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#REDIRECT [[NL-09-045, Indian Point, Units 1, 2, & 3, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes and Justification Packages for 2008]]
| number = ML091260211
| issue date = 04/17/2009
| title = Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes and Justification Packages for 2008
| author name =
| author affiliation = Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000003, 05000247, 05000286
| license number = DPR-005, DPR-026, DPR-064
| contact person =
| case reference number = NL-09-045
| document type = Annual Operating Report, Calculation, Environmental Monitoring Report
| page count = 270
{{#Wiki_filter:ENCLOSURE 2 TO NL-09-045 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes and Justification Packages, 2008 ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 1, 2, and 3 DOCKETS 50-3, 50-247 and 50-286 IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package Prepared by: Steven Sandike Brief Summary of Changes May, 2008 The station ODCM was upgraded to revision 1, with changes summarized below: ODCM Part I I TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, was updated to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.2 TOC Appendix J title was updated to be more descriptive: "Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details".3 REMP Table D3.5. 1-1 was updated as follows: a) Airborne Radioiodine/Particulate sample location description
-removed the word "offsite", and included the word"approximately" when describing the third location (approx 15-30 km distant, and in the least prevalent wind direction), in pathway #2.b) Added reference to "control location" to waterborne surface location Wa I in pathway #3a.c) Changed "Sediment" to "Soil" from Shoreline in pathway #3c, excluding the previous requirement for H-3 (typo).d) Added MW nomenclature (MW-40,51) to specify wells by number in 3d, and added a requirement for Ni-63.e) Added "human consumption" in the description of the sampling location for the milk pathway (4a).f) Clarified the gamma spec requirements for the milk pathway (4a) for sample type & frequency of analysis.g) Added the word "approximately" in sample location for milk pathway (4a).h) Added Ni-63 analysis requirement to Fish and invertebrates (4b) and ODCM References 45/46 as bases.4 Added Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and, including footnotes:
*** and (f).5 Expanded D5.6 to more completely describe the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP, and the ongoing lon g.term monitoring plan.ODCM Part II 6 Modified ODCM Part I/, Section 2.1.16 to reflect new Attachment J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.7 Fixed typo in Table 3-9, locations of site boundary and nearest residence, NE sector, for U3 (did NOT effect dose calcs).8 Appended REMP sample nomenclature "la 1-1a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity.9 Removed the abandoned and non-required air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, pages 3 and 7.10 Identified the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.11 Replaced old Appendix J with new expanded, more detailed description of GW flow and dose determinations.
Each of the above changes is discussed in detail on the following pages. This information is to be included in the OSRC presentation, the 50.59 package, and the next Annual Effluent Release Report sent to the Commission per Reg Guide 1.21 IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 1 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Update the TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, was updated to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.IMPACT: None JUSTIFICATION:
This is a typographical correction to reflect the fact that the program focuses on the "radiological" aspects.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 2 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Update the TOC for the title of Appendix J.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The title of Appendix J, and the reference in the TOC, was updated to be more descriptive: "Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details".IMPACT: None JUSTIFICATION:
This is a typographical improvement to be inclusive with the objectives of Appendix J. This appendix describes methods by which the station determines the source term selection criteria, the dose calculations, the dilution flow, and the groundwater flow to the environment.
Therefore, the title needed to be more inclusive.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 3 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Update the REMP Table D3.5.1-1 with several new improvements and lessons learned from 2007.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: REMP Table D3.5.1-1 was updated as follows: a) Airborne Radioiodine/Particulate sample location description
-removed the word "offsite", and included the word "approximately" when describing the third location (approx 15-30 km distant, and in the least prevalent wind direction), in pathway #2.b) Added reference to "control location" to waterborne surface location Wal in pathway #3a.c) Changed "Sediment" to "Soil" from Shoreline in pathway #3c, excluding the previous requirement for H-3 in soil, which was inadvertently added in revision 0 (typo).d) Added MW-40 and 51(by name) to specify wells by number in 3d, and added a requirement for Ni-63.e) Added "human consumption" in the description of the sampling location for the milk pathway (4a).f) Clarified the gamma spec requirements for the milk pathway (4a) for sample type & frequency of analysis.g) Added the word "approximately" in sample location for milk pathway (4a).h) Added Ni-63 analysis requirement to Fish and invertebrates (4b), and ODCM References 45/46 as bases.IMPACT: NEM Procedures 0-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated to include Ni-63 analysis of MW-40/51, and for Fish/Invert sampling.
Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-001 00, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:
For items (a) and (g), the locations of samplers are "at" the site boundary.
These locations are indeed "in different sectors, of the highest annual average ground level D/Q". Entergy believes that locations precisely "at " the site boundary are better controlled in this location, rather than actually "offsite".
This location is also within the spirit of the definition of NUREGs 0133 and 1301. Therefore, the words from NUREG 1301 (previously applied without site-specific understanding): "offsite locations, close to the site boundary" were simplified to "at" the site boundary.Items (b), (e), and (f) are typographical improvements for clarity or accuracy, with already stipulated criteria.Items (d) and (h) involve adding Ni-63 to key REMP samples, due to its predominance as a Unit 1 key effluent isotope, and it's presence in Groundwater.
Per guidance from NUREG 0133 and other effluent and environmental regulation, the comparison of these programs with REMP requires an evaluation for potential inclusion of isotopes or pathways not previously identified.
Ni-63 is believed to be a potential environmental contaminant, and as such, is added to the REMP sampling requirements for Fish and Invertebrates, as well as the Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the SW boundary.
Ni-63 is NOT required for shoreline deposit or Hudson River sampling because of the lack of a viable human dose pathway, and its weak, low energy beta.An independent evaluation was performed to determine the best way to include this isotope in the REMP. New reporting and detection levels were also determined.
The evaluation is documented in IPEC-CHM-08-009, which has been identified in the ODCM as new Reference
: 46. (A similar document was also added as Reference 45 for Sr-90, which was already included in the ODCM REMP).
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 4 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Add Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and along with those already specified for Sr-90.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Added Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and, including footnotes:
*** and (f).IMPACT: NEM Procedures O-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated to include Ni-63 analysis of MW-40/51, and for Fish/Invert sampling.
Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-00100, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:
Since Ni-63 is a significant signature isotope in Unit 1 effluent, and also identified in wells at the waterfront for Groundwater dose evaluation, it was included in this ODCM REMP update per guidance in NUREG 1301 and other Environmental/Effluent regulation suggesting required communication with these two programs.
Previously, IPEC had determined that the gross beta analyses performed per REMP requirements was sufficient to identify any potential Ni-63 contamination.
This decision was reversed after several years of positive Ni-63 values at the waterfront in groundwater, and after evaluating the Unit 1 source term signature, both for effluents and part 61.New values for Reporting Level and LLD were determined for the inclusion of Ni-63 and captured in new ODCM Reference 46, a chemistry memo entitled IPEC-CHM-08-009.
This memo (similar to Reference 45 for Sr-90)includes the dose-based determination for inclusion of Ni-63 in the fish and invertebrate pathway, as well as the Monitoring Well water testing. The values were determined with assistance from independent consulting and confirmed by Entergy.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 5 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Expand D5.6 to more completely describe the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP).DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Expanded D5.6 to describe the purposes and functions of the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP) in the RECS, to ensure all aspects of the program are captured in the controlling document (ODCM Part 1, the RECS). This added guidance includes details to meet the monitoring, investigating, and characterizing objectives of the program.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:
The monitoring, investigating, and characterizing objectives and details from IP-SMM-CY-1 10 were added to this revision of the ODCM (RECS) to ensure the upper tier documents captures these requirements.
The bullets for program objectives under this category are consistent with the format and content of other Administrative Control sections, like those that define the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report, etc. Including these details, as well as references to NEI, NRC, and IPEC commitments into the ODCM Part 1 (RECS) provides greater assurance of continued appropriate levels of scrutiny and support.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 6 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Modify ODCM Part II, Section 2.1.16 to reflect new Attachment J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Updated the title of the attachment, and included a sentence at the end of the section describing the reference it is alluding to, Reference
: 33. The actual dilution volume determined per this reference for the groundwater bedrock pathway to the river is provided.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:
The actual dilution volume was provided to facilitate application of groundwater dose assessment with only the ODCM, rather than require the collection of this reference in order to obtain the specific dilution factor. The direct measurement of dilution in the canal, versus the application of bedrock pathway dilution to the river, clarifies the use of these values.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 7 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Correct the typo in Table 3-9, Locations of Site Boundary and Nearest Residence, NE sector, for U3.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: For the Unit 3 Site Boundary distance in the NE sector, the typographical error in the table was corrected, from the previous value of 744 to the correct value of 636. The nearest resident values are unchanged.
Only this value for U3 site boundary is effected, and it is NOT value used in any calculation.
This was a typographical error from the previous revision, and involves ONLY the Unit 3 Site Boundary distance in the NE sector, which is not used in any dose calculation (information only). No other distance (SB or nearest resident) is effected.The site boundary distance in this sector is NOT used for any dose calculation.
The actual correct distance to the site boundary in this direction was properly applied and distributed in Reference 31 by the vendor averaging our MET data and determining worst case sectors. The distances in all the UNEFFECTED sectors are also included in this table of the ODCM, and the error was introduced in transferring this data to ODCM Revision 0. It has had no bearing on any calculation or program definition.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 8 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Append the REMP sample nomenclature "1 al-1 a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Added the standard REMP sample nomenclature "lal-1a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity, despite the fact that this pathway is NOT enabled at IPEC.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:
The fact that the nomenclature "1al-1a4" is reserved for this use, mentioned in NUREG 1301, and also in the RECS, suggested that we should include precisely where it would be applied in this Appendix, should we ever be required to enable the cows milk pathway. Other sample points are identified by similar nomenclature and this update was performed for consistency.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 9 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Remove the abandoned and non-required air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, pages 3 and 7.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Removed references to this air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, page 3 (list of points) and page 7 (the map of locations).
IMPACT: NEM Procedures O-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated as required.
Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-00100, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:
This station was never required.
Upon closing of the Lovett power plant, its use or potential relocation was considered.
Twenty years of data have identified this location to offer no relevant MET data. While the LACK of any airborne activity at this location is valuable information, the instrumentation has already provided that function.
Had this been the only station in excess of requirements, the decision may have been to relocate it.However, since Lovett power plant is being dismantled, and the fact that we STILL have three more stations in the field beyond what is required by RECS 3.5.1 (and NUREG 1301), this station is simply being removed. The RECS require 3 sample locationsat highest calculated D/Q values, another at the established year-round local community, and a fifth at the control location.
IPEC still employs 3 more samplers in addition to these, as a means of demonstrating sincere efforts to exceed minimum standards.
It was therefore agreed to simply remove the station at Lovett.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 10 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Identify the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Identified the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.Added the footnote at the bottom of this section (single star), identifying Cold Spring as a control location.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:
The Cold Spring location had always been treated and understood to be a "control location" in station procedures.
It was added to the ODCM in the 1980s for this purpose. However, until this revision, it lacked the official designation as such. Control and Indicator locations are treated exactly the same with regard to the investigation for contaminants.
This footnote was added to this revision of the ODCM for consistency and clarity.
IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 11 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:
Replace old Appendix J with new expanded, more detailed description of GW flow and dose determinations.
DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES:.Replaced old Appendix J with verbiage accumulated from the site hydrologists, specifically detailing the determination of offsite dose as a result of measurements of dilution and groundwater flow, and specific source term measurements, separated into new zones to better integrate the site's effluent component.
IMPACT: Chemistry procedure 0-CY-2740 was updated to accommodate these changes.JUSTIFICATION:
The detailed specific guidance for this Appendix was obtained from the site hydrologists, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. This appendix includes all details required to ensure the precipitation mass balance method is properly calibrated with Darcy's Law parameters.
Transducer data and differential groundwater head was used to calibrate the model, and will continue to check the model's validity, until sufficient data has been collected to comfortably bound the model with limiting flow rates in each zone. Since the bulk of this data acquisition was in calendar year 2007, site hydrologists plan to continue accumulating data through 2008 -and potentially update the model's determination of flow rate in any applicable zone, as it relates to measured precipitation and ground water differential head. This detail is being added to the ODCM for completeness and due to the fact that it is a unique release pathway. The pathway also involves multiple interfaces between the licensee, regulators, and stakeholders, each of whom must be aware of effluent dose impact and the calculation methods used to fulfill political and legal obligations.
The end result of this detailed guidance is to ensure similar guidance exists for GW effluent dose assessment, as that of routine effluent:
knowledge of source term, dilution flow, and effluent flowrate.
The rest of the dose assessment follows typical RG 1.109 dose calculation methodology clearly specified in applicable sections of the ODCM.
Entergy Nuclear Northeast Indian Point Energy Center Units 1, 2, and 3 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)Rev. 1 WRITTEN BY: REVIEWED BY: OSRC REVIEW: APPROVED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE:*l&,L3 1> T/S/,ý,/og date da e d te d5-at-e-date PAGE Table of Contents ii List of Tables and Figures vi Introduction viii PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS D 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION D 1.1 Definitions D 1.1-1 D 1.2 Logical Connectors D 1.2-1 D 1.3 Completion Times D 1.2-1 D 1.4 Frequency D 1.2-1 D 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS (Not Used)D 3.0 APPLICABILITY D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO) D 3.0-1 D 3.0 ODCM Surveillance Requirement (DSR) D 3.0-2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1-1 D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2-1 D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3-1 D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4-1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1-1 D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2-1 D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3-1 D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4-1 D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5-1 D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6-1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1-1 D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2-1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1-1 IPEC ODCM ii Revision 1 PAGE D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 Monitoring Program D 3.5.1-1 D 3.5.2 Land Use Census D 3.5.2-1 D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3-1 D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1-1 D 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES D 4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1-1 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report D 5.1-1 D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2-1 D 5.3 Special Reports D 5.3-1 D 5.4 Major Changes to Radwaste Treatment Systems D 5.4-1 D 5.5 Process Control Program (PCP) D 5.5-1 D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP) D 5.6-1 6/08 IPEC ODCM iii Revision 1 BASES PAGE B D 3.0 APPLICABILITY B D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO)B D 3.0 ODCM Surveillance Requirement (DSR)B D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS B D 3.0-1 B D 3.0-1 B D 3.1.1 B D 3.1.2 B D 3.1.3 B D 3.1.4 Liquid Effluents Concentration Liquid Effluents Dose Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Liquid Holdup Tanks B D 3.1.1-1 B D 3.1.2-1 B D 3.1.3-1 B D 3.1.4-1 B D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS B D 3.2.1 B D 3.2.2 B D 3.2.3 B D 3.2.4 B D 3.2.5 B D 3.2.6 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System Gas Storage Tanks B D 3.2.1-1 B D 3.2.2-1 B D 3.2.3-1 B D 3.2.4-1 B D 3.2.5-1 B D 3.2.6-1 B D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION B D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation B D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation B D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE B D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose B D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING B D 3.3.1-1 B D 3.3.2-1 B D 3.4.1-1 B D 3.5.1 B D 3.5.2 B D 3.5.3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Land Use Census Interlaboratory Comparison Program B D 3.5.1-1 B D 3.5.2-1 B D 3.5.3-1 B D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE B D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System B D 3.6.1-1 IPEC ODCM iv Revision I PART II CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES PAGE 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 RADIATION MONITORS AND SETPOINTS Effluent Monitoring
===System Description===
Setpoints for Airborne Effluent Monitors Setpoints for Liquid Effluent Monitors LIQUID EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY Liquid Effluent Releases-General Information Liquid Effluent Concentrations Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)
Backup Simplified Dose Methodology Site-Specific Bio-Accumulation and Dose Factors GASEOUS EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY Gaseous Effluent Releases -General Information Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)
Backup Simplified Dose Methodology Calculation of Meteorological Dispersion Factors Justification and Use of Finite Cloud Assumptions for Assessing SB Dose TOTAL DOSE DETERMINATIONS 10CFR190 Dose Evaluation Doses from Liquid Releases Doses from Atmospheric Releases Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Visiting the Site LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION 6 9 12 13 16 16 1 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 25 30 31 43 46 51 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 100 100 100 101 102 104
APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G: Appendix H: Appendix 1: Appendix J: Summary of Radiological Effluent Controls Liquid Effluent Simplified Flow Diagram Gaseous Effluent Simplified Flow Diagram Steam Partition Factor Calculation (f)Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC)Conversion Factors for Liquid Effluent Monitors Environmental Sampling Points Interlaboratory Comparison Program Calculation of Allowable Release Rates for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details 107 108 110 112 113 114 115 122 123 130 1 6/08 IPEC ODCM V Revision 1 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES PAGE PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS Tables: D 3.1.1-1 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis D 3.1.1-2 D 3.2.1-1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis D 3.2.1-2 D 3.3.1-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1-6 D 3.3.2-1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2-5 D 3.5.1-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1-6 D 3.5.1-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations In Environmental Samples D 3.5.1-9 D 3.5.1-3 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis D 3.5.1-10 Figures: 4.1-1 MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE D 4.1-2 GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS 4.1-2 MAP DEFINING RELEASE POINTS D 4.1-3 IPEC ODCM vi Revision 1 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES PAGE PART II -CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES 1-1 Unit 2 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data 4 1-2 Unit 3 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data 5 2-1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 18 2-2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 20 2-3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 22 2-4 Bio-Accumulation Factors for Liquid Effluent Isotopes 24 3-1a Adult Inhalation Dose Factors 52 3-1b Teen Inhalation Dose Factors 54 3-1c Child Inhalation Dose Factors 56 3-1d Infant Inhalation Dose Factors 58 3-2 TB/Skin GP Dose Factors, w/ Half Life & Stable Element Transfer Data 60 3-3a Adult Ingestion Dose Factors 62 3-3b Teen Ingestion Dose Factors 64 3-3c Child Ingestion Dose Factors 66 3-3d Infant Ingestion Dose Factors 68 3-4 Total Body Dose Factors, Ki, from Noble Gas (Gamma) 70 3-5 Skin Dose Factors, Li, from Noble Gas (Beta) 71 3-6 Air Dose Factors, Mi, from Noble Gas (Gamma) 72 3-7 Air Dose Factors, Ni, from Noble Gas (Beta) 73 3-8 NG Dose Factors for Instantaneous and Time Average Mixtures at the SB 74 3-9 Locations of Site Boundary and Nea rest Residence 75 3-1ia Adult Inhalation Ri(l) 76 3-1Ob Teen Inhalation Ri(I) 78 3-10c Child Inhalation Ri(I) 80 3-1Od Infant Inhalation Ri(l) 82 3-11 a Adult Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V) 84 3-1 b Teen Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V) 86 3-11 c Child Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V) 88 3-12a Adult Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 90 3-12b Teen Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 92 3-12c Child Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 94 3-12d Infant Grass-Cow-M ilk Pathway Ri(C) 96 3-13 Total Body and Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S) 98 IPEC ODCM vii Revision 1 INTRODUCTION The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) is established and maintained pursuant to Technical Specifications Section 5.5. for both I PEC units 2 and 3. Previous revisions of each unit's ODCM have been combined to form a station ODCM. The IPEC ODCM consists of two parts: 1) Part I, Radiological Effluent Controls, (RECS)- previously, often referred to as the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, or RETS (Section 3.9 of original Unit 2 Technical Specifications, and Appendix B or original Unit 3 Technical Specifications).
: 2) Part II, Calculational Methodologies (previously often referred to as simply the "ODCM")Part I, Radiological Effluent Controls, includes the Radiological Effluent Control Specifications (RECS) and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP) required by Technical Specification 5.5. It also includes descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Radioactive Effluent Release Reports required by each unit's Technical Specifications.
Part II, Calculational Methodologies, provides the methodology to manually calculate radiation dose rates and doses to individual persons in UNRESTRICTED AREAS in the vicinity of Indian Point due to the routine release of gaseous and liquid effluents.
Long term cumulative effects are usually calculated through computer programs employing approved methodology.
At IPEC, this method includes the use of ten-year averaged m eteorology in the case of gaseous effluents.
Other computer programs are utilized to routinely estimate the doses due to radioactivity in liquid effluents.
Manual dose calculations are performed when computerized calculations are not available.
The ODCM also provides setpoint methodology that is applied to effluent monitors and optionally to other process monitors.The sources for criteria found in the ODCM and the Radiological Effluent Control Specifications include the following:
* Liquid Effluent Release Rate: Diluted concentrations in the discharge canal are limited to ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS identified in 1OCF R20 Appendix B." Airborne Effluent Release Rate: Release rates are limited to corresponding dose rate limits from NUREG 0133 and 0472." Integrated Radiological Effluent Dose: The design objectives of 10CFR50 Appendix I.The ODCM and associated tracking software implements the methodology of 1) Reg. Guide 1.109 "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix I", and 2) NUREG-0133 "Guidance Manual for Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants." Other references may be cited to permit reasonable handling of a situation not covered by either of the two cited references.
In some cases, site-specific data or reasonable simplifying assumptions are used and justified to permit formulation of more workable methodologies for implementing RECS dose calculation requirements.
IPEC ODCM Viii Revision 1 Indian Point Energy Center Offsite Dose Calculation Manual PART I -RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT CONTROLS Definitions D1.1 D 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION D 1.1 Definitions
NOTE --------------------------------
Terms defined in Technical Specifications and the following additional defined terms appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these specifications and bases.Term Definition GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM MEMBER(S)
OF THE PUBLIC MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION WATER (MPCW)OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.
OF THE PUBLIC includes all persons who are not occupationally associated with the site. This category does not include employees of the utility, their contractors or vendors. Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the site to service equipment or to make deliveries.
MPCW is that concentration of a radionuclide equal to ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2.The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL shall contain the current methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm/trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the environmental radiological monitoring program.A PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK is defined by a quantifiable leak rate equal to or greater than 0.5 gpd, AND a) The presence of fission or activation products in the secondary fluid, verified as Steam Generator U-tube leaks (and not from other known contam ination, such as IVSWS leaks), OR b) Tritium activity in the secondary fluid indicating an increase above historical baseline (normal diffusion) of 5.OOE-6 uCi/ml or greater.The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM is a manual containing and/or referencing selected operational information concerning the solidification of radioactive wastes from liquid systems.PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM IPEC ODCM D 1.1- 1 Revision 1 Definitions D 1.1 D 1.1 Definitions PURGE -PURGING SITE BOUNDARY SOLIDIFICATION SOURCE CHECK UNRESTRICTED AREA VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM VENTING PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.
The SITE BOUNDARY is that line beyond which the land is neither owned, leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee(s).
SOLIDIFICATION is the conversion of wet wastes into a form that meets shipping and burial ground requirements.
A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a source of increased radioactivity.
An UNRESTRICTED AREA is any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, access to which is not controlled by the licensee(s) for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiatio n and radioactive materials. (See Figure D 4.1-1)A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal ads orbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment.
Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents.
Engineered Safety Feature (ES F) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.
VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required.IPEC ODCM D 1.1 -2 Revision 1 Logical Connectors D 1.2 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION
===1.2 Logical===
Connectors Logical Connectors are discussed in Section 1.2 of the Technical Specifications and are applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases.1.3 Completion Times Completion Times are discussed in Section 1.3 of the Technical Specifications and are applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases.1.4 Frequency Frequency is discussed in Section 1.4 of the Technical Specifications and is applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases IPEC ODCM D 1.2-1 Revision 1 APPLICABILITY D3.0 D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO) Applicability DLCO 3.0.1 DLCOs shall be met during the MO DES or other specified condition in the Applicability, except as provided in DLCO 3.0.2.DLCO 3.0.2 Upon discovery of a failure to meet a DLCO, the Required Actions of the associated Conditions shall be met, except as provided in D LCO 3.0.5.If the DLCO is met or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified Completion Time(s), completion of the Required Action(s) is not required unless otherwise stated.DLCO 3.0.3 When a DLCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS, action shall be initiated within 1 hour to: a. Restore compliance with the DLCO or associated ACTIONS, and b. Enter the circumstances into the Corrective Action Program.-----------------------
NOTE- -------------------
DLCO 3.0.3.b shall be completed if DLCO 3.0.3 is entered.Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.
DLCO 3.0.4 Not Applicable to ODCM Specifications.
DLCO 3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to com ply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under adm inistrative control solely to perform testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other equipment.
This is an exception to TRO 3.0.B for the system returned to service under adm inistrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY.
IPEC ODCM D 3.0-1 Revision 1 APPLICABILITY D 3.0 D 3.0 0DCM Surveillance Requirement (DS R) Applicability DSR 3.0.1 DSRs shall be met during the M ODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability for individual DLCOs, unless otherwise stated in the DSR. Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or between performances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the DLCO. Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet the DLCO except as provided in DS R 3.0.3.Surveillances do not have to be performed on i noperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.DSR 3.0.2 The specified Frequency for each DSR is met if the Surveillance is performed within 1.25 times the interval specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous performance or as measured from the time a specified condition of the Frequency is met.For Frequencies specified as "once," the above interval extension does not apply.If a Completion Time requires periodic perform ance on a "once per. .." basis, the above Frequency extension applies to each performance after the initial performance.
Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.
DSR 3.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within its specified Frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare the DLCO not met may be delayed, from the ti me of discovery, up to 24 hours or up to the lim it of the specified Frequency, whichever is greater. T his delay period is permitted to allow performance of the Surveillance.
A risk evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance delayed greater than 24 hours and the risk im pact shall be managed.If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the DLCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period and the Surveill ance is not met, the DLCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.IPEC ODCM D 3.0-2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluents Concentration DLCO 3.1.1 The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. The MPCW concentrations as defined in D 1.1 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases; and b. 2 x 10-4 pCi/mI total activity concentration for dissolved or entrained noble gases.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Concentration of A.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately radioactive material concentration to withi n limits.released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeds limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform radioactive liquid waste sampling and activity In accordance with analysis.
Table D 3.1.1-1 DSR Verify the results of the DSR analyses to In accordance with assure that the concentrations at the point of release Table D 3.1.1-1 are maintained within the lim its of DLCO 3.1.1.IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -1 Revision I Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 Table D 3.1.1-1 (Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis LIQUID MINIMUM LOWER LIMIT RELEASE SAMPLE SAMPLE ANALYSIS SAMPLE ANALYSIS OFLDETECTION SAMPL ANAYSIS .(LLD) in uCi/mI, TYPE TYPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY (a),(g),(c)
: 1. Batch Waste Principal Release Tanks Gamma Emitters 5E-7 (b) Grab Sample Each Batch (h) Each Batch (h)Mo-99, Ce-i144 5E-6 eg, Waste Tanks, 1-131 1E-6 SG GOne batch per Dissolved and SG One Samdaych) 31 days Entrained Gases 1 E-5 Draindowns, 31 days (h) (gamma emitters)etc_________________
_H-3 1E-5 Composite (d) Each batch (h) 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-7 Sr-89, Sr-90 5E-8 Composite (d) Each batch (h) 92 days Fe-55 1 E-6 2. Continuous Releases (e)eg, SG Composite (d) Composite 7 days Principal Gamma Emitters (c) 5E-7 Blowdown, U1 NCD, Mo-99, Ce-144 5E-6 U1 SFDS, 1-131 1E-6 etc Dissolved and Grab Sample 31 days 31 days Entrained Gases 1 E-5 (gamma emitters)H-3 1 E-5 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-7 Composite (d) Composite Sr-89, Sr-90 5E-8 92 days Fe-55 1 E-6 3. Service Water Grab Sample 31 days 31 days Gamma and Beta Per liquid batch (in Radiologically emitters (j) releases, above.Controlled Areas)4. Turbine Hall Gamma and Beta Per liquid batch Drains, SG Composite (d) Composite 7 days emitters releases, above.Feedwater (i)IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 Table D 3.1.1-1 (Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis (a) The LLD is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. The LLD shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before-the-fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posterior (after-the-fact) limit for a particular measurement.(b) A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed by the method described in Part II, Section 1.4 to assure representative sampling.(c) The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD applies include the following radionuclides:
Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. Ce-144 shall also be measured, but with an LLD of 5 x 10 6OCi/ml. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other gamma peaks that are identified, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification D 5.2.(d) A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquids released.(e) A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume, e.g., from a volume of a system that has an input flow during the continuous release.(f) When operational or other limitations preclude specific gamma radionuclide analysis in batch releases, the provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.21 (Revision 1), Appendix A Section C.4 and Appendix A, Section B shall be followed.(g) For certain radionuclides with low gamma yield or low energies, or for certain radionuclide mixtures, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentration near the LLD. Under these circumstances, the LLD may be increased in inverse proportion to the magnitude of the gamma yield (i.e., 5 x 10-7/I where I is the photon abundance expressed as a decimal fraction).(h) Complete prior to each release.(i) Steam Generator Feedwater and Turbine Hall Drains are adequately monitored from Steam Generator Blowdown Composites.
Increased monitoring need only be performed when a Primary to Secondary leak exists, as defined in RECS Section D.1.1.(j) Beta emitters need only be analyzed if gamma emitters have been positively identified.
IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -3 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose DLCO 3.1.2 The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials released in liquid effluents from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure b4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. _< 1.5 mrem to the whole body and < 5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter; an d b. <_ 3 mrem to the whole body and _< 10 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated dose to a A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days MEMBER OF THE NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a PUBLIC from the release Special Report that of radioactive materials in (1) Identifies the cause(s)liquid effluents to for exceeding the lim it(s)UNRESTRICTED AREAS and exceeds limits. (2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.1.2.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct liquid effluents exceeds 2 radiation from the units times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND Immediately B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and C.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days Associated Completion NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a time not met. Special Report, as defi ned in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:
(1) The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.
IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2- 2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions from liquid 31 days effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2- 3 Revision 1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.1.3 The Liquid Radwaste Treatment System shall be in operation when projected liquid effluent doses, from each unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.06 mrem to the total body in a 31 day period; or b. >0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:
Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment.
AND Projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from the unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would exceed limits.A. 1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report that includes: (1) An explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperabili ty, (2) Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
30 days SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses due to liquid effluents from each unit 31 days to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.3 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4 D3.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks DLCO 3.1.4 Radioactive liquid contained in unprotected outdoor liquid storage tanks shall be limited to < 10 Curies, excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained gases.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Level of radioactivity A.1 Suspend addition of Immediately exceeds the limits in any radioactive material.listed tank: AND U2 & U3 PWSTs A.2 Initiate measures to reduce 48 hours U2 & U3 RWSTs content to within the limits.UI Waste Dist Storage Tanks AND U3 Monitor Tanks A.3 Describe the events leading to Prior to submittal of U3 CPF High/Low TDS Tanks the condition in the next Radioactive Outdoor Temporary Tanks Radioactive Effluent Release Effluent Release Report. Report SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine that the quantity of radioactivity in 31 days, dudng periods outdoor liquid unprotected tan ks (listed above) where radioactive liquid does not exceed the limit, is being added to the tanks, in accordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM IPEC ODCM D 3.1.4 -1 Revision I Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate DLCO 3.2.1 The dose rate from radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1)shall be limited to: a. For noble gases, < 500 mrem/yr to the whole body and_< 3000 mrem/yr to the skin and b. For 1-131, tritium (H-3) and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days, < 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The dose rate(s) at or A.1 Restore the release rate to Immediately beyond the SITE within the limit.BOUNDARY due to radioactive gaseous effluents exceeds limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR The dose rate from noble gases in gaseous In accordance with effluents shall be determined to be within the limits Table D 3.2.1-1 of DLCO 3.2.1.a.DSR The dose rate from 1-131, H-3 and all In accordance with radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives Table D 3.2.1-1> 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the limits of DLCO 3.2.1 .b.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 Table D 3.2.1-1 (Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis SAMPLE LOWER GASEOUS SAMPLE SAMPLE ANALYSIS SAMPLE LIMIT OF RELEASE TYPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY ANALYSIS DETECTION TYPE _(LLD) (a)Principal 1. Waste Gas Grab Noble Storage Tank Sample Each Tank (h) Each Tank (h) Gas (NG) 1 E-4 Gamma pCi/cc Emitters (b)Grab Principal NG Purge Sample Each Purge (h) Each Purge (h) Gamma 1 E-4 2. Emitters (b) ACi/cc Vapor Containment Press Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Relief Sample 31 days (i) 31 days (i) Gamma Emitters (b) j.Ci/cc 3. Condenser Air Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Ejector Sample 31 days 31 days Gamma Emitters (b) 1 Ci/cc 4. Continuous Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Ventilation:
Sample 31 days (c) 31 days (c) Gamma Emitters (b) iCi/cc a. Main Plant H-3 Continuous 31 days (e) H-3 1E-6 Vent (unit 2) Specific CdCi/cc b. Stack Vent Charcoal 1E-12 (unit 1) Sample Continuous (f) 7 days (c), (g) 1-131 iiCi/cc c. Main Plant Principal Ven (ni 3 PatiulteGamma 1E-11 Vent (unit 3) Particulate Continuous (f) 7 days (c), (g) Emitters (b) i d. Radioactive Sample (1-131, aCi/cc Machine Shop Others)Vent (unit 3) Composite e. Admin Bldg Particulate Continuous (f) 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-1 1 Vent (unit 3) Sample iCi/cc Composite 1E-11 Particulate Continuous (f) 92 days Sr-89 / Sr-90 iiCi/cc Sample Noble Gas Noble Gases 1E-6 Monitor Continuous (f) Continuous (f) Gross Beta or Gamma pCi/cc (d)IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 Table D 3.2.1-1 (Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis (a) The LLD is defined, for purposes of these Specifications, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.The LLD shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.(b) The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD Control applies exclusively are the following radionuclides:
Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-1 33, Xe-1 33m, Xe-1 35, and Xe-1 38 for gaseous emissions and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 for particulate emissions.
Other identifiable gamma peaks (1-131 in particulate form, for example), together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Section D 5.2.(c) IF following a shutdown, startup, or a thermal power change (within one hour) exceeding 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER, analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in the primary coolant has increased by a factor of 3 or more, AND the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has increased by a factor of 3 or more THEN: 1) Sample the main Plant Vent for Noble Gases within 24 hours, AND 2) Sample the main Plant Vent for Iodine and Particulate once per 24 hours for at least 7 days with analyses completed within 48 hours of sample changeout.
The LLDs of these samples may be increased by a factor of 10.(d) This value is the established Radiation Monitor sensitivity (minimum).(e) Grab samples can be used as alternative to continuous sampling, provided the periodicity of these grab samples is increased from monthly to once per 24 hours when the refueling canal is flooded, or at least once per 7 days when spent fuel is in the Spent Fuel Pool.(f) The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Specifications D 3.2.1, D 3.2.2 and D 3.2.3.(g) Continuous samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours after changing, or after removal from sampler.Additionally, IF routine Iodine sampling indicates 1-131 in any of the listed continuous streams, THEN collect a 24 hour sample from the applicable vent (within 48 hours) for short-lived Iodine isotope quantification, on a periodicity not to exceed once per 31 days. The LLDs of these samples may be increased by a factor of 10.(h) Complete prior to each release.(i) Vapor Containment noble gas shall be sampled at least monthly to ensure Pressure Reliefs are quantified with an accurate isotopic mixture. Containment noble gas radiation monitor readings can be used for quantification of Pressure Reliefs, provided the monitor readings are consistent with those observed during recent (at least monthly) grab samples. Sample data is adjusted by the noble gas radiation monitor reading for purposes of quantification of each release. Should the monitor be inoperable, a containment noble gas grab sample is required within 24 hours prior to the Pressure Relief. Should BOTH the containment noble gas and particulate monitors be inoperable, two independent samples of the VC are required prior to a Pressure Relief.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -3&#xfd;Revision 1
Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas DLCO 3.2.2 The air dose from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas at or beyond the SIT E BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. < 5 mrad to the whole body from gamma radiation and< 10 mrad to the skin from beta radiation during any calendar quarter, and b. < 10 mrad to the whole body from gamma radiation and_ 20 mrad to the skin from beta radiation during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The calculated air dose at A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days or beyond the SITE NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a BOUNDARY due to noble Special Report that gases released in gaseous (1) Identifies the cause(s)effluents exceeds limits, for exceeding the lim it(s)and (2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.2.2.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct airborne effluents exceeds radiation from the units 2 times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND Immediately B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and Associated Completion time not met.C.1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:
(1) The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and 30 days (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.
IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions for the 31 days current calendar quarter and current calendar year.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -3 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate DLCO 3.2.3 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days, in gaseous effluents, released from each unit to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. < 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter, and b. < 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The dose from 1-131, A.1 Prepare and subm it to the 30 days tritium, and radioactive NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a material in particulate form Special Report that with half-lives
> 8 days (1) Identifies the cause(s)released in gaseous for exceeding the lim it(s)effluents at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY and exceeds limits.(2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.2.3.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct liquid effluents exceeds 2 radiation from the units times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO Immediately 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and Associated Completion time not met.C. 1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report, as defi ned in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:
(1)The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.
30 days IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions for the 31 days current calendar quarter and current calendar year for 1-131, tritium, and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -3 Revision 1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.2.4 The GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be in operation when projected gaseous effi uent doses, from each unit, at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation; and b. > 0.4 mrad for beta radiation in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:
Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive gaseous A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days waste is being discharged NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a without treatment.
Special Report that includes the following:
AND (1) Identification of any Projected doses due to the inoperable equipment or gaseous effluent, from the subsystems and the unit, at and beyond the reason for the SITE BOUNDARY would inoperability, exceed limits.(2) Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses due to gaseous effluents from each 31 days unit at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.4 -1 Revision 1 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System DLCO 3.2.5 The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be in operation when projected gaseous effluent doses, from each unit, at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.2 mrad air dose from gamma radiation; and b. > 0.4 mrad air dose from beta radiation in a,31 day period; or c. > 0.3 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:
Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive gaseous A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days waste is being discharged NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a without treatm ent. Special Report that includes the following:
AND (1) Identification of any inoperable equipment or Projected doses due to sbytm n h gaseous effluent, from reason for the each unit, to areas at or inoperability, beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would (2) Action(s) taken to restore exceed limits, the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses from gaseous releases from each 31 days unit to areas at and beyond the SIT E BOUNDARY when the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS are not being fully utilized.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.5 -1 Revision 1 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6 D 3.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks DLCO 3.2.6 The radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank shall be limited to the following unit-specific curie levels of noble gas (considered as Xe-133): Unit 2: __ 29,761 Curies Unit 3: __ 50,000 Curies APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Level of radioactivity A.1 Suspend addition of Immediately exceeds the limits, radioactive material.AND A.2 Reduce content to within the 48 hours limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR The quantity of radioactive material contained in 24 hours during each gas storage tank shall be determined to be addition of within the limits above, at least once per 24 hours radioactive when radioactive materials are being added to the material to the tank in accordance with the methodology and tank parameters in the ODCM.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.6 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation DLCO 3.3.1 The unit-specific radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table D 3.3.1-1 shall be OPE RABLE with: a. The minimum OPERABLE channel(s) in service.b. The alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the lim its of DLCO 3.1.1 are not exceeded.APPLICABILITY:
According to Table D 3.3.1-1 for the applicable unit.ACTIONS---------------------
NOTE -------------------------------------------------------
Separate condition entry is allowed for each channel.CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Liquid effluent monitoring A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately instrumentation channel radioactive liquid effluents alarm/trip setpoint less monitored by the affected conservative than required.
channel.OR A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.
OR Immediately A.3 Change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.
IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. One or more required B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately channels inoperable, referenced in Table D 3.3.1-1 for the channel.AND B.2 Restore inoperable 30 days channel(s) to OPERABLE status.C. As required by Required C.1 Analyze at least 2 Prior to initiating a Action B.1 and referenced independent samples in release in Table D 3.3.1-1. accordance with Table D 3.1.1-1.AND C.2 --------NOTE ----------------
Verification Action will be performed by at least 2 separate technically qualified members of the facility staff.Independently verify the Prior to initiating a release rate calculations and release discharge line valvi ng.D. As required by Required D.1 Collect and analyze grab 12 hours Action B.1 and referenced samples for radioactivity at a in Table D 3.3.1-1. limit of detection of at least AND 5 x 10-7 pCi/ml.Once per 12 hours thereafter IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -2 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME E. As required by Required E.1 Collect and analyze grab 12 hours Action B.1 and samples for radioactivity at referenced in a limit of detection of at AND Table D 3.3.1-1. least 5 x 10-7 lCi/ml, when specific activity is Once per 12 hours> 0.01 VtCi/gm DOSE thereafter EQUIVALENT 1-131.OR E.2 Collect and analyze grab 24 hours samples for radioactivity at a limit of detection of at AND least 5 x 10-7 lCi/ml, when specific activity is Once per 24 hours< 0.01 pCi/gm DOSE thereafter EQUIVALENT 1-131.F. As required by Required F.1 ----------
NOTE ------Action B.1 and Pump performance curves 4 hours referenced in generated in place may be Table D 3.3.1-1. used to estimate flow. AND Once per 4 hours Estimate the flow rate during thereafter actual releases.G. &#xfd;As required by Required G.1 Estimate tank liquid level. Immediately Action B.1 and referenced in AND Table D 3.3.1-1.During liquid additions to the tank H. Required Action B.2 and H.1 Explain in the next In accordance with associated Completion Radioactive Effluent Radioactive Effluent Time not met. Release Report why the Release Report inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -3 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME I. Required Action and 1.1 Suspend liquid effluent Immediately associated Completion releases monitored by the Time for Condition C, D, E, inoperable channel(s).
or F not met.J. Required Action and J.1 Suspend liquid additions to Immediately associated Completion the tank monitored by the Time for Condition G not inoperable channel(s).
NOTE -----------------------------------
Refer to Table D 3.3.1-1 to determine which DSRs apply for each function.SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK by verifying indication of 24 hours on any flow during periods of release. day on which continuous, periodic, or batch releases are made DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to release DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST 92 days IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -4 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. The 92 days CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. The 92 days CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if any of the following conditions exist, instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint, instrument controls not set in operate mode.DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST 24 months DSR Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION 24 months IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -5 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table D 3.3.1-1 (page 1 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation
: 1. Gross Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release a. Unit 2 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluent Line (R-54)b. Unit 2 Steam Generator Effluent Blowdown Line (R-49)c. Unit 3 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluent Line (R-18)d. Unit 3 Condensate Polisher Facility (CPF) Waste Line (R-61)e. Unit 3 Steam Generator Effluent Blowdown Line (R-19)(a)(a) (i)(a)(a)(a) (i)C E C C E DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR DSR (h)(h)(e)(d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)2. Gross Beta or Gamma Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm but NOT Providing Automatic Termination of Release a. Unit 1 or 2 Service Water or River Water Effluent Lines-VC FCU (R-46 or R-53)-21 CCW HX (R-39)-22 CCW HX (R-40)-SBBPS HX (R-52)b. Unit 1 Secondary Boiler Blowdown Effluent Line (R-51)c. Unit 1 Sphere Foundation Drain Sump Effluent Line (R-62)(a)(a)(a)1 (g)1 DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)d. Unit 3 Service Water Effluent Lines-SW for VC FCU return (R-16A or R-1 6B)-SW for CCW Heat Exchanger (R-23)(a)(a)1 (g)1 IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -6 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table D 3.3.1-1 (page 2 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation
: b. Unit 2 Steam Generator DSR Blowdown Effluent Line (a) (i) 1 F DSR (FI-1241 to F1-1244, and DSR FT-1241 to FT-1244)c. Unit 1 North Curtain Drain (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line (f) DSR (LW-FE-12)
: d. Unit 1 Sphere Foundation (a) 1 F DSR Drain Sump (f) DSR (LW-FZ-100)
DSR e. Unit 3 Liquid Radwaste (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line DSR (FE-1064, FI-1064)DSR f. Unit 3 Cond Polisher (CPF) (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line (3LG-FIT-41, DSR (3LG-FM-41, 3LG-FR-41)
: g. Unit 3 Steam Generator (a) (i) 1 F DSR Blowdown Effluent Line DSR (FT-545 to 548, FIR-543,544)
DSR 4. Tank Level Indicating Devices (c)DSR (b)a. Unit 1 Waste Distillate (a) 1 G DSR Storage Tank #13 DSR (CT967-LIE-1, LIE-2)b. Unit 1 Waste Distillate DSR (b)Storage Tank #14 (a) 1 G DSR (CT974-LIE-1, LIE-2) DSR c. Unit 2 Primary Water DSR (b)Storage Tank (a) 1 G DSR (LT-1131, LI-1131) DSR d. Unit 2 Refueling Water (a) 1 G DSR (b)Storage Tank (LI-920, LT-920, LT-5751) 0)e. Unit 3 Refueling Water (a) G DSR (b)Storage Tank (LI-920A, LI-920B) J)IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -7 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table b 3.3.1-1 (page 3 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS OR OTHER CHANNELS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE SPECIFIED PER FROM REQUIRED REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 4. Tank Level Indicating Devices (c) (continued)
DSR (b)f. Unit 3 Primary Water Storage (a) 1 G DSR Tank (LT-1131, LI-1131) DSR DSR (b)g. Unit 3 Monitor Tank #31 (a) 1 G DSR (LI-181) DSR DSR (b)h. Unit 3 Monitor Tank #32 (a) 1 G DSR (LI-180) DSR DSR (b)i. Unit 3 CPF High Total (a) 1 G DSR Dissolved Solids Tank DSR (h)(3-LG-LI-12)
DSR (b)j. Unit 3 CPF Low Total (a) 1 G DSR Dissolved Solids Tank DSR (h)(3-LG-LI-22)
NOTES (a) Applicability is defined as anytime releases are being performed via this pathway. During periods of release, channels shall be OPERABLE and in service on a continuous basis, except that outages are permitted, within the time frame of the specified action, for the purpose of maintenance and performance of required CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, or CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.(b) During liquid addition to the associated tank.(c) Tanks included in this Specification are those outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system, as specified in RECS Section D 3.1.4.(d) Radioactive calibration standards used for CHANNEL CALIBRATIONS shall be analyzed with instrumentation which is calibrated NIST traceable standards.
Standards from suppliers who participate in approved measurement assurance activities with NIST are acceptable.(e) Test will include: Low sample flow, no counts per minute failure, and alarm setpoint reached. The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST does not include testing or trouble shooting, nor the performance of any equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.(f) Flow rate for these continuous intermittent release pathways is normally obtained from a flow totalizer on the system outlet.(g) One instrument per operating Service Water system is required.
For example, unit-specific VC FCU monitors are redundant and compensatory actions are only required when BOTH monitors are OOS for any one unit. However, for Unit 2's CCW HX's (R-39 and R-40), the appropriate SW monitor is required to be in service anytime the effected loop is in service.(h) Channel and Source Checks for R-61 in Unit 3's Condensate Polisher Facility (CPF) are required only during or after a primary to secondary leak, as defined in RECS Section 1. Surveillances on the flow meter and level instruments are performed to be prepared for this type of leak. The level instrument calibration is also required by the SPDES permit.(i) Applicable for Continuous Steam Generator Blowdown to the environment only. These requirements are not applicable for Batch Steam Generator Draindowns.(j) Surveillance requirements for the RWST level instruments (CHECKS and CALIBRATIONS) are prescribed in Technical Specifications (Sections 3.3.3 and 3.5.4 for Unit 2 and Section 3.5.4 for Unit 3). However, the requirement for a daily channel check (when making additions to the tank, per earlier footnote b) is maintained in the ODCM per the original licensing bases (NUREG 0472) and the 10 curie rule.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -8 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation DLCO 3.3.2 The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table D3.3.2-1 shall be OPE RABLE with: a. The minimum OPERABLE channel(s) in service.b. The alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of DLCO 3.2.1 are not exceeded.APPLICABILITY:
According to Table D 3.3.2-1.ACTIONS NOTE.Separate condition entry is allowed for each channel.CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Gaseous effluent A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately monitoring instrumentation radioactive gaseous channel alarm/trip setpoint effluents monitored by the less conservative than affected channel.required.OR A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.
OR A.3 Change the setpoint so it is Immediately acceptably conservative.
B. One or more channels B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately inoperable, referenced in Table D 3.3.2-1 for the channel.AND B.2 Restore inoperable 30 days channel(s) to OPERABLE status.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. As required by Required Action B.1 and referenced C.1 Take grab samples. 12 hours in Table D 3.3.2-1.AND Once per 12 hours thereafter AND C.2 Analyze samples for gross 24 hours from time of activity, sampling completion D. As required by Required D.1 Estimate the flow rate for 4 hours Action B.1 and referenced the inoperable channel(s).
in Table D 3.3.2-1. AND Once per 4 hours thereafter E. As required by Required E.1 Continuously collect 8 hours Action B.1 and referenced samples using auxiliary in Table D 3.3.2-1. sampling equipment as required in Table D 3.2.1-1.F. As required by Required F.1 Determine the radioactive 24 hours Action B.1 and referenced content of the receiving in Table D 3.3.2-1. gas decay tank is in AND compliance with DLCO 3.2.1. Once per 24 hours thereafter IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -2 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME G. As required by Required G.1 Analyze at least 2 Prior to initiating a Action B.1 and referenced independent samples in gas decay tank in Table D 3.3.2-1, for gas accordance with release decay tank releases.
Table D 3.2.1-1.AND G.2 --------NOTE--------
Verification Action will be performed by at least 2 separate technically qualified members of the facility staff.Independently verify the Prior to initiating a release rate calculations and gas decay tank discharge line valvi ng. release H. Required Action B.2 and H.1 Explain in the next In accordance with associated Completion Radioactive Effluent Radioactive Effluent Time not met. Release Report why the Release Report inoperability was not frequency corrected in-a timely manner.Required Action and 1.1 Suspend gaseous effluent Immediately associated Completion releases monitored by the Time for Condition C, D, E inoperable channel(s).
or F not met.J. Required Action and J.1 Suspend gaseous effluent Immediately associated Completion releases from Waste Gas Time for Condition G not Holdup System.met.K. As required by Required K.1 Take Noble Gas grab Prior to venting Action B.1 and referenced samples and analyze for Vapor Containment in Table D 3.3.2-1 (in gross activity. (VC)MODES 1-4 only).K.2 Immediately suspend PURGING the VC.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -3 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 7 days DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to release DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days The test shall include 1) low sample flow, 2) no counts per minute failure, 3) a demonstration of the automatic isolation capability of this pathway and that control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.This test does NOT include testing of troubleshooting and equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.
DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days The test shall include 1) low sample flow (except for Condenser Air Ejector monitors), 2) no counts per minute failure, 3) a demonstration that control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications or display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint, or the instrument controls are not set in operate mode.This test does NOT include testing of troubleshooting and equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.
24 months IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -4 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 1 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation
-Units 1, 2, and 3 INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 1. Waste Gas Holdup System a. Unit 2 Noble Gas DSR Monitor, providing (b) 1 F DSR Alarm, (R-50) DSR DSR (c)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas DSR Monitor, providing (b) 1 F DSR Monitrm, pRovg DSR Alarm, (R-20) DSR (c)2. Condenser Air Evacuation System a. Unit 2 Noble Gas DSR Activity, (R-45) (a) C DSR DSR (d)DSR (c)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas DSR Activity, (R-15) (a) C DSR DSR (d)DSR (c)3. Vapor Containment Atmosphere
: a. Unit 2 Noble Gas Activity Monitor, providing ALARM and automatic (a) K DSR termination of release (g)(R-42)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas Activity (a) K DSR Monitor, providing (g)ALARM and automatic termination of release (R-12)IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -5 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 2 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation
: b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (SV2-DPT, SV2-1-DPT, SV2-DPI) DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)
DSR 5. Unit 3 Main Plant Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor(s) (a) & (b) 1C & G DSR (R-14 or R-27) DSR Other Monitoring Equipment:
DSR (c)b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (from R-27's Kurz probes and DSR RM80 processing computer)e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (Chem Totalizer)
DSR IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -6 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 3 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 6. Unit I Stack Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-60) (a) 1 C DSR DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:
: b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (SVI-DPT, SVI-FR) DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)
DSR 7. Unit 3 Radioactive Machine Shop (RAMS) Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-59) (a) 1 C DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:
: b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (from R-59's RM80 processor)
DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)
DSR IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -7 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 4 of 4)Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 Radioactive Gaseous INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS and R OHER HANELS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 8. Unit 3 Admin Bldg Vent (f)Radiation Monitor: DSR DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-46) (a) C DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:
: b. Iodine Sampler (a) E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) E DSR d. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (Chem Totalizer)
DSR NOTES (a) During release via this pathway. Channels shall be OPERABLE and in service on a continuous basis, except that outages are permitted, within the time frame of the specified action for the purpose of maintenance and performance of required CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, or CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.(b) During waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary system off-gases).(c) Radioactive Calibration Standards used for channel calibrations shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or an aliquot of calibration gas shall be analyzed with instrumentation which is calibrated with NIST traceable standards.
Standards from suppliers who participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST are acceptable.(d) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST for the Condenser Air Ejector monitors does NOT require a loss of sample flow test.(e) The main Plant Vents for Units 2 and 3 monitors the Fuel Storage Building vents, in addition to ventilation from the Primary Auxiliary Buildings.(f) The Unit 3 Admin Bldg Controlled Area ventilation system does NOT have an installed process flow meter.Default fan flow is used in lieu of a measurement, per ODCM Part II, Section 3.1.11.(g) Most surveillance requirements for Vapor Containment monitors are located in Technical Specifications, Section 3.3.6. Source checks, however, are NOT required per Technical Specifications.
Since these checks are valuable to ensure accurate quantification of VC Pressure Reliefs (as described below), a monthly source check requirement is listed here, in addition to the requirements of Technical Specifications.
Grab samples of the Vapor Containment atmosphere are routinely collected at least monthly and compared to the gas monitor for use in quantification of VC Pressure Reliefs (by scaling the monitor reading for each release to the reading obtained at time of grab sample). If the noble gas monitor is inoperable, a grab samples shall be taken and analyzed within 24 hours prior to performing a Pressure Relief. During containment building ventilation in Modes 5 or 6, continuous monitoring and automatic termination of release is not required.
In this condition, one continuous monitor at the Plant Vent is sufficient.
IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -8 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose DLCO 3.4.1 The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to _ 25 mrem to the whole body or any organ, except the thyroid, whic h shall be limited to _< 75 mrem.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Estimated dose or dose A.1 Verify the condition resulting Immediately commitment due to direct in doses exceeding these radiation and the release limits has been corrected.
of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeds the limits.B. Required Action and B.1 ----------
NOTE -------associated Completion This is the Special Report Time not met. required by D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2, or D 3.2.3 supplemented with the following.
Submit a Special Report, 30 days pursuant to D 5.3, including a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.This submission is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.IPEC ODCM D 3.4.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform a cumulative dose calculation due to 12 months radioactive material in gaseous and liquid effluents to determine compliance with DLCO 3.4.1.IPEC ODCM D 3.4.1 -2 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 DLCO 3.5.1 Monitoring Program The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program shall be conducted as specified in Table D 3.5.1-1.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radiological A.1 Prepare and submit to the In accordance with Environmental Monitoring NRC in the Annual the Annual Program not conducted as Radiological Environmental Radiological specified in Operating Report, a Environmental Table D 3.5.1-1. description of the reasons Operating Report for not conducting the frequency program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence.
B. Level of radioactivity in an B.1 --------NOTES-------
environmental sampling 1. Only applicable if the medium at a specified radioactivity/radionuclides location exceeds the are the result of plant reporting levels of effluents.
Table D 3.5.1-2 when averaged over any 2. For radionuclides other calendar quarter. than those in Table D 3.5.1-2, this report sha ll OR indicate the methodology and parameters used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -1 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME More than one of the radionuclides in Table D 3.5.1-2 are detected in the environmental sampling medium and Concentration 1 +reporting level 1 concentration 2 + .1.0.reporting level 2 OR Radionuclides other than those in Table D 3.5.1-2 are detected in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location which are the result of plant effluents and the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from all radionuclides is > the calendar year lim its of Specifications D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2 or D 3.2.3.Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report that (1) Identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s)and (2) Defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year lim its of Specifications D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2, or D 3.2.3.OR B.2 --------NOTES-------
1 .Only applicable if the radioactivity/radionuclide s are not the result of plant effluents.
: 2. For radionuclides other than those in Table D 3.5.1-2, this report sha ll indicate the methodology and parameters used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.30 days In accordance with the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report frequency Report and describe the condition in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -2 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. Milk or fresh leafy vegetation samples unavailable from one or more of the sam pie locations required by Table D 3.5.1-1.C.1 Identify specific locations for obtaining replacement samples and add them to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND C.2 AND C.3 Delete the specific locations from which samples were unavailable from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.Pursuant to D 5.2, subm it in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples.30 days 30 days In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report D. Environmental samples D.1 Ensure all efforts are made Prior to the end of required in Table D 3.5.1-1 to complete corrective the next sampling are unobtainable due to action(s).
period sampling equipment mafucions.
AN D D.2 Report all deviations from In accordance with the sampling schedule in the the Annual Annual Radiological Radiological Environmental Operating Environmental Report. Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -3 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION] COMPLETION TIME E. Samples required by Table D 3.5.1-1 not obtained in the media of choice, at the most desired location, or at the most desired time.E.1 Choose suitable alternative media and locations for the pathway in question.AND E.2 Make appropriate substitutions in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND E.3 Submit in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report.documentation for a change in the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples.30 days 30 days In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -4 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Collect and analyze radiological environmental In accordance with monitoring samples pursuant to'the requirements of Table D 3.5.1-1 Table D 3.5.1-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table D 3.5.1-3.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -5 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 1 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE NUMBER SAMPLING AND PATHWAY OF COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY AND/OR SAMPLES SAMPLE FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS SAMPLE STATIONS LOCATIONS (a)1. Direct 41 routine (1) An inner ring of stations Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly Radiation monitoring (DR1-DR16), one in each stations (b) meteorological sector in (DR1-DR41) the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY (2) An outer ring of stations (DR17-DR32), one in each meteorological sector in the 6 to 8 km range from the site (3) The balance of the stations (DR33-DR41), should be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in one or two areas to serve as control stations 2. Airborne 5 locations (1) 3 samples (A1-A3) from Continuous sampler Radioiodine canister: Radioiodine (Al-A5) locations close to the site operation with sample Analyze weekly for 1-131 and boundary in different collection weekly or Particulates sectors, of the highest more frequently if Particulate sampler: calculated annual average ground level D/Q required by dust (1) Analyze for gross beta loading radioactivity
> 24 hours (2) 1 sample (A4) from the following filter change vicinity of an established (d).year-round community (2) Perform gamma isotopic having the highest, analysis on each sample calculated annual average (e) in which gross beta ground level D/Q activity is> 10 times the previous yearly mean of (3) 1 sample (A5) from a control samples.control location, approximately 15-30 km (3) Gamma isotopic analysis distant, and in the least of composite sample (e)prevalent wind direction (c) (by location) once per 3 months.3. Waterborne
: a. Surface (f) 1 sample Upstream (Wal) Composite sample (1) Gamma isotopic (used as a Control Station) over a one month analysis of each sample period (g) (e) once per month.1 sample Downstream (Wa2) (2) Composite and analyze for H-3 quarterly.
: b. Drinking 1 sample Nearest water supply (Wbl) Grab sample: Monthly (1) Gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses(e) of each sample monthly.(2) Composite and analyze for H-3 quarterly.
6/08 6/08 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -6 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 2 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY SAMPLING AND AND/OR NUMBER OF SAMPLE COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF SAMPLE SAMPLES LOCATIONS (a) FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 3. Waterborne (continued)
: c. Soil 2 samples Downstream area (Wcl) Twice per year at least 90 Gamma isotopic (e)from with existing or potential days apart and Sr-90 analyses Shoreline recreational value of each sample, semiannually.
Upstream area (Wc2)control sample d. Ground 2 samples Site Boundary Monitoring Quarterly Gamma isotopic (e), Water Wells, drilled near the SW H-3, Ni-63, and Sr-90 site boundary (MW-40, 51) analyses of each sample, quarterly.
: 4. Ingestion a. Milk (i) 3 samples from In 3 locations (lal-la3)milch animals within 5 km having the at MILK highest dose potential SAMPLING (human consumption)
LOCATIONS Twice per month when If there are none, animals are on pasture;then 1 sample In each of 3 areas (lal-la3) monthly at other times Gamma isotopic (e) and from milch 5 to 8 km distance, if 1-131 analyses of each animals at available, where doses are sample.MILK SAMPLING calculated to be > lmrem LOCATIONS per year (h)1 sample from At a control location (la4), Concurrently, with a MILK approximately 15 to 30 km indicator locations SAMPLING distant, and in the least LOCATION prevalent wind direction b. Fish and (1) 1 sample each In the vicinity of a plant Invertebrates from edible discharge area (Ibl)portions of Sample in season, commercially or Gamma isotopic, recreationally or Ni-63, and Sr-90 important analyses of each species Semiannually sample (e)if sample is not seasonal (2)1 sample of the If available in areas not same species influenced by plant discharge (Ib2)6/08 6/08 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -7 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 3 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY SAMPLING AND AND/OR NUMBER OF SAMPLE COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY SAMPLE SAMPLES LOCATIONS (a) FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS 4. Ingestion Grown nearest to each (continued)
(1) Samples of 3 of 2 different offsite different kinds locations of highest c. Food of broad leaf predicted annual Products vegetation (edible average ground level or inedible) (j) D/Q if milk sampling is Monthly Gamma isotopic (e)not performed (Icl-1c2) when available and 1-131 analyses (2) 1 sample of Grown 15 to 30 km each of the distant in the least similar broad prevalent wind direction leaf vegetation, if milk sampling is not performed (Ic3)(a) The code letters in parenthesis, e.g., DR1, Al refer to sample locations specified in ODCM, Part I1. Specific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerline of one reactor, and additional descriptions where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table D 3.5.1-1. Refer to NUREG-0133,"Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to D5.1.(b) One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to integrating dosimeters.
Each of the 40 routine monitoring stations shall be equipped with 2 or more dosimeters or with 1 instrument for measuring and recording dose rate continuously.
For the purpose of this table, a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; 2 or more phosphors in a packet are considered as 2 or more dosimeters.
Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring direct radiation.(c) The purpose of these samples is to obtain background information.
If it is not practical to establish control locations in accordance with the distance and wind direction criteria, other sites, which provide valid background data, may be substituted.(d) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta activity 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay.(e) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma -emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.(f) The "upstream" samples shall be taken near the intake structures as described in the ODCM. The""downstream" sample shall be taken from the mixing zone at the diffuser of the discharge canal.(g) In this program, a composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.(h) The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.(i) The requirement to obtain and analyze samples from milch animals within 8 km of the site is intended to ensure monitoring of the "cow-milk" and vegetation pathways.
Thus, only milch animals whose milk is used for human consumption are considered in the pathway and sample evaluation.(j) Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different sectors with the highest predicted D/Q in lieu of the garden census.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -8 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-2 (page 1 of 1)Reporting Levels for Radioactivity in Environmental Samples **AIRBORNEFOOD RADIONUCLIDE WATER AIRBORNE FISH MILK PRODUCTS ANALYSIS (pCi/L) GARTIUCLATE (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/L)GASES (pCi/rn (pCi/kg, wet)H-3 20,000 *Mn-54 1,000 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 Co-58 1,000 30,000 Co-60 300 10,000 Ni-63 *** 300 1,000 Zn-65 300 20,000 Sr-90 *** 8* 40 Zr-95 400 Nb-95 400 1-131 2
* 0.9 3 100 Cs-134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000 Cs-1 37 50 20 2,000 70 2,000 Ba-140 200 300 La-1 40 200 300 Values provided are for drinking water pathways.
If no drinking water pathway exists, higher values are allowed, as follows: 6/08 H-3 Sr-90 1-131 30,000 pCi/L (This is a 40 CFR 141 value)12 pCi/L 20 pCi/L These reporting levels are associated only with the REMP requirements.
The Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program may involve unique reporting level criteria, independent of the REMP, and defined in station procedures.
Sr-90 and Ni-63 are included in this table due to their historical presence in ground water and possible migration to the environment, per References 45 and 46.6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -9 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-3 (page 1 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis (a) (e)LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD) (b) (c)AIRBORNE FISH FOOD SOIL or RADIONUCLIDE WATER PARTIRBRTE R (pci/kg, MILK PRODUCTS SEDIMENT ANALYSIS (pCi/L) GASES (pCi/rn) wet) (pCi/L) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg, dry)Gross Beta 4 0.01 H-3 2,000 (d)Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58 15 130 Co-60 15 130 Ni-63 (f) 30 100 Zn-65 30 260 Sr-90 (f) 1 5 5000 Zr-95 15 Nb-95 15 1-131 1 (d) 0.07 1 60 Cs-134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 15 15 La-140 15 15 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -10 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-3 (page 2 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis Table Notation (a) This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Specification D 5.1.(b) Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.(c) The LLD is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a Orion (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.
Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable.
In such cases, the contributing factors shall be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to RECS D 5.1.(d) These LLDs are for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, the LLDs may be increased to 3,000 for H-3 and 15 for 1-131.(e) These required lower limits of detection are associated only with the REMP requirements.
The Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program may involve unique reporting level criteria, independent of the REMP, and defined in station procedures.(f) Sr-90 and Ni-63 are included in this table due to their historical presence in ground water and possible migration to the environment, per References 45 and 46. 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -11 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.2 Land Use Census DLCO 3.5.2 A land use census shall: a. Be conducted.
: b. Identify within a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location, in each of the 16 meteorological sectors, of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garden of > 50 m 2 (500 ft 2) producing broad leaf vegetation.
B road leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of a garden census, per Table D 3.5.1-1, part 4.c.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Land use census identifies A.1 Identify the new location(s)
In accordance with location(s) that yields a in the next Radioactive the Radioactive calculated dose, dose Effluent Release Report. Effluent Release commitment, or D/Q value Report greater than the values currently being calculated in DSR ODCM D 3.5.2 -1 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Land use census identifies location(s) that yields a calculated dose, or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) a factor greater than 2 than at a location from which samples are currently being obtained in accordance with Table D 3.5.1-1.B.1 Add the new location(s) to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND B.2 Delete the sampling location(s), excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose, dose commitment(s) or D/Q value, via the same exposure pathway, from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND B.3 Submit in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM including revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with information supporting the change in sampling locations.
30 days After October 31 of the year in which the land use census was conducted In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.2 -2 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Conduct the land use census during the growing 366 days season using that inform ation that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities.
DSR Report the results of the land use census in the In accordance with Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.2 -3 Revision 1 Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program DLCO 3.5.3 The I nterlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODC M.AND Analyses shall be performed on all radioactive materials, supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission.
