESEL GENERATOR STATUS A. Engine:

1. Problems are caused chiefly by (give estimated number)
a. Defective parts 23
b. Installation errors: 11
c. Failure of system to respond properly in function or sequence: 10 ~~
d. Faulty adjustment: 11
2. Would more stringent inspection and testing requirements during acceptance or preoperational tests significantly improve the diesel-generator power plant performance?

Yes No X B. Starting Systems (indicate which): N

                   ,       1. Air-to-cylinder crankingi             Tngersoll-Air cranking motor Yes - 4       Mfr.      Rand      . Mo 'al No. D89RH-46 Electric cranking motor No       Mfr.                  Hoael No.

4 l . ' ? f '*2

                                                                                        / * : *.' ," z'             -- .
2. If air cranking, then:

Give size of starting air tank: Length 90" Diameter 30" Normal standby air tank pressure 200-250 psj, Is pressure reducer usad? Yes X No Reducer pipe size? 2 inches. Starting air control admission valve pipe size in air piping system, ik inches. Minimum air tank pressure for engine cranking 91 psi. Number of five-second cranking periods between above pressures with no tank recharging . Number of air tanks per engine 2 , Can starting air tanks serve more than one engine? Yes No X Is air pipe to engire from top of air tank? Yes No X (Near the top head) Does starting air tant have water condensate drain? " Yes X No Does starting air pipe have wate condensate trap and drain near engine? Yes No X (on air tank) Is starting air piping hc. izontal? Yes X No Does it slant toward drain? Yes No X If water condensate drains are provided, then is draining:

a. Automatic through float valve? Yes X No l b. Manual by hand valve? Yes No X l c. If manual, then is draining water condensate done: -


  • For one air tank at minimum normal pressure (200 psig), a diesel can be brought to rated speed five (5) times. The duration of each start sequence (from start signal to air shutoff) is six (6) seconds.

1 w - - - - - , , -

   .           s daily?                                                                 '


                  .        monthly?

before each start if manual? no procedure? Is dirt and rust filter provided in starting air pipe? Yes X No If provided, where installed? Between air tank outlet and pressure control valve. How is it cleaned? Y strainer screen is pulled and cleaned. MONTHLY How often and when? Give pipe size of filter: 1% inches.

           -          How is it known whether filter is plugged or has high oressure drop?     Cownstream pressure switch will initiate a low pressure alarm.

Is starting air pipe to engine positioned:

a. Below floor?

D. On the floor?

c. Overhead? X What is air pressure drop from air tank to engine during 19 psi (Tank pressure drop per one crank of engine) cranking Give approximate length (nearest ten feet) of starting air pipe for individual engine or all engines from air tank to:
a. Nearest engine 60 feet
b. Furthest engine 70 _ feet e


                                                ^'                    --             ..:,..-,,,_,

6 Diameter of starting air pipe from:

a. Air tank to starting valve 2&l% inches .
b. At air starting valve 1 inches -
c. At engine 1% inches What is the primary source of power for the starting air system? 480V 30 Motor-Driven Compressor Is there a duplicate and redundant motor and air compressor set? Yes X No (Each compressor serves one of the two air tanks for each diesel)
-            What is the time required to recharge one air tank?

8.3 minutes (from 200 to 250 ps g) , Does starting air supply system have independent secondary power supply for compressor? Yes No X If yes, then by:

a. Gasoline engine?
b. Motor driven?
c. Other? (Specify)
3. If electric (Battery powered) cranking, then: N/A
a. Battery charging: Continuous trickle charger Intermittent charging .

If so, how is charging requirement determined? ESTime cycle Test Other

b. Battery used: Coenon Plant Individual Unit Other Starting cable size  ; Length: Battery to engine (longest)
           *(But each of 2 compressors is ot? of a redundant essential power supply.)

C. Fuel Oil System: Bulk Tank to Day Tank

1. Does the bulk tank to day tank fuel -supply system (viz:

pump, motor, etc.) have redundant independent power supplies? Yes No X Does this system have a hand-operated emergency fuel pump? Yes No X If yes, is this hand-operated pump and piping in immediate operating condition? Yes No

2. Is there a water and sediment drain from the very bottom of the:
a. Bulk tank? Yes X No
b. Day tank?

Yes y No

3. Is the regular functional fuel oil outlet slightly above (two to three inches) the bottom of the:
a. Bulk tank? Yes No X (More than 3 inches)
b. Day or integral tank? Yes X No
4. Is bottom of day tank and/or integral tank above all parts and piping of the engine fuel injection systems?

Yes X No If yes, Give approximate amount inches feet 9

5. Does the engine fuel system have a fuel bleed return line to the fuel day tank and/or integral tank?

Yes X No During extended operation, such as more than two to three hours, does the fuel in the day tank become: (yes or no)

a. Warm? Yes
b. Hot? No (above 130*F)
                   * (But each of 2 diesels have their own day tank fuel supply systems which are fed from a redundant essential power supply).

What 4

  • fuel oil return line size (nominal)?
a. Pipe size 1 inches .
b. Tubing size N/A inches .
6. Do engine fuel oil filters have air bleed or vent valves readily accessible? Yes No X
7. How is fuel transferred from day tank to engine fuel system?
a. By gravity X
b. Engine driven pump X
c. Electric motor driven pump X
d. Is a manual pump also provided for injection system filling and/or air venting after servicing -

or replacement of parts in the fuel injection system? Yes No X If yes, is the manual pump in immediate operating condition? Yes No

8. Type of fuel (e.g., #1, #2, #3, JP-4, etc.) #2 ,
9. Approximate bulk tank capacity, 38,000 gallons. (Usable capacity / tank)
10. Typical frequency of refilling (weekly, monthly, etc.)once per month. .
11. Typical refill (gallons), 50 ,.

D. Lube Oil System

1. Lube oil 4
a. Type Gulf Diesel Motive 493 l
b. Viscosity 1100 sus Max at 100 F  !
c. Specification number none
d. Oil change determined by:

X Time interval: Yes No l Give interval N/A monthly, yearly

  • l By oil analysis: Yes x No
2. Lube oil filters are:


                       -            a. Full flow                                                          !
b. Bypass N/A
c. Combination N/A I
  • 3. Interval and/or basis for changing filter cartridae:
a. Monthly N/A
b. Yearly at refueling ourage
c. By running time N/A hours
d. By oil analysis. Yes x -

No l

e. By pressure drop. Yes lC~ No l
f. Does provisions exist for changing cartridges during engina operation? Yes No X
4. Oil Pressure Monitoring 100 p34
a. Normal operating pressure
               -                     b. Alarm 40 psj c.' Shutdown 20 psi
5. Oil temperature control:
a. By standby heater in engine sump 115-125 *F.
b. Heating means for maintaining standby temperature:

Direct in oil X Oil-to-water heat exchanger N/A Other (Specify) N/A ___


E. Cooling System - Engine Water

1. Temperature control by:
a. By thermostat ir. water? Yes X No If yes, then: .
  • Bypass thermostat? Yes X No No X,
            -                              Throttle thermostat? Yes l


                                                                       , . _ _ , _             "A - < , , ,
b. By radiator shutter: N/A I

Automatic ' Manual Other (give typel _,

2. Corrosion control (water additive)? Yes X No If yes, give chemical additive or name of compound.

NALCO 39 Proportion or concentration control:

a. By additive measurement? Yes X No
b. By water coolant analysis? Yes x No
3. Engine cooling water cooled by:

, a. Radiator? No

b. Heat exchanger from sea, river or other water? Yes (closed cooling
c. Other? (give type) N/A water system)
4. Engine cooling water tenperature-monitoring
a. Standby temperature 115-125'F -
b. Normal operating temperature 160 __.y
c. Alarm temperature 110/195 "F (Low /High Alarms)
d. Shutdown temperature 205 *F
e. Water circulation during standby: Yes Thermo-syphon  :


5. Water Pressure Monitoring: Yes No X
a. Alarm N/A
  • b.

Shutdown N/A *

c. Both N/A
6. Water temperature Sensor Position:
a. In piping from engine X In engine piping b.
c. In engine direct
7. Water surge or supply tank in system. Yes'X No If yes, then bottom connected to:
a. Water pump suction? Yes X No
b. Top of system? Yes No X
c. Both of above? Yes No X
d. Is bottom of surge tank above top of engine i system? Yes No X
e. Does engine have constant air bleed from top of

! engine water piping to surge or supply tank? Yes X No

f. Give size of bleed or vent ' sine, 3/4 inches.
g. Manual air bleed only? Yes No X F. Governor - Speed Control Manufacturer Woodward Electric (speed sensing) yes Hydraulic Yes EGB-10 Type or code (such as EGB-35, LSG-10, etc.)

Automatic load sharing? Yes No X

1. Is compensation or stability control and/or speed of response manually adjustable? Yes X No If yes, adjusted by:


a. Eye and ear?

X (only required on initial startup)

b. Test and specification?
c. Other? (Speci fy) -
                  -     2. Engine - generator normal shutdown or stopping means and method.

I .. _ - .


                                                                              . 1 Is the engine stopped:                                       ,
a. Manually? Yes X No If yes, then:

Directly at engine? Yes No X Through local control paneT7 Yes x No

b. Automatically through the controls in the control room? Yes No X
c. By setting governor to " fuel-off" position?

No X Yes

d. By over-ride of governor settings and cor. trol -

position directly to fuel injection pumps? Yes No X

e. Other means. Describe briefly. Fuel solenoid cuts off fuel supply, t
3. When engine is stopped, is fuel control in:
a. Full fuel or maximum fuel position? Yes
b. Full off or no fuel position:? No *
c. Intermediate? No .
d. Random? No (If ..ot consistent and typical in above, then give the usual. )
4. When starting from the standby condition after shutdown for at least 24 hours, give number of seconds from start-to-crank to full fuel or maximum fuel position of governor and fuel control, 7 seconds.(time for engine to come to operating speed, but governor and fuel control is in full fuel position at time of " start to crank".

G. Governor - Overspeed (shutdown) Speed sensing? 1.

a. Electrical
     .                       b. Flyball x
c. Other (Specify)
2. Fuel shutoff force generated by:
a. Spring? No
b. Air? No
c. Hydraulic? No
d. Electrical? Ys
e. Other? (Speci y
3. Overspeed sensing setting? (in terms of full speed)
          .                  a. 115%   X
b. 110% -
c. Other T5pecify)
4. Is overspeed tripping set point tested periodically?

Yes X No at refueling outage If yes, then how often? Yearly (yearly, monthly, etc. )

                                                  #  "*" I""#7 Model No.                C1B H. 1. Generator Mfr.
  • Single bearing or two bearings? Two I

Does generator have damper windings? Yes x No

2. Does generator have any obvious fault or difficulty?

Yes No X Is problem repetitive? Yes No If yes, then aescribe briefly. l I l . l 4


                                                                                                                               .                1 i

I. Exciter and Voltage Reculator

1. Exciter Manufacturer: Electric MachineryNodel CVT - Type Static Exciter -

xegulator Type: Rotating Static X If rotating drive? Direct . Belt or Chain

 '                                               DC with field control i                                               Brushless with rectifier Electric
2. Voltage Regulator: Manufacturer Machinery Model CVT - Type Static Exciter ; '
                                                                                                      ---Regulator Type: Hechanical                                 Static           X
3. Are paralleled unitstype?

of automat)Ac load shar{ng control l of fully automatic Yes N No N l If yes, has any obvious influence or interrelationship been noted between the stability and response time of the engine governor and the stability and voltage control of the generators? Yes No

   ,      4. Have engine governor and voltage regulator / exciter adjustments been made on the site or under any con-ditions since any of the units have been placed in service? Yes X                 tjo If yes, by means of what tests and what standards?

Give name or very brief description. Governor adjustments were made by the factory service representative upon initial operation of the engine per vendor practice. , , 5. If any difficulties have occurred, give approximate j number of problems. .

a. Components 2
b. Wiring 0 l c. Other (damage in service or dropping of miscellaneous hardware into switchboard, etc.) 0 .

1 l l l l l l l

                                                                            -              ,                 --  .e,-      . -

J. Paralleling: Engine-Generator Units N/A

1. Do all units censistently have the proper voltage output?
               .          Yes        No
2. Do all units automatically share both thi "real" or I in-phase load and also the reactive load reasonably i well? Yes No f
3. At the same Kw load, are both the field and the armature line currents of the several units consistently close to the same value? Yes No If no, approximate percent difference.
4. Synchronizing
a. In automatic synchronizing do circuit breakers close immediately after reaching full synchronous speed?

Yes No I b. If "no' above then, does speed of some units drift slowly while failing to synchronize and close circuit breakers? How many seconds? Occasionally , Always Never


K. Switch Gear and Electrical Con (other than exciter / voltage regulator)

1. If any difficulties have occurred, then give approximate number of problems.
a. Components 5
b. Wirina 0
c. Other'(damage in service or dropping of miscellaneous
   -                            hardware into switchboard, etc.)                                                0
d. Design concept faults. That is, does the switch gear and its controls perform the proper functions and in proper sequence and timing. 0
     -                                                                                                                   4 1

1 l 1 l

2. a. Do the on-site diesel generator units and related ,

support equipment have any storage battery power - systems for any service whatsoever? Yes No X Identify each storage battery power system associated b. with the on-site diesel generator unit and its , I function. N/A

c. Does each system identified above adequately fulfill i the service requirements for which it is intended?  !

Yes No If no, briefly describe.

d. Is there a DG battery maintenance program? Yes No L. Safety Shut downs Give safety shut down settings compared to equilibrium operating conditions.
1. Engine and generator speed. Give rpm or hertz:
a. Synchronous and usual 900 rpm or Hz
b. Overspeed shutdown setting 1035 rpm or Hz
2. Engine cooling water (see E.4)
a. Equilibrium 165 'F
b. Alarm 195 'F y
c. Shut down 205 *F
3. Lube oil pressure (see D.4)
a. Equilibrium 100 psi
b. Alarm 40 psi
c. Shut down 20 psi ,

O i i I

l l

4. Lube oil temperature i
a. Equilibrium 185 *F
     '                           b. Alarm     N/A'    'F l'                           c. Shutdown     N/A    'F I                        5. Indicate all other protective interlocks (give name and;)      Crankcase pressure
a. Usual or proper condition No indication - pressure switch.


b. Shutdown condition 1" H 2O
6. a. What source of power is provided to operate alarms and shutdown controls? (See G.2) 125 V D.C. Battery
b. Do the generator units automatically shutdown in case of the electrical power loss to its control system? Yes No X M. Emergency or Alert Conditions
1. Are all safety shutdown and safety interlocks bypassed during emergency conditions? Yes No X
2. If "no" ab'ove, then which are not bypassed. Name items.

Overspeed, Generator current differential

3. For each interlock not bypassed is coincident logic used? Yes No X
                        .       If yes, is it testable? Yes             No N. Maintenance
1. Does plant have regularly scheduled maintenance pro-cedures? Yes If so, return copy of these procedures with questionnaire.
2. When need for m11or adjustments obviously exists, then:
a. Is remedial action taken insediately or at earliest practical opportunity? Yes X No .
b. Is remedial action 'taken only at periodic prescheduled or programmed times and conditions? Yes No X
c. For best performance record which of above appears better:

immediate or early action? X as scheduled only?

d. Must permission for minor maintenace be obtained from some higher out-of-plant authority? Yes No X
e. Is maintenance referred to above allowed and encouraged?

Yes X No i

f. In periodic surveillance tests, simulated alert standby tests, etc., is the criteria " pass /not pass" the test used? Yes No X g.- Is there a conscious continuing policy to detect and remedy marginal conditions or imminent trouble: for examples: lube oil pressure shutdown only two to -

five psi below operating prese,ure or, perhaps overspeed governor setting only one or two percent above starting speed surge or etc.? Yes X No

h. Are efforts to remedy marginal or questionable conditions as mentioned above encouraged by plant management?

Yes X No

1. Are remedial steps on items similar to the above taken l or allowed when the unit has started and operated .

, satisfactorily within specified limits or conditions? I Yes X No _ _ ., O. Starting Conditions

1. Give starting or necessary cranking time as experienced.
a. Starting time per specification less than 19econds
t. Usual starting time 7 seconds
c. Maximum starting time observed 8 seconds
                                                                   ^        ~
2. Give usual time intervals as follows:
                              -                 a. Time from start-to-crank to first firing of arty cylinder.             seconds I
   '                                            b. Time from start-to-crank to approximate full firing
  • of all cylinders. 2 seconds
3. Give maximum speed surge when starting; use both tachometer and frequency meter if possibie.
a. Usual conditions 1000 rpm 66.6 Hz
    '                                           b. Maximum observed 1000         rpm 66.6     Hz 4 -. During a surveillance test, give time from start-to-crank to when steady synchronous speed is attained and maintained.

7 seconds

a. Usual
b. Maximum 8 seconds
c. As specified less than 10 seconds.
5. Give briefly the most troublesome problems in starting.
a. Most troublesome starting air motor .


b. Next to most troublesome air relay valve on starting air system and governor l P. Air Cleaner or Air Filter - Combustion Air
1. Combustion air source: taken from engine room or inside
              -                                  the building, or from outdoors?
a. Indoors
b. Outdoors x e


2. Give type and make of air cleaners or air filters:
a. Oil bath X Make American Air Filter Co. Cycloid Model D ~
b. Oil wetted screen N/A Hake
c. Paper N/A Make -
d. Other N/A Hake
e. Precleaner: Yes No X
3. Excessive air flow restriction and servicing need determined by?
a. Instrument such as:

manometer N/A If other give type Pressure switch which actuates local apnunciator

                                                                                          &C mPuter a ann                               .
b. Personal judgement by appearance, etc. N/A
c. By smoking exhaust N/A
d. Time schedule Yes
e. Other (Specify) N/A
4. Are climatic extremes normally experienced such as:
a. Air heavily loaded with water mist, high humidity and low temperature? Yes No X Blowing sand and dust? Yes X
b. No
c. Blowing snow (blizzards)? Yes X No ,
d. Other-Name High temperature and high humidity.
5. Are climatic extremes potentially possible such as:
a. Air heavily loaded with water mist,' high humidity and low temperature? Yes X No
b. Blowing sand and dust? Yes No X
c. Blowing snow (blizzardi)? Yes X No
d. Other-NameHigh temperature and high humidity.

Q. Temperature Conditions

1. Ambient outside hottest 105 'F.
2. Ambient outside coldest -15 'F.

l .

3. Engine-generator room hottest 135 *F. .
4. Engine-generator room coldest 60 *F.
5. Inside switch gear hottest 1000F,

R. Operator Qualifications (as presently exists, and suggested minimums if different)

1. Minimum education required (check)
             ?                                                                   Existing        Suggested s


a. High School
b. Trade School
c. Technical School '
d. No minirWM
2. Minimum Years of operating experience (diesel electric generator)

Existing Suggested

a. 0-3 X X
b. 3-6
c. 6-10
d. 10-15
                   .                        3. Operator training Existing        Suggested
a. Military X
b. Industrial
                 -                              c. On-the-j ob                     x                x
d. Combination of a, b,
                      .                             and c (indicate which)
4. Licensing required Existing Sugoested
a. State
b. Federal
c. Utility o' self
d. None x x O


S. Are any foreign gases such as propane, freon, halon, carbon dioxide, etc. stored in the: Diesel Engine room?

  • Yes No X or adjacent buildings? Yes No L If yes, (other than hand portable fire extinguishers), then identify gases and give approximate tank size.
 -                                                3 Gases       N/A              Volume (ft )        N/A T. Does control system automatically bypass, in emergency starting, any engine temporarily out of service for maintenance? Yes          No    X If yes, then how many failures to bypass have occured?

U. Does the control system automatically override the test mode under emergency conditions? Yes X No Y. Have repetitive mechanical failures occurred in any component part or subsystem of the engine, generator, or switch gear, etc.? Yes X No If yes, then which part or subsystem? Air start motors. How many failures? 7 Give nature of failure. Air blowing by the vanes, air motor frozen up or defective air motor. W. Would periodic (yearly or other) evaluation and/or testing by "outside experts" contribute significantly to the diesel- . generator reliability? Yes No X Give brief reasons for the answer. In house surveillance testing and . procedures have proven to be very efficient in revealing problems. Also, a preventative maintenance schedule is being carried out as per the vendor's requirements and suggestions. i l ' l

3 X, 1. Give the accumulated time-load operating record for each diesel-generator unit from installation to the present

                                     -             (Running Hours):

Preoperational test Date 8/11/76 through 3/7/77

Engine  : Sury. Testing & : Emergency  : Total :
Serial No. : Maintenance Hrs. : and Other  : Hours :
                         .                      :              :   No Load : Loaded : Service Hrs. :                         :
159 40  : 114  : 5  :  :

45 124 5 f 174

                                                .f 73-B1-1018 f             .f          f                                    .
:  :  :  : i 77 */-
2. Surveillance test load (percent of continuous rating)
3. Give the projected or planned time-load operation for each diesel-generator unit during the next 12 months.
Surveillance &  : Emergency : Total  :  :
Maintenance Mrs. : and other : Hours  :  :
: Service Hrs. :  :  :

60  : 0  : 60  :  :

4. Provide the following summary of the periodic surveillance testing experience:


a. Starting date of surveillance testing (OL date)
b. Periodic test interval Monthly and refueling,
c. Total number of surveillance tests performed 22
d. Total number of test failures 3
                           '                                                  0          failure to accept load             a failure to start failures due to ooerator error           o failure to carry load        o               ~

failure due to equipment not being operative during er..ergency conditions 1 Other--3 l i e. Supply a copy of the surveillance test procedures with THs completed questionnaire.

                                                                                                                . , . . ,       ,-,a.

Additional Comments Most of the problems were encountered during initial startup , and testing. Problems have been resolved and the engines have been reliable since then. Y. General Suggestions Briefly give constructive criticism or suggestions as to improvement in reliability of the diesel generators. These remarks may cover tests, maintenance, practices, orders, policy, adjustments, etc. A good preventative maintenance and surveillance testing program is necessary, particularly with the air start system. I e

  • l l

MP 1410.10 Davis-Eccce ::uclear Poser Station Unit No. 1 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE MP 1410.10 Removal and Reinstallation of Generator

                ,                        for Coupling Removal and Replacement on the Diesel Generator Units 15                1
                               "                                      Eb Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by     Gary Waugh / John Hartigan                                        4/20/76 Date Submitted by            p,.-2]                    M                              [ A o-7 6
                                                          ~cifgend Date Reconnended by                 .

