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Requests Info Re Procedures to Expedite NRC Qualification of Control Sys Products for Nuclear Power Plant Backfitting to Enable Vendor to Market Products in Us.Negotiations W/Pse&G Underway Re Purchase of Feedwater Control Sys
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1990
From: Monesitie R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9001260263
Download: ML18094B254 (53)


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DIVISION ERE P 35, rue d'Alsace NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION F - 92531 Levallois Perret Cedex Telephone: 33 (1) 47 59 70 oo Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulatton Telex : 620 454 F Telecopie: 33_(1) 47 59 73 69 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 U.S.A.

L _J O.ref. See NEI Mr de RIBET/CRY January 8; 1990 Tel.47 59 76 49 89262 Subject : Qualification of control system

Dear Sirs,

(D,"' fJR..e)

Our company. is currently endeavouring to market control system products in the United States for nuclear power plant backfitting. We are contemplating*

several applications, both class IE and non class IE, using the microprocessor based control systems successfully i nsta 11 ed for the French and Belgian nuclear power plants. Those systems are of course qualified by the French and Belgian safety authorities~~


Notwithstanding the alledged possibility of generic qualification of control systems and barring further advices from your side, we have decided to try to apply for a project based qualification procedure; we have begun exploratory*

discussions with PSE & G Salem control system team which seems interested in backfitting their steam generator and feedwater control system (non class IE) with the system called MRH 3000 from our bel gi an di vision "ACEC AUTOMATISME".

PSE & G people have mentioned that for this backfi tt i ng pr.oject our product should be "NRC qualified". The purpose of this letter is to ask you to kindly inform us briefly of the right and most straightfoward procedure we should fo 11 ow ; could you confirm us _for instance that it is both necessary and sufficient to submit a safety analysis report according to NUREG-0800 section 7.7?

We enclose herewith for your information and reference a copy of a detailed specification for our MRH 3000 based SG and FW control system.

We remain, Dear Sirs.

( --'?001 :2e:.02e:.:;: I ' PDR. ; A:OOCI< 050002-72 P -Poe R f'10NESTIE Copy MR BERGER (Comsip INC) -P CEGELEC S.A. au capital de 394.897.900 F - Siege social : 13, rue Antonin-Raynaud F - 92309- Levallols-Perret Cedex R.C.S. NANTERRE B 712 043 868-'f.1° Entreprise: 712'043 868- Code APE: 5540 --SIR.ET: 712 043 ~6_8 Q0017

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6.1. MRH 3000 technology 6.2. Records 6.3. Photographies of equipment CHAP. 7. UST OF REFERENCES.

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  • 1. 1
  • . J 1
  • INTRODUCTION The system object of the present offer is the result of the experience gained by ACEC in the*field of level control of steam generators (with and without preheater) and in the field of control and regulation of process byµ processor. Indeed ACEC is involved with Steam Generator Level Control since 1963 and is involved with µ processor based systems since 1983 (refer to "reference list" § 7 for further informations).

The proposed system has successfully demonstrated on the Belgian plants its capability to meet the following requirements :

Full automatic operation from O to 100 % power.

, Sustain large transients without trip .

- Allow switching from "2 elements" to "3 elements* (and reverse) mode of operation without "bump*.

- Allow switching from "Manual" to *Automatic" (and reverse) mode of operation without "bump*.

(Refer to "Technical Documentation" § 2 for further information).

The first major direct benefit of this system is an increased availibility of the plant as the probability of having a trip due to steam generator level control is practically reduced to zero.

) The second major direct benefit of this system is that during the start-up phase of the plant (after reload or after outage) and during transients the operators are no longer upset by keeping the steam generators level in their required* range of operation and so may devote their attention to other important features like primary circuit control turbine control, alternator control, feedwater motro-driven and turbine-driven pumps control.

The software and hardware of the proposed system have been designed to reach a very high level of availability. (Refer to "Technical Documentation" § 5.1. for further information).

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  • 1. 2 Moreover, the proposed system is full redundant and includes two sets of identical

µprocessors and associated power supplies fed in paralel by the same logic and analogic informations coming from the process. The system is such designed that in case of unav*ailability of the *on-line* set of µprocessors the "stand-by" set of µprocessors is put *on-line" by actuation of a single pushbutton situated locally. At the same time, the outputs of the unavailable set of µprocessors are disconnected from the process. The transfer between the two sets of µprocessor is achieved without bump.