At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Analyses not performed as A.1 Report the corrective In accordance with required.
actions taken to prevent a the Annual recurrence to the NRC i n Radiological the Annual Radiological Environmental Environmental Operating Operating Report Report.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Report a summary of the results obtained as part of In accordance with the Interlaboratory Comparison Program in the the Annual Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. Radiological Environmental Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.3 -I Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.6.1 The appropriate equipment of the Solid Radwaste Treatment System shall be in operation process wet radioactive wastes in accordance with the Process Control Program.APPLICABILITY:
During solid radwaste processing ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive solid waste A.1 Suspend shipments of Immediately does not comply with solid radioactive waste.Process Control Program requirements.
IPEC ODCM D 3.6.1 -1 Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Verify solidification of specimens in accordance with Prior to each the Processing Control Program. shipment DSR Record the following information for each class of Prior to each solid waste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipment shipped offsite during the Radioactive Effluent Release Report period: a. Container volume, b. total curie quantity (specify determ ined by measurement or estimate), c. principal radionuclides (specify determined by measurement or estimate), d. source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, evaporator bottoms), e. type of container (e.g., LSA Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and f. solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).
IPEC ODCM D 3.6.1 -2 Revision 1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1 D4.0 DESIGN FEATURES D 4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1.1 The definition of UNRESTRICED AREA used in implementing the Radiological Effluent Controls (RECS or ODCM Part I) has been expanded over that in 10 CFR 20.1003. For calculations performed pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a, the concept of UNRESTRICTED AREAS refers to areas "at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY" and does not include areas over water bodies.A map representing the UNRESTRICTED AREA is shown in Figure D 4.1-1 Information which will allow identification of structures and release points for radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents is shown in Figure D 4.1-2.D 4.1.2 For the purpose of satisfying 10 CFR Part 20, the "Restricted Area" is the same as the "Exclusion Area" defined in the FSARs.IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -1 Revision I UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1 Figure D 4.1-1 MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS PLANT TRUE NORTH NORTH z EXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY ISFSI UNIT 2 UNIT 2 INTAKE z UNIT 1-UNIT 3 INTAKE PROPERTY PONI ELECTRICAL SWITCHYARD GAS TURBINE GAS IPEC 00CM 04.1-2 Revision 1 IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -2 Revision 1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Figure D 4.1-2 MAP DEFINING RELEASE POINTS D4.1 p-. o 0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT RELEASE POINT A LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASE POINT m I , PLANT VENT PLANT VENT SOB FTV i 265' ELEV.267' ELEV. 12' ELEV. RWST i ~U-1 LDG.PAB []FSB II FSB AU U-1 -ULI NSB SBBPS FTy -g135' ELEV.U -2 TRANSFORMER
~ '] UTURBNE LDGSERVIC I-i AGE/IN-- -- ---DISCHARGE IICOMPL CANAL IIUU3 TURBINE BLDG.U-1 TURBI NE BLDG*U-2 TURBINE BLDG. I CAEL 140' ELEV. A ADMIN 801 ELEVL U-2 INTAKE U-1 INTAKE U-3 INTAKE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE LEGEN D ]SGB =T STEAM GENERATORSLOWDOWN FLABH TANK VENT'm 8BPS FTV = SECONDARY BOILER BLOWDOWN PURIFICATION SYSTEM FLASH TANK VENT &#xfd; ,. .-CA CONDENSOR AIR EJECTOR IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -3 Revision 1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report D 5.1 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report An annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 5 th of each year. Per the Technical Specification Reporting Requirements, a single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station.The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include: " Summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the report period, including a comparison, as appropriate, with preoperational studies, with operational controls, and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment." At least two legible maps covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of one reactor. One map shall cover stations near the site boundary and the second shall include the more distant stations." The results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the tables and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report." A summary description of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program." A discussion of the reasons for not conducting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as specified by D 3.5.1 and the plans for preventing recurrence." A discussion of environmental sample measurements that exceed the reporting levels of Table D 3.5.1-2 but are not the result of plant effluents." A discussion of all deviations from the sampling schedule of Table D 3.5.1-1." A discussion of the contributing factors for cases in which the LLD required by Table D 3.5.1-3 was not achievable." A discussion of identifiable nuclide peaks, including those of nuclides specified in Table D 3.5.1-3." The results of the land use census." The corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence if the Interlaboratory Comparison Program is not being performed as required." The results of licensee participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program.IPEC ODCM D 5.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report The Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted by May 1 of each year shall include: a. A summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.b. An annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequency distribution of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.
In lieu of submission with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data onsite in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request c. An assessment of the offsite radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent releases from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This assessment shall include potential offsite dose determined with data collected from the Radiological Ground Water M onitoring Program (RGWM P).d. An assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to members of the public due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) during the report period. All assumptions used in making these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time and location, shall be included in these reports.Gaseous pathway doses are determined from sampling and measurements at the exhaust points, coupled with the use of annual-averaged meteorological data collected from a period of live data to verify its validity.
The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).Acceptable methods for calculating the dose contribution from liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1 977.IPEC ODCM D 5.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2 D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report (continued)
: e. The following information for each class of solid waste (in compliance with 10 CFR Part 61 ) shipped offsite during the report period: 1. Container volume, 2. total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate), 3. principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate), 4. source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry-waste, evaporator bottoms), 5. type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and 6. solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).
: f. A list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period.g. A summary of data collected for the RGWMP, per D5.6 and NEI 07-07 -Industry Ground Water Protectio n Initiative.
: h. Any changes made during the reporting period to the Process Control Program (PCP) and to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census pursuant to Specification D 3.5.2.IPEC ODCM D 5.2- 2 Revision 1 Special Reports D 5.3 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.3 Special Reports Special reports shall be submitted to the NRC Regional Administrator of the Region I Offi ce within the time period specified for each report. These reports shall be submitted covering the activities identified below pursuant to the applicable Specification:
: a. Radioactive Effluents (Specifications D 3.1, D 3.2 and D 3.4)b. Radiological Environmental Monitoring (Specification D 3.5)IPEC ODCM D 5.3- 1 Revision 1 Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Systems D 5.4 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.4 Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Systems Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous and solid)shall be reported to the Commission in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change was made. The discussion of each change shall contain: a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.59, b. sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information, c. a detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems, d an evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously predicted in the license application and amendments thereto, e. an evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum exposures to individuals in the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license application and amendments thereto, f. a comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste to the actual releases for the period in which the changes are to be made;g. an estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change, and h. documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the OSRC.IPEC ODCM D 5.4 -1 Revision 1 Process Control Program D 5.5 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.5 Process Control Program Licensee initiated changes to the Process Control Program (PCP): a. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change(s) was made. This submittal shall contain: 1. sufficiently detailed information to totally support the rationale for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information, 2. a determination that the change did not reduce the overall conformance of the solidified waste product to existing criteria for solid wastes, and 3. documentation of the fact that the change has been reviewed and found acceptable by the OSRC.b. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the OSRC.D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP)The purpose of the RGWMP is to monitor, investigate, and characterize any contamination of groundwater from licensed radioactive material at Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).The program is also required in order to meet the following objectives:
* The Nuclear Energy Institute Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative (NEI-07-07),* NRC Information Notice 2006-13, Groundwater Contamination Due to Undetected Leakage of Radioactive Water, and* IPEC commitments to the NRC, Entergy Letter NL-06-033, "Current Status/Future Plans Regarding Onsite Groundwater Contamination at IPEC".* IPEC commitments to the NRC, Entergy Letter NL-08-079, "Remediation and Long Term Monitoring of Site Groundwater".
Specific monitoring objectives of the program include: 6/08* Monitoring the status of any known radiological groundwater plumes,* Detecting and quantifying previously unidentified sources of groundwater contamination, such as spills or leaks from a radioactively contaminated system, structure, or component,* Providing data to calculate potential offsite doses to a member of the public,* Monitoring and evaluating the long term effectiveness of remediation or intervention.
IPEC ODCM D 5.5- 1 Revision 1 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program D 5.5 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP) (continued)
Investigation and characterization activities are performed to evaluate and understand any groundwater contamination once it has been identified, or an event (such as a spill or leak)with the potential to contaminate the groundwater to levels above the investigation levels has occurred.
Specific investigation and characterization objectives of the program include:* Determining the source(s) of groundwater contamination (eg, leaking radioactive components or systems, radioactive spills, or legacy soil/bedrock contamination),* Determining the locations, extent, and concentrations of groundwater contamination (eg, plume definition),* Evaluating necessary corrective or investigative actions, utilizing the Corrective Action Program, 6108 Station procedures shall include detailed information regarding the following:
* The purpose and scope of the program, as defined above,* Location and periodicities of samples,* Required radionuclides for analysis, including limits of detection," Guidance for communication of abnormal results,* Guidance regarding the generation of periodic summary reports.Elements of the RGWMP program that intersect the REMP shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, per D 5.1.An evaluation of the EFFLUENT impact, and a summary of the sample data from the RGWMP shall be included in the annual Radiological Effluent Release Report, per D 5.2.IPEC ODCM D 5.5- 2 Revision 1 Indian Point Energy Center Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Part I (RECS)BASES Applicability B D 3.0 3.0 APPLICABILITY BASES DLCOs 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.5, and DS Rs 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.3 reflect parallel requirements in the Technical Specifications.
Refer to Technical Specification Bases for appropriate discussions.
ODCM Specification DLCO 3.0.3, in lieu of imposing a plant shutdown as paralleled in Technical Specifications, requires: (a) an Action to initiate efforts to restore compliance with the ODCM or associated Actions; and (b) an Action that requires entering the circum stances into the Corrective Action Program (CAP). These requirements ensure that the appropriate actions continue to be focused on and that the circum stances concerning failure to com ply with the ODCM Actions would be reviewed.
This review will be conducted in accordance with the procedural guidance for CAP Notifications.
There are no ODCM 3.0 Specifications that parallel Technical Specification LCO 3.0.4 or SR 3.0.4. Restrictions in entering MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability have historically not been applied to ODCM Specifications.
There are also no ODCM 3.0 Specifications that parallel Technical Specification LCO 3.0.6 and LCO 3.0.7, which allow for exceptions and revisions of other Technical Specifications.
They are not applicable to the ODCM since it is not permitted to allow the ODCM to revise a Technical Specification.(Note, currently no identified ODC M DLCOs support Technical Specification systems; however,.this discussion is presented to address the philosophy that would be applied.)
An allowance similar to Technical Specification LCO 3.0.6 does not apply to the ODCM. When a Technical Specification supported system LCO is discovered to be not met solely due to a ODCM support system DLCO not met, appropriate Technical Specification ACTIONS are required to be entered immediately.
This applies even in instances where the ODCM contains a delay prior to declaring a Technical Specification supported system inoperable.
In this case, certain ODCM inoperabilities may not directly impact the OPERABILITY of the Technical Specification supported system and delayed declaration of inoperability of the supported system is acceptable.
In other cases, discovered support system inoperabilities that directly result in supported system inability to perform the safety function, should result in immediate declaration of inoperability of the supported system.Technical Specification LCO 3.0.7 has no parallel in the ODCM since it provides for explicit changes to specified Technical Specifications by the Section 3.1.8 Specifications.
However, in the event that LCO 3.0.7 provides for changes to the Technical Specification MODE definitions by the Section 3.1.8 Specifications, the revised MODE definitions apply to all plant references, including ODCM references.
IPEC ODCM B D 3.0-1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluent Concentrations B D 3.1.1 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluent Concentrations BASES It is expected that the release of radioactive m aterials in liquid and gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20 and should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) in accordance with the requirement of 10 CFR 50.36a. While providing reasonable assurance that the design objectives will be met, these Specifications permit the flexibility of operation, compatible with considerations of health and safety, to ensure that the public is provided a dependable source of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily result in releases higher than the design objective levels, but still less than ten times the effluent concentration limits (EC's)specified in 10 CFR Part 20. It is expected that using this operational flexibility under unusual operation conditions, and exerting every effort to keep levels of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous wastes as low as. reasonably achievable, releases will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20.The design objectives have been developed based on operating experience, tak ing into account a combination of variables including defective fuel, primary system leakage, primary to secondary system leakage, steam generator blowdown and the performance of the various waste treatment systems, and are consistent with 10 CFR Part 50.36a.The Indian Point site is a multiple-unit site. There exist shared radwaste treatment systems and shared effluent release points. Where site limits must be met, the effluents of all the units will be combined to determine site compliance.
For instances where unit-specific information may be required for radwaste processed or released via a shared system, the effluents shall be proportioned among the units sharing the system(s) in accordance with the methods and agreements set forth in the ODCM.This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS specified in 10 CFR Part 20. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.A design objectives of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, to a member of the public and (2) the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.1302 to the population.
The concentration limit for dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-1 35 is the controlling radioisotope and its M PC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methods described in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.This specification applies to the release of liquid effluents from all units on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.1 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and IV.A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCO implements the guides set forth in Section I.A of Appendix I. The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable".
Also, for fresh water sites to UNRESTRICTED AREA with drinking water supplies that can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentration in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141.The dose calculation methodology and parameters in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I; that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.1 09, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.1 13, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I", April 1977.In addition to the limiting conditions for operation, the reporting requirements specify that the licensee shall identify the cause whenever the dose from the release of ra dioactive materials in liquid waste effluent exceeds the above limits and describe the proposed program of action to reduce such releases to design objective levels on a timely basis.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.2 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the licensee maintain and operate appropriate equipment installed in the liquid waste systems, when necessary, to provide ass urance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable".
This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objective given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 for liquid effluents.
IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.3 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks BASES The tanks listed in this Specification include outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system. These tanks include the following:
: a. Refueling Water Storage Tanks b. Primary Water Storage Tanks c. 13 Waste Distillate Storage Tank d. 14 Waste Distillate Storage Tank e. 31 Monitor Tank f. 32 Monitor Tank g. Unit 3 CPF High Total Dissolved Solids Tank h. Unit 3 CPF Low Total Dissolved Solids Tank i. Any Outside Temporary Tank Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained i n the specified tanks provides assurance that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of any such tank's contents, the resulting concentration would be less than the limits of 10 CFR 20 at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an U NRESTRICTED AREA.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.4- 1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate BASES This Control provides reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA, either at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY in excess of the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This Control is provided to ensure that gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be appropriately controlled.
It provides operational flexibility for releasing gaseous effluents to satisfy the Section II.A and IL.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for the reduced atmospheric dispersion of gaseous effluents relative to that for the SITE BOUNDARY.
Examples of calculations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding dose rates above background to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background to a child via the inhalation pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mrem/year.
This Control does not affect the requirement to comply with the annual limitations of 10 CFR 20.This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from all units at the site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.1 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B, Ill.A, and IV.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCO implements the guides set forth in Section II.B of Appendix I. The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and, at the same time, implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a M EMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The dose calculation methodology and parameters establ ished in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.1 11, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases form Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.
This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each unit on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.2 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.C, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCOs are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I.The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and, at the same time, implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The ODCM calculational methodology and param eters for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CF R Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.
The release rate specifications for iodine-1 31, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days are dependent upon the existing radionuclide pathways to man in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.The pathways that were examined in the development of these calculations were (1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, (3) deposition onto g rassy areas where milk animals and meat-producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man (applied where applicable), and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.This Control appl ies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.3 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radw aste Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the appropriate portions of the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System be used, when specified, to provide reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CF R Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section IL.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.
This Specification applies to the release of gaseous effluen ts from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.4 -1 Revision 1 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the appropriate portions of the Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System be used, when specified, to provide reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design C riterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.
This Specification applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.5 -1 Revision 1 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks BASES The tanks included in this Specification are those tanks for which the quantity of radioactivity contained is not limited directly or indirectly by other specifications to a quantity that is less than the quantity that provides assurance that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting total body exposure to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at the nearest SITE BOUNDARY will not exceed 0.5 Rem in an event of 2 hours duration.Restricting the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank provides assurances that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting total body exposure to a M EMBER OF THE PUBLIC at the nearest SITE BOUNDARY will not exceed 0.5 Rem. This is consistent with Branch Technical Position ETSB 11-5 in NU REG-0800, July 1981, and NUREG 0133.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.6 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation BASES The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation, required OPERABLE by this Specification, is provided to monitor and control, as a pplicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases.
The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with methods set forth in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/t rip will occur prior to exceeding ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specified in 10 CFR Part 20.The operability and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. The purpose of tank level indicating devices is to assure the detection and control of leaks that, if not controlled, could potentially result in the transport of radioactive materials to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.IPEC ODCM B D 3.3.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation BASES The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation, required OPERABLE by this Specification, is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents.
The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and param eters in the ODCM to ensure that the al arm/trip will occur prior to exceeding release rate s corresponding to effluent dose rates of 0.5 Rem/yr whole body, and 3.0 Rem/yr to the skin.This instrumentation also includes provisions for monitoring the concentrations of potentially explosive gas mixtures in the waste gas holdup system. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design criteria 60, 63 and 64 in Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.IPEC ODCM B D 3.3.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose BASES This Specification is provided to meet the dose limitation of 40 CFR Part 190 that has been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The Specification requires the preparation and submittal of a special report whenever the calculated doses from plant-generated radioactive effluents and direct radiation exceed 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem.For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix I, and if direct radiation doses from the reactor units and outside storage tanks are kept small.The special report will describe a course of action that should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits. For the purposes of the special report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose contribution from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered.
If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190, the special report with a request for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been correcte d), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.2203(a)(4), is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 until NRC staff action is completed.
The variance only relates to the lim its of 40 CFR Part 190, and does not apply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addressed in Specifications D 3.1.1 and D 3.2.1. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.IPEC ODCM B D 3.4.1 -1 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program BASES The radiological environmental monitoring program required by this specification provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of members of the public resulting from the station operation.
This monitoring program implements Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not hig her than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.Guidance for this monitoring program is provided by the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring.
Program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.
The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDs required by Table D 3.5.1-3 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.1 -1 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.2 Land Use Census BASES This specification is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census.The best information from the door-to-door survey, from aerial survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used.This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.Restricting thecensus to gardens of greater than 50 m 2 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child.To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made: (1) 20% of the garden was used for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., si milar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2)a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m 2.IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.2 -1 Revision I Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program BASES The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring (developed us ing the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revi sion 1, April 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Revision 1, April 1975) in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.3 -1 Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 D 3.6 SOLID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System BASES This Specification implements the requirem ents of 10 CF R Part 50.36a and General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. The process parameters included in establishing the process control program may include, but are not limited to, waste type, waste pH, waste/liquid/solidification agent/catalyst ratios, waste oil content, waste principal chemical constituents, and mixing and curing times.IPEC ODCM B D 3.6.1 -1 Revision 1 INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ODCM PART II -CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===1.0 RADIATION===
MONITORS AND SETPOINTS 1.1 Effluent Monitoring
===System Description===
Information regarding effluent radiation monitor function and setpoint bases is provided in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. Additionally, Appendices B and C show a schematic of release pathways, including the relative positi on and application of these monitors.1.2 Setpoints for Airborne Effluent Monitors Setpoints for airborne (gaseous) monitors are based on the permissible discharge rate as calculated in Section 3 of the ODCM, Part II, and shown in Appendix I. These setpoints are inherently conservative due to the assumed mixture (Table 3-8). They are tiered in such a way as to ensure proper (higher) authentication is obtained as the selected limit (and expected release rate) increases.
The Annual Limit is used to conservatively establish initial setpoints for routine operation.
For releases associated with unit shutdown, etc, additional permission may be obtained to apply the quarterly or instantaneous values, per Section 3.1.8. This method ensures operational control of releases, w hile precluding approaching the lim its of D3.2.1.The methodology identified in Section 3 and Appendix I is used to generate the following release rate limits (radiation monitor setpoint calculations only use the noble gas rates): Conservative Permissible Discharge Rates (1 iCilsec)lodine/Particulate*
Noble Gases Type of Limit Basis Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 2 Unit 3 Annual Average ODCM, Part II, App I 4.01E-2 4.05E-2 7.20E+3 3.57E+3 Quarterly Average ODCM, Part II, App I 8.02E-2 8.10E-2 1.44E+4 7.14E+3 Instantaneous RECS D3.2.1 and App I 1.38E+1 1.38E+1 7.OOE+4 7.OOE+4* Half-lives greater than 8 days 1.2.1 The Plant Vent Wide Range Gas Monitor (R-27) reads in &#xfd;iCi/sec.
Therefore, at unit 3, the alarm setpoints are set directly in [iCi/sec. (Unit 2 does not apply alarm setpoints to R-27).1.2.2 If the monitor reads and alarms in pCi/cc, the maximum alarm set point is calculated as follows: S = D / [(F) * (4.72E+2)]
where;S = Maximum alarm setpoint in pCi/cc D = Permissible discharge rate in itCi/sec F = Vent duct flow in ft 3/min 4.72E+2 = unit conversion factor (2 8317 cc.min/ft 3 e60sec)IPEC ODCM Page 1 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 1.2.3 If the monitor reads and alarms in cpm, then the maximum alarm setpoint is calculated as follows: S = D / [(F) * (4.72E+2)
* (CF)]where: S, D, F, and 4.72E+2 are defined in the previous step CF = Rad Monitor Conversion Factor (p[Ci/cc per net cpm)1.2.4 Normally, maximum allowable limits are calculated using a standard nuclide mix. However, setpoints may be determined based on the actual m ix, on a case by case basis. This method is usually performed when the instantaneous release rate is applied. Should this method be applied, extra care should be applied to setpoint partitioning (for all release points) to ensure site dose rate limits are not approached.
====1.2.5 During====
normal operation, the main plant vent is the only significant release point at either unit. Hence, monitors on the plant vent are routinely set at the annual limit, which is approximately 10% of the conservative instantaneous limit.Monitor setpoints on other pathways are routinely set to 1% of the instantaneous limit. If multiple pathways become significant, each pathway's permissible release rate is apportioned with the Plant Vent's to ensure the total discharge rate for all release points remains less than the maximum permissible discharge rate.If necessary, release rates may be apportioned (per 1OCFR20 applicability to a site, rather than any one unit) for maxi mum operational flexibility such that one unit "borrows" routine apportionment from the other unit. This evolution is controlled by station procedures, which require d irect communication with the Shift Managers and the Chemistry Department.
===1.3 Setpoints===
for Liquid Effluent Monitors 1.3.1 Liquid Effluent Monitors have setpoints based on limiting the concentrations in the discharge canal to ten times the concentration values in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 1OCFR20 in accordance with 1OCF R20.1302(2)(i).
====1.3.2 Monitor====
setpoints are inherently conservative due to the routine use of determining dilution from Circulating Water Pumps at the applicable unit only.In actuality, both Circulating and Service Water systems for the entire site contribute to site dilution.IPEC ODCM Page 2 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 1.3,3 For monitors that read and alarm in &#xfd;tCi/ml, setpoints are calculated as follows: S = [(ADC) (F)] / [f] = Maximum alarm setpoint in pCi/ml where: F = Available discharge canal dilution flow for this release, in gpm f = calculated allowable release rate in gpm (Section 2.2.6)ADC = The Allowed Diluted Concentration is the equivalent MPCW for gamma emitting isotopes weighted for total specific activity (both gamma and beta emitters).
This term is necessary to correct the M PCW due to the relatively insignificant effect of beta emitters on the radiation monitor, as described in Section,4 Alert or Warn setpoints should be used on batch liquid release m onitors to ensure the contents of the batch tank have not changed si nce sampling.
The alert setpoint is calculated as follows: AS (C) * (M)where: AS = Alert or Warn setpoint i n &#xfd;iCi/ml C = Average monitor reading at time of sample M = A conservative factor based upon the mixing ratio of two tank volumes and an expected monitor response error term (typically 1.25, coinciding with 25%).NOTE: Liquid Monitor alert setpoints do not control any auto functions but simply provide indication to the operators.
Alert or Warn setpoints for other monitors are typically initially established at approximately 75% of the Alarm value.IPEC ODCM Page 3 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 1 -1 Unit 2 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data CHANNEL MONITOR DESCRIPTION SAMPLING LOCATIONS RANGE EFFLUENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS R-42 Containment Gas Monitor 72' Fan Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 Containment Ventilation Isolation pCi/cc R-44 Plant Vent Radiogas Monitor 88' Fan Bldg 1E-7 to 1E-2 Shuts RCV-014 (isolating gas tanks), stops VC MpCi/cc release fans and shuts VC vent/purge valves.In-line detector on the air ejector 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 Alarm diverts air ejector exhaust to VC and exhaust header pCi/cc secures steam to priming air ejector re-heaters.
R-50 Waste Gas Disposal System 98'PAB 0.1 to 1E5 Ci None. RECS D3.2.6 is assured by setpoint Monitor basis per ODCM Part II, Sec 3.1.12.R-27 Plant Vent Wide-Range Drawn from inside Plant Vent, 1 E-7 tol E+5 None. PV Concentration and release rate Monitor to 85' BAB ptCi/cc information only, for accident applications.
R-60 Unit 1 Stack Vent Unit 1 Nuclear Services Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Radiogas Monitor 100' Elevation ipCi/cc Fan Cooler Unit Service Adjacent to service water return 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 R-46 /53 Wline from V.C. fan cooler units and pCi/ccNone R-46 / ~ Water Return motor coolers _ _Ci/cc R-47 Component Cooling System Adjacent to line monitors on each 1 E-6 to 1 E-2 None. Setpoints are not based on effluent.pump outlet pump outlet pCi/ml They are for ALARA and information only.Component Cooling Heat 1 E-7 to I E-2 R-39 /40 Exchanger Service Water 80' PAB C*/ None Monitors pCcc R-54 Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent In-line monitor on 70' CSB 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 Terminates Distillate Tank releases on alarm Monitor pCi/cc R-49 SG Blowdown Monitor 15' Transformer Yard Housing i E-6 to 1 E+2 Closes blowdown isolation valves pCi/cc R-51 Sec Boiler Blowdown 43' Superheater Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Purification pCi/cc R-52 Sec Boiler Blowdown 33' Superheater Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Purification Sys SW pCi/cc N IPEC ODCM Page 4 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 1 -2 Unit 3 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data CHANNEL MONITOR DESCRIPTION SAMPLING LOCATIONS RANGE EFFLUENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS Samples drawn from 32 and 35 R-12 Containment Gas Monitor Containment Fan Coolers 1E-7 to 1E-1 .Ci/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation In Plant Vent at approximately Secures waste gas tank release and R-14 Plant Vent Radiogas Monitor 105' elevation 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation On alarm, diverts air ejector exhaust to Condenser Air Ejector Mon In-line detector on the air ejector VC and secures steam to priming air R-15 CneeArEeoMnt exhaust header 1E-6 to 1E+0 iCi/cc ejectors re-heaters Waste Gas Disposal System Adjacent to line, on suction to None. This setpoint is based on limiting R-20 Monitor waste gas compressors 1E-2 to 1E+3 pCi/cc 50,000 Ci per tank, per RECS D3.2.6.Plant Vent Wide-Range Plant Vent tos1eE+lanti/cctSecure waste gas tank release and R-27 Monitor Drawn from inside 1 E-7 to 1E+5 tCi/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation 4 th Floor Administration Building 1 E+1 to 1 E+6 cpm Administration Building Vent Monitor Exhaust Plenum for (typically 5.OE-8 to None R-46 Radiogas Monitor Controlled Areas 5.0E-2 ptCi/cc) None RAMS Building Vent Radiogas 55' RAMS Building Monitor R-59 Monitor Exhaust Plenum 1 E6 to 1E+2 iCi/cc None Fan Cooler and Motor Cooler Adjacent to service water return line from V.C. fan cooler units and 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc None R-16 A/B Service Water Returnmorcols motor coolers Component Cooling System Adjacent to line monitors on each 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 pCi/mI None. These setpoints are not based on R-17 A/B pump outlet pump outlet effluent and are for information only.Component Cooling Heat Adjacent to line, mounted on SW R-23 Exchanger Service Water return from Component Cooling 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 itCi/cc None Monitor Heat Exchanger Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent In-line monitor on monitor tank 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 VCi/cc Terminates monitor tank release on alarm R-18 Monitor recirc pump discharge PAB blowdown room monitors Closes blowdown isolation valves and SG R-19 SG Blowdown Monitor steam generator blown 1E-6 to 1E+2 sample valves Recirc line of HTDS/LTDS tanks Terminates HTDS or LTDS tank release.CPF Regen Waste Release in CPF (used when primary to 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc Applicable only in a primary to secondary R-61 Monitor secondary leakage exists). leak, as defined in RECS D1.1.IPEC ODCM Page 5 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===2.0 LIQUID===
EFFLUENTS 2.1 Liquid Effluent Releases -General Information 2.1.1 A completed and properly authorized Liquid Radioactive Waste Permit is required prior to performing any BACTH release (a release of known volume and activity from an isolated source).2.1.2 All activity determinations for liquid radioactive effluents are performed in such a manner as to be representative of the activity released to the river.2.1.3 The radioactivity in liquid waste tanks shall be continuously monitored during release except as allowed by RECS D3.3.1. If the flowmeter is inoperable, the flow shall be estimated every four hours by difference in tank level or by discharge pump curves.2.1.4 Prior to discharge, the radioactive waste tank contents shall be recirculated for at least two tank volumes. After this recirculation, and prior to discharge, a sample shall be taken and analyzed for activi ty with a portion of the sam pie set aside for com posite analysis.
The measured activity shall be used for calculating allowable discharge rate and the alarm setpoint for the liquid waste discharge monitor.2.1.5 Steam Generators or other CONTINUOUS releases shall be quantified and included in effluent reports, but do not require a pre-release perm it. Continuous releases are typically quantified from periodic sampling and the use of radiation monitoring.
In Modes 4-6, however, SG Draindowns are typically quantified in BATCH mode.2.1.6 Assurance that the combined liquid releases from Units 2 and 3 maintain compliance with 1OCFR20 is provided by administrative controls which include an administrative, minimum dilution of 100,000 gpm for any batch release, and routine use, of unit-specific dilution flow for each permitted release.Upon agreement between both Shift Managers, however, one unit can reduce or eliminate radioactive liquid waste discharges for a period of time to allow the other unit to use the full site dil ution flow, or a specified portion thereof. When applying this shared policy, the Shift Managers require the details and duration of this evolution in writing at both CRS work stations.2.1.7 Steam Generator Blowdown activity is determined by composite samples collected in a manner to be proportional to the rate of flow of individual steam generator to total steam generator blowdown.
These samples are then analyzed for the various radionuclides at frequencies specified in the RE CS. Due to appropriate compositing, total blowdown flow is then routinely multiplied by average concentrations to determine the actual effluent contrib ution from Steam Generator BI owdown.2.1.8 Time average dose calculations (1OCFR50) may use total site dilution flow for both units, with the determined dose contributions additive for a site report over any specified period.2.1.9 The discharge canal flow rate is determined by the use of pump flow characteristics curves. Actual monthly average flow rates and total gallons of dilution are determined by Programs and Components and delivered to Chemistry on a monthly basis. Unit 2 circulator pumps are operated at either low or high speed (approximately 88,000 to 140,000 gpm). Unit 3 circulator pumps have a variable speed capacity, and can produce a range from 65,000 to 140,000 gpm.IPEC ODCM Page 6 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.10 Radioactivity content in outdoor tanks is to be limited to less than 10 curies, excluding tritium and noble gas, as per REC S D3.1.4.. Compliance with this requirement is demonstrated by limiting the radioactive concentration in these tanks to the value which results in 10 curies when the tank is at full liquid capacity, except as modified below. The radioactive concentration limits for these tanks are: RWST: 10 curies X 106 uCi / curie = 7.3 x lO-3 jICi/ml 358,500gal x 3785ml/ gal PWST: 10 curies xl 06 /Ci / curie 165,000gals x 3785ml /gal 31 & 32 Monitor Tanks (Unit 3): 10 curies x 106 uaCi / curie-= 2.2 x IlO-"UCi/ml 1 1,750gals x 3785ml/gal 13 & 14 Waste Distillate Storage Tanks (Units 1/2): 10 curies x 10 6 gCi / curie -1.1Xx10 -gtC i/m l 23,577gals x 3785ml/gal Unit 3's Condensate Polisher High and Low Total Dissolved Solids Tanks: 10 curies x 10 6 pCi / curie 10 2--= 4.4 x lO2Ci / ml 60,000gals x 3785ml/gal Outside Temporary Tanks: 10 curies x 10-6.tiCi/curie
= pCi/ml Volume (gal) x 3785ml/ gal Integrated curies in a tank can similarly be determined by calculating the curies added from known inlet concentrations and volumes, which would then be combined with previously determined tank curie levels.The refueling water storage tank has the potential to be filled from the reactor cavity with liquid which exceeds the limits stated. Therefore, prior to filling the RWST from the reactor cavity after refueling operations, the reactor cavity (or residual heat removal system) must be sampled for radioactivity and action taken to ensure that the total activity in the tank does not exceed 10 curies.Outside temporary tanks should not be filled with liquid which could exceed the concentration limit calculated.
Therefore, prior to transfer to outside temporary tanks, the source of liquid shall be sampled for radioactivity.
If it exceeds the concentration limit calculated, action shall be taken to ensure that the total activity in the tank does not exceed 10 curies.IPEC ODCM Page 7 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.11 Turbine hall drains (from sumps in the five foot elevation for units 2 and 3) receive drains from areas containing secondary plant components at sub-atmospheric pressures.
These sumps do not meet the intent of a turbine hall drain system as defined in N UREG 0472, however their effluent contribution should be evaluated.
Quantification of effluents is performed on this pathway during a Primary to Secondary Leak , as defined by RECS D1.1. In these cases, releases from this pathway would be quantified by periodic sampling multiplying the source term by a determination of the release rate to the river, generally bounded by secondary system loss or make-up rate.At elevated Steam Generator activity levels (approximately 1.OE-4 or above), turbine hall drains may require temporary processing, should effluents via this pathway approach the 31-day dose projection limits per RECS D3.1.3. In this case, water at Unit 3 can be directed to the Condensate Polishing Facility prior to release. At Unit 2, a temporary processing skid will need to be applied, or water directed to t he Secondary Boiler Blowdown Purification System, or other installed cleanup system.Activity released via this pathway is determined as follows: STurbine Hall (Feedwater" (Steam Plant SG Blowdown" Drain l= Specific *l Makeup -Rate to the Effluent Activity)
A Activity , Rate River 2.1.12 Carbon 14 is released at a rate of .07 curies per GW(e)/yr with an average make up rate of 0.5 gal/min based upon studies performed by the New York State Department of Health. The estimate of Carbon 14 releases are included in the Radiological Impact on Man section of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. These estimates are not included in dose calculations for routine releases.2.1.13 Several normally non-radioactive systems are periodically analyzed for radioactivity.
Examples include Unit 3's Condensate Polisher regenerant waste tank, the Spent Fuel Pool Auxiliary Heat Exchanger Secondary Cooling Systems (when in use), and Site Storm Drains, etc. The monitoring program for these type of release points is consistent with the direction set forth in NRC IE Bulletin 80-10 "Contamination of Non-radioactive Systems and Resulting Potential for Unmonitored, Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity to Environment".
Should a system become contaminated, releases will be evaluated and quantified (as either batch or continuous) in accordance with the requirements listed in the RECS and the IPEC 80-10 program.2.1.14 The Unit 3 liquid waste monitor tanks have an airborne release pathway. T he original plant design limited the gases through this pathway by reducing the entrained gases to less than 2E-3 jiCi/ml. When the entrained gas concentration in the monitor tank inlet exceeds 2E-3 [tCi/ml, the noble gas release wil I be quantified by calculating the difference (in 1ACi's) between the gaseous activity added to the tank and the gaseous activity present in the effluent release sample. This difference will be the activity released through the tank vents and is quantified as an airborne release.IPEC ODCM Page 8 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.15 Due to the addition of Hafnium control rods at Unit 3, an offsite dose may need to be calculated for Hafnium isotopes in waste pathways.
In the absence of site-specific bioaccumulation and dose factors for Hafnium, factors for Zirconium are used, as suggested in ICRP 30. Should these calculations become necessary, they will be performed per the following sections, and manually added to other totals.2.1.16 Investigations from the Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP)may result in a determination of liquid effluent.
A quantification and dose assessment of radioactive groundwater and sto rm water leaving the site shall be performed at least annually.
This quantification shall include, as a minimum, the source term from samples obtained near the effluent points of each applicable pathway (eg, ground water wells nearest the site boundary), and a determination of release rate and dilution flow.Release rates to the river from both the bedrock pathways and collective storm drain pathways are provided from modeling by hydrologists.
Initially, a precipitation mass balance was applied (Reference 32). During calendar year 2007, this method was calibrated by an application of the Darcy's Law model.Future determinations will continue to use a combination of these models at various depths, over effected zones, as discussed in Appendix J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.6/08 Dilution flow is directly measured in the Discharge Canal, for any water directed there. For storm or groundwater reaching the H udson via a direct path under the canal, a dilution factor equivalent to a 6-hour half-tidal surge in the effected area of the Hudson is applied. As discussed in Reference 33, this dilution is equivalent to 5.83E 10 gallons per year, or 1.11 E5 gallons per minute.Dose calculations are otherwise then completed per the following sections.2.2 Liquid Effluent Concentrations 2.2.1 This section provides a description of the means that will be used to demonstrate compliance with the RECS D3. Compliance with the instantaneous limits of 1OCFR20 is achieved by allocating dilution flow on a per unit basis, as described in Section 2.1.6. Compliance with 10CFR50 (quarterly and annual limitations) is assured by completing a monthly report which summarizes the time-average releases from the site.2.2.3 Each isolated liquid waste tank must be recirculated for at least two tank volumes prior to sampling in order to ensure a representative sample is obtained.
At Unit 2, this duration is determined from station procedures with every batch release. At Unit 3, a default minimum recirculation time of 4 hours may be used for 31 and 32 monitor tanks in lieu of the actual calculation:
11750 gals
* 2 Tank Volumes Hours 4 Hours__________-_
3.9Hor 4Hus 100 gal/ min Note: Nominal monitor tank pump flow rate is approximately 135 gpm. For conservativism however, 100 gpm is used for the recirculation flow rate, while 150 gpm is used for the discharge flow rate in all release calculations.
IPEC ODCM Page 9 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.2.4 For batch releases, the concentration in liquid effluents prior to dilution in the discharge canal is determined by sampling prior to release. For continuous releases, the concentrations can be determined by either grab sampling, or by direct reading radiation monitor. If the process radiation monitor is utilized, the conversion factor should be verified as appropriate for the mixture being released.For non-direct reading monitors, the following calculation is used: C = CF
* CR C = Concentration of liquid effluent (uCi/mI) prior to dilution CF = Conversion factor of monitor (uCi/ml per net cpm)CR = Count rate of monitor (in net cpm)2.2.5 The final diluted concentration in the canal is determined as follows: CD = (C) * (f)/(F)Where: CD = Diluted concentration in the discharge canal in uCi/ml C = Pre-dilution liquid concentration in uCi/ml F = Dilution flow in the discharge canal in gal/m in f = Release rate of liquid effluent in gal/min 2.2.6 Calculation of Maximum Permissible Concentration in Liquid Effluents a. This section describes the methodology used to ensure compliance with RECS D3.1.1. The discharge canal concentration of radionuclides must be maintained less than those identified as limits (10 times the EC's of 10CFR20).
The noble gas limit has been specified as 2E-4 uCi/ml.These criteria are normally assured by using an Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC) on each discrete release. This differs from the ECs given in 10CFR20 Appendix B in that, for radioisotopes that do not have gammas greater than 60 kev emitted during decay, default values are included to estimate their contribution.
The Allowed Diluted Concentration is derived and calculated as follows: A =MPCt
* CG MPCWt ADC Totalactivity or AD&C or ADGC iCGCB l+CG where: ADC = Allowed diluted concentration in uCi/ml IPEC ODCM Page 10 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies MPCWt = Maximum permissible concentration in water for all isotopes (beta & gamma), in uCi/ml, as defined in RECS, D1.1, as follows: Z ci MPCWt = i (KcYMPcwi)
Ci and MPCWi = Concentration and MPCW for each isotope CB = The concentration of the non gamma emitters, in uCi/ml CG = The concentration of the gamma emitters, in uCi/mI b. A representative sample must be obtained.
For batch releases, at least two tank volumes are recirculated after the tank has been isolated to meet these requirements.
The minimum recirculation time is determined as follows: T = 2 (V) / (G) where;T = Minimum recirculation time in min V = Volumes in the tank to be discharged, in gal G = Recirculation rate in gal/m in c. After the tank has been sampled, the Allowed Diluted Concentration is determined, per the equations above.d. A determination of other liquid radioactive discharges is evaluated.
If other releases are in progress at an affected unit, the radioactive concentrations and discharge rates are included to determine a potentially new required dilution factor.e. Available dilution flow may be adjusted by physically using more pumps or altering an allocation fraction.
Additionally, if required, release rate can be adjusted to comply with diluted concentration limits with existing dilution flow. Typically, however, these measures are not required.f. The required dilution flow is calculated as follows: Dr
* CG where;ADC Dr = Current release discharge rate, gpm E = Required dilution for current existing release(s), gpm CG and ADC are defined in Section 2.2.6.a IPEC ODCM Page 11 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
: g. The permissible discharge rate is calculated as follows: D=ADCB Where: CG D = Permissible discharge rate in gal/min ADC = Calculated and described in Step 2.2.6.a CG = Gamma emitter concentration in pCi/ml B = Adjusted dilution flow from the unit, in gpm, from Step 2.2.6.d, above, as follows: A ailableu re d.B Diution [-lIlr'o trom yffow e ot erreYeasesE Note: With no "other" releases, B simply becomes the Available Dilution Flow.2.3 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements 2.3.1 RECS D3.1.2 requires that the dose or dose commitment above background to an individual in an unrestricted area from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each reactor unit shall be limited: a) During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the total body and to less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ.b) During any calendar year: Less tha n or equal to 3 mrem to the total body and to less than or equal to 1 0 mrem to any organ.c) If either of the above limits is exceeded by a factor of two or m ore, then cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation would be determ ined by evaluation of existing perimeter and environmental TLDs per RECS D3. RECS D3.1.3 requires that appropriate portions of the radwaste treatment system be used to reduce the radioactive material in liquid waste prior to their discharge when the projected dose due to liquid effluent from each reactor unit when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ. Doses due to liquid release shall be projected at least once per 31 days. These doses are projected based on the dose methodology in Section 2.4. or 2.5. The average of previous months' doses is used to project future dose, as follows:[ Dose 1 Current Month Dose + Previous months' Dose major[Projection number of months used plains evolutions The term for planned evolutions is routinely determined from previous similar evolutions, such as releases associated with plant shutdown.IPEC ODCIM Page 12 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.4 Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)
====2.4.1 NUREG====
0133 (Ref. 1, Section 4.3, Pg. 14) states that cum ulative dose contributions should consider the dose contribution from the maximum exposed individual's consumption of fish, invertebrates, and potable water as appropriate.
The river near IPEC is considered to be fresh water when in reality it is a tidal estuary and never completely fresh. Observed average chlorosity at IPEC has ranged as high as 2.5 gm/liter or about 13% sea water and 87% fresh water.Hence, use of the Hudson River for fresh water supply purposes is precluded south of Chelsea (mile point 65) which is the nearest point of potable water supply (approximately 15 miles upstream of IPEC). Radionuclide concentrations in the nearest water supply have been cal culated (Ref. 2) to be a factor of at least 500 lower than the river water in the Indian Point area.Due to the absence of a potable water pathway, RECS D3.1.2 reporting regulations for a 3 mile downstream limit do not apply. There is no exposures from ingestion of drinking water.Thus, at IPEC, the cumulative dose considers only the dose contributions from the maximum exposed individuals consumption of fish and invertebrates.
Tables of dose factors for three age groups were developed as per Section 2.4.3 and are included as Tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. (Infant dose factors are 0 and are not included).
2.4.2 The relationships and methods that form the calculational base for dose accounting for the liquid effluent pathway are described in this section. These relationships can be used to meet the calculational requirements of Section 2.3.1. The cumulative dose factors (Ait) are calculated in Section 2.4.3. The following equation is generally applicable and can be used for any number of isotopes released over a time period: m n D(T) = Z[AiT * (dtk)(Cik)(Fk)]
i=1 k=1 Where: m = The total number of isotopes released.D(T) = The liquid effluent cumulative dose commitment from nucl ides to the total body or any organ, T, for the time period k, in mrem.dtk = The length of the time period, k over which Cik and Fk are averaged for all liquid releases, in hours. (This can be individual release durations summed, or an entire period duration, defined with each application of this equation.)
Cik = The undiluted liquid effluent average concentration of nuclide, i, in uCi/ml, during time period dtk from any liquid release.n = The total number of releases considered.
IPEC ODCM Page 13 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies AiT = The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter listed in Table 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3, in mrem-ml per hr-uCi.Fk = The total dilution factor for Cik during any liquid effluent releases;defined as the ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters, times an applicable factor.The term Cik represents the total undiluted concentration of radioactive material in liquid waste at the release point as determined by the radioactive liquid waste sampling and analysis program as contained in the RECS. All dilution factors beyond the sample point are included in the Fk and AiTterms.The term Fk is a total dilution factor and is determined as follows: Liquid Radioactive Waste Flow Fk = [Discharge Structure Exit Flow
* Applicable Factor]The liquid radioactive waste flow is the flow from all continuous and batch radioactive effluent releases specified in the RECS from all liquid radioactive waste management systems. The discharge structure exit flow is the average flow during disposal from the discharge structure release point into the receiving body of water. Based on studies by New York University Medical Center (ref. 14 page 7), the appropriate"Applicable Factor' (a mixing factor in the near field), is 5.0.For permitting and initial assessment of liquid effluent releases, Fk is first determined with dilution flow concurrent with applicable releases (see Section 2.2). Doses are later recalculated (for the entire site) on a quarterly basis to determine actual doses from quarterly total site dilution volume. This method allows both an immediate and accurate long-term assessment of radiation dose resulting from liquid effluent releases at Indian Point.2.4.3 Dose Factor for Liquid Effluent Calculations The equation for dose from liquid effluents requires the use of a dose factor AiT for each nuclide, i, which embodies the dose factors, pathway transfer factor, pathway usage factors, and dilution factors for the points of pathway origin.IPEC follows the guidance of NUR EG 0133 and has calculated A iT for the total body and critical organ of the maximum exposed individual for Adult, Teen and Child doses.Most factors needed in the equation were obtained from Regulatory Guide 1.109 with the following exceptions (see Section 2.6 and Ref 2, 12, 13,1 4, and 25): The fish and invertebrate bioaccum ulation factors (BF 1 and Bli) for Cesium, Niobium, Silver, and Antimony, were determined locally.IPEC ODCM Page 14 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies For Cesium, a site specific factor of 224 was used instead of the 2,000 presented in Table A-1 of the Regulatory Guide f or fish. Similarly, a factor of 224 was used for invertebrates instead of the Regulatory Guide v alue of 1000.For Silver, the fish and invertebrate factors are 2.3 and 3300, respectively.
For Niobium, the fish and invertebrate factors are 300 and 100 respectively.
For Antimony, the fish and invertebrate factors are 1 and 300 respectively.
The summary dose factor is as follows: AT = K[(UF)BJF
+ (UI)BI,]Df Where: AiT = Composite dose parameter for the total body or critical organ for nuclide, i, for all appropriate pathways, mrem/hr per 1 iCi/ml.K = Units conversion factor, 114155 = (1E6pCi/iCi)
* (lE3ml/kcq) 8760 hr/yr UF = kg/yr fish consumption from Table E-5 of Reg Guide 1.109: 21 Adult 6.9 Child 16 Teen 0 Infant BFi = Fresh Water Fish Bioaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in pCi/kg per pCi/I from Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.UI = kg/yr invertebrate consumption from Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109: 5.0 Adult 1.7 Child 3.8 Teen 0 Infant Bli = Salt Water Invertebrates Bi oaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in pCi/kg per pCi/I from Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.1 09.DFi = Dose conversion factor for nuclide i, for age groups in pre-selected organs, T, in mrem/pCi, from Tables E-1 1, 12 & 13 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.IPEC has compiled AiT factors for 3 age groups and various organs for the maximum exposed individual.
These are included as Table 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. For completeness, this table includes all isotopes found in Reg Guide 1.109, however, several isotopes listed are not routinely identified at IPEC. In addition, the values for Antimony, Silver, Cesium, and Niobium are site specific as previously discussed.
IPEC ODCM Page 15 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===2.5 Backup===
Simplified Dose Methodoloqv 2.5.1 An alternate computer method which completely complies with Section 2.4 is available should the primary computer system be inoperable.
2.5.2 Hand Calculations which completely comply with Section 2.4 can be employed if the primary and secondary computer codes are inoperable.
Because they are time consuming and subject to calculational errors, procedural guidance in the actual flow of calculations should be used to maintain a standard format. These procedures are also used for benchmark tests of the computer codes.2.6 Site Specific Bio-Accumulation
& Dose Factors 2.6.1 As stated in Section 2.4.3 the bioaccum ulation factor for Cesium in fish is assumed to be 224 instead of the 20 00 listed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Ref. 3).Similarly, the bioaccumulation factor for invertebrates is 224. Thi s is based on three facts; 1) the Hudson River at IPEC is not completely fresh, 2) the Bioaccum ulation Factor for salt water is 40 (Ref. 2), and 3) the behavior of Cesi um in the Hudson is a complex phenomenon, as discussed below.The NYU Study (Ref. 2) shows that Cesium concentrations in fish are regulated at a relatively constant value independent of the concentration of Cesium in water, and the bioaccumulation factors are thus inversely proportional to the water concentration of Cesium. This explains the lower bioaccum ulation factor for Cesium reported by numerous investigators for salt water fish as opposed to fresh water fish because of the higher stable Cesium content of sea water. The NYU Report states that water at Indian Point has a dissolved Cesium concentration which is much higher than would be expected from simple mixing between sea water and fresh water and postulates that these higher concentrations result from leaching of Cesium from bottom sediment by saline water.Use of the bioaccumulation factors of Regulatory Guide 1.109 for a fresh water site will thus substantially overestimate fish ingestion doses because no account is taken of the phenomena just discussed.
However, radio-cesium concentrations in fish may still be estimated through the use of a bioaccumulation factor, provided that this factor is determined from the body of water of interest.
Thi s factor has been estimated (Ref.12, page 33) to be about 224 for the flesh of indigenous fish caught in the Indian Point area. In contrast, the Cesium fresh water bioaccumulation factor presented by Regulatory Guide 1.109 for fish is 2000.Fish ingestion doses would therefore be overestimated by a factor of 13 if the Regulatory Guide values were used.Similarly for invertebrates, the site specific bioaccumulation factor of 224 is used. This is larger than the value of 25 given in Reg Guide 1.109 for salt w ater invertebrates.
A second conservatism in the NRC model concerns the location at which the concentrations in the river of the discharged Cesium are evaluated.
Use of this model implies that these fish have grown directly in such a location prior to being caught, which is unrealistic and adds about a factor of five in conservation.
This conservatism remains in the calculation, thus the use of the NYU (Ref. 12)bioaccumulation factor is justifiable.
IPEC ODCM Page 16 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.6.2 No bioaccumulation factor for Silver is listed in Rev. 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table A-I. The values of 2.3 and 5000 for fish and invertebrates were obtained from ORNL-4992 (sponsored by ERDA 660, Ref. 25) and are included in the ODCM in the interests of increased accuracy sinc e Ag-110m is a potential component of IPEC liquid releases.2.6.3 International Atomic Energy Agency Report No. 57 provides data m ore recent than that presented in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for niobium bioaccumulation factors. The factor in the Regulatory Guide appears to be su bstantially over-conservative and, therefore, the more recent IAEA information is incorporated into the dose calculation methodology for liquid releases of radio-niobiu
: m. The values from Table XVII of IAEA No. 57 are 300 and 100 for freshwater fish and marine invertebrates respectively and are incorporated into this ODCM.2.6.4 Antimony isotopes are not listed in Reg. Guide 1.109. As for Niobium above, IAEA Report No. 57 was used to provide bioaccum ulation factors for the Antimony isotopes in Table 2-1. Dose factors were calculated for Antimony as per Reference Te-123m dose factors are not listed in Reg. Guide 1.109. Since this isotope is identified from potentially failed secondary startup sources and previously identified at IPEC, ingestion dose factors were derived from ICRP 30 and calculated per Ref In summary, with the exception of the bioaccumulation and dose factors discussed above, all remaining factors applied at IPEC are defined in Reg Guide 1.109 for a combination of fresh water fish and salt w ater invertebrates.
IPEC ODCM Page 17 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-11DM SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 0.00E+00 3.29E-01 4. 08E+02 4 .96E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 3 .21E+04 5 .06E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 97E+04 2. 02E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 61E+05 3. 43E+02 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 2. 57E+04 6. 32E+05 4.72E+02 1.79E+02 6. 07E+00 5.73E-02 8.89E+01 5.33E-01 1. 69E+00 1. 63E+00 9. OOE-02 4.83E+00 0. OE+00 1. 59E-02 1. 64E-02 1.10E+02 9. 16E+00 1. 64E+03 4.58E+02 3. 47E+01 4 .86E+02 3. 11E+02 2.82E-01 7.45E-01 4 .08E+02 3.08E+06 0.OOE+00 5. 43E+03 1. 37E+02 2. 21E+04 1.19E+05 5.15E+02 1.48E+03 3. 45E+03 2. 62E+01 9.08E+01 5. 13E+05 6.57E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.01E+05 2. 91E+02 1 .93E+02 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 22E-01 1. 82E-02 2. 69E+00 1. 28E+02 4. 50E-02 2 .36E-02 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .23E+02 7. 99E-01 9. 20E+00 3.47E+00 2.82E-01 3. 69E-01 4.08E+02 1.92E+06 4.31E+00 1.04E+03 2 .42E+01 5. 16E+03 4.56E+04 1. 15E+03 3.26E+03 1. 67E+03 1.20E+01 4.26E+01 2. 32E+05 4. 57E+01 4. 05E+01 5.25E+01 2.16E+00 4.72E+04 1.54E+02 1. 35E+02 7. 37E+02 1. 55E+05 1.91E+01 7.75E+00 1. 63E-01 2.22E-03 2.38E+00 1.56E-02 4. 67E-02 3.54E-01 8.30E-03 1.44E+00 2 .43E+01 5.73E-01 2. 32E-01 4 .74E+01 3. 62E+00 2. 07E+02 2. 51E+02 1.20E+01 1. 91E+02 7. 40E+01 2 .82E-01 0 0OE+00 4 .08E+02 0. 00E+00 2. 58E+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 o OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 5. 38E-01 1. 18E+00 3. 16E-01 2 .82E-01 7.83E-01 4.08E+02 0.OOE+00 9. 50E-01 1. 61E+03 1.73E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OE+00 2.29E+02 3. 43E+05 4.27E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8 .20E-01 2 .74E-02 2.65E+00 2.90E+02 6.84E-01 4.25E-01 4.20E+02 1. 18E+02 3. 16E+03 8.32E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 82E-01 0. OOE+00 4. 08E+02 0. OOE+00 5. 72E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 24E+04 3. 32E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+0o 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2 21E-02 1.21E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 08E+01 3. 79E+02 2. 40E+02 GI-LLI 2. 82E-01 1.28E+02 4.08E+02 5. 57E+06.1.08E+03 1. 66E+04 4. 36E+03 1. 27E+04 3. 96E+05 1. 04E+04 2.78E+04 7.19E+02 6. 65E+02 7.74E+03 3. 23E+05 9. 87E+01 5. 84E+01 4. 13E-04 0.OOE+00 2. OOE+04-4.02E-09 1.12E-11 4.12E+03 1. 82E+04 2 .25E+03 3.55E+03 6.4 3E+04 1. 68E-01 4.89E+04 9. 33E+03 5. 36E+04 1. 66E+03 5. 63E+03 1. 63E+04 2. 97E+02 2. 66E+01 7.09E-14 1.28E+04 5. 60E+03 1.06E+05 1.73E+05 1.32E+04 1.38E+04 3.42E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 18 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 2.72E+03 6.88E+03 1. 12E+02 1. 17E+04 3. 19E+01 1.76E+03 2. OOE+01 2.56E+03 4.88E+01 2. 68E+02 1. 31E+01 9.16E+01 6. 84E+00 2.86E+01 4.14E+04 4.33E+03 5. 30E+04 3. 67E+01 6. 47E+00 1.35E+03 3. 14E+00 1.42E+00 1. 58E+00 8.07E-02 3. 23E+00 5. 69E-01 1. 68E+02 5.80E+00 1. 90E-02 3. 97E+00 2. 98E+02 3. 53E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.05E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 3.29E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9. 87E+02 2 .46E+03 4 .01E+01 4.36E+03 1 .20E+01 8. 60E+02 8 .36E+00 1. 66E+03 1 .44E+02 3. 84E+02 3.50E+01 1. 59E+02 1.86E+01 7. 48E+01 9.84E+04 1. 71E+04 7 .25E+04 7.25E+01 4 .61E-03 1.70E+00 2. 37E-03 1.4 6E-03 7. 95E-01 3. 67E-02 2. 18E+00 4.21E+02 7.04E+01 2. 33E+00 7. 88E-03 4.59E+00 2.49E+02 3.47E-03 0.OOE+00 1.21E+02 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.15E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 65E+02 8.38E+02 2.42E+01 1. 85E+03 7.77E+00 7.16E+02 6. 32E+00 1. 55E+03 5. 68E+01 2.20E+02 1.23E+01 4.86E+01 6. 64E+00 2 .76E+01 8. 04E+04 1. 23E+04 4 .75E+04 3. 59E+01 1. 89E-01 8. 87E+01 1 .06E-01 8. 93E-02 2. lOE-01 9. 15E-03 2 .48E-01 4. 66E-02 9.04E+00 2.88E-01 9. 65E-04 2 .74E-01 8 .71E+01 1. 91E-03 0 OOE+00 2 .01E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3.74E-03 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 32E+01 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8 .19E+02 1.76E+03 8.28E+01 4 .01E+03 2 .45E+01 1 .36E+03 1 .65E+01 1 .83E+03 1. 22E+04 1.26E+05 1.23E+03 2. 34E+04 3.22E+02 4. 93E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.88E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. l1E+04 2 .79E+04 4 .55E+02 4 .88E+04 1. 34E+02 8 .71E+03 8 .77E+01 1. 60E+04 2 .24E+02 6. 58E+02 5. 58E+01 2. 78E+02 2. 95E+01 1. 20E+02 3. 18E+04 9. 51E+03 2 .4 6E+04 5. 33E+01 4 .31E-03 5 .78E-01 2 .21E-03 1 .23E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 01E+00 1. 85E-01 4 17E+01 1. 34E+00 4 45E-03 2 68E+00 0 OOE+00 1 08E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 20E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 08E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E+04 1. 30E+03 8. 18E+03 5.26E+00 2.61E-03 9. 73E-01 1. 35E-03 8.27E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 09E+04 2. 31E+04 8. 82E+03 5. 88E+04 2 .41E+01 8. 53E+04 2 .83E+00 7 .83E+OA 1. 24E+02 1. 01E+02 6. 58E+00 1. 43E+02 1. 62E-02 8. 45E+01 1. 72E+03 1. 94E+03 1. 40E+03 3. 09E-04 1. 15E+01 2 .79E+03 1. 48E-09 2. OOE-18 5 83E+04 2 68E+02 8. 35E+03 1. 57E+04 5. 69E+04 2. 54E+04 2 .73E-09 2. 20E+04 8. 16E+04 7. 12E+02 0 OOE+00 3. 07E+03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3.78E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 65E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 19 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-110M SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 0.OOE+00 3.58E-01 4.20E+02 5.40E+07 o.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3.35E+04 5.20E+04 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 5. 15E+04 2. 18E+02 0.00E+00 1.46E+05 3.73E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 2 .79E+04 5.27E+05 5. 12E+02 1. 94E+02 6.57E+00 6. 18E-02 9.64E+01 5.80E-01 1.84E+00 1. 68E+00 9.65E-02 4 .86E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 63E-02 1. 77E-02 1. 15E+02 9. 85E+00 1. 77E+03 4. 45E+02 4. 35E+01 5. 09E+02 3. 27E+02 2.17E-01 8. 02E-01 4 .20E+02 3.35E+06 0.OOE+00 5.33E+03 1. 43E+02 2. 37E+04 1.21E+05 5. 10E+02 1. 48E+03 3. 64E+03 2 .79E+01 9. 53E+01 5.07E+05 7. 10E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.09E+05 3. 12E+02 2. 01E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.29E-01 1. 91E-02 2. 70E+00 1 .36E+02 4 .55E-02 2. 51E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .22E+02 8.47E-01 9.40E+00 3.58E+00 2. 17E-01 4. 01E-01 4 .20E+02 2. 09E+06 4.4 4E+00 1. 06E+03 2. 54E+01 5. 54E+03 4. 69E+04 1. 18E+03 3. 32E+03 1. 75E+03 1. 27E+01 4. 48E+01 2. 36E+05 4. 97E+01 4 .41E+01 5. 55E+01 2. 34E+00 5. 12E+04 1. 66E+02 1. 42E+02 8. OOE+02 1. 30E+05 2. 04E+01 8. 25E+00 1. 77E-01 2. 36E-03 2. 58E+00 1. 68E-02 5. 03E-02 3. 64E-01 8. 80E-03 1. 48E+00 2. 60E+01 5. 89E-01 2. 47E-01 4. 93E+01 3. 82E+00 2. 23E+02 2. 56E+02 1. 27E+01 1. 99E+02 7. 64E+01 2. 17E-01 0.00E+00 4 .20E+02 0.OOE+00 2.47E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.53E-01 1. 16E+00 3. 11E-01 2. 17E-01 8. 50E-01 4 .20E+02 0 OOE+00 9. 73E-01 1. 59E+03 1 .81E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 41E+02 3. 2 4E+05 4. 64E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 78E-01 2. 90E-02 2. 61E+00 3. 12E+02 6. 77E-01 4 55E-01 4. 06E+02 1. 24E+02 3. 42E+03 8. 04E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2.17E-01 2.17E-01 0.OOE+00 9.76E+01 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 0.OOE+00 4.54E+06 6.34E+00 7.46E+02 0.OOE+00 1.09E+04 0.OOE+00 9.40E+03 1.51E+04 1.03E+04 3.83E+04 2.87E+05 0.OOE+00 7.04E+03 0.OOE+00 1.92E+04 0.OOE+00 5.79E+02 0.OOE+00 1.51E+03 0.OOE+00 7.39E+03 0.OOE+00 2.15E+05 0.OOE+00 1.31E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.61E+04 0.OOE+00 2.67E-05 0.OOE+00 3.09E-07 0.OOE+00 3.33E+03 0.OOE+00 1.48E+04 0.OOE+00 2.32E+03 0.OOE+00 4.93E+03 0.OOE+00 5.42E+04 0.OOE+00 2.92E+00 0.OOE+00 3.95E+04 0.OOE+00 1.59E+04 0.OOE+00 5.61E+04 0.OOE+00 1.22E+03 0.OOE+00 5.17E+03 0.OOE+00 1.15E+04 0.OOE+00 2.44E+02 2.52E-02 2.98E+01 1.53E-02 4.30E-09 0.OOE+00 9.63E+03 0.OOE+00 7.96E+03 0.OOE+00 8.50E+04 0.OOE+00 1.18E+05 2.72E+01 9.13E+03 4.45E+02 1.03E+04 2.85E+02 2.53E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 20 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 2. 96E+03 7 48E+03 1. 22E+02 1 .26E+04 3. 47E+01 1.89E+03 2. 16E+01 2 70E+03 5 .06E+01 2 .87E+02 1. 37E+01 9. 87E+01 7 17E+00 2 99E+01 4. 24E+04 4. 35E+03 5. 67E+04 3. 93E+01 7. 05E+00 1.44E+03 3. 40E+00 1. 52E+00 1. 67E+00 8. 58E-02 3. 4 9E+00 6. 16E-01 1. 82E+02 6. 28E+00 2. 06E-02 4. 50E+00 3. 22E+02 3. 98E-02 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .36E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3.46E+01 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 07E+03 2.65E+03 4. 33E+01 4. 68E+03 1.29E+01 9.06E+02 8. 90E+00 1.71E+03 1 .46E+02 4.02E+02 3.58E+01 1. 67E+02 1.90E+01 7.71E+01 9. 97E+04 1.71E+04 7. 54E+04 7 .54E+01 4.96E-03 1.76E+00 2. 54E-03 1. 52E-03 8 .20E-01 3.81E-02 2. 33E+00 4 .48E+02 7. 55E+01 2. 51E+00 8.44E-03 4 .89E+00 2. 62E+02 3.75E-03 0.OOE+00 1. 25E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.08E-02 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.22E+01 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI 3.96E+02 8.28E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.75E+03 8.90E+02 1.78E+03 3.03E+04 0.OOE+00 1.87E+04 2.63E+01 8.44E+01 4.95E+02 0.OOE+00 9.44E+03 2.OOE+03 4.07E+03 5.28E+04 0.OOE+00 4.74E+04 8.44E+00 2.48E+01 1.46E+02 0.OOE+00 1.90E+02 7.55E+02 1.36E+03 9.44E+03 0.OOE+00 7.27E+04 6.75E+00 1.66E+01 9.44E+01 0.OOE+00 1.77E+00 1.61E+03 1.80E+03 1.64E+04 0.OOE+00 5.42E+04 5.84E+01 1.19E+04 2.25E+02 0.OOE+00 1.12E+02 2.16E+02 1.17E+05 6.92E+02 0.OOE+00 7.95E+01 1.29E+01 1.21E+03 5.64E+01 0.OOE+00 1.56E+01 5.l1E+01 2.34E+04 2.94E+02 0.OOE+00 1.27E+02 6.82E+00 3.17E+02 2.99E+01 0.OOE+00 2.50E-01 2.86E+01 4.96E+03 1.22E+02 0.OOE+00 8.54E+01 4.63E+04 0.OOE+00 3.17E+04 1.21E+04 1.24E+03 1.15E+04 0.OOE+00 9.32E+03 1.47E+03 1.38E+03 2.63E+04 0.OOE+00 2.57E+04 9.97E+03 1.07E+03 3.77E+01 0.OOE+00 5.57E+01 6.48E+00 3.42E-02 2.05E-01 0.OOE+00 4.67E-03 3.42E-03 6.28E+01 9.28E+01 0.OOE+00 5.98E-01 1.19E+00 2.22E+03 1.14E-01 0.OOE+00 2.36E-03 1.74E-03 7.25E-06 9.33E-02 0.OOE+00 1.28E-03 1.01E-03 4.65E-12 2.18E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.71E+04 9.49E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.16E+03 2.67E-01 0.OOE+00 1.10E+00 0.OOE+00 6.66E+03 5.01E-02 0.OOE+00 2.01E-01 0.OOE+00 1.35E+04 9.80E+00 0.OOE+00 4.51E+01 0.OOE+00 4.59E+04 3.13E-01 0.OOE+00 1.46E+00 0.OOE+00 2.07E+04 1.05E-03 0.OOE+00 4.84E-03 0.OOE+00 2.27E-05 2.93E-01 0.OOE+00 2.87E+00 0.OOE+00 1.76E+04 9.19E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.10E+04 2.08E-03 0.OOE+00 1.18E-02 0.OOE+00 6.03E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.10E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.95E-03 0.OOE+00 1.27E-02 0.OOE+00 2.58E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.32E+01 2.84E+01 2.12E+02 0.OOE+00 1.28E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 21 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H-3 D.00E+00 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 BE-7 4.77E-01 8.08E-01 5.33E-01 D.00E+00 7.96E-01 D.OOE+00 4.52E+01 NA-24 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 P-32 6.98E+07 3.27E+06 2.69E+06 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 D.0DE+00 1.93E+06 CR-51 D.D0E+00 O.DDE+00 4.86E+00 2.70E+00 7.37E-01 4.92E+00 2.58E+02 MN-54 0.DDE+00 4.20E+03 1.12E+03 0.DOE+00 1.18E+03 0.OOE+00 3.53E+03 MN-56 D.DDE+00 1.31E+02 2.96E+01 D.ODE+00 1.59E+02 D.0DE+00 1.90E+04 FE-55 4.55E+04 2.42E+04 7.48E+03 D.0OE+00 D.D0E+00 1.37E+04 4.47E+03 FE-59 6.53E+04 1.06E+05 5.27E+04 D.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 3.07E+04 1.10E+05 CO-58 O.ODE+00 4.20E+02 1.29E+03 D.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 O.DOE+00 2.45E+03 CO-60 O.OE+00 1.23E+03 3.64E+03 0.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 0.O0E+00 6.84E+03 NI-63 6.85E+04 3.67E+03 2.33E+03 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 2.47E+02 NI-65 2.83E+02 2.66E+01 1.55E+01 0.OOE+00 D.ODE+00 0.DOE+00 3.26E+03 CU-64 O.OE+00 9.05E+01 5.47E+01 0.OOE+00 2.19E+02 0.DDE+00 4.25E+03 ZN-65 1.55E+05 4.12E+05 2.56E+05 D.OE+00 2.59E+05 0.DDE+00 7.23E+04 ZN-69 4.94E+02 7.14E+02 6.60E+01 D.OE+00 4.33E+02 0.D0E+00 4.50E+04 BR-83 0.DDE+00 O.0DE+00 5.67E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OE+00 0.DDE+00 0.DDE+00 BR-84 0.O0E+00 O.D0E+00 6.56E+01 0.ODE+00 0.ODE+00 0.DDE+00 0.00E+00 BR-85 O.OE+00 O.00E+00 3.02E+00 0.DDE+00 0.ODE+00 D.DDE+00 0.DDE+00 RB-86 O.OE+00 1.06E+05 6.50E+04 D.D0E+00 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 6.80E+03 RB-88 D.O0E+00 3.O0E+02 2.08E+02 0.DDE+00 D.OE+00 D.DDE+00 1.47E+01 RB-89 0 0DE+00 1.85E+02 1.64E+02 0.DDE+00 D.ODE+00 D.DDE+00 1.61E+00 SR-89 3.63E+04 D.D0E+00 1.04E+03 O.DDE+00 O.ODE+00 O.00E+00 1.41E+03 SR-90 4.68E+05 D.00E+00 1.19E+05 0.DDE+00 0.OE+00 O.DDE+00 6.30E+03 SR-91 6.60E+02 O.D0E+00 2.49E+01 0.DDE+00 O.ODE+00 O.0DE+00 1.46E+03 SR-92 2.48E+02 0.0DE+00 9.96E+00 D.DDE+00 0.0DE+00 O.DDE+00 4.70E+03 Y-90 8.79E+00 O.00E+00 2.35E-01 O.D0E+00 0.00E+00 DO.DE+00 2.50E+04 Y-91M 8.17E-02 O.DDE+00 2.97E-03 D.DDE+00 D.ODE+00 0.DDE+00 1.60E+02 Y-91 1.29E+02 O.DDE+00 3.44E+00 0.DOE+00 D.ODE+00 O.DDE+00 1.71E+04 Y-92 7.70E-01 O.DDE+00 2.20E-02 D.OE+00 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 2.22E+04 Y-93 2.44E+00 O.DDE+00 6.69E-02 D.OE+00 0.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 3.63E+04 ZR-95 2.10E+00 4.62E-01 4.11E-01 0.OOE+00 6.62E-01 O.DDE+00 4.82E+02 ZR-97 1.27E-01 1.83E-02 1.08E-02 D.OOE+00 2.63E-02 O.0DE+00 2.77E+03 NB-95 5.75E+00 2.24E+00 1.60E+00 O.D0E+00 2.10E+00 O.0OE+00 4.14E+03 MO-99 O.OE+00 1.31E+02 3.23E+01 0.OE+00 2.79E+02 O.00E+00 1.08E+02 TC-99M 1.99E-02 3.89E-02 6.46E-01 0.OOE+00 5.66E-01 1.98E-02 2.22E+01 TC-101 2.30E-02 2.41E-02 3.06E-01 0.00E+00 4.11E-01 1.27E-02 7.66E-02 RU-103 1.48E+02 O.DDE+00 5.67E+01 0.0DE+00 3.72E+02 0.D0E+00 3.82E+03 RU-105 1.30E+01 O.DDE+00 4.73E+00 0.DDE+00 1.15E+02 O.D0E+00 8.50E+03 RU-106 2.36E+03 0.00E+00 2.95E+02 0.DDE+00 3.19E+03 O.00E+00 3.68E+04 AG-11DM 5.24E+02 3.54E+02 2.83E+02 0.D0E+00 6.59E+02 D.DDE+00 4.21E+04 SB-122 5.80E+01 8.56E-01 1.70E+01 7.43E-01 O.0DE+00 2.36E+01 4.46E+03 SB-124 6.55E+02 8.50E+00 2.29E+02 1.44E+00 O.0DE+00 3.63E+02 4.09E+03 SB-125 4.22E+02 3.25E+00 8.85E+01 3.91E-01 0.D0E+00 2.35E+02 1.01E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 22 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 3. 81E+03 9. 67E+03 1. 58E+02 1. 63E+04 4. 48E+01 2. 41E+03 2 .78E+01 3. 38E+03 6. 28E+01 3. 70E+02 1. 72E+01 1. 27E+02 9. 02E+00 3. 77E+01 5. 15E+04 5. 17E+03 7. 19E+04 5 .01E+01 9. 34E+00 1. 87E+03 4 .51E+00 1. 97E+00 2 16E+00 1. 12E-01 4. 65E+00 8. 19E-01 2.44E+02 8. 40E+00 2.76E-02 5. 96E+00 4.08E+02 5. 15E-02 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.55E-02 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.31E+01 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1. 03E+03 2. 60E+03 4.25E+01 4.55E+03 1.25E+01 8. 33E+02 8.4 6E+00 1.50E+03 1.27E+02 3.72E+02 3. 16E+01 1. 58E+02 1.67E+01 6. 78E+01 8.4 4E+04 1.42E+04 6. 88E+04 6. 97E+01 4. 99E-03 1. 64E+00 2.53E-03 1.42E-03 7.55E-01 3. 57E-02 2. 32E+00 4.44E+02 7. 64E+01 2.52E+00 8.53E-03 4.83E+00 2.42E+02 3.70E-03 0.00E+00 1. 15E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1. OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.94E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 08E+02 1. 15E+03 3. 38E+01 2.53E+03 1.06E+01 8.8 6E+02 8.26E+00 1.81E+03 6.54E+01 2. 12E+02 1.45E+01 5. 96E+01 7. 70E+00 3.21E+01 1.78E+04 9. 19E+03 1.02E+04 4.42E+01 2.71E-01 1. 09E+02 1.47E-01 1.10E-01 2. 54E-01 1. 12E-02 3. 45E-01 6.4 4E-02 1. 30E+01 4 .17E-01 1. 39E-03 3.74E-01 1.08E+02 2.60E-03 0.OOE+00 2. 33E+02 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .68E-03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.59E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+03 2. 31E+03 1. 09E+02 5.25E+03 3.20E+01 1.71E+03 2.12E+01 2. 18E+03 1. 40E+04 1.23E+05 1.47E+03 2. 93E+04 3.85E+02 6. OOE+03 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.41E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2 .76E+04 4.48E+02 4.78E+04 1.31E+02 8.06E+03 8.40E+01 1.39E+04 1. 90E+02 6. 11E+02 4.84E+01 2.63E+02 2.56E+01 1.04E+02 2. 62E+04 7 .56E+03 2 .24E+04 4.90E+01 4.35E-03 5.35E-01 2.19E-03 1. 15E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+00 1.86E-01 4. 23E+01 1. 37E+00 4. 51E-03 2. 65E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 07E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.l1E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.80E+02 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 39E+03 1. 13E+03 8.07E+03 5.28E+00 2.93E-03 9.79E-01 1.48E-02 8. 35E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 68E+03 7.83E+03 6. 15E+03 1. 99E+04 2.79E+03 3. 38E+04 1.4 6E+02 1.51E+04 5. 94E+01 3.31E+01 3. 72E+01 6. 35E+01 1 .lIE+01 5. 16E+01 4.55E+02 4. 99E+02 4. 31E+02 3. 21E+01 5. 39E+02 9. 50E+02 2. 57E+00 2. 57E-02 2. 10E+04 7. 08E+03 2. 90E+03 6.51E+03 1.99E+04 9. 06E+03 1.84E+01 7. 65E+03 3. 40E+04 2.74E+02 0.OOE+00 9. 43E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.09E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 97E+02 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 23 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2-4 Bio-Accumulation Factors for Liquid Effluent Isotopes (pCi/kg per pCi/liter)
Freshwater Saltwater I ISOTOPE Fish BFi Invertebratesl ISOTOPE BIi--- -----I ------H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-110M SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 9.0O0E-01 2. 000E+00 1. OOOE+02 1. 000E+0S 2. 000E+02 4 .000E+02 4 .000E+02 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+02 5. 000E+01 5. 000E+01 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+02 5.000E+01 2. 000E+03 2. OOOE+03 4.200E+02 4 .200E+02 4 .200E+02 2. OOE+03 2. OOE+03 2. OOE+03 3.OO0E+01 3.000E+01 3.OO0E+01 3.OO0E+01 2.500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 3. 300E+00 3. 300E+00 3. 0O0E+02 1.OO0E+01 1. 500E+01 1.500E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 2.300E+00 1. 000E+00 1. 000E+00 1. 000E+00 9. 300E-01 2. 000E+02 1. 900E-01 3. 000E+04 2. 000E+03 4. 000E+02 4. 00E+02 2. O0E+04 2. 000E+04 1. 000E+03 1. 00E+03 2. SC0E+02 2. 500E+02 1. 700E+03 5. OOOE+04 5.000E+04 3. 100E+00 3. 100E+00 3. 100E+00 1.700E+01 1.700E+01 1.700E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 8. 000E+01 8. OOOE+01 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+01 5. 000E+01 S. OC0E+01 1. OOE+03 1. 000E+03 1. O00E+03 5. 0O0E+03 3.000E+02 3.OO0E+02 3.OOOE+02 TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 Freshwater Saltwater Fish Invertebrates BFi BIi 4 000EC+02 1. 000E+02 4 .00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 0OE+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 l. 0BE+01 5.CO0E+01 1.500E+01 5.O00E+01 1.500E+01 5.000E+01 1.500E+01 5.OOOE+01 1.500E+01 5.OOE+01 1.500E+01 5.OOBE+01 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 4.0B0E+02 1.240E+02 4.000E+00 1.000E+02 4.000E+00 1.000E+02 4.0O0E+00 1.000E+02 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 6.000E+02 1.000E+00 6.0OBE+02 1.000E+00 6.OOE+02 l.COCE+CC 6.OCCE+02 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 1.200E+03 3.000E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 5.000E+01 1.OO0E+03 0.000E+00 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OO0E+00 3.000E+02 1.OOE+02 3.OO0E+02 1.O00E+02 0.000E+00 0.0O0E+00 0.000E+00 0.0O0E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.OOOE+02 1.OO0E+02 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Bio-Accumulation Factors and DFi's for Noble Gases = 0 IPEC ODCM Page 24 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===3.0 GASEOUS===
EFFLUENTS 3.1 Gaseous Effluent Releases -General Inform ation 3.1.1 A completed and properly authorized Airborne Radioactive Waste Release Permit shall be issued prior to the release of airborne activity from the waste gas holding system, containment purge, or any other batch release.3.1.2 Since Indian Point is a two unit site, the derived instantaneous limits for each unit, (Section 3.2) were derived from an actual site limit (Appendix I). The time-average limits are "per reactor", and applicable to each unit.3.1.3 During Modes 4 through 6, there is no flowpath for a release from the Condenser Air Ejector. During these intervals, when there is no actual release pathway , the monthly grab sample described in RECS D3.2.1 is not required.3.1.4 During normal plant operation (without a prim ary to secondary leak), almost all gaseous releases are through the main Plant Vent. A negligible amount may be identified in other pathways (see Appendix C).In the event of extended operation with a primary to secondary leak, low level releases are expected from both the bI owdown flash tank vent and condenser air ejector. However, the limits on steam generator leakage are much more restrictive than those for effluent releases.
T herefore, allocation of portions of the allowable release rate to these various release points during routine operation is not warranted.
If, on the other hand, the instantaneous release rate is being considered for the Plant Vent, then ALL release points should be considered when es tablishing alarm setpoints, per ODCM Part II, Section For releases that are expected to cont inue for periods over two days, a new release permit will normally be issued each day.A containment purge permit may be closed, with the release reclassified as continuous building ventilation, when activity in containment is sufficiently reduced to that level which, if released for 31-days, would rem ain BELOW the dose projection limits.However, when plant conditions change, such that releases to containment are likely, a new permit should be evaluated.
====3.1.6 Assurance====
that the combined gaseous releases from Units 2 and 3 do not exceed limits of Section 3.2.1 is provided by administrative controls for both units. These controls include apportionment of the 10C FR20 limitations and back-calculating radiation monitor setpoints accordingly.
