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OF THE TESTIMONY OF JEROME L. ROULO Mr. Roulo is an employee of Commonwealth Edison Company whose present job title is Deputy Nuclear Security Administrator. As such his duties include administering the security screening program for employees of both Commonwealth Edison Company and its contractors at nuclear power plants.
Mr. Roulo's testimony comprises that portion of Contention 42 dealing with the increased risk of sabotage as the result of using transient workers.      The testimony describes the circumstances under which persons are allowed to work at the Byron Station without escort and describes the elaborate contractor employee screening procedure which must be followed for that purpose.      Both the Nuclear Security Administrator and Quality Assurance check on the effectiveness of these screening procedures.      Mr. Roulo's testimony concludes that there is no increased risk of sabotage at Byron Station as F
the result of using contractor employees, including transient workers.
8302220321 830215 PDR T  ADOCK 05000454 ppg
TESTIMONY OF JEROME L. ROULO ON CONTENTION 42 Q.1.      Please state your name.
A.l.      Jerome L. Roulo Q.2.      By whom are you employed?
A.2.      Commonwealth Edison Company 0.3.      How long have you been employed by Commonwealth Edison Company?
A.3.      For 31 years.
Q.4.      What is your present job title?
A.4.      Deputy Nuclear Security Administrator.
Q.5.      For how long have you held that position?
A.S.      For five years.
l    Q.6.      What are your duties as deputy Nuclear Security Administrator?
A.6.      I administer the employee security screening programs for Commonwealth Edison Company and contractor employees.
l Q.7.      Please describe the scope of your testimony.
A.7.      My testimony addresses that portion of League
* Contention 42 which asserts that " obtaining the temporary services of transient workman . . . results in . . . in-creasing the risk of sabotage. . . . "                    .
Q.8.      Are contractor employees allowed to work at Byron Station, after the reactor has loaded fuel, unescorted?
A.8.      No, except under the circumstances described below:
Commonwealth Edison Company mandates that all personnel, who require unescorted access to Byron Station, will undergo pre-employment screening. The screening requirement begins 90 days prior to fuel load.      Individuals are accepted or rejected for unescorted access based on the results of the pre-employment screening.
Q.9.      What are the requirements of the Byron Station con-tractor screening procedure?
A.9.      Contractors working at Byron Station are required to submit a screening procedure to the CECO Nuclear Security Administrator for approval.      The procedure must, as a minimum, contain provisions to:
: 1. Establish a method for evaluating employees who have maintained a trustworthy work record for three continuous years.
: 2. Conduct a background check on all employees who l.
have been employed with the contractor for less than three years which includes:
: a. Contacting prior employers.
l                      b. Contacting personal references.
: c. Examination by a licensed psychiatrist or physician or other persons professionally trained to identify aberrant behavior, for purpose of observing and disqualifying persons displaying indications of emotional instability such that there is reasonable doubt the person could discharge his duties in a competent manner.
: 3. Establish a continued observation program for all employees, so that supervisors may identify and take appropriate corrective measures when personnel display aberrant behavior.
: 4. Provide for immediate notification, of the ter-mination, of all personnel for whom unescorted access has been requested. Also, to cancel the unescorted access privilege for any individual whose trustworthy status has changed.
: 5. Commit to maintaining proper screening documentation and to making all documentation available to Commonwealth Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for audit. The documentation would include, as a minimum:
: a. Current approved copy of the procedure.
: b. Current letter of approval from CECO.
: c. Current letter of authorized signatory officials.
: d. Screening file for each concerned individual.
: e. All current copies of requests for unescorted access.
: f. All copies of cancellations of unescorted access.
: g. Annual certificates of continuous observation.
Q.10.        Does Commonwealth Edison Company check on the effective-ness of contractor screening programs?