[ SR5" Chairman 'Date QA Approved _. - A' " / -M7 V } ger o' " at % csurance Date Approved by /


Revision SRB OA ~ Sta. Supt. No. Recommendation Date Approved Date Approved Date i ! o 6M

MP 1410.10.0 1

   'l.        PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish the conditions and definel the preparation and procedure for moving the generator of the diese generator unit for removal and replacement of the coupling halves.
2. REFERENCES 2.1 AD 1844.00, Maintenance 2.2 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging 2.3 AD 1823.00, Jumper and Lif ted Wire Control 2.4 AD 1844.05, Cleanliness control 2.5 MP 1410.04, Equipment Alignment 2.6 SP 1107.11, Diesel Generator Operating Procedure 2.7 Power Systems Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 KW Diesel Generator Units 2.8 MP 1410.11, Removal and Replacement of Diesel and Generator Coupling Halves 2.9 TECo NQAM 2.10 FSAR Section 17.2 2.11 MCC 7000.02, Ductoring 2.12 MP 1410.11, Diesel Generator Coupling Replacement 2.13 MC 7005.01, Vibration Monitoring
3. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 3.1 Torque wrenches as required for coupling bolts and electrical connections, record equipment numbers on the NHO 3.2 Two - 3 ton minimum come-a-longs 3.3 Chokers, three ton minimum as required for moving the generator 3.4 One jack, ten ton capacity

4.1 Safety Tagging Procedure, AD 1803.00, and the Jumper and Lif ted Wire Control Procedure, AD 1823.00, will be in ef fect and followed throughout this procedure ! 4.2 Caution and care must be exercised when moving the generator to assure that it does not slide off the base S. PREREQUISITES _ 5.1. The diesel generator output breaker is racked out and tagged and the control fuses are removed.

MP 1410.10.0 2 _DG BUS BREAKER l-1 Cl AC101 Verified Date 1-2 D1 AD101 Verified Date 5.2 The diesel generator air receiver discharge isolation valves are closed and tagged. IXj VALVES 1-1 DA30 and DA44 Verified Date 1-2 DA31 and DA45 Verified Date t 5.3 The switches to the deisel generator cabinets are opened and tagged. DG LIGHTING PANEL SWITCHES 117 L 3501 '35, 37, 39 Verified Date 1-2 L 3501 29, 31, 33 Verified Date 5.4 A Maintenance Work Order has been issued in accordance with AD 1844.00, Maintenance.

6. PROCEDURE FOR REMOVING T11E GENERATOR FROM THE DIESEL ENGINE NOTE: Steps 6.1 thru 6.25 may be done in any sequence except as noted.

6.1 Disconnect the current transformer block and space heater block leads entering the generator terminal cabinet, and tag. 6.2 Disconnect the ground resistor lead in the generator terminal cabinet and tag. 6.3 Disconnect dhe incoming generator leads to the generator terminal cabinet in the cabinet and tag. 6.4 Remove or swing all conduit as needed from the generator terminal cabinet to allow for the cabinet to be removed from the generator. 6.5 Remove the bolts which connect the generator terminal cabinet to its mounting base. 6.6 Remove the bolts on the throat connection between the generator and generator terminal cabinet. 6.7 Move the generator terminal cabinet away from the generator far enough to allow the incoming generator leads to be fed through the cabinet throat without damage. Steps 6.1 thru 6.6 must precede this step. NOTE: If needed, disconnect the power outlet leads from the generator terminal cabinet and tag to facilitate in moving the cabinet.

4 MP 1410.10.0 3 6.8 Disconnect and tag the inboard and outboard generator bearing temp-erature element leads entering the bearing and free the temperature element lead conduit frcm the generator base by renoving the conduit clamps. DG TEMPERATURE ELEMENTS El 3985 and 3986 1-2 3988 and 3989 6.9 Disconnect and tag the stator temperature elemsnt leads where they terminate at the generator. DG TEMPERATURE ELEMENT l!1 3984 1-2 3987 6.10 Remove the instrumentation lead routing box from the stator temp-erature element lead termination box so that the routing box hangs free. 6.11 Disconnect and tag the space heater lead entering the generator. 6.12 Disconnect and tag the excitation leads from the generator. l NOTE: Remove or swing conduit as needed to allow clear access I for moving the generator. 6.13 Remove the generator coupling bolts. 6.14 Remove the generator mounting bolts and dowel pins. 6.15 Unbolt the inlet air box from the generator. 6.16 Remove the coupling connecting the intake air stack to the turbo charger. l 6.17 Remove the support bracket connecting the inlet air stack to the exhaust stack. l l 6.18 Remove three coupling bolts from each flange of the f atake air l flexible coupling at l' 4 0 apart and insert three 3/4 inch diameter all thread studs through the upper and lower flange holes and tighten to lif t the air box from the generator. l 6.19 Remove the excitation lead conduit support. 6.20 Remove two bolts in the shroud at the outboard end of the generator , approximately 1800 apart and install eye bolts. l 6.21 Using a jack of 10 ton minimum capacity raise one end of the generator at a time far enough from the base to remove the shims and lubricate the base. Lower the generator back on the base or on rollers. Lubrication will not be required if rollers are used. 6.22 Place an I-beam across the diesel generator room equipment doorway.

MP 141d.10.0 4 6.23 Rig the three ton minimum capacity chokers and come-a-longs to the I-beam and the eye bolts in the generator shroud. 6.24 Pull the generator from the diesel engine far enough so as to allow the diesel engine and generator coupling halves to be removed (approximately 12 inches). 6.25 Remove and replace the diesel and generator coupling halves per MP 1410.11, Diesel Generator Coupling Replacement.

7. PROCEDURE FOR REALIGNING THE GENERATOR TO THE DIESEL ENGINE i-NOTE: Steps 7.9 - 7.26 may be done in any sequence except as noted.

7.1 Remove two eye bolts in the shroud at the outboard end of the j generator, installed in Step 6.20 of this procedure and reinstall i the bolts. 7.2 Remove two bolts in the shroud at the coupling end of the generator approximately 1800 apart and install eye bolts. 7.3 Rig three ton chokers and two come-alongs between the eye bolts and a large "C clamp" attached to the engine base. 4

.              7.4    Pull the generator into coupling location using the two come-alongs.

!- Add lubricant to top of base as required.

,              7.5    Realign the generator to the diesel engine per MP 1410.04, Equipment Alignment Maintenance Procedure.

7.6 Install bolts in generator base and tighten to base. t 7.7 Install dowel pins in the generator base on two opposite corners. 7.8 Install bolts in coupling and torque to manufacturers recommendation. Record torque values on the MWO. I 7.9 Remove two eye bolts in the shroud at the engine end of the generator installed in Step 7.2 of this procedure and reinstall the bolts. J 7.10 Install the excitation lead conduit support structure and bolt to floor. (Removed in Step 6.19 of this procedure). i' 7.11 Remove three 3/4" all thread studs from air intake flexible coup-ling flanges, installed in Step 6.18 of this procedure, and replace the three coupling bolts in each flange. 7.12 Replace the support bracket connecting the inlet air stac4 to the exhaust stack. (Removed in Step 6.17 of this procedure). t 7.13 Bolt the inlet air box to the generator. Must follow Steps 7.11 , and 7.12. ' i

     -   ,       r            ,- - , - , ,             ,-       -- ,
                                                                       ,  , -    ,- - - ,   -n  v  - - , ---w m~   , , .

MP 1410.10.0 5 b

              . 7.14 Install flexible coupling between the air intake box and the tur o charger.       Must follow Step 7.13.

ect Return excitation lead conduit to position, remove tags and reconn

               -7.15                                 Must follow Step 7.10.

the excitation leads. 7.16 Return generator heating leads conduit to position, remove tags and reconnect the generator space heater leads. Reinstall the instrumentation lead routing box to the stator 7.17 temperature element lead termination box. for 7.18 Remove tags and reconnect the stator temperature element leads 1-2 DG TE 3987. No.1-1 DG TE 3984 or No.Have I&C reverify the computer point pe I4-702, Computer Input RTD Calibration. bearing 7.19 Remove tags and reconnect the inboard and outboard generatorthe cond 9 temperature element leads and reconnect baOe, No.1-1 DG TE3985 and TE3986 or No.1-2 DG TE3988 Have I&C reverify the computer points per Maintenance Instructio ' I4-701. 7.20 Move the generator terminal cabinet into position on hits base t guiding the generator leads into the cabinet through the t rea . NOTE: If the power outlet leads were removed in Step 6.7 of this procedure, remove tags and reconnect. tr 7.21 Bolt the generator terminal cabinet to its base and to the genera o Must follow Step 7.20, i throat connection. 7.22 Realign and connect all conduit to Must the generator follow Step terminal 7.20. cabinet removed in Step 6.4 of this procedure. 7.23 Remove tags and reconnect the incoming Must generator follow Step 7.20 leads to the 8enerator terminal cabinet bus. Remove tags and reconnect the ground resistor lead to the gener 7.24 Must follow Step 7.20. terminal cab 4. net bus. 7.25 Remove tags and reconnect the current transformer Must block followand spac heater block leads in the generator terminal cabinet. Step 7.20. 7.26 Install cover plates over , generator mounting bolts.

                                                                                       ee, - , , _ _

MP 1410.10.0 6

8. POST MAINTENANCE TESTING 8.1 Ductor Power Connectors that were disconnected and reconnected for MC 7000.02.

8.2 Remove tags hung in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 before operating the unit and clear tagging' log. Start the unit per SP 1107.11 and check e vibration per MC 7005.01, Vibration Monitoring at no load. 8.3 Recheck phasing per Attachment 1 to verify proper phase relation-ship between the Diesel Generator and the associated essential 4160V Bus before synchornizing and loading the diesel generator. 8.4 Check vibration per MC 7005.01 with the unit loaded. e

         .     ..                                                                  7                           MP 1410.10.0

DAVIS-BESSE STATIO!{ INITIAL SYNCHRONIZING PROCEDURE DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 1-1 thre SP ll O7. l \ App lles , 4ke Ses.4:aa ce SSep n- toe,- is cjaeu. Assumes 4.16 KV Bus C1 is in desired phase relationship with rest of

  • station power system, and that control of diesel will be at its local control panel. Phasing lights should be located at this location with connunication to Control Room. 84f up bg Co.deul k
1. Connect phasing lights between metering P.T.'s on No.1-1 Diesel

Verify that Generator and Bus Cl potential transformers FI-1. all P.T. fuses have been inserted. d.edrol 8 cas.

2. Deenergi::e Bus Cl and yellow tag all control switches for 3reakers AC 108, AC 109, AC 110, and ABD Cl DO NOI 0FE? ATE. Alt. Y3 AC/Ol 0 0 cr usfv sn s.a.t <k a ne . om s A csk\ rec. yella.a 00 NUT Cfst475 Verify that all Bus C1 load breakers are open and control switches 3.

AUl I*O* %I!,edra{$stos1sAand tagged DO NGE OPERATE,Nkb Isn*N'.'urotcL IXKie=JK .s tars .pa ;. NCRM4Lyct;han.

                               ..,         mik %t Actos' Acticl ABOC.i Eppt ez                                  O -s1 cp e de..-

Switch in OG eM Te ct positio.; Place #d i.e.. s4(ectev-

4. 0-13 r c e. stu stap. 4.3. w
5. Start No.1-1 Diesel Generator, raise its speed and voltage to _ _

s3 a Open  % xcles.kcr switch

                                     , normal, and close Breaker AC 101 to Bus C1.
                                         .after breaker is closed. J,dto=            4.1, G. L f 4. 3     0-3 c/udoe                     .
6. Verify that all phr. sing lights are continuously dark and measure _

voltages A-B, B-C, and C-A on both sides of phasing lights. They should be about equal. Verify that voltage across each set of

                                         , lights in series is about zero. Ge dral 8 hem aul D-3 /14d.                           .

e ! . Attachment

  • 1 Page 1 of 8 1 . .

j 8 MP 1410.10.O s Davis-Besse Station Initial Synahronizing Procedure Diesel Generator No. 1-1 Pne 2

7. Tap scope hand off 12 o' clock position and verify that it returns _
                                                         .eDu..taleck e                        .sgo..seloboe to 12 o' clock when      w switch is closed.         Open se=pe switch. D-6q,udee
8. Open No. 1-1 Diesel Generator Breakhr AC 101. 5'te,o 4.4.r 0 0 cred e -
                     .              "Mrc.L t,               -.

1 - m J _,l:: M-n ,. Ca4krek 4.r.Id he

9. Energize Bus Cl from Bus C2 (remove yellow tag from4Breaker AC 110).

O ~ 0 rp o.'<la s 4a..<<ledce e, ca

10. Cidse No. 1-1 Diesel Generator & switchf at the local control pane 1. f)-G CP ubor N*7 G 3. b
11. Vary speed of No.1-1 Diesel Generator until scope is rotating __ _

slowly and verify that scope indicates raising or lowering of speed , and that frequency is about 60 Ha. Phasing lights and scoping lights should be dark when scope is at 12 o' clock and full bright when scope is at 6 o' clock. Stap G.2.3 D-0Opukor >d. Casted %gbu I

12. Measure voltages A-B, B-C, and C-A on both sides of phasing lights and adjust No. 1-1 Diesel Generator voltage to equal the bus voltage.

Verify that incoming and running voltages on control panel are also about equal. O-G Cy*rbor hb N '*I h S M

 .                       .13.        If conditions are ok in Steps 11 and 12 above, vary speed of No. 1-1 Diesel Generator until scope is moving slowly in the FAST direction j

and Incoming voltage is about equal to or slightly higher than the Attachnent 1 Page 2 of 8 l O


J 9 MP 1410.10.0 e Davis-Besse Station . Initial Synchronizing Procedure Diesel Generator No. 1-1 Page 3 Running voltage. JecQ 4kst Reg..Pm <u.dsk is CM ad Gau. Esse..- O up .L..tsk u D R oct*. 4t ep (. 3.~7 O-B Ope.1.$ce I

14. When scope is at 12 o' clock, close'No. 1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker. ' -

t-aul 4s .yp es > . 3CO M (~to n , x) Mep (c.1.f O-d Cyc. sta.-

15. Open No.1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker. J/y 4.5/.5 O-aog.,3.e _

BKR To . 16.' Place 6p t. - Jde ct -- Switch in see C2 position and verify __ that scope is at 12 o' clock when phasing lights are dar}c. Ster ic f' 5'

c. +%i -Q4s.a jo-t2cp.,tue T13 GER TO
17. Place Jy . $(4 d=e Switch in iiim'aXBD position and verify _ -

that scope is at 1.'t o' clock when phasing lights are dark. Rduca eps. Sdads s c. A s.G. 4s CFF ps..'N:0.e . Sier 10 t'.T C~ kA h le ,ol D.8 c & r

18. In Control Room place ,fp ..s h foe . Switch in 06 s?Keitc.i -
  • position,
                                                            - No . 1-1 Diesel Generator = 7           ?:9-_ and verify
                           ,             that scope is at 12 o' clock and scoping lights are dark at same time phasing lights at the unit are dark. .fedi. 5:3 c .ded kJe                    ,/o-ac f ,Jg
19. Repeat Step 18 for Sp <e.lectc<- Switch in BA4ic cz d _

Ts? sxtt position.s . Ne,* 10.f. fs' O-0 0w ku " $ CEN l sb' ' i s

  • Saim zi.s. s.ladu .c :sa.k +. DG Gla Tc Mo g . f:en ud plase Lssd Cys _
                                        .t.t e d.. s hk . m. p.e t:e .                  O-a cya n fer
20. Recove yellow tag from No.1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker control _

switch in the Control Room. O-O oe<- j or

21. In the Control Room vary the speed of No. 1-1 Diesel Generator until
                                 .       the scope is moving slowly in the FAST direction. Verify that scope Attachment 1
                                                                               ]            .            P. age 3 of 8 1

l I


 .,'                                                                           10                          MP 1410.10.0 j

s Davis-Ecsse Station

  • Initial Synchronizin~g icocedure Diesel Generator No. 1-1
  • Page 4 at the local control panel is following the scope in the Control Room. Match the incoming voltage with the runnirig voltage in the Control Room and verify that the same condition exists at~ the local control pane 1. O-6 cf,.-d.<- f Gdal _ipde .s J(<g J.3.7[/,.2.7
22. When the scope is at 12 o' clock, close No. 1-1 Diesel Generator __

Breaker from the Control Room. d -6 Of #' -dc N'e# #* 2 8 No b 3.D KO (C14 su) *

23. Lead No. 1-1 Diesel Generatorfand increase voltage slightly. Verify that all instru=ents are functioning properly. D d 0,o e.- d c e s6,,, s.2.o ,,


              ,         2 9 . R e ~ a e.         (a d Sr    of.;u d yaEar. 'MQ C4. cs.- G A.C '04c,,c..dsr _

2 c. Jhp. -t% .h a d.jn e.-d., S e dt. u 5,7 .- G.7 O 13 oph- - Attachment 1 Page 4 of 8 O

  • 11 -

MP 1410.10.0

                                           ,           .{-    DAVIS-EESSE STATIO!{

INITIAL SYNCIE0!:IZING PROCEDURE ' DIESEL CENERATOR NO. 1-1 Akare .SP llO7.\\ App l ie.c, tLs d*Eca <> Alv du~ I* Que" Assumes 4.16 KV Bus 01 is in desired phase relationship with rest of its local

  • station power system, and that control of diesel will be at control panel. Phasing lights should be located at this location with couraunication to control Room.

Id wp k# f*#-

1. Connect phasing lights between metering P.T.'s on No. 1-1 Diesel Verify that Generator and Bus 01 potential transformers PI-1.

Co d ecI 8 844 all P.T. fuses have been inserted.

2. Deenergize Bus 01 and yellow tag all control switches for Breakers _

l i AD 108, AD 109, AD 110, and AAC 01 DO NOI OPERATE. Ale: fg .401019 s Mek O 2 cya.,te.- s w re sd u kl ms zaltsa Oc uct cP3Mr2.

                 . 4 - ,

Verify that all Bus 01 load breakers are open and control switches


3. tagged DO NOI OPEBATE,OE brosker A0ict Tz cakal hs id uAccl s, asul. 't%t A0lct ,40 nos'AAlas int ccmacL T4.tescae ,satsu are D - G.y OpAkx?mt

                                                                                                                  <. sf. e      y;fiaa .
4. Place 4 fe(e<_ter. .._ __ Switch in DG 84R7aciposition.

0- B C,*e. sloe Mep' (.1 6pe..

5. Start No.1-1 Diesel Generator, raise its speed and voltage to _

normal, and close Breaker AC 101 to Bus D1. Open# M 's

               '                                                                                                 ch
                                   . af ter breaker is closed'. Sad!** (*.I,4.~2.f(.3              p-8 c,,,cd.e Verify that all phasing lights are continuously dark and measure 6.

voltages A-B, B-C, and C-A on both sides of phasing lights. They I should be about equal. Verify that voltage across each set of lights in series is about zero, d<d kdew a.d 0-B Na:d Attachment 1 I .


l Page 5 of 8 l

I . .

            /                                                        12                               MP 1410.10.0

Davis-Desse Station , Initial Synchronizing Procedure Diesel Generator No. 1-2. ' Page 2

7. Tap scope hand off 12 o' clock position and verify that it returns 9nc.. sale do.- 3 a..celaste to 12 o' clock when w switch is closed. Opend .eef.e switch. &G efv.h-
8. Open No.1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker AD 101. .rre,(.46. D G P d o" cut ~ls ;fsL &
9. Energize Bus 01 from Bus 02 (remove yellow tag from,gBreaker AO 110). _ _

D-u cp. .M

                                                                 .syu. ed, cia-    re., DI
10. Close'No. 1-1 Diesel Generator g switch at 4 the local control panet. O - G Cpede. r Ab f le.3 G ^
11. Vary speed of No. 1-1 Diesel Generator until scope is rotating slbwlyandverifythatscopeindicatesraisingorloweringofspeed and that frequency is about 60 Hz. Phasing lights and scoping lights should be dark when scope is at 12 o' clock and full bright when scope is at 6 o' clock. Nep (a.2.3 0-6 cp ern.tce as) (sbesl $gskey

__ , 12. Peasure voltages A-B, B-C, and C-A on both sides of phasing lights _ and adjust No. 1-1 Diesel Generator voltage to equal the bus voltage. Verify that incoming and running voltages on control panel are also about equal. D ~g cpes.k.e and Co dcoI.Sy <he u -

13. If conditions are ok in Steps 11 and 12.above, vary speed of No.1-1 _
                    ,      Diesel Generator until scope is moving slowly in the FAST direction and Incoming voltage is about equal to or slightly higher than the

_ Attachment 1


Page 6 of'8

e , ~ l 13 MP 1410.10.0 s Davis-Besse Station - Ir.itial Synchronizing Procedure Diesel Generator No. 1-1 Page 3 - Running voltage. Vac;t3 n.v R,3. Dr :,. 4 :(<.k 14 OM a /. (=<.u. Jss - Or.4 J > tsk h DR oof, ste, G.*L 7 O- D opk -do.r.

     '                ~
14. Wheq scope is at 12 o' clock, close No. 1-T. Diesel Generator Breaker. -

L oM -to .ppres.3CokO(6:As p s) 34co 6.3 Y u D-G Cpe. tar.

15. Open No. 1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker. Ji<f 4.4.S O-G egmfa,,- _


16. Place .rBS'.'#*k*CiC'- Switch iness D2 position and verify _

that scope is at 12 o' clock when phasing lights are dark. diep D.?.f C %Lfyta e ,8 0-0 c ue.-a r te Ta a' vt it iqc.

17. Place S.puc.. EeLec. tor Switch in Sci 9 position and verify -

that scope is at 12 o' clock when' phasing lights

                                         .sehdoe .c a u 4. o m p..;+;e . s+ep to. e.e are dark.

e n%l.C,tewj 0 0A 9b ...-ebas.e

18. In Control Room place .s'e<.. .re l a 4.< _ _ _.._ .. . _ Switch in 06 6,txa n ci he positio7, e4ese No. 1-2. Diesel Generator and verify
                          .              that scope is at 12 o' clock and scoping lights are dark at sa:e tics phasing lights at the unit are dark. Jede                  . f. 3        OB o ce&*tse    fi.-de.c tem
19. Repeat Step 18 for Sg r.. .rebac. fee , Switch in Bi

Rehr .cg <. . c ela ck . : tek h % GnR To Di P O'* s wl p h e- L a l sys.. 4 Lac. Ace .r>.tc.L '. .cz . eedt.'*. . D-G 0,n>'r t er'

20. Remove yellow tag from No. 1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker control _

switch in the Control Room. p. g Of,Mo,-

21. n the Control Room vary the speed of No.1-1 Diesel Generator until _ -
                                   . the scope is mcving slowly in the FAST direction.                   Verify that scope Attachment 1
                              .        r Page 7 of 8
   .. e         .