Finally, tlie hardware and software of the proposed system have been so designed that the repair and modification of setpoints may be performed quickly and safely by normally qualified people.

- )

As far as on sit~ installation is concerned, the following advantages must be pointed out :

- The system operates with the existing logic and analogic signals with the exception of the remote control modules to be installed on the control board.

- The experience of backfitting the system on the Belgian plants has demonstrated that the system can easily be put into operation during a scheduled shutdown for reload.


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  • 2. 1 2.1. INTRODUCTION Since the start-up of the first belgian nuclear plant (1975), the laboratory of the beigian utilities (LABORELEC), the architect engineer (TRACTEBEL), the utilities

{EBES and INTERCOM) and the control system manufacturer (ACEC) have developed a steam generator level control system which maintains the feedwater in automatic control from criticality fo full power.

The automatic control system operates over the entire power range, it sustains large transients and in conjuction with functional improvements in the balance of plant withstands the loss of a main feedwater pump and permits to keep the main feedwater on reactor trips. Bumpless transfer features are also included in the control system allowing transient free transition from manual! to automatic control and vice versa. It is installed and operates reliably on all seven Belgian Nuclear Power Plants which are equipped with either feedring or integral preheat SG's.

The Belgian steam generator level control system, operating now for more than ten years, is very effective in avoiding feedwater related trips. It is an important contribution to the high availability figures obtained by the belgian plants.

Starting with DOEL 4, digital control, based on MRH 3333 unit, has been used. The latt~r has reached mature status in terms of reliability, cost and compatibility with analog components. It is therefore now a design option to implement the new steam generator level control syste_ms.

The design is such that it is easily adapted to particular needs, the tuning is easily. done.

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  • 2.2

The SG's dynamic behaviour varies considerably over the whole power range. The time response of the level to feedwater flow variations is strongly dependant on feedwater temperature because the flow undercools the water circulating in the downcomer.

Feeding with cold feedwater causes shrinking of the water level.


v E

-- ) L Time(sec)

Step response of the level to feedwaterflow for various feedwatertemperature Turbine transients induce large SG's pressure variations. These pressure variations

") create a shrink or swell behaviour of the level.

For example, a steamflow increase causes a drop of the SG pressure and the level will first rise before beginning to decrease as it normally should due to the mass decrease.



  • 2.3 L

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Step response of the level to steamflow for various loads This shrink and swell phenomenon can be shown on the steam generator characteristic curve (mass VS power at contant level).

P1 P2-


During a power increase from P1 to P2, the steam generator level control has to adapt the feedwater flow to maintain level. According to the above curve, it will be achieved by decreasing steamwater foam mass from M1 to M2. But at the first moment of transient, there is no mass modification; so we shall have a P2 power with a M1 mass, greater than M2, causing the swell phenomenon.

From a control point of vew, this behaviour is typical of a non minimum phase system, which can be controlled by means of a dynamic compensation on the disturbing signal, i.e. the steam flow representing power.

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  • 2.4


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On another hand, the fact that PWR's are multiloop reactors (2 to 3 .. .4) implies that the SG's work in parallel supplying a common steam collector and being fed by a

-* common feedwater collector making the SG's sensitive to what is called "load hunting".

Load hunting is a load interaction between SG's such that, for example, although the total steam flow is constant each SG is oscillating. It can be created by asymmetrical perturbations.



2 .3 .1. µenera!

-Main feedpumps (motor or turbine driven) feed through the high pressure reheaters a common FW header.

At the FW header start the individual feedlines to SG's. The feedflow is controlled by a by-pass and a main feed valve. The by-pass valve allows good control for low flows and the main valve is more suited to larger flows.

However these valves have non-linear caracteristics and flow is not only dependant on* the stroke but also on the pressure drop across the valves.

The available measurements are :

the steam and water flows (they are however unreliable at low flows).

the pressure drop across the control valves or possibly the pressure differential between the water and steam collectors, the narrow range level and the wide range level of the SG, the feedwater temperature.

The feedsystem described here is typical of SG's with a feedring. For SG's with an integral preheater, there are two feediines per G. The main feedline with the main control valve feeds the preheater and an auxiliary feedline with a small control valve feeds the SG at the top.

