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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Station Directive 3.7.3, Bomb Threat/ Bomb Search Plan & Procedures PT/0/A/4600/06, Exercises & Drills & EP/0/A/5000/08, General Emergency
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1982
Shared Package
ML20054F453 List:
TASK-AS, TASK-BN-82-56 BN--82-56, BN-82-56, PROC-820518-01, NUDOCS 8206160387
Download: ML20054F458 (125)


{{#Wiki_filter:g. ~ STATION DIFICTIVE-3.7.3 ~ *

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A??ROVAL [Y A b OATE Ori2inal Issued 5/13/77 REVISION 10 DATE F[?/ 72.


Di.".<E POLT.R CC)'?AF! McGT!RE NUCLEAR STATION 30M3 THREA!/30M3 SEARCH PLM OBJECTIVE 3e objective of this directite is to outline a plan that will provide for the safety and protection of Sentun personnel and equipnent in the event of a bomb threat and to ensure continuitf of service, if possible. GENERAL e In the event of a bomb threat, an organited plan must be utiliced. The following is an outline of the procedure to be used at McGuire Nuclear Station in the event that a boch threat is received or a suspected device is detected. HANDLING OF TELEPHONE CALL In the event a bomb threat telephone call is received, a Telephone Procedure Bonb nrest Check List (Attach =ent #1) has been placed at the Switchboard, the Control Rocm, Central and Secondary Alarm Station, Statien Manager Clerk's Office, and in the Station Manager's Office; this list should be used to record . all the infor=ation possible during the tel: phone conversation. IMPLEMENTATION AND NOTIFICATION , In the event a bomb threat is received, the following action should be taken:

1) The person receiving the call should i==ediately notify the Operations 5hif t Supervisor, extensien . or
2) The Operations Shift fuoervisor shall take the folicwing action:

a) Inplacent EF/0/A/5000/05, Notification of Unusual Event b) Notify the CAS/SAS Operator at extension ,_ 8206160387 820616 - PDR ADOCK 05000369 F PDR .. ,

                                                                 ^  '

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3) The Emergency Coordina:or shall preceed to'asse=ble personnel and evacuate any affecta/ s:stion araas based on infor:acien available. (See Station Directive 3.3.1, Si:e Asse:bly/Evacuati:n) .


4) In :he event :he bomb threat involves discovery of a suspected device or infor:ation pr:vided leads the Emergency C:ordinator/ Shift Supervisor :o believe a be=b actually .2xists that say affec: Reac:or Safety Sys: ens or potential release of radioac:ive za:erials :he Shif: Superviso: should consider taking the following scaps:

i) Place :he reactor (s) in a safe operating code.

2) Take necessary precautions to prevent :he release of radioactive materials (i.e. step all releases of radioactive materials, secure high radiatica araas).

SEARCH AND REPORT The Station will be searched by available Health Physics, Operations Fire Brigade and Security Force (to be provided by Security Shift Li.eutenant) personnel in accordance with guidance provided in Bomb Threat Search Plan (attachment #2). If a Sc=b Threat should occur during the backshif ts or on weekends, the E=ergency Coordinator shall call-out additional Fire Brigade, Health Physics and Security Force personnel thru appropriate supervision to assist in the Bomb Threat search. Each individual involved in the search will report results of the search to the E=ergency Coordinator, he will issue any additional instrue: ions. DETEC'" ION OF A DE7 ICE It is possible that a bomb threat could develop by =ere detection of a suspicious device. The person discovering a suspected explosive device should i=sediately advise their supervisor of the location, time discovered, and any pertinent information. This situatice vould then be handled s1=ilar to the case of finding the device during the response to a be=b threa: phone call as cutlined in this Directive. CACTION: Perscnnel should not move. ta=per with, or handle any suspected explosive device. Da net use radio systems fc: ce==unica:1:ns.


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                                                                                 <L The Energency Cocedinator shall take ' appropriate action based on the existence of a suspected explosive device. If a . suspected explosive device is found, the j

c Isergency Coordinator shall ensure the following action is taken: L) Contac: the Charlotte /Mecklenburg 3[2cb Disposal Tea: after a suspected g. ,. explosive device has been,found. The contacts for McGuirtfare: n Responding Teas: Charlot:e/1%cklenburg Homb Disposal Itas

                                                                    .x           .

Telephens 5usber s 4 Evacuate the af f ected area and ensure that all personnel stay clear of ti t  ;,: I 2) danger :ene (300 feet). l

  • 4' lt- ! Y ALL CLEAR REPORT (Q,' .

s When a bomb threat no longer exists , tbi Emergency Coordinator will ensure dha;

                                                                                                                                                                                      \'                       0-is nade     and      Station                      Personnel                  shsL1               be          allowed                  to    reed            n,l T

an "All Clear Report" q ~3 t to their nor=al work locations.. f , l. s' s ta I Jh , g



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9 STATION DIRECTIVE 3.7.3 ATTACEMENT 30. 1 RE7ISION 1 DATE 5 D g APPROVAL h l 1 l I l TELE? HONE ?RCCEDURES/30M3 THREAT CHECK LIST i INSTRUCTICNS: 3e calm, courteous, and listen; do not interrupt the caller. CALLERS ILE'iTITY: Sex Appro::=iata A6e ORIGIU CF CALL: Local Long Distance Internal VOICE CHARACTERISTICS: SPEECH: LANGi' ACE: Loud Soft Fast Slow Excellent Poor High Pitch Deep Dis tant Lisp Fair Other

;                       Pleasant.        Raspy         Stutters          Nasal              Foul Intoxicated      Other         Slurred           Other              Good ACCENT:               MANNER:                            BACKGROUND NOISES Local           Calm

_ Angry Factory Machines Trains Foreign - Rational Irrational Music Voices Familiar Coherent Incoherent Street Traffic Quiet Deliberate Emotional Animals Office

            ) Ifwhofamiliar did it           Crying          Laughing              Airplanes                        Other sound like?

BOMB FACTS Pretend difficulty in hearing. Keep caller talking. If the caller seems agreeable to further conversation, ASK THESE QUESTIONS:

1. When will the bomb explode?
2. *4here is the bomb located?

I 3. What kind of bomb is it? l'

4. Where are you now?
5. What is your name and address?

If the building is occupied, inform the caller that detonation could cause death or injurr.

     .s Did the callar appear familiar with the premises by his description of the bomb location?

Notify the Operations Shif t Supervisor or one of the Station Superintendents. Talk to'co one other than instructed by your supervisor, 1 SIGNED TIME DATE \ ! a U

STAn0N DIRECT!VI 3.7.3 ACACc r.C S0. 2

                                                                                         . I REVISION 6 D ATE 5?

i, .

                                                                                               ' W.

APPROVAL MW I 3CM3 ~ EAT SIARCF ?LAN A m CHECT. iHIET In the event a bo=b threat received included infor=ation about the location of the bc=b, this area should be searched first. If the bc=b threat contained no infor=ation about the bo=b location, the follewing search plan will be utilited: NOTE: (1) Health Physics coverage of sc=e areas and search personnel nay be required. Contact Health ?hysics for support in these areas. (2) The E=ergency Coordinator shall designate search plan priorities based on available infor=ation. Areas that are known to be inaccessable for long periods of time i.e.: Contain=ent, filter and de=inerali:er roo=s, should not be given pricrity for search. (3) For lockedeareas where keys are not available frem the ShifC Supervisor or Health Physics, the appropriate personnel in charge of O the area shall be contacted for access. SEARCH COMPLETED RESPONSIBII.ITY INITTALS TIME AREA Vital Electrical /Cableroc=s Fire Brigade All Other Station " Vital" Secuiity Areas Unit 1, Fuel 3u11 ding Fire 3rigade Unit 2, Fuel 3uilding 7tre 3rigade Unit 1 Contain=ent Bldg. Fire Brigade (all elevations) Unit 2 Contain=ent Bldg. Fire 3rigade (all elevations) Auxiliary 31dg. Elv. 695 Fire Brigade Auxiliary 31dg. Elv. 716 Fire 3rigade


                                                                                ? ACE    2 3CM3 *H2 EAT SEARCH ?LAN A.'*D CNECX SHIET CONTINI.'ED SEARCH COMPLETED j                                   AREA                  RESPONSI3ILITY               INITIALS        ECE
         .su::111ary 31dg. & Service                      Fire 3rigade F.lg. Elv. 733 and Elv. 739 laxiliary 31dg. & Service                       Fire Brigade 31d3 . Elv. 750 Auxiliary 31dg. & Service                       Fire 3rigade 31dg. Elv. 760, 767, 777 (Q.A. Darkroom, Planning, Ventilation Roca)

Auxiliary Bldg. Elv. 786 Fire Brigade Unit 1 Inboard / Outboard Fire 3rigade Doghouse

       ~ Unit 2 Inboard / Outboard                        Fire Brigade Doghouse Unit 1, 2, Turbine 31dg.                        Fire Brigade Elv. 739 Unit 1, 2. Turbine 31dg.                        Fire Brigade Elv. 760 Unit 1, 2. Turbine 31dg.                         Fire Brigade Elv. 790 All Extremely High Radiation                    Health Physics Areas Station Grounds "Inside"                        Security Protected Area Turbine 3uilding, Service                       Security Building, Auxiliary Building, and Containment Building Roof's and Structures Intake Structure                                Security RadWasta Solidification                         Health Physics


                                                                          ? AGE    3
                                                ' 02 ?tilf .C0 '~1ECZ SHEI'" CONTD*i?ID SEA.



Contaminated Parts 'anse. Health Physics Safe Shutdown Faci ~.ity Security All Trailers - Inside Security Protacted Area Warehouse :/5 Security Interim Waste Building Health Physics j 011 Storage House Security

'             Sulk H Se rage House                 Security 2

i Bulk N Storage House Security j 2

'              Bulk 0 Storage House                Security 3

Inside TWST Missile Shield Security l 4 Administrative Building Security Trailers and Grounds near Security Admin. Bldg. (Outside Protected Area) I e i i i t

                                                              -s s

Form SPD-1002-1 , 2

                                                                                                                  -ng TiU d POWER COMPANY                       (1)  ID No: PT/0/A/4600/06 PROCEDURE PREPARATION                            Change (s) O     to PROCESS RECORD                                 0 Incorporated (2)      STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLP: Exercises & Drills l                                                                                                      \

_i1 - Al l

                                                                   .h.      W (4) PREPARED BY: ~[M.*S. Glover
                                                                                            .        DATE:          2/3/82                 _

(5) REVIEWED BY: 4 DATE: .7! kb ,, Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: a (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IP NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: m A ' @ .tO Date: Jh//,2 , if (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: i l e e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1



(3) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART A The item to whiul this evaluation is applicable represents: A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR; Yes No oE a test or experiment not described in the FSART If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item ~ being evaluated and an identification of the affected sec.$on(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART B Yes No Will this item require a change to the station Technical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. (5) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART C , As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable: Yes No  ! Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No  ! Will the consequences of an accident previously evaluated

                                           , in the FSAR be increased?

Yes No ,/ May the possibility of an accident which is different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No / Will the probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR j be increased?, Yes _ No V Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No j May the possibility of malfunction of equipment

                                         - , important to safety different than any already evaluated Yes        No   V/ Will in the FSAR be created?

the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specification be reduced? This Procedure does not af fect the Safety Analysis of the Plant. If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety question is or s o 4volved. Attach additional pages as necessary.

                                          ..S n -     W over  _               DATE:   2/3/82 (6) PREPARED BY:                                  _


                                                /              (           (8) Page 1 of    [

M (, a#. t

   '                                                                       '      PT/0/A/4600/06 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION EXERCISES AND DRILLS 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides for periodic exercises / drills to be conducted to evaluate major portions of the emergency response capability, and to develop and maintain key skills. Corrective actions and recommendations identified as a result of an exercise or drill vill be corrected, and re-cords maintained in accordance with this procedure.

2.0 References < 2.1 McGuire Nuclear Station Emergency Plan 3.0 Time Required 2 hours 4.0 Prerequisite Tests N/A 5.0 Test Equipment N/A 6.0 Limits and Precautions 6.1 Exercise scenario's should be varied from year to year to test emergency team response to many of the initiating conditions listed in procedures EP/0/A/5000/05, EP/0/A/5000/06. EP/0/A/5000/07 and EP/0/A/5000/08. 6.2 Exercises should be scheduled to start betwC_ 6:00 PM and midnight , and another between midnight and 6:00 AM once every six years. 6.3 Drills should be conducted more frequently than exercises and shall be supervised and evaluated by a drill instructor. 7.0 Required Station Status  ; N/A 8.0 Prerequisite System Conditions N/A . 9.0 Test Method N/A 10.0 Data Required Enclosure 13.1 Exercise / Drill Format and Critique Findings Enclosure 13.2 Exercise / Drill, Controller / Evaluator Report 5

                  '                                              ^

(2)  % 11.0 Acceptance Criteria 11.1 Completion of required exercise or drill and the subsequent critique. ) 12.0 Procedure , I 12.1 Exercises 12.1.1. A full-scale exercise is an event that tests the integrated capability and a major portion of the basic elements existing within emergency preparedness plans and organizations. A f full-scale exercise shall include mobilization of state and local personnel and resources adequate to verify the capability l to respond to an accident scenario requiring response. A full-scale exercise will be supervised and evaluated by a qualified exercise director. A full-scale exercise will be held no less than once every 5 years. 12.1.2. A small-scale exerciae is an event which tests the adequacy of communication links, establishes that response agencias at the 1 utility and local level understand the emergency action levels, and tests at lwast one other component (e.g. medical or offsite monitoring) of the emergency plan. A small-scale exercise will be conducted each year that a full-scale exercise is not held at the station. A small-scale exercise will be supervised and i evaluated by a qualified exercise director. 12.1.3. An exercise will simulate an emergency that results in off-site protective actions and requires response by offsite agencies. 12.1.4. An exercise scenario shall provide for a critique of the exercise by all concerned personnel and organizations. 12.2 Drills 12.2.1 A drill is a supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation. A drill is often a component of an exercise. A drill will be supervised and evaluated by a qualified drill instructor. i l

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                                                 ^                                          3 (3) 12.2.2     Drills will be conducted at the frequencies indicated below:

(a) Comunication drills with state and local government located within the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone shall be conducted monthly. (b) Co==nication drills with Federal emergency response organizations and states within the 50 mile Injestion Pathway shall be conducted quarterly. (c) Communication drills with state and local emergency operations centers and field assessment teams shall be conducted annually. . NorE Sample message information for the above cosmu-nication drills shall test the ability to understand the content of messages. (d) Fire drills shall be conducted in accordance with Station Directive 2.11.1 and documanced by the Safety Department. (e) Medical emergency drills involving a sinnlated con-e tsminated individual shall be conducted annually. This drill will involve participation by the North Mecklenburg Ambulance Service and the North Mecklenburg Rescue Squad and Charlotte Memorial Hospital. A communication check to Oak Ridge REAdTS as the provider of backup medical support shall be conducted during this drill. (f) A radiological monitoring drill involvins onsite and offsite radiological monitoring teams will be conducted annually. The monitoring teams will actually collect and analyze air samples, as appropriate. Soil and water samples will not be taken as this is done on a weekly basis ,at the station. The exercise controllers will provide them simulated analysis results indicative of cont ==4nscion or plume location. (g) Health Physics drills shall be conducted semi-annually which involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and liquid samples and direct radiation measurements in the environment. O ' - - -- -- - I- ___ _____))]____

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(4) (h) Health Physics drills shall also be conducted annually which involve analysis of inplant liquid samples with actual radiation levels, including use of the post-accident sampling system. (i) Site assembly drills shall be conducted semi-annually. These drills shall provide for the capability to account for all individuals onsite at the time of the emergency and to ascertain the names of missing individuals within 30 minutes of the start of an emergency condition. The capability to account for onsite inriividuals continuously . af ter the initial accountability shall be included. 12.2.3 File Enclosure (s) 13.1 and 13.2 with completed procedure process record. 13.0 Enclosures 13.1 Exercise / Drill Format and Critique Findings. 13.2 Exercise / Drill, Controller / Evaluator Report O 4-


  • 3 PT/0/A/4600/06 ENCLOSURE 13.1 ,

EXERCISE / DRILL FORMAT AND CRITIQUE FINDINGS O 1 .0 Classification of Exercise / Drill. (Check appropriate box) @ Q- Emergency Exercise, 12.1 Q- Co-mication Drill (state and local govermeent within 10 mile EPZ) , 12. 2. 2, a. (monthly) j Communication Drill (Emergency response organizations and state Q- within 50 mile I.P.Z.),12.2.2, b. (quarterly) Communication Drill (State and local Emergency Operations Centers C- and Field Assessment Teams), 12.2.2, c. (annually) C- Medical Emergency Drill, 12.2.2, e. (annually) i Q- Radiological Monitoring Drill, 12.2.2, f. (annually) l

;             Q-         Health Physics Drill, 12.2.2, g. (semi-annually)

Q- Health Physics Drill, 12.2.2..h. (annually) O- site Ae=e=b17 Drili, 12.2.2, i. (semi-annually) . i 2.0 Drill Instructor / Exercise Director (Name) i Critique Director: (Name) 3.0 Date/ Time Exercise / Drill to be conducted: _


i (Data) (Time) 4.0 Exercise / Drill Objectives: - i l r O i

                   -W  =  hw _e+e-w             . - . = ,            .

PT/0/A/4600/06 l ENCLOSURE 13.1 (2) i l 1 l 5.0 Plant systes/ ares (s) affected: l l 9 1 6.0 Work groups to be involved: l 4 I l l 1 7.0 Time sequence of postulated events: 1 l i 1 i 8.0 Assigned Observers (Controllers / evaluators) and their stations: i i 1 9.0 Critique to be conducted at: ; / 4 (Data) (Time) (Location) j - 10.0 Personnel to attend critique: i l 1 I i 1 I I I l i 3 4 i . . - - - - - - . . . . . .


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PT/0/A/4600/06 ENCLOSURE 13.1 (3) 11.0 Critique Findings, Recommendations, Required Action (s), Etc.: 8 12.0 Corrective Actions taken: (List actions taken to ensure all findings in 11.0 above are identified and corrected): NOTE: Include all Exercise / Drill data or other infor: nation provided as an attachment. (Drill Instructor / Exercise Director) (Signature) i (Critique Director) 4 (Signature) cc: File 9.4.2 Station Manager

i PT/0/A/4600/06 ENCLOSURE 13.2

'                          m ucISE/ DRILL CONTROLLER / EVALUATOR REPORT I

j i 1.0 Drill Classification: i ! 2*0 Summary of Exercise / Drill: i i i ! l

       .0    Exercise / Drill initiated:                         /

l (Time) (Data) - 4.0 Observation / Comments / Recommendations: l i i . .i 1

     '5.0 Exercise / Drill completed at:                                      (Time)

(Data) . j ! Controller / Evaluator (Signature) cc: File 9.4.2 i Assigned Controller /Evalustor'(s) i. j . i 1 I, 1, I i i J

  • n
 .                             m 1

Form SPD-1002-1 _.__._,__---.-~a DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No:PT/0/A/4600/11 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) o to PROCESS RECORD 1 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Function Check of Emergency Vehicle and Equipment (4) PREPARED BY: S Al - 8, ,-> DATE: E. /3 - 3 m (5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: # - G -Tf2 , Cross-Disciplina Review By: .h. N/R: h 8 4 -81t _ (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: m 4. M 2 S 88 Date: J//G /7,2 , l' (8) MISCELLANEOUS: . Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Data: i U O

70th -373-1001-2

                                   ',       -                  O            DUEZ POWER CCMF.WT          'g CCLZAR SM ITT E7ALUA!!CN CE           ".!ST                                                     ..

l (1) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station UNIT: 1 N/A- 2 M/ 4 3 A//4 ] s . CT3Z1: l

    .         !           (p t wyr v tMT APPLICA3LZ To: PT/0/A/4600/ll, Functio 3 Check of Emergency Venicle

j N' and Eq2ipment ' (3) Su r:T E7A1 ATIC3 - FAz: A . The ites to which this evaluation is applicable represents: , Tes- - No / A, change to the station or procedures as described in the.FSA11-or a test or experiment not described, in the TSART -

                               --                                                                                                                          .                         c.

T* the answer to the above is "Yes", at.ach a deca *. led description of the ites being.

 -                                  evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s).of.the TSA1.                                                           .'.

(4) SAFITT E7ALUATICS - PA : 3 .- - ~ _ Tes. No / Will this iten require a change o the station Technical Specifi-- cations? .. If the answer to tha above is "Yes,". identify 2e speclfication(s) affected and/or

  -                                 attach the applicable pages(s) with de change (s) 1-Aicated. . ..                         - __                             .                      -..

l (3) SAFE!! E7ALTATICN - PA2T C .. . _ . ' - As a result of the ites to which this evaluacion is applicablat 2 . Yes. Ne /Will de probability of an accident previously the-- _ . . . t 75A1 he increased? . . ._:... Tes . . No V Will the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in. the ;. _ . FSAR be increased?

          -                  .       Yes           No   #    May de possibility of an accident which is differant han any al _ __.

g ready evaluated in the TSAR be crescad? _ .._.

                                  - Tes..     - No           Will the probability of a malfunction of,, equipment important co-                                                          ..
                       - .                                   saf ety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? .. .:                                                   ..
- Yes 1 - No # Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipmenc important to- ...

safety previously evaluated in the TSAR be increased? .. - -- . . .

                      .              Tes:          No # May the possibi1*ty of a salfunction of equipment important to the....
             .                                               safety different than any already evaluated in de FSAE be created!--

Yes No j Will the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical. Specificacices he reduced? . .. _. I If the answer to any of the preced1=g is "Tes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Juscify the concluston thae an uuravteved safacy or is.ent... involved. Attach additional pages as necessary. - _ . .. .. ...- .. . This procedure has been reviewed against applicable portions of the FSAR and does not affect the safety of the station. (6) PRI?ARED 3Y: 6#[C u- OK"I: 7 - /.2 - p 2 O (7) RE71EWED 3T: OA*I: # -/ .7 "3'2- . . . . . . . (S) Page 1 of /

                                                                                                                        -.                m=


i PT/0/A/4600/11 y -

     .A'                                                                                                               DUKE POWER COMPT.NT.                                                                                                            .


    .h j                                    1.0 Purpose i                                                   1.1 To ensure that Protective equipment and supplies are operational, and that
     .5 c - aications capability exists with the various emergency personnel and emergency organisations at all' times in the support of an emergency con-dition at the station.

2.0 References 3 2.1 NUREG-0654 (Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological . Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power e *i Plants). 3.0 Time Required s 3.1 tixteen (16) manhours.

          .                                4.0 Prere:uisite Tasts N/A 5.0 Test Equipment
            !                                             N/A                                                                                                                                                                                  .

6.0 Precautions and Limitations 6.1 A minimum of two people shall be aboard the emergency boat when in use.

      ...                                                 6.2 Emergency boat operators shall maintain radio cohcations with the McGuire Nuclear Station at all times and will verify this capability by l          j performing a radio check every 30 minutes during the period the boat is
            ,                                                      being operated.

A 6.3 Personnel aboard the emergency boat shall wear floatation vests at all s. times and semi-dry suits when Condenser Circulating Water (RC) inlet

      '.                                                            temperature drops below 60 f., and outside air caerparature is below 55 F.

1 6.4 Emergency boat fuel tank level shall be maintained at 1/2 full at all times. 6.5 Personnel using an emergency vehicle shall wear seat belts. d - 6.6 Personnel sLall follow all FCC regulations during radir- transmissions.

      .i                                    7.0 Required Station Status
      .U g                                                  N/A 3

8.0 Prerequisite System conditions l l N/A

9.0 Test Method l N/A 1

l I i . I A

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,m--    - - -

m m 10.0 D th Required 10.1 Equipment Check-off List - Emergency Vehicles (Enclosure 13.1) 10.2 Equipment Check-off List - Emergency Boat (Enclosure 13.2) - J - 10.3 Emergency Boat Maintenance History (Enclosure 13.3) 10.4 Protective Equipment and Supplies Locations (Enclosure 13.4)

! 10.5 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Recovery Kits (Enclosure 13.5) h 10.6 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Environmental Survey Kits (Enclosure 13.6, 13.7. 13.8. 13.9) f
        ;             10.7 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Iit -

Construction Post #1 (Enclosure 13.10)

       .              10.8 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit -
, Brass Shack (Erriosure 13.11) 10.9 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit -

t '

   .l    ,

PAP Area (Enclosure 13.12) i 10.10 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit -

  .f 1                          Evacuation Facility (Enclosure 13.13) 10.11 Technical Support Center Kit Check List (bclosure 13.14) i              10.12 Medical Decontsmination Kit Check-off List (Enclosure 13.15)

I 10.13 Medical Deconra=1 nation Kit, Check-off List, Charlotte Memorial Hospital s (Enclosure 13.16)

    .i                                    .                                .