14 MP 1410.10.0 s Davis-Ecsse Station

  • Initial Synchronizing Procedure ,

l Diesel Generator No. 1-1. Page 4 . at the local control panel is following the scope in the Control 1 Room. Match the incoming voltage with the running voltage in the Control Room and verify that the same condition exists ats the local control panel. D-B opubar h l.dnl S dem.a y 5+ep S. 3 7 l C 3. 7

22. When the scope is at 12 o' clock, close No.1-1 Diesel Generator Breaker from the Control ^ Room. D'-B oge.-dec J4ep J. 3. f l

. +o t 3ccw(sz,4.p)

23. Load No.1-1 Diesel Generatorgand increase voltage slightly. Verify that all instru=ents are functioning properly. D-d of* -dor ~

s h,,, s. 2.o ..- c. 2. o

4. Ranox LJ~% 1eu l g ~ ~ Aa .'4 h a.E 4. 5 c.? 4.4.5 ~. 0-090< -dw -


s. .s+., -tta itasal q wwka . Sed:n 5.2 w G.7 o-eope.-de< -
                                                                                          -                      t. '

Attachment 1.

                                                      .                END                                  Page 8 of 8 W

O _. _ . ._

MP 1410.11 Davic-Ecsse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 MAINTENANCE PRO'CEDURE MP 1410.11 Renoval ana Replacement of Diesel Generator Coupling Halves , l- 3 =l

                                                                                  -{ 7 jp f .. .         < .      .

la ) . .R M .., Lt..A - Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by_ John Hartigan 4/28/76 Date Submitted by 4 [ v A' y- 2,8 -76 gn 11ead ~ Da e Recommended by t

                                            . [[M SRB Chairman                                 ' 'Date QA Approved _


                         /4- Mo-                !                                             MJ#

Manage of ^ /tfAssurance Date Approved by ~ 4) StaElon Superintendent [[


Revision SRB No.' QA Sta. Supt.

                     ~ Recom:::endation        Date            Approved Date         Approved         Date l

l l i 8

MP 1410.11.0 1

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish the conditions and define the preparation and precedure for removing and installing the diesel generator coupling halves.
2. REFERENCES 2.1 AD 1844.00, Maintenance 2.2 AD 1844.05, Cleanliness Control 2.3 MP 1410.04, Equipment Alignment 2.4 MP 1410.10, Removal and Re-installation of Generator for Coupling R/R on the Diese* Generator Units 2.5 SP 1107.11, Diesel Generator Operating Procedure 2.6 TECo NQAM
2. 7 FSAR Section 17.2 2.8 Power Systems Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 KW DG Unit.;

2.9 MI M-21, Draining and Filling the Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooling System

3. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 3.1 Chainfalls, chokers, come-alongs and shackles of 1000# minimum capacity as needed 3.2 2000 Ft. # torque wrench, equipment no.
4. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Use care when handling the turning jack coupling disc to prevent damsging the teeth and the air motor driving gear teeth.
5. PREREQUISIT.5, 5.1 The generator has been moved frcm the diesel engine per MP 1410.10, Removal and Re-installation of Generator for Coupling Removal /

Replacement on the Diesel Generator Units. Verified Date 5


MP 1410.11.0 2 5.2 The diesel engine jacket cooling water system has been drained per MI M-21. Draining and Filling the Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooling System. Verified Date


, NOTE: Chainfalls, chokers, come-alongs and shackles of 1000# min capacity may be used as needed in this section. ! 6.1 Remove coupling guards as needed. 6.2 Remove the jaaket cooling water af tercooler inlet piping on each side of the turning jack coupling disc (flywheel). 6.3 Unbolt and remove the generator half coupling disc. 6.4 Unbolt and remove the turning jack coupling dise (flywheel). 6.5 Remove the ring gear holding capscrews and ring gear from the turning jack coupling disc (flywheel).

7. REPLACDIENT OF COUPLING HALVES NOTE: Chainfalls, chokers, come-alongs and shackles of 1000# minimum capacity may be used :s needed in this section.
!                7.1    Replace the ring gear and ring gear holding capscrews to the turning jack coupling disc (flywheel).

7.2 Position the turning jack coupling disc (flywheel) on the shaf t of the diesel engine and install the flywheel mounting bolts, torquing them to 1350 ft. lbs. in 450 ft. Ibs. increments using a criss-cross torquing pattern.

7. 3 Position the generator coupling half on the generator shaf t and in-stall the coupling half mour- *.ng bolts torquing them to 1350 f t. lbs.

in 450 f t. Ibs. increments using a criss-cross torquing pattern. 7.4 Reinstall the jacket cooling water aftercooler inlet piping on each side of the turning jack coupling disc (flywheel) 7.5 Replace coupling guards that were removed. 7.6 Refill the jacket cooling water system per M1 M-21, Draining and Fill-ing the Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooling System before operating

                      -the unit for testing for NT 1410.10. Removal and Reinsta11ation of

- Generator for Coupling and Replacement on the DG Units.

               - 7. 7  Post maintenance testing will be performed'in Section 8 of MP 1410.10, Removal and Reinstallation of Generator for Coupling Removal and Replacement on the DG Units.


MP 1410.19 Davis-Eesse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 Maintenance Pnocedure 1410.19

                             ?!aintenance of Diesel Generators

I _ ll I i [ Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by R. A. Brown 3/3/77 Date , Submitted by / h 3/3/77

                                   /     Section Head        .

Date Recon = ended by 4 W 3/3/77 S'RB Chairman Date QA Approved V 4*M-*!  % 8' ager Q ~

  • 4(ssurance Da Approved by [ / f
                               * ~ W ation'$up'erintendent                               'Dd t'e Revisien            SRB QA         Sta. Supt.

No. Recommendation Date Approved Date Approved Date e . e e

1 MP 1410.09.0

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish the conditions and define the preparation and procedure for inspection and maintenance of the Diesel Generators (DG) by Power Systems to satisfy the preventative maintenance requirements of ST 5081.02, DG Refueling Test.
2. REFERENCES 2.1 AD 1844.00, Maintenance 2.2 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging 2.3 AD 1844.05, Cleanliness Control 2.4 Bruce GM 645 Turbocharged Engine Maintenance Manual 2.5 Inspection and Qualification of Engine Main Bearings 2.6 Prior Inspection Procedure performed, if applicable 2.7 Applicable Diesel Generator drawings 2.8 TECo NQAM 2.9 FSAR Section 17.2 2.10 ST 5081.02, DG Refueling Test 2.11 PT 5124.01, DG Overspeed Periodic Test
3. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRIE 3.1 As provided by Power Systems
5. PREREQUISITES 5.1 A MWO has been issued.

5.2 Shift Foreman has been notified and permission granted to start inspection. 5.3 The DG to be worked on has been tagged out in accordance with tagging procedure. I I

2 MP 1410.09.0

6. PROCEDUPI 6.1 Perform inspection and maintenance of DG per DG Inspection Checklists, Attachment 1. Indicate NA and initial where item is not applicable.
7. POST MAINTENANCE TESTING 7.1 Post maintenance inspection for each DG will be satisfied by completion of ST 5081.02, DG Refueling Test. '

l e a p i 4 4 l I

3 vi/ NN / 7' O gn,cL%f / ' FORMAT OF REI' ORT SU!EARY

f. l o k 11




        -UNIT SERIAL NO.'                  s ENGINE SERIAL'N0.


       -TURB0 SERIAL NO.







_. 1 l CRINKCASE-CHECKS: l l o

                   .  ..e...  ....;.- . .. . r. a :
                                                                        ,ni',- wc, i g . o gaa__4 g f % e f iq 1 TEM =3 Tui'B0-ChA;.GER A:0 EXHAUST l'A.'lIFOLOS CHECKS:


         , , ,, , _,                                                      on*       ' ' * * ' ' ' ' ' 'h*~~^
l. .lMUM RACK @ K.W.


                                                                                  . 305 l]


           ;          ,                                                          /Hf/4lC.I9.0      Pi-nh0F/7 DIESEL gel EP.ATCF. IEPECTION                                           DATE
             ,.- _.- - - --.          _ ----. . . . - --. - - -- -- -. . -- A dS.d " e*I--l-             . . . - - - . . - - . - - - -


  • 5.0 Air Box Inspection *h' hen Required 5.1 Check for fouling of aftercoolers and water jumpers. / _

5.2 Check engine cooling water system for leaks. /

5. 3 Inspect for clogging of air box drains. _ / __

5.4 Inspect piston, piston rings and liners through ports. / . 5.5 Torque Turbocharger to aftercooler air duct bolts to 60 ft./lbs. / _ 5.6 Check ' piston to head clearance, and record on Chart below. ___ / , __ tl0TE: Clea 3nce should be .020 inches to .038 inches within a maximum difference of .005 inches with.a raximum change of .030 inches from the value at the time of installation. COMPRESSION LEAD READINGS IN TH_0VSANDS/ INCH CYL. # CYL. # . _.__em== 1 11 . 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8- 18 9 19 10 20 < I

    .:                                                             PROCLDURE.NO.                       PAGE ff 0F /;F 

(F.f Iute 14 0 _..__ DIEEEL GENERATOR !!1SPECT10N DATE AWaehie.d / . 6.v . Top C&ck Inspection 6 ~.1 Check exhaust manifold deck. ,


6.1.1 Torque check exhaust manifold flange bolts (130 ft/lbs.) / 6.2 Perform top deck checks. l / 6.2.1 Re-torque engine nuts and bolts. Cylinder hea'd crab nuts to 1800 ft/lbs. 6.2.2 Re-torque hsad frame to crankcase bolts to 30 ft/lbs. / 6.2.3 / ! Cylinder liner water inlet line nuts and bolts torqued to 200 ftfibs. 7.'O Oil Pan Inspection



  • 7. i Ferform oil pan checks.

7.1.1 Check oil level in pan. "

                                                                                                               /            _ _ .
7.2 Check crankshaft and connecting rods
7. 3 Check "P" tubes.

i /

7. 4 Torque engine hold down bolts to 575 ft/lbs.

8.0 Electrical Inspections (to be performed jointly between plant personnel and vendor). plant. ~ Enter readings on form used by

8. / Check operation of immersion heater. Amps 0 legs 01 02 03 8.2. Check annuciator panel alarm circuits. /

8.3 Inspect and clean voltage regulator.


8,4 Inspect and clean all relays, contact' ors and circuit breakers in the engine control cabinet and-the remote excitation cabinet.


8.lf Inspect and clear,. if necessary, the generator, genera tor rotor, exciter stator, and housing.



o ,n.t va.. n. :o . VI..a & OT l 7

                                                                   $f / 4//#.19.0 DIESFL GEllERATOR If;5PECT10N                                                DATE
                                                               -. /) $ 3U* N I
8. /o Check condition of slip rings, brushes and brush-holders. /
u. 7 Torque generator hold down bolts to 1200 ft/lbs. __ /

9.0 Cooling System Inspections 9.1 Visually inspect engine cooling water system for leaks. /_ 9.1.1 Check water level in expansion tank (prestart). / 9.1. 2 Check water level in expansion tank (after-start). / 9.2 Check cooling water rust inhibitor (take sample for lab analysis). / 9.3 Water Level. / 9.4 Engine water temperature in 0F. / ___ 9.5 Check operation of engine low water and crankcase pressure detector. / Vendor Plant ~


9.6 Inspect and pressure test expansion tank cap. (7 PSIG pneumatic). /

1. 7 Inspect expansion tank filler neck. /- __

10.0 Fuel Oil System Inspection / 10.1 Visually inspect for leaks. / 10.1.1 Check engine fuel lines and connections for leaks. / 10.2 Change the engine mounted filter and the a' ccessory rack mounted filter. / 10.2.1 Check filter pressure of fuel filter duplex with engine at idle speed.

       'n 3 Inspect and clean suction fuel strainers (engine driven pumps and motor driven pumps).
                                                                                                     /           _.

10.3.1 Check fuel tank drain condensate / -- 10.3.2 Check fuel transfer pump coupling and alignment. / - - - Top Side


10.3.3 Change fuel transfer pump filters where used. '/


10.3.4 Check fuel pressure. / 10.3.5 Unit number / 10.3.6 Fuel transfer pump Arps reading ( Amps @ Phase). / _

  .      .                                                                     r nei,Jr.L f.U .

on f 14lc./9.0 PAGE'l OF l} DIESEL GEriERATCP. !.*GE'.TI0fl .. DATE _ __ ___ .__ _ __ _. . __Affs.k.n* d_ I-

         .li Lube Oil System Inspecticns 11.1     Visually inspect for leaks


     .                   Check oil level in starting air lubricator (where used).

11.3 Sample, then drain-lube oil systems.


D0TE: When cleaning strair.ers and replacing filter elements clean strainer box and filter housings.


11.4 Clean, inspect and Pain lute oil main strainers and scavenging pump strainer -_ (both strainers contained within the same housing).


11.5 Clean and inspect pump. "Y" strainer on the discharge of the lube oil circulating I 11.6 Remove and clean oil separator and. filter.


11.6.1 Inspect ejector tube for carbon deposits, clean when necessary. 11.6.2 Clean and ir.spect lube oil filter bypass va 'ves. /


11.7 - filter. Change engine counted turbocharger oil filter and auxiliary turbo lube oil


11.8 Change lube oil filter elements per EMD M.I.1728. .


11.9 Check alignment of auxiliary lube oil circulating pump and motor. f Top Side 11.9.1 / Blow out soakback pump motor with dry air and inspect.


11.10 Clean oil pan and filter case.


11.11 Fill lube oil systems with recommended oil.


11.11.1 Check oil level in pan (prestart) oil level. / 11.12 Torque main lube oil and piston cooling oil pump shaft nuts to 65 ft/lbs. 12.0 Governor Oil System Inspection


12.1 Visually inspect for leaks.


12.2 Change governor oil per EMD M.I.1764.


13.0 ' Air Filter Inspection

                                                               .                                         /
             '3.1 Inspect engine intake air cleaner and clean sludge chambers as required or replace. dry type filters as required.                               /

13.2 Check oil level when both oil type filters are used.


13.3 Check condition AF all hoses.

                                                                                                         /          __


 . .    .,'                                                       01/i4lO,i4 0 7' OF / 77 DIESEL GENEP.ATOR IN5FECTION                                 .



Afh.chn& b I

  • 13.4 Check Torque to i*anufacturers' Speci'fications.

13.4.1 Cylinder head crab nuts 1800 ft/lbs. / 14.0 Diesel Generator Idle Inspection NOTE: Engine must be at operating temperature and at idle speed for the following inspections. . 14.1 Inspect cylinder head and fuel leaks. / . 14.2 Inspect valve mechanisms. / 14.3 Check lobe oil system pressure. / 4 14.4 Check governor oil level. / NOTE: The following steps must be completed with engine stopped', but warm. 14.5 Adjust valves, fuel racks and injector settings. / 14.6 Check setting of mechanical overspeed. / 14.7 Overspeed the engine, re, rrr/2 % of / 14.8 Check for leaks in cooling system. / 14.9 Check for fuel system leaks. / 14.10 Check for lobe oil-system leaks. / 14.11 Check for exhaust system leaks. / 14.12 Check cylinder test valves. / 14.13 Engine / generator unit, give complete operating check, cover modes not normally used to check protective devices per EMD M.I.1728. / 14.14 Visually inspect engine exhaust valve'and injector mechanisms. / 14.15 Inspect engine cyl'inder head and valve gear for proper oiling and operation.


14.16 Dual Air Start System Inspection / 14.16.1 Renove Y-Air Strainer and check condition of screen. Clean if necessa ry.


14.16.2 Check air compressor for proper servicing, operation, and all piping for leaks. / , 14.16.3 Check air starting valve / solenoid valve for proper operation. l


     .. ... . . ..                                                                               DATE
                                                                     .. i     AOcLwd l 14.16.4 McVe rinual shut-off valve lever the ough to clean.        /

14.16.5 Check air relay valve for proper operation.




   .                                                                M taw.19.0                 /0                  17 DIESEL GE!;EP.ATOR I: SPECTI0ff                                         DATE U ff I T START   REC 0RD Ef:GifiE SERIAL flu :BER                GEllERATOR SERIAL flVMBER TIME                  DATE           RUNNING TIME      TIME             DATE       RUNNING TIME                ,



he M 4 e enumums M

                                                                 .        .<.                                 . .u!          a rMPt y/t./'l&                                    //         /7 "DIEEEL GU;ERATOR'!NSPECT1011 DATE
                                                    -.1 4 S E~' d
                                                          .                          f....             - . - - . - . . . - - . . . . . . .

If Sur. .ary of Work Co. pletion 15.1 Er.ergency Diesel tagged out per ~- - Prerequisite ,,

15. 2:- D.Ehd .

15.3 Verify-Prerequisites have been established. 15.4 Air box Inspections completed as per Item #5.0 . 15.5 Top Deck Inspections completed as per Item e6.0 15.6 Oil Pan Inspections complete as per Item #7.0 - 15.7 Electrical Inspections completed as per Item #8.0 15.8 Cooling System Inspection completed as per Item #9.0 15.9 Fuel Oil System Inspections completed as per Item #10.0 15.10 Lube Oil System Inspections completed as per Item #11.0 15.11 Governor Oil Systems Inspections completed as per Item #12.0 I 15.12 Air Filter Inspections completed as per item #13.0 l 15.13 Cylinder Head and Valve tiechanism Inspections completed as per Item's #14.1 and #14.2. 15.14 Lube Oil Pressure checked as per Item #14.3 l 15.15 Engine Tuned up as per Diesel Idle Inspections. i , l

e. r 9,, r- 9 w --g , - - - , - - - , -
            .                                                             PADCEDURE NO.              PAGE inf tM.I4 o0              17 OF /7
           '15.16 Governor Oil Level checked as per Diesel Idit :nspections.

15.17 . Adjust valves, fuel racks and injector settings as per Diesel Idle Inspections. ' i 15.18 Engine Overspeed completed per section Overspeed Trip. Overspeed . 15.19 Engine cleaned per section cleaning. -- : ! -( d


t } r-

            ~                                                         )

iin LDudL NO. ' 1%GL 0. _- . p h 4fo I % 0 13-_____.[ / OlESEL GENERATOR INSPElfl0N

                                                                             /h4ch~~+ f                          DATE ENGINE

PERFORMANCE D A T- A 5HEET l. Unit Number .

2. Engine Hours 3.

Unit Run Full Load -

4. RPM Oil Level
5. Oil Pressure 6.

Governor Oil Level 7. Fuel Pressure _ * .

8. __LBS.

Filter in Pressure

9. LBS.

Water Level

10. Engine Water Temperature in _ O t

_ F.

11. Raw Water Temperature in 0F.
12. 'verspeed Trip _

sverspeed Trip Solenoid Ohmic Reading RPM .

13. Engine at Idle 13.1 Air Box Pressure PSI 13.2 Crankcase Vacuum INCHES H2O 14.. Maximum Rack

_0 __ _K.W. Amps. _ _ Volts PERFORMED BY: VENDOR . DATE/ TIME ~ t I

                                                              . . . . .t. : . , . . t .;. . , . t.       Ur


1. ,

Dier.el Generetor Ar.nual Electrical Inspection (Cc ply with Technical Specification LCO) 16.1 Generator Inspection , 16.1.1 Log Megger Readings: Stator y Rotor -


16.1.2 Check Ph of grease sample, f __ 16.1.2. 1 Clean and repack bearing if required. /_ , 16.1.3 With bearing cover removed, visually inspect the bearing for signs of distress such as overheating, abnormal wear and brass flakes.

                                                                                                       / Replace bearing as warranted. / 16.1.4 Blow out generator with lok pressure air. / 16.1.5. Clean insulators. / 16.1.6 Check electrical connections. / 16.2 Disasse ,ble, inspect, clean and lubricate starter motors. / 16.3 Remove circuit breaker from compartment. / 16.3.1 Clean insulators. /

                   -16.3.2 Lubricate linkage bearings.                                               /

16.3.3 Check operation manually and electrically in test position.


16.4 Recommended maintenance for fiagne-Blast breakers applied to repetitive ' switching duty (If Applicable), Braker # (Reference G.E. I. - 387610) / NOTE: Do not work on either the breaker or mechanism unless the closing springs are blocked and the openings have been tripped open or mechanically blocked. This measure is required to prevent accidental closing or tripping. 16.4.1 Remove the box barriers, arc chutes. / 16.4.2 Wipe all insulating parts clean of smoke deposits and dust, with a clean dry cloth, including the bushings, and the inside of the box barriers. ./ 16.4.3 All areas in the throat area of the arc chute should be thoroughly cleaned by using sandpaper. This cleaning should be performed any time the arc chute is removed. The arc chute fin should not be cleaned. Whenever the arc chute is removed, loose dust and dirt should be blown out before replacing arc chutes.

 ,o                                                        PROLLUURE fl0.             PAGE      OF
  .                                                            /MP M w./9 0                /S       17
        ~IESEL  GENERATOR. INSPECTION DATE 16.4.4    primary Contacts - Inspect the condition of the stationary contact fingers and moveable contact blocks. Badley pitted or burned                    ,

contacts should be replaced. (NOTE 1 Burned primary contacts indicate the probable need for arcing contact replacement). If the contact surfaces are only roughened or galled, they should be smoo'thed with crocus cloth or draw filed. After contact dressing the primary contacts should be greased lightly with 0501147.


16.4.5 Arcing Contacts - When the arcing contact wipe is less thaTthe minimum specified under ADJUSTl'ENTS, the contacts should be replaced. The contacts should be inspected for uneven wear and/or damage using a mirror to inspect the stationary contacts. / . _ _ Normally, it will not be necessary to remove the arc chutes for this operation servicing unless inadequate wipe or contact condition indicates a need for replacement. When the arc chutes are removed, the cuntact braids, coil protectors, and other parts subject to arcing should be checked for possible cleaning or replacement.


00 NOT GREASE THE ARCING CONTACTS UNDER ANDY CIRCUMSTANCES. 16.4.6 Check the breaker and rr.echanism adjustments as summarized under INSPECTION AND TEST. The necessary readjustments should be made as described under ADJUSTl'ENTS. / 16.4.7 The breaker and operating mechanism should be carefully inspected - for loose nuts, bolts, retaining rings, etc.; all can, latch and roller surfaces should be inspected for damage or excessive wear. The buffer blocks and their retainers on the bottom of the station contact support should be inspected for possible need for replacement.