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2.3.2.* oescriptlon The level control system is derived from a classical three element control system scheme below. This means that there is a level controller which provides corrections to a second element which is the flow controller. The flow controller receives the feedwater flow as an input signal and the steam flow as set point. (fhe third element consists of the main feedwaterpumps controller, faster responding than the valve regulator, which maintain the ~p across the control valves as constant as possible).


Steam Flow Bypassv ve Level controller Flow Mainvalve controller Splitrange circu t Narrow range level Feed flow Feed line Following original features are added to this scheme :

a) The level controller gain is variable with feedwater temperature, which compensates for the effect of varying time delay in the level response to feedwater flow variations. This allows the provision of a high gain and fast response at high feedwater temperature (power) without causing instabilities at low feedwater temperature (power).

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  • ACEC
  • 2. 6 b ) The steam flow which acts as flow controller set point is compensated for the shrink, swell and load hunting phenomena. For this object, the average of the steam flow of all loops is rate/lagged and subtracted from the individual loop steam flow.

c) The flow controller includes a linearization circuit taking into account the ~p across the controlvalves (direct, or calculated from the feedwater steam header differential pressure) and the non linear caracteristics of the control valves.

This circuit automatically compensates for non-linearities in the feedwater flow control and ensures an effective and stable response of the feedwater flow control subloop at any flow. It also provides immediate response to variations in the feedwater/steam header pressure differential.

d) The control valves are automatically split range operated so that no manual action is needed in the switching from the bypass to main valve and vice versa.

This leads to the following control scheme called TRI element mode.


Steam flow Feedwater DP across the valves temperature

. *.1 swell compensation Level controller Flow Mainvalve controller Linearising and splitrange circuit Narrow range level Feed flow Feed line

  • 2. 7

""'l 2.4. THE BELGIAN LOW POWER FEEDWATER SYSTEM The foregoing scheme works perfectly as it is adapted to any power level but it needs flow measurements.

At low flows, the flow transmitters are unreliable and this control scheme does not work satisfactorily. On the other hand, at low power levels, it is important to keep the SG's in automatic control. Hence the reason an original belgian low power control system was designed.

Instead of using the flow controller, which needs feedflow, the flow set point is sent to the linearising circuit directly.

Instead of using the steam flow measurement, we use the wide range level signal as a closed loop feed forward signal.

The use of the wide range level permits a faster control at low power and constitutes an implicit shrink and swell compensation. On the other hand, it takes into account all the consumers connected to the steam generator like blow-down etc.

The scheme is modified in the way showed on the following figure called Bl element mode.

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  • 2. 8
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Wide range ToS.G.

level Feedwater temperature DP across the valves Shrink and swell compensation Level controller Mainvalve Linearising and splitrange circuit

) Narrow range level Feedline A manual switch is used to transfer, from the low power control sytem to the normal system and vice versa, in a bumpless way.

Control mode switching can be performed regardless of which control valve(s) is (are) being controlled. The fact that a specific control mode is not associated with a specific control valve, provides the maximum achievable flexibility.

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  • 2.9

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2. 5. OTHER FEATURES 2.5.1. Bumpless* features In control systems, it is very important to transfer manual control to automatic control and vice versa in a bumpless manner TRI and Bl schemes have been simplified in that the bumpless features are not shown.

In the manual-TRI-element mode, the flow controller is conditioned in such a way that his output matches the actual feedwater flow. The level controller output is conditioned in such a way as to ensure a zero error at the flow controller input. This ensures the bumpless character of the switchover from Manual to Auto in the same



In the Manual-Bl-element mode, the level controller output is conditioned in such a way as to ensure a zero difference in valve positiori lift, which ensures the bumpless character of the switchover from Manual to Auto in this mode.

During switchover from Bi to TRI or from TRI to Bl, an automatic sequence takes place which positions the control system for a few seconds in a status similar to the Manual mode. The valve positioners remain in Auto under dependency of the control electronics. This transition mode is referred to as "masked Manual". The sequence from Bl to TRI is as follows (and is duplicated for the sequence from TRI to Bl) : 81-Auto, Bl-Manual, TRI-Manual and TRI-Auto. The duration of the sequence is governed by the time required for the bumpless integrator of the new mode to adjust itself. This ensures the bumpless character of the subject transitions.

2.5.2. Bl Narrow range mode The Belgian SG level control consists of a single control system at high power and low power, but it has two operating modes, TRI element and Bl element.

