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| number = ML072350546
| number = ML072350546
| issue date = 08/23/2007
| issue date = 08/23/2007
| title = Edwin I. Hatch 08/15/2007 Public Meeting Summary - Enclosure 2
| title = 08/15/2007 Public Meeting Summary - Enclosure 2
| author name = Douglas S, Madison D R
| author name = Douglas S, Madison D R
| author affiliation = Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc
| author affiliation = Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc

Revision as of 18:29, 17 April 2019

08/15/2007 Public Meeting Summary - Enclosure 2
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2007
From: Douglas S, Madison D R
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML072350528 List:
Download: ML072350546 (43)


Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant NRC Region II Status Meeting NRC Region II Status Meeting August 15, 2007 August 15, 2007Dennis Madison -Hatch Vice PresidentSteve Douglas -Plant Manager Southern Nuclear Operating Company Agenda*Introduction

  • Hatch Project Overview

-Plant Performance

-Site Vice President Reorganization

  • Topical Updates
  • Major Projects

-Major Projects Underway

-Recently Completed Projects

  • Open Discussion Plant Performance August 7, 2007 Unit 2 Reactor Trip*I&C technician inadvertently tripped an overcurrentrelay on the normal incoming feeder breaker for "D"4160 VAC bus during calibration*Loss of this bus resulted in a loss of 2 condensate pumps and 2 booster pumps, as well as a recirc runback *Plant scrammed on low reactor water level *All systems responded as designed; no actuation of HPCI or RCIC *Bus re-energized about 1.5 minutes from alternate source*Breakdown in risk assessment process Forced Loss Rate -HatchForced Loss Rate0. Based Averages (18 or 24 Months)PercentINPO 100% Performance LevelUnit 1 - Monthly Cycle AvgUnit 2 - Monthly Cycle AvgYear End Goal LevelAction Level Industrial Safety -HatchIndustrial Safety Accident Rate - Plant Value0. Based Averages (18 or 24 Months)Industrial Safety Accident Rate per 200,000 Hours WorkedINPO 100% Performance LevelIndustrial Safety Accident Rate (Cycle Based)Action Level NRC Performance Indicators -HatchNRC PI - Safety System Functional FailuresWhite > 6Green 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Safety System Functional FailuresJan-06Feb-06Mar-06Apr-06May-06Jun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Nov-06Dec-06Jan-07Feb-07Mar-07Apr-07May-07Jun-0712 Month Rolling SumWhite > 6Green 6Unit 1 DataUnit 2 DataAction LevelNote: Yellow/Red No Threshold Unit 1 HPCI Unit 1 RCIC Unit 2 HPCI Unit 2 RCIC NRC Performance Indicators -HatchNRC PI - Mitigating System Performance Index, Emergency AC Power SystemGreen 1.0E-06White > 1.0E-06 OR PLE = YesYellow > 1.0E-05Red > 1.0E-041.0E-071.0E-061.0E-051.0E-041.0E-03Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI) ValueJan-06Feb-06Mar-06Apr-06May-06Jun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Nov-06Dec-06Jan-07Feb-07Mar-07Apr-07May-07Jun-07Rolling 36 Month ValuesGreen 1.0E-06White > 1.0E-06 OR PLE = YesYellow > 1.0E-05Red > 1.0E-04Unit 1 DataUnit 2 DataAction Level Emergency Diesel Generator NRC Performance Indicators -HatchNRC PI - Mitigating System Performance Index, High Pressure Injection SystemGreen 1.0E-06White > 1.0E-06 OR PLE = YesYellow > 1.0E-05Red > 1.0E-041.0E-071.0E-061.0E-051.0E-041.0E-03Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI) ValueJan-06Feb-06Mar-06Apr-06May-06Jun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Nov-06Dec-06Jan-07Feb-07Mar-07Apr-07May-07Jun-07Rolling 36 Month ValuesGreen 1.0E-06White > 1.0E-06 OR PLE = YesYellow > 1.0E-05Red > 1.0E-04Unit 1 DataUnit 2 DataAction Level Site Vice President Reorganization J. B. BEASLEY, JR.