16.4.8 The contacts of the control relay should be inspected for wear and cleaned, if necessary. / 16.4.9 Lubricate the breaker operating mechanism in accordance with the table under LUBRICATION. -


16.4.10 Inspect all wiring for tightness of connecticns and possible damage to insulation. / 16.4.11 After the breaker has been serviced, it should be slowly closed and opened, as described in INSTALLATION, to be sure there is no binding or and friction and that fully closed the breaker contacts can move to the fully opened positions. Its electrical operation should then be checked using either the test cabinet or the test couplers. f 16.4.12 Megger breaker with 2500 volt megger. 16.4.13 Check mounting bolts on Station Switch for tightness. _ / 16.4.14 Check Switch. / CL/MS 16.4.15 Check Switch. SM/LS / 4

                                                                   ' PkO(.illL'i<t 10.      ' PAGE    OF i

T-r1UU$1?aL'1/' l* lI DIESEL GEllERATOR liiSPECTION DATE A % L- ~4 I __ 16.4.16 Job Supervisor sign-off procedure: Job Site Supervisor Date


16.4.17 Take completed procedure to Document Control Center and have an uncontrolled copy made. - Turn in the original copy to D.C.C. and attach the uncontrolled copy to the Job Order.


16.4.18 Complete the requirements of the Job Order. ~


9 4 l e w t

  • k, .,
             .                                                                                   /WF/#1A 19 4               A $e 17,( /

8 lhECORDS) IIEW PARTS USED _-m t W - 8 5 m._

                             -                                                                                              0 m___

4 O 9 m.. 9 _ StJD

 .-                                                                                      ST 5081.01 Davic-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 Surveillance Test ST 5081.01 Diesel Generator Monthly Test J   ., j l.                l  -   -

Record of Appreval and Chenges 1 _,G. Waugh E e ared ~:7._ _ __ 2/28/76 Date S -h ._- L t t ei 'oy - Amarg NO _2 ~ 2 85G S = t3 Head Date

    ?seme=ded hY -                      ~

SRB Chairman tate' QA APP w.ed MA M Mana er cfg ty Assurance Date Approved by " Sta'rfc6 Superintendent Date Revision SRB QA Sta. Supt  ; No. Reco-- 2dation Date Approved Date Apprc" Da

        $                      'hO                               ,$$lbtf A.                     J^ ^ y

2-/ir/ 77


ff l

                                                                                 'M sfis/77
                                                                                               / // / N 8                                     h dAl                 NNma               t & 6///7 7 4              . f t &'                     ob*n up,                      a w asm f            n a,                         t-ehsh7            ,y           gun 3            i 1. /W'r)

1 ST 5081.01.4


( TS Each diesel generator shall be deconstrated OPERABLE at least once per

4. 8.1.1. 2. a) 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by: (Section 6.1) 1.1 Verifying the fuel level in the day tank. (Section 6.1.1) 4l 1.2 Verifying the fuel level in the Emergency DG Fu.el Oil Storage tanks.

(Section 6.1.2) 1.3 Verifying the fuel transfer pump can be started and transfers fuel 4l from the storage system to the day tank. (Section 1.4 Verifying the diesel starts from ambient condition and accelerates 4l to at least 900 rpm in less than or 10 seconds. (Section 6.1.4) 1.5 7erifying the generator is synchronized, loaded to 3: 1000 KW, and operates for g,60 minutes. (Section 6.1.5) 1.6 Verifying the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power to the associated essential busses. (Section 6.1.6)

1. 7 verifying that the automatic load sequence timer is OPERABLE with each load sequence time within + 10% of its required value is performed in the SEAS lbnthly Test, ST 5031.01.

In addition, in Section 6.2, each diesel generator will be started and run for Jt 60 minutes at least once every 31 days (from 12 to 18 days following Section 6.1) to circulate lubricating oil through moving parts of the angine, generator and auxiliaries as recommended by the manufacturer. Section 6.1 (Monthly Surveillance Test) and Section 6.2 (Monthly Lubri-cation Run) are to be performed independently. Testing of No. 1-1 Diesel Generator and No. 1-2 Diesel Generator is to be performed indepen-dently. Where a number specifically identifies the unit, Unit 1-1 numbers are given first followed by Unit 1-2 numbers in parenthesis, such as No. 1-1 (1-2) DG.


( TS) 2.1 Davis-Besse Technical Specifications and 2.2 Procedures 2.2.1 SP 1107.11, Diesel Generator Operating Procedure 2.2.2 SP 1104.40, Fuel Oil Supply System 2.2.3 ST 5031.01, SEAS Monthly Test 2.2.4 AD 1838.00, Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 2.2.5 AD 1844.05, Cleanliness

 ',                                            2                    ST 5081.01.4        .

2.3 Drawings 2.3.1 Iechtel

1. E-3, 4160V Metering & Relaying One Line Diagram
2. E-27, Emergency Diesel Generator 1-1,1-2 Relay and Metering Three Line Diagram
3. E-64B, Emergency Diesel Generator 4 P&ID M-017, Fuel Oil and Diesel Generators
5. P&ID M-027B, HV & AC Flow Diagram Aux Bldg Non Radioactive Areas 6 P&ID M-036, Component Cooling Water System 2.3.2 3ruce GM
1. B157F02501, Engine Control Logic (TECo File 1293)
2. B157F02001, Engine Generator Assembly (TECo File 1294)
3. B157F03001, Lube Oil System Schematic (IECo File 1294)
4. B157F04001, Jacket Water System (IECo File 1294)
5. 3157F06001, Fuel Oil System Schematic (TECo File 1294)
6. B157F07001, Air Start System Diagram (TECo File 1294) 2.4 Other References 2.4.1 FSAR, Section, Emergency Diesel Generators 2.4.2 FSAR, Section 9.5.4, Diesel Oil System 2.4.3 Bruce GM Diesel, Inc., Instructions and Parts Manual for 2600 KW DG Unit
3. REOUIRED EOUIPMENT 3.1 Permanently installed instrumentation will be used.

4.1 Operation of the diesel generators shall be per SP 1107.11, Diesel Generator Operating Procedure. Required readings and documentation shall be taken as specified in SP 1107.11, 4.2 On an emergency start, the electronic governor is in control and drives the hydraulic governor all the way up, Should tne electronic governor 4 lose voltage or otherwise be inoperable the engine . system will.immediately increase speed to 63 Hz (945 RPM) at which time the hydraulic governor will take speed control.

5. PREREQUISITES 571 The Shif t Foreman has given his permission for this test to be performed.

5.2 The diesel generator not being tested is operable. 5.3 Deleted. .

6. PROCEDURE All data and verifications in this procedure shall be recorded on Data Sheet A for Section 6.1 and on Data Sheet B for Section 6.2, Attachments 1 and 2 of this procedure respectively. The data sheets will be the record of this test.
        -                                                 3                   ST 5081.01.5 6.1     Monthly Surveillance Test No.1-1 (1-2) Diesel Generator Operation of the diesel generators shall be from the DG Room 1 (2)

RELAY AND CONTROL PANEL C3615 (C3616). Indicate the diesel generator being tested on Data Sheet A. 6.1.1 Read the diesel fuel oil level in Diesel Generator Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) indicated on LI 1121 (1126) 16cated on the day tank. If this instrument is out of order, alternate level indicators are LI 2787B (2788B) on Control Room Station Auxiliaries Panel C5720 and LI 2787A (2788A) on DG Room 1 (2) Panel C3615 (3616). Record the level on Data Sheet A. 6.1.2 Read the level in Emer. DG Fuel Oil Storage Tank 1-1 (1-2) using a sounding rod (or tape) through the Sounding Flange on the west side of the tank. Verify tank volume from the tank volume curves in SP 1104.40, Fuel Oil System. 6.1.3 Deleted 6.1.4 Deleted NOTE: The operation of the Eter. DG Fuel Oil Storage Tank pumps will be verified af ter the diesel generators are run in Step 6.1.6 of this procedure. 6.1.5 Start No. 1-1 (1-2) Diesel Generator manually from DG Room 1 (2) Panel C3615 (C3616) per Section 6.1 of SP 1107.11; read DG 1 (2) FREQUENCY meter on Panel C3615 (C3616) and record frequency indication on Data Sheet A. 6.1.6 sy'nchronize and load'No. 1-1 (1-2) Diesel Generator by the following steps: . _ 5 1. Synchronize and load the diesel generator to greater than 2000 KW but less than 2600 KW per Section 6.3 of SP 1107.11. Read WATTMETER on Panel C3615 (C3616) and record indicated load and time that 2 2000 KW load is applied on Data Sheet. .

2. Af ter the diesel generator has run for 2 60 minutes at 5l greater than 2000 KW but less than 2600 KW, record time on Data Sheet A and remove load from the diesel generator per Section 6.4 of SP 1107.11.


4 ST 5081.01.5

3. (Deleted)
4. Stop the diesel generator per Section 6.7 of SP 1107.11 and read the Emer. DC Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level as indicated on the same gage used in Step 6.1.1. Record the reading on Data Sheet A if greater than that of 6.1.1. If the reading is less than that recorded in Section 6.1.1 above, fill Diesel Generator Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) per SP 1104.40, Fuel Oil System. Reread the Emer. DG Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level and record on Data Sheet A.

6.1.7 Place the diesel generator in " Standby" per Section 4 of SP 1107.11 and inform the Shift Foreman that this test is complete. 6.1.8 Make careful inspection of the diesel generator for any leaks. 6.2 Diesel Generator Monthly Lubrication Run The diesel generator will be operated from the DG Room 1 (2) controls during this run using the ENGINE CONTROL PANEL C3621 (C3622) to operate the engines and the RELAY AND CONTROL PANEL C3615 (C3616) to load and unload the generators. Indicate the diesel generator Feing run on Data Sheet B. 6.2.1 Deleted l 6.2.2 Deactivate the generator field by switching "0FF" the voltage regulatar control switch in panel C3717 (C3718). Turn the HYDRAULIC GOV CONTROL switch on Panel C3621 (C3622) to the LOWER position and hold in the LOWER position. Start the diesel generator from Panel C3621 (C3622) per Section 7.1 of SP 1107.11. When the engine 5 stabilizes at (400 RPM as indicated on the ENGINE TACHOMETER on Panel C3621 (C3622), release the HYDRAULIC GOV CONTROL switch. Check that the 400 RPM light is "0FF". Turn on the generator voltage regulator by switching "0N" the voltage regulator control  ; switch in panel C3717 (C3718). The field should not " flash" since  ! speed is (400 RPM. Record engine speed and time on Data Sheet B. NOTE: This step permits the engine to be started without automatically  ! accelerating to 900 RPM so that it can be run at idle speed. l 6.2.3 Af ter the diesel generator has run for 20 minutes at idle speed, I raise the engine speed to 900 RPM by holding the hydraulic governor control switch to " RAISE." The field will " FLASH" automatically when speed increases above 400 RPM. If the voltage regulator control switch was left "0FF" in Step 6.2.2, switch "0N" the regulator at this point. The electronic governor will stabilize speed at 900 RPM (60 Hz). Hold the hydraulic governor control switch to " RAISE" for an additional 15 seconds. This ensures the hydraulic governor is up out of the way of the electronic governor. Synchronize and load the diesel generator to > 2000 KW 5l but less than 2600 KW per section 6.3 of SP 1107.11. Read the load on vattmeter on panel C3715 (3716) and record on Data Sheet B. l l

5 ST 5081.01.5 5 6.2.4 Af ter the diesel generator has run for 2 40 minutes with greater than 2000 KW but less than 2600 KW load, remove load from the diesel generator per Section 6.4 of SP 1107.11 and stop the diesel generator per Section 7.3 of SP 1107.11. Record the time -that engine stops on Data Sheet B. 6.2.5 Place the diesel generator in " Standby" per Section 4 of SP 1107.11 and inform the Shift Foreman that this test is complete. 6.2.6 Make careful inspection of the diesel generator for any leaks.


Acceptance Criteria will be verified on Data Sheet A for Section 6.1 of this procedure by the person performing the test, checked by the Shift Foreman, and reviewed by the Operations Engineer. 7.1 Diesel Generator Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level is 14000 gallons. Step 6.1.1 7.2 Emer. DG Fuel 011 Storage Tank 1-1 (1-2) level is 2 32,000 gallons. Step 6.1.2 7.3 (Deleted) 7.4 Emer DG F0 Strg Tk Pump 1-1 (1-2) can be started and transfers fuel from the DG F0 Strg Tank 1-1 (1-2) to the DG Day Tank 1-1 (1-2). Step 6.1.1 reading < Step reading. 7.5 No. 1-1 (1-2) DG starts from ambient condition. Step 6.1.4. 7.6 No. 1-1 (1-2) DG can be synchronized, loaded to ? 1000 KW and operated for Z 60 minutes. Step 6.1.6 7.7 No. 1-1 (1-2) DG is aligned to provide standby power to bus C1 (D1). Step 6.1.7. Acceptance Criteria for Section 6 of this procedure will be verified on Data Sheet B. Verify that engina starts, runs for 21 hour and is returned to " Standby".

                                                                              - ~ . .

9 6 ST 5081.01.4



5. Prerequisites 5.1 Verified Date Permission to test.

Shif t Foreman Time 5.2 DG not being tested is operable. ' 5.3 Delete. 6.1 Procedure . Numbers in ( ) refer to No.1-2 DG 6.1.1 DG Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level gal. 4 6.1.2 Emer. DG Fuel Oil Strg Tk 1-1 (1-2) level gal. 6.1.3 (Deleted) - 4l 6.1.4 Deleted 6.1.5 DG frequency meter Hz DG Kilowatt Meter Time kw Load removal Time 4 DG Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level gal. 1 6.1. 7 No.1-1 (1-2) DG in " Standby" 6.1.8 No.1-1 (1-2) DG inspected for leaks

7. Acceptance Criteria 7.1 DG Day Tank 1-1 (1-2) level .h.4000 gallons -

4 7. 2 Emer DG Fuel Oil Strg Tank 1-1 (1-2) level Section 6.1.1 C 32,000 gal. 7.3 Section 6.1.1 (Deleted) 4 7.4 Transfer Pump 1-1 (1-2) operates. i Reading for Step > Step 6.1.1. 7.5 DG Frequency meter indicates 60Hz + (3) Section 6.1.5 7.6 DG Synchronized and loaded to 1.1000 KR for 31 hr. Reading for Step 3t1000 KW Difference between time in Steps and 2h I hr.

7. 7 DC align,ed to provide " Standby" power. Section 6.1.7 Test Completed by Date 4 Deleted Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1


5. Prerequisites Verified Date 5.1 Permission to test.

Shif t Foreman Time 5.2 DG not being tested is operable. 5.3 Deleted. 6.2 Procedure 4 6.2.1 Deleted 6.2.2 ENGINE TACHOMETER reading Time RPM 6.2.3 Wattmeter indication KR 6.2.4 Stop Engine Time 6.2.5 No. 1-1 (1-2) DG in_" Standby" 6.2.6 No. 1-1 (1-2) DG inspected for leaks

7. Acceptance Criteria DG Starts Step 6.2.2 reading 2 200 RPM
    !            DG runs for 2t 1 hr.

Difference between time in Steps 6.2.4 andf6.2.2 3 1 hr. DG in " Standby" Test Completed by Date Deleted 4 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 i 1

8 '

     ,        .                                                                                            ST 5081.01.5 DIESEL CENEP). TOR
                                              . nspettion and Maintenance Schedule                                                !

Items identified as Main: Item for which Operation:e enance & C6HP responsibilities will be initiated by MWO's. section is responsible will be controlled by the monthly

  • R-Ra tfueling X Yr.-Every X Years W-Week 1v M-Mc--- t hl v Q-Ouarteriv SA-Semi-Annually s Cocponen t Requi.- ved Inspection and/or Maintenance
                                                                                                                        ! Resp.
y. Fuel Oil check le.vriel in Day Tanks and Storage Tanks Ops Engine Check lu'::Re oil level (dipstick) in sump Ops Check hanc dhole covers for indication of leaks Ops Jacket Wtr. Check Ja.- *<et Water level (sightglass on expansion tank)

Generator Check be Ops ring oil levels (sightglass on each pedistal) Ops Cove rnor Check 01~. level (sightglass on governor actuator) Air Start Ops Bleed dra . in lines and receivers of moisture Ops M Engine Inspect 1 ube oil, fuel oil and jacket water systems for leaks and cla* :n up spills Ops Jacket Wtr. Check Check 11 lu':n oil (af

                                              .crsion       ter 12 Heater      nonths of operation only) (1 Pint)

Operation C&HP Check Jacy t Water for inhibitor Ops Eng. Air Check oi; C&HP Air Start Check oi~- 'level levelininairair intake oil bath filter (1 Pint) compressor Mtce Check air compressor belt tension Ops Clean air intake filter on Air Cocpressors Mtce Clean Wye Mtce Generator Strainer in air start line to air motor _ Mtce Check br :f.hes for free movement in brush holder Check and clean collector ring Mtee Control Mtce Check Mag-retic Pickup on flywheel for clearance & clean' Mtce 9 Fuel Oil Drain Coc6ensate from Day Tank Ops Check DC *'htor Driven Fuel Oil Pump Coupling Inspect nr, Motor Driven Fuel Oil Pump Seal Mtce Inspect c/ndition of Fuel Oil Piping Mtce Engine Change Tu. ~oocharger oil filter elements for: Mtce Engine -,:founted turbocharger oil filter Mtce Auxilia; y turbo lube oil filter Sample lute oil for lab check Eng. Air C&HP Control' Check engi-:e intake air oil bath filter and drain water (1 Pint: Mtce Inspect ir.terior of electrical control cabinets for cleanli- Mtce ness, corrosion and mechanical secureness I e SA Eng. Air Drain sludge from air intake oil bath filter Gene rator Check condition of slip rings Mtee Engine Retorque exhaust canifold flange bolts Mtce Mtce

                              . Remove       air box accumulation       andhandhole water leakscovers and check for excessive oil             Mtee Air Start      Inspect corpressor valve assemblies Clean solcuid air valve                                 '

Mtee p' Clean air start valve . ce z_. . Attachment 3 Page 1 of 2

9 In .pection and Maintenance Schedule

             ' S-Schedula                                                                       ST 5081.01.5 U-Wackly                    M-Monthly R-Refueling                                                Q-Quarterly      SA-Semi-Annually X Yr.- Every X years S      Componen t     '

Required Inspection and/or Maintenance l Resp . R Engine Change lube oil change oil filters and clean strainers Mtce Check lash afiusters setting Check overspeed setting per PT 5124.01, Sec. 6.1 Mtce Inspect and clean ejector tube Ops

                                                                                                        - Mtce Remove and clean crankcase evacuation system oil separator          Mtce Inspect and cleaa engine lube oil filter bypass valve               Mtce Inspect and clean exhaust manifold screen Mtce Inspect and clean lube oil soakback pump and motor                 Mtce Generator       Check pucp seals and bearings (lubricate if necessary)               Mtce Clean and visually inspect generator Mtce Change bearing oil and check oil ring for free movement             Mtce Check brush tension Check insulation with megger                                        Mtce Governor       Change governor oil                                                  Mtce Controls                                                                            Mtce' Inspect voltage regulators, relays, contactors & circuit brkrs       Mtce Clean and visually inspect all electrical cabinets                   Mtce Tighten all electrical connections Check motor controller contacts                                     Mtce Mtce Check conduit & greenfield fittings and straps for tightness        Mtce Check annunciator and engine shutdown cor. tact maker settings      I&C Perform complete sequence check in abnormal modes, Part of of ST 5081.02                                                      Ops Check operation of protective relays and instruments, Part of ST 5081.02                                                  Ops Jacket Ntr.

Inspect & pressure test expansion tank"c'ap & replace as Mtce required ' Air Start Inspect expansion tank fi11er neck for damage Mtce Change oil in air compressors Check "V" belts and replace as required Mtee Inspect and clean air line lubricators Mtce Motors Mtce Check bearings for excessive heat and lubricate as required Mtce Check DC Motor brushes and commutator Mtce 2yr Engine l Replace Immersion Heat'er, soakback pump and motor Mtee Check temperature differential between lube oil and jacket Ops 3yr Engine water into engine for Lube Oil Cooler function Inspect thrust colla,rs, lower main bearings, cylinder assem- Mtce blies, piston cooling tube alignment & upper connecting rod bearings Replace water pump seals and all worn parts Mtce Replace flexible coupling seals Replace Crankcase Pressure detector Mtce Mtee Syr Engine R eplace engine cylinder head grommets, outlet and inlet seals Mtce and lower liner seals i r Engine R eplace crankshaft vicous damper , Mtce Replace oil pumps r Replace lower liner inserts , Mtce R Mtee eplace Injector Control Linkage links, seals and bearings Mtce w END - Attachmeht 3 Paee ? nf 1

   '                                                                             ST 5081.02 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 Surveillance Test ST 5081.02 Diesel Generator Refueling Surveillance Test

~ Record of Approval and Changes Prepared "cy Gary M. Waugh 9/27/76 _ Date Submitted by  % <xt v /C 7 6 Secti And Date Recoc= ended by [ _ [I _ /8 [f / )

                                           ' SRB Cnairma                                 D(te QA Approved                    M             #

V ager ,:ality Assurance Date i I Approved by '

                                                                                       //        [
                                      ' Station Superintendent                           Date P.evisica             SR3                              -QA              Sta. Suut.

No. Re ~.::t on Date Ap' proved Date Approved Cate f gg' .5l$? ' g$ J %A~. t oh ? l y , j M/ n /77 jf/A D l'//G/72 I

t , 1 ST 5081.02.1


( TS Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 -months during shutdown by:

1. Subjecting the diesel to an inspectL.n in accordance with procedures prepared in ccnjunction with its macu?acturer's racommendations for this class of standby servica, (Sect.icn 6.1) . -
     'l          2. Verifying the generator capability to reject a load     t* $ 480 KW without tripping (Section 6.2).
3. Simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with a safety injection actuation test signal, and:

a) Verifying deenergization of the essential buses and load shedding from the essential buses. NOTE: Verified in ST 5031.07-SFAS 18 Month or Refueling Surveillance Test b) Verifying the diesel starts from ambient condition on the auto-start signal, energizes the essential buses with permaauntly connected 1, is, energizes the auto-connected essneital loads through the load sequencer and operates for Jy5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the essential loads. NOTE: Verified in ST 5031.07-SFAS 18 Month or Refueling Surveillance Test c) Verifying that all diesel generator trips, except engine overspeed and generator dif ferential, are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the essential bus and/or an SFAS test signal (Section 6.3). A. Verifyine the diesel eenarator nnerates for 3,60 minutes while loaded to 2 2000 KW (Section 6.2).

5. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the 2000 hour rating of 2860 KW.

