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November 19, 1998 LICENSEE: Illinois Power Company 4
FACILITY:      Clinton Power Station i                 
OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998,0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with l                  representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the
;                  progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachment 1, and copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3.
;                  The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plant's status, a general list 4'
of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachment 2). The licensee i
presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status of license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular                                            '
inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.
Original signed by:
i i
Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager                              ,
Project Directorate lll-3                                          '
4 Division of Reactor Projects Ill/IV
:                                                                              Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l
j Docket No. 50-461 1
;                  Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Participants                                                                                    ;
: 2. Meeting Handout
: 3. Meeting Handout cc w/atts: See next page
                                                                                                                                      \(/ \
DOCUMENT NAME: G:\PD3-3\CLINTONiO917.MTS OFFICE PD3-3:PM                  ,E PD3-3:LA        C PD3-3:D                C NAME      JHopkins            /ff    EBarnhill 919 SRichards f_&
DATE      ll /I7/98            7/      lt /(1/98 ~        n /is/98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9811300229 981119 M M'2 C l S [' ~ h b PDR        ADOCK 05000461 P                            PDR
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[p# 42uqk
* UNITED STATES g                                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 30086-0001 November 20, 1998 LICENSEE: lilinois Power Company FACILITY:    Clinton Power Station
OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998, 0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachmer't 1, tand copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3.                                                1 The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plara's status, a generallist of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachmer12). The licensee presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status c.f license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are                                              i needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.
o Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager
,                                                                                        Project Directorate ill-3 Division of Reactor Projects Ill/IV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-461 Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Participants
: 2. Meeting Handout
: 3. Meeting Handout cc w/atts: See next page 7                          e  -erm.    --wwe*  $- ma--p'stg        -            -        ,,    - -  c= ,    9-      -            ep g-r-
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l-            Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 j;            lilinois Power Company                                                            )
i cc:
L                                                                                                !
Walter G. MacFarland IV.              lilinois Department of Nuclear Safety        {
!.            Senior Vice President                Office of Nuclear Facility Safety          .l
  ;            Clinton Power Station                ATTN: Mr. Frank Nizidiek -
l              P.O. Box B78                          1035 Outer Park Drive
            - Clinton,IL 61727                      Springfield,IL 62704 Wayne Romberg                          Joseph V. Sipek t              Manager Nuclear Station              Director- Licensing                        1 p                Engineering Department              Clinton Power Station                        j L              Clinton Power Station                P.O. Box 678                                l L              P.O. Box 678 -                        Mail Code V920                              J Clinton,IL 61727                      Clinton,IL 61727 l
l            Resident In'spector                    Leah Manning Stetzner l
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission    VP, General Counsel & Corp. Secretary RR#3, Box 229 A                        500 Scuth 27th Street                        )
j            Clinton,IL 61727                    ' Dect.tur, IL 62525 L            R. T. Hill Licensing Services Manager                                                          ;
General Electric Company                                                          '
;              175 Curtner Avenue, M/C 481 l-            San Jose, CA 95125
:            Regional Administrator, Region ill                                                I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                  I 801 Warrenville Road                                                                !
!            Lisle, IL 60532-4351                                                                I
: l.                                                                                                \
l Chairman of DeWitt County                                                          l c/o County Clerk's Office                                                          l DeWitt County Courthouse Clinton,IL 61727 i
J. W. Blattner                                                                      '
            - Project Manager Sargent & Lundy Engineers 55 East Monroe Street
i-            Chicago,IL 60603                                                                  ;
l 6
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          ,G            1.c DISTRIBUTION FOR
Docket File -
PD lil-2 Reading PUBLIC
                              . GGrant, Rlli JHopkins Hard Conv w/Att 1 OGC ACRS E-mail w/Att 1 SCollins (SJC1)
                              - FMiraglia (FJM) .
THiltz BBoger (BAB2)
EAdensam (EGA1)
SRichards (SAR)-
                              . Dross (SLM3)
NRC participants 1
l' i
L t
i l
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  .    . . . . - ..-          . - . - . .    -            - . ~ ~ . - .    . . - .  . . ~ - . . . . . . . ~ _ . - . . . . . . . . _ - .
