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{{#Wiki_filter:Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;  
{{#Wiki_filter:Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item    some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke) 10 CFR  Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations AADB    Accident Dose Branch AADB    Accident Dose Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)
AC      alternating current ADAMS    Agencywide Documents Access and Management System AEC      Atomic Energy Commission AFS      auxiliary feedwater system AFT      As-Found Tolerance AFW      auxiliary feedwater AH      ampere-hours AL      Analytical Limit ALT      As-Left Tolerance AOO      anticipated operational occurrences APSR    axial power shaping rod ARTS    anticipatory reactor trip system American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel ASME Code OM Code  Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants AST      Alternate Source Term; Alternative Source Term AV      Allowable Value Avs      allowable values AVV      atmospheric vent valve B&WOG    Babcock & Wilcox Owners Group BSI      beyond scope issue BWST    borated water storage tank CCW      condensate circulation water CDE      Committed Dose Equivalent CEDE    Committed Effective Dose Equivalent CEOG    Combustion Engineering Owners Group CFT      core flooding tank CIV      containment isolation valve CLB      current licensing basis CLIIP    Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process CLRT    containment leakage rate testing COLR    core operating limit report COT      Channel Operational Tests Component Performance and Testing Branch (A technical branch with CPTB the NRC)
CR      control room CRA      control rod assembly CRD      control rod drive CRE      control room envelope CREATCS  control room emergency air temperature control system Acronym and Abbreviation Page 1                    Enclosure 4

description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)10 CFRTitle 10 of the Code of Federal RegulationsAADBAccident Dose Branch AADBAccident Dose Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)
Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item  some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
ACalternating current ADAMSAgencywide Documents Access and Management System AEC Atomic Energy Commission AFSauxiliary feedwater system AFTAs-Found Tolerance AFWauxiliary feedwater AHampere-hours AL Analytical Limit ALT As-Left Tolerance AOOanticipated operational occurrences APSRaxial power shaping rod ARTSanticipatory reactor trip system ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code OM Code Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants ASTAlternate Source Term; Alternative Source Term AVAllowable Value Avsallowable values AVVatmospheric vent valve B&WOGBabcock & Wilcox Owners Group BSIbeyond scope issue BWSTborated water storage tank CCWcondensate circulation water
CREVS  control room emergency ventilation system CRPAR  Control Room Post Accident Recirculation CST    condensate storage tank CT    completion time CTS    current technical specification DBA    design-basis accident DBNPS  Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DC    direct current DCD    Document Control Desk DCFs  dose conversion factors DEI    Dose Equivalent I-131 DEK    Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.
DEX    Dose Equivalent Xe-133 DG    diesel generator DHR    decay heat removal DNB    departure from nucleate boiling DNBR  departure from nucleate boiling ratio DOC    description of change DVR    degraded voltage relay EA    environmental allowance EAB    exclusion area boundary ECCS  emergency core cooling system EDG    emergency diesel generator EEEB  Electrical Engineering Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)
EFPD  effective full-power day EICB  Instrumentation and Controls Branch EPA    Environmental Protection Agency ESF    engineered safety features ESFAS  Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System EVS    emergency ventilation system FENOC  FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company FHA    fuel handling accident N
F H  FluxFluxFlow FOL    Facility Operating License FPS    Final Policy Statement FQ    high flux FR    Federal Register FRN    Federal Register Notice FSAR  Final Safety Analysis Report FW    feedwater GDC    general design criterion/criteria GL    generic letter HEPA  high-efficiency particulate air Acronym and Abbreviation Page 2

CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent CEOGCombustion Engineering Owners Group CFTcore flooding tank CIVcontainment isolation valve CLBcurrent licensing basis CLIIPConsolidated Line Item Improvement Process CLRTcontainment leakage rate testing COLRcore operating limit report
Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item          some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
HPI          high-pressure injection Hz            Hertz HZP          hot zero power ICRP          International Commission on Radiological Protection IEEE          Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IIP          Inservice Inspection Program IPS          Interim policy statement ISA          independent safety analysis ISI          Inservice Inspection IST          inservice testing IST          Improved Standard Technical Specifications ISTS or ISTs  Improved Standard Technical Specifications ITS          improved technical specification ITSB          Technical Specifications Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)
JFD          justification for deviation KPS          Kewaunee Power Station kW            kilowatt LAR          license amendment request LCO          limiting condition for operation LOCA          loss-of-coolant accident LONF          loss of normal feedwater LOOP          loss of offsite power LOPS          loss-of-power start LPI          low pressure injection LPZ          low population zone LSSS          limiting safety system setting LSSSs        Limiting Safety System Settings LTSP          Limiting Trip Setpoint LVR          loss of voltage relay MDAFW        motor-driven auxiliary feedwater MDFP          motor driven feed pump MFCV          main feedwater control valve MFI          minimum flow interlock MFS          main feedwater system MFSV          main feedwater safety valve MFW          main feedwater MnMTE        Module "n" Measuring and Test Equipment MSIV          main steam isolation valve MSLB          main steamline break MSSV          main steam safety valve MTC          minimum temperature for criticality NEI          Nuclear Energy Institute NFQAPD        Nuclear Facility Quality Assurance Program Description Acronym and Abbreviation Page 3

COT Channel Operational Tests CPTB Component Performance and Testing Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)CRcontrol room CRAcontrol rod assembly CRDcontrol rod drive CREcontrol room envelope CREATCScontrol room emergency air temperature control systemAcronym and Abbreviation Page 1Enclosure 4 Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;  
Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item    some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
NOA    Notice of Availability NPF    nuclear power facility NR      narrrow range NRC    Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSHC    No-significant-hazards consideration NSSS    Nuclear Steam Supply System NTSP    Nominal Trip Setpoint NUMARC  Nuclear Management and Resources Council (now NEI)
NUREG  NRC technical report designation (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
ODCM    offsite dose calculation manual OM      operation and maintenance OSI    out of scope issue P/T    pressure and temperature PAM    post accident monitoring PEA    Primary Element Accuracy PF      power factor PIV    pressure isolation valve PMA    Process Management Accuracy PPH    pounds mass per hour ppm    part per million PRA    probabilistic risk assessment PTLR    pressure and temperature limits report QA      quality assurance QAPM    quality assurance program manual QATR    Quality Assurance Topical Report QPT    quadrant power tilt RAI    request for additional information RC      reactor coolant RCA    Rack Calibration Accuracy RCBP    reactor coolant pressure boundary RCL    reactor coolant loop RCP    reactor coolant pump RCS    reactor coolant system RCSA    Rack Comparator Setting Accuracy RD      Rack Drift RG      regulatory guide RIS    Regulatory Issue Summary RMTE    Rack Module Measuring and Test Equipment RO      regional office RPS    reactor protection system RRA    Rack Readability Allowance RT      reactor trip RTB    reactor trip breaker Acronym and Abbreviation Page 4

description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)CREVScontrol room emergency ventilation system CRPAR Control Room Post Accident Recirculation CSTcondensate storage tank CTcompletion time CTScurrent technical specification DBAdesign-basis accident DBNPSDavis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DCdirect current DCDDocument Control Desk
Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item        some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
RTE        Rack Temperature Effects RTM        reactor trip module RMTE/MnMTE  Rack Module Measuring and Test Equipment RTndt      reference temperature nil ductility RTP        rated thermal power RTS        Reactor Trip System SCA        Sensor Calibration Accuracy SCP        Setpoint Control program SD          Sensor Drift SDM        shutdown margin SE          safety evaluation; systemic error; systematic error SER        Safety Evaluation Report SFAS        safety features actuation signal SFCR        storage facility control room SFCSR      storage facility cable spreading room SFCV        startup feedwater control valve SFDP        safety functions determination program SFRCS      steam and feedwater rupture control system SG          steam generator SGTR        Steam Generator Tube Rupture SL          safety limits SMTE        Sensor Measuring and Test Equipment Error SPE        Sensor Pressure Effects SPSE        Sensor Power Supply Effect SR          surveillance requirement SRP        Standard Review Plan SRSS        Square Root of the Sum of the Squares SRV        safety/relief valve SSC        structures systems and components Std.        Standard STE        Sensor Temperature Effects STI        surveillance test interval STS        Standard Technical Specification SWS        service water system TAC        Task Assignment Completion TDAFW      turbine driven auxiliary feedwater TEDE        Total Effective Dose Equivalent TID        Technical Information Document TLU        Total Loop Uncertainty TRM        Technical Requirements Manual TS          technical specification TSTF        Technical Specification Task Force TSV        turbine stop valve Acronym and Abbreviation Page 5