NOTE: Verified in ST 5031.07 - SFAS 18 Month or Refueling Surveillance Test. Testing of No. 1-1 and No. 1-2 Diesel Generator is to be performed indepen-dently. Where numbers specifically identify a unit, DG 1 numbers are given first followed by DG 2 nuchers in parenthesis such as No. 1-1 (1-2) D.C. The Diesel Generator Overspeed Trip Periodic Test, PT 5124.01, is to be done in conjunction with this test.


( TS) 2.1 Technical Specifications, and l

2 ST 5081.02.0 2.2 Preaedures 2.2.1 SP 1107.11, Diesel Generator Operating Procedure 2.2.2 ST 5031.07, SEAS 18 Month or Refueling Test

2.2.3 PT 5124.01, Diesel Generator Overspeed Trip 2.2.4 AD 1838.00, Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 2.2.5 AD 1844.05, Cleanliness Control 2.2.6 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging Procedure e

4 O t l-l

3 ST 5081.02.1

2. 3 Drawings 2.3.1 Bechtel E-27 Emergency Diesel Genei tor 1-1, 1-2 Relay and Metering Three Line Diagram E-64B Emergency Diesel Generator M-017 Fuel Oil and Diesel Generators -

M-027B HV & AC Flow Diagram Aux. Bldg. Non Radioactive Areas M-036 Component Cooling Water System 2.3.2 Bruce GM (TECo File) 1293 - Engine Control Logic 1294 - Engine System schematics 2.4 Other References FSAR'Section, Emergency Diesel Generators Power Systems Division of Morrison-Knudsen Co. , Inc. (formerly Bruce G.M.) Instructions and Parts Manual for 2600 KR Diesel Generator Unit , 3. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 3.1 Permanently installed instrumentation will be used. 1

4. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Operation of the diesel generators shall be per SP 1107.11, Diesel G ,erator Operating Procedure.

( TS 3. 8.1. 2.b)4. 2 At least one diesel generator shal'1 be operable at all times during Cold Shutdown and Refueling Modes.

5. PREREQUISITES 5.1 The Shift Foreman has given his permission for this test to be periormed.

5.2 The Diesel Generator not being tested is operable. 5.3 The reactor is in Modes 5 or 6.

6. PROCEDURE This procedure shall be performed independently for each diesel generator at least once in 18 months during refueling. All data and verifications
for this procedure shall be recorded on Data Sheet, Attachment 1 of this procedure. A separate data sheet for each D.G. will be the record of this i

i i

                           .   . , .           - - - -     --  . - . _ . - ,-,,..,,,,,.,,n.v-,                . - , , . . , - - - - . . ,          - - - .
          -l                                                                                       l 4                            ST 5081.02.1  l test. Indicate the D.G. being tested on the data sheet.

All operations and readings in this procedure are from Local Relay and Control Panel C3615 (C3616) in DG room 1 (2) unless specified otherwise. 6.1 Verification that the DG is inspected and maintenance performed per Power Systems Divis11n of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. recommenda-tions for standby power units. 1l 6.1.1 Verify that periodic refueling and maintenance inspection has been performed on No. 1-1 (1-2) D.G. per Attachment 2 of this procedure. Items on Attachment 2 identified as Maintenance and C&HP re-sponsibilities will be initiated by MWO's. Item for which 1 Operations section is responsible will be controlled by the nonthly equipment list. 6.2 Verification that the diesel generator will operate for f 1 hour at 1 2 2000 KW load and is capable of rejecting a load of 6 480 KR without overspeed tripping. 6.2.1 Start No. 1-1 (1-2) DG per Section 6.1 of SP 1107.11. 6.2.2 Synchronize, parallel and load No. 1-1 (1-2) DG to i 2000 KW per Section 6.3 of SP 1107.11. Read and record actual load indicated on DG Wattmeter and record the time that load is applied. 6.2.3 Permit the diesel generator to run for h 1 hour at 2 2000 KW load then decrease load to ;( 480 KW and record time and ac'tual 1l load. 6.2.4 Trip the diesel generator circuit breaker AC101 (AD 101). Read and record the maximum speed reached indicated by ENGINE

 '           -                    TACHOMETER on the Engine Control Panel C3621 (C3622) and verify that the engine continues to run.
 -                     6.2.5      Stop No.1-1 (1-2) DG per Section 6.7 of SP 1107.11.

t NOTE: If section 6.3 is to follow immediately, let the engine continue running. 6.3 Verification that all diesel generator engine and breaker trips except overspeed, differential and emergency shutdown are bypassed when running in simulated emergency mode and that overspeed trip, differen-tial trip and emergency shutdown are not bypassed. 6.3.1 For No.1-1 (1-2) DG simulate emergency running condition by lif ting 2 number 37 wires from terminal 6 of R3X relay and wire 171 from terminal 8 of R3 relay in Engine Control Panel C3621 (C3622) in DG room 1 (2). 6.3.2 Start No. 1-1 (1-2) D.G. and synchronize and parallel to the system per Sections 6.1 and 6.3 of SP 1107.11. Load to approxi-mately 300 KR. l I

5 ST 5081.02.0 NOTE: The engine may be running if allowed to continue running in step 6.2.5 of this procedure. 6.3.3 To simulate High Jacket Water Temperature Trip

1. Jumper terminal 8 to 16 on TB2 in Panel C3621 (C3622)
2. Verify that engine continues to run.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step

. 6.3.4 Tc simulate _ow Lube Oil Pressure Trip

1. Jumper terminal 7 to 15 on TB2 in Panel C3621 (C3622)
2. Verify that engine continues to run.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step 6.3.5 To simulate High Crankcase Pressure Trip
1. Jumper terminal 1 to 3 on CPR relay in Panel. C3621 (C3622)
2. Verify that engine continues to run.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step

6.3.6 To simulate Ground overcurrent Trip

1. Jumper terminals of TD-3 on Panel C3615 (C3616)
2. Verify that breaker remains closed.
3. Remove jumper installed in step 6.3.7 To simulate Phase Overcurrent Trip
1. Jumper terminals of TD-4 on Panel C3615 (C3616)
2. Verify that breaker remains closed.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step

6.3.8 To simulate Reverse Power Trip

1. Jumper terminals of TD-7 on Panel C3615 (C3616)
2. Verify that breaker remains closed.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step

f 6 ST 5081.02.0 6.3.9 To simulate Negative Phase Sequence Trip

1. Jumper outside terminals of TD-8 on Panel C3615 (C3616)
2. Verify that breaker remains closed.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step 6.3.10 To simulate Loss of Field Trip
1. Jumper outside terminals of TD-9 on Panel C3615 (C3616)

' 2. Verify that breaker remains closed.

3. Remove jumper installed in Step 6.3.11 To simulate Differential Trip
1. Jumper terminals of TD-5 on Panel C3615 (C3616)
2. Verify that breaker trips and engine shuts down.
3. Remove jumper installed in Step
4. Reset and start DG per Section 10.1 of SP 1107.11.

NOTE: Omit Step 10.1.7 of SP 1107.11 if Step 6.3.12 is to follow. 6.3.12 To test Emergency Shutdown Trip

1. Start No.1-1 (1-2) DG and synchronize and parallel per sections 6.1 and 6.3 of SP 1107.11. Load to approximately 300 KW.

O NOTE: The engine may be running if this step follows step 6.3.11.

2. Press Emergency Shutdown Pushbutton on Panel C3621 (C3622).
3. Verify that breaker trips and engine shuts down.

Reset Lockout and start DG per Section 10.1 of 4* SP 1107.11. NOTE: Omit step 10.1.7 of SP 1107.11 if Step 6.3.13 is to follow. a 6.3.13 To test Overspeed Trip

1. Start No. 1-1 (1-2) DG per Section 6.1 of SP 1107.11.

NOTE: The engine may be running if this step follows step 6.3.12. L-

l 7 ST 5081.02.1

2. Verify that No. 1-1 (1-2) DG will trip for Overspeed trip per Section 6.2 of PT 5124.01, Diesel Generator Overspeed Trip Periodic Test. Attach PT 5124.01 data sheet to this procedure.
3. Reset, start, adjust and stop DG per Section 10.1 of SP 1107.11.

6.3.14 Replace wires lifted in Step 6.3.1 of this procedure.

7. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Acceptance criteria will be verified on Data Sheet, Attachment 1, of this procedure by the person performing the test and reviewed by the Shift Foreman and Operations Engineer.

7.1 Maintenance and inspection of the DG completed (Section 6.1) i 7.2 The DG operates for i 1 hour at 2 2000 KW load (Section 6.2) 1 7.3 The DG can reject f 480 KW without tripping engine (Section 6.2)

   '          7.4   All DG engine and breaker trips are bypassed when running An aimulated emergency mode except Overspeed, Differential and Emergency Shutdown Trips and that these three trips are not bypassed. (Section 6.3)

I i . l l


5. Prerequisites Verified Date 5.1 Permission to test Shift Foreman Time Date 5.2 DG not being tested is operable.

5.3 Reactor in Mode 5 or 6.

6. Procedure 6.1 Inspection and Maintenance 6.1.1 Periodic ?'a '.ntenance work complete

! 6.2 DG Load and Load rejection test

6.2.1 Start DG l 6.2.2 Synchronize, parallel & load KW Time 6.2.3 After1 1 hour increase load KW Time 6.2.4 Trip breaker, engine continues to run

, RPM max. 6.2.5 Stop DG 6~. 3 Emergency Mode simulation 6.3.1 k' ires lif ted on R3X and R3 relays


6.3.2 Start DG, synchronize and parallel Jumper Engine Breaker ' Jumper Step Trip Installed Runs Closed ! Removed Date 6.3.3 HJW Temp I --- l l

6. 3. 4 ' LLO Press i i i 6.3.5' HC Press 1 --- l l 6.3.6 Grd. OC l I 6.3.7 Phase OC l l l 6.3.8 Rev. Pwr. ---

I t i 6.3.9 Neg. # Seq. --- 1 i I 6.3.10 Loss of Fld. --- l t 1 6.3.11 Differential Trip Date

1. Jumper Inst. 2. Trip & Shutdown 3. Jumper Rem.
4. Reset 6.3.12 Emergency Shutdown Trip
1. Start & Load 2. Press Emerg Shutdown 3. Trip
                                              & Shutdown         4. Reset                                                                    +

6.3.13 overspeed Trip

1. Start 2. Shutdown 3. Reset 6.3.14 Lifted wires replaced on R3X and R3 relays Verified '


7. Acceptance Criteria +

1 7.1 Maintenance and inspection completed 7.2 Load in 6.2.2 2 2000KW Time in 6.2.3 - time in 6.2.2 is 1 1 hour 2 7.3 Load in 6.2.3 is $48CKR & engine does not tr.ip in 6.2.4. 7.4 Trips except Overspeed, Differential and Emerg. Shutdown bypassed-Overspeed, Differential & Emergency Shutdown Trips not Bypassed Test Completed by Date Completion Verified and Test reviewed by

  • Shift Foreman Time Date Test reviewed by Operations ETgineer Date Attachment 1 Sheet 1 of 1
                                                                                   . - , -   ,,.m--.   . ,           ,            , , ., -<         ~ , , , - + - - -

9 ST 5081.02.2 DIESEL CE!*ERATOR IInspection and Maintenance Schedule Items identified as Maintcenance & C6HP responsibilities will be initiated by MWO's. Item for which Operations 2 section is responsible will be controlled by the monthly equipment list. S-Schedule R-Reifueling X Yr.-Every X Years SA-Semi-Annually W-Weekly .

                                         '-Mc nthly                Q-Quarterly S    Cocoonen t       Recuirred Inspection and/or Maintenance                                               Resp.

W~ Fuel Oil Check le'. vel in Day Tanks and Storage Tanks Ops Engine Check lui:e oil level (dipstick) in sump Ops Check harndhole covers for indication of leaks Ops Jacket Wtr. Check Jac:ket Water level (sightglass on expansion tank) Ops Generator Check betaring oil levels (sightglass on each pedistal) Ops Governor Check oir_ level (sightglass on governor actuator) Ops Air Start Bleed drecin lines and receivers of moisture Ops M Engine Inspect Zube oil, fuel oil and jacket water systems for leaks Ops and claan up spills Check lube oil (af ter 12 conths of operation only) (1 Pint) C&HP Jacket Wtr. Check Ic=sersion Heater Operation Ops Check Jaceket Water for inhibitor C&HP Eng. Air Check 012' level in air intake oil bath filter (1 Pint)

                                               .                                                                          Mtce Air Start    Check   oi2 level in air compressor                                                     Ops Check   air compressor belt tension                                                    Mtce Clean   air intake filter on Air Cocpressors                                           Mtce Clean  Wy e Strainer in air start line to air motor                                    Mtce Generator    Check borushes for free movement in brush holder                                       Mtce
       .                           Check and clean collector ring                                                         Mtce Control      Check Ma gnetic Pickup on flywheel for clearance & clean'                              Mtce Q     Fuel Oil     Drain Ccodensate from Day Tank                                                         Ops Check DC Motor Driven Fuel Oil Pump Coupling                                           Mtce Inspect DC Motor Driven Fuel Oil Pump Seal                                             Mtce Inspect condition of Fuel Oil Piping                                                   Mtce Engine       Change Turbocharger oil filter elements for:                                           Mtee Engine mounted turbtcharger oil filter Auxiliary turbo lubu oil filter Sample lube oil for lab check                                                         C&HP Eng. Air      Check engine intake air oil bath filter and drain water (1 Pint:                     Mtce Control      Inspect interior of electrical. control cabinets for cleanli-                         Mtce ness, corrosion and mechanical secureness 2

I SA Eng. Air Drain sludge from air intake oil bath filter Mtce Generator Check condition of slip rings Mtce Engine Retarque exhaust manifold flange bolts Mtce Remove air box handhole covers and check ~for excessive oil Mtce accumulation and water leaks

Air Start Inspect compressor valve assemblies Mtee Clean solenoid air valve , Mtce 3
Clean air start valve Mtce

( [ L i ! Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2

  • DIESELOENERATOR ST 5081.02.2 Inspection and Maintenanca Schedule S-Schedule Q-Quarterly SA-Semi-Annually U-Weekly M-Menthly R-Refueling X Yr.- Every X years Resp.

S Componen t Required Inspection and/or Maintenance Mtce R Engine Change lube oil change oil filters and clean strainers Mtce Check lash adjusters setting Ops Check overspeed setting per PT 5124.01, Sec. 6.1 Mtce Inspect and clean ejector tube Mtce Remove and clean crankcase evacuation system oil separator Mtce Inspect and clean engine lube oil filter bypass valve Mtce Inspect and clean exhaust manifold screen Mtce Inspect and clean lube oil soakback pump and motor Mtee Check pu=p seals and bearings (lubricate if necessary) Mtce Generator Clean and visually inspect generator Mtce Change bearing oil and check oil ring for free movement Mtce Check brush tension Mtce Check insulation with megger Mtce Governor Change governor oil Mtce Controls Inspect voltage regulators, relays, contactors & circuit brkrs Mtce ' Clean and visually inspect all electrical cabinets Mtee Tighten all electrical connections Mtce Check cotor controller contacts Mtce Check conduit & greenfield fittings and straps for tightness ISC Check annunciator and engine sh. u tdown contact maker settings >- Ops 4 Perform complete sequence check in abnormal modes, Part of of ST 5081.02 Ops Check operation of protective relays and instruments, Part of ST 5081.02


Mtce Jacket Wtr. Inspect & pr' essure test expansion tank Esp ~& 're'p'l' ace as

  '                                          required                                                             Mtce Inspect expansion tank filler neck for damage                          Mtce Air Start    Change oil in air compressors                                          Mtce Check "V" belts and replace as required                                Mtce Inspect and clean air line lubricators                                 Mtce Motors Check bearings for excessive heat and lubricate as required            Mtce Check DC Motor brushes and commutator Mtce 2yr Engine           Replace Immersion Heater, soakback pump and motor                     Ops
Check temperature differential-between lube cil and jacket l  ;  ! water into engine for Lube Oil Cooler function Mtce l 3yr Engine Inspect thrust collars, lower main bearings, cylinder assem-blies, piston cooling tube alignuent & upper connecting rod bearings Mtce
  • Replace water pump seals and all worn parts Mtce Replace flexible coupling seals Mtce l Replace Crankcase Pressure detector l Mtce Syr Engine Replace engine cylinder head grommets, outlet and inlet seals and lower liner seals Mtce e.

6yr Engine Replace crankshaft vicous damper , Mtce Replace oil pumps Mtce Replace lower liner inserts Mtce Replace Injector Control Linkage links, seals and bearings

       .i.                                                           END Attachment Pape 2 of 2 2

l l ST 5081.03 D..vis-Desse !!uclar Powe, 3:st .cn Unit !;o. 1 Surveillance Test ST 5081.03 Diesel Fuel 92-Day Sample Test

                                                    ,.   .1            k        -

Record of Apprcval and Changes Frepared by_ W. D. Mills 2/3/77 Date Submitted by _

b. L1 LA f Section Head
                                                                                  , 2 /r 7 / 7 7 Date Recor: ended by       T.#m d h D ' ' %                                      1/22/77 SRB Chair an ()                         Date QA Approved                    NA      bJb M-nae      f Quality Assurance                    Date Approved by              . .,                                              [

[' Station Superintenient 'Date Rcrision SRB QA Sta. Supt. No. Recommend tion Date Approved Date A fd Date b h / Y h g qqa wo a f 149 we g g n ,,aan , , ,


1 ST 5081.03.3


To ensure that the oil in Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tanks 1-1 and 1-2 is suitable for reliable operation of the diesel engines by verifying that the oil meets Number 2 fuel oil specifications.

2. REFERENCES 2.1 Technical Specifications, Section, Electrical Power 3l(TS) Systems 2.2 TECo NQAM 2.3 FSAR Chapter 17.2 2.4 AD 1838 series, Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 2.5 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 23, D975 Table 1 2.6 Maintenance Instruction 1750, Diesel Fuel Recommendations All EMD and Former CDED Engines, Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corp.

3.1 None

6. PROCEDURE 6.1 Sample the Diesel Oil Storage Tank 1-1, Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank 1-1, and Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank 1-2 rotationally on a monthly basis so that each
  • tank is sampled every 92 days and analyze for the specified parameters.

NOTE 1: Sampling to be done concurrently with PT 5126.01, Diesel ! Fuel Oil Testing. l l NOTE 2: Deleted 3

7. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (TS) 7.1 The quarterly oil samples for the Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel 011 3

Storage Tanks 1-1 and 1-2 meet Technical Specification given on the attachment.

ST 5081.03.3 2 Pro. Rev. Used DIESEL FUEL 92 DAY SAMPLE TEST Sampled Viscosity SUS @ 1000F Water & Sediment (%) Date(a) 0.05 max. Sampled By 32-45 t l (a) Indicate the tank sampled: O Diesel Oil Storase Tank 1-1 Q Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank 1-1 Remarks: O Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank 1-2 f



         ,fS)      The quarterly oil samples for-Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tanks 1-1 and 1-2 meet Technical Specification given in the above 3                                                     -

table. .- . END

ST 5081.04

  • Davis-Eesse Naclear Pwer Stat.iott Un!t P!o. I Surveillance Test Procedure ST 5081.04 Diesel Air Start System Refueling Relief Valve Test
                                                           =                        g    .

l gg 7.. 3 l . . . [ .

                                                      !JL h,       .   .       .._n    .

Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by Bill Green M,, / 7 -7 Date Submitted by a4[- #1o/27

                                     ' Se         Head                               Date Recommended by                                                              7Date 7[77 SRS Chairs n QA Approved                 ##            -

Manager of ity Assurance Dat Approved by ////d [/ h ion Superintendent 'Date Revision SRB QA Sta. Supt. No. Recommendation -Date Approved Date Approved Date

  .      I.

1 ST 5081.04.0

    ;        1. OBJECTIVE                                                -

1.1 The objective of this test is to verify the operability of safety / relief valves listed in Section 6 in accordance with MP 1402.08, Bench Testing of Safety / Relief Valves. 1.2 A relief / safety valve test shall be performed on 2/1 (1st Refueling / Subsequent Refuelings) of the valves in Section 6 every refueling period in accordance with Enclosure 1.

2. REFERENCES (TS) 2.1 Technical Specitication 4.0.5 2.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Subsection IWV-3510 Safety and Relief Valve Tests 2.3 AD 1838, Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 2.4 TECo NQAM 2.5 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging Procedure 2.6 MP 1402.08, Bench Testing of Safety / Relief Valves
3. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 3.1 As per MP 1402.08, Bench Testing of Safety / Relief Valves i
4. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 If any safety / relief valve fails to tunction properly, 2/1 (1st Refueling / Subsequent Refuelings) additional valves shall be tested.

4.2 If any of these additional valves fail to function properly on test, then all the safety / relief valves in Section 6 shall be tested.

5. PREREQUISITES 5.1 The system has been tagged in accordance with AD 1e03.00, Satety Tagging Procedure, to allow removal or testing or the valve.

Verified Date 5.2 The Shift Foreman has given his permission to conduct the portions of this test being run. Verified Date


6.1 Valve Tested Verified Date

2 ST 5081.04.0 ( 6.2 Performed By Date 1 O b s 1 l.

3 ST 5081.04.0 i TABL E IWV 35101 CATEGORY C: SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVES' Testing Schedule Time Period Number of Valves to be Tested N* Startup through Minimum of - X total salves in first refueling this category. First refueling Additional wafves to make cumu'ateve N' theough second tested at least X total refueleng walves in this category Second refueling Additional vatves to make cumu*ative N through third tested at least A' X total 60 r ef ueimg . salves in this category ere. etc. , ' N,, N,, N,, etc., equal number of months from stariup ta first ( refueling, second refueling, third refueling, etc. %%cn N is a

                , number larger than 60, all valves which have not been setted
  .               during the preceding five year period shallbe tested. The f,11ow-ing period shall then be considered to be the same as "startup to first refueling" for purposes of deterrr.ining test frequency,siih the added pequirement that at each refueling all vahes which have not been tested during the preceding five scar period shall s                  be tested. Subsequent period will be cu.7udered the same as first refueling to second refueling, etc., with N determined by count-ing months from the new starting point.

+ For the purpose of valve testing, fractions shall be rounded off to the next highest whole number. i ENCLOSURE 1 END

IAVIS-3 ESSE MAlin'EHAliCE IIISTRUCTION (MI) i  :.'rLEAR POWER STATION MI Nu=ber Revision 49 % 7 M-21 0 76 Pa.3e 1 of 3


System /ComponentIdentification: Draining and Filling Diesel Generator No.1-1 and 1-2 Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooling System Originated By: G. M. Waugh Date 4/30/76 (!;s.=e) i 1.;;reved 3y: B. R. Beyer ,

                                                                                     *; ate 5/1/76 Maintenance or LLC Engineer es to this Maistenance Instruction should be directed Requests to the Maintenance /PtC Engineer.

for chang

1. REFERENCES 1.1 Bruce G.M. Diesel, Inc., Instructions and Parts Manual for 2600KW Diesel Generator Unit.

( 2.1 None

3. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Shif t Foreman approval shall be obtained to place into or remove from service any system or component.