A.10.        Yes. Commonwealth Edison must assure that personnel, who have been granted unescorted access to Byron Station, have been screened properly. To this end, the Nuclear Security Administrator has a full time staff member, whose only assignment is to conduct periodic audits of all
  .          contractors who require unescorted access to our nuclear plants. This individual can be supplemented with additional staff assistance if required.
Q.ll.      Are there any further checks of this contractor screening procedure?
A.ll.      Yes. Commonwealth Edison's quality assurance department personnel conduct periodic audits of con-tractor screening procedures and practices.
Q.12.      Are there written guidelines for these screening requirements?
A.12.      Yes. The attached screening requirements (Roulo Ex. 1) are furnished to all contractors who will require unescorted access to Byron Station. These requirements outline, in detail, the various rules by which we expect the contractors to satisfy the Commonwealth Edison personnel screening program.
Q.13.      Have these procedures been reviewed by the NRC?
A.13.      Yes. The Byron Station physical security plan has been evaluated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and has been accepted by them.
Q.14.      Do you believe that there is increased likeli-hood of industrial sabotage at the Byron Station                                        ,
as a result of the employment of transient workers by contractors performing maintenance tasks at the Station?-
A.14.      No.                I believe that the contractor screening pro-cedure described above provides assurance that there is no increased risk the employment of transient workers.                Only the employees meeting the stringent screening requirements set forth in Roulo Exhibit 1 can Work unescorted at the Byron Station.
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    "                                                              Roulo
                              .                                    Exhibit 1 Subiect:  Personnel Security Clearance - Screening Requirements for Access to Nuclear Power Plants Contractors who have personnel needing unescorted access to Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) Station Nuclear Power Plants are required to establish a personnel screening program. Appendix A quotes various          -
regulatory requirements >and Ceco policies which are the basis for this requirement. Attachment 1 sets forth the requirements which the screening program must meet. Attachment 2 is a model procedure which may be used as a guide for establishing a contractor program.
Assistance in establishing a screening program can be obtained from Jerome L. Roulo, (312) 294-8554, and any questions should be directed to him.
t Winston L. Duke Nuclear Security Administrator WLD:JLRtj tf Enclosure l
to l
Unescorted access into an operating nuclear plant is authorized by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rules and Regulations, Part 73.55, Requirements for Physical                        Reactors Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Against Industrial Sabotage.
be Following are excerpts f rom the various documents to used in preparing the personnel security screening plan:
: a. ANSI N18.17-1973,            " Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants", Paragraph 4.3 " Employee                        Screening."
making          a shall      be    employed          for Procedures determination of the acceptability ofthe                  candidates continuingfor plant      employment          and nuclear                                      with      regard    to    their acceptability        of    employees                                          as trustworthiness. These procedures shall include, a minimum, the following provisions:
(1) an investigation, eithertoprior              a to  employment or-position allowing              .
prior    to    assignment                                    adverse escort,        to      disclose access    without might        bear    on      his character      traits      that abilities or motivation to discharge his duties
* in a responsible manner.
or (2) examination          by    a    licensed          psychiatrist physician or other person professionally trained to identify aberrant behavior, either                        prior to to a position employment or prior to assignment allowing access eithout escort,                  for the purpose disqualifying          persons of    observing          and displaying indications of emotional instability such that there is reasonable doubt that the person could discharge his duties in a competent manner.
and (3) continued        observation of all employees appropriate corrective measures by responsible supervisors for indication of aberrant behavior of personnel in the course of performance of j                                  their duties.
10 CFR 73.55,          Paragraph        (a) :    The licensec shall
'                      b.
maintain        an      on-site      physical establish      and I
protection system and security organization          assurance againstwhich will provide protection with high successful industrial sabotage by. . . the following:
Paragraph (a) (2) : An internal threat of an insider, including an employee (in any position).
l              . _ .      _          -        _.                .          ..    -    -      -    .-      .