10.14 Operational Support Center Kit Check List (Enclosure 13.17)

     ,jv               10.15 Fuel Shipment Kit (Enclosure 13.18)

I 10.16 Verification of Emergency Co-mications (Enclosure 13.19) y] 10.17 National Weather Service Information (Enclosure 13.20) Tj 11.0 Acceptance Criteria

   .a 3                 N/A j          12.0 Procedure
    .j                 12.1 Emergency Vehicles                ;

fe g Date/ Inspection i C Initials h / 12.1.1 Once during each month and after emergency use,'the emergency vehicles shall be inventoried per Enclosure 13.1 (Equipment Check-off List - Emergency vehicles). p / 12.1.2 With each inventory the check-off list shall be completed and


a copy placed in the glove box of the applicable vehicle. II (The original shall be filed with the completed procedure . 1 records.) Any discrepancias staJ1 be noted on the check-off

         -}                                 list and reported to the emergency plan group immediately.
                       /         12.1.3     Preventive maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Emergency l

Planning group of Health Physics and be performed by predesignated

             !                              service areas.

l SlS!d$$NMI8NIN.ksibbbbEb.bbbb t

     .I                    .                                           ;

m - . 1 Date/ Inspection Initials y 12.2 Emergency Boat

   ,                     /            12.2.1        Once during each month and after use, the emergency boat
shall be inventoried per enclosure 13.2 (Equipment Check-b off list - Emergency Boat).

NOTE: Run Time (Minizian 2 hours per month may be postponed 3 up to, but not more than 3 months due to inclement

   .li                                                         weather.
v. / 12.2.2 With each inventory the check-off list shall be completed

, -'.i and a copy placed in the host. (The original shall be filed j with the completed procedure records). Any discrepancias ,

    ,s shall be noted on the check-off list and reported to the
     .s emergency plan group immediately.
    ,14                    /          12.2.3         Every 100 hours of operation, the emergency boat shall be delivered

[3 to an authorized service representative for routine preventative

        '                                            maintenance as per the owner's-operators' manual.
                           /          12.2.4         All maintenance shall be recorded in the emergency boat maintenance history (enclosure 13.3) upon its return.

y 12.3 Protective Equipment Kits j / 12.3.1 Once during each month and after use, each emergency kit j listed in enclosure 13.4 (Protective Equipment Kit Locations)

      .!                                             shall be inventoried per applicable enclosure 13.5 - 13.18
     #j                                               (Protective Equipment Kit Check-off Lists).

sj / 12.3.2 With each inventory the check-off list shall be completed

     *t and a copy placed in the applicable kit. (The original

(.] M shall be filed with the completed procedure records). Any s p) discrepancies shall be noted on the check-off list and Y.4 \ reported to the. emergency plan group immediately.

      ;                      12.4 Telephone Communications
     *f                      /         12.4.1         Once per calender quarter, all telephone numbers and pages

f; utilized in emergency procedures EP/0/A/5000/05-08, and ( Station Directives 3.8.1, 3.8.2 shall be verified correct and in working order. All jack-in telephones in the

        .} g
        .}                                            Technical Support Center will be verified in working order.


        .i I                                                                         _ . _ . . _ .

O ll M W .I. N $.$..-3.. p. k. . ]< Q ' [<..U

                       . -                              . -          w-0< dMi'UU.T.
i. $ $ 6.h'%.N. .w.a.r. 6...(,If.d. N.. n w"d N. a_.n.

2MM. v.s. 6-1I8h.

                                                                                                               .k.~.~d 5 .U.?,h    N... n J,k T d *l G

1 Date/ Inspection Iairial a . . I 12.5 Radio Comunications .


J 1 / 12.5.1 Once during each month, McGuire emergency radio tr====ieter/ receivers and telephones shan be operationally checked


as follows:

  'j                    /                             McGuire Emergency Base Station - verify capable
  ?                                                                          communications with the state and all county 4

1 Emergency Operations Centers. U / Emergency Environmental Survey Team Radios - verify r

      ,                                                                      capable communit scions with McGuire Emergency Base i                                                                                                                                    .

J Station at a =i=i== distance of 10 miles. i

     ;                  /                             Emergency Personnel Survey Team Radios - verify cap-
  'i                                                                         able comeunications with McGuire Emergency Jase Station from the Training and Technology Center or Cowans Ford Dam.
                         /                             Once a month, a can win be made to the National Weather Service located at the Charlotte airport j                                                                      to obtain the wind direction. Wind speed and
j -

cloud cover. j / 12.5.2 Verification of capable emergency communications shall be

  ")  -

docuenced per enclosure 13.19 (Verification of Emergency h, Coemunications) and maintained on file by the Emergency j Plan Group.

                          /                          12.5.3     A current verification letter of personnel authorized by Duke g                                                            Power Company to report an emergency action level, to state
   -j                                                           and county agencias, win be used to cuchenticate the person I

orpersons(nitiatingthereport. The verifica< tion letter 1 will be updated every 6 months. , yJ 12.6 Emergency survey insertaments and counting equipment shan be operationally i 'i checked quarterly per applicable Health Physics calibration procedures. 12.7 Emergency portable air samplers shall be operationany checked quarterly j per Health Physics Manual, Section 15.2 Operation of Health Physics Air

      . .t                                                                                                                         '.

4 Samplers, utilizing their predesignated emergency vehicle and powerverter - l -t

         't                      as the power source.

11 12.8 Emergency pocket dosimeters shall be operationally checked quarterly per

         "                       HP/0/B/1005/19 (Dosimeter Leak and Calibration Check)
        .4 1        13.0 Enclosures 13.1 Equipment Check-off List - Emergency Vehicles 9

i l * *'

                                                                                                          .                 ~.        '_ 5
                   .   .                              3-d i
13.2 Equipment Check-off List - Emergency Boat
     .i a       13.3 Emergency Boat Maintenance History                                            .

13.4 Protective Equipe c t and Supplies Locations


j 13.5 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Recovery Kits 4 4 13.6 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Environmental Survey Kits d r ... Health Physics Vehicle j 13.7 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Environmental Survey Kits 1 Admin. Vehicle

' -                    13.~8 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Environmental Survey Kits
  ;<                        Chemistry Vehicle
      .g 13.9 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Invironmental Survey Kits
  • d Maint. Pickup (Spare) Boat 3
 ;   'i',              13.10 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit -

l' Construction Post #1

      .-               13.11 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List -Personnel Survey Kit-l.;                        Brasa Shack Jj                    13.12 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit l                          PAP area t             13.13 Protective Equipment and Supplies Check-off List - Personnel Survey Kit -

Evacuation Facility

13.14 Technical Support Center Kit Check List k 13.15 Medical Decontamination Kit Check-off List 13.16 Medical Decone==1 nation Kit, Check-off List, Charlotte, Memorial Hospital
i. 13.17 Operational Support Center Kit, Check-off List im j t.

13.18 Fuel Shipment Kits, Check-off List i f 13.19 Verification of Emergency Commications 4

 ! 4                   13.20 National Weather Service Information d                                                     ;
' . -l
       .1 l      '1:
       't i

1  ;

        ' .4
4 i .i I



J .

  • e . * ' *  % ** .

e s** , ,

                                                                                                              '         PT/o/A/4600/11           .

9 Enc 1:euro 13.1 A

   "{ A                                                               EQUIPMENT CHECK-OFF LIST EMERGENCY VERICLES
     '(                                                                                                                              -

y l J' i.j Vehicle # (circle one) o 7632 Health Physics Vehicle

   -j                                      4352 Chemistry Vehicle
   '5 8031 Maintenance vehicle
  • J:. 7105 AA=4aintration Vehicle e


     .j                       Fire Extinguisher                                         ,,,
    ~$                        First Aid Kit                                                                     1 i
           .                  Snake Bite Kit                                                                    1 Vehicle Accident Form                                                             1
   .l"t Keys (PAP)                                                                        1 set l

Discrepancies: A W a 1 v 7 Signecure/Dete 4 2} . 3

     !.c b                                                                              .

9, i  !, 1 I f

      .' l s;                                                                                                                                             .

1 I .1 I

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1 9

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                                .                     ..u. ~ m ..%%+,;sw:w..;>n5hk%LT~smiuk&^%,,a&va:~.'
 ; J                                                                                           PT/0/A/4600/11
  • g ,

m .m Enclosura 13.2

   'h                                                      ENERGENCY BOAT
  • t 9 INVENTORT 4
   .-;                         TIME                                                       AMOUNT Floatation Vests (one per person)                                 4
   .1                     Semi-Dry Suits (one per person as required)                       4 5

l Bouyant Jacket (one per person as required) 4 Fire Extinguisher 1 Paddles 2 t First A14 Eit 1

    .i:                   Anchor and Line                             .                     1 Snaka Bite Kit                                                    1                   -


    .l                    Loud Ha11er                                                       1


    .5 1                    Bildge Pump
    *:0 g                     Loud Hailer Horn l.
    ]                     Siren
    -[                    Navigation Lights Search Light j              Fuel Tank Level > 1/2 full Run Tina (Minimus - 2 hours by log)     .

l } Discrepancies: ' 4 t 4 Signacure/Daea


1 i i i c ' 45,,M;V554~35o'-ig

m a; o:+:G. w..;Cik"Th NE' #'I45 T 4:e& Y4s[

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                            .                                       Gt **        - -

PT/0/A/4600/11 p  % Enc 1:'JJre 13.3 ['ff

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . w.~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .. ty .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - - ~ ~            ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _                                   . I,4,.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '.' .t.
    /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7 N'
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . _ _ _ .                            . . . .                             %~

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            % 6.s,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,.m._....-.                       . , . . . _ . . . - . .          1, .r.

FT/0/A/4600/11 j

                                                               '.                                               ^ iscuro c               13.4 h                                                      PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES      -                                                                                             .


                      Recovery Kits (4)                                                         Control Room
   ~l                                                                                              Station Manager's Office
    .i Training & Technology Center i                                                                                            Cowans Ford Dan
   'I                   Enviromental Survey Kits (4)                                               Trailer #7
   'i Personnel Survey Kits (4)

Construction Post il Construction Post #1 j Construction Post #1 1 Brass Shack s - 1 PAP Area Security - PAP Area a Evacuation Facility Cowans Ford Das j Medical Decontamination Kit An=414mey Building First Aid Room 1}, Charlotte Memorial Hospital 1 Operational Support Center Kit Operational Support Center g. Technical Support Center Kit Technical Support Center h

    ,A,         Shipment Kits (2)                                                   Trailer #7
 ,  Y,
 ,      i 9

l . j I S

  • 1
          $                                                                                                                                                                                         I a                                                                                                                                                                                             I h

5 M4 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                 . 1 I

i 3 ev~ nrm. . , - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . .- - ,,- -

                                                                                                                                                                      . er*:y 0$*t?N k$0.W5'. 'L,,$                                        ,,%      >*h           --.Y,~,,              y                             yr, ,'c'8Y 'I
                                                              }. 5ei c.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .. ~

i , i 7 4

                                                                                                                                                                                          ' PT/0/A/4600/n'
                                                                                                                                                         .g'                                Enclosuro 13.5                                   .


                                                                                                                                                                    ~ ,:

e f a -

           .)s                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,   -l
            .,i 9                                         ITEM                                                                                             t
                                                                                                                                                        /                                   AMOUNT l

j i d-t


1 Xates Mod 305A or B 1 High Range Dosimeters 2 _.

           -{                                                                                                                                        ',
               -i                            Dosimeter Charger                                                                                                                              1                     .

Boundary Ribbon or Rope (50 yd. roll) 1 i

             *f e Masking Tape (roll)                                                                                                                             1
            ..!                                                                                                                                                                              2 t
                      !                      Rain Suits (set)
                    ,'                                                                                                                                                                       2 Protective Clothing (set?                                                                                           _
               ',                            Poly Bags (various)                                                                                                                           12
                 -                           Caution Signs w/ inserts                                                                                                                        2
                      .                      Legal Pads                                                                                                                                      1 H.P. Form #2 (Snear Survey Form)                                                                                                                5 2

Pens Grease Pencil - 1

                   .A Norton 7600 Respirators w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges                                                                                           2 f


'                  ..                        First Aid Kit                                                                                                                                                                     .
s 475 Bottles-Cowans Ford,
                'I  .

Pocassitas Iodide Tablets 150 Bottles-Control Room, 1 Station Manager's Office, j e Training & Technology Center 1

               ' .i                           Smears (Box)

Nucon Smears 30 6 sj Soap (Bar)  ! 5 ' 1

                ';l                           Flashlight h,                                                                                                                                                                             4 Batteries 51 Pocket Knife                                                                                                                                    1 t.- -
                .,1 s.
                .d Discrepancies:
                 ]       4 14 1                       .'

4 Signature /Date a i

                            j ~ ..,.;, ;.d T:.i ;f';.},R'ig.;5%?%'kTl:

r Z'

                                                          . ,:,~: ...~.:_:, .r'.Q&%o.,fRS.55T.QQJfQ-ll5yqfggQe,%,$;"

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0 4 -

                                                                    ^                                              'PT/O '^'4600/11
                                                                                                        ,            Enc.             o 13.6 i


t.  ;
s. ~


  • t Iacez Mod 305A, or B Eberline E-520 w/ HP-270 probe or Victoreen 497 1

'i. 1 Sam-2 w/ RD-22 probe

 -                             Emergency Radio Transmitter / Receiver                                                                                    1 Radaco H8097 Air Sampler                                                                                                   1

Trippe PV1000FC Powerverter 1 High Range Pocket Dosimeter 2 Dosimeter Charger 1 Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges 2 . 1 Potassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) Protective Clothing (full set) 3 Poly Bags (various Sizes) 6 Masking tape (roll) 1 Limnological Sampler 1 6 Cubitainers Hand Gardening Spade 1 3

~A Stopwatch                                                                                                                1 Flashlight                                                                                                               1
l 4
-\$                              Batteries ia
.i                               Silver Zeolite (CP100G or GT130) filter cartridges and particulate filters                                                         30 1


     ,                           Smears (box)

Nucon Smears 30

  .j                             HP Form #2 (Smear Survey Form)                                j                                                         10 fj                               HP Form #6 (Air Survey Form)                                  I                                                         10
~.s                                                                                                                                                        1 Map of Ten Mile Zone Sectors                                                             ,

Legal Pad 1 9 Health Physics Manual Section 18.2 1 Pen 2 ty 1

 'q                              Grease Pencil Dime Roll                                                                                                                 1 j
  • 1 Pocket Knife
       ?                         Discrepancies:

Signature /Date i,

i. y. 4 a

(*,g '

                                                                                                                                              .T.= % Ng
           , . ' , , . . , / y,, . f.

YJ ' ' "; ' ,' N

  • b * ^T 2 * * / * ;, ,*7 * - E i, '. 4 M h ,,Tf.N!T
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 ' ). V]Aef 6E
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                                                                                                                                                   .          .                          g:

i a ,

   ,                                                                           g N                                 m     PT/0/A/46dO/11              ,y                              '

J Encissurs 13.7 *< /

                                                                                                            ,      f                   .t         A ENVIRONMENTAL SURVET KIT CHECK LIST                          I
                                                                                                              *f,'            , ,                ,j'
                                                                                                                                                     '-   f ADMIN. VEHICLI
                                                                                                                   .            )[3
  • s ITEM ,, AMOUNT 4
 .}                    Xecax Mod 305A, or B Eberline E520 w/ HP270 probe or Victorsen 497               1                       4
                                                                                                                            ,i; ;'.

J 1


1 Sam-2 w/ RD-22 probe ' Emergency Radio Transmitter /Raceiver 1

 ] ,


                                                                                                                               )                i t

Radeco H8097 Air Sampler ,' Trippe PY1000FC Powerverter 1, , 2 High Range Pocket Dosimeter Dosimeter Charger 1i i ' T 2 a },

Norton 7600 Respirator w/750083 Chemical Cartridges .\

i Focassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) 1 '

                                                                                                                                            .t I                 Protective Clothing (full set)                                                   3 i ,,i
                                                                                          '      2 6

Poly Bags (various Sizes) ' Masking tape (roll) i , 1

      !                Cubitainers                                                            /          6                                           ,
 .)                                                                                                      1 i                Hand Gardening Spade

Stopwatch 1 Flashlight 1 4

      *N~               Batteries
     !                  Silver Zeolite (CP-100G or GT-130) filter cartridges and, particulate filters                        30 c.

1 l Smears (box)

   .I                                                                                                 30 q                     Nucon Smears HP Form #2 (Samar Survey Form)                                                10

' HP Form #6 (Air Survey Form) 10 ! >t 1

   ?                    Map of Ten Mile Zone Sectors         -

C 1

  • 1 Legal Pad '
    '.                  Health Physics Manual. Section 18.2                                               1 2

Pen 1

  ,4 Grease Pencil
  ]M                    Dime Roll Pocket Knife                                         .

1 1 Diserepancias:

  .s                                                                               .

i Si. - .,....

       .,                                                                                                                                                    i 1                                                                                                                                      <
     -4 40:s?;&.%sirigt?D.
               . .,: . u.-- n :u . . . >

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                                       . eT>::p.wwi?n":.<       -a .:,:2.rriec w stSMs;gs       c..MkJH5ths%35.@.

wm;vam.y I

7 PT/0/A/4600/ll

    /                                               "     .


      . ]                                                                                                            -


      -s                                                                                                     AMOUNT
        ;j                          ITEM
        'l                  Xetex Mod 305A, or B Eberline E-520 w/ HP-270 probe or Victoreen 497 1 1

Sam-2 w/ RD-22 probe

         ~':                                                                                                 1
          ..                Emergency Radio Transmitter / Receiver 1

Radeco E809V Air Sampler 1

                        ,   Trippe PV1000FC Powerverter 2

High Range Pocket Dosimeter .

  • 1 Dosimeter Charger 2

l Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges 1 i Potassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) Protective Clothing (full set) 3

            }'              Poly Bags (various Sizes)                                                         6 1

Masking tape (roll) 6 Cubitainers 1 Hand Gardening Spade 1 Stopvacch ,

             "                                                                                                 1 li                            Flashlight 4

Batteries Silver Zeolite (CP-100G or GT-130) filter cartridges and particulate filters 30 1 Smears (box) 30 NuCon Smears

          - i.                                                                                               10
               ;             HP Form #2 (Smear Survey Form)

HP Form #6 (Air Survey Form) 10

           . -i ,

l 1 l ] Map of Ten Mile Zone Sectors { 1 Legal Pad 1

1. Health Physics Manual, Section 18.2 1
            'l                Pan 2

j 4 1

         .]                   Grease Pencil 1

,. Dime Roll 1 l lf Pocket Knife i Discrepancies: i a i i , 'i Signature /Date 4 l s

t 1

l F 5m.. 9. .? 5./. 9. .8.14.__5Nlt_5?iff.G._W._ . .g.c*$,W;p,p6_

                                                                                                          .,E. WE9

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     .'i 4
     'S t

Ietex Mod 30$A or B Eberline E-520 w/ HP-270 prot or Victoreen 497 1 1

        -                Sam-2 w/ RD-22 probe 1
        .                Emergency Radio Transmitter / Receiver Radeco H809V Air Sampler                                                                                             1 1

Trippe Pv1000FC Powerverter . 2 High Range Pocket Dosimeter Dosimeter Charger 1

        '                 Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges                                                                2 1

Potassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) Protective Clothing (full set) 3 6 Poly Bags (various Sizes) 1 Masking tape (roll) Limnological Sampler 1 6 f Cubitainers 1 Hand Gardening Spade J 1 Stopvacch

     .:,                                                                                                                                       I Flashlight 4

tI Batteries

          -                Silver Zeolite (CP-100G or GT-130) filter cartridges and particulate filters                                                    30
      .e                                                                                                                                       1 Smears (box) 30

NuCon Smears , l HP Form #2 (Samar Survey Form) 10

      ;j                                                                         '

l HP Form f6 (Air Survey Form) 10 j 9 1

      .]                   Map of Ten Mile Zone Sectors 1
      '5;                   Legal Pad 1

i Health Physics Manual Section 18.2 2 I ,', t Pan 1 l } Grease Pencil i

       -{                                                                                                                                       1 l         1                  Dime Roll 1
            .               Pocket Knife
         .i                 Discrepancias:

3 i Signature /Date > 1 1 i I l ~ w%:.,

        .sf            ~ u.,6
               -%; m- w.ur                         .ma.fispy-il2?E.%ff%'=f&p:.?CT
                                                                       .ww sv:d                                        -m wRS . . ' .:.E2?.k&;lC.WW-  . :wn 1

PT/0/A/4600/11 ~ O - Enciccura 13.10 PERSONNEL SURVET KIT b CONSTRUCTION POST #1

                                                                       \                                               .


3 T Eberline E-520 v/ HP-270 probe 1 t' Emergency Radio Transmitter / Receiver 1 High Range Doaineters 1 Dosimeter Charger . . , , ,

1 ,

     ,                   Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges                                  1 Potassiust Iodine Tablets (bottle)                                                    1 Protective Clorhing (full set)                  -                                     6 Soundary Ribbon or Rope (50 yd. roll)                                                 1
      .                  Caution Signs w/ inserts                                                              4 Masking Tape (roll)                                                                   1 Poly Bags (various)                                                                   6 1

Smears (box) Nucon Smears 25 HP Form #2 (Saear Survey' Form) 10


2 Pens Grease ?encil 1 Health Physics Manual, Section 18.1 1 Legal Pad 1 Pockat Knife 1

        -                 Discrepancies:                           ,

i 3 i Signature /Date 4 l 1 I t aftj 6 G M f.%. a.=G h. yEZ M. M Q q 5GA ew~f+a]=, C .i..m

                                         .-:e:           .. .

G., .M w eM n w.:% M n & q.. ,,y  %. f. 3 >c w$ q= u~.#

l PT/0/A/4600/11 l

                                        ^                                  N   Enclosura 13.11                  l 1


,                      ITDi                                                            AMOUNT                  i
    !                                                                                                          l

' ;i Eberline E-520 w/ HP-270 probe 4 . 1

               Emergency Radio Tran==4tter/ Receiver, Provided by Security           1 High Range Dosimeters                                                 2                      l 3

Dosimeter Charger 1 Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges 2 l Potassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) , 1 Protective Clothing (full set) 6 Boundary Ribbon or Rope (50 yd. roll) 1

     -            Caution Signs w/ inserts                                              4
     ,!           Masking Tape (roll)                                                   1 t            Poly Bags (various)                                                   6 j             Smears (box)                                                          1 NuCon Smears                                                       25
     'O           HP Form #2 (Seear Survey Form)                                     10 Pens                                                                  2 Grease Pe-  .1                                                        2
      }           Health Physics Manual, Section 18.1                                   1 i            Legal Pad                                          -

1 1 Pocket Knife 1 I

  -k                                                    k
       '          Discrepancies:                        ;

1 t Signacure/Date

    .l O

E 4 t' 3 I

   '?3YNiSNNiNNhbbhbNkhb!Nb h.khb;Dfbl.                                       h $ kbik            h b

PT/0/A/4600/11 Enc 1=ura 13.12 , 3

    '                                                  PERSONNEL SURVET KIT PAP AREA
 'k                                                        CHECK LIST v


 '4 Eberline E-520 w/HP-270 probe                                          2 Energency Radio Transmitter / Receiver, Provided by Security           1 2

i High Range Dosimeters Dosimeter Charger 1 Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges 2 . 1 Potassiiss Iodifie Tablets (bottle) t' Protective Clothing (full set) 6 U 1 l Boundary Ribbon or Rope (50 yd. roll) Caution Signs w/ inserts 4

  -:                                                                                              1
   ',                     Masking Tape (roll) 6 Poly Bags (various) 1
   'l Smears (box) 25 Nucon Smears                                                                  .

RP Form #2 (Smear Survey Form) 10 2 Pens

       %                                                                                          2 Grease Pencil Health Physics Manual, Section 18.1                                    1 1
        -                  Legal Pad 1

Pocket Knife l I i l i l . j Discrepancias:  ; 1

       '4 2


       ~,t f


        .1 Signature /Date t


        't   i
              ..m N

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                                                                                                                            ~N     Enclocura 13.13 1                                                                                         PERSONNEL SURVET KIT EVACUATION FACILITY

3 < A. M

    -                    Eberlina E-520 w/ HP-270 probe                                                                                   2
4 Emergency Radio Transmitter / Receiver, Provided by Security 1 High Range Dosimeters 4 Dosimeter Charger 1 Norton 7600 Respirator w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges 4 .

Potassium Iodide Tablets (bottle) 2 Protective Clothing (full set) 6 Boundary Ribbon or Rope (50 yrd. roll) 2 Caution Signs w/ inserts 6 Masking Tape (roll) 1 Poly Bags (various) 6 Smears (box) 1 i Nucon Smears . 25 HP Form #2 (Smear Survey Fors) 10 Pens 2

 '/.A Crease . Pencil                                                                                                 2 f;

a M Health Physics Manual, Section 18.1 1

  .'                       Legal Pad                                                                                                       1 Pocket Knife                                                                                                    1

[. '

      ~t i

i 1

    -.;i                    Discrepancies:
  • }


           )                                                                                                                                              =
      'i e

I Signature /Date


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   .,1                   .