1 3.2 Ihe diesel generator jacket water temperature is (125*F on TI 20169 and TI 20168 for 1-1 DG or TI 20170 and TI 20168 on 1-2 DG.

4. SYSTEM INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 The Diesel Generator is out of service with air valves closed to prevent cranking of engine.

4.2 The Immersion Heater switch is off (BE1258 for 1-lDG or BF1258 for 1-2DG) 4.3 The soak backpump switch is off (BE1261 for 1-lDG or BF1261 for 1-2DG)

5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Draining the Jacket Water Cooling System 5.1.1 Remove pipe cap from jacket water drain pipe lef t side of engine and rig hose from drain pipe to the Low Level Cooling Water Tank.

1 M.I. M-21 Rev. O Page 2 of 3 5.1.2 Have operator open engine drain fill valve on water jacket system located at front lef t side of engine. Ensure fill valve is closed. 5.1.3 Have operator open drain valve and permit Ja'cket Water to drain to the Low Level Cooling Water Tank. Remove vent cap from top of Expansion Tank. 5.1.4 When jacket water is drained, have operator close drain valve , then remove nose and replace pipe cap on drain line. 5.2 Filling theJacket Water Cooling System 5.2.1 Have operator ensure engine drain fill valve is open. 5.2.2 Have operator ensure jacket water drain valve is closed and pipe cap installed. 5.2.3 Ensure vent cap removed on top of Expansion Tank. 5.2.4 Have operator open valve DW145 and ensure DW157, DW158 and DW159 ( are closed. 5.2.5 Have operator open valve DW123 for 1-1 DG or DW124 for 1-2 DG. 5.2.6 Have operator open fill valve on left front of engine next to Engine Control Panel. 5.2.7 When water appears in sight glass on Expansion Tank, add approx-imately 7 gallons of NALCO-39 corrosion inhibitor through the vent cap opening on top of the Exp. Tank. 5.2.8 When water reaches upper high mark on sight glass, have operator close fiil valve. Replace vent cap on Exp. Tank Vent. 5.2.9 Have operator close jacket water drain fill valve. 5.2.10 Have operator close DW145.

6. POST MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 Have operator return Immersion Heater and Soak Back Pump to service per SP 1107.11,. Diesel Generator Operating Procedure.

6.2 Have operator operate engine, when available, to ensure circulation of , Jacket Water and verify that Jacket Water level is within the marked limits on Exp. Tank sight glass. j NOTE: If level below low mark, add water by repeating 5.2, except l step 5.2.7 l

M.I. M-21 Rev. O i Page 3 of 3 , 6.3 Have Lab test cooling water system to assure M0 Alkalinity is between 1550-1650 ppm as CACO 3 Attach results.

7. SYSTEM TER'MI'NAL' CONDITIONS 7.1 As designated by Shift Foreman.

l J i i 4 5 END-i

                                          ,   -r, . . ,             -.-n,   ,     ,e. --..n.,,    - - - - , , v .wn,n. ,----    r.-r-



System /ComponentIdentification: Locating Top Dead Center of Diesel Engine Pistons Diesel Generator Originated By: John Hartigan Date 5/4/76 Approved By: B. R. Beyer Date 5/5/76 Maintenance or EC Engineer es to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed Requests for chang /EC Engineer. to the Maintenance -

1. REFERENCES 1.1 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging 1.2 Power Systems Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 KW DG unit

2.1 Top dead center checking rod 2.2 Dial Indicator Equipment No.

4. SYSTEM INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 The diesel is out of service and tagged per AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging.
5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Check the top dead center per the procedure given in the instruction manual #645E4, Section 6, Pages 6-9, titled located Top Dead Center.

Record on the MWO the location of top dead center that was found.

6. POST MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 No adjustments made per this MI. Unit to be started and loaded to 2600 IGi per SP 1107.11, to assure full load capability.
7. SYSTEM TERMINAL CONDITIONS i 7.1 All openings secured and returned to normal.

~ 7.2 The diesel generator status to be as designated by the Shif t Foreman at I completion of the MWO. END I

S ction 6 f operation with the other events in the ack segment cylinder power cycle.

   ,. oc other adjust-setting and is i ajre are given in the following procedures.


   , ,, g 3a3tr LOCATING TOP DEAD CENTER                                                                                  '

If it should become necessary to check

   .. c:.t usually is not                                     the position of the flywheel or the fly-
     . ,e . counterweights                                    wheel pointer for top dead center, proceed
           ..!,3 t>e applied in
   .                                                           as follows:
  , ,,yig,c.7.                                                  1. Remove injector from No.1 cylinder.
   .5 .~.                                                       2. Turn crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until piston is just before
              ....... . hose
        . *. .. . ... P                                                top center.


3. Insert top dead center checking rod ts through injector hole and screw into
e. .. <.mih.f i
                                 ... ., -.;ahe                           piston puller hole in crown of piston.
                              ,,,go.n t                           4. Attach dial indicator to a boltscrewed
                      '                                                   into threaded lifter hole in cylinder head, Fig. ,6-8. Place indicator as
                               , , , g, ,a , , ,,, ,,                     shown, and depress a few thousandths n..icyrind.,

of an inch. g j'

       ~~',                                                      p.WCC.;';{g%y#                       N-- l' T i; Y ' >                                     #9 M                            ,,


          ' -~ t ~4 P.sition of No.1 t'onkpin                         J.            ,                                     g
                       ,e     /                                                                                      ..-                                   ~,


  • g
                                                                                                                                                  , ..         u . - .L
                                                                              %) t          .5. , .                                                     . . .


                    *V                 *                                          . . ,
                                                                                        , , , ,                               .                                        3
                                                                                                                        .- Pd
                            .a' Q2$%b_
                                                                            .                     -     ff                 _ _
                                                                                                                                                            , -{ M ,
          *"               8.1 inis                                 F 5y,                     _

W' ' i r , ,'

                                                         -I         I                                                                          ,
                    '*         .!      20.Cyt. Eng.                                  ,g                                              3 j X .149 1/2*                     l                                                                      ;

l , *

                                                                                                                                        ,( , ,

i er st .E- N ~ f t iN o [

 ' M  'e.te rweight Timing                                                                 ,s
                                                                                                                                                       .o l                                                                            .

(, t, j

 .%                                                                    <                       b                  .

D4 j .i. 4.. .A - N$\ - -- d L.r a b.g / ta32a

     "       '*f7 Important as it Nationship of valve                                                Fig. 6 Locating Top Dead Center


                          ;i                   Section G i

ABLE1 g.-

 .j FIRING ORDER AND TOP DEAD CENT                                           20.c Iu                                                                    16-Cylinder                             Firing Order                .

12-Cylinder Firing Order } Top Dead Center I'- h 1l Top Dead Center In Firing Order 1 0- 1 (' j fl 1 0-1 8 22-1/2' 5* 19 8

                             !                                              19'             9                                                   11 I                            l 12 7

45' 16 67-1/2' 90* 5

 /                                                                           94*                                                                  18 4                                  3 l               . * ',                                                     120'             6 112-1/2'                              7 3                                                         135' i                     I                                                    139'            11                                                    15 10 E                                                                          165*

14 157-1/2' 2 9 180* [ 5 214' 4 17 240' 5 202-1/2* 10 2 k( 11 259' 12 225* 12 i 285* 2 47- 1/ 2' 3 8 13 270* l 334' 2 20 6 7 292-1/2* 6 315' f 10 337-1/2* 13 r

  • 15 4
 ;                                                                                                                                                    16 x                                                                                                                        9 3                              !                                                                                                                      14 f


                                                                                                                                                                   ~L 7,                             f                                                                                                           I l..
  !.                              i                                                                            shown in Fig. 6-9. Valva
    '-                            N                   5. Set indicator at zero and mark fly-                   arm must be in its higi h                       wheel at pointer. Turn crankshaft in                 that the exhaust valves ar d
           '                                              normal direction until piston moves                   indicator down approxin I

up to and past top dead center and set dial to zero. I f

                                    '                      indicator returns to zero.

j Turn crankshaft in nor 4 NOTE: The distance the piston travels rotation until flywheel if j after the indicator is attached of cylinder being checke< should be within the range of the y ,,

    }                                                                                                                           m.                            ,

indicator. -.. r l

6. Continue turning crankshaft until pis- i i' ,

5 ton moves approximately .010" past [ zero, then turn crankshaft in opposite h ," - ( . e f (',j . .,-. Ci.,s direction until indicator returns to[I-zero. This will compensate forclear- [j ,', ance in bearings and piston assembly. b. ~

     !                                                                                                                f                          ~ . ,

I 7. Mark flywheel again atpointer. Divide p

     ;                                                         distance between the two marks. This                     v I                                  !.                     point will be top dead center for No.1g..                              .
s.  !

s piston, E s vf .

y. =

i ii l -a I ;.-

                                                                                                                           .          :._            a<,.           ~

CHECKING EXHAUST VALVE TD11NG J i .: nw i To check timing, place a dial indicator Fig. 6 Tirr.'

                                            !!             on the rocker arm adjusting screw as 6-10 p _

rN7 -- -



Redove and Replace Diesel System / Component Identificaticn: Generator Air Starting Motor Diesel Generators / Air Motor Originated By: G. M. Waugh /F. V. Johnson _Date 5/5/76 Approved By: dQ [[ m Date 7// f/77 .

                               Maintenance ggfEC Engineer Requests for. changes to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /EC Engineer.
1. REFERENCE 1.1 Power Systems Division of Morrison-Knudsen Co., Inc. (formerly Bruce G.M.)

Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 E Diesel Generator Units, Section 13, appropriate pages (13-22 and 13-25) are attached.


4.1 Diesel Generator out of service with air valves closed and tagged to prevent cranking of engine. 5 PROCEDURE 51 Remove Air Motor 5.1.1 Remove air motor from diesel engine per Page 13-22 attached. Protect air lines to maintain cleanliness. 52 Replace Air Motor 5 2.1 Install air motor on diesel engine per Page 13-25 attached. NOTE: If new totor is installed, indicate on Spare Parts Used portion of WO. Stock Code No. 96 .5378. 1 5 2.2 Prior to connecting the air inlet hose, pour 2 ounces of engine oil (Gulf #493) into the hose and attach hose to air motor.

MI M-25, Rw.1 Page 2 of 4

     ;                 5.2.3 Remove the air motor oil filler plug and the air motor bushing oiler plug frcm the housing, fill the reservoirs with Gulf Harmony #53, and replace the plugs.
6. POST MAIIrrEIMUCE I'SPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 Have operator return starting air to normal (open) position only for the side of the engine on which Air Motor was replaced.

NorE: If air motors on both sides of the engine are repaired, perform Secticn 6 of this instruction independently for each side. Witness Pt. 6.2 Have the operator perform 2 consecutive successful starts of the Diesel

 *MF or MGL           Generator using only the one set of Air Motors. Observe that both Air     1 Motor pinions engage and verify the 2 successful starts on the IMO, Line 14.

7 SYSTH4 TERMDML CO:lDITION 71 As designated by the Shift Foreman.

  • Maintenance Forenan or Maintenance Group Leader e

l t

Sectiin 13 I # b0 ' nn n@ ge 3d4 n n @n n n S (iV @ s 5 IT B!= m l! p! <: 1)w;-

                                                  . ,. m
                                                                .       3     -

4 f, . .P 'r y ;', Q -


a "



                                                                              ,/sh- /.if

G is (%

                          M}D D

l W sh)


Jin y i m % : 7..L....


C L..f.L..

                                                                        . e:3   ,

a,. w.rh j w- o @

                         ---f- (    I                                                                                         hr
                                                                   @ G,hf nby.;,

s 5  %-4.~2*b t. D ( , - ( . he h ns &.: . ph: .n.2 , ..g g

                                                                                                              @,%9.s 15782
1. Motor Housing Cover Assembly 19. Gear Case Gasket 36. Piston Assembly
2. Housing Cover End Plug 20. Rotor Pinion Spacer 36A. Piston Ring
3. oil Drain Plug (2) 21. Rotor Pinion 37. Shif t Ring
4. oit Adjusting Screw (2) 22. Rotor Pinion Retainer 38. Shift Ring Retainer
5. oiler Felt (2) 23. Gear Case 39. Shift Ring Spacer
6. Motor Housing Cover Cao Screw (4) 24. Planet Gear Frame 40. Piston Return Spring
7. Cover Cap Screw Lockwasher (4) 25. Planet Gear Assembly (3) 41. Return Spring Seat
8. oil Filler Plug 26. Planet Gear Bearing (3) 42. Bendix Starter Drive
9. Rear Rotor Bearing 27. Planet Gear Shaf t 43. 3/8** Mounting Bolt Lockwasher (3)
10. Near Rotor Bearing Retainer 28. Planet Gear Frame Thrust Ring 44. 3/8** Mcunting Bolt Bushing 83)
11. Rear End Plate 29. Planet Gear Frame Bearing 45. Drive Housing Assembly
12. Cylinder 30. Planet Gear Frame Retaining Ring 46. Drive Housing Bushing
13. Cylinder Dowel 31. Gear Case Cover Assembly 47. Bushing oiler
14. Vane (5) 32. Gear Case Cover Seal 48. Bushing oiler Plug
1. Rotor 33. Piston Seal 49. Air Strainer Assembly n
         .3. Frant End Plate                        34. Drive Housing Cap Screw (12)                  50. Air Strainer Cao                         Q
17. Front Rotor Bearing 35. Drive Housing Cap Screw St. Air Strainer Plug
18. Motor Housing Lockwasher 52. Air Strainer Screen Fig.13 Air Starting' Meter--  !

ine r.: - I by inadequate lubrication or the presence of rust, MOTOR REMOVAL scale, dirt, excessive moisture, or other foreign matter in the air supply. New vanes can be easily 1. Disconnect air supply and exhaust lines. and quickly installed by disassembling the motor as desenbed in subsequent paragraphs. 2. Remove three bolts securing the motor and drive assembly to the motor mounting 1 LUBRICATION bracket. Before putting a new air motor into operation, 3. Remove starting motor and drive assembly. l pour about two teaspoonfuls of engine oil into l the air inlet so that it will be carried into the MOTOR DISASSEMBLY ) multivane motor with the live air. Before storage (Refer to Fig.13-16) I or lay up, the motor should be fully lubricated with a light oil contaming a rust inhibitor. 1. Using a prick punch, mark adjacent spots on the motor housing cover (1), motor housing (18), gear case (23), gear case cover (31), and Remove the oil filter plug, (8) Fig. 13-16, drive housing (45) so these members will be

        'kly, and fill the oil reservoir in the motor"                            in the same relative position when the motor sing cover with SAE 20W motor oil for                                    is assembled.                                                   ..

semperatures above 30* F. or 10W motor oil for  % lower temperatures. Using the same oil as above, 2. Unscrew and remove the motor housing cover remove the bushing oiler plug, (48) Fig. 3-16, , cap screws (6), and pull the motor housing from the drive housing and fill, cover (1) from the motor housing (18). 13-22 February,1972

   .*                                                                                               S:ctica 13 Mr M. 2A Rea O S                   motor hou"8ng (18) and install and         AIR i.INE STRA,1NER                     Sy 'l a f (

tighten the bolts.

2. Install the planet gear assembly pre-viously assembled into the gear case The air line strainer, Fig. 13-18, is a (23). Y-shaped cast iron housing containing a cylindrical monel mesh screen. The
3. Insert the shift ring (37), shift ring strainer is located before the air valve spacer (39) and shift ring retainer in the system. One end of the screen (38) into the small end of the piston fits into a recess in the diagonal wall of (36). the strainer body and the other end is held in position by a bolted end cap. This
4. Insert the piston assembly (36) into strainer effectively removes impurities the gear case cover assembly (31) from the air being piped tothe airstarting making sure the piston seal (33) and Q piston ring (36A) are in place.


5. Install the Bendix starter drive (42), .,

piston return spring (40) and return , spring seat (41) over the gear frame q shaft, then place the drive housing i assembly (45) over the drive assem- [ . bly and install and tighten the drive housing cap screws (34). {\ ttoI2 i MOTOR INSTALLATION Fig.13 Air Strainer i

1. Install each starting motor and drive assembly in position on the mounting MAINTENANCE bracket.

The only type of. maintenance required

2. Install three bolts to secure each on the strainer is to check the condition motor to the mounting bracket. of the screen periodically and clean if required. The frequency of these inspec-
3. Connect air supply and exhaust lines. tions will be determined by the conditions under which the equipment has been operating.

t UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES ' The air line lubricator, strainer, air AIR LINE LUBRICATOR (16-Cyl,) starting valve, solenoid valve, shutoff valve, and air relay valve are compo- DESCRIPTION nents of the engine air starting system. When components are not used in single The airlinelubricator, Fig.13-19, located l and dual systems, the engine application between the air starting valve and the is specified. The following descriptions starting motor, emits an oil-air mist into are intended to be typical and not neces- the starting s y s t e m air to provide lubri-sarily applicable tnall enginc installations, cation for the starting motor. The main 13-25 GNO


               ..'CUAR POWER STATION                                                           --

MI I.'r.b u r Revision Late M-29 1 5/14 PaGe 1 of 3 76


Removing generator brgs. System /ComponentIdentification: for inspection or replacement and re-installing on Diesel Generator Units Diesel Genera tors 1-1,1-2 Criginated By: John Hartigan Date 5/13/76 (1:ame) Apprcved By: B. R. Beyer Date 5/14/Z6 Maintenance or PeC Engineer

for changes to this Mainter.ance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /IEC Engineer.
1. REFERENCES 1.1 Electric Machinery drawing no. 26C330 1.2 Electric Machinery Synchronous Generator Instruction Manual
2. SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2.1 One ton capacity minimum jack 2.2 One ton capacity minimum chain falls and chokers as needed
3. PRECAUTION $ AND LIMITATIONS i 3.1 There is a minimum air gap of 0.27 inch between the generator rotor and stator. Use caution when raising the rotor to prevent touching the stator.

3.2 Keep bearing oil reservoir covered when bearing is removed.

4. SYSTEM INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 The diesel generator is out of service and tagged.

4.2 The diesel is uncoupled from the generator.

5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Removing generator bearing (s) halves NOTE: Steps 5.1.6 through 5.1.8 may be done before 5.1.1 through 5.1.5.

5.1.1 Remove the generator cover shield on the outboard end. 5.1.2 Remove the outboard bearing end cap. 5.1.3 Remove the field leads from the brush holder on the outboard end I and tag, and pull the brushes from the holder, i t

       ,                                                                                                M. f. M-29 Rey, 1 Page 2 of 3 5.1.4    Remove the outboard bearing houting and the pin.which holds the housing to the bearing sleeve.

5.1.5 Remove the top half of the outboard bearing sleeve.

               -5.1.6     Remove the generator cover shield on the inboard end of the genera-tor.

5 5.1.7 Remove the top half of the inboard bearing end cap. 5.1.8 Remove the top half of the inboard bearing housing and the pin which holds the housing to the bearing sleeve. 5.1.9 Remove the top half of the bearing sleeve. 5.1.10 Perform the following only when removing the lower half of the inboard bearing sleeve.

1. Place a jack and blocking under the generator shaf t as near as possible to the inboard bearing and raise the shaft .005 to
                                .020 inch approximate.
     ,                    2. Roll the lower half bearing sleeve out and remove the oil ring.

! i 3. Inspect the babbitt liner on both the upper and lower half

,                               bearing sleeves for wiping, high spots and discoloration and record the findings on the MWO.                   Place both halves together and measure the inside diameter and record the value on the MWO. Remove high spots and minor discoloration with a bearing                              ,

scraper. If the bearing is wiped or the inside diameter is not within tolerances specified by the manufacturer it shall be replaced or repaired.

4. 4. If the lower half bearing sleeve of the outboard bearing is to be removed, perform step 5.2.1 before proceeding to 5.1.11 j 5.1.11 Perform the following only when removing the lower half bearing l sleeve of the outboard bearing.

i I 1 - 1. Install a right angle plate into the outboard end of the i generator shaft. Jack the shaf t .005 to .020 inch approximately. ! -2. Roll the lower half bearing sleeve out and remove the oil ring. i l 3. Inspect the babbitt liner on both the upper and lower half bearing sleeves for wiping, high spots and discoloration and record the findings on the MWO. Place both halves together , and measure the inside diameter and record the value on the NWO. ( , . Remove high spots and minor discoloration with a bearing scraper.

If the bearing is wiped or the inside diameter is not within l tolerange$d8pecified or repa by the manufacturer, it shall be replaced -


t M.I. M-29 Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 5.2 Replacing generator bearing (s) halves 5.2.1 Clean the babbitt liner with clean lint free rags and coat the liner with Gulf Crest #44 and replace the lower half bearing sleeve and oil ring. Lower the shaft in the lower bearing sleeve. N-  : Steps 5.2.6 through 5.2.10 may be done before 5.2.2 through 5.2.5. 5.2.2 Clean the babbitt liner with clean lint free rags and coat the liner with Gulf Crest #44 and replace the top half of the inboard bearing sleeve. 5.2.3 Replace the inboard bearing top half housing and pin which holds the bearing sleeve to the housing, using "Keytite" to seal the top half to the bottom half. 5.2.4 Replace the top half of the inboard bearing end cap. 5.2.5 Replace the generator cover shield on the inboard end. 5.2.6 Clean the babbitt liner with clean line free rags and coat the liner with Gulf Crest #44 and replace the top half of the outboard bearing sleeve. 5.2.7 Replace the outboard bearing top half housing and pin which holds the bearing sleeve to the housing, using "Keytite" to seal the top half to the bottom half. 1 5.2.8 Replace the field leads on the brush holder and remove the tags and eplace the brushes in the holder. 5.2.9 Replace the outboard bearing end cap. 5.2.10 Replace the generator cover shield on the outboard end.

6. POST MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 Post Maintenance Inspection and testing will be as designated by the Maintenance Foreman or Power Plant Repairman Mechanical Group Leader and will include operating the diesel at full load per SP 1107.11.0.
7. SYSTEM TERMINAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Will be designated by the Shift Foreman or by the Maintenance Foreman if not' released to the Shift Foreman.