These calculations are discussed in Appendix I.IPEC ODCM Page 25 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.7 By mutual agreement with units 2 and 3 Shift Supervisors, one unit can reduce or eliminate discharges for a period of time to allow the other unit to use the full site permissible discharge rate, or a specific portion thereof, for unique releases that may require the site lim it for release rate. To better control these evolutions, written agreement to the apportionm ent is generally kept with each unit's C RS and included on applicable perm its for the duration.3.1.8 Conservative release rate limitations have been established to ensure compliance with 10CFR20, and to aid in controlling time average dose limits. The annual average release rate limit (Appendix I) shall normally be used for calculating limitations on discharge.
If this limitation is unduly restrictive, other release rates may be allowed, per Appendix I, and sum marized below: Relbase Rate(!Cilsec)
Permission Required,.., Quarterly Average Site Operations Manager / designee Default Instantaneous General Manager, Plant Operations
/ designee ODCM Instantaneous GMPO and Chemistry Superintendent
/ designee As described in Appendix I, the ODCM instantaneous limit provides a maximum release rate with an actual or suspected isotopic mixture, back-calculated from the actual 10CFR20 limit (500 mrem/yr for the site). The calculations for the use of this limit should be verified within the Chemistry department.
The default interval in which to determine the proximity to this limit (uCi/sec or mrem/yr) is one hour or less.3.1.9 Containment Pressure Reliefs Containment pressure reliefs occur frequently enough to be considered continuous releases.
Grab samples of containment atmosphere are obtained periodic ally to ensure the use of accurate mixtures in effluent calculations.
The containment noble gas monitors (R-42 for Unit 2 and R-12 for Unit 3) are used in conjuction with expected flow rates to determine a release rate. The effluent noble gas monitor in the plant vent is also used to verify total unit release rate remains below the current authorized limit.3.1.10 Composite Particulate Samples Continuous building ventilation exhaust points are sampled continuously for Iodine and Particulate.
Media is replaced weekly, with composite filters prepared for vendor lab analyses monthly.3.1.11 Flow rate measurement for the Continuous Building Ventilation systems is typically obtained from the installed process monitor or nearby instrument.
When the process flow rate instrument is OOS, estimates are performed every 4 hours per the RECS, to allow appropriate quantification of continuous airborne effluent.
The estimates are typically performed by summing the exhaust flow rates (or design flow rate) from any operable fans. Unit 3's PV flow may be estimated from a backup instrument.
Unit 3's Admin Bldg does NOT have a flow rate instrum ent (design flow of 12500 cfm is used). The process flow rate monitor surveillance requirements specified in the RECS are not applicable for the Unit 3 Admin Building.IPEC ODCM Page 26 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.12 Gas Storage Tank Activity Limits The quantity of radioactivity in each gas storage tank is limited to 50,000 Ci of noble gas, Xenon-133 equivalent, per RE CS D3.2.6. The source of this requirement is NUREG 0133 (Section 5.6.1)for both units. However, the parameters used in the given equation are applied differently at each unit, as defined in the FSARs and summarized in the following discussion:
Unit 2: (500mrem)*
3.15E+ 7 sec/yr Q __________________=________=
29T761Ci (lE6 1 iCi / Ci)(294mrem
-mI 3 //.Ci -yr)(1.8 1E -3 sec/m 3')Where;294 mrem-m 3/4iCi-yr = the Xe-133 WB dose factor, RG 1.109, table B-1 (K).1.81 E-3 sec/mi 3  = Design Basis Accident X/Q from Indian Point 2 FSAR An actual curie limit is calculated by substituting the actual mixture Keff into the equation above. For example, the Keff for the accident mix computed using Table 14.2-5 of the FSAR is 476 mrem-m 3/[Ci-yr. Thus, the actual activity limit (for an expected mixture of radionuclides, not just Xe-133) is: (500mrem)
* 3.15E+ 7 sec/yr Q ___________________________=_____________
=183 0C (1E6pCi / Ci)(476 mrem -M 3 / /uCi -yr)(1.8 1E -3 sec/r 3)Similar calculations could be performed with actual Keff and X/Q data.As demonstrated above, the setpoi nts calculated from NUREG 0133 modeling assume Xe-1 33 equivalent and no tank interconnections (29,761 Ci of Xe-1 33 equivalent or 18,300 Ci for an expected acci dent mixture).However, the tanks are, in fact, generally interconnected, requiring a more conservative approach.
The unit 2 FSAR (14.2.3) has established a specific gas decay tank limit of 6,000 Ci each. This value is based on the original RECS required 29,761 curies of Xe-133 equivalent, divided into 4 large and all 6 small gas decay tanks. Given the actual atmospheric volume of the tanks (525 ft 3 for each large and 40 ft 3 for each small), the total volume is approximately
===4.5 tanks===
29,761 27 66000 Ci Xe-133 Equivalent 4.5 The RECS required gas storage tank radiation monitor (R-50), is therefore set to alarm at 6,000 curies. Warn setpoints are established by procedure, usually with consideration for measured tank contents and anticipated release rate.IPEC ODCM Page 27 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies In the event R-50 becomes inoperable, but a depressurized sample can be taken, the quantity limits can still be verified.
Compliance with the appropriate curie limit in a tank is assured if the following inequality holds:[A]m < 14.7 (Q) or [A]eq < 14.7 (Q133)(14.7 + P)V (14.7 + P)V Where:[A]m total measured depressurized sample concentration
(&#xfd;tCi/cc)[A]eq Xe-133 equivalent measured depressurized sample concentration
([tCi/cc)V tank volume (cc) P tank pressure (psig)Q activity limit for selected mix ([tCi) Q1 33 dose equivalent Xe1 33 limit(jiCi)
Unit 3: (500mrem)*
3.15E + 7 sec/yr Qit= =5000C (1E6,uCi / Ci)(294mrem
-M3 / jCi -yr)(1.03E-3 sec/rm 3)Where;Ki = 294 mrem-m 3/4Ci-yr, Xe-133 equivalent Table B-1 (RG 1.109)X/Q = 1.03 x 10-3 sec/m 3 , Indian Point 3 FSAR This limit assumes 100% Xe-133 as per NUREG 0133. Utilizing the Ki from an expected mixture during RCS degasification (787 mrem-m 3 per uCi-yr), the gas tank conservative administrative limit should becomes: (500mrem)*
3.15E+7 sec/yr Qit= = 19,400Ci (lE6jtCi / Ci)(787mrem
-m3 / jiCi -yr)(1.03E
-3 sec/mr 3)There are two methods available to ensure that the activity in the gas storage tank is within the conservative administrative limit: 1.94E + 4
* 1E6jtCi / Ci 1.17E + 2 ItCi/cc 525 ft 3
* 164.7psia
* 2.83E4 cc/ ft 3 14.7psia )1. The total gaseous activity will normally be limited to less than 117 ItCi/cc. If this concentration limit is exceeded, then the contents of the tank will be monitored and actions taken to ensure the 19,400 curie per tank limit is not exceeded.2. The waste gas line monitor (R-20) reads in &#xfd;OCi/cc. It allows for control of waste gas tank curie content by limiting the input concentration to 117 ICi/cc, thereby limiting the curies to 19,400.IPEC ODCM Page 28 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Large gas decay tanks on fill and CVC S tanks (which are indicative of the gas mixture in or from the reuse system) are continuously monitored for H 2 and 02 through in-line instrum entation.
With either in-line instrument out of service, a grab sample of the tank on receipt shall be taken dail y, unless in degassing operation, when the periodicity i s every four hours.Other primary system tank cover gases can be manually directed through these instruments for individual samples.Gas releases may also occur from the gas space atop liquid holdup tanks. The basis for assuring these tanks com ply with the curie limits for noble gas is Technical Specification 3.4.16, which limits Reactor Coolant to  1 jCi/gm Dose Equivalent Iodine-131.
Using the assumptions discussed in each unit's FSAR, the potential total curies of noble gas in the liquid holdup tanks is limited to less than the conservative limit for the Gas Storage Tanks.3.1.13 The activity released via the blowdown flash tank vent is determined by obtaining the steam generator blowdown activity (tritium, noble gas, and iodine), partitioned per Regulatory Guide 1.42 "Interim Licensing Policy On As Low As Practicable for Gaseous Radioiodine Releases from Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors" (from NUREG 0472, Rev3, DRAFT 6, TABLE 3.3-13), or Reference 4, "An Evaluation to Demonstrate the Compliance of the Indian Point Reactors with the Design Objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I".3.1.14 Carbon 14 is released at a rate of 9. 6 curies per GW(e)/yr based upon studies performed by the New York State Department of Health at Indian Point 3. This is released in a gaseous form, the primary dose from which is in the CO 2 form. While quantifiable based on the GW(e) per year, C-14 is exempt from the dose limits specified in the RECS. Nonetheless, doses resulting from these releases are calculated in accordance with the methodology in Reg. Guide 1.109 and listed in the Radiological Impact on Man section of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. The airborne effluent dose calculation from C-14 emissions is performed using the fraction of carbo n 14 released in the CO 2 form (26%).3.1.15 The Unit 3 Liquid Waste Monitor Tanks have an airborne release pathway. The original plant design Ii mited the gases through this pathway by reducing the entrained gases to less than 2E-3 pCi/ml. The removal of the CVCS gas stripper under modification 86-3-122 CVCS requires the quantification of these gases when the entrained gaseous activity in the Monitor Tank inlet exceeds 2E-3 [iCi/ml. No action is required if the inlet noble gas concentration i s less than 2E-3 [ICi/ml. This gas release will be quantified by calculating the difference (in gCi's) between the gaseous activity added to the tank and the gaseous activity present in the effluent release sample. This difference will be quantified as an airborne ground level batch release, using a specifically determined ground level dispersion constant (Section 3.5.3).A separate release permit evaluating this release is not required prior to release.Calculation of this rate of release is not required, however the time average dose contribution shall be calculated and controlled per Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the ODC M.Section 3.6 provides additional detail relative to the finite cloud correction assumptions for this pathway.Unit 2's Waste Distillate Storage Tanks are vented inside the Unit 1 faci lity, so there is no similar airborne release pathway from these tanks.IPEC ODCMV Page 29 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.16 Evaluations of previous gas decay tank and containment purge releases have been performed.
These evaluations indicate that these "Short Term Releases" (less than 500 hours per year and less than 150 hours per quarter) are sufficiently random to utilize the long term meteorological dispersion factor (NUREG 0133, Section 3.3, Page 8). The short-term correction factor, will only be used when non-random releases are to be made an a routine basis.3.1.17 Airborne releases from the Steam Generator Safety or Atmospheric Dump Valves can occur during a Primary to Secondary leak. Tritium, Noble Gas, and Iodine effluent doses are determined using a source term activity (Main Steam or Steam Generator Blowdown), an Iodine partition factor (per Section 3.1.13), and a release rate, determined from Engineering Design Calculation 187 (Steam Generator Atmospherics), or design flowrate (from Steam Generator Safeties) at specific pressures in the Steam Generator.
3.1.18 Other release pathways resulti ng from Primary to Secondary leakage include the steam driven auxiliary feed pump vent, the gland seal exhaust vent, the air ejector vent, and the Feed Water heater flash tank vent. Offsite doses from these or other abnormal airborne release points are calculated by obtaining the release rate (from system descriptions and/or steam tables corrected for system pressure, as applicable) and source term activity (eg. Main Steam , Reactor Coolant, or best estimate) for Tritium, Noble Gas, and Iodine, partitioned as per Section,1.19 The Unit 3 Monitor Tank vents, both unit Condenser Air Ejector, and the Gland Seal Exhaust points are ground level releases.
Unless otherwise designated, other release points are considered mixed mode, per Section Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements 312.1 RECS D3.2.1 requires that the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited to: a) For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 m rem/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin; and b) For Iodine 131, H-3, and radioactive m aterials in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.These are SITE limits and normally apportioned appropriately between the units to simplify assurance of compliance with the RECS. The methodologies for performing these calculations are discussed in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, respectively.
3,2.2 RECS Section D3.2.2 requires that the air dose due to noble gas released in gaseous effluents from each reactor unit at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited to: a) During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mrad for beta radiation.
b) During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.
The methodology for calculati ng these doses is discussed in Section 3.3.3.IPEC ODCM Page 30 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.2.3 RECS Section D3.2.3 requires that the dose to a member of the general public from Iodine 131, Tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form (half-lives
> 8 days) in gaseous effluents released from each reactor unit shall be limited to: a) Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ during a calendar quarter b) Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ during a calendar year.Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar qua rter and current calendar year shall be determined at least once every 31 days.The methodology for calculati ng these doses is discussed in Section 3.3.4.If either of the air dose or iodine/particulate dose cumulative limits is exceeded by a factor of two or more, then a cumulative dose evaluation is required from all contributions of direct radiation at the site boundary per RECS D3. RECS D3.2.4 requires that for each reactor unit, the appropriate portions of the gaseous radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive effluents in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when projected gas eous effluent air dose at the site boundary when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation or 0.4 mrad for beta radiation.
RECS D3.2.4 requires that for each reactor unit, the appropriate portions of the The appropriate portions of the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous releases when the projected doses averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ (at nearest residence).
Dose due to gaseous releases from the site shall be calculated at least once every 31 days.These doses are projected based on the dose methodology discussed in Section 3.3.3 (noble gas) and 3.3.4 (iodine).
The average of previous months' doses is used to project future dose as follows: Dose Current Month Dose + Previous months' Dose major[Projection]
number of months used plannsd-evolutions]
The term for planned evolutions is routinely determined from previous similar evolutions, such as releases associated with plant shutdown.3.3 Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)
====3.3.1 Instantaneous====
Dose Rates -Noble Gas Releases When the instantaneous limit applies, the process radiati on monitor response or release rate can be averaged over a one-hour time interval. The equations developed in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of paragraph 3.2.1. The magnitude of this pathway is the same for all age groups so there is no critical group. The site release rate is split to 50% per each unit, in terms of uCi/sec. Converted to actual mrem/yr dose rate, Unit 2's portion is 44.6%, with Unit 3 being allocated 55.4% (Unit 3 is slightly closer to the site boundary where dose rates are calculated).
IPEC ODCM Page 31 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Each unit has different dispersion factors due to their relative positions to the critical sector of the unrestricted area boundary.
The conversion from dose rate to Ci/sec was determined with the use of a model which incorporates a finite cloud exposure correction.
The methodology is discussed in Section 3.6.A calculation showing the relationship between Ci/sec and dose rates from Units 2 and 3 is shown in Appendix I. The equations for calculating the dose rate limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.2.1). Utilizing the above assumptions, these equations reduce to the following which are to be summed for each nuclide, i. (Note that these are default unit portions of a site release rate limit. The entire site limit can be applied to any one site, when required, per Section 3.1 and Appendix I).[(Ki).(X-~). (Qi)] < unit specific mrem/yr whole body lim it[ [(Li +1. lMi)
* N((Qi)] < unit specific skin limit, mremlyr Where: Ki = The total body dose factor due to ga mma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per &#xfd;LCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction included, per Table 3-4).Li = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per 1 iCi/m 3 , per Table 3-5.Mi = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per &#xfd;tCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction included, per Table 3-6).Ni = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per [iCi/m 3 , per Table 3-7.Qi = The release rate of radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluent for all release points in [tCi/sec.(X/Q) = For all vent releases, the highest calculated annual averaged relative concentration at the critical receptor (at a unit-specific distance and direction, in sec/m 3 , as shown on Page 1 of Appendix I).The Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni factors were obtained from Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 and are included in this document as Tables 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7 respectively.
The gamma dose factgors (Ki and Mi) have a unit-specific finite cloud correction factor included, as discussed in Sections 3.5 and 3.6.Unit specific dose rate limits, as stated in Appendix I are as follows: Unit 2: mrem/yr whole body = 234, skin limit = 1194 mrem/yr Unit 3: mrem/yr whole body = 266, skin limit = 1806 mrem/yr IPEC ODCM Page 32 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies These equations can also be expressed in the following manner: (K) (Qt ) (X/Q) = mrem/yr dose to whole body (L + 1. 1M) (X /Q) (Qt) = mrem/yr dose to skin Where: Q t The release rate of all noble gases summed together in &#xfd;iCi/sec, i.e., the sum of all Q i.n K (I /Qt) i)(Ki)iil n L (1/Qt)X i) (Li)M= (1/Qt) 0 i)(Mi)i=1 N (I (1/Qt)3 (Qi) Ni)i=l The values of K, L, M, and N are listed in Table 3-8 for the unrestricted area boundary, for both units.3.3.2 Instantaneous Dose Rates 131, Part w/>8 day t1/2, and H-3 The equation developed in this section is used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.1. The critical organ is considered to be the child thyroid as stated in the RECS bases (BD3.2.1).
Different dispersion factors are applied to the critical sector of the unrestricted area boundary for units 2 and 3. Therefore, while 50% of the site release limit (in Ci/sec) is applied to each unit, 32.8% of the limit is applied to Unit 2 and 67.2% to Unit 3 (per Appendix I). The equation for calculating the dose rate limitation is abbreviated from that shown in NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.2.1, Pg. 25) in that ground plane and m ilk pathways are not considered for this dose rate determination, due to insignificant contribution compared to the inhalation pathway.Utilizing the above assumptions, the dose rate equation reduces to the following: , (Pi * (X/Q)
* Qi) must be less than the unit-specific mrem/yr limit Where: Unit-specific limits are 497 mrem/yr for Unit 2 and 1003 mrem/yr for Unit 3.Pi = The dose parameter for radionuclides other than noble gases for the inhalation pathway in mrem/yr per jtCi/m 3.These parameters (per Section are calculated separately for each isotope, age group, and organ.IPEC ODCM Page 33 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Qi = The release rate of radionuclide 131 and particulates, i, in gaseous effluents for all release points in liCi/sec.X/Q = The unit-specific annual average dispersion parameter for the inhalation pathway at the controlling location due to all vent releases, per Section 3.5 and Appendix I. Calculation of Pi(in): Inhalation Dose Factor Pi (inhalation)
= K' (BR) DFAi (mrem/yr per &#xfd;iCi/m 3)Where: K'= A constant of conversion, 106 pCi/[Ci BR = The breathing rate of each age group as per (Table E-5 of Reg. Guide 1.109).DFAi = The inhalation dose fact or for each age group, organ, and nucl ide, in mrem/pCi.
These values are taken from Reg Guide 1.109, Table E-7 through E-9 and are reproduced in Tables 3-1a through 3-1d.3.3.3 Time Average Dose -Noble Gas Release The equations in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.2. All noble gas releases at IPEC are assumed to be mixed mode unless indicated otherwise.
Because the limits are in measured air dose (mrad), the magnitude of a measured effect is the same for all age groups.Dispersion parameters are discussed in Section Equations for calculating the air dose limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.3). The doses are evaluated at the un restricted area boundary in the worst meteorological sector (a unit-specific location identified in Appendix I). These equations reduce to the following:
gamma air mrad = 3.17E -8* Mi [(X/Q) (Qi) + (x/q) (4i) + (x/q,.) (4it)]beta air mrad = 3.17E -Ni [(X/Q) (Qi) + (x/q) (4i) + (x/q.t) (4imt)]Where: Air dose limits are as follows: Any Calendar Quarter Any Calendar Year Gamma Air 5 mrad 10 mrad Beta Air 10 mrad 20 mrad IPEC ODCM Page 34 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies (X/Q) =The highest calculated annual average relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary at the controlling sector for long term releases (greater than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr or as noted in 3.1.16), per Appendix I.(x/q) = The relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary for short term releases (equal to or less than 50 0 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr and not random as defined in NUREG 0133, Section 3.3). This value is calculated as per Section 3.5.(xiqmt)=The relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary for ground level releases from Unit 3 Monitor Tanks at the critical receptor, in sec/m 3 , per Section 3.5.3.Mi = The weighted air dose factor due to gamma emission for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrad/yr per &#xfd;tCi/m 3.This factor is unit-specific, per Table 3-6.Ni = The weighted air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionucl ide in mrad/yr per piCi/m 3.'i mt= The total releases of no ble gas radionucl ides in Monitor Tank vents in [tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.= The total release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents, i, for short term releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr and not random as defined in NU REG 0133, Section 3.3) from all vents, in [tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.
Qi = The total release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents, i, for long term releases (greater than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr or as noted in 3.1.16) from all vents in tCi.Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.
3.17 E-8 = The inverse of the num ber of seconds in a year.The air dose factors Mi and Ni were obtained from Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 and are listed in Table 3-6 and 3-7 respectively.
The M air dose factors are finite cloud corrected and therefore unit-specific.
3.3.4 Time Averaged Dose -Radioiodine 131, Part w/t1/22 >8 days, and Tritium The equations in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.3.IPEC ODCM Page 35 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies The pathways considered in this analysis are as follows: Pathway Receptor Inhalation, Ground Plane, Primary, Nearest Resident, per App I Vegetative Ingestion Inhalation, Ground Plane, Secondary Receptor at 5 mile, Vegatative, Cow-Milk Ingestion applied per the annual Land Use Census The land use census identifies a high degree of commercial, industrial, and residential land usage in the area, and as such, the meat ingestion pathway is not considered.
Doses from the cow-milk pathway are included only if the applicable annual census has defined the pathway applicable.
The methodology in nonetheless included here. The equations for calculating the dose limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.3). These equations reduce to the following:
(3.17E-08)*_ (Ri(WQi + w~i) < 7.5 mrem in a calendar quarter i (3.17E-08)*, (Ri(WQi + wqi) < 15 mrem inacalendaryear Where: Qi = The plant releases of radioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for long term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16, in[tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.
4ji The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for short term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16, in[tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.
W The dispersion or deposition param eter (based on meteorological data defined in Section 3.5) for estimating the dose to an individual at the applicable receptor for long term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16 and Appendix I.w = The vent dispersion or d eposition parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at the applicable receptor for short term releases as calculated as in Section 3.5 and defined in Section 3.1.16 and Appendix I.3.17 E-08 = The inverse number of seconds in a year.Ri = The dose factor for each identified pathway, organ, and radionuclide, i, in m 2 .mrem/yr per [iCi/sec or mrem/yr per[iCi/m 3.These dose factors are determined as described in Sections
IPEC ODCM PPage 36 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Utilizing the assumptions contained in Section, these equations for the nearest resident and the 5-mile cow secondary receptor reduce to the following:
DN= (3.17E-8),[Ri(l)*
+ wn(in)&#xfd;i]+ (Ri(G)+ Ri(V))* [Wn(dep)Qi
+ wn(dep)&#xfd;i]]
i DS=(3.17E-8),,[Ri(l)*
+ ws(in)&#xfd;i]
+ (Ri(G)+ Ri(c)+Ri(V))*
+ ws(dep)&#xfd;i]]
Where: DN = total dose at the nearest residence, in mrem DS = total dose at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, in mrem.Wn(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersion parameter for the inhalation pathway for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, as defined in Appendix I.wn(in) = The dispersion para meter Wn(in), corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Wn(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositio n parameter for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, as defined in Appendix I, for all isotopes except Tritium, which uses the X/Q value instead (Wn(in)).wn(dep)= The deposition parameter Wn(dep), corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Ws(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersio n parameter for the inhalation pathway at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor per Appendix = The dispersion parameter Ws(in), at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Ws(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositio n parameter for the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, as defined in Appendix I, for all isotopes except Tritium, which uses the X/Q value instead (Ws(in)).ws(dep)= The deposition parameter Ws(dep), at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Qi = The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for long term releases as defined earlier, (uCi).ji = The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for short term releases as defined earlier (uCi).(I): Inhalation pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Ground plane pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Vegetation pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Cow-Milk pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Ri Ri Ri IPEC ODCM Page 37 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Dose Factors Calculation of Ri (I) (X/Q) Inhalation Pathway Factor Ri (I) (XJQ) = K'[(BR) a] [(DFAi) a](mrem/yr per ipCi/rn 3)Where: K' = Constant of unit conversion, 106 pCi/uCi (BR) a = Breathing rate of the receptor of age group (a) in m 3/yr.(from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table E-5)Infant = 1400 (m 3/yr)Child = 3700 (m 3/yr)Adult/Teen
= 8000 (m 3/yr)(DFAi) a = The maximum organ inhalation dose factor for the receptor of age group (a) for the ith radionuclide, in mrem/pCi.
The total body is considered as an organ in the selection of (DFAi)a.Child and infant inhalation dose factors are generally more restrictive, however, doses from each age group are calculated separately.
The (DFAi)a values are listed in Tables 3-1a through 3-1d. The Ri values for the inhalation pathway a re listed in Table 3-1Oa through 3-1Od. Calculation of Ri(G)(D/Q)
Ground Plane Pathway Factor K'K"(SF)(DFGi)(1-(- hkt ) )Ri(G)(,1Q)
`2 m2. mrem / yr uCi/sec Ki Where: K'= A constant of conversion, 106 pCi/&#xfd;LCi.K" = A constant of conversion, 8760 hr/ = Decay constant for the ith radionuclide sec 1.t = The exposure time, 4.73 x 108 sec (15 years).DFGi = The ground plane dose conversion factor for ith radionuclide (mrem/hr per pCi/m 2).SF = Shielding factor (dimensionless)
= 0.7 (from Table E-15 of Regulatory Guide 1.109).The values of DF Gi were obtained from Table E-6 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 and are listed in Table 3-2. These values were used to calculate Ri(G), which is the same for all age groups and organs and is listed in Table 3-13.IPEC ODCM Page 38 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Ri(V)(D/Q)
-Vegetation Pathway Factor For non-Tritium isotopes: Ri(V)( I/Q) _K' (r) * (DFLi)a * [(UaL)JL
* e (k-L) + (UaS)fg
* e(-"]Yv(ki + kw)Where: K' = Constant of conversion, 106 pCi/pCi r = Dimensionless correction factor for Iodine and Particulate from Table E-1 5 of Reg G uide 1.109: 0.2 for particulates, 1.0 for radioiodi ne DFLia = Reg Guide 1.109 dose facto r for each nuclide, in mrem/pCi, for each age group.UaL = Consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation by the receptor in age group (a) in kg/ = Decay constant for the radionuclide, in sec UaS = Consumption rate of non-leafy vegetables by the receptor in age group (a) in kg/yr.fL = The fraction of the annual intake of leafy vegetation grown locally.fg = The fraction of the annual intake of non-leafy vegetation grown = Decay constant for removal of activity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering, 5.73E-7 sec -1 (corresponding to a 14 day half-life).
tL = The average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its consumption, in = The average time between harvest of stored vegetation and its consumption, in seconds.Yv = The vegetation area density in k g/m 2.The concentration of Tritium in vegetation is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition.
Therefore, the Ri(V) is based on X/Q: (RiV) (XJQ) = K'K"[(UaL)fL+(UaS)fg](DFLi)a (0.75)(0.5/H) (mrem/yr per ICi/m 3)Where: K" = A constant of unit conversion, 1000 gm/kg IPEC ODCM Page 39 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere in gm/m 3.This value may be considered as 8 gm/m 3 (NUREG 0133, pg 27) in lieu of site specific information.
0.75 = The fraction of total feed that is water 0.5 = The ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass water to the atmospheric water DFLia for each age grou p is given in Tables 3-3a through 3-3d and Ri(V) values are listed in Table 3-11 a through 3-1 lc.Ri(V) Parameters Are From The Following Sources: PARAMETER VALUE Reg Guide 1.109 Table r (dimensionless) 1.0 for iodines & 0.2 for part. E-1 5 (DFLi) a (mrem/pCi)
Each radionuclide E-11 to E-14 UaL (kg/yr)- infant 0 E-5-child 26 E-5-teen 42 E-5-adult 64 E-5 UaS (kg/yr) infant 0 E-5-child 520 E-5-teen 630 E-5-adult 520 E-5 fL (dimensionless) 1.0 E-15 fg (dimensionless) 0.76 E-15 tL (seconds) 8.6E4 (1 day) E-15 th (seconds) 5.18E6 (60 days) E-15 Yv (kg/m 2) 2.0 E-15 IPEC ODCM Page 40 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Ri(c)(D/Q)
-Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Factor (applied only as required by the Land Use Census )Ri(c) (D/Q) -K(QF)(Uap)(Fm)(r)(DFLi)a*
[ fpfS -fpfs
* h) e(kitf
* e(kitf)ki +kw \Yp Ys/Where: K' = Constant of conversion, 106 pCi/&#xfd;Ci QF = Cow's consumption rate in kg/day (wet weight)Uap= Receptors milk consumption rate for age (a) in liters/yr.
Yp = Agricultural productivity by unit area of pasture g rass in kg/m 2.Ys = Agricultural productivity by unit area of stored feed in kg/M 2.Fm = Stable element transfer coefficients in days/liters, Table_2-2.
r = Fraction of deposited activity retained on cow's feed grass.(DFLi)a= The maximum organ ingestion dose for the radionuclide, I, for the receptor in age group (a) in mrem/pCi.
Values are from Tables E-1 1 through E-14 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 and are listed in Tables 3-3a through = Decay constant for the radionuclide in = Decay constant for removal of activity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering, 5.73E-7 sec -1 (corresponding to a 14 day half-life).
tf = The transport time from pasture, to cow, to milk, to receptor in = The transport time from pasture, to harvest, to cow, to milk, to receptor, in sec.fp = Fraction of the year that the cow is on pasture.fs = Fraction of the cow feed that is pasture grass while the cow is on pasture.Note: The values of Ri (c) are listed in Table 3-12a-d.The concentration of Tritium in milk is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition.
Therefore, the Ri (c) is based on X/Q: Ri (c) (X/Q) = K'K" (Fm) (QF) (Uap) (DFLi) a 0.75 (0.5/H) (mrem/yr per [iCi/m 3)Where: K" = A constant of unit conversion, 103 m/kg;IPEC ODCM Page 41 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere in gm/m 3;0.75 = The fraction of total feed that is water;0.5 = The ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass water to the atmospheric water;Other parameters and values are given above. T he value of H may be considered as 8 grams/meter 3 (NUREG 0133, PAGE 27) in lieu of site specific information.
Ri(c) Parameters Are Taken From The Following Sources: PARAMETER VALUE TABLE R.G. 1.109 r (dimensionless) 1.0 for radioiodine E-15 0.2 for particulates E-1 5 Fm (days/liter)
Each stable element E-1 Uap (liters/year)
-infant 330 E-5-child 330 E-5-teen 400 E-5-adult 310 E-5 (Dfli) a (mrem/pCi)
Each radionuclide E-11 to E-14 Yp (kg/m 2) 0.7 E-1 5 Ys (kg/m 2) 2.0 E-1 5 tf (seconds) 1.73E5 (2 days) E-1 5 th (seconds) 7.78E6 (90 days) E-15 Qf (kg/day) 50 E-1 5 fs Assumed to be unity fp Assumed to be unity Stable Element Transfer data is listed in Table 3-2 (Reg Guide 1.109, Table E-1).The (DFLi)a values for 4 age groups are given in Tables 3-3a through 3-3d.IPEC ODCM Page 42 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===3.4 Backup===
Simplified Dose Methodology The dose calculation procedures described in this s ection are provided for use as a backup whenever the primary computer methodology cannot be followed.3.4.1 Instantaneous Dose Rates -Noble Gas Releases Note: While true instantaneous rates and limits generally apply, a one hour average can be chosen as the defining interval f or determining process radiation monitor response or release rate determ inations. This section describes the alternative cal culational methods to meet the requirements of Section 3.2.1 and the calculational results per Section To determine an acceptable noble gas instantaneous release rate in IaCi/sec, a standard isotopic mixture of noble gas is assumed. This isotopic mixture was measured for a mixture of isotopes typical of reactor coolant with exposed fuel.This requirement is evaluated at the worst sector of the unrestricted area boundary.
Based on this isotopic mixture, standard weighted values of K, L, M, and N is determined using the technique presented in paragraph, and the Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni values from Tables 3-4 through 3-7. The data and results of this calculation are shown in Table 3- Utilizing the equations from Paragraph and the values from Table 3-8, conservative IPEC maximum (site) release limits for all noble gases in tiCi/sec are calculated in Appendix I, page 2.The resulting calculations establish a default instantaneous noble gas release rate limit of 140,000 pCi/sec for the site, split equally between the units for conservativism.
While both Units 2 and 3 originally apply the instantaneous limit at 70,000 pCi/sec, any one unit can use up to nearly 100% of the site limit, should it become necessary.
Generally, as these limits begin to apply, actual sam pie data is used to determine the true instantaneous limit associated with 10C FR20 requirements, for both whole body and skin dose ra te, as shown in Appendix I. For individual release rate determinations, alternate computer codes and/or a procedurally driven hand calculation template serve as back up methodologies should the primary computer method be inoperable.
These methods comply with calculations in Section Instantaneous Dose Rates-I-1 31, Particulates w/t1/2 >8 days, & H-3 This section describes the alternative cal culational method to meet the requirements of Section 3.2.1. The purposes of this method is to provide backup calculational techniques, both computer aided and hand calculated, which approximate section 3.3.2.IPEC ODCM Page 43 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies To determine an acceptable iodine and particulate release rate, it is assumed that the limit on these releases shall be met if a) the total noble gas concentration in the VC is at least a factor of 20,000 more than the concentration of radioiodi ne and long lived particulates, or b) VC iodines and long lived particulates are less than 1E-7 p.Ci/cc.Both these conditions have historically been the case, assuring that noble gas activity continues to be more limiting. Backup instantaneous dose rate calculations can be performed with an alternate computer code or by formatted hand calculations which are identical to section Time Averaged Dose -Noble Gas Releases This section describes alternative methods of meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.2 and 3.2.4, and the alternative methods of implementing the calculation techniques presented in Section The values of Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni for either unit's Plant Vent (PV) mixed mode releases, and the potential Unit 3 Monitor Tank (MT) ground plane releases are determined for each release using the dispersion parameter for the site boundary in the worst sector. The calculations are as follows: PVKi = (Ki)*(X/Q)PV and MTKi = (Ki)*(X/Q)MT PVLi = (Li)*(X/Q)PV and MTLi = (Li)*(X/Q)MT PVMi = (Mi)*(X/Q)PV and MTMi = (Mi)*(X/Q)MT PVNi = (Ni)*(X/Q)MT and MTNi = (Ni)*(X/Q)MT Where: Ki = The total body dose factor due to ga mma emissions for each identified noble gas radionucl ide in mrem/yr per pCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction used).Li = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrem/yr per [tCi/m 3.Mi = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrem/yr per VpCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction used).Ni = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrad/yr per pCi/m 3.IPEC ODCM Page 44 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies (X/Q)PV = The highest calculated annual average dispersi on parameter for the noble gas pathway at the unrestricted area boundary, applicable to plant vent mixed mode releases, per Appendix I.(X/Q)MT = The highest calculated annual average X/Q for ground level monitor tank noble gas release pathway, 5.OOE-5 sec/m Determine weighted average dose factors as follows: All values of Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni are shown in Table 3-4 through 3-7 for the unrestricted area boundary.Each of the following expressions is summed over all the nuclides: PVKt =
PVLt = Z[Li*(Ci/Ct)]
PVMt = E[Mi*(Ci/Ct)]
PV Nt = Z[Ni *(Ci /Ct)]For the monitor tank pathway, MTKt, MTLt, MTMt, and MTNt are calculated in the same way as for plant vent (P V) releases above, except that Ci and Ct apply to gaseous activity for the monitor tank vent pathway.Where: Ci Concentration of isotope i (pCi/cc) in analysis, t (for either PV or MT pathway)Ct Concentration of all noble gas isotopes (piCi/cc) for a specific analysis, t, (for either the PV or MT pathway)These calculations can be performed by hand (via formatted procedure) or by using approved alternate com puter codes to compute all or part of the dose calculation. Resultant doses are compared with limits as per 3.3.3. The sum of all releases in a calendar quarter or calendar year should be compared to the limits of Section 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 as appropriate for gamma air dose and beta air dose.3.4.4 Time Averaged Dose-Iodine 131 an d Particulates w/t1/22 days& H-3 This section describes the alternate methods of meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 and of implementing the calculational techniques presented in Section 3.3.4.IPEC ODCM Page 45 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies If the primary computer method is inoperable, dose calculations can be performed by 1) an alternate computer code which complies with Section 3.3.4, using all identified Iodine and Particulate isotopes; or 2) hand calculations (via a formalized departmental procedure) which comply with Section Quarterly and annual Iodine, Particulate, and Tritium dose contributions are summed and compared to limits described in Section Calculation of Meteorological Dispersion Factors 3.5.1 For the purpose of these calculations, the site boundary was taken to be the unrestricted area boundary.
T he distances to the site boundary and near est residents are shown in Tabl e 3-9 for each of the 16 maj or compass sectors. Site boundary distances at IPEC are measured from the applicable unit's Plant Vent, while distances to the nearest resident in each of these sectors is measured from a common point, the Unit 1 superheater stack.In the sectors where the Hudson Ri ver forms the site or exclusion area boundary, the near shore is assumed as the boundary of the "unrestricted area", because, in general, IPEC does not attempt to control population on the river. Potential confusion regarding the near or far shore for this application is effectively rem oved per the definition of "unrestricted area" in NUR EG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 2.2, Page 6). This section states that these criteria do "not include areas over water bodies" and the river is therefore not applicable for evaluating the maximum unrestricted area boundary concentrations.
3.5.2 The atmospheric transport and diffusion model used in the evaluation of dispersion and deposition factors is the sector-average straight-line model in Regulatory Guide 1.111 (Ref. 15) for mixed-mode releases with plume-rise effects, downwash, and building-wake correction.
The analyses were carried out using the AEOLUS-3 computer code (Ref. 16) and are documented in detail in Ref. 17. Hourly meteorological data was collected from 1981 through 1990, and updated with data from 1992 to 2002, in accordance with the accuracy requirements of Safety (Draft Regulatory)
Guide 1 .23 (Ref. 18). The data recovery index for these periods was i n excess of 99%.Comparison of the new meteorological data (1992 to 2002) with previous data (1981 to 1990) continues to show little difference in the overall dispersion conditions at the site. In the analyses, wind-speed coefficients in Regulatory Guide 1.111 were used to extrapolate the measured wind speeds to the he ight of the main vent (on top of the primary containment).
Also, the regulatory plume entrainment model was used to determine plume partitioning between ground- level and elevated releases, and no credit was taken for decay and depletion in transit.Recirculation effects were accounted for by confining i n-valley flows within the valley out to a distance of 10 miles (up or down the va Iley) and allowi ng a portion of them to return to the site without additional dilution.IPEC ODCM Page 46 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.5.3 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.4 the annual average dispersi on factors are calculated approximately once every ten years, for each compass sector at the site unrestricted area boundary.
The most restrictive meteorological dispersion and deposition factors determined from this accumulation of data is currently presented in Attachment I.The distances to the site boundary and nearest resident in each sector were determined from the land use census and global positioning technology, and are listed in Table 3-9.For the monitor tank release pathway, ground level dispersion values (X/Q) were assessed using the methodology discussed in Section 3.5.2. The most restrictive X/Q was determined to be in the SW sector at 350m with a value of 5.00E-5 sec/m 3 (concentration X/Q per Ref. 21). This value is specific only to the Unit 3 Monitor Tank pathway for noble gas dose at the site boundary.3.5.4 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraph 3.2.3 (Iodines and Particulates), the annual average deposition and dispersion parameters were calculated for the nearest residents in each of the compass sectors. Because no real dairy exists within 5 miles of the power plant, a hypothetical grass-cow-milk pathway and its dispersion and deposition factors are included, but turned on or off according to the applicable annual Land Use Census. Dispersion and deposition param eters for these location s were calculated using the models and data described in Sec. 3.5.2, and are represented as: Wn(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersion parameters for the inhalation pathw ay for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, per Attachment I.Wn(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositi on parameters for the ground plane an d vegetation pathways for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, per Attachment I. For Tritium in the vegetation pathway, Wn(in) is used.Ws(in) = The highest calculated annual average dis persion parameters for the inhalation pathway at the 5-m ile cow secondary receptor, per Attachment I.Ws(dep)= The highest calculated annual average deposition parameters for the cow-milk, vegetation, and gro und plane pathways at the 5-m ile secondary receptor, per Attachment I. For Tritium at this location, Ws(in) is used.NOTE: For the monitor tank pathway, iodines and particulates are effectively removed by dem ineralization, therefore deposition parameters for this pathway are not applicable.
3.5.5 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4, and the calculation methodologies described in Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.3, short term release dispersion and deposition factors may need to be calculated.
IPEC ODCM Page 47 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Short term release dispersion and deposition factors are determined from the long term annual average parameters and a method presented by Sagendorf in NU REG 0324 (Ref. 5) as recommended by NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 3.3, Page 8). This method makes use of a factor (F), developed for a particular com pass sector and distance, which is simply multiplied by the annual average dispersion or deposition parameter for the same sector and distance to develop the corresponding short-term parameter.
This factor is defined as: F = [NTOTAL/8760]
m Where: F = The non-dimensional correction factor used to convert annual average dispersion or deposition factors to short term dispersion or deposition factors.NTOTAL = The total duration of a short-term release (or releases) in hours, during a chosen reporting period.m log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)8760 = The total number of hours in a year.ANMX = The calculated historical average dispersion (sec/m 3) or deposition (m-2) factor for the com pass sector and distance of interest.F15MX = The short term dispersion (sec/m 3) or deposition (m 2) factor for the compass sector and distance of interest.
This is the 15th percentile value such that worse weather conditions can only exist 15% of the time and better conditions 85% of the time.The atmospheric transport and diffusion model used in the evaluation of short-term dispersion and deposition parameters (F 15MX) is the Gaussian plume-centerline model in Regulatory Guide 1.145 (Ref. 19), ad apted for mixed-mode releases with plume-rise effects, downwash, building-wake correction and plume meander considerations.
As was the case with the annual average parameters, the anal yses were carried out using the AEOLUS-3 computer code (Ref. 16) and the most recent 10-year hourly meteorological data. They are documented in detail in Reference 17.Note that in line with the guidance in NUREG-01 33, Sec. 5.3.1, page 29, short-term releases (equal to or less than 500 hours per year) are considered to be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.
However, from Sec. 3.1.16 of the ODCM Part II, and in line with Sec. 3.3, page 8 of NUREG-0133, gas-decay tank releases and containment purges have been dete rmined to be sufficiently random so as to permit use of the long-term dispersion and deposition parameters for assessment of their radiological impact.IPEC ODCM Page 48 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.5.6 The short term 15th percentile dispersion or deposition factor for use in the equation of the preceding paragraphs and the simplified F factor equation for mixed-mode releases to critical locations of each IPEC unit are as follows: a) Site Boundary Noble Gas: Unit 2 F15MX = 7.724E-5 sec/m 3 ANMX = 2.219E-6 sec/m 3 M = log(ANMX / F15MX) 0.391 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760]-" 3 3 9 1 Unit 3 1.590E-4 sec/m 3 4.470E-6 sec/m 3-0.393[NTOTAL/8760]
.393 b) Nearest Residence Inhalation:
Unit 2 F15MX = 4.992E-5 sec/m 3 ANMX = 1.030E-6 sec/m 3 M = log(ANMX / F1 5MX) = -0.428 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760].0" 4 2 8 Unit 3 4.888E-5 sec/m 3 1.016E-6 sec/m 3-0.427[NTOTAL/8760]
-427 c) Nearest Residence Deposition:
Unit 2 F15MX = 3.995E-7 m-2 ANMX = 7.517E-9 m-2 m = log(ANMXF15MX)
-0.438 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760]"0 4 3 8 Unit 3 4.019E-7 m 2 7.451 E-9 m-2-0.439[NTOTAL/8760]
.439 IPEC ODCM Page 49 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies d) 5-mile Inhalation:
F15MX =ANMX =M = log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)Same for both Units 2 and 3 6.192E-6 sec/m 3 7.223E-7 sec/m 3= -0.237 F = [NT0TAL/8760]
0-2 3 7 e) 5-mile Deposition:
F15MX =ANMX =M = log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)Same for both Units 2 and 3 9.501E-9 m 2 1.350E-9 m 2= -0.215 F = [NTOTAL/8760]" 0.2 1 5 f) The slopes ("m") for ground level short term correction factors can be calculated in a similar fashion, from ground level data found in Reference
: 17. For example: Site Boundary Noble Gas: Nearest Resident Inhalation:
Nearest Resident Deposition:
5-mile Inhalation:
5-mile Deposition:
Unit 2-0.390-0.427-0.455-0.235-0.212 Unit 3-0.397-0.427-0.455-0.235-0.212 IPEC ODCM Page 50 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===3.6 Justification===
for and Use of Finite Cloud Assumption for Assessing Site Boundary Dose Two models are available for the com putation of doses from external gamma radiation:
a) The semi-infinite cloud model, which is conservatively applicable only for ground-level releases assumes ground level airborne concentrations are the same throughout a cloud that is large in extent relative to the photon path lengths in ai r.b) The finite-cloud model, which takes into consideration the actual plume dimensions and the elevation above the receptor.The semi-infinite cloud model (which is normally used in a variety of applications because of its simplicity) has two drawbacks:
: 1. It could be overly conservative for receptors close to the release point (p articularly for ground-level releases under stable conditions with limited plume dispersion) due to the basis that the high concentration at t he receptor is ass umed to exist everywhere, and;2. It is not suitable for elevated releases since gamma radiation emanating from the radioactive cloud could still reach a receptor on the ground even though the plum e is still aloft (the concentration at ground level is equal to zero).For practical applications, it is possible to define isotope-depe ndent finite-cloud correction factors to express the difference in external radiation exposures between a finite cloud (which may be either at ground level or elevated) and a semi-finite cloud. Physically, when such a correction factor is applied to the calculated ground-level concentration resulting from a given plume, it will define the equivalent concentration in a semi-infinite cloud which would yield the same external exposure as the finite cloud. S uch a correction factor is a function of both the airborne radionuclide energy and of plume dispersion under the prevailing conditions.
At distant receptors, where the plum e dimensions reach limiting conditions, such correction factors reduce to unity.The AEOLUS-3 code (which was used for the determi nation of the annual average dispersion and deposition parameters listed in Section 3.5), also has the capability of providing a basis for computation of isotope-specific finite-cloud correction factors based on the models in"Meteorology and Atomic Energy" (Ref. 20, Sec. 7.5.2). The code was used (along with the mixed-mode release option and the 1 0-year hourly meteorological data base) for the determination of the correction factors as would be applicable at the IP EC site boundary.
Note that the correction factors can be viewed as adjustment factors to the dose conversion factors in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Ref. 3) for immersion in semi-infinite clouds. The nuclide specific correction factors and adjusted dose factors are presented in Tables 3-4 and 3-6 for the IPEC site boundary.For the Unit 3 Monitor Tank pathway (ground release concentration X/Q), use of the finite cloud corrected data presented in tables 3-4 and 3-6 will provide a conservative res ult. The conservativism is due to the indicated correction factors for the mixed mode case yielding larger correction factors per nuclide. However, in the event that a ground level specifi c finite cloud correction factor is desired (which will yield lower calculated doses) the Xe-1 33 gamma X/Q value may be used as described in Reference 21.IPEC ODCM Page 51 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-la ADULT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 28E-06 1 65E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 07E-06 1. 47E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 40E-05 1. 92E-10 0. OOE+00 4. 05E-06 4. 23E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 80E-05 1. 24E-02 7. 74E-09 8 43E-10 2. 61E-07 3 .26E-11 5 .78E-05 1 .29E-09 1. 18E-08 1. 34E-05 1. 21E-08 1 .76E-06 0 OOE+00 1 .29E-13 5 .22E-15 1. 91E-07 9. 88E-11 8. 64E-06 1. 35E-06 O .OOE+00 3. 90E-06 6. 67E-06 1. 58E-07 O.OOE+00 1.28E-06 9. 64E-06 0. OOE+00 4. 9bE-06 1.55E-10 2.12E-06 3.47E-06 1. 98E-07 1.44E-06 3. 93E-06 2. 62E-11 1.83E-10 1.29E-05 8. 14E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 69E-05 4.84E-08 3.20E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.30E-06 2.45E-09 9. 77E-07 1.51E-08 3. 64E-13 7. 52E-15 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.25E-06 0. OOE+00 7. 36E-08 7.44E-08 1. 58E-07 0.OOE+00 1.28E-06 6.26E-06 1.25E-08 7. 87E-07 2. 29E-11 4. 93E-07 1.32E-06 2. 59E-07 1.85E-06 1.81E-06 1.14E-11 7. 69E-11 5.82E-06 5. 65E-13 3. 01E-08 3.91E-08 1. 60E-09 7.37E-06 2.41E-08 2.12E-08 1. 09E-06 7. 62E-04 3. 13E-10 3. 64E-11 7.01E-09 1.27E-12 1. 55E-06 3.77E-11 3.26E-10 2. 91E-06 1.13E-09 5. 26E-07 2.87E-09 4. 63E-12 7.38E-14 8.23E-08 3. 89E-11 1. 09E-06 7. 43E-07 0. OOE+00 1. 55E-06 1.58E-06 1. 58E-07 O.OOE+00 1 .28E-06 O.OOE+00 7.44E-09 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9 .44E-09 6.75E-09 1. 58E-07 O .OOE+00 1 .28E-06 O .OOE+00 2 .85E-09 1 .23E-06 1. 63E-10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 5.78E-10 8 G62E-06 5 .27E-12 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 0. 00+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 6 .77E-06 3. 71E-09 9. 67E-07 3 G64E-08 5. 52E-12 1. 35E-13 7. 29E-07 1. 27E-10 1. 67E-05 2 46E-06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 58E-07 0. OOE+00 1.28E-06 O.OOE+00 1.80E-06 1.75E-04 1. 18E-06 9 .01E-06 1 .27E-04 1 .16E-04 7. 46E-04 2 .23E-05 7 OOE-07 8 48E-07 1. 08E-04 1 1KE-07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1.75E-04 1. 20E-03 4 .56E-06 2 .06E-06 2. 12E-05 2 .40E-07 2. 13E-04 1. 96E-06 6.06E-06 2 .21E-04 9.84E-06 6 .31E-05 1.14E-05 9. 55E-08 4 .99E-08 6 .31E-05 1 .37E-06 1. 17E-03 5.79E-04 O .OOE+00 3. lOE-04 2 .18E-04 1.58E-07 0.OOE+00 1.28E-06 1.08E-05 4 .15E-07 9. 67E-06 2. 53E-06 7. 54E-07 2.35E-05 1.33E-05 3.56E-05 1.67E-06 1.54E-06 6. 12E-06 6. 6E-06 2. 04E-09 2.90E-08 2.05E-13 2.OOE+00 2.08E-06 4 .18E-19 1. 16E-21 4.37E-05 9.02E-05 2.39E-05 5.38E-06 6.32E-05 1. 66E-10 4. 81E-05 9. 19E-06 5. 27E-05 1.88E-05 6. 54E-05 1.30E-05 3. lOE-05 5. 20E-07 1.36E-21 1.38E-05 6. 02E-06 1.14E-04 3.78E-05 O.OOE+00 5.08E-05 1.26E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 52 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-la ADULT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4. 27E-07 1. 58E-06 1. 75E-10 1. 22E-06 6. 22E-12 8. 74E-09 1. 39E-12 3. 25E-08 5. 72E-07 3. 15E-06 1. 45E-07 1. 08E-06 8. 05E-08 3. 35E-07 4. 66E-05 4 .88E-06 5. 98E-05 4 .14E-08 1 .17E-10 4 .88E-06 1 .25E-11 3. 29E-12 4. 30E-08 8. 54E-11 2. 49E-06 2. 33E-08 4. 29E-04 1. 17E-06 3. 76E-12 6. 59E-07 1. 06E-09 2. 87E-08 0. OE+00 0. ODE+00 4 DDE-06 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 2. 78E-11 0. DDE+00 8. 20E-06 9. 5DE-06 3. 84E-12 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 98E-07 7. 21E-07 8. 03E-11 5. 84E-07 2. 99E-12 5. 45E-09 7.44E-13 2. 69E-08 1. 68E-06 4 .47E-06 4.07E-07 1.85E-06 2.16E-07 8.73E-07 1.06E-04 1.83E-05 7.76E-05 7 .76E-08 8.32E-14 6. 13E-09 9. 41E-15 3. 38E-15 2.17E-08 3. 88E-11 1. 69E-06 1.72E-08 1.79E-04 4 .69E-07 1. 56E-12 7. 62E-07 8.85E-10 2.82E-09 D.OOE+00 8.65E-08 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 7. 03E-12 4. 90E-05 2.70E-07 4.20E-07 3. 22E-12 0. D0E+00 0. 00E+00 5.84E-08 1. 96E-07 3. 87E-11 1. 98E-07 1.55E-12 3. 63E-09 4.49E-13 2. 02E-08 6. 60E-07 2. 56E-06 1.45E-07 5. 65E-07 7. 69E-08 3. 21E-07 9. lE-05 1. 38E-05 5. 35E-05 4.05E-08 3. 42E-12 3. 21E-07 4.20E-13 2. 07E-13 5. 73E-09 9. 65E-12 1. 91E-07 1. 91E-09 2. 30E-05 5. 80E-08 1. 91E-13 4. 56E-08 3. lDE-10 1.55E-09 0. DOE+00 8. 39E-08 9. 70E-05 0. 0OE+00 0. DOE+00 2. 56E-12 1. 60E-06 5. 60E-07 2. 5DE-06 1.57E-12 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 31E-07 4. 11E-07 1.32E-10 4.30E-07 4.87E-12 6. 88E-09 1.17E-12 2. 37E-08 1.42E-04 1.49E-03 1.43E-05 2 .69E-04 3. 73E-06 5. 60E-05 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 O.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 D.00E+00 D.0DE+00 O.DOE+00 D.DOE+00 1.70E-07 D.0DE+00 3.44E-12 O.DOE+00 0.0OE+00 1 55E-06 5 .72E-06 6. 37E-10 4 .57E-06 2 .34E-11 3 .86E-08 5. 46E-12 1 82E-07 2. 61E-06 7. 66E-06 6. 48E-07 3 .23E-06 3 44E-07 1. 39E-06 3. 59E-05 1. 07E-05 2. 78E-05 6. OOE-08 7 .78E-14 2 .09E-09 8 .75E-15 2 .86E-15 S.OOE+00 0. DDE+00 7. 83E-07 7 60E-09 1. 06E-04 2. 70E-07 8. 81E-13 4 45E-07 S.OOE+00 8 .75E-09 0. DOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0 00E+00 8 18E-12 4 .70E-05 0. DOE+00 2 lOE-09 2 .18E-11 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 3. 92E-05 1.20E-04 8.14E-07 1.45E-04 2.42E-07 1.82E-05 1.74E-07 3. 60E-05 O.0DE+00 O.0DE+00 O.0DE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 1 22E-DS 1 .50E-06 9 .40E-06 6. 07E-09 4 .70E-07 1. 59E-04 2 42E-07 1. 49E-07 1. 70E-05 7 91E-07 4 .52E-05 9. 97E-06 9. 72E-04 3. 51E-05 1. 27E-07 2 .76E-05 3. 63E-06 4 .70E-06 S.OOE+00 4 .62E-05 6. OOE-05 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 3. OOE-07 9. 1OE-05 1. 20E-04 1. 90E-04 4 .34E-07 O .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 8.83E-06 1.87E-05 7. 17E-06 4.79E-05 1. 96E-08 6. 95E-05 2. 30E-09 6.37E05 9. 61E-07 7. 85E-07 5. 08E-08 1. lIE-06 1.26E-10 6.56E-07 1.30E-06 1.4 6E-06 1 .05E-06 2.33E-13 1. 12E-07 2.73E-05 1.45E-17 1. 96E-26 5.73E-05 2. 64E-07 1. 50E-05 2.83E-05 1.02E-04 2. 5DE-05 2. 69E-18 2. 16E-05 1. 94E-05 1.49E-05 O.ODE+00 3. 93E-06 7. 60E-06 O.ODE+00 O.ODE+00 3.02E-08 8 .20E-06 1. 50E-06 1.ODE-05 2. 97E-11 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 53 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-1b TEEN INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.72E-06 2. 36E-04 0. DDE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 18E-06 1. 99E-06 0. DE+D00 0. DDE+00 7. 25E-05 2.73E-10 0. DOE+00 4.82E-06 6. 04E-12 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE&#xf7;00 0. DOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. DDE+00 5. 43E-05 1. 35E-02 1.10E-08 1. 19E-09 3.73E-07 4. 63E-11 8.26E-05 1.84E-09 1. 69E-08 1. 82E-05 1.72E-08 2.32E-06 O.OOE+00 1.73E-13 7. 40E-15 2. 63E-07 1.40E-10 1.23E-05 1.73E-06 0. DOE+00 5.38E-06 9. 23E-06 1. 59E-07 0. OOE+00 1 .72E-06 1. 37E-05 O .OOE+00 6. 39E-06 2. 12E-10 2. 98E-06 4. 62E-06 2. 59E-07 1. 89E-06 5. 43E-06 3. 66E-11 2. 54E-10 1. 67E-05 1. 15E-11 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+O0 2. 38E-05 6 82E-08 4 .40E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5 73E-06 3. 40E-09 1. 29E-06 2. l1E-08 4. 83E-13 1. 05E-14 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 64E-06 0. OOE+00 9. 92E-08 1. 01E-07 1. 59E-07 0. ODE+00 1. 72E-06 8. 9SE-06 1. 69E-08 1. 05E-06 3. 15E-11 6. 93E-07 1. 79E-06 3. 47E-07 2. 48E-06 2. 47E-06 1. 59E-11 1. 06E-10 7. 80E-06 8. 07E-13 4. 30E-08 5. 41E-08 2 29E-09 1. 05E-05 3. 40E-08 2. 91E-08 1. 56E-06 8. 35E-04 4. 39E-10 5. 08E-11 1. OOE-08 1. 77E-12 2. 21E-06 5 36E-lb 4. 6SE-10 3. 94E-06 1. 57E-09 7. 08E-07 4. 03E-09 6. 24E-12 1. 03E-13 1. 12E-07 5. 42E-11 1. 55E-06 9. 99E-07 0 OOE+00 2. lE-06 2. 15E-06 1.59E-07 O.OOE+00 1 .72E-06 O.00OE+00 9.37E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOK+O0 O.OOE+00 1 .22E-08 8.80E-09 1.59E-07 O.OOE+00 1.72E-06 O.OOE+00 3.84E-09 1.59E-06 2 .24E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 8.01E-10 1.08E-05 7. 53E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+0O O.OOE+00 8 .42E-06 5.15E-09 1.25E-06 5. 14E-08 7.20E-12 1.90E-13 9.29E-07 1.76E-b0 2.38E-05 3.13E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 59E-07 O.OOE+00 1.72E-06 0. OOE+00 2.62E-06 2.48E-04 1.90E-06 1.55E-05 1.91E-04 1 .68E-04 1. 09E-03 3.84E-05 1.17E-06 1.39E-06 1. 55E-04 1.98E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. 02E-04 2 .06E-03 7 .59E-06 3.43E-06 3. 66E-05 4. OOE-07 3.67E-04 3.35E-06 1.04E-05 3. 36E-04 1. 62E-05 9.39E-05 1. 92E-05 1.44E-07 8. 34E-08 9.79E-05 2.27E-06 2. 01E-03 8.44E-04 0. OOE+00 4. 81E-04 3. 42E-04 1. 59E-07 O .OOE+00 1.72E-06 1.16E-05 3.75E-07 8 .35E-06 7. 18E-06 7. 99E-07 2. 23E-05 1. 19E-05 3. 24E-05 1.77E-06 4.59E-06 7. 68E-06 5.83E-06'3. 56E-08 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.21E-06 3.55E-15 4.22E-17 4.64E-05 9.56E-05 3.24E-05 1.49E-05 6.99E-05 3.77E-09 5.11E-05 2.06E-05 7.24E-05 1.8 6E-05 7. 88E-05 1.21E-05 3.36E-05 7. 66E-07 1.09E-16 1.36E-05 1.13E-05 1. 20E-04 3. 41E-05 0. OOE+00 4. 98E-05 1.24E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 54 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-lb TEEN INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 6. lOE-07 2. 25E-06 2. 51E-10 1. 74E-06 8. 87E-12 1. 23E-08 1. 97E-12 4 .50E-08 7 .80E-07 4 .43E-06 1. 99E-07 1. 52E-06 1. lIE-07 4. 62E-07 6. 28E-05 6. 44E-06 8. 38E-05 5. 82E-08 1. 67E-10 6. 84E-06 1 .78E-11 4. 62E-12 5. 99E-08 1. 20E-10 3. 55E-06 3. 32E-08 6.11E-04 1. 67E-06 5. 37E-12 9.83E-07 1. 50E-09 4.23E-08 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 00E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 93E-11 0.OOE+00 1. 50E-05 4.70E-05 5. 31E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 80E-07 1.02E-06 1. 14E-10 8.23E-07 4.22E-12 7. 51E-09 1.04E-12 3. 63E-08 2.24E-06 6. 14E-06 5. 47E-07 2. 56E-06 2. 90E-07 1. 18E-06 1.41E-04 2. 42E-05 1. 06E-04 1. 07E-07 1.18E-13 8.38E-09 1.32E-14 4 .63E-15 2. 95E-08 5. 31E-11 2. 37E-06 2.42E-08 2. 53E-04 6. 64E-07 2. 20E-12 1.07E-06 1.22E-09 3. 99E-09 0. OOE+O0 1. 18E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 72E-12 1. OOE-04 4.70E-07 8. OOE-07 4 .35E-12 0.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 8. 34E-08 2.73E-07 5. 52E-11 2.81E-07 2.20E-12 5. 03E-09 6. 30E-13 2.74E-08 8. 96E-07 3. 30E-06 1. 97E-07 7.78E-07 1.05E-07 4 .36E-07 6.86E-05 1.71E-05 3.89E-05 S. 58E-08 4.87E-12 4.40E-07 S. 93E-13 2. 84E-13 7. 82E-09 1.32E-11 2. 71E-07 2.70E-09 3.28E-05 8.28E-08 2.72E-13 6. 41E-08 4 .29E-10 2.21E-09 C.OOE+00 1. 15E-07 1.30E-06 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 3. 55E-12 3. 40E-06 9. 70E-07 3. 30E-06 3. 64E-12 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 1.75E-07 5.48E-07 1.77E-10 5.72E-07 6.48E-12 9.06E-09 1.55E-12 3.07E-08 1.86E-04 1.83E-03 1.89E-05 3.65E-04 4.94E-06 7 .76E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.0OE+00 C.00E+00 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 C.OOE+00 C.0OE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 2.90E-07 O.OOE+00 4 .46E-12 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 8. 17E-06 9. lOE-10 6 49E-06 3 .32E-11 5 49E-08 7 .72E-12 2 44E-07 3. 44E-06 1. 05E-05 8 65E-07 4 49E-06 4. 58E-07 1. 86E-06 4. 69E-05 1. 38E-05 3. 80E-05 8. 28E-08 1 11E-13 2 .85E-09 1. 23E-14 3. 92E-15 C OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1 .l1E-06 1. 08E-08 1 51E-04 3 .86E-07 1 .26E-12 6. 28E-07 O .OOE+00 1. 25E-08 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 1. 14E-11 6. 70E-05 0. OE+00 2 .80E-09 2. 91E-11 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 6.70E-05 2. 07E-04 1 .40E-06 2 47E-04 4 .12E-07 2. 97E-05 2. 92E-07 5. 61E-05 C OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. 0OE+00.00E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 83E-05 2 .22E-06 1. 51E-05 9. 84E-09 8. 08E-07 2. 54E-04 4 .l1E-07 2. 39E-07 2 .68E-05 1 .27E-06 7 .67E-05 1. 63E-05 1. 67E-03 6. 04E-05 2 19E-07 4 .65E-05 5. 92E-06 8. 11E-06 O .OE+00 7 .33E-05 8.80E-05 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 4 .91E-07 1. 60E-04 2. OOE-04 2. 90E-04 6. 75E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 38E-06 1.99E-05 1.01E-05 5.06E-05 2.02E-07 7.76E-05 1.89E-09 5.79E-05 1.14E-06 8. 11E-07 1.59E-07 1.29E-06 2. 5SE-09 8. 69E-07 1.22E-06 1.36E-06 1.06E-06 3.38E-il 8.06E-07 2.86E-05 9. 33E-14 5. 99E-20 6.09E-05 1.50E-06 1.58E-05 3.19E-05 1. 08E-04 2.67E-05 2 .94E-14 2.28E-05 2.21E-05 1.65E-05 O.OOE+00 3. 93E-06 6. 90E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.71E-07 8. 60E-06 1.50E-06 9. 70E-06 1. 37E-09 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 55 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-ic CHILD INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 35E-06 7. 04E-04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.28E-05 5. 59E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 22E-04 8.08E-10 0.OOE+00 1 .15E-05 1.81E-11 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 62E-04 2. 73E-02 3.28E-08 3. 54E-09 1. 11E-06 1.37E-I0 2.47E-04 5. 50E-09 5.04E-08 5. 13E-05 5.07E-08 6. 35E-06 0.OOE+00 4.81E-13 2. 19E-14 7. 55E-07 4.13E-10 3. 68E-05 4. 56E-06 0. 00E+00 1. 55E-05 2. 66E-05 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4. 35E-06 3.09E-05 0.OOE+00 1. 16E-05 4 .48E-10 6. 80E-06 9.04E-06 4.79E-07 3. 55E-06 1.25E-05 7.99E-II 5. 39E-I0 3. 06E-05 2. 61E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 36E-05 1. 52E-07 9. 33E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 13E-05 7. 34E-09 2. 48E-06 4 .66E-08 9. 41E-13 2. 30E-14 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 08E-06 0. OOE+00 2. OOE-07 2. 05E-07 3. 04E-07 0. OOE+00 4. 35E-06 2. 67E-05 4. 17E-08 2. 57E-06 8.43E-II 2. lOE-06 4.51E-06 8. 55E-07 6. 12E-06 7. 56E-06 4. 44E-II 2. 90E-10 1. 90E-05 2. 41E-12 1. 28E-07 1. 48E-07 6. 84E-09 3. 09E-05 9. 90E-08 7 83E-08 4. 66E-06 1. 74E-03 1 .24E-09 1 .42E-10 2. 99E-08 4. 98E-12 6. 59E-06 1. 57E-i0 1. 38E-09 1. OE-05 4. 32E-09 1. 77E-06 1. 15E-08 1. 56E-II 2. 91E-13 2. 90E-07 1. 50E-10 4. 57E-06 2. 47E-06 0. OOE+00 5. 41E-06 5. 59E-06 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4. 35E-06 0. OOE+00 2. 31E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 41E-08 2 .46E-08 3.04E-07 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 0 OOE+00 6.57E-09 2 .71E-06 4. 52E-10 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 63E-09 1. 93E-05 1.58E-I1 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 1. 61E-05 1. OSE-08 2.33E-06 1 .06E-07 1.37E-11 3. 92E-13 1. 90E-06 3. 63E-10 4. 97E-05 5.74E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 04E-07 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 0. 00E+00 4 .59E-06 4 .26E-04 3 .55E-06 3. OOE-05 3 .43E-04 2 .99E-04 1.91E-03 7.43E-05 2 .21E-06 2 .59E-06 2 .69E-04 3.84E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.83E-04 3. 99E-03 1.44E-05 6. 49E-06 7. 07E-05 7.60E-07 7.10E-04 6.46E-06 2.01E-05 6.03E-04 3.06E-05 1. 66E-04 3. 66F-05 2.57E-07 1.58E-07 1.79E-04 4.30E-06 3.87E-03 1.48E-03 0. OOE+00 8 .76E-04 6. 27E-04 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4.35E-06 1. 14E-05 2. 93E-07 6. 19E-06 3.33E-05 7.75E-07 1. 91E-05 9.29E-06 2. 60E-05 1.71E-06 2.27E-05 9. 92E-06 4.41E-06 2 .75E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2 .16E-06 4. 66E-09 5. 11E-10 4.52E-05 9.28E-05 4 .70E-05 6.55E-05 7 .24E-05 4. 64E-07 4.97E-05 6.46E-05 1.05E-04 1. 65E-05 9.49E-05 1.OOE-05 3. 42E-05 1.30E-06 4.41E-09 1.21E-05 2. 69E-05 1.16E-04 2.71E-05 0.OOE+00 4.43E-05 1.09E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 56 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-ic CHILD INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1.82E-06 6. 72E-06 7.49E-10 5. 19E-06 2. 64E-11 3. 63E-08 5.87E-12 1.30E-07 2. 21E-06 1.30E-05 5. 72E-07 4.48E-06 3. 17E-07 1. 33E-06 1.76E-04 1.76E-05 2.45E-04 1.71E-07 4.98E-10 2.00E-05 5.29E-11 1.35E-11 1.74E-07 3.50E-10 1.06E-05 9.89E-08 1.83E-03 4.99E-06 1. 61E-11 2.92E-06 4.41E-09 1. 26E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.20E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 16E-10 0. 00E+00 3. 80E-05 1.10E-04 1.53E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6. 29E-07 2.31E-06 2.57E-10 1. 85E-06 9.45E-12 1.60E-08 2.28E-12 7.36E-08 4.43E-06 1.30E-05 1.10E-06 5.49E-06 5.84E-07 2.36E-06 2.74E-04 4. 62E-05 2.23E-04 2.27E-07 2.66E-13 1.75E-08 2.95E-14 9.73E-15 6.08E-08 1 .11E-10 5.28E-06 5. 37E-08 5.72E-04 1 .50E-06 4. 99E-12 2. 36E-06 2. 61E-09 9. 04E-09 0. 00E+00 2 .44E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .08E-11 1 .90E-04 8. 90E-07 1. 10E-06 8. 81E-12 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2.47E-07 8.16E-07 1.65E-10 8.22E-07 6.44E-12 1.37E-08 1.78E-12 7.12E-08 2.28E-06 7.37E-06 5. 07E-07 2. 08E-06 2. 69E-07 1.12E-06 6. 07E-05 3. 14E-05 3. 47E-05 1. 50E-07 1.45E-11 1. 17E-06 1.72E-12 7 .54E-13 2 .04E-08 3. 49E-11 7 .83E-07 7 .77E-09 9. 77E-05 2. 47E-07 8. 10E-13 1.84E-07 1. 17E-09 6. 35E-09 0. 00E+00 2 .88E-07 3.20E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 73E-12 8.00E-06 2.30E-06 1.00E-05 9.40E-12 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.20E-07 1.64E-06 5.30E-10 1.71E-06 1.93E-11 2.64E-08 4.59E-12 8 .58E-08 4. 99E-04 4.39E-03 5. 23E-05 1.04E-03 1. 37E-05 2 .14E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 o.00+E00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.10E-07 0.00E+00 1.24E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.72E-05 1.91E-09 1.36E-05 6.94E-11 1.08E-07 1.59E-11 4.79E-07 6.61E-06 2.13E-05 1.69E-06 9.13E-06 8.92E-07 3.62E-06 8.93E-05 2.58E-05 7.63E-05 1.68E-07 2.33E-13 5.71E-09 2 .56E-14 7.87E-15 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E-06 2.26E-08 3.17E-04 8.11E-07 2 .64E-12 1.30E-06 0.00E+00 2.63E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E-11 1.70E-04 0.00E+00 5.40E-09 5.71E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1 29E-04 4 00E-04 2.71E-06 4.76E-04 7 .93E-07 5.56E-05 5.55E-07 1.02E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.27E-05 3.93E-06 2.81E-05 1.84E-08 1.56E-06 4.71E-04 7.89E-07 4.44E-07 4.94E-05 2.35E-06 1.47E-04 3.12E-05 3.23E-03 1.17E-04 4.23E-07 8.87E-05 1.11E-05 1.57E-05 0.00E+00 1.37E-04 1.50E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9. 24E-07 3.00E-04 3.60E-04 5.20E-04 1.23E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.13E-06 1.93E-05 1.52E-05 4.91E-05 6.89E-06 8.32E-05 3.60E-07 3.72E-05 1.38E-06 7.68E-07 8.65E-07 1.48E-06 2.58E-07 1.20E-06 1.04E-06 1.13E-06 9.78E-07 7.29E-08 1.56E-05 2.75E-05 7.44E-08 7.4 1E-10 6.10E-05 2.05E-05 1.53E-05 3.44E-05 1.05E-04 2.63E-05 5.32E-08 2.22E-05 2.46E-05 1.73E-05 0.00E+00 3.58E-06 5.50E-06 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 7. 51E-06 8. 10E-06 1.30E-06 8. 30E-06 4.87E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 57 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-id INFANT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-8 6 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. DDE+00 0. 0DE+00 7.54E-06 1. 45E-03 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 41E-05 9. 69E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2.42E-04 1.71E-09 D.O0E+00 1. 38E-05 3. 85E-I1 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 2. 84E-04 2. 92E-02 6. 83E-08 7. 50E-09 2. 35E-06 2. 91E-10 4. 20E-04 1. 17E-08 1. 07E-07 8. 24E-05 1 07E-07 1. 12E-05 0 00E+00 9. 98E-13 4. 65E-14 1. 44E-06 8. 74E-I0 6. 20E-05 7 13E-06 0. DDE+00 2. 71E-05 3. 69E-05 4 .62E-07 0. DDE+00 7. 54E-06 8. 03E-05 D 0.E+00 1. 81E-05 1. l0E-09 8. 39E-06 1. 68E-05 8. 71E-07 5. 73E-06 1 46E-05 2. 03E-10 1. 34E-09 4 47E-05 6. 91E-II 0. UDE+00 0. U0E+00 0 00E+00 1. 36E-04 3. 98E-07 2. 29E-07 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+O0 000OE+O0 0. DDE+00 D.00E+00 1. 99E-05 1.83E-08 4. 59E-06 1. 18E-07 2. 06E-12 5. 88E-14 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 5. 16E-06 D.0UE+00 3. 97E-07 3. 41E-07 4.62E-07 D 0.E+00 7. 54E-06 5. 53E-05 6. 39E-08 3. 56E-06 1. 58E-I0 2. 38E-06 6. 77E-06 1. 30E-06 8. 41E-06 8 29E-06 8 .79E-I1 5. 53E-I0 2. 22E-05 5. 13E-12 2. 72E-07 2.86E-07 1.46E-08 6. 30E-05 2. 05E-07 1. 47E-07 8. 15E-06 1.85E-03 2. 47E-09 2.79E-I0 6. 30E-08 9. 90E-12 1.12E-05 3.29E-10 2.91E-09 1. 45E-05 8. 36E-09 2. 70E-06 2. 31E-08 2. 66E-I1 5. 80E-13 4.85E-07 2.93E-I0 7.77E-06 3. 57E-06 D.00E+00 8.56E-06 7.78E-06 4. 62E-07 0. DDE+00 7.54E-06 0. DDE+00 4.11E-08 D.0DE+00 D.00E+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 U.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 D. DDE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+D0 D.0DE+U0 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 D. OOE+D0 7.18E-08 4.45E-08 4 .62E-07 U.0DE+00 7 .54E-06 D.0DE+00 9. 45E-09 3.56E-06 7. 86E-I0 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 2 .84E-09 2.32E-05 2. 87E-II D.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0 .DDE+00 0 .DDE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 o.00E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 o.0DE+00 2.22E-05 1.85E-08 3. 37E-06 1.89E-07 2.22E-lI 6. 99E-13 3.03E-06 6. 42E-I0 7.61E-05 7 .80E-06 o.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 D.00E+00 4. 62E-07 D.0DE+00 7. 54E-06 U.0DE+00 9. 17E-06 7. 14E-04 8. 95E-06 6. 21E-05 7. 25E-04 5.55E-04 3.22E-03 1 .49E-04 5.80E-06 6. 64E-06 4. 62E-04 1.05E-06 D.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 1.45E-03 8.03E-03 3.76E-05 1. 70E-05 1. 92E-04 1.99E-06 1.75E-03 1.75E-05 5. 4 6E-05 1. 25E-03 7 .88E-05 3. 42E-04 9. 63E-05 5 .79E-07 4 .17E-07 3. 94E-04 1. 12E-05 8 .26E-03 2 62E-03 U DDE+00 1 .89E-03 1. 17E-03 4. 62E-07 U.00E+00 7.54E-06 1. 15E-05 2.55E-07 5.04E-06 5. 12E-05 7. 82E-07 1.77E-05 7.95E-06 2.28E-05 1.73E-06 3. 58E-05 1. 07E-05 3. 67E-05 9. 44E-06 0 00E+00 D 0.E+00 U DDE+00 2. 17E-06 2 .42E-07 4. 87E-08 4. 57E-05 9. 36E-05 5.24E-05 1. 0E-04 7. 43E-05 1. 68E-06 5. 02E-05 9. 04E-05 1. 19E-04 1. 55E-05 1. 0E-04 9. 05E-06 3 .48E-05 1.45E-06 6. 03E-07 1. 15E-05 3. 4 6E-05 1. 17E-04 2. 36E-05 000OE+O0 4.22E-05 1. 05E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 58 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-id INFANT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 3. 40E-06 1. 19E-05 1. 59E-05 1. 01E-05 5. 63E-1.1 7. 62E-08 1. 24E-11 2. 66E-07 4. 54E-06 2. 71E-05 1. 21E-06 9. 46E-06 6. 58E-07 2 .76E-06 2. 83E-04 3. 45E-05 3. 92E-04 3. 61E-07 1. 06E-09 4. OOE-05 1.12E-10 2.84E-lI 3. 61E-07 7.36E-I0 1.98E-05 2. 09E-07 2. 28E-03 1.00E-05 3.42E-il 5. 67E-06 9.26E-09 2.65E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 2.70E-05 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.44E-I0 0. OOE+00 6.00E-05 1. 90E-04 3.18E-li 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 42E-06 4. 93E-06 6. 81E-10 4. 35E-06 2. 48E-Il 3. 93E-08 5. 87E-12 1. 69E-07 9. 91E-06 3. 17E-05 2 .53E-06 1. 37E-05 1. 34E-06 5 43E-06 5. 02E-04 9. 61E-05 4. 37E-04 S. 58E-07 7. 03E-13 4 OOE-08 7. 70E-14 2. 36E-14 1. 43E-07 2. 69E-10 1. 19E-05 1. 38E-07 8. 65E-04 3. 74E-06 1.32E-li 5. 81E-06 6. 44E-09 2. 37E-08 0. OOE+00 4. 65E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 21E-Il 2. 60E-04 1. 60E-06 1. 70E-06 2. 04E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 70E-07 1.48E-06 3. 49E-10 1. 59E-06 1.34E-il 2. 59E-08 3. 57E-12 1 .26E-07 3. 98E-06 1.40E-05 8. 99E-07 4 .OOE-06 4. 75E-07 1. 98E-06 5. 32E-05 3. 78E-05 3. 25E-05 2. 84E-07 3. 07E-lI 2. 07E-06 3. SSE-12 1. 40E-12 3. 68E-08 6. 46E-I 1. 42E-06 1. 58E-08 1. 26E-04 4. 99E-07 1. 72E-12 3. 57E-07 2. 23E-09 1. 34E-08 0. OOE+0 4. 58E-07 5 40E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.88E-li 1. OOE-05 3. 60E-06 1. 30E-05 1. 68E-li 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.16E-06 3.48E-06 1.32E-09 3.91E-06 4.82E-li 6. 38E-08 1.13E-il 1.99E-07 1.14E-03 1.06E-02 1.21E-04 2. 54E-03 3.18E-05 4 .97E-04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1. 30E-06 O.OOE+00 2.91E-lI O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.68E-05 3.47E-09 2.27E-05 1.25E-10 1. 89E-07 2.85E-lI 7. 39E-07 1. 09E-05 3.70E-05 2 .82E-06 1.60E-05 1.49E-06 6.05E-06 1. 36E-04 4.03E-05 1.23E-04 2. 93E-07 4.23E-13 9. 59E-09 4. 64E-14 1.36E-14 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.75E-06 4.03E-08 3.84E-04 1. 41E-06 4.80E-12 2.25E-06 O.OOE+00 4.73E-08 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.07E-lI 2. OOE-04 O.OOE+00 8.90E-09 9.59E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 19E-04 9. 37E-04 7. 39E-06 1.20E-03 2. 14E-06 1.42E-04 1.47E-06 2.43E-04 0. OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 69E-05 8 .40E-06 5.09E-05 4 .67E-08 4.25E-06 1.14E-03 2. 12E-06 1.l1E-06 1.20E-04 5.87E-06 3. 69E-04 8.30E-05 7. 03E-03 3.09E-04 1.15E-06 2. 30E-04 2.83E-05 4.25E-05 O.OOE+00 2. 71E-04 3.OOE-04 O.OOE+00 O.00OE+00 2.37E-06 6. 20E-04 7.80E-04 9. lOE-04 2. 93E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9. 22E-06 1. 95E-05 1.74E-05 4. 93E-05 1.88E-05 8.51E-05 5 .87E-06 3. 15E-05 1 .42E-06 7 .56E-07 1 .36E-06 1 .54E-06 9. 21E-07 1. 31E-06 9. 53E-07 1. 02E-06 9. 53E-07 6. 26E-07 3. 64E-05 2.74E-05 3. 39E-06 4.95E-07 6.06E-05 4.25E-05 1.54E-05 3.55E-05 1. 06E-04 2.66E-05 3.06E-06 2.23E-05 2.54E-05 1.78E-05 O.OOE+00 3.47E-06 4.80E-06 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 1.92E-05 8. OOE-06 1.20E-06 7 .70E-06 2.53E-06 C.0OE+00 0.00OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 59 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-2 2 Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors (mrem/hr per pCi/mr half-life and Stable Element Tranfer Data (Fm, cow)Total Body &with Isotope Ground Plane Dose Factors Isotope H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-il0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 Halflife unit Fm TotBody(DFg) 12 .350 53.300 15.000 14.290 27.704 312.500 2.578 2.700 44.529 70.800 5.271 96.000 2.520 12.701 243.900 0.950 2.390 0.530 0.050 18.660 0.297 0.253 50.500 29.120 9.500 2.710 2. 667 0.829 58.510 3.540 10.100 63.980 16.900 35.150 2.750 6.020 0.237 39.280 4.440 368.200 249.900 2.700 60.200 2.770 1. OOE-02 1. OOE-04 4 .OOE-02 2 .50E-02 2 .20E-03 2 .50E-04 2 .50E-04 1 .20E-03 1. 20E-03 1 .OOE-03 1 .OOE-03 6. 70E-03 6. 70E-03 1. 40E-02 3. 90E-02 3. 90E-02 5. OOE-02 5. OOE-02 5. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 8 .0OE-04 8 .OOE-04 8 .OOE-04 8 .OOE-04 1. OOE-05 1 .OOE-05 1. OOE-05 1. GOE-05 1. 0OE-05 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-06 2. 50E-03 7. 50E-03 2 .50E-02 2 .50E-02 1. 00E-06 1. OE-06 1. OOE-06 5. OOE-02 1. 50E-03 1.50E-03 1. 50E-03 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.50E-08 0 .OOE+00 2 .20E-I0 5. 80E-09 1. 1OE-08 0. OOE+00 8 .0OE-09 7 .OOE-09 1.70E-08 0. OE+00 3. 70E-09 1.50E-09 4 .OOE-09 0. OOE+00 6. 40E-I1 1.20E-08 0. 0OE+00 6. 30E-I0 3. 50E-09 1.50E-08 5. 60E-13 0. 00E+00 7 .1OE-09 9. O0E-09 2. 20E-12 3. 80E-09 2.40E-Il 1. 60E-09 5.70E-10 5.O0E-09 5.50E-09 5. 1GE-09 1. 90E-09 9. 60E-10 2.70E-09 3. 60E-09 4 .50E-09 1.50E-09 1.80E-08 O.OOE+00 1.30E-08 3. lOE-09 Skin (DFs)0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .90E-08 0. 00E+00 2 .60E-I0 6. 80E-09 1.30E-08 0. COE+00 9. 40E-09 8.20E-09 2 .OOE-08 0. 00E+00 4. 30E-09 1.70E-09 4. 60E-09 0. 00E+00 9.30E-11 1.40E-08 C.0OE+00 7 .20E-10 4 .GOE-09 1.80E-08 6. 50E-13 0. 00E+00 8. 30E-09 1. OOE-08 2.60E-12 4.40E-09 2. 70E-11 1. 90E-09 7.80E-10 5.80E-09 6. 40E-09 6.00E-09 2.20E-09 1. 1GE-09 3.O0E-09 4.20E-09 5. lOE-09 1. 80E-09 2.10E-08 0. O0E+00 1.50E-08 3. 50E-09 IPEC ODCM Page 60 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-2 2 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors (mrem/hr per pCi/mr with Isotope half-life and Stable Element Tranfer Data (Fm, cow)Ground Plane Dose Factors Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 Halflife unit Fm TotBody(DFg) 58.000 109.000 9.350 33.600 1.160 30.000 0.417 3.258 12.360 8.040 2.300 20.800 0.877 6.610 2.062 13.100 30.000 0.537 1.378 12.740 0.304 0.177 1.678 1.542 32.501 33.000 284.300 13.560 0.288 10.980 23.900 2.360 1.28E+09 270.900 64.840 106.640 2. 03E+04 1.202 1.271 115.100 10.740 0.697 137.660 46.600 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 5.OOE-06 5.00E-06 1. OOE-04 1. OOE-04 1. OOE-04 5.OOE-06 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-04 5. OOE-06 1. OOE-02 1. OOE-03 8 .OOE-04 1. OOE-05 2 .50E-03 2 .50E-03 1.20E-04 2. 50E-03 4 .OOE-04 1.OOE-03 1.OOE-04 3.80E-02 3. 50E-lI 1. 1OE-12 1.00E-il 7.70E-10 7. IOE-10 8.40E-09 2 .20E-09 1.70E-09 1. 40E-08 2.80E-09 1.70E-08 3.70E-09 1. 60E-08 1.20E-08 1.20E-08 1.50E-08 4.20E-09 2. 10E-08 2.40E-09 2 .1OE-09 4.30E-09 7 .90E-09 1.50E-08 1.50E-08 5. 50E-10 2.20E-09 3.20E-10 0. OOE+00 2 .OOE-10 1. OOE-09 3. 0E-09 9. 50E-10 0. OOE+00 9. i0E-10 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 4. 60E-09 0. OE+00 0. OCE+00 0. OE+00 1. OOE-09 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 Skin (DFs)4. 80E-11 1. 30E-12 1. l0E-Il 9. 0OE-10 8. 40E-10 9. 90E-09 2. 60E-06 2 .OOE-09 1. 70E-08 3. 40E-09 2 .OOE-08 4 .50E-09 1. 90E-08 1. 40E-08 1. 40E-08 1. 70E-08 4. 90E-09 2. 40E-08 2. 70E-09 2. 40E-09 4. 90E-09 9. DOE-09 1. 70E-08 1. 80E-08 6. 20E-10 2 .50E-09 3. 70E-10 0 OOE+00 2 .30E-10 1 .20E-09 3. 60E-09 1. iCE-09 0 OOE+00 1. OOE-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 40E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. COE+00 1 .20E-09 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 61 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3a ADULT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O .OE+00 2. 77E-09 1 .70E-06 1. 93E-04 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .75E-06 4. 34E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 30E-04 5. 28E-07 0. DDE+00 4. 84E-06 1. 03E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 O .OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OE+00 3. 08E-04 7. 58E-03 5. 67E-06 2. 15E-06 9. 62E-09 9.09E-11 1. 41E-07 8. 45E-10 2. 68E-09 3. 04E-08 1. 68E-09 6. 22E-09 0. 00E+00 2. 47E-10 2. 54E-10 1 .5E-07 1. 54E-08 2. 75E-06 1. 60E-07 2 .OE-07 2. 80E-06 1. 79E-06 1. 05E-07 6.2 6E-09 1.70E-06 1.20E-05 0. 00E+00 4.57E-06 1. 15E-07 1. 90E-06 1. 02E-05 7. 45E-07 2. 14E-06 9. 01E-06 6.8 6E-08 8. 33E-08 1. 54E-05 1. 97E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 11E-05 6. 05E-08 4.01E-08 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. DDE+00.0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 75E-09 3. 39E-10 3. 46E-09 4.31E-06 6. 98E-10 3. 66E-10 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.48E-07 4. 60E-09 5. 30E-08 2. OOE-08 1.05E-07 3. 10E-09 1.70E-06 7.46E-06 2. 66E-09 8.72E-07 2. 04E-08 4.43E-07 3. 91E-06 1. 67E-06 4.72E-06 4. 36E-06 3. 13E-08 3. 91E-08 6. 96E-06 1.37E-09 4.02E-08 5.21E-08 2. 14E-09 9. 83E-06 3. 21E-08 2. 82E-08 8 .84E-06 1.86E-03 2.29E-07 9. 30E-08 2.58E-10 3. 52E-12 3.77E-09 2.47E-11 7.40E-11 6. 60E-09 1.55E-10 1.86E-09 8.20E-07 8.89E-09 3. 59E-09 7. 97E-08 6. 08E-09 3. 48E-07 8. 79E-08 6. 90E-08 1.10E-06 4.26E-07 1.05E-07 O.00E+00 1 .70E-06 0. 00E+00 1.59E-09 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. l0E-09 6.80E-09 1.82E-09 1. O5E-07 6.58E-09 1 .70E-06 O.00E+00 5.86E-10 1 .36E-06 1.4 6E-07 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2. lOE-07 1.03E-05 1.28E-08 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.O0E+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 1.53E-08 5.12E-I0 3.42E-09 9.7 6E-06 1.06E-08 6.59E-09 7 .06E-07 1. 99E-07 5.31E-06 2. 91E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 1. 05E-07 O .OOE+00 1 .70E-06 O .OOE+00 3. 53E-09 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1 .06E-06 2 .85E-06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 3. 42E-10 1. 87E-10 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 1. 20E-07 2. 18E-06 1 .38E-06 1. 05E-07 1. 08E-06 1. 70E-06 2. 17E-05 6. 69E-07 1. 40E-05 3. 67E-06 1. 09E-06 3. 40E-05 1. 51E-05 4. 02E-05 1. 88E-06 1 .74E-06 7. 10E-06 9.70E-06 2. 96E-09 5. 79E-08 4. 09E-13 O .OOE+00 4. 16E-06 8 .36E-19 2. 33E-21 4. 94E-05 2. 19E-04 2.70E-05 4.26E-05 1.02E-04 2. 67E-10 7.7 6E-05 1. 48E-05 8 50E-05 3. 09E-05 1 .O5E-04 2 1DE-05 9. 99E-06 4 .13E-07 1. lOE-21 2. 16E-05 9. 42E-06 1. 78E-04 6. 04E-05 7. 60E-05 7. 95E-05 1. 97E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 62 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3a ADULT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 2. 68E-06 6.77E-06 1. 10E-07 1. 15E-05 3. 14E-08 1.73E-06 1. 97E-08 2. 52E-06 7. 56E-07 4. 16E-06 2. 03E-07 1. 42E-06 1. 06E-07 4.43E-07 6. 22E-05 6. 51E-06 7. 97E-05 5. 52E-08 9. 70E-08 2. 03E-05 4.71E-08 2.13E-08 2. 50E-09 1.28E-10 9. 36E-09 1. 65E-09 4.88E-07 9. 20E-09 3. 01E-i1 6. 29E-09 1. 03E-07 1. 19E-09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 5.22E-11 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.24E-08 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 9.71E-07 2.42E-06 3. 95E-08 4. 29E-06 1. 18E-08 8.4 6E-07 8. 23E-09 1. 63E-06 2. 23E-06 5. 95E-06 5. 43E-07 2.47E-06 2. 88E-07 1. 16E-06 1.48E-04 2. 57E-05 1. 09E-04 1. 09E-07 6. 91E-II 2. 55E-08 3. 56E-11 2.19E-11 1.26E-09 5. 82E-11 6. 33E-09 1.22E-06 2.04E-07 3. 69E-09 1.25E-II 7.27E-09 8 .61E-08 1.17E-10 O.OOE+00 1.75E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 1.32E-11 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 12E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 59E-07 8.25E-07 2. 38E-08 1.82E-06 7. 65E-09 7.05E-07 6.22E-09 1.53E-06 8. 80E-07 3.4 1E-06 1. 90E-07 7. 53E-07 1. 03E-07 4.28E-07 1.21E-04 1.85E-05 7. 14E-05 5. 40E-08 2 .84E-09 1.33E-06 1. 59E-09 1.34E-09 3. 33E-I0 1.45E-II 7.18E-10 1.35E-I0 2. 62E-08 4.56E-10 1. 53E-12 4. 35E-10 3.01E-08 6. 45E-I1 0. 00E+00 2. 91E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. DDE+00 4.82E-12 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 30E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8.06E-07 1.73E-06 8.15E-08 3. 95E-06 2.41E-08 1.34E-06 1. 62E-08 1 .80E-06 1.89E-04 1. 95E-03 1. 90E-05 3. 63E-04 4.99E-06 7.65E-05 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.ODE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 2. 83E-08 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 09E-05 2. 75E-05 4 48E-07 4 .80E-05 1. 32E-07 8. 57E-06 8 63E-08 1. 57E-05 3. 48E-06 1. 02E-05 8 65E-07 4. 31E-06 4. 58E-07 1. 86E-06 4 .79E-05 1. 43E-05 3. 70E-05 8 01E-08 6. 4 6E-11 8. 67E-09 3. 31E-11 1 .85E-1i O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 2. 94E-09 5. 37E-10 1. 21E-07 2 13E-09 7 05E-12 4 .25E-09 O .OOE+00 3. 65E-10 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 1 .54E-11 0. OOE+00 O .0E+00 0. ODE+00 2. 05E-07 O .OOE+00 0. 00E+00 LUNG GILLI O.OOE+00 1.07E-05 D.OOE+00 2.27E-05 O.OOE+00 8.68E-06 O.OOE+00 5.79E-05 O.OOE+00 2.37E-08 O.OOE+00 8.40E-05 D.OOE+00 2.79E-09 O.OOE+00 7.71E-05 O.OOE+00 1.92E-06 O.OOE+00 1.57E-06 O.OOE+00 1.02E-07 D.OOE+00 2.22E-06 O.ODE+00 2.51E-10 O.OE+00 1.31E-06 1.59E-05 2.59E-06 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 1.23E-05 2.11E-06 7.91E-09 4.65E-13 3.92E-11 1.72E-07 1.46E-08 4.18E-05 2.02E-11 2.22E-17 1.24E-11 3.OOE-26 0.OOE+00 9.25E-05 O.OOE+00 4.25E-07 0.OOE+00 2.42E-05 O.OOE+00 4.56E-05 D.OOE+00 1.65E-04 0.OOE+00 4.03E-D5 O.OOE+00 4.33E-18 0.OOE+00 3.49E-05 0.00E+00 2.82E-05 0.DOE+00 2.40E-05 0.DOE+00 D.DOE+00 O.DOE+00 4.44E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.DDE+00 D.DOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.87E-08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 3.59E-II O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 63 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3b TEEN INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O .OOE+00 3. 96E-09 2. 30E-06 2. 76E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 78E-06 5. 87E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 77E-04 7 49E-07 O .OOE+00 5. 76E-06 1. 47E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 40E-04 8. 30E-03 8. 07E-06 3. 05E-06 1. 37E-08 1. 29E-10 2. O1E-07 1. 21E-09 3. 83E-09 4 12E-08 2. 37E-09 8. 22E-09 0. OOE+00 3. 32E-10 3. 60E-10 2. 55E-07 2. 18E-08 3. 92E-06 2. 05E-07 3. 30E-07 3. 86E-06 2 48E-06 1.06E-07 8.87E-09 2.30E-06 1.71E-05 0 OOE+00 5. 90E-06 1. 58E-07 2. 68E-06 1. 37E-05 9. 72E-07 2 .81E-06 1. 25E-05 9. 57E-08 1. 15E-07 2 DDE-05 2 80E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 2 .98E-05 8. 52E-08 5 50E-08 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.30E-08 4.69E-10 4. 56E-09 6. 03E-06 9. 26E-h0 5. 12E-10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 1.94E-07 6. 42E-09 7. 12E-08 2. 71E-08 1. 06E-07 4.43E-09 2.30E-06 1. 07E-05 3. 60E-09 1.17E-06 2.81E-08 6.25E-07 5.29E-06 2 .24E-06 6. 33E-06 6. 0OE-06 4. 36E-08 5.41E-08 9. 33E-06 1. 96E-09 5.74E-08 7 .22E-08 3. 05E-09 1.40E-05 4.54E-08 3. 89E-08 1.26E-05 2.05E-03 3.21E-07 1. 30E-07 3.69E-h0 4. 93E-12 5. 39E-09 3. 50E-hI 1.05E-10 8.94E-09 2.16E-10 2. 51E-09 1.15E-06 1.20E-08 5. 03E-09 1. 09E-07 8 .46E-09 4. 94E-07 1. 18E-07 9. 64E-08 1.51E-06 5.79E-07 1 .06E-07 O.OOE+00 2.30E-06 O.OOE+00 2. OOE-09 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4 .19E-09 8 .79E-09 2 .36E-09 1.06E-07 9. 40E-09 2. 30E-06 O.OOE+00 7.89E-10 1 .76E-06 2. OOE-07 O.ODE+00 O.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 2.91E-07 1.28E-05 1.83E-08 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. DOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 91E-08 7.11E-10 4.42E-09 1.38E-05 1.38E-08 9.26E-09 8. 99E-07 2.75E-07 7. 56E-06 3 .70E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.06E-07 O.OOE+00 2 .30E-06 O.OOE+00 5.14E-09 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 1.70E-06 4.32E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5. 14E-I0 3. 12E-h0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2. 06E-07 3.37E-06 2.16E-06 1 .06E-07 1 .08E-06 2 .30E-06 2. 32E-05 6. O5E-07 1. 21E-05 1. 04E-05 1. 16E-06 3.24E-05 1. 34E-05 3. 66E-05 1. 99E-06 S. 19E-06 8. 92E-06 8. 47E-06 5 16E-08 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 4 .41E-06 7. 30E-15 8 43E-17 5 .24E-05 2. 33E-04 3. 66E-05 7.77E-05 1. 13E-04 6. 09E-09 8 .24E-05 3. 32E-05 1. 17E-04 3. OE-05 1. 27E-04 1. 95E-05 1. 08E-05 6. 08E-07 8 .75E-17 2 13E-05 1.76E-05 1. 88E-04 5. 45E-05 6. 92E-05 7. 81E-05 1. 92E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 64 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3b TEEN INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 3. 83E-06 9. 67E-06 1. 58E-07 1. 63E-05 4 48E-08 2. 44E-06 2 .79E-08 3. 4 9E-06 1. 03E-06 5. 85E-06 2. 79E-07 2. 01E-06 1 46E-07 6. 1OE-07 8. 37E-05 8. 59E-06 1. 12E-04 7 .76E-08 1. 39E-07 2. 84E-05 6. 71E-08 2. 99E-08 3. 48E-09 1. 79E-10 1. 33E-08 2. 35E-09 6. 96E-07 1. 31E-08 4. 30E-11 9. 38E-09 1. 46E-07 1. 7 6E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 7. 37E-11.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 4 .47E-08 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 1. 38E-06 3. 43E-06 5. 60E-08 6. 05E-06 1. 67E-08 1. 17E-06 1. 15E-08 2. 21E-06 2. 98E-06 8. 19E-06 7. 30E-07 3. 41E-06 3. 87E-07 1. 57E-06 1. 97E-04 3. 38E-05 1. 49E-04 1. 49E-07 9. 78E-11 3. 48E-08 5.01E-1I 2. 99E-11 1.71E-09 7. 95E-11 8.88E-09 1.71E-06 2. 88E-07 5.23E-09 1.76E-11 1. 02E-08 1. 19E-07 1. 66E-10 0.OOE+00 2.38E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.83E-11 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 87E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 S. 12E-07 1.15E-06 3.40E-08 2.58E-06 1 .09E-08 9.76E-07 8.72E-09 2. 08E-06 1.19E-06 4.40E-06 2. 62E-07 1.04E-06 1. 39E-07 5.82E-07 9. 14E-05 2. 27E-05 5. 19E-05 7. 45E-08 4.05E-09 1.83E-06 2. 24E-09 1.84E-09 4.55E-10 1. 98E-11 1.02E-09 1. 91E-10 3.74E-08 6. 52E-10 2 .18E-12 6. 11E-10 4.17E-08 9.22E-11 0. 0OE+00 3. 99E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 68E-12 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. OOE-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.07E-06 2 .30E-06 1. 09E-07 5.26E-06 3.20E-08 1.76E-06 2. 1SE-08 2. 33E-06 2.43E-04 2. 39E-03 2.4 6E-05 4.76E-04 6. 45E-06 1.01E-04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 3. 67E-08 0.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 92E-05 6.40E-07 6. 82E-05 1 .88E-07 1. 22E-05 1. 22E-07 2.12E-05 4.59E-06 1.41E-05 1.15E-06 5. 98E-06 6. 1OE-07 2 .48E-06 6.26E-05 1.84E-05 5. 07E-05 1.10E-07 9.22E-11 1.18E-08 4.65E-11 2.53E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.18E-09 7.67E-10 1.72E-07 3.04E-09 1.01E-lI 5. 99E-09 0.OOE+00 5.21E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.14E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.74E-07 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 39E-05 2. 90E-06 1. 97E-05 1. 28E-08 6. 74E-11 2. 34E-08 3. 43E-11 1. 99E-11 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 13E-05 2. 41E-05 1. 22E-05 6. 12E-05 2. 45E-07 9. 39E-05 2.2 9E-09 7. OE-05 2.2 9E-06 1. 62E-06 3. 18E-07 2. 58E-06 5. 10E-09 1. 74E-06 2. 45E-06 2. 72E-06 2. 12E-06 6.76E-11 1 .24E-06 4. 38E-05 1. 43E-13 9. 18E-20 9. 82E-05 2. 42E-06 2. 54E-05 5. 14E-05 1. 75E-04 4. 31E-05 4. 74E-14 3. 68E-05 3. 22E-0S 2. 67E-05 0 OOE+00 4 .44E-06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.37E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 1. 66E-09 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 65 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3c CHILD INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99rn Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 1. 18E-08 5. BOE-06 8.25E-04 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.15E-05 1. 65E-05 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 5. 38E-04 2.22E-06 0.OOE+00 1. 37E-05 4.38E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00'0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 32E-03 1.70E-02 2.40E-05 9. 03E-06 4. 11E-08 3. 82E-10 6. 02E-07 3. 60E-09 1. 14E-08 1. 16E-07 6. 99E-09 2. 25E-08 0. 00E+00 9. 23E-10 1. 07E-09 7.31E-07 6. 45E-08 1. 17E-05 5. 39E-07 9. 83E-07 1. lIE-05 7. 15E-06 2. 03E-07 2. OOE-08 S. 80E-06 3. 86E-05 0. 00E+00 1. 07E-05 3. 34E-07 6. lOE-06 2. 67E-05 1.80E-06 5. 29E-06 2.88E-05 2. 09E-07 2.45E-07 3. 65E-05 6. 33E-08 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 70E-05 1. 90E-07 1. 17E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2.55E-08 1.01E-09 8.76E-09 1. 33E-05 1.81E-09 1.12E-09 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 64E-07 1.45E-08 1.44E-07 5.51E-08 2. 03E-07 1. 32E-08 5. 80E-06 3. 18E-05 8. 90E-09 2 .85E-06 7. 54E-08 1.89E-06 1. 33E-05 5. 51E-06 1.56E-05 1.83E-05 1.22E-07 1.48E-07 2.27E-05 5.85E-09 1.71E-07 1. 98E-07 9. 12E-09 4.12E-05 1. 32E-07 1.04E-07 3. 77E-05 4. 31E-03 9.06E-07 3. 62E-07 1. 1OE-09 1. 39E-11 1. 61E-08 1. 03E-10 3. 13E-10 2. 27E-08 5. 96E-10 6.26E-09 3. 29E-06 3. OOE-08 1.42E-08 2. 81E-07 2. 34E-08 1. 46E-06 2. 91E-07 2. 88E-07 3. 88E-06 1.50E-06 2. 03E-07 0 OOE+00 5. 80E-06 0 OOE+00 4. 94E-09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 .26E-08 2 44E-08 6. 63E-09 2. 03E-07 1. 97E-08 5 .80E-06 0 OOE+00 1. 35E-09 3 .OOE-06 4 .04E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 92E-07 2. 30E-05 3. 84E-08 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 65E-08 1. 45E-09 8 .23E-09 2 84E-05 2 63E-08 1. 91E-08 1 .84E-06 5. 67E-07 1. 58E-05 6. 78E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2.03E-07 0.OOE+00 5.80E-06 0.OOE+00 9. 02E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 45E-06 7 .74E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 19E-10 5. 92E-10 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4. OOE-07 6. 15E-06 3. 9BE-06 2. 03E-07 1.12E-06 5.80E-06 2.28E-05 4.72E-07 8.98E-06 4.84E-05 1.13E-06 2.78E-05 1.05E-05 2. 93E-05 1.94E-06 2.56E-05 1.15E-05 6.41E-06 3. 99E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.31E-06 9. 32E-09 1.02E-09 5. 11E-05 2.29E-04 5.30E-05 1.71E-04 1.17E-04 7 .48E-07 8. 02E-05 1.04E-04 1.70E-04 2. 66E-05 1. 53E-04 1. 62E-05 1.10E-05 1.03E-06 3.56E-09 1.89E-05 4.21E-05 1. 82E-04 4.33E-05 7. 56E-05 6. 93E-05 1.71E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 66 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3c CHILD INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1. 14E-05 2. 89E-05 4 71E-07 4. 87E-05 1. 34E-07 7. 20E-06 8. 30E-08 1. 01E-05 2 92E-06 1. 72E-05 8 OOE-07 5. 92E-06 4. 19E-07 1. 75E-06 2.34E-04 2. 35E-05 3. 27E-04 2. 28E-07 4. 14E-07 8. 31E-05 2. OOE-07 8. 74E-08 1.01E-08 5.24E-10 3. 97E-08 6. 99E-09 2. 08E-06 3. 93E-08 1.29E-10 2.79E-08 4.29E-07 5.25E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 17E-10 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 .29E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 3.09E-06 7. 78E-06 1.27E-07 1. 36E-05 3. 74E-08 2.4 9E-06 2. 53E-08 4.47E-06 5. 90E-06 1.73E-05 1.47E-06 7. 32E-06 7.78E-07 3. 15E-06 3.84E-04 6.4 6E-05 3. 13E-04 3. 17E-07 2.21E-10 7.28E-08 1. 12E-10 6. 29E-11 3. 53E-09 1. 67E-10 1. 98E-08 3.79E-06 6. 52E-07 1.18E-08 3. 99E-11 2.26E-08 2. 54E-07 3. 77E-10 0. OOE+00 4. 93E-07 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 92E-11 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 80E-08 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1.52E-06 3. 43E-06 1.01E-07 7. 56E-06 3. 18E-08 2. 65E-06 2. 47E-08 5. 40E-06 3. 04E-06 9. 83E-06 6.76E-07 2.77E-06 3. 58E-07 1.4 9E-06 8. l0E-05 4.18E-05 4. 62E-05 2.01E-07 1.20E-08 4.85E-06 6. 51E-09 4. 88E-09 1. 19E-09 5. 23E-11 2. 94E-09 5. 49E-10 1. 11E-07 1. 95E-09 6. 49E-12 1 .75E-09 1. 14E-07 2. 65E-10 0. OOE+00 9. 98E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 83E-11 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 74E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.20E-06 6. 91E-06 3.26E-07 1.57E-05 9.56E-08 5.12E-06 6.35E-08 6.51E-06 6. 50E-04 5.72E-03 6.82E-05 1.36E-03 1.79E-05 2. 79E-04 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 02E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.24E-05 1. 34E-06 1. 43E-04 3 92E-07 2. 41E-05 2. 51E-07 4 .15E-05 8. 82E-06 2. 84E-05 2 .25E-06 1. 22E-05 1. 19E-06 4 .83E-06 1. 19E-04 3. 44E-05 1. 02E-04 2 23E-07 1. 93E-10 2. 37E-08 9. 69E-11 5. 09E-II 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8. 68E-09 1.59E-09 3. 61E-07 6. 39E-09 2.11E-l1 1.24E-08 0.OOE+00 1.09E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.35E-1I 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 37E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.27E-05 5. 13E-06 3. 67E-05 2.40E-08 1.30E-10 4. 34E-08 6.58E-i0 3. 70E-ii 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.10E-05 2.34E-05 1.84E-05 5. 94E-05 8. 34E-06 1.01E-04 4.36E-07 4.50E-05 2 .76E-06 1.54E-06 1.73E-06 2.95E-06 5.16E-07 2. 40E-06 2.07E-06 2.27E-06 1.96E-06 1.4 6E-07 2. 39E-05 4.21E-05 1.14E-07 1.14E-09 9.84E-05 3. 31E-05 2. 47E-05 5. 55E-05 1.70E-04 4.24E-05 8.59E-08 3.58E-05 3.57E-05 2 .79E-05 0.OOE+00 4.04E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 .21E-05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 5. 89E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 67 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3d INFANT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 2 .26E-08 1.01E-05 1. 70E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.39E-05 3.08E-05 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 34E-04 4.70E-06 0. OOE+00 1.84E-05 9. 33E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 51E-03 1.85E-02 5. OOE-05 1. 92E-05 8 .69E-08 8.10E-10 1.13E-06 7.65E-09 2.43E-08 2. 06E-07 1. 48E-08 4.20E-08 0. 00E+00 1. 92E-09 2. 27E-09 1. 48E-06 1. 36E-07 2. 41E-05 9. 96E-07 2 .1OE-06 2. 14E-05 1. 23E-05 3. 08E-07 4. 72E-08 1. 01E-05 1. OOE-04 0. 00E+00 1. 99E-05 8. 18E-07 8. 98E-06 5. 38E-05 3. 60E-06 1. 08E-05 3. 92E-05 5. 32E-07 6. 09E-07 6. 31E-05 1. 68E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 70E-04 4. 98E-07 2 .86E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 02E-08 2. 54E-09 1. 73E-08 3. 40E-05 3. 96E-09 2 .86E-09 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 27E-07 3. 85E-08 3. 15E-07 1. 19E-07 3. 08E-07 2 51E-08 1. 01E-05 6. 59E-05 1. 41E-08 4. 51E-06 1. 41E-07 2. 40E-06 2. 12E-05 8. 98E-06 2. 55E-05 2. 20E-05 2. 42E-07 2. 82E-07 2. 91E-05 1. 25E-08 3. 63E-07 3. 82E-07 1. 94E-08 8. 40E-05 2. 73E-07 1. 97E-07 7. 20E-05 4 .71E-03 1. 81E-06 7. 13E-07 2. 33E-09 2 .76E-11 3. 01E-08 2 15E-10 6. 62E-10 3. 56E-08 1. 16E-09 1. OOE-08 6. 63E-06 5. 1OE-08 2 83E-08 4. 95E-07 4 .58E-08 3. 01E-06 4.81E-07 6. 13E-07 6. 63E-06 2. 53E-06 3.08E-07 0.OOE+00 1. 01E-05 0.OOE+00 9.20E-09 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.14E-08 5. 68E-08 1.54E-08 3.08E-07 3.34E-08 1. 01E-05 0.OOE+00 2 .01E-09 4 .41E-06 7. 03E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.03E-06 3.06E-05 6. 98E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.41E-08 2 .56E-09 1.24E-08 5.08E-05 4.26E-08 3.40E-08 3.08E-06 1 .OOE-06 2.85E-05 1.04E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.08E-07 0.OOE+00 1.01E-05 0.OOE+00 1.79E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.39E-06 1. 59E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.07E-09 1. 56E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 09E-06 1. 34E-05 3. 08E-07 1. 11E-06 1. 01E-05 2. 30E-05 4 11E-07 7. 31E-06 7. 43E-05 1. 14E-06 2. 57E-05 8. 97E-06 2. 57E-05 1. 95E-06 4. 05E-05 1. 25E-05 5. 33E-05 1. 37E-05 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 4 .85E-07 9.74E-08 5. 16E-05 2. 31E-04 5. 92E-05 2. 07E-04 1. 20E-04 2 .70E-06 8. 1OE-05 1 46E-04 1. 92E-04 2. 50E-05 1. 62E-04 1. 4 6E-05 1. 12E-05 1. 15E-06 4 .86E-07 1 .80E-05 5. 41E-05 1 .83E-04 3. 77E-05 7 65E-05 6. 60E-05 72E-06 1.64E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 68 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3d INFANT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 2. 33E-05 5. 85E-05 1. OOE-06 1. OOE-04 2. 84E-07 1. 52E-05 1 .76E-07 2 08E-05 6. OOE-06 3. 59E-05 1. 66E-06 1. 25E-05 8 69E-07 3. 64E-06 3. 77E-04 4. 59E-05 5. 22E-04 4. 81E-07 8. 81E-07 1. 71E-04 4 .25E-07 1. 84E-07 2. lIE-08 1. 1OE-09 7. 87E-08 1. 48E-08 2 98E-06 8. 13E-08 2. 74E-10 5. 53E-08 9. 03E-07 1. lIE-08 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 7 .79E-06 1. 94E-05 3. 35E-07 3. 43E-05 9. 79E-08 6. 12E-06 6. 50E-08 1. 03E-05 1. 32E-05 4 23E-05 3. 37E-06 1. 82E-05 1. 78E-06 7 .24E-06 7. 03E-04 1. 35E-04 6. 11E-04 7 82E-07 5. 84E-10 1 .71E-07 2. 91E-10 1. 53E-10 8.32E-09 4.04E-10 4.80E-08 9. 82E-06 1.22E-06 3. 04E-08 1.06E-10 5. 68E-08 6.28E-07 9. 93E-10 0.OOE+00 1.15E-06 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 15E-06 7. 08E-06 2. 15E-07 1.54E-05 6. 63E-08 5.05E-06 4.94E-08 9. 61E-06 5. 30E-06 1.86E-05 1.20E-06 5.33E-06 6.33E-07 2. 64E-06 7. l0E-05 5. 04E-05 4.33E-05 3.7 9E-07 2. 55E-08 8.81E-06 1.34E-08 9. 06E-09 2.14E-09 9. 67E-11 5. 65E-09 1.12E-09 1. 67E-07 4. 03E-09 1.38E-11 3. 48E-09 2. 17E-07 5. 61E-10 0. OOE+00 1.87E-06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. 84E-06 1. 69E-05 8.14E-07 3.84E-05 2. 38E-07 1.24E-05 1.57E-07 1.52E-05 1.48E-03 1.39E-02 1.58E-04 3.31E-03 4 .15E-05 6.49E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 44E-04 2.44E-06 2. 50E-04 7. 07E-07 4 .21E-05 4.50E-07 6.44E-05 1.45E-05 4.94E-05 3.76E-06 2.14E-05 1. 99E-06 8. 07E-06 1. 81E-04 5. 38E-05 1. 64E-04 3. 90E-07 3. 51E-10 4 .06E-08 1 .75E-10 8 .81E-11 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1 48E-08 2 .86E-09 4 .93E-07 1. 13E-08 3. 84E-11 2. 19E-08 0. OOE+00 1. 98E-09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7 42E-05 1. 10E-05 6. 64E-05 6. 09E-08 3. 54E-10 1. 05E-07 1 .77E-10 9.26E-11 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. lIE-05 2. 36E-05 2. l0E-05 5. 97E-05 2 27E-05 1. 03E-04 7 11E-06 3 .81E-05 2 .83E-06 1 .51E-06 2 .73E-06 3 .08E-06 1 .84E-06 2.62E-06 1. 91E-06 2. 05E-06 1. 91E-06 1.25E-06 5. 58E-05 4.20E-05 5. 19E-06 7. 59E-07 9. 77E-05 6.8 6E-05 2. 48E-05 5.73E-05 1.71E-04 4.29E-05 4.93E-06 3. 60E-05 3. 69E-05 2.87E-05 0.OOE+00 3. 92E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 69 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-4 Total Body Dose Factors Ki From Noble Gases (gamma)Gamma Finite Cloud Correction Factor**Nuclide TB factor* x (pCi/uCi) x Unit 2 Unit 3 = U2 Ki U3 Ki Kr-83m 7.56E-08 1 E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 6.70E-02 4.37E-02 Kr-85m 1.17E-03 1E+6 7.49E-01 4.46E-01 8.76E+02 5.22E+02 Kr-85 1.61E-05 1E+6 6.73E-01 3.85E-01 1.08E+01 6.19E+00 Kr-87 5.92E-03 1 E+6 5.68E-01 3.09E-01 3.36E+03 1.83E+03 Kr-88 1.47E-02 1 E+6 5.40E-01 2.88E-01 7.93E+03 4.23E+03 Kr-89 1.66E-02 1 E+6 5.60E-01 3.03E-01 9.30E+03 5.03E+03 Kr-90 1.56E-02 1E+6 5.97E-01 3.29E-01 9.31 E+03 5.13E+03 Xe-131m 9.15E-05 1E+6 8.67E-01 5.62E-01 7.94E+01 5.14E+01 Xe-133m 2.51E-04 1EE+6 8.17E-01 5.12E-01 2.05E+02 1.29E+02 Xe-133 2.94E-04 1E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 2.60E+02 1.70E+02 Xe-135m 3.12E-03 1E+6 6.75E-01 3.87E-01 2.11E+03 1.21 E+03 Xe-1 35 1.81 E-03 1 E+6 7.60E-01 4.55E-01 1.38E+03 8.24E+02 Xe-137 1.42E-03 1E+6 6.46E-01 3.65E-01 9.18E+02 5.18E+02 Xe-138 8.83E-03 1E+6 5.75E-01 3.14E-01 5.07E+03 2.77E+03 Ar-41 8.84E-03 1E+6 5.89E-01 3.21 E-01 5.21 E+03 2.84E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)** The finite cloud correction factor is described in S ection 3.6 Ki (mrem/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 70 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part 11 -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-5 Skin Dose Factors Li From Noble Gases (beta)Beta Skin*Nucline Dose Factor x (pCi/uCi)