;                                                        . SEPTEMBER 17,1998 HBG S. Collins J. Caldwell E. Adensam M. Depas R. Bellamy J. . Grobe J. Hopkins :
T. Kozak T. Hiltz T. Pruett Illinois Power Comoany W. MacFarland G. Hunger W. Romberg V. Cwietniewicz -
R. Phares
                    . M. Wyatt J. Sipek.
HGP. Inc D. Salter -
McGraw-Hill J. Weil EN-
                    ' J. Bricker D. Keuter W&S
                    ' C. Sisco Attachment 1
                                            =    _,            _
4 Agenda i
!                                .                Introduction                                    J. A. Grobe, NRC i
!                                .                Clinton Presentation                            W. G. MacFarland, CPS 4
;.                                .                Plant Status                                    G. A. Hunger, CPS i
4 i
j                                .                Restart item Schedule                            R. M. Wyatt, CPS 1
4 l                                  .              Restart item Status i
j                                                                  - Corrective Action            R. F. Phares, CPS              ;
!                                                                                                                                  o
'                                                                  - Material Condition            V. J. Cwietniewics, CPS          !
W. D. Romberg, CPS                !
:                                                                                                                                    i
<                                                                                                                                    1 4-                                                                                                                                    1 ic                                                                                                                                  )
                                  .                License Submittals                              J. V. Sipek, CPS                  l
                                  .                Conclusions                                    W. G. MacFarland, CPS
                                    .              Closing Remarks                                J. L. Caldwell, NRC Attachment 2
l    . ..
: p.    .
I I        .
September 1996 - Recirculation Pump Seal Failure l
December 1996 - CPS issued Startup Readiness l                  Action Plan                              -
i i
j        -
July - September 1997 - Repetitive equipment failures j                  occurred; DFl issued for Corrective Action Program i
i l
September - October 1997 - CPS conducts Integrated l                  Safety Assessment (ISA) l January 1998 - NRC Safety Evaluation Team
:                  validates ISA findings l
January 1998 - Clinton placed on NRC Watch List i
j        .        February 1998 - CPS announced that PECo would l                provide management services at Clinton
        .        February 1998 - CPS issued Plan For Excellence i
l        .
June 1998 - CPS submitted comprehensive response
!                to NRC Demand for Information
        .        July 1998 - NRC issued revised Restart Actions with a l                Case Specific Checklist i
j  ..    .
i4 i                                      Restart issues          '
            .          Corrective Actions l          .        ' Conduct of Operations L            -        Structures, Systems, and Components Operational Readiness
            .        Design and Configuration Control 1
            -          Maintenance i
            -          Management and Supervision
            .          Emergency Preparedness Program
            .          Licensing Actions
  .      s I
i IPiNRC Management Meeting Clinton Power Station 0350 Restart Panel Meeting September 17,1998 -
1 I
IP Representatives:
                  . W. G. MacFarland, IV              Senior Vice Pres
* dent and Chief Nuclear Officer G. A. Hunger, Jr.                                  Manager-Clinton Power Station V. J. Cwietniewicz                                          Manager-Maintenance W. D. Romberg                                Manager-Nuclear Station Engineering R. M. Wyatt                                                    Manager-Recovery R. F. Phares            Manager-Nuclear Safety and Performance Improvement J. V. Sipek                                                    Director-Ucensing Attachment 3
l 1
1 1
IP/NRC Management Meeting I                                                        Clinton Power Station l                                                    0350 Restart Panel Meeting September 17,1998 l
IP Representatives:
l l                            W. G. MacFarland, IV              Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Oflicer i                            G. A. Hunger, Jr.                                Manager-Clinton Power Station
V. J. Cwietniewicz                                        Manager-Maintenance W. D. Romberg                              Manager-Nuclear Station Engineering R. M. Wyatt                                                  Manager-Recovery R. F. Phares            Manager-Nuclear Safety and Performance improvement
!                            J. V. Sipek                                                      Director-Licensing l
Attachment 3 ILLINOIS P b W Ett t6                          *'a""W    A                              -                    ~
            ..        .                                                                      l Agenda 1
NRC Introduction                  .
J. A. Gmbe IP Introduction                          W. G. MacFadand Plant Status                              G. A. Hunger Restart item Scaedule                    R. M. Wyatt Restart item Status
                      - Corrective Action                    R. F. Phares
                      - Material Condition                    V. J. Cwietniewicz            I W. D. Romberg License Submittals                        J. V. Sipek i
IP Concluding Remarks                    W. G. MacFadand NRC Concluding Remarks                    J. L. Caldwell ILLINCIS -
P(OWER                -
4 i
Plant Status I
4 Division 2 Operable i
Division 1 Undergoing Final. Testing I-Division 3 Awaiting Approval of Technical          '
[                      Specification Change Request l
New ERAT LTC Used Several Times to Adjust for Grid Voltages i
l Major Modifications Ongoing i
Degraded Voltage                        -
:                      - ECOS Suction Strainers
                        - Feedwater Check Valves' Keep-Fill System
