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Proposed Tech Specs Re Organizational Changes
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/1988
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18093A972 List:
NUDOCS 8807270185
Download: ML18093A974 (25)



Unit l XVIII 6-1 (Including 2 Insert Pages) 6-2 6-3 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-12a Unit 2 XVIII 6-1 (Including 2 Insert Pages) 6-2 6-3 6-8

.. 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-12a

- -- --~---

8807270185 880715 .

PDR ADOC~ 0500027?

p PNU.


  • rNOEX ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SECTION PAGE 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-1 6.2 ORGANIZATION

.* a, I dtt111eo 1. . .".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . s-1 Facility Staff * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • s-t Shift Technical Advisor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-6 OHSITE AHO OFFSITE ORGAtUZATIONS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF '1.JALIF!CATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..

' s-s 6.4 TRAINING * * ... ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 6-6 6.5 REVIEW ANO AUDIT 6.5.l STATION OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE Function * * * . * * * * * * * * !' * * * * * ** ..... * * * * *  ;' 5.. 7 Co'"Plsition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-7 A1ternates * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .*. *. *. .* * * * * * * *. 6-7

_<fo4eeting Frequency * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '! *

  • 6-7 Q!arum- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-7 Responsibilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * *
  • s..a Review PT-aces s * * *. * * * * * * * * * .* * * * . * * * * *
  • 6~9 Authority * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 5.. 9 Records * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * . * * * *
  • 5.. 9 6.5.2' NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW ".

Function*.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * *

  • 6-9 Con1p:1s1t1on * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9 Co nsu 1tants. * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * *
  • 6-9a Off *Site Review Group * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6*9a Review * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9a Audits * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-10 On-Site Safety Review Group * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-11 Responsibilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-l l Authority * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** 6-ll SALEM - UNIT l XVI I I Amendment No *. m""

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6~1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.l.l The. General M(!naqer .:. Salem Operations shall be responsible for- C1veral 1 facility operation .aad shall delegate in writing the succession to this resp::in-sibility during his tb-sence.

6.l.Z The Senior Nucle~r Shift Supervisor or, during his a.bsence from tt'!I!

Control Room. a designated individual shall be responsible for the Control Room

\.Q corrmand function. A manage111!nt directive to this effect, signed by th lf1-ee-IL-"

@fe-s-iff* ::NtfCtiijf, shal 1 be reissued ta al 1 station personnel an an an nu a 1 nr*

I basis.

6.2 ORGANIZATION senior corporate nuclear officer

-6.2 .. l 1=-he G-ffsite-e-rgan+Hti01t:-4e,. ty maA1gem1f1.t....a.Ad te-~cal ~por+- .Wwn <J.A-F i UF-&-6. a-h-

~* ~ae111: °"'""'

1-FAC~Ff- SfAFF- - ~ * . a-6.2'.Z zat!o* sna11 be as smwn en ~1gHPe &.2 a aAdt J .

Each on duty shift shal 1 be compned of at least the minimum shift INSERT crew co~sition sl'lown in Table 6.Z-l.-

At least one licensed Operator shall be in *t~e control ri,0111 when fuel is in the reactor*. In addition. at least* one= 1i censed Senior Reactor--

Operator *shall be in the Control Roonr area at all ti111!s.

c. A health physics technician# shall be on site when _fuel 1s in the reactor.
d. ALL CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by a licensed ~enio,. Reactor Operator who has no other concurrent r-espansi*

bilities during this operation.

e. A. site Fire Brigade of at least S members shall be maintained onsite

_ at all til'l!sf. The Fire Brigade s~all not include 4 nembt!rs af the nri nimu111 shift crew ,.cassary far safe shutdown-of the tin it or any persa_nnel required far- other essential functions during a fire ,


  • f* . Th& a11aunt of overti~ "'°rked by plant staff IT1!mbers performing

~ safety-related functions llllst be limited 1n accordance-with the NRC

~ ~* Policy Statement on 'fllDr.king hours (Generic Letter No. 82*-lZ).