App  A - 2 Requirements    -
(5)    "A Paragraph      (d) :      Access numbered picture badge identification              system shall have authorized be used for all individuals who          without escort.          An access to protected areas the licensee but who individual not employed by requires frequent and extended access to protected and vital areas may have authorized access to such areas withoat escort provided that he receives a picture badge upon entrance into the protected area, which must be returned upon exit from the protected            -    no area, and which indicates:              (i) non-employee required;      (ii)  areas    to  which    access      is escort                          the period for which access authorized; and (iii) has been authorized.            Badges  shall be displayed by all individuals while inside the protected area."
Reactor Safeguards Licensing c.
Branch Members Division of Operating Reactors                                          -
FROM:      Robert A. Clark, Chief Reactor Safeguards Licensing Branch
                  . unescorted access to the protected area may be granted to employees of a licensee              and- its contractors established by three (3) based      on  the    reliability continuous years of trustworthy employment.                This method establishing        reliability      is    considered to be of                                                screening of ANSI equivalent to the            pre-employment N18.17-1973, Sections 4.1 and 4.2.                A licensee's program for granting unescorted access to the protected area based on trustworthy employment is employment      acceptable ifof(a)the        at least three continuous years of individual with the            licensee    or his contractor is documented,      and      (b)    the  trustworthiness of the individual as determined by a review of the individual's employment record.
1 ATTACHMENT 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL SCREENING PROGRAMS OPERATING NUCLEAR STATIONS COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY I. OVERVIEW All contractors with personnel performing work at Operating Nuclear Stations of the              Commonwealth Edison a personnel screening Company      (CECO.)  must    establish program.      The following general steps are essential:
              . Establish a personnel screening procedure (Section II)
              . Obtain approval of the procedure from the CECO. Nuclear            '
Security Administrator (NSA) (Section III A) screen all personnel
              . Implement the approved procedure:
requiring unescorted access (Section III B)
              . Submit name (s) of .of fical(s) authorized to approve requests for unescorted access to station (Section III C)
Submit Request for Unescorted Access to station (Section IV) i' Maintain all documentation required by the approved
procedure; this documentation must be available for audit by CECO. and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (Section V)
Submit changes in authorized access list to station as appropriate (Section VI A)
Submit revisions to the screening procedure for              ,
approval to the CECO. NSA (Section VI B)
l i
,                                                                                                                              Att. 1-2 I                                      II. SCREENING PROCEDURE A. Introduction _
: 1. The contractor shall submit                            a procedure      detailing his personnel security of ANSI N18.17- which        screening  program 1973, meets the requirements
                                                        " Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants,"
Paragraph 4.3 " Employee Screening."
: 2. The screening program consists of four elements used in several combinations depending upon the type of employee being screened:
a)  Certification by contractor / Union b)  Background Check c)  Behavioral Evaluation d)  Program for Continued Observation Each element        is described in detail in later sections and all are summarized in Section II G.                                                          s
: 3. The procedure must address the                                screening require    unescortedof all types of personnel          establishing who  may    his      program,        the access.        In Contractor must bear in mind that the purpose of his screening program is to determine                    of and assure employees with the  continued acceptability regard to their trustworthiness B. Certification by Contractor / Union Employees or union members who have                                greater than years    of          service                may  have all of their three screening accomplished by supervisor certification.
For contractor employees, the certification is made by a responsible contractor supervisor who For                              can attest union individual's                          trustworthiness.
to    the same affirmation of                            trustworthiness members,      the                                                          responsible shall come from the business agent or                              For people with officer of      the member's local union.
three or more years of continuous employment or union membership,        the certification is all the screening required.
There are cases where an employee has recently transferred from one nuclear station contractor to another.      If such an individual has had continuous work experience in an operating nuclear station with satisfactory certification from previous employers, then he may be screened as if his employment had been
Att. 1-3 Thus,    for continuous with the current contractor.
!              example, if John Doe had worked for the XYZ company at Zion Station for the past three years and left            thenXYZ ABC to work for the ABC company at Zion Station, company may obtain a certification from XYZJohn            company would to include in John Doe's screening file.
require no further screening.