The TRI element mode needs feedwater and steam flow.

The Bl element mode needs SG wide range level. In order to keep an automatic control at high power without flow signal and at low power without SG wide range level signal, the control system includes a third mode, called Bl Narrow Range based on a steam flow index calculated from 1st stage turbine pressure and steam dump to

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  • 21 0 condenser demand. This latter mode is not so fast than the two others, but it is able to sustain normal plan operations.

2.5.3. Automatic switch-over For integral preheat SG's, there are generally two feedlines. The main line feeding the pre heater and the auxiliary feed line to the top of the SG.

When the feedwater is cold and the feedflow small, it is not permitted to feed the SG through the preheater so that the auxiliary line is used.

When there is sufficient flow and warmer feedwater, the transfer to the main feedline is initiated. This feedline transfer is normally done by means of isolation valves which allow to choose the line used. During the DOEL 4 design, it appeared that it was possible to do these transfers by means of the control valves. This kind of switchover offers the capability of automatic control during transfer to assure corrections needed by inaccuracy of the algorithms and/or plant conditions variation.

Automatic switch over will be also used with when the main valve presents important leakage or to prevent throttling on the main valve.

2.5.4. Tuning of the control system An important strength of the Belgian system is the functional regulation .theory. As the control system design is based on the physical modelling of the process, the control system structure and its parameters derive directly on the physical data of

. } the process. This way of designing control systems is called functional control. This theory enables extending the system to any plant, just by modification of a few gains and time constants.

Tuning is based only on the thermohydraulic and geometrical characteristics of the SG's, the f eedsystem and the control valvs, including all their non-linearities.

It doesn't need a trial and error procedure. Since the physical models are expressed in transfer functions and their inverse that are provided with the control system, it provides a very clear insight into the way the control system behaves. Further maintenance on the components is very simple.


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  • 21 1 2.5.5. Eeedwater related transients The SG level control system is so designed to. achieve optimal automatic control provided that the feedwater system operates normally.

It happens occasionally that a mainfeed pump trips. If a (reserve) stand by feedpump is available and automatically takes over, then the control system continues to operate normally and SG's level remains within limits and do not require manual intervention.

In the case that no standby feedpump is available, then turbine power runback is necessary in order to keep the required feedflows manageable by the feedsystem.

The optimal way to run-back the turbine is dependant of the capacity of the remaining pump and the load reduction possibility of the primary system.

Although nothing needs be changed In the SG level control system, engineering services can be provided for the evaluation of the possibility to prevent reactor trip and the way the run-back has to be programmed.

The Belgian nuclear power plants do not experience trips on a loss of a*main feedpump. Those which do not have a reserve feedpump have a built-in logic that initiate an automatic run-back of the turbine to sixty percent power, all system remaining in automatic control and no manual intervention is needed in case of a feedpump trip.

The plants which do have a reserve standby feedpump, remain at full power.

In case, the reserve pump is not available. The automatic run-back takes over as in the first case.

2.5.6. Mains feedwater operation during reactor trip On a reactortrip, it is normally required to start the auxiliary feedwater*sytem.

This operation has disadvantages like causing thermal shocks to the SG and delaying the return to power.


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.-I Maintaining normal feedwater operation avoids these. inconveniences, but it needs a

.... .J' safety reevaluation in order to prevent primary undercooling and changing the auxfeed logics.

If it is possible, this type of operation can be performed in fully automatic control, implemented in the SG level control system in order to recover the level as fast as primary temperature allows.

As the SCRAM breakers can be more rapidly reset, the turbine can be put on-line sooner.

This type of operation is actually installed in the SG level control system of several Belgian plants.


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  • I
  • 3.1 3 .1. DOCUMENTS ACEC establish the following documents.

3.1.1. Equipment design specification this document takes into account the particularities of the plant.

Prior to the establishment of the specification, ACEC needs the informations listed in appendix 3.1.A.

3 .1 . 2. Factory test procedure this document describes the tests performed in

  • -' .J the factory prior to ship the equipment. The tests are performed on ACEC simulator taking into account the plant parameters required in appendix 3.1.A.

3 .1 .3. Site test procedure this document describes the tests performed on site prior and during the start-up of the plant up to 100 % of power.

3.1.4. Schematic diagrams those diagrams show the interconnection inside the equipment.

) 3.1.5. Outline drawing those drawings show the dimensions of the cabinet and the situation of the components inside the cabinet.