                        - Fire-Induced Circuit Failures
                        - Thermo-lag Resolution l
i    -
Plant Status Jcont'dD l
l Industrial Safety Radiological Safety Nuclear Safety Management and Supervision
l                          -
Focus for Coming Month l
Major Challenges
                                - Work Off Rates for in-Plant Work o
                                - Effective Resolution of Condition Report Backlog l
'              ILLINGIS POWER                                                              .
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18-May Declared RHR "A* and LPCS Inop but should have declared Div i DG Inop based on required channele per function 06-Jun Tagout Procedure Vloistion, Tags hung on removed fuse vs fuse holder 09-Jun SX Flow Indication was pegged high without an assessment of impact on operabihty 19-Jun RWCU resin addition tank overflow when a condensate valve was rc.:cgerated 19-Jun MSIV failure to open after resettsng isolation logic per CPS 4001.02 19-Jun MET Tower declared operable without first performing CPS 7410.75 and 9911.24 05-Jul Surveillance 9053.01 was identified by survieGance coordinator as not having SRO review, not au port: ens were completed 25 Jul A PM on IRM H not acceptable, this was not communicated by the RO to the CRS/SM and IRM was not declared inop                      i 10-Aug ERAT bus voltage went below the minimum operable and not recoginized to adjust the ERAT LTC until notifed by load dispatch        ]
22-Aug Operator received contamination during the clearing of tagout 96 0918, due to isolating a spray coming out of the panet I
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softC fw.14C            Adikene hiverture feswee.            Meere. Kevir= E    h.
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Si '                            24-Sep98
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M g,$, g;h, M /. d, mRCvt4C                rurvenn rewaswe.
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Owene. John      M;. fM v y'M                  ,
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Meere. Kevin E    'hWN"  h.
iS-Oct-98                  4.Nov-98                      24-Now
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* Improvements                                          l 1
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                    - Problem Analysis i                    - Prioritization and Resolution                      I j                    - Use of Operating Experience d
Results i
                    - Problems Being Identified          ,
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                    - Reduced Repeat Maintenance and PMT Failure
                    - Improved Radworker and Industrial Safety Performance                      .
                    - Response to Operations Performance issues
                  -- Material Condition Problems Being Resolved ILLINOIS POWER
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            , ., s u+      e Main Control Room Deficiencies Rettect on our ability to operate the plant, on ourprofessionalism and ourpride in the Station 220 --
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_ License Submittals To Be Submitted
                      - Feedwater Check Valve / Keep Fill System l                      - RCIC instrumentation forTornado Generated Missiles Submitted to the NRC ERAT-LTC Automatic Operation                          :
Need by September 28,1998
                      - StaticVarCompensators Need by October 9,1998                            !
                      - Division 111 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Droop      )
Need to Deciare Division ill Operable (November 7,1998)
                    - Revise Loading Limits for EDGs a
Need by December 1,1998
                    - RCIC LLRT Extension
                    - ASME Section XI Relief Request Submitted But Not Restraining Startup Revise EDG Steady State Voltage / Frequency Limits l
                                  - ,.. =                    .      _.      _
> m ,,        .,                                                                                                      .
Insnection Plan .                                      ,
i ip                    .
Engineering and Technical Support inspection
                              .(9/14-10/02/98) r                                      .
[                                Radiation Protection (9/21-25/98) i
[                      .        Emergency Preparedness (10/05-09/98 and 11/16-20/98) l Fire Protection / Safe Shutdown Inspection L
e (10/12-30/98) i i
[                      .
Safety System Engineering inspection                                                    :
j                              (10/19-11/06/98) 4  .
1 l
l                      .        Effectiveness of Identifying, Resolving, and
!                              Preventing Problems (11/02-20/98) i Maintenance Rule Followup - Restart (11/16-20/98)                                      !
                      .        Operational Readiness inspection (11/30-12/04/98)
_ ; __ _                                ._.e . . - . . _ . _                    . . .    . .
A*e November 19, 1998 LICENSEE: lilinois Power Company FACILITY:      Clinton Power Station
OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998,0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meet!ng was to discuss the progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachment 1, and copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3.
The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plant's status, a generallist of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachment 2). The licensee presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status of license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.
Original signed by:
Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate ill-3 Division of Reactor Projects lil/IV                1 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-461                                                                                          l l
Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Participants                                                              i
: 2. Meeting Handout
: 3. Meeting Handout I
cc w/atts: See next page                                                                                  l DOCUMENT NAME: G:\PD3-3\CLINTON\0917.MTS OFFICE PD3-3:PM              ,E PD3-3:LA            C PD3-3:D                C NAME    JHopkins      /M-      EBarnhill 9]p SRichards x&
DATE    ll /(7/98    //      1( / (~1/98          9 /m/98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Latest revision as of 10:36, 13 November 2020

