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Revised NRC-SNC Hatch NFPA 805 Extension 06212016
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/2016
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
To: Michael Orenak
Plant Licensing Branch II
Orenak M, NRR/DORL/LPLII-1, 415-3229
CAC MF7736, CAC MF7737
Download: ML16174A027 (10)


Plant Hatch NFPA 805 LAR Submittal Extension Request NRC/SNC Meeting June 21, 2016


  • Meeting Purpose and Schedule Request
  • Reason for Schedule Extension

- Fire PRA

- Traditional FP Scope

  • Summary / Questions / Actions

Summary & Purpose

  • Fire PRA development and plant modifications have delayed the fire protection transition project
  • SNC intends to request an 18-month extension to the LAR submittal date

- Demonstrate progress toward transition (SECY 12-0031)

- Use NEI/Industry Template

  • Purpose

- Detail needed for extension request

- Describe content and schedule of formal submittal

- Discuss Hatch NFPA-805 Status to Date

Reasons for Schedule Change

  • FPRA Peer Review completed April 2016

- Additional tasks remain to resolve facts and observations

- Refine FPRA model

  • Add recent and future planned plant modifications

- Requires additional time for development and implementation

  • Degraded Grid Voltage Protection modifications
  • Safe Shutdown Analysis re-baseline compliance analysis completed December 2015

- SSA subsequent evaluations still in progress [Potential risk for additional VFDRs]

  • Control Building HVAC heat up analysis updates - in progress
  • Additional Activities

- FP Code Deviations

- FP System Hydraulic Calculations

- Engineering Equivalency Evaluations

Hatch NFPA 805 Transition Schedule 18 Month 2016 2017 2018 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Apr 25 - 29 FPRA Peer Review LAR Submittal FPRA F&O Resolution / Model Refinement Additional Fire Protection Engineering Evaluations SNC Risk Reduction Final Review Fire Risk Evaluations NSCA Transition Transition Report Review Transition Report

Project Status - Fire PRA

  • Satisfactory FPRA Peer Review completed in April 2016

- CDF is in the E-04 range

- Additional tasks remaining

  • Facts and Observations resolution
  • Reduce CDF and LERF to meet RG 1.174 criteria for total risk via model refinement (e.g., take credit for installed FLEX, Degraded Grid Voltage Protection modifications) and planned plant modification identification
  • Perform Fire Risk Evaluations

Project Status - Traditional FP

  • Fundamental FP Program and Design Elements

- NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements - review completed

- NFPA Code Compliance Evaluation - review completed

- Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluations for adequacy -

review completed

- GL 86-10s

- Licensing Actions - no exemptions will be retained

NFPA-805 Status LAR/TR Reference Topic  % Complete Safe shutdown Analysis Update N/A 90%

(pre-requisite task)

Fundamental FP Program Elements and Minimum Design 4.1, Attachment A 75%

Requirements (Table B-1)

Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment - Methodology 4.2.1, Attachment B 70%

(Table B-2)

Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment - Fire Area - by -

Section 4.2.2, Attachment C 50%

Fire Area Review (Table B-3)

Section 4.3, Attachment D Non Power Operational Modes (Table F-1) 60%

Section 4.4, Attachment E Radioactive Release (Table G-1) 90%

Section 4.1.3, Attachment I Definition of Power Block and Plant 100%

Section 4.2.2 Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Transition 30%

Section 4.2.3, Attachment K Licensing Action Transition 90%

NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements Not Met and Not Section, Attachment L 55%

Previously Approved by NRC N/A Fire PRA Peer Review 100%

N/A Fire PRA Peer Review F&O Closure 25%

Section Fire Risk Evaluations 0%

Section 4.6 Monitoring Program 0%

Section 4.7 Program Documentation, Configuration Control, and Quality 0%

Assurance Transition Report 5%

Non-conformances & Compensatory Measures

  • Existing Non- conformances

- NFPA code deviations

- NSCA cable separation issues

  • Compensatory Measures:

- Fire watches for code deviations

- Combination of fire watches and Alternative Compensatory Measures

- NRC review of alternate comp measures during TFPI found program to be in conformance with RIS 2005-07

Summary / Questions

- incorporate scope of currently planned plant modifications

- Refine FPRA model and conduct Fire Risk Evaluations

- Perform conceptual design studies for any other necessary modifications

  • Propose request for 18 month extension to submit the LAR

- Use NFPA-805 template to document project status

- Submit request to NRC by July 15, 2016