= Li**Kr-83m O.OOE+00 1 E+6 O.OOE+00 Kr-85m 1.46E-03 1E+6 1.46E+03 Kr-85 1.34E-03 1 E+6 1.34E+03 Kr-87 9.73E-03 1E+6 9.73E+03 Kr-88 2.37E-03 1 E+6 2.37E+03 Kr-89 1.01 E-02 1EE+6 1.01 E+04 Kr-90 7.29E-03 1 E+6 7.29E+03 Xe-131 m 4.76E-04 1E+6 4.76E+02 Xe-133m 9.94E-04 1E+6 9.94E+02 Xe-133 3.06E-04 1 E+6 3.06E+02 Xe-135m 7.11E-04 1E+6 7.11E+02 Xe-135 1.86E-03 1E+6 1.86E+03 Xe-1 37 1.22E-02 1 E+6 1.22E+04 Xe-138 4.13E-03 1E+6 4.13E+03 Ar-41 2.69E-03 1E+6 2.69E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, "** Li (mrem/yr per uCi/m 3)rable B-1 (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 71 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-6 Air Dose Factors Mi From Noble Gases (gamma)Gamma Finite Cloud Correction Factor**Nuclide factor
* x (pCi/uCi) x Unit 2 Unit 3 U2 Mi *** U3 Mi Kr-83m 1.93E-05 1E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 1.71E+01 1.12E+01 Kr-85m 1.23E-03 1E+6 7.49E-01 4.46E-01 9.21E+02 5.49E+02 Kr-85 1.72E-05 1E+6 6.73E-01 3.85E-01 1.16E+01 6.62E+00 Kr-87 6.17E-03 1E+6 5.68E-01 3.09E-01 3.50E+03 1.91E+03 Kr-88 1.52E-02 1 E+6 5.40E-01 2.88E-01 8.20E+03 4.37E+03 Kr-89 1.73E-02 1E+6 5.60E-01 3.03E-01 9.69E+03 5.24E+03 Kr-90 1.63E-02 1 E+6 5.97E-01 3.29E-01 9.73E+03 5.36E+03 Xe-131m 1.56E-04 1EE+6 8.67E-01 5.62E-01 1.35E+02 8.77E+01 Xe-133m 3.27E-04 1E+6 8.17E-01 5.12E-01 2.67E+02 1.68E+02 Xe-133 3.53E-04 1EE+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 3.13E+02 2.04E+02 Xe-135m 3.36E-03 1E+6 6.75E-01 3.87E-01 -2.27E+03 1.30E+03 Xe-1 35 1.92E-03 1 E+6 7.60E-01 4.55E-01 1.46E+03 8.74E+02 Xe-137 1.51E-03 1E+6 6.46E-01 3.65E-01 9.76E+02 5.51E+02 Xe-138 9.21E-03 1E+6 5.75E-01 3.14E-01 5.29E+03 2.89E+03 Ar-41 9.30E-03 1E+6 5.89E-01 3.21 E-01 5.48E+03 2.99E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrad/yr per pCi/m 3)** The finite cloud correction factor is described in S ection 3.6 Mi (mrad/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 72 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-7 Air Dose Factors Ni From Noble Gases (beta)Beta *Nucline Factor x (pCi/uCi)
= Ni**Kr-83m 2.88E-04 1 E+6 2.88E+02 Kr-85m 1.97E-03 1 E+6 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.95E-03 1 E+6 1.95E+03 Kr-87 1.03E-02 1 E+6 1.03E+04 Kr-88 2.93E-03 1E+6 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.06E-02 1 E+6 1.06E+04 Kr-90 7.83E-03 1 E+6 7.83E+03 Xe-131m 1.11E-03 1E+6 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 1.48E-03 1EE+6 1.48E+03 Xe-133 1.05E-03 1EE+6 1.05E+03 Xe-1 35m 7.39E-04 1E+6 7.39E+02 Xe-135 2.46E-03 1E+6 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.27E-02 1EE+6 1.27E+04 Xe-138 4.75E-03 1E+6 4.75E+03 Ar-41 3.28E-03 1 E+6 3.28E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrad/yr per pCi/m 3)** Ni (mrad/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 73 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3 -8 NOBLE GAS DOSE FACTORS For Instantaneous and Time Averacie Mixtures at the Site Boundary.
Units 2 and 3 Radionuclide Instantaneous Time Average Mix (%) Mix (%)Kr-85m 3.09 Kr-85 0 18.98 Kr-87 2.80 Kr-88 5.22 Xe-131m 0 0.162 Xe-133m 1.39 0.485 Xe-133 56.8 78.1 Xe-135m 1.34 Xe-135 19.2 2.21 Xe-138 2.81 Ar-41 7.43 Total 100 100 Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective instantaneous instantaneous average average dose factors dose factors Units dose factors dose factors= 1507 K-= 849 mrem/yr per uCi/m 3  K- = 237 153 L- 1310 7 = 1310 mrem/yr per uCi/m 3  L =540 L-= 540 M-= 1601 m- = 905 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3  m- =281 = 181 N= 1977 N-= 1977 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3  N = 1254 1254 Instantaneous Mixture Basis: This mix defines the shared-site noble gas limits between the two units, and is used for administrative guidelines for instantaneous releases based on an RCS noble gas mix at 1.6 yrs into a 24-month cycle, with two failed fuel rods, per Reference
: 30. These mixtures provide conservative application for calculating setpoints per 1OCFR20, in terms of uCi/sec before an actual sample of the release is available, per Appendix I.Time Averaged Release Mixture Basis: This mix defines the routine (time-averaged) releases from either unit. It was derived from average noble-gas releases from year 2000-2003 at IPEC units 2 and 3 per Reference
: 30. They are used in conjunction with calculations to determine representative quarterly and annual time averaged release rates in curies per second for administrative purposes only, per Appendix I.IPEC ODCM Page 74 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 3- 9 LOCATIONS OF SITE BOUNDARY AND NEAREST RESIDENCE Distance Distance Distance to Site to Site to nearest Boundary Boundary residence, by from Unit 2 from Unit 3 from Unit 1 compass Plant Vent, Plant Vent, superheater, point in meters in meters in meters N RIVER RIVER 1788.1 NNE RIVER RIVER 3111.3 NE 550 636 1907.3 ENE 600 775 1478.2 E 662 785 1370.9 ESE 569 622 715.2 SE 553 564 1168.2 SSE 569 551 1239.7 S 700 566 1132.5 SSW 755 480 1573.5 SW 544 350 3015.9 WSW RIVER RIVER 2169.6 W RIVER RIVER 1918.7 WNW RIVER RIVER 1752.4 NW RIVER RIVER 1692.7 NNW RIVER RIVER 1609.3 6/08 Distances to the Site Boundary are unit-specific and measured from the applicable unit's Plant Vent release point. Distances to the Nearest Residence are measured from the Unit 1 Superheater Stack for both Units 2 and 3, per Reference 31.IPEC ODCM Page 75 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10a 3 ADULT INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85.Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 1. 32E+06 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2 .46E+04 1. 18E+04 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 32E+05 1. 54E+00 0.OOE+00 3. 24E+04 3. 38E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 04E+05 9. 92E+07 6. 19E+01 6. 74E+00 2. 09E+03 2. 61E-01 4. 62E+05 1. 03E+01 9. 44E+01 1. 07E+05 9. 68E+01 1. 41E+04 0. OOE+00 1. 03E-03 4. 18E-05 1. 53E+03 7. 90E-01 6. 91E+04 1 08E+04 0 OOE+00 3. 12E+04 5. 34E+04 1.26E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 7.71E+04 0. OOE+00 3. 96E+04 1.24E+00 1.70E+04 2. 78E+04 1. 58E+03 1. 15E+04 3. 14E+04 2. l0E-01 1.4 6E+00 1. 03E+05 6. 51E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 35E+05 3. 87E+02 2. 56E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3.44E+04 1. 96E+01 7.82E+03 1.21E+02 2. 91E-03 6. 02E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.OOE+04 0.OOE+00 5.89E+02 5. 95E+02 1.26E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 5. 01E+04 1. OOE+02 6. 30E+03 1.83E-01 3. 94E+03 1.06E+04 2.07E+03 1.48E+04 1.45E+04 9. 12E-02 6. 15E-01 4. 66E+04 4.52E-03 2.4 1E+02 3. 13E+02 1.28E+01 5. 90E+04 1. 93E+02 1.70E+02 8.72E+03 6. 1OE+06 2. 50E+00 2 .91E-01 5. 61E+01 1. 02E-02 1.24E+04 3. 02E-01 2.61E+00 2. 33E+04 9. 04E+00 4.21E+03 2. 30E+01 3.70E-02 5. 90E-04 6. 58E+02 3. 11E-01 8.72E+03 5. 94E+03 0. OOE+00 1.24E+04 1.26E+04 1 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 1. 02E+04 0.OOE+00 5. 95E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7. 55E+01 5.40E+01 1 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 1 .02E+04 0.OOE+00 2.28E+01 9.84E+03 1. 30E+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .62E+00 6. 90E+04 4.22E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 42E+04 2 .97E+01 7 .74E+03 2. 91E+02 4 .42E-02 1. 08E-03 5. 83E+03 1.02E+00 1.34E+05 1 .97E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 2 6E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 0. OOE+00 1 44E+04 1. 40E+06 9. 44E+03 7 .21E+04 1 .02E+06 9. 28E+05 5. 97E+06 1. 78E+05 5. 60E+03 6.78E+03 8. 64E+05 9. 20E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1 40E+06 9. 60E+06 3. 65E+04 1. 65E+04 1 .70E+05 1 .92E+03 1 .70E+06 1. 57E+04 4 .85E+04 1 .77E+06 7 .87E+04 5. 05E+05 9. 12E+04 7. 64E+02 3. 99E+02 5. 05E+05 1. 10E+04 9. 36E+06 4. 63E+06 00.OE+00 2. 48E+06 1 .74E+06 1. 2 6E+03 0 OOE+00 1. 02E+04 8. 64E+04 3. 32E+03 7. 74E+04 2. 02E+04 6. 03E+03 1. 88E+05 1 .06E+05 2 .85E+05 1. 34E+04 1. 23E+04 4. 90E+04 5. 34E+04 1. 63E+01 2. 32E+02 1. 64E-03 0. OOE+00 1. 66E+04 3. 34E-09 9. 28E-12 3. 50E+05 7. 22E+05 1. 91E+05 4 .30E+04 5 .06E+05 1 .33E+00 3 .85E+05 7. 35E+04 4 .22E+05 1. 50E+05 5 .23E+05 1. 04E+05 2 .48E+05 4. 16E+03 1 .09E-11 1. 10E+05 4 .82E+04 9. 12E+05 3. 02E+05 0 OOE+00 4 .06E+05 1. 01E+05 IPEC ODCM Page 76 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10a 3 ADULT INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3. 42E+03 1 .26E+04 1. 40E+00 9. 7 6E+03 4. 98E-02 6. 99E+01 1 11E-02 2 60E+02 4 .58E+03 2. 52E+04 1. 16E+03 8. 64E+03 6. 44E+02 2 68E+03 3. 73E+05 3. 90E+04 4. 78E+05 3. 31E+02 9. 36E-01 3. 90E+04 1. OE-01 2. 63E-02 3. 44E+02 6. 83E-01 1. 99E+04 1. 86E+02 3 43E+06 9. 36E+03 3. 01E-02 5. 27E+03 8. 48E+00 2. 30E+02 0. DOE+00 0. DOE+00 3. 20E+04 0. 00E+00 0. DE+00 2. 22E-01 0. 00E+00 6. 56E+04 7. 60E+04 3. 07E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 58E+03 5. 77E+03 6. 42E-01 4. 67E+03 2. 39E-02 4. 36E+01 5. 95E-03 2 .15E+02 1. 34E+04 3. 58E+04 3. 2 6E+03 1. 48E+04 1. 73E+03 6. 98E+03 8. 48E+05 1. 46E+05 6. 21E+05 6. 21E+02 6. 66E-04 4. 90E+01 7. 53E-05 2. 70E-05 1. 74E+02 3. lDE-01 1. 35E+04 1. 38E+02 1. 43E+06 3. 75E+03 1. 25E-02 6. 10E+03 7.08E+00 2. 26E+01 S.OOE+00 6. 92E+02 D .OE+00 D. 0E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 62E-02 3. 92E+05 2 16E+03 3. 36E+03 2. 58E-02 0. D0E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 67E+02 1.57E+03 3. l0E-01 1.58E+03 1.24E-02 2 .90E+01 3. 59E-03 1. 62E+02 5. 28E+03 2. 05E+04 1. 16E+03 4.52E+03 6. 15E+02 2.57E+03 7. 28E+05 1. 10E+05 4.28E+05 3. 24E+02 2.74E-02 2. 57E+03 3. 36E-03 1. 66E-03 4.58E+01 7.72E-02 1.53E+03 1. 53E+01 1.84E+05 4. 64E+02 1. 53E-03 3. 65E+02 2.48E+00 1.24E+01 O.OOE+00 6. 71E+02 7 .76E+05.00E+00 0. D0E+00 2. 05E-02 1. 28E+04 4 48E+03 2 .OE+04 1 .26E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.05E+03 3. 29E+03 1. 06E+00 3.44E+03 3. 90E-02 5. 50E+01 9. 36E-03 1. 90E+02 1. 14E+06 1. 19E+07 1 .14E+05 2. 15E+06 2. 98E+04 4.48E+05 D.00E+00 D.O0E+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 o.OOE+00 D.ODE+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.O0E+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 o.OOE+00 o.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 o.00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DOE+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 1. 36E+03 0. 00E+00 2 .75E-02 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 24E+04 4 .58E+04 5. 10E+00 3. 66E+04 1.87E-01 3. 09E+02 4.37E-02 1 .46E+03 2 .09E+04 6.13E+04 5. 18E+03 2. 58E+04 2 .75E+03 1. 11E+04 2 .87E+05 8 .56E+04 2.22E+05 4 .80E+02 6.22E-04 1. 67E+01 7. 00E-05 2.29E-05 D.OOE+00 0. D0E+00 6.26E+03 6. 08E+01 8.48E+05 2.16E+03 7.05E-03 3. 56E+03 0. D0E+00 7. 00E+01 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. D0E+00 O.0DE+00 O.D0E+00 6.54E-02 3.76E+05 0. 00E+00 1.68E+01 1 .74E-01 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 3. 14E+05 9. 60E+05 6. 51E+03 1. 16E+06 1. 94E+03 1.46E+05 1. 39E+03 2 .88E+05 D.0DE+00 o.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 D.0DE+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 9.7 6E+04 1. 20E+04 7. 52E+04 4.86E+01 3.76E+03 1 .27E+06 1. 94E+03 1. 19E+03 1. 36E+05 6. 33E+03 3. 62E+05 7. 98E+04 7.78E+06 2 .81E+05 1.02E+03 2 .21E+05 2 .90E+04 3. 76E+04 0. 00E+00 3.70E+05 4.80E+05 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 2 .40E+03 7.28E+05 9. 60E+05 1 .52E+06 3. 47E+03 o.00E+00 D.00E+00 7 .06E+04 1. 50E+05 5 .74E+04 3 .83E+05 1. 57E+02 5 .56E+05 1. 84E+01 5. 10E+05 7. 69E+03 6. 28E+03 4. 06E+02 8. 88E+03 1. 01E+00 5. 25E+03 1. 04E+04 1. 17E+04 8 40E+03 1 .86E-03 8. 96E+02 2 18E+05 1. 16E-07 1. 57E-16 4. 58E+05 2. 11E+03 1 .20E+05 2.2 6E+05 8. 16E+05 2. 00E+05 2. 15E-08 1. 73E+05 1. 55E+05 1. 19E+05 0. DDE+00 3. 14E+04 6. 08E+04 D.00E+00 D.DOE+00 2 .42E+02 6. 56E+04 1.20E+04 8. 00E+04 2.38E-01 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 77 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10b 3 TEEN INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-il0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-12S 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 38E+04 1. 89E+06 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 34E+04 1. 59E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 80E+05 2. 18E+00 0. OOE+00 3. 86E+04 4 .83E-02 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 34E+05 1. 08E+08 8. 80E+01 9. 52E+00 2. 98E+03 3. 70E-01 6. 61E+05 1.47E+01 1. 35E+02 1.46E+05 1. 38E+02 1. 86E+04 0. 00E+00 1. 38E-03 5. 92E-05 2 10E+03 1. 12E+00 9. 84E+04 1. 38E+04 0. OOE+00 4 .30E+04 7. 38E+04 1.27E+03 0. 0OE+00 1. 38E+04 1. 10E+05 0. OOE+00 5. lIE+04 1. 70E+00 2. 38E+04 3. 70E+04 2. 07E+03 1. 51E+04 4. 34E+04 2. 93E-01 2. 03E+00 1. 34E+05 9. 20E-02 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 90E+05 5.46E+02 3. 52E+02 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 58E+04 2. 72E+01 1. 03E+04 1. 69E+02 3.86E-03 8 40E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 31E+04 0. 0OE+00 7. 94E+02 8. 08E+02 1. 27E+03 0. OOE+00 1.38E+04 7. 16E+04 1.35E+02 8. 40E+03 2. 52E-01 S. 54E+03 1. 43E+04 2. 78E+03 1. 98E+04 1. 98E+04 1.27E-01 8. 48E-01 6. 24E+04 6. 46E-03 3. 44E+02 4.33E+02 1.83E+01 8.40E+04 2. 72E+02 2. 33E+02 1. 25E+04 6. 68E+06 3. 51E+00 4. 06E-01 8. OOE+01 1. 42E-02 1.77E+04 4. 29E-01 3. 72E+00 3. 15E+04 1.26E+01 5. 66E+03 3. 22E+01 4. 99E-02 8.24E-04 8. 96E+02 4.34E-01 1.24E+04 7. 99E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 68E+04 1.72E+04 1.27E+03 0.OOE+00 1.38E+04 0.O0E+00 7. 50E+01 0.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.7 6E+01 7 .04E+01 1. 27E+03 O.OOE+00 1.38E+04 O.OOE+00 3.07E+01 1. 27E+04 1 .79E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6. 41E+00 8. 64E+04 6. 02E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.74E+04 4.12E+01 1. 0OE+04 4.11E+02 5.76E-02 1. 52E-03 7.43E+03 1.41E+00 1. 90E+05 2. 50E+04 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 27E+03 O.OOE+00 1. 38E+04 O.OOE+00 2. 10E+04 1. 98E+06 1. 52E+04 1 .24E+05 1. 53E+06 1.34E+06 8. 72E+06 3.07E+05 9. 36E+03 1.l1E+04 1.24E+06 1. 58E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 2.42E+06 1. 65E+07 6. 07E+04 2 .74E+04 2.93E+05 3. 20E+03 2. 94E+06 2. 68E+04 8. 32E+04 2. 69E+06 1. 30E+05 7. 51E+05 1.54E+05 1. 15E+03 6. 67E+02 7.83E+05 1. 82E+04 1. 61E+07 6.75E+06 0. 0OE+00 3. 85E+06 2.74E+06 1. 27E+03 0. OE+00 1. 38E+04 9. 28E+04 3. OOE+03 6. 68E+04 5 .74E+04 6. 39E+03 1.78E+05 9. 52E+04 2. 59E+05 1 .42E+04 3. 67E+04 6. 14E+04 4 .66E+04 2 .85E+02 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 77E+04 2. 92E-05 3.38E-07 3.71E+05 7.65E+05 2.59E+05 1.19E+05 5.59E+05 3.02E+01 4.09E+05 1. 65E+05 5.79E+05 1. 49E+05 6. 30E+05 9. 68E+04 2. 69E+05 6. 13E+03 8. 72E-07 1. 09E+05 9.04E+04 9. 60E+05 2.73E+05 0.OOE+00 3. 98E+05 9. 92E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 78 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10b TEEN INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 3 uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4.88E+03 1.80E+04 2. 01E+00 1. 39E+04 7. 10E-02 9.84E+01 1. 58E-02 3. 60E+02 6.24E+03 3. 54E+04 1.59E+03 1.22E+04 8.88E+02 3.70E+03 5.02E+05 5. 15E+04 6. 70E+05 4 .66E+02 1.34E+00 5. 47E+04 1. 42E-01 3. 70E-02 4. 79E+02 9. 60E-01 2. 84E+04 2. 66E+02 4. 89E+06 1. 34E+04 4 .30E-02 7 .86E+03 1. 20E+01 3. 38E+02 0.00E+00 0 OOE+00 4. OOE+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 14E-01 0. 00E+00 1. 20E+05 3. 76E+05 4 .25E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 24E+03 8. 16E+03 9. 12E-01 6. 58E+03 3. 38E-02 6. 01E+01 8. 32E-03 2. 90E+02 1. 79E+04 4. 91E+04 4. 38E+03 2. 05E+04 2. 32E+03 9. 44E+03 1. 13E+06 1. 94E+05 8 48E+05 8. 56E+02 9. 44E-04 6. 70E+01 1. 06E-04 3. 70E-05 2. 36E+02 4 .25E-01 1. 90E+04 1. 94E+02 2 .02E+06 5. 31E+03 1. 76E-02 8. 56E+03 9. 7 6E+00 3. 19E+01 0. 00E+00 9. 44E+02 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 7. 78E-02 8. 00E+05 3. 7 6E+03 6. 40E+03 3. 48E-02 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 6. 67E+02 2 .18E+03 4 42E-01 2 .25E+03 1 .76E-02 4 .02E+01 5. 04E-03 2 19E+02 7 17E+03 2. 64E+04 1. 58E+03 6. 22E+03 8 40E+02 3 .49E+03 5 .49E+05 1 .37E+05 3. 11E+05 4 .46E+02 3. 90E-02 3. 52E+03 4.74E-03 2. 27E-03 6. 26E+01 1. 06E-01 2. 17E+03 2. 16E+01 2. 62E+05 6. 62E+02 2. 18E-03 5. 13E+02 3. 43E+00 1.77E+01 0.OOE+00 9. 20E+02 1. 04E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 84E-02 2. 72E+04 7.76E+03 2. 64E+04 2.91E-02 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 40E+03 4.38E+03 1.42E+00 4.58E+03 5. 18E-02 7 .25E+01 1.24E-02 2.4 6E+02 1 .49E+06 1 .46E+07 1.51E+05 2. 92E+06 3. 95E+04 6. 21E+05 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2. 32E+03 O.OOE+00 3. 57E-02 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 54E+04 7.28E+00 5. 19E+04 2.66E-01 4.39E+02 6. 18E-02 1. 95E+03 2 .75E+04 8.40E+04 6. 92E+03 3.59E+04 3. 66E+03 1.49E+04 3.75E+05 1. 10E+05 3.04E+05 6. 62E+02 8. 88E-04 2 .28E+01 9. 84E-05 3. 14E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 88E+03 8.64E+01 1.21E+06 3. 09E+03 1.01E-02 5.02E+03 0.OOE+00 1. OOE+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9. 12E-02 5.36E+05 0.OOE+00 2 .24E+01 2. 33E-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 LUNG GILLI 5.36E+05 7.50E+04 1.66E+06 1.59E+05 1.12E+04 8.08E+04 1.98E+06 4.05E+05 3.30E+03 1.62E+03 2.38E+05 6.21E+05 2.34E+03 1.51E+01 4.49E+05 4.63E+05 0.OOE+00 9.12E+03 O.00E+00 6.49E+03 O.00E+00 1.27E+03 O.OOE+00 1.03E+04 O.00E+00 2.04E+01 0.OOE+00 6.95E+03 1.46E+05 9.76E+03 1.78E+04 1.09E+04 1.21E+05 8.48E+03 7.87E+01 2.70E-01 6.46E+03 6.45E+03 2.03E+06 2.29E+05 3.29E+03 7.46E-04 1.91E+03 4.79E-10 2.14E+05 4.87E+05 1.02E+04 1.20E+04 6.14E+05 1.26E+05 1.30E+05 2.55E+05 1.34E+07 8.64E+05 4.83E+05 2.14E+05 1.75E+03 2.35E-04 3.72E+05 1.82E+05 4.74E+04 1.77E+05 6.49E+04 1.32E+05 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.86E+05 3.14E+04 7.04E+05 5.52E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3.93E+03 2.17E+03 1.28E+06 6.88E+04 1.60E+06 1.20E+04 2.32E+06 7.76E+04 5.40E+03 1.10E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 79 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-i0c 3 CHILD INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 IRu-106.Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 2. 60E+06 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 74E+04 2. 07E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 21E+05 2. 99E+00 0. 00E+00 4 26E+04 6. 70E-02 0. 00E+00 D 0.E+00 0 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 S. 99E+05 1 01E+08 1. 21E+02 1. 31E+01 4. 11E+03 S. 07E-01 9. 14E+05 2. 04E+01 1. 86E+02 1. 90E+05 1. 88E+02 2. 35E+04 0. 00E+O0 1. 78E-03 8. lDE-05 2 .79E+03 1. 53E+00 1. 36E+05 1 69E+04 0. 00E+O0 5 74E+04 9. 84E+04 1. 12E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 1. 14E+05 0. 00E+00 4. 29E+04 1. 66E+00 2. 52E+04 3. 34E+04 1.77E+03 1.31E+04 4. 63E+04 2. 96E-01 1. 99E+00 1. 13E+05 9. 66E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 1. 98E+05 S. 62E+02 3. 45E+02 0. 0E+00 D 0. E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 4. 18E+04 2.72E+01 9. 18E+03 1.72E+02 3. 48E-03 8.51E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. D0E+00 1. 14E+04 0. 00E+00 7. 40E+02 7. 59E+02 1. 12E+03 0. 0DE+00 1. 61E+04 9. 88E+04 1. 54E+02 9. 51E+03 3. 12E-01 7.77E+03 1. 67E+04 3. 16E+03 2. 26E+04 2.80E+04 1.64E-01 1.07E+00 7. 03E+04 8.92E-03 4.74E+02 5. 48E+02 2. 53E+01 1.14E+05 3. 66E+02 2. 90E+02 1.72E+04 6. 44E+06 4. 59E+00 5.25E-01 1.11E+02 1.84E-02 2.44E+04 5.81E-01 5. 11E+00 3.70E+04 1. 60E+01 6.55E+03 4.25E+01 5.77E-02 1.08E-03 1.07E+03 5. 55E-01 1. 69E+04 9. 14E+03 D.00E+00 2. 00E+04 2.07E+04 1. 12E+03 D.00E+00 1. 61E+04 C.00E+00 8.55E+01 0.00E+00 C.O0E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 o.0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. D0E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 1.26E+02 9. 10E+01 1. 12E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 0. 00E+00 2.43E+01 1.00E+04 1. 67E+00 C0.00E+00 C.00E+00 O.OOE+O0 C.00E+00 C.0DE+00 D.00E+00 6.03E+00 7. 14E+04 5.85E-02 C.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 o.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.0DE+00 o.00E+00 5. 96E+04 3.88E+01 8. 62E+03 3. 92E+02 5.07E-02 1. 45E-03 7. 03E+03 1. 34E+00 1 .84E+05 2.12E+04 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 1. 12E+03 0. DDE+00 1 61E+04 0. 0DE+00 1. 70E+04 1. 58E+06 1. 31E+04 1. 11E+05 1. 27E+06 1. 11E+06 7. 07E+06 2.75E+05 8.18E+03 9.58E+03 9. 95E+05 1 .42E+03 o.00E+00 0.0DE+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 2.1B6E+06 1. 48E+07 5. 33E+04 2 .40E+04 2.62E+05 2. 81E+03 2.63E+06 2 .39E+04 7. 44E+04 2 .23E+06 1.13E+05 6.14E+05 1.35E+05 9.51E+02 5.85E+02 6. 62E+05 1 .59E+04 1.43E+07 5.48E+06 C.0OE+00 3 .24E+06 2 .32E+06 1. 12E+03 C DDE+00 1. 61E+04 4 .22E+04 1. 08E+03 2 .29E+04 1 .23E+05 2 87E+03 7. 07E+04 3. 44E+04 9. 62E+04 6. 33E+03 8 40E+04 3. 67E+04 1. 63E+04 1. 02E+04 0. D0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 7. 99E+03 1.72E+01 1 .89E+00 1. 67E+05 3. 43E+05 1. 74E+05 2. 42E+05 2 68E+05 1. 72E+03 1. 84E+05 2 .39E+05 3.89E+05 6. 11E+04 3. 51E+05 3. 70E+04 1. 27E+05 4 .81E+03 1. 63E+01 4 .48E+04 9. 95E+04 4 .29E+05 1 D0E+05 C 0OE+00 1 64E+05 4 .03E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 80 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10c CHILD INHALATION Ri(I)3 (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 6.73E+03 2.49E+04 2.77E+00 1. 92E+04 9. 77E-02 1. 34E+02 2.17E-02 4.81E+02 8.18E+03 4. 81E+04 2. 12E+03 1. 66E+04 1. 17E+03 4. 92E+03 6. 51E+05 6. 51E+04 9. 07E+05 6. 33E+02 1. 84E+00 7.40E+04 1. 96E-01 4. 99E-02 6. 44E+02 1. 29E+00 3. 92E+04 3. 66E+02 6. 77E+06 1.85E+04 5. 96E-02 1. 08E+04 1. 63E+01 4. 66E+02 0. OOE+00 o.OOE+00 4.44E+04 o.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 29E-01 0. OE+00 1.41E+05 4.07E+05 5. 66E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+O0 2. 33E+03 8.55E+03 9. 51E-01 6. 85E+03 3. 50E-02 5. 92E+01 8.44E-03 2.72E+02 1. 64E+04 4.81E+04 4.07E+03 2. 03E+04 2.16E+03 8.73E+03 1.01E+06 1.71E+05 8.25E+05 8.40E+02 9. 84E-04 6. 48E+01 1.09E-04 3. 60E-05 2.25E+02 4 .11E-01 1. 95E+04 1. 99E+02 2. 12E+06 5. 55E+03 1. 85E-02 8. 73E+03 9. 66E+00 3. 34E+01 0. 00E+00 9. 03E+02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 7. 70E-02 7. 03E+05 3 .29E+03 4. 07E+03 3 .26E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 14E+02 3. 02E+03 6. lCE-01 3. 04E+03 2. 38E-02 5. 07E+01 6. 59E-03 2. 63E+02 8 44E+03 2. 73E+04 1. 88E+03 7. 70E+03 9. 95E+02 4. 14E+03 2 25E+05 1. 16E+05 1. 28E+05 5. 55E+02 5. 36E-02 4. 33E+03 6. 36E-03 2 .79E-03 7. 55E+01 1 .29E-01 2 90E+03 2. 87E+01 3. 61E+05 9. 14E+02 3. OE-03 6. 81E+02 4. 33E+00 2. 35E+01 0. OE+00 1. 07E+03 1. 18E+04 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 60E-02 2. 96E+04 8. 51E+03 3. 70E+04 3. 48E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 92E+03 6. 07E+03 1. 96E+00 6. 33E+03 7. 14E-02 9. 77E+01 1. 70E-02 3. 17E+02 1 .85E+06 1. 62E+07 1. 94E+05 3. 85E+06 5. 07E+04 7. 92E+05 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. C0E+00 0. C0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 2. 63E+03 o .0E+00 4 .59E-02 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o.00E+00 6. 36E+04 7.07E+00 5. 03E+04 2.57E-01 4 .00E+02 5.88E-02 1. 77E+03 2.45E+04 7. 88E+04 6. 25E+03 3. 38E+04 3. 30E+03 1. 34E+04 3. 30E+05 9. 55E+04 2.82E+05 6. 22E+02 8. 62E-04 2. 11E+01 9. 47E-05 2.91E-05 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 8.55E+03 8.36E+01 1. 17E+06 3.00E+03 9.77E-03 4 .81E+03 o.00E+00 9.73E+01 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 0. CCE+00 D.0CE+00 o.00E+00 8. 55E-02 6.29E+05 0 .00E+00 2. 00E+01 2.11E-01 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 4.77E+05 1.48E+06 1 .00E+04 1 .76E+06 2. 93E+03 2 .06E+05 2. 05E+03 3.77E+05 o.00E+00 o.0DE+00 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 0. 00E+/-00 1.21E+05 1.45E+04 1.04E+05 6.81E+01 5.77E+03 1 .74E+06 2. 92E+03 1. 64E+03 1.83E+05 8.70E+03 5.44E+05 1. 15E+05 1 .20E+07 4.33E+05 1.57E+03 3.28E+05 4.11E+04 5.81E+04 0. 00E+00 5.07E+05 5. 55E+05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 42E+03 1.11E+06 1. 33E+06 1.92E+06 4. 55E+03 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 38E+04 7. 14E+04 5. 62E+04 1.82E+05 2. 55E+04 3. 08E+05 1. 33E+03 1. 38E+05 5. 11E+03 2.84E+03 3. 20E+03 5. 48E+03 9. 55E+02 4.44E+03 3. 85E+03 4.18E+03 3. 62E+03 2.70E+02 5.77E+04 1.02E+05 2.75E+02 2.74E+00 2.26E+05 7. 59E+04 5. 66E+04 1.27E+05 3.8 9E+05 9. 73E+04 1. 97E+02 8.21E+04 9. 10E+04 6. 40ED04 o.00E+00 1. 32E+04 2.04E+04 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 2 .78E+04 3. 00E+04 4 .81E+03 3.07E+04 1.80E+03 C.0DE+00 C.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 81 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10d INFANT INHALATION Ri(I)3 (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-l1lm Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 1. 06E+04 2.03E+06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 97E+04 1.36E+04 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 3.39E+05 2. 39E+00 O.OOE+00 1. 93E+04 5.39E-02 0. OOE+O0 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+O0 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 98E+05 4.09E+07 9.56E+01 1.05E+01 3. 29E+03 4.07E-01 5. 88E+05 1. 64E+01 1. 50E+02 1. 15E+05 1. 50E+02 1. 57E+04 0. 00E+00 1. 40E-03 6. 51E-05 2. 02E+03 1. 22E+00 8. 68E+04 9. 98E+03 0. 00E+00 3.79E+04 S. 17E+04 6. 47E+02 0. OE+00 1. 06E+04 1. 12E+05 0. 00E+00 2. 53E+04 1.54E+00 1. 17E+04 2. 35E+04 1.22E+03 S. 02E+03 2.04E+04 2.84E-01 1. 88E+00 6.2 6E+04 9. 67E-02 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 90E+05 5. 57E+02 3. 21E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 79E+04 2. 56E+01 6. 43E+03 1. 65E+02 2. 88E-03 8.23E-05 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 0. DDE+00 7. 22E+03 D.O0E+00 5. 56E+02 4.77E+02 6. 47E+02 0. 0OE+00 1 06E+04 7. 74E+04 S. 95E+01 4. 98E+03 2. 21E-01 3. 33E+03 9. 48E+03 1. 82E+03 1. 18E+04 1.16E+04 1.23E-01 7.74E-01 3. 11E+04 7. 18E-03 3.81E+02 4. OOE+02 2. 04E+01 8.82E+04 2. 87E+02 2. 06E+02 1.14E+04 2. 59E+06 3. 46E+00 3. 91E-01 8 82E+01 1. 39E-02'. 57E+04 4. 61E-01 4. 07E+00 2. 03E+04 1. 17E+01 3. 78E+03 3. 23E+01 3. 72E-02 8. 12E-04 6. 79E+02 4. lE-01 1. 09E+04 5. 00E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 20E+04 1 09E+04 6. 47E+02 o .OOE+00 1. 06E+04 S.OOE+00 5 .75E+01 D.O0E+00 D.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 o .OOE+00 o .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 D 0.E+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00.00E+00 D 0.E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 D 0.E+00 1 .01E+02 6. 23E+01 6. 4,7E+02 0. 00E+00 1. 06E+04 0.100E+00 1.32E+01 4 .98E+03 1.10E+00 0. 00E+00 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 98E+00 3.25E+04 4.02E-02 0. 00E+00 D. 00E+O0 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+O0 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+O0 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+O0 0. 00E+O0 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. 11E+04 2.59E+01 4.72E+03 2.65E+02 3. 11E-02 9.79E-04 4.24E+03 8. 99E-01 1. 07E+05 1.09E+04 D.OOE+00 D.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 6.47E+02 D.OOE+0O 1. 06E+04 D.OOE+00 1. 28E+04 1 .OOE+06 1.25E+04 8. 69E+04 1 .02E+06 7.77E+05 4. 51E+06 2.09E+05 8.12E+03 9. 30E+03 6. 47E+05 1.47E+03 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 2.03E+06 1. 12E+07 5.26E+04 2. 38E+04 2. 69E+05 2.79E+03 2.45E+06 2.45E+04 7. 64E+04 1.75E+06 1.10E+05 4.79E+05 1.35E+05 8. 11E+02 5.84E+02 5. 52E+05 1 .57E+04 1. 16E+07 3. 67E+06 D.OOE+00 2. 65E+06 1. 64E+06 6. 47E+02 O.OOE+00 1 .06E+04 1. 61E+04 3.57E+02 7.06E+03 7. 17E+04 1.09E+03 2.48E+04 1.l1E+04 3. 19E+04 2. 42E+03 5. 01E+04 1.50E+04 5.14E+04 1.32E+04 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 3.04E+03 3. 39E+02 6. 82E+01 6. 40E+04 1. 31E+05 7. 34E+04 1. 40E+05 1.04E+05 2. 35E+03 7. 03E+04 1.27E+05 1. 67E+05 2. 17E+04 1. 40E+05 1.27E+04 4.87E+04 2.03E+03 8.44E+02 1. 61E+04 4.84E+04 1. 64E+05 3. 30E+04 0.OOE+00 5.91E+04 1.47E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 82 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10d 3 Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m )INFANT INHALATION Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4.76E+03 1. 67E+04 2. 23E+04 1.41E+04 7. 88E-02 1. 07E+02 1.74E-02 3. 72E+02 6. 36E+03 3.79E+04 1. 69E+03 1. 32E+04 9. 21E+02 3. 86E+03 3. 96E+05 4.83E+04 5.4 9E+05 5. 05E+02 1. 48E+00 5. 60E+04 1. 57E-01 3. 98E-02 5. 05E+02 1. 03E+00 2.77E+04 2. 93E+02 3. 19E+06 1. 40E+04 4.79E-02 7. 94E+03 1. 30E+01 3.71E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 78E+04 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3. 42E-01 0.OOE+00 8.40E+04 2.66E+05 4.45E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 99E+03 6. 90E+03 9. 53E-01 6. 09E+03 3. 47E-02 5. 50E+01 8. 22E-03 2. 37E+02 1. 39E+04 4.44E+04 3. 54E+03 1. 92E+04 1.88E+03 7.60E+03 7.03E+05 1.35E+05 6. 12E+05 7.81E+02 9. 84E-04 5. 60E+01 1. 08E-04 3. 30E-05 2. OOE+02 3.77E-01 1. 67E+04 1. 93E+02 1.21E+06 5.24E+03 1.85E-02 8. 13E+03 9. 02E+00 3. 32E+01 0.OOE+00 6. 51E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 7 .29E-02 3. 64E+05 2. 24E+03 2. 38E+03 2.86E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6. 58E+02 2. 07E+03 4. 89E-01 2. 23E+03 1. 88E-02 3. 63E+01 5. 00E-03 1. 76E+02 5. 57E+03 1. 96E+04 1. 26E+03 5. 60E+03 6. 65E+02 2. 77E+03 7 45E+04 5. 29E+04 4. 55E+04 3. 98E+02 4. 30E-02 2 90E+03 4 97E-03 1. 96E-03 5. 15E+01 9. 04E-02 1. 99E+03 2. 21E+01 1 .76E+05 6. 99E+02 2 41E-03 5. OOE+02 3. 12E+00 1. 88E+01 0 OOE+00 6. 41E+02 7 .56E+03 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2 63E-02 1 .40E+04 5. 04E+03 1. 82E+04 2. 35E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 62E+03 4.87E+03 1. 85E+00 5. 47E+03 6. 75E-02 8. 93E+01 1. 58E-02 2. 79E+02 1. 60E+06 1. 48E+07 1. 69E+05 3. 56E+06 4 45E+04 6. 96E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 1.82E+03 0.00E+00 4.07E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.75E+04 4.86E+00 3.18E+04 1.75E-01 2.65E+02 3.99E-02 1.03E+03 1.53E+04 5.18E+04 3.95E+03 2.24E+04 2.09E+03 8.47E+03 1.90E+05 5.64E+04 1.72E+05 4.10E+02 5.92E-04 1.34E+01 6.50E-05 1.90E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.25E+03 5.64E+01 5.38E+05 1.97E+03 6.72E-03 3.15E+03 0.00E+00 6.62E+01 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.70E-02 2.80E+05 0.00E+00 1.25E+01 1.34E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.47E+05 1.31E+06 1.03E+04 1.68E+06 3.00E+03 1. 99E+05 2.06E+03 3.40E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.97E+04 1.18E+04 7.13E+04 6.54E+01 5.95E+03 1.60E+06 2.97E+03 1.55E+03 1.68E+05 8.22E+03 5.17E+05 1.16E+05 9.84E+06 4.33E+05 1.61E+03 3.22E+05 3.96E+04 5.95E+04 0.00E+00 3.79E+05 4.20E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.32E+03 8.68E+05 1.09E+06 1.27E+06 4 .10E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.29E+04 2.73E+04 2 .44E+04 6. 90E+04 2 .63E+04 1 .19E+05 8.22E+03 4.41E+04 1.99E+03 1.06E+03 1.90E+03 2.16E+03 1.29E+03 1.83E+03 1.33E+03 1.43E+03 1.33E+03 8.76E+02 5.10E+04 3.84E+04 4.75E+03 6.93E+02 8.48E+04 5.95E+04 2.16E+04 4.97E+04 1.48E+05 3.72E+04 4.28E+03 3.12E+04 3.56E+04 2.4 9E+04 0.00E+00 4.86E+03 6.72E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2. 69E+04 1.12E+04 1.68E+03 1.08E+04 3.54E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 83 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11a ADULT INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V)2 m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0.OOE+00 9.36E+04 2.69E+05 1.40E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 10E+08 1 .26E+08 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.04E+10 6. 15E+01 0. OOE+00 3. 17E+08 8.73E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9. 96E+09 6.05E+II 3.05E+05 4 .27E+02 1. 33E+04 5. 22E-09 5. 11E+06 9. 15E-01 1. 70E+02 1. 17E+06 3. 37E+02 1. 43E+05 0. OOE+00 3. 10E+00 8 22E-31 4 .76E+06 5. 39E+01 1. 93E+08 1. 05E+07 2. 80E+05 1. 04E+08 1. 37E+08 2 .26E+03 2. 11E+05 2 69E+05 8 .73E+07 0. 00E+00 3. 13E+08 1. 59E+01 1. 45E+08 2 .96E+08 3. 07E+07 1. 67E+08 7 .21E+08 7 .99E+00 9. 20E+03 1. 01E+09 1 67E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 19E+08 3. 43E-22 1. 39E-26 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 77E+05 6. 81E+01 7. 94E+04 6. 1SE+O6 8. 77E+00 1. 18E-30 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 75E+06 6. 43E+03 1. 96E+06 1. 53E+06 2.26E+03 1. 05E+05 2 69E+05 5. 43E+07 4. 64E+04 5. 97E+07 2. 82E+00 3. 38E+07 1. 13E+08 6. 89E+07 3. 69E+08 3. 49E+08 3. 64E+00 4. 32E+03 4. 56E+08 1. 16E-06 3. 11E+00 2. 48E-11 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+08 1. 2E-22 9. 74E-27 2 .86E+08 1. 48E+II 1. 23E+04 1. 85E+01 3. 56E+02 2. 02E-10 1.37E+05 2.68E-02 4.6BE+00 2. 55E+05 3. 11E+01 4.27E+04 1. 17E+06 1. 12E+02 1. 16E-29 2. 05E+06 2. 13E+01 2.44E+07 5.79E+06 9. 65E+04 4.07E+07 3.25E+07 2 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 2. 78E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.34E+03 2. 52E+05 1.39E+05 2 .26E+03 2.22E+05 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 1. 02E+04 9.31E+07 2. 02E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 32E+04 6.75E+08 1. 09E-05 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 91E+05 1. 03E+02 7 .85E+04 1.39E+07 1. 33E+02 2. 13E-29 1. 82E+07 6. 96E+02 3. 72E+08 1. 92E+07 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.26E+03 0. OOE+00 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 6. 16E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.08E+07 8. 27E+07 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4. 30E+00 6. 05E-31 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 68E+05 8. 07E+07 1. 05E+08 2.2 6E+03 3 65E+07 2. 69E+05 1. 58E+08 1. 17E+07 9. 58E+08 5. 07E+02 8 31E+07 9.86E+08 6. 23E+08 3. 14E+09 1. 50E+08 2. 03E+02 7 .84E+05 6. 36E+08 2 .51E-06 4 .47E+00 1. 94E-16 0 OOE+00 4. 33E+07 4 .74E-33 8 .05E-40 1. 60E+09 1 .75E+10 1. 45E+06 8. 45E+03 1. 41E+08 1. 53E-08 2 .81E+09 1. 60E+04 5 .38E+06 1. 19E+09 2 1E+07 4. 82E+08 1. 43E+07 5. 19E+03 3. 56E-42 5. 56E+08 3. 29E+04 1. 25E+10 3. 98E+09 1 .06E+08 2. 94E+09 1. 50E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 84 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11a ADULT INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V)2 m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-12 7m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-13 4 Cs-136 Cs-13 7 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 9. 66E+07 3. 49E+08 5. 66E+03 2. 51E+08 7. 62E-04 9. 12E+05 1.50E-15 4. 30E+06 3. 92E+05 8. 08E+07 5. 76E+01 2. 09E+06 9. 65E-05 3. 90E+04 4 .67E+09 4.24E+07 6. 36E+09 3. 91E-1I 2.68E-02 1. 28E+08 1. 15E-21 2.46E-39 1. 98E+03 1. 41E-04 1. 97E+05 9. 98E+02 3.2 9E+07 6.26E+04 3.09E-26 3. 33E+04 3.82E+04 1. 43E+03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 15E-06 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 3. 56E-08 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 3. 50E+07 1.25E+08 2. 03E+03 9. 38E+07 2. 87E-04 4 .46E+05 6.27E-16 2.78E+06 1. 16E+06 1. 16E+08 1. 54E+02 3. 63E+06 2. 62E-04 1. 02E+05 1. I1E+I0 1. 68E+08 8. 70E+09 7. 73E-11 1. 91E-05 1. 61E+05 8.70E-25 2. 53E-42 9. 98E+02 6. 43E-05 1. 33E+05 7.38E+05 1. 38E+07 2.51E+04 1.28E-26 3. 85E+04 3. 19E+04 1.41E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 17E+07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 45E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 33E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.29E+07 4.26E+07 1.22E+03 3. 98E+07 1.86E-04 3.72E+05 4.74E-16 2.61E+06 4. 57E+05 6. 62E+07 5. 39E+01 1.l1E+06 9. 38E-05 3. 77E+04 9. 08E+09 1.21E+08 5.70E+09 3. 83E-11 7. 86E-04 8. 38E+06 3. 89E-23 1. 55E-40 2. 64E+02 1. 60E-05 1.51E+04 8.16E+01 1. 77E+06 3. 10E+03 1.57E-27 2. 31E+03 1. 12E+04 7.76E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 95E+07 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1. 99E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.43E-08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 90E+07 8. 92E+07 4 .19E+03 8 63E+07 5. 85E-04 7 .06E+05 1 .23E-15 3 .07E+06 9 .81E+07 3 .79E+10 5. 39E+03 5.33E+08 4.54E-03 6. 73E+06 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 O0E+00 0. OE+00 3. 11E-08 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 3. 93E+08 1. 42E+09 2. 31E+04 1. 05E+09 3. 20E-03 4 .52E+06 6. 57E-15 2. 68E+07 1.81E+06 1. 98E+08 2.45E+02 6. 33E+06 4. 17E-04 1. 64E+05 3. 59E+09 9. 32E+07 2. 95E+09 5. 68E-I1 1 .79E-05 5 .46E+04 8 .09E-25 2. 14E-42 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 6. 19E+04 3.25E+02 8 16E+06 1. 45E+04 7. 23E-27 2 .25E+04 0 OOE+00 4. 39E+02 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.35E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.25E-07 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.19E+09 1.28E+07 9.81E+08 5. 61E-12 1.08E-05 9.20E+04 4. 94E-25 1.43E-42 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.8 6E+08 1. 17E+09 4.47E+05 1.27E+09 5.75E-04 4.43E+07 2. 13E-16 1. 32E+08 9. 96E+05 3. 05E+07 2.89E+01 3.26E+06 2 .29E-07 1. 15E+05 1. 94E+08 1. 90E+07 1. 68E+08 3.30E-16 4 .76E-02 2. 63E+08 5.43E-31 0.OOE+00 7. 33E+07 4. 69E-01 5. 10E+08 2.76E+07 1.11E+10 2.74E+08 4.44E-33 1. 85E+08 1.05E+07 2.8 9E+07 0.OOE+00 2.97E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 01E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 95E-11 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 85 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11b 2 m *TEEN INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable) mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: Ri (V)3 mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 1.43E+05 2 .39E+05 1. 61E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 3. 2 6E+08 1. 79E+08 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 61E+10 5. 72E+01 0. 0OE+00 4. 24E+08 8. 18E-06 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 51E+10 7. 51E+11 2. 85E+05 3. 97E+02 1. 24E+04 4 .86E-09 7. 84E+06 8. 60E-01 1. 59E+02 1. 72E+06 3. 12E+02 1. 93E+05 0. 00E+00 2. 74E+00 7. 64E-31 6. 81E+06 5. 00E+01 3. 10E+08 1. 52E+07 3. 03E+05 1. 54E+08 2. 14E+08 2. 59E+03 3. 20E+05 2. 39E+05 9. 97E+07 0. 0OE+00 4 .54E+08 1. 43E+01 2. 31E+08 4. 18E+08 4 .36E+07 2 .49E+08 1. 13E+09 7. 31E+00 8. 34E+03 1. 47E+09 1. 56E-05 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 74E+08 3. 17E-22 1 .25E-26 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 43E+05 6. 18E+01 1. 07E+05 5. 65E+06 7. 63E+00 I. 09E-30 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 43E+07 5. 89E+03 2.84E+06 2. 34E+06 2. 59E+03 1. 60E+05 2. 39E+05 6. 24E+07 6. 17E+04 9. 01E+07 2 55E+00 5. 39E+07 1. 61E+08 1. OOE+08 5. 60E+08 5. 45E+08 3. 33E+00 3. 92E+03 6.8 6E+08 1. 09E-06 2. 91E+00 2. 25E-11 0. OOE+00 1. 29E+08 1. 69E-22 8.82E-27 4.33E+08 1.85E+I1 1.13E+04 1. 69E+01 3. 34E+02 1.86E-10 2. 10E+05 2.49E-02 4.36E+00 3. 73E+05 2. 85E+01 5. 89E+04 1.08E+06 9. 89E+01 1.07E-29 2. 91E+06 1. 94E+01 3. 90E+07 8.72E+06 8.85E+04 6. 02E+07 5.OOE+07 2.59E+03 O.OOE+00 2.39E+05 O.0OE+00 3 .43E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.O0E+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.85E+03 3.50E+05 2.04E+05 2 .59E+03 3.39E+05 2. 39E+05 O.O0E+00 1.35E+04 1 .36E+08 1.81E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 2. 11E+04 9. 42E+08 1.02E-05 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7. 98E+05 9.37E+01 1. 04E+05 1 .29E+07 1. 14E+02 1.97E-29 2 40E+07 6. 31E+02 5. 97E+08 2. 74E+07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 59E+03 0. OOE+00 2. 39E+05 0. 0OE+00 8. 81E+04 0. OE+00 0 00E+00 1. 47E+08 1. 32E+08 0. OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O.00E+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 0. ODE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OOE+00 4 .24E+00 6. 62E-31 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 1 .89E+05 1. 34E+08 1.86E+08 2 .59E+03 3. 90E+07 2. 39E+05 1. 35E+08 1. 04E+07 9. 32E+08 9.44E+02 1. OE+08 9. 88E+08 6. 01E+08 3 .24E+09 1. 81E+08 3. 97E+02 6. 47E+05 6. 23E+08 2. 87E-05 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 05E+07 2 .71E-29 1. 91E-35 1. 80E+09 2. 11E+10 1 .29E+06 1. 01E+04 1. 02E+08 2 .29E-07 3. 21E+09 2 .36E+04 4 .86E+06 1 .25E+09 1. 67E+07 4. 57E+08 1.01E+07 5. 01E+03 1.86E-37 5. 69E+08 4. 04E+04 1. 48E+10 4.03E+09 6. 35E+07 3. 11E+09 1. 66E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 86 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11b TEEN INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V)2 m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m.Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 1. 48E+08 5. 51E+08 5. 34E+03 3. 62E+08 7. 14E-04 8.44E+05 1.39E-15 3. 91E+06 3. 51E+05 7. 69E+07 5.19E+01 1. 94E+06 8.73E-05 3. 52E+04 7. 10E+09 4. 34E+07 1.01E+10 3. 61E-11 2. 52E-02 1. 37E+08 1. 08E-21 2. 27E-39 1.81E+03 1. 30E-04 2. 83E+05 9. 33E+02 5. 27E+07 7 .OOE+04 2.89E-26 3. 62E+04 3. 55E+04 1. 39E+03 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 00E-06 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 23E-08 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 34E+07 1. 96E+08 1.89E+03 1. 34E+08 2. 66E-04 4. 05E+05 5. 75E-16 2.47E+06 1.01E+06 1. 08E+08 1. 36E+02 3. 29E+06 2. 31E-04 9. 07E+04 1. 67E+10 1.71E+08 1. 35E+10 6. 93E-11 1.78E-05 1. 68E+05 8.04E-25 2. 27E-42 8.89E+02 5.76E-05 1.89E+05 6.79E+05 2. 18E+07 2. 80E+04 1. 18E-26 3. 94E+04 2. 90E+04 1.31E+02 0. 00E+00 1.79E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 4.95E-07 0.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 2. 07E-08 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 98E+07 6. 56E+07 1. 15E+03 5. 73E+07 1.74E-04 3. 38E+05 4.36E-16 2. 33E+06 4. 05E+05 5.78E+07 4.88E+01 1. OOE+06 8.31E-05 3. 36E+04 7.75E+09 1. 15E+08 4 .69E+09 3. 47E-11 7. 35E-04 8.85E+06 3. 59E-23 1. 40E-40 2. 37E+02 1.43E-05 2. 17E+04 7. 58E+01 2. 83E+06 3. 4 9E+03 1. 47E-27 2 .36E+03 1. 02E+04 7. 28E+01 0. 0OE+00 3. OOE+07 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 81E-07 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 17E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 14E+07 1. 31E+08 3. 68E+03 1. 17E+08 5. 1OE-04 6. 09E+05 1. 07E-15 2 61E+06 8 28E+07 3. 14E+10 4 58E+03 4 .59E+08 3. 85E-03 5 .83E+06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 0. 00E+00 O .0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2 65E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2 .24E+09 2. 16E+04 1.51E+09 3.OOE-03 4.22E+06 6. l0E-15 2. 37E+07 1. 56E+06 1.85E+08 2.14E+02 5.76E+06 3. 65E-04 1.43E+05 5.31E+09 9.30E+07 4.59E+09 5. 12E-11 1. 67E-05 5. 70E+04 7.46E-25 1. 92E-42 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 89E+04 3.04E+02 1.30E+07 1. 63E+04 6. 80E-27 2. 31E+04 0.OOE+00 4 .11E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.79E-07 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 1.98E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 LUNG GILLI 0.OOE+00 4.37E+08 0.OOE+00 1.37E+09 0.00E+00 4.12E+05 0.OOE+00 1.36E+09 0.OOE+00 3.90E-03 0.OOE+00 3.25E+07 0.OOE+00 1.14E-16 0.OOE+00 7.84E+07 0.00E+00 7.80E+05 0.OOE+00 2.13E+07 0.00E+00 5.92E+01 0.OOE+00 2.49E+06 0.OOE+00 3.05E-06 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+05 2.03E+09 2.08E+08 1.47E+07 1.37E+07 1.78E+09 1.92E+08 5.96E-12 3.15E-14 1.22E-05 2.25E-01 1.13E+05 2.12E+08 5.50E-25 2.29E-27 1.51E-42 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.11E+07 0.00E+00 1.75E+00 0.OOE+00 5.40E+08 0.OOE+00 2.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.33E+10 0.OOE+00 2.30E+08 0.OOE+00 3.19E-29 0.OOE+00 1.42E+08 0.OOE+00 7.84E+06 0.OOE+00 2.11E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.33E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.18E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.20E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 87 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-iic CHILD INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V)2 m *3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 2-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 3. 37E+05 3. 73E+05 3. 37E+09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8. 01E+08 3. 97E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 95E+10 1. 05E+02 0. OOE+00 8. 12E+08 1. 51E-05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 59E+10 1. 24E+12 5 24E+05 7. 28E+02 2. 30E+04 8. 91E-09 1. 86E+07 1. 58E+00 2. 93E+02 3. 86E+06 5. 70E+02 4 12E+05 0. OOE+00 4 .71E+00 1. 41E-30 1. 53E+07 9. 16E+01 7 45E+08 3. 21E+07 5. 58E+05 3. 52E+08 4. 99E+08 4 .01E+03 5. 72E+05 3. 73E+05 1. 58E+08 0. OOE+00 6. 65E+08 1. 88E+01 4. 25E+08 6. 42E+08 6. 44E+07 3. 78E+08 2. 11E+09 9. 89E+00 1. 10E+04 2 16E+09 2 .18E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 52E+08 4. 37E-22 1. 64E-26 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8 48E+05 8. 24E+01 1. 60E+05 7 .71E+06 9. 24E+00 1. 47E-30 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 17E+07 8. 24E+03 4. 56E+06 3. 84E+06 4. 01E+03 3. 77E+05 3. 73E+05 1. 30E+08 1.17E+05 1.77E+08 4. 24E+00 1. 32E+08 3.20E+08 1. 97E+08 1. 12E+09 1.34E+09 5. 77E+00 6. 64E+03 1.35E+09 2.02E-06 5. 37E+00 3.82E-11 0.OOE+00 2.78E+08 3. 04E-22 1.46E-26 1. 03E+09 3. 15E+I1 1. 98E+04 2. 92E+01 6. 17E+02 3. 24E-10 4. 99E+05 4.53E-02 8. 04E+00 7. 55E+05 4.86E+01 1. 15E+05 1. 91E+06 1. 53E+02 1.87E-29 5.88E+06 3. 32E+01 9. 30E+07 1.73E+07 1. 64E+05 1.23E+08 1. 05E+08 4 .01E+03 0. OOE+00 3.73E+05 0.OOE+00 6. 50E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 7.16E+03 7.73E+05 4.63E+05 4. 01E+03 5.63E+05 3.73E+05 0.00E+00 1. 78E+04 1.86E+08 2.27E+01 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.66E+04 1.36E+09 1. 32E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.21E+06 1.18E+02 1.51E+05 1. 65E+07 1. 34E+02 2 .51E-29 3.85E+07 8. 05E+02 1.01E+09 4.04E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 01E+03 0 OOE+00 3. 73E+05 0. 00E+00 1 .19E+05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 40E+08 1. 86E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .69E+00 7. 78E-3i 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 27E+05 1. 95E+08 2.78E+08 4 .01E+03 3. 20E+07 3. 73E+05 9. 31E+07 6. 21E+06 5. 58E+08 2 .72E+03 7. 87E+07 6. 68E+08 3 76E+08 2. 10E+09 1. 42E+08 1 .21E+03 5. 16E+05 3. 80E+08 1. 37E-03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 91E+07 2. 15E-23 1. 43E-28 1.39E+09 1. 67E+10 1. 16E+06 1. 38E+04 6. 56E+07 1.74E-05 2. 48E+09 4. 58E+04 4. 37E+06 8 .84E+08 1. 25E+07 2 97E+08 6. 38E+06 5.26E+03 4. 68E-30 3. 96E+08 5. 98E+04 1.16E+10 2. 58E+09 4 .30E+07 2.20E+09 1.19E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 88 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-iic 2 m *CHILD INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)
Ri(V)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 LUNG GILLI 3. 51E+08 1. 32E+09 9. 85E+03 8. 41E+08 1. 32E-03 1. 54E+06 2. 57E-15 7 .OOE+06 6. 16E+05 1. 43E+08 9. 22E+01 3. 53E+06 1. 55E-04 6. 2 6E+04 1. 60E+10 8. 17E+07 2. 39E+10 6. 57E-11 4 .65E-02 2 .75E+08 1. 99E-21 4 .11E-39 3. 25E+03 2 .35E-04 6. 56E+05 1. 72E+03 1. 27E+08 1. 4 6E+05 5. 37E-26 7. 15E+04 6. 47E+04 2. 57E+03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 O0E+00 0. 00E+00 3 .64E-06 O .OE+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 76E-08.00E+00 0 OOE+00 9. 50E+07 3. 56E+08 2.65E+03 2. 35E+08 3. 69E-04 5. 33E+05 7.83E-16 3. 10E+06 1.24E+06 1.44E+08 1. 69E+02 4.37E+06 2.88E-04 1. 13E+05 2. 63E+10 2. 25E+08 2 29E+10 9. 13E-11 2 48E-05 2 41E+05 1. 11E-24 2. 96E-42 1. 14E+03 7 .49E-05 3. 27E+05 9. 31E+05 3. 98E+07 4. 37E+04 1 .66E-26 5.79E+04 3. 83E+04 1. 84E+02 0. OOE+00 2. 99E+07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 6. 57E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 59E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 67E+07 1. 57E+08 2. 11E+03 1. 31E+08 3. 14E-04 5. 68E+05 7. 64E-16 3.74E+06 6. 41E+05 8. 17E+07 7.79E+01 1. 65E+06 1.32E-04 5. 33E+04 5. 55E+09 1.45E+08 3. 38E+09 5.79E-11 1. 35E-03 1. 60E+07 6. 47E-23 2.29E-40 3. 83E+02 2. 35E-05 4 .86E+04 1. 35E+02 6. 78E+06 7. 23E+03 2. 70E-27 4 .48E+03 1.72E+04 1. 29E+02 0.00E+00 6. 04E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 07E-07 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 46E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 84E+07 3. 16E+08 6. 81E+03 2.71E+08 9.4 3E-04 1. 10E+06 1. 97E-15 4. 51E+06 1. 37E+08 4 .75E+10 7. 86E+03 8. 11E+08 6. 62E-03 9. 97E+06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 4.56E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 77E+09 2 .80E+04 2 47E+09 3. 87E-03 5. 16E+06 7. 77E-15 2 88E+07 1.86E+06 2 .36E+08 2. 59E+02 7.28E+06 4.40E-04 1 .73E+05 8.15E+09 1. 20E+08 7. 46E+09 6. 43E-11 2.17E-05 7 .84E+04 9. 62E-25 2. 39E-42 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.43E+05 3.91E+02 2.21E+07 2.37E+04 8 .79E-27 3. 18E+04 0.OOE+00 5.33E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 .29E-07 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.40E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 93E+09 1. 78E+07 2 68E+09 6. 91E-12 1 .46E-05 1. 44E+05 6. 53E-24 1 .74E-42 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 38E+08 1. 07E+09 3 .85E+05 1. 03E+09 8 .23E-02 2 .16E+07 1. 35E-14 3. 12E+07 5. 82E+05 1.28E+07 1. 99E+02 1.76E+06 1. 91E-04 8. 58E+04 1. 42E+08 7 90E+06 1 .43E+08 4 .21E-11 2 69E+00 1 .39E+08 1. 13E-21 5. 36E-41 3. 17E+07 1 .48E+01 4. 08E+08 1 .36E+07 1. 04E+10 1. 57E+08 3. 58E-23 9. 17E+07 5.38E+06 1 .36E+07 0 OOE+00 2 .45E+08 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 03E-01 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 63E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 89 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12a ADULT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 1. 65E+03 2 44E+06 1. 71E+10 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 51E+07 2. 97E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 6. 73E+09 3. 70E-01 0 OOE+00 1. 37E+09 5. 18E-12 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 1. 45E+09 4. 68E+10 2. 89E+04 4. 88E-01 7. 07E+01 5. 98E-20 8. 59E+03 5. 58E-05 2. 23E-01 9. 43E+02 4. 33E-01 8 .26E+04 0. OOE+00 3. 32E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+03 8. 57E-04 2. 04E+04 5. 82E+07 2. 24E+05 2. 57E+07 2- 04E+07 7.63E+02 3.73E+03 2.44E+06 1. 06E+09 0. OOE+00 8. 4 1E+06 4.15E-03 1.74E+07 6. 98E+07 4.71E+06 1. 64E+07 4. 66E+08 4 .81E-02 2. 38E+04 4. 36E+09 9. 91E-12 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.59E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 02E+02 8.74E-02 4. 60E+04 2.48E+07 9.38E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 5. 39E+07 5. 16E+03 4.87E+05 2. 28E+05 7.63E+02 1.85E+03 2.44E+06 6. 61E+08 2.86E+04 1.61E+06 7. 36E-04 4.05E+06 2. 67E+07 1. 06E+07 3. 62E+07 2. 26E+08 2.19E-02 1.12E+04 1. 97E+09 6.89E-13 9. 72E-02 1. 61E-23 0. OOE+00 1. 21E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.16E+07 1. 15E+10 1. 17E+03 2. 1lIE-02 1. 90E+00 2. 32E-21 2. 30E+02 1. 63E-06 6. 17E-03 2. 05E+02 4. OOE-02 2.47E+04 4.71E+06 1.20E+02 0.OOE+00 4.38E+02 3. 38E-04 2. 58E+03 3.20E+07 7.73E+04 1.01E+07 4. 86E+06 7. 63E+02 0.OOE+00 2.44E+06 0.OOE+00 1.71E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 47E+03 6. 25E+04 2. 08E+04 7 63E+02 3. 92E+03 2 44E+06 0 OOE+00 6. 30E+03 2. 50E+06 5. 27E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.01E+04 2 .92E+09 6.44E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.75E+02 1.32E-01 4.54E+04 5. 61E+07 1. 43E+02 0.OOE+00 3.88E+03 1.11E-02 3. 94E+04 1.06E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. 63E+02 0- OOE+00 2 44E+06 0 OOE+00 3. 79E+04 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 68E+06 1. 95E+07 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .60E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 35E+05 2. OOE+07 1.58E+07 7. 63E+02 6. 44E+05 2 44E+06 1. 92E+09 7 19E+06 2. 58E+07 1. 32E-01 9. 95E+06 2. 33E+08 9. 55E+07 3. 08E+08 9. 73E+07 1. 22E+00 2. 03E+06 2. 75E+09 1. 49E-12 1 .40E-01 1.26E-28 0 OOE+00 5. 12E+08 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 33E+08 1. 35E+09 1. 38E+05 9. 68E+00 7. 4 9E+05 1 .76E-19 4. 73E+06 9. 77E-01 7. 08E+03 9. 59E+05 2 .71E+04 2 .79E+08 5 74E+07 5. 55E+03 0 OOE+00 1 .19E+05 5. 24E-01 1. 32E+06 2 20E+10 8. 52E+07 7. 31E+08 2 -25E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 90 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12a ADULT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1. 63E+07 4. 58E+07 6. 53E+02 6. 02E+07 2 82E-I0 3. 61E+05 3. 60E-33 2 40E+06 4. 20E+05 2. 96E+08 1. 64E-01 3. 87E+06 2. 02E-12 1. 28E+04 5. 65E+09 2. 63E+08 7. 38E+09 9. 04E-24 3. 92E-08 2. 68E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 .52E+00 9. 34E-12 4.84E+03 4. 16E+01 3. 58E+05 1. 58E+02 0. OOE+00 9. 42E+01 6. 56E+03 3. 68E+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 3. 29E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 90E-19 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 90E+06 1. 64E+07 2. 34E+02 2. 25E+07 1.06E-10 1.77E+05 1.51E-33 1.55E+06 1.24E+06 4.23E+/-08 4. 39E-01 6. 73E+06 5. 48E-12 3. 36E+04 1.35E+10 1.04E+09 1.01E+10 1.79E-23 2.79E-11 3. 37E+04 O. OOE+00 O. OOE+00 2.28E+00 4 .25E-12 3.28E+03 3.07E+04 1.50E+05 6.33E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 09E+02 5. 48E+03 3. 62E-01 0. OOE+00 1.28E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 32E-13 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 83E-19 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 18E+06 5. 58E+06 1.41E+02 9. 53E+06 6. 88E-11 1. 47E+05 1. 14E-33 1. 46E+06 4.89E+05 2. 43E+08 1.54E-01 2. 05E+06 1. 96E-12 1.24E+04 1. 10E+10 7.46E+08 6. 61E+09 8. 85E-24 1. 15E-09 1.76E+06 O. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 02E-01 1. 06E-12 3.72E+02 3. 40E+00 1. 92E+04 7 .83E+00 O.O0E+00 6. 51E+00 1.92E+03 2. OOE-01 0.00E+00 2.13E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 3. 04E-13 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 57E-19 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4.90E+06 1.17E+07 4.84E+02 2. 07E+07 2.17E-10 2.80E+05 2. 96E-33 1.72E+06 1.05E+08 1.39E+ll 1.54E+01 9.89E+08 9. 49E-11 2 .22E+06 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.0DE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 7 .78E-19 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 63E+07 1.86E+08 2. 66E+03 2.51E+08 1.19E-09 1.79E+06 1.58E-32 1.50E+07 1.93E+06 7.26E+08 7. OOE-01 1. 17E+07 8.71E-12 5. 39E+04 4.35E+09 5.77E+08 3. 43E+09 1.31E-23 2. 61E-li 1. 15E+04 0.0OE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 1. 52E+03 1.35E+01 8. 87E+04 3. 66E+01 O.00E+00 6.36E+01 0.0OE+00 1. 13E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 9.71E-13 0.0OE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 5. 63E-18 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 45E+09 7 90E+07 1. 14E+09 1. 30E-24 1. 58E-I1 1. 93E+04 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0 0OE+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 6. 50E+07 1. 54E+08 5. 15E+04 3. 03E+08 2 .13E-10 1 .75E+07 5. IOE-34 7. 35E+07 1. 07E+06 1. 12E+08 8 .25E-02 6. 05E+06 4 .77E-15 3. 80E+04 2. 35E+08 1. 18E+08 1. 95E+08 7 62E-29 6. 94E-08 5. 52E+07 0 O0E+00 0. OE+00 1. 67E+05 3. lOE-08 1 .25E+07 1. 15E+06 1 .21E+08 6. 92E+05 0. 0E+00 5. 22E+05 1. 80E+06 7 43E+04 0. OE+00 3. 25E+07 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0E+00 3. 07E-09 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0E+00 9. 87E-22 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 91 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12b 2 m *TEEN GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr 3 per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 3. 05E+03 4 26E+06 3. 15E+10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 45E+07 5. 18E+07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 18E+10 6. 77E-01 0. OE+00 2 .lE+09 9. 55E-12 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OE+00 2 .67E+09 6. 61E+10 5. 31E+04 8 .94E-01 1. 30E+02 1. 1DE-19 1. 58E+04 1. 03E-04 4 12E-01 1. 65E+03 7 .88E-01 1.41E+05 0. 00E+00 5 .76E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 81E+03 1. 56E-03 3. 75E+04 9. 63E+07 4. 77E+05 4. 58E+07 3. 65E+07 9. 94E+02 6. 83E+03 4 .26E+06 1. 95E+09 0. 00E+00 1. 40E+07 7. 36E-03 3. 16E+07 1. 21E+08 7. 94E+06 2. 78E+07 8. 35E+08 8. 65E-02 4 .25E+04 7 .31E+09 1. 82E-11 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 .73E+09 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O. 00E+00 O .OE+00 0. O0E+00 0. OE+00 0. DDE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 5. 20E+02 1. 56E-01 7 82E+04 4 47E+07 1. 61E+01 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 9. 1lE+07 9. 29E+03 8 44E+05 3. 99E+05 9. 94E+02 3. 41E+03 4.26E+06 1.22E+09 4. 99E+04 2. 78E+06 1.31E-03 7. 36E+06 4. 67E+07 1.83E+07 6.2 6E+07 4. 01E+08 3. 94E-02 2 .OOE+04 3.41E+09 1.27E-12 1. 79E-01 2.88E-23 O.00E+00 2. 22E+09 O.OOE+00 0.60E+00 7. 66E+07 1. 63E+10 2 .1lE+03 3. 81E-02 3. 50E+00 4 19E-21 4 .24E+02 2. 98E-06 1. 13E-02 3. 58E+02 7 19E-02 4. 30E+04 8 52E+06 2 .08E+02 0. D0E+00 7. 74E+02 6. 07E-04 4. 73E+03 5. 54E+07 1. 39E+05 1 .79E+07 8. 53E+06 9. 94E+02 O.ODE+00 4.26E+06 0.00E+00 2. 77E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6. 06E+O3 1.04E+05 3.48E+04 9. 94E+02 7.23E+03 4.26E+06 0. OOE+00 1.09E+04 4.18E+06 9. 31E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+05 4 .68E+09 1. 19E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.65E+02 2. 37E-01 7. 58E+04 1. 02E+08 2. 39E+02 0. OOE+00 6. 38E+03 1. 97E-02 7 .24E+04 1.74E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 94E+02 0.OOE+00 4.26E+06 0. OOE+00 7 .13E+04 0. O0E+00 0.OOE+00 2 .OOE+07 3.81E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8. 92E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 2.98E+05 4 .OOE+07 3. 18E+07 9. 94E+02 8. 31E+05 4 .26E+06 2. 65E+09 8. 39E+06 2. 87E+07 4 .84E-01 1. 37E+07 2 .86E+08 1. 09E+08 3. 62E+08 1. 33E+08 4. 69E+00 3 .29E+06 3. 10E+09 3. 35E-11 0 OOE+00 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. OOE+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 18E+08 1.86E+09 2 .41E+05 2.28E+01 1.07E+06 5.17E-18 6. 48E+06 2. 83E+00 1 .26E+04 1. 20E+06 4. 22E+04 3. 34E+08 8. 01E+07 1. 05E+04 0. OOE+00 1.51E+05 1.26E+00 1. 80E+06 2.56E+10 1.OOE+08 9.26E+08 2.83E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 92 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12b TEEN GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3. 0OE+07 8. 44E+07 1. 21E+03 1. 10E+08 5. 20E-10 6. 57E+05 6. 58E-33 4 .29E+06 7. 38E+05 5. 37E+08 2. 91E-01 7. 07E+06 3. 58E-12 2. 28E+04 9.82E+09 4 47E+08 1. 34E+10 1. 64E-23 7. 24E-08 4. 84E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 12E+00 1. 69E-11 8. 88E+03 7. 64E+01 6. 58E+05 2. 90E+02 0. DDE+00 1. 81E+02 1. 20E+04 7. 03E+00 0. 00E+00 o .OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 99E-12 O .OE+00 o. 00E+00.00E+00 1. 59E-18 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1 08E+07 2. 99E+07 4 .29E+02 4 .09E+07 1. 94E-10 3. 15E+05 2 .71E-33 2. 72E+06 2. 14E+06 7. 52E+08 7. 62E-01 1. 20E+07 9. 50E-12 5. 87E+04 2. 31E+10 1.76E+09 1. 78E+10 3. 15E-23 5. 09E-11 5. 93E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 99E+00 7. 49E-12 5. 93E+03 5. 56E+04 2. 72E+05 1. 16E+02 0. DDE+00 1. 97E+02 9. 78E+03 6. 63E-01 0. 00E+00 2 .25E+06 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.49E-12 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E-18 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.02E+06 1. 0OE+07 2.60E+02 1. 74E+07 1. 26E-10 2 63E+05 2. 06E-33 2 .56E+06 8. 53E+05 4 .04E+08 2. 74E-01 3. 66E+06 3. 41E-12 2. 18E+04 1. 07E+10 1. 18E+09 6. 20E+09 1. 57E-23 2. 11E-09 3. 12E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E+00 1. 86E-12 6. 81E+02 6. 21E+00 3. 54E+04 1. 44E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 18E+01 3. 43E+03 3. 68E-01 0. OOE+00 3 .76E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 43E-13 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E-18 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 39E+06 2. 01E+07 8. 35E+02 3. 55E+07 3.71E-10 4 .74E+05 5.07E-33 2 .87E+06 1.74E+08 2.19E+11 2. 57E+01 1.67E+09 1.58E-10 3.78E+06 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.DOE+00 D.0DE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0. OOE+O0 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.0DE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 o.DOE+00 1.30E-18 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.DOE+00 3. 42E+08 4.90E+03 4 .61E+08 2.18E-09 3.29E+06 2.88E-32 2. 61E+07 3.29E+06 1 .29E+09 1.20E+00 2. 10E+07 1.50E-11 9. 27E+04 7. 34E+09 9. 57E+08 6. 06E+09 2. 33E-23 4 .80E-I1 2. 01E+04 o.0OE+00 o.OOE+00 D.00E+00 D.0OE+00 2 .79E+03 2.49E+01 1. 63E+05 6. 73E+01 o.OOE+00 1.16E+02 D.0OE+00 2.08E+00 o.00E+00 o.0OE+00 D.0OE+00 o.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 1.74E-12 D.0OE+00 o.00E+00 D.0OE+00 9. 72E-18 o.00E+00 0. OOE+00 o.ODE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.80E+09 1.51E+08 2. 35E+09 2 .71E-24 3.51E-11 3. 99E+04 o.OOE+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 o.00E+00 8 86E+07 2 10E+08 9. 34E+04 4. 13E+08 2 .84E-09 2 .53E+07 5. 40E-34 8. 61E+07 1. 64E+06 1. 4 9E+08 3. 32E-01 9. 07E+06 1. 25E-13 6. 51E+04 2. 87E+08 1. 42E+08 2. 53E+08 1. 43E-26 6.4 6E-07 7.4 6E+07 o.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 2 .29E+05 2.28E-07 1.70E+07 1.67E+06 1. 66E+08 9.54E+05 D.O0E+00 7. 11E+05 2. 65E+06 1.07E+05 D.OOE+00 4.19E+07 D.O0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 0OE+00 3.55E-08 0. DDE+00 o.O0E+00 0. DDE+00 5. 89E-20 O.0OE+00 O.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 93 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12c CHILD GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 7.4 9E+03 8.85E+06 7. 78E+10 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 12E+08 1.20E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 96E+10 1. 66E+00 C.0DE+00 4.13E+09 2.35E-11 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 6. 62E+09 1.12E+II 1. 30E+05 2. 18E+00 3.21E+02 2. 68E-19 3. 90E+04 2. 53E-04 1.01E+00 3.83E+03 1. 92E+00 3. 18E+05 C.00E+00 1. 32E+01 0. 00E+00 4.28E+03 3. 82E-03 9. 24E+04 2. 09E+08 1.17E+06 1.09E+08 8 .69E+07 1. 57E+03 1. 27E+04 8 .85E+06 3. 64E+09 0. 0OE+00 2. 10E+07 1. 28E-02 5. 93E+07 1. 94E+08 1 .21E+07 4. 32E+07 1. 59E+09 1. 56E-01 7. 46E+04 1. 10E+10 3. 39E-11 C.0CE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 77E+09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+O0 C. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 8.42E+02 2.77E-01 1.24E+05 8. 13E+07 2. 59E+01 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 41E+08 1. 73E+04 1. 41E+06 6. 70E+05 1 .57E+03 8. 38E+03 8. 85E+06 3. 00E+09 1. 02E+05 5. 59E+06 2. 90E-03 1. 84E+07 9. 68E+07 3. 71E+07 1. 27E+08 1. 01E+09 9. lE-02 4. 51E+04 6. 85E+09 3. 13E-12 4 .40E-01 6. 51E-23 0. 00E+00 5. 39E+09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 89E+08 2 .83E+10 4 .92E+03 8. 75E-02 8. 60E+00 9.74E-21 1. 04E+03 7. 24E-06 2. 78E-02 7. 50E+02 1. 64E-01 8.85E+04 2. 01E+07 4.29E+02 0. OE+00 1. 65E+03 1. 39E-03 1. 15E+04 1. 13E+08 3. 44E+05 3.80E+07 1. 82E+07 1. 57E+03 C.0OE+00 8. 85E+06 C O0E+00 5. 65E+04 C 00E+00 C 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 0OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 C 00E+00 0. OE+00 0 0OE+00 C 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 C OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 O0E+00 C 0OE+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0E+00 1. 50E+04 2. 39E+05 8. 06E+04 1. 57E+03 1.25E+04 8 .85E+06 O.0OE+00 1.54E+04 5.88E+06 1. 55E-02 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.O0E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E+05 6. 94E+09 2.06E-lI 0. 0OE+00 O.0OE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+O0 0.00E+00 1.21E+03 3.98E-01 1. 16E+05 1.74E+08 3.76E+02 0.00E+00 1.08E+04 3. 36E-02 1. 25E+05 2.63E+08 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.0OE+00 1. 57E+03 C.0OE+00 8 .85E+06 O.00E+00 1.03E+05 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 3. 35E+07 5. 64E+07 0.O0E+00 0.00E+00 C.O0E+00 0.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.0OE+00 C.O0E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 1.32E+01 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 4.77E+05 6. 02E+07 4.84E+07 1.57E+03 7. 11E+05 8.85E+06 2. 15E+09 5.40E+06 1 .76E+07 1.86E+00 1. 10E+07 2.02E+08 7. 07E+07 2. 39E+08 1. 07E+08 1.91E+01 3.50E+06 1.93E+09 2. 14E-09 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.0OE+00 5. 64E+08 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 2. 56E+08 1.51E+09 2.88E+05 4 .13E+01 9. 15E+05 5.24E-16 5.20E+06 7. 31E+00 1. 51E+04 8 .79E+05 4.20E+04 2.29E+08 6. 73E+07 1.47E+04 C.O0E+00 1.l1E+05 2.4 9E+00 1. 44E+06 1. 68E+10 9. 02E+07 6. 78E+08 2. 08E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 94 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12c CHILD GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 7. 38E+07 2. 08E+08 2. 98E+03 2. 71E+08 1. 28E-09 1. 60E+06 1. 62E-32 1. 02E+07 1. 73E+06 1. 30E+09 6. 89E-01 1. 72E+07 8. 48E-12 5. 40E+04 2.2 6E+10 1. 01E+09 3. 22E+10 3. 98E-23 1. 78E-07 1. 17E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 94E+01 4 .07E-11 2. 19E+04 1. 87E+02 1. 62E+06 7. 18E+02 0. OOE+00 4. 45E+02 2. 91E+04 1. 73E+01 0 0OE+00 0 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 46E-11 0 0OE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 77E-18 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 2. OOE+07 5. 60E+07 8. 02E+02 7 58E+07 3. 58E-10 5. 53E+05 4 .93E-33 4. 53E+06 3. 49E+06 1. 31E+09 1. 27E+00 2 12E+07 1. 58E-11 9. 72E+04 3. 72E+10 2. 77E+09 3. 09E+10 5. 53E-23 9. 50E-11 1. 02E+05 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 80E+00 1. 30E-11 1. 09E+04 1. 02E+05 5. 09E+05 2. 16E+02 0 OOE+00 3. 60E+02 1. 72E+04 1. 24E+00 0 OOE+00 3 .84E+06 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 63E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.70E-18 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.84E+06 2.47E+07 6. 38E+02 4.21E+07 3. 04E-10 5.89E+05 4.81E-33 5. 48E+06 1.80E+06 7.45E+08 5. 82E-01 8.03E+06 7.25E-12 4 .60E+04 7. 84E+09 1.79E+09 4.55E+09 3. 51E-23 5. 16E-09 6. 82E+06 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 2. 29E+00 4.06E-12 1. 62E+03 1.47E+01 8. 66E+04 3. 56E+01 0.O0E+00 2.79E+01 7. 73E+03 8.73E-01 0. OOE+00 7 .77E+06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.23E-12 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 26E-18 0. OOE+00 0.O0E+00 2. 07E+07 4.97E+07 2 .06E+03 8 .75E+07 9. 15E-10 1.14E+06 1.24E-32 6. 60E+06 3.84E+08 4.33E+Il 5.87E+01 3. 94E+09 3. 62E-10 8. 61E+06 0.0OE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OEi00 0.OCE00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 98E-18 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 5. 93E+08 8.47E+03 7. 97E+08 3.75E-09 5. 35E+06 4.89E-32 4.21E+07 5.22E+06 2 .15E+09 1. 94E+00 3. 54E+07 2.41E-11 1.49E+05 1.15E+10 1.48E+09 1.01E+10 3. 89E-23 8.29E-11 3. 33E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.78E+03 4.26E+01 2.82E+05 1. 17E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 98E+02 0. OOE+00 3. 59E+00 0.0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.0OE+00 2 .92E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.57E-17 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.13E+09 2.20E+08 3.62E+09 4.19E-24 5.59E-11 6. 10E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7 12E+07 1. 68E+08 1. 16E+05 3. 31E+08 7. 98E-08 2 .24E+07 8 .4 9E-32 4. 57E+07 1. 63E+06 1. 17E+08 1. 4 9E+00 8 .56E+06 1. 04E-11 7. 40E+04 2. OOE+08 9. 74E+07 1. 93E+08 2. 55E-23 1. 03E-05 5. 92E+07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1.89E+05 2. 57E-06 1 .36E+07 1 49E+06 1. 33E+08 7 .75E+05 0. OOE+00 5. 70E+05 2 42E+06 9. 19E+04 0. OE+00 3. 14E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 8. 12E-07 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 C ODE+00 1. 72E-17 C OOE+00 0. OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 95 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12d 2 m *INFANT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr 3 per uCi/m LUNG GILLI Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 1. 43E+04 1. 54E+07 1. 60E+lI O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.35E+08 2. 24E+08 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 49E+10 3. 50E+00 O.OOE+00 5.55E+09 5 OOE-II 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1.26E+10 1. 22E+11 2. 72E+05 4. 64E+00 6. 80E+02 5. 67E-19 7. 33E+04 5. 38E-04 2 16E+00 6. 80E+03 4. 06E+00 5. 94E+05 0. 0OE+00 2. 75E+01 0. OE+00 8. 67E+03 B. 05E-03 1. 90E+05 3. 86E+08 2. 51E+06 2. 09E+08 1. 50E+08 2. 38E+03 3. OE+04 1. 54E+07 9. 43E+09 0. OOE+00 3. 90E+07 3. 14E-02 8 73E+07 3. 92E+08 2. 42E+07 8 B2E+07 2. 16E+09 3. 97E-01 1. 86E+05 1. 90E+10 9. COE-11 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 23E+10 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 66E+03 6. 97E-01 2. 45E+05 2. 08E+08 5. 67E+01 0. 0OE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 2 82E+08 4. 59E+04 3. 08E+06 1. 45E+06 2. 38E+03 1. 59E+04 1. 54E+07 6.21E+09 1. 61E+05 8 84E+06 5. 42E-03 2. 33E+07 1. 54E+08 6. 05E+07 2 08E+08 1.21E+09 1.80E-01 8 .59E+04 8.78E+09 6. 70E-12 9. 34E-01 1. 26E-22 0. OE+00 1. 10E+10 0. C0E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 61E+08 3. 10E+10 9. 83E+03 1.72E-01 1.82E+01 1. 93E-20 1. 95E+03 1.51E-OS 5. 87E-02 1. 18E+03 3. 18E-01 1.41E+05 4.05E+07 7.30E+02 C.OOE+00 2 .90E+03 2.71E-03 2 .38E+04 1. 86E+08 7.31E+05 6. 49E+07 3.08E+07 2. 38E+03 0. O0E+00 1.54E+07 0. 00E+00 1.05E+05 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 C.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 3. 75E+04 5. 56E+05 1.87E+05 2.38E+03 2 .12E+04 1. 54E+07 O.00E+00 2. 30E+04 8. 64E+06 2.70E-02 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 14E+05 9.23E+09 3.74E-11 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3.00E+00 9.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.OOE+00 1. 79E+03 7 .03E-01 1.75E+05 3. 11E+08 6. 10E+02 O.OOE+00 1.80E+04 5. 92E-02 2 .2 5E+O5 4.03E+08 0.00E+00 1.70E+00 1.00E+00 2. 38E+03 O.00E+00 1. 54E+07 0.00E+00 2. 05E+05 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 4.27E+07 1.16E+08 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00OE+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 2 .96E+01 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.30E+06 1.31E+08 9.38E+07 2. 38E+03 7. 05E+05 1. 54E+07 2. 17E+09 4 .70E+06 1. 43E+07 2. 85E+00 1. l1E+07 1. 87E+08 6. 04E+07 2. 10E+08 1. 07E+08 3. 02E+01 3. 81E+06 1. 61E+10 7. 34E-09 O.O0E+O0 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 5. 69E+08 O OCE+00 O .OE+00 2. 59E+08 1. 52E+09 3. 21E+05 5. 00E+01 9. 39E+05 1.89E-15 5 .25E+06 1. 03E+O0 1.70E+04 8 .26E+05 4 .45E+04 2 .06E+08 6.85E+07 1. 65E+04.00E+00 1 .05E+05 3.20E+00 1.4 4E+06 1.46E+10 9. 13E+07 6. 4 6E+08 1. 99E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 96 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12d INFANT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1.51E+08 4.21E+08 6. 32E+03 5. 57E+08 2.72E-09 3. 38E+06 3. 43E-32 2. 11E+07 3. 55E+06 2. 72E+09 1. 43E+00 3. 63E+07 1.76E-11 1. 12E+05 3. 65E+10 1. 97E+09 5. 15E+10 8. 39E-23 3.79E-07 2.40E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 06E+01 8. 55E-11 4. 34E+04 3. 97E+02 2. 33E+06 1. 4 9E+03 0. OOE+00 8. 81E+02 6. 12E+04 3. 66E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 04E+07 1. 40E+08 2 12E+03 1. 91E+08 9. 37E-10 1. 36E+06 1. 27E-32 1. 04E+07 7. 81E+06 3. 20E+09 2. 90E+00 5. 28E+07 3. 60E-11 2. 23E+05 6. 80E+10 5. 79E+09 6. 02E+10 1. 36E-22 2. 51E-10 2. 40E+05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 60E+01 3. 14E-11 2. 64E+04 2 63E+05 9. 52E+05 5. 55E+02 0 OOE+00 9. 05E+02 4. 26E+04 3. 27E+00 0. OOE+00 8. 95E+06 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 04E+07 5. 10E+07 1. 36E+03 8. 58E+07 6. 35E-10 1. 12E+06 9. 62E-33 9. 75E+06 3. 13E+06 1. 41E+09 1. 03E+00 1. 55E+07 1. 28E-11 8. 14E+04 6. 87E+09 2. 16E+09 4. 27E+09 6. 61E-23 1. 10E-08 1. 24E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4 12E+00 7. 51E-12 3. 11E+03 3. 00E+01 1. 30E+05 7. 36E+01 0.OOE+00 5. 55E+01 1.47E+04 1.85E+00 0. OOE+00 1.4 6E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.07E+07 1. 22E+08 5.14E+03 2 .14E+08 2 .28E-09 2 .75E+06 3. 06E-32 1. 54E+07 8.75E+08 1. 05E+12 1. 36E+02 9. 60E+09 8. 40E-10 2. OOE+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1 .04E+09 1.54E+04 1. 39E+09 6.77E-09 9.35E+06 8 .76E-32 6.53E+07 8.58E+06 3 .74E+09 3.24E+00 6.21E+07 4 .03E-Il 2.49E+05 1.75E+10 2 .31E+09 1.62E+10 6.80E-23 1.51E-10 5.71E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8. 15E+03 7.67E+01 3.85E+05 2. 06E+02 0.OOE+00 3. 49E+02 0.OOE+00 6.53E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.18E+09 4.72E+08 6. 55E+09 1 .06E-23 1.52E-I0 1.48E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7. 18E+07 1. 70E+08 1. 33E+05 3. 33E+08 2.17E-07 2.29E+07 1.38E-30 3. 87E+07 1. 67E+06 1.14E+08 2. 35E+00 8. 93E+06 3.73E-II 8.08E+04 1.85E+08 8.80E+07 1.88E+08 2. 18E-22 2. 40E-05 5. 91E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.88E+05 5.33E-06 1.37E+07 1.54E+06 1.33E+08 7. 84E+05 C.00E+00 5.74E+05 2. 50E+06 9.4 6E+04 0. 00E+00 3. 05E+07 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 97 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-13 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S)2 (m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec)-1 Isotope Decay Constant (sec) Ri(G) Ri(S)H-3 1.780E-09 0.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 Be-7 1.505E-07 O.OE+00 O.OE+00 Na-24 1.284E-05 1.19E+07 1.39E+07 P-32 5.614E-07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Cr-51 2.896E-07 4.66E+06 5.51E+06 Mn-54 2.567E-08 1.39E+09 1.62E+09 Mn-56 7.467E-05 9.03E+05 1.07E+06 Fe-55 8.141E-09 0.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 Fe-59 1.802E-07 2.72E+08 3.20E+08 Co-58 1.133E-07 3.79E+08 4.44E+08 Co-60 4.170E-09 2.15E+10 2.53E+10 Ni-63 2.290E-10 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ni-65 7.641E-05 2.97E+05 3.45E+05 Cu-64 1.516E-05 6.07E+05 6.88E+05 Zn-65 3.289E-08 7.46E+08 8.58E+08 Zn-69 2.027E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OE+00 Br-83 8.056E-05 4.87E+03 7.08E+03 Br-84 3.633E-04 2.03E+05 2.36E+05 Br-85 3.851E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 4.299E-07 8.99E+06 1.03E+07 Rb-88 6.490E-04 3.31E+04 3.78E+04 Rb-89 7.600E-04 1.21E+05 1.45E+05 Sr-89 1.589E-07 2.16E+04 2.51E+04 Sr-90 7.548E-10 0.O0E+00 O.OE+00 Sr-91 2.027E-05 2.15E+06 2.51E+06 Sr-92 7.105E-05 7.77E+05 8.63E+05 Y-90 3.008E-06 4.48E+03 5.30E+03 Y-91m 2.324E-04 1.OOE+05 1.16E+05 Y-91 1.371E-07 1.07E+06 1.21E+06 Y-92 5.439E-05 1.80E+05 2.14E+05 Y-93 1.906E-05 1.83E+05 2.51E+05 Zr-95 1.254E-07 2.45E+08 2.84E+08 Zr-97 1.139E-05 2.96E+06 3.44E+06 Nb-95 2.282E-07 1.37E+08 1.61E+08 Mo-99 2.917E-06 3.99E+06 4.62E+06 Tc-99m 3.198E-05 1.84E+05 2.11E+05 Tc-101 8.136E-04 2.04E+04 2.26E+04 Ru-103 2.042E-07 1.08E+08 1.26E+08 Ru-105 4.337E-05 6.36E+05 7.21E+05 Ru-106 2.179E-08 4.22E+08 5.07E+08 Ag-ll0m 3.210E-08 3.44E+09 4.01E+09 Sb-122 2.971E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sb-124 1.333E-07 5.98E+08 6.90E+08 Sb-125 7.935E-09 2.34E+09 2.64E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 98 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-13 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S)2 (m
* mrem/yr per uCi/sec)-1 Isotope Decay Constant (sec) Ri(G) Ri(S)Te-125m 1.383E-07 1.55E+06 2.13E+06 Te-127m 7.360E-08 9.16E+04 1.08E+05 Te-127 2.059E-05 2.98E+03 3.28E+03 Te-129m 2.388E-07 1.98E+07 2.31E+07 Te-129 1.660E-04 2.62E+04 3.10E+04 Te-131m 6.418E-06 8.03E+06 9.46E+06 Te-131 4.621E-04 2.92E+04 3.45E+07 Te-132 2.462E-06 4.23E+06 4.98E+06 1-130 1.558E-05 5.51E+06 6.69E+06 1-131 9.978E-07 1.72E+07 2.09E+07 1-132 8.371E-05 1.25E+06 1.46E+06 1-133 9.257E-06 2.45E+06 2.98E+06 1-134 2.196E-04 4.47E+05 5.30E+05 1-135 2.913E-05 2.53E+06 2.95E+06 Cs-134 1.066E-08 6.86E+09 8.00E+09 Cs-136 6.124E-07 1.50E+08 1.70E+08 Cs-137 7.327E-10 1.03E+10 1.20E+10 Cs-138 3.588E-04 3.59E+05 4.10E+05 Ba-139 1.397E-04 1.05E+05 1.19E+05 Ba-140 6.297E-07 2.04E+07 2.34E+07 Ba-141 6.323E-04 4.17E+04 4.75E+04 Ba-142 1.090E-03 4.44E+04 5.06E+04 La-140 4.781E-06 1.92E+07 2.18E+07 La-142 1.249E-04 7.36E+05 8.84E+05 Ce-141 2.468E-07 1.37E+07 1.54E+07 Ce-143 5.835E-06 2.31E+06 2.63E+06 Ce-144 2.822E-08 6.95E+07 8.04E+07 Pr-143 5.916E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Pr-144 6.685E-04 1.83E+03 2.11E+03 Nd-147 7.306E-07 8.39E+06 1.01E+07 W-187 8.056E-06 2.36E+06 2.74E+06 Np-239 3.399E-06 1.71E+06 1.98E+06 K-40 1.717E-17 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Co-57 2.961E-08 1.88E+08 2.07E+08 Sr-85 1.237E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Y-88 7.523E-08 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Nb-94 1.083E-12 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Nb-97 1.602E-04 1.76E+05 2.07E+05 Cd-109 1.729E-08 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Sn-113 6.970E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ba-133 2.047E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Te-134 2.764E-04 2.22E+04 2.66E+04 Ce-139 5.828E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Hg-203 1.722E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 99 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
===4.0 TOTAL===
===4.1 40CFR190===
Dose Evaluation Per RECS D3.4, the direct radiation com ponent for potential offsite dose is routinely determined and reported, along with doses from effluent.
Radiological Support has determined bounding calculations (using References 26 thro ugh 29) as follows: Direct Radiation Dose = VC + IRWSF + SGM + ISFSI + RMHAs where;VC = The Vapor Containm ent structures IRWSF = The Interim Radioactive Waste Storage Facility SGM = The Steam Generator Mausoleums (both units)ISFSI = The Dry Cask Storage Facility, once active RMHA = Radioactive Material Handling Areas, as posted, summed Other structures or tanks are incl uded as determined by Rad Support. The calculations in References 26 through 29 were performed in order to meet the requirements of the annual effluent report, and N RC Generic Letter 81-38, 11/1 0/1981, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes at Power Reactor Sites."Offsite doses from onsite storage must be sufficiently low to account for other uraniu m fuel cycle sources (e.g., an additional dose of <1 m rem/year is not likely to cause the limits of 40 CFR 190 to be exceeded).
On site dose Ii mits will be controlled per 10CFR20..." The IRWSF, SGM, and RMHAs fence line dose rates are limited by department procedures to keep dose rates at the SITE BOUNDARY fence < 1 mrem/yr based on calculations performed in References 26 through 29. These calculations contain realistic occupancy factors for the SITE BOUNDARY fence and the nearest neighbor.ISFSI dose rate calculations and specifi cation are bounded by a conservatively applied maximum annual dose of 17 mrem at the site boundary.
This special bounding criteria ensure that combined offsite doses (effluent and direct shine) are in compliance with 40CFR190.4.2 Doses From Liquid Releases Doses to real individuals can be determined with the same (maximum individual) methodology described in the ODCM, but with more realistic assumptions with regard to dilution, diet, and occupenncy.
Actual radionuclide concentrations in foodstuffs can be applied per the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP), such that more accurate doses are determined from actual intakes, rather than models only.4.3 Doses From Atmospheric Releases Similarly, real individual methodology can be substituted for maximum individual modeling for airborne releases.
Specific dose transfer factors can be used in lieu of weighted dose transfer factors. Information on the location and occupancy of real individuals, as well as more precise meteorological information and the consumption of foodstuffs, can be employed to re-calcul ate more accurate doses. The REMP can also provide actual concentrations to apply for a more accurate determination than modeling alone.IPEC ODCM Page 100 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Data from the land use census can be used to either extend times from food production to consumption, or otherwise show that the exposure of the critical receptors is reduced.Also, estimates of direct exposure through calculation may be supplanted by REMP results, since these are often more indicative of the true impact at specific locations.
Default values used in NUREG-0133 and Reg Guide 1.109 methodology can be supplanted by m ore specific values if there has been sufficient science and pedigree involved in their determ ination.4.4 Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Visiting the Site Per the RECS Bases, and the discussion regarding gaseous effluent dose rate, visiting MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC will receive negligible dose from plant effluents, as calculated per ODCM Part II, Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, due the application of multiplicative occupancy factors. These factors are determined by comparing the expected hours on site to 8760 hours (the number of hours in a year, which is used in the calculations demonstrated in Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). Examples of these calculations are as follows: example 1: Several students visit the site for an 8-hour guided tour.Their occupancy factor is: 8 / 8760 or .0009.example 2: A man drives his wife to work and drops her off at the security gate each morning, with a total stay-time on site for 2 minutes per day. His occupancy factor is calculated as fol lows: 2 min/60 min per hour =.0333 hr; 0.0333 / 8760 = 3.8E-6 These factors, when multiplied by doses calculated per Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, demonstrate that dose to these M EMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is negligible, despite any potential reduction in the atmospheric dispersion.
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===5.0 LOWER===
LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD)The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):
2.7 1+3.29sb* I+()Tb LLD= T, E
* V
* k
* Y e-where: LLD = The lower limit of detection as defined above (as picocurie per unit mass or volume)Ts = The sample counting time in minutes Sb = The standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the countin g rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)Tb = The background count time in minutes E = The counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)