Summary of 980917 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Progress of Plant Toward Restart.List of Meeting Participants & Handouts Encl
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1998
From: Hopkins J
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9811300229
Download: ML20196B037 (28)


. - - - - - . . - . - - - - - - - . - . - . - - . . .- -_ - . - . - . . . - . - . -

November 19, 1998 LICENSEE: Illinois Power Company 4

FACILITY: Clinton Power Station i



OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998,0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with l representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the

progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachment 1, and copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3.
The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plant's status, a general list 4'

of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachment 2). The licensee i

presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status of license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular '

inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.

Original signed by:

i i

Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager ,

Project Directorate lll-3 '

4 Division of Reactor Projects Ill/IV

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

j Docket No. 50-461 1


1. List of Meeting Participants  ;
2. Meeting Handout
3. Meeting Handout cc w/atts: See next page

\(/ \



DOCUMENT NAME: G:\PD3-3\CLINTONiO917.MTS OFFICE PD3-3:PM ,E PD3-3:LA C PD3-3:D C NAME JHopkins /ff EBarnhill 919 SRichards f_&

DATE ll /I7/98 7/ lt /(1/98 ~ n /is/98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9811300229 981119 M M'2 C l S [' ~ h b PDR ADOCK 05000461 P PDR

.- .. .- - ~__ - .-. - -.~ - . . . - . . . . -.. - -...- ..- -- .. .


[p# 42uqk

  • UNITED STATES g NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 30086-0001 November 20, 1998 LICENSEE: lilinois Power Company FACILITY: Clinton Power Station



OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998, 0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachmer't 1, tand copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3. 1 The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plara's status, a generallist of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachmer12). The licensee presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status c.f license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are i needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.

o Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager

, Project Directorate ill-3 Division of Reactor Projects Ill/IV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-461 Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Participants

2. Meeting Handout
3. Meeting Handout cc w/atts: See next page 7 e -erm. --wwe* $- ma--p'stg - - ,, - - c= , 9- - ep g-r-

f.o ,

, )

l- Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 j; lilinois Power Company )

i cc:

L  !

Walter G. MacFarland IV. lilinois Department of Nuclear Safety {

!. Senior Vice President Office of Nuclear Facility Safety .l

Clinton Power Station ATTN
Mr. Frank Nizidiek -

l P.O. Box B78 1035 Outer Park Drive

- Clinton,IL 61727 Springfield,IL 62704 Wayne Romberg Joseph V. Sipek t Manager Nuclear Station Director- Licensing 1 p Engineering Department Clinton Power Station j L Clinton Power Station P.O. Box 678 l L P.O. Box 678 - Mail Code V920 J Clinton,IL 61727 Clinton,IL 61727 l


l Resident In'spector Leah Manning Stetzner l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission VP, General Counsel & Corp. Secretary RR#3, Box 229 A 500 Scuth 27th Street )

j Clinton,IL 61727 ' Dect.tur, IL 62525 L R. T. Hill Licensing Services Manager  ;

General Electric Company '

175 Curtner Avenue, M/C 481 l- San Jose, CA 95125
Regional Administrator, Region ill I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I 801 Warrenville Road  !

! Lisle, IL 60532-4351 I

l. \

l Chairman of DeWitt County l c/o County Clerk's Office l DeWitt County Courthouse Clinton,IL 61727 i

J. W. Blattner '

- Project Manager Sargent & Lundy Engineers 55 East Monroe Street


i- Chicago,IL 60603  ;

l 6

1 T 8 "+e4- + * -

_~. _ _ . . _ - . _ _ _ _ . _ - . _ . .. _ .. .- _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ . . . _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _




Docket File -

PD lil-2 Reading PUBLIC

. GGrant, Rlli JHopkins Hard Conv w/Att 1 OGC ACRS E-mail w/Att 1 SCollins (SJC1)

- FMiraglia (FJM) .

THiltz BBoger (BAB2)

EAdensam (EGA1)

SRichards (SAR)-


. Dross (SLM3)

NRC participants 1

l' i

L t

i l


. - - . .. . . . , . -, I

. . . . . - ..- . - . - . . - - . ~ ~ . - . . . - . . . ~ - . . . . . . . ~ _ . - . . . . . . . . _ - .


. SEPTEMBER 17,1998 HBG S. Collins J. Caldwell E. Adensam M. Depas R. Bellamy J. . Grobe J. Hopkins

T. Kozak T. Hiltz T. Pruett Illinois Power Comoany W. MacFarland G. Hunger W. Romberg V. Cwietniewicz -

R. Phares

. M. Wyatt J. Sipek.

HGP. Inc D. Salter -

McGraw-Hill J. Weil EN-

' J. Bricker D. Keuter W&S

' C. Sisco Attachment 1

= _, _

4 Agenda i

! . Introduction J. A. Grobe, NRC i

! . Clinton Presentation W. G. MacFarland, CPS 4

. . Plant Status G. A. Hunger, CPS i

4 i

j . Restart item Schedule R. M. Wyatt, CPS 1

4 l . Restart item Status i

j - Corrective Action R. F. Phares, CPS  ;

! o

' - Material Condition V. J. Cwietniewics, CPS  !

W. D. Romberg, CPS  !


< 1 4- 1 ic )

. License Submittals J. V. Sipek, CPS l


. Conclusions W. G. MacFarland, CPS

. Closing Remarks J. L. Caldwell, NRC Attachment 2

l . ..

p. .


I I .

September 1996 - Recirculation Pump Seal Failure l

December 1996 - CPS issued Startup Readiness l Action Plan -

i i

j -

July - September 1997 - Repetitive equipment failures j occurred; DFl issued for Corrective Action Program i

i l

September - October 1997 - CPS conducts Integrated l Safety Assessment (ISA) l January 1998 - NRC Safety Evaluation Team

validates ISA findings l

January 1998 - Clinton placed on NRC Watch List i

j . February 1998 - CPS announced that PECo would l provide management services at Clinton

. February 1998 - CPS issued Plan For Excellence i

l .