3.1.6. Interconnection diagrams those diagrams show the connection between the equipment and the process (including main control room).

3 .1 . 7. Instruction book this document gives all necessary informations to operate and repair the system.

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  • I 3.2


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NQIE: ACEC will provide help to the Customer to revise the parts of the plant Operating Procedures affected by the use of the proposed system.

3. 2. 'HARDWARE Refer to appendix 3.2.A. and 3.2.B.

Two options are described.

The first one includes only the three steam generators level controls. The second one includes the three steam generated level controls and the feedwater pumps control, allowing correct behaviour in case of feedwater transients (see chapter 2).

3.2.1. Electronic cabinet Option 1

- Three standard sub rack units (one per steam generator) each equiped with :

  • two {2) power supplies MRH 3314 four (4) digital controlers MRH 3333A
  • two (2) relay cards MRH 331 O one {1) switch card MRH 3332


- One standard sub rack unit equiped with :

  • one (1) power supply MRH 3314 six (6) manual controlers MRH 3326 Option 2

- Four standard sub rack units, each equiped with :

two (2) power supplies MRH 3314 1


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,! *4 four (4) digital controlers MRH 3333A

  • two (2) relays cards MRH 331 o one (1) switch card MRH 3332

- One standard sub rack unit equiped with

  • one (1) power supply MRH 3314
  • eight (8) manual controlers MRH 3326.

~= It is possible to mount the sub rack units in the actual cabinets Q.D.

conditions these ones are standard 19". In this case, each unit is equiped with auxiliary terminal blocks.

3.2.2. Main control board The following equipments are to be mounted on the main control board. Option 1

- Three (3) control modules MCD 5055 - one (1) per steam generator for the choice of the mode of operation "Bi element* - "Bi-narrow range* - "Tri element"

- Six (6) control modules MCD 5002 - two (2) per steam generator (one (1) per feedwater valve) for the choice of the mode of operation of the valves "Automatic" - "Manual" -and indication of the position of the valves.

- Twenty-four (24) terminals for feeding the status lights incorporated in the MCD.

- Thirty-six (36) terminals for the logic signals coming from the MCD.

- Eighteen (18) terminals for the analogic signals coming from the MCD.


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  • 3.4

- ,* Option 2


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Besides hardware of

- Two (2) control modules MCD 5002 for the choice of the mode of operation of the feedwater pumps.

- Ten (1 O) terminals for feeding the status lights incorporated in the MCD.

Ten (1 O) terminals for the logic signals coming from the MCD.

Four (4) terminals for the analogic signals coming from the MCD.

Note 1 : In case terminals are not available it is possible to connect directly the cables coming from the electronic cabinet to the control modules of § 3.2.1.

Note 2 : As indicators are existing in the actual system, it will be possible to keep the existing control board instrumentation, in conjunction with new switches or push buttons, in place of MCD control modules.

3.2.3. Cabling Oplion 1

- Between proposed equipment and main control board.

. Analogic signals One (1) cable of eighteen (18) conductors 0.752 STP for the indication of the position of the six feedwater valves (used by MCD of § 3.22.1 ).


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  • 3.5

. Logic signals One (1) cable of thirty-six (36) conductors of O. 752

- .;

for the choice of mode of operation of the system and of the valves (used by MCD of §

. Power supply One (1), cable of twenty-four (24) conductors 12 for feeding the status lights incorporated in the MCD of §

- Between proposed equipment and plant power supplies :

. One (1) cable of two (2) conductors 2.52 for the equipment power supplies .

.... *) Option 2 Besides cabling of ..

. Analogic signals one (1) cable of four (4) conductors 0.752 STP for the indicators of the two feedwater pumps (used by MCD of§

Logic signals one (1) cable of ten (10) conductors 0.752 for the choice of mode of operation of the pumps (used by MCD of


. Power supply one (1) cable of ten (1 O) conductors 12 for feeding the status lights incorporated in the MCD of §


1 ) The above cables are to be connected at the terminals mentioned in § 3.2.2.

2) The above mentioned cables may be splitted in several cables to match the standardization of number of conductors per cable.
3) The above mentioned cross section are minimum values.
  • 3.6
3. 3. INSTALLATION. TESTING AND START-UP 3.3.1: Installation The following installation works are to be performed by ACEC.