V = The sample size (in units of mass or volume)k = A constant for the number of transformations per minute per unit of activity (normally, 2.22E+6 dpm per [iCi)Y = The fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)
?= The radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide t = The elapsed time between midpoint of sample collection and time of counting Note: The above LLD form ula accounts for differing background and sample count times.The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, REMP, uses an LLD formula that assumes equal background and sample count times, in accordance with the RECS.When the above LLD formula is more appropriate for the effluents program, it may be used.IPEC ODCM Page 102 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies The constants 2.71 and 3.29 and the general LLD equation were derive d from the following two sources: 1) Currie, L.A. "Limits for Qualitative Detection of Quantitative Determination". (Anal. Chem. 40:586-593, 1968); and, 2) Mayer, Dauer "Application of Systematic Error Bounds to Detection Limits for Practical Counting".(HP Journal 65(1): 89-91,1993)
The value of Sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank sam pies (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoreticall y predicted variance.
In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples. Typical values of E, V, Y, and t shall be used in the calculation.
The background count rate is calculated from the background counts that are determined to be within + one FWHM (Full-Width-at-Half-Maximum) energy band about the energy of the gamma ray peak used for the quantitative analysis for that radionuclide.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defi ned as an a orio (before the fact) lim it representing the capability of a measurement process and not as an a posterior i (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
To handle the a posteriori problem, a decision level must be defined, which has been identified as the Critical Level. Following an experimental observation, one must decide whether or not a real signal was, in fact, detected.
This type of binary qualitative decision is subject to two kinds of error: deciding that the radioactive material is present when it is not (a: Type I error), and the converse, failing to decide that it is present when it is (b: Type II error). The maximum acceptable Type I error (a), together with the standard deviation, Snet, of the net signal when the net si gnal equals zero, establish the Critical Level, Lc, upon which decisions may be based.Operationally, an observed signal, S, must exceed L, to yield the decision, detected.Lc = kaSb(1 +Tb/TS)0 5 where: ka is related to the standardized normal distribution and corresponds to a probability level of 1-a.For instance, selection of a = 0.01 corresponds to a 99% confidence level that activity is present.When determining the Lc for different measurement processes, it is allowable to set a at less than or equal to 0.05 as long as the following condition is met: To set a for Lc determination at less than 0.05, the equation for the LLD (which places a less than or equal to 0.05) should be employed to verify that the calculated LLD is less than or equal to the LLDs specified in the RECS. This calculation, if necessary, will be performed on a case by case basis.IPEC ODCM Page 103 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies REFERENCES
: 1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", USNRC Report NUREG-0133, Washington D.C.20555, October 1978.2. M.E. Wrenn and J. W. Lentsch, "The Fate of Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides Released into the Hudson River Estuary and an Evaluation of Their Environmental Significance", New York University Medical Center, Institute of Environmental Medicine, 1974.3. Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I, Revisions 1 and 0 (original draft for information only), USNRC Washington D.C. 20555, October 1977.4. "An Evaluation to Demonstrate the Compliance of the Indian Point Reactors with the Design Objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I", Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. and Power Authority of the State of New York, February 1977.5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "XOQDOQ Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations", USNRC Report NUREG-0324, Washington D.C. 10555, September 1977. (Later updated by NUREG CR 2919).6. "Semi-Annual Report of Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents for Indian Point Three", Power Authority of the State of New York, January 1, 1978 to June 30, 1980.7. "Environmental Technical Specification Requirements for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Number 3", Power Authority of the State of New York, December 12, 1975 (original ETSR).8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specification for PWR's", USNRC Report NUREG-0472, Washington D.C. 20555.9. Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix ", Revision 1, USNRC, Washington D.C. 10555, October 1977.10. IP-SMM-CY-001, "Radioactive Effluents Control Program" (formerly AP-1 1 for unit 3).11. NUREG/CR-4007, 1984, "Lower Limit of Detection:
Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements".
: 12. New York University Medical Center, "Radioecological Studies of the Hudson River Progress Report (1986-1987)", N.Y.U. New York, New York 10016, March 1988.13. IPI-DM-1 53, "Antimony Dose Factors", IPS Memorandum to M. Kems from D. Mayer, August 8, 1988.14. New York University Medical Center, "Radiological Studies of the Hudson River Progress Report (1987-1988)", N.Y.U. New York, New York 10016, September 1988.IPEC ODCM Page 104 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
: 15. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods of Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (October 1977, Rev. 1).16. CRE Computer Code AEOLUS-3, "A Computer Code for the Determination of Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition of Nuclear Power Plant Effluents During Continuous, Intermittent and Accident Conditions in Open-Terrain Sites, Coastal Sites and Deep-River Valleys," RAD-004, Version 1, Level 2 (June 1991).17. CRE Engineering Calculation IP3-CALC-RAD-00001, "IP3 -Revised ODCM Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters (Multi-Year Hourly Data, Mixed-Mode Releases and Valley Effects, July 1991)," and updated reports from Entech Engineering (March 2005), by John N. Hamawi.18. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.23, "Onsite Meteorological Programs," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2/17/72) (Safety Guide 23 and and proposed revision 1 to the Reg Guide).19. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.145, "Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (August 1979).20. D. H. Slade, Ed., "Meteorology and Atomic Energy -1968," USAEC, TID-24190 (1968).21. WCRE-93-157, "lP3-Annual Average Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition factors for Ground-Level Release, December , 1993 Memorandum Hamawi to Mayer.22 NRC Generic Letter 89-01 (Technical Specification Amendment 199) with NUREG 1301,"Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance:
Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors." 23. Improved Technical Specifications from NUREG 1431, Amendment 205, Feb 2001.24. ERDA 660 (ORNL-4992), "A Methodology for Calculating Radiation Doses from Radioactivity Released to the Environment".
: 25. International Atomic Energy Agency, Generic Models and Parameters for Assessing the Environmental Transfer of Radionuclides from Routine Releases:
Exposures of Critical Groups, Safety Series No. 57, IAEA, Vienna (1978).26. IP3-CALC-RAD-00013, "Radiological Analysis of Site Boundary Gamma Dose from Onsite Radioactive Material Holding Areas".27. MicroShield Manual and Calculations, Grove Engineering.
: 28. M020.02, Calculations for Steam Generator Storage Facility Site Boundary Dose.29. NYPA 3899.001, Calculations for Direct Shine Dose from the Interim Radioactive Waste Storage Facility.30. IPEC CHM-04-035, "Nuclide Mixtures for Instantaneous and Time Average Releases".
: 31. IPEC CHM-05-003, "Site Specific Distances to Site Boundary and Nearest Resident".
IPEC ODCM Page 105 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
: 32. IPEC CHM-06-012, "Updated Ground Water Dose Evaluations", Apr 2006.33. IPEC CHM-05-042, "Update to Initial Monitoring Well Offsite Dose Calculation", Dec 2005.34. Indian Point Technical Specifications (all units).35. Indian Point Final Safety Analysis Reports (all units).36. 10CFR20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation." 37. 40CFR190, "Environmental Rad Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations." 38. Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." 39. G. Knoll, "Radiation Detection and Measurement," (1979)40. TS (RS) 92-24, "Ingestion Dose Factor Methodology." 41. NPG (RS) 92-88, "Process and Effluent Monitor Energy Calibration." 42. NPG (RS) 92-97, "Effective Stack Height for Blowdown Flash Tank Vent." 43. IPEC-CHM-05-022, "Alternative Methods for Liq Rad Monitor Setpoints
/ Conv Factors." 44. IPEC Chemistry Department Procedures 0-CY-2730 and 0-CY-2740, Airborne and Liquid Radioactive Effluents.
: 45. IPEC-CHM-06-026, Reporting Levels and Lower Lim its of Detection for Sr-90 in REMP.I 6/08 46. IPEC-CHM-08-008, Reporting Levels and Low er Limits of Detection for N i-63 in REMP.IPEC ODCM Page 106 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX A
of RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS (RECS)LIQUID: AIRBORNE: Dose The diluted concentration of each Rate isotope in UNRESTRICTED AREAS Dose rate is limited at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to: is limited to ten times the ECs of 10CFR20, defined as the Maximum 0 500 mrem/yr whole body, per site, for noble gases;Permissible Concentrations (MPCw) = 3000 mrem/yr to the skin, per site, for noble gases;identified per Section D1.1. The
* 1500 mrem/yr to any organ, per site for iodine-131, diluted concentration of dissolved or tritium, or 8 day particulates.
entrained noble gases is limited to 2E-4 uCi/ml.Cumulative Dose commitment to any member Air Dose at the SITE BOUNDARY is limited to: of public in UNRESTRICTED 5 mrad per quarter and 10 mrad per year for noble AREAS is limited to: gases, gamma air dose;1 ) In any calendar quarter, 1.5 mremto te toal bdy ad 510 mrad per quarter and 20 mrad per year for noble mrem to the total body and 5air dose.mrem to any organ.2) In a calendar year, 3 mrem to Maximum Individual Dose to a Member of the Public at the total body and 10 mrem to the nearest resident is limited to 7.5 mrem per qtr and any organ. 15 mrem per yr for Iodine, H-3, & 8 day particulates to any organ.Dose Projection Projection of liquid effluent doses Projection of airborne effluent doses shall be computed shall be computed at least every 31 at least every 31 days. If projected doses exceed days. If projected doses exceed: 0.2 mrad gamma air dose, 0.06 mrem citotal boda, o0.4 mrad beta air dose, or 0.2 mrem critical organ, 0.3 mrem to any organ at the nearest residence, clean-up treatment systems are clean-up treatment systems are required to be required to be operational and operational.
applied to future releases.TOTAL DOSE: 25 mrem/yr, all sources, whole body or any organ except thyroid, 75 mrem/yr, all sources, thyroid.IPEC ODCM Page 107 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX B (Page 1 or 2)UNITS 1 and 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM canal canal Others* bc Storm Drains* canal and Ground Water anal Ison River r-lUL*e.g.: House Service Boilers Blowdown; Steam Condensate; Service Water Return; Utility Tunnel Sump (expectedly
<LLD for gamma emitters in effluents).
These and other systems are monitored per the IPEC 80-10 compliance program.IPEC ODCM Page 108 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX B (Page 2 or 2)UNIT 3 LIQUID EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Flash Tank Vent see Fiqure 3-1 IP #1 Waste -SProcessing SI D 0 S /G IB D BGD BI I Recovery H-G Condenser E I Turbine Hall Drains Monitor Tank Vent-Waste See Figure 3-1 Processing Monitor R18~~Tanks C A N Service A Water
* L Corn ponent Cooling, tor Water, A SComponent Cooling Heat Exchan7ger Service WRiver Component Cooling Wae -Heat Exchanger SComponent Cooling WaterR-7 Storm Drains, Ground Water, and 80-10 J- To Hudson River IPEC ODCM Page 109 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX C (Page 1 of 2)UNITS I and 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Ventilated PAB A 'Unit 2 Vent atmosphere Waste Gas Storage Fuel Storage Building Condenser Air Ejector+atmosphere containment MOB Exhaust 0 Blowdown Flash BID Flash Tank k(Unit 2) Vent (Unit 2)S............
*.... *..........
Blowdown Flash 0
* B/D Flash Tank..........
.Vent (Unit 1, for SBBPS)* from other unit atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere Unit 1 Stack atmosphere IPEC ODCM Page 110 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX C (Page 2 of 2)UNIT 3 GASEOUS EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Batch Release Points Vents Cont.R e le a s e M ot, ser Point .Monitor LiquidTanks Waste Cont.Ri Release R1S Point serRecirc See igh alarm River Figure 2-1 alrm or J PV m Point Raioc tie -Point IPEC ODCM Page 111 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX D STEAM PARTITION FACTOR CALCULATION (f)The Steam Partition Factor f for the Unit 2 flash tank vent is given by: f = hBD -180 970 For the secondary boiler blowdown purification system flash tank, the factor f is calculated by: f hBD -291 895 Where;hBD is the enthalpy of blowdow n liquid, as taken from SOP 15.1, "Calorimetric Thermal Power Calculation," in BTU/Ibm. A typical value = 500 BTU/lbm.180 or 291 is the enthalpy of condensed water in each flash tank, in BTU/Ibm 970 or 895 is the enthalpy of associated with the latent heat of vaporization in each tank, in BTU/lbm f = A multiplicative factor used to determine the curies of H-3 escaping the flash tank vent, as follows: f
* SGBD activity (uCi/ml)
* SGBD flowrate (gpm)
* 3785 ml/gal
* min = uCi released from vent (1-f)
* SGBD activity (uCi/ml)
* SGBD flowrate (gpm)
* 3785 ml/gal
* min = Liquid uCi released IPEC ODCM Page 112 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX E ALLOWED DILUTED CONCENTRATION (ADC)The Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC) is derived and calculated as follows: MPCWt
* CGMP t ADC= or ADC= or ADC= MPCWt Total activity CG+CB 1+ C,/CG Where;ADC = Allowed diluted concentration in jiCi/ml MPCWt = Maximum permissible concentration in water for all isotopes (beta &gamma), in uCi/ml, as defined in RECS D3.1.1, as follows: CIa MPCWt = i.\ /YMP CWi/Where;Ci and M PCWi = Concentration and M PCW for each isotope CB = The concentration of the non gamma emitters, in &#xfd;tCi/cc CG = The concentration of the gamma emitters in uCi/mI Applications of ADC: If simultaneous liquid radioactive discharges are being performed from one unit, dilution flows may need to be re-apportioned.
This may be performed by allocation or by calculation.
The required dilution flow is calculated as follows: E Dr
* CG ADC where;Dr = Current release discharge rate, gpm E = Required dilution for current existing release(s), gpm The permissible discharge rate is then calculated as follows: D=ADC *B CG Where: D = Permissible discharge rate in gal/min B = Adjusted dilution flow (Available
-E, above), in gpm Note that when there are no other releases (E=O), B simply becomes the available dilution flow.IPEC ODCM Page 113 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX F CONVERSION FACTORS FOR LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORS Monitor conversion factors are derived from circulating a representative sample (or NIST traceable fluid) through t he monitor until a stable reading is obtained.
The conversion factor is then determined by quantifying the uCi /cc (by gamma spectroscopy or known activity) and dividing this value by the net cpm displayed on the monitor.Fluid may be recirculated within the monitoring system, or introduced into a closed loop, to provide elevated, stable readings on the monitor. This fluid should be representative of the expected nuclide mixture in the system, as the conversion factor is energy-dependent.
When the process fluid itself is of sufficient activity to provide this function, it is this fluid that is measured and applied to develop a typical conversion factor.When the process fluid is usually free of contamination, N IST traceable fluid must be injected into the sample chamber to accomplish this task.Once the sample chamber is providing a stable reading, an alequate of the fluid is measured by gamma spectroscopy to determ ine the average energy and the m onitor's conversion factor.Conversion Factors for effluent monitors are maintained by Chemistry and updated when standard mixtures change which would warrant an im proved average energy representation.
If desired, a more robust method can be applied per Reference 43.IPEC ODCM Page 114 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 1 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION
/STATION DR1/57 DR2/59 DR3/90 DR4/28 DR5/35 DR6/88 DR7/14 DR8/03 DR9/34 DRI 0/05 DR1 1/53 DR1 2/74 DR13/76 DR14/78 DR1 5/80 DR16/82 DR17/58 DR18/60 DR1 9/62 DR20/64 DR21/66 DR22/67 DR23/69 DR24/92 DR25/71 DR26/72 DR27/73 DR28/81 DR29/77 DR30/79 DR31/75 DR32/83 DR33/33 DR34/38 DR35/89 DR36/61 DR37/56 DR38/20 DR39/29 DR40/23 DR41/27* Control Station LOCATION Roa Hook Old Pemart Avenue Charles Point Lents Cove Broadway and Bleakley Avenue Reuter-Stokes Pole #6 Water Meter House Service Center Building South East Corner of Site NYU Tower White Beach West Shore Drive -South West Shore Drive -North Rt. 9W, across from R/S #14 Rt. 9W -South of Ayers Road Ayers Road Rt. 9D -Garrison Gallows Hill Road and Sprout Brook Road West Brook Drive (near the Community Center)Lincoln Road -Cortlandt (School Parking Lot)Croton Ave. -Cortlandt Colabaugh Pond Rd. -Cortlandt Mt. Airy & Windsor Road Warren Rd. -Cortlandt Warren Ave. -Haverstraw Railroad Ave. & 9W Haverstraw Willow Grove Rd. & Captain Faldermeyer Drive Palisades Parkway, Lake Welch Exit Palisades Parkway Anthony Wayne Park Palisades Parkway Rt. 9W Fort Montgomery Hamilton Street (Substation)
Furnace Dock. (Substation)
Highland Ave. & Sprout Brook Rd. (near Rock Cut)Lower South Street and Franklin Street Verplanck
-Broadway & 6 th St.Cortlandt Yacht Club (aka Montrose Marina)Grassy Point*Roseton Croton Point DISTANCE 2.0 mi -N 1.8 mi- NNE 0.88 mi -NE 0.45 mi -ENE 0.37 mi -E 0.32 mi- ESE 0.3 mi -SE 0.35 mi -SSE 0.52 mi -S 0.88 mi -SSW 0.92 mi -SW 1.59 mi -WSW 1.21 mi -W 1.2 mi -WNW 1.02 mi- NW 1.01 mi-NNW 5.41 mi- N 5.02 mi -NNE 5.03 mi- NE 4.6 mi- ENE 4.87 mi -E 4.5 mi -ESE 4.97 mi -SE 3.84 mi -SSE 4.83 mi -S 4.53 mi -SSW 4.97 mi -SW 4.96 mi -WSW 4.15 mi-W 4.57 mi -WNW 4.65 mi- NW 4.82 mi -NNW 2.88 mi- NE 3.43 mi -SE 2.89 mi -NNE 1.3 mi- NE 1.25 mi -SSW 1.5 mi -S 3.37 mi -SSW 20.7 mi -N 6.36 mi -SSE IPEC ODCM Page 115 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 2 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/
STATION LOCATION A1/4 A2/94 A3/95 A4/5 A5/23 Airborne Algonquin Gas Line IPEC Training Center Meteorological Tower NYU Tower*Roseton DISTANCE 0.28 mi -SW 0.39 mi -S 0.46 mi -SSW 0.88 mi- SSW 20.7 mi- N Wa 1/9 Wa2/10 Waterborne
-Surface (Hudson River Water)*Plant Inlet (Hudson River Intake)0.
16 mi -W Discharge Canal (Mixing Zone)0.3 m i -WSW Waterborne
-Drinking Wbl/7 Camp Field Reservoir Soil From Shoreline 3.4 mi -NE Wcl/53 Wc2/50 Exposure Pathway/Sample:
Milk White Beach*Manitou Inlet 0.92 mi -SW 4.48 mi -NNW There are no milch animals whose milk is used for human consumption within 8 km distance of Indian Point; therefore, no milk samples are taken (lal -la4).Exposure Pathway/Sample:
Ingestion-Fish and Invertebrates The RECS designate two required sample locations labeled Ib1/25 and lb2/23. The downstream Ibl location and samples will be chosen where it is likely to be affected by plant discharge.
Ib2 will be a location upstream that is not likely to be affected by plant discharge.
The following species along with other com mercially/recreationally important species are considered accep table: 6/08 Striped Bass Bluegill Sunfish White Perch Pumpkin Seed White Catfish Blueback Herring American Eel Crabs Exposure Pathway/Sample:
Ingestion-Food Products (Broad Leaf Vegetation)
Icl/95 Ic2/94 Ic3/23 Meteorological Tower IPEC Training Center*Roseton 0.46 mi -SSW 0.39 mi -S 20.7 mi -N*Control Station IPEC ODCM Page 116 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 3 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/
STATION SAMPLE TYPES DR8/3 A1/4 A4, DR10/5 Wbl/7**/8 Wa 1/9 Wa2/10 DR7/14**/137 DR38/20 Ib2,A5,DR40,Ic3/23 Ibl/25 DR41/27 DR4/28 DR39/29 DR33/33 DR9/34 DR5/35 DR34/38**/44 Wc2/50 Wcl, DR11/53 DR37/56 DR1/57 DRI 7/58 DR2/59 DR18/60 LOCATION Service Center Building Algonquin Gas Line NYU Tower Camp Field Reservoir Croton Reservoir*Plant Inlet (Hudson River Intake)Discharge Canal (Mixing Zone)Water Meter House Off Verplanck Cortlandt Yacht Club (AKA Montrose Marina)*Roseton where available, downstream Croton Point Lents Cove Grassy Point Hamilton Street (Substation)
South East Corner of Site Broadway & Bleakley Avenue Furnace Dock (Substation)
Peekskill Gas Holder Building*Manitou Inlet White Beach Verplanck
-Broadway & 6 1h Street Roa Hook Rt. 9D Garrison Old Pemart Ave.Gallows Hill Road and Sprout Brook Road Lower South Street and Franklin Street West Brook Drive (near the Community Center)Lincoln Road -Cortlandt (School Parking Lot)Croton Ave. -Cortlandt Colabaugh Pond Rd. -Cortlandt Mt. Airy & Windsor Road DISTANCE 0.35 mi -SSE 0.28 mi -SW 0.88 mi -SSW 3.4 mi -NE 6.3 mi -SE 0.16 mi -W 0.3 mi -WSW 0.3 mi -SE 1.5 mi -SSW 1.5 mi- S 6/08 3 1,2 1,2,3 6 6 7 7,8 3 8,9,10 3 20.7 mi- N N/A 6.36 mi -SSE 0.45 mi -ENE 3.37 mi -SSW 2.88 mi -NE 0.52 mi -S 0.37 mi -E 3.43 mi -SE 1.84 mi -NE 4.48 mi -NNW 0.92 mi -SW 1.25 mi- SSW 2.0 mi -N 5.41 mi- N 1.8 mi- NNE 5.02 mi -NNE 1.3 mi- NE 5.03 mi -NE 4.6 mi -ENE 4.87 mi -E 4.5 mi- ESE 4.97 mi -SE 1,2,3,4,5,11,12 12 1,2,3 3,8,9,10 1,2,3 3 3 3 3 1,2,11 10 3,10 3 3 3 3 3 DR36/61 DR1 9/62 DR20/64 DR21/66 DR22/67 DR23/69 3 3 3 3 3 3* Control Station** Items are in excess of RECS requirements IPEC ODCM Page 117 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 4 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/
STATION SAMPLE TYPES DR25/71 DR26/72 DR27/73 DR1 2/74 DR31/75 DR13/76 DR29/77 DR14/78 DR30/79 DR15/80 DR28/81 DR16/82 DR32/83**/84**/85 DR6/88 DR35/89 DR3/90 DR24/92 A2, Ic2/94 A3, Ic1/95 MW-40/104 MW-51/105 LOCATION Warren Avenue -Haverstraw Railroad Ave. & 9W -Haverstraw Willow Grove Rd. & Captain Faldermeyer Dr West Shore Drive -South Palisades Parkway West Shore Drive -North Palisades Parkway Rte. 9W, across from R/S #14 Anthony Wayne Park Rte. 9W -South of Ayers Road Palisades Parkway, Lake Welch Exit Ayers Road Rte. 9W -Fort Montgomery
*Cold Spring Quality Control Reuter-Stokes Pole #6 Highland Ave. & Sprout Brook Road (near rock cut)Charles Point Warren Rd. -Cortlandt IPEC Training Center Meteorological Tower DISTANCE 4.83 mi -S 4.53 mi -SSW 4.97 mi -SW 1.59 mi -WSW 4.65 mi -NW 1.21 mi -W 4.15 mi-W 1.2 mi -WNW 4.57 mi -WNW 1.02 mi- NW 4.96 mi -WSW 1.01 mi- NNW 4.82 mi -NNW 10.88 mi- N 0.32 mi- ESE 2.89 mi -NNE 0.88 mi- NE 3.84 mi -SSE 0.39 mi -S 0.46 mi -SSW 0.21 mi -SW 0.18 mi -SSW 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8,9,10 6 3 3 3 3 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5 6/08 Boundary Well #40 Boundary Well #51 13 13* Control Station** Items are in excess of RECS requirements Sample types are: particulates Radioiodine Direct gamma Broadleaf vegetation Soil Drinking water Hudson River (H.R.) water bottom sediment-silt H.R. aquatic vegetation H.R. shoreline soil Fallout Fish and invertebrates Ground Water Boundary M onitoring (see ODCM Part I, Figure D 4.1-1)IPEC ODCM Page 118 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 5 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLING LOCATIONS Within Two Miles of Indian Point N Peekskill Rockland County Indian 3 Point., 0 ~ d~4 1 ~Ibi Hudson Ic1l River 1c2 Buci Verplanck (38 Key: A -Waterborne:
Surface (HR) Wa#O -Direct Radiation Sample Location DR#0 -Air Particulate
& Radioiodine A#-HR Shoreline Sediment Wc#Westchester County 1 mile an Ic# -Broadleaf Vegetation Ibl -Fish and Invertebrates (where available downstream)
IPEC ODCM Page 119 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 6 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLING LOCATIONS Greater Than Two Miles from Indian Point N Roseton (20.7 mi. N): *E Upstream:
Ib2@ Ic3 Orange County 2 Bear Mountain Bridge ndian Point G@ Hudso River Rockland County Key: 0 -Direct Radiation Sample Location DR#[] -Air Particulate
& Radioiodine A#.-HR Shoreline Sediment Wc#O -Waterborne:
Drinking Wb#C Putnam County 5 miles Westchester County Ic3 -Broadleaf Vegetation Ib2 -Fish and Invertebrates (where available upstream)IPEC ODCM Page 120 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 7 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS ADDITIONAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS N Roseton (20.7 mi. N): 23 p-1 6/08 Orange County Bear Mountain Bridge 10: 41 , Putnam County Cold Spring (1.0.88 mi, N) 84 Y 410 17: V 104/105 :gw 29: N Rockland County 27: d/Westchester County 8: dw 5 miles Key: E -Air Particulate
& Radioiodine V -Aquatic Vegetation
-* -HR Bottom Sediment p -Precipitation dw -Drinking Water 0- HR Shoreline Sediment* -Soil gw -Ground Water Boundary Monitoring (see detailed site map)IPEC ODCM Page 121 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX H INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM Laboratories used for analysis of samples to support the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) participate in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program or comparable program with an approved vendor (EPA, NIST, etc).Samples of various media containing known activities of radionuclides are sent to participating laboratories for analyses.
Results of the analyses are compared to the known values.While laboratory results may be reported in terms of normalized deviations from a known value (generally
+ 3 sigma), the results are evaluated for acceptance criteria using the NRC 's standardized com parison requirements for agreement found in the site quality control procedures (as a function of resolution).
Annual results of the interlab participation, along with resolution and agreement criteria, are summarized in the Annual Environmental Operating Report.IPEC ODCM Page 122 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 1 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 Primary Assumptions: " Units 2 and 3 effective dose factors (KLMN) are equivalent, except for unit-specific finite cloud correction factors, which represent different recirculation contribution, as required.* For instantaneous release calculations, the default (initial) condition is for each unit to share (50-50) in the application of the site's 10CFR20 limit (converted to uCi/sec from mrem/yr).* The following data represent long-term meteorological factors. Short term correction, if applicable, should be applied to these values, as discussed in Section 3.5, and Reference 17.Unit 1 or 2 Site Nearest 5-miles Release Points Receptor Boundary Resident Down Valley, Haverstraw Concentration 2.219E-06 1.030E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 755 ml [SSW, 1574 m]Primary Vent Releases Deposition 1.407E-08 7.517E-09 D/Q (M-2) [SSW, 755 m [S, 1133 ml Concentration 2.873E-05 5.158E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 440 m] [SSW, 1374 m]Ground Level Releases Deposition 8.759E-08 1.878E-08 1.35E-09 D/Q (M-2) [SSW, 440 m [S, 933 m]Unit 3 Site Nearest 5-miles Release Point Receptor Boundary Resident Down Valley, Haverstraw Concentration 4.473E-06 1.016E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SW, 350 m] [SSW, 1574 m]Primary Vent Deposition 2.599E-08 7.451E-09 Releases D/Q (m-2) [SSW, 480 m] [S, 1133 m] 1.35E-09 Concentration 6.980E-05 5.158E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 250 m] [SSW, 1374 m]Ground Level Releases Deposition 2.012E-07 1.878E-08 1.35E-09 DIQ (M-2) [SSW, 250 m] [S, 933 m]IPEC ODCM Page 123 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 2 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 Instantaneous Release Rates vs Dose Rates Indian Point units 2 and 3 share a common site boundary limit of 500 mrem/yr. This 500 mrem/yr limit was divided between the units based upon a 50-50 split of the release rate in [iCi/sec.
Because each unit has its own X/Q and K-bar, equal ptCi/sec discharges from each plant will result in different dose rates for each plant at the most restrictive site boundary location.
In order to define the split of the 500 mrem/yr limit, IPEC units 2 and 3 must base the dose split on the mixture presented in Table 3-8.Dose Split Between IP2 and IP3 A. Instantaneous Dose Rates and Calculation of Allowable Release Rate in uCi/sec: i. Whole Body Dose Rate Calculations:
Given: a) site limit is 500 mrem/yr Note: b) IP3 worst sector X/Q = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 mrem
* m3 Units 2 and 3 effective c) IP3 K-bar for instantaneous mixture = 849 yr dose factors (KLMN)d) wr care equivalent, except d) IP2 worst sector X/Q = 2.22E-6 sec/in 3  for site-specific finite cloud correction, as e) IP2 K-bar for instantaneous mixture = 1507 mremm defined in Table 3-8.pCi
* yr f) Q = iCi/sec Solve for Q: Q [ (X/Q 3) (K bar 3) + (X/Q 2) (K bar 2)] = 500 mrem/yr Q [ (4.47E-6)
(849) + (2.22E-6)
(1507)1 = 500 mrem/yr Therefore, without performing any specific calculations for an actual release, the default back-calculated instantaneous release rate (Q) for either unit = 7.OOE+4 pLCiIsec.In other words, if both u nits were releasing at this rate, with the default instantaneous mixture identified in Table 3-8, IPEC would be releasing at 500 mrem/yr (the RECS and 1OCFR20 release rate limit).Since this value assumes ALL releases are included (per unit), a partitioning factor should be applied for each applicable release point when this limit is used. Should it become necessary to "borrow" from the other unit, isotopic mixtures from specific sample results should replace the dose factors used in this default calculation.
Without specific sample data, the default SITE release rate limit is then: 1.40E5 uCilsec.IPEC ODCM Page 124 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 3 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 ii. Skin Dose Rate Calculations:
Given: a) site limit is 3,000 mrem/yr b) IP3 worst sector X/Q = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 mrem
* m3 c) IP3 (Li + 1.1 Mi) = 2306 u ieym pCi e yr d) IP2 X/Q for SSW sector = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 e) IP2 (Li + 1.1 Mi) = 3071 pCi e yr f) Q = uCi/sec Solve for Q: Q [(X/Q)3 (Li + 1.1 Mi)3 + (X/Q)2 (Li + 1.1 Mi)2] = 3,000 mrem/yr Q [(4.47E-6)
(2306) + (2.22E-6)
(3071)] = 3,000 m rem/yr Q = 1.75E+5 [tCi/sec (less restrictive than Whole Body)iii. Solve for WB dose rate commitments per site (with Q 7.OOE+4 uCi/sec)Indian Point 2: (7.00E+4 &#xfd;tCi/sec)
(2.22E-6 sec/m 3) (1507 mrem M =234 mremlyr (pCi e yr Indian Point 3: mreme*m (7.OOE+4 ptCi/sec)
(4.47E-6 sec/m 3) (849 ) = 266 mrem/yr pCi e yr The less restrictive skin dose rate limit for each unit (information only): mreme*m Unit 2: (1.75E+5 uCi/sec) (2.22E-6 sec/m 3) (3071 ) = 1194 mrem/yr pCi 9 yr mrem 0 M3 Unit 3: (1.75E+5 uCi/sec) (4.47E-6 sec/rn) (2306 ) = 1806 mrrem/yr PCi -yr IPEC ODCM Page 125 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 4 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 RELEASE RATE LIMITS FOR QUARTERLY AND ANNUAL AVERAGE NOBLE GAS RELEASES Gamma air dose Beta air dose For a Calendar Quarter 5 mrad limit 10 mrad limit For a Calendar Year 10 mrad limit 20 mrad limit I. Assumptions:
: 1. Doses are delivered to the air at the site boundary.2. Finite cloud geometry is assumed for noble gas releases at site boundary.3. X/Q for Unit 2 = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 , (Q = release rate uCi/sec)4. X/Q for Unit 3 = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 , (Q = release rate uCi/sec)5. Gamma and Beta air dose factors (M and N), Corrected for finite cloud geometry (as described on Table 3-8) are as follows: Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective Units average dose factors average dose factors= 281 = 181 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3= 1254 =1254 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3 I1. Calculation of Quarterly Release Rates: a) for gamma dose: (Q )*[(M)(X/Q)]
less than or equal to 5 m rad/qtr b) for beta dose: (Q )*[(N)(X/Q)]
less than or equal to 10 mrad/qtr gamma dose rate beta dose rate unit 2 Q= 5mrad/qtr
-3.21E+4 tCi/sec (1/ 4yr)(M)(X
/Q)Q= l0mrad /qtr = 1.44E+4 [tCi/sec (1 / 4yr)(N)(X
/ Q)unit 3 2.47E+4 itCi/sec 7.14E+3 [iCi/sec Based on the above analysis, the beta dose is limiting for time average doses.Therefore, the allowable quarterly average release rates are 1.44E+4 [tCi/sec for unit 2 and 7.14E+3 iiCi/sec for unit 3.Ill. Calculation of Calendar Year Release Rate Annual limits are one half of quarterly limits. Therefore, using Beta air dose as most limiting, the maximum annual average release rates are 7.20E+3 [tCi/sec for unit 2 and 3.57E+3 ltCi/sec for unit 3.IPEC ODCM Page 126 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 5 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 ALLOWABLE INSTANTANEOUS RELEASE RATE for 1-131 & Particulates w/ TY 2> 8 DAYS)Given: Wv(in): X/Q at the Site Boundary for 1P3 = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 Wv(in): X/Q at the Site Boundary for 1P2 = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 Pl(c) = 1.62 E7 mrem/yr/Ci /m 3 Assumed Pathway: Child Inhalation at Unrestricted Area Boundary Solve the following equation for Q:[(Q)Pl(c)(Wv(in))
Unit 3] + [(Q)PI(c)(Wv(in))
Unit 2] = 1500 mrem/yr IP3: (Q)PI(c)(Wv(in))3
= Q
* 1.62E7 mrem / yr 4.47E-6 s/m 3 POCi / m 3 IP2: (Q)Pl(c)(Wv(in))2
= Q
* 1.62E7 mnrem,/yr 2.22E-6 s/m 3 pUCi / m 3 The sum equals : (108) (Q) mrem/yr per uCi/sec Limit is 1500 mrem/yr per site: Therefore:
108 *Q mrem/yr _ 1500 mrem/yr T o 8 Ci / sec Q = 1.38E+1 ICi/sec (for each unit)=*72.4=Q36.0 mrem / yr pCi / sec mrem / yr pCi / sec IP3 Dose Contribution:
IP2 Dose Contribution:
pCi 2 mrem m3 sec 1.38E+1 sec*1.62E7
*4.47E-6 3 = 1003 mrem/yr sec yr ptCi m3 1.38E+1 Pci*1.62E7mrem m3 *2.22E-6sec
= 497 mrem/yr sec yr 10Ci me Sum = 1500 mrem/yr (Approximately a 67 / 33 percent dose split for IP3 and IP2 respectively).
IPEC ODCM Page 127 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 6 of 7 ALLOWABLE QUARTERLY and ANNUAL IODINE/PARTICULATE RELEASE RATES DOSE LIMITS AT THE NEAREST RESIDENT Dose factors for the child, thyroid (for Iodine 131 ) are used for this category as a conservative assumption since this nuclide has the highest thyroid dose factor of all iodines and particulates, and its most significant effect in on the child age group. The H-3 dose factor is about 4 orders of magnitude less significant and its contribution to the total dose is considered negligible.
The back-calculated release rate for Iodine and Particulate is as follows: X/Q (in sec/m 3 at the nearest reside nt)D/Q (in m 2 at the nearest resident)Unit 2 1.03E-6 7.52E-9 Unit 3 1.02E-6 7.45E-9 RI(c) = 1.62E+7 mrem/yr child thyroid inhalation dose factor for 1-131 ROCi / m e 'RG = 1.72E+7 m2 mreml/yr, ground plane dose factor for 1-131 pCi / sec (for both units)(for both units)RV(c) = 4.75E+10 m 2 mremcyr, child thyroid vegetation dose facto r for 1-131 (for both units)PCi / see Calculating the allowable time average release rate by solving the following equation for Q: Q [(Rlc)(X/Q)
+ (RG)(D/Q)
+ (RVc)(D/Q)]
= limit in mrem/yr (Rlc)(X/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =(RG) (D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RVc)(D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Unit 2 Unit 3 16.7* 0 16.5*0 0.129" Q 0.128* Q 357" Q 354* Q The sum for each unit ( X
* Q ) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec. 374
* Q 371
* Q Quarterly time average limit is 7.5 mrem to any organ (or 30 mrem/yr).
Solving for 0 yields: (IP2)
* 374 mrem/yr _ 30 mrem/yr;pCi/sec (IP3) Q
* 371 mrem/yr -30 mrem/yr;pCi / sec (Quarterly Limit)8.02E-2 jiCi/sec 8.10E-2 jiCi/sec (Annual Limit)4.01 E-2 gCi/sec 4.05E-2 gCi/sec (Annual limits are 1/2 quarterly limits, or 15 mrem to any organ/yr)IPEC ODCM Page 128 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 7 of 7 ALLOWABLE QUARTERLY and ANNUAL IODINE/PARTICULATE RELEASE RATES DOSE LIMITS AT THE 5-MILE SECONDARY RECEPTOR (when aDolied)Dose factors for the infant, thyroid (for Iodine 13 1) are used for this category as a conservative assumption since this nuclide has the highest thyroid dose factor of all iodines and particulates, and its most significant effect is on the infant age group at this location.
When applied (as required by the applicable current Land Use Census), this pathway may be approximately four times more limiting than the Primary Receptor.
The back-calculated release rate for Iodine and Particulate are as follows: X/Q (in sec/m 3 at 5-miles down valley)D/Q (in m-2 at 5-miles down valley)Units 2 or 3 7.22E-7 1.35E-9 RI(i) = 1.48E+7 mrem/yr, infant thyroid inhalation dose factor for 1-131 Ci / m 3'RG = 2.10OE+7 M2 mrMC / yr, ground plane dose factor for 1-131 R) E m / Sec RC(i) = 1.05E+12 M2 mrem/yr, infant thyroid cow-milk dose factor for 1-131/ Sec (for both units)(for both units)(for both units)(there is no vegetative pathway for the infant)Calculating the allowable time average release rate by solving the following equation for Q" Q [(Rli)(X/Q)
+ (RG)(D/Q)
+ (RCi)(D/Q)]
= limit in mrem/yr Q (Rli)(X/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RG) (D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RCi)(D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =The sum for each unit ( X
* Q ) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec.Units 2 or 3 10.7* Q 0.028
* Q 1412
* Q 1428
* Q Quarterly time average limit is 7.5 mrem to any organ (or 30 mrem/yr).Solving for Q yields the following limits, at either unit: Q
* 1428 mrem/yr _ 30 mrem/yr;/iCi / sec (Quarterly Limit)2.10E-2 [tCi/sec (Annual Limit)1.05E-2 jICi/sec (Annual limits are 2 quarterly limits, or 15 mrem to any organ/yr)IPEC ODCM Page 129 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 1 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Overview: Site hydrologists have verified the overall direction of groundwater flow at IPEC to be ultimately into the Hudson River. From this established understanding, two independent models are applied to determine groundwater flowrates from the site into the river, the precipitation mass balance and the Darcy's Law models.The precipitation mass balance model applied prior to 2007 was enhanced and further validated for 2007 and beyond by a calibration process involving the Darcy's Law model. A total of six zones on site are evaluated to better partition the distribution of flow across the site. Each zone was also further subdivided into a s hallow flow regime and a deeper flow regime based on the depth-specific differences in formation hydraulic conductivity.
In addition, the groundwater flow val ues before and after the Discharge Canal were com puted and compared to estimate the amount of groundwater flowing into the canal as well as that discharging directly to the river. The overall precipitation mass balance model was also validated through calibration against a Darcy's Law model relative to groundwater flow through each zone. This calibration was also used to provide the basis for the 6/08 depth specific and pre-canal/post-ca nal differentiation of flow values in each zone.The concentrations at groundwater to surface water discharge points were updated using wells specifically drilled at these points for a more accurate assessment of the plume boundaries, limits and release concentrations.
Average concentrations are used, and based on multiple samples, generally at least one per quarter per elevation per well. The additional .wells, and the instrumentation installed therein, also provides further definition of groundwater elevations to enha nce the Darcy's Law calibration of the precipitation mass balance model. The hydrology portion of the fin al model was produced by IPEC's hydrological consultant, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. The specific processes for release and dilution flow evaluation are defined in the following text.The precipitation mass balance model partitions the precipitation falling on the watershed catchment area (i.e., that portion of the Facility area where the surface topography is sloped towards the river)into water that infiltrates the ground to become groundwater (GW), water which infiltrates but then moves back into the atmosphere via evaporation
/transpiration and other processes, and water that flows off the surface as storm water (SW).There are five parameters required by the precipitation mass balance method of computing radionuclide release rate to the Hudson River via the groundwater pathway.1. Overall direction of qroundwater flow -The surface topography shows that the IPEC facility is located in a significant depression in the eastern bank of the Hudson River. Given that groundwater elevations generally mirror ground surface topography and groundwater flow is from high elevations to lower elevations, the groundwater flows from the north, east and south towards the facility, with ultimate discharge to the Hudson River to the west.2. Facility-specific Wroundwater flow paths -To establish facility-specific groundwater flow paths relative to on-site release areas, facili ty ground surface topography mapping was used. These flow paths were refined based on groundwater contours developed from the groundwater elevations measured with transducers install ed in groundwater monitoring installations.
The groundwater flow in each zone was then proportioned into shallow flow and deeper flow regimes based on relative hydraulic conductivities measured for the geologic deposits in each zone.IPEC ODCM Page 130 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 2 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS 3. Rate of groundwater flow -The groundwater flow rates through the individual z ones were computed using mass-balance relationships that begin with the overall average yearly precipitation for the watershed area an d then subtract out precipitation volum es reflecting removal mechanisms such as:* Direct evaporation;
* Vegetative transpiration;
* Paved and roof surfaces -transport precipitation directly to the river via storm drains;" Footing drains.The net precipitation infiltration rates resulting in groundwater flow were adopted from a USGS study performed specifically for the Westchester County area, the location in which the facility is sited. The total groundwater flow rate was i nitially proportioned relative to the c atchment areas associated with individual groundwater flow zones.These groundwater flow val ues were subsequently refined using the relative flow values computed using the Darcy's Law model (changes in hydraulic pressure).
The gradient was computed from the groundwater elevati on contours.
For this computation, each flow zone was segregated into two depth regim es; a higher hydraulic conductivity shallow regime and a lower conductivity deeper regime. Finally, the zone-specific flow rates before the Discharge Canal were compared to those after the canal to evaluate the groundwater flux to the river via the Discharge Canal as compared to that discharging directly to the river.4. Groundwater radionuclide concentration
-A number of multi-level groundwater monitoring installations are in place up-gradient of the Discharge Canal and along the waterfront, thus allowing the radionuclide concentrations to be measured for groundwater flowing into the canal as well as that near the groundwater/river interface.
: 5. Radionuclide release rate to river -Once the grou ndwater flow rates were established, the zone-specific radionuclide release rates to the Hudson River were computed by multiplying the area/depth-specific groundwater flow rates ti mes the associated radionuclide concentr ations;these individual zone-specific values were then summed to arrive at the total radionuclide release rate to the river.Over the entire watershed catchm ent area of 3.2 million ft 2 , the GW and SW has been segmented relative to areas of the facility through which it flows (primarily established based on the relative concentrations and types of contam inants in the various facility areas). The bulk of the GW activity is identified down gradient of the Unit 2 transformer yard. While tritium is suspected to have originated at both Unit 2 and U nit 1 leaks, most of the offsite dose has been demonstrated to originate from Unit 1 contamination from Sr-90 and other radionuclides (tritium has little dose effect). Stream tubes have been drawn throug h the boundaries of these areas to define six individual groundwater flow zones: ZONES:* Northern Clean Zone, the area north of Unit 2;* Unit 2 North Zone, the northern areas of Unit 2, including some I ow levels of tritium;* Unit I and 2 Zone, the area encompassing most of the known plume, between units 1 and 2;* Unit 3 North Zone, the area between U nit 1 and Unit 3;* Unit 3 South Zone, the area that primarily includes operating areas of Unit 3;* Southern Clean Zone, south of Unit 3 to the edge of the property line.IPEC ODCM Page 131 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 3 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Overall, the partitioning is established for groundwater and storm water, including recharge rates where storm drains and ground water com municate.
In each zone, the groundwater flow is further subdivided into a shallow flow regime and a deeper flow regime based on the depth-specific differences in formation hydraulic conductivity.
In addition, the groundwater flow values determined from hydraulic pressure differences before and after the Discharge Canal, were computed and compared to estimate the amount of groundwater flow ing into the canal as well as that discharging directly to the river.Source Terms: Concentrations of identi fled radionuclides for all Zones (from quarterly groundwater sam pling data from Monitoring Wells and the accumulated Storm Drain sample data) are then applied for routine offsite dose cacluations per ODCM Part II, Section 2. All wells and storm drains are analyzed for gamma spectroscopy and tritium by liquid scintillation.
Additionally, groundwater analyses are completed for beta emitters, such as Ni-63 and Sr-90. Quarterly results from effected wells in the effluent locations are evaluated to com pute an average source term for each area or zone.If a result is below MDC (whether positive or negative) it was not included in the computed average, so as not to drive the computed average value down. Therefore more conservative average values, based on only those results above MDC, should be used to avoid averaging in zero and negative values (below M DC) for any location that had at lea st one identified value above M DC. However, if all the sampling locations assigned to a given stream tube provided results below the M DC, then an average concentration value of zero can be assigned to the effected portion of the stream tube. (This mathematically allows the calculation to proceed in the absence of positive detections).
Ground Water and Storm Drain Source Term selection to the canal is as follows: Streamtube Manholes Monitoring Wells, Monitoring Wells, upper zone lower zone Northern Clea n NA Background
Clean Zone Unit 2 MW-52-11 MW-52-64 MW-52-122 North None MW-52-48 MW-52-162 MW-52-18 MW-52-181 MW-36-24 MW-36-41 MW-32-92 MW-32-140 Units MW-36-52 MW-50-42 MW-32-165 MW-32-196 MH-4A MW-50-66 MW-54-37 MW-53-120 MW-54-58 land 2 MW-57-11 MW-57-20 MW-54-123 MW-54-144 MW-57-45 MW-54-173 MW-54-190 Unit 3 MW-58-26 MW-54-58 MW-54-123 North C13-14, CB-34 MW-58-65 MW-54-144 MW-54-173 MW-54-190 Unit 3 U3-T2 MW-44-102 MW-41-63 B88 South U3-TI U3-4D MW-40-27 MW-40-81 MW-40-100 Southern Cl, Dl, E6, MW-40-46 MW-40-127 MW-40-162 Clean Zone EI0, E13 MW-51-40 MW-51-104 MW-51-135 MW-51-79 MW-51-163 MW-51-189 IPEC ODCM Page 132 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 4 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Ground Water and Storm Drain Source Term selection directly to the river is as follows: Streamtube Manholes Monitoring Wells, Monitoring Wells, upper zone lower zone Northern Clean NA Background
Clean ZoneI Unit 2 MH-i MW-60-35 MW-37-22 MW-60-53 MW-60-72 MW-37-32 MW-49-26 MW-60-135 MW-60-154 North MH-12 MW-49-42 MW-60-176 MW-37-22 MW-37-32 MW-67-105 MW-67-173 Units MW-49-26 MW-49-42 MW-67-219 MW-67-276 land 2 MW-49-65 MW-66-21 MW-6-3 M-6739MW-67-323 MW-67-340 MW-66-36 MW-67-39 MW-62-18 MW-62-37 MW-62-92 MW-62-138 Unit 3 C15 MW-62-53 MW-62-71 MW-62-182 MW-63-112 North MW-63-18 MW-63-34 MW-63-121 MW-63-163 MW-63-50 MW-63-93 MW-63-174 Unit 3 MW-41-63 MW-44-102 South none U3-T1 U3-T2 U3-4D MW-40-81 MW-40-100 Southern MW-40-27 MW-40-46 MW-40-127 MW-40-162 Clean Zone MW-51-40 MW-51-79 MW-51-104 MW-51-135 MW-51-163 MW-51-189 Flow Rates: Determination of flow rates to the canal and the river through each zone depend on infiltration rates as well as rainfall and measured hydraulic pressure differences.
The infiltration rate in non-paved areas (or building areas) was computed at 0.87 feet/year, and consistent w ith the range provided in the USGS report: Water Use, Groundwater Recharge and Availability, and Quality in the Greenwich Area, Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY, 2000 -2002.The precipitation rate for the IPEC area is recorded each year, and averages approximately 3 feet per year. A long-term onsite meteorological average should be used for a starting point in determining annual effluent flow rate. All precipitation falling on paved/buildi ng areas is assumed to result in SW flow. Although some of this water actually evaporates directly to atmosphere from pavement and buildings, no credit for this evaporation is taken to ensure conservativis m in the model. Some of the Stormwater, however, naturally recharges the groundwater.
The following values are currently applied i n the flow model: Percent of Stormwater Flow Recharging Groundwater Northern Clean Zone 0%Unit 2 North 50%Unit 1/2 30%Unit 3 North 50%Unit 3 South 1%Southern Clean Zone 1%IPEC ODCM Page 133 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 5 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Known extration rates from existing pathways need to be subtracted from the zones applicable to these specific pathways, as follows:* Five gallons per minute (gpm) from the Unit 2 Footing Drain is removed from the Unit 2 North streamtube.
* Five gpm from the Unit 1 North Curtain Drain and 7.5 gpm from the Unit 1 Chemical-Systems Building Foundation Drain are removed from the Unit 1/2 streamtube.
* Seven and a half gpm from the Unit 1 Chemical Systems Foundation Drain are removed from the Unit 3 North stream tube Beyond the known flow and/or extraction rates, the model uses Darcy's Law to determine the flow contours for each of the six zones. Groundwater elevation contours and measurements of hydraulic conductivity are developed from the wells on site, recognizing that flow is perpendicular to the contours.
This effort also provides knowledge of facility-specific flow paths. Measurments of pressure differential are then applied (per Darcy's Law) to determ ine flow rate: Q =K*i*A Where: Q is groundwater flow (cubic feet/day).
This value is calculated.
K is the hydraulic conductivity (ft/day).
This value is a log normal average of hydraulic conductivity values measured within the appropriate portion of the streamtube.
In other words, the ease of which flow can be forced through sub-surface media.A is the cross sectional area through which groundwater is m oving (ft 2).i is the change in head over a distance (ft/ft), or a measure of the pressure driving the flow. This value is calculated for the shallow and deep zones both upgradient and downgradient of the canal.The data above was applied to calibrate the precipitation mass balance model in 2007 and will be similarly applied in subsequent dose determination, with potential minor updates in pararmetes, such as the change in head (i) defined above, as the model is further refined. This calibration routine consists of the following steps, as they applied in the 2007 effluent determination:
: 1) Groundwater elevation data was downloaded from transducers and/or recorded manually with an electronic water level indicator or equivalent.
Following download, the data was reduced and evaluated by the site Hydrologists.
: 2) A period of time was selected to evaluate the groundwater at key elevations and positions along all three axes, such that the maximum number of working transducers were included.Evaluations were also optimized by selecting readings during low-low tide on the targeted day.IPEC ODCM Page 134 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 6 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS 3) Two sets of groundwater contours were prepared.
Shallow groundwater contours were drawn based on groundwater elevation data collected generally at elevations higher than 40 feet below top of bedrock. Deep groundwater contours were drawn based on groundwater elevation data from sampling locations deeper than 40 feet below the top of rock, although preference was given to data from the upper portion of that zone.4) Using the groundwater contours within each streamtube, the groundwater flux was calculated within each zone using Darcy's Law as described above.5) The total flow, both upgradient and downgradient of the Discharge Canal, was summed separately.
The difference between these flows constitutes that groundwater which is recharging the Discharge Canal.6) The total flow downgrad ient of the Discharge Canal discharges into the Hudson river.7) The percentage of groundwater flow in the upper and lower zones of each streamtube was calculated for proportioning of groundwater flow in the upper and lower zones in the Precipitation Mass Balance Model.NOTE: The groundwater contours used for the Darcy's Law calibration are based on data collected in calendar year 2007. Seasonal variations in precipitation and runoff are expected to cause variations in the groundwater contours for individual quarterly monitoring rounds. It is anticipated that quarterly data will be collected and reviewed through 2008 to update t he model as required.
The set of groundwater contours that provide the highest release rate (i.e. those with the steepest gradients) will ultimately be used to provide a final calibration of the Precipitation Mass Balance Model.8) A final determination of offsite dose can be performed with the previously compiled data (dilution flow, effluent flow rates, and source terms) using an integrated dose calculation model (electronic Excel spreadsheet) identified in Reference
: 44. This spreadsheet, called the Master Groundwater Dose Calculator, is available from Chemistry Management." The distribution of flow rates to the canal and the river, from each zone, is determined within this asset as a result of calibrations of the rainfall model with Darcy's Law and transducer data. Its purpose is to bound the effluent flow rate in a conservative fashion, until there is evidence of a need to recalibrate the precipitation mass balance method.* Averaged or conservative assessments of source term are entered for each zone from a list of required input locations (wells or drains in each effected area).* Dose calculations are performed with this information per ODCM Part II, Section 2.4, in the same fashion as other liquid effluents.
IPEC ODCM Page 135 of 135 Revision 1 ENCLOSURE 3 TO NL-09-045 Summary of the Process Control Proqram (PCP) Changes for IPEC ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 1, 2, and 3 DOCKETS 50-3, 50-247 and 50-286 Summary of the PCP changes for IPEC as a result of adopting the Entergy Fleet PCP EN-RW-1 05 Revision 1, July 30, 2008 The revision to EN-RW-1 05 included a major re-write to provide updates to allow VTY, PLP and IPEC to be included as sites implementing this Process Control Program. This revision resulted in the following updates for IPEC: " Waste management practices section replaced dry and liquid waste management
* Waste stream sampling methods and frequency section added* Waste classification section added* Quality Control section added" Dewatering section added* Waste packaging section added* Miscellaneous section added for special tools/equipment
& training requirements Procedure Contains NMM REFLIB Forms: YES El NO Z Effective Procedure Owner: Mark L. Carver Executive Sponsor: Kevin Walsh Date Title: Manager, Fleet Radwaste Title: VP -Operations 7/30/2008 Site: Echelon -HQN Site: Waterford 3 Exception Site Site Procedure Champion Title Date*ANO David Moore RPM N/A BRP N/A N/A GGNS Roy Wilson RPM IPEC Dennis Loope RPM JAF John Solowski RPM PLP Chuck Sherman RPM PNPS Jack Priest RPM RBS Brad Houston RPM VY Sam Wender IV RPM W3 Blake Pilutti RPM N/A NP N/A N/A N/A HQN Mark L. Carver Manager, Fleet Radwaste Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision Palisades Nuclear Plant, Process Control Program (PCP) -Rev. 11 Process Applicability Exclusion All Sites: El Specific Sites: ANO E] BRP El GGNS F1 IPEC--] JAF E] PLP E] PNPS El RBS [] VY El W3 El NP El Change Statement" The revision to EN-RW-1 05 included a major re-write to provide updates to allow VTY, PLP and IPEC to be included as sites implementing this Process Control Program." The following are updates: o Waste management practices section replaced dry and liquid waste management o Waste stream sampling methods and frequency section added o Waste classification section added o Quality Control section added o Dewatering section added o Waste packaging section added o Miscellaneous section added for special tools/equipment
& training requirements
* Exception Dates to permit appropriate change management training and to facilitate outage schedules.
EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Title Page PURPOSE ..................................................
3 D E F IN IT IO N S ..........................................................................
9 D E T A ILS ..............................................................................
20 RECORDS ............................................................................
21 EN-RW-105, Rev. 1
===1.0 PURPOSE===
The Process Control Program (PCP) requires formulas, sampling, analyses, test and determinations to be made to ensure that the processing and packing of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61 and 71, State Regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste. The scope of a PCP is to assure that radioactive waste will be handled, shipped, and disposed of in a safe manner in accordance with approved site or vendor procedures, whichever is applicable.
[GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 1]1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the solid radioactive waste Process Control Program (PCP) at all the Entergy fleet sites. The PCP describes the methods used for processing, classification and packaging low-level wet radioactive waste into a form acceptable for interim on-site storage, shipping and disposal, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 61 and current disposal site criteria.1.2 To ensure the safe operation of the solid radwaste system, the solid radwaste system will be used in accordance with this Process Control Program to process radioactive wastes to meet interim on-site storage, shipping and burial ground requirements.
1.3 This document addresses the process control program in the context of disposal criteria, on-site processing and vendor processing requirements.
1.4 The Process Control Program implements the requirements of 1 OCFR50.36a and General Design Criteria 60 of Appendix A to 1 OCFR Part 50. The process parameters included in the Process Control Program may include but are not limited to waste type, waste pH, waste/liquid/solidification agent/catalyst ratios, waste oil content, waste principal chemical constituents, and mixing and curing times.1.5 This document does NOT address the requirements for 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (waste characteristics) for material sent to intermediate processors, because the final treatment and packaging is performed at the vendor facilities.
[1] EN-QV-1 04, "Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual Control"[2] Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations
[3] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20[4] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 61[5] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71, Appendix H [QAPM, Section A.1.c]EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 2.0 continued[6] Low-Level Waste Licensing Branch Technical Position on Radioactive Waste Classification, 11 May 1983[7] Disposal Site Criteria and License[8] Waste Processor Acceptance Criteria[9] EN-LI-100, "Process Applicability Determination"[10] NRC Information and Enforcement Bulletins* NRC Information Notice 79-19: Packaging of Low-Level Radioactive Waste for Transport and Burial.* NRC Information Notice 80-24: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Burial Criteria.* NRC Information Notice 80-32: Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive-Use Shipments of Radioactive Materials.
* NRC Information Notice 80-32, Rev. 1: Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive-Use Shipments of Radioactive Materials.
* NRC Information Notice 83-05: Obtaining Approval for Disposing of Very-Low-Level Radioactive Waste -1 OCFR Section 20.302.* NRC Information Notice 83-10: Clarification of Several Aspects Relating to Use of.NRC-Certified Transport Packages.* NRC Information Notice 83-33: Non-Representative Sampling of Contaminated Oil.* NRC Information Notice 84-50: Clarification of Scope of Quality Assurance Programs for Transport Packages Pursuant to 1 OCFR 50 Appendix B.* NRC Information Notice 84-72: Clarification of Conditions for Waste Shipments Subject to Hydrogen Gas Generation.
* NRC Information Notice 85-92: Surveys of Wastes Before Disposal from Nuclear Reactor Facilities.
* NRC Information Notice 86-20: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Scaling Factors, 1OCFR 61.* NRC Information Notice 86-90: Requests to Dispose of Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste Pursuant 1 OCFR 20.302" NRC Information Notice 87-03: Segregation of Hazardous and Low-Level Radioactive Wastes* NRC Information Notice 87-07: Quality Control of On-Site Dewatering/
Solidification Operations by Outside Contractors EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 2.0 continued[11], NRC Information and Enforcement Bulletins (continued)
* NRC Information Notice 89-27: Limitations on the Use of Waste Forms and High Integrity Containers for the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste* NRC Information Notice 92-62: Emergency Response Information Requirements for Radioactive Material Shipments* NRC Information Notice 92-72: Employee Training and Shipper Registration Requirements for Transporting Radioactive Materials* NRC Generic Letter 89-01, "Implementation of Programmatic Controls for Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications in the Administrative Controls Section of the Technical Specifications and the Relocation of Procedural Details of RETS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or to the Process Control Program".[12] Nureg-0800 Standard Review Plan Section 11.4 Revision 2, Solid Waste Management Systems.[13] NRC Waste Form Technical Position, Revision 1 Jan 24 1991.[14] NRC SECY 94-198 Review of Existing Guidance Concerning the Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste.[15] EPRI TR-106925 Rev-1, Interim On-Site Storage of Low Level Waste: Guidelines for Extended Storage -October1996
[16] NRC Branch Technical Position On Concentration Averaging And Encapsulation Jan 17 1995[17] Commitment Documents (U-2 and U-3)* IPN-99-079, "Supplement to Proposed Changes to Technical Specifications Incorporating Recommendations of Generic Letter 89-01 and the Revised 10 CFR Part 20 and 10 CFR Part 50.36a.Appendix B Technical Specifications, Section 4.5 [IP, RECS ODCM Part 1]3.0 DEFINITIONS
[1] Batch -A quantity of waste to be processed having essentially consistent physical and chemical characteristics as determined through past experience or system operation knowledge by the Radwaste Shipping Specialist.
A batch could be a waste tank, several waste tanks grouped together or a designated time period such as between outages as with the DAW waste stream. An isolated quantity of feed waste to be processed having essentially constant physical and chemical characteristics.(The addition or removal of water will not be considered to create a new batch).EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[2] Certificate of Compliance
-Document issued by the USNRC regulating use of a NRC licensed cask or issued by (SCDHEC) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Conservation regulating a High Integrity Container.
[3] Chelating Agents -EDTA, DTPA, hydroxy-carboxylic acids, citric acid, carbolic acid and glucinic acid.[4] Compaction
-The process of volume reducing solid waste by applying external pressure.[5] Confirmatory Analysis -The practice of verifying that gross radioactivity measurements using MCA are reasonably consistent with independent laboratory sample data.[6] Dewatered Waste -Wet waste that has been processed by means other than solidification, encapsulation, or absorption to meet the free standing liquid requirements of 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (a)(3) and (b)(2).[7] De-watering
-The removal of water or liquid from a waste form, usually by gravity or pumping.[8] Dilution Factor -The RADMAN computer code factor to account for the non-radioactive binder added to the waste stream in the final product when waste is solidified.
[9] Dry Waste -Radioactive waste which exist primarily in a non-liquid form and includes such items as dry materials, metals, resins, filter media and sludges.[10] Encapsulation
-Encapsulation is a means of providing stability for certain types of waste by surrounding the waste by an appropriate encapsulation media.[11] Gamma-Spectral-Analysis
-Also known as IG, MCA, Ge/Li and gamma spectroscopy.
[12] Gross Radioactivity Measurements
-More commonly known as dose to curie conversion for packaged waste characterization and classification.
[13] Homogeneous
-Of the same kind or nature; essentially alike. Most Volumetric waste streams are considered homogeneous for purposes of waste classification.
[14] Incineration
-The process of burning a combustible material to reduce its volume and yield an ash residue.[15] Liquid Waste -Radioactive waste that exist primarily in a liquid form and is contained in other than installed plant systems, to include such items as oil, EHC fluid, and other liquids. This waste is normally processed off-site.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[16] Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW) -Those wastes containing source, special nuclear, or by-product material that are acceptable for disposal in a land disposal facility.
For the purposes of this definition, low-level radioactive waste has the same meaning as in the Low-Level Waste Policy Act, that is, radioactive waste not classified as high-level radioactive waste, transuranic waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by-product material as defined in section 11 e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act (uranium or thorium tailings and waste).[17] Measurement of Specific Radionuclides
-More commonly known as direct sample or container sample using MCA data for packaged waste characterization and classification.
[18] Operable -A system, subsystem, train, component or device SHALL be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified functions(s), and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).
[19] Prequalification Program -The testing program implemented to demonstrate that the proposed method of wet waste processing will result in a waste form acceptable to the land disposal facility and the NRC.[20] Processing, -Changing, modifying, and/or packaging radioactive waste into a form that is acceptable to a disposal facility.[21] Quality Assurance/Quality Control -As used in this document, "quality assurance" comprises all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, or component will perform satisfactorily in service.Quality assurance includes quality control, which comprises those quality assurance actions related to the physical characteristics of a material structure, component, or system to predetermined requirements.
[22] Reportable Quantity Radionuclides (RQ) -Any radionuclide listed in column (1) of Table 2 of 49CFR Part 172.101 which is present in quantities as listed in column (3) of Table 2 of 49CFR Part 172.101.[23] Sampling Plan -A program to ensure that representative samples from the feed waste and the final waste form are obtained and tested for conformance with parameters stated in the PCP and waste form acceptance criteria.[24] Scaling Factor -A dimensionless number which relates the concentration of an easy to measure radionuclide (gamma emitter) to one which is difficult to measure (beta and/or alpha emitters).
EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[25] Significant Quantity -For purposes of waste classification all the following radionuclide values SHALL be considered significant and must be reported on the disposal manifest." Any value (real or LLD) for radionuclides listed in Appendix G to 1 OCFR20 (H-3, C-14, 1-129, Tc-99).* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the concentration limits as listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55 Table 1." Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the Class A concentration limits listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55 Table 2.* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the total activity.* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the Reportable Quantity limits listed on 49CFR Part 172.101 Table 2.[26] Solidification
-The conversion of wet waste into a free-standing monolith by the addition of an agent so that the waste meets the stability and free-standing liquid requirements of the disposal site.[27] Special Radionuclides
-The RADMAN computer code term for radionuclides listed in Appendix G to 100OFR20 (i.e., H-3, C-14,1-129
& Tc-99)[28] Stability
-Structural stability per 1 OCFR61.2, Waste Form Technical Position, and Waste Form Technical Position Revision 1. This can be provided by the waste form, or by placing the waste in a disposal container or structure that provides stability after disposal.
Stability requires that the waste form maintain its structural integrity under the expected disposal conditions.
[29] Training -A systematic program that ensures a person has knowledge of hazardous materials and hazardous materials regulations.
[30] Type A Package -Is the packaging together with its radioactive contents limited to Al or A2 as appropriate that meets the requirements of 49CFR Part 173.410 and Part 173.412, and is designed to retain the integrity of containment and shielding under normal conditions of transport as demonstrated by the tests set forth in 49CFR Part 173.465 or Part 173.466 as appropriate.
[31] Type B Package -Is the packaging together with its radioactive contents that is designed to retain the integrity of containment and shielding when subjected to the normal conditions of transport and hypothetical accident test conditions set forth in 10CFR Part 71.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[32] Volume Reduction
-any process that reduces the volume of waste. This includes but is not limited to, compaction and incineration.
[33] Waste Container
-A vessel of any shape, size, and composition used to contain the waste media.[34] Waste Form -Waste in a waste container acceptable for disposal at a licensed disposal facility.[35] Waste Stream -A Plant specific and constant source of waste with a distinct radionuclide content and distribution.
[36] Waste Type -A single packaging configuration and waste form tied to a specific waste stream.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES
[1] The Vice President Operations Support (VPOS) is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
[2] Each site Senior Nuclear Executive (SNE) is responsible for ensuring that necessary site staff implements this procedure.
[3] The Low Level RadWaste (LLRW) Focus Group is responsible for evaluating and recommending changes and revisions to this procedure.
[4] Each site RP Department
-Radwaste Supervisor
/ Specialist (title may vary at the site's respectively) has the overall responsibility for implementing the PCP and is responsible for processing and transportation is tasked with the day-to-day responsibilities for the following:
* Implementing the requirements of this document." Ensuring that radioactive waste is characterized and classified in accordance with 1 OCFR Part 61.55 and Part 61.56.* Ensuring that radioactive waste is characterized and classified in accordance with volume reduction facility and disposal site licenses and other requirements." Designating other approved procedures (if required) to be implemented in the packaging of any specific batch of waste.* Providing a designated regulatory point of contact between the Plant and the NRC, volume reduction facility or disposal site.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 4.0 continued* Maintaining records of on-site and off-site waste stream sample analysis and Plant evaluations.
* Suspending shipments of defectively processed or defectively packaged radioactive wastes from the site when the provisions of this process control program are not satisfied.
===5.0 DETAILS===
An isotopic analysis SHALL be performed on every batch for each waste stream so that the waste can be classified in accordance with 1 0CFR61. The isotopic and curie content of each shipping container SHALL be determined in accordance with 49CFR packaging requirements.
The total activity in the container may be determined by either isotopic analysis or by dose-rate-to-curie conversion.
===5.1. Precautions===
and Limitations
[1] Precautions (a) Radioactive materials SHALL be handled in accordance with applicable radiation protection procedures.(b) All radioactive waste must be processed or packaged to meet the minimum requirements listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (a) (1) through (8).(c) If the provisions of the Process Control Program are not satisfied, suspend shipment of the defectively processed or defectively packaged waste from the site. Shipment may be accomplished when the waste is processed
/ packaged in accordance with the Process Control Program.(d) The generation of combustible gases is dependent on the waste form, radioactive concentration and accumulated dose in the waste. Changes to organic inputs (e.g. oil) to waste stream may change biogas generation rates.[2] Limitations (a) Only qualified personnel will characterize OR package radioactive waste OR radioactive materials for transportation or disposal.(b) All site personnel that have any involvement with radioactive waste management computer software SHALL be familiar with its functions, operation and maintenance.
EN-RW-105, Rev. 1
===5.2. Waste===
Manaqement Practices[1] Waste processing methods include the following: (a) Present and planned practice is NOT to solidify or encapsulate any waste streams.(b) Waste being shipped directly for burial in a HIC (High Integrity Container) is dewatered to less than 1 percent by volume prior to shipment.(c) Waste being shipped directly for burial in a container other than a HIC is dewatered to less than 0.5 percent by volume prior to shipment.(d) IF solidification is required in the future, THEN at least one representative test specimen from at least every 10th batch of each type of radioactive waste will be checked to verify solidification.
(1) IF any specimen fails to verify solidification, THEN the solidification of the batch under test SHALL be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative solidification parameters can be determined, and a subsequent test verifies solidification.
If alternative parameters are determined, the subsequent tests shall be verified using the alternative parameters determined.
(2) IF the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify solidification, THEN provide for the collection and testing of representative test specimens from each consecutive batch of the same type of waste until at least 3 consecutive initial test specimens demonstrates solidification.
The process SHALL be modified as required to assure solidification of subsequent batches of waste.[2] Operation and maintenance of dewatering systems and equipment include the following: (a) Present and planned practice is to utilize plant personnel supplemented by vendor personnel or contracted vendor personnel, to operate AND maintain dewatering systems and equipment (as needed to meet disposal site requirements).(b) All disposal liners are manufactured by and purchased from QA-approved vendors.[3] ALARA considerations are addressed in all phases of the processes involving handling, packaging AND transfer of any type OR form of radioactive waste (dewatered or dry).Resin, charcoal media, spent filter cartridges AND sludges are typically processed within shields. Sluiceable demineralizers are shielded when in service. Radiation exposure and other health physics requirements are controlled by the issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) for each task.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1
===5.3. Waste===
Stream Samllinq Methods and Frequency[1] The following general requirements apply to Plant waste stream sampling: (a) Treat each waste stream separately for classification purposes.(b) Ensure samples are representative of or can be correlated to the final waste form.(c) Determine the density for each new waste stream initially or as needed (not applicable for DAW and filters).(d) Perform an in-house analysis for gamma-emitting radionuclides for each sample sent to an independent laboratory.(e) Periodically perform in-house analysis for gamma emitting radionuclides for comparison to the current data base values for gamma emitters. (The current database is usually based on the most recent independent laboratory results.)(f) Resolve any discrepancies between in-house results AND the independent laboratory results for the same or replicate sample as soon as possible.(g) Maintain records of on-site and off-site waste stream sample analysis and evaluations.
[2] When required, waste stream samples should be analyzed, re-evaluated and if necessary, shipped to a vendor laboratory for additional analysis.
The same is true when there is a reason to believe that an equipment or process change has significantly altered the previously determined scaling factors by a factor of 10.Specific examples include but are not limited to:* Changes in oxidation reduction methods such as zinc, injection, hydrogen water chemistry,* Changes in purification methods including media specialization, media distribution, ion/cation ratios," Changes in fuel performance criteria including fuel leaks" Other changes in reactor coolant chemistry.
* Sustained, unexplained, changes in the routinely monitored Beta/Alpha ratios, as determined by Radiation Protection,* When there is an extended reactor shutdown (> 90 days).* When there are changes to liquid waste processing, such as bypassing filters, utilizing filters or a change in ion exchange media.* When there are changes to the waste stream that could change the biogas generation rate.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.3 continued[3] The following requirements apply to infrequent or abnormal waste types: (a) Infrequent OR abnormal waste types that may be generated must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.(b) The RP Department Supervisor
/ Specialist responsible for processing AND shipping will determine if the waste can be correlated to an existing waste stream.(c) IF the radioactive waste cannot be correlated to an existing waste stream, THEN the RP Department Supervisor
/ Specialist responsible for processing and shipping SHALL determine specific off-site sampling and analysis requirements necessary to properly classify the material.[4] Specific sampling methods and data evaluation criteria are detailed in EN-RW-104 for specific waste streams.5.4. Waste Classification
[1] General requirements for scaling factors include the following: (a) The Plant has established an inferential measurement program whereby concentrations of radionuclides which cannot be readily measured are estimated through ratio-ing with radionuclides which can be readily measured.(b) Scaling factor relationships are developed on a waste stream-specific basis.These relationships are periodically revised to reflect current independent lab data from direct measurement of samples. The scaling factor relationships currently used by the sites are as follows: Hard to detect ACTIVATION product radionuclides and C-14 are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Co-60 activities.
Hard to detect FISSION product radionuclides and H-3, Tc-99 and 1-129 are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Cs-1 37 activities.
Hard to detect TRANSURANIC radionuclides are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Ce-144 activities.
Where Ce-144 cannot be readily measured, transuranics are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Cs-1 37 activities.
Second order scaling of transuranics is acceptable when Cs-1 37 and Ce-144 are not readily measurable.
EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.4 continued[2] General requirements for the determination of total activity and radionuclide concentrations include the following: (a) The activity for the waste streams is estimated by using either Gross Radioactivity Measurement OR Direct Measurement of Radionuclides.
Current specific practices are as follows:* DAW -Gross radioactivity measurement in conjunction with the RADMAN computer codes, other approved computer codes or hand calculation." Filters -Gross radioactivity measurement in conjunction with the FILTRK computer code, other approved computer codes or hand calculation." All Other Waste Streams -Direct measurement of radionuclides in conjunction with the RADMAN computer codes, other approved computer codes or hand calculation.(b) Determination of the NRC waste classification is performed by comparing the measured or calculated concentrations of significant radionuclides in the final waste form to those listed in 1 OCFR Part Quality Control[1] The RADMAN computer code provides a mechanism to assist the Plant in conducting a quality control program in accordance with the waste classification requirements listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55. All waste stream sample data changes are written to a computer data file for future review and reference.
[2] Audits and Management Review includes the following: (a) Appendix G to 1 OCFR20 requires conduct of a QC program which must include management review of audits.(b) Management audits of the Plant Sampling and Classification Program SHALL be periodically performed to verify the adequacy of maintenance sampling and analysis.(c) Audits and assessments are performed and documented by any of the following:
* Radiation Protection Department
* Quality Assurance Department
* Qualified Vendors (d) Certain elements of the Entergy.Quality Assurance Program Manual are applied to the Process Control Program. [QAPM, Section A.1l.c]EN-RW-105, Rev. 1
===5.6. Dewaterinq===
[1] Processing requirements during dewatering operations include the following: (a) All dewatering operations are performed per approved Plant or vendor operating procedures and instructions.(b) Dewatering limitations and capabilities are verified by vendor Topical Reports or Operating and Testing Procedures.
[2] Dewatered resin activity limitations include the following: (a) Dewatered resins will not be shipped off-site that have activities which will produce greater than 1.0E+8 rads total accumulated dose over 300 years. This is usually verified by comparing the container specific activity at the time of shipment to the following concentration limits for radionuclides with a half-life greater than five years:* 10 Ci (0.37 TBq) per cubic foot.* 350 uCi (12.95 MBq) per cubic centimeter
===5.7. Waste===
Packaging Waste in final form will be packaged in accordance with Title 10 and Title 49 of the Code of federal regulations and in accordance with current burial site criteria as is detailed in EN-RW-102.
EN-RW-105, Rev. 1
===5.8. Administrative===
Controls[1] Information on solid radioactive waste shipped off-site is reported annually to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report as specified by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) or Technical Specification.
[ANO1 Technical Specifications
-5.6.3] [ANO2 Technical Specifications
-6.9.3][WF3 Technical Specifications
-6.9.18] [GGNS ODCM -5.6.3.c] [JAF Technical Specifications
-5.6.3] [PLP ODCM, Appendix A -IV. A].[2] All changes to the PCP SHALL be documented.
All records of reviews performed SHALL be retained as required by the Quality Assurance Program. The documentation of the changes SHALL [GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 2]: (a) Contain sufficient information to support the change with appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change.(b) Include a determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste product (if applicable) to existing requirements of Federal, State or other applicable regulations.
[3] All changes in the Process Control Program and supporting documentation are included in each site's next Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
[ANO ODCM -L3.2.1.B]
[VTY TRM 6.12][4] The changes to EN-RW-1 05 SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by the site's General Plant Manager except as listed below: (a) For Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, the changes to RW-105 SHALL be accomplished as specified in Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by the On-site Safety Review Committee (OSRC) and the approval of the GGNS Plant General Manager. [GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 2](b) For River Bend Nuclear Station, the procedure approval along with changes to RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per the River Bend Nuclear Station Technical Requirements, Section
The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by approval from the River Bend Nuclear Station Plant Manager or Radiation Protection Manager. [RBS Technical Requirements
-, & 5.8.2]EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1
===5.8 Continued===
(c) For Waterford 3, the procedure approval along with changes to RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per Waterford 3 Technical Specifications 6.13.2. The changes SHALL. become effective upon review and acceptance by the Waterford 3 General Plant Manager. [WF3 Technical Specifications
-6.13.2.b](d) For James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Station, the procedure approval along with changes to EN-RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per the James A. FitzPatrick Station Technical Specifications, Section 5.6.3. The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance through approval from the James A.FitzPatrick Nuclear Station On-Site Safety Review Committee.
[JAF UFSAR, Chapter 11.3.5](e) For Vermont Yankee, Changes to the Process Control Program SHALL become effective after review and acceptance by. the (OSRC) On-Site Safety Review Committee and the Site VP.(f) For IPEC, Changes to the Process Control Program SHALL become effective after final review and acceptance by the On-Site Safety Review Committee (OSRC).5.9. Vendor Requirements
[1] Vendors performing radwaste services under 10CFR61 and 1OCFR71 requirements will be on the Entergy Qualified Supplier's List (QSL). [QAPM, Section A.1.c][2] Vendors performing radwaste services on-site are to comply with the following: (a) Dewatering and solidification services SHALL have a NRC-approved Topical Report or other form of certification documenting NRC approval of the processes and associated equipment/containers.(b) All vendor procedures utilized for performing on-site radwaste processing services (to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61 and 71, State Regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste) will be reviewed per the requirements of EN-LI-1 00, technically by the applicable site's Radiation Protection organization and only be accepted per the approvals specified in Section 5.8 [4].(c) All changes to vendor procedures for ongoing on-site radwaste services will be reviewed technically by the site's Radiation Protection organization and screened per the requirements of EN-LI-1 00. Significant procedural changes will require the approvals specified in Section 5.8 [4]. During screening, the level of significance for procedural changes on equipment and process parameters may warrant the full 1 OCFR50.59 documentation and approval process.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1
===5.9 continued===
(d) Plant management SHALL review vendor(s) topical reports and test procedures per applicable requirements in Section 5.8.NOTE The PCP does not have to include the vendor's Topical Report if it has NRC approval, or has been previously submitted to the NRC.(e) Plant management review will assure that the vendor's operations and requirements are compatible with the responsibilities and operation of the Plant.(f) Training requirements and records listed in Section 5.10 also apply to contracted vendors.5.10. Miscellaneous
[1] Special tools and equipment (a) Frequency of Use and Descriptions Required tools and equipment will vary depending on the specific process and waste container that is used. The various tools and equipment which may be required are detailed in specific procedures developed to govern activities described in this document.[2] Pre-requisites (a) Maintenance of Regulatory Material Ensure that a current set of DOT, NRC, EPA and applicable State regulations, vendor processing facility and disposal site regulations and requirements are maintained at the site and are readily available for reference.
The use of web based regulations is acceptable.(b) Representative Radionuclide Sample Data Ensure that representative radionuclide sample data is on file for each active waste stream. Unless operation conditions or changes in processing methods require increased sample frequency, data is considered to be current if it meets the requirements of EN-RW-1 04.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.10 continued (c) Initial and Cyclic Training* A training program SHALL be developed, implemented and maintained for all personnel involved in processing, packaging, handling and transportation of radioactive waste to ensure radwaste operations are performed within the requirements of NRC Information Bulletin 79-19 and 49CFR Part 172.700 through Part 172.704.* Training requirements and documentation also apply to contracted on-site vendors.NOTE Cyclic training is defined as within three years for DOT, and two years for IATA (d) Specific employee training is required for each person who performs the following job functions
[1 72.702(b)]." Classifies hazardous materials." Packages hazardous materials.
* Fills, loads and/or closes packages.* Marks and labels packages containing hazardous materials." Prepares shipping papers for hazardous materials." Offers or accepts hazardous materials for transportation.
* Handles hazardous materials." Marks or placards transport vehicles.* Operates transport vehicles." Works in a transportation facility and performs functions in proximity to hazardous materials which are to be transported." Inspects or tests packages.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 5.10 continued (e) Cyclic training is defined as within three years for DOT & within two years for IATA.Copies of training records are required for as long as a person is employed and 90 days thereafter.
The records should include, as a minimum, the following:
* Trainee's name and signature" Training dates* Training material or source reference* Trainer's information
[1] EN-LI-100, "Process Applicability Determination"[2] EN-RW-104, "Scaling Factors"[3] EN-QV-104, "Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual Control" 7.0 RECORDS[1] Documentation of pertinent data required to classify waste and verify solidification will be maintained on each batch of processed waste as required by approved procedures.
[2] Documentation will also be maintained to ensure that containers, shipping casks, and methods of packaging wastes meet applicable Federal regulations and disposal site criteria.
The records of reviews performed and documents associated with these reviews will be maintained as QA records.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1
===8.0 OBLIGATION===
AND REGULATORY COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCES Document Document NMM Procedure Site Applicability Section Section ANO ODCM L3.2.1 .B 5.8 [31 ANO ANO1 Technical Specifications 5.6.3 5.8 [11 ANO ANO2 Technical Specifications 6.9.3 5.8 [11 ANO RBS Technical Requirements 5.5.14
* RBS RBS Technical Requirements 5.8 [3] RBS 5.8 [4] (b)RBS Technical Requirements 5.8 [4] (b) RBS RBS Technical Requirements 5.8.2 5.8 [4] (b) RBS WF3 Technical Specifications 1.22
* WF3 WF3 Technical Specifications 6.9.18 5.8 [1] WF3 WF3 Technical Specifications 6.13.2.b 5.8 [41 (c) WF3 JAF ODCM 6.2.1 5.8 [1] JAF JAF Technical Specifications 5.6.3 5.8 [1], 5.8 [4] JAF JAF FSAR Chapters 7 and 5.8 [4] JAF 11759 -NRC IN 79-19 All
* WF3 GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 I 1.0 GGNS TRM paragraph 1 GGNS ODCM 5.6.3.c 5.8 [11 GGNS GGNS FSAR 11.4.5.S2 5.9 [21(a) GGNS GGNS FSAR 5.9 [21(a) GGNS IPN-99-079 All
* IPEC Appendix B Technical Section 4.5, *Specifications RECS ODCM IPEC Part 1 PLP Technical Specifications 5.5.15 5.8 [4] PLP PLP ODCM Appendix A -5.8 [1] PLP IV. A NRC Letter 1.98.091 All
* VY NRC Letter 1.88.078 All
* VY VY TRM 6.12 5.8(3) VY QAPM Section A. 1.c
* All* Covered by directive as a whole or by various paragraphs of the directive.
None EN-RW-105, Rev. 1}}