June 1998 - CPS submitted comprehensive response

! to NRC Demand for Information

. July 1998 - NRC issued revised Restart Actions with a l Case Specific Checklist i

j .. .

i4 i Restart issues '


. Corrective Actions l . ' Conduct of Operations L - Structures, Systems, and Components Operational Readiness

. Design and Configuration Control 1

- Maintenance i

- Management and Supervision

. Emergency Preparedness Program

. Licensing Actions

. s I

i IPiNRC Management Meeting Clinton Power Station 0350 Restart Panel Meeting September 17,1998 -

1 I

IP Representatives:

. W. G. MacFarland, IV Senior Vice Pres

  • dent and Chief Nuclear Officer G. A. Hunger, Jr. Manager-Clinton Power Station V. J. Cwietniewicz Manager-Maintenance W. D. Romberg Manager-Nuclear Station Engineering R. M. Wyatt Manager-Recovery R. F. Phares Manager-Nuclear Safety and Performance Improvement J. V. Sipek Director-Ucensing Attachment 3



l 1

1 1

IP/NRC Management Meeting I Clinton Power Station l 0350 Restart Panel Meeting September 17,1998 l

IP Representatives:

l l W. G. MacFarland, IV Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Oflicer i G. A. Hunger, Jr. Manager-Clinton Power Station


V. J. Cwietniewicz Manager-Maintenance W. D. Romberg Manager-Nuclear Station Engineering R. M. Wyatt Manager-Recovery R. F. Phares Manager-Nuclear Safety and Performance improvement

! J. V. Sipek Director-Licensing l

Attachment 3 ILLINOIS P b W Ett t6 *'a""W A - ~

.. . l Agenda 1

NRC Introduction .

J. A. Gmbe IP Introduction W. G. MacFadand Plant Status G. A. Hunger Restart item Scaedule R. M. Wyatt Restart item Status

- Corrective Action R. F. Phares

- Material Condition V. J. Cwietniewicz I W. D. Romberg License Submittals J. V. Sipek i

IP Concluding Remarks W. G. MacFadand NRC Concluding Remarks J. L. Caldwell ILLINCIS -


4 i

Plant Status I

4 Division 2 Operable i



Division 1 Undergoing Final. Testing I-Division 3 Awaiting Approval of Technical '

[ Specification Change Request l


New ERAT LTC Used Several Times to Adjust for Grid Voltages i

l Major Modifications Ongoing i

Degraded Voltage -


- ECOS Suction Strainers

- Feedwater Check Valves' Keep-Fill System

- Fire-Induced Circuit Failures

- Thermo-lag Resolution l


i -

Plant Status Jcont'dD l

l Industrial Safety Radiological Safety Nuclear Safety Management and Supervision


l -

Focus for Coming Month l

Major Challenges

- Work Off Rates for in-Plant Work o

- Effective Resolution of Condition Report Backlog l


I', , _ . . . . . . - _ _ .

a. ,


m 20 -

d g g 15 --

mE g oO 10 '

....................... y ......... .-

8 .. ........ -

0 Ci- ,

l l ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Noi Dec 1998 MEIEllEE MONTHLY --+--- YEAR.TO-DATE - . . . GOAL -


, 3.5 - 3.42 2.5-lg 2 ze 1.5- ^


$ 1- ~

h @$


05-0  ; ' .



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 m Monthly --4-Year tete ILLINOIS POWER LOST WORKDAY CASES

2- ........................................................... .,,,,,,,,,



$ 1--

3 2:

4 0

0 = l = l = l = , =  ; =  ; =  ; = .

j Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 M MONTHLY --m---YEAR.TO DATE . . . . . . GOAL J'


d 0

0 0  : ,

; l 0
:  : '

i , l l l ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1996 MONTHLY YEAR.TO-DATE e m-~,

. __ _ ._. _. .m .. . - . . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ __._. - _ .._ _ _ _ ___

4 .. i o- .


"I y 15-4 o 12 10-yd f 5--

m - .

O O  ; " '

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec i



y 3.5-4 g 3.0 -

, g w 2.5 -

a o Q 2.0 - - - - - - = = - - - = = = - _----------------=

j $ " 1.5 - -

3 1.70 f 1.0 - ..


$ 0.5 - 't 0.0 ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May g Jul Aq Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 i


- - GOAL  !


w I 2

5" 2 --

B 5- 1 "

0  : , . , l l  :  ; '

, , l l Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I 1

1998 MONTHLY --o-- YEAR TO-DATE i 1


W I 1 .5 -

0 1 .0 -

I 0 .5 -

ti  ; 3.28 g ---.....= .. . - - :- - 1 _- -----*------

0.0  :  :  : ,  ?:  :  :  :

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1996 MIMME MONTHLY ---#--- YEAR TO-DATE -


  • OOAL

. , .em < # = ew a .e=.