DCFs dose conversion factors DEI Dose Equivalent I-131 DEK Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.DEXDose Equivalent Xe-133 DGdiesel generator DHRdecay heat removal DNBdeparture from nucleate boiling DNBRdeparture from nucleate boiling ratio DOCdescription of change DVRdegraded voltage relay EA environmental allowance EABexclusion area boundary ECCSemergency core cooling system EDGemergency diesel generator
Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item                   some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
UFSAR                  updated final safety analysis report USAR                    updated safety analysis report V                      Volts Vac                    volts alternating current VDC                    voltage direct current WOG                    Westinghouse Owners Group The NRC Full Text is located at: Acronym and Abbreviation Page 6}}
EEEB Electrical Engineering Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)EFPDeffective full-power dayEICBInstrumentation and Controls Branch EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ESF engineered safety features ESFAS Engineered Safety Feature Actuation SystemEVSemergency ventilation systemFENOCFirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company FHAfuel handling accident F NH FluxFluxFlowFOLFacility Operating LicenseFPSFinal Policy Statement FQhigh flux FRFederal Register
FRN Federal Register Notice FSAR Final Safety Analysis ReportFWfeedwaterGDCgeneral design criterion/criteria GLgeneric letter HEPAhigh-efficiency particulate air Acronym and Abbreviation Page 2 Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;
description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)HPIhigh-pressure injectionHzHertz HZPhot zero power ICRPInternational Commission on Radiological Protection IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IIPInservice Inspection Program IPSInterim policy statement ISAindependent safety analysis ISI Inservice Inspection ISTinservice testing ISTImproved Standard Technical Specifications
ISTS or ISTs Improved Standard Technical Specifications ITSimproved technical specification ITSB Technical Specifications Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)JFDjustification for deviation KPSKewaunee Power Station kWkilowatt LARlicense amendment request LCOlimiting condition for operation LOCAloss-of-coolant accident
LONF loss of normal feedwaterLOOP loss of offsite powerLOPSloss-of-power start LPIlow pressure injection LPZlow population zone LSSSlimiting safety system setting
LSSSs Limiting Safety System Settings LTSPLimiting Trip SetpointLVRloss of voltage relay MDAFWmotor-driven auxiliary feedwater MDFPmotor driven feed pump MFCVmain feedwater control valve MFIminimum flow interlock MFSmain feedwater system MFSVmain feedwater safety valve MFWmain feedwater MnMTEModule "n" Measuring and Test Equipment MSIVmain steam isolation valve MSLBmain steamline break MSSVmain steam safety valve MTCminimum temperature for criticality NEINuclear Energy Institute NFQAPDNuclear Facility Quality Assurance Program Description Acronym and Abbreviation Page 3 Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;
description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)NOA Notice of AvailabilityNPFnuclear power facility NRnarrrow range NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission NSHCNo-significant-hazards consideration NSSSNuclear Steam Supply System NTSP Nominal Trip Setpoint NUMARCNuclear Management and Resources Council (now NEI)
NUREGNRC technical report designation (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
ODCMoffsite dose calculation manual OMoperation and maintenance OSIout of scope issue P/Tpressure and temperature PAMpost accident monitoring
PEA Primary Element Accuracy PFpower factorPIVpressure isolation valve PMA Process Management Accuracy PPHpounds mass per hour ppmpart per million PRAprobabilistic risk assessment PTLRpressure and temperature limits report QAquality assurance QAPMquality assurance program manual QATRQuality Assurance Topical Report QPTquadrant power tilt RAIrequest for additional information RCreactor coolant
RCA Rack Calibration Accuracy RCBPreactor coolant pressure boundaryRCLreactor coolant loop RCPreactor coolant pump RCSreactor coolant system
RCSA Rack Comparator Setting Accuracy RD Rack Drift RGregulatory guide RISRegulatory Issue Summary RMTERack Module Measuring and Test Equipment ROregional office RPSreactor protection system RRARack Readability Allowance RTreactor trip RTBreactor trip breaker Acronym and Abbreviation Page 4 Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;  
description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)
RTE Rack Temperature Effects RTMreactor trip moduleRMTE/MnMTERack Module Measuring and Test Equipment RTndtreference temperature nil ductility RTPrated thermal power RTS Reactor Trip System SCASensor Calibration Accuracy SCPSetpoint Control program SDSensor Drift SDMshutdown margin SE safety evaluation; systemic error; systematic error SER Safety Evaluation Report SFASsafety features actuation signal SFCRstorage facility control room SFCSRstorage facility cable spreading room SFCVstartup feedwater control valve SFDPsafety functions determination program SFRCSsteam and feedwater rupture control system SGsteam generator SGTRSteam Generator Tube Rupture SLsafety limits SMTESensor Measuring and Test Equipment Error SPESensor Pressure Effects
SPSE Sensor Power Supply Effect SRsurveillance requirement SRPStandard Review Plan SRSSSquare Root of the Sum of the Squares SRVsafety/relief valve SSCstructures systems and components
Std. Standard STESensor Temperature Effects STIsurveillance test interval STSStandard Technical Specification SWSservice water system TAC Task Assignment Completion TDAFW turbine driven auxiliary feedwater
TEDE Total Effective Dose EquivalentTIDTechnical Information DocumentTLUTotal Loop Uncertainty TRMTechnical Requirements Manual TStechnical specification TSTFTechnical Specification Task Force TSVturbine stop valve Acronym and Abbreviation Page 5 Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Item Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage;
description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)UFSARupdated final safety analysis report USARupdated safety analysis report VVolts Vacvolts alternating current VDCvoltage direct current WOGWestinghouse Owners Group The NRC Full Text is located at: Acronym and Abbreviation Page 6}}

