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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24123A0502 May 20242023 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary Meeting Number 20240479Cyber Security
Open House
ML23361A1098 January 2024SNC Slides for Public Meeting on 1-8-24 to Discuss Hatch LAR - Revise TS Table 1.1-1 (Modes) to Relax Required No. of Fully Tensioned RPV Head Closure StudsNondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
ML23361A0818 January 2024SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Public Meeting on January 8, 2024 Related to Fleet QATRIncorporated by reference
Condition Adverse to Quality
Control of Heavy Loads
ML23079A23620 March 2023Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation SlidesCyber Security
ML22209A18728 July 2022Pre-Submittal Meeting on August 1, 2022 Re Plant Hatch LAR: Relaxation of Required Number of Fully Tensioned Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Closure Studs (EPID L-2022-LRM-0052) (Slides)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Liquid penetrant
ML22167A14022 June 2022Pre-Submittal Public Meeting Slides for Rewrite TS-3.7.2 License AmendmentSafe Shutdown
ML22080A01918 March 2022Annual Assessment Meeting PresentationCyber Security
ML21225A03131 August 2021Pre-Submittal Meeting - Request to Eliminate the Requirement for Automatic Main Steam Isolation on High Turbine Building Area TemperatureSurveillance Frequency Control Program
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML21222A03416 August 2021SNC Slides - Hatch TSTF-505 LAR - Pre-Submittal Meeting - 08-16-2021Internal Flooding
Large early release frequency
ML20318A10312 November 2020SNC ERO Staffing LAR RAI ResponsesPandemic
ML20217L43113 August 2020Edwin I Hatch, Units 1 and 2; and Vogtle Electric Plant, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Meeting Slides a License Amendment Request for the Emergency Plan (EPID Nos L-2020-LLA-0150 and L-2020-LLA-051
ML20156A0014 June 2020Slides - SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting on June 10, 2020 - Hatch EDG AOT ExtensionInternal Flooding
Offsite Circuit
ML20101K65810 April 2020Annual AssessmentEnforcement Discretion
ML19025A02425 January 2019SNC License Amendment Request for Proposed Changes to Emergency Response Organization Staffing and AugmentationMinimum staff
ML18234A47123 August 2018NRC-Pre Submittal Meeting TSTF-51 for Hatch and TSTF-51 and -471 for Farley - August 23, 2018
ML18136A89016 May 2018May 21, 2018 Slides for Public Teleconference Regarding Changes to Hatch, Farley, and Vogtle TS 5.2.2.gMinimum staff
ML18124A0054 May 2018Summary of Public Meeting - Hatch Nuclear Plant Docket Nos. 50-321, 50-366Open House
ML18066A0301 March 2018Slides for March 1, 2018 Public MeetingAnticipated operational occurrence
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Offsite Circuit
ML17009A3839 January 2017Degraded Voltage Pre-Submittal Public Meeting SlidesOffsite Circuit
ML16174A02721 June 2016Revised NRC-SNC Hatch NFPA 805 Extension 06212016Safe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
ML16169A06120 June 2016SNC Slides for 6-21-16 Public Meeting on Hatch NFPA 805 ExtensionSafe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
ML15191A48713 July 2015Unit 2: Plant Service Water Piping Replacement Using High Density Polyethylene (Hdpe) Piping Nrc/Snc Meeting July 13, 2015Hydrostatic
ML15106A20422 April 2015April 22, 2015, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company, Slide Presentation
ML14176B23926 June 2014Southern Nuclear Operating Company Seismic Reevaluation - GMRS NTTF 2.1 Presentation Slides
ML14177A08626 June 2014NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting with Southern on Seismic Reevaluation (GMRS)
ML14115A41025 April 2014Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, in Vidalia, Georgia
ML13112A25522 April 2013Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2012, - December 31, 2012
ML13025A30129 January 2013NRC Comments on Draft Integrated Plans, HatchHigh winds
Ultimate heat sink
Tornado Missile
Time to boil
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
Frazil ice
Hardened vent
Water hammer
ML13015A26817 December 2012Draft Submittal Order EA-12-049 - February 2013 FLEX Integrated Plan- HatchHigh winds
Ultimate heat sink
Tornado Missile
Time to boil
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
Frazil ice
Hardened vent
Water hammer
ML12115A25724 April 2012Summary of with Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for 2011Aging Management
ML11119006128 April 2011Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss the Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process and the Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance at Hatch for the Period of 01/01/210 - 12/31/2010Aging Management
License Renewal
ML11090A0915 April 2011Plant Hatch Fire Risk MonitoringSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML1028105228 October 2010September 29, 2010 Summary O Public Meeting with Farley to Discuss Corrective Actions Associated with Two White Regulatory Performance Public Meeting Summary
ML10113044423 April 2010Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of January 1, 2009 Through December 31, 2009
ML09106073216 April 2009Summary of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc., to Provide Opportunities to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of 01/01/2008 - 12/31/08Aging Management
Open House
ML10194045120 August 2008RA Drop-In Briefing Sheet - Hatch, Dated August 20, 2008
ML0810704469 April 2008Annual Assessment Public Meeting, Slides
ML0810704529 April 2008Annual Assessment Public Meeting of Attendee List
ML07235054623 August 200708/15/2007 Public Meeting Summary - Enclosure 2
ML07170046631 May 200705/2007 Generation Planning Overview.
ML07159020931 May 2007Enclosure 7 - Definitions: SSE (Safe Shutdown Earthquake) & OBE (Operating Basis Earthquake)Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML06328006514 November 2006Meeting Summary Handouts, Enclosure 2 (Tac Nos. MD2934 and MD2935)Seismically rugged
Maintenance Rule Program
Potassium iodide
ML06115055112 April 2006Slides for Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2005Fire Protection Program
ML05362027012 December 2005Enclosure 4 to Summary of Public Meeting with the Boiling Water Reactor Owner'S Group to Discuss 10 CFR Part 21 Report on Safety Limit of NUREG 1433/34Fuel cladding
ML05347009229 November 2005Hatch, Units 1 & 2, Enclosure, Meeting Summary, Generic Letter 2003-01
ML05115012913 April 2005List of Meeting Attendees for the Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2004, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - NRC Region II, Vidalia, Ga, April 13, 2005
ML0331603316 November 2003,Kewaunee & Hatch Meeting Handout Re Planned License Amendment Requests Using Alternate Source TermShutdown Margin
Recently irradiated fuel
ML0331603246 November 2003Praire Island Meeting Handout Re Planned License Amendment Requests Using Alternate Source TermProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Recently irradiated fuel
ML03272062124 September 2003Examiner - Vendor Matrix with Phone Number
ML03272061122 September 2003Exam Process