Revision as of 07:11, 19 March 2019

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes and Justification Packages for 2008
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/17/2009
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ENCLOSURE 2 TO NL-09-045 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes and Justification Packages, 2008 ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 1, 2, and 3 DOCKETS 50-3, 50-247 and 50-286 IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package Prepared by: Steven Sandike Brief Summary of Changes May, 2008 The station ODCM was upgraded to revision 1, with changes summarized below: ODCM Part I I TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, was updated to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.2 TOC Appendix J title was updated to be more descriptive: "Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details".3 REMP Table D3.5. 1-1 was updated as follows: a) Airborne Radioiodine/Particulate sample location description

-removed the word "offsite", and included the word"approximately" when describing the third location (approx 15-30 km distant, and in the least prevalent wind direction), in pathway #2.b) Added reference to "control location" to waterborne surface location Wa I in pathway #3a.c) Changed "Sediment" to "Soil" from Shoreline in pathway #3c, excluding the previous requirement for H-3 (typo).d) Added MW nomenclature (MW-40,51) to specify wells by number in 3d, and added a requirement for Ni-63.e) Added "human consumption" in the description of the sampling location for the milk pathway (4a).f) Clarified the gamma spec requirements for the milk pathway (4a) for sample type & frequency of analysis.g) Added the word "approximately" in sample location for milk pathway (4a).h) Added Ni-63 analysis requirement to Fish and invertebrates (4b) and ODCM References 45/46 as bases.4 Added Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and, including footnotes:

      • and (f).5 Expanded D5.6 to more completely describe the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP, and the ongoing lon g.term monitoring plan.ODCM Part II 6 Modified ODCM Part I/, Section 2.1.16 to reflect new Attachment J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.7 Fixed typo in Table 3-9, locations of site boundary and nearest residence, NE sector, for U3 (did NOT effect dose calcs).8 Appended REMP sample nomenclature "la 1-1a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity.9 Removed the abandoned and non-required air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, pages 3 and 7.10 Identified the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.11 Replaced old Appendix J with new expanded, more detailed description of GW flow and dose determinations.

Each of the above changes is discussed in detail on the following pages. This information is to be included in the OSRC presentation, the 50.59 package, and the next Annual Effluent Release Report sent to the Commission per Reg Guide 1.21 IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 1 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Update the TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The TOC under Admin Controls, Section D5.6, was updated to "Radiological" Ground Water Monitoring Program.IMPACT: None JUSTIFICATION:

This is a typographical correction to reflect the fact that the program focuses on the "radiological" aspects.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 2 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Update the TOC for the title of Appendix J.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The title of Appendix J, and the reference in the TOC, was updated to be more descriptive: "Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details".IMPACT: None JUSTIFICATION:

This is a typographical improvement to be inclusive with the objectives of Appendix J. This appendix describes methods by which the station determines the source term selection criteria, the dose calculations, the dilution flow, and the groundwater flow to the environment.

Therefore, the title needed to be more inclusive.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 3 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Update the REMP Table D3.5.1-1 with several new improvements and lessons learned from 2007.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: REMP Table D3.5.1-1 was updated as follows: a) Airborne Radioiodine/Particulate sample location description

-removed the word "offsite", and included the word "approximately" when describing the third location (approx 15-30 km distant, and in the least prevalent wind direction), in pathway #2.b) Added reference to "control location" to waterborne surface location Wal in pathway #3a.c) Changed "Sediment" to "Soil" from Shoreline in pathway #3c, excluding the previous requirement for H-3 insoil, which was inadvertently added in revision 0 (typo).d) Added MW-40 and 51(by name) to specify wells by number in 3d, and added a requirement for Ni-63.e) Added "human consumption" in the description of the sampling location for the milk pathway (4a).f) Clarified the gamma spec requirements for the milk pathway (4a) for sample type & frequency of analysis.g) Added the word "approximately" in sample location for milk pathway (4a).h) Added Ni-63 analysis requirement to Fish and invertebrates (4b), and ODCM References 45/46 as bases.IMPACT: NEM Procedures 0-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated to include Ni-63 analysis of MW-40/51, and for Fish/Invert sampling.

Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-001 00, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:

For items (a) and (g), the locations of samplers are "at" the site boundary.

These locations are indeed "in different sectors, of the highest annual average ground level D/Q". Entergy believes that locations precisely "at " the site boundary are better controlled in this location, rather than actually "offsite".

This location is also within the spirit of the definition of NUREGs 0133 and 1301. Therefore, the words from NUREG 1301 (previously applied without site-specific understanding): "offsite locations, close to the site boundary" were simplified to "at" the site boundary.Items (b), (e), and (f) are typographical improvements for clarity or accuracy, with already stipulated criteria.Items (d) and (h) involve adding Ni-63 to key REMP samples, due to its predominance as a Unit 1 key effluent isotope, and it's presence in Groundwater.

Per guidance from NUREG 0133 and other effluent and environmental regulation, the comparison of these programs with REMP requires an evaluation for potential inclusion of isotopes or pathways not previously identified.

Ni-63 is believed to be a potential environmental contaminant, and as such, is added to the REMP sampling requirements for Fish and Invertebrates, as well as the Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the SW boundary.

Ni-63 is NOT required for shoreline deposit or Hudson River sampling because of the lack of a viable human dose pathway, and its weak, low energy beta.An independent evaluation was performed to determine the best way to include this isotope in the REMP. New reporting and detection levels were also determined.

The evaluation is documented in IPEC-CHM-08-009, which has been identified in the ODCM as new Reference

46. (A similar document was also added as Reference 45 for Sr-90, which was already included in the ODCM REMP).

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 4 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Add Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and along with those already specified for Sr-90.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Added Ni-63 Reporting Levels and LLDs in Tables 3.5.1-2 and, including footnotes:

      • and (f).IMPACT: NEM Procedures O-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated to include Ni-63 analysis of MW-40/51, and for Fish/Invert sampling.

Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-00100, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:

Since Ni-63 is a significant signature isotope in Unit 1 effluent, and also identified in wells at the waterfront for Groundwater dose evaluation, it was included in this ODCM REMP update per guidance in NUREG 1301 and other Environmental/Effluent regulation suggesting required communication with these two programs.

Previously, IPEC had determined that the gross beta analyses performed per REMP requirements was sufficient to identify any potential Ni-63 contamination.

This decision was reversed after several years of positive Ni-63 values at the waterfront in groundwater, and after evaluating the Unit 1 source term signature, both for effluents and part 61.New values for Reporting Level and LLD were determined for the inclusion of Ni-63 and captured in new ODCM Reference 46, a chemistry memo entitled IPEC-CHM-08-009.

This memo (similar to Reference 45 for Sr-90)includes the dose-based determination for inclusion of Ni-63 in the fish and invertebrate pathway, as well as the Monitoring Well water testing. The values were determined with assistance from independent consulting and confirmed by Entergy.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 5 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Expand D5.6 to more completely describe the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP).DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Expanded D5.6 to describe the purposes and functions of the Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program (RGWMP) in the RECS, to ensure all aspects of the program are captured in the controlling document (ODCM Part 1, the RECS). This added guidance includes details to meet the monitoring, investigating, and characterizing objectives of the program.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:

The monitoring, investigating, and characterizing objectives and details from IP-SMM-CY-1 10 were added to this revision of the ODCM (RECS) to ensure the upper tier documents captures these requirements.

The bullets for program objectives under this category are consistent with the format and content of other Administrative Control sections, like those that define the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report, etc. Including these details, as well as references to NEI, NRC, and IPEC commitments into the ODCM Part 1 (RECS) provides greater assurance of continued appropriate levels of scrutiny and support.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 6 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Modify ODCM Part II, Section 2.1.16 to reflect new Attachment J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Updated the title of the attachment, and included a sentence at the end of the section describing the reference it is alluding to, Reference

33. The actual dilution volume determined per this reference for the groundwater bedrock pathway to the river is provided.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:

The actual dilution volume was provided to facilitate application of groundwater dose assessment with only the ODCM, rather than require the collection of this reference in order to obtain the specific dilution factor. The direct measurement of dilution in the canal, versus the application of bedrock pathway dilution to the river, clarifies the use of these values.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 7 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Correct the typo in Table 3-9, Locations of Site Boundary and Nearest Residence, NE sector, for U3.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: For the Unit 3 Site Boundary distance in the NE sector, the typographical error in the table was corrected, from the previous value of 744 to the correct value of 636. The nearest resident values are unchanged.

Only this value for U3 site boundary is effected, and it is NOT value used in any calculation.


This was a typographical error from the previous revision, and involves ONLY the Unit 3 Site Boundary distance in the NE sector, which is not used in any dose calculation (information only). No other distance (SB or nearest resident) is effected.The site boundary distance in this sector is NOT used for any dose calculation.

The actual correct distance to the site boundary in this direction was properly applied and distributed in Reference 31 by the vendor averaging our MET data and determining worst case sectors. The distances in all the UNEFFECTED sectors are also included in this table of the ODCM, and the error was introduced in transferring this data to ODCM Revision 0. It has had no bearing on any calculation or program definition.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 8 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Append the REMP sample nomenclature "1 al-1 a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Added the standard REMP sample nomenclature "lal-1a4" to Appendix G, page 2, milk pathway, for clarity, despite the fact that this pathway is NOT enabled at IPEC.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:

The fact that the nomenclature "1al-1a4" is reserved for this use, mentioned in NUREG 1301, and also in the RECS, suggested that we should include precisely where it would be applied in this Appendix, should we ever be required to enable the cows milk pathway. Other sample points are identified by similar nomenclature and this update was performed for consistency.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 9 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Remove the abandoned and non-required air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, pages 3 and 7.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Removed references to this air sampling station at the old Lovett Power Station, Appendix G, page 3 (list of points) and page 7 (the map of locations).

IMPACT: NEM Procedures O-RP-NEM-100 (NEM abnormal activity notification/reporting, etc), and 101 (Sampling and Analysis), shall be updated as required.

Issued: IPEC corrective action: LO-LAR-2008-00100, CA #1.JUSTIFICATION:

This station was never required.

Upon closing of the Lovett power plant, its use or potential relocation was considered.

Twenty years of data have identified this location to offer no relevant MET data. While the LACK of any airborne activity at this location is valuable information, the instrumentation has already provided that function.

Had this been the only station in excess of requirements, the decision may have been to relocate it.However, since Lovett power plant is being dismantled, and the fact that we STILL have three more stations in the field beyond what is required by RECS 3.5.1 (and NUREG 1301), this station is simply being removed. The RECS require 3 sample locationsat highest calculated D/Q values, another at the established year-round local community, and a fifth at the control location.

IPEC still employs 3 more samplers in addition to these, as a means of demonstrating sincere efforts to exceed minimum standards.

It was therefore agreed to simply remove the station at Lovett.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item # 10 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Identify the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Identified the Cold Spring Hudson River sampling location as a "control location" on Attachment G, page 4.Added the footnote at the bottom of this section (single star), identifying Cold Spring as a control location.IMPACT: None.JUSTIFICATION:

The Cold Spring location had always been treated and understood to be a "control location" in station procedures.

It was added to the ODCM in the 1980s for this purpose. However, until this revision, it lacked the official designation as such. Control and Indicator locations are treated exactly the same with regard to the investigation for contaminants.

This footnote was added to this revision of the ODCM for consistency and clarity.

IPEC COMBINED ODCM Rev 1 Justification Package item# 11 of 11 May, 2008 OBJECTIVE:

Replace old Appendix J with new expanded, more detailed description of GW flow and dose determinations.

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES:.Replaced old Appendix J with verbiage accumulated from the site hydrologists, specifically detailing the determination of offsite dose as a result of measurements of dilution and groundwater flow, and specific source term measurements, separated into new zones to better integrate the site's effluent component.

IMPACT: Chemistry procedure 0-CY-2740 was updated to accommodate these changes.JUSTIFICATION:

The detailed specific guidance for this Appendix was obtained from the site hydrologists, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. This appendix includes all details required to ensure the precipitation mass balance method is properly calibrated with Darcy's Law parameters.

Transducer data and differential groundwater head was used to calibrate the model, and will continue to check the model's validity, until sufficient data has been collected to comfortably bound the model with limiting flow rates in each zone. Since the bulk of this data acquisition was in calendar year 2007, site hydrologists plan to continue accumulating data through 2008 -and potentially update the model's determination of flow rate in any applicable zone, as it relates to measured precipitation and ground water differential head. This detail is being added to the ODCM for completeness and due to the fact that it is a unique release pathway. The pathway also involves multiple interfaces between the licensee, regulators, and stakeholders, each of whom must be aware of effluent dose impact and the calculation methods used to fulfill political and legal obligations.

The end result of this detailed guidance is to ensure similar guidance exists for GW effluent dose assessment, as that of routine effluent:

knowledge of source term, dilution flow, and effluent flowrate.

The rest of the dose assessment follows typical RG 1.109 dose calculation methodology clearly specified in applicable sections of the ODCM.

Entergy Nuclear Northeast Indian Point Energy Center Units 1, 2, and 3 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)Rev. 1 WRITTEN BY: REVIEWED BY: OSRC REVIEW: APPROVED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE:*l&,L3 1> T/S/,ý,/og date da e d te d5-at-e-date PAGE Table of Contents ii List of Tables and Figures vi Introduction viii PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS D 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION D 1.1 Definitions D 1.1-1 D 1.2 Logical Connectors D 1.2-1 D 1.3 Completion Times D 1.2-1 D 1.4 Frequency D 1.2-1 D 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS (Not Used)D 3.0 APPLICABILITY D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO) D 3.0-1 D 3.0 ODCM Surveillance Requirement (DSR) D 3.0-2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1-1 D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2-1 D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3-1 D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4-1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1-1 D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2-1 D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3-1 D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4-1 D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5-1 D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6-1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1-1 D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2-1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1-1 IPEC ODCM ii Revision 1 PAGE D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 Monitoring Program D 3.5.1-1 D 3.5.2 Land Use Census D 3.5.2-1 D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3-1 D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1-1 D 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES D 4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1-1 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report D 5.1-1 D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2-1 D 5.3 Special Reports D 5.3-1 D 5.4 Major Changes to Radwaste Treatment Systems D 5.4-1 D 5.5 Process Control Program (PCP) D 5.5-1 D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP) D 5.6-1 6/08 IPEC ODCM iii Revision 1 BASES PAGE B D 3.0 APPLICABILITY B D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO)B D 3.0 ODCM Surveillance Requirement (DSR)B D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS B D 3.0-1 B D 3.0-1 B D 3.1.1 B D 3.1.2 B D 3.1.3 B D 3.1.4 Liquid Effluents Concentration Liquid Effluents Dose Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Liquid Holdup Tanks B D 3.1.1-1 B D 3.1.2-1 B D 3.1.3-1 B D 3.1.4-1 B D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS B D 3.2.1 B D 3.2.2 B D 3.2.3 B D 3.2.4 B D 3.2.5 B D 3.2.6 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System Gas Storage Tanks B D 3.2.1-1 B D 3.2.2-1 B D 3.2.3-1 B D 3.2.4-1 B D 3.2.5-1 B D 3.2.6-1 B D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION B D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation B D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation B D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE B D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose B D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING B D 3.3.1-1 B D 3.3.2-1 B D 3.4.1-1 B D 3.5.1 B D 3.5.2 B D 3.5.3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Land Use Census Interlaboratory Comparison Program B D 3.5.1-1 B D 3.5.2-1 B D 3.5.3-1 B D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE B D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System B D 3.6.1-1 IPEC ODCM iv Revision I PART II CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES PAGE 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 RADIATION MONITORS AND SETPOINTS Effluent Monitoring

System Description

Setpoints for Airborne Effluent Monitors Setpoints for Liquid Effluent Monitors LIQUID EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY Liquid Effluent Releases-General Information Liquid Effluent Concentrations Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)

Backup Simplified Dose Methodology Site-Specific Bio-Accumulation and Dose Factors GASEOUS EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY Gaseous Effluent Releases -General Information Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)

Backup Simplified Dose Methodology Calculation of Meteorological Dispersion Factors Justification and Use of Finite Cloud Assumptions for Assessing SB Dose TOTAL DOSE DETERMINATIONS 10CFR190 Dose Evaluation Doses from Liquid Releases Doses from Atmospheric Releases Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Visiting the Site LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION 6 9 12 13 16 16 1 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 25 30 31 43 46 51 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 100 100 100 101 102 104


APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G: Appendix H: Appendix 1: Appendix J: Summary of Radiological Effluent Controls Liquid Effluent Simplified Flow Diagram Gaseous Effluent Simplified Flow Diagram Steam Partition Factor Calculation (f)Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC)Conversion Factors for Liquid Effluent Monitors Environmental Sampling Points Interlaboratory Comparison Program Calculation of Allowable Release Rates for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details 107 108 110 112 113 114 115 122 123 130 1 6/08 IPEC ODCM V Revision 1 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES PAGE PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS Tables: D 3.1.1-1 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis D 3.1.1-2 D 3.2.1-1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis D 3.2.1-2 D 3.3.1-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1-6 D 3.3.2-1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2-5 D 3.5.1-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1-6 D 3.5.1-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations In Environmental Samples D 3.5.1-9 D 3.5.1-3 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis D 3.5.1-10 Figures: 4.1-1 MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE D 4.1-2 GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS 4.1-2 MAP DEFINING RELEASE POINTS D 4.1-3 IPEC ODCM vi Revision 1 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES PAGE PART II -CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES 1-1 Unit 2 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data 4 1-2 Unit 3 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data 5 2-1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 18 2-2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 20 2-3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors 22 2-4 Bio-Accumulation Factors for Liquid Effluent Isotopes 24 3-1a Adult Inhalation Dose Factors 52 3-1b Teen Inhalation Dose Factors 54 3-1c Child Inhalation Dose Factors 56 3-1d Infant Inhalation Dose Factors 58 3-2 TB/Skin GP Dose Factors, w/ Half Life & Stable Element Transfer Data 60 3-3a Adult Ingestion Dose Factors 62 3-3b Teen Ingestion Dose Factors 64 3-3c Child Ingestion Dose Factors 66 3-3d Infant Ingestion Dose Factors 68 3-4 Total Body Dose Factors, Ki, from Noble Gas (Gamma) 70 3-5 Skin Dose Factors, Li, from Noble Gas (Beta) 71 3-6 Air Dose Factors, Mi, from Noble Gas (Gamma) 72 3-7 Air Dose Factors, Ni, from Noble Gas (Beta) 73 3-8 NG Dose Factors for Instantaneous and Time Average Mixtures at the SB 74 3-9 Locations of Site Boundary and Nea rest Residence 75 3-1ia Adult Inhalation Ri(l) 76 3-1Ob Teen Inhalation Ri(I) 78 3-10c Child Inhalation Ri(I) 80 3-1Od Infant Inhalation Ri(l) 82 3-11 a Adult Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V) 84 3-1 b Teen Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V) 86 3-11 c Child Ingestion (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V) 88 3-12a Adult Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 90 3-12b Teen Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 92 3-12c Child Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Ri(C) 94 3-12d Infant Grass-Cow-M ilk Pathway Ri(C) 96 3-13 Total Body and Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S) 98 IPEC ODCM vii Revision 1 INTRODUCTION The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) is established and maintained pursuant to Technical Specifications Section 5.5. for both I PEC units 2 and 3. Previous revisions of each unit's ODCM have been combined to form a station ODCM. The IPEC ODCM consists of two parts: 1) Part I, Radiological Effluent Controls, (RECS)- previously, often referred to as the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, or RETS (Section 3.9 of original Unit 2 Technical Specifications, and Appendix B or original Unit 3 Technical Specifications).

2) Part II, Calculational Methodologies (previously often referred to as simply the "ODCM")Part I, Radiological Effluent Controls, includes the Radiological Effluent Control Specifications (RECS) and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP) required by Technical Specification 5.5. It also includes descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Radioactive Effluent Release Reports required by each unit's Technical Specifications.

Part II, Calculational Methodologies, provides the methodology to manually calculate radiation dose rates and doses to individual persons in UNRESTRICTED AREAS in the vicinity of Indian Point due to the routine release of gaseous and liquid effluents.

Long term cumulative effects are usually calculated through computer programs employing approved methodology.

At IPEC, this method includes the use of ten-year averaged m eteorology in the case of gaseous effluents.

Other computer programs are utilized to routinely estimate the doses due to radioactivity in liquid effluents.

Manual dose calculations are performed when computerized calculations are not available.

The ODCM also provides setpoint methodology that is applied to effluent monitors and optionally to other process monitors.The sources for criteria found in the ODCM and the Radiological Effluent Control Specifications include the following:

  • Liquid Effluent Release Rate: Diluted concentrations in the discharge canal are limited to ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS identified in 1OCF R20 Appendix B." Airborne Effluent Release Rate: Release rates are limited to corresponding dose rate limits from NUREG 0133 and 0472." Integrated Radiological Effluent Dose: The design objectives of 10CFR50 Appendix I.The ODCM and associated tracking software implements the methodology of 1) Reg. Guide 1.109 "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix I", and 2) NUREG-0133 "Guidance Manual for Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants." Other references may be cited to permit reasonable handling of a situation not covered by either of the two cited references.

In some cases, site-specific data or reasonable simplifying assumptions are used and justified to permit formulation of more workable methodologies for implementing RECS dose calculation requirements.

IPEC ODCM Viii Revision 1 Indian Point Energy Center Offsite Dose Calculation Manual PART I -RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT CONTROLS Definitions D1.1 D 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION D 1.1 Definitions

NOTE --------------------------------

Terms defined in Technical Specifications and the following additional defined terms appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these specifications and bases.Term Definition GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM MEMBER(S)

OF THE PUBLIC MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION WATER (MPCW)OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.


OF THE PUBLIC includes all persons who are not occupationally associated with the site. This category does not include employees of the utility, their contractors or vendors. Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the site to service equipment or to make deliveries.

MPCW is that concentration of a radionuclide equal to ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2.The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL shall contain the current methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm/trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the environmental radiological monitoring program.A PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK is defined by a quantifiable leak rate equal to or greater than 0.5 gpd, AND a) The presence of fission or activation products in the secondary fluid, verified as Steam Generator U-tube leaks (and not from other known contam ination, such as IVSWS leaks), OR b) Tritium activity in the secondary fluid indicating an increase above historical baseline (normal diffusion) of 5.OOE-6 uCi/ml or greater.The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM is a manual containing and/or referencing selected operational information concerning the solidification of radioactive wastes from liquid systems.PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM IPEC ODCM D 1.1- 1 Revision 1 Definitions D 1.1 D 1.1 Definitions PURGE -PURGING SITE BOUNDARY SOLIDIFICATION SOURCE CHECK UNRESTRICTED AREA VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM VENTING PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.

The SITE BOUNDARY is that line beyond which the land is neither owned, leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee(s).

SOLIDIFICATION is the conversion of wet wastes into a form that meets shipping and burial ground requirements.

A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a source of increased radioactivity.

An UNRESTRICTED AREA is any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, access to which is not controlled by the licensee(s) for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiatio n and radioactive materials. (See Figure D 4.1-1)A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal ads orbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment.

Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents.

Engineered Safety Feature (ES F) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.

VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required.IPEC ODCM D 1.1 -2 Revision 1 Logical Connectors D 1.2 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION

1.2 Logical

Connectors Logical Connectors are discussed in Section 1.2 of the Technical Specifications and are applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases.1.3 Completion Times Completion Times are discussed in Section 1.3 of the Technical Specifications and are applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases.1.4 Frequency Frequency is discussed in Section 1.4 of the Technical Specifications and is applicable throughout the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Bases IPEC ODCM D 1.2-1 Revision 1 APPLICABILITY D3.0 D 3.0 ODCM Limiting Condition for Operation (DLCO) Applicability DLCO 3.0.1 DLCOs shall be met during the MO DES or other specified condition in the Applicability, except as provided in DLCO 3.0.2.DLCO 3.0.2 Upon discovery of a failure to meet a DLCO, the Required Actions of the associated Conditions shall be met, except as provided in D LCO 3.0.5.If the DLCO is met or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified Completion Time(s), completion of the Required Action(s) is not required unless otherwise stated.DLCO 3.0.3 When a DLCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS, action shall be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to: a. Restore compliance with the DLCO or associated ACTIONS, and b. Enter the circumstances into the Corrective Action Program.-----------------------

NOTE- -------------------

DLCO 3.0.3.b shall be completed if DLCO 3.0.3 is entered.Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.

DLCO 3.0.4 Not Applicable to ODCM Specifications.

DLCO 3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to com ply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under adm inistrative control solely to perform testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other equipment.

This is an exception to TRO 3.0.B for the system returned to service under adm inistrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY.

IPEC ODCM D 3.0-1 Revision 1 APPLICABILITY D 3.0 D 3.0 0DCM Surveillance Requirement (DS R) Applicability DSR 3.0.1 DSRs shall be met during the M ODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability for individual DLCOs, unless otherwise stated in the DSR. Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or between performances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the DLCO. Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet the DLCO except as provided in DS R 3.0.3.Surveillances do not have to be performed on i noperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.DSR 3.0.2 The specified Frequency for each DSR is met if the Surveillance is performed within 1.25 times the interval specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous performance or as measured from the time a specified condition of the Frequency is met.For Frequencies specified as "once," the above interval extension does not apply.If a Completion Time requires periodic perform ance on a "once per. .." basis, the above Frequency extension applies to each performance after the initial performance.

Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.

DSR 3.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within its specified Frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare the DLCO not met may be delayed, from the ti me of discovery, up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to the lim it of the specified Frequency, whichever is greater. T his delay period is permitted to allow performance of the Surveillance.

A risk evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance delayed greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and the risk im pact shall be managed.If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the DLCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period and the Surveill ance is not met, the DLCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.IPEC ODCM D 3.0-2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluents Concentration DLCO 3.1.1 The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. The MPCW concentrations as defined in D 1.1 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases; and b. 2 x 10-4 pCi/mI total activity concentration for dissolved or entrained noble gases.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Concentration of A.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately radioactive material concentration to withi n limits.released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeds limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform radioactive liquid waste sampling and activity In accordance with analysis.

Table D 3.1.1-1 DSR Verify the results of the DSR analyses to In accordance with assure that the concentrations at the point of release Table D 3.1.1-1 are maintained within the lim its of DLCO 3.1.1.IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -1 Revision I Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 Table D 3.1.1-1 (Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis LIQUID MINIMUM LOWER LIMIT RELEASE SAMPLE SAMPLE ANALYSIS SAMPLE ANALYSIS OFLDETECTION SAMPL ANAYSIS .(LLD) in uCi/mI, TYPE TYPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY (a),(g),(c)

1. Batch Waste Principal Release Tanks Gamma Emitters 5E-7 (b) Grab Sample Each Batch (h) Each Batch (h)Mo-99, Ce-i144 5E-6 eg, Waste Tanks, 1-131 1E-6 SG GOne batch per Dissolved and SG One Samdaych) 31 days Entrained Gases 1 E-5 Draindowns, 31 days (h) (gamma emitters)etc_________________

_H-3 1E-5 Composite (d) Each batch (h) 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-7 Sr-89, Sr-90 5E-8 Composite (d) Each batch (h) 92 days Fe-55 1 E-6 2. Continuous Releases (e)eg, SG Composite (d) Composite 7 days Principal Gamma Emitters (c) 5E-7 Blowdown, U1 NCD, Mo-99, Ce-144 5E-6 U1 SFDS, 1-131 1E-6 etc Dissolved and Grab Sample 31 days 31 days Entrained Gases 1 E-5 (gamma emitters)H-3 1 E-5 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-7 Composite (d) Composite Sr-89, Sr-90 5E-8 92 days Fe-55 1 E-6 3. Service Water Grab Sample 31 days 31 days Gamma and Beta Per liquid batch (in Radiologically emitters (j) releases, above.Controlled Areas)4. Turbine Hall Gamma and Beta Per liquid batch Drains, SG Composite (d) Composite 7 days emitters releases, above.Feedwater (i)IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Concentration D 3.1.1 Table D 3.1.1-1 (Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis (a) The LLD is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. The LLD shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before-the-fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posterior (after-the-fact) limit for a particular measurement.(b) A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed by the method described in Part II, Section 1.4 to assure representative sampling.(c) The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD applies include the following radionuclides:

Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. Ce-144 shall also be measured, but with an LLD of 5 x 10 6OCi/ml. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.

Other gamma peaks that are identified, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification D 5.2.(d) A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquids released.(e) A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume, e.g., from a volume of a system that has an input flow during the continuous release.(f) When operational or other limitations preclude specific gamma radionuclide analysis in batch releases, the provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.21 (Revision 1), Appendix A Section C.4 and Appendix A, Section B shall be followed.(g) For certain radionuclides with low gamma yield or low energies, or for certain radionuclide mixtures, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentration near the LLD. Under these circumstances, the LLD may be increased in inverse proportion to the magnitude of the gamma yield (i.e., 5 x 10-7/I where I is the photon abundance expressed as a decimal fraction).(h) Complete prior to each release.(i) Steam Generator Feedwater and Turbine Hall Drains are adequately monitored from Steam Generator Blowdown Composites.

Increased monitoring need only be performed when a Primary to Secondary leak exists, as defined in RECS Section D.1.1.(j) Beta emitters need only be analyzed if gamma emitters have been positively identified.

IPEC ODCM Page 3.1.1 -3 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose DLCO 3.1.2 The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials released in liquid effluents from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure b4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. _< 1.5 mrem to the whole body and < 5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter; an d b. <_ 3 mrem to the whole body and _< 10 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated dose to a A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days MEMBER OF THE NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a PUBLIC from the release Special Report that of radioactive materials in (1) Identifies the cause(s)liquid effluents to for exceeding the lim it(s)UNRESTRICTED AREAS and exceeds limits. (2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.1.2.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct liquid effluents exceeds 2 radiation from the units times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND Immediately B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and C.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days Associated Completion NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a time not met. Special Report, as defi ned in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:

(1) The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.

IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2- 2 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions from liquid 31 days effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.2- 3 Revision 1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.1.3 The Liquid Radwaste Treatment System shall be in operation when projected liquid effluent doses, from each unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.06 mrem to the total body in a 31 day period; or b. >0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:

Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment.

AND Projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from the unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would exceed limits.A. 1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report that includes: (1) An explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperabili ty, (2) Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

30 days SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses due to liquid effluents from each unit 31 days to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.IPEC ODCM D 3.1.3 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4 D3.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks DLCO 3.1.4 Radioactive liquid contained in unprotected outdoor liquid storage tanks shall be limited to < 10 Curies, excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained gases.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Level of radioactivity A.1 Suspend addition of Immediately exceeds the limits in any radioactive material.listed tank: AND U2 & U3 PWSTs A.2 Initiate measures to reduce 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> U2 & U3 RWSTs content to within the limits.UI Waste Dist Storage Tanks AND U3 Monitor Tanks A.3 Describe the events leading to Prior to submittal of U3 CPF High/Low TDS Tanks the condition in the next Radioactive Outdoor Temporary Tanks Radioactive Effluent Release Effluent Release Report. Report SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine that the quantity of radioactivity in 31 days, dudng periods outdoor liquid unprotected tan ks (listed above) where radioactive liquid does not exceed the limit, is being added to the tanks, in accordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM IPEC ODCM D 3.1.4 -1 Revision I Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate DLCO 3.2.1 The dose rate from radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1)shall be limited to: a. For noble gases, < 500 mrem/yr to the whole body and_< 3000 mrem/yr to the skin and b. For 1-131, tritium (H-3) and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives

> 8 days, < 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The dose rate(s) at or A.1 Restore the release rate to Immediately beyond the SITE within the limit.BOUNDARY due to radioactive gaseous effluents exceeds limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR The dose rate from noble gases in gaseous In accordance with effluents shall be determined to be within the limits Table D 3.2.1-1 of DLCO 3.2.1.a.DSR The dose rate from 1-131, H-3 and all In accordance with radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives Table D 3.2.1-1> 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the limits of DLCO 3.2.1 .b.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 Table D 3.2.1-1 (Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis SAMPLE LOWER GASEOUS SAMPLE SAMPLE ANALYSIS SAMPLE LIMIT OF RELEASE TYPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY ANALYSIS DETECTION TYPE _(LLD) (a)Principal 1. Waste Gas Grab Noble Storage Tank Sample Each Tank (h) Each Tank (h) Gas (NG) 1 E-4 Gamma pCi/cc Emitters (b)Grab Principal NG Purge Sample Each Purge (h) Each Purge (h) Gamma 1 E-4 2. Emitters (b) ACi/cc Vapor Containment Press Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Relief Sample 31 days (i) 31 days (i) Gamma Emitters (b) j.Ci/cc 3. Condenser Air Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Ejector Sample 31 days 31 days Gamma Emitters (b) 1 Ci/cc 4. Continuous Grab Principal NG 1E-4 Ventilation:

Sample 31 days (c) 31 days (c) Gamma Emitters (b) iCi/cc a. Main Plant H-3 Continuous 31 days (e) H-3 1E-6 Vent (unit 2) Specific CdCi/cc b. Stack Vent Charcoal 1E-12 (unit 1) Sample Continuous (f) 7 days (c), (g) 1-131 iiCi/cc c. Main Plant Principal Ven (ni 3 PatiulteGamma 1E-11 Vent (unit 3) Particulate Continuous (f) 7 days (c), (g) Emitters (b) i d. Radioactive Sample (1-131, aCi/cc Machine Shop Others)Vent (unit 3) Composite e. Admin Bldg Particulate Continuous (f) 31 days Gross Alpha 1 E-1 1 Vent (unit 3) Sample iCi/cc Composite 1E-11 Particulate Continuous (f) 92 days Sr-89 / Sr-90 iiCi/cc Sample Noble Gas Noble Gases 1E-6 Monitor Continuous (f) Continuous (f) Gross Beta or Gamma pCi/cc (d)IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 Table D 3.2.1-1 (Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis (a) The LLD is defined, for purposes of these Specifications, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.The LLD shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.(b) The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD Control applies exclusively are the following radionuclides:

Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-1 33, Xe-1 33m, Xe-1 35, and Xe-1 38 for gaseous emissions and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 for particulate emissions.

Other identifiable gamma peaks (1-131 in particulate form, for example), together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Section D 5.2.(c) IF following a shutdown, startup, or a thermal power change (within one hour) exceeding 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER, analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in the primary coolant has increased by a factor of 3 or more, AND the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has increased by a factor of 3 or more THEN: 1) Sample the main Plant Vent for Noble Gases within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, AND 2) Sample the main Plant Vent for Iodine and Particulate once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for at least 7 days with analyses completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of sample changeout.

The LLDs of these samples may be increased by a factor of 10.(d) This value is the established Radiation Monitor sensitivity (minimum).(e) Grab samples can be used as alternative to continuous sampling, provided the periodicity of these grab samples is increased from monthly to once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when the refueling canal is flooded, or at least once per 7 days when spent fuel is in the Spent Fuel Pool.(f) The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Specifications D 3.2.1, D 3.2.2 and D 3.2.3.(g) Continuous samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing, or after removal from sampler.Additionally, IF routine Iodine sampling indicates 1-131 in any of the listed continuous streams, THEN collect a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> sample from the applicable vent (within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />) for short-lived Iodine isotope quantification, on a periodicity not to exceed once per 31 days. The LLDs of these samples may be increased by a factor of 10.(h) Complete prior to each release.(i) Vapor Containment noble gas shall be sampled at least monthly to ensure Pressure Reliefs are quantified with an accurate isotopic mixture. Containment noble gas radiation monitor readings can be used for quantification of Pressure Reliefs, provided the monitor readings are consistent with those observed during recent (at least monthly) grab samples. Sample data is adjusted by the noble gas radiation monitor reading for purposes of quantification of each release. Should the monitor be inoperable, a containment noble gas grab sample is required within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the Pressure Relief. Should BOTH the containment noble gas and particulate monitors be inoperable, two independent samples of the VC are required prior to a Pressure Relief.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.1 -3ýRevision 1

Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas DLCO 3.2.2 The air dose from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas at or beyond the SIT E BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. < 5 mrad to the whole body from gamma radiation and< 10 mrad to the skin from beta radiation during any calendar quarter, and b. < 10 mrad to the whole body from gamma radiation and_ 20 mrad to the skin from beta radiation during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The calculated air dose at A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days or beyond the SITE NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a BOUNDARY due to noble Special Report that gases released in gaseous (1) Identifies the cause(s)effluents exceeds limits, for exceeding the lim it(s)and (2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.2.2.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct airborne effluents exceeds radiation from the units 2 times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND Immediately B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and Associated Completion time not met.C.1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:

(1) The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and 30 days (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.

IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions for the 31 days current calendar quarter and current calendar year.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.2 -3 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate DLCO 3.2.3 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives

> 8 days, in gaseous effluents, released from each unit to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) shall be limited to: a. < 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter, and b. < 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The dose from 1-131, A.1 Prepare and subm it to the 30 days tritium, and radioactive NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a material in particulate form Special Report that with half-lives

> 8 days (1) Identifies the cause(s)released in gaseous for exceeding the lim it(s)effluents at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY and exceeds limits.(2) Defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with DLCO 3.2.3.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Calculated dose to a B.1 Calculate the annual dose to Immediately MEMBER OF THE a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the release PUBLIC which includes of radioactive material s in contributions from direct liquid effluents exceeds 2 radiation from the units times the limits. (including outside storage tanks, etc.).AND B.2 Verify that the limits of DLCO Immediately 3.4 have not been exceeded.C. Required Action B.2 and Associated Completion time not met.C. 1 Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report, as defi ned in 10 CFR 20.2203 (a)(4), of Required Action A. 1 shall also include the following:

(1)The corrective action(s)to be taken to prevent recurrence of exceeding the limits of DLCO 3.4 and the schedule for achieving conformance, (2) An analysis that estimates the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s), and (3) Describes the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.

30 days IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -2 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluent Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Determine cumulative dose contributions for the 31 days current calendar quarter and current calendar year for 1-131, tritium, and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives

> 8 days.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.3 -3 Revision 1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.2.4 The GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be in operation when projected gaseous effi uent doses, from each unit, at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation; and b. > 0.4 mrad for beta radiation in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:

Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive gaseous A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days waste is being discharged NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a without treatment.

Special Report that includes the following:

AND (1) Identification of any Projected doses due to the inoperable equipment or gaseous effluent, from the subsystems and the unit, at and beyond the reason for the SITE BOUNDARY would inoperability, exceed limits.(2) Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses due to gaseous effluents from each 31 days unit at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.4 -1 Revision 1 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System DLCO 3.2.5 The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be in operation when projected gaseous effluent doses, from each unit, at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) would be: a. > 0.2 mrad air dose from gamma radiation; and b. > 0.4 mrad air dose from beta radiation in a,31 day period; or c. > 0.3 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:

Prior to each release.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive gaseous A.1 Prepare and submit to the 30 days waste is being discharged NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a without treatm ent. Special Report that includes the following:

AND (1) Identification of any inoperable equipment or Projected doses due to sbytm n h gaseous effluent, from reason for the each unit, to areas at or inoperability, beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would (2) Action(s) taken to restore exceed limits, the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and (3) Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Project the doses from gaseous releases from each 31 days unit to areas at and beyond the SIT E BOUNDARY when the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS are not being fully utilized.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.5 -1 Revision 1 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6 D 3.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks DLCO 3.2.6 The radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank shall be limited to the following unit-specific curie levels of noble gas (considered as Xe-133): Unit 2: __ 29,761 Curies Unit 3: __ 50,000 Curies APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Level of radioactivity A.1 Suspend addition of Immediately exceeds the limits, radioactive material.AND A.2 Reduce content to within the 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR The quantity of radioactive material contained in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during each gas storage tank shall be determined to be addition of within the limits above, at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> radioactive when radioactive materials are being added to the material to the tank in accordance with the methodology and tank parameters in the ODCM.IPEC ODCM D 3.2.6 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation DLCO 3.3.1 The unit-specific radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table D 3.3.1-1 shall be OPE RABLE with: a. The minimum OPERABLE channel(s) in service.b. The alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the lim its of DLCO 3.1.1 are not exceeded.APPLICABILITY:

According to Table D 3.3.1-1 for the applicable unit.ACTIONS---------------------

NOTE -------------------------------------------------------

Separate condition entry is allowed for each channel.CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Liquid effluent monitoring A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately instrumentation channel radioactive liquid effluents alarm/trip setpoint less monitored by the affected conservative than required.

channel.OR A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.

OR Immediately A.3 Change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.

IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. One or more required B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately channels inoperable, referenced in Table D 3.3.1-1 for the channel.AND B.2 Restore inoperable 30 days channel(s) to OPERABLE status.C. As required by Required C.1 Analyze at least 2 Prior to initiating a Action B.1 and referenced independent samples in release in Table D 3.3.1-1. accordance with Table D 3.1.1-1.AND C.2 --------NOTE ----------------

Verification Action will be performed by at least 2 separate technically qualified members of the facility staff.Independently verify the Prior to initiating a release rate calculations and release discharge line valvi ng.D. As required by Required D.1 Collect and analyze grab 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Action B.1 and referenced samples for radioactivity at a in Table D 3.3.1-1. limit of detection of at least AND 5 x 10-7 pCi/ml.Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -2 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME E. As required by Required E.1 Collect and analyze grab 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Action B.1 and samples for radioactivity at referenced in a limit of detection of at AND Table D 3.3.1-1. least 5 x 10-7 lCi/ml, when specific activity is Once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />s> 0.01 VtCi/gm DOSE thereafter EQUIVALENT 1-131.OR E.2 Collect and analyze grab 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> samples for radioactivity at a limit of detection of at AND least 5 x 10-7 lCi/ml, when specific activity is Once per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s< 0.01 pCi/gm DOSE thereafter EQUIVALENT 1-131.F. As required by Required F.1 ----------

NOTE ------Action B.1 and Pump performance curves 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> referenced in generated in place may be Table D 3.3.1-1. used to estimate flow. AND Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Estimate the flow rate during thereafter actual releases.G. ýAs required by Required G.1 Estimate tank liquid level. Immediately Action B.1 and referenced in AND Table D 3.3.1-1.During liquid additions to the tank H. Required Action B.2 and H.1 Explain in the next In accordance with associated Completion Radioactive Effluent Radioactive Effluent Time not met. Release Report why the Release Report inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -3 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME I. Required Action and 1.1 Suspend liquid effluent Immediately associated Completion releases monitored by the Time for Condition C, D, E, inoperable channel(s).

or F not met.J. Required Action and J.1 Suspend liquid additions to Immediately associated Completion the tank monitored by the Time for Condition G not inoperable channel(s).


NOTE -----------------------------------

Refer to Table D 3.3.1-1 to determine which DSRs apply for each function.SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK by verifying indication of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on any flow during periods of release. day on which continuous, periodic, or batch releases are made DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to release DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST 92 days IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -4 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)

SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. The 92 days CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. The 92 days CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if any of the following conditions exist, instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint, instrument controls not set in operate mode.DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST 24 months DSR Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION 24 months IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -5 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table D 3.3.1-1 (page 1 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation


1. Gross Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release a. Unit 2 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluent Line (R-54)b. Unit 2 Steam Generator Effluent Blowdown Line (R-49)c. Unit 3 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluent Line (R-18)d. Unit 3 Condensate Polisher Facility (CPF) Waste Line (R-61)e. Unit 3 Steam Generator Effluent Blowdown Line (R-19)(a)(a) (i)(a)(a)(a) (i)C E C C E DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR DSR DSR DSR (h)(h)(e)(d)DSR DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)2. Gross Beta or Gamma Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm but NOT Providing Automatic Termination of Release a. Unit 1 or 2 Service Water or River Water Effluent Lines-VC FCU (R-46 or R-53)-21 CCW HX (R-39)-22 CCW HX (R-40)-SBBPS HX (R-52)b. Unit 1 Secondary Boiler Blowdown Effluent Line (R-51)c. Unit 1 Sphere Foundation Drain Sump Effluent Line (R-62)(a)(a)(a)1 (g)1 DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)DSR D DSR DSR (e)DSR (d)d. Unit 3 Service Water Effluent Lines-SW for VC FCU return (R-16A or R-1 6B)-SW for CCW Heat Exchanger (R-23)(a)(a)1 (g)1 IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -6 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table D 3.3.1-1 (page 2 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation


b. Unit 2 Steam Generator DSR Blowdown Effluent Line (a) (i) 1 F DSR (FI-1241 to F1-1244, and DSR FT-1241 to FT-1244)c. Unit 1 North Curtain Drain (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line (f) DSR (LW-FE-12)
d. Unit 1 Sphere Foundation (a) 1 F DSR Drain Sump (f) DSR (LW-FZ-100)

DSR e. Unit 3 Liquid Radwaste (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line DSR (FE-1064, FI-1064)DSR f. Unit 3 Cond Polisher (CPF) (a) 1 F DSR Effluent Line (3LG-FIT-41, DSR (3LG-FM-41, 3LG-FR-41)

g. Unit 3 Steam Generator (a) (i) 1 F DSR Blowdown Effluent Line DSR (FT-545 to 548, FIR-543,544)

DSR 4. Tank Level Indicating Devices (c)DSR (b)a. Unit 1 Waste Distillate (a) 1 G DSR Storage Tank #13 DSR (CT967-LIE-1, LIE-2)b. Unit 1 Waste Distillate DSR (b)Storage Tank #14 (a) 1 G DSR (CT974-LIE-1, LIE-2) DSR c. Unit 2 Primary Water DSR (b)Storage Tank (a) 1 G DSR (LT-1131, LI-1131) DSR d. Unit 2 Refueling Water (a) 1 G DSR (b)Storage Tank (LI-920, LT-920, LT-5751) 0)e. Unit 3 Refueling Water (a) G DSR (b)Storage Tank (LI-920A, LI-920B) J)IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -7 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 Table b 3.3.1-1 (page 3 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS OR OTHER CHANNELS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE SPECIFIED PER FROM REQUIRED REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 4. Tank Level Indicating Devices (c) (continued)

DSR (b)f. Unit 3 Primary Water Storage (a) 1 G DSR Tank (LT-1131, LI-1131) DSR DSR (b)g. Unit 3 Monitor Tank #31 (a) 1 G DSR (LI-181) DSR DSR (b)h. Unit 3 Monitor Tank #32 (a) 1 G DSR (LI-180) DSR DSR (b)i. Unit 3 CPF High Total (a) 1 G DSR Dissolved Solids Tank DSR (h)(3-LG-LI-12)

DSR (b)j. Unit 3 CPF Low Total (a) 1 G DSR Dissolved Solids Tank DSR (h)(3-LG-LI-22)

NOTES (a) Applicability is defined as anytime releases are being performed via this pathway. During periods of release, channels shall be OPERABLE and in service on a continuous basis, except that outages are permitted, within the time frame of the specified action, for the purpose of maintenance and performance of required CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, or CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.(b) During liquid addition to the associated tank.(c) Tanks included in this Specification are those outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system, as specified in RECS Section D 3.1.4.(d) Radioactive calibration standards used for CHANNEL CALIBRATIONS shall be analyzed with instrumentation which is calibrated NIST traceable standards.

Standards from suppliers who participate in approved measurement assurance activities with NIST are acceptable.(e) Test will include: Low sample flow, no counts per minute failure, and alarm setpoint reached. The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST does not include testing or trouble shooting, nor the performance of any equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.(f) Flow rate for these continuous intermittent release pathways is normally obtained from a flow totalizer on the system outlet.(g) One instrument per operating Service Water system is required.

For example, unit-specific VC FCU monitors are redundant and compensatory actions are only required when BOTH monitors are OOS for any one unit. However, for Unit 2's CCW HX's (R-39 and R-40), the appropriate SW monitor is required to be in service anytime the effected loop is in service.(h) Channel and Source Checks for R-61 in Unit 3's Condensate Polisher Facility (CPF) are required only during or after a primary to secondary leak, as defined in RECS Section 1. Surveillances on the flow meter and level instruments are performed to be prepared for this type of leak. The level instrument calibration is also required by the SPDES permit.(i) Applicable for Continuous Steam Generator Blowdown to the environment only. These requirements are not applicable for Batch Steam Generator Draindowns.(j) Surveillance requirements for the RWST level instruments (CHECKS and CALIBRATIONS) are prescribed in Technical Specifications (Sections 3.3.3 and 3.5.4 for Unit 2 and Section 3.5.4 for Unit 3). However, the requirement for a daily channel check (when making additions to the tank, per earlier footnote b) is maintained in the ODCM per the original licensing bases (NUREG 0472) and the 10 curie rule.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.1 -8 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation DLCO 3.3.2 The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table D3.3.2-1 shall be OPE RABLE with: a. The minimum OPERABLE channel(s) in service.b. The alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of DLCO 3.2.1 are not exceeded.APPLICABILITY:

According to Table D 3.3.2-1.ACTIONS NOTE.Separate condition entry is allowed for each channel.CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Gaseous effluent A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately monitoring instrumentation radioactive gaseous channel alarm/trip setpoint effluents monitored by the less conservative than affected channel.required.OR A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.

OR A.3 Change the setpoint so it is Immediately acceptably conservative.

B. One or more channels B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately inoperable, referenced in Table D 3.3.2-1 for the channel.AND B.2 Restore inoperable 30 days channel(s) to OPERABLE status.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. As required by Required Action B.1 and referenced C.1 Take grab samples. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> in Table D 3.3.2-1.AND Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter AND C.2 Analyze samples for gross 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from time of activity, sampling completion D. As required by Required D.1 Estimate the flow rate for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Action B.1 and referenced the inoperable channel(s).

in Table D 3.3.2-1. AND Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> thereafter E. As required by Required E.1 Continuously collect 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Action B.1 and referenced samples using auxiliary in Table D 3.3.2-1. sampling equipment as required in Table D 3.2.1-1.F. As required by Required F.1 Determine the radioactive 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Action B.1 and referenced content of the receiving in Table D 3.3.2-1. gas decay tank is in AND compliance with DLCO 3.2.1. Once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -2 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME G. As required by Required G.1 Analyze at least 2 Prior to initiating a Action B.1 and referenced independent samples in gas decay tank in Table D 3.3.2-1, for gas accordance with release decay tank releases.

Table D 3.2.1-1.AND G.2 --------NOTE--------

Verification Action will be performed by at least 2 separate technically qualified members of the facility staff.Independently verify the Prior to initiating a release rate calculations and gas decay tank discharge line valvi ng. release H. Required Action B.2 and H.1 Explain in the next In accordance with associated Completion Radioactive Effluent Radioactive Effluent Time not met. Release Report why the Release Report inoperability was not frequency corrected in-a timely manner.Required Action and 1.1 Suspend gaseous effluent Immediately associated Completion releases monitored by the Time for Condition C, D, E inoperable channel(s).

or F not met.J. Required Action and J.1 Suspend gaseous effluent Immediately associated Completion releases from Waste Gas Time for Condition G not Holdup System.met.K. As required by Required K.1 Take Noble Gas grab Prior to venting Action B.1 and referenced samples and analyze for Vapor Containment in Table D 3.3.2-1 (in gross activity. (VC)MODES 1-4 only).K.2 Immediately suspend PURGING the VC.IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -3 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> DSR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 7 days DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to release DSR Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days The test shall include 1) low sample flow, 2) no counts per minute failure, 3) a demonstration of the automatic isolation capability of this pathway and that control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications/display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.This test does NOT include testing of troubleshooting and equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.

DSR Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days The test shall include 1) low sample flow (except for Condenser Air Ejector monitors), 2) no counts per minute failure, 3) a demonstration that control room alarm annunciation (or control panel indications or display) occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint, or the instrument controls are not set in operate mode.This test does NOT include testing of troubleshooting and equipment diagnostic capabilities provided with the monitor installation.


24 months IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -4 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 1 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation

-Units 1, 2, and 3 INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 1. Waste Gas Holdup System a. Unit 2 Noble Gas DSR Monitor, providing (b) 1 F DSR Alarm, (R-50) DSR DSR (c)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas DSR Monitor, providing (b) 1 F DSR Monitrm, pRovg DSR Alarm, (R-20) DSR (c)2. Condenser Air Evacuation System a. Unit 2 Noble Gas DSR Activity, (R-45) (a) C DSR DSR (d)DSR (c)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas DSR Activity, (R-15) (a) C DSR DSR (d)DSR (c)3. Vapor Containment Atmosphere

a. Unit 2 Noble Gas Activity Monitor, providing ALARM and automatic (a) K DSR termination of release (g)(R-42)b. Unit 3 Noble Gas Activity (a) K DSR Monitor, providing (g)ALARM and automatic termination of release (R-12)IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -5 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 2 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation


b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (SV2-DPT, SV2-1-DPT, SV2-DPI) DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)

DSR 5. Unit 3 Main Plant Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor(s) (a) & (b) 1C & G DSR (R-14 or R-27) DSR Other Monitoring Equipment:

DSR (c)b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (from R-27's Kurz probes and DSR RM80 processing computer)e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (Chem Totalizer)

DSR IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -6 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 3 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 6. Unit I Stack Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-60) (a) 1 C DSR DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:

b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (SVI-DPT, SVI-FR) DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)

DSR 7. Unit 3 Radioactive Machine Shop (RAMS) Vent Radiation Monitor: DSR DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-59) (a) 1 C DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:

b. Iodine Sampler (a) 1 E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) 1 E DSR d. Process Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (from R-59's RM80 processor)

DSR e. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) 1 D DSR (Chem Totalizer)

DSR IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -7 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 Table D 3.3.2-1 (page 4 of 4)Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation-Units 1, 2, and 3 Radioactive Gaseous INSTRUMENT APPLICABILITY REQUIRED CONDITIONS and R OHER HANELS REFERENCED SURVEILLANCE and OR OTHER CHANNELS FROM REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE UNIT SPECIFIED PER REQUIRED (1, 2, or 3) CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT ACTION B.1 8. Unit 3 Admin Bldg Vent (f)Radiation Monitor: DSR DSR a. Noble Gas Monitor (R-46) (a) C DSR DSR (c)Other Monitoring Equipment:

b. Iodine Sampler (a) E DSR c. Particulate Sampler (a) E DSR d. Sample Flow-Rate Monitor (a) D DSR (Chem Totalizer)

DSR NOTES (a) During release via this pathway. Channels shall be OPERABLE and in service on a continuous basis, except that outages are permitted, within the time frame of the specified action for the purpose of maintenance and performance of required CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, or CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.(b) During waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary system off-gases).(c) Radioactive Calibration Standards used for channel calibrations shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or an aliquot of calibration gas shall be analyzed with instrumentation which is calibrated with NIST traceable standards.

Standards from suppliers who participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST are acceptable.(d) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST for the Condenser Air Ejector monitors does NOT require a loss of sample flow test.(e) The main Plant Vents for Units 2 and 3 monitors the Fuel Storage Building vents, in addition to ventilation from the Primary Auxiliary Buildings.(f) The Unit 3 Admin Bldg Controlled Area ventilation system does NOT have an installed process flow meter.Default fan flow is used in lieu of a measurement, per ODCM Part II, Section 3.1.11.(g) Most surveillance requirements for Vapor Containment monitors are located in Technical Specifications, Section 3.3.6. Source checks, however, are NOT required per Technical Specifications.

Since these checks are valuable to ensure accurate quantification of VC Pressure Reliefs (as described below), a monthly source check requirement is listed here, in addition to the requirements of Technical Specifications.

Grab samples of the Vapor Containment atmosphere are routinely collected at least monthly and compared to the gas monitor for use in quantification of VC Pressure Reliefs (by scaling the monitor reading for each release to the reading obtained at time of grab sample). If the noble gas monitor is inoperable, a grab samples shall be taken and analyzed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to performing a Pressure Relief. During containment building ventilation in Modes 5 or 6, continuous monitoring and automatic termination of release is not required.

In this condition, one continuous monitor at the Plant Vent is sufficient.

IPEC ODCM D 3.3.2 -8 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose DLCO 3.4.1 The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to _ 25 mrem to the whole body or any organ, except the thyroid, whic h shall be limited to _< 75 mrem.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Estimated dose or dose A.1 Verify the condition resulting Immediately commitment due to direct in doses exceeding these radiation and the release limits has been corrected.

of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeds the limits.B. Required Action and B.1 ----------

NOTE -------associated Completion This is the Special Report Time not met. required by D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2, or D 3.2.3 supplemented with the following.

Submit a Special Report, 30 days pursuant to D 5.3, including a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.This submission is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.IPEC ODCM D 3.4.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Perform a cumulative dose calculation due to 12 months radioactive material in gaseous and liquid effluents to determine compliance with DLCO 3.4.1.IPEC ODCM D 3.4.1 -2 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 DLCO 3.5.1 Monitoring Program The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program shall be conducted as specified in Table D 3.5.1-1.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radiological A.1 Prepare and submit to the In accordance with Environmental Monitoring NRC in the Annual the Annual Program not conducted as Radiological Environmental Radiological specified in Operating Report, a Environmental Table D 3.5.1-1. description of the reasons Operating Report for not conducting the frequency program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence.

B. Level of radioactivity in an B.1 --------NOTES-------

environmental sampling 1. Only applicable if the medium at a specified radioactivity/radionuclides location exceeds the are the result of plant reporting levels of effluents.

Table D 3.5.1-2 when averaged over any 2. For radionuclides other calendar quarter. than those in Table D 3.5.1-2, this report sha ll OR indicate the methodology and parameters used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -1 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME More than one of the radionuclides in Table D 3.5.1-2 are detected in the environmental sampling medium and Concentration 1 +reporting level 1 concentration 2 + .1.0.reporting level 2 OR Radionuclides other than those in Table D 3.5.1-2 are detected in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location which are the result of plant effluents and the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from all radionuclides is > the calendar year lim its of Specifications D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2 or D 3.2.3.Prepare and subm it to the NRC, pursuant to D 5.3, a Special Report that (1) Identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s)and (2) Defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year lim its of Specifications D 3.1.2, D 3.2.2, or D 3.2.3.OR B.2 --------NOTES-------

1 .Only applicable if the radioactivity/radionuclide s are not the result of plant effluents.

2. For radionuclides other than those in Table D 3.5.1-2, this report sha ll indicate the methodology and parameters used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.30 days In accordance with the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report frequency Report and describe the condition in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -2 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. Milk or fresh leafy vegetation samples unavailable from one or more of the sam pie locations required by Table D 3.5.1-1.C.1 Identify specific locations for obtaining replacement samples and add them to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND C.2 AND C.3 Delete the specific locations from which samples were unavailable from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.Pursuant to D 5.2, subm it in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples.30 days 30 days In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report D. Environmental samples D.1 Ensure all efforts are made Prior to the end of required in Table D 3.5.1-1 to complete corrective the next sampling are unobtainable due to action(s).

period sampling equipment mafucions.

AN D D.2 Report all deviations from In accordance with the sampling schedule in the the Annual Annual Radiological Radiological Environmental Operating Environmental Report. Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -3 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION] COMPLETION TIME E. Samples required by Table D 3.5.1-1 not obtained in the media of choice, at the most desired location, or at the most desired time.E.1 Choose suitable alternative media and locations for the pathway in question.AND E.2 Make appropriate substitutions in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND E.3 Submit in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report.documentation for a change in the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples.30 days 30 days In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -4 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Collect and analyze radiological environmental In accordance with monitoring samples pursuant to'the requirements of Table D 3.5.1-1 Table D 3.5.1-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table D 3.5.1-3.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -5 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 1 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE NUMBER SAMPLING AND PATHWAY OF COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY AND/OR SAMPLES SAMPLE FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS SAMPLE STATIONS LOCATIONS (a)1. Direct 41 routine (1) An inner ring of stations Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly Radiation monitoring (DR1-DR16), one in each stations (b) meteorological sector in (DR1-DR41) the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY (2) An outer ring of stations (DR17-DR32), one in each meteorological sector in the 6 to 8 km range from the site (3) The balance of the stations (DR33-DR41), should be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in one or two areas to serve as control stations 2. Airborne 5 locations (1) 3 samples (A1-A3) from Continuous sampler Radioiodine canister: Radioiodine (Al-A5) locations close to the site operation with sample Analyze weekly for 1-131 and boundary in different collection weekly or Particulates sectors, of the highest more frequently if Particulate sampler: calculated annual average ground level D/Q required by dust (1) Analyze for gross beta loading radioactivity

> 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (2) 1 sample (A4) from the following filter change vicinity of an established (d).year-round community (2) Perform gamma isotopic having the highest, analysis on each sample calculated annual average (e) in which gross beta ground level D/Q activity is> 10 times the previous yearly mean of (3) 1 sample (A5) from a control samples.control location, approximately 15-30 km (3) Gamma isotopic analysis distant, and in the least of composite sample (e)prevalent wind direction (c) (by location) once per 3 months.3. Waterborne

a. Surface (f) 1 sample Upstream (Wal) Composite sample (1) Gamma isotopic (used as a Control Station) over a one month analysis of each sample period (g) (e) once per month.1 sample Downstream (Wa2) (2) Composite and analyze for H-3 quarterly.
b. Drinking 1 sample Nearest water supply (Wbl) Grab sample: Monthly (1) Gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses(e) of each sample monthly.(2) Composite and analyze for H-3 quarterly.

6/08 6/08 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -6 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 2 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY SAMPLING AND AND/OR NUMBER OF SAMPLE COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF SAMPLE SAMPLES LOCATIONS (a) FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 3. Waterborne (continued)

c. Soil 2 samples Downstream area (Wcl) Twice per year at least 90 Gamma isotopic (e)from with existing or potential days apart and Sr-90 analyses Shoreline recreational value of each sample, semiannually.

Upstream area (Wc2)control sample d. Ground 2 samples Site Boundary Monitoring Quarterly Gamma isotopic (e), Water Wells, drilled near the SW H-3, Ni-63, and Sr-90 site boundary (MW-40, 51) analyses of each sample, quarterly.

4. Ingestion a. Milk (i) 3 samples from In 3 locations (lal-la3)milch animals within 5 km having the at MILK highest dose potential SAMPLING (human consumption)

LOCATIONS Twice per month when If there are none, animals are on pasture;then 1 sample In each of 3 areas (lal-la3) monthly at other times Gamma isotopic (e) and from milch 5 to 8 km distance, if 1-131 analyses of each animals at available, where doses are sample.MILK SAMPLING calculated to be > lmrem LOCATIONS per year (h)1 sample from At a control location (la4), Concurrently, with a MILK approximately 15 to 30 km indicator locations SAMPLING distant, and in the least LOCATION prevalent wind direction b. Fish and (1) 1 sample each In the vicinity of a plant Invertebrates from edible discharge area (Ibl)portions of Sample in season, commercially or Gamma isotopic, recreationally or Ni-63, and Sr-90 important analyses of each species Semiannually sample (e)if sample is not seasonal (2)1 sample of the If available in areas not same species influenced by plant discharge (Ib2)6/08 6/08 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -7 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-1 (page 3 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY SAMPLING AND AND/OR NUMBER OF SAMPLE COLLECTION TYPE AND FREQUENCY SAMPLE SAMPLES LOCATIONS (a) FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS 4. Ingestion Grown nearest to each (continued)

(1) Samples of 3 of 2 different offsite different kinds locations of highest c. Food of broad leaf predicted annual Products vegetation (edible average ground level or inedible) (j) D/Q if milk sampling is Monthly Gamma isotopic (e)not performed (Icl-1c2) when available and 1-131 analyses (2) 1 sample of Grown 15 to 30 km each of the distant in the least similar broad prevalent wind direction leaf vegetation, if milk sampling is not performed (Ic3)(a) The code letters in parenthesis, e.g., DR1, Al refer to sample locations specified in ODCM, Part I1. Specific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerline of one reactor, and additional descriptions where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table D 3.5.1-1. Refer to NUREG-0133,"Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to D5.1.(b) One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to integrating dosimeters.

Each of the 40 routine monitoring stations shall be equipped with 2 or more dosimeters or with 1 instrument for measuring and recording dose rate continuously.

For the purpose of this table, a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; 2 or more phosphors in a packet are considered as 2 or more dosimeters.

Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring direct radiation.(c) The purpose of these samples is to obtain background information.

If it is not practical to establish control locations in accordance with the distance and wind direction criteria, other sites, which provide valid background data, may be substituted.(d) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta activity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay.(e) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma -emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.(f) The "upstream" samples shall be taken near the intake structures as described in the ODCM. The""downstream" sample shall be taken from the mixing zone at the diffuser of the discharge canal.(g) In this program, a composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.(h) The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.(i) The requirement to obtain and analyze samples from milch animals within 8 km of the site is intended to ensure monitoring of the "cow-milk" and vegetation pathways.

Thus, only milch animals whose milk is used for human consumption are considered in the pathway and sample evaluation.(j) Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different sectors with the highest predicted D/Q in lieu of the garden census.IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -8 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-2 (page 1 of 1)Reporting Levels for Radioactivity in Environmental Samples **AIRBORNEFOOD RADIONUCLIDE WATER AIRBORNE FISH MILK PRODUCTS ANALYSIS (pCi/L) GARTIUCLATE (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/L)GASES (pCi/rn (pCi/kg, wet)H-3 20,000 *Mn-54 1,000 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 Co-58 1,000 30,000 Co-60 300 10,000 Ni-63 *** 300 1,000 Zn-65 300 20,000 Sr-90 *** 8* 40 Zr-95 400 Nb-95 400 1-131 2

  • 0.9 3 100 Cs-134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000 Cs-1 37 50 20 2,000 70 2,000 Ba-140 200 300 La-1 40 200 300 Values provided are for drinking water pathways.

If no drinking water pathway exists, higher values are allowed, as follows: 6/08 H-3 Sr-90 1-131 30,000 pCi/L (This is a 40 CFR 141 value)12 pCi/L 20 pCi/L These reporting levels are associated only with the REMP requirements.

The Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program may involve unique reporting level criteria, independent of the REMP, and defined in station procedures.

Sr-90 and Ni-63 are included in this table due to their historical presence in ground water and possible migration to the environment, per References 45 and 46.6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -9 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-3 (page 1 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis (a) (e)LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD) (b) (c)AIRBORNE FISH FOOD SOIL or RADIONUCLIDE WATER PARTIRBRTE R (pci/kg, MILK PRODUCTS SEDIMENT ANALYSIS (pCi/L) GASES (pCi/rn) wet) (pCi/L) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg, dry)Gross Beta 4 0.01 H-3 2,000 (d)Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58 15 130 Co-60 15 130 Ni-63 (f) 30 100 Zn-65 30 260 Sr-90 (f) 1 5 5000 Zr-95 15 Nb-95 15 1-131 1 (d) 0.07 1 60 Cs-134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 15 15 La-140 15 15 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -10 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 Table D 3.5.1-3 (page 2 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis Table Notation (a) This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.

Other peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Specification D 5.1.(b) Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.(c) The LLD is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a Orion (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.

Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable.

In such cases, the contributing factors shall be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to RECS D 5.1.(d) These LLDs are for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, the LLDs may be increased to 3,000 for H-3 and 15 for 1-131.(e) These required lower limits of detection are associated only with the REMP requirements.

The Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program may involve unique reporting level criteria, independent of the REMP, and defined in station procedures.(f) Sr-90 and Ni-63 are included in this table due to their historical presence in ground water and possible migration to the environment, per References 45 and 46. 6/08 IPEC ODCM D 3.5.1 -11 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.2 Land Use Census DLCO 3.5.2 A land use census shall: a. Be conducted.

b. Identify within a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location, in each of the 16 meteorological sectors, of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garden of > 50 m 2 (500 ft 2) producing broad leaf vegetation.

B road leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of a garden census, per Table D 3.5.1-1, part 4.c.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Land use census identifies A.1 Identify the new location(s)

In accordance with location(s) that yields a in the next Radioactive the Radioactive calculated dose, dose Effluent Release Report. Effluent Release commitment, or D/Q value Report greater than the values currently being calculated in DSR ODCM D 3.5.2 -1 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Land use census identifies location(s) that yields a calculated dose, or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) a factor greater than 2 than at a location from which samples are currently being obtained in accordance with Table D 3.5.1-1.B.1 Add the new location(s) to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND B.2 Delete the sampling location(s), excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose, dose commitment(s) or D/Q value, via the same exposure pathway, from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.AND B.3 Submit in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM including revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with information supporting the change in sampling locations.

30 days After October 31 of the year in which the land use census was conducted In accordance with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.2 -2 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Conduct the land use census during the growing 366 days season using that inform ation that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities.

DSR Report the results of the land use census in the In accordance with Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.2 -3 Revision 1 Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program DLCO 3.5.3 The I nterlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODC M.AND Analyses shall be performed on all radioactive materials, supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission.


At all times.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Analyses not performed as A.1 Report the corrective In accordance with required.

actions taken to prevent a the Annual recurrence to the NRC i n Radiological the Annual Radiological Environmental Environmental Operating Operating Report Report.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Report a summary of the results obtained as part of In accordance with the Interlaboratory Comparison Program in the the Annual Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. Radiological Environmental Operating Report IPEC ODCM D 3.5.3 -I Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 D 3.6 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System DLCO 3.6.1 The appropriate equipment of the Solid Radwaste Treatment System shall be in operation process wet radioactive wastes in accordance with the Process Control Program.APPLICABILITY:

During solid radwaste processing ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive solid waste A.1 Suspend shipments of Immediately does not comply with solid radioactive waste.Process Control Program requirements.

IPEC ODCM D 3.6.1 -1 Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY DSR Verify solidification of specimens in accordance with Prior to each the Processing Control Program. shipment DSR Record the following information for each class of Prior to each solid waste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipment shipped offsite during the Radioactive Effluent Release Report period: a. Container volume, b. total curie quantity (specify determ ined by measurement or estimate), c. principal radionuclides (specify determined by measurement or estimate), d. source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, evaporator bottoms), e. type of container (e.g., LSA Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and f. solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).

IPEC ODCM D 3.6.1 -2 Revision 1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1 D4.0 DESIGN FEATURES D 4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1.1 The definition of UNRESTRICED AREA used in implementing the Radiological Effluent Controls (RECS or ODCM Part I) has been expanded over that in 10 CFR 20.1003. For calculations performed pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a, the concept of UNRESTRICTED AREAS refers to areas "at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY" and does not include areas over water bodies.A map representing the UNRESTRICTED AREA is shown in Figure D 4.1-1 Information which will allow identification of structures and release points for radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents is shown in Figure D 4.1-2.D 4.1.2 For the purpose of satisfying 10 CFR Part 20, the "Restricted Area" is the same as the "Exclusion Area" defined in the FSARs.IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -1 Revision I UNRESTRICTED AREA D 4.1 Figure D 4.1-1 MAP DEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS PLANT TRUE NORTH NORTH z EXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY ISFSI UNIT 2 UNIT 2 INTAKE z UNIT 1-UNIT 3 INTAKE PROPERTY PONI ELECTRICAL SWITCHYARD GAS TURBINE GAS IPEC 00CM 04.1-2 Revision 1 IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -2 Revision 1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Figure D 4.1-2 MAP DEFINING RELEASE POINTS D4.1 p-. o 0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT RELEASE POINT A LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASE POINT m I , PLANT VENT PLANT VENT SOB FTV i 265' ELEV.267' ELEV. 12' ELEV. RWST i ~U-1 LDG.PAB []FSB II FSB AU U-1 -ULI NSB SBBPS FTy -g135' ELEV.U -2 TRANSFORMER



~ '] UTURBNE LDGSERVIC I-i AGE/IN-- -- ---DISCHARGE IICOMPL CANAL IIUU3 TURBINE BLDG.U-1 TURBI NE BLDG*U-2 TURBINE BLDG. I CAEL 140' ELEV. A ADMIN 801 ELEVL U-2 INTAKE U-1 INTAKE U-3 INTAKE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE LEGEN D ]SGB =T STEAM GENERATORSLOWDOWN FLABH TANK VENT'm 8BPS FTV = SECONDARY BOILER BLOWDOWN PURIFICATION SYSTEM FLASH TANK VENT ý ,. .-CA CONDENSOR AIR EJECTOR IPEC ODCM D 4.1 -3 Revision 1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report D 5.1 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report An annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 5 th of each year. Per the Technical Specification Reporting Requirements, a single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station.The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include: " Summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the report period, including a comparison, as appropriate, with preoperational studies, with operational controls, and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment." At least two legible maps covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of one reactor. One map shall cover stations near the site boundary and the second shall include the more distant stations." The results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the tables and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report." A summary description of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program." A discussion of the reasons for not conducting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as specified by D 3.5.1 and the plans for preventing recurrence." A discussion of environmental sample measurements that exceed the reporting levels of Table D 3.5.1-2 but are not the result of plant effluents." A discussion of all deviations from the sampling schedule of Table D 3.5.1-1." A discussion of the contributing factors for cases in which the LLD required by Table D 3.5.1-3 was not achievable." A discussion of identifiable nuclide peaks, including those of nuclides specified in Table D 3.5.1-3." The results of the land use census." The corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence if the Interlaboratory Comparison Program is not being performed as required." The results of licensee participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program.IPEC ODCM D 5.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report The Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted by May 1 of each year shall include: a. A summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.b. An annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequency distribution of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.

In lieu of submission with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data onsite in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request c. An assessment of the offsite radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent releases from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This assessment shall include potential offsite dose determined with data collected from the Radiological Ground Water M onitoring Program (RGWM P).d. An assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to members of the public due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure D 4.1-1) during the report period. All assumptions used in making these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time and location, shall be included in these reports.Gaseous pathway doses are determined from sampling and measurements at the exhaust points, coupled with the use of annual-averaged meteorological data collected from a period of live data to verify its validity.

The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).Acceptable methods for calculating the dose contribution from liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1 977.IPEC ODCM D 5.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluent Release Report D 5.2 D 5.2 Radioactive Effluent Release Report (continued)

e. The following information for each class of solid waste (in compliance with 10 CFR Part 61 ) shipped offsite during the report period: 1. Container volume, 2. total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate), 3. principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate), 4. source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry-waste, evaporator bottoms), 5. type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and 6. solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).
f. A list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period.g. A summary of data collected for the RGWMP, per D5.6 and NEI 07-07 -Industry Ground Water Protectio n Initiative.
h. Any changes made during the reporting period to the Process Control Program (PCP) and to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census pursuant to Specification D 3.5.2.IPEC ODCM D 5.2- 2 Revision 1 Special Reports D 5.3 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.3 Special Reports Special reports shall be submitted to the NRC Regional Administrator of the Region I Offi ce within the time period specified for each report. These reports shall be submitted covering the activities identified below pursuant to the applicable Specification:
a. Radioactive Effluents (Specifications D 3.1, D 3.2 and D 3.4)b. Radiological Environmental Monitoring (Specification D 3.5)IPEC ODCM D 5.3- 1 Revision 1 Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Systems D 5.4 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.4 Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Systems Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous and solid)shall be reported to the Commission in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change was made. The discussion of each change shall contain: a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.59, b. sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information, c. a detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems, d an evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously predicted in the license application and amendments thereto, e. an evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum exposures to individuals in the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license application and amendments thereto, f. a comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste to the actual releases for the period in which the changes are to be made;g. an estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change, and h. documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the OSRC.IPEC ODCM D 5.4 -1 Revision 1 Process Control Program D 5.5 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.5 Process Control Program Licensee initiated changes to the Process Control Program (PCP): a. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change(s) was made. This submittal shall contain: 1. sufficiently detailed information to totally support the rationale for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information, 2. a determination that the change did not reduce the overall conformance of the solidified waste product to existing criteria for solid wastes, and 3. documentation of the fact that the change has been reviewed and found acceptable by the OSRC.b. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the OSRC.D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP)The purpose of the RGWMP is to monitor, investigate, and characterize any contamination of groundwater from licensed radioactive material at Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).The program is also required in order to meet the following objectives:
  • The Nuclear Energy Institute Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative (NEI-07-07),* NRC Information Notice 2006-13, Groundwater Contamination Due to Undetected Leakage of Radioactive Water, and* IPEC commitments to the NRC, Entergy Letter NL-06-033, "Current Status/Future Plans Regarding Onsite Groundwater Contamination at IPEC".* IPEC commitments to the NRC, Entergy Letter NL-08-079, "Remediation and Long Term Monitoring of Site Groundwater".