C. Background Check For employees and union members with check          less than years  of. service,        a      background              is three                                                The background required as part of their screening.
check shall, as a minimum, include the following:
contact one (1) employment reference and 1
contact two (2) other character references, y,
2.)    contact two (2) employment references and contact one (1) Other character reference.                        ~
The background check should address                  reliability and checks should not trustworthiness.      The      reference include relatives.
D. Behavioral Evaluation Employees and union members with less than three years of service are required to            undergo a Behavioral "Thurstone        Temperament to Evaluation      similar L. Thurstone, Science Research Schedule" by Dr.      L.
Chicago, Associates,    Inc.,  259 East Erie Street, Test Form A,      Institute Illinois, 60611; or 16 P. F.
of Personality and Ability Testing, 1602-04 Coronado Drive, Champaign, Illinois.
l                        This evaluation is for the purpose of observing and disqualifying persons displaying indications of emotional instability such that there is reasonable that the person could discharge his duties                in a doubt competent manner.
E. Continued Observation Program The contractor shall include in his procedure provision for continued observation to detect any  of all persons signs of granted  unescorted    access aberrant behavior The  or other    indication of decreased contractor shall commit to trustworthiness. immediately of such signs and cancel notifying CECO.
the individual's unescorted access authorization.
i .
Att. 1-4 F. Screening Requirements The manner used to accomplish and document the screening of an employee will depend upon the length of time the individual There has been are twoassociated possiblewith      the options contractor or union.The forms required for documentation listed below.            are attached as exhibits and of      each  option referenced in the description. The contractor shall include the applicable option (s) with the associated forms as part of his screening procedure.
In order for an employee to gain unescorted individual    access to a    nuclear station for work purposes, contractors must certify each employee in accordance with one of the following options:
Observation by contractor supervision            for tnreeatyears any or more while working for the contractor location (CECO . or non-CECO.) who will certify to the employee's reliability, (See Exhibit I), or; as    a    union  member    in good Three  years  or  more standing with certification by the business agent or responsible officer of the local union, (See ExhiDit
          -      II), or; experience in Three years or more of continuous-work        with    satisfactory an  operating    nuclear      station recommendations from all contractors with whom the l
'                  person was employed during the three-year period.
A background check (See Paragraph II C).
A behavioral evaluation (See Paragraph II D).
Att. 1-5 G.      Screening Requirements Summary Requirements Summary Three years Less than                            or more three years (Option 3)                        (Option 1)
Certification                                    X X
by Contractor Program for                                  -
Continued                                        X X
X Cneck Behavioral                                      X Evaluation
H.        Subcontractor Screening The Principal Contractor is responsible                  personnel.for the        The screening ~ of              all            Succontractor screening will be completed utilizing                                the approved the      Principal screening            procedure              submitted          by Contractor _.
III.      PROCEDURE APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENTATION A. Approval contractor                snall  submit his screening The                                              The procedure must procedure to CECO. for approval.              by the responsible company                        .
be dated and signed official. Tne procedure should be submitted to:
Nuclear Security Administrator Commonwealth Edison Company P. O.      Box 767 - Room 1248 E.
Chicago, Illinois                60690
    .. .  .    -.    -    - - _-. .. .          . - . , _ . .          --  . - - . _.        ~ . .      . _ _ . -      . . _ . , _ _
Att. 1-6 If it is The procedure will be reviewed promptly.
found to be acceptable, an approval letter will be                                    as sent to the contractor.            This should be maintained part of the screening program documentation.