   'f, f,                               P 3tective Clothing (set)                                                                                                                       6 9

Nor:m 7600 Respirators w/7500-83 Chem. Ctgs. 6 a Zacez -%d 305A or 5 1

   .i Radaco H809V Air Sampler                                                                                                                       1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . Silver Zoolice (cp-100G or GT-130 filter cartridges
                                         & particulate filters                                                                                                                         25 J

SAM-2 w/RD-22 Probe 1 j Potassissa Iodide Tablets (bottle) 25

Caution signs w/ inserts 3
           ',                            Rad Tape                                                                                                                                        2 Smears                                                                                                                                       30
         .j                               Plastic Bags                                                                                                                                   6 5

Masking Tape (roll) 1 Pen 2 Grease Pencil 1 L

     ..                                    Rad                                                                                                                                           1 1
    .i Discrepancies:


      ' ,i
       .a                                                                                                                                     ,

4 Signature /Date h { S 9 I \

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                                 .                                                         PT/0/A/46CNil l                               ,
                                                         ,                                J.nclosura 13.15   .


  .. m

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! Eberline RM-14 w/HP-210 Probe 1
! Decon Cleaner 3 j Disposable Towels 10
       '                           Poly Bags 20" x 40"                                                2 1

Poly Bags 12' x 18" 4

   .)                              Fingernail Clippers                                                1
     '.i                           Smears                                                            25 6
   .I                              NuCon Smears                                                      25 i

hnd Brushes 2

     -l                            Hand Soap                                                         10 Protective Clothing (Full Set)                                      4 i
     ,{                            Disposable Rain Suits                                               2 i
       .;                          Tape, Radioactive Material                                         'l
    .;1                            Tape, Masking 2"                                                    1 Tape, Duct 2"                                                       1 H.P. Form #2                                                        4

[i ,

       ..                          AP/0/A/5500/27                                                      1 ft    4 Swipes, Atomic (Kotex)                                            12 M

1 Citric Acid (1 lb.) 1 I [ Discrepancies: , d' 2 l. y .

      .'.i .

4 L

       ;;                                                                             Signature /Date w




           . .s 0


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                              .                                                                                                               PT/0/A/4600'/11 Encleturo 13.16                                                    .

MEDICAL 1.cb MINATION KIT CHECK-0FF LIE CHARLOTTE MEiORIAL HOSPITAL ITEM AMOUNT Eberline RM-14 w/HP-210 Probe 1 A Decon Cleaner 3 Disposable Towels 10 Poly Bags 20" x '0" 2 Poly Bags 12" x 18" 4 F ngarnail Clippers 1 Smears 25 NuCon Smears 25 2 Hand Brushes

     ',                            Hand Soap                                                                                                                      10 Protective Clothing, Provided by hospital                                                                                      4 Disposable Rain Suits                                                                                                          2 a
         ',                        Tape, Radioactive Material                                                                                                     1 6

Tape, Masking 2" , Tape, Duct 2" 6 g 4 J i H.P. Form #2 j 1 AP/0/A/5500/27 i. Swipes, Atomic (Kotex) 36 9 ' 2 1


Citric Acid (1 lb.) Hair Clippers, Electric 1 i Absorbent Paper 150 1 i 5

   '. j                             Caution signs w/ inserts Rad Rope                                                                                                                       1 i                                                                                                                                                       25 j -                         Pocket Dosimeters 0-200mR 1

Dosimeter Charger Discrepancies:

   -a Signature /Date
1 1


 ! ' i.

l l e 1 ** .-

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                                                                                ~^                                                                                                             PT/0/A/4600/11 Enclocuro 13.17 N                                                                                OPERATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER KIT CHECIOFF LIST ITEM                                                                                                                                                                    AMOUNT
    .i, fl Protective Clothing (set)                                                                                                                                                       4 Norton 7600 Respirators w/7500-83 Chemical Cartridges                                                                                                                           4 i


       .,'                      Flashlight
3 8 Batteries 1


         !                      Portable Radiac Instrument (PIC 6-A) 1                                                   .
       .l                       Camera (Polaroid)
  • 2 Polaroid Film Paes '

Masking Tape (roll) 2 Dosimeters (High Range) 4 i 1 Dosimeter Charger 4 Rain Suits Poly Bags 12

     'j-Batteries (Camera)                                                                                                                                                             1 8

j Flashbulbs (Camera) Emergency Radio TransmitterReceiver 1

        '[                        Discrepancies:
       . i,


         ;d d

4 i.

        . n.                                                                                                                ,


          '                                                                                                                                            Signature /Date "h
        . .l i

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PT/0/A/4600/n l Enclosura 13.18 e i

                                                             ..,                            s g          g 1 4 ITEM                                             ABOUNT

1 - 2 -

 <                                Air Purifying Respi.rator Coveralls, Sack Type, Disposable                                    4           -
   ,p                                                                                                                             '

Rubber Shoe Covers (I large size), Pairs 6 J Rubber Gloves, Pairs 6 4 Poly Bass 20 x 40" 12 j Step Off Pads 3 50 Yd. Roll of Barricade Tape (Magenta & Yellow) 4

   'i Roll of Duct Tape            .

2 Box of Small Kisaripes 2 TLD Badges (and one record card) 5 . Personnel Dosimeters (0-500 mR) and (0-2000 mR/hr) each 5 1

     .!                           Dosimeter Charger                                -                   1 r'

O Steno Pad with 2 Mechanical Lead Pencils 1 1 Nu Con Smears 100 Cotton Gloves, Bundle 1 y Shoe Covers, Disposable, Pair 20

    'l                            All Purpose Marker                                                   2 Scotch Tape Roll and Dispenser                                      1 k    1 Masking Tape,1 Roll 1" and 1 Roll 2"                                 2 Eberline E-520 w/HP-270 probe                                        1
  • Wet Suit, Disposable 2
        .I                         Hood, Disposable                                                     4 9,

I Weather-Proof Caution Signs with Inserts 4

     .j                            Radioactive Waste Signs (4" x 6")                                  25 Caution; Radiation / Radioactive Material Tags                     12 l

l Binoculars 1 l

        .)                                                                   ,

Coins for Telephone (roll of d4===) { 1

      '. l                                                                   '

j Plastic Sample Bottles 12 i Safety Glasses 5 i Hard Hats 3 Contact Pyrometer 2 l i Tool Kit 1 4 Copy of NL1 Drawings (prints) 1 j Copy of Loading and Unloading Instructions 1 l

          ~4 Flashlight and extra batteries                                       2 f                   Portable Air Sampler (gasoline or vehicle setup for AC)              1 1

Silver Zeolite Cartridges 10 Rs 14 with DT 304 Probe 1 Trippe PV1000FC Powerverter 1 f f i WN.- f N5f5 hm{as.

.w,: w. m.$
                   .l5f.yY.:~R, v a=..: .u.                  :. .
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1 . PT/0/A/4600/11 N' Enclocuro 13.19

       .I l                                                                                                                                                                   -


     ,j This document shall serve as written verification that on the date below all 4

1 telephone numbers and pages enclosed in emergency procedures EP/0/A/5000/05

      .l j             thru EP/0/A/5000/08, Station Directive 3.8.1 and Station Directive 3.8.2 are i                correct and in working order, and that all jack-in telephones in the Technical
          .           Support Center are in working order. (To be done quarterly)
     -i                                                                                                                                        .

Signature /Date

          !           Furthermore, this document shall serve as written verification that McGuire Nuclear Stations' emergency radio transmitter / receivers have been successfully
        )             checked for operation at the distances prescribed by this procedure.                                                                             .


            -          (To be done monthly)
      .l I
       -i l

Signature /Date

       ;I i
             \l       Discrepancies Note:
      .l Corrective Actions Takan:

l 1


[ 1 i. J 9 9 4 61.

            ~.l d  1 9


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                                                          ~'                                    ' N   Enciscura 13.20 m


. '}

') Wind Speed

.4 1                                  Cloud Cover
  .'                                  Time O

d e Discrepancies:

    .2 I.

Signature /Date

     .I                                                                      .


3 4
.I e

d 9 .

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Form 34731 (10-81) - (Formerly SPD-10021) DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/1/A/5000/03 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD 0 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Secondary Line Rupture . (4) PREPARED BY: Len Firebaugh DATE: 4-16-82 (5) REVIEWED BY: [,~ $ -

                                                                                    -              DATE:                           #-2/- 82 s

Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: MA (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: Date: k-2?." 8 L V (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: I, e

                                                                                            -- - , , . - , - _ . , - , - - , .             ,pe--,,_--n-       ,,4- -------,--,w---,-,-
                . - - - , , - - - - _-n,,.w----,_            .w_        --r-,v-,

s 4 Form 34634 (4-81) SPD-10012 DUKE POWER COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST (1) STATION: M e 4 .f, r_e_ UNIT: 1 ' 2 3 OTHER: (2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: (3) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents: Yes No / A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR; or a test or experiment not described in the .FSAR? If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item , being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART B Yes No ' Will this item require a change to the station Technical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. (5) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART C As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable:

   )          Yes        No g                              / Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

Yes No /Will the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No / May the possibility of an accident which is different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No / Will the probability of'a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No / Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to hafety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increasedf Yes No / May the possibility of malfunction of equipment important to safety different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be creattd? Yes No / Will the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specification be reduced? If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety Attach a tw ne4 ue r is, not a gvolved.k ef .r. syten%<itiona  % o pagesasnycessary.

              , question is p.wr ty/ k E f (6) PREPARED BY:            -
                                                          ._ .4             DATE:

17.1- v~ t 4- 2 F -P,.L. (7) REVIEWED'BY: fe. ((,. DATE: 9-2/- #2 (8) Page 1 of /

                                  .           - . . . _ -        .....-w , . . . .-
                                         -e.._              .                                  _
   .                                                                                          m EP/1/A/ m o/03 PAGE , 1   0F     10 DUKE POWER COMPANY g

U McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION SECONDARY LINE RUPTURE This procedura covers the steps necessary in the event of a secondary line rupture i l inside or outside containment. 1.0 Symptoms 1.1 Low Steamline Pressure (one or all Steamlines). ._ 1.2 Containment Humidity and temperature increase. . 1.3 Rapidly Changing NC System Tave 1.4 Steam Flow /Feedwater Flow Mismatch Alarm 1.5 High Containment Pressure Alarm. 1.6 Low S/G Water Level. 1.7 Containment lump Level increase. 1.8 High Steam Flow (one or all Steamlines) 1.9 Ice Condenser Door Open Alarm. 1.10 to CF Disch. Pressure Alarm. 1.11 Low-Low NC System Tavs (553*F) alarm. ( 2.0 Immediate Actions 2.1 P.toceed to imedia.te Actions af EP/1/Al5000101 f1 mediate Actions and 0113nostics) if not alteadij accceptished. 3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial / N/A

              /       3.1 Att necessatuj Imedia.te Actions of EP/1/A/5000/01 timedrate Actions and Diagnostics) have been petfooted.

i CAUTION . Inaccurate Pressurizer and S/G Level readings may occur during accident conditions involving breaks inside containment. (This is caused by depressuri-zation and/or reference leg heatup). Refer to McGuire Data Book Table 2.6 for conversions for actual level. Use backup instrumentation (i.e.: CA Flow, SM Pressure, NC Pressure and Wide Range Th. Tc).

               /       3.2 If the pressurizer PORV's open at any ti=a during this transient, verify that the valves reclose when NCS pressure drops below 2315 psig.
                               +-  e e            +4w                               e m--   --w- -- _ _ _ - - _ -                _ __    -- ---

q ./N . EP/1/A/5000/03 PAGE 2 0F 10 Inicial / N/A

   .h y                        /            3.2.1 If any PCRV does not reclose, attempt to isolate it using the appropriate PCRV isolation valve.
                          /            3.2.2 if the PCRV's do not re.close. and cannot be isclated, go to EP/1/A/5000/02 (tass of,1 Coolant).
                          /       3.3 Procted ta EPf 0/A/5000/06 (AleAtt, EP/0/A/5000/07 (Site EmeAgency) and EP/0/Al5000/03 (GeneAal EmeAgencyl as appilwe and perform applicable steps cancw% tent the stzps in this procedu.te.
                           /      3.4 After ECCS pump operation has been verified and when the wide range NC pressure <1500 psig, trip all NC pumps.                                                       .
                           /            3.4.1 Close the W Pump miniflow isolation valves IW-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation) and 1NV-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation) .
                           /            3.4.2 Should wide range NC System pressure subsequently rise to
                                                  >2000 psig, open 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation) .md 1NV-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation) .
                           /      3.5 If KC or RN flow to the NC pumps is isolated on a containment pressure signal, all NC pumps shall be stopped within 5 minutes because of loss of motor and bearing cooling.
                            /           3.5.1 If the NC pumps are stopped, the seal injection flow of                                   -

17 ~8 spa per pump should be maintained.

                            /     3.6 Determine which S/G(s) is affected by observing each steamline pressure. A low stammthe pressure compared to the other icops denotes a faulted loop (s); reset CA Mod. Valve Resets and terminate CA flow to that depressurized or depressurizing S/G(s).
                            /           3.6.1 If all S/G's are depressurized or depressurizing the CA flow must not be terminated to any S/G until the faulted loop (s){ is identified.                                                                ,
                             /           3.6.2 If ne l'oop has a low steamline pressure compared to the others and all steamlines have been isolated, determine if a break has occurred in the steamline, in the main feedline or in any piping system that connects with the second2ry pressure boundary.
                              /    3.7 Tf no irEntion of a b.teah in the. secondaty presswte bcunda.ty is found, go to Se.ction 5.0 cf EP/1/A/5000/01 (immedi.tte Actions and 17iagnantics) and re-e.valua.te the. accide.nt.
                              /    3.8 If a leak from the ' secondary systems is found, proceed to step 3.9.

6 4 as ew-pwe - gesume.- . ... , . , ,

                                                             ,          ,     .,n, . -          mp.--w.---.-,.,.-,         ,.,9 - . y
                                     ,                                                                     /3

EP[l/A/5000/03 PAGE 3 OF 10 , j Initial / N/A

              /     3.9 If the water level in the non-faulted S/G's is in the narrow range span, regulate the CA flow to those S/G's to maintain an indicated narrow range water level of =25%.


              /     3.10 if wa.ttt levet incteases in an unexplained manne,t in one S/G,                                                   n 90 .to EP/1/A/5000/04 (S. team Gene.ta. tan. Tabe Ruptwte) .
              /     3.11 Reset the Train "A" and Trait "B" CA modulating valves resets, an_

TD CA Pump, in order to regulate flow to the steam generators.

               /    3.12 If Phase B Isolation has occurred and containment pressure is less than 3 psig and there is reasonabis assurance that containment                                                      -

pressure will not again increase above 3 psig, reset Phase B Isolation and stop NS pumps.

               /          3.12.1 If a Phase B Isolation has occurred, establish KC flow to the Reactor Building as follows:
            /                 Open:

1KC-338B (NC Pump Supply Header Pent. Isol. Outside) 1KC-424B (NC Pump Return Header Pen. Inside Isol.  ;

            /                 Open:

1KC-425A (NC Pump Return Header Pent. Outside Isol.) 1KC-230A (Train lA to RB Non-Ess. Supply Edr. Auto Isol.)

            /                 open:

14C-228B (Train IB to RN Non-Ess. Supply Hdr. { Auto Isol.) 1KC-18B (Reactor Bldg. Non-Ess. Return Auto I' sol. )

             /             3.12.2 If a Phase B Isolation has occurred, establish RN flow to the Reactor Building by opening:

1RN-40A (Non-Essential Header Supply 1A Isol.) (Cord. B-4) 1RN-252B (Non-Essential Header Supply to RB Pent. Outside Isol.) (Cord. L-5) 1RN-253A (Non-Essential Header Supply to R3 Pent. Inside Isol.) (Cord. B-5) 1RN-2773 (Non-Essential Return frc= R3 Pent. Outside i i

 -                                                                  Isol.) (Cord K-5) 1RN-276A (Non-Essential Return from R3 Pent. Inside Isol.) (Cord D-5).
                                                                                                           -.-,y     -  , - -      _
                                                        '                                                          I                                                        I.

EP/1/A/5000/03 l PAGE 4 0F 10 L h Initial / N/A L

                         /          3.13 Monitor Refueling Water Storage Tank Level. If a low Refueling                                                                      }

Water Storage Tank Level (150") is reached, proceed to Step f f 3.46.

                         /           3.14 Determine NCS temperature from one wide range Th, confirmed by                                                                     f I

one core exit theraccouple if available. f I

                          /                     3.15.1 NC WIDE RANGE PRESSURE >J00 PSIG, STABLE OR INCREASING.                                                                f
                          /                     3.15.2 PRESSURZ LEVEL                    L 20%       AND RISING.                                                              [
                          /                     3.15.3 NCS SUBCOOLDG >50*F.               _

CADTION If all wide range NC temperature indicators go above 350*F when attempting to satisfy the conditions of 3.15, initiate safety injection opeyacion and con-tinue operation until conditions of 3.16 or 3.17 (depending on containment indications) are satisfied. , CAUTION If all S/G are depressurized or depressurising, the safety injection flow must not be terminated until the ftuited loop (s) is identified. ,

                             /        3.16 IF NCS TEMPERATURE IS >350*F AND THE BREAK IS OUTSIDE CONTAIN-MENT,RESETbFETYINJECTION3YPROCEEDINGTOSTEP3.18,IFTHE                                                                       -


                             /                      3.16.1 CONTAINMENT PRESSURE, SUMP LEVEL AND RADIATION NORMAL.
                             /                      3.16.2 ^ NC SYSTEM PRESSURE _>2000 PSIG.
                             /                      3.16.3 PRESSURIZER LEVEL >20%.
                             /                      3.16.4 NC SYSTEM SUBC00 LED >50*F.


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p het1/A/5000/03 PAGE 5 0F L Initial / N/A

            /            3.17.1 CONTAINMENT PRESSL*RE AND SUMP LEVEL NOT NORMAI..
            /            3.17.2 CONTAINHENT RADIATION NOT IN ALARM.
            /            3.17.3 NC SYSTEM FRESSURE > 2000 PSIG.
            /            3.17.4 PRESSURIZER LEVEL > 50%.
            /            3.17.5 NC SYSTEM SUBC00 LED >50*F.

CAUTION . If containment pressure, or contain=ent radiation or containment sump level exhibit either abnormally high or increasing readings when attampting to satisfy the conditions of 3.16, initiate safety injection pump oper-acion and continue operation until the conditions of 3.17 are satisfied. CAUTION If all steam generators are depressurized or depres-suring the safety injection flow must not be termi-nated until the faulted loops is identified.

             /     3.18 Reset Safety Injection, D/G load Sequencers, Phase A Isolation, Phase B Isolation and Containment Spray.
             /     3.19 The parameters for determination of re-initiation of safety inject-ion should be monitored continously throughout this procedure and shall be logged in Enclosure 4.1 each 15 minutes for the first 2 hours following termination.                                           ~
              /    3.20 Stop any ECCS Pumps not needed for nor:nal chaging and reactor coolant pump seal injection flow.
              !    3.21 Manuatig te-htitia.t safehj injection and ;:.tcceed to EP/1/A15000/01 (insnedia.Ce Accians and Diagnos:.ics) if any cf tJte fattuutg con-dLtion's
/ 3.20.1 NC Pressure decreases by 200 psig.
              /           3.20.2 PZR level decreases by 10%.
              /           3.20.3 NCS subcooling <50*F.
              /    3.22 Safety injection =ay be ter inated af ter the restart when NC pressure is being controlled to the nominal value which existed when safety injection was initially terminated (Tg < 350*F) or to     .


                                                                                            ' i 1
        'e                                                         -3                     .

h.,JJA/5000/03 PAGE 6 0F 10 a value greater than or equal to 2000 psig (TH > 350*F) and when the reactor coolant indicated subcooling is greater than 65'F.

           /    3.23 if fa.t sm) .teascrt c22. NC pwnps ste t, tipped, eruu,te tJtat ecte dec.y itest b beiztg .twaved by v.1tu.-d cl. -notion. Ref a,1 t.o AP/1/A/5500/09 (Plaitt Ope,tacLatt Du, ting Na.ta,-d Ci,-M'n) .
           /    3.24 Reset the control permissive for recirculation mode 1NI-184B and 1NI-185A (RB Sump to ND and NS).
           /    3.25 Throccia 1NV-238 (Centrifugal. Charging Pump Disch. Control) as necessary to supply '8 gpa seal injection flow to each NC Pump.      .
           /    3.26 Isolate the BIT by closing:

1NI-4A (BIT Inlet Isolation) INI-5B (BIT Inlet Isolation) INI-9A (BIT Disch. Isol.) INI-10B (BIT Disch. Isol.)

            /   3.27 Establish VI to containment by opening:

CAUTION After opening each valve listed, allow VI Header Pressure to stablilize before opening the next valve. [(,/ IVI-129B (A Ess Header Cont. Isol. OTSU) 1VI-160B (3 Ess Header Cont. Isol. OTSD) 1VI-148B (Upp. Cont. Non-Ess Edr. C/I OTSD) 1VI-150B (lvr. Cont. Non-Ess. Hdr. C/I OTSD) , IVI-362A (VI to Annulus Vent. Cont. Isol.)

             /  3.28 Establish KC to the Auxiliary Building Non-essential header as follows:           ;                                   .


             /           3.28.1 open:       {

1KC-1A (Trn. lA to AB Non-Ess. Ret. Isol.) 1KC-23 (Trn. 13 to A3 Non-Ess. Ret. Isol.)

             /           3.28.2 Close:

1KC-56A (KC to A ND HX) 1KC-81B (KC to B ND HX)

             /           3.28.3 As flow decreases, open:

1KC-50A (Trn. lA to AB Non-Ess Supply Isol.) 1KC-53B (Trn. 13 to AB Non-Ess Supply Isol.)

              /  3.29 Establish RN to Auxiliary Building as follows:

Open: 1RN-42A (AB Non-Ess Supply Isol.) (Cord A-3) A

                      .                                                                              ,/                                              \,
                                                                                                                        .                            EP/1/A/5000/03 PAGE 7                        0F 10 Initial / N/A 1RN-42A (AB Non-Ess Supply Isol.) (Cord A-5) 1RN-63B (AB Non-Ess Return Isol.) (Cord.J-5) 1RN-64A (AB Non-Ess Return Isol.) (Cord C-5)
                                                 /           3.30 totify Chemistry to sample UCS Boron Concentration, and set VCT M/U Control Systen to equal NCS Boron Concentration.
                                                  /          3.31 Align the NV Pump to take a suction from the Volume Control Tank:

Open: INV-141A (VCT Outlet Isolation) 137-1423 (VCT Outlet Isolation) 1 Close: INV-221A (NV Funps Suct. From 775T) - INV-222B (NV Pumps Suct. From FWST)

                                                   /         3.32 Establish Seal Water Return by opening:

INV-94A (NC Pumps Seal Ret. C/I Inside) INV-955 (NC Pumps Seal Rec. C/I OTSD)

                                                   /         3.33                                  C1'seo       1NV-241 (Regen. E Tube Side Inlet Cntri.)
                                                   /         3.34 open:

1NV-244A (Chr :ging Line Cont. Isol. OTSD) INV-245B (Charging Line Cont. Isol. OTSD)

                                                    /        3.35. Establish the normal charging flow path by slowly throttling                                                              _,

open 1NV-241 (Regen. E Tube Side Inlet Catri.) . I NOTE - As INV-241 is opened, adjust 1NV-238 as necessary to maintain Seal Injection Flow.

                                                     /        3.36 Establish Letdown by opening in order as listed:

INV-1A (NC L/D Isol. to Regen. E) 1NV-2A (NC L/h Isol. to Regen. E) - l l 1NV-7B (Letdown Cont. Isol. OTSD) 1NV-459A (A L/D Orif. CILT Cont. Isol.) , To 137. open for 5 minutes to prevent thermal shock to letdown line.

                                                       /                                            3.36.1 After letdown line is warmed up, open NV-458A (B L/D l

Orif. OTLT Cont. Isol.) and/or NV-457A (C L/D Orif. l OTLT Cont. Isol.) . Close INV-459A (A L/D Orif. OTLT Cont. Isol.)

                                                       /      3.37 Verify 1NV-124 (Letdown Press Control) is nodulating to aintain letdown pressure at 350 psig.

l l 1

 ~--e- - - - , -.. --     --w.,  , - , . ,---,..-,.,-r         - - . . . - - , , - . - - - - - - -
                                                 ^.                                         -    .
                                                                                              - EP/1/A/5000/03 PAGE 8 0F 10 1

Initial / N/A

                               /     3.38 Energize pressurizar heaters to maintain steam bubble.
                               /     3.39 Reset the Containment Ventilation isolation signals. Open 1MISV 5580, 5581, 5582 and 5583 (EMF-38, 39 and 40 Cont. Isol.). Start air pump to re-establish containment radiation monitor sampling and verify to Flo Alars clears.
                               /     3.40 Notify Chemistry for sample of NC System Boron Concentration from the unaffected loop. Perfor= a Reactivity Balance per OP/0/A/-

6100/06 (Reactivity Salance Calculation) and verify shutdown

                                   .        margin equivalent to >1.67, iK/K at 200*F. If necessary, borate the NCS per CP/1/A/6150/09 (Boron Concentration).
                               /     3.41 Monitor either the average temperature indication of core exit thermocouples (if available) or all wide range NC temperature THto verify that NC temperature is subcooled >50*F.
                               /     3.42' If NC System is subcooled > 50*F, c:2en attempt to establish 50*F subcooling by steam dump from the steam generators to the con-denser or the atmosphere by proceeding to step 3.44.
                               /     3.43 If NC System is subcooled >50*F, proceed to step 3.45.