1fhe nealth physics tecnn1c1an and Fire Brigade campasition r.ay be less than the.

mini!lllm requirelll!nts for* a period of t11t1t not to exceed Z l'lours in order to accamnodata unexpected absence of the health physics technician and/or Fir.e Brigade members provided inwned1ata action is taken ta restore the nealth physics technician and/or Fire Brigade ta within the minimum requirements.

SALEM .. UNIT l 6-1 Amendment Nao~

  • INSERT 1 6.2.1 ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations sha*11 include positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.
a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Salem Final Safety Analysis Report and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
b. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c. The senior corporate nuclear officer shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

6.2.2 FACILITY STAFF The facility staff shall be subject to the following:


g. The Operations Manager, Operating Engineer, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, and .Nuclear Shift Supervisor shall each hold a senior reactor operator license. The Nuclear Contr~l Operators shall hold reactor operator licenses.

i' 11


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6.5.l.6 The Statian Operations Review Camt'1ittee shall be responsible for:

a. Review of: ( l) Station Administrative Procedures and changes thereto and (2) Newly created procedures. or changes to existing procedures that involve a significant safety issue as described in Section


b. Review of all proposed tests and experirrents that affect nuclear safety.
c. Review of all proposed changes to Appendix "A" Technical Speci fi cations.
d. Review of all proposed changes or l'!Odi fications to pl ant systems o~

equipment that affect nuclear safety. .....

e. Review of the Safety evaluation* that have been completed under the r.rl provisions of 10CFRS0.59. UJ
f. Investigation of all violations of-*the Technical Specifications including the preparation and forwarding of reptlrts coverin evaluation and
  • recoml'l!ndat ions to prevent *recurrence to the tee-- ttl" l!'ft!----; e the General Manager
  • Nuclear Safety Review.

senior corporate nuclear officer

g. Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS.
i. *' .*,~* ' ~***"'* <""" * * **

,.h *.. Review of faci.lity operations-to dete.~t potential .. safety hazards.--- ---

i. Performance of special reviews, investigations or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the General Manager
  • Sale~ Operations or General Manager
  • Nuclear Safety Review.
j. Revie.w of the FaciHty Security Plan and implementing procedures and
  • submittal of recommended changes to the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review.


/\ I<. j Review of tha Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and


, submittal of recomnanded changes to the _General Manager - Nuclear Safety

-~ Review. *~

1. Review of the Fire Protection Progra~ and implementing procedures and sµ?mi.~tal of recomntnded changes to the General Manager - Nu cl ear Safety Review. * - *
m. Revie'lll of all unplanned on-site releases of rad1oactivity to the environs including the preparation of reports covering evaluation, recoml!1!ndations and disposition of the corrective forwarding of these reports to t 41 h~~=-==.==~....;...-=:.:.::=:,;;.a.

General Manager - ~uclear Safety senior corporate nuclear officer


SALEM .. UNIT l 6-8



6.5.l.7 A technical-~view and control system utilizing qualified reviewers shall function to perf<frm the periodic or routine review of procedures and changes thereto._ Details of this technical review process are provided in Section 6.5.3.

AUTHORITY 6.5.l.8 The Station Operations Review Committee shall:

a. Recommend to the General* Manager - Salem Operations written approval or disapproval of items considered under 6.5.l.6 (a) throu h e abov:,;::e:.;*-..--"'!""'""--.

sen1or cor orate nuc e r -&&'*---

  • Pro vi de written notification within 24 hour-s ta the -.--

'1Hijifiiftand the Gener-al* Manager* Nuclear Safety Review of disagree111ent between the SORC and*the GenQral Manager- - Salem Oper-ations; however, the General Manager - Sale111 Operations shal 1 have responsibi 11 ty for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.l.l above.

RECORDS 6.5.l.9 The Station Operations Review Convnittee ea ch rreet i ng and cap i es s ha 11 be prov i ded to th1.s,1!:t!=c:?:!:!!~~~=~!:.!.!tm.

3eneral Manager - Nuclear- Safety Review and the .r senior corporate nuclear o leer 6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW FUNCTION

  • 6.5.2.l The Nuclear Safety Review Depar-tment. (NSR) shall function to provide the independent safety review program and audit of designated activities.