B. Implementation Prior to requesting unescorted                  access for any have all of his individual,        the  contractor must                        and              the necessary            serbening          accomplished The      contractor          shall documentation            assembled.
determine which of the three options is appropriate for each of the personnel needing access                  and      make his psychological arrangements,          such        as    for own                              In establishing the program it evaluation    services.
would be appropriate to advise each individual that his screening records will be availableIncomplete            for audit by            or CECO. and NRC personnel upon                        denying              the inadequate      screening      will      result s
concerned individual access to the site.
screening        is      a        requirement Personnel establishing compliance with performance objectives in Federal Regulations for nuclear station security and provides for assurance                that the failure Therefore,        public healthto adhere    and safety are protected. personnel                screening          prior _ to to  procedures        for requesting unescorted access can be a violation of Federal Regulations.
C. Authorized Signatures _
Before the station can grant unescorted      form containing the access it must have name(s),    title (s)on ,file andaspecimen letter or signature (s) of the contractor official (s) who are authorized                      to sign the Requests bearing request    for      unescorted        access.
signatures not on the authorized list will not be processed.
IV. REQUESTING UNESCORTED ACCESS Contractors shall request unescorted access on the form shown as Exhibit V.
A request shall be valid for a period of one year, at which time it must be renewed.
Att. 1-7 nuclear                      station    has      its    own      process            for Each granting unescorted access. The                                    screening procedure is The contractor should take only a part of this process.
steps to understand the process                                and allow sufficient time This will prevent delays in to complete all steps.                                                          once    contractor obtaining        unescorted                          access    badges employees reach the station.
V. DOCUMENTATION A. General                                  -
The contractor's screening program must provide                                            its for    complete,                        accurate documentation of                          all parts.      Federal Regulation provides for                                                  periodic audit of screening programs by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and by the Commonwealth Edison Company Quality Assurance Department. Incomplete records are always interpreted to indicate inadequate screening and will lead to loss of unescorted                                        access for            the contractor personnel involved. Audits occur                                                  without~
'                      warning and                          may    be  done  on      a      basis    of selection.
B. Records The contractor's screening documentation shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
: 1)    Approved Screening Procedure
: 2)    Procedure Approval letter
: 3)    Authorized Signature letter Screening    files      (content              depending
: 4)    Individual upon which option is applicable) a)  Contractor Certificate b)  Union Certificate                                                                        '
c) Background check references (three) d) Behavioral Evaluation record
: 5)  All effective requests for authorized access
: 6)    Authorized Access cancellations
: 7)  Documentation of Continued Observation Program
Att 1 - 8 C.            Audits and Records Checks
: 1)              Records checks will be made, usually for personnel newly added to the access list. These checks are to detect any dif ficulties encountered intothe                                                              screening maintain an process and assist the contractor effective program.                                                          Such checks will be made as deemed necessary by either nuclear station                                                                  staff or corporate nuclear                                                        security      personnel.      Improperly screened individuals will not be granted access to the site.
: 2)                  Commonwealth Edison Quality Assurance audits will be made annually.                                                    The audits usually cover a random files for selection of contractors and contractor                                                        Though it may each station and are unannounced.
happen that a particular contractor's                                                          records will should be prepared to not be                                                scrutinized,      all Inadequacies      will successfully                                              pass    such      audits.
result in contractor personnel being barred from the._
site until records are put in proper order.
: 3)                      The Nuclear Regulatory Commission holds unannounced                                                      such the nuclear        stations.      During inspections                                          of inspections, contractor screening records                                                    are subject discretion.      Such to                                        audit    at  the    inspector's as    twice    a    year.
inspections                                          occur    as      often Deficiencies can result in denial of access for some or all of a contractor's people, citations against the station and, if serious enough, fines.
VI. CHANGES AND REVISIONS A.                            Access List Chances We require that all contractors change    notify CECO.
of the immediately                                    of the      termination      or whom reliability                                    status      of    any    personnel for access      has      been    requested.        This unescorted notification will be by telephone or a personal visit followed by a written notification (See Exhibit VI).
Additions to existing access lists shall be made using Exhibit V.                                  It is not necessary to resubmit the each    time    a  change    occurs.
entire                                access    list However, the contractor may be required, from time to time, to consolidate individual requests on a single current list.