Specific monitoring objectives of the program include: 6/08* Monitoring the status of any known radiological groundwater plumes,* Detecting and quantifying previously unidentified sources of groundwater contamination, such as spills or leaks from a radioactively contaminated system, structure, or component,* Providing data to calculate potential offsite doses to a member of the public,* Monitoring and evaluating the long term effectiveness of remediation or intervention.

IPEC ODCM D 5.5- 1 Revision 1 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program D 5.5 D 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D 5.6 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP) (continued)

Investigation and characterization activities are performed to evaluate and understand any groundwater contamination once it has been identified, or an event (such as a spill or leak)with the potential to contaminate the groundwater to levels above the investigation levels has occurred.

Specific investigation and characterization objectives of the program include:* Determining the source(s) of groundwater contamination (eg, leaking radioactive components or systems, radioactive spills, or legacy soil/bedrock contamination),* Determining the locations, extent, and concentrations of groundwater contamination (eg, plume definition),* Evaluating necessary corrective or investigative actions, utilizing the Corrective Action Program, 6108 Station procedures shall include detailed information regarding the following:

  • The purpose and scope of the program, as defined above,* Location and periodicities of samples,* Required radionuclides for analysis, including limits of detection," Guidance for communication of abnormal results,* Guidance regarding the generation of periodic summary reports.Elements of the RGWMP program that intersect the REMP shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, per D 5.1.An evaluation of the EFFLUENT impact, and a summary of the sample data from the RGWMP shall be included in the annual Radiological Effluent Release Report, per D 5.2.IPEC ODCM D 5.5- 2 Revision 1 Indian Point Energy Center Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Part I (RECS)BASES Applicability B D 3.0 3.0 APPLICABILITY BASES DLCOs 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.5, and DS Rs 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.3 reflect parallel requirements in the Technical Specifications.

Refer to Technical Specification Bases for appropriate discussions.

ODCM Specification DLCO 3.0.3, in lieu of imposing a plant shutdown as paralleled in Technical Specifications, requires: (a) an Action to initiate efforts to restore compliance with the ODCM or associated Actions; and (b) an Action that requires entering the circum stances into the Corrective Action Program (CAP). These requirements ensure that the appropriate actions continue to be focused on and that the circum stances concerning failure to com ply with the ODCM Actions would be reviewed.

This review will be conducted in accordance with the procedural guidance for CAP Notifications.

There are no ODCM 3.0 Specifications that parallel Technical Specification LCO 3.0.4 or SR 3.0.4. Restrictions in entering MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability have historically not been applied to ODCM Specifications.

There are also no ODCM 3.0 Specifications that parallel Technical Specification LCO 3.0.6 and LCO 3.0.7, which allow for exceptions and revisions of other Technical Specifications.

They are not applicable to the ODCM since it is not permitted to allow the ODCM to revise a Technical Specification.(Note, currently no identified ODC M DLCOs support Technical Specification systems; however,.this discussion is presented to address the philosophy that would be applied.)

An allowance similar to Technical Specification LCO 3.0.6 does not apply to the ODCM. When a Technical Specification supported system LCO is discovered to be not met solely due to a ODCM support system DLCO not met, appropriate Technical Specification ACTIONS are required to be entered immediately.

This applies even in instances where the ODCM contains a delay prior to declaring a Technical Specification supported system inoperable.

In this case, certain ODCM inoperabilities may not directly impact the OPERABILITY of the Technical Specification supported system and delayed declaration of inoperability of the supported system is acceptable.

In other cases, discovered support system inoperabilities that directly result in supported system inability to perform the safety function, should result in immediate declaration of inoperability of the supported system.Technical Specification LCO 3.0.7 has no parallel in the ODCM since it provides for explicit changes to specified Technical Specifications by the Section 3.1.8 Specifications.

However, in the event that LCO 3.0.7 provides for changes to the Technical Specification MODE definitions by the Section 3.1.8 Specifications, the revised MODE definitions apply to all plant references, including ODCM references.

IPEC ODCM B D 3.0-1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluent Concentrations B D 3.1.1 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.1 Liquid Effluent Concentrations BASES It is expected that the release of radioactive m aterials in liquid and gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20 and should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) in accordance with the requirement of 10 CFR 50.36a. While providing reasonable assurance that the design objectives will be met, these Specifications permit the flexibility of operation, compatible with considerations of health and safety, to ensure that the public is provided a dependable source of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily result in releases higher than the design objective levels, but still less than ten times the effluent concentration limits (EC's)specified in 10 CFR Part 20. It is expected that using this operational flexibility under unusual operation conditions, and exerting every effort to keep levels of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous wastes as low as. reasonably achievable, releases will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20.The design objectives have been developed based on operating experience, tak ing into account a combination of variables including defective fuel, primary system leakage, primary to secondary system leakage, steam generator blowdown and the performance of the various waste treatment systems, and are consistent with 10 CFR Part 50.36a.The Indian Point site is a multiple-unit site. There exist shared radwaste treatment systems and shared effluent release points. Where site limits must be met, the effluents of all the units will be combined to determine site compliance.

For instances where unit-specific information may be required for radwaste processed or released via a shared system, the effluents shall be proportioned among the units sharing the system(s) in accordance with the methods and agreements set forth in the ODCM.This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS specified in 10 CFR Part 20. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.A design objectives of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, to a member of the public and (2) the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.1302 to the population.

The concentration limit for dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-1 35 is the controlling radioisotope and its M PC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methods described in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.This specification applies to the release of liquid effluents from all units on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.1 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Effluents Dose D 3.1.2 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.2 Liquid Effluents Dose BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and IV.A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCO implements the guides set forth in Section I.A of Appendix I. The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable".

Also, for fresh water sites to UNRESTRICTED AREA with drinking water supplies that can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentration in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141.The dose calculation methodology and parameters in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I; that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.1 09, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.1 13, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I", April 1977.In addition to the limiting conditions for operation, the reporting requirements specify that the licensee shall identify the cause whenever the dose from the release of ra dioactive materials in liquid waste effluent exceeds the above limits and describe the proposed program of action to reduce such releases to design objective levels on a timely basis.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.2 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.1.3 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the licensee maintain and operate appropriate equipment installed in the liquid waste systems, when necessary, to provide ass urance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable".

This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objective given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 for liquid effluents.

IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.3 -1 Revision 1 Liquid Holdup Tanks D 3.1.4 D 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENTS D 3.1.4 Liquid Holdup Tanks BASES The tanks listed in this Specification include outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system. These tanks include the following:

a. Refueling Water Storage Tanks b. Primary Water Storage Tanks c. 13 Waste Distillate Storage Tank d. 14 Waste Distillate Storage Tank e. 31 Monitor Tank f. 32 Monitor Tank g. Unit 3 CPF High Total Dissolved Solids Tank h. Unit 3 CPF Low Total Dissolved Solids Tank i. Any Outside Temporary Tank Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained i n the specified tanks provides assurance that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of any such tank's contents, the resulting concentration would be less than the limits of 10 CFR 20 at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an U NRESTRICTED AREA.IPEC ODCM B D 3.1.4- 1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate D 3.2.1 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.1 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate BASES This Control provides reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA, either at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY in excess of the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This Control is provided to ensure that gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be appropriately controlled.

It provides operational flexibility for releasing gaseous effluents to satisfy the Section II.A and IL.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for the reduced atmospheric dispersion of gaseous effluents relative to that for the SITE BOUNDARY.

Examples of calculations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding dose rates above background to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background to a child via the inhalation pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mrem/year.

This Control does not affect the requirement to comply with the annual limitations of 10 CFR 20.This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from all units at the site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.1 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas D 3.2.2 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.2 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Noble Gas BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B, Ill.A, and IV.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCO implements the guides set forth in Section II.B of Appendix I. The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and, at the same time, implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a M EMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The dose calculation methodology and parameters establ ished in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.1 11, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases form Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each unit on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.2 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate D 3.2.3 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.3 Gaseous Effluents Dose -Iodine and Particulate BASES This Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.C, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The DLCOs are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I.The action statements provide the required operating flexibility and, at the same time, implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The ODCM calculational methodology and param eters for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CF R Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

The release rate specifications for iodine-1 31, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days are dependent upon the existing radionuclide pathways to man in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.The pathways that were examined in the development of these calculations were (1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, (3) deposition onto g rassy areas where milk animals and meat-producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man (applied where applicable), and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.This Control appl ies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.3 -1 Revision 1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System D 3.2.4 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.4 Gaseous Radw aste Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the appropriate portions of the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System be used, when specified, to provide reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CF R Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section IL.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

This Specification applies to the release of gaseous effluen ts from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.4 -1 Revision 1 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System D 3.2.5 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System BASES This Specification requires that the appropriate portions of the Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System be used, when specified, to provide reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as reasonably achievable." This Specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design C riterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

This Specification applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor on site.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.5 -1 Revision 1 Gas Storage Tanks D 3.2.6 D 3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D 3.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks BASES The tanks included in this Specification are those tanks for which the quantity of radioactivity contained is not limited directly or indirectly by other specifications to a quantity that is less than the quantity that provides assurance that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting total body exposure to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at the nearest SITE BOUNDARY will not exceed 0.5 Rem in an event of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> duration.Restricting the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank provides assurances that, in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting total body exposure to a M EMBER OF THE PUBLIC at the nearest SITE BOUNDARY will not exceed 0.5 Rem. This is consistent with Branch Technical Position ETSB 11-5 in NU REG-0800, July 1981, and NUREG 0133.IPEC ODCM B D 3.2.6 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.1 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation BASES The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation, required OPERABLE by this Specification, is provided to monitor and control, as a pplicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases.

The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with methods set forth in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/t rip will occur prior to exceeding ten times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specified in 10 CFR Part 20.The operability and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. The purpose of tank level indicating devices is to assure the detection and control of leaks that, if not controlled, could potentially result in the transport of radioactive materials to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.IPEC ODCM B D 3.3.1 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation D 3.3.2 D 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION D 3.3.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation BASES The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation, required OPERABLE by this Specification, is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents.

The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and param eters in the ODCM to ensure that the al arm/trip will occur prior to exceeding release rate s corresponding to effluent dose rates of 0.5 Rem/yr whole body, and 3.0 Rem/yr to the skin.This instrumentation also includes provisions for monitoring the concentrations of potentially explosive gas mixtures in the waste gas holdup system. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design criteria 60, 63 and 64 in Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.IPEC ODCM B D 3.3.2 -1 Revision 1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose D 3.4.1 D 3.4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE D 3.4.1 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose BASES This Specification is provided to meet the dose limitation of 40 CFR Part 190 that has been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The Specification requires the preparation and submittal of a special report whenever the calculated doses from plant-generated radioactive effluents and direct radiation exceed 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem.For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix I, and if direct radiation doses from the reactor units and outside storage tanks are kept small.The special report will describe a course of action that should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits. For the purposes of the special report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose contribution from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered.

If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190, the special report with a request for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been correcte d), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.2203(a)(4), is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 until NRC staff action is completed.

The variance only relates to the lim its of 40 CFR Part 190, and does not apply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addressed in Specifications D 3.1.1 and D 3.2.1. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.IPEC ODCM B D 3.4.1 -1 Revision 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program D 3.5.1 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program BASES The radiological environmental monitoring program required by this specification provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of members of the public resulting from the station operation.

This monitoring program implementsSection IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not hig her than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.Guidance for this monitoring program is provided by the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring.

Program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDs required by Table D 3.5.1-3 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.1 -1 Revision 1 Land Use Census D 3.5.2 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.2 Land Use Census BASES This specification is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census.The best information from the door-to-door survey, from aerial survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used.This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.Restricting thecensus to gardens of greater than 50 m 2 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child.To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made: (1) 20% of the garden was used for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., si milar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2)a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m 2.IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.2 -1 Revision I Interlaboratory Comparison Program D 3.5.3 D 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING D 3.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program BASES The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring (developed us ing the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revi sion 1, April 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Revision 1, April 1975) in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.IPEC ODCM B D 3.5.3 -1 Revision 1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System D 3.6.1 D 3.6 SOLID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM D 3.6.1 Solid Radwaste Treatment System BASES This Specification implements the requirem ents of 10 CF R Part 50.36a and General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. The process parameters included in establishing the process control program may include, but are not limited to, waste type, waste pH, waste/liquid/solidification agent/catalyst ratios, waste oil content, waste principal chemical constituents, and mixing and curing times.IPEC ODCM B D 3.6.1 -1 Revision 1 INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ODCM PART II -CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies


MONITORS AND SETPOINTS 1.1 Effluent Monitoring

System Description

Information regarding effluent radiation monitor function and setpoint bases is provided in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. Additionally, Appendices B and C show a schematic of release pathways, including the relative positi on and application of these monitors.1.2 Setpoints for Airborne Effluent Monitors Setpoints for airborne (gaseous) monitors are based on the permissible discharge rate as calculated in Section 3 of the ODCM, Part II, and shown in Appendix I. These setpoints are inherently conservative due to the assumed mixture (Table 3-8). They are tiered in such a way as to ensure proper (higher) authentication is obtained as the selected limit (and expected release rate) increases.

The Annual Limit is used to conservatively establish initial setpoints for routine operation.

For releases associated with unit shutdown, etc, additional permission may be obtained to apply the quarterly or instantaneous values, per Section 3.1.8. This method ensures operational control of releases, w hile precluding approaching the lim its of D3.2.1.The methodology identified in Section 3 and Appendix I is used to generate the following release rate limits (radiation monitor setpoint calculations only use the noble gas rates): Conservative Permissible Discharge Rates (1 iCilsec)lodine/Particulate*

Noble Gases Type of Limit Basis Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 2 Unit 3 Annual Average ODCM, Part II, App I 4.01E-2 4.05E-2 7.20E+3 3.57E+3 Quarterly Average ODCM, Part II, App I 8.02E-2 8.10E-2 1.44E+4 7.14E+3 Instantaneous RECS D3.2.1 and App I 1.38E+1 1.38E+1 7.OOE+4 7.OOE+4* Half-lives greater than 8 days 1.2.1 The Plant Vent Wide Range Gas Monitor (R-27) reads in ýiCi/sec.

Therefore, at unit 3, the alarm setpoints are set directly in [iCi/sec. (Unit 2 does not apply alarm setpoints to R-27).1.2.2 If the monitor reads and alarms in pCi/cc, the maximum alarm set point is calculated as follows: S = D / [(F) * (4.72E+2)]

where;S = Maximum alarm setpoint in pCi/cc D = Permissible discharge rate in itCi/sec F = Vent duct flow in ft 3/min 4.72E+2 = unit conversion factor (2 8317 cc.min/ft 3 e60sec)IPEC ODCM Page 1 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 1.2.3 If the monitor reads and alarms in cpm, then the maximum alarm setpoint is calculated as follows: S = D / [(F) * (4.72E+2)

  • (CF)]where: S, D, F, and 4.72E+2 are defined in the previous step CF = Rad Monitor Conversion Factor (p[Ci/cc per net cpm)1.2.4 Normally, maximum allowable limits are calculated using a standard nuclide mix. However, setpoints may be determined based on the actual m ix, on a case by case basis. This method is usually performed when the instantaneous release rate is applied. Should this method be applied, extra care should be applied to setpoint partitioning (for all release points) to ensure site dose rate limits are not approached.

1.2.5 During

normal operation, the main plant vent is the only significant release point at either unit. Hence, monitors on the plant vent are routinely set at the annual limit, which is approximately 10% of the conservative instantaneous limit.Monitor setpoints on other pathways are routinely set to 1% of the instantaneous limit. If multiple pathways become significant, each pathway's permissible release rate is apportioned with the Plant Vent's to ensure the total discharge rate for all release points remains less than the maximum permissible discharge rate.If necessary, release rates may be apportioned (per 1OCFR20 applicability to a site, rather than any one unit) for maxi mum operational flexibility such that one unit "borrows" routine apportionment from the other unit. This evolution is controlled by station procedures, which require d irect communication with the Shift Managers and the Chemistry Department.

1.3 Setpoints

for Liquid Effluent Monitors 1.3.1 Liquid Effluent Monitors have setpoints based on limiting the concentrations in the discharge canal to ten times the concentration values in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 1OCFR20 in accordance with 1OCF R20.1302(2)(i).

1.3.2 Monitor

setpoints are inherently conservative due to the routine use of determining dilution from Circulating Water Pumps at the applicable unit only.In actuality, both Circulating and Service Water systems for the entire site contribute to site dilution.IPEC ODCM Page 2 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 1.3,3 For monitors that read and alarm in ýtCi/ml, setpoints are calculated as follows: S = [(ADC) (F)] / [f] = Maximum alarm setpoint in pCi/ml where: F = Available discharge canal dilution flow for this release, in gpm f = calculated allowable release rate in gpm (Section 2.2.6)ADC = The Allowed Diluted Concentration is the equivalent MPCW for gamma emitting isotopes weighted for total specific activity (both gamma and beta emitters).

This term is necessary to correct the M PCW due to the relatively insignificant effect of beta emitters on the radiation monitor, as described in Section,4 Alert or Warn setpoints should be used on batch liquid release m onitors to ensure the contents of the batch tank have not changed si nce sampling.

The alert setpoint is calculated as follows: AS (C) * (M)where: AS = Alert or Warn setpoint i n ýiCi/ml C = Average monitor reading at time of sample M = A conservative factor based upon the mixing ratio of two tank volumes and an expected monitor response error term (typically 1.25, coinciding with 25%).NOTE: Liquid Monitor alert setpoints do not control any auto functions but simply provide indication to the operators.

Alert or Warn setpoints for other monitors are typically initially established at approximately 75% of the Alarm value.IPEC ODCM Page 3 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 1 -1 Unit 2 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data CHANNEL MONITOR DESCRIPTION SAMPLING LOCATIONS RANGE EFFLUENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS R-42 Containment Gas Monitor 72' Fan Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 Containment Ventilation Isolation pCi/cc R-44 Plant Vent Radiogas Monitor 88' Fan Bldg 1E-7 to 1E-2 Shuts RCV-014 (isolating gas tanks), stops VC MpCi/cc release fans and shuts VC vent/purge valves.In-line detector on the air ejector 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 Alarm diverts air ejector exhaust to VC and exhaust header pCi/cc secures steam to priming air ejector re-heaters.

R-50 Waste Gas Disposal System 98'PAB 0.1 to 1E5 Ci None. RECS D3.2.6 is assured by setpoint Monitor basis per ODCM Part II, Sec 3.1.12.R-27 Plant Vent Wide-Range Drawn from inside Plant Vent, 1 E-7 tol E+5 None. PV Concentration and release rate Monitor to 85' BAB ptCi/cc information only, for accident applications.

R-60 Unit 1 Stack Vent Unit 1 Nuclear Services Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Radiogas Monitor 100' Elevation ipCi/cc Fan Cooler Unit Service Adjacent to service water return 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 R-46 /53 Wline from V.C. fan cooler units and pCi/ccNone R-46 / ~ Water Return motor coolers _ _Ci/cc R-47 Component Cooling System Adjacent to line monitors on each 1 E-6 to 1 E-2 None. Setpoints are not based on effluent.pump outlet pump outlet pCi/ml They are for ALARA and information only.Component Cooling Heat 1 E-7 to I E-2 R-39 /40 Exchanger Service Water 80' PAB C*/ None Monitors pCcc R-54 Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent In-line monitor on 70' CSB 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 Terminates Distillate Tank releases on alarm Monitor pCi/cc R-49 SG Blowdown Monitor 15' Transformer Yard Housing i E-6 to 1 E+2 Closes blowdown isolation valves pCi/cc R-51 Sec Boiler Blowdown 43' Superheater Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Purification pCi/cc R-52 Sec Boiler Blowdown 33' Superheater Bldg 1 E-7 to 1 E-2 None Purification Sys SW pCi/cc N IPEC ODCM Page 4 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 1 -2 Unit 3 Effluent Radiation Monitor System Data CHANNEL MONITOR DESCRIPTION SAMPLING LOCATIONS RANGE EFFLUENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS Samples drawn from 32 and 35 R-12 Containment Gas Monitor Containment Fan Coolers 1E-7 to 1E-1 .Ci/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation In Plant Vent at approximately Secures waste gas tank release and R-14 Plant Vent Radiogas Monitor 105' elevation 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation On alarm, diverts air ejector exhaust to Condenser Air Ejector Mon In-line detector on the air ejector VC and secures steam to priming air R-15 CneeArEeoMnt exhaust header 1E-6 to 1E+0 iCi/cc ejectors re-heaters Waste Gas Disposal System Adjacent to line, on suction to None. This setpoint is based on limiting R-20 Monitor waste gas compressors 1E-2 to 1E+3 pCi/cc 50,000 Ci per tank, per RECS D3.2.6.Plant Vent Wide-Range Plant Vent tos1eE+lanti/cctSecure waste gas tank release and R-27 Monitor Drawn from inside 1 E-7 to 1E+5 tCi/cc Containment Ventilation Isolation 4 th Floor Administration Building 1 E+1 to 1 E+6 cpm Administration Building Vent Monitor Exhaust Plenum for (typically 5.OE-8 to None R-46 Radiogas Monitor Controlled Areas 5.0E-2 ptCi/cc) None RAMS Building Vent Radiogas 55' RAMS Building Monitor R-59 Monitor Exhaust Plenum 1 E6 to 1E+2 iCi/cc None Fan Cooler and Motor Cooler Adjacent to service water return line from V.C. fan cooler units and 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc None R-16 A/B Service Water Returnmorcols motor coolers Component Cooling System Adjacent to line monitors on each 1 E-6 to 1 E-1 pCi/mI None. These setpoints are not based on R-17 A/B pump outlet pump outlet effluent and are for information only.Component Cooling Heat Adjacent to line, mounted on SW R-23 Exchanger Service Water return from Component Cooling 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 itCi/cc None Monitor Heat Exchanger Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent In-line monitor on monitor tank 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 VCi/cc Terminates monitor tank release on alarm R-18 Monitor recirc pump discharge PAB blowdown room monitors Closes blowdown isolation valves and SG R-19 SG Blowdown Monitor steam generator blown 1E-6 to 1E+2 sample valves Recirc line of HTDS/LTDS tanks Terminates HTDS or LTDS tank release.CPF Regen Waste Release in CPF (used when primary to 1 E-7 to 1 E-1 pCi/cc Applicable only in a primary to secondary R-61 Monitor secondary leakage exists). leak, as defined in RECS D1.1.IPEC ODCM Page 5 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies


EFFLUENTS 2.1 Liquid Effluent Releases -General Information 2.1.1 A completed and properly authorized Liquid Radioactive Waste Permit is required prior to performing any BACTH release (a release of known volume and activity from an isolated source).2.1.2 All activity determinations for liquid radioactive effluents are performed in such a manner as to be representative of the activity released to the river.2.1.3 The radioactivity in liquid waste tanks shall be continuously monitored during release except as allowed by RECS D3.3.1. If the flowmeter is inoperable, the flow shall be estimated every four hours by difference in tank level or by discharge pump curves.2.1.4 Prior to discharge, the radioactive waste tank contents shall be recirculated for at least two tank volumes. After this recirculation, and prior to discharge, a sample shall be taken and analyzed for activi ty with a portion of the sam pie set aside for com posite analysis.

The measured activity shall be used for calculating allowable discharge rate and the alarm setpoint for the liquid waste discharge monitor.2.1.5 Steam Generators or other CONTINUOUS releases shall be quantified and included in effluent reports, but do not require a pre-release perm it. Continuous releases are typically quantified from periodic sampling and the use of radiation monitoring.

In Modes 4-6, however, SG Draindowns are typically quantified in BATCH mode.2.1.6 Assurance that the combined liquid releases from Units 2 and 3 maintain compliance with 1OCFR20 is provided by administrative controls which include an administrative, minimum dilution of 100,000 gpm for any batch release, and routine use, of unit-specific dilution flow for each permitted release.Upon agreement between both Shift Managers, however, one unit can reduce or eliminate radioactive liquid waste discharges for a period of time to allow the other unit to use the full site dil ution flow, or a specified portion thereof. When applying this shared policy, the Shift Managers require the details and duration of this evolution in writing at both CRS work stations.2.1.7 Steam Generator Blowdown activity is determined by composite samples collected in a manner to be proportional to the rate of flow of individual steam generator to total steam generator blowdown.

These samples are then analyzed for the various radionuclides at frequencies specified in the RE CS. Due to appropriate compositing, total blowdown flow is then routinely multiplied by average concentrations to determine the actual effluent contrib ution from Steam Generator BI owdown.2.1.8 Time average dose calculations (1OCFR50) may use total site dilution flow for both units, with the determined dose contributions additive for a site report over any specified period.2.1.9 The discharge canal flow rate is determined by the use of pump flow characteristics curves. Actual monthly average flow rates and total gallons of dilution are determined by Programs and Components and delivered to Chemistry on a monthly basis. Unit 2 circulator pumps are operated at either low or high speed (approximately 88,000 to 140,000 gpm). Unit 3 circulator pumps have a variable speed capacity, and can produce a range from 65,000 to 140,000 gpm.IPEC ODCM Page 6 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.10 Radioactivity content in outdoor tanks is to be limited to less than 10 curies, excluding tritium and noble gas, as per REC S D3.1.4.. Compliance with this requirement is demonstrated by limiting the radioactive concentration in these tanks to the value which results in 10 curies when the tank is at full liquid capacity, except as modified below. The radioactive concentration limits for these tanks are: RWST: 10 curies X 106 uCi / curie = 7.3 x lO-3 jICi/ml 358,500gal x 3785ml/ gal PWST: 10 curies xl 06 /Ci / curie 165,000gals x 3785ml /gal 31 & 32 Monitor Tanks (Unit 3): 10 curies x 106 uaCi / curie-= 2.2 x IlO-"UCi/ml 1 1,750gals x 3785ml/gal 13 & 14 Waste Distillate Storage Tanks (Units 1/2): 10 curies x 10 6 gCi / curie -1.1Xx10 -gtC i/m l 23,577gals x 3785ml/gal Unit 3's Condensate Polisher High and Low Total Dissolved Solids Tanks: 10 curies x 10 6 pCi / curie 10 2--= 4.4 x lO2Ci / ml 60,000gals x 3785ml/gal Outside Temporary Tanks: 10 curies x 10-6.tiCi/curie

= pCi/ml Volume (gal) x 3785ml/ gal Integrated curies in a tank can similarly be determined by calculating the curies added from known inlet concentrations and volumes, which would then be combined with previously determined tank curie levels.The refueling water storage tank has the potential to be filled from the reactor cavity with liquid which exceeds the limits stated. Therefore, prior to filling the RWST from the reactor cavity after refueling operations, the reactor cavity (or residual heat removal system) must be sampled for radioactivity and action taken to ensure that the total activity in the tank does not exceed 10 curies.Outside temporary tanks should not be filled with liquid which could exceed the concentration limit calculated.

Therefore, prior to transfer to outside temporary tanks, the source of liquid shall be sampled for radioactivity.

If it exceeds the concentration limit calculated, action shall be taken to ensure that the total activity in the tank does not exceed 10 curies.IPEC ODCM Page 7 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.11 Turbine hall drains (from sumps in the five foot elevation for units 2 and 3) receive drains from areas containing secondary plant components at sub-atmospheric pressures.

These sumps do not meet the intent of a turbine hall drain system as defined in N UREG 0472, however their effluent contribution should be evaluated.

Quantification of effluents is performed on this pathway during a Primary to Secondary Leak , as defined by RECS D1.1. In these cases, releases from this pathway would be quantified by periodic sampling multiplying the source term by a determination of the release rate to the river, generally bounded by secondary system loss or make-up rate.At elevated Steam Generator activity levels (approximately 1.OE-4 or above), turbine hall drains may require temporary processing, should effluents via this pathway approach the 31-day dose projection limits per RECS D3.1.3. In this case, water at Unit 3 can be directed to the Condensate Polishing Facility prior to release. At Unit 2, a temporary processing skid will need to be applied, or water directed to t he Secondary Boiler Blowdown Purification System, or other installed cleanup system.Activity released via this pathway is determined as follows: STurbine Hall (Feedwater" (Steam Plant SG Blowdown" Drain l= Specific *l Makeup -Rate to the Effluent Activity)

A Activity , Rate River 2.1.12 Carbon 14 is released at a rate of .07 curies per GW(e)/yr with an average make up rate of 0.5 gal/min based upon studies performed by the New York State Department of Health. The estimate of Carbon 14 releases are included in the Radiological Impact on Man section of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. These estimates are not included in dose calculations for routine releases.2.1.13 Several normally non-radioactive systems are periodically analyzed for radioactivity.

Examples include Unit 3's Condensate Polisher regenerant waste tank, the Spent Fuel Pool Auxiliary Heat Exchanger Secondary Cooling Systems (when in use), and Site Storm Drains, etc. The monitoring program for these type of release points is consistent with the direction set forth in NRC IE Bulletin 80-10 "Contamination of Non-radioactive Systems and Resulting Potential for Unmonitored, Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity to Environment".

Should a system become contaminated, releases will be evaluated and quantified (as either batch or continuous) in accordance with the requirements listed in the RECS and the IPEC 80-10 program.2.1.14 The Unit 3 liquid waste monitor tanks have an airborne release pathway. T he original plant design limited the gases through this pathway by reducing the entrained gases to less than 2E-3 jiCi/ml. When the entrained gas concentration in the monitor tank inlet exceeds 2E-3 [tCi/ml, the noble gas release wil I be quantified by calculating the difference (in 1ACi's) between the gaseous activity added to the tank and the gaseous activity present in the effluent release sample. This difference will be the activity released through the tank vents and is quantified as an airborne release.IPEC ODCM Page 8 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.1.15 Due to the addition of Hafnium control rods at Unit 3, an offsite dose may need to be calculated for Hafnium isotopes in waste pathways.

In the absence of site-specific bioaccumulation and dose factors for Hafnium, factors for Zirconium are used, as suggested in ICRP 30. Should these calculations become necessary, they will be performed per the following sections, and manually added to other totals.2.1.16 Investigations from the Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program (RGWMP)may result in a determination of liquid effluent.

A quantification and dose assessment of radioactive groundwater and sto rm water leaving the site shall be performed at least annually.

This quantification shall include, as a minimum, the source term from samples obtained near the effluent points of each applicable pathway (eg, ground water wells nearest the site boundary), and a determination of release rate and dilution flow.Release rates to the river from both the bedrock pathways and collective storm drain pathways are provided from modeling by hydrologists.

Initially, a precipitation mass balance was applied (Reference 32). During calendar year 2007, this method was calibrated by an application of the Darcy's Law model.Future determinations will continue to use a combination of these models at various depths, over effected zones, as discussed in Appendix J, Groundwater Flow and Offsite Dose Calculation Details.6/08 Dilution flow is directly measured in the Discharge Canal, for any water directed there. For storm or groundwater reaching the H udson via a direct path under the canal, a dilution factor equivalent to a 6-hour half-tidal surge in the effected area of the Hudson is applied. As discussed in Reference 33, this dilution is equivalent to 5.83E 10 gallons per year, or 1.11 E5 gallons per minute.Dose calculations are otherwise then completed per the following sections.2.2 Liquid Effluent Concentrations 2.2.1 This section provides a description of the means that will be used to demonstrate compliance with the RECS D3. Compliance with the instantaneous limits of 1OCFR20 is achieved by allocating dilution flow on a per unit basis, as described in Section 2.1.6. Compliance with 10CFR50 (quarterly and annual limitations) is assured by completing a monthly report which summarizes the time-average releases from the site.2.2.3 Each isolated liquid waste tank must be recirculated for at least two tank volumes prior to sampling in order to ensure a representative sample is obtained.

At Unit 2, this duration is determined from station procedures with every batch release. At Unit 3, a default minimum recirculation time of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> may be used for 31 and 32 monitor tanks in lieu of the actual calculation:

11750 gals

  • 2 Tank Volumes Hours 4 Hours__________-_

3.9Hor 4Hus 100 gal/ min Note: Nominal monitor tank pump flow rate is approximately 135 gpm. For conservativism however, 100 gpm is used for the recirculation flow rate, while 150 gpm is used for the discharge flow rate in all release calculations.

IPEC ODCM Page 9 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.2.4 For batch releases, the concentration in liquid effluents prior to dilution in the discharge canal is determined by sampling prior to release. For continuous releases, the concentrations can be determined by either grab sampling, or by direct reading radiation monitor. If the process radiation monitor is utilized, the conversion factor should be verified as appropriate for the mixture being released.For non-direct reading monitors, the following calculation is used: C = CF

  • CR C = Concentration of liquid effluent (uCi/mI) prior to dilution CF = Conversion factor of monitor (uCi/ml per net cpm)CR = Count rate of monitor (in net cpm)2.2.5 The final diluted concentration in the canal is determined as follows: CD = (C) * (f)/(F)Where: CD = Diluted concentration in the discharge canal in uCi/ml C = Pre-dilution liquid concentration in uCi/ml F = Dilution flow in the discharge canal in gal/m in f = Release rate of liquid effluent in gal/min 2.2.6 Calculation of Maximum Permissible Concentration in Liquid Effluents a. This section describes the methodology used to ensure compliance with RECS D3.1.1. The discharge canal concentration of radionuclides must be maintained less than those identified as limits (10 times the EC's of 10CFR20).

The noble gas limit has been specified as 2E-4 uCi/ml.These criteria are normally assured by using an Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC) on each discrete release. This differs from the ECs given in 10CFR20 Appendix B in that, for radioisotopes that do not have gammas greater than 60 kev emitted during decay, default values are included to estimate their contribution.

The Allowed Diluted Concentration is derived and calculated as follows: A =MPCt

  • CG MPCWt
  • CG MPCWt ADC Totalactivity or AD&C or ADGC iCGCB l+CG where: ADC = Allowed diluted concentration in uCi/ml IPEC ODCM Page 10 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies MPCWt = Maximum permissible concentration in water for all isotopes (beta & gamma), in uCi/ml, as defined in RECS, D1.1, as follows: Z ci MPCWt = i (KcYMPcwi)

Ci and MPCWi = Concentration and MPCW for each isotope CB = The concentration of the non gamma emitters, in uCi/ml CG = The concentration of the gamma emitters, in uCi/mI b. A representative sample must be obtained.

For batch releases, at least two tank volumes are recirculated after the tank has been isolated to meet these requirements.

The minimum recirculation time is determined as follows: T = 2 (V) / (G) where;T = Minimum recirculation time in min V = Volumes in the tank to be discharged, in gal G = Recirculation rate in gal/m in c. After the tank has been sampled, the Allowed Diluted Concentration is determined, per the equations above.d. A determination of other liquid radioactive discharges is evaluated.

If other releases are in progress at an affected unit, the radioactive concentrations and discharge rates are included to determine a potentially new required dilution factor.e. Available dilution flow may be adjusted by physically using more pumps or altering an allocation fraction.

Additionally, if required, release rate can be adjusted to comply with diluted concentration limits with existing dilution flow. Typically, however, these measures are not required.f. The required dilution flow is calculated as follows: Dr

  • CG where;ADC Dr = Current release discharge rate, gpm E = Required dilution for current existing release(s), gpm CG and ADC are defined in Section 2.2.6.a IPEC ODCM Page 11 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
g. The permissible discharge rate is calculated as follows: D=ADCB Where: CG D = Permissible discharge rate in gal/min ADC = Calculated and described in Step 2.2.6.a CG = Gamma emitter concentration in pCi/ml B = Adjusted dilution flow from the unit, in gpm, from Step 2.2.6.d, above, as follows: A ailableu re d.B Diution [-lIlr'o trom yffow e ot erreYeasesE Note: With no "other" releases, B simply becomes the Available Dilution Flow.2.3 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements 2.3.1 RECS D3.1.2 requires that the dose or dose commitment above background to an individual in an unrestricted area from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each reactor unit shall be limited: a) During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the total body and to less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ.b) During any calendar year: Less tha n or equal to 3 mrem to the total body and to less than or equal to 1 0 mrem to any organ.c) If either of the above limits is exceeded by a factor of two or m ore, then cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation would be determ ined by evaluation of existing perimeter and environmental TLDs per RECS D3. RECS D3.1.3 requires that appropriate portions of the radwaste treatment system be used to reduce the radioactive material in liquid waste prior to their discharge when the projected dose due to liquid effluent from each reactor unit when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ. Doses due to liquid release shall be projected at least once per 31 days. These doses are projected based on the dose methodology in Section 2.4. or 2.5. The average of previous months' doses is used to project future dose, as follows:[ Dose 1 Current Month Dose + Previous months' Dose major[Projection number of months used plains evolutions The term for planned evolutions is routinely determined from previous similar evolutions, such as releases associated with plant shutdown.IPEC ODCIM Page 12 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.4 Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)

2.4.1 NUREG

0133 (Ref. 1, Section 4.3, Pg. 14) states that cum ulative dose contributions should consider the dose contribution from the maximum exposed individual's consumption of fish, invertebrates, and potable water as appropriate.

The river near IPEC is considered to be fresh water when in reality it is a tidal estuary and never completely fresh. Observed average chlorosity at IPEC has ranged as high as 2.5 gm/liter or about 13% sea water and 87% fresh water.Hence, use of the Hudson River for fresh water supply purposes is precluded south of Chelsea (mile point 65) which is the nearest point of potable water supply (approximately 15 miles upstream of IPEC). Radionuclide concentrations in the nearest water supply have been cal culated (Ref. 2) to be a factor of at least 500 lower than the river water in the Indian Point area.Due to the absence of a potable water pathway, RECS D3.1.2 reporting regulations for a 3 mile downstream limit do not apply. There is no exposures from ingestion of drinking water.Thus, at IPEC, the cumulative dose considers only the dose contributions from the maximum exposed individuals consumption of fish and invertebrates.

Tables of dose factors for three age groups were developed as per Section 2.4.3 and are included as Tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. (Infant dose factors are 0 and are not included).

2.4.2 The relationships and methods that form the calculational base for dose accounting for the liquid effluent pathway are described in this section. These relationships can be used to meet the calculational requirements of Section 2.3.1. The cumulative dose factors (Ait) are calculated in Section 2.4.3. The following equation is generally applicable and can be used for any number of isotopes released over a time period: m n D(T) = Z[AiT * (dtk)(Cik)(Fk)]

i=1 k=1 Where: m = The total number of isotopes released.D(T) = The liquid effluent cumulative dose commitment from nucl ides to the total body or any organ, T, for the time period k, in mrem.dtk = The length of the time period, k over which Cik and Fk are averaged for all liquid releases, in hours. (This can be individual release durations summed, or an entire period duration, defined with each application of this equation.)

Cik = The undiluted liquid effluent average concentration of nuclide, i, in uCi/ml, during time period dtk from any liquid release.n = The total number of releases considered.

IPEC ODCM Page 13 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies AiT = The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter listed in Table 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3, in mrem-ml per hr-uCi.Fk = The total dilution factor for Cik during any liquid effluent releases;defined as the ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters, times an applicable factor.The term Cik represents the total undiluted concentration of radioactive material in liquid waste at the release point as determined by the radioactive liquid waste sampling and analysis program as contained in the RECS. All dilution factors beyond the sample point are included in the Fk and AiTterms.The term Fk is a total dilution factor and is determined as follows: Liquid Radioactive Waste Flow Fk = [Discharge Structure Exit Flow

  • Applicable Factor]The liquid radioactive waste flow is the flow from all continuous and batch radioactive effluent releases specified in the RECS from all liquid radioactive waste management systems. The discharge structure exit flow is the average flow during disposal from the discharge structure release point into the receiving body of water. Based on studies by New York University Medical Center (ref. 14 page 7), the appropriate"Applicable Factor' (a mixing factor in the near field), is 5.0.For permitting and initial assessment of liquid effluent releases, Fk is first determined with dilution flow concurrent with applicable releases (see Section 2.2). Doses are later recalculated (for the entire site) on a quarterly basis to determine actual doses from quarterly total site dilution volume. This method allows both an immediate and accurate long-term assessment of radiation dose resulting from liquid effluent releases at Indian Point.2.4.3 Dose Factor for Liquid Effluent Calculations The equation for dose from liquid effluents requires the use of a dose factor AiT for each nuclide, i, which embodies the dose factors, pathway transfer factor, pathway usage factors, and dilution factors for the points of pathway origin.IPEC follows the guidance of NUR EG 0133 and has calculated A iT for the total body and critical organ of the maximum exposed individual for Adult, Teen and Child doses.Most factors needed in the equation were obtained from Regulatory Guide 1.109 with the following exceptions (see Section 2.6 and Ref 2, 12, 13,1 4, and 25): The fish and invertebrate bioaccum ulation factors (BF 1 and Bli) for Cesium, Niobium, Silver, and Antimony, were determined locally.IPEC ODCM Page 14 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies For Cesium, a site specific factor of 224 was used instead of the 2,000 presented in Table A-1 of the Regulatory Guide f or fish. Similarly, a factor of 224 was used for invertebrates instead of the Regulatory Guide v alue of 1000.For Silver, the fish and invertebrate factors are 2.3 and 3300, respectively.

For Niobium, the fish and invertebrate factors are 300 and 100 respectively.

For Antimony, the fish and invertebrate factors are 1 and 300 respectively.

The summary dose factor is as follows: AT = K[(UF)BJF

+ (UI)BI,]Df Where: AiT = Composite dose parameter for the total body or critical organ for nuclide, i, for all appropriate pathways, mrem/hr per 1 iCi/ml.K = Units conversion factor, 114155 = (1E6pCi/iCi)

  • (lE3ml/kcq) 8760 hr/yr UF = kg/yr fish consumption from Table E-5 of Reg Guide 1.109: 21 Adult 6.9 Child 16 Teen 0 Infant BFi = Fresh Water Fish Bioaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in pCi/kg per pCi/I from Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.UI = kg/yr invertebrate consumption from Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109: 5.0 Adult 1.7 Child 3.8 Teen 0 Infant Bli = Salt Water Invertebrates Bi oaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in pCi/kg per pCi/I from Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.1 09.DFi = Dose conversion factor for nuclide i, for age groups in pre-selected organs, T, in mrem/pCi, from Tables E-1 1, 12 & 13 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.IPEC has compiled AiT factors for 3 age groups and various organs for the maximum exposed individual.

These are included as Table 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. For completeness, this table includes all isotopes found in Reg Guide 1.109, however, several isotopes listed are not routinely identified at IPEC. In addition, the values for Antimony, Silver, Cesium, and Niobium are site specific as previously discussed.

IPEC ODCM Page 15 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies

2.5 Backup

Simplified Dose Methodoloqv 2.5.1 An alternate computer method which completely complies with Section 2.4 is available should the primary computer system be inoperable.

2.5.2 Hand Calculations which completely comply with Section 2.4 can be employed if the primary and secondary computer codes are inoperable.

Because they are time consuming and subject to calculational errors, procedural guidance in the actual flow of calculations should be used to maintain a standard format. These procedures are also used for benchmark tests of the computer codes.2.6 Site Specific Bio-Accumulation

& Dose Factors 2.6.1 As stated in Section 2.4.3 the bioaccum ulation factor for Cesium in fish is assumed to be 224 instead of the 20 00 listed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Ref. 3).Similarly, the bioaccumulation factor for invertebrates is 224. Thi s is based on three facts; 1) the Hudson River at IPEC is not completely fresh, 2) the Bioaccum ulation Factor for salt water is 40 (Ref. 2), and 3) the behavior of Cesi um in the Hudson is a complex phenomenon, as discussed below.The NYU Study (Ref. 2) shows that Cesium concentrations in fish are regulated at a relatively constant value independent of the concentration of Cesium in water, and the bioaccumulation factors are thus inversely proportional to the water concentration of Cesium. This explains the lower bioaccum ulation factor for Cesium reported by numerous investigators for salt water fish as opposed to fresh water fish because of the higher stable Cesium content of sea water. The NYU Report states that water at Indian Point has a dissolved Cesium concentration which is much higher than would be expected from simple mixing between sea water and fresh water and postulates that these higher concentrations result from leaching of Cesium from bottom sediment by saline water.Use of the bioaccumulation factors of Regulatory Guide 1.109 for a fresh water site will thus substantially overestimate fish ingestion doses because no account is taken of the phenomena just discussed.

However, radio-cesium concentrations in fish may still be estimated through the use of a bioaccumulation factor, provided that this factor is determined from the body of water of interest.

Thi s factor has been estimated (Ref.12, page 33) to be about 224 for the flesh of indigenous fish caught in the Indian Point area. In contrast, the Cesium fresh water bioaccumulation factor presented by Regulatory Guide 1.109 for fish is 2000.Fish ingestion doses would therefore be overestimated by a factor of 13 if the Regulatory Guide values were used.Similarly for invertebrates, the site specific bioaccumulation factor of 224 is used. This is larger than the value of 25 given in Reg Guide 1.109 for salt w ater invertebrates.

A second conservatism in the NRC model concerns the location at which the concentrations in the river of the discharged Cesium are evaluated.

Use of this model implies that these fish have grown directly in such a location prior to being caught, which is unrealistic and adds about a factor of five in conservation.

This conservatism remains in the calculation, thus the use of the NYU (Ref. 12)bioaccumulation factor is justifiable.

IPEC ODCM Page 16 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 2.6.2 No bioaccumulation factor for Silver is listed in Rev. 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table A-I. The values of 2.3 and 5000 for fish and invertebrates were obtained from ORNL-4992 (sponsored by ERDA 660, Ref. 25) and are included in the ODCM in the interests of increased accuracy sinc e Ag-110m is a potential component of IPEC liquid releases.2.6.3 International Atomic Energy Agency Report No. 57 provides data m ore recent than that presented in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for niobium bioaccumulation factors. The factor in the Regulatory Guide appears to be su bstantially over-conservative and, therefore, the more recent IAEA information is incorporated into the dose calculation methodology for liquid releases of radio-niobiu

m. The values from Table XVII of IAEA No. 57 are 300 and 100 for freshwater fish and marine invertebrates respectively and are incorporated into this ODCM.2.6.4 Antimony isotopes are not listed in Reg. Guide 1.109. As for Niobium above, IAEA Report No. 57 was used to provide bioaccum ulation factors for the Antimony isotopes in Table 2-1. Dose factors were calculated for Antimony as per Reference Te-123m dose factors are not listed in Reg. Guide 1.109. Since this isotope is identified from potentially failed secondary startup sources and previously identified at IPEC, ingestion dose factors were derived from ICRP 30 and calculated per Ref In summary, with the exception of the bioaccumulation and dose factors discussed above, all remaining factors applied at IPEC are defined in Reg Guide 1.109 for a combination of fresh water fish and salt w ater invertebrates.

IPEC ODCM Page 17 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-11DM SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 0.00E+00 3.29E-01 4. 08E+02 4 .96E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 3 .21E+04 5 .06E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 97E+04 2. 02E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 61E+05 3. 43E+02 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 2. 57E+04 6. 32E+05 4.72E+02 1.79E+02 6. 07E+00 5.73E-02 8.89E+01 5.33E-01 1. 69E+00 1. 63E+00 9. OOE-02 4.83E+00 0. OE+00 1. 59E-02 1. 64E-02 1.10E+02 9. 16E+00 1. 64E+03 4.58E+02 3. 47E+01 4 .86E+02 3. 11E+02 2.82E-01 7.45E-01 4 .08E+02 3.08E+06 0.OOE+00 5. 43E+03 1. 37E+02 2. 21E+04 1.19E+05 5.15E+02 1.48E+03 3. 45E+03 2. 62E+01 9.08E+01 5. 13E+05 6.57E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.01E+05 2. 91E+02 1 .93E+02 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 22E-01 1. 82E-02 2. 69E+00 1. 28E+02 4. 50E-02 2 .36E-02 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .23E+02 7. 99E-01 9. 20E+00 3.47E+00 2.82E-01 3. 69E-01 4.08E+02 1.92E+06 4.31E+00 1.04E+03 2 .42E+01 5. 16E+03 4.56E+04 1. 15E+03 3.26E+03 1. 67E+03 1.20E+01 4.26E+01 2. 32E+05 4. 57E+01 4. 05E+01 5.25E+01 2.16E+00 4.72E+04 1.54E+02 1. 35E+02 7. 37E+02 1. 55E+05 1.91E+01 7.75E+00 1. 63E-01 2.22E-03 2.38E+00 1.56E-02 4. 67E-02 3.54E-01 8.30E-03 1.44E+00 2 .43E+01 5.73E-01 2. 32E-01 4 .74E+01 3. 62E+00 2. 07E+02 2. 51E+02 1.20E+01 1. 91E+02 7. 40E+01 2 .82E-01 0 0OE+00 4 .08E+02 0. 00E+00 2. 58E+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 o OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 5. 38E-01 1. 18E+00 3. 16E-01 2 .82E-01 7.83E-01 4.08E+02 0.OOE+00 9. 50E-01 1. 61E+03 1.73E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OE+00 2.29E+02 3. 43E+05 4.27E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8 .20E-01 2 .74E-02 2.65E+00 2.90E+02 6.84E-01 4.25E-01 4.20E+02 1. 18E+02 3. 16E+03 8.32E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 82E-01 0. OOE+00 4. 08E+02 0. OOE+00 5. 72E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 24E+04 3. 32E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+0o 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2 21E-02 1.21E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 08E+01 3. 79E+02 2. 40E+02 GI-LLI 2. 82E-01 1.28E+02 4.08E+02 5. 57E+06.1.08E+03 1. 66E+04 4. 36E+03 1. 27E+04 3. 96E+05 1. 04E+04 2.78E+04 7.19E+02 6. 65E+02 7.74E+03 3. 23E+05 9. 87E+01 5. 84E+01 4. 13E-04 0.OOE+00 2. OOE+04-4.02E-09 1.12E-11 4.12E+03 1. 82E+04 2 .25E+03 3.55E+03 6.4 3E+04 1. 68E-01 4.89E+04 9. 33E+03 5. 36E+04 1. 66E+03 5. 63E+03 1. 63E+04 2. 97E+02 2. 66E+01 7.09E-14 1.28E+04 5. 60E+03 1.06E+05 1.73E+05 1.32E+04 1.38E+04 3.42E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 18 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -1 Site Related Adult Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 2.72E+03 6.88E+03 1. 12E+02 1. 17E+04 3. 19E+01 1.76E+03 2. OOE+01 2.56E+03 4.88E+01 2. 68E+02 1. 31E+01 9.16E+01 6. 84E+00 2.86E+01 4.14E+04 4.33E+03 5. 30E+04 3. 67E+01 6. 47E+00 1.35E+03 3. 14E+00 1.42E+00 1. 58E+00 8.07E-02 3. 23E+00 5. 69E-01 1. 68E+02 5.80E+00 1. 90E-02 3. 97E+00 2. 98E+02 3. 53E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.05E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 3.29E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9. 87E+02 2 .46E+03 4 .01E+01 4.36E+03 1 .20E+01 8. 60E+02 8 .36E+00 1. 66E+03 1 .44E+02 3. 84E+02 3.50E+01 1. 59E+02 1.86E+01 7. 48E+01 9.84E+04 1. 71E+04 7 .25E+04 7.25E+01 4 .61E-03 1.70E+00 2. 37E-03 1.4 6E-03 7. 95E-01 3. 67E-02 2. 18E+00 4.21E+02 7.04E+01 2. 33E+00 7. 88E-03 4.59E+00 2.49E+02 3.47E-03 0.OOE+00 1.21E+02 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.15E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 65E+02 8.38E+02 2.42E+01 1. 85E+03 7.77E+00 7.16E+02 6. 32E+00 1. 55E+03 5. 68E+01 2.20E+02 1.23E+01 4.86E+01 6. 64E+00 2 .76E+01 8. 04E+04 1. 23E+04 4 .75E+04 3. 59E+01 1. 89E-01 8. 87E+01 1 .06E-01 8. 93E-02 2. lOE-01 9. 15E-03 2 .48E-01 4. 66E-02 9.04E+00 2.88E-01 9. 65E-04 2 .74E-01 8 .71E+01 1. 91E-03 0 OOE+00 2 .01E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3.74E-03 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 32E+01 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8 .19E+02 1.76E+03 8.28E+01 4 .01E+03 2 .45E+01 1 .36E+03 1 .65E+01 1 .83E+03 1. 22E+04 1.26E+05 1.23E+03 2. 34E+04 3.22E+02 4. 93E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.88E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. l1E+04 2 .79E+04 4 .55E+02 4 .88E+04 1. 34E+02 8 .71E+03 8 .77E+01 1. 60E+04 2 .24E+02 6. 58E+02 5. 58E+01 2. 78E+02 2. 95E+01 1. 20E+02 3. 18E+04 9. 51E+03 2 .4 6E+04 5. 33E+01 4 .31E-03 5 .78E-01 2 .21E-03 1 .23E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 01E+00 1. 85E-01 4 17E+01 1. 34E+00 4 45E-03 2 68E+00 0 OOE+00 1 08E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 20E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 08E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E+04 1. 30E+03 8. 18E+03 5.26E+00 2.61E-03 9. 73E-01 1. 35E-03 8.27E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 09E+04 2. 31E+04 8. 82E+03 5. 88E+04 2 .41E+01 8. 53E+04 2 .83E+00 7 .83E+OA 1. 24E+02 1. 01E+02 6. 58E+00 1. 43E+02 1. 62E-02 8. 45E+01 1. 72E+03 1. 94E+03 1. 40E+03 3. 09E-04 1. 15E+01 2 .79E+03 1. 48E-09 2. OOE-18 5 83E+04 2 68E+02 8. 35E+03 1. 57E+04 5. 69E+04 2. 54E+04 2 .73E-09 2. 20E+04 8. 16E+04 7. 12E+02 0 OOE+00 3. 07E+03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3.78E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 65E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 19 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-110M SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 0.OOE+00 3.58E-01 4.20E+02 5.40E+07 o.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3.35E+04 5.20E+04 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 5. 15E+04 2. 18E+02 0.00E+00 1.46E+05 3.73E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 2 .79E+04 5.27E+05 5. 12E+02 1. 94E+02 6.57E+00 6. 18E-02 9.64E+01 5.80E-01 1.84E+00 1. 68E+00 9.65E-02 4 .86E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 63E-02 1. 77E-02 1. 15E+02 9. 85E+00 1. 77E+03 4. 45E+02 4. 35E+01 5. 09E+02 3. 27E+02 2.17E-01 8. 02E-01 4 .20E+02 3.35E+06 0.OOE+00 5.33E+03 1. 43E+02 2. 37E+04 1.21E+05 5. 10E+02 1. 48E+03 3. 64E+03 2 .79E+01 9. 53E+01 5.07E+05 7. 10E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.09E+05 3. 12E+02 2. 01E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.29E-01 1. 91E-02 2. 70E+00 1 .36E+02 4 .55E-02 2. 51E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .22E+02 8.47E-01 9.40E+00 3.58E+00 2. 17E-01 4. 01E-01 4 .20E+02 2. 09E+06 4.4 4E+00 1. 06E+03 2. 54E+01 5. 54E+03 4. 69E+04 1. 18E+03 3. 32E+03 1. 75E+03 1. 27E+01 4. 48E+01 2. 36E+05 4. 97E+01 4 .41E+01 5. 55E+01 2. 34E+00 5. 12E+04 1. 66E+02 1. 42E+02 8. OOE+02 1. 30E+05 2. 04E+01 8. 25E+00 1. 77E-01 2. 36E-03 2. 58E+00 1. 68E-02 5. 03E-02 3. 64E-01 8. 80E-03 1. 48E+00 2. 60E+01 5. 89E-01 2. 47E-01 4. 93E+01 3. 82E+00 2. 23E+02 2. 56E+02 1. 27E+01 1. 99E+02 7. 64E+01 2. 17E-01 0.00E+00 4 .20E+02 0.OOE+00 2.47E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.53E-01 1. 16E+00 3. 11E-01 2. 17E-01 8. 50E-01 4 .20E+02 0 OOE+00 9. 73E-01 1. 59E+03 1 .81E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 41E+02 3. 2 4E+05 4. 64E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 78E-01 2. 90E-02 2. 61E+00 3. 12E+02 6. 77E-01 4 55E-01 4. 06E+02 1. 24E+02 3. 42E+03 8. 04E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2.17E-01 2.17E-01 0.OOE+00 9.76E+01 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 0.OOE+00 4.54E+06 6.34E+00 7.46E+02 0.OOE+00 1.09E+04 0.OOE+00 9.40E+03 1.51E+04 1.03E+04 3.83E+04 2.87E+05 0.OOE+00 7.04E+03 0.OOE+00 1.92E+04 0.OOE+00 5.79E+02 0.OOE+00 1.51E+03 0.OOE+00 7.39E+03 0.OOE+00 2.15E+05 0.OOE+00 1.31E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.61E+04 0.OOE+00 2.67E-05 0.OOE+00 3.09E-07 0.OOE+00 3.33E+03 0.OOE+00 1.48E+04 0.OOE+00 2.32E+03 0.OOE+00 4.93E+03 0.OOE+00 5.42E+04 0.OOE+00 2.92E+00 0.OOE+00 3.95E+04 0.OOE+00 1.59E+04 0.OOE+00 5.61E+04 0.OOE+00 1.22E+03 0.OOE+00 5.17E+03 0.OOE+00 1.15E+04 0.OOE+00 2.44E+02 2.52E-02 2.98E+01 1.53E-02 4.30E-09 0.OOE+00 9.63E+03 0.OOE+00 7.96E+03 0.OOE+00 8.50E+04 0.OOE+00 1.18E+05 2.72E+01 9.13E+03 4.45E+02 1.03E+04 2.85E+02 2.53E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 20 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -2 Site Related Teen Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 2. 96E+03 7 48E+03 1. 22E+02 1 .26E+04 3. 47E+01 1.89E+03 2. 16E+01 2 70E+03 5 .06E+01 2 .87E+02 1. 37E+01 9. 87E+01 7 17E+00 2 99E+01 4. 24E+04 4. 35E+03 5. 67E+04 3. 93E+01 7. 05E+00 1.44E+03 3. 40E+00 1. 52E+00 1. 67E+00 8. 58E-02 3. 4 9E+00 6. 16E-01 1. 82E+02 6. 28E+00 2. 06E-02 4. 50E+00 3. 22E+02 3. 98E-02 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .36E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3.46E+01 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 07E+03 2.65E+03 4. 33E+01 4. 68E+03 1.29E+01 9.06E+02 8. 90E+00 1.71E+03 1 .46E+02 4.02E+02 3.58E+01 1. 67E+02 1.90E+01 7.71E+01 9. 97E+04 1.71E+04 7. 54E+04 7 .54E+01 4.96E-03 1.76E+00 2. 54E-03 1. 52E-03 8 .20E-01 3.81E-02 2. 33E+00 4 .48E+02 7. 55E+01 2. 51E+00 8.44E-03 4 .89E+00 2. 62E+02 3.75E-03 0.OOE+00 1. 25E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.08E-02 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.22E+01 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI 3.96E+02 8.28E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.75E+03 8.90E+02 1.78E+03 3.03E+04 0.OOE+00 1.87E+04 2.63E+01 8.44E+01 4.95E+02 0.OOE+00 9.44E+03 2.OOE+03 4.07E+03 5.28E+04 0.OOE+00 4.74E+04 8.44E+00 2.48E+01 1.46E+02 0.OOE+00 1.90E+02 7.55E+02 1.36E+03 9.44E+03 0.OOE+00 7.27E+04 6.75E+00 1.66E+01 9.44E+01 0.OOE+00 1.77E+00 1.61E+03 1.80E+03 1.64E+04 0.OOE+00 5.42E+04 5.84E+01 1.19E+04 2.25E+02 0.OOE+00 1.12E+02 2.16E+02 1.17E+05 6.92E+02 0.OOE+00 7.95E+01 1.29E+01 1.21E+03 5.64E+01 0.OOE+00 1.56E+01 5.l1E+01 2.34E+04 2.94E+02 0.OOE+00 1.27E+02 6.82E+00 3.17E+02 2.99E+01 0.OOE+00 2.50E-01 2.86E+01 4.96E+03 1.22E+02 0.OOE+00 8.54E+01 4.63E+04 0.OOE+00 3.17E+04 1.21E+04 1.24E+03 1.15E+04 0.OOE+00 9.32E+03 1.47E+03 1.38E+03 2.63E+04 0.OOE+00 2.57E+04 9.97E+03 1.07E+03 3.77E+01 0.OOE+00 5.57E+01 6.48E+00 3.42E-02 2.05E-01 0.OOE+00 4.67E-03 3.42E-03 6.28E+01 9.28E+01 0.OOE+00 5.98E-01 1.19E+00 2.22E+03 1.14E-01 0.OOE+00 2.36E-03 1.74E-03 7.25E-06 9.33E-02 0.OOE+00 1.28E-03 1.01E-03 4.65E-12 2.18E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.71E+04 9.49E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.16E+03 2.67E-01 0.OOE+00 1.10E+00 0.OOE+00 6.66E+03 5.01E-02 0.OOE+00 2.01E-01 0.OOE+00 1.35E+04 9.80E+00 0.OOE+00 4.51E+01 0.OOE+00 4.59E+04 3.13E-01 0.OOE+00 1.46E+00 0.OOE+00 2.07E+04 1.05E-03 0.OOE+00 4.84E-03 0.OOE+00 2.27E-05 2.93E-01 0.OOE+00 2.87E+00 0.OOE+00 1.76E+04 9.19E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.10E+04 2.08E-03 0.OOE+00 1.18E-02 0.OOE+00 6.03E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.10E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.95E-03 0.OOE+00 1.27E-02 0.OOE+00 2.58E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.32E+01 2.84E+01 2.12E+02 0.OOE+00 1.28E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 21 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H-3 D.00E+00 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 BE-7 4.77E-01 8.08E-01 5.33E-01 D.00E+00 7.96E-01 D.OOE+00 4.52E+01 NA-24 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 P-32 6.98E+07 3.27E+06 2.69E+06 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 D.0DE+00 1.93E+06 CR-51 D.D0E+00 O.DDE+00 4.86E+00 2.70E+00 7.37E-01 4.92E+00 2.58E+02 MN-54 0.DDE+00 4.20E+03 1.12E+03 0.DOE+00 1.18E+03 0.OOE+00 3.53E+03 MN-56 D.DDE+00 1.31E+02 2.96E+01 D.ODE+00 1.59E+02 D.0DE+00 1.90E+04 FE-55 4.55E+04 2.42E+04 7.48E+03 D.0OE+00 D.D0E+00 1.37E+04 4.47E+03 FE-59 6.53E+04 1.06E+05 5.27E+04 D.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 3.07E+04 1.10E+05 CO-58 O.ODE+00 4.20E+02 1.29E+03 D.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 O.DOE+00 2.45E+03 CO-60 O.OE+00 1.23E+03 3.64E+03 0.OOE+00 D.DDE+00 0.O0E+00 6.84E+03 NI-63 6.85E+04 3.67E+03 2.33E+03 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 2.47E+02 NI-65 2.83E+02 2.66E+01 1.55E+01 0.OOE+00 D.ODE+00 0.DOE+00 3.26E+03 CU-64 O.OE+00 9.05E+01 5.47E+01 0.OOE+00 2.19E+02 0.DDE+00 4.25E+03 ZN-65 1.55E+05 4.12E+05 2.56E+05 D.OE+00 2.59E+05 0.DDE+00 7.23E+04 ZN-69 4.94E+02 7.14E+02 6.60E+01 D.OE+00 4.33E+02 0.D0E+00 4.50E+04 BR-83 0.DDE+00 O.0DE+00 5.67E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OE+00 0.DDE+00 0.DDE+00 BR-84 0.O0E+00 O.D0E+00 6.56E+01 0.ODE+00 0.ODE+00 0.DDE+00 0.00E+00 BR-85 O.OE+00 O.00E+00 3.02E+00 0.DDE+00 0.ODE+00 D.DDE+00 0.DDE+00 RB-86 O.OE+00 1.06E+05 6.50E+04 D.D0E+00 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 6.80E+03 RB-88 D.O0E+00 3.O0E+02 2.08E+02 0.DDE+00 D.OE+00 D.DDE+00 1.47E+01 RB-89 0 0DE+00 1.85E+02 1.64E+02 0.DDE+00 D.ODE+00 D.DDE+00 1.61E+00 SR-89 3.63E+04 D.D0E+00 1.04E+03 O.DDE+00 O.ODE+00 O.00E+00 1.41E+03 SR-90 4.68E+05 D.00E+00 1.19E+05 0.DDE+00 0.OE+00 O.DDE+00 6.30E+03 SR-91 6.60E+02 O.D0E+00 2.49E+01 0.DDE+00 O.ODE+00 O.0DE+00 1.46E+03 SR-92 2.48E+02 0.0DE+00 9.96E+00 D.DDE+00 0.0DE+00 O.DDE+00 4.70E+03 Y-90 8.79E+00 O.00E+00 2.35E-01 O.D0E+00 0.00E+00 DO.DE+00 2.50E+04 Y-91M 8.17E-02 O.DDE+00 2.97E-03 D.DDE+00 D.ODE+00 0.DDE+00 1.60E+02 Y-91 1.29E+02 O.DDE+00 3.44E+00 0.DOE+00 D.ODE+00 O.DDE+00 1.71E+04 Y-92 7.70E-01 O.DDE+00 2.20E-02 D.OE+00 D.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 2.22E+04 Y-93 2.44E+00 O.DDE+00 6.69E-02 D.OE+00 0.DDE+00 D.DDE+00 3.63E+04 ZR-95 2.10E+00 4.62E-01 4.11E-01 0.OOE+00 6.62E-01 O.DDE+00 4.82E+02 ZR-97 1.27E-01 1.83E-02 1.08E-02 D.OOE+00 2.63E-02 O.0DE+00 2.77E+03 NB-95 5.75E+00 2.24E+00 1.60E+00 O.D0E+00 2.10E+00 O.0OE+00 4.14E+03 MO-99 O.OE+00 1.31E+02 3.23E+01 0.OE+00 2.79E+02 O.00E+00 1.08E+02 TC-99M 1.99E-02 3.89E-02 6.46E-01 0.OOE+00 5.66E-01 1.98E-02 2.22E+01 TC-101 2.30E-02 2.41E-02 3.06E-01 0.00E+00 4.11E-01 1.27E-02 7.66E-02 RU-103 1.48E+02 O.DDE+00 5.67E+01 0.0DE+00 3.72E+02 0.D0E+00 3.82E+03 RU-105 1.30E+01 O.DDE+00 4.73E+00 0.DDE+00 1.15E+02 O.D0E+00 8.50E+03 RU-106 2.36E+03 0.00E+00 2.95E+02 0.DDE+00 3.19E+03 O.00E+00 3.68E+04 AG-11DM 5.24E+02 3.54E+02 2.83E+02 0.D0E+00 6.59E+02 D.DDE+00 4.21E+04 SB-122 5.80E+01 8.56E-01 1.70E+01 7.43E-01 O.0DE+00 2.36E+01 4.46E+03 SB-124 6.55E+02 8.50E+00 2.29E+02 1.44E+00 O.0DE+00 3.63E+02 4.09E+03 SB-125 4.22E+02 3.25E+00 8.85E+01 3.91E-01 0.D0E+00 2.35E+02 1.01E+03 IPEC ODCM Page 22 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2 -3 Site Related Child Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors (Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Invertebrate Consumption)(AiT)mR/hr per uCi/ml ISOTOPE BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 3. 81E+03 9. 67E+03 1. 58E+02 1. 63E+04 4. 48E+01 2. 41E+03 2 .78E+01 3. 38E+03 6. 28E+01 3. 70E+02 1. 72E+01 1. 27E+02 9. 02E+00 3. 77E+01 5. 15E+04 5. 17E+03 7. 19E+04 5 .01E+01 9. 34E+00 1. 87E+03 4 .51E+00 1. 97E+00 2 16E+00 1. 12E-01 4. 65E+00 8. 19E-01 2.44E+02 8. 40E+00 2.76E-02 5. 96E+00 4.08E+02 5. 15E-02 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.55E-02 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.31E+01 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1. 03E+03 2. 60E+03 4.25E+01 4.55E+03 1.25E+01 8. 33E+02 8.4 6E+00 1.50E+03 1.27E+02 3.72E+02 3. 16E+01 1. 58E+02 1.67E+01 6. 78E+01 8.4 4E+04 1.42E+04 6. 88E+04 6. 97E+01 4. 99E-03 1. 64E+00 2.53E-03 1.42E-03 7.55E-01 3. 57E-02 2. 32E+00 4.44E+02 7. 64E+01 2.52E+00 8.53E-03 4.83E+00 2.42E+02 3.70E-03 0.00E+00 1. 15E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1. OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.94E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 08E+02 1. 15E+03 3. 38E+01 2.53E+03 1.06E+01 8.8 6E+02 8.26E+00 1.81E+03 6.54E+01 2. 12E+02 1.45E+01 5. 96E+01 7. 70E+00 3.21E+01 1.78E+04 9. 19E+03 1.02E+04 4.42E+01 2.71E-01 1. 09E+02 1.47E-01 1.10E-01 2. 54E-01 1. 12E-02 3. 45E-01 6.4 4E-02 1. 30E+01 4 .17E-01 1. 39E-03 3.74E-01 1.08E+02 2.60E-03 0.OOE+00 2. 33E+02 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .68E-03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.59E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+03 2. 31E+03 1. 09E+02 5.25E+03 3.20E+01 1.71E+03 2.12E+01 2. 18E+03 1. 40E+04 1.23E+05 1.47E+03 2. 93E+04 3.85E+02 6. OOE+03 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.41E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2 .76E+04 4.48E+02 4.78E+04 1.31E+02 8.06E+03 8.40E+01 1.39E+04 1. 90E+02 6. 11E+02 4.84E+01 2.63E+02 2.56E+01 1.04E+02 2. 62E+04 7 .56E+03 2 .24E+04 4.90E+01 4.35E-03 5.35E-01 2.19E-03 1. 15E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+00 1.86E-01 4. 23E+01 1. 37E+00 4. 51E-03 2. 65E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 07E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.l1E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.80E+02 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 39E+03 1. 13E+03 8.07E+03 5.28E+00 2.93E-03 9.79E-01 1.48E-02 8. 35E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 68E+03 7.83E+03 6. 15E+03 1. 99E+04 2.79E+03 3. 38E+04 1.4 6E+02 1.51E+04 5. 94E+01 3.31E+01 3. 72E+01 6. 35E+01 1 .lIE+01 5. 16E+01 4.55E+02 4. 99E+02 4. 31E+02 3. 21E+01 5. 39E+02 9. 50E+02 2. 57E+00 2. 57E-02 2. 10E+04 7. 08E+03 2. 90E+03 6.51E+03 1.99E+04 9. 06E+03 1.84E+01 7. 65E+03 3. 40E+04 2.74E+02 0.OOE+00 9. 43E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.09E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 97E+02 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 23 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 2-4 Bio-Accumulation Factors for Liquid Effluent Isotopes (pCi/kg per pCi/liter)

Freshwater Saltwater I ISOTOPE Fish BFi Invertebratesl ISOTOPE BIi--- -----I ------H-3 BE-7 NA-24 P-32 CR-51 MN-54 MN-56 FE-55 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 NI-63 NI-65 CU-64 ZN-65 ZN-69 BR-83 BR-84 BR-85 RB-86 RB-88 RB-89 SR-89 SR-90 SR-91 SR-92 Y-90 Y-91M Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 ZR-95 ZR-97 NB-95 MO-99 TC-99M TC-101 RU-103 RU-105 RU-106 AG-110M SB-122 SB-124 SB-125 9.0O0E-01 2. 000E+00 1. OOOE+02 1. 000E+0S 2. 000E+02 4 .000E+02 4 .000E+02 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+02 5. 000E+01 5. 000E+01 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+02 5.000E+01 2. 000E+03 2. OOOE+03 4.200E+02 4 .200E+02 4 .200E+02 2. OOE+03 2. OOE+03 2. OOE+03 3.OO0E+01 3.000E+01 3.OO0E+01 3.OO0E+01 2.500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 2. 500E+01 3. 300E+00 3. 300E+00 3. 0O0E+02 1.OO0E+01 1. 500E+01 1.500E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 2.300E+00 1. 000E+00 1. 000E+00 1. 000E+00 9. 300E-01 2. 000E+02 1. 900E-01 3. 000E+04 2. 000E+03 4. 000E+02 4. 00E+02 2. O0E+04 2. 000E+04 1. 000E+03 1. 00E+03 2. SC0E+02 2. 500E+02 1. 700E+03 5. OOOE+04 5.000E+04 3. 100E+00 3. 100E+00 3. 100E+00 1.700E+01 1.700E+01 1.700E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 2. 000E+01 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 1. 000E+03 8. 000E+01 8. OOOE+01 1. 000E+02 1. 000E+01 5. 000E+01 S. OC0E+01 1. OOE+03 1. 000E+03 1. O00E+03 5. 0O0E+03 3.000E+02 3.OO0E+02 3.OOOE+02 TE-125M TE-127M TE-127 TE-129M TE-129 TE-131M TE-131 TE-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 CS-138 BA-139 BA-140 BA-141 BA-142 LA-140 LA-142 CE-141 CE-143 CE-144 PR-143 PR-144 ND-147 W-187 NP-239 K-40 CO-57 SR-85 Y-88 NB-94 NB-97 CD-109 SN-113 BA-133 TE-134 CE-139 HG-203 Freshwater Saltwater Fish Invertebrates BFi BIi 4 000EC+02 1. 000E+02 4 .00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 4. 00E+02 1. 0OE+02 4. 00E+02 1. 00E+02 l. 0BE+01 5.CO0E+01 1.500E+01 5.O00E+01 1.500E+01 5.000E+01 1.500E+01 5.OOOE+01 1.500E+01 5.OOE+01 1.500E+01 5.OOBE+01 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 2.240E+02 4.0B0E+02 1.240E+02 4.000E+00 1.000E+02 4.000E+00 1.000E+02 4.0O0E+00 1.000E+02 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 6.000E+02 1.000E+00 6.0OBE+02 1.000E+00 6.OOE+02 l.COCE+CC 6.OCCE+02 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 2.500E+01 1.000E+03 1.200E+03 3.000E+01 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 5.000E+01 1.OO0E+03 0.000E+00 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OO0E+00 3.000E+02 1.OOE+02 3.OO0E+02 1.O00E+02 0.000E+00 0.0O0E+00 0.000E+00 0.0O0E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.OOOE+02 1.OO0E+02 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Bio-Accumulation Factors and DFi's for Noble Gases = 0 IPEC ODCM Page 24 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies


EFFLUENTS 3.1 Gaseous Effluent Releases -General Inform ation 3.1.1 A completed and properly authorized Airborne Radioactive Waste Release Permit shall be issued prior to the release of airborne activity from the waste gas holding system, containment purge, or any other batch release.3.1.2 Since Indian Point is a two unit site, the derived instantaneous limits for each unit, (Section 3.2) were derived from an actual site limit (Appendix I). The time-average limits are "per reactor", and applicable to each unit.3.1.3 During Modes 4 through 6, there is no flowpath for a release from the Condenser Air Ejector. During these intervals, when there is no actual release pathway , the monthly grab sample described in RECS D3.2.1 is not required.3.1.4 During normal plant operation (without a prim ary to secondary leak), almost all gaseous releases are through the main Plant Vent. A negligible amount may be identified in other pathways (see Appendix C).In the event of extended operation with a primary to secondary leak, low level releases are expected from both the bI owdown flash tank vent and condenser air ejector. However, the limits on steam generator leakage are much more restrictive than those for effluent releases.

T herefore, allocation of portions of the allowable release rate to these various release points during routine operation is not warranted.

If, on the other hand, the instantaneous release rate is being considered for the Plant Vent, then ALL release points should be considered when es tablishing alarm setpoints, per ODCM Part II, Section For releases that are expected to cont inue for periods over two days, a new release permit will normally be issued each day.A containment purge permit may be closed, with the release reclassified as continuous building ventilation, when activity in containment is sufficiently reduced to that level which, if released for 31-days, would rem ain BELOW the dose projection limits.However, when plant conditions change, such that releases to containment are likely, a new permit should be evaluated.

3.1.6 Assurance

that the combined gaseous releases from Units 2 and 3 do not exceed limits of Section 3.2.1 is provided by administrative controls for both units. These controls include apportionment of the 10C FR20 limitations and back-calculating radiation monitor setpoints accordingly.

These calculations are discussed in Appendix I.IPEC ODCM Page 25 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.7 By mutual agreement with units 2 and 3 Shift Supervisors, one unit can reduce or eliminate discharges for a period of time to allow the other unit to use the full site permissible discharge rate, or a specific portion thereof, for unique releases that may require the site lim it for release rate. To better control these evolutions, written agreement to the apportionm ent is generally kept with each unit's C RS and included on applicable perm its for the duration.3.1.8 Conservative release rate limitations have been established to ensure compliance with 10CFR20, and to aid in controlling time average dose limits. The annual average release rate limit (Appendix I) shall normally be used for calculating limitations on discharge.

If this limitation is unduly restrictive, other release rates may be allowed, per Appendix I, and sum marized below: Relbase Rate(!Cilsec)

Permission Required,.., Quarterly Average Site Operations Manager / designee Default Instantaneous General Manager, Plant Operations

/ designee ODCM Instantaneous GMPO and Chemistry Superintendent

/ designee As described in Appendix I, the ODCM instantaneous limit provides a maximum release rate with an actual or suspected isotopic mixture, back-calculated from the actual 10CFR20 limit (500 mrem/yr for the site). The calculations for the use of this limit should be verified within the Chemistry department.

The default interval in which to determine the proximity to this limit (uCi/sec or mrem/yr) is one hour or less.3.1.9 Containment Pressure Reliefs Containment pressure reliefs occur frequently enough to be considered continuous releases.

Grab samples of containment atmosphere are obtained periodic ally to ensure the use of accurate mixtures in effluent calculations.

The containment noble gas monitors (R-42 for Unit 2 and R-12 for Unit 3) are used in conjuction with expected flow rates to determine a release rate. The effluent noble gas monitor in the plant vent is also used to verify total unit release rate remains below the current authorized limit.3.1.10 Composite Particulate Samples Continuous building ventilation exhaust points are sampled continuously for Iodine and Particulate.

Media is replaced weekly, with composite filters prepared for vendor lab analyses monthly.3.1.11 Flow rate measurement for the Continuous Building Ventilation systems is typically obtained from the installed process monitor or nearby instrument.

When the process flow rate instrument is OOS, estimates are performed every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per the RECS, to allow appropriate quantification of continuous airborne effluent.

The estimates are typically performed by summing the exhaust flow rates (or design flow rate) from any operable fans. Unit 3's PV flow may be estimated from a backup instrument.

Unit 3's Admin Bldg does NOT have a flow rate instrum ent (design flow of 12500 cfm is used). The process flow rate monitor surveillance requirements specified in the RECS are not applicable for the Unit 3 Admin Building.IPEC ODCM Page 26 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.12 Gas Storage Tank Activity Limits The quantity of radioactivity in each gas storage tank is limited to 50,000 Ci of noble gas, Xenon-133 equivalent, per RE CS D3.2.6. The source of this requirement is NUREG 0133 (Section 5.6.1)for both units. However, the parameters used in the given equation are applied differently at each unit, as defined in the FSARs and summarized in the following discussion:

Unit 2: (500mrem)*

3.15E+ 7 sec/yr Q __________________=________=

29T761Ci (lE6 1 iCi / Ci)(294mrem

-mI 3 //.Ci -yr)(1.8 1E -3 sec/m 3')Where;294 mrem-m 3/4iCi-yr = the Xe-133 WB dose factor, RG 1.109, table B-1 (K).1.81 E-3 sec/mi 3 = Design Basis Accident X/Q from Indian Point 2 FSAR An actual curie limit is calculated by substituting the actual mixture Keff into the equation above. For example, the Keff for the accident mix computed using Table 14.2-5 of the FSAR is 476 mrem-m 3/[Ci-yr. Thus, the actual activity limit (for an expected mixture of radionuclides, not just Xe-133) is: (500mrem)

  • 3.15E+ 7 sec/yr Q ___________________________=_____________

=183 0C (1E6pCi / Ci)(476 mrem -M 3 / /uCi -yr)(1.8 1E -3 sec/r 3)Similar calculations could be performed with actual Keff and X/Q data.As demonstrated above, the setpoi nts calculated from NUREG 0133 modeling assume Xe-1 33 equivalent and no tank interconnections (29,761 Ci of Xe-1 33 equivalent or 18,300 Ci for an expected acci dent mixture).However, the tanks are, in fact, generally interconnected, requiring a more conservative approach.

The unit 2 FSAR (14.2.3) has established a specific gas decay tank limit of 6,000 Ci each. This value is based on the original RECS required 29,761 curies of Xe-133 equivalent, divided into 4 large and all 6 small gas decay tanks. Given the actual atmospheric volume of the tanks (525 ft 3 for each large and 40 ft 3 for each small), the total volume is approximately

4.5 tanks

29,761 27 66000 Ci Xe-133 Equivalent 4.5 The RECS required gas storage tank radiation monitor (R-50), is therefore set to alarm at 6,000 curies. Warn setpoints are established by procedure, usually with consideration for measured tank contents and anticipated release rate.IPEC ODCM Page 27 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies In the event R-50 becomes inoperable, but a depressurized sample can be taken, the quantity limits can still be verified.

Compliance with the appropriate curie limit in a tank is assured if the following inequality holds:[A]m < 14.7 (Q) or [A]eq < 14.7 (Q133)(14.7 + P)V (14.7 + P)V Where:[A]m total measured depressurized sample concentration

(ýtCi/cc)[A]eq Xe-133 equivalent measured depressurized sample concentration

([tCi/cc)V tank volume (cc) P tank pressure (psig)Q activity limit for selected mix ([tCi) Q1 33 dose equivalent Xe1 33 limit(jiCi)

Unit 3: (500mrem)*

3.15E + 7 sec/yr Qit= =5000C (1E6,uCi / Ci)(294mrem

-M3 / jCi -yr)(1.03E-3 sec/rm 3)Where;Ki = 294 mrem-m 3/4Ci-yr, Xe-133 equivalent Table B-1 (RG 1.109)X/Q = 1.03 x 10-3 sec/m 3 , Indian Point 3 FSAR This limit assumes 100% Xe-133 as per NUREG 0133. Utilizing the Ki from an expected mixture during RCS degasification (787 mrem-m 3 per uCi-yr), the gas tank conservative administrative limit should becomes: (500mrem)*

3.15E+7 sec/yr Qit= = 19,400Ci (lE6jtCi / Ci)(787mrem

-m3 / jiCi -yr)(1.03E

-3 sec/mr 3)There are two methods available to ensure that the activity in the gas storage tank is within the conservative administrative limit: 1.94E + 4

  • 1E6jtCi / Ci 1.17E + 2 ItCi/cc 525 ft 3
  • 164.7psia
  • 2.83E4 cc/ ft 3 14.7psia )1. The total gaseous activity will normally be limited to less than 117 ItCi/cc. If this concentration limit is exceeded, then the contents of the tank will be monitored and actions taken to ensure the 19,400 curie per tank limit is not exceeded.2. The waste gas line monitor (R-20) reads in ýOCi/cc. It allows for control of waste gas tank curie content by limiting the input concentration to 117 ICi/cc, thereby limiting the curies to 19,400.IPEC ODCM Page 28 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Large gas decay tanks on fill and CVC S tanks (which are indicative of the gas mixture in or from the reuse system) are continuously monitored for H 2 and 02 through in-line instrum entation.

With either in-line instrument out of service, a grab sample of the tank on receipt shall be taken dail y, unless in degassing operation, when the periodicity i s every four hours.Other primary system tank cover gases can be manually directed through these instruments for individual samples.Gas releases may also occur from the gas space atop liquid holdup tanks. The basis for assuring these tanks com ply with the curie limits for noble gas is Technical Specification 3.4.16, which limits Reactor Coolant to 1 jCi/gm Dose Equivalent Iodine-131.

Using the assumptions discussed in each unit's FSAR, the potential total curies of noble gas in the liquid holdup tanks is limited to less than the conservative limit for the Gas Storage Tanks.3.1.13 The activity released via the blowdown flash tank vent is determined by obtaining the steam generator blowdown activity (tritium, noble gas, and iodine), partitioned per Regulatory Guide 1.42 "Interim Licensing Policy On As Low As Practicable for Gaseous Radioiodine Releases from Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors" (from NUREG 0472, Rev3, DRAFT 6, TABLE 3.3-13), or Reference 4, "An Evaluation to Demonstrate the Compliance of the Indian Point Reactors with the Design Objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I".3.1.14 Carbon 14 is released at a rate of 9. 6 curies per GW(e)/yr based upon studies performed by the New York State Department of Health at Indian Point 3. This is released in a gaseous form, the primary dose from which is in the CO 2 form. While quantifiable based on the GW(e) per year, C-14 is exempt from the dose limits specified in the RECS. Nonetheless, doses resulting from these releases are calculated in accordance with the methodology in Reg. Guide 1.109 and listed in the Radiological Impact on Man section of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. The airborne effluent dose calculation from C-14 emissions is performed using the fraction of carbo n 14 released in the CO 2 form (26%).3.1.15 The Unit 3 Liquid Waste Monitor Tanks have an airborne release pathway. The original plant design Ii mited the gases through this pathway by reducing the entrained gases to less than 2E-3 pCi/ml. The removal of the CVCS gas stripper under modification 86-3-122 CVCS requires the quantification of these gases when the entrained gaseous activity in the Monitor Tank inlet exceeds 2E-3 [iCi/ml. No action is required if the inlet noble gas concentration i s less than 2E-3 [ICi/ml. This gas release will be quantified by calculating the difference (in gCi's) between the gaseous activity added to the tank and the gaseous activity present in the effluent release sample. This difference will be quantified as an airborne ground level batch release, using a specifically determined ground level dispersion constant (Section 3.5.3).A separate release permit evaluating this release is not required prior to release.Calculation of this rate of release is not required, however the time average dose contribution shall be calculated and controlled per Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the ODC M.Section 3.6 provides additional detail relative to the finite cloud correction assumptions for this pathway.Unit 2's Waste Distillate Storage Tanks are vented inside the Unit 1 faci lity, so there is no similar airborne release pathway from these tanks.IPEC ODCMV Page 29 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.1.16 Evaluations of previous gas decay tank and containment purge releases have been performed.

These evaluations indicate that these "Short Term Releases" (less than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year and less than 150 hours0.00174 days <br />0.0417 hours <br />2.480159e-4 weeks <br />5.7075e-5 months <br /> per quarter) are sufficiently random to utilize the long term meteorological dispersion factor (NUREG 0133, Section 3.3, Page 8). The short-term correction factor, will only be used when non-random releases are to be made an a routine basis.3.1.17 Airborne releases from the Steam Generator Safety or Atmospheric Dump Valves can occur during a Primary to Secondary leak. Tritium, Noble Gas, and Iodine effluent doses are determined using a source term activity (Main Steam or Steam Generator Blowdown), an Iodine partition factor (per Section 3.1.13), and a release rate, determined from Engineering Design Calculation 187 (Steam Generator Atmospherics), or design flowrate (from Steam Generator Safeties) at specific pressures in the Steam Generator.

3.1.18 Other release pathways resulti ng from Primary to Secondary leakage include the steam driven auxiliary feed pump vent, the gland seal exhaust vent, the air ejector vent, and the Feed Water heater flash tank vent. Offsite doses from these or other abnormal airborne release points are calculated by obtaining the release rate (from system descriptions and/or steam tables corrected for system pressure, as applicable) and source term activity (eg. Main Steam , Reactor Coolant, or best estimate) for Tritium, Noble Gas, and Iodine, partitioned as per Section,1.19 The Unit 3 Monitor Tank vents, both unit Condenser Air Ejector, and the Gland Seal Exhaust points are ground level releases.