COMPOSITION NSR shall consist of the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review, the Manager- - On-Site Safety Review Group {SRG), who is supported by at least four-dedicated, ful 1 *time engineers located on-site,* and the Manager Off-Site. ReY.iew Group (OSR) who is supported by at least four dedicated, full-time engineers located off-site.* The OSR staff shall possess experience and competence in the general areas 1 isted in Section The General Manager and Manager-s shal 1 determine when additional technical exper-ts should assist in r-eviews of complex problems.

NSR shall utilize a system of qualified reviewers fr-om other technical organizations to augnant 1ts expertise in the disciplines of Section

Such qualified reviewers shall ITl!et the sane qualification requirenents as the NSR staff, arid will not have been invalved.with performance of the or-iginal \!Ork.

  • Since tne*Nuclear- Department is located on Artificial Island *site, the terms "on-5ite 11 and "off-site 11 convey the distinction between inside and outside the station fence, respectively
  • SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No. ~

a .


b. Proposed changes to procedures, equiprT1!nt, or systerns that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section SO. 59, 10CFR.
c. Proposed tes~or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety_ question as defined in ~action 50.59, 10CFR.
d. Proposed changes* to* Technical Specifications "or to the Operating License.
e. Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications,,

license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions havfng nuclear safety signjficance.

f. Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety.

h.. All recognized indica*1ons of an .unanticipated deficiency in same aspe.ct of design or operation of safety-related structures, systems or

  • components .*
i. Reports and ~eti ng ITri nutes of *th~ Station Operations Review Committee'.

AUDITS 6.5.Z.4.2 Audits of faciHty act1v-ities that are required to be performed under the cognizance of OSR are listed below:

a. The conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical Speci ff cations and applicable 1 i cens.- conditions at least once per lZ niJnths.
b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entire facility staff at least once per lZ nantns.
  • t-
c. The results of actions taken* to correct deficiencies occurring in faci 1tty equipment, structures. system, or metl'!Od of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 rrontns.
d. *The performance of activities required by "the Operational OJal ity
  • .Assurance Pr-ogram ta 1111et the Criteria of Appendix '18 11 , 10CFRSO, at least once per Z4 rronths.
e. The Facility Emergency Plan and i111Plementing procedures at least once per l2 nanths.
f. The Facility Security Plan and i~lementing procedures at least once per 12 rmntns.
g. Any other area of facility operation considered~~riate by the_,,_,

General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review or the _ -es4 sertt - ~c4-e!fll. *.

  • * ** senior corporate nuclear officer l'i. The Facility FiN l'.1"ot.ct1on PT"Ogr* and 1mp11Mftt1ng proc uru a t 1ust. anca per 24 mntbs. * * . *

( .\


  • UNlT 1 6-10 , _.,,,~endment No.~*** *./ **'


1. An 1ndeJ)e~ent f1'1"9 protact1on and lass p"vention progJ"u inspection and audit shall be perfot"llled at least one* per lZ 1DCnths utilizing either qt.&Uified of1'sita lic:*nsee personnel or an outside fi" prat.ecti a~fi Ml~
j. An inspection and audit of the f11"* prot.ction and loss p"vtntion program sha 1.1 be P*1"foT"!Md by i qua 1i f1 ad outs id* fire c:onsu 1tant at 1eut onca .per 36 111antns.

The radiological envirannntal IT1lnitoring program and the results thereof at least a.nee per lZ 1'11lnths.

The. above audits shall be canducted by the Nuclear OJal ity Assurance Department c,.

an independent consultant as required. Audit results and recomrrendations shall be reviewed by OSR.

ON-SITE SAFETY REVIE;i GRQUP The On-Si-te Safety Review Group (SRG) shal 1 function ta provide: the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities ta impro~ plant safety; the evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activities; and advice ta management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations. 1 The SRG shall rnake recomirendations for revised procedures. equiplTl!nt rmdifications. ar other rreans of improving plant. safety ta appropriate station/

corporate managelll!nt.