DAVIC-3 ESSE MAIIrfEl%I;CE II STRUCTIOIT (MI) NUCIEJ.R MelER STATION MI Number Revision Date Page 1 of 10 M-36 2 3/10/77


Inspect and Repair Diesel System /ComponentIdentification:

     .       Generator Air Starting Motor Diesel Generators / Air Motors Originated By:       G. M. Waugh /F. V. Johnson              Date         6/1/76 Approved ?Y: $f)      //ff                                   Date     7l)c/77 diaintenagers or EC Engineer Requests for changes to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /EC Engineer.
1. References 1.1 Power Systems Division of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. (fomerly Bruce G. M.) Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 107 Diesel Generator Units, Section 13, Pages 19-25, attached.
2. Special Tools and Equipment 2.1 None 3 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 None
        !;. System Initial Conditions 1.1 4    Air Motor removed from DG.
5. Procedure 5.1 Disassemble air motor as required per Page 13-22 and 13-23, attached.

52 Inspect air motor for damged parts and repair or replace parts as required. Record Q part information on W o. NOTE: The most frequent cause of air motor problems is worn or damaged vanes due to inadequate lubrication or the presence of rust, scale, dirt, excessive moisture, or other foreign matter in air supply. 53 Indicate abnormal conditions found inside air motor on WO or attachment to WO. i I l

       ,                                                                  MI M-36, Rev. 2 Page 2 of 10
          ,  5.1   ~r.:pect bearings for wear or damage and replace if required. R'ecord
                  '. part infomation on WO if replaced.

55 Inspect end plate for wear and resurface as required per Pages 13-19 and 20. 5.6 Reassemble air motor per Page 13-23, 21+ and 25, attached. Replace gear case gasket as required and record Q part information on WO if replaced. 5 7 Tc assure proper air motor rotation before installation on the Diesel Cenerators, use station air to bench test the motor. Pressurize the 1.take side and observe that the motor rotates clockwise looking from 2 the pinion gear end. If it does not, disassemble the air motor to viere the cylinder (Figure 12 on Page 13-22 of attachment) can be turned end for end to change the position of the air ports and reverse rctation. NOTE: The air intake is located on the outboard end of the motor housing.

6. Post Maintenance Inspection and Testing 6.1 Air motor will be tested after installed on DG per MI M-25 7 System Teminal Conditions 71 As designated by Maintenance Foreman, motor may be reinstalled, returned to stock or storage.

4 y, _ , .g.. . - - - .

Section 13 Page 3 of 10 until th3 driva shaft front bearing (27) (28) over the shaft and seat it on th; slides out of the recess in the cover. bearing. Install the drive gear key (13) in Inspect the drive shaft grease seal (17) the shaft keyway and stand the assembly { for wear or damage. Only if replacement' upright so that it rests on the splined end is necessary, press or drive the old seal of the drive shaft. Press the drive gear out of the gear case cover. (12), long hub side first, onto the shaft until it contacts the spacer. Using a sleeve Support the hub side of the drive gear (12) that will contact the inner race of the and press the drive shaft out of the rear drive shaft rear bearing (11), press the bearing (11) and gear. Remove the drive bearing shielded side first, onto the drive gear key (13) from the shaft and slide off shaft. the drive shaft bearing spacer (28). Sup-port the inner ring of the drive shaft GEAR CASE AND GEARING front bearing (27) and press out the shaft. INSTALLATION O GEAR CASE AND GEARING If the gear case and motor housing were ASSEMBLY separated, the following procedure should be used for reassembly and installation. Place a sleeve, that will contact only the inner race of the drive shaft frontbearing, Be sure the faces of the gear case and on the table of an arbor press. Place the motor housing are clean. Position the bearing, shielded side down. onthe sleeve. gear case on the motor housing so that Make sure the inner race of the bearing the prick punch marks are aligned. Slip is supported by the sleeve. Inspect the a lockwasher over each of the two gear ( large diameter of the drive shaft for case bolts (9) and enter them into the roughness. ' Remove any nicks or burrs two tapped holes in the gear case. Use with an oil stone. Clean the drive shaft a gear case bolt (35), lockwasher, and thoroughly and coat it with a film of oil. nut in each of the six remaining holes. Insert the plain end of the drive shaft into y e e sM and par case caer the bore of the bearing. Press on the splined end of the drive shaft until the assemW 6 y par case, mesW me e gear mm me de %nh. As me shaft shoulder seats on the inner race of assembly is installed, the drive shaft rear bearing (11) will enter the gear case

 , h  If the grease seal (17) was removed from the gear case cover (15), press in a new recess. It will probably be necessary to tap on the splined end of the drive shaft one. Make sure the feather edge of the          until the bearing enters the recess. Install seal is toward the bearing. Place the gear      the Bendix drive (25) and drive housing case cover (15) on an arbor press, bearing      (20) on the gear case using bolts and side up, supported so that drive shaf,t (26)    lockwashers (16).

may pass through. Place the drive shaft with bearing, splined end first, through END PLATE RESURFACING the seal until the outer race of thebearing A er ng seMee, espedaW U me Mw . touches the cover. Using a sleeve which ea gs M become wm and Mose, me will contact only the cuter race of the rotor may contact and eventually cup the bearing, press the bearing into the cover nd plates (36). If this condition is noted ( until it seats, when the motor is disassembled, either a Remove the assembly from the sleeve new plate should be installed or the sur-and slide the drive shaft bearing spacer face of the old plate refaced. Althoughthe 13-19


w. . . v. . ..

Page 4 of .

                .'r: surf acing of platta is not recommended.       Special testing equipment owned by the it can be done successfully in a shop              manufacturer is required to adjust the equip;>ed to do precision lathe work. Care         Bendix ' drive clutch: therefore, do not       g must be taken when chucking the plate so           loosen or remove the large hexcgon nut         v that it will not be distorted or the bearing      because this would change the clutching seat damaged. Only sufficient stock should        values and render the drive inoperative, be removed to clean up the face, after             The clutch is adjusted to slip under the refacing, the plate face must be square           sudden overload of gear engagement. Such with the bearing bore. Also, an additional         a sudden overload might cause damage if housing cover gasket or gaskets.f4f Er$Ist         the Bendix drive were not fitted with the be added to compensate for the stock               clutch. If the clutch slips during normal removed from the plates; otherwise the             cranking, it should be returned together
                 " squeeze" on the motor will be lost and          with the starter type number to the air leakage with subsequent loss of power         manufacturer for adjustment.

will result, f BENDIX DRIVE INSTALLATION O BENDIX DRIVE Before mounting the Bendix drive on the DESCRIPTION drive shaft, be sure the meshing spring is properly located in the hollow end of The Bendix drive portion of the air start-the screw shaft. Ing motor anddrive assembly Fig.13-14, consists essentially of a clutch member It is very important that the screw shaft and a screw shaft assembly. The clutch and pinion assembly have a free endwise member includes a multiple disc clutch, movement of approximately 5/16" when properly housed and compressed, with a the meshing spring, in the hollow end of group of springs. The screw shaft assem- the shaft, is cornpressed. This spring a bly includes the meshing pinion and a controlled endwise movement prevents screw for automatically engaging anddis- injury to the gear teeth when the end of engaging the pinion, depending upon the the pinion tooth strikes the end of the relative speeds of the pinion and the ring ring gear tooth during the meshing move-gear on the' engine flywheel. ment. The spring cushions the blow, and then, when the pinion tooth can slide into the gear tooth space, the spring returns BENDIX DRIVE REMOVAL the screw shaft to its normal position. , To measure the length of this movement, Retr. ave bolts and lockwashers (16), and it is necessary first to screw the pinion ( remove Bendix housing (20). Do not drive against the stop nut, and then to move the , against the clutch or the clutch plate t shaft against the spring pressure by press-remove the Bendix drive (25) from the ing on tha shaft end. If the screw shaft drive shaft (26), but drive against the assenNJ a:;es not move 5/16", or if it arge hexagon nut. does not freely return to its normal posi-Clean the screw shaft and tae meshing tion, the condition preventing free move-I pinion with a petroleum solvent. Oil the ment should be determined andcorrected, screw shaft spanngly with a very light grade of oil. The pinion end bushing (22) of the Bendix i shaft is lubricated by filling the spring CAUTION: Do not dip the clutch portion oiler (23) with a light engine oil eachtime C of the Bendix drive into the the air line lubricator is filled. It may cleaning fIuid because the be necessary to vary this according to ! cleaning fluid may change the the usage of the motor. Oil should be l clutching action. , applied sparingly to the pinion shaft to 13-20 T. _. - _ '. m

Section 13 Page 5 af 10 ensure freedom of movement for the en- relay valve and into the flexible hose gaging pinion, assembly attached to each air starting F.# motor. The multivane motors drive the M After the Bendix drive (25) has been pinion gears, rotating the ring gear, and , installed on the drive shaft (26),installthe i cranking the engine. housing (20) with bolts and lockwashers (16) . Be careful not to damage bushing Unless both pinion gears are engaged, (22) when installing housing. the system is designed so that no attempt an be made t start the engine with one DUAL AIR STARTING motor. There is also a shut-off valve in MOTOR SYSTEM ^ the system which is manually operated. DESCRIPTION when maintenance is being performed, the shut-off valve is closed to prevent The complete air startingsystem consists inadvertent cranking of the engine, of two air starting motors Fig.13-15, air tanks, strainer, solenoid valve, air STARTING MOTOR relay valve, check valve, shut-off valve, and a starting control valve. DESCRIPTION When the starting control valve button is The engine air starting motor, Fig.13-16, depressed, the solenoid valve is energized, is a multivane type motor consisting of a allowing air from the tanks to pass through rotor, which is supported at each end by the solenoid valve to the pinion gear end ball bearings, a planetary gear train, and of the lower starting motor. The entry of a Bendix drive. Air striking vanes which air moves the pinion gear forward to en- slide in the rotor, causes the rotor pinion ( gage with the engine ring gear. Movement of the pinion gear uncovers a port allowing to rotate and turn theBendixdrivethrough a set of planetary gears. The clutchdrive air pressure to be released to the upper pinion gear meshes with the engine ring star' ting motor which, in turn, engages its gear and cranks the engine. pinion gear with the ringgear. Both pinion MAINTENANCE gears being engaged, the air is released from the uncovered port in the upper The air starting motor requires verylittle motor. In addition to maintaining gear maintenance other than lubrication. Any engagement, the air opens the air relay noticeable loss of power can usually be valve, releasing the mainstartingairsup- attributed to worn or damaged vanes. h ply. Starting air passes through the air Rapid wear of the vanes is usually caused V- X  ; =R . . .e . M j Q, Uh

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                                                                                                                .....               1 Fig.13 Dual Air Starting System 13-21

Secti n 13 Page 6 4 10 lb 11 12 13 h 17 20 If5 2s 38 ' h 6 3 WI W1 ( k4 { r %4Y.7.iii - k. r' ' " 1  ; ~ *x m - y h  ??. a e-Q_- d,,;- cum -

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(EHD 15782

1. Motor Housing Cover Assembly 19. Gear Case Gasket 36. Piston Assembly
2. Housing Cover End Plug 20. Rotor Pinion Spacer 36A. Piston Ring
3. oil orain Plug (2) 21. Rotor Pinion 37. Shif t Ring
4. oil Adjusting Screw (2) 22. Rotor Pinion Retainer 33. Shift Ring Retainer i
5. oiler Felt (2) 23. Gear Case 33. Shif t Ring Spacer
6. Motor Housing Cover Cao Screw (4) 24. Pfanet Gear Frame 40. Piston Return Spring
7. Cover Cao Screw Lockwasher (4) 25. Planet Gear Assernbly (3) 41. Return Spring Seat
8. Oil Filler Plug 26. Planet Gear Bearing (3) 42. Bendix Starter orive
9. Rear Rotor Bearing 27. Planet Gear Shaf t 43. 3/S" Mounting Bolt Lockwasher (3)
10. Rear Rotor Bearing Retainer 23. Planet Gear Frame Thrust Ring 44. 3/8" Mounting Bolt Bushing (3)
11. Rear End Plate 23. Planet Gear Frame Bearing 45. orive Housing Assembly
12. Cylinder 30. Planet Gear Frame Retaining Ring 46. orive Housing Bushing
13. Cylinder oovvel 31. Gear Case Cover Assen.bly 47. Bushing oiler '
14. Vane (5) 32. Gear Case Cover Seal 48. Bushing oiler Plug
5. Rotor 33. Piston Seal 49. Air Strainer Assembly
6. Front End P! ate 34. orive Housing Cap Screw (12) 50. Air Strainer Cap )
17. Front Rotor Bearing 35. orive Housing Cap Screw St. Air Strainer Plug
18. Motor Housing Lockwasher 52. Air Strainer Screen Fig.13 Air Starting Meter by inadequate lubrication or the presence of rust, MOTOR REMOVAL scale, dirt, excessive moisture, or other foreign matter in the air supply. New vanes can be easily 1. Disconnect air supply and exhaust lines.

and quickly installed by disassembling the motor ) as described in subsequent paragraphs. l

2. Remove three bolts securing the motor and

( drive assembly to the motor mounting LUBRICATION bracket. i Before putting a new air motor into operation, 3. Remove starting motor and drive assembly. pour about two teaspoonfuls of engine oil into the air inlet so that it will be carried into the MOTOR Z'SASSEMBLY l multivane motor with the live air. Before storage (Refer to Fig.13-16) I or lay up, the motor should be fully lubricated with a light oil containing a rust inhibitor. 1. Using a prick punch, mark adjacent spots on the motor housing cover (1), motor housing (18), gear case (23), gear case cover (31), and Remove the oil filler plug, (8) Fig. 13-16, drive housing (45) so these members will be "cekly, and fill the oil reservoir in the motor in the same relative position when the motor ising cover with SAE 20W motor oil for is assembled.

      ,iperatures above 30* F. or 10W motor oil for                                                                                        g E

lower temperatures. Using the same oil as above, 2. Unscrew and remove the motor housing cover remove the bushing oiler plug, (48) Fig. 3-16, cap screws (6), and pull the motor housing from the drive housing and fill. cover (1) from the motor housing (18). 13-22 February,1972

Section 13 Page 7 d 1C

3. Slide the motor housing off the motor 14. Lift the piston from the assembly, assembly. freeing the shift ring spacer (39) and
4. Pull the multivane motor from the gear case (23). 15. Grasp the planet gear frame (24) and pull it along with the gear case cover (31) and all attached parts from the
5. Position the motor assembly verti- gear case (23).

cally, grasping the rotor pinion (21) in copper covered vise jaws. Using a DISASSEMBLY OF GEARS pair of bearing retainer pliers, re- (Refer to Fig; 13-16) move the rear rotor bearing retainer 1. Using snap ring pliers, remove planet (10) being careful not to distort the gear frame bearing retaining ring retainer any more than necessary. from the external groove in the planet gear frame bearing (29).

6. Remove the rear rotor bearing (9), 2. Lift the gear case coverassembly(31) rear end plate (11) and cylinder (12). from the planet gear frame bearing (29). .
7. Position the rotor (15) vertically,
3. Using snap ring pliers, remove planet .

pinion end up and grasp the bottom hub in copper covered vise jaws. Re-gear frame retaining ring (30) from 7

move the rotor pinion retainer (22) i with a screwdriver, being careful 4. Using bearing pullers, remove planet g not to distort the retainer any more gear frame bearing (29) from the
 %              than necessary.                                  planet gear frame.
8. Remove the pinion (21) from the rotor 5. Lift planet gear frame thrust ring (28) hub. from the planet gear frame (24) .
9. Support the front end plate (16) as 6. Press out planet gear shaft (27) and close to the rotor (15) as possible remove planet gear assembly (25) and press the rotor hub from the from planet gear frame (24).

front rotor bearing (17), freeing the front end plate. Do not let the rotor 7. Press the planet gear bearing (26)

                '**                                              from the planet gear assembly (25) h         10. Unscrew and remove the drive housir g if new bearings are to be installed.

cap screws (34). MOTOR ASSEMBLY (Refer to Fig.13-16)

11. Remove the drive housing (45) from 1. Install the front end plate (16), with the gear case cover (31). the side stamped "10BM-11" out, over the splined hub on the rotor (15).
12. Lift .the drive assembly (42) with all of its attached parts from the planet 2. Press the front rotor bearing (17) l M as fu as pssh E**# ***(
  • without binding the end plate against i

{ 13. Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, remove the shift ring retainer (38)

3. Slip the rotor pinion (21) onto the from the internal groove in the pis- splined hub and install the rotor pin-

ton (36). lon retainer (22) on the hub so that February,1972 13-23 , L'

l cad = 0 A ..

     ,    ,       the fcca of the rc.tain:r is            cylindsr dow;l pa:src thrt. ugh the               I tow rd th3 pinion.                                cmell h:la in tha gask;t, and thalarga hole is aligned with the proper air
4. liold the rotor vertically 'and grasp port in the end plate.

the rotor pinion with copper-covered

10. Align the air port in the motorhousing vise jaws. Insert a vane (14) into g

each vane slot in the rotor, sse @ J

5. Place the cylinder (12) over the rotor being certain that the protruding end

and onto the end plate so that the 8* dowel hole and air ports are in the correct relative position as shown 11. Install the four motor housing cover in Fig.13-17. cap screws (6) andtightenthemfinger- l tight, then tighten each one a little at

6. Place the rear end plate (11), with the a time to atorque value of 20-25ft-lbs.

side stamped "10BM-12" up, over the  ; rotor hub and against the cylinder. ASSEMBLY OF PLANET GEARS


(Refer to Fig.13-16) i l l

1. Press one planet gearbearing(26)into O_ each planet gear assembly (25).

000,/ 2. Install each planet gear assembly (25) into the planet gear frame (24) and O O then press a planet gear shaft (27)  % o OO " into each pianet gear assembiy.  %

3. Install planet gear frame thrust ring p , ..RH" Models i n n. gear frame. Then slide the planet Fig.13 Dowel Hole And gear frame bearing (29) overthe small Air Port Alignment end of the planet gear frame and tap it down flush against the planet gear
7. Remove the assembly from the vise frame thrust ring, and push the rear rotor bearing (9),

with shielded side first, onto the short 4. Snap the planet gear frame retaining s r E( ) eF en e planet hub of the rotor until it contacts the end plate. Install the rear rotorbear- g ar frame to hold the planet gear ear gin pace. ing retainer (10) in the groove in the short hub of the rotor. 5. Install the gear case cover assembly (31) over the planet gear bearing and

8. Align the dowel holes in the cylinder snap the planet gear frame bearing (12) and end plates (11 and 16) and retaining ring in place in the external insert the cylinder dowel (13) until it groove in the bearing, is flush with the face of the front end plate (16). ASSEMBLY OF PISTON, BENDIX STARTER DRIVE, AND PLANET
9. Place the motor housing cover gasket AR FRM (8) on the face of the rear end plate 1. Align the bolt holes in the gear case (11) so that the protruding end of the cover (23) and the mating holes in the 13-24 h*--~~---------. a:r.=,a=. u..~ _ . .

Section 13 Page 9 4 10 motor housing (18) and install and AIR LINE STRAINER tighten the bolts. DESCRIPTION g4 2. Install the planet gear assembly pre-viously assembled into the gear case The air line strainer, Fig. 13-18, is a (23). Y-shaped cast iron housing containing a cylindrical mone1 mesh screen. The

3. Insert the shift ring (37), shift ring strainer is located before the air valve spacer (39) and shift ring retainer in the system. One end of the screen (38) into the small end of the piston fits into a recess in the diagonal wall of the strainer body and the other end is (36) .

held in position by a bolted end cap. This

4. Insert the piston assembly (36) into strainer effee"vely removes impurities the gear case cover assembly (31) from the air being piped tothe airstarting making sure the piston seal (33) and system.

Q piston ring (36A) are in place. P c r ~~~ m i g" ' y g c Q

5. Install the Bendix starter drive (42), ~

piston return spring (40) and return  ! M spring seat (41) over the gear frame k ' T shaft, then place the drive housing  ; assembly (45) over the drive assem- ( bly and install and tighten the drive g housing cap screws (34). (NN .- k 13012 MOTOR INSTALLATION Fig.13 Air Strainer

1. Install each starting motor and drive assembly in position on the mounting MAINTENANCE bracket.

The only type of maintenance required

2. Install three bolts to secure each on the strainer is to check the condition motor to the mounting bracket, of the screen periodically and clean if required. The frequency of these inspec-
3. Connect air supply and exhaust lines. tions will be determined by the conditions under whieh the equipment has been operating.

I UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES . The air line lubricator, strainer, air AIR LINE LUBRICATOR (16-Cyl.) I starting valve, solenoid valve, shutoff valve, and air relay valve are compo- DESCRIPTION nents of the engine air starting system. When components are not used in single The airlinelubricator, Fig.13-19, located and dual systems, the engine application between the air starting valve and the is specified. The following descriptions starting motor, emits an oil-air mist into are intended to be typical and not neces . the starting s y s t e m air to provide lubri-sarily applicable to all engine installations. cation for the starting mctor. The main 13-25

S:ction 13

                       '"                                                                                                       Page 10 (J 10 si.v a oin .'~<"'                    645E4 SERVICE DATA g                                              STARTING SYSTEMS                                            f I

SPECIFICATIONS l ELECTRIC STARTER Commutator Diameter - Single Motor (New) ........ ............... 3.802" - 3.812" (Min.} ............................. 3.677" Dual Motor (New) ........................ 2.308" - 2.318" (Min.) .............................. 2.183" Mica groove depth ................................. t

                                                                                                                             .025"   .032" Mica groove width                                                                                           .030" l

Pinion free travel - Single Motor 3/8" - 7/16" Dual M ot o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i 23/64" +- 1/32" l Brush spring tension (with new brush) - Single Motor ........'. 4 1/2 lbs. Dual Motor .........'. 4-1/2 - 5 lbs. . AIR STARTER Backlash between ring gear and starter pinion - Single Motor .. . . . . . 015" .025" Dual Motor . . . . . . . 015" .040" Screw shaft and pinion assembly free travel (with spring compressed) - Single Motor ................... 1/4" Dual Motor ................... 3/16" i EQUIPMENT LIST  ! I Part No. h B rush spring tension scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8068027 Ductor ohmmeter ....................................... 8068118 Insulation resistance tester ................................ 8174880 1 (

                                                               'END 13-1                                                        February,1972

ElW IE -E'l' E V.AII.'TEl:ANCE II;?>TEUCTION (14I) ITUCLEAR IGIER S~ATI0!i g g Page I of l M _ Q~ 0 f-10-%


Dra', i D dor- system / component Identification: L be. 0;l 1. E.y.3.e .s:u,.a . 2J ! 6e.,e RefarA y Latac.t % st . Ja rude. 0'tifl bhwkcr.c Gbg0;( Originated By: [ /A ( A Eate _f-/6-74 Approved By: / Eate ,F-//-76

                                     - '..:aignap. e or EtC En61neer Requests for cha.ges to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /LC Engineer.
t. Rehre-ee I. I Pu<< Ly le.-a Qa. Ials d:c.< : ) Mc huaa.l f.s 2600 KW 06 U ;f( ~bisa oal
t. spe;d T ah ud Egyy wd .

t.I n.a

3. feeea dic v 2 J Li~;I>t:. .r _

2.1 L ha a:( T< ye<J-<a 1< 4 12.s* *I~ a- Ti zo67: lTI 20t73 fa l-ll'G o< rz to t72 l rz actyi L, 1- 2. o c,. '

      'I. %da~ lus t:,l C..hfi. <
9. s n 0;ael Gaa..-Ani.c o.d af .cero:ee witL ei< aalves clued d fqy J ts preatsd e.<> k:.s 4t e inc.
4. 2. Im~ees;. NaJ<<3 JudL ;.s off(BE Iz.ii f.e I-I 06 oc 8F1252 for (-z Of }

4.3 Lk %k tL., L:is 4 1.t OFF(BE. fz(,) (c< l-l O(, e< fjfjzg ; (,, (-z OS) s'. Pr.e..L ee 5.l Orm: LJoe.0;l Ids Eq;ar L~p

s. s. : g,, .a lahe aI a+<aaer 4;lle< c.c.><a .
s. g.z O t L u.he 0;l Filbter Ore l.<.

f (k.d lo.~ le is.<tY e N rzIn

s. l.3 op n. . % ;se r H. a i Drua (n=< kdf.e i~<il sI<are) 5.'L R d 3 L1.s oil Qdu -1. secs:e.e s.1.I cl.a sha:+e< lha:

s.1.i cwe t.uha O;l F;l+<y %i (na lodie az:)< d<et-i .) s.z.1 L..>er .Ln: k. R et .,lh;m.(6..twha;u,;L,d,;,,,) 1,aloa -h c. .C .,t,, 5:2.4 I A ,\\ h ile r e. s e < a n C a taa a:l .s k a c; , ,,. , [ (s. Pod haid< a ee ly,ie.+;.- , d Tuf m_ \ c.. s n a . opna., c.L c- I- .,<:. Hu. wa .c .k nuk' e ,4. u.v:ee 4ts d o'.\ 1.s h<iq c.i c ss I d -e d % So t h G u k P.- 4.2.%c;[54<).