- . Receiving, unpacking and visual inspection of the cabinet mentioned in § 3.2.1.

and the nine (9) MCD mentioned in § 3.2.2.

- Installation of the cabinet (according to Appendix 3.2.A.).

- Cut-out of the holes in the main control board for MCD mounting (according* to Appendix 3.2.B.).

- Connection of the MCD (according to terminal blocks drawing to be provided by ACEC later).

- Installation of the cables listed in 3.2.3.

- Provide and install cables identification tags.

- Connect the cables listed in § 3.2.3. (according to terminal blocks drawings to

. .J be provided by ACEC later).

3. 3. 2. Testing Wiring tests External connections to the MCD will be tested "wire to wire".
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  • 3.7 Pre-operational tests Two ACEC representatives will be present on site to energize the modules and perform the pre-operational tests. Those tests will demonstrate the correct integration of all the components of the proposed system and demonstrate that the system has the same performances as in factory.

3.3.3. Start-up test Two ACEC representatives will be present on site to perform the final adjustments.

  • ,) This final phase of the tests will require that at certain le\lel of power (0 % -


1o % - 50 % - 75 % and 100 %) it will be possible to reduce disturbances on the steam generators level. Those disturbances and eventual adjustments in the equipment take approximatly one hour at each power level.

At O % and 1O % power demonstration of switching between the two sets of

µprocessors will be performed.

3. 4 .1
  • Training of maintenance people Training of maintenance people will be performed in two steps.

Step A  : ACEC will take in charge the training of one Customer's reprensentative for one (1) week in the factory during the final phase of factory tests.

StepB ACEC will take in charge the training of the maintenance people on site during the testing and start-up phases.

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  • 3.8
3. 4. 2. Training of operators ACEC will take in charge the training of the operators before start-up phase in order to have those people able to operate the system during the tests of the start-up phase.


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  • TECHNICAL DATA LIST 1 . Steam generator datas 1 .1 . Type of SG (051, 051 M, F, E, ...)

1.2. Narrow Range level Vs mass characteristic (%/lb) 1.3. Wide Range level Vs mass characteristic (%/lb) 1.4. Transfer function of narrow range level Vs steam flow

  • )

1.5. Transfer function of narrow range level Vs feed flow 1.6. Narrow range setpoint Vs power

2. Eeedwater system datas 2 .1
  • In case of fixed speed pumps 2.1 .1 . speed (rpm}

2.1 .2. .6.p characteristic Vs power 2.2. In case of variable speed pumps 2.2.1. Speed span (rpm) 2.2.2. Overspeed (rpm) 2.2.3. Type of speed controller

  • ,.) 2.2.4. .6.p set point Vs power 2.2.5. Time response to speed setpoint variation 2 .3. Reserve feed pump a~ailable (variable or fixed speed)
3. Control valves datas 3.1. Pneumatic or hydraulic valves 3.2. Main feedwater control valve CV 3.3. By pass feedwater control valve CV 3 .4. Time response of control valves 3.5. Closure and opening times of control valves.
  • .**
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4. Physical and electrical range of the following parameters
4. 1 : Steam flow Vh Volts 4.2. Feedwater flow Vh 4 .3. Feedwater temperature OF (OC) 4 .4. Wide range level span m (ft) 4 .5. Narrow range level span m (ft)
  • 4 .6. Turbine 1st stage pressure bar(psi) *
4. 7. Feedwater control valves position measurement  %(mm) 4 .8. .b.p water/steam header bar (psi)
4. 9. .b.p f eedwater controlvalves bar (psi)
5. Nominal values at rated power (100 % power) 5.1. Gross electrical power MW 5 .2. Steam flow 5.3. Average primary temperature 5 .4. Steam generator pressure 5.5. Feedwater temperature 5.6. Feedwater pump speed
5. 7. Turbine 1st stage pressure
6. Others
6. 1 . Steam dump capacity 6.2. Feedwatertemperature Vs power 6.3. Estimated pressure losses in feedwater steam lines.

6.4. Transmitters redundancy 6.5. Steam dump opening.

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s l. All.dimensions are in mm. OUTLINE AND INSTALLATION.
2. This drawing shows our Standard Process Instrumentation Cabinets. * "111 Ill\

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. Design equipment speci fi cali ons

. Rack manufacturing and cabling

. Electronic modules manufacturing and so fl ware

. Factory testing

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. Packaging and shipping -


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. Site Installation and Interconnection - *

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2. Time scale is one month








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  • 5. I 5.1. MANUFACTURING LEAD TIME Our Standard Lead Time are as follow :

- Design and manufacturing : six (6) months ARO.