CAUTION Do not exceed a NC cooldown rate of more than 50*F/Hr., while establishing >50*F subcooling.

                               /     3.44 Establish decay heat removal as follows:
                               /            3.44.1 IF BREAK'IS UPSTREAM OF SX ISOLATION VALVES AND SM ISO MTION CAN BE RESET.
                               /                      Verify the Condenser is available for steam dump j      (C-9) .' If not available proceed to step 3.44.2.
                               /                               3.44.'1.2 Reset SM isolatien and the MSIV 3ypass Valve Re-sets then slowly open SM bypass valves on un-affected S/G's.
                                /                     When pressure is equalized across SM isolation valves, open unaffected S/G SM Isolation valves.
                                /                     Transfer Steam Du=p System to Steam Header Pres-

sure Control, with a setpoint equal to unaffec- l ted S/G pressure. i

                                /            3.44.2            IF 3REAK IS DOWNSTREAM OF SM ISOLATION VALVES OR VALVES


  \                                                                                                                              1
                                                                                                                  -              \

EP/1/A/5000/03 FACE 9 0F 10 Initial / N/A O / Reset SM Isolation and the SM PORV Resets. Go to fully closed on all SM PORV manual loaders and place PORV's in manual.

                           /_ _            Adjust nanual loaders on unaffected S/G's PORY for desired cocidown rate.
                           /       3. 15 If 50'F indicated succooling cannot be establisited o.t, dten MANUALLY REINITTATE SAFETY INJECTICN. Go .Co section 3.0 of EP/1/A/5000/01 linenedisce AeCions and Dia;r.astLes) and .te-evala-a.Ce dte even.C.                                                          ,
                           /       3.46 If stopped, start the NC Pump in the unaffected "A" or "B"         Loop per OP/1/A'6150/02 -(NC Pump Operation) for cooldown purposes.
                           /       3.47 Begin cooldown and depressurization per OP/1/A/6100/02 (Control-ling Procedure for Unit Shutdown), while kaaping the affected S/G(s) isolated.
                           /       3.48 If D/G is not required, and been running for 1 hour, shutdown per OP/1/A/6350/02 (Diesel Generator).
                           /       3.49 Realign the following for normal operation when desired:
                           /              3.49.1 NI per OP/1/A/6200/06 (Safety Injection System).

O / 3.49.2 VC per OP/0/A/6450/11 (Control Room Air Conditioning and Ventilation).

                            /             3.49.3 VJ per OP/0/B/6450/14 (Computer Room Ventilation System).
                            /             3.49.4 BB per OP/1/A/6250/08 (Steam Generator Blowdown System) for unaffected generators only.
                            /              3.49.5 NV per OP/1/A/6200/01 (Chemical and Volume Control System).


                            /              3.49.6 PRT per OP/1/A/6450/04 (Pressurizar Relief Tank) .
                            /              3.49.7 NCDTherOP/0/A/6500/01(LiquidWasteRecycleSystem).                .

! / 3.49.8 KC pe'r OP/1/A/6500/05 (Compenant Cooling Water System). i / 3.49.9 RN per OP/1/A/6400/06 (Nuclear Ser rice Water System). I

                            /              3.49.10 Containment Ventilation per CP/1/A/6450/01 (Cone =hant Ventilation).                                        ,
                             /             3.49.11 KF per OP/1/A/6200/05 (Spent Fuel Cooling System).
                             /             3.49.12 NF per OP/1/A/6200/1SA (Ice Condenser Refrigeration System).                                                      l

, / 3.49.13 FW per OP/1/A/6200/14 (Refueling Water System).

                             /             3.49.14 VS to Containment: Open 175-12-3 (Stati n Air to Unit #1           j j                                                     Centain=ent Outside Isol.).
                             /             3.49.15 YM to contain=ent: Open 1YM-115B (Containment outside        ,

Isol.). . l I 1

                   - - ~ -

e w- - - - - -

A EP/1/A/5000/03 PAGE 10 0F 10 Initial / N/A

                  /                                              3.49.16 NM per OP/1/A/6200/11 (Nuclear Monitoring and Sampling System).


                  /                                              3.49.17 Start three control rod drive ventilation fans.
                  /      3.50 Resac VA Piltered Exhaust Reset pushbuttons (lA and 1B) at local panels and return VA to normal operation per OP/0/A/6450/03.
                  /      3.51 Open NS5551A and NS5550B (NR Cont. Pressure Isolations) to restore NR Cont. pressure indication.
                   /     3.52 Reset the RN Train "A" and "B" modulating valve resets.
                   /     3.53 Reset to Auto VQ-6A and VQ-5B (Cont. Air Add. Outside/Inside                                                         .


                   /     3.54 Reset and close NI.& NV EHT breakers at local 600V MCC.
                   /     3.55 If PAST Levet dec, teases to the f.ow Level alana setpoint (150")

establish cold leg tcein_"Ution pen. section 4.0 of EP/1/A/S000/02 (Loss af Reacto.t CooZant!.

                    /     3.56 Proceed with nornal cooldown per OP/1/A/6100/02 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown).

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 Safety Injection Reinitiat16n Criteria Checksheet. .am 1 .


  • s ,

m _ a 0 l EP/1/A/5000/03 ~ Enclosure 4.1 Safety Injection Reinitiation Criteria Checksheet h Reinitiation criteria for safety injection: Pressurizar level - 110%' decrease Pressurizer pressure - 1200 psig decrease NC subcooling - <50*F , i l Initial pressurizer pressure Initial pressurizer level I l l Terify Reinitiation i Pzr Pzr Subcooling Not Required Date/ Time Level (%) Press (psig) (*F) Initials Initials

  • i i

i . I I i I 't l 1 l i

  • Independent verification of recorded data and comparison to reinitiation
 ;                    criteria must be by a SRO.
 \           . . - .                  . -    . . . .             -. ...


s l Form 34731 (10-81) ~ ' " ' (Formerly SPD 1002-1) 1 l I DUKE POWER CCMPANY (1) ID No: EP/1/A/5000/04 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD 0 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear I (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Steam Generator Tube Rupture .  ; l (4) PREPARED BY: Grady Pickler DATE:_ 3-11-82 (5) REVIEWED BY DATE: 3"/2-7 D Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): 1 By': (SRO) Date: By: Date:  ! (7) APPROVED BY: ' Date: 3 / t. L/ - E i (8) MISCELLAhT.0US : Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: l  ! l l l 1 l


                                              /              UNIT: 1   7      2             3 OTHER:                                                   !

(2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: ce q /e N / Sono /o V ,


(3) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents: I Yes No / A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR; or a test or experiment not described in the FSART If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item , being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART B Yes No t/ Will this item require a change to *ae station Technical Specificatic ..s ? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. (5) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART C . As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable: l Yes No / Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated ( in the FSAR be increased? l Yes No /Willtheconsequencesofanaccidentpreviouslyevaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No I May the possibility of an accident which is different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? ( Yes No /Will the probaoility of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No I Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to sa!'ety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No # ayM the possibility of malfunction.of equipment important to safet.y different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No / Will the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specification he reduced? If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an steviewed safety question is or is not involved. Attach additional pages as secessary. (6) PREPARFD BY: d [wMe DATE: .3 -/ 2 -P 7-(7) REVIEWED BY: DATE: EMYh (8) Page 1 of /

                      $ W '** A
  • Y ff W n' .& y.z4 M ~

l _

EP/1/A/! 3/04 i PAGE 1 0F 1 l DUEE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION l i STEAM GrmrRATOR TURE RUPTURE This procedure covers the actions necessary to take in event of a Steam Gemarature Tube


1 1.0 Syupcoms 1.1 EMF-33 " Air Ejector Radiation" Alarm. 1.2 EMF-34 "S/G Riowdown andiation" Alarm. 1.3 Steam now/Feedwater Flow Mismatch Alarm (on ona S/G). Increasing S/G Water Level (on one S/G). , 1.3 rapid decrease in Pressurizer Pressure and Level. 1.6 EMF-2a, 25, 26, or 27 " Steam Line Righ Rad" Alarm. 2.0 Inomediate Actions , 2.1 Pts. farm the immediate Actiona of EP/1/A/5000/01 l1- 244"t> Actio n and Oiagnostics) if not ab.tady n**W11hed. 3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial / N/A 3.1 Al.l n>**'n=g 1_ Ai_ato actions of EP/1/A/5000/01 (1 din'* Actione


and Diagnaatics) havs been ptxformed.

                 /            3.2 If for any reason att. NC Pumps are tripped, snewtt. that cart. decay hut La being removed by nabotal chenfarlen. Proceed to AP/1/A-l5500/09 (Plant Cpstationa Owting Na.cutal Cire"'n'ien) and ptxforn
                                    ;tienM* attpa co=*"=**=' mith aubatquent stipa in thia ptocedure.

n _

                 /             3.3 Announce occurrence over plant FA System.
                 /             3.4 Notify EP to sample containment atmosphere and S/Ge to identify pres ace of abnormal radioactivity.

l / 3.5 While identifying and isolating the faulted S/G according to ' Steps 3.6-3.9, continue with subsequent Steps 3.10 through 3.18.

                  / ._

3.6 Identify the faulted S/G(s) by one or more of the following methods: 3.6.1 An unexpected rise in the S/G water level with auxilfary feedwater flow reduced or stopped. 3.6.2 High radiation from the S/G blowdown line radiation monitor via EMF-34. 3.6.3 High radiation from any S/G, as determined by analysis or a sample. 3.6.4 Steam Flow /CF Row mismatch on affected S/G. a

           mee em.        4 e ,    e,   ese e


                                                                                                .-    -,.y   -. - ,--- , . - ,

m EP ' 'A/5000/04 j i pas 2 0F 1 l Initial / N/A 3.7 Raset CA modulating valves and secure CA flow to faulted S/G.


3.7.1 Monitor CA Condsnaate Storage Tank level and Upper Surge Tank. Verify CA Suction auts-sway to RN at 2.0 peig suction pressure vis status lights.

If not swapped, opent
                                                                 *1CA-161 C (CA Assured Supply From RN)                            ,
                                                                 *1CA-162 C (CA Assured Supply From RN)

ICA-15A (A CA Pap Sep Fra Trn A EN) 1CA-86A (TD CA Pup Sep Fra Trn A EN) 1CA-1165 (TD CA Pap Sup Fru Trn B RN) . ICA-185 (3 CA Pup Sup Fra Trn B RN) ICA-69A (CA Assured Sup Fru Trn A RN)


1RN-1623 (CA Assured Sup'Fra Trn B RN)

  • Controlled Fran .
                 /              3.7.2 Raset Turbina Driven CA Pump.
                 /        3.8 Close the isolation valve in the steam line to the Turbine CA Pump associated with the faulted S/G. If the faulted S/G is "B",                           unlock and close 1SA-2 (Main Steam 13 to Aux. PDNPT No. 1 MaincEane= Isolation). If the faulted S/G is "C", unlock and close 1SA-1 (Main Steam IC to Aux. FDWPT No. 1 Maintenance Iso-lacion) .
                  /        3.9 verify the affected S/G SM PORV is closed by observing decrease in S/G Steam Flow and Status indication on MCB.
                  /        3.10 Proceed to EP/0/A/5000/06 (At.ut) and EP/0/A/5000/07 (Site Emer-genc:)) and puform appflen't httpa concuarznt salth the stapa of this procedwte.
                   /_ _ 3.11 Verify that all pressurizer PORVs are closed via closed status en MCB sad PRT pressure.
                   /       3.12 Verify the open status and availability of power to all presee izer PORY isolation valves.
                   /       3.13 Af ter NV Pump Operation has been verified and the vide range NC pressure i 1500_ peig, stop all NC Pumps.
                    /            3.13.1 Close the NV Pump miniflow isolation valves INY-151A (NY Pumps Racirculation) and 1NV-1503 (NV Pumps Recirculation).
                    /            3.13.2 Should wide range pressure subsequently rise to greater than 2000 psig, reopen 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Racirculation) and 1NV-1508 (NV Pumps Racirculation) .



3 E . '/A/5000/04 PAbt 3 0F 10 Initial / N/A

                        /     3.14 If NC Pumps are stopped, seal inj6ction flow of =8 gym per pump should be maintained.
                         /    3.15 Verify all-ESF components have assumed their safeguards status.

Manually align any that did not.

                          /                3.15.1 During Upper Head Injection Groups 3 and 4 (if spray actu-sted) completely lighted, Groups 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 complete-ly dark.
                          /                3.15.2 Atter Upper Read Injection Groupe 3, 4 (if spray actuated) and 6 completely lighted, Groupe 1, 2, 5 and 7 completely dark.
                          /                3.15.3 If either train of the BOP ESF C v -ats monitor lights in Group 1 and Group 4 are out of sequence with the other lights in'their respective group, the OAC aust be interrogated to obtain a printout of misaligned BOP EST Components.
                          /                3.15.4 If the Phase A Containment Isolation Monitor Lights are also out of sequence, manually initiate Phase A Conemf===at Isolation.
                           /                3.15.5 If the OAC is inoperable, perform BCP ESF Components alignment chac1rtime, Enclosure 4.1.
                           /                3.15.6 Perform Post Accident Checklist, Enclosure 4.2.
                           /   3.16 Open the SM Isolation Bypass, then close the SM Isolation Valve on the faulted S/G. Slowly close the SM Isolation Bypass on the faulted S/G. If the faulted S/G precoure increases to =1150 psig and the ecndenser is avat1=hle, open the Isolation Bypass and dump steam to condenser to preclude S/G PORV actuation.
                            /  3.17 If the SM Isolation'or SM Isolation Bypass on the faulted S/G cannot be closed, close the SM Isolation and SM Isolation By-               1 passes on the non-faulted S/Gs as described in Step 3.16.
                            /  3.18 Roset the Safety Injection, and Containmaat Phase A Isolation, Diesel Generator Load Sequencers and Main Steam Isolation Resets.
                            /               3.18.1 Automatic reinitiation of safety injection vill not occur since the reactor trip breakers are not reset.


                                                   - . . . . -.           ...       .                                     \

w- m - -


                                                                                         . T                                                              -

1/A/5000/04 l PaGE 4 0F 1

;                               Initial / N/A
                                            /              3.19 Subsequent to this Step, should loss of offsite power occur, manual action (e.g., manual safety injection initiation) will be required to load the safeguards equipment onto the diesel powered l

emergency busses. ! / 3.20 Align Instrument Air to Containment by opening: 1YI-1293 (A ESS Baader Cont. Isol. OTSD) l! 1YI-1605 (B ESS Esader Cont. Isol. OTSD) i l IVI-362A (VI to Annulus Vent Cont. Isol.) ! IVI-1505 (1wr. Cont. Non Ess Edr. C/I OTSD) . 1 1YI-148B (Upp. Cont. Non Ess Edr. C/I OTSD) j / 3.21 After the faulted S/G has been identified and isolated, begin a ! rapid cooldown of the NC System to 507'F by use of the steam dump ~ 1 j by proceeding to Step 3*.21.1 or 3.21.2. .i ! CAUTICE If an NC Pumps are stopped, monitor Upper Vessel 4

head thermocouple to assure subcooling in head area is not lost.
                                             /                       3.21.1 If offsite power and the condenser (C-9) are available                    ,

l sad the faulted S/G is isolated, dump steam to the main i condenser from the non-faulted S/Gs by manual control of the steam header pressure controller, j i

                                             /                        3.21.2 If offsite power is not available or the main condenser l                                                                                                  is not available or faulted S/G canno: be isolated, dump
,                                                                                                 steast from the non-faulted S/Ga through the S/Gs PORYS.

f / 3.22 After the NC Systina camperature has been reduced to 507'F, begin a ! depressurization of the NC System to <n00 paig while maintaining

                                                                       >50 F subcooling by proceeding to Step 3.24.


                                             /                        3.22.1 Start all CIDK fans to aid in cooling Reactor Head.
                                             /             3.23 Ra-esenh1imh the1iase of-the- pressurizer heaters to prevent thermal

] i shock during refining of the pressurizer. j / 3.24 When P-11 pressure is inuminated, =1900 peig, block Low Steam I Line Pressure Safety Injection and isolate an UHI Discharge Valves.

                                             /              3.25 During subsequent contro n ed NC System depressurization, the NC System pressure criterion for tripping the NC Pumps established in j                                                                       Step 3.13 DOES NOT APPLY.

} / 3.26 If NC Pumps are running, use pressurizar spray valves for i i depressurization.

    .-,--.v----     -     v           -, -,    ,,-we.m--                   ---_.,,--.--,,,-,.,,--..--.,-v,w,w                             ,.- - , ,     -              -    , , . - - . - -

6 T '1/A/5000/04 PE 5 0F 1 Initial / N/A

            /    3.27 If NC Pumps are not running, pressurizar PORVs any be used for depressurization.

NOTE Minimize the number of cycles of the FORV(s) during depressurization to prevent failure of the PORV(s).

            /    3.28 If neither Step 3.26 or 3.27 are av=41=h1= for depressurization, pressuriser ^~-414=7 spray, via INT-21A, any be utilized, but ea-414=-y spray valve cycling must be =4nimized to prevent thermal shock of pressurizer spray nossle.                                      .

NOTE Pressurizer temperature shall be limited to.a ==w4=== spray water temperatura differential of 320*y. - -

            /    3.29 Monitor containment AscEeMicna tc verify that a loss of ?~tM.

coolant othst than the S/G tubs. ruptwur. is not in progress. If contai,wcat Aumo Zavel c. a containment 4 ample ( if emMt at this time) are not in the no/unst. pre-event aange, further accident I recovsty must be ditected according to EP/1/A/5000/02 (Loss of Reactor Coolant l.

            /    3.30 After the depressurization operating has been terminated, continue to monitor and maintain the MC System pressure at ~1100 psig and the pressurizar water level >201.
             /   3.31 If the pressurizar water level continues to rise or remaina nearly l                        constant concurrent with a NC System pressure decrease, suspect leakage from the pressurizar steam space.
             /   3.32 Monitor the pressurizar relief tank (PRT) pressure, temperature and level to identify continously increasing conditions.
             /          3.32.1 ,Close the PORY isolation valves if a NC leak to the PRT is    -


             /          3.32.2 Monitor PET conditions to verify PRT integrity.
             /    3.53 If pressurimst relief tank integrity is lost, abnormat containment conditiona could e.zist and may not be Ltut b@cMinna of a continued loss of .teactor coolant. If these condit. ions persist after etasing the. pressuri:st PCRV isolation valves, furthot l


                        .tecovsty must be dLtected accordotg to EP/1/A/5000/02 (Loss of Reactar Coolant).
              /    3.34 The conditions of Step 3.35 must be satisfied before proceeding to Step 3.36.

l e

a. ,

F# "./A/5000/04 P. 6 0F 1 Initial / N/A

            /    3.35 If the pressurizar water level subsequently continues to increase concurrent with a NC system pressure increase, the safety injec-tion flow is greater than the Leak. Then, stop all operating ECCS Pumps not needed for normal charging and NC Pump Seal Injection                         l 1

flow, =8 gym per pump, when:

            /         3.35.1 NC System pressure has increased by at least 200 pai (after shutting the spray valves or verified closure of the pressuriser        l PORVs).
            /         3.35.2 An indicated water level has returned in the pressurizer.
            /         3.35.3 The NC System indicated subcooling BASED ON WIDE RANGE TEMPERATURE IN THE NON-FAULTED 100PS OR THE CORE EXIT THERM 0 COUPLES IS > 50*F.
             /         3.35.4          CA flow is iso 14 :ed to the faulted S/G and at least 865 gym is injected into the non-faulted S/G's or_ fndf emted narrow range level in at least one non-faulted S/G is 25% sad in-creasing.
             /   3.36 The parameters for determination of re-initiation of safety injection should be monitored continously throughout this procedure and shall be logged in Enclosure 4.3 each 15 minutes for the first 2 hours following termination.
              /   3.37 Following termination of safety injection, NC System pressure should egna14re with the faulted S/G pressure.
              /   3.38 If, during subsequent recovery actions, pressurizer water level cannot be maintained above 20 percent indicated level or the NC System indicated subcooling BASED ON WIDE RANGE TEMPERATURE IN THE NON-FAULTED LOOPS OR THE CORE EXIT THERMDCOUPLES cannot be maintained at a valas greater than 50*F operate ECCS pumps as required to re-establish pressuz1xer water level and subcooling.
              /   3.39 If pressurizar water level and subcooling cannot be established by this method,. N Y REINITIATE SAFETT INJECTION return to Step 3.21 and proceed with the instruction from that point.
               /  3.40 Throttle INY-238 (Charging Line Flow Control) as necessary to supply 8 gym seal injection flow.
               /  3.41 Isolate the BIT by closing:

1NI-4A (Bit Inlet Isol.) INI-5B (BIT Inlet Isol.) 1NI-9A (BIT Disch. Isol.) 1N1-10B (BIT Disch. Isol.)

                                              ,.su.       = mamm -4e' e 1we4m 4

T Er/1/A/5000/04 PAGE 7 _0F ,,,1g_ Initial / N/A 3.42 Align the NY Pump to take a suction from the VCT: 1


Open: INY-141A (VCT Outist Isolation) I 137-1423 (VCT Outlet Isolation) Close: INV-221A (NV Pumps Suct. from FUST) INV-2223 (NY Pumps Suct. from FUST)

          /     3.43 Establish normal charging as follows:

Close 157-241 (Engen. EK Tube Side Inlet Catri.) Open: INY-244A (Charging Line Cont. Isol. OTSD) 1NV-245B (Charging Line cont. Isol. OTSD)

          /     3.44 Slowly throttle open 13V-241 (Ragen. HI Tube Side Inlac Catri.; as it is opened adjust 1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow Control) as necessary to maintain seal injection flow.

3.45 Re-establish EC flow to .the ^"W14=ey Building Non-Essential Header as follows: Open: 1EC-1A (Trn. IA to AB Non Esa Ret Isol.) 1EC-23 (Trn 1B to AB Non Ese Eat Isol.) NOTE: Verify both ND Pumps are secured prior to closing IEC-56A and 1KC-813. Close: 1KC-56A (EC to A ND EE) 1XC-813 (KC to B ND HI) As flow decreases, open: 1EC-50A (Trn 1A to AB Non Ess Sys Isol.) 1EC-53B (Trn 15 to AB Non Ess Sys Isol.)

            /     3.46 Establish Seal Water Return by opening:

INV-94A (NC Pumps Seal Est C/I Inside) INV-955 (NC Pumps S,eal Rat C/I OTST))

             /     3.47 Establish latdown d follows:
             /              3.47.1 Open:

INV-1A (NC L/D Isol. to Regen HI) INV-2A (NC L/D Isol. to Regen HI) INV-7B (Letdown Cont. Isol. Outside)

              /              3.47.2 Close: 1HV-459A if not already closed.
              /              3.47.3 Slowly throttis open INV-459A (A L/D orif. OTLT Cont.

Isol.) to 13% open for ~5 minutes to prevent charms 1 shock to letdown lira.

              /              3.47.4 After the letdown line is warmed, open 1NV-458A (B L/D Orif. OTLT Cont. Isol.) and/or 1NV-457A (C L/D Orif.

OTLT Cont. Isol.), then close INV-459A. 7-

1 1 j 1

                              %                                EP "/A/5000/04 PA .            8 0F 10 3.48 Verify 1NV-124 (Letdown Press. Control) is modulating to maintain         f

letdown pressure at 350 psig.

 /           3.49 Secure all NC Pumps except B or a in order to begin cocidown. If no NC Pumps are running, starr B or A (if in non-faulted loop) per OP/1/A/6150/02 (NC Pump Operation).
 /           3.50 Perform a shutdown margin calculation to verify NC Boron Concentration is adequate to maintain 1.6% Ak/k at 200*F prior to proceeding to Step 3.51 or 3.52.
 /           3.51 If offaite power is available, begin a controlled cocidown of the NC System at a rate of about 50*F/hr by use of the steam dump to the main condensers from the non-faulted S/Ga. Control the vecer levels in the S/Gs to maintain S/G water level in the narrow range
   /         3.52 If offsite power is not.available, dump steam from the aon-faulted S/G through the S/Ga PORVs to provide a controlled cooldown of the NC System at a race of about 50*F/hr.

3.53 Simultaneous with the cooldown using the non-faulted S/Ge, slowly

                   -decrease the faulted S/G pressure by opening the bypass valve to the condenser (if available), or using the steam generator power operated relief valve.                                            =_

3.54 As pressure is reduced in the faulted S/G, control the NC


Pressure at a value approximately equal to the steen pressure in the faulted S/G to minf=12e the leakage flow. 'NC Pressure control should be accomplished by use of the pressurizar heaters and action of one of the following: i / 3.54.1 Normal pressurizer spray (if an NCP is in service), or

     /               3.54.2 Use of pressurizar a"v4147 spray NY-21A (NV Spray to Par. Isol.) (if spray is heated by letdown through the
                            . regenerative heat exchanger), or
      /               3.54.3 Brief intermittent opening of one pressurizar PORV.