Latest revision as of 06:37, 13 November 2019

Part 080 ME2139 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/2011
From: Feintuch K
Plant Licensing Branch III
To: Heacock D
Dominion Energy Kewaunee
Feintuch K, NRR/DORL/LPL3-1, 415-3079
Shared Package
ML103350500 List:
TAC ME2139
Download: ML103370691 (6)


Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke) 10 CFR Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations AADB Accident Dose Branch AADB Accident Dose Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)

AC alternating current ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System AEC Atomic Energy Commission AFS auxiliary feedwater system AFT As-Found Tolerance AFW auxiliary feedwater AH ampere-hours AL Analytical Limit ALT As-Left Tolerance AOO anticipated operational occurrences APSR axial power shaping rod ARTS anticipatory reactor trip system American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel ASME Code OM Code Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants AST Alternate Source Term; Alternative Source Term AV Allowable Value Avs allowable values AVV atmospheric vent valve B&WOG Babcock & Wilcox Owners Group BSI beyond scope issue BWST borated water storage tank CCW condensate circulation water CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent CEOG Combustion Engineering Owners Group CFT core flooding tank CIV containment isolation valve CLB current licensing basis CLIIP Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process CLRT containment leakage rate testing COLR core operating limit report COT Channel Operational Tests Component Performance and Testing Branch (A technical branch with CPTB the NRC)

CR control room CRA control rod assembly CRD control rod drive CRE control room envelope CREATCS control room emergency air temperature control system Acronym and Abbreviation Page 1 Enclosure 4

Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)

CREVS control room emergency ventilation system CRPAR Control Room Post Accident Recirculation CST condensate storage tank CT completion time CTS current technical specification DBA design-basis accident DBNPS Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DC direct current DCD Document Control Desk DCFs dose conversion factors DEI Dose Equivalent I-131 DEK Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.

DEX Dose Equivalent Xe-133 DG diesel generator DHR decay heat removal DNB departure from nucleate boiling DNBR departure from nucleate boiling ratio DOC description of change DVR degraded voltage relay EA environmental allowance EAB exclusion area boundary ECCS emergency core cooling system EDG emergency diesel generator EEEB Electrical Engineering Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)

EFPD effective full-power day EICB Instrumentation and Controls Branch EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESF engineered safety features ESFAS Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System EVS emergency ventilation system FENOC FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company FHA fuel handling accident N

F H FluxFluxFlow FOL Facility Operating License FPS Final Policy Statement FQ high flux FR Federal Register FRN Federal Register Notice FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report FW feedwater GDC general design criterion/criteria GL generic letter HEPA high-efficiency particulate air Acronym and Abbreviation Page 2

Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)