Changes and cancellations must be signed by an of ficial whose authorized signature is on file with CECO.
Att. 1-9 B. Procedural Changes procedure Revisions to an approved screening and  approval. The must be submitted for review                  be  in the letter of approval for such revisions must contractor's possession before the    revision original may be procedure, implemented. As  with  the Nuclear revisions shall be submitted to the CECO.
Security Administrator.
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t ATTACHMENT 2 XYZ Company Security Screening Procedure
: 1. This procedure will be followed for each employee of XYZ Company and each union member on the XYZ Company payroll who require unescorted access to a Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO.) Nuclear Generating Station. XYZ Company will require this procedure        Company to be andfollowed  will forbe any    subcontractors        to  XYZ responsible      for    dnsuring    that    proper screening and documentation      exists    prior    to  requesting unescorted access for subcontractor personnel.
: 2. Option 1 with    three    or      more            years . of For  employees continuous employment with XY7 Company; or for union members with three or more years of continuous union membership; g for personnel with three or more years of continuous work experience in an operating nuclear.
management      will    certify        three            years          of a.)    XYZ trustworthy      employment                based          on reliable      and observation and a check of the employee's work record using Exhibit I;ce'Ttif    or ay union three officer,years or  of business      agent,    will reliable and trustworthy union membership in good standing based upon observation and a check of work records using Exhibit II; g XYZ management will obtain satisfactory recommendation of three or more years of continuous work experience        all in an employers operating      nuclear    station    from involved using Exhibit I modified to show each employer and each period of employment.                                                      .
: 3. Option 3 employees    with    less    than      three          years          of For continuous employment with XYZ Company; or for union members with less than three years of continuous union membership:
Att. 2-2 a.)  Examination and evaluation by a psychiatrist or physician,      or    testing  evaluation  similar  to "Thurstone Temperament Schedule" for the purpose of observing and disqualifying persons displaying indications of emotional instability such that there    is    reasonable doubt the person could discharge his duties in a trustworthy and reliable manner. Such evaluation shall be documented.
b.) A background investigation to disclose adverse character traits that might affect a person's ability or motivation to discharge his duties in a reliable and trustworthy manner will be completed by contacting and documenting three references as follows:
: 1)  One    (1)    employment  reference  and  two  (2) personal character references (not relatives);
: 2)  Two    (2)    employment  references  and    one (1) personal character reference (not relatives);        '
: 3)  If no previous employment exists,          three (3) personal character references (not relatives).
: 4. XYZ Company will submit to the proper CECO. nuclear station, with a copy to the CECO. Nuclear Security Administrator, a letter containing name (s ) , title (s) ,
and sample signature (s) of the company of ficial(s) authorized to sign requests for unescorted access and cancellations of unescorted access.
: 5. Upon completion of        2,  or 3 above, XYZ management will submit a request for unescorted access using Exhibit V signed by an official designated as in 4 above.
s Att. 2-3
: 6.      XYZ Company will provide for continued observation  has requested of all  personnel for whom XYZ Company                        aberrant unescorted access to detect any signsof of decreased behavior      or      other      indication trustworthiness.      Should such behavior be detected, XYZ CECO. Station Company will immediately notify the                    in  person.
Security Administrator        by    telephone    or Supervisory personnel performing such observation will i
submit every twelve months a letter certifying that he has performed the observation, listing each individual so observed and verifying that no aberrant behavior has been detected. XYZ Company will obtain the assistance of a competent psychiatrist or physician to establish a program to    train supervisors in the detection of those types of aberrant bahavior for which they must be alert.
immediately    notify    CECO. of  any
: 7.      XYZ    Company    will termination from XYZ Company or change in reliable, trustworthy status of any person for whom unescorted 4
access has been requested.          Such notification will be by telephone or in person to the CECO. Station            Security Administrator and      followed      by    written notification
using Exhibit VI.