       /       3.55 Maintain NC System temperature and pressure within the limits of the cooldown curve 1.6 in the Data Book.

l l e , 6 l W e e'** * * ** 6 WWNF f- -

T Er /A/5000/04 PA 9 0F,,,,10,,,,, Initial / N/A

       /                            3.56 If an unconttotted NC Sjrten depressurimHnn or an unconttalled d, tap in presswr.i:er atter level occwts during t.he :.coldoes process, manwxLt.] init>*nte injection and refer to EP/1/A/5000/01 iLA*"te Action and Di. agnostics).
       /                            3.57 If NC Pressure control is accomplished by use of the pressurizer PORV, continously monitor the PRT pressure, temperature and water level and taka appropriate actions to verify and maintain PRT integrity. Verify pressurizar PORY closure using the PORY stem-nounted position indicators and PRT conditions. If a NC leak,to the PRT is identified, close the PORY isolation valves.          -
        /                              3.58 When the NC System pressure is '500 psig, close the Cold Las accumulator isolation valves.
        /                               3.59 Start three upper and icwer conEmin==nt ventilation units.
        /                               3.60 Roset the control permissive for recirentarian mode 1NI-1848 and 1NI-185A (RB Sump to Nn and NS).
        /                                3.61 Notify Health Physics to determina activity released from the air ejectors and/or steam relief actuation.
         /                                3.62 Notify ch==4atry to determina the extent of cone ==4n= tion to the secondary system. Refer to Technical Specifications (
         /                                 3.63 Notify Chemistry to periodically sample NC System baron concen-tration to ensure that dilution does not occur due to S/G draining into NC System.
         /                                  3.64 continus'to cooldown and depressurize the NC System and faulted S/G until the NC hot leg temperatures are below 350*F in the non-faulted loops and the NC wide range pressure is less than 385 psig (do not collapse the pressurizar steam bubble).
          /                                   3.65 Throughout this cooldown procedure, maintain a steam bubble in the pressurizar. Solid water pressure control may not be effective.
          /                                   3.66 Raset the Conem4n==nc Ventilation Isolation signals. Open 1MISV 5580, 5581, 5582 and 5583 (EMF-38, 39, 40 Cont. Isol.). Start air pump to re-establish containment radiation monitor sampling and verify La Flo Alarm clears.
           /                                    3.67 Open NS 5551A and NS 5550B (NR Cont. Pressure Isolations) to restore NR Cont. pressure indication.
           /                                     3.68 Reset to Auto IVQ-6A and IVQ-5B (Cont. Air Add. Outside/Inside Isol.).
                                                                  -g     . r_.

EP/1/A/5000/04 PAGE 10 0F 10 Initial / N/A

            /          3.69 Raset the RN Train "A" and "B" Nodulating valve resets.
            /          3.70 Roset and close NI and NV EHT breakers at local 600Y MCC.
            /          3.71 Return VC/TC to normal operation per OP/0/A/6450/11 when desired.
            /          3.72 Roset VA Piltered Fwhanat Raset pushbuttons (A and B) at local panels and return VA to normal operation per OP/0/A/6450/03 when desired.
            /          3.73 Raalign power supplies for containmoot ventilation systems and re-turn to normal operation per OP/1/A/6450/01.
            /          3.74 Place the ND System in operation using OP/1/A/6200/04 (Rasidual         .

Heat Removal System).

            /          3.75 Continue the plant cooldown in a normal mode except that after the NCP operation has been t,arminated, continue,to simultaneously control the faulted S/C steam pressure and NC pressure to =4ni=4=a the leakage flow.
            /          3.76 When the NC System hot leg temperatures are reduced below 200*F, the pressure in the pressuriser any be reduced by using s'=414=7 spray until NC System pressure and the faulted S/C pressure equilibrate.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 BOP ESF Components Checklist. 4.2 Post Accident Valve Checklist 4.3 Safety Injection Rainitiation Criteria Checksheet. I l


m =p+ = ew we

 'f' L

i _. -- 4 Fagg 1 or 11

                    .nzr.FCsEE C:=PAst meCC:22 JOC:21 STA::::2                                                                                                                     *
  • a::: # 1 IF/1/4/3000/04 ST3elet e n "0a TURE SUPTURE  :

30F EST COMFouIITS ag;,gggggyg ewMcT m,i m. w.rr su xs=r == z 1MC- 1 i l l

  • CLOS C l -

1Sie 7AR lAS/CSMISQL. j ,t h SAB l

  • CLOSED l l5S/CSitISOL.

hCS/CSM130L. i *CLOSU 1 h 3A5




ISM-9AS D SM ISOL. ETFASS l CICSED l 133-3A k A S/C StJMMI. C0irT. ISCL. CLOSD 133-4A l 3 S/C BfJMMI. COST. ISCL. l CIDSD F 133 7A lC$/CRLOWDE. CONT.ISCL. CLOSED l 133 8A l D S/C BLcW0er. Cart. ISOL. I CwSD 1 i n-t 0A l i Sic swWo.. CC r. tScr.. l CLOSED l 13's-141A l 8 S/C StINDN. COIrt. ISOL. l CicSD l l 135-162A kCS/CBLOWDIt.CouT.ISOL. l CLOSD j 135-163A lDS/CSLOWON.CCNT.ISCL. l CLOSD l 1CT-104AB l A $/C CF CT!2L. TLV. 317. l CLOSD i 1CT-103As l3S/CCFCNTRL.7LI.ITF.

                                                                                                                                       !              CwSD                 k q 1CF-106AR lCS/CC7CNTRL.YLV.3T7.

i k CLOSD l j LC7-107A4 l0S/CCFCNTEL.VLY.ETF. i 1 , ,e - - i e e-- t 1C -uu -e.

                                                                                                                                     !                 cLests           !

1C7-30A3 l5S/CCTCONT.ISCL. I e* cm k

ICF-28A8 lC$/CCFC0rr.13cL.

k c.cgn l 1CF-ZSAB l D S/C CT CCNT. ISCL.

                                                               *FEASE S 130LA!!05 e

9 e l.

t p.. p l, - T 4 t) , l -

                                                                                                                            .. ~ -           -          -


uzr.30sEE ccatras! 3 mig 2 0F ,,,gg, e i
                               - sur- m S.A = u ggg p i                                                            IF/1/A/5000/04' -
  • l
                      .                                                                  STEMt GEEERA20E NEE RUFT12E 30F ISF CONF 0EDTS                                            *
                    .                                                                              W12ASDRE 4.1                                 .

TL'7T W. TAL?! 3AllE PCST 2 s- d I

                           '1CF-32As           A S/C Cr CmL. Ytv.                                                         lCzhSe                                   !

LCF-13As ' 3 S/C CF C m L. 7LY. l C10 SED 4 -10&B C S/G CF CNIEL. YLY. l C:DSID l I

                                            .1 1CF-17AS        13 S/C CF CITEL. YLY.                                                                CLOSED 1CF-151A iCFTTMPERTOA$/GCAMrtm                                                                i         mmm ICF-153A           CF TEMPER TO S S/0 CA N0ZZLE                                               l         C'E ED 1CF-1555        lC7TEMPERTOCS/CCA30ZZLI                                                                 M nem

l 1CF-1375 lCFTSarERTODS/CCA30ZZLE l C m' ICF-1268 A S/C CF TO CA N012LE ISOL, CIDSID 1CF-1275 l3S/CC7toCA3022LEISOL, nnm i 1CF-1285 l C S/C CF TO CA 30ZZLE ISOL. CIASED *! LCF-1295 0 S/C C7 TO CA 302:LE ISOL. CLOSG

                       ! 135-13            l A S/C IIDEN. CONT.180L.                                                          l      CLOSE            l 118-13            3 S/C 5L082W. C:Eff. ISCL.                                                    I      CLOSE            I l C.S/C BLOICE. CCIff. ISOL.                                                     l      CLOSED l135-35 118-AB            D S/C SIDEN. CONT. ISCL.                                                      l      CLOSD ICF-13&A             A S/C CF CONT. ISCL. ETPASS                                     -

CLOSO j 1CF-135A S S/C CF CONT. ISOL. STFASS CLOSED ICF-136A lCS/CCFColft.IS0dSTPASS c'ctf3 4 1CF-137A D S/C CF C0!ff. ISOL*. STPASS FNm I nc-to i I 139-94A i 3C FUMPS SEAL RET C/I DSIDE CLOSC 1 6 a 13C-196A lNC i PtNF m . Ott F!LL ISOL.

  • CLOSD 8 f*' S M 13T-958 !NCFUNFSSEALRET.C/ TOTS 3 -

i l CLOSG l DIC-1955 - l3C FUMP !ct. CIL M 1SCL. 1 e I ' i i I __ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _.

41 . , t , f s ,

                                  .lt:Er PcuIt clntrast                                                        Past 3 cF 11 et 3cc.ZA1 sta::::ll1
  • tllI= # 1 D/t/Al5000404.
                    .                                                      STBaat outumATca Tuns acFTURE-30f EsF c:3tro3Elrts

( a m am m 6.L I AL2GREENT cIEcILtsT TELTT WallE Pes!"25 w.. at TROT T. LW-4571 e t./D ettF. oTLT couT. ISCt. ctosm mam Is un e tr. m T ca T. rsot. I c_em 1


in ,.3,i Iitr3norr.e-trcor.1 sot. l -,m l ~ m-mi l m- . . , m ,,m -,., I --- I

                           . tre-sus luczss va ax = ma en otso                                                  i         case          i in-rus len.ct>c us co r. zu. erso                                                I        cws.
              - -               In-a         It m o co r. tsor.. cats:n.                                         I        ews=          I
a.  : ,

1ss-26os 1azac:ct M a vaTIE cost. IscL. otso I cLose i t i.e-s  ! q m-uw Isomm ,,, c=. tm. oro I cwse I


m aue Iman wm ,,, xxuT tm. I e. m i 1 I

                            ;                  I ac-u om ,annu                                I                      i
                   .:                                                                                             l                      I
                       .         Irv-1A        lstrcILDC VAft1 toor tsoL.                                                  cLosto i           1,   m - I -,              ._m =

I etcszo I

                                                                    , - ,e                                         I       etoso          I
                             ;  .1m.m - 1 . . . . . . ~
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i I -- I m -14 Is o n ec-tr-150-29 IA3DE1oUTtET oPU

                                                                                                   \                                       ;

oF'_d 1EC-36A IKCToANDM1 OPM 11C-4ts !KeToSNo81Z

               .                                  l i

i I l l i . en . , _ . ~

e a . P i p S


na 4 Or n I

= =Es amn EP/1/A/3000/04


            - .
  • DI-47A M_ote l 1NI-1205 lCLACC.FtLLFROMNZFCMPS
                                                                                                                         " Men 13T 122S           NT TO ltL CEE NT-124. US T/t m nen
  • g 1NT-2555 URI -- - 7ALvts *TST ! Sot.
                                                                                                              !          P nem III-2645        IUKt CEE TEST EDR C/t OUTSIDE m nem DI-965          !stCEETESTllDEC/IOtfr$DE l

3 I I I l i l InC-u CEC unIn I l jax ELDC. DEAD BR CUTSIDE ISOL. l CLOSED l

                    .i     1EC-430A r   i                                                                                        l          *CIASED           l 1EC-3A           {31atAGNON-ESSRETU3NISOL.

I *CtOS . I i tKC-uCA IT=.14 TO = .0.-ESS So Isa. I *CtOSo i

                       !    1EC-4uA          W PenFS arr. =E. CerSmE u0s..


                                                                                                                 !         *CLOSD             I 1EC 188          lR1ELDG,NON-ESSLETUREISCL.
                                                                                                                           *CfD LEC-2235         lTRN.13TO13NON-ESSSUFISOL.

k *CLOSD 1EC-4268 l3C FCMP RET. IIDR. 3SCE ISCL. e I I - I a l .- . g ,



                                                                                                                                                   , ,. t i                                                                                                                                                        g l

s l f

                                                 .. -         -- .                  _ _.      .- .                   . ..                          -- a
                        .,utr. 7csEt c:::FA3T                                                      7 ACE S             OF 11 22aGIIZIE 3CCLZAL STAu 25
  • i C3:2# 1 IP/1/A/3000/04 4 STIAlt Nuf m ot TUEE EDFTURE 30r ESF COMr0WI3TS 1 ==va=== 4.1
              !                                                          AL Guder! cIECILIFE Tar;T *e.                                   ?nL?! 1411                                  PCST7::2                  v . JZ.

l *c:oSID l 1Ec-3345 l 3C FUHF SUF .R QUTSIDE ISCL. CLOSED  ! 1EC-333 l TEN.13TOAB305-ESSSt'?.ISCL. tEc-a l m. t 20 a --uS =T. zSx. I cta=D I j I I I I i t3E:-t1 (EN FANEL) 125-14A lTRAIX 1A SUCT.1-C:NIWECT (CORD A-3) CLOSE NMM 125-t$0A ITRAIN1ADISCI.I-C01AIIc?(c0RDA-4)

          ,S'                        g                                                                g         " " "

135-42A I AS WEE-ESS SITPPtT ISOL. (CORD. 4-3) I 3-1) Mnern 125-7A TIAN u $3SUF SUFFLT (CO j t=-1.n ITuo u OzSci. ro === (ec .-n I c:o = l i TEN-40A hAIX 1A TO 505-ESS EDE. ISCL. (CORD S-4) l *CLOSID l I us-23h las sou-sSS SUF 3 SIDE ISOL. (CORD 5-3) l

  • CLOSED i 1=-m - a m S u (c0.D _n i 0.=

t=-th tru s a ex Sa m T cc0=D c-n 1 0r= 1 1=-1 a 6 a stSci. To ic cconD c-n I Om I i tas-tu i as rur SocTz0s ISor.. (conD c-n i I Or= I I i 1=-25 n I mz a uS tSx.cc0= c.c Om l a --uS === tSx. cceo c-s) l -- I j t=-6 a . i I j us-tou la n - ca. St4u tSx. <cco. c-n Om

                   ;     tv-a           b m a acSerrte'ce=D3 n                                            I        em                I t

m ett'i 133-28h TRAIN 13 DISet. TO Re (c0RD 3-2) I I t=-nu toso.-uSnu.r>See1Sx.<ce.3-s) . - - i A s2 m, cu StmT tSc:.. <cem s-c I Om  ! a,-uu i A rr ren, uS un 5:rru tSx. <cen e-n l Om i

                    ,    t=-150A i      c:oSm              i 1=-u            !tuzs a ac STmT cece :-n vsASE s ISounOs m        .                                                   w e

11 , s 3 ,

     '                                                                                                      4 NFo S
                                           ;ggg.relrtt c:gr a t Fagg 6            c7 12                             l
                                                  '"M                                                EP/1/A/soooloe                                             .

I STE M GENERAToE TUES REFTURE sor sr ccurcuars i

                              .l                                                                     . EECLoSURE 4.1 at *r:mser r1trerr te; i

l l l m : mz res- == m. .r.

l. w w. I actese l i ins-3otA l u scrru ruan tu (como z 4)
                                  ! u tm I , s re,o, m = m,,a tset. (co m -a3                                                            l            -             I puoA l A ND rOMr ESS M SurrtT Isot. (CCED 1-9) l            org            l 1EN-43A       lTEAINatoNON-ESEDE.IsCL.(Co3Dr-n                                                               ctosto 1                          I i      uN-1.a        1 um a ou . -o .c <-en .-s,                                                                     -

I cem I l u toi i rum a tu sma <cco r- ) I l I

                . . . . .c -             u.-a m I o m r m . m . n a. <co.. r-n                                                                         -, ,-
                . s .o                                  ;1AECEEsCPPt?IsoL.(c0Mr-41                                                         i           a-
                          -              135-4h                                                                                                                                             l I                    !

las-704 l ortN l A n/c a surru Isa. (ccan r-9) l t=-a i zum a ac sumr <com z-u I o-un-us , mm a sace. 2-cancer <can z-n . I - , , i s I - , , i

                          ,              i=-u u          i n m a o uca. 1-co. :c: cco . z-c
                                                                                                                                            !          es.w 13N-95         iTRAINasusUrScretT(CCRDJ-1) a.-un i m m a otscu. ro o s , cce . 2-n                                                           I         am i         --               l t=-4a           I m a a ro --m m. na.<co. 2-c 1         --               1 to-m            I o --ess um, tsot. <ce= s-n l

i -_ i i _11, i- 1, m _, ,_-1, I am I tu-tu ) = rarsuerzo. tax.(c = x-n I o,. I

                            . -            t=-am           i m m u as m . % uct. ce=a :-u N

m WNr 't- '~ eft e ti 1RN-2773 ts Mcs .ss v. I am i

t=-zo4 la n reur ca surru ua. (com x-n I com I us-a Ima a ac serru (c== t-u
                                                                                                                                               !        etese             !

us-u i Ima a nuca. :o ac (c = t-n I ctosm I

                                    '       us-252s lu son-tss str. 2:rs=a : sot. (cou t-5)
                                                                                                                                               .l       .,r 125-1155         183IetMrC0cLZ1SUrIsCt.(c0Ct-4)

I arsAst a tscur::u 1 4 3 me D M

l~ . s i .

ggr P5En c:aleANT PAGE 7 cr 11 3 == := za ==os muuscocio.

ae, 1 FIEAM cmIERA N TURE RDFTURE ior ur cc .on = : marfampne 4.1 - af resanerg curerf ett I i ==x. res=a m.. 2: i mn 2. era

                            !' u -2o.             . ir = us = ser ua. cco t-n                                  I a ss raw u s = ser tsa . (como r.-,)                         I                 era            1 in-un l                  casm          l i tav-soz i me surru riou n r cecia n.4)                                            '

orts 1su-2313 l s so rcw Ess A ser IscL. (coso n-9) l cLosto 133-17,3l AB YENT sTs. REMEN 1 sol. (coRo N-3) l cra l tam-tais l ts ic at scertY Isos. (como s-s) - 1 uai .oia=s=Lrax.(c o3-,) t om 1

                      .. .f 2     .y e                                                                                          l                               1 l
                                                                   - -u <= = on = ar.)                             l I              cas.             I
                           ., ta-a              l .cx - s n uca. us m t m .

I case l m-3,4 I cx or uses zm. cas. I I ) , m-3m I cm. ,= on == uso un. I I cws= 1 uc-uci I cn a s = omzx tm. I cw = I ac-n a l cn = m . m . o m = a x. caso I

                                    %- I = = re- onc=. un ua.                                                        I
                   -+               1a-2u I c=. =r or a= orso na.                                                    I             c:.os.            I I             casm              l
                         -J         m-u          I sc= mes nuca orso an.

I cas. I ta-4a isc=-=omm.u=. I caso I us-tui i = w u iwo.aniwi us. I caso l tic-un isc= = = n.zum:ua. I ctesa I

                 .                   ta-4si       i u = run otsca. e:so tsa.


                             -c,                  I i                                       uc-u cm                                        I                               I i

i l *ctosc h 117 32A lVtscrrLTCcNT.IsCL.otso i .ctesto I m-ni

                       ~ .

8 PEA 518 tsou!!3 su's-M S I O e

F T. Ik - DUEF. 70WE1 c:2!FA:rf FACE 8 0F ~11* MaGti:2E 6 5 3 7:05 . EF/1/A/3000/04 . gg 1 STEAM GENERATOR TU32 RUFTURE 30F ESF Cof9CNENTS

                                                                           . *, ENCLOSURE 4.L-AL:GinENT CEECELIST i

TAL71 SAME P05;;:05 *JT".Af. fm *l0. hvL SUFFLT CtarT.150;.. OTSD l



  • CLOSED 1RT-408 VU SUPPtf CONT. ISOL. DSD 1mv-102s lvUntscu. Conf.ISOL.OTSD I
  • CLOSED 190-1A CSWT. AIR REL 3$ 3 8 ISOL.
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Form SPD-1002-1

                                   -    -.    . _ . . _ _ _ . . .                       4 DUKE POWER COMPANY                     (1)  ID No: EP/0/A/5000/05 PROCEDURE PREPARATION                           Change (s)   O to PROCESS RECORD                                0 Incorporated (2)    STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3)    PROCEDURE TITLE:    Notification of Unusual Event MP     -     Ae (4) PREPARED BY: F                                      _       DATE:           /

(5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: /d-E Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: , Date: ,

                                                      '                   Date:   9- 2 / - 9 Z.-

(7) APPROVED BY: (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date:


l . m spo.10012 Form 34434 (4 81) DUKE POWER COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST { McGuire Nuclear Station UNIT: 1 X 2 X 3 (1) STATION:

 '                                                                                     OTHER:
 ;              (2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: EP/0/A/5000/05 Notification of Unusual Event (3) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents:

Yes No A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR, or a test or experiment not described in the FSAR? If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART 3 Yes No I Will this item require a change to the station Technical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. l (5) SAFETY EVALUATION.- PART C

                     - As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable:

) Yes No VWill the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No V Will the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No VMay the possibility of an accident which is dif ferent han any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? l Yes No Will the probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the PSAR e increased? Yes No Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No V May the possibility of malfunction of equipment i portant to safety different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No Will the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specification be reduced? This Procedure does not affect the Safety Analysis of the Plant. If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety question is or is not involved. Attach additional pages as necessary. (6) PREPARED BY: - - DATE: // b (7) REVIEWED BY: DATE: b682 (8) Page 1 of 1

                                                                                                                                                           ------,.,y          , . - - . . - _ , .
                                                        .--.--m--._m       - - - - , - - - - - . - , - - . , . - - - - - _ _ _ . , .             . y
    .        .                   m EP/0/A/5000/05 Pega    1  cf  3 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT 1.0 Symptoms          -

1.1 This condition exists whenever unusual evsnts are in proces's or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant. 2.0 Immediate Actions 2.1 Automatic None 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent Action Initial /N/A

               /         3.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s) ,

and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of the actual plant condition.

                /        3.2 The Shift Supervisor sh'all assure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure have been performed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.

NOTE If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly / accountability appears necessary, refer to Station Directive 3.8.1.

                 /        3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.
               /          3.4 The Energency Coordinator shall assure prempt (within about 15 miv es of declaring the emergency) notification of those personnel / Warning Points indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiating Condition /Ecergency Procedure listed in              l Enclosure 4.1.



                              /h                                                          EP/0/A/5000/05
           .                                                                                Pago   2   of   3 NOTE 1.

See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes.

                         -                                         NOTE 2.

See Enclosure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions, for information to be provided to State / County Warning Points. NOTE 3. See Enclosure 4.5, Notification of Emergency Conditions for information to be provided to Steam Production Duty Engineer / Corporate Communications Department.

             /     3.5 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide orotective action recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s) and to the North Carolina warning point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or the State Radiological Protection Section, Department of Human Resources (see Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan.                   If actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose (REM) to the population of: (EPA ?rotective Action Guidelines).

3.5.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, NO protective action is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels to verify. 3.5.2 Whole body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, recommend seeking shelter and wait for further instructions. Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access to affected areas. 3.5.3 Whole body 5 and above, thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evacuaticn of pcpulations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. s s - - - - - - , - - - - - - - -

                                                                                                       ,           ,                       ,!                lt   *-

e% ' '

            ~                                                                                                                              EP/0/A/5000/05 i

Pcg2 __3 of 3 NOTE See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing for

       'NJgs) notification.
                          /         3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shal'l 'a'ugment on shif t resources to t

assess and respond to the emergency situation as needed to ensure , the protection of persons and property.

                          /         3.7 The Emergency Coordinator will assess the Emergency Condition and determine the need to remain in a Notification of Unusual Event, escalate to a,more severe class or close out the emergency.
                          /         3.8 The Projects and Lice.. sing Engineer or his designee will close out the Emergency with verbal summary to county and State authorities, notified in Step 3.4, followed *:y written su= mary within 24 hours.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document.

               .         4.2 Notification Chart 4.3 Telephone Listing

_,) 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Socification of Emergency Conditions (Steam Production Duty Engineer / Corporate Communication Department). l I

rma - EP/0/A/5000/05 h$g) " I of 4 1.IST OF INITIATING CONDITIONS, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS, AND ASSOCIATED EMERCENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT . Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Initiating Conditions


Emergency Core Cooling Safety injection signal verification EP/1/A/5000/01. EP/1/A/5000/02 4.1.1 EP/1/A/5000/03. EP/1/A/5000/04, Initiated (SI) by redundant indication. AP/1/A/5500/35 EMF 49, 50, 35, 36, 37 Alarm indicating Tech Specs 3/4.11. Environmental 4.1.2 Radiological effluent Technical Specification Technical Specification Limits exceeded. Tech Speco,llP/0/B/1009/09, limits exceeded. itP/0/B/1009/10. AP/0/A/5500/28 4.1.3 Fuel Damage Indication: a. liigh coolant activity sample exceeding Tech Specs. ( >l pCi/ gram' Dose Equivalent I-131 or

                                                   >100 pCi/ gram gross activity) g NOTE: These calculations avail-abic from counting faci-11ty on request,
b. Increase greater than 0.1%

g equivalent fuel failures within 30 minutes. ,1

c. Above verified by increased AP/1/A/5500/18 EHF48 readings and laboratory i I

analysis. Figure 2.11 Tech Specs exceeded AP/1/A/5500/05 4.1.4 Abnormal coolant tempera-ture and/or pressure or and Core Subcoo11nr. Monitor less abnormal fuel temperature than acceptabic. (Below Curve) outside of Technical Speci Verified as necessary by redundant fication 1.imits. Instrumentation. (e.g. narrow and wide range pressure / temperature subcooling monitors)


                                                    -                               Encloturs 4.1                      -

Page 2 of 4 . Emergency Action Level (KAL) Emergency Procedure /Docuacnt Initiating Conditions .

