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Sero/Nrc Meeting on Section 7 Consultations
Person / Time
Site: Hatch, Saint Lucie, Crystal River  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/2002
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML030070237 (2)


SEROINRC Meeting on Section 7 Consultations 26 Sep 02 Morning Meeting/ Hoffman/Masnik 1030 hrs - In Bobs Office, Suite 102 1s floor

1. Crystal River

- Requirements on NRC v Licensee

- Start of counting period

- Last paragraph o the Terms and Conditions what constitutes "immediately provide"?

What is immediate? What constitutes notification - written report/fax/E-mail/phone call/voice message?

- Why notification requirements on approaching the incidental take limit?

- Why limits on total take - if released unharmed?

2. St. Lucie

- Information on 2001 turtle mortalities

- Block net improvements Afternoon Meeting 1300 hrs - Large Conference Room 2n floor

1. Overview of License Renewal at Nuclear Power Facilities - Section 7 consultations
2. Hatch Nuclear Plant

- Completion of section 7 consultation for Hatch license renewal

- Shortnose Sturgeon and Plant Operation

- Pending projects

- Dredging of Altamaha River - NRC involvement

- Sand bag weir - permit renewal

3. Discussion on the development of the Incidental take statement and Terms and Conditions

- Cooperative effort

- To the extent possible standardized Terms and Conditions for Turtle and Sturgeon

4. Future Cooperation

Handouts for NRC/NMFS meeting:

A. August 31, 2000 letter to Chuck Orvetz (NMFS) from Cynthia Carpenter (NRC) requesting section 7 consultation for Hatch operating license renewal B. Biological Assessment of the potential impact to shortnose sturgeon resulting from twenty years of operation of the Hatch power plant - August 2000 C. Pages 4-33 to 4-35 (Threatened or Endangered Species) of EIS prepared for the Hatch License Renewal D. May 24, 2002 letter to Samuel Collins (NRC) and Colonel Gerber (COE) from Joe Powers (NMFS) regarding operating license renewal and proposed dredging at Hatch Plant E. July 30, 2002 letter to Joe Powers (NMFS) from Pao-Tisn Kuo (NRC) in reply to May 24, 2002 letter F. 16 August 2002 - email and attachment from David Crosby (COE) regarding Plant Hatch sand bag weir across Altamaha G. 13 September 2002 Joint Public Notice from Savannah COE regarding dredging at Plant Hatch