RESPONSIBILITIES The SRG shall be responsible for:

a. Review of selected plant operating characteristics, NRC issuances, industry advisories. and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information that may indicate areas for improving pl ant safety.
b. Review of selected *fac111ty features, eq~ipment. and systems.
c. Review of selected procedures and plant activities including rraintenanc:.e, rrodif1cation, operational problems.- and operational analysis. *
d. Surveillance of selected plant o.perations and maintenance activities to provide indetJendent verification* that they are pe-r1'ormed carl'"ectly and that *human erl'"ors are reduced ta as low as reasonably achievable.


)* HSR shall report ta and advise the i-e. ~iEleAt-~IH+ '-

areas of respansibil ity specified in Sections

  • f4ot respans*ible for sign-off function SALEM .. UHIT l 6-1.l .. Amendment No. ~

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Records of -NSR activities shall be prepared and maintained. Reports of reviews anc1 audits shall be distributed as follows:*

a. Reports of reviews encompassed by ~ection above, shal 1 be prepared, approved and the :i- <r-S-i ~.t...--=--JJJ:.. a within 14 days follQ.~ing completion of the review.
.. _ .,_ em or cor orate nuclear officer Audit reports enco assed by Sec ion above, shai 1 be forwarded senior corporate o th and to the managerrent positions nuclear...offi cer responsible for the areas audited within 30 days after C01i1Jle.~_ion of the audit.


~.5.3.l Programs required by Technical Specification 6.8 and other procedures which affect nuclear safety as determined by the General Manager - Salem Operations, other than editorial or typographical changes, shall be reviewed as follows: * - "


6. 5.3.2 Procedures, Program and changes thereto shall be reviewed as fol lows:
a. Each newly created procedure, pro gram or change thereto shall be -

independently reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the subject area other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program or procedure change, but who may be. from the sane organization as the individual/group which.prepared the procedure or procedure change.

_Procedures other than Station Administrative procedures will be approved by the appropriate Statiorr Department Manager or by the Assistant General Manager - Salem Operations. Each Station Oepartlrent Manager shall be responsible f~r a predesignated class of procedures. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall approve Station Administrative Procedures, Security Plan impleml!!nting procedures and Emergency Plan i!Tlllerrenting procedures.

b. On-the-spot changes to procedures which clearly do not change the intent of the approved*pracedures shall be approved by t~ members of the plant managelTl!nt staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator License. Revisions to procedures which may in\'Olve a change in intent of the approved procedures, shall be reviewe<t in accordance with Section above.
c. Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with item
  • 6.S.3.2a above shall be approved by the SORC Chairman and designated as
  • Station !)Jal ifie<J Reviewers. A system of Station. l)Jal 1fied Reviewers, each of whom shall possess qualif1cat1ons that meet or exceed the requirenents of Section 4.4 of ANSI Nl8.l - 1971, shall be maintained by the SORC Chairman. Each review shall include a written determination of whether or not additional cross-disciplinary review is necessary. If deerred necessary, such review shall be perforned by the appropriate designated_ review personnel. * -

SALEM ... UMIT l 6-12 Amendment No. -~


. d. If the*Oepartfl1!nt Manager detP.rmines that the docur.ients involved contain significant safety issues, the documents shall bP. forwarded for SORC review and also to NSR for an independent review to determine whether or not an unre~ewed safety question is involved, Pursuant to 10CFRS0.59, NRC approval ~of items involving unreviewed safety questions or Technical Specificati~ changes shall be obtained prior to implefl'entation.

NON-PROCEDURE RELATED DOCUMENTS 6.5.J.3 Tests or experiments, *changes' to Technical Specifications, and changes ta equipment or systems shal 1 be 'forwarded for SORC review and al so to NSR for an independent review ta deterjnirie whether or not an unreviewed safety question is in~lved. The results of NSR reviews will be provided to SORC. Recommendations for approval are made by SORC. ta the General Manager - Salein Operations. Pursuant to 10CFRS0.59, NRC approval of items . involving unreviewed safety questions or requiring Technical Specification changes shall be obtained prior to i~lementation.