HPI high-pressure injection Hz Hertz HZP hot zero power ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IIP Inservice Inspection Program IPS Interim policy statement ISA independent safety analysis ISI Inservice Inspection IST inservice testing IST Improved Standard Technical Specifications ISTS or ISTs Improved Standard Technical Specifications ITS improved technical specification ITSB Technical Specifications Branch (A technical branch with the NRC)

JFD justification for deviation KPS Kewaunee Power Station kW kilowatt LAR license amendment request LCO limiting condition for operation LOCA loss-of-coolant accident LONF loss of normal feedwater LOOP loss of offsite power LOPS loss-of-power start LPI low pressure injection LPZ low population zone LSSS limiting safety system setting LSSSs Limiting Safety System Settings LTSP Limiting Trip Setpoint LVR loss of voltage relay MDAFW motor-driven auxiliary feedwater MDFP motor driven feed pump MFCV main feedwater control valve MFI minimum flow interlock MFS main feedwater system MFSV main feedwater safety valve MFW main feedwater MnMTE Module "n" Measuring and Test Equipment MSIV main steam isolation valve MSLB main steamline break MSSV main steam safety valve MTC minimum temperature for criticality NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NFQAPD Nuclear Facility Quality Assurance Program Description Acronym and Abbreviation Page 3

Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)

NOA Notice of Availability NPF nuclear power facility NR narrrow range NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSHC No-significant-hazards consideration NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System NTSP Nominal Trip Setpoint NUMARC Nuclear Management and Resources Council (now NEI)

NUREG NRC technical report designation (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

ODCM offsite dose calculation manual OM operation and maintenance OSI out of scope issue P/T pressure and temperature PAM post accident monitoring PEA Primary Element Accuracy PF power factor PIV pressure isolation valve PMA Process Management Accuracy PPH pounds mass per hour ppm part per million PRA probabilistic risk assessment PTLR pressure and temperature limits report QA quality assurance QAPM quality assurance program manual QATR Quality Assurance Topical Report QPT quadrant power tilt RAI request for additional information RC reactor coolant RCA Rack Calibration Accuracy RCBP reactor coolant pressure boundary RCL reactor coolant loop RCP reactor coolant pump RCS reactor coolant system RCSA Rack Comparator Setting Accuracy RD Rack Drift RG regulatory guide RIS Regulatory Issue Summary RMTE Rack Module Measuring and Test Equipment RO regional office RPS reactor protection system RRA Rack Readability Allowance RT reactor trip RTB reactor trip breaker Acronym and Abbreviation Page 4

Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)

RTE Rack Temperature Effects RTM reactor trip module RMTE/MnMTE Rack Module Measuring and Test Equipment RTndt reference temperature nil ductility RTP rated thermal power RTS Reactor Trip System SCA Sensor Calibration Accuracy SCP Setpoint Control program SD Sensor Drift SDM shutdown margin SE safety evaluation; systemic error; systematic error SER Safety Evaluation Report SFAS safety features actuation signal SFCR storage facility control room SFCSR storage facility cable spreading room SFCV startup feedwater control valve SFDP safety functions determination program SFRCS steam and feedwater rupture control system SG steam generator SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture SL safety limits SMTE Sensor Measuring and Test Equipment Error SPE Sensor Pressure Effects SPSE Sensor Power Supply Effect SR surveillance requirement SRP Standard Review Plan SRSS Square Root of the Sum of the Squares SRV safety/relief valve SSC structures systems and components Std. Standard STE Sensor Temperature Effects STI surveillance test interval STS Standard Technical Specification SWS service water system TAC Task Assignment Completion TDAFW turbine driven auxiliary feedwater TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TID Technical Information Document TLU Total Loop Uncertainty TRM Technical Requirements Manual TS technical specification TSTF Technical Specification Task Force TSV turbine stop valve Acronym and Abbreviation Page 5

Kewaunee Power Station License Amendment No. 207 Improved Technical Specification Conversion List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Description - Multiple descriptions are separated by semicolons; Item some descriptions are differentiated by the context of the usage; description specific to Kewaunee usage are indicated by (Ke)

UFSAR updated final safety analysis report USAR updated safety analysis report V Volts Vac volts alternating current VDC voltage direct current WOG Westinghouse Owners Group The NRC Full Text is located at: Acronym and Abbreviation Page 6