                                        >lcitP total P/S leakage                       EP/l/A/5000/02, EP/1/A/5000/04, 4.1.5     Ev.cceding either primary /

secondary leak rate Tech >500 GPD from any S/G AP/l/A/5500/10 Specs or primary leak rate >liCPH Identified Primary 1.cakage . Technical Specifications Verified by EHF readings, level control, make-up rate, and or chemical / radiological analysis. Valid accoustical monitor indica EP/1/A/5000/02, AP/1/A/5500/ll, 4.1.6 Failure of a safety or EP/1/A/5000/03 relief valve in a safety tion of valve failure. related system to close, following reductioi of applicable pressure. (Pri-nary System (NC) or Hain Steam (E'l)). 1.oss of offsite power or Undervoltage alarms on 7KV buses AP/1/A/5500/07 4.1. 7 loss of onsite AG power or blackout load sequencers capability. actuated. I.oss of containment inte- Any automatic containment isolation AP/1/A/5500/24 4.1.8

  • grity requiring shutdown by valve found to be open and inoperabic Tech Specs (3/4.6.1). and unisolable or both air lock doors .

on a lock inoperable, og; penetration (s) fail leak test per Tech Specs when con-tainment integrity required. ESF actuation system found inoperable AP/1/A/5500/19 AP/1/A/5500/21, 4.1.9 1.oss of engineered safety AP/1/A/5500/20 Tech Specs feature or fire protection og; Fire Suppression Water System found inoperable per Tech Specs. 3/4.5, 3/4.7.10,.3/4.7.11 system function requiring shutdown by Tech Specs (e.g., malfunction, personnel error, or procedural inadequacy). Observation og; fire detection alarm Station Directive 2.11 4.1.10 Fire within the plant lasting more than 10 with confirming observation of a ' minutes. fire lasting more than 10 minutes.

'l EP/0/A/5000/05

Enclosure 4.1 Page 3 of 4 Emergency Action f.evel (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Tiiitiating Conditions 4 loss of process or effluent radiation OP/0/A/6700/03. Tech Specs 3/4.3 4.1.11 Indications or alarms on process or effluent para- monitoring system or loss of all meters not functional in meteorological instrumentation onsite Control 1oom to an extent or 1.oss of all radio / telephone communi-a requiring plant shutdown cations capability offsite, or other significant loss of assessment or communica- - tion capability (e.g., all ,) meteorological instrumenta-tion, or radio networks). As notified by Security Force. Station Security Plan 4.1.12 Security threat or attempted .ntry or attempted sabotage. 4.1.13 Natural phenomenon being experienced or projected beyond usual levels,

a. Any carthquake felt (< . 08gli, <.053gV), Annunciator Alarm, in plant or detected (AD-13) on station seismic in- ,


b. 50-year flood or low As observed

water, hurricane surge. seiche (lake tidal wave)

c. Any tornado on site As observed
d. Any hurricane Winds >73 mph /from National Weather AP/0/A/5500/29. AP/0/A/5500/30 Service information.

4.1.14 Other hazards being ex-perienced or projected,

a. Aircraft crash onnite As observed or unusual airciait activity over frecility.
h. Train derailment on As observed .

) site,

c. Near site or onsite As observed explonlon.
                                    = __-                                                  _-_.
          /                                                                           EP/0/A/5000/05                g

[' Enclosure 4.1 ] i \s. Page 4 of 4 - l l Initiating Conditione Emergency Action 1.cVel (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document . 4.1.14 d. Hear site or onsite As observed AP/0/A/5500/31 toxic or flammable gas release. ,

c. Turbine rotating com- Turbine trip and observation of AP/0/A/5500/23, AP/0/A/5500/32, ponent failure causing a turbine malfannction or failure. AP/0/A/5500/02 rapid plant shutdown l

I (less of Condenser ); llent Sink). 4.1.15 other plant conditions As determined by the Shift Supervisor / As directed by plant conditions, exist that in the ju. Ige- Emergency Coordinator. ! ment of the Shift Supervisor. I the Operations Duty Engineer, the Superintendent of Opera-tions, or the Station Hanager warrant increased awareness on the part of State and/or local of fsite authoritie.3 or require plant shutdown under Tech Specs requirements or . i involve other than normal con-trolled shutdown (e.g., cool-down rate exceeding Tech Specs ) limits, pipe cracking found during operation). 4.1.16 Transporation of contami- As observed. AP/0/A/5500/27 nated injured individual from site to offsite . . hospital. 4.1.17 Rapid depressurization of As observed and actuation of 4.1.1 AP/1/A/5500/06 secondary side. and 4.1.6 above.


                                       .                                      '7 l



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                           .                                      -'EP/0/A/5000/05

- \ nelecuro 4.3

  • Paga 1 of 2 TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.1 Operations Duty Engineer (PA System)

P&T Pager - 4.3.2 S ta tion. Manager Poee - - System Speed.- 12 - Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services - Home - System Speed - 14 4.3.5 Projects & Licensing Engineer - Home - ~ - System Speed - 32 4.3.6 Steam Production Duty Engineer - - System Speed - 51

                                                             - System Speed - 56 4.3.7   Duke Power Corporate Communications Staff --                      System Speed - 52 (24 hour Answering Service, ask for Mary Cartwright, Ira Kaplan or Mary Boyd) 4.3.8  NC State Varaing Point, Raleigh -                          - System Speed - 41         .

4.3.9 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up:

                                                                            - System Speed - 42 Back-up:    Emergency Radio, Code:      ,, ,

4.3.10 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ 4.3.11 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ _ 4.3.12 Iredell Ccunty Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone - Back-up: - System Speed - 45 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ , 4.3.13 Ga=. ten County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 46 Back-up: Ecergency Radio, Code: 4.3.14 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Pri=ary : Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ NOTE Radio Cede will activate all county radio units.

s g . ~ EP/0/A/5000/05 Enclosura 4.3 Pcg2 2 cf 2 4.3.15 N.R.C. Operation Center, Emergency Notification System (ENS phone) - 4.3.16 N.R.C. Senior Station Representative Office

                           -   Home -                       System Speed - 57 l                               Wife work -                     - System Speed - 58    -

P&T Pager 4.3.17 Construction Project Manager: Construction Home . - System Speed 17 or System Speed 18 4.3.18 Station Health Physicist Home - System Speed - 31 P&T Pager 4.3.19 Station Safety Supervisor - System Speed - 38 Home 4.3.20 Superintendent of Maintenance - Home - - System Speed - 15 4.3.21 Superintendent of Administration - Home - - System Speed - 16 4.3.22 Radiation Protection Section Department of Human Resources System Speed - 48 e 9 9

                                                   -%g Inclosura 4.4 Pags     1  of  5 MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF EMERGE"CY CONDITIONS

4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to th,e six County. Warning Points (Mecklenburg, Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus). NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing. NOTE 2: A. Complete Part A of this format as a minimal first notification of a reportable incident. B. Complete Part A and B of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART A: Initial Emergency Message Information "This is , , (Name) (Title) at McGuire Nuclesr Station. I am notifying you of an incident at McGuire,. Unit i . Please acknowledge when you are ready to copy emergency information." -

l. This message:

! a. Reports a real emergency.

b. Is an exercise message.

! 2. This message is from the McGuire Nuclear Plant

3. My name is .
4. My telephone number is .


5. The code word is .
6. This is a:
a. First notification.
b. Followup message.
7. The incident occurred at on .

(Time AM or PM) (Date)

8. The class of emergency is:
                                             .a.           Notificatien of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Emergency
                                                                   '~ EP/0/A/5000/05
 .                         s helecuro 4.6

Pcg2 2 of 5

9. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:
10. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant or involve public.
b. Involves the POTENTIAL for the release of radioactive materials, but NO radioactive materials have been released.
c. Does involve the release of some radioactive materials from the plant, but at a level below that considered a public hazard.
d. Does involve the release of radioactive materials fran the plant at a level at which Protective Actions is advisable.,
11. I reccmmend the following protective action: (select one of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time,
b. People living in zones around the station remain inside with doors and windows closed. These zones are in a direction frem the station out to a radius of about , miles.
c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and businessas. These zones are in a direction from the station out to a radius of about mi*.es.
                                 'Je urge people in these areas to leave their here or business in a safe, orderly fashion.
d. Other recc=mendations:

1.e.: Stay tuned to your local radio or television station for further ir. formation. 1 f

                                                           -'g                                                              ' EP/0/A/5000/05
                                                                                                                                              *nclocuro 4.4 Peg 2      3   cf   5
12. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.
13. A-followup message will: '
a. Follow in approximately minutes.
b. Not follow.
14. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.

NOTE: Record the Name, Title Date, Time, and Warning Point at end of Section B. PART B: Followup Emergency Message Information

 ,                                         15. The type of actual or projected release is (select one cr more),


a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. ,Not Applicable
16. The source and description of the release incident is:

I l f 17. The estimated duration of the release in time is:

  • 18. The chemical and physical form of the released material is:
  • 19. An esticate of the quantities of noble gases, iodines, and particu-lates released is:
  • 20. An estinate of the cencentration of noble gases, iodines, and parti-culates released is:


   - - - - - _ -       --...--...-_-__m..                 , . - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , - . _ , _ _ _ . _ _ . .   . , . , _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . . _._

ss '~ EP/0/A/5000/05

ncicsuro 4.4 Pcg2 4 of 5
       *21. The prevailing weather is:
a. Wind velocity: mph.

br Wind direction (blowing from) de5rees. '

c. Current temperatura at the rele'a'se site is: .
d. Atz-spheric stability data (vertical temperature difference) is:
e. The form of precipitation, if any, is: .
       *22. The actual or projected dose rate at the site boundary is:
a. Actual .
b. Projected .
23. The projected dose race and integrated dose at 2, 5, and 10 miles is:
a. Projected dose rate:

2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

b. Projected integrated dose:

2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

24. The evacuacion zones affected are:
        *25. Estimate of any surface radioactive contaminscion is:
26. The emergency response action (s) underway are:
27. Needed onsite support by offsite organizations is:
28. The prognosis for worsening or termination of the e=ergency ba:ed on plant information is:
29. Do you have any questions?
30. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.

l J

m. .
   .                 ~s                                                 EP/0/A/5000/05 Incletura 4.4 Pega   3     of    5 NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date, Time, and Warning Point Notified.

(i) (Name) .. (Title) (Data) (Time) (County / State) (2) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (3) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (4) (Name) (Title) (Data) (Time) (County / State) (5) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (6) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (7) ' - (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State)

              *This infcr=ation is not to be included in the follevup inforce _lon provided to Gaston, Catawba, Iredell, or Lincoln counties in accor-d_nce with a request f rom the county Civil Preparedness Agency or Emergency Management Director of these counties.
          .        .                  -=g                                   s{P/0/A/5000/05
                                           '                                  aclocuro 4.5 Prg2             1                     of  1 NOTIFICATION OF EXERGENCY CONDITIONS (Steam Production Duty Engineer / Corporate Communications Department) at "This is                                    ,

(Name) (Title) McGuire Nuclear Station. Please acknowledge when you are ready to copy Emergency Message Information."

1. My name is . I am the (title) at McGuire Nuclear Station and am notifying you of a Notification of Unusual Event condition associated with Unit no. .
2. This is/is not a drill.
3. The incident occurred at (hours) on / / (date).

4 The initiating condition for this Notification of Unusual Event is as follows:

5. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows:

l l l 6. Other information on the incident is as follows:

7. Do you have any qu.stions?
8. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.

l l

C" . f l Form SPD-1002-1 DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/06 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD 0 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Alert

                                                                       -          .     /

(4) PREPARED BY: M. . , DATE: N IL (5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: /h8b Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: Date: By: l I (7) APPROVED BY: Date:

  • N' 1/ ~ E E (8) MISCELLANEOUS:

Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Dato: **' M l l l (

S l l

            .,-                      Q SPD 10012 Form 34484 (4 81)

DUKE POWER COMPA.f T NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST X 2 X 3 (1) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station UNIT: 1 OTHER: (2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: EP/0/A/5000/06 Alert (3) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents: Yes No A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR, or a test or experiment not described in the FSART If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART B Yes No [WillthisitemrequireachangetothestationTechnical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. (5) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART C As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable: Yes No /Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated V

                                     )nWill the the FSAR    be increased?

consequences of an accident previously evaluated Yes No in the FSAR be increased? Yes No #May the possibility of an accident which is dif ferent than any already evaluated in the PSAR be created? Yes No / Will the probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No / Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR e increased? Yes No May the possibility of malfunction of equipment ortant to safety different than any already evaluated n the FSAR be created? Yes No Will the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specification be reduced? This Procedure does not affect the Safety Analysis of the Plant. If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety question is or is not nvolved. Attach additional pages as necessary. (6) PREPARED BY: - - _ DATE: I 8L (7) REVIEWED BY: DATE: 9'-d"f2 (8) Page 1 of 1

1, EP/0/A/5000/06

                        -                                -s                                               ' P:go   1   of  3
 ..                y I                                                         DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION ALERT 1.0 Symotoms                               -

1.1 Events are in process or have occurred which' involve an actua'l or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. 2.0 Immediate Action 2.1 Automatic None 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shift Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent _ Actions , l Initial / N/A

                          /                  3.1   The Shif t Supervisor shall assure that. the appropriate emergency conditio- is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s) and Initiating Conditions (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those O) l of the actual plant condition.

( I

                          /                  3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure have been performed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.

NOTE If at any time 1.. the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly /accountablility appears necessary. refer to Station Directive 3.8.1.

                             /               3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designes, at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.
                           /                 3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt (within 15 minutes of declaring the emergercy for State and Local authorities) notification of those perscnnel, and Warnin; Points and shall activate those Energency Centers indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiacing Ccndition/Ecergency ?rocedure listed in Enclosure 4.1.                      '

l l 1

             .                  m                                   S EP/0/A/5000/06 Peg 2 2 of 3 s

NOTE 1 Activ tion of the Technical Support Center (TSC), and Operations Supp-re Center (OSC) shall be in accordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. /.ctivation of the Crisis Management Center (CMC) shall be in accordance wii.h Enclosure 4.5. NOTE 2 See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, telephone nunbers/ radio codes /pager codes.

                   .                                       NOTE 3 See Enclosure 4.4, Netification of Emergency Conditions, for information to be provided to Statc/ County Warning i                                    Points.
                 /   3.5 The Emergency Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical Support Center and the Crisis Management Center will assess and respond to the emergency by:

3.5.1 Dispatching ons.te monitoring teams with associated

   -                                  communicatiens equipment.

3.5.2 Providing periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities (at least every 15 r:inutes). I 3.5.3 Providing periodic meteorological assesseents to effsite i authorities and, if any releases are occurring, dose ! estimates for actual releases. i / 3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective.setion recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s)

!                          and to the North Carolina arning point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or to the state Radiological Protection Section, Department of Human Resources (See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North Carolina Radiological Emergency response plan.       If evaluation indicates that a potential for or an actual release of rr.dioactive materials will result in a projected dose (REM) to the population i                           of:    (EPA Protective Action Cuidelines).

! 3.6.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, NO protective action is required. Monitor environsontal radiation levels to verify. 3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, recom end seeking ! shelter and wait for further instructions. Consider


                                                                                  "     EP/0/A/5000/06 q                                         P go 3 of 3 i.

evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Co-rrol access to affected areas. 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evacuation of populations in th,e affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing for notification.

                        /       3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center, will assess the emergency condition and determine the.need to remain in an Alert Status, escalate to a more severe class, reduce the emergency class or close out the emergency.
                      /         3.8 The Station Mana3er or his designee will close out the Emergency l

1 s with a verbal summary to County and State authorities notified in Step 3.4, followed by a written summary within 8 hours. 4.0 Eg.losures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions. Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Notification Chart. 4.3 Telephone Listing. 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format. l l l 1

EP/u/A/3OUU/u) P.nclosure 4.1 .

            )                                                                            Page    1   of   5 J

s J ' 1.IST OF THITIATING CONDITIONS, EMERGENCY ACT10H LEVF.I.S -AND -, ASSOCI ATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT .. Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAl.) (7ergency Procedure /Documant 4.1.1 Severe loss of fuel a. Very high coolant activity cladding: sample (e.g., 300 uCL/cc equiva- e lent of I-131)

b. Failed fuel monitor (EHF-48) or Tech Specs 3/4.6.7 ')

lab analysis Indicates increase


greater than 1% fuel failures within 30 minutes or 5% total fuel failure. 4.1.2 Rapid gross failure Pressurizer low pressure alarm and EP/1/A/5000/04, AP/1/A/5500/07 of one Steam Cencrator reactor trip and, pressurizer low tube with loss of off- level alarm and, pressurizer low site power. pressure safety injection signal and, undervoltage alarm on 7KV buses. EMF 32, 33, and 34 Alarm (s) . 4.1.3 Rapid failure of Steam Several hundred gpm primary to EP/1/A/5000/04 Cencrator tubes. secondary leak rate indicated by: ,

n. as above in 4.1.2 for pres-surizer and EHF indicators. )
h. Steam generator level in-creasing in one or more generator (n) and falling in the others/due to reactor trip.

he/u/A/Suuutuo Enclorure 4.1 . f Page 2 of 5 (' s- x, Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (FAl.) Emergency Procedure / Document , 4.1.4 Steam line break with Greater than 10gpm, rapidly de- EP/1/A/5000/04 EP/1/A/5000/03 significant prirtary to creasing reactor coolant Tavg. secowl.iry leak rate, pressurizer pressure and level , and,

1. Steam line differential ,

pressure safety injection signal and increased cen-tainment building presrure/ if break is in containment.

2. liigh steam flow and to Lo Tavg or 1.ow steam pressure safety injection signal for rupture downst.eam of MS1V'a.

4.1.5 Primacy coolant leak Leak >50gpm as indicated by calcu- EP/1/A/5000/02 AP/1/A/5500/10 rate greater than 50 gpm. lation or other indication. (i.e., sump levels) . 4.1.6 liigh radiation levels Increase by a factor of 1,000 in AP/0/A/5500/28 or high airborne con- radiation monitor reading within tamination which in- the station. , dicates a severe de-gradation in the control of radioactive materials. ) 4.1.7 1.oss of offsite power and Lindervoltage alarm on 7KV buses. AP/1/A/5500/07 loss of all onsite AC and blackout load sequencers power for up to 15 minutes. actuated. (See Site Area Emergency EP/0/A/5000/07. for ex-tended loss). 4.1.8 Loss of all onsite DC DC bus undervoltage alarms on all Tech Specs 3/, power. buses. Tech Specs 3/ 4.1.9 Coolant pump seizure Reactor coolant pump auto trip AP/1/A/5500/04 AP/1/A/5500/08, Icading to fuel failure. alarm, and reactor trip on low OP/0/A/6150/14, AP/1/A/5500/05 coolant flow, and failed fuel monitor alarm EHF48.

EP/U/A/suuu/uo ( Encloture 4.1 s . Page 3 of 5 l (  % Energency Action I.evel (EAl.) 15n'e'rgency Procedure / Document Initiating Conditions . EllR not functional and inability Ap/1/A/5500/17, OP/1/A/6100/04 1.10 Complete loss of func-tions needed for plant to sustain naturat or forced cir-cold shutdown, culation. Reactor remains critical after AP/0/A/5500/34 , 4.1.11 Failure of the reactor protection system to all attempts to trip reactor initiate and complete have been completed. a scrara which brings g the reactor subcritical. j Observation of damage to spent AP/1/A/5500/25, AP/0/A/9500/28l 4.1.12 Fuel damage accident with release of radio- fuel assembly, and _ activity to containment or fuel handling building. 1. EHF-16 and 17 alarm.

2. FJtF-38, 39, 40, or 42 alarm.

Observation of a fire that could Station Directive 2.11 Series, ! 4.1.13 Fire potentially affecting Tech Specs 3/4.5 safety systems. affect safety systems. 4.1.14  !!ast or all alarms (annu- As observed. OP/0/A/6350/01A

  • clators) lost.

4.1.15 Radiological effluents For FHF35 - I.ow Range offscalg J greater th:m 10 t irm liigh Range 1 x 10 cpm . Tech Specs instantaneous 6 limits (an instantaneous For 124F36 - I.ow Range 2 x 10 gpm AP/0/A/5500/28 f liigh Range 5 x 10 cpm l rate which, if continued over 2 hours, would re-sult in about lar at the , site boundary under average meteorological conditions or whenever effluent moni-tors or radiological moni-Loring detect these levels). As reported by Security force. Station Security Plan 4.1.16 Ongoing recurity c'wpromine.

EP/0/A/ *)D00/ 06 f Enclosura 4.1 N - Page 4 5 g ( of liitiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document , 4.1.17 Severe natural p1moomona AP/0/A/5500/30. AP/0/A/5500/29 heing experienc :d or , projected:

a. Earthquake greater >0.08gli, >.053gV, Annunciator Alarm, ,

than Operational (AD-13). l'arthquake Levels

b. Flood, low water, hur- As observed.

i ricano sury.c. seiche near desir.a levein. (l.ake tidal wave)

c. Any tornado striking As observed, facility.
d. Iturricane winds near As observed (95 mph)/from National design basis level. Weather Service information.

4.1.18 Other hazards being ex- , AP/0/A/5500/32, AP/0/A/5500/31 perienced or projected. AP/1/A/5500/23

a. Aircraft crash on As observed.

facility. I

b. tilssile impacts from As observed, whatever source on 1acility.
c. Know explosion damage As observed, to facility affecting .

plant operation. -

d. Entry into facility As observed, environs of toxic or flammable gases.

) c. Turbine failure Turbine trip and observation of i causing casing pene- turbine malfunction or tailure. tration.

! s.r s o no ,,,. ,uo . ., Enclosure 4.1 - Pago _,5 of 5 , Emergency Action Level (EAT.) Emergency Prucedure/ Document ',, Initiating Conditionn . As determined by Shift Supervisor / As dictated by Plant Conditions.. 4.1.19 Other plant conditions exist that in the judge- Faergency Coordinator. ment of the Shift Super-visor, the Operations Duty Engineer, the , Superintendent of Opera-tions, or the Plant

  • Manager warrant pre-cautionary activation

of the Technical Support Center and near site Crisis Management Center. 4.1.20 Evacuation of control As determined by Shift Supervisor / AP/1/A/5500/17. OP/1/A/6100/04 - Emergency Cbordinator. room anticipated or required with control j of shutdown systems established from local station. 1 l  : e


               ..                            ,-%g E?/0/A/5000/06,   l
                      -                                                                                          Encloruro 4.2 Pcg2 L of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION ALERT L       Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Emergency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed in Enclosure 4.l. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing)                                       i

, NOTIFY / ACTIVATE . NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL Shift Supervisor Operations Duty Engineer Station Manager Superintend .t of Operations Superintends t of Technical Services Projects and Licensing ES.gineer Station Health Physicist North Carolina State Warning Point Mecklenburg County Warning Point Lincoln County Warning Point Catawbt Ce" ty Warning Point Iredell County Warning ?oint Caston County Warning Point Cabarr.ts County Warning Point N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) N.R.C. Station Representative Ccnstruction Project Manager Ac:1eate T.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate 0.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate C.M.C. (Enclosure 4.3, Enclosure 4.5)

.,,-n-          -- .-         .-. -- -,            ,-.,an n.  - , - -   ,_       , , - - - - - , , - - , - - -

LL j U J J.J 4JWWJ WW O Encle:ura 4.3

        -                                                                                            Prg2         1      of 2
 .                                                                 TELEPHONE LISTING 4.3.1   Operations "uty Enginear (PA System)

P&T Pagar - 4.3.2 Station Mansger - Hor.e

                                                                         - System Speed.- 12                      -

Hoce - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superin*s.Jent of Operations - Home - - rya em Speed - 13 6 4.3.4 Seperint..ade. t of Technical Services - Home: - - System Speed - 14 4.3.5 Projects and Licensing Engineer - Ecce

                                                                         - System   Speed - 32 4.3.6   Station Health Phycicist                                  -

Home - - System Spe+d - 31 P&T Pager 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point. Raleigh - - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County. Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: . - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: , , 4.3.9 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary : Ring Down Phone Back-up: '. - System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Coic: , _ 4.3.10 Catawba County k'arning Point - Primar;: Ring Down Phone Back-up: . - System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: , 4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary : Ring Dcun Phone Back-,p: - Syste= Speed - 45 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ 4.3.12 Gaston County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 46 Back-up: Energency Radio, Code: _ , 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: , , NOTE Radio Code - aill :ctivate all county radio units.

