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Ltr 01/03/06 LaSalle Notification of NRC Inspection and Request for Information
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/29/2005
From: Dave Hills
To: Crane C
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Download: ML060260067 (5)


December 29, 2005Mr. Christopher M. CranePresident and Chief Nuclear Officer Exelon Nuclear Exelon Generation Company, LLC 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555



Dear Mr. Crane:

On February 20, 2006, the NRC will begin the baseline inservice inspection (NRC Procedure71111.08) at the LaSalle County Station. This on-site inspection is scheduled to be performedfrom February 20, 2006 through March 18, 2006.Experience has shown that this inspection is resource intensive, both for the NRC inspector andyour staff. In order to minimize the impact to your on-site resources, and to ensure a productive inspection for both sides, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection. These documents have been divided into two groups. The first group identifies information necessary to ensure that the inspector is adequately prepared. The second group identifies the information the inspector will need upon arrival at the site. It is important that all ofthese documents are up to date and complete, in order to minimize the number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or the onsite portions of the inspection.We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understandthat our regulatory contact at LaSalle for this inspection will be Mr. P. Holland. If there are anyquestions about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the inspector, Don Jones, at (630) 829-9622 or via e-mail at In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter andits enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC PublicDocument Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's C. Crane-2-document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).Sincerely,/RA/David E. Hills, ChiefEngineering Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-373; 50-374License Nos. NPF-11; NPF-18


INSERVICE INSPECTION DOCUMENT REQUEST cc w/encl:Site Vice President - LaSalle County StationLaSalle County Station Plant Manager Regulatory Assurance Manager - LaSalle County Station Chief Operating Officer Senior Vice President - Nuclear Services Senior Vice President - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Vice President - Mid-West Operations Support Vice President - Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director Licensing - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Manager Licensing - Clinton and LaSalleSenior Counsel, Nuclear, Mid-West Regional Operating Group Document Control Desk - Licensing Assistant Attorney General Illinois Emergency Management Agency State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission C. Crane-2-document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).Sincerely,/RA/David E. Hills, ChiefEngineering Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-373; 50-374License Nos. NPF-11; NPF-18


INSERVICE INSPECTION DOCUMENT REQUEST cc w/encl:Site Vice President - LaSalle County StationLaSalle County Station Plant Manager Regulatory Assurance Manager - LaSalle County Station Chief Operating Officer Senior Vice President - Nuclear Services Senior Vice President - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Vice President - Mid-West Operations Support Vice President - Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director Licensing - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Manager Licensing - Clinton and LaSalleSenior Counsel, Nuclear, Mid-West Regional Operating Group Document Control Desk - Licensing Assistant Attorney General Illinois Emergency Management Agency State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce CommissionDOCUMENT NAME: E:\Filenet\ML060260067.wpd G Publicly Available G Non-Publicly Available G Sensitive G Non-SensitiveTo receive a copy of this document, indicate in the concurrence box "C" = Copy without attach/encl "E" = Copy with attach/encl "N" = No copyOFFICERIIIRIIIRIIIRIIINAMEDJones: LSBBurgessDHillsDATE12/29/0501/04/0601/04/06OFFICIAL RECORD COPY C. CraneADAMS Distribution