- Shop testing : one (1) month.

- Installation and comissioning : one (1} month.

-~} 5.2. BUDGETARY PRICES For the documents, hardware and works describe in chap.3.

We quote:

- For option 1 450.000 $

- For option 2 550.000 $

The above prices are based on the following exchange rate US$ 1 = BF 38.

5.3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The document "General Conditions of Sale for Export", Appendix 4.3.A., is applicable

§ 9 - WARRANTY The twelve months warranty period starts at the date of closure of the vessel head. It is supposed that the time between closure of the vessel head ant the time of 100 % operation will not exceed two (2 months}.


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  • CHAPTER 6.1.





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  • *
  • 6.1. l GENERAL


The circuits of the MRH 3000 series have been designed for the compact and economical production of electronic units for measurement processing, and the control (including automatic control) of industrial processes.

ACEC-CHANCE equipment has taken advantage of the latest technological progress to include not only classical analog and logic circuits but also digital circuits with microprocessors.

The MRH 3000 circuits form a series of hybrid components, all compatible in respect of installation and connections, which enables them to be used in association according to criteria that depend on operational flexibility and cost of implementation or control channels are of the decentralised type, so ensuring the best possible availability for the monitored process.

FUNCTIONS The main functions that can be achieved with the MRH 3000 circuits are as follows :

Measurement of physical variables : temperature, vibration, speed of rotation, flame detection.

Analog or digital processing of measured-value signals : correction, filtering, lead-lag, average, selection.

Digital or analog feedback control loops - classical or optimised structure

P, I, D, Pl, PID, etc., controllers, parametrisation, static linearisation, process simulation, automatic selection of a controlling variable, staggering of operations.

Interfaces :,remote control from a desk, control of operating means (pneumatic hydraulic or electric actuators), computer control.

logic and alarm operations : .from measured-value signals.

MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS All the MRH 3000 circuits are made to the dimensions of 125 x 230 mm. They are located in our standard sub-rack units, to RETMA standards :

- width 19" (483 mm)

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  • 6.1.2

- height 4 units (177.B mm)

- depth 300 mm.

Each sub-rack can hold up to 21 45-way connectors for plug-in circuits. The distance between the connectors is 20 mm or a multiple of 20 mm.

Each sub-rack is fitted with a distribution strip for the various voltages; insulated brackets are also provided for the current-voltage conversion resistors, the wires between the connectors are brought together in a fire resistant plastic duct with cover.

The racks can be mounted into standard 19" cabinets :

- width 600 mm

- height 2,100 mm,


- depth 600 mm.

The cabinets have a glazed door at the front and a blank door at the back, both lockable by key.

Each cabinet can receive 7 sub-racks.

Two vertical terminal strips, each with 200 terminals, disposed laterally at the back, or coordinate type terminal boards at the buttom, providing external connections.

All the internal connections between connectors, and between connectors and terminal strips, are made by the wire-wrapping technique with colored wires accordir:ig to the function as for the external connections, they are made by means of "Fast-on" 6.35 mm connectors or by means of screwed terminals for maximum 1.5 mm2 section wires.

In case of obsolete devices back fitting, the sub racks are mounted in the existing cabinets on condition these ones are standard 19". So terminal blocks and external wiring are kept in


) place.

ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Principle of operation The MRH 3000 analog type circuits are based on the use of operational amplifiers in assocation with high-stability passive components.

The solid-state logic circuits are obtained by means of high-level CMOS type integrated circuits.

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  • 6.1.3 The digital type circuits include input analog-digital converters and output digital-analog converters.

Whatever the type of circuit, all the input and output signals handled are voltages referred to a common potential, which is .the zero of the power supply.

In the case of both inputs and outputs, special devices enable the system to be adapted for all the usual ranges.

Input signals The standard range is from O to +/- 1O Vdc.

Low impedance. A short circuit can be withstood without damage. The output signals can be converted to current form (0/20 or 4/20 mA) are converted and distributed to the different circuits using them via protective devices.

Output signals The standard range is from O to +/- 1o Vdc.