                                                             . .                                                                        l


                            ',rs                                           .EP/0/A/300@8@@

e Eaciscurc 4.3 (con'*.) ef 2

  • Pzg2 2 TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.14 N.R.C. Operation Center, Energency Notification Syste= (ENS Phone) 4.3.15 N.R.C.- Station Representative Office -

Home - System Speed - 57 Wife work - - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager 4.3.16 Construction Project Manager Construction " Home : - Syster. Speed - 17 or System Speed - 18 4.3.17 CRiilS MANAGE". INT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal 3. Tucker Office: or Home: - System Speed - 53 William O. Parker Office: or Heme: - System Speed - 54 Robert M. Koehler Office: or Home: - System Speed - 55 Stea= Production Duty Man - - System Speed - 51

                                                           - System Speed - 56 4.3.18  Radiatica Protection Section, Department of Human Resources-
                                                         - System Speed - 48 9


  • g ;


  • Encloruro 4.4
   .                                                                                    Pega   1     of 5 MCC:.*DE STOLEAR STATION NOTIFICAT1.E OF E'iERGENCY CONDITIONS

( 4.4.1 Inclade gs a ninimu=, the fallaving inforsation to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to the six County.Varning Points (Mecklenburg, Catawi.a. Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus). NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing. NOTE 2: A. Complete Part A of this format as a minimal first notification of a reportable incident. B. Ce:plete Part A and B of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART A: Initial Emergency Massage Information "This is , , (Name) (Title) at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an incident at McGuire, Unit # . Please acknowledge when you are ready to copy emergency.information."

1. This message:
a. Reports a real emergency, C) b. Is an exercise mes< age.
2. This message is from the McGuire Nuclear Plant
3. My name is .
4. My telephone number is .
5. The code word is .
6. This is a:
a. First notification.
b. Followup message.
7. The incident occurred at on .

(Time AM or PM) (Date)

8. The class of e=ergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Energency

EP/0/A/5000/d6 Enclosuro 4.4


Pcgs 2 of 5 . b

9. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:
10. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):

' a. Does not involve the release of radioac:1ve materials - i from the plant or involve public.

b. 7.nvolves the PDTENTIAL for the release of radioactive materials, but NC rr#:oactive materials have been re1 oc id.
c. Does involve the release of some radioactive materials from the plant, but at a level below that considered a public hazard.'
d. Does involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant at a level at which Protective Actions is advisable. y I 11. I recommend the following prgtective action: (select one of the i s below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time,
b. People living in zones around the station remain inside with doors and windows closed. These zones are in a direction from the station out '

to a re.!ius of about . miles. ,

c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and -,

businesses. These zones are in a direction from the station out to a radius of about miles. We urge people in these areas to leave their home or , business in a safe, orderly fashion. -

d. Other recommendations:

i.e.: Stay,tur.ed to your local radio or television station for further information. J

  ,,  ,n--.       . , , - , - - - - - - - - - , - - - . _ , , - , - - , . - - - - - - - - ,                .,,,-,__..L.-,--


                                                                                                                                                 )                  Enclesura 4.4
                                                                            )                                                              -

Pcss 3 of 5

12. Reisy '5!s info.r.v.'.on tc the persons indicated in your alr.rt pro-
   /' \                                            cedures fer L- ncid:nt at McGuire Nuclear Station.
13. A fol' low:p ease ,ge vill:
                                                             -        s. Fn11cu in appror.icately          ,,,,__ minutes.
b.  ::ot follow.
14. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports a real etergency.
b. Is an exercise message.

NOT2: *+ cord the Name, Title, Dete. Time, and Warning Point at and of Section B. PART B: Follovup Emergency Message Information

15. The type of actual or projected release is (select one or more).
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne ,
c. Surface spill

' d. Not Applicable

16. The source and description of the release incident is:

i ,.

17. The estimated duration of the release in time is:
                                      *18. The chemical and physical form of the released material is:
                                      *19. An estimate of the quantities of noble gases, iodines, and particu-                                                                       .

lates released is:

                                      *20. An estimate of the concentration of noble gases, iodines, and parti-culates released is:



           '.'                   .h, e)         Enc 1ccura 4.4 -

P 33 4 ef 5 s *21. The prevailing weather is:

a. Wind velocity: aph.
b. , k'ind direction (blowing from) degrees.
c. Current temperature at the release site is: -
d. Atmospheric stability data (vertical temperature difference) is:
a. The form of precipitation, if any, is: .
               *22. The actual or projected dose rate at.the site boundary is:
a. Actual .
b. Projected .
23. The projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5, and 10 miles is:
a. Projected dose rate:

2 miles . 5 miles 10 miles

b. Projected integrated dose:

2 miles - 5 miles 10 miles

24. The evacuation zones affected are:
                *25. Estimate of any surface radioactive contamination is:


26. The e=ergency response action (s) underway are:
27. Needed onsite support by offs!,te organizations is:
28. The prognosis for worsening or termination of the emergency based on plant information is:
29. Do you have any questions?
30. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
                                                             /"'s                EP/0/A/2000/06 l        'I                                                  )              Encle:uto 4.4
         ,' ,                . _ ,                                               Pago     5    of   5 NOTEt   T,acord the Name, Title, Date, Ti=e, and Warning Point Notified.

j (1) (Nace) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (2) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (3) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (4) (Name) . (Title) (Date) (Time) . (County / State)

                                         ~ ~ ~

(5) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (6) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) l l (7) (St s) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) {

                   *This information is not to be included in the fe'.'.oeup information provided to Caston, Catawba, Iredell, or Lincoln counties in accor-dance with a request from the county Civil Freparedness Agen:y or Emergency Manage =ent Director of these counties.
                                                        ~-        _  _ _ _ _ _ _

E7/c/A/5050/c6 Eactosure 4.5 I

        ,. I                       /     )                                    Pess   1, of  1-CRISIS MANACDtENT CENTER ACTIVATION FORMAT I as the               -
1. My name is .

I am notifying you _(title) at McCuire Nuclear Station. of an incident at McGtire Nuclear Station, Unit # . Please acknow-ledge when you are ready to copy emergency information.

2. This is/is not a drill.
3. The 1 cident occurred at (Hours) on / / (Date).
4. The class of emergency is:
5. The initiaties condition causing the emergency is as follows:

is taking place is not taking place.

6. Release of radioactivity:

Wind direction (blowing from) degrees. 7.

8. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows:
9. It is recommended that you activate the Crisis Management Center in accordance with the Crisis Management Plan.
10. Do you have any questions 7
11. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of person notified, :itle, and time notified.

(Title) (Time) (Name)

   -. .-      r..-.,      . . . . . _ . .. -... ...                   .. .     ..._,.       _ ... _ .                              . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ ,          _,,_J
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s Form SPD-1002-1 Y Y r' ~,, 4,3

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                                                                  <4.% M SG                    .% :J;.1,:: , q yw!g: . . . = - <'                                     l DUKE P0k'ER COMPANY                               (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/07 PROCEDURE PREPARATION                                             Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD                                               0 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Site Area Emergency A         'r             l (4) PREPARED BY:                       S                           ,        m         DATE:                   /h l

(5) REVIINED BY: DATE: M b Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: l (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: Date: f '8D J (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: -

                                                                                                                                                        - * +
                                                                                                               * + -       ---se       -e*=*
                                          .._..e.                              --e--
s. -
                                        '                                                                                     SPD-10012 Form 34634 (481)

DUKR POWER COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST McGuire Nuclear Station UNIT: 1 x 2 x 3 (1) STATION: OTHER: (2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: EP/0/A/5000/07 Site Area Emergency (3) SAFETT EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents: Yes No A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR; or a test or experiment not described in the FSART


If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a detailed description of the item being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART 3 Yes No Will this item require a change to the station Technical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the specification (s) affected and/or attach the applicable peges(s) with r.he change (s) indicated. (5) SAFEIY EVALUATION - PART C , As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable: i 6 Yes No Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated

                                    , ja the FSAR be increased?

Yes No V Will the consequences of an accident previously evaluated the FSAR be increased? Yes No May the possibility of an accident which is different than any already evaluated in the PSAR be created? Yes No L A fill the probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR increased? Yes No Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR , be increased? Yes No _ y the possibility of malfunction of equipment rtant to safety different than any already evaluated n the FSAR be created? Yes No Will the margin of safety as. defined in the bases to any Technical Specification be reduced? This Procedure does not affect the Safety Analysis of the Plant. If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety question is or is not volved. Attach additional pages as necessary. (6) PREPARED BY: . 4 C DATE: Yf/h (7) REVIEWED BY: DATE: [> "k (8) Page 1 of 1 we.., e.~ -


_. _ _y_ . . ., m s EP/0/A/5000/07

        .'                                                                                                                   )                                                                     Pcg3 1 cf 3 DUKE POWE1 COMPA::Y MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION SITE AREA EMERGENCY 1.0 Synptoms                                                        -

1.1 Events ar9 in process or have occurred whfch involve actual or likely major failures of plant functicas needed for protection of the public. 2.0 Ier.ediate Action 2.1 Automatic None . 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent Actions _ Initial /N/A .

                                /                                                 3.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s) and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of
 .                                                                                       the actual plant condition.
                                  /                                               3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating E=ergency Procedure have been perfor=ed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.

NOTE If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly / accountability appears necessary, refer to Station Direcrive 3.8.1.

                            /                                                     3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designer at which time the Station Manager or his designee assunes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.
                         /                                                         3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt (within 15 minutes of declaring the emergency for State and Local authorities) notification of those persennel and Warning Points and shall
         =                                                                                activate those Emergency Centers indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for
   -                                                                                      the appropriate Initiating Condition /E=ergency Procedure listed in Enclosure 4.1.

q EP/0/A/5000/07

                             ]  -
                                                                          )         Prga 1, cf' 3 NOTE 1 Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), shall be in accordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. Activation of the Crisis Management Center l

! . (CMC) shall be in accordance with Enclosure 4.5. l t gE2-See Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing, for notification, i telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes. NOTE 3 See Encisoure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions to be provided to State / County Warning Points. l

                /     3.5 The Emergency Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical l

Support Center and the Crisis Manap ment Center vill assess and respond to the emergency by: 3.5.1 Dispatching V s Onsite and offsite Monitoring teams with associated consronications. 3.5.2 Provi, ding meteorological and dose estimates to of fsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated

                                                                                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                                  ~ ~ ~ individual or automated data transmission.

3.5.3 Providing release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies to offsite authorities.

                   /  3.6 The E:nergeney Coordinator shall provide protective action recon::sendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s) and to the North Carolina Warning Point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or the Radiological Protection Section, Department of Euman Resources (see Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the Not-h Carolina Radiological Z::ergency response plan. If evaluation indicates that a potential for or an actual release of l

l radioactive materials vill result in a projected dose (REM) to the l population of: (EPA Protective Action Guidelines). l 3.6.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, No protective action is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels to verify. 3.6.2 Whele body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, recormend seeking shelter and wait for fur:her instructions, consider

                                     ~ . . - . . - - -                                      . . . -        --       --             -
              .                                 m                                                         O     '

1 EP/0/A/5000/07

                                                    -                                                                  Page 3 of 3 evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women.

Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control

                                      -                       access to affected areas.

3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above',' thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evaucation of populations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. , NOTE See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing for notification.

                      /             3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager, at the Crisis Management Center, will provide or make available:

3.7.1 A dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefings.

.                                            3.7.2             Senior technical and management staff cnsite available for consulation with the NRC and State on a periodic basis.
                      /             3.8 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with Recotery Manager at the Crisis Management Center, will assess the emergency condition
                        '                    and determine the need to remain in a Site Area Emergency, escalate to a more severe class, reduce the emergency class, or close out the emergency.
                          /          3.9 The Recovery Manager at the Crisis Manager.ent Center will close out or recommend reduction of the emergency class, by triefing of offsite authorities at the Crisis Management Center or by phone if necessary, followed by written summary within 8 hours.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Notification Chart. 4.3 Telephone Listing, 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. I 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format.

j EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosura 4.1 , Paga 1 of 6  :

                                                                                                                                                                    .f 1.1ST OF INITIATING CONDITIONS, ENERCENCY ACTION LEVELS, AND                                       ,

l ASSOCIATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT ,, j ' i . initiating Conditions Emergency Action i.evel (EAl.) Emergency Procedure / Document . I

$ I I i 4.1.1 Known loss of coolant Pressurizer low pressure reactor trip EP/1/A/5000/02

!l accident greater than and pressurizer low pressure safety a makeup pu:np capacity. injection signal and high containment building pressure. (INSP5040, 5050, 5060, 5070) and high containment , l huilding sump level (lNIP5260. 5270) } and high containment humidity, i i (INSP5400, 5410) and EMF 38, 39, and l 40 alarm. l lt 4.1.2 Degraded core with pos- Valiu readings on incore thermocouples AP/1/A/5500/05

   -'             sible loss of coolable                              above 700 F and AT rapidly increasing geometry (indicators                                or no AT across core.

should include instru- ,h mentation to detect j inadequate core coollug, , coolant activity and/or j l , containment radioactivity ] levels). l

     '                                                                                                                                                                   k '

4.1.3 Rapid failure of steam Pressurizer low pressure alarm and EP/1/A/5000/04, AP/1/A/5500/07 g l generator tubes with loss of offsite power (e.g., reactor trip, and pressurizer low level alarm, and EMF 32, 33, and 34

                                                                                                                                                           *-)             '

l several hundred gpm pri- alarm, and- undervoltage alarms on ]; mary to secondary leak 7KV buses, and steam generator water ] rate), level rapidly increasing in one or i more steam generators falling in the [ } others, and pressuriser level rapidly . j !  ! decreasing, (INCPS151, 5160, 5172) and possible lif ting of steam genera-- tor PRV's and/or safety valycs. l I i

EP/0/A/5000/07 l Enclosure 4.1 ' of

                 '^                                                                           Page   2           6                      ,

I Emergency Action Level (EAL) Faergency Procedure / Document l Initiating Conditions l I EP/1/A/5000/03 4.1.4 Steam line break with Rapidly decreasing reactor coolant l l Tavg, pressurizer pressure and level. t l greater than 50gpm pri-  ! mary to secondary leakage Steam line differential pressure l and indication of fuci safety injection signal, and liigh l damage, containment building pressure, if a f steamline break is in containment 'i (INSP5040, 5050, 5060, 5070) nnd i EMF 51A and/or B alarm, or high ' steam flow and to Lo Tavg or low  ; [ steam pressure safety injection  ! signal, and EHF 48 alarm. t Loss of offsite power and Undervoltage alarms on 7KV buses. AP/1/A/5500/07 4.1.5 ,

 ,;                  loss of onsite AC power                                           '

for more than 15 minutes. Blackout load sequencers actuated. Tech Specs 3/8.2.3, 3/8.2.4 4.1.6 Loss of all vital onsite I DC power ser more than 15 DC bus undervoltage all buses and indications as in 4.1.5 above, i minutes. Inability to establish charging pump OP/1/A/6100/04, AP/1/A/5500/17 4.1.7 Complete loss of any function needed for plant injection, and inability to establish , hot shutdown, emergency ,feedwater flow, or Inability l to establish service water flow, and j ; Inability to establish component ( f! cooling water flow'. Reactor remains critical after all EP/1/A/5000/01, AP/0/A/5500/34 4.1.8 Trannient requiring opera-tion of shutdown systems attempts to trip reactor have been p with failure to scram completed, (continued power genera-tion but no come damage

                    ,immediately evident).

Hajor dam:ge to opent observation of major damage to one AP/1/A/5500/25

       !   4.1.9 I               fuel in containment or        or mare spent fuel assemblies, or l               fuct handli g building        spent fuel pool water below fuel (e.g., large object           level, or EllF16, 17, 38, 39, 40, damages fuel or water          or 42 alarm.

loss below fuel level). i

EP/0/A/5000/07 f Enclecure 4.1 $ 1 Page 3 of 6 -}*

                                                                                                                               .      I initiating Conditions                     Emergency Action f.evel (EAL)              Faergency Procedure / Document 4.1.10    Fire con promising the          Observarian of a ma jor fire               Tech Specs 3/4.5, function of safety              that defeats redundant safety              Station Directive 2.11 Series               t systems,                        system or function.

l ' I 4.1.11 Most or all alarms As determined by the Shift Supervisor / OP/0/A/6350/01A a I (anminciators) lost and Emergency Coordinator. plant transient initiated I or in progress. , t 4.1.12 fffluent monitors detect For EMF 35 Low Range, offscale 3  ! Icvels corresponding to 111gh Range 8 x 10 cpm. greater than 50 mr/hr (See Note 1) for 1/2 hour or greater than 500 mr/hTW.h. for For EHF36 Low Range 3 x 10 cpy AP/0/A/5500/28. HP/0/B/1009/09 two minuten (or five times liigh Range 7 x 10 cpm  ; I these levels to the thy- (See Nete 1) roid) at the site boundary for adverse meteoroingy_ For EHF37 Change of 143 cpm / minute (See Hote 2). for 30 minutes or a l change of 1430 cpm / minute - for 2 minutes (See Note 1). NOTE 1: These values are worst ecse calculations and may not reflect more j ! favorable weather conditions. , j j t NOTE 2: These dose rates are projected based on other plant parameters (e.g., i radiation level in containment with leak j r te appropriate for existing contain-ment pressure) or are measured in the , environs. (EPA Protective Action Cuide- , lines are projected to be exceeded out-  ! side the site boundary).


EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclecuro 4.1 i

                        '                                                                                                                        Prgs       4          ef 6                                                   {
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,j Initiating Conditions                                                 Emergency Action Level (EAL)                                    Emergency Procedure / Document l

i t 4.1.13 Imminent loss of phy- Physicalattackonyheplant involving Station Security Plan j sical control of plant, imminent occupancy of contral room and

  • auxiliary shutdown panels, f

4.1.14 Severe natural pheno- AP/0/A/5500/29, AP/0/A/5500/30 ' mena being experienced s

or projected with plant j i not in cold shutdown. / Earthquake greater than (>.15gH, >.lgV) as' determined by moni- i j i SSE (Safe Shutdown Earth- toring seismic instrumentation and quake) levels, recording devices. (SMP-1)  ; i , g Flood, low water, hurri- As determined by Shift Supervisor / j cane surge, seiche greater Emergency Coordinator. than design Icvels (lake tidal waves) or failure , , of protection of vital equipment at lower levels.  ! { i Sustained winds or torna- (>95 mph) as observed or documented does in excess of design by the National Weather Service Icvela. Information. , t 4.1.15 Other hazards being ex- , AP/0/A/5500/32, AP/0/A/5500/31 i perienced or projected r ,

        '                   with plant not in cold                                                                           !

shutdown. , s i

                                                                                                                                                         *.  . - . ~ _          - . _ . . _ , .       . . .   .n._,..

EP/0/A/5000/07 Encloeure 4.1 x , . Page _ 5 of 6 Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document .

q. . , i Aircraft crash affecting Aircraf t crash causing damage or i vit al utructures by im- fire to: Containment Building, pact or fire. Control Room Auxiliary Building, a Fuel Building, or intake Structure.


Severe damage to nafe Ioss of functions needed for hot ./ shutdown equipment from shutdown as in 4.1.7. missiles or expolsion. Entry of uncontrolled Entry of uncontrolled or toxic or' flammable gases into flammable gases into: Control Room, vital areas. Entry of Cable Spreading Room, Containment 9


uncontrolled toxic Building. Switchgear Room Safe gases into vital areas Shutdown Panels or Diesel Rooms. , where lack of access to the area constitutes a i safety problem. , 4.1.16 Other plant conditions As determined by Shift $upervisor/ As dictat'ed by Plant Conditions, j! cxist that in the judge- Emergency Coordinator. . / ment of the Shift Super-visor, the Operations

                          , Duty Engineer, the Super-intendent of Operations,                                                                                     .

or the Plant Manager war-rant activation of emer- , gency centers and mont-toring teams and a precautionary public notification to the public near the site.

t . s 1

!                                                                                       EP/0/A/5000/07                                   .

i Enclosura 4.1 ' ' l Pags 6 of 6 Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document . 4 I '; 4.1.17 Evacuation of control As determined by Shift Supervisor / OP/0/A/6350/02 AP/1/A/5500/17 room and control of shut-down systema not established } i from local stations in - f 15 minutes. I

                                                                                                                              \            t l
                                                                 .                                                                         t           j I

i ! I e ! I i 6 i

, i i

i i j - I 4 i I .

                                                                                   ...~,__t__                              __
                                                                                                                   ^        EP/0/A/5000/07
           .                                                        ,q                                                      Enclosure 4.2 1
                                                                                                                      /     Page 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION SITE AREA EMERGENCY Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Energency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed in Enclosure 4.1. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing)

NOTIFY / ACTIVATE .. NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL Shife Supervisor Oserations Duty Engineer Station Manager Superintendent of Operations , Superintendent of Technical Services Projects and Licensing Engineer Station Health Physicist North Carolina State Warning Point Mecklenburg County V2rning Point Lincoln County Warning Point Carawba County Warning Point Iredell County Warning Point Caston County Warning 7.' int Cabarrus County War?ing Point' N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) N.R.C. Station Representstive Cc9struction Project Manager Activate T.S.C. (Station Direttive 3.8.2) Activate 0.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate C.M.C. (Enclo< :re 4.3, Enclosure 4.5)

                                                                                             <~%   EP/0/A/5000/07

Enclosure 4.3 Page 1 of 2 . TELEPHONE LISTING 4.3.1 Operations Duty Engineer (P.i System) P&T Pager - 4.3. 2 - Station Manager Home - - System Speed.- 12 - Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations - Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services - Home - - Syst2m Speed - 14 , 4.3.5 Projects and Licensing Engineer - Home - - System Speed - 32 4.3.6 Station Health Physicist - Home - - System Speed - 31 P&T Pager . 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Rfug Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: ,, ,

                                                                                                                        .             l 4.3.9             Lincoln County Warning Point -                  Primary: Ring Down Phone                           i Back-up:                  - System Speed - 43      j Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code:

4.3.10 Catawba County Warning ?oint - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ _ 4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 45 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ _ 4.3.12 Caston County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 46 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ _, 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Prima ry : Rine Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: __ _

                                                                          !.0TE Radio Code          sill activate all county radio units.

9 - we

m EP/0/A/5000/07 1 Enclosure 4.3 (con't.) Page 2 of 2 . TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.14 N.R.C. Operation Center, Emergency Notification System (ENS Phone) 4.3.15 N.R.C. Station Representative - Office - Home - System Speed - 57 Wife work - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager . 4.3.16 Construction Project Manager Conatruction Home : - System Speed - 17 or

                                                                                     - System Speed - 18 4.3.17   CR*. SIS MANAGDIENT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal 5. Tucker                    Office:

or Home: - System Speed - 53 W!!11am O. Parker Office: or Home: - Systen Speed - 54 Robert M. Koehler Office: or Home: - System Speed - 55 . o Steam Production Duty Man - - System

  • Speed -
                                                                                     - System Speed - 56 4.3.12   Radiation Protection Section. Department of Human Resources-
                                                                                , - System Speed - 48 ,

t i 4 W W

q q r] EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.4 1 J

                                      ~ '

Page 1 of 5 , MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to the slx County Warning'  ! Points (Mecklenburg, Catawba Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus). , I NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing NOTE 2: A. Conplete Part A of this format as a minimal first , notification of a reportable incident. l I B. Complete Part A and B of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART A: Initial Emergency Message Information i

                               "This is                                    ,

(Name) (Title) at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an incident at McGuire, Unit # . Please acknowledge I- when you are ready to copy emergency information."

1. This message:
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
2. This message is from the McGuire Nuclear Plant
3. My name is .
4. My telephone number is .
5. The code wo.d is .
6. This is a:
a. First notification,
b. Followup message.
7. The incident occurred at on .

(Time AM or FM) (Date)

8. The class of emergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General E=ergency

( )

eN EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.4 Page 2 of 5

9. The initiating event- causing the Emergency Classification ist
10. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant or involve public.
b. Involves the POTENTIAL for the release of radioactive materials, but 50 radioactive materials have beeh released.
c. Does involve the release of some radioactive materials from the plant, but at a level below that considered a public hazard.
d. Does invo*ve the release of radioactive sacerials from the plant at a level at which Protective Actions is advisable.
11. I reccamend the following protective action: (select one of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time.
b. People living in zones around the station remain inside with doors and windows closed. These zones are in a direction from the station out to a radius of about miles,
c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and
  • businesses. These tones are in a direction from the station out to a radius of about miles.

We urge people in these areas to leave their home or business in a safe, orderly fashion.

d. Other recommendations:

1.e.: Stay tuned to your local radio or television station for 'further information. I


                                                 .                                            EP/0/Ai5000/07 S.                                       Enclosure 4.4                  3 Page   3 of    5
12. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-
          )                           cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.
13. A followup message will:

_ a. Pollow in approxi=ately minutes.

b. Not follow.-

14 I repeat, this message:

a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.