RECORDS \ '\.... Wr;tten records of reviews P!!rformed in accordance with itme 6.S.3.2a above, including recommendations for approval or disapproval, shall be maintained. Copies shall be provided to the General Manager - Salem Operations, SORC, NSR and/or NRC as* necessary when. their* reviews are required.


  • 6.6.l The following actions shall be taken for*REPORTABLE.EVENTS:
a. The Col'll!lission shall be notified and/or a report submit~ed- pursuant to the requirerrents of Section 50.73 to 10CFR Part 50, and.
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be. reviewed by the *soRC and the result~nt !)../

Licensee Event Report submitted to NSR and the R:!ce Pi Es idenl Pfgd1ilfi

6. 7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION . .. . dfamor corporate nuclear offiCer. I 6.7.l The following actions shall he taken ;n the event a Safety Limit is violated:
a. The unit shall be placed in at least HO.T STANDBY hour.
b. The NRC Operations Center shall be nQti f'i ed by telephone as possible and in all cases within one hour. Th~tti~:eawDi!E~~~mrt:-

and General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review a 1 be notified within hours.

c. *A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the SORC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circu"'5tances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the vi.ola.tfon upon facility co~onents, systems or structures, and _(3) corrective action taken ta prevent recurrence. *
d. The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Co1T11'11ss1on,

--"¥* General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review and the de-At- - -

~i1Hffw1tMn 14 days of the vfolatfon. ,--~--......,...-----+-""l senior corporate nuclear officer SALEM - UNIT 1 6-12 a

INCE X ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SECTION PAGE 6.l RESPONSIBILITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 6-1 6.2 ORGANIZATION a --

1 Offs1te \ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 6-l Facility Staff * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 6-l Shift Technical Advisor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-6 OHS1n: ANl> OfFSrrr: 0 ~AtJr:Z TltlNS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF CUALIFICATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-6 6.4 TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

6.5 REVIEW ANO AUDIT 6.5.l STATION OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE Function * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 6-7 Composition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-7 Alternates * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-7 Meeting Frequency * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-7

()JO rum * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 6-7 Responsibilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-8 Review Process * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9 Authority * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9 Records * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9 6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW Function * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9 Co11Tpasit1on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Consultants * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9a Off-Site Review Group * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9a Review * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-9a Audits *********** * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 5-10 On-Site Safety Review Gt-oup * * * * * * * * * *
  • 6-ll Responsibilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * *
  • 6-ll Authority * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * *
  • 6-ll SALEM - UNIT 2 XVII I Amendment 'No.~

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.l The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible far overall facility operation and shall. delegate in writing.the succession tO this respon-sibility during his absence.

6.l.Z The Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor or, during his absence from the _

Control Room, a designated individual shall be responsible for the Control Room

'--.(> command function. A managel'll!nt directive to this effect, signed by t ~

Jf"'iaeA* Mwelead, shall _be reissued to all station personnel on a annual as s.

  • 6.2 ORGANIZATION 1 senior corporate nuclear officer :I J ~,,**
a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift \ ;I crew COll1>0Sition shown in Table 6.2-l.
b. At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, at least one licensed-Senior Reactor Operator shall be in the Control Room area at al,1-t/irres. _; ... >*
c. A health -physics tecflnichni-sh-all be qn s*ite when fuel is in the - - I reactor.
d. ALL CORE ALTERATIONS shall_. be*abs-~rved and directly supervised by a licensed Senter Reactor Operator who has no other concurr~nt responsi-bilities during this operation.
e. A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite at all t1111!sl. The Fire Brigade shall not include 4 l'll!rrbers of the m1 nimum shift crew necessary far safe shutdown of the unit or any personnel required for other essential functions during a fire
  • emergency.
f. The am>unt of overtime \IOrked by-plant staff rre~bers performing safety-related functions must be limited in accordance with the NRC

~ _Po_~_ic_y _S_ta~ement on 'llOrking hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12) *

. - ... .,- Hhe health physics technician and Fire Brigade -composition may 'be less than the minimum* requirel'll!nts* for a period of tirTe not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accomrmdate unexpected absence of the health physics technician and/or Fire r

l:J Brigade IT1!mbers provided immediate actfon is taken to restore the health physics technician and/or. Fire Brigade to within the minimum requirements.