Chairman,President & Chief Executive OfficerK. S. KING CFO & Vice PresidentCorporate Services M. M. CASTONGeneral Counsel, VP External Affairs & Corporate SecretaryW. L. BARGERON Plant ManagerJ. D. WILLIAMSSite Support ManagerW. D. DRINKARDQuality Assurance ManagerM. J. AJLUNISite Support Manager*SCS EmployeeSite Vice President Reorganization -January 2007 0407R. A. BELL*Human Res. Sr. VPSouthern CompanyD. R. MADISONVice President -HatchJ. R. JOHNSONVice President -FarleyT. E. TYNANVice President -VogtleT. L. YOUNGBLOODSite Support ManagerC. R. DEDRICKSON Plant Manager S. M. DOUGLAS Plant ManagerS. A. MITCHELLAsst. Corp. Sec./Exec. Asst. to Pres./Asst. Treas.P. R. BIZJAKSafety & Health ManagerC. D. COLLINSSupply Chain General ManagerVACANT *H. R. Director J. G. WOLFEComptroller &

TreasurerJ. T. GASSERExecutive Vice President

& Chief Nuclear OfficerA. F. THORNHILLManaging Atty. & Compliance ManagerC. H. PHILLIPSPublic Affairs ManagerJ. M. GODFREYEnvironmental Affairs ManagerW. H. LEEEmergency Planning SupervisorJ. A. MILLERSenior Vice PresidentNuclear DevelopmentD. P. BURFORDNuclear Fleet Security and Emergency Preparedness ManagerVogtle 3&4 BellefonteD. H. JONESEngineeringVice President W. L. BURMEISTERPlant Support ManagerA. HARRISEngineering Services ManagerG. K. McELROYEngineering Admin.

Services ManagerJ. B. PAPPASConfiguration Management ManagerB. E. HUNT Nuclear Fuels Manager B. J. GEORGE Nuclear Licensing ManagerW. B. THIGPENSecurity Supervisor/Access Authorization P. A. HURSTCorporate Concerns SupervisorL. M. STINSONFleet Operations SupportVice President Fleet Operations Support (proposed)Fleet Ops VPFleetOperations ManagerFleet Maintenance / WC ManagerFleet Outage Manager AssistantFleet Chem/ HP Manager Fleet Security &EP ManagerFleet Training & PI ManagerOperationsStaffMaintenance/

WC StaffOutage StaffHP Staff ***ChemStaff *SecuritySupervisor EPSupervisorSecurity StaffEP Staff NFSCoordinatorAdmin AsstAdmin Asst *TrainingSupervisor *Instructors /Staff * / **PI Staff CAPCO* Transfer from Engineering** Transfer from Supply Chain*** Transfer from Environmental Site Engineering (proposed)

Site VPPlant Mgr.Engineering Mgr. ***

Site Suppt. Mgr.Design Engineering SupportModifications PMMS*Mech& Civil Design*Elec/I & C Design Nuc. Systems Programs BOP Systems Elec./I & C Admin. Asst Performance Improvement Principal Engineer -Licensing **

Equipment ReliabilityNew or Modified Org.

  • EFIN *Design Chg. (Corp) *Mech/Civil (Corp)
  • Elec/I &C (Corp)**Dotted line reporting to Corporate Licensing *** Dotted line reporting to Chief Engineer Topical Updates SNM Update*Procedure revisions implemented to upgrade SNM accountability practices for in-core detectors following conclusion of SNM retrieval activities last year*Initial results indicated that 4 in-core detectors were not at the location specified*All 4 detectors were subseque ntly located and accounted for*Fuel pool legacy cleanup scheduled 3 rd/4 th quarter 2007 Tritium Sampling*Update on tritium graphs (T12, NW10, N008A)*Mactec Status -Phase 2 Report (2007)-Complete hydrology study (determine need)*Unit 2 CST pipe Replacement Update Tritium SamplingSAMPLE WELL T121.00E+031.00E+041.00E+051.00E+06 1.00E+07 F e b-0 3 M a y-0 3 A u g-03 Nov-03Mar-04 J un-04 S e p-0 4 J an-05 A pr-05Jul-05Oct-05Feb-06May-0 6 A u g-0 6 D e c-06 M ar-07Jun-07H3 pCi / LT12 Tritium SamplingTritium Outfall Sample (Subsurface drain N008A) 1.00E+031.00E+041.00E+0505/01/0 6 0 7/01/0 609/01/0 6 1 1/01/0 601/01/0 703/01/0 7 05/0 1/0 707/01/0 7H3 pCi / L1Y22N008A Tritium SamplingSAMPLE WELL (NW10)1.00E+043.00E+045.00E+047.00E+049.00E+041.10E+051.30E+051.50E+051.70E+0510/9/200611/9/200612/9/20061/9/20072/9/20073/9/20074/9/20075/9/20076/9/20077/9/20078/9/2007H3 pCi/ LNW10 1A RHR Pump Vibration*Vibration observed on 1A RHR pump only during two pump flow in Division 1 (Pumps A & C)*Occurs only in loop flow range of 4000 -6000 gpm*Cause of vibration has not been determined*Conceptual design being developed to increase natural frequency of the loop Alternative Source Term*Full scope AST analysis submitted to NRC 8/29/2006*Addresses control room inleakage concerns of Generic Letter 2003-01*Control room inleakage testing showed good results, well within interim licensing basis limits*Approval of AST submittal required by 5/31/2010*Significant interdisciplinary review at NRR is in progress*Planned and potential modifications to support AST are scheduled to complete by spring 2010 Staffing*Pipeline Replenishment-Strategies for hiring entry level workers and engineers-License classes*8 candidates to finish this December*10 SRO candidates started June 2007*16 candidates to start March 2008
  • 16 candidates to start March 2009
  • Average class size of 16-All other initial programs up and running (Chemistry, HP, Maintenance, etc.)