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UCIJJ.R PWER STATI0li MI I; umber Revi:.icn Late Page 1 of 5 M-58 0 1/11/7 7


Diesel Generator Air System /CempenentIdentification: Starting System Valves, Strainers and Lubricators Repairs Diesel Generators OriEinsted By: Gary M. Waugh Date 1/11/77 Approved By: /4 t> Date ///3/72

                                                                                                       '/     '

Maintenance glaC Engineer es to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed Requestsforchang/ECEngineer. to the Maintenance

1. References 1.1 Pcwer Systems Division of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. (fonnerly Bruce G. M.) Instruction and Parts Manual for 2600 IGi Diesel Generator Units, Section 13, Pages 25-28, attached
2. Special Tools and Equipment 2.1 None
3. Precautions and Limitations .

3.1 None

4. System Initial Conditions 4.1 Air start system isolated from Air Receiver for side of engine to be repaired.

5 Procedure jf.c ffed fs*cl en 'f l e /r?. N O's 51 Inspect and repair per attached pages as folicws: 5 1.1 Air Line Strainer, Page 2 of 5 attached i

      .                               5.1.2 Air Line Lubricator, Page 2 & 3 of 5 attached
                 -                    5.1.3 Solenoid Valve, Page 4 of 5 attached 5.1.4 Shutoff Valve, Page 5 of 5 attached 51.5 Air Relay Valve, Page 5 of 5 attached

, . 5.2 List parts replaced on MRO. . t

6. Post Maintenance Inspection and Testing 6.1 Retui.2 air to the side of the engine repaired and verify that the
     !                                engine can be started.
    !              7      System Terminal Conditions                    _

l 71 ' As designated by Shift Foreman. SND .

M i. M . .s G Rw Q Pa . a 1. o4 6 , . t . e /. 7 7 Section 13 motor housir.g (Ib and install and AIR I.INE STRAINER DESCEirilGN

2. Install the planet gear assembly pre-viously assembled the gear case The air line strainer. Fig. 13-16, is a (23),

Y-shaped cast iron housing containing a cylindrical mone 3 mesh screen. The

3. Insert the shift ring (37), shift ring strsiner is located before the air valve spacer (39) w:d sh'ft ring retainer in the system. One end of the screen (38) into the str.all end of the piston fits into a recess in the diagonal wall of (36) . the strainer baiy and the other end !s held in pesition by a bolted end cap. This
4. In.<ert the pisten :.: sembly (36) into strainer effectively removes impurities the gear case cove assembly (31) frcm the air being piped tothe airstarting making sure the pis:,n seal (33) and system, piston ring (36A) are in place.
                                                                     ,- s        .            ..


5. Install the Sex."x snrter drive (*2),

piston return spring (40) and return e- . spring seat (41) over the gaar frame 0 - shaft, then place the drive hoesing t i g J nssembly (45) oter *he drive assem-bly and install and ighten the drive [%' g'1 U

                                                                                 ~l housing cap screws (24).                                         g  ,            _i by;
                                                                                               ? Mt t
       .\lOTOR INSTALLATION                                         Fig.13 Air Strainer
1. Install each starting motor and drive assembly in position on the mounting MAINTENANCE bracket.

The only type of maintenance required

2. Install three bolts to secure each on the strainer is to check the condition motor to the mounting bracket, of the screen periodically and clean if required. The frequency of these inspec-
3. Connect air supply an3 exhaust lines, tions will be determined by the conditions under which the equipment has been operating.

UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES The air line lubricator, strainer, air AIR LINE I.UBRICATOR (16-Cyl.) starting valve, solenoid valve, shutoff valve, and air relay valve are co:n. o- DESCP.iPTION nents of the engine air 5:2rting syste~.. When components are nc: :: sed in single The air line lubricator, Fig.13-19. located  ! and dual systems, the engine application between the cir starting valve and the is specified. The fe??owing descriptions sta rting motor, e.mits an cil-air mist into are intended to be typica: and not neces- the starting s ys t e rt. airto p ovi.ielubri-

   - sarily appilcable to all erg..e inst allations. cation for the starting r otor. The main 13-25

Section 13 ^ M M- 6C (? r . G a 3u4i ('. .J I- s o - ~? ? comtver.ents of the ! .br.cator are the oil Replace any r!<:fective gaskets or packing. we ..;,

                     .. i,.             - - . ... q , & .3 ..e.:. n - - - , , k i r.. u .a 4,               r - - ,' + . 9 ~1 fi , r-1 v, c : . v . *. ,
                      .                                               "i c. fuity, As air enters the 1.;bricator, the oil bowl                 Compounded oils cont $ining graphites.

is pressurized by way of the reversible soap, or fillers should not be used in the ver. turi tube. The air flow creates a lubricator. reduced pressure trea rs it passes through the venturi section causing the oil in the ,g gg g y.g g g fg bowl to go up the siphon tube into the chhrnber above the . drip gland. At this DESCRi?TICN point, the enr.:ity of cil entering the air line is centro 11+d by a r.eedle valve. As The air startingvalve, Fw..13-20, con w.ts the oil ente; the sir line it is diffused of an expansible set,. etic ruw,er .sbe into a mist which is estried into the air strete. ne d over a double-ported hollow starting :r.otor. A sieht glass below the metal core enclosed in a metal body. A needle valve gives .-isusi indication of the solid bulk. head divides the core in to two flow rate of oil into the air line, separate compartments circumscribed by g slotted ports which the air to flew F through the open valve. A large encircling I-- y area between the ene ising walls of the valve body and the outer surface of the f ',, g D

                                      @^ ~ ' ')                       eore allows maximtim expansion of the f",j

expansible tube. This area also serves as the pressure charr.her to effect posi-M tive tight closure of the valve. v, . Ju 3

                                  )   .-                              The starting valve is open or closed depending upon the position of the tube

[ . ~ff i Espant%fe Ti,be (Diophream) Air line Pressure Fig.13 Air Line Lubricator MAINT5 NANCE Jocket i a r.-,fCT

                                                                                                       .l y               '3J%)

r* I i

                                                                               ,   l-                              .     .-L                 \

V V~~'i

                                                                                      ?      c-t'. r..*L.f' - }5 _ _ ,                        cfa i                            c     J- ~ :- Nr The oil level in the bowl should be                             I                  . .- C -

checked at intervals as specified in the

                                                                                             ~N              e
                                                                                                                ' .N
                                                                           , . . . . .)      T-'r-i,d."

Scheduled Maintenance Program. In addi- O , tion to checking oil level, the needle valve [ j, g' ' g.-Cj* should be checked to ensure that the flow "'W O _- *3 rate is three drops per minute. This can N [yJJf.,i\' ,.lh,.' ?-[O , y[. ! ~- be checked ri.cuilly through the sight ." <S, '. g!nss i . the front cf the lub-iccior. ,_ N - - rn:e st... '; 9 If oil does not flow, remove top plug and l 7 ,,,, 3,,,, drip gland. Clean parts and passages, cue using keresene and b!cw out with ecm- e se pressed air. Fig.13 Air Starting Valve 13-26

MI A ,58 d., o F-y 4 Scfet r '. r- et r r n on, or above. the slotted ports in the out_ D q kt c*H ef the %n WHun of *he , t--- J Y e ble W.s L. ; a:. Is n. . 'y ; n Pe A D 9 i relative magnitude of the differential pres- n Plage ,2 sures applied on the valve inlet, the valve m ak - i outlet and in the jacket. li G .,x q. The tension of the tube over the core !_ _ h f _,N c,; c ,,, p.,,,

                                                                                                 ;S effects the operation also as this initial tension produces a set pressurc which               c3;; a,w
                                                                                %i J ps F

must be added to the pressure in the i,, i , jacket. To open the valve, releece the

                                                                   ; g=g y$ g" r=T                  - from the jacket (bv the ]yk ' !!!IEN 1, $ . air starting control valve) uEtil the effec- Y ~,i[ j tive jacket pressure is less than the D .. , 5 4 D.  !.d do.vnstream line pressure. The tube will ki ' _,j l"d .g n_ ,W rise completely off the core so that the j'"' ' ~'[ id valve is opened completely, thus setting Coil Case .

                                                                                                          'T4' teed wire the starting motor in cperation.                                ce;pe [ ,\
  • e x%?ust %f To clese the valve, release the air start- ime ing control valve and allow the full inlet Fig.13-21 -- Solenoid Valve pressure to enter into the Jacket. This mnkes the ef f e c ti y e jac'<.et pressure motor. When the pinion gear is engaged greater than the line pressure, thus forc- with the ring gear, a port is opened in the ing the tube against the core slots to motor allowing the air to go behind the close the valve. pinion gear of the upper starting motor.

With both pinion gears engaged, the air M.AINTENANCE from the solenoid valve opens the air No maintenance is required other than' ~ keeping alleonnections securelytightened. After a long period of severe service, IAAINTENANCE the expansible tube on the core might Before performing any maintenance on the require renewal. This can quickly be solenoid valve, make sure the electrical accomplished by taking off the closure power and air pressure have been turned and removing the tube and core. A new off, tube is then installed over the core and inserted into the valve body. CLEANING Sluggish valve operation or excessive SOI.ENOID VALVE (12 & 20- Cyl.) leakage wil' indicate that cleaning is required. The frequency of cleaning, how-DESCRIPTION ever, will be determined by cperating The solenoid valve, Fig.13-21, used in conditions. Cleon the parts and the dusi starting motor system, cuens air passages thorouc,aly, using a good when carrent is appl.ied to the scienoid, commercial solvent. and returns to the normally closed posi-tion when the current is cut off. In the COIL REPLACEMENT

      ?ne. gized or open position, airis directed          Remove front cover p' ate cm coil case behind the pinion gear of thelower starting          and disconnect e. oil lead 4 es. Remove 13-27 k=                                                                                   .

5 etton 13 M et -35 R o c O l' q < ~6 c. 4 - l - 11 ~ 2 7 1,  ; 5pdas Cop the exhaust rc fr'.r . the bottom of the  : coil ente and =!!p *:.o <:<iil and coil r ac:e C ,: , o.1, ,, ue coil ; .,e.

                                             .; h e.un-
                                                                           \, , .

j.- l f%, m. t' , - - . - ..1 . hpg[ , e ponents in the reterse order of dis- [;__ 'h; c. j---h assembly, cor.r.ect the coil Icads, and \U c' v,-Q' y]- [- p'} r ' replace the coil case ccrer plate. 1 ! g, -

                                                                                                     )      m'
                                                                                                                 @G, w.,]

SHUTO;W VALVE (12 & 20- Cyl.) D) ,3 T

                                                                            * ~
                                                                                                 ).C       b.:3.-      Y                            D DESCR\?ilON                                                     ... d B , j4           ;N.2 - }4{y p} -~~ Va!ve          k'.i)Bedy
                                                                           ,i 5,e        /j*ljg;; k               j             A c t .r a t;n A manually operated ball-type shutoff                                        ;;;                   ;75.         1 e:,,en s,g       .od valve. Fig.13-22, is used in the dual                                        : Q @ ;; J g                             Ac,oc.:ng startine motor system. The valve closes
                                                                                     /Yl'        N22 A DJ                     C'"'

off air to the stahter r.ctors, when main-  !*of5 ten:,nce work is heing performed, to ' am prevent inadvertent e:ag'ne starting. The Fig.13 Air Relay Valve valve has a lo; handle which pro-vides an addit':.ial sifety feature in pre- relay valve. Air enters the air relay venting m over.ent. of the valve and forces the valve stem up un-valve, seating the v11re seat, Fig.13-23, and

                                                         ,                eleasing the main starting air supply P-    .7

[ .. T :1 to the rnotors. When the starting control valve is released and the air solenoid [ l [j{ d j F'Y ,'. 7 t .g' 1--2 { valve closes off the control air supply l

                                - y-           . . , . .

e . to the motors, the supply of air to the [. , , w t.'. l f -~ - --..; ,_ air relay valve is shut off, which cuts 4oi off the main air supply to the motors. Fig.13 Shutoff Valve fdAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE No periodic maintenance should be re-quired, however, if at any time the valve The wiping action of the ball dislodges seat becomes dirty and is not shutting any foreign material which may enter off the main air supply properly, the the valve, making the valve self-cleaning, seat can be removed and cleaned. In addition, the seat material contains a DISASSEMBLY lubricant which provides the required lubrication for the ball. The only parts 1. Unscrew the spring cap on top of the requiring replacement undernormaloper- valve, Fig. 13-23, and remove the sting conditions are the seats and the spring.

       "O" rings.
2. Unserew the locknut holding the valve A!R REl AY VALVG (12 & 20-Cyl.)

5" * ^S***DIY t th * "* l" * * * * * "d remove the valve seat assembly. DESCRIPTION 3. If the valve seals need replacement due to leakage, remove the bolts When the pinion gear in both motors is holding the actuating cap to the valve er: gaged with the ring scar, air is re- body, remoce the actuating piston leased it om the up;er . motor to the air r.end sad replace seals. 13-28

DAVIS-BESSE MAnffENANCE E;STRUCTICIT (MI) UUCIZAR ICIER STATION MI Number Revisicn Date Fage 1 of 2 M-67 0 11/17/77


System /ComponentIdentification: R/R Diesel Generator Coolant Emergency Diesel Generator Originated By: F. Johnson Date 11/17/77 Approved By: .Mo ej@' Date y//jg'/77

                                                                                    /   /   '

Maintp e/ce or EC Engineer Requests for changes to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /EC Engineer. *

1. REFERENCE 1.1 Power Systems Division Bruce GM Emergency Diesel Generator Instruction Book
2. SPECIAL TOOIS OR EQUIB4EITI 2.1 Several cleaned 55 gallon drums 3 PRECAUTIOIE AND LIMITATI0IE 3.1 Under certain plant operating modes, the Diesel Generator would be declared inoperable with the coolant out of the system, and we would be under the time conditions imposed by the FSAR.
4. SYSTEM INITIAL C0tOlTIONS 4.1 Diesel Generator is shut down 4.2 An WO is issued to do the work 4.3 W supply to the. diesel is closed and tagge .

4.4 The immersion heater is de-energized and its supply breaker is off and tagged. 4.5 A sufficient replacement supply of antifreeze is on hand if we do not reuse the coolant. 4.6 The drums are in close proximity to the drain line on the Diesel Generator ' 6 d

    - '                                                                 M-67 Rsvision O Page 2 of 2 5   PROCEDU?.E 5.1      !.emcVe the cap off the drain line and connect a hose of sufficient length to reach the 55 gallon drums.

52 Open the drain valves and gravity drain the system to the point it needs a drum pump to assist further drainage into the 55 gallon drums. 5.3 When the system is empty close the drain valves, remove the hose, replace the end cap and clean up any spillage. Dispose or retain the coolant as the WO directs. 5.4 If the coolant is to be reused, the method by which it is transferred to the water tank and the system from the 55 gallon drums is optional and left to the discretion of the group leader / foreman. 5.5 Make sure the coolant reaches its proper standing level. If it dces not, replace the coolant by opening the N supply valves until

                   .the proper level is reached.

5.6 If the coolant is replaced, the W and antifreeze mix is approxi-nate'.y 50-50. System capacity is 318 gallons. 57 Return the Diesel Generator to standby, removing all tags and returning the system to the Shift Foreman. 5.8 Clean the area, remove all tools and equipment.

7. SYSTEM TERMHIAL CONDITICIE As directed by the Shift Foreman i'


LisV10-BESSE VAINTENANCE INSTPUCT f0N (MI) NUCL7.AR M4ER SIA'IIG:: MI Number Revisican rg ** E-38 0 76 -


System / Component Identification: Peplace Electronic Governor EGA Box Diesel Generators Originated By: G. M. L'augh rate 4/21/76 (Name) Approved By: B. R. Beyer _ _Date 4/24/76 ,

/.aintenance or EcC Engineer Becuests for changes to this Maintenance Instruction should be dir:-eted to the Maintenance /IEC Engineer.
1. REFERENCES 1.1 Bruce GM Inc. Instruction andparts manual for 2600KR Diesel Generator Unit.

1.2 Bruce GM Dwg. B157F0250, Sheet 5 of 5.

3. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Shif t Foreman approval shall be obtained to place into or remove from service any system or equipment.

4 SYSTEM INITIAL CONDITION 4.1 Diesel Generator out of service.

5. PPOCEDURE 5.1 Renove EG-A box located inside panel C3617 for No.1-1 D.G. or C3618 for No. 1-2 D.G.

5.1.1 Disconnect all wires from EG-A box terminals and ensure that wires are identified. 5.1.2 Remove mcunting screws. 5.1.3 Remove EG-A box from Panel C3617 er 3618. 5.2 Install EG-A box in panel C3617 or 3618. i 5.2.1 Locate EG-A box on mounting, Part No. 8270-092 (TECo Stock No. l r 96-1270). l i


M.I. No. E-38 Fev. O Page 2 of 2 5.2.2 Install and tighten mounting screws. 5.2.3 Connect all wires to proper EG-A box terminals per Bruce G.M. Dwg. B157F02501, Sheet 5 of 5.

6. POST MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 Operate D-G undee load to verify that electronic governor is functioning and calibrate per Bruce GM Instruction Manual, Poodward Section.

7.1 As designated by the Shift Foreman. l { , j END i I

LAVIS-EE3SE MAI:TIENAt:CE I!!?:RUCTICH (MI) UUCLEAR POTER STATIG:i Revision Date MI number Page 1 of 2 E-57 0 12 /16 /"6


Calibration of Diesel System /Ccmponent Identification: Generator Electronic Governor m-A Box Diesel Generator Sary M. Waugh Date 12/16/76 Originated Ey: ft - Date h// 7 /J(, Approved By: / '

                                   ~ Maintenanc    r EC Engineer Requests for changes to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenancef'2?cc Engineer.
1. Refe:ence 1.1 Woodward Governor Company Bulletin 37706G, EG-A Control Box
2. Special Tools and Equipment .

2.1 Voltmeter 3 Precautions and limitations 31 None

4. System Initial Condition 4.1 As required for calibration 5 Procedure 5.1 Read voltages and calibrate as required per Woodward Bulletin 37706G, record final voltages and adjustment settings on Attachment 1 af this instruction at various loads. Attachment 1 will be attached to the M10 and filed.
6. Post Maintenance Inspection and Testing
         -       6.1 None 7    System Terminal Condition 71 As designated by Shift Foreman.

6 e q

Mr E-57 Rea. C 12 7 c . ny 2 .,r2

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l l



System /ComponentIdentification: R/R II::mersion Heaters Diesel Generators Originated By: F. Johnson Date 11/17/77 Approved By: s v. M Date ////P/77' naingebceorECEngineer / / Requests for chan5es to this Maintenance Instruction should be directed to the Maintenance /ILC Engineer.

1. REFERENCE 1.1 Emergency Diesel Generator Instruction Book ,
  • None -

3 PRECAUTI0tB AND LE4ITATIONS 3.1 FSAR Tech. Spec. relating to loss of one D.G. .

4. SYSTH4 INITIAL CONDITION 4.1 An WO is issued to do the work 4.2 Diesel Generator is shut down h.3 The coolant system is drained 4.h A replacement heater is on hand ready for installation 4.5 The heater supply breaker is off and tagged.

5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disconnect the wires going to the heater and remove whatever conduit, sealtite, locknuts or bushings necessary to ease removal of the heater bundle. ,Use the Lifted Jumper [ lire Log if it becomes ,,' necessary. Make a sketch of the wiring details to assure reconnection is correct. Heaters can be discennected before system is drained. -

    ~                   ,                              . _ _ _ . _ _    _
             .                                                             MI E-61 3-                                                              Revision O Page 2 of 2

52 Remove the heater flange bolts and draw out the heater bundle. Dispose of or move out of the way. 5.3 Insert the new heater bundle making sure there is a new or satisfactory i gasket installed and the orientation is such that the conduit entrance is facing in the right direction. 5 . l+ Replace the conduit, sealtite, bushings, locknuts and reconnect the wires to the proper posts on the heater bundle. 55 Remove all tags and return system to Shift Foreman. 5.6 Assure area is clean and all tools and equipment used or replaced are removed.

6. POST MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 6.1 After system is refilled and the heater is returned to service, check the load balance on the pcwer supply leads to the heater.

7 SYSTEM TERMINAL CONDITIONS As directed by the Shift Foreman m END

                                                                                      - - , _ , .}}