  • 6-1. Amendment No:~


INSERT 1 6.2.1 ONSITE ANO OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Salem Final Safety Analysis Report and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).
b. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the*


c. The senior corporate nuclear officer shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

6.2.2 FACILITY STAFF The facility staff shall be subject to the following:


  • The Operations Manager, Operat1ng Engineer, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, and Nuclear Shift Supervisor shall each hold a senior*

reactor operator license. The Nuclear Control Operators shall hold reactor operator licenses.




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FIGURE 6 .2 *'


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS RESPONSIBILITIES 6.5.l*.6 The Station Operations Review Corrmittee shall be responsible for:

a. Review of: (l) Station Administrative Procedures and changes thereto and (2) Newly created procedures or changes to existing procedures that involve a significant safety issue as described in Section
b. Reyiew of ail proposed tests and experilll!nts that affect nuclear safetv~


c. Review of all proposed changes to Appendix qAq Technical Specifications.
d. Review of all proposed changes or !ll)difications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
e. Review of the safety evaluations that have been completed under the provisions of lOCF.RS0.59.
  1. Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications including the preparation and forwarding of reports coveri n evaluation *and :

recolllTl!ndat1ons to prevent recur-rence to the and the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review. - * -- senior corpor~te nuclear officer :*

g. Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS.

--~------------- -*-----------

h. Review of facility operations to detect !Xltential nuclear safety hazards.
i. Performance of special reviews, investigations or* analyses and reports thereon as requested by the General Manager - Salem Operations or General Manager - Nuclear Safety R&view. -
j. Re*view of the F,acility Security Plan and implementing procedures and \

submittal of recomne*nded changes to the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review. '

k. Review of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and submittal af reconwnended changes ta the General -Manager - Nuclear Safety - *--



1. Review of the Fire Protection Program and i~plel'W!nting procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the General Manager - Nuclear j*

Safety Review.

m. Review of all unplanned on-site releases of radioactivity to the environs including the preparation of reports covering evaluation, recomlTl!ndations and disposition of the c:crrective action to prevent recurreg9! and the forwarding of these reports to the fiee 1'¥esi6ee1a Nueleunand the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review. ---~'.-.. senior corporate nuclear officer I I
  • UN IT 2 6-8 *;Amendment No'.~*.

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SORC REVIEW PROCESS 6.5.l.7 A technical review and control system utilizing qualified reviewers shal 1 function to perform the periodic or routine review of procedures and changes thereto. Details of this technical review process are provided in Section 6. 5. 3.

AUTHORITY i ~_nior corporate nuclear officer 6.5.l.8 The Station Operatiqns Review Committee shall: --~

a. RecolTITll!nd ta the General Manager - Salem Operations written approval or disapproval of items considered under 6.5.l.6 (a) hrough (e) above *.
b. Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ta the~~~-=:J~;;+;;:+;:;:;:t;::=-;>0--

l'f.4ee PIBesideut :J

~and the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review of disagreement

' l between the SORC and the General Manager - Salem Operations~ however, the General Manager - Salem Operations shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.l above.

RECORDS* 1 senior corpbrate nuclear office~

6.5.l.9 The Station Operations Review Committee maintain written min tes of each meeting and copies shall be provided ta th General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review and the Manager - Off-Site Review.

r., the I{

6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW FUNCTION 6.5.2.l The Nuclear Safety Review Oepartrrent (NSR) shall function to provide the independent safety review program and audit of designated activities.

COMPOS ITI ON NSR shall consist of the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review, the Manager - On-Site Safety Review Group (SRG), who is supported by at least four dedicated, full-time engineers located on-site, and the Manager OffeSite Review Group (CSR) wt'll* is *supported by at least four dedicated, full -tine engineers located off-site.* The CSR staff shall pdssess experience and competence in the general areas listed in Section The General Manager and.Managers shall determine when additional technical experts should assist in reviews. of complex pro bl ems.