  • l c- o  ;



25 I

E 20 - i x


k15-e h10-z l y s: .

1 i


- t 0 ,

j Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

. Dec 1998 200-

, eo .

Clinton Power Station  :

1998 Exposure .....

1998 Exposure Goal:185.000 Rem .**" f 140 - **

Projected Goal YTD: 154.503 Rem . **.. i 3 i20 -

E Target Goat: 104.173 Rom *

.. - l

.. Target Goal ( revised goal due to

$ 100 -

y Actual Exposure: 73.168 Rem ,.

, adgustrnent in senedule) t g 00 - '

so .

40 - .

20 -

+ Actual Exposure 0 '''''''''''''''''''' ' ''''''



. BETTER 60 -

t 50 - 48 46


/ '

cc 40 --

w / .-


1 g 20 -

20-. ............. ........


jo , ..7" " "9 I o

b0 .

O b '

' . . imi .

E. '

l Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ,

1997 1998 I EEEEEEEE MontNy Year-to-Date - Goal

. l l

l - , . ,



40 -

, 36 --

g30- ................ ........ ....._..........................

5 i

25 -


$ 20- -)

a tu o 15--

$ N

  • 4 v i

\ M

.10 -.

5-0 8 H ' 8 8 8 8 j

May Jun Jul Aug l l

l i

M Events - - - Goal 90 Day Average l

18-May Declared RHR "A* and LPCS Inop but should have declared Div i DG Inop based on required channele per function 06-Jun Tagout Procedure Vloistion, Tags hung on removed fuse vs fuse holder 09-Jun SX Flow Indication was pegged high without an assessment of impact on operabihty 19-Jun RWCU resin addition tank overflow when a condensate valve was rc.:cgerated 19-Jun MSIV failure to open after resettsng isolation logic per CPS 4001.02 19-Jun MET Tower declared operable without first performing CPS 7410.75 and 9911.24 05-Jul Surveillance 9053.01 was identified by survieGance coordinator as not having SRO review, not au port: ens were completed 25 Jul A PM on IRM H not acceptable, this was not communicated by the RO to the CRS/SM and IRM was not declared inop i 10-Aug ERAT bus voltage went below the minimum operable and not recoginized to adjust the ERAT LTC until notifed by load dispatch ]

22-Aug Operator received contamination during the clearing of tagout 96 0918, due to isolating a spray coming out of the panet I



i l

1 l

e .. ..



l l 15% --

l t- 10.91j0% g2 10.04 %

@ s -

9.51 %

! O 10% -- e s.70% a.13%

h 7.88 %

7.74 %

Q- 7.04%

- 6.55 %

- 6.11 %


l _ -

l 5% -- . - . . .. .

.. . . . .. . .. . . . _. . . -. ... 1

~. . 1


l 1

l 0%  : l  :  :  :  : l l l l l l l l l l Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec l 1997 1998  !



5% --

- l' 4%--

4%-- -

l 3%-- -



  • 2.27 % .

3%- 2.12% 2.104,2 23 %

O O 2 -"

I I 2%- 1.85% 1.75% '

g -

a 1.68 % 1.

P% 1.64%

1.4793 2%--

i t


1%- - - - - - ... - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -. - - '

1 1%-- -

0%  :  ;  ;  :  :  :  :  : .  :  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 1998 1



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nor,in 9,3a Men . - . a = "


8"N8'8 Ovener Cantact Conwrienced Package Package to Package *'* Target heue wert en 56dwrdeted Finet Approved T Trehad witan 0350 Closed Conwnerte

  • Pectege Director Approval m MRT

._.-,_s Meeting By NRC NRC The usert - .. . preyeni Koney. Catwin _


W sua to changed to buipsevo the passedreden, pessining J.

g ih sad ==*=*dne a' =*-

feRC N.9C Amenee hecteeg et MWRe. end Toceeesty, (N g-( gI;

,, g ~.:$rt 24-SeP98 14-Oct 98 10-%

i ' ,.. A.y(q seitsee the essendedse effect of the hechleg. Mike C. F. , a NRC N.10C Perfenn : _ teste.


  • p*y 24-SeP98 14-Oct 98 10 Now Chemenge:Secklog Meduction and evehssdene es seestve servloe aposer hast Scheveltzer.

Eric A.

. g., #y T O

.enchanger IGL 49133

'h g4p  :

feRC N.11C Aderees consee Red prove if pjgg ( 24-Sep98 14-Oct 98 104eow ETS bepection9/14-18-9/28 10/2/98 Kenrnich, heart [y g* g g 3, [ *5 LSCO assessed weswee. W. 24-SepSS 88RC N.13C 14 Oct-98 10-Now Werk n , _ d to emeretas sede Ceneet everyeesbig et 400 $snhh. Geny west ensense W ipg-Irg

  • V{'.3 A*gp

.y s, .