! NOTE: Record the Nase Title Date, Time, and Warning Point at end of Section B. PART B: Followup Emergency Message Information

15. The type of actual or projected release is (select one or more).


a. Airborne
b. Waterborne

! i I

c. Surface spill
d. Not Applicable
16. The source and description of the release incident is: l


17. The estimated duration of the release in time is:
                                *18. The chemical and physical form of the released material is:


                                *19. An estimate of the quantities of noble gases, fodines, and particu-laces released is:                                                      __
                                *20. An estimate of the concentration of noble gases, iodines, and parti-culates released is:

1 I l



  • Enclosure 4.4 Page 4 of 5 f
                                      *21.       The prevailing weather is:
a. Wind velocity: aph.

f l b. Wind direction (blowing from) degrees. Current temperature at the release site is: c7 . l

d. Atmospheric stability data (vertical temperature difference) is:
e. The form of precipitation, if any, is: .
                                       *22. The actual or projected dose rate at the site boundary is:                                                  ,
s. Actual .
b. Projected .

I 1

23. The projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5, and 10 c'.las is: l Projected dose rate I a.

2 miles 5 miles - 10 miles . I

b. Projected integrated dose:
       '~'                                                2 miles j                                                  5 miles 10 miles 24      The evacuation zones affected are:
                                        *25. Estimate of any surface radioactive contamination is:
26. The emergency response action (s) underway are:
27. Needed onsite support by offsite organizations is:

l 28. The prognosis for worsening or termination of the emergency based l l on plant information is:  ; j l l

29. Do you have any questions?
30. I repeat, this cessage:
a. Reports a real energency.
b. Is an exercise message.
  • I 1
     ,_. ;            .. s~.               ...               . . . .  . .   - . _ . . . - - _

_ - . . ~.

                  .                           f -~s                              .q           EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.4
                                                                                      ')      Page     5    of    5 NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date, Time, and Warning Point Notified.

(1) (Name) (Title) (County / State) l (Date) (Time) l (2) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (3) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) ! (4) ( (Name) (Title) l 1 (Data) (Time) (County / State) (5) __ (Name) (Title) (Da,te) (Time) (County / State) (6) (Name) (Title) (Data) (Time) (County / State)

  ;                                (7)
  .                                                   (Name)                                    (Title)

(Date) (Time) (County / State)

                                   *This information is tot to be included in the follovup infornation provided to Caston, Catawba, Iredell, or Lincoln counties in accor-dance with a request from the county Civil Preparedness Agency or Emergency Management Director of these counties.


                                               /     j                                        )EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.5
                                                                                             -' ' Page 1 of 1 Ci*S15 MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION FORMAT f
1. My name is . I am the -

l I am notifying you (title) at McGuire Nuclear Station. of an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit # . Please acknow-ledge when you are ready to copy emergency information. l l

2. This is/is not a drill. '

(Hours) on / / (Da te) .

3. The incident occurred at _

i 4. The class of emergency is: .

5. The initiating condition causing the emergency is as follows: .

I t I


Release of radioactivity: is taking place is not t2 king place. 6.

7. Wind direccion (blowing from) degrees.
8. Corrective neaccres being taken at present are as follows:
9. It is reconmended that you activate the Crisis Management Center in

' acce-dance with the Crisis Management Plan.

10. to you have any questions?
11. I repea:, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of person notified, title, and time notified.

(Title) (Time) l (Nace) l 1

L ,


v . Form SPD-1002-1 DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/08 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD 0 Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: General Emergency me> /. / (4) PREPARED BY: M - , DATE: l/[A4/h (5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: /b-7 b '


Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: Sy: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: Date: k' M ~ 8 b (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviived/ Approved By: Date:

L , e e

                                               -)                                  %

SPD 10012 Form 34834 (4-81) DUKE POWER COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY EVALUATION CHECK LIST UNIT: 1 x 2 x 3 (1) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station OTHER: (2) CHECK LIST APPLICABLE TO: EP/0/A/5000/08 General Emergency

,               (3) SAFETT EVALUATION - PART A The item to which this evaluation is applicable represents:

Yes No V A change to the station or procedures as described in the FSAR; ( or a test or experiment not described in the FSAR7 I l - l If the answer to the above is "Yes", attach a deca 11ed description of the ites l being evaluated and an identification of the affected section(s) of the FSAR. l (4) SAFETY EVALUATION - PART 3 Yes No V Will this item require a change to the station Technical Specifications? If the answer to the above is "Yes," identify the rpecification(s) affected i and/or attach the applicable pages(s) with the change (s) indicated. l l (5) SAFETT EVALUATION - PART C l As a result of the item to which this evaluation is applicable: Yes No V Will the probability of an accident previously evaluated l in the FSAR be increased? Yes No W ill the consequences of an accident previously evaluated l in the FSAR be increased? j Yes No V ayM the possibility of an accident which is different I than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No V Will the probability of a malfunction of equipment l ' important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR be increased? Yes No V Will the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR i be increased? Yes No ' May the possibility of malfunction of equipment i important to safety different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be created? Yes No VWill the margin of safety as defined in the bases to any Technical Specificacica be reduced? l This Procedure does not affect the Safety Analysis of the Plant. If the answer to any of the preceding is "Yes", an unreviewed safety question is involved. Justify the conclusion that an unreviewed safety question is or is not volved. Attach additional pages as necessary. l (6) PREPARED BY: - _ DATE: '/ [IY ![f'2 ' - (7) REVIEWED BY: (' DATE: bM ~ED (8) Page 1 of 1

s . {

     .                                                                                                                                       -g        EP/0/?'5000/08               I   --d O                                                                                j Page       1          o f _4    ;
                                                                                                                                                                                    }            -

DUKE PCUER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION GENERAL EMERGENCY 1.0 Syeptoms 1.1 Events are in process or have occurred whi,ch involve actual .or imminent , substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of con- , tainment integrity. , j 2.0 Immediate Action 2.1 Automatic None , 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial /N/A -

                                /           3.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Actica Level (s) and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of                                                          -

I the actual plant condition.

                                  /         3.2 The Shif t Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure have been performed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persona.                                                                  _

and property are being taken. NOTE y If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly / 3E accountability appears necessary, refer to Station  ;; Directive 3.8.1. ,

                                   /         3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency                                                                           -

Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee, at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.

                                      /      3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt ( within 15 einutes

of declaring the ee rgency for State and Local authorities) . notification of these personnel and Warning Points and shall

                                                                                                  -                                        .w.           ,

u f 5 t .

 ..:_.                . - . . . . .       . . - . _ - -                             .L..-----..--....                  . . . _
      .                                                                                       ,     ,'         ~m EP/0/A/5000/08 h                                    *
                                                                                                     $            ' Page 2 of 4 1

activate those EmergencyjCenters indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for .

   \'                                                                                                                                                 a '

the app opriate Initiating Condition / Emergency Procedure listed in Enclosure 4.1. -

                                                                                              ,'      NOTE 1
                                        ,                       Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC) and Operations Support Center (OSC) shall be in a'ccordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. Activation of the Crisis Management Center (CMC shall be in u.cordance with Enclosure 4.5.

NOTE 2 See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, u

                                      .                           telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes.

NOTE 3 See Enclosure 4.4. Notification of Emergency Conditions to be , 5 ' providedito Stats / County Earning Points.

                         /          3.5 The Emergency, Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical    -

I Support Center 'nd the Crisis Mansgement ' Center will assess and


respond to,the emergency by: 3.5.1 Dispatching the onsite'and offsite monitoring teams vi,th associated co'natunications. 3.5.2 , Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual or axtomated data trans-mission. 3.5.3 Provide release and dose projections based on avsilab1E plant condition information and fore-seeable contingencies to offsite authorities.

                       /            3.6 Tha Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective action                                              ,/h" recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s) and to tihe North Carolina Warning Point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or to state Radiological Protectica $ection, Department of Human Resources .(See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan. If evaluation indicates that a potential for an actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose (RD!) to the
        \                                    population of: (EPA Protective Action Guidelines) 8
                ~ - ~         -                  - - - . . - . . . - _ , ,        ,

I j . i I

        .        ,                                                                                  -*g  EP/0/A/5000/08       ,

j Page 3 of 4  ; 1 3.6.'1 Whole body <1, Thyroid <5, No protective action

          )                                               is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels                 l to verify.

3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, Thyroid 5 to <25, recommend

                                    -                      seeking shelter and wait for further instructions.

Consider evacuation pi'rticularly for ch'ildren and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access to aff=cted areas. 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, Thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evacuation of populations in . the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for Mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing for notification.

  .                  /             3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager, at the Crisis Management Center, will provide or makd available:

3.7.1 A dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefine.r. /[ 3.7.2 Senior technical and managment staff onsite avail-able for consultation with the NRC and State on a periodic basis.

                   /           '

3.8 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center will assess the emergency condition and determine the need to remain in a General Emergency, reduce the energency class, or close out the emergency.

                   /               3.9 The Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center will close out the energency or recocnend reduction of the Emergency class by briefing the of fsite authorities at the Crisis Management Center or by phone if necessary, followed by written su= nary within 8 hours.
                                                                                                      .n.           . - . .

1 1  !

 '                                                                                             A      EP/0/A/5000/08
                                                                                                  ;   Page 4 of 4
s a
 !                        4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Larels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document.

i 4.2 Notification Chart. l 4.3 Teleph'one listing. ,, 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format. i l l i . l l I i I

                                                                                                                                              .I i

I ' I l e 9 8 4

                                                                                                                           - m- ee e..e w- --, - -            m   -  ,  w          ,         - - - - -       -,,.   --     s   _       -__                - _ - -_ -- -

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enclosure 4.1 ( (' . Page 1 of 6 ,

  • 1.iST OF INITIATING CONDITIONS, EMERGENCY ACTION 1.EVELS, AND ASSOCIATED EMERCENCY PROCEDURE /DOCUHFiT Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document 4.1.1 Effluent monitors detect As observed b'y control room personnel. AP/0/A/5500/28 r

1evels corresponding to 1 rem /hr Whole Body or . 5 rem /hr Thyroid at the j site boundary under a actual meteorological < conditions. .


NOTE 1: These dor.c rates ' are projected base on I plant parameters (e.g., j I radiation levels in con-tainment with Icak rate appropriate for existing i containment pressure with some confirmation from , f ef fluent monitors) or are measured in the environs. .' i 1

Consider evacuation

- only within about 2 miles of 1 the site boundary unless these , levels are exceeded by a fac- ! tor of 10 or projected to con- g tinue for 10 hours or EPA Pro ' 'J tective Action Guideline exposure levels are predicted to be exceeded at longer distances. 1 4.1.2 Loss of 2 of 3 fission pro- 1. loss of coolant accident as AP/0/A/5500/28 AP/1/A/5500/05 duct barriers with a poten- identified in Site Area Emergency . tial loss of 3rd barrier, 4.1.1. and incomplete contain-(e.g., loss of primary ment isolation. coolant boundary, clad- 4 failure, and high poten- 2. Loss of coolant accident as iden- ,, tial for loss of contain- tified in Site Area Emergency 4.1.1, ment intergrity), and Containment Monitor alarma (EHF51A i and/or 11) greater than 104R/hr and con-tainment pressure greater than 14.8 psig for at least 2 minutes.

  • f-EP/0/A/5000/08 -s I' Encloture 4.1 .
                                                                                          Pags   2   cf    6              _

Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document initiating Conditions - i. Station Security Plan.  ; Physical attack of the facility has 4.1.3 I.oss of physical con- - trol of the facility. resulted in occupation of the con-trol room and auxiliary shutdown NOTE: Consider 2 mile facility, precautionary evacuation. As determined by the Shif t Supervisor / As dictated by plant conditions. 4.1.4 Other plant conditions exist, from whatever Emergency Coordinator and verified by  ; source, that in the judge- KAL's defined in implementing Procedures ' ' ment of the shift super- utilized up to this point. i visor, the Operacions Duty .. l Engineer, the Superinten-dent of Operations, or the f Plant Manager make release 3 of large amounts of radio- - j activity in a short time , period possible (e.g., any . core melt situation).  ! t

a. For core melt sequences I where significant re-Icases are not yet taking place and large  : '

amounts of fission pro-

  • ducts are not yet in the containment atmos- ..

phere, consider 2 mile , precautionary evaena- i tion. Consider 5 wile j dowgwindegacuation j (45 to 90 sector) , if large amounts of fission products i i (greater than Gap .icti- i' 1 j vity) are in the con-

;                       tainment atmosphere.

Recommend sheltering in j other parts of the plume exposure Emer-gency PInnning Zone under this circumstance. ,

              /'~'                                               ('~'g EP/0/A/5000/08                    -

Encloture 4.1 ( ( ' Page 3 of 6 s- ,, i Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document l l

b. For core melt se-quences where signi-ficant releases from containment are not yet taking place and a containment failure , ,

leading to a direct

;                    atmospheric release is likely in the se-                                                                                          [
!                    quence but not immi-                                                                                          l nent and large amounts of fission products in                   .

g addition to noble - i gases are in the con- ' tainment atmosphere, l consider precautionary I i evacuation to 5 miles I 1 and 10 mile downwind evacuation (45 and 90 sector).

c. For core melt so- ,

quences where large ' l amounts of fission ! products other than _, )+li noble gases are in the containment i atmosphere and con-

tainment failure is judged imminent, re-i commend shelter for ,

those areas where , evacuation cannut i he completed before . transport of acti-vity to that loca-tion. O

I, EP/0/A/5000/08 . Encicturs 4.1 . Page 4 of 6 .. Emergency Action 1.evel (EA1.) Emergency Procedure / Document . Initiating Conditions 1

d. As release informa-tion beconca available '

adjust these actions in accordance with , dose projections, time available to i , evacuate and esti- l mated evacuation , times given current t conditions.

                                                                '                                                          l
e. Example Sequences: I I  !
1. Small and large Safety injection signal plus reac- .

l , I.0CA's with fail- tor trip and: ure of ECCS to per-form leading to 1. Safety injection ami RilR  ! severe core de- pumps not running. , gradation or melt. I

2. Flow indications for safety Ultimate failure of containment injection read "0".

likely for melt

  • sequences. (Seve 3. liigh containment sump level.

ral hours likely ),j to be available . to complete pro-tective actions , unless containment is not isolated). [ I' v l 3 l l i 4 _.._,[..

1 EP/0/A/5000/08

  • Enclosure 4.1 Page 5 of 6 ,

e Emergency Action 1.evel (EAl.) Emergency Procedure / Document . , initiating Conditions Reactor trip on 1.0 1.0 Steam Generator AP/1/A/5500/06, EP/1/A/5000/04 -

2. Transient ini-tiated by loss level and wide range generator levels ,

of feedwater and toward offscale low on all steaw generators condensate sys- and emergency feedwater flow indica-tems (principle tors indicate "0" flow or emergency , heat removal sys- feedwater pumps not rinning and can-tem) followed by not be restored within 30 minutes or ' f ailure of emdr- >3% reactor power and loss of both main feedwater pumps, manually trip i gency feedwater system for ex- reactor, l tended period. I (Core melting is possible in seve-  ! ral hours with ultimate failure

  • of containment likely if the $

core melts). {.

3. Transient requir- Reactor remains critical after all AP/0/A/5500/34 ing operation of attempts to trip the reactor are shutdown systems complete and flow indicators on
  • with failure to safety injection and RilR show "0" scram. Core dam- flow after initiation NVP5440, age is likely. NDP5190, 5191, 5180, 5181, )

Additional failure N1P5120, 5450) or, safety injec-  ! l ( of the core cool- tion and RilR pumps not running ' ing'and makeup with safety injection initiated. system would lead to core n.elt. I i

                                                                                       $  .       .     -     .,+=   ===m          vae emasse e asses

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enclosuro 4.1 - y Page 6 of 6 , Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergancy Procedure / Document ( Initiating Conditions

4. Failure of offnite Lindervoltage alarms on 7KV buses and AP/1/A/5500/07 and onsite power blackout loa'd sequencers actuated and -

along with total auxiliary feedwater pump (s) fail to loss of emergency start. l feedwater makeup , capability for several hours. . Would lead to . eventual core , melt and likely t l

failure of con-tainment.
5. Small 1.0CA and Pressurizer low pressure reactor trip EP/1/A/5000/02 AP/1/A/5500/05 l initisilly suc- and pressurizer low pressure safety injection signal and RilR flow indica- j cessful ECCS. '

Subsequent fail- tors show "0" flow after shift to RilR ure of containment is attempted and for greater than 2 , heat removal sys- hours (NDPS190, 5191, 5180, 5181) and tem over several RCS T" is rising, and containment air I houra could Icad handling system fati to function. to core seit and , likely failure of ! containment.


NOTE: For melt se- i quences or for failure ) of containment isola- 8 tion systems, the '.'. kely failure mode is melt l through with release

  • of gases.

l Any maje internal or ex- As determined by the Shift Supervisor / As dictated by plant conditions. I, 4.1.5 ternal events (e.g., fires. Emergency Coordinator. earthquakes substantially beyond design levels) which could cause massive common damage to plant systems.

t + A EP/0/A/5000/08

                                                                                            )    Enclosure 4.2
                                                            -                                    Page 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION GENERAL EMERGENCY Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Emergency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed.La Enclosure 4.1. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing)

NOTIFT/ ACTIVATE . NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL Shift Supervisor Operations Duty Engineer Station Manager Superintendent of Operations Superintendent of Technical Services Projects and Licensing Engineer Station Health Physicist North Carolina State Warning Point w e &lenburg County Warning Point Lincoln County Warning Point Catawba County Warning Point Iredell County Warning Point t- Caston County Warning Point Cabarrus County Warning Point N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) . N.R.C. Station Representative Construction Project Manager Activate T.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate 0.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.7) Activate C.M.C. (Enclosure 4.3, Enclosure 4.5) 4 e

                     .                                                                            <-'s              EP/0/A/5000/08 Encinura 4.3 Page      1    of    2 TELEPHONE LISTING 4.3.1   Operations Duty Engineer (PA System)

P&T Pager - 4.3.2 Station Manager - Home - - System Speed.- 12 - Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations - Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services - Home - - System Speed - 14 ., 4.3.5 Projects and Licensing Engineer - Home - - System speed - 32 4.3.6 Station Health Physicist - Home - System Speed - 31 PST Pager 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - . .t - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County Warning *Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone

                                                                                                                         - System Speed - 42 Back-up:            .
 '                                                                                    Back-up:           Emergency Radio, Code: _

4.3.9 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: ,, , 4.3.10 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Dcun Phone Back-up:

                                                                                                                            - System Speed - 44 Back-up:           Emergency Radio Code:             , _

4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone

                                                                                                                          . - System Speed - 45
  • Back-up:

l Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: , 4.3.12 Caston County Warning Point - Primary : Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 46 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ , 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: _ _ NOTE Radio Code will activate all county radio units.. 9 9


q A, EP/0/A/5000/08 1 Enclosure 4.3 (con't.)

                                                -                                                                       Page   2            of    2                           ,

TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.14 N.R.C. Operation Center, Emergency Notification System (ENS Phone) 4.3.15 N.R.0'. Station Representative - Office Home - - System Speed - 57 Wife work - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager 4.3.16 Ccnstruction Project Manager Construction Home : - System Speed - 17 or

                                                                                - System Speed - 18                                                                             ,

4.3.17 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal B. Tucker Office: or Home: .-- System Speed - 53 i William O. Parker Offi.e:c {SystemSpeed-54 or Home. i i Robert M. Koehler Office: or Home: - System Speed - 55

   -         -                  Steam Production Duty Man -                            System speed - 51 Systen Speed - 56 4.3.18      Radiation Protection Section, Department of Human Resources-
                                                                              - System Speed - 48 1

_ - _ _ - , _ ,.v. - _ , _ . . . . . _ _ ,


                      .     -. .. ...._ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ - -         s..__.__.__..                   . _ . .

q q EP/0/A/5000/08

                                           )                                    )         Enclosure 4.4          !

Page 1 of 5 h MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION J NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.4.1 Include gs a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to the six County Warning Points (Mecklenburg, Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln, Caston, and Cabarrus). NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing. NOTE 2: A. Complete Part A of this format as a minimal first notification of a reportable incident. B. Complete Part A and 3 of this format to provida - minimal followup information. PART A: Initial Emergency Message Information "This is , , (Name) (Title) at McGuire Nuclear" Station. I am notifying you of an incident at McGuire, Unit i . Please acknowledge when you are ready to copy emergency information."

1. This message:

t *

a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
2. This message is from the McGuire Nuclear Plant
3. My name is .
4. My telephone number is .
5. The cede word is .
6. This is a:
a. First notification.
b. Follevup message.
7. The incident occurred at on .

(Time AM or PM) (Date)

8. The class of emergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event I
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General E=ergency O
    .           =__ .                                ...             . . _ .                        _ . - . -
                     .                                                                                                  EP/0/A/5000/08 s) b                                                    '

Enclosure 4.4 Page 2 of 5

9. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:
10. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials l from the plant or involve public,
b. Involves the POTENTIAL for the release of radioactive ,.

materials, but NO radioactive materials have been released.

c. Does involve the release of some radioactive materials from the plant, but at a level below that considered a public hazard.
d. Does involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant at a level at which Protective Actions is advisable.
 -                         11.        I recommend the following protective action: (select one of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time, b,. People living in zones around the station remain inside with doors and windows closed. These zones are in a direction from the station out to a radius of about miles.
c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and
 -                                                       businesses. These zones are in a                                    direction
 )                                                        from the station out to a radius of about                                   miles.

L'e urge people in these areas to leave their home or business in a safe, orderly fashion.

d. Other recommendations:

1 1 1.e.: Stay tuned to your local radio or television station for further information.

I j'

              .                                                         N      EP/0/A/5000/08

i Enclosure 4.4

                                        -                                      Page     3 of  5
12. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.
13. A follevup message will:
                               - a. Follow in approximately         minutes.
b. Not follow.

i 14. I repeat, this message:

a. Reports a real emergency,
b. Is an exercise message.
;               NOTE: Record the Name, Title Date, Time, and Warning Point at and of            .

Section B. PART B: Follovup Emergency Message Information

15. The type of actual or projected release is (select one or more),


a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. Not Applicable
16. The source and description of the release incident is:

I t i j

17. The estimated duration of the release in time is:

i j

               *18. The chemical and physical form of the released material 1s:
                *19. An estimate of the quantities of noble gases, iodines, and particu-laces released is:
                *20. An estimate of the concentration of noble gases, iodines, and parti-culates released is:

l 1

                   #                                                                                                                                                                 EP/0/A/5000/08
                                          .                                 .                                                                                           O' Enclosure 4.4 Page       4 of    5
                                         *21.                 The prevailing weather is:
a. Wind velocity: aph.
b. , Wind direction (bl,owing from) degrees.
c. Current temperature at the release site is: *
d. Atmospheric stability data (vertical temperature difference) is: .
e. The form of precipitation, if any, is: .
                                         *22.                 The actual or projected dose rate at the site boundary is:
a. Actual .
b. Projected .
23. The projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5, and 10 miles is:
a. Projected dose rate:

2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

b. Projected' integrated dose:

2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

24. The evacuation zones affected are:
                                          *25.                   Estimate of any surft.:e radioactive contamination is:
26. The emergency response action (s) underway are:

\ l

27. Needed onsite support by offsite organizations is:

l l . l 28. The prognosis for worsening or terrmination of the emergency based on plant information is:

29. Do you have any questions?
30. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
                                                                                                                                              -                                           ..e .      . . . .

m--- - - y- - - - m- - -r . .c-,y,.,_..,.,,..e-.~--- , . _ _ _ _ . - - - - . ~ - - ,-_w-. -,w - - - , - - - - - . - - -

                                        .                                                      O                  EP/0/A/5000/08
                                                                                                   }              Enclosure 4.4 Page       5       of          5 NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date, Time, and Warning Point Notified.

(1) (Name) (Title) (Data) (Time) (County /Stata) (2) (Name) . (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) , (3) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) (County / State) (4) (Name) (Title) (Date) (Time) , (County / State) (5) (Name) (Title) (Data) (Time) (County / State) (6) (Name) (Title)

   ,                                                                  (Date)       (Time)                             (County /Srate)

(7) (Name) (Title) (Date) , (Time) (County / State)

                                                  *This iaformation is not to be included in the followup information provided to Caston, Catawba, Iredell, or Lincoln counties in accor-dance with a request from the county Civil Preparedness Agency or Emergency Managedent Director of these counties.
   '.     .. ..         .                 .      . - . - . . . - - . . .               .     - - - -           ~-. .    .


                        ,                                                                 .m           EP/0/A/5000/08 I Enclosure 4.5 Page 1 of 1 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION FORMAT
1. My name is . I as the .

(title) at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you l of an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station. Unic # . Please acknow-ledge when you are ready to copy emergency information. l 2. This is/is not a drill.

3. The incident occurred'at (Hours) on / / (Date). -
4. The class of emergency is: .
5. The initiating condition causing the emergency is as follows:
6. Release of radioactivity: is taking place is not taking place.
7. Wind direction (blowing from) degrees.
8. Corrective measures beitig taken at present are as follows:
9. It is recommended that you activate the Crisis Management Center in accordance with the Crisis Management Plan.
10. Do you have any questions?
11. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of person notified, title, and time notified.

(Name) (Title) (Time)