NSR shall utilize a system of qualified reviewers from other technical organizations to augment its expertise in the disciplines of Section

Such qualified reviewers shall ITl!et the sane qualification require!T1!nts as the NSR staff, and will not have been involved ...,ith performance of the original WJrk.

  • Since the Nuclear DepartlTl!nt is located on Artificial Island site, the. terms "on-site" and "off-site" convey the distinction between* inside and outside the station fence, respectively.


  • UNIT 2 6-9 Amendment No.~


b. Proposed changes to procedures, equip!Tl!nt, or systerrs that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section 50.59, 10CFR.
c. Proposed tests or experiments that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section 50.59, 10CFR.

- d. Proposed changes to Technical Specifications or to the Operating License.

e. Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, 11canse requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance.
f. Si gni f1 cant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety.
h. All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety-related structures, systems or components.
i. Reports and neeti ng minutes of the Station Operations Review Committee.

AUDITS Audits of faci 1 ity activities that are required to be performed under

.. .ie cognizance of OSR are listed below:

a. The conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical- Specifications and applicable -license conditions at least o nee per 12 rm nths.
b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entire facility staff at least once per 12 nr>nths.
c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systePtS, or r.ethod of operation that affect nuclear safety at ~east once per 6 nr>nths. _
d. The performance of activities required by the Operational Qiality Assurance Program to ineet the Criteria of Appendix 11 8 11
  • 10CFR50, at least once per 24 nr>nths. *
e. The Facility Emerge~cy Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 rmnths.
f. The Facility Security Plan and implenl!nting procedures at least once per 12 rmntns.
g. Any other area of facility operation considered General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review or the~~!;!~~~~==~ffi~.
h. The Fac11 ity Fire Pnrtect1on PT'OCJ1"* and ;_,i...._...*

1eut once IMP 24 months. .,.;--~-;;;;;;;.;~~~;;;;:.:;;::::::::==~

s~nior 1

corporate nuclear-officer' SALEM - UNIT 2 6-10 Amendment No. ~ 0

  • ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS An inde~*ndent ~i'l"9 protactian and lass prevention program inspection and .audit shall be P*rformed at least once p*r 12 months utilizing
  • ith*r qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fir*

proucti an firm.

j. An inspection and audit af th* fire prot.ction and loss prevention program shall be performed by 1 q~11fild outsida fire consul~t at lust once P*r" 36 11anths.

- Ii


The radiological anvironrrental IT'Dnitoring program and the results thereof a~ least on~e per 12 POnths.

The above audits shall be ccnducted by the Nuclear OJality Assurance Department or an 1ndep1ndent consultant as required. Audit results and recomrmndations shall be reviewed by OSR. ..

ON-SITE SAFETY REVIE\il ~OUP 6.5.2.S The On-Site Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide: the review of pl ant design and operating experi enca for potent 1al oppartuni ties to improve pl ant safety; the evaluation of plant operations and mai ntenanca activities; and ad~ice to rnanagelll9nt on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.

The *sRG shall make recall'IT9ndations -far revised procedures, equ1prrent rmdifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station/

corporate managerrant.

RESPONSIBILITIES The SRG shall be responsible for:

a. Review of selected plant operating characteristics, NRC issuances, industry advisories, and other appropriate sour-ces of plant design and operating experience information that may indicate areas for improving pl ant safety.
b. Review of selecte~ facility features, equipment, and systems.
c. Review of selected procedures and plant activities including naintenanca, nodification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
d. Surveillance of selected plant operations and maintenance activities to provide _independent verification* that- they are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced to as low as reasonably achievable.


  • senior cor orate nuclear officer NSR shall report to and advise the h'iee ?re!ideni ~h~elearfo: thos.e areas of responsibility specified in Sections and
  • Not responsible for sign..;)ff function SALEM
  • UNIT 2 6-ll Amendment No.~

.. AtJM*tNtSTRATIVE CONTROLS Records of NSR activities shall be prepared and maintctt-ried., Reports of I.

reviews and audits shall be distributed as follows:

a. Reports of reviews encompassed by Section above, snaYt be prepared, approved and forwarded to the , within 14 days following co111>letion of the review.