24 Sep98 144ct 98 10-New t

softC fw.14C Adikene hiverture feswee. Meere. Kevir= E h.

k ' * '-


Si ' 24-Sep98

! 14-Oct-98 10-Now feRC V.1 Deweisp Pteesee to Rovesse Oefemmte of Peevendue Maintenense Isense.

Reed. Redph E. .g f  ; ,_

M g,$, g;h, M /. d, mRCvt4C rurvenn rewaswe.

hp N!: &Q QAli^w LA 24-SeP** ' *Dc'- 9* ' 0-""


Chuen E.

%q%.,4 .g.p i ch M..,4 24-Sep98 144ct.98 10-Nov Chenange Conection of Restert tesume esRC L1 Estatemen and bes s entent - _ . ._

Owene. John M;. fM v y'M ,

es. _

s. pp s. 9.% - pg 1s.Oet-98 4Nov.9. 24 Now uw _ u,a n. -- w

, 9Mtc fd.?C Estatesh en Espelense A seer i are v di .eepen.nsi, for m. Ces Owens. John s.

  1. f k
  • ih ( - .

..a ee e.h .-

and hidenrr sp=nahie e= red =n== pe=sreen. MY - 73 s c;.Of f (.h._N pW ,% . - 4 .',:+'m

_/"$F.%.b,_MR' 4 d!. ._ _ ,A, 1 esRC ni ammedmei and nive-n nt ordene se endove onme:. John bg. n%g@,c- M. u.i *,6 u

244aev Mehr_c_ _ fue - titta-ro/Se and amanha^__ ^ be the Ceneseve Aeden M. @NME. b ~ j

  • gh
  • C M
  • r, , .

Propuse 9 -Yttk h esRC IV.2 lh # t"A #D "*

18-Oct-98 284ct-98 24-Nov 40600 : ' - 11/2 4 -11118 20/94 Prowhee : t.engley, J.

dist dondamenes eefec*is e tee, esameed ssC. have Randy } '" MdCTS Mr y M I i E M ?Y, i. ,

heen leansfRed and omnested k [. $@I. ^- l M.m [


24_sepg8 14_oct.98 24-Now ssRC Nas Reasewe oered.d venage end Bestemme Desehenless Cancerne.

schwem. Eff@s.i(Q n dN

- l Front C. F-h P *NN .' . ' I1 HRC N.12C Evehsste adogseey of Logic Systern Fisiedused Testing IOL 9841).

Meere. Kevin E 'hWN" h.

iS-Oct-98 4.Nov-98 24-Now

""**' *^ -*'*****"'

- '{g (g*j 7-Oct-98 28-Oct 98 24-Now t


(( ;=a.ho b.4 .  ; .

.i .

iters 1 - m.<Ts. L 24-Now Meierenonce fhas i .;., 11/18-20/98 NRC VR.1 provide : Gref. Kost ft.

(A M ^

di.e .e.e., - s.Ce r en., dieb ni. ended M n .M g @g l esteer funed=ne en deemshed in the Design and ucoseshig semie.

@%{ g .w.g y d m~ i

  • rF 5& n - .f ' 1fy'

%%g' i3 24.Septe ETs inspacesen er14-to-st28-10'2/98.and asEs 10/1s-23-11/2 r

r 14 Oct-98 24-Nov 8/98 seRC vt2 vaseste the adequesy and ,

e.ious se --

Anon s. j@M /"Y' Wd Ia 24-serse 144et-9e 24-Now HRC vi.s vendas me ed see, and ennemiet the esepubit pseyesn.

Momen. Paid R" 11 -

R 58.9' "N'. t


, Ld 24-Sep68 14-Oct-98  !

24-New estC vu.1 Do utsp e est med setteede for andelpeted w Toni hd , ,

Guan% sedan endsmitemas effectig plant soutert.  !

S. "'M '

wA wA wA WA wA WA Pisco Keeper for L' _ , ? " &dynirtete i l

E e i i

.. 1 Ir Restart items Status -

Corrective Action i

u i-

  • Improvements l 1


- Managementinvolvement
- Problemidentification l

- Problem Analysis i - Prioritization and Resolution I j - Use of Operating Experience d

Results i

- Problems Being Identified ,

i - Improved Root Cause Analysis (Level 1 and 2)

- Reduced Repeat Maintenance and PMT Failure

- Improved Radworker and Industrial Safety Performance .

- Response to Operations Performance issues

-- Material Condition Problems Being Resolved ILLINOIS POWER


i Restart items Status -



Corrective Action JCont'db I

f -

Remaining Challenges

- Condition Report Backlog

- Timeliness of Trending j - Apparent Cause identification (Level 3 and 4) j -

Improving Managementinvolvement l

l f


i l -

i 4

s d



,,0* s I

o* a 3 :--


  1. '  !!12 343 6 3M E

371 360 El 30 3 , ,,

E E a' = '2 a 300



= =

= .= = 3 2a g 2w m m, = _


= -

ia4 g g y ,

t,, g,

= = ,

= =: :

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= =: := =

iso -



! l 3  :

100 - ,

j '7'

  • tes 33, 3

123 142 -

133 So -- n 0 ' ' - ' ' ' -

I11111 Apr May 111111 Jun July Aug S*P

. E Histodcat Data 5 Level 4 5 Level 3 ELevel2 ELevel1 O Not Classifed Total l


l Restart items Status -

Material Condition Reactor Recirculation Seals Main Control Room Deficiencies

- Progress

- Post Startup' Ernergency Diesel Generators Circuit Breakers Fire Protection.  !

a Qualified Materials


System Design Functional Validation (SDFV)

Degraded Voltage ILLINOIS .