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GEG KGO DEK CAA1 DRPIII DRSIII PLB1 JRK1 EnclosureINSERVICE INSPECTION DOCUMENT REQUESTInspection Date:February 20, 2006 Inspection Procedure: IP 7111108 "Inservice Inspection"Inspector:Don Jones (630) 829-9622A.Information Requested for the In-Office Preparation WeekThe following information (electronic copy if practicable - is requested byFebruary 10, 2006, to facilitate the selection of specific items that will be reviewedduring the onsite inspection week. The inspector will select specific items from the information requested below and request a list of additional documents needed on-site to your staff. We request that the specific items selected from the lists be available and ready for review on the first day of inspection. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call the inspector as soon as possible.1)A detailed schedule, including the component identification, Class, NDE procedure,date, and time of nondestructive examinations (NDE) planned for Class 1 & 2 systemsand containment, performed as part of your ASME Code ISI Program during the scheduled inspection week. The schedule should clearly identify those examinations.2)A copy of the NDE procedures used to perform the examinations identified in A.1(including calibration and flaw characterization/sizing procedures). For ultrasonic examination procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII, of Section XI of theASME Code, provide documentation supporting the procedure qualification (e.g., the EPRI performance demonstration qualification summary sheets). Also, include documentation of the specific equipment to be used (e.g., applicable EPRI table 1 & 2 data sheets - ultrasonic instrument, search units/transducers and cables). 3)A copy of any ASME Section XI, Code Relief Requests (with NRC safety evaluations)applicable to the examinations identified in A.1 including the NRC safety evaluationapproving the risked based ISI program.4)A list identifying NDE reports (ultrasonic, radiography, magnetic particle, dye penetrant,visual (VT-1, VT-2, VT-3)) which have identified relevant indications on Code Class

1 & 2 systems during the last refueling outage. Provide records accepting any relevantindications for continued service. 5)List with short description of the welds in Code Class 1 and 2 systems whic h have beencompleted since the beginning of the last refueling outage and identify system, weldnumber, and reference applicable documentation.6)List with short description of ASME Code repairs or replacements which have beencompleted since the beginning of the last outage.

Enclosure7)If reactor vessel weld examinations required by the ASME Code are scheduled to occurduring the inspection period, provide a detailed description of the welds to be examined including the weld identification, component, category, class, and the extent of theplanned examination.8)List, with description, of ISI and materials degradation related issues (e.g., piping/supportcontainment degradation/damage or errors in piping/supports/containment examinations)entered into your corrective action system beginning with the date of the last refuelingoutage. Specifically, the inspectors request that these lists include the results of yourelectronic data base searches of the corrective action system records on key words such as ultrasonic examination, magnetic particle examination, ISI examination, degradation,corrosion, minimum wall, leak, boric acid, crack, support, containment, etc., to identify potentially degraded conditions in safety-related systems or ISI issues.9)Copy of any 10 CFR Part 21 reports applicable to your structures systems orcomponents within the scope of Section XI of the ASME Code, that have been identifiedsince the beginning of the last refueling outage.B.Information to be provided on-site to the inspector at the entrance meeting:1)Updated schedules for item A.1 (including schedule showing contingency repair plansfor vessel nozzles if available).2)For welds selected by the inspector from A.5 above, provide copies of the followingdocuments:a)Document of the weld number and location (e.g., system, train, branch);b)Document with a detail of the weld construction; c)Applicable Code Edition and Addenda for weldment; d)Applicable Code Edition and Addenda for welding procedures; e)Applicable weld procedures (WPS) used to fabricate the welds; f)Copies of procedure qualification records (PQRs) supporting the WPS onselected welds;g)Copies of mechanical test reports identified in the PQRs above; h)Copies of the nonconformance reports for the selected welds; i)Radiographs of the selected welds and access to equipment to allow viewingradiographs; andj)Copies of the preservice examination records for the selected welds.3)For the nondestructive examination reports with relevant indications on Code Class 1 & 2 systems selected by the inspector from A.4 above, provide a copy of theexamination records and associated corrective action documents.4)For the ISI related corrective action issues selected by the inspector from A.8 above,provide a copy of the corrective actions and supporting documentation.

Enclosure5)Provide documentation that the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspectors has reviewedthe NDE personnel certification records for personnel performing NDE during the current refueling outage. Also, for each NDE UT examiner qualified to Appendix VII and VIII of Section XI provide the records (with dates) for the most recent completion of their practical hands on training.6)Ready access (e.g., copies provided to the inspector to use for the duration of theinspection at the on-site inspection location) to the Editions of the ASME Code (Sections V, IX and XI) applicable to the inservice inspection program and the repair/replacement program. Ready access to the EPRI and industry standards referenced in the procedures used to perform the ultrasonic piping examinations (e.g., copies provided to the inspector to use for the duration of the inspection at the on-site inspection location).