Steam Chase Grating Analyses*Tool boxes were staged over grated vent openings between Reactor Building steam pipe chase and torus room*Hinged vent covers were strapped to vent grating on Unit 2*Tool boxes were removed from grating on both units and strap was removed on Unit 2 Tool Box Steam Chase Grating Analyses*Unit 1 limiting parameter is differential pressure on wall between torus room and ECCS pump rooms*Unit 1 analysis demonstrated that as-found vent paths provided adequate opening to meet differential pressure limits*Unit 2 limiting parameter is differential pressure on wall between torus room and reactor building ground level floor*Unit 2 analysis is at the preliminary results stage (not checked)*Preliminary results indicate that correcting for mass flow conservatisms will result in differential pressures within the analyzed limits TSC HVAC Availability*Event represents good incorporation of corrective actions from 2005 TSC white finding*EP and work planning personnel discussed work activity during planning phase*Work was placed on hold when first phase took longer than expected so issue could be discussed with NRC Region II personnel*Region II provided timely feedback regarding SNC's planned course of action Planned Major Projects Unit 1 Main Transformer Replacement*Unit 1 Main transformer replacement (2008)-Asset management/Life Cycle management-Replaces leased Alabama Power transformer with permanent transformer-Spare transformer delivered earl y 2008 for infant mortality issue-New transformer good to end of plant life Shroud Tie Rod Upper Restraints*Unit 1 Shroud tie rod upper restraint replacement (2008)*Unit 2 Shroud tie rod upper restraint replacement (2009)-Equipment reliability/safety-Replaces upper supports with larger components to remove susceptibility to IGSCC-Restores to BWRVIP criteria for repaired shrouds

-Eliminates need to re-inspect shroud horizontal welds-Licensing submittal for Unit 1 has been issued Condenser Bypass SpargerReplacement*Unit 1 and Unit 2 Condenser bypass spargerreplacements (Unit 1 in 2008. Unit 2 in 2009)-Replaces degraded bypass spargers-Spargerscurrently limit Operations use of bypass (i.e., length of time in Hot shutdown)

Adjustable Speed Drives*Adjustable speed drives (Unit 1 in 2010 and Unit 2 in 2011)-Asset management/Life Cycle management-Replaces the Recirculation M-G se ts with Variable Frequency drives-Eliminates Recirculation flow step changes from fluid coupling positioner-Does not eliminate step changes from Bi-stable flow-Equipment reliability Feedwater SpargerEnd Pins*Feedwater spargerend pin replacement (Unit 1 in 2008, no Unit 2 installation)*Remote tooling will allow the installation of the Feedwater SpargerEnd Pins simultaneously with other work activities on the refueling floor Completed Major Projects Mark VI Turbine Controls*Unit 1 and Unit 2 Mark VI Turbine Controls-Completed on both units-Asset management/Life Cycle management-Installs triple redundant digital controls

-Replaces obsolete Mark I control system Unit 2 Generator Exciter Controls*Unit 2 Generator Exciter Controls -Completed on Unit 2 -Unit 1 to complete in 2008)-Asset management/Life Cycle management-Replaces obsolete exciter with EX 2100 alterex Condenser Bellows Replacement*Unit 1 and Unit 2 Condenser Bellows Replacement-Completed on both units-Equipment reliability -Industry OE-Replaced bellows that were beyond design life Unit 1 Drywell Cooler Replacement*Unit 1 Drywell Cooler Replacement-Equipment reliability-2005 shutdown due to drywell leakage and containment integrity issue (leak from drywell into cooler) -Replaced all 16 Drywell cooler coils Open Discussion