_ _ __,..., senior corporate nuclear officer 6.5.3 TECHNICAL REVIEW AND CONTROi: ___________ -------------- -- ----*

ACTIVITIES Programs required by- Technical Specificat.ion 6.8 and other procedures which affect nuclear safety as determined by the General Manag~r - Salem Operations, other than editorial or typographical changes, shall be reviewed as

-C'o 1 lows:

PROCEDURE RELATED DOCUMENTS 6*5.3.2 Procedures, Program and changes thereto shall be reviewed as follows:

a. Each newly created procedure, program or change thereto shall be independently reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the subject area other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program or procedure change, but wro may be from the sarre organization. as the individual/grau*p- which prepared the-procedure or procedure change._

Procedures other than Station Administrative procedures will be approved by the appropriate Station Department Manager or by the Assistant General Manager - Salem Operations. Each Station Department Manager shall be responsible for a predesignated class of procedures. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall approve Station Administrative Procedures, Security Plan implementing procedures and Emergency Plan implementing procedures.

b. On-the-~pot changes to procedures which clearly ~ not change* the intent of the approved procedures shall be approved by twn rrernbers of the plant management staff, at- least one of whom ho 1ds a Senior Reactor Operator License. Revisions to procedures which 1'1ClY involve a change in intent of the approved procedures, shall be reviewed in accordance with Section above.
c. Individuals responsible for reviews perforrred in accordance with item above shall be approved by the SORC Chairman and designated as Station Q.ialified Reviewers. A system of Station Q.ialified Reviewers, each of whom shall possess qualifications that meet or exceed the requirements of Section.4.4 of ANSI Nl8.l - 1971, shall be maintained by the SORC Chairman. Each review shall include a written determination of whether or not additional cross-disciplinary review is necessary. If deemed necessary, such review shall be performed by the appropriate designated review personnel.

SALEM UNIT 2 6-12 Amendment No.~-



If the Department Manager determines that the documents involved contain sign~ficant saf.ety issues, the documents shall be forwarded for SORC review and also to NSR for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is inVolved, Pursuant to 10CFRS0.59, I

NRa approval of items unreviewed safety questions or Technical Spe~ification changes shall be obtained prior to implementation.

  • NON-PROCEDURE RELATED DOCUMENTS* Tests or experinents. changes to Technical Specifications, and changes to equipment or systems shall be fo~warded for SORC review and also to NSR for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is involved. The results of NSR reviews will be provided to SORC. Recol'IU!l!ndations for approval are made by SORC to the General Manager - Salem Operations. Pursuant

. to 10CFRS0.59, NRC approval of items involving unreviewed safety questions or requiring Technical Specification ch~nges shall be obtained prior to implementation.

RECORDS Written rec0rds of reviews Performed in accordance with itme above, including recomnendations for approval or disapproval, shall be

-maintained. Copies shall be provided to the General Manager - Salem Operations, SORC, NSR and/or NRC as necessary when their *reviews are req~ired.


6.6.1 The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:*

a. The Co1T1ntission shall be notified and/or a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 50.73. to 10CFR Part 50, and
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the SORC and the resultant 9" Licensee Event Report submitted to NSR and thefViee Presi~eRt Nwelead.
6. 7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION c_ /- -~enior l'~- - - -

corporate nuclear officer i 6.7.l The following actions shall be taken in thP. event a Safety Limit is violated:

a. The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour.
b. The NRC Operation~ Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as V possible and in all cases within one hour. The l'Jiee l'resideAt i!ltjeleaFI ,

and General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review sh41'f b.e_11Q.1ified within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s* ' - ' ~ senior corporate nuclear*'. officer

c. A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the SORC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation~ (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence.
  • d. The Safety Limit Violation Report; shall be submitted to the Commissio ,

q_ the General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review and. the .

Cm.i;i earl within 14 days of the vio 1at ion. *

  • senior car orate nuclear officer SALEM - UNIT 2 6-12a


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