, ., s u+ e Main Control Room Deficiencies Rettect on our ability to operate the plant, on ourprofessionalism and ourpride in the Station 220 --

l. 210-- 220 200 ..

210 190- 200 100 - II2 ..Igo 170- 159 - 180 160 -

151 152 . 170 150 -- ' " 149 -180 141 140 - .

150 130 -- .


' 120 -- .

130 110 - .

120 100 - 110 90 --

80 -

g ,


, go g n

.So 70 - '^

g 60 - .

70 50- 60 40 - 50 30 . 67 40 62 61 59 20 - 15 14 p 20 58 ig 59 - 30 12 8 7 8 M 'D 10 - .

ijf g4 '-

2 0 , ,

3 - to 10-Aug - 17-Aug 0

24-Aug 27-Aug 3-Sep ' 10-Sep

' Outage Backlog EIERNon outage Bacidog M New M Closed --M-- Total OPERATOR WORKAROUND COMPLETlON STATUS 25 -

m '.

@15- - - - -

't. ,

g '

g 3:

z 10- -- - - -


  • o .

. . . . . . s, 5- -- -- - ~-- -

N ' 4 --- - - - - -

's.....s.....s.....s 0 , , ,

7-  :

14- 21 26 11 25- 9 23- 6 20- 4 16 15 Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep 1

Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec Dec Jan Jan DATE

+ Baseline Number Open**


G--- ActualNumber Open

. ..m- *--p*w-T, e'*,.

be %* 9 t

_ License Submittals To Be Submitted

- Feedwater Check Valve / Keep Fill System l - RCIC instrumentation forTornado Generated Missiles Submitted to the NRC ERAT-LTC Automatic Operation  :

Need by September 28,1998

- StaticVarCompensators Need by October 9,1998  !

- Division 111 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Droop )

Need to Deciare Division ill Operable (November 7,1998)

- Revise Loading Limits for EDGs a

Need by December 1,1998

- RCIC LLRT Extension

- ASME Section XI Relief Request Submitted But Not Restraining Startup Revise EDG Steady State Voltage / Frequency Limits l


- ,.. = . _. _

> m ,, ., .

Insnection Plan . ,

i ip .

Engineering and Technical Support inspection

.(9/14-10/02/98) r .

[ Radiation Protection (9/21-25/98) i

[ . Emergency Preparedness (10/05-09/98 and 11/16-20/98) l Fire Protection / Safe Shutdown Inspection L

e (10/12-30/98) i i

[ .

Safety System Engineering inspection  :

j (10/19-11/06/98) 4 .

1 l

l . Effectiveness of Identifying, Resolving, and

! Preventing Problems (11/02-20/98) i Maintenance Rule Followup - Restart (11/16-20/98)  !

. Operational Readiness inspection (11/30-12/04/98)

_ ; __ _ ._.e . . - . . _ . _ . . . . .

A*e November 19, 1998 LICENSEE: lilinois Power Company FACILITY: Clinton Power Station



OF SEPTEMBER 17,1998,0350 RESTART PANEL MEETING On September 17,1998, NRC management and staff met in Rockville, Maryland, with representatives of Illinois Power Company. The purpose of the meet!ng was to discuss the progress of Clinton Power Station toward restart. A list of the meeting participants is included as Attachment 1, and copies of the meeting handouts are provided as Attachments 2 and 3.

The NRC staff presented a review of the background relating to the plant's status, a generallist of plant restart issues, and the currrent inspection plan (see Attachment 2). The licensee presented the current plant status, restart item status, and the status of license submittals (see Attachment 3). The staff stated that good communications regarding plant restart status are needed to ensure that the licensee has completed its actions necessary in a particular inspection area for the most efficient, effective conduct of planned inspections. The licensee agreed that good communications regarding plant restart status will be maintained.

Original signed by:

Jon B. Hopkins, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate ill-3 Division of Reactor Projects lil/IV 1 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-461 l l

Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Participants i

2. Meeting Handout
3. Meeting Handout I

cc w/atts: See next page l DOCUMENT NAME: G:\PD3-3\CLINTON\0917.MTS OFFICE PD3-3:PM ,E PD3-3:LA C PD3-3:D C NAME JHopkins /M- EBarnhill 9]p SRichards x&

DATE ll /(7/98 // 1( / (~1/98 9 /m/98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