: 8.      XYZ Company will maintain documentation generated by this procedure as follows:
a.) Current Current approved copy of this procedure letter of approval from CECO.
c.)  Current letter of authorized signatory officials d.)  Screening    file    for    each    concerned    individual
              -          containing (as required) :
: 1. Copy of Exhibits I or II
: 2. Three (3) background check references
: 3. Certificate of Behavioral Evaluation copies    of  requests    for    unescorted e.)  All  current access f.)  All copies of cancellations of unescorted access 9.)  Annual certificates of continuous observation All documentation will be available to CECO.              and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission upon request. It will be maintained at the XYZ Company general office.
Company Officer Date Title
e EXHIBIT I certification of Reliable and Trustworthy Employment XYZ Company The employee listed below has completed three or more years  of continuous employment with . XYZ Company in positions which have afforded close observation of the employee.
A review of the employee's employment record                                                                                  on for this the years has                been          completed.                            Based past    three information, I consider the employee reliable and trustworthy.
I recommend clearance for unescorted access to Commonwealth Edison Company Nuclear Generating Stations.
Name (Last, First & Macdle Initial)
Social Security Number I
i Date of Employment i
I Manager                                        .
Union Certification of Reliable and Trustworthy Employment l
Name of Union Member                  (Last, First & Middle Initial)
Complete Address Social Security Number s
Date of Membership The person listed above has completed three or more years as a member of this union. A review of the member's                                work Based on record for the past three years has been completed.                                      and this      information,          I consider this person                        reliable trustworthy.          I recommend clearance for unescorted                        access to Commonwealth Edison Co. Nuclear Generating Stations.
Name of Union Address Union Officer / Business Agent i
Date            ,
Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT V Request for Unescorted Access Nuclear Power Station Date Commonwealth Edison Company c/o Nuclear Security Administrator 72 West Adams Street, Room 1248 E.
P. O. Box 767 Chicago, IL                  60690
                                                                                                                          , dated
Approved Procedure No.
The attached list of personnel, employees of s
a (Name of Company)                                                                            Adoress undergone                the  screening process                                          established        by the have                                                      have                    met                        the    acceptability referenced                    procedure        and requirements.                        The records and reports of the screening process for the above-named are available for inspection upon                                                                      request Nuclear Commonwealth              Edison        Company                                  and/or          the by      the Regulatory Commission.
Unescorted access is requested for Nuclear Power Station.
as    an    authorized By ^ virtue of my authority                                                                  or corporation,  I representative of the aforesaid company herewith make this application.                                                                                                      .
(Print or Type)
cc:      Commonwealth Edison Company Nuclear Security Administrator at Nuclear Power i                                        Station (s)
IlllJl              )
2            9      1
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ON              '                D
        . t EXHIBIT VI Cancellation of Unescorted Access Date:                                                      l Station Security Administrator Commonwealth Edison Company Dresden Station                                        Quad Cities Station R. R. #1              .                                P. O. Box 216 Cordova, IL    61242 Morris, IL    60450 LaSalle County Station Zion Station                                          R.R. No. 1 - Box 240 4
101 Shiloh Blvd.                                      Marrielles, IL        61341 Zion, IL  60099 (Name or Company)                                        (Address) for tne personnel Unescorted access is hereoy cancelled listed below:
Name                                            Social Security Numoer (Last, First & Middle Initial)
(Print or Type)
cc:  Nuclear Security Administrator 72 West Adams Street, Room 1248 E.
P. O. Box 767 Cnicago, IL    60690
                                                  , _ _ - . - . - - - _ _ , ,                  .. ._}}

Revision as of 07:19, 31 March 2020

Testimony of Jl Roulo on Contention 42 Re Sabotage.No Increased Risk of Sabotage Results from Use of Contractor Employees,Including Transient Workers
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/1983
From: Roulo J
Shared Package
ML20065A894 List:
NUDOCS 8302220321
Download: ML20065A919 (26)