Low impedance. A short circuit can be withstood without damage. The output signals can be converted to current form (0/20 or 4/20 mA) with or without galvanic isolation.

The positioner output permits continuous or on-off control of electrical servo-motors.

Power supply

"') For power and relay logic circuits : + 24 Vdc and - 24 Vdc (+/- 20 %)

For analog and solid-state logic circuits : + 15 Vee (+/- 0.5 %)

For digital circuits : + 5 Vdc (+/-. 5 %)

The + 24 Vdc and - 24 Vdc supplies are obtained from the single 50 Hz or 60 Hz network by means of transformer-rectifier units.

Protection is provided by fuses. The + 15 Vdc, - 15 Vdc and + 5 Vdc voltages are obtained from + 24 Vdc and - 24 Vdc voltages by means of plug-in stabilisers.

The outputs are protected electronically against short-circuits.

As a rule, one stabiliser is provided for each control loop.

Relia bifity

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  • 6.1.4 MTBF The following table gives the actual. Main time between failure recorded on the modules in operation.

MRH 331 O - Five relay card 550.000 heures MRH 3311 - Four amplifiers card 270.000 heures MRH 3312 - Temperature transmitter 280.000 heures MRH 3314 - Power supply 225.000 heures MRH 3319 - Distributor 155.000 heures

') MRH 3324 - Two channels comparator 240.000 heures MRH 3326 - Manual control 180.000 heures MRH 3333 - Digital controler 75.000 heures Qualification report We certify that the equipment representative to the Class 1 E equipment, traceability IE-MRH 3000 defined by the document below* has been subjected successfully to the sequence of tests defined in the following documents :

FAT/FRA 80/32 ed.D Qualification program of the equipment references to system Class 1 E (based on IEEE Standard 323, Edition 74 and 344, Edition 75).

) 4AR 10.044 ed. 3 Sequence of test 4AR 10.034 ed. 2 Test plan based on IE 9100.9267 ed. D Vibration specification Manufacturing and control MRH 3000 cards are manufactured according to the electronic Division Assurance Quality Plan.

Manufacturing and control personal have received particular training by monitors graduated of the NASA school.

"' The test results are included in report #EN/OA-85/09242 j

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  • 6.1.5



- Standards printed board (material) MIL 13949 type GFN printed board (design) : ACEC 9.100.0486 based on MIL-STD-275 resistors : UTE-93-230 accuracy resistors : CCTU-04-03 capacitors :

. metalised polycarbonate : CCTM-02-14A

. polyester : DIN 41389

  • metalised polyester : DIN 44111
  • electrolytic : DIN 41332

. ceramic: CCT 4-02-02A

. dry tantal : Ml L-C-39003 Semiconductor : Industrial quality according to JEDEC


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    • 6.1.





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  • 7. 1 l1, I


6.1. NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS EBES - C03.. unit 4 1983 26 modules INTERCOM - Tll-W'JGE unit 3 1983 28 modules Tll-W'JGE unit 2 1986 10 modules SEW() - Tll-W'JGE unit 1 1986 12 modules SENA (France) a-aJZ unit 1 1984 28 modules EBES - C03.. unit 3 - 1988 15 modules EBES - C03.. unit 1 19 89* - 12 modules EBES - OCE... unit 2 - 1989* - 12 modules

6.2. FOSSILE AND HYDRO POWER STATIONS INTERCOM RUIEN unit 3&4 - 1983 72 modules BAUOOUR - 1985 20 modules RUIEN unit 5 1985 40 modules PONT BRULE - 1986 5 modules RUIEN unit 6 1987 11 modules ZWEVEGEM - 1987 10 modules EBES - KALLO 1984 5 modules INTERESCAUT * - SCHBl.E - 1986 5 modules s:x::a.JE - YVOZ-RAMET - 1986 4 modules CNTIC (China) - YN::J.!a.G - 1984 50 modules ABOISSO Cf'/ORY COASD 1984 6 modules DOWN EAST PEAT (USA) 1988* - 8 modules

  • Will be put into operation mid-1989.


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l lI j 6.3. INDUSTRY I ~

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COCKERILL Steel Industry - 19'84 - 6 modules I ~ RHONE & AQUITAINE (France) - Chemical Industry - 1985 - 7 modules

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IDEA Heating Production 1985 - 31 modules

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CELLULOSE DES ARDENNES Chemical Industry - 1985 - 4 modules 4




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