Unless otherwise designated, other release points are considered mixed mode, per Section Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements 312.1 RECS D3.2.1 requires that the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited to: a) For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 m rem/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin; and b) For Iodine 131, H-3, and radioactive m aterials in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.These are SITE limits and normally apportioned appropriately between the units to simplify assurance of compliance with the RECS. The methodologies for performing these calculations are discussed in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, respectively.

3,2.2 RECS Section D3.2.2 requires that the air dose due to noble gas released in gaseous effluents from each reactor unit at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited to: a) During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mrad for beta radiation.

b) During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.

The methodology for calculati ng these doses is discussed in Section 3.3.3.IPEC ODCM Page 30 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.2.3 RECS Section D3.2.3 requires that the dose to a member of the general public from Iodine 131, Tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form (half-lives

> 8 days) in gaseous effluents released from each reactor unit shall be limited to: a) Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ during a calendar quarter b) Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ during a calendar year.Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar qua rter and current calendar year shall be determined at least once every 31 days.The methodology for calculati ng these doses is discussed in Section 3.3.4.If either of the air dose or iodine/particulate dose cumulative limits is exceeded by a factor of two or more, then a cumulative dose evaluation is required from all contributions of direct radiation at the site boundary per RECS D3. RECS D3.2.4 requires that for each reactor unit, the appropriate portions of the gaseous radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive effluents in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when projected gas eous effluent air dose at the site boundary when averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation or 0.4 mrad for beta radiation.

RECS D3.2.4 requires that for each reactor unit, the appropriate portions of the The appropriate portions of the ventilation exhaust treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous releases when the projected doses averaged over 31 days, would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ (at nearest residence).

Dose due to gaseous releases from the site shall be calculated at least once every 31 days.These doses are projected based on the dose methodology discussed in Section 3.3.3 (noble gas) and 3.3.4 (iodine).

The average of previous months' doses is used to project future dose as follows: Dose Current Month Dose + Previous months' Dose major[Projection]

number of months used plannsd-evolutions]

The term for planned evolutions is routinely determined from previous similar evolutions, such as releases associated with plant shutdown.3.3 Dose Methodology (Computer Calculation)

3.3.1 Instantaneous

Dose Rates -Noble Gas Releases When the instantaneous limit applies, the process radiati on monitor response or release rate can be averaged over a one-hour time interval. The equations developed in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of paragraph 3.2.1. The magnitude of this pathway is the same for all age groups so there is no critical group. The site release rate is split to 50% per each unit, in terms of uCi/sec. Converted to actual mrem/yr dose rate, Unit 2's portion is 44.6%, with Unit 3 being allocated 55.4% (Unit 3 is slightly closer to the site boundary where dose rates are calculated).

IPEC ODCM Page 31 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Each unit has different dispersion factors due to their relative positions to the critical sector of the unrestricted area boundary.

The conversion from dose rate to Ci/sec was determined with the use of a model which incorporates a finite cloud exposure correction.

The methodology is discussed in Section 3.6.A calculation showing the relationship between Ci/sec and dose rates from Units 2 and 3 is shown in Appendix I. The equations for calculating the dose rate limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.2.1). Utilizing the above assumptions, these equations reduce to the following which are to be summed for each nuclide, i. (Note that these are default unit portions of a site release rate limit. The entire site limit can be applied to any one site, when required, per Section 3.1 and Appendix I).[(Ki).(X-~). (Qi)] < unit specific mrem/yr whole body lim it[ [(Li +1. lMi)

  • N((Qi)] < unit specific skin limit, mremlyr Where: Ki = The total body dose factor due to ga mma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per ýLCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction included, per Table 3-4).Li = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per 1 iCi/m 3 , per Table 3-5.Mi = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per ýtCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction included, per Table 3-6).Ni = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per [iCi/m 3 , per Table 3-7.Qi = The release rate of radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluent for all release points in [tCi/sec.(X/Q) = For all vent releases, the highest calculated annual averaged relative concentration at the critical receptor (at a unit-specific distance and direction, in sec/m 3 , as shown on Page 1 of Appendix I).The Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni factors were obtained from Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 and are included in this document as Tables 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7 respectively.

The gamma dose factgors (Ki and Mi) have a unit-specific finite cloud correction factor included, as discussed in Sections 3.5 and 3.6.Unit specific dose rate limits, as stated in Appendix I are as follows: Unit 2: mrem/yr whole body = 234, skin limit = 1194 mrem/yr Unit 3: mrem/yr whole body = 266, skin limit = 1806 mrem/yr IPEC ODCM Page 32 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies These equations can also be expressed in the following manner: (K) (Qt ) (X/Q) = mrem/yr dose to whole body (L + 1. 1M) (X /Q) (Qt) = mrem/yr dose to skin Where: Q t The release rate of all noble gases summed together in ýiCi/sec, i.e., the sum of all Q i.n K (I /Qt) i)(Ki)iil n L (1/Qt)X i) (Li)M= (1/Qt) 0 i)(Mi)i=1 N (I (1/Qt)3 (Qi) Ni)i=l The values of K, L, M, and N are listed in Table 3-8 for the unrestricted area boundary, for both units.3.3.2 Instantaneous Dose Rates 131, Part w/>8 day t1/2, and H-3 The equation developed in this section is used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.1. The critical organ is considered to be the child thyroid as stated in the RECS bases (BD3.2.1).

Different dispersion factors are applied to the critical sector of the unrestricted area boundary for units 2 and 3. Therefore, while 50% of the site release limit (in Ci/sec) is applied to each unit, 32.8% of the limit is applied to Unit 2 and 67.2% to Unit 3 (per Appendix I). The equation for calculating the dose rate limitation is abbreviated from that shown in NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.2.1, Pg. 25) in that ground plane and m ilk pathways are not considered for this dose rate determination, due to insignificant contribution compared to the inhalation pathway.Utilizing the above assumptions, the dose rate equation reduces to the following: , (Pi * (X/Q)

  • Qi) must be less than the unit-specific mrem/yr limit Where: Unit-specific limits are 497 mrem/yr for Unit 2 and 1003 mrem/yr for Unit 3.Pi = The dose parameter for radionuclides other than noble gases for the inhalation pathway in mrem/yr per jtCi/m 3.These parameters (per Section are calculated separately for each isotope, age group, and organ.IPEC ODCM Page 33 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Qi = The release rate of radionuclide 131 and particulates, i, in gaseous effluents for all release points in liCi/sec.X/Q = The unit-specific annual average dispersion parameter for the inhalation pathway at the controlling location due to all vent releases, per Section 3.5 and Appendix I. Calculation of Pi(in): Inhalation Dose Factor Pi (inhalation)

= K' (BR) DFAi (mrem/yr per ýiCi/m 3)Where: K'= A constant of conversion, 106 pCi/[Ci BR = The breathing rate of each age group as per (Table E-5 of Reg. Guide 1.109).DFAi = The inhalation dose fact or for each age group, organ, and nucl ide, in mrem/pCi.

These values are taken from Reg Guide 1.109, Table E-7 through E-9 and are reproduced in Tables 3-1a through 3-1d.3.3.3 Time Average Dose -Noble Gas Release The equations in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.2. All noble gas releases at IPEC are assumed to be mixed mode unless indicated otherwise.

Because the limits are in measured air dose (mrad), the magnitude of a measured effect is the same for all age groups.Dispersion parameters are discussed in Section Equations for calculating the air dose limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.3). The doses are evaluated at the un restricted area boundary in the worst meteorological sector (a unit-specific location identified in Appendix I). These equations reduce to the following:

gamma air mrad = 3.17E -8* Mi [(X/Q) (Qi) + (x/q) (4i) + (x/q,.) (4it)]beta air mrad = 3.17E -Ni [(X/Q) (Qi) + (x/q) (4i) + (x/q.t) (4imt)]Where: Air dose limits are as follows: Any Calendar Quarter Any Calendar Year Gamma Air 5 mrad 10 mrad Beta Air 10 mrad 20 mrad IPEC ODCM Page 34 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies (X/Q) =The highest calculated annual average relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary at the controlling sector for long term releases (greater than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr or as noted in 3.1.16), per Appendix I.(x/q) = The relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary for short term releases (equal to or less than 50 0 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr and not random as defined in NUREG 0133, Section 3.3). This value is calculated as per Section 3.5.(xiqmt)=The relative concentration for the unrestricted area boundary for ground level releases from Unit 3 Monitor Tanks at the critical receptor, in sec/m 3 , per Section 3.5.3.Mi = The weighted air dose factor due to gamma emission for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrad/yr per ýtCi/m 3.This factor is unit-specific, per Table 3-6.Ni = The weighted air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionucl ide in mrad/yr per piCi/m 3.'i mt= The total releases of no ble gas radionucl ides in Monitor Tank vents in [tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.= The total release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents, i, for short term releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr and not random as defined in NU REG 0133, Section 3.3) from all vents, in [tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.

Qi = The total release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents, i, for long term releases (greater than 500 hrs/yr or 150 hrs/qtr or as noted in 3.1.16) from all vents in tCi.Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.

3.17 E-8 = The inverse of the num ber of seconds in a year.The air dose factors Mi and Ni were obtained from Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 and are listed in Table 3-6 and 3-7 respectively.

The M air dose factors are finite cloud corrected and therefore unit-specific.

3.3.4 Time Averaged Dose -Radioiodine 131, Part w/t1/22 >8 days, and Tritium The equations in this section are used to meet the calculational requirements of RECS D3.2.3.IPEC ODCM Page 35 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies The pathways considered in this analysis are as follows: Pathway Receptor Inhalation, Ground Plane, Primary, Nearest Resident, per App I Vegetative Ingestion Inhalation, Ground Plane, Secondary Receptor at 5 mile, Vegatative, Cow-Milk Ingestion applied per the annual Land Use Census The land use census identifies a high degree of commercial, industrial, and residential land usage in the area, and as such, the meat ingestion pathway is not considered.

Doses from the cow-milk pathway are included only if the applicable annual census has defined the pathway applicable.

The methodology in nonetheless included here. The equations for calculating the dose limitations are obtained from NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 5.3). These equations reduce to the following:

(3.17E-08)*_ (Ri(WQi + w~i) < 7.5 mrem in a calendar quarter i (3.17E-08)*, (Ri(WQi + wqi) < 15 mrem inacalendaryear Where: Qi = The plant releases of radioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for long term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16, in[tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

4ji The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for short term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16, in[tCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

W The dispersion or deposition param eter (based on meteorological data defined in Section 3.5) for estimating the dose to an individual at the applicable receptor for long term releases as defined in Section 3.1.16 and Appendix I.w = The vent dispersion or d eposition parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at the applicable receptor for short term releases as calculated as in Section 3.5 and defined in Section 3.1.16 and Appendix I.3.17 E-08 = The inverse number of seconds in a year.Ri = The dose factor for each identified pathway, organ, and radionuclide, i, in m 2 .mrem/yr per [iCi/sec or mrem/yr per[iCi/m 3.These dose factors are determined as described in Sections

IPEC ODCM PPage 36 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Utilizing the assumptions contained in Section, these equations for the nearest resident and the 5-mile cow secondary receptor reduce to the following:

DN= (3.17E-8),[Ri(l)*


+ wn(in)ýi]+ (Ri(G)+ Ri(V))* [Wn(dep)Qi

+ wn(dep)ýi]]

i DS=(3.17E-8),,[Ri(l)*


+ ws(in)ýi]

+ (Ri(G)+ Ri(c)+Ri(V))*


+ ws(dep)ýi]]

Where: DN = total dose at the nearest residence, in mrem DS = total dose at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, in mrem.Wn(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersion parameter for the inhalation pathway for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, as defined in Appendix I.wn(in) = The dispersion para meter Wn(in), corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Wn(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositio n parameter for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, as defined in Appendix I, for all isotopes except Tritium, which uses the X/Q value instead (Wn(in)).wn(dep)= The deposition parameter Wn(dep), corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Ws(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersio n parameter for the inhalation pathway at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor per Appendix = The dispersion parameter Ws(in), at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Ws(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositio n parameter for the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, as defined in Appendix I, for all isotopes except Tritium, which uses the X/Q value instead (Ws(in)).ws(dep)= The deposition parameter Ws(dep), at the 5-mile cow secondary receptor, corrected for short term releases, as defined in Appendix I.Qi = The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for long term releases as defined earlier, (uCi).ji = The plant releases of rad ioiodine 131 and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for short term releases as defined earlier (uCi).(I): Inhalation pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Ground plane pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Vegetation pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Cow-Milk pathway factor for each radionuclide, i, defined in Section Ri Ri Ri IPEC ODCM Page 37 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Dose Factors Calculation of Ri (I) (X/Q) Inhalation Pathway Factor Ri (I) (XJQ) = K'[(BR) a] [(DFAi) a](mrem/yr per ipCi/rn 3)Where: K' = Constant of unit conversion, 106 pCi/uCi (BR) a = Breathing rate of the receptor of age group (a) in m 3/yr.(from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table E-5)Infant = 1400 (m 3/yr)Child = 3700 (m 3/yr)Adult/Teen

= 8000 (m 3/yr)(DFAi) a = The maximum organ inhalation dose factor for the receptor of age group (a) for the ith radionuclide, in mrem/pCi.

The total body is considered as an organ in the selection of (DFAi)a.Child and infant inhalation dose factors are generally more restrictive, however, doses from each age group are calculated separately.

The (DFAi)a values are listed in Tables 3-1a through 3-1d. The Ri values for the inhalation pathway a re listed in Table 3-1Oa through 3-1Od. Calculation of Ri(G)(D/Q)

Ground Plane Pathway Factor K'K"(SF)(DFGi)(1-(- hkt ) )Ri(G)(,1Q)

`2 m2. mrem / yr uCi/sec Ki Where: K'= A constant of conversion, 106 pCi/ýLCi.K" = A constant of conversion, 8760 hr/ = Decay constant for the ith radionuclide sec 1.t = The exposure time, 4.73 x 108 sec (15 years).DFGi = The ground plane dose conversion factor for ith radionuclide (mrem/hr per pCi/m 2).SF = Shielding factor (dimensionless)

= 0.7 (from Table E-15 of Regulatory Guide 1.109).The values of DF Gi were obtained from Table E-6 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 and are listed in Table 3-2. These values were used to calculate Ri(G), which is the same for all age groups and organs and is listed in Table 3-13.IPEC ODCM Page 38 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Ri(V)(D/Q)

-Vegetation Pathway Factor For non-Tritium isotopes: Ri(V)( I/Q) _K' (r) * (DFLi)a * [(UaL)JL

  • e (k-L) + (UaS)fg
  • e(-"]Yv(ki + kw)Where: K' = Constant of conversion, 106 pCi/pCi r = Dimensionless correction factor for Iodine and Particulate from Table E-1 5 of Reg G uide 1.109: 0.2 for particulates, 1.0 for radioiodi ne DFLia = Reg Guide 1.109 dose facto r for each nuclide, in mrem/pCi, for each age group.UaL = Consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation by the receptor in age group (a) in kg/ = Decay constant for the radionuclide, in sec UaS = Consumption rate of non-leafy vegetables by the receptor in age group (a) in kg/yr.fL = The fraction of the annual intake of leafy vegetation grown locally.fg = The fraction of the annual intake of non-leafy vegetation grown = Decay constant for removal of activity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering, 5.73E-7 sec -1 (corresponding to a 14 day half-life).

tL = The average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its consumption, in = The average time between harvest of stored vegetation and its consumption, in seconds.Yv = The vegetation area density in k g/m 2.The concentration of Tritium in vegetation is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition.

Therefore, the Ri(V) is based on X/Q: (RiV) (XJQ) = K'K"[(UaL)fL+(UaS)fg](DFLi)a (0.75)(0.5/H) (mrem/yr per ICi/m 3)Where: K" = A constant of unit conversion, 1000 gm/kg IPEC ODCM Page 39 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere in gm/m 3.This value may be considered as 8 gm/m 3 (NUREG 0133, pg 27) in lieu of site specific information.

0.75 = The fraction of total feed that is water 0.5 = The ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass water to the atmospheric water DFLia for each age grou p is given in Tables 3-3a through 3-3d and Ri(V) values are listed in Table 3-11 a through 3-1 lc.Ri(V) Parameters Are From The Following Sources: PARAMETER VALUE Reg Guide 1.109 Table r (dimensionless) 1.0 for iodines & 0.2 for part. E-1 5 (DFLi) a (mrem/pCi)

Each radionuclide E-11 to E-14 UaL (kg/yr)- infant 0 E-5-child 26 E-5-teen 42 E-5-adult 64 E-5 UaS (kg/yr) infant 0 E-5-child 520 E-5-teen 630 E-5-adult 520 E-5 fL (dimensionless) 1.0 E-15 fg (dimensionless) 0.76 E-15 tL (seconds) 8.6E4 (1 day) E-15 th (seconds) 5.18E6 (60 days) E-15 Yv (kg/m 2) 2.0 E-15 IPEC ODCM Page 40 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Calculation of Ri(c)(D/Q)

-Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Factor (applied only as required by the Land Use Census )Ri(c) (D/Q) -K(QF)(Uap)(Fm)(r)(DFLi)a*

[ fpfS -fpfs

  • h) e(kitf
  • e(kitf)ki +kw \Yp Ys/Where: K' = Constant of conversion, 106 pCi/ýCi QF = Cow's consumption rate in kg/day (wet weight)Uap= Receptors milk consumption rate for age (a) in liters/yr.

Yp = Agricultural productivity by unit area of pasture g rass in kg/m 2.Ys = Agricultural productivity by unit area of stored feed in kg/M 2.Fm = Stable element transfer coefficients in days/liters, Table_2-2.

r = Fraction of deposited activity retained on cow's feed grass.(DFLi)a= The maximum organ ingestion dose for the radionuclide, I, for the receptor in age group (a) in mrem/pCi.

Values are from Tables E-1 1 through E-14 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 and are listed in Tables 3-3a through = Decay constant for the radionuclide in = Decay constant for removal of activity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering, 5.73E-7 sec -1 (corresponding to a 14 day half-life).

tf = The transport time from pasture, to cow, to milk, to receptor in = The transport time from pasture, to harvest, to cow, to milk, to receptor, in sec.fp = Fraction of the year that the cow is on pasture.fs = Fraction of the cow feed that is pasture grass while the cow is on pasture.Note: The values of Ri (c) are listed in Table 3-12a-d.The concentration of Tritium in milk is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition.

Therefore, the Ri (c) is based on X/Q: Ri (c) (X/Q) = K'K" (Fm) (QF) (Uap) (DFLi) a 0.75 (0.5/H) (mrem/yr per [iCi/m 3)Where: K" = A constant of unit conversion, 103 m/kg;IPEC ODCM Page 41 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere in gm/m 3;0.75 = The fraction of total feed that is water;0.5 = The ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass water to the atmospheric water;Other parameters and values are given above. T he value of H may be considered as 8 grams/meter 3 (NUREG 0133, PAGE 27) in lieu of site specific information.

Ri(c) Parameters Are Taken From The Following Sources: PARAMETER VALUE TABLE R.G. 1.109 r (dimensionless) 1.0 for radioiodine E-15 0.2 for particulates E-1 5 Fm (days/liter)

Each stable element E-1 Uap (liters/year)

-infant 330 E-5-child 330 E-5-teen 400 E-5-adult 310 E-5 (Dfli) a (mrem/pCi)

Each radionuclide E-11 to E-14 Yp (kg/m 2) 0.7 E-1 5 Ys (kg/m 2) 2.0 E-1 5 tf (seconds) 1.73E5 (2 days) E-1 5 th (seconds) 7.78E6 (90 days) E-15 Qf (kg/day) 50 E-1 5 fs Assumed to be unity fp Assumed to be unity Stable Element Transfer data is listed in Table 3-2 (Reg Guide 1.109, Table E-1).The (DFLi)a values for 4 age groups are given in Tables 3-3a through 3-3d.IPEC ODCM Page 42 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies

3.4 Backup

Simplified Dose Methodology The dose calculation procedures described in this s ection are provided for use as a backup whenever the primary computer methodology cannot be followed.3.4.1 Instantaneous Dose Rates -Noble Gas Releases Note: While true instantaneous rates and limits generally apply, a one hour average can be chosen as the defining interval f or determining process radiation monitor response or release rate determ inations. This section describes the alternative cal culational methods to meet the requirements of Section 3.2.1 and the calculational results per Section To determine an acceptable noble gas instantaneous release rate in IaCi/sec, a standard isotopic mixture of noble gas is assumed. This isotopic mixture was measured for a mixture of isotopes typical of reactor coolant with exposed fuel.This requirement is evaluated at the worst sector of the unrestricted area boundary.

Based on this isotopic mixture, standard weighted values of K, L, M, and N is determined using the technique presented in paragraph, and the Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni values from Tables 3-4 through 3-7. The data and results of this calculation are shown in Table 3- Utilizing the equations from Paragraph and the values from Table 3-8, conservative IPEC maximum (site) release limits for all noble gases in tiCi/sec are calculated in Appendix I, page 2.The resulting calculations establish a default instantaneous noble gas release rate limit of 140,000 pCi/sec for the site, split equally between the units for conservativism.

While both Units 2 and 3 originally apply the instantaneous limit at 70,000 pCi/sec, any one unit can use up to nearly 100% of the site limit, should it become necessary.

Generally, as these limits begin to apply, actual sam pie data is used to determine the true instantaneous limit associated with 10C FR20 requirements, for both whole body and skin dose ra te, as shown in Appendix I. For individual release rate determinations, alternate computer codes and/or a procedurally driven hand calculation template serve as back up methodologies should the primary computer method be inoperable.

These methods comply with calculations in Section Instantaneous Dose Rates-I-1 31, Particulates w/t1/2 >8 days, & H-3 This section describes the alternative cal culational method to meet the requirements of Section 3.2.1. The purposes of this method is to provide backup calculational techniques, both computer aided and hand calculated, which approximate section 3.3.2.IPEC ODCM Page 43 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies To determine an acceptable iodine and particulate release rate, it is assumed that the limit on these releases shall be met if a) the total noble gas concentration in the VC is at least a factor of 20,000 more than the concentration of radioiodi ne and long lived particulates, or b) VC iodines and long lived particulates are less than 1E-7 p.Ci/cc.Both these conditions have historically been the case, assuring that noble gas activity continues to be more limiting. Backup instantaneous dose rate calculations can be performed with an alternate computer code or by formatted hand calculations which are identical to section Time Averaged Dose -Noble Gas Releases This section describes alternative methods of meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.2 and 3.2.4, and the alternative methods of implementing the calculation techniques presented in Section The values of Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni for either unit's Plant Vent (PV) mixed mode releases, and the potential Unit 3 Monitor Tank (MT) ground plane releases are determined for each release using the dispersion parameter for the site boundary in the worst sector. The calculations are as follows: PVKi = (Ki)*(X/Q)PV and MTKi = (Ki)*(X/Q)MT PVLi = (Li)*(X/Q)PV and MTLi = (Li)*(X/Q)MT PVMi = (Mi)*(X/Q)PV and MTMi = (Mi)*(X/Q)MT PVNi = (Ni)*(X/Q)MT and MTNi = (Ni)*(X/Q)MT Where: Ki = The total body dose factor due to ga mma emissions for each identified noble gas radionucl ide in mrem/yr per pCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction used).Li = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrem/yr per [tCi/m 3.Mi = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrem/yr per VpCi/m 3 (unit-specific finite cloud correction used).Ni = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide in mrad/yr per pCi/m 3.IPEC ODCM Page 44 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies (X/Q)PV = The highest calculated annual average dispersi on parameter for the noble gas pathway at the unrestricted area boundary, applicable to plant vent mixed mode releases, per Appendix I.(X/Q)MT = The highest calculated annual average X/Q for ground level monitor tank noble gas release pathway, 5.OOE-5 sec/m Determine weighted average dose factors as follows: All values of Ki, Li, Mi, and Ni are shown in Table 3-4 through 3-7 for the unrestricted area boundary.Each of the following expressions is summed over all the nuclides: PVKt =

PVLt = Z[Li*(Ci/Ct)]

PVMt = E[Mi*(Ci/Ct)]

PV Nt = Z[Ni *(Ci /Ct)]For the monitor tank pathway, MTKt, MTLt, MTMt, and MTNt are calculated in the same way as for plant vent (P V) releases above, except that Ci and Ct apply to gaseous activity for the monitor tank vent pathway.Where: Ci Concentration of isotope i (pCi/cc) in analysis, t (for either PV or MT pathway)Ct Concentration of all noble gas isotopes (piCi/cc) for a specific analysis, t, (for either the PV or MT pathway)These calculations can be performed by hand (via formatted procedure) or by using approved alternate com puter codes to compute all or part of the dose calculation. Resultant doses are compared with limits as per 3.3.3. The sum of all releases in a calendar quarter or calendar year should be compared to the limits of Section 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 as appropriate for gamma air dose and beta air dose.3.4.4 Time Averaged Dose-Iodine 131 an d Particulates w/t1/22 days& H-3 This section describes the alternate methods of meeting the requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 and of implementing the calculational techniques presented in Section 3.3.4.IPEC ODCM Page 45 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies If the primary computer method is inoperable, dose calculations can be performed by 1) an alternate computer code which complies with Section 3.3.4, using all identified Iodine and Particulate isotopes; or 2) hand calculations (via a formalized departmental procedure) which comply with Section Quarterly and annual Iodine, Particulate, and Tritium dose contributions are summed and compared to limits described in Section Calculation of Meteorological Dispersion Factors 3.5.1 For the purpose of these calculations, the site boundary was taken to be the unrestricted area boundary.

T he distances to the site boundary and near est residents are shown in Tabl e 3-9 for each of the 16 maj or compass sectors. Site boundary distances at IPEC are measured from the applicable unit's Plant Vent, while distances to the nearest resident in each of these sectors is measured from a common point, the Unit 1 superheater stack.In the sectors where the Hudson Ri ver forms the site or exclusion area boundary, the near shore is assumed as the boundary of the "unrestricted area", because, in general, IPEC does not attempt to control population on the river. Potential confusion regarding the near or far shore for this application is effectively rem oved per the definition of "unrestricted area" in NUR EG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 2.2, Page 6). This section states that these criteria do "not include areas over water bodies" and the river is therefore not applicable for evaluating the maximum unrestricted area boundary concentrations.

3.5.2 The atmospheric transport and diffusion model used in the evaluation of dispersion and deposition factors is the sector-average straight-line model in Regulatory Guide 1.111 (Ref. 15) for mixed-mode releases with plume-rise effects, downwash, and building-wake correction.

The analyses were carried out using the AEOLUS-3 computer code (Ref. 16) and are documented in detail in Ref. 17. Hourly meteorological data was collected from 1981 through 1990, and updated with data from 1992 to 2002, in accordance with the accuracy requirements of Safety (Draft Regulatory)

Guide 1 .23 (Ref. 18). The data recovery index for these periods was i n excess of 99%.Comparison of the new meteorological data (1992 to 2002) with previous data (1981 to 1990) continues to show little difference in the overall dispersion conditions at the site. In the analyses, wind-speed coefficients in Regulatory Guide 1.111 were used to extrapolate the measured wind speeds to the he ight of the main vent (on top of the primary containment).

Also, the regulatory plume entrainment model was used to determine plume partitioning between ground- level and elevated releases, and no credit was taken for decay and depletion in transit.Recirculation effects were accounted for by confining i n-valley flows within the valley out to a distance of 10 miles (up or down the va Iley) and allowi ng a portion of them to return to the site without additional dilution.IPEC ODCM Page 46 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.5.3 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.4 the annual average dispersi on factors are calculated approximately once every ten years, for each compass sector at the site unrestricted area boundary.

The most restrictive meteorological dispersion and deposition factors determined from this accumulation of data is currently presented in Attachment I.The distances to the site boundary and nearest resident in each sector were determined from the land use census and global positioning technology, and are listed in Table 3-9.For the monitor tank release pathway, ground level dispersion values (X/Q) were assessed using the methodology discussed in Section 3.5.2. The most restrictive X/Q was determined to be in the SW sector at 350m with a value of 5.00E-5 sec/m 3 (concentration X/Q per Ref. 21). This value is specific only to the Unit 3 Monitor Tank pathway for noble gas dose at the site boundary.3.5.4 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraph 3.2.3 (Iodines and Particulates), the annual average deposition and dispersion parameters were calculated for the nearest residents in each of the compass sectors. Because no real dairy exists within 5 miles of the power plant, a hypothetical grass-cow-milk pathway and its dispersion and deposition factors are included, but turned on or off according to the applicable annual Land Use Census. Dispersion and deposition param eters for these location s were calculated using the models and data described in Sec. 3.5.2, and are represented as: Wn(in) = The highest calculated annual average dispersion parameters for the inhalation pathw ay for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, per Attachment I.Wn(dep)= The highest calculated annual average depositi on parameters for the ground plane an d vegetation pathways for the nearest residence in the unrestricted area, per Attachment I. For Tritium in the vegetation pathway, Wn(in) is used.Ws(in) = The highest calculated annual average dis persion parameters for the inhalation pathway at the 5-m ile cow secondary receptor, per Attachment I.Ws(dep)= The highest calculated annual average deposition parameters for the cow-milk, vegetation, and gro und plane pathways at the 5-m ile secondary receptor, per Attachment I. For Tritium at this location, Ws(in) is used.NOTE: For the monitor tank pathway, iodines and particulates are effectively removed by dem ineralization, therefore deposition parameters for this pathway are not applicable.

3.5.5 To meet the calculational requirements of Paragraphs 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4, and the calculation methodologies described in Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.3, short term release dispersion and deposition factors may need to be calculated.

IPEC ODCM Page 47 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Short term release dispersion and deposition factors are determined from the long term annual average parameters and a method presented by Sagendorf in NU REG 0324 (Ref. 5) as recommended by NUREG 0133 (Ref. 1, Section 3.3, Page 8). This method makes use of a factor (F), developed for a particular com pass sector and distance, which is simply multiplied by the annual average dispersion or deposition parameter for the same sector and distance to develop the corresponding short-term parameter.

This factor is defined as: F = [NTOTAL/8760]

m Where: F = The non-dimensional correction factor used to convert annual average dispersion or deposition factors to short term dispersion or deposition factors.NTOTAL = The total duration of a short-term release (or releases) in hours, during a chosen reporting period.m log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)8760 = The total number of hours in a year.ANMX = The calculated historical average dispersion (sec/m 3) or deposition (m-2) factor for the com pass sector and distance of interest.F15MX = The short term dispersion (sec/m 3) or deposition (m 2) factor for the compass sector and distance of interest.

This is the 15th percentile value such that worse weather conditions can only exist 15% of the time and better conditions 85% of the time.The atmospheric transport and diffusion model used in the evaluation of short-term dispersion and deposition parameters (F 15MX) is the Gaussian plume-centerline model in Regulatory Guide 1.145 (Ref. 19), ad apted for mixed-mode releases with plume-rise effects, downwash, building-wake correction and plume meander considerations.

As was the case with the annual average parameters, the anal yses were carried out using the AEOLUS-3 computer code (Ref. 16) and the most recent 10-year hourly meteorological data. They are documented in detail in Reference 17.Note that in line with the guidance in NUREG-01 33, Sec. 5.3.1, page 29, short-term releases (equal to or less than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year) are considered to be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

However, from Sec. 3.1.16 of the ODCM Part II, and in line with Sec. 3.3, page 8 of NUREG-0133, gas-decay tank releases and containment purges have been dete rmined to be sufficiently random so as to permit use of the long-term dispersion and deposition parameters for assessment of their radiological impact.IPEC ODCM Page 48 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies 3.5.6 The short term 15th percentile dispersion or deposition factor for use in the equation of the preceding paragraphs and the simplified F factor equation for mixed-mode releases to critical locations of each IPEC unit are as follows: a) Site Boundary Noble Gas: Unit 2 F15MX = 7.724E-5 sec/m 3 ANMX = 2.219E-6 sec/m 3 M = log(ANMX / F15MX) 0.391 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760]-" 3 3 9 1 Unit 3 1.590E-4 sec/m 3 4.470E-6 sec/m 3-0.393[NTOTAL/8760]

.393 b) Nearest Residence Inhalation:

Unit 2 F15MX = 4.992E-5 sec/m 3 ANMX = 1.030E-6 sec/m 3 M = log(ANMX / F1 5MX) = -0.428 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760].0" 4 2 8 Unit 3 4.888E-5 sec/m 3 1.016E-6 sec/m 3-0.427[NTOTAL/8760]

-427 c) Nearest Residence Deposition:

Unit 2 F15MX = 3.995E-7 m-2 ANMX = 7.517E-9 m-2 m = log(ANMXF15MX)

-0.438 log(8760)F = [NTOTAL/8760]"0 4 3 8 Unit 3 4.019E-7 m 2 7.451 E-9 m-2-0.439[NTOTAL/8760]

.439 IPEC ODCM Page 49 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies d) 5-mile Inhalation:

F15MX =ANMX =M = log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)Same for both Units 2 and 3 6.192E-6 sec/m 3 7.223E-7 sec/m 3= -0.237 F = [NT0TAL/8760]

0-2 3 7 e) 5-mile Deposition:

F15MX =ANMX =M = log(ANMX/F15MX) log(8760)Same for both Units 2 and 3 9.501E-9 m 2 1.350E-9 m 2= -0.215 F = [NTOTAL/8760]" 0.2 1 5 f) The slopes ("m") for ground level short term correction factors can be calculated in a similar fashion, from ground level data found in Reference

17. For example: Site Boundary Noble Gas: Nearest Resident Inhalation:

Nearest Resident Deposition:

5-mile Inhalation:

5-mile Deposition:

Unit 2-0.390-0.427-0.455-0.235-0.212 Unit 3-0.397-0.427-0.455-0.235-0.212 IPEC ODCM Page 50 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies

3.6 Justification

for and Use of Finite Cloud Assumption for Assessing Site Boundary Dose Two models are available for the com putation of doses from external gamma radiation:

a) The semi-infinite cloud model, which is conservatively applicable only for ground-level releases assumes ground level airborne concentrations are the same throughout a cloud that is large in extent relative to the photon path lengths in ai r.b) The finite-cloud model, which takes into consideration the actual plume dimensions and the elevation above the receptor.The semi-infinite cloud model (which is normally used in a variety of applications because of its simplicity) has two drawbacks:

1. It could be overly conservative for receptors close to the release point (p articularly for ground-level releases under stable conditions with limited plume dispersion) due to the basis that the high concentration at t he receptor is ass umed to exist everywhere, and;2. It is not suitable for elevated releases since gamma radiation emanating from the radioactive cloud could still reach a receptor on the ground even though the plum e is still aloft (the concentration at ground level is equal to zero).For practical applications, it is possible to define isotope-depe ndent finite-cloud correction factors to express the difference in external radiation exposures between a finite cloud (which may be either at ground level or elevated) and a semi-finite cloud. Physically, when such a correction factor is applied to the calculated ground-level concentration resulting from a given plume, it will define the equivalent concentration in a semi-infinite cloud which would yield the same external exposure as the finite cloud. S uch a correction factor is a function of both the airborne radionuclide energy and of plume dispersion under the prevailing conditions.

At distant receptors, where the plum e dimensions reach limiting conditions, such correction factors reduce to unity.The AEOLUS-3 code (which was used for the determi nation of the annual average dispersion and deposition parameters listed in Section 3.5), also has the capability of providing a basis for computation of isotope-specific finite-cloud correction factors based on the models in"Meteorology and Atomic Energy" (Ref. 20, Sec. 7.5.2). The code was used (along with the mixed-mode release option and the 1 0-year hourly meteorological data base) for the determination of the correction factors as would be applicable at the IP EC site boundary.

Note that the correction factors can be viewed as adjustment factors to the dose conversion factors in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Ref. 3) for immersion in semi-infinite clouds. The nuclide specific correction factors and adjusted dose factors are presented in Tables 3-4 and 3-6 for the IPEC site boundary.For the Unit 3 Monitor Tank pathway (ground release concentration X/Q), use of the finite cloud corrected data presented in tables 3-4 and 3-6 will provide a conservative res ult. The conservativism is due to the indicated correction factors for the mixed mode case yielding larger correction factors per nuclide. However, in the event that a ground level specifi c finite cloud correction factor is desired (which will yield lower calculated doses) the Xe-1 33 gamma X/Q value may be used as described in Reference 21.IPEC ODCM Page 51 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-la ADULT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 28E-06 1 65E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 07E-06 1. 47E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 40E-05 1. 92E-10 0. OOE+00 4. 05E-06 4. 23E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 80E-05 1. 24E-02 7. 74E-09 8 43E-10 2. 61E-07 3 .26E-11 5 .78E-05 1 .29E-09 1. 18E-08 1. 34E-05 1. 21E-08 1 .76E-06 0 OOE+00 1 .29E-13 5 .22E-15 1. 91E-07 9. 88E-11 8. 64E-06 1. 35E-06 O .OOE+00 3. 90E-06 6. 67E-06 1. 58E-07 O.OOE+00 1.28E-06 9. 64E-06 0. OOE+00 4. 9bE-06 1.55E-10 2.12E-06 3.47E-06 1. 98E-07 1.44E-06 3. 93E-06 2. 62E-11 1.83E-10 1.29E-05 8. 14E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 69E-05 4.84E-08 3.20E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.30E-06 2.45E-09 9. 77E-07 1.51E-08 3. 64E-13 7. 52E-15 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.25E-06 0. OOE+00 7. 36E-08 7.44E-08 1. 58E-07 0.OOE+00 1.28E-06 6.26E-06 1.25E-08 7. 87E-07 2. 29E-11 4. 93E-07 1.32E-06 2. 59E-07 1.85E-06 1.81E-06 1.14E-11 7. 69E-11 5.82E-06 5. 65E-13 3. 01E-08 3.91E-08 1. 60E-09 7.37E-06 2.41E-08 2.12E-08 1. 09E-06 7. 62E-04 3. 13E-10 3. 64E-11 7.01E-09 1.27E-12 1. 55E-06 3.77E-11 3.26E-10 2. 91E-06 1.13E-09 5. 26E-07 2.87E-09 4. 63E-12 7.38E-14 8.23E-08 3. 89E-11 1. 09E-06 7. 43E-07 0. OOE+00 1. 55E-06 1.58E-06 1. 58E-07 O.OOE+00 1 .28E-06 O.OOE+00 7.44E-09 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9 .44E-09 6.75E-09 1. 58E-07 O .OOE+00 1 .28E-06 O .OOE+00 2 .85E-09 1 .23E-06 1. 63E-10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 5.78E-10 8 G62E-06 5 .27E-12 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 0. 00+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 6 .77E-06 3. 71E-09 9. 67E-07 3 G64E-08 5. 52E-12 1. 35E-13 7. 29E-07 1. 27E-10 1. 67E-05 2 46E-06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 58E-07 0. OOE+00 1.28E-06 O.OOE+00 1.80E-06 1.75E-04 1. 18E-06 9 .01E-06 1 .27E-04 1 .16E-04 7. 46E-04 2 .23E-05 7 OOE-07 8 48E-07 1. 08E-04 1 1KE-07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1.75E-04 1. 20E-03 4 .56E-06 2 .06E-06 2. 12E-05 2 .40E-07 2. 13E-04 1. 96E-06 6.06E-06 2 .21E-04 9.84E-06 6 .31E-05 1.14E-05 9. 55E-08 4 .99E-08 6 .31E-05 1 .37E-06 1. 17E-03 5.79E-04 O .OOE+00 3. lOE-04 2 .18E-04 1.58E-07 0.OOE+00 1.28E-06 1.08E-05 4 .15E-07 9. 67E-06 2. 53E-06 7. 54E-07 2.35E-05 1.33E-05 3.56E-05 1.67E-06 1.54E-06 6. 12E-06 6. 6E-06 2. 04E-09 2.90E-08 2.05E-13 2.OOE+00 2.08E-06 4 .18E-19 1. 16E-21 4.37E-05 9.02E-05 2.39E-05 5.38E-06 6.32E-05 1. 66E-10 4. 81E-05 9. 19E-06 5. 27E-05 1.88E-05 6. 54E-05 1.30E-05 3. lOE-05 5. 20E-07 1.36E-21 1.38E-05 6. 02E-06 1.14E-04 3.78E-05 O.OOE+00 5.08E-05 1.26E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 52 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-la ADULT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4. 27E-07 1. 58E-06 1. 75E-10 1. 22E-06 6. 22E-12 8. 74E-09 1. 39E-12 3. 25E-08 5. 72E-07 3. 15E-06 1. 45E-07 1. 08E-06 8. 05E-08 3. 35E-07 4. 66E-05 4 .88E-06 5. 98E-05 4 .14E-08 1 .17E-10 4 .88E-06 1 .25E-11 3. 29E-12 4. 30E-08 8. 54E-11 2. 49E-06 2. 33E-08 4. 29E-04 1. 17E-06 3. 76E-12 6. 59E-07 1. 06E-09 2. 87E-08 0. OE+00 0. ODE+00 4 DDE-06 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 2. 78E-11 0. DDE+00 8. 20E-06 9. 5DE-06 3. 84E-12 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 98E-07 7. 21E-07 8. 03E-11 5. 84E-07 2. 99E-12 5. 45E-09 7.44E-13 2. 69E-08 1. 68E-06 4 .47E-06 4.07E-07 1.85E-06 2.16E-07 8.73E-07 1.06E-04 1.83E-05 7.76E-05 7 .76E-08 8.32E-14 6. 13E-09 9. 41E-15 3. 38E-15 2.17E-08 3. 88E-11 1. 69E-06 1.72E-08 1.79E-04 4 .69E-07 1. 56E-12 7. 62E-07 8.85E-10 2.82E-09 D.OOE+00 8.65E-08 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 7. 03E-12 4. 90E-05 2.70E-07 4.20E-07 3. 22E-12 0. D0E+00 0. 00E+00 5.84E-08 1. 96E-07 3. 87E-11 1. 98E-07 1.55E-12 3. 63E-09 4.49E-13 2. 02E-08 6. 60E-07 2. 56E-06 1.45E-07 5. 65E-07 7. 69E-08 3. 21E-07 9. lE-05 1. 38E-05 5. 35E-05 4.05E-08 3. 42E-12 3. 21E-07 4.20E-13 2. 07E-13 5. 73E-09 9. 65E-12 1. 91E-07 1. 91E-09 2. 30E-05 5. 80E-08 1. 91E-13 4. 56E-08 3. lDE-10 1.55E-09 0. DOE+00 8. 39E-08 9. 70E-05 0. 0OE+00 0. DOE+00 2. 56E-12 1. 60E-06 5. 60E-07 2. 5DE-06 1.57E-12 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 31E-07 4. 11E-07 1.32E-10 4.30E-07 4.87E-12 6. 88E-09 1.17E-12 2. 37E-08 1.42E-04 1.49E-03 1.43E-05 2 .69E-04 3. 73E-06 5. 60E-05 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 O.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.DOE+00 D.00E+00 D.0DE+00 O.DOE+00 D.DOE+00 1.70E-07 D.0DE+00 3.44E-12 O.DOE+00 0.0OE+00 1 55E-06 5 .72E-06 6. 37E-10 4 .57E-06 2 .34E-11 3 .86E-08 5. 46E-12 1 82E-07 2. 61E-06 7. 66E-06 6. 48E-07 3 .23E-06 3 44E-07 1. 39E-06 3. 59E-05 1. 07E-05 2. 78E-05 6. OOE-08 7 .78E-14 2 .09E-09 8 .75E-15 2 .86E-15 S.OOE+00 0. DDE+00 7. 83E-07 7 60E-09 1. 06E-04 2. 70E-07 8. 81E-13 4 45E-07 S.OOE+00 8 .75E-09 0. DOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0 00E+00 8 18E-12 4 .70E-05 0. DOE+00 2 lOE-09 2 .18E-11 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 3. 92E-05 1.20E-04 8.14E-07 1.45E-04 2.42E-07 1.82E-05 1.74E-07 3. 60E-05 O.0DE+00 O.0DE+00 O.0DE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 1 22E-DS 1 .50E-06 9 .40E-06 6. 07E-09 4 .70E-07 1. 59E-04 2 42E-07 1. 49E-07 1. 70E-05 7 91E-07 4 .52E-05 9. 97E-06 9. 72E-04 3. 51E-05 1. 27E-07 2 .76E-05 3. 63E-06 4 .70E-06 S.OOE+00 4 .62E-05 6. OOE-05 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 3. OOE-07 9. 1OE-05 1. 20E-04 1. 90E-04 4 .34E-07 O .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 8.83E-06 1.87E-05 7. 17E-06 4.79E-05 1. 96E-08 6. 95E-05 2. 30E-09 6.37E05 9. 61E-07 7. 85E-07 5. 08E-08 1. lIE-06 1.26E-10 6.56E-07 1.30E-06 1.4 6E-06 1 .05E-06 2.33E-13 1. 12E-07 2.73E-05 1.45E-17 1. 96E-26 5.73E-05 2. 64E-07 1. 50E-05 2.83E-05 1.02E-04 2. 5DE-05 2. 69E-18 2. 16E-05 1. 94E-05 1.49E-05 O.ODE+00 3. 93E-06 7. 60E-06 O.ODE+00 O.ODE+00 3.02E-08 8 .20E-06 1. 50E-06 1.ODE-05 2. 97E-11 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 53 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-1b TEEN INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.72E-06 2. 36E-04 0. DDE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 18E-06 1. 99E-06 0. DE+D00 0. DDE+00 7. 25E-05 2.73E-10 0. DOE+00 4.82E-06 6. 04E-12 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE÷00 0. DOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. DDE+00 5. 43E-05 1. 35E-02 1.10E-08 1. 19E-09 3.73E-07 4. 63E-11 8.26E-05 1.84E-09 1. 69E-08 1. 82E-05 1.72E-08 2.32E-06 O.OOE+00 1.73E-13 7. 40E-15 2. 63E-07 1.40E-10 1.23E-05 1.73E-06 0. DOE+00 5.38E-06 9. 23E-06 1. 59E-07 0. OOE+00 1 .72E-06 1. 37E-05 O .OOE+00 6. 39E-06 2. 12E-10 2. 98E-06 4. 62E-06 2. 59E-07 1. 89E-06 5. 43E-06 3. 66E-11 2. 54E-10 1. 67E-05 1. 15E-11 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+O0 2. 38E-05 6 82E-08 4 .40E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5 73E-06 3. 40E-09 1. 29E-06 2. l1E-08 4. 83E-13 1. 05E-14 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 64E-06 0. OOE+00 9. 92E-08 1. 01E-07 1. 59E-07 0. ODE+00 1. 72E-06 8. 9SE-06 1. 69E-08 1. 05E-06 3. 15E-11 6. 93E-07 1. 79E-06 3. 47E-07 2. 48E-06 2. 47E-06 1. 59E-11 1. 06E-10 7. 80E-06 8. 07E-13 4. 30E-08 5. 41E-08 2 29E-09 1. 05E-05 3. 40E-08 2. 91E-08 1. 56E-06 8. 35E-04 4. 39E-10 5. 08E-11 1. OOE-08 1. 77E-12 2. 21E-06 5 36E-lb 4. 6SE-10 3. 94E-06 1. 57E-09 7. 08E-07 4. 03E-09 6. 24E-12 1. 03E-13 1. 12E-07 5. 42E-11 1. 55E-06 9. 99E-07 0 OOE+00 2. lE-06 2. 15E-06 1.59E-07 O.OOE+00 1 .72E-06 O.00OE+00 9.37E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOK+O0 O.OOE+00 1 .22E-08 8.80E-09 1.59E-07 O.OOE+00 1.72E-06 O.OOE+00 3.84E-09 1.59E-06 2 .24E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 8.01E-10 1.08E-05 7. 53E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+0O O.OOE+00 8 .42E-06 5.15E-09 1.25E-06 5. 14E-08 7.20E-12 1.90E-13 9.29E-07 1.76E-b0 2.38E-05 3.13E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 59E-07 O.OOE+00 1.72E-06 0. OOE+00 2.62E-06 2.48E-04 1.90E-06 1.55E-05 1.91E-04 1 .68E-04 1. 09E-03 3.84E-05 1.17E-06 1.39E-06 1. 55E-04 1.98E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. 02E-04 2 .06E-03 7 .59E-06 3.43E-06 3. 66E-05 4. OOE-07 3.67E-04 3.35E-06 1.04E-05 3. 36E-04 1. 62E-05 9.39E-05 1. 92E-05 1.44E-07 8. 34E-08 9.79E-05 2.27E-06 2. 01E-03 8.44E-04 0. OOE+00 4. 81E-04 3. 42E-04 1. 59E-07 O .OOE+00 1.72E-06 1.16E-05 3.75E-07 8 .35E-06 7. 18E-06 7. 99E-07 2. 23E-05 1. 19E-05 3. 24E-05 1.77E-06 4.59E-06 7. 68E-06 5.83E-06'3. 56E-08 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.21E-06 3.55E-15 4.22E-17 4.64E-05 9.56E-05 3.24E-05 1.49E-05 6.99E-05 3.77E-09 5.11E-05 2.06E-05 7.24E-05 1.8 6E-05 7. 88E-05 1.21E-05 3.36E-05 7. 66E-07 1.09E-16 1.36E-05 1.13E-05 1. 20E-04 3. 41E-05 0. OOE+00 4. 98E-05 1.24E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 54 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-lb TEEN INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 6. lOE-07 2. 25E-06 2. 51E-10 1. 74E-06 8. 87E-12 1. 23E-08 1. 97E-12 4 .50E-08 7 .80E-07 4 .43E-06 1. 99E-07 1. 52E-06 1. lIE-07 4. 62E-07 6. 28E-05 6. 44E-06 8. 38E-05 5. 82E-08 1. 67E-10 6. 84E-06 1 .78E-11 4. 62E-12 5. 99E-08 1. 20E-10 3. 55E-06 3. 32E-08 6.11E-04 1. 67E-06 5. 37E-12 9.83E-07 1. 50E-09 4.23E-08 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 00E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 93E-11 0.OOE+00 1. 50E-05 4.70E-05 5. 31E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 80E-07 1.02E-06 1. 14E-10 8.23E-07 4.22E-12 7. 51E-09 1.04E-12 3. 63E-08 2.24E-06 6. 14E-06 5. 47E-07 2. 56E-06 2. 90E-07 1. 18E-06 1.41E-04 2. 42E-05 1. 06E-04 1. 07E-07 1.18E-13 8.38E-09 1.32E-14 4 .63E-15 2. 95E-08 5. 31E-11 2. 37E-06 2.42E-08 2. 53E-04 6. 64E-07 2. 20E-12 1.07E-06 1.22E-09 3. 99E-09 0. OOE+O0 1. 18E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 72E-12 1. OOE-04 4.70E-07 8. OOE-07 4 .35E-12 0.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 8. 34E-08 2.73E-07 5. 52E-11 2.81E-07 2.20E-12 5. 03E-09 6. 30E-13 2.74E-08 8. 96E-07 3. 30E-06 1. 97E-07 7.78E-07 1.05E-07 4 .36E-07 6.86E-05 1.71E-05 3.89E-05 S. 58E-08 4.87E-12 4.40E-07 S. 93E-13 2. 84E-13 7. 82E-09 1.32E-11 2. 71E-07 2.70E-09 3.28E-05 8.28E-08 2.72E-13 6. 41E-08 4 .29E-10 2.21E-09 C.OOE+00 1. 15E-07 1.30E-06 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 3. 55E-12 3. 40E-06 9. 70E-07 3. 30E-06 3. 64E-12 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 1.75E-07 5.48E-07 1.77E-10 5.72E-07 6.48E-12 9.06E-09 1.55E-12 3.07E-08 1.86E-04 1.83E-03 1.89E-05 3.65E-04 4.94E-06 7 .76E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.0OE+00 C.00E+00 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 C.OOE+00 C.0OE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 2.90E-07 O.OOE+00 4 .46E-12 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 8. 17E-06 9. lOE-10 6 49E-06 3 .32E-11 5 49E-08 7 .72E-12 2 44E-07 3. 44E-06 1. 05E-05 8 65E-07 4 49E-06 4. 58E-07 1. 86E-06 4. 69E-05 1. 38E-05 3. 80E-05 8. 28E-08 1 11E-13 2 .85E-09 1. 23E-14 3. 92E-15 C OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1 .l1E-06 1. 08E-08 1 51E-04 3 .86E-07 1 .26E-12 6. 28E-07 O .OOE+00 1. 25E-08 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 1. 14E-11 6. 70E-05 0. OE+00 2 .80E-09 2. 91E-11 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 6.70E-05 2. 07E-04 1 .40E-06 2 47E-04 4 .12E-07 2. 97E-05 2. 92E-07 5. 61E-05 C OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. 0OE+00.00E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 83E-05 2 .22E-06 1. 51E-05 9. 84E-09 8. 08E-07 2. 54E-04 4 .l1E-07 2. 39E-07 2 .68E-05 1 .27E-06 7 .67E-05 1. 63E-05 1. 67E-03 6. 04E-05 2 19E-07 4 .65E-05 5. 92E-06 8. 11E-06 O .OE+00 7 .33E-05 8.80E-05 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 4 .91E-07 1. 60E-04 2. OOE-04 2. 90E-04 6. 75E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 38E-06 1.99E-05 1.01E-05 5.06E-05 2.02E-07 7.76E-05 1.89E-09 5.79E-05 1.14E-06 8. 11E-07 1.59E-07 1.29E-06 2. 5SE-09 8. 69E-07 1.22E-06 1.36E-06 1.06E-06 3.38E-il 8.06E-07 2.86E-05 9. 33E-14 5. 99E-20 6.09E-05 1.50E-06 1.58E-05 3.19E-05 1. 08E-04 2.67E-05 2 .94E-14 2.28E-05 2.21E-05 1.65E-05 O.OOE+00 3. 93E-06 6. 90E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.71E-07 8. 60E-06 1.50E-06 9. 70E-06 1. 37E-09 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 55 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-ic CHILD INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 35E-06 7. 04E-04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.28E-05 5. 59E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 22E-04 8.08E-10 0.OOE+00 1 .15E-05 1.81E-11 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 62E-04 2. 73E-02 3.28E-08 3. 54E-09 1. 11E-06 1.37E-I0 2.47E-04 5. 50E-09 5.04E-08 5. 13E-05 5.07E-08 6. 35E-06 0.OOE+00 4.81E-13 2. 19E-14 7. 55E-07 4.13E-10 3. 68E-05 4. 56E-06 0. 00E+00 1. 55E-05 2. 66E-05 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4. 35E-06 3.09E-05 0.OOE+00 1. 16E-05 4 .48E-10 6. 80E-06 9.04E-06 4.79E-07 3. 55E-06 1.25E-05 7.99E-II 5. 39E-I0 3. 06E-05 2. 61E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 5. 36E-05 1. 52E-07 9. 33E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 13E-05 7. 34E-09 2. 48E-06 4 .66E-08 9. 41E-13 2. 30E-14 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 08E-06 0. OOE+00 2. OOE-07 2. 05E-07 3. 04E-07 0. OOE+00 4. 35E-06 2. 67E-05 4. 17E-08 2. 57E-06 8.43E-II 2. lOE-06 4.51E-06 8. 55E-07 6. 12E-06 7. 56E-06 4. 44E-II 2. 90E-10 1. 90E-05 2. 41E-12 1. 28E-07 1. 48E-07 6. 84E-09 3. 09E-05 9. 90E-08 7 83E-08 4. 66E-06 1. 74E-03 1 .24E-09 1 .42E-10 2. 99E-08 4. 98E-12 6. 59E-06 1. 57E-i0 1. 38E-09 1. OE-05 4. 32E-09 1. 77E-06 1. 15E-08 1. 56E-II 2. 91E-13 2. 90E-07 1. 50E-10 4. 57E-06 2. 47E-06 0. OOE+00 5. 41E-06 5. 59E-06 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4. 35E-06 0. OOE+00 2. 31E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 41E-08 2 .46E-08 3.04E-07 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 0 OOE+00 6.57E-09 2 .71E-06 4. 52E-10 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 63E-09 1. 93E-05 1.58E-I1 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 1. 61E-05 1. OSE-08 2.33E-06 1 .06E-07 1.37E-11 3. 92E-13 1. 90E-06 3. 63E-10 4. 97E-05 5.74E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 04E-07 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 0. 00E+00 4 .59E-06 4 .26E-04 3 .55E-06 3. OOE-05 3 .43E-04 2 .99E-04 1.91E-03 7.43E-05 2 .21E-06 2 .59E-06 2 .69E-04 3.84E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.83E-04 3. 99E-03 1.44E-05 6. 49E-06 7. 07E-05 7.60E-07 7.10E-04 6.46E-06 2.01E-05 6.03E-04 3.06E-05 1. 66E-04 3. 66F-05 2.57E-07 1.58E-07 1.79E-04 4.30E-06 3.87E-03 1.48E-03 0. OOE+00 8 .76E-04 6. 27E-04 3.04E-07 0.OOE+00 4.35E-06 1. 14E-05 2. 93E-07 6. 19E-06 3.33E-05 7.75E-07 1. 91E-05 9.29E-06 2. 60E-05 1.71E-06 2.27E-05 9. 92E-06 4.41E-06 2 .75E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2 .16E-06 4. 66E-09 5. 11E-10 4.52E-05 9.28E-05 4 .70E-05 6.55E-05 7 .24E-05 4. 64E-07 4.97E-05 6.46E-05 1.05E-04 1. 65E-05 9.49E-05 1.OOE-05 3. 42E-05 1.30E-06 4.41E-09 1.21E-05 2. 69E-05 1.16E-04 2.71E-05 0.OOE+00 4.43E-05 1.09E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 56 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-ic CHILD INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1.82E-06 6. 72E-06 7.49E-10 5. 19E-06 2. 64E-11 3. 63E-08 5.87E-12 1.30E-07 2. 21E-06 1.30E-05 5. 72E-07 4.48E-06 3. 17E-07 1. 33E-06 1.76E-04 1.76E-05 2.45E-04 1.71E-07 4.98E-10 2.00E-05 5.29E-11 1.35E-11 1.74E-07 3.50E-10 1.06E-05 9.89E-08 1.83E-03 4.99E-06 1. 61E-11 2.92E-06 4.41E-09 1. 26E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.20E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 16E-10 0. 00E+00 3. 80E-05 1.10E-04 1.53E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6. 29E-07 2.31E-06 2.57E-10 1. 85E-06 9.45E-12 1.60E-08 2.28E-12 7.36E-08 4.43E-06 1.30E-05 1.10E-06 5.49E-06 5.84E-07 2.36E-06 2.74E-04 4. 62E-05 2.23E-04 2.27E-07 2.66E-13 1.75E-08 2.95E-14 9.73E-15 6.08E-08 1 .11E-10 5.28E-06 5. 37E-08 5.72E-04 1 .50E-06 4. 99E-12 2. 36E-06 2. 61E-09 9. 04E-09 0. 00E+00 2 .44E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .08E-11 1 .90E-04 8. 90E-07 1. 10E-06 8. 81E-12 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2.47E-07 8.16E-07 1.65E-10 8.22E-07 6.44E-12 1.37E-08 1.78E-12 7.12E-08 2.28E-06 7.37E-06 5. 07E-07 2. 08E-06 2. 69E-07 1.12E-06 6. 07E-05 3. 14E-05 3. 47E-05 1. 50E-07 1.45E-11 1. 17E-06 1.72E-12 7 .54E-13 2 .04E-08 3. 49E-11 7 .83E-07 7 .77E-09 9. 77E-05 2. 47E-07 8. 10E-13 1.84E-07 1. 17E-09 6. 35E-09 0. 00E+00 2 .88E-07 3.20E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 73E-12 8.00E-06 2.30E-06 1.00E-05 9.40E-12 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.20E-07 1.64E-06 5.30E-10 1.71E-06 1.93E-11 2.64E-08 4.59E-12 8 .58E-08 4. 99E-04 4.39E-03 5. 23E-05 1.04E-03 1. 37E-05 2 .14E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 o.00+E00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.10E-07 0.00E+00 1.24E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.72E-05 1.91E-09 1.36E-05 6.94E-11 1.08E-07 1.59E-11 4.79E-07 6.61E-06 2.13E-05 1.69E-06 9.13E-06 8.92E-07 3.62E-06 8.93E-05 2.58E-05 7.63E-05 1.68E-07 2.33E-13 5.71E-09 2 .56E-14 7.87E-15 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E-06 2.26E-08 3.17E-04 8.11E-07 2 .64E-12 1.30E-06 0.00E+00 2.63E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E-11 1.70E-04 0.00E+00 5.40E-09 5.71E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1 29E-04 4 00E-04 2.71E-06 4.76E-04 7 .93E-07 5.56E-05 5.55E-07 1.02E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.27E-05 3.93E-06 2.81E-05 1.84E-08 1.56E-06 4.71E-04 7.89E-07 4.44E-07 4.94E-05 2.35E-06 1.47E-04 3.12E-05 3.23E-03 1.17E-04 4.23E-07 8.87E-05 1.11E-05 1.57E-05 0.00E+00 1.37E-04 1.50E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9. 24E-07 3.00E-04 3.60E-04 5.20E-04 1.23E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.13E-06 1.93E-05 1.52E-05 4.91E-05 6.89E-06 8.32E-05 3.60E-07 3.72E-05 1.38E-06 7.68E-07 8.65E-07 1.48E-06 2.58E-07 1.20E-06 1.04E-06 1.13E-06 9.78E-07 7.29E-08 1.56E-05 2.75E-05 7.44E-08 7.4 1E-10 6.10E-05 2.05E-05 1.53E-05 3.44E-05 1.05E-04 2.63E-05 5.32E-08 2.22E-05 2.46E-05 1.73E-05 0.00E+00 3.58E-06 5.50E-06 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 7. 51E-06 8. 10E-06 1.30E-06 8. 30E-06 4.87E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 57 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-id INFANT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-8 6 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. DDE+00 0. 0DE+00 7.54E-06 1. 45E-03 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 41E-05 9. 69E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2.42E-04 1.71E-09 D.O0E+00 1. 38E-05 3. 85E-I1 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 2. 84E-04 2. 92E-02 6. 83E-08 7. 50E-09 2. 35E-06 2. 91E-10 4. 20E-04 1. 17E-08 1. 07E-07 8. 24E-05 1 07E-07 1. 12E-05 0 00E+00 9. 98E-13 4. 65E-14 1. 44E-06 8. 74E-I0 6. 20E-05 7 13E-06 0. DDE+00 2. 71E-05 3. 69E-05 4 .62E-07 0. DDE+00 7. 54E-06 8. 03E-05 D 0.E+00 1. 81E-05 1. l0E-09 8. 39E-06 1. 68E-05 8. 71E-07 5. 73E-06 1 46E-05 2. 03E-10 1. 34E-09 4 47E-05 6. 91E-II 0. UDE+00 0. U0E+00 0 00E+00 1. 36E-04 3. 98E-07 2. 29E-07 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+O0 000OE+O0 0. DDE+00 D.00E+00 1. 99E-05 1.83E-08 4. 59E-06 1. 18E-07 2. 06E-12 5. 88E-14 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 5. 16E-06 D.0UE+00 3. 97E-07 3. 41E-07 4.62E-07 D 0.E+00 7. 54E-06 5. 53E-05 6. 39E-08 3. 56E-06 1. 58E-I0 2. 38E-06 6. 77E-06 1. 30E-06 8. 41E-06 8 29E-06 8 .79E-I1 5. 53E-I0 2. 22E-05 5. 13E-12 2. 72E-07 2.86E-07 1.46E-08 6. 30E-05 2. 05E-07 1. 47E-07 8. 15E-06 1.85E-03 2. 47E-09 2.79E-I0 6. 30E-08 9. 90E-12 1.12E-05 3.29E-10 2.91E-09 1. 45E-05 8. 36E-09 2. 70E-06 2. 31E-08 2. 66E-I1 5. 80E-13 4.85E-07 2.93E-I0 7.77E-06 3. 57E-06 D.00E+00 8.56E-06 7.78E-06 4. 62E-07 0. DDE+00 7.54E-06 0. DDE+00 4.11E-08 D.0DE+00 D.00E+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 U.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 D. DDE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+D0 D.0DE+U0 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 D. OOE+D0 7.18E-08 4.45E-08 4 .62E-07 U.0DE+00 7 .54E-06 D.0DE+00 9. 45E-09 3.56E-06 7. 86E-I0 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 2 .84E-09 2.32E-05 2. 87E-II D.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0 .DDE+00 0 .DDE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 o.00E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 D.0DE+00 D.0DE+00 o.0DE+00 2.22E-05 1.85E-08 3. 37E-06 1.89E-07 2.22E-lI 6. 99E-13 3.03E-06 6. 42E-I0 7.61E-05 7 .80E-06 o.0DE+00 U.0DE+00 D.00E+00 4. 62E-07 D.0DE+00 7. 54E-06 U.0DE+00 9. 17E-06 7. 14E-04 8. 95E-06 6. 21E-05 7. 25E-04 5.55E-04 3.22E-03 1 .49E-04 5.80E-06 6. 64E-06 4. 62E-04 1.05E-06 D.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 D.0DE+00 0. DDE+00 1.45E-03 8.03E-03 3.76E-05 1. 70E-05 1. 92E-04 1.99E-06 1.75E-03 1.75E-05 5. 4 6E-05 1. 25E-03 7 .88E-05 3. 42E-04 9. 63E-05 5 .79E-07 4 .17E-07 3. 94E-04 1. 12E-05 8 .26E-03 2 62E-03 U DDE+00 1 .89E-03 1. 17E-03 4. 62E-07 U.00E+00 7.54E-06 1. 15E-05 2.55E-07 5.04E-06 5. 12E-05 7. 82E-07 1.77E-05 7.95E-06 2.28E-05 1.73E-06 3. 58E-05 1. 07E-05 3. 67E-05 9. 44E-06 0 00E+00 D 0.E+00 U DDE+00 2. 17E-06 2 .42E-07 4. 87E-08 4. 57E-05 9. 36E-05 5.24E-05 1. 0E-04 7. 43E-05 1. 68E-06 5. 02E-05 9. 04E-05 1. 19E-04 1. 55E-05 1. 0E-04 9. 05E-06 3 .48E-05 1.45E-06 6. 03E-07 1. 15E-05 3. 4 6E-05 1. 17E-04 2. 36E-05 000OE+O0 4.22E-05 1. 05E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 58 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-id INFANT INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi inhaled)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 3. 40E-06 1. 19E-05 1. 59E-05 1. 01E-05 5. 63E-1.1 7. 62E-08 1. 24E-11 2. 66E-07 4. 54E-06 2. 71E-05 1. 21E-06 9. 46E-06 6. 58E-07 2 .76E-06 2. 83E-04 3. 45E-05 3. 92E-04 3. 61E-07 1. 06E-09 4. OOE-05 1.12E-10 2.84E-lI 3. 61E-07 7.36E-I0 1.98E-05 2. 09E-07 2. 28E-03 1.00E-05 3.42E-il 5. 67E-06 9.26E-09 2.65E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 2.70E-05 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.44E-I0 0. OOE+00 6.00E-05 1. 90E-04 3.18E-li 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 42E-06 4. 93E-06 6. 81E-10 4. 35E-06 2. 48E-Il 3. 93E-08 5. 87E-12 1. 69E-07 9. 91E-06 3. 17E-05 2 .53E-06 1. 37E-05 1. 34E-06 5 43E-06 5. 02E-04 9. 61E-05 4. 37E-04 S. 58E-07 7. 03E-13 4 OOE-08 7. 70E-14 2. 36E-14 1. 43E-07 2. 69E-10 1. 19E-05 1. 38E-07 8. 65E-04 3. 74E-06 1.32E-li 5. 81E-06 6. 44E-09 2. 37E-08 0. OOE+00 4. 65E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 21E-Il 2. 60E-04 1. 60E-06 1. 70E-06 2. 04E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 70E-07 1.48E-06 3. 49E-10 1. 59E-06 1.34E-il 2. 59E-08 3. 57E-12 1 .26E-07 3. 98E-06 1.40E-05 8. 99E-07 4 .OOE-06 4. 75E-07 1. 98E-06 5. 32E-05 3. 78E-05 3. 25E-05 2. 84E-07 3. 07E-lI 2. 07E-06 3. SSE-12 1. 40E-12 3. 68E-08 6. 46E-I 1. 42E-06 1. 58E-08 1. 26E-04 4. 99E-07 1. 72E-12 3. 57E-07 2. 23E-09 1. 34E-08 0. OOE+0 4. 58E-07 5 40E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.88E-li 1. OOE-05 3. 60E-06 1. 30E-05 1. 68E-li 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.16E-06 3.48E-06 1.32E-09 3.91E-06 4.82E-li 6. 38E-08 1.13E-il 1.99E-07 1.14E-03 1.06E-02 1.21E-04 2. 54E-03 3.18E-05 4 .97E-04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1. 30E-06 O.OOE+00 2.91E-lI O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.68E-05 3.47E-09 2.27E-05 1.25E-10 1. 89E-07 2.85E-lI 7. 39E-07 1. 09E-05 3.70E-05 2 .82E-06 1.60E-05 1.49E-06 6.05E-06 1. 36E-04 4.03E-05 1.23E-04 2. 93E-07 4.23E-13 9. 59E-09 4. 64E-14 1.36E-14 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.75E-06 4.03E-08 3.84E-04 1. 41E-06 4.80E-12 2.25E-06 O.OOE+00 4.73E-08 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.07E-lI 2. OOE-04 O.OOE+00 8.90E-09 9.59E-Il 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 19E-04 9. 37E-04 7. 39E-06 1.20E-03 2. 14E-06 1.42E-04 1.47E-06 2.43E-04 0. OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 69E-05 8 .40E-06 5.09E-05 4 .67E-08 4.25E-06 1.14E-03 2. 12E-06 1.l1E-06 1.20E-04 5.87E-06 3. 69E-04 8.30E-05 7. 03E-03 3.09E-04 1.15E-06 2. 30E-04 2.83E-05 4.25E-05 O.OOE+00 2. 71E-04 3.OOE-04 O.OOE+00 O.00OE+00 2.37E-06 6. 20E-04 7.80E-04 9. lOE-04 2. 93E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9. 22E-06 1. 95E-05 1.74E-05 4. 93E-05 1.88E-05 8.51E-05 5 .87E-06 3. 15E-05 1 .42E-06 7 .56E-07 1 .36E-06 1 .54E-06 9. 21E-07 1. 31E-06 9. 53E-07 1. 02E-06 9. 53E-07 6. 26E-07 3. 64E-05 2.74E-05 3. 39E-06 4.95E-07 6.06E-05 4.25E-05 1.54E-05 3.55E-05 1. 06E-04 2.66E-05 3.06E-06 2.23E-05 2.54E-05 1.78E-05 O.OOE+00 3.47E-06 4.80E-06 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 1.92E-05 8. OOE-06 1.20E-06 7 .70E-06 2.53E-06 C.0OE+00 0.00OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 59 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-2 2 Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors (mrem/hr per pCi/mr half-life and Stable Element Tranfer Data (Fm, cow)Total Body &with Isotope Ground Plane Dose Factors Isotope H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-il0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 Halflife unit Fm TotBody(DFg) 12 .350 53.300 15.000 14.290 27.704 312.500 2.578 2.700 44.529 70.800 5.271 96.000 2.520 12.701 243.900 0.950 2.390 0.530 0.050 18.660 0.297 0.253 50.500 29.120 9.500 2.710 2. 667 0.829 58.510 3.540 10.100 63.980 16.900 35.150 2.750 6.020 0.237 39.280 4.440 368.200 249.900 2.700 60.200 2.770 1. OOE-02 1. OOE-04 4 .OOE-02 2 .50E-02 2 .20E-03 2 .50E-04 2 .50E-04 1 .20E-03 1. 20E-03 1 .OOE-03 1 .OOE-03 6. 70E-03 6. 70E-03 1. 40E-02 3. 90E-02 3. 90E-02 5. OOE-02 5. OOE-02 5. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 3. OOE-02 8 .0OE-04 8 .OOE-04 8 .OOE-04 8 .OOE-04 1. OOE-05 1 .OOE-05 1. OOE-05 1. GOE-05 1. 0OE-05 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-06 2. 50E-03 7. 50E-03 2 .50E-02 2 .50E-02 1. 00E-06 1. OE-06 1. OOE-06 5. OOE-02 1. 50E-03 1.50E-03 1. 50E-03 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.50E-08 0 .OOE+00 2 .20E-I0 5. 80E-09 1. 1OE-08 0. OOE+00 8 .0OE-09 7 .OOE-09 1.70E-08 0. OE+00 3. 70E-09 1.50E-09 4 .OOE-09 0. OOE+00 6. 40E-I1 1.20E-08 0. 0OE+00 6. 30E-I0 3. 50E-09 1.50E-08 5. 60E-13 0. 00E+00 7 .1OE-09 9. O0E-09 2. 20E-12 3. 80E-09 2.40E-Il 1. 60E-09 5.70E-10 5.O0E-09 5.50E-09 5. 1GE-09 1. 90E-09 9. 60E-10 2.70E-09 3. 60E-09 4 .50E-09 1.50E-09 1.80E-08 O.OOE+00 1.30E-08 3. lOE-09 Skin (DFs)0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .90E-08 0. 00E+00 2 .60E-I0 6. 80E-09 1.30E-08 0. COE+00 9. 40E-09 8.20E-09 2 .OOE-08 0. 00E+00 4. 30E-09 1.70E-09 4. 60E-09 0. 00E+00 9.30E-11 1.40E-08 C.0OE+00 7 .20E-10 4 .GOE-09 1.80E-08 6. 50E-13 0. 00E+00 8. 30E-09 1. OOE-08 2.60E-12 4.40E-09 2. 70E-11 1. 90E-09 7.80E-10 5.80E-09 6. 40E-09 6.00E-09 2.20E-09 1. 1GE-09 3.O0E-09 4.20E-09 5. lOE-09 1. 80E-09 2.10E-08 0. O0E+00 1.50E-08 3. 50E-09 IPEC ODCM Page 60 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-2 2 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors (mrem/hr per pCi/mr with Isotope half-life and Stable Element Tranfer Data (Fm, cow)Ground Plane Dose Factors Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 Halflife unit Fm TotBody(DFg) 58.000 109.000 9.350 33.600 1.160 30.000 0.417 3.258 12.360 8.040 2.300 20.800 0.877 6.610 2.062 13.100 30.000 0.537 1.378 12.740 0.304 0.177 1.678 1.542 32.501 33.000 284.300 13.560 0.288 10.980 23.900 2.360 1.28E+09 270.900 64.840 106.640 2. 03E+04 1.202 1.271 115.100 10.740 0.697 137.660 46.600 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 1. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 6. OOE-03 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 4 .OOE-04 5.OOE-06 5.00E-06 1. OOE-04 1. OOE-04 1. OOE-04 5.OOE-06 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-06 5. OOE-04 5. OOE-06 1. OOE-02 1. OOE-03 8 .OOE-04 1. OOE-05 2 .50E-03 2 .50E-03 1.20E-04 2. 50E-03 4 .OOE-04 1.OOE-03 1.OOE-04 3.80E-02 3. 50E-lI 1. 1OE-12 1.00E-il 7.70E-10 7. IOE-10 8.40E-09 2 .20E-09 1.70E-09 1. 40E-08 2.80E-09 1.70E-08 3.70E-09 1. 60E-08 1.20E-08 1.20E-08 1.50E-08 4.20E-09 2. 10E-08 2.40E-09 2 .1OE-09 4.30E-09 7 .90E-09 1.50E-08 1.50E-08 5. 50E-10 2.20E-09 3.20E-10 0. OOE+00 2 .OOE-10 1. OOE-09 3. 0E-09 9. 50E-10 0. OOE+00 9. i0E-10 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 4. 60E-09 0. OE+00 0. OCE+00 0. OE+00 1. OOE-09 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 Skin (DFs)4. 80E-11 1. 30E-12 1. l0E-Il 9. 0OE-10 8. 40E-10 9. 90E-09 2. 60E-06 2 .OOE-09 1. 70E-08 3. 40E-09 2 .OOE-08 4 .50E-09 1. 90E-08 1. 40E-08 1. 40E-08 1. 70E-08 4. 90E-09 2. 40E-08 2. 70E-09 2. 40E-09 4. 90E-09 9. DOE-09 1. 70E-08 1. 80E-08 6. 20E-10 2 .50E-09 3. 70E-10 0 OOE+00 2 .30E-10 1 .20E-09 3. 60E-09 1. iCE-09 0 OOE+00 1. OOE-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 40E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. COE+00 1 .20E-09 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 61 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3a ADULT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O .OE+00 2. 77E-09 1 .70E-06 1. 93E-04 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2 .75E-06 4. 34E-06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 30E-04 5. 28E-07 0. DDE+00 4. 84E-06 1. 03E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 O .OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OE+00 3. 08E-04 7. 58E-03 5. 67E-06 2. 15E-06 9. 62E-09 9.09E-11 1. 41E-07 8. 45E-10 2. 68E-09 3. 04E-08 1. 68E-09 6. 22E-09 0. 00E+00 2. 47E-10 2. 54E-10 1 .5E-07 1. 54E-08 2. 75E-06 1. 60E-07 2 .OE-07 2. 80E-06 1. 79E-06 1. 05E-07 6.2 6E-09 1.70E-06 1.20E-05 0. 00E+00 4.57E-06 1. 15E-07 1. 90E-06 1. 02E-05 7. 45E-07 2. 14E-06 9. 01E-06 6.8 6E-08 8. 33E-08 1. 54E-05 1. 97E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 11E-05 6. 05E-08 4.01E-08 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. DDE+00.0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 75E-09 3. 39E-10 3. 46E-09 4.31E-06 6. 98E-10 3. 66E-10 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.48E-07 4. 60E-09 5. 30E-08 2. OOE-08 1.05E-07 3. 10E-09 1.70E-06 7.46E-06 2. 66E-09 8.72E-07 2. 04E-08 4.43E-07 3. 91E-06 1. 67E-06 4.72E-06 4. 36E-06 3. 13E-08 3. 91E-08 6. 96E-06 1.37E-09 4.02E-08 5.21E-08 2. 14E-09 9. 83E-06 3. 21E-08 2. 82E-08 8 .84E-06 1.86E-03 2.29E-07 9. 30E-08 2.58E-10 3. 52E-12 3.77E-09 2.47E-11 7.40E-11 6. 60E-09 1.55E-10 1.86E-09 8.20E-07 8.89E-09 3. 59E-09 7. 97E-08 6. 08E-09 3. 48E-07 8. 79E-08 6. 90E-08 1.10E-06 4.26E-07 1.05E-07 O.00E+00 1 .70E-06 0. 00E+00 1.59E-09 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. l0E-09 6.80E-09 1.82E-09 1. O5E-07 6.58E-09 1 .70E-06 O.00E+00 5.86E-10 1 .36E-06 1.4 6E-07 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2. lOE-07 1.03E-05 1.28E-08 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.O0E+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 1.53E-08 5.12E-I0 3.42E-09 9.7 6E-06 1.06E-08 6.59E-09 7 .06E-07 1. 99E-07 5.31E-06 2. 91E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 1. 05E-07 O .OOE+00 1 .70E-06 O .OOE+00 3. 53E-09 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1 .06E-06 2 .85E-06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 3. 42E-10 1. 87E-10 O .0E+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 1. 20E-07 2. 18E-06 1 .38E-06 1. 05E-07 1. 08E-06 1. 70E-06 2. 17E-05 6. 69E-07 1. 40E-05 3. 67E-06 1. 09E-06 3. 40E-05 1. 51E-05 4. 02E-05 1. 88E-06 1 .74E-06 7. 10E-06 9.70E-06 2. 96E-09 5. 79E-08 4. 09E-13 O .OOE+00 4. 16E-06 8 .36E-19 2. 33E-21 4. 94E-05 2. 19E-04 2.70E-05 4.26E-05 1.02E-04 2. 67E-10 7.7 6E-05 1. 48E-05 8 50E-05 3. 09E-05 1 .O5E-04 2 1DE-05 9. 99E-06 4 .13E-07 1. lOE-21 2. 16E-05 9. 42E-06 1. 78E-04 6. 04E-05 7. 60E-05 7. 95E-05 1. 97E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 62 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3a ADULT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 2. 68E-06 6.77E-06 1. 10E-07 1. 15E-05 3. 14E-08 1.73E-06 1. 97E-08 2. 52E-06 7. 56E-07 4. 16E-06 2. 03E-07 1. 42E-06 1. 06E-07 4.43E-07 6. 22E-05 6. 51E-06 7. 97E-05 5. 52E-08 9. 70E-08 2. 03E-05 4.71E-08 2.13E-08 2. 50E-09 1.28E-10 9. 36E-09 1. 65E-09 4.88E-07 9. 20E-09 3. 01E-i1 6. 29E-09 1. 03E-07 1. 19E-09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 5.22E-11 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.24E-08 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 9.71E-07 2.42E-06 3. 95E-08 4. 29E-06 1. 18E-08 8.4 6E-07 8. 23E-09 1. 63E-06 2. 23E-06 5. 95E-06 5. 43E-07 2.47E-06 2. 88E-07 1. 16E-06 1.48E-04 2. 57E-05 1. 09E-04 1. 09E-07 6. 91E-II 2. 55E-08 3. 56E-11 2.19E-11 1.26E-09 5. 82E-11 6. 33E-09 1.22E-06 2.04E-07 3. 69E-09 1.25E-II 7.27E-09 8 .61E-08 1.17E-10 O.OOE+00 1.75E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 1.32E-11 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 12E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 59E-07 8.25E-07 2. 38E-08 1.82E-06 7. 65E-09 7.05E-07 6.22E-09 1.53E-06 8. 80E-07 3.4 1E-06 1. 90E-07 7. 53E-07 1. 03E-07 4.28E-07 1.21E-04 1.85E-05 7. 14E-05 5. 40E-08 2 .84E-09 1.33E-06 1. 59E-09 1.34E-09 3. 33E-I0 1.45E-II 7.18E-10 1.35E-I0 2. 62E-08 4.56E-10 1. 53E-12 4. 35E-10 3.01E-08 6. 45E-I1 0. 00E+00 2. 91E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. DDE+00 4.82E-12 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 30E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8.06E-07 1.73E-06 8.15E-08 3. 95E-06 2.41E-08 1.34E-06 1. 62E-08 1 .80E-06 1.89E-04 1. 95E-03 1. 90E-05 3. 63E-04 4.99E-06 7.65E-05 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.ODE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 2. 83E-08 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 09E-05 2. 75E-05 4 48E-07 4 .80E-05 1. 32E-07 8. 57E-06 8 63E-08 1. 57E-05 3. 48E-06 1. 02E-05 8 65E-07 4. 31E-06 4. 58E-07 1. 86E-06 4 .79E-05 1. 43E-05 3. 70E-05 8 01E-08 6. 4 6E-11 8. 67E-09 3. 31E-11 1 .85E-1i O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 2. 94E-09 5. 37E-10 1. 21E-07 2 13E-09 7 05E-12 4 .25E-09 O .OOE+00 3. 65E-10 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 1 .54E-11 0. OOE+00 O .0E+00 0. ODE+00 2. 05E-07 O .OOE+00 0. 00E+00 LUNG GILLI O.OOE+00 1.07E-05 D.OOE+00 2.27E-05 O.OOE+00 8.68E-06 O.OOE+00 5.79E-05 O.OOE+00 2.37E-08 O.OOE+00 8.40E-05 D.OOE+00 2.79E-09 O.OOE+00 7.71E-05 O.OOE+00 1.92E-06 O.OOE+00 1.57E-06 O.OOE+00 1.02E-07 D.OOE+00 2.22E-06 O.ODE+00 2.51E-10 O.OE+00 1.31E-06 1.59E-05 2.59E-06 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 1.23E-05 2.11E-06 7.91E-09 4.65E-13 3.92E-11 1.72E-07 1.46E-08 4.18E-05 2.02E-11 2.22E-17 1.24E-11 3.OOE-26 0.OOE+00 9.25E-05 O.OOE+00 4.25E-07 0.OOE+00 2.42E-05 O.OOE+00 4.56E-05 D.OOE+00 1.65E-04 0.OOE+00 4.03E-D5 O.OOE+00 4.33E-18 0.OOE+00 3.49E-05 0.00E+00 2.82E-05 0.DOE+00 2.40E-05 0.DOE+00 D.DOE+00 O.DOE+00 4.44E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.DDE+00 D.DOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.87E-08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 3.59E-II O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 63 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3b TEEN INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O .OOE+00 3. 96E-09 2. 30E-06 2. 76E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 78E-06 5. 87E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 77E-04 7 49E-07 O .OOE+00 5. 76E-06 1. 47E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 40E-04 8. 30E-03 8. 07E-06 3. 05E-06 1. 37E-08 1. 29E-10 2. O1E-07 1. 21E-09 3. 83E-09 4 12E-08 2. 37E-09 8. 22E-09 0. OOE+00 3. 32E-10 3. 60E-10 2. 55E-07 2. 18E-08 3. 92E-06 2. 05E-07 3. 30E-07 3. 86E-06 2 48E-06 1.06E-07 8.87E-09 2.30E-06 1.71E-05 0 OOE+00 5. 90E-06 1. 58E-07 2. 68E-06 1. 37E-05 9. 72E-07 2 .81E-06 1. 25E-05 9. 57E-08 1. 15E-07 2 DDE-05 2 80E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 2 .98E-05 8. 52E-08 5 50E-08 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.30E-08 4.69E-10 4. 56E-09 6. 03E-06 9. 26E-h0 5. 12E-10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 1.94E-07 6. 42E-09 7. 12E-08 2. 71E-08 1. 06E-07 4.43E-09 2.30E-06 1. 07E-05 3. 60E-09 1.17E-06 2.81E-08 6.25E-07 5.29E-06 2 .24E-06 6. 33E-06 6. 0OE-06 4. 36E-08 5.41E-08 9. 33E-06 1. 96E-09 5.74E-08 7 .22E-08 3. 05E-09 1.40E-05 4.54E-08 3. 89E-08 1.26E-05 2.05E-03 3.21E-07 1. 30E-07 3.69E-h0 4. 93E-12 5. 39E-09 3. 50E-hI 1.05E-10 8.94E-09 2.16E-10 2. 51E-09 1.15E-06 1.20E-08 5. 03E-09 1. 09E-07 8 .46E-09 4. 94E-07 1. 18E-07 9. 64E-08 1.51E-06 5.79E-07 1 .06E-07 O.OOE+00 2.30E-06 O.OOE+00 2. OOE-09 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4 .19E-09 8 .79E-09 2 .36E-09 1.06E-07 9. 40E-09 2. 30E-06 O.OOE+00 7.89E-10 1 .76E-06 2. OOE-07 O.ODE+00 O.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 2.91E-07 1.28E-05 1.83E-08 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. DOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.ODE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 91E-08 7.11E-10 4.42E-09 1.38E-05 1.38E-08 9.26E-09 8. 99E-07 2.75E-07 7. 56E-06 3 .70E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.06E-07 O.OOE+00 2 .30E-06 O.OOE+00 5.14E-09 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 1.70E-06 4.32E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5. 14E-I0 3. 12E-h0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2. 06E-07 3.37E-06 2.16E-06 1 .06E-07 1 .08E-06 2 .30E-06 2. 32E-05 6. O5E-07 1. 21E-05 1. 04E-05 1. 16E-06 3.24E-05 1. 34E-05 3. 66E-05 1. 99E-06 S. 19E-06 8. 92E-06 8. 47E-06 5 16E-08 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 4 .41E-06 7. 30E-15 8 43E-17 5 .24E-05 2. 33E-04 3. 66E-05 7.77E-05 1. 13E-04 6. 09E-09 8 .24E-05 3. 32E-05 1. 17E-04 3. OE-05 1. 27E-04 1. 95E-05 1. 08E-05 6. 08E-07 8 .75E-17 2 13E-05 1.76E-05 1. 88E-04 5. 45E-05 6. 92E-05 7. 81E-05 1. 92E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 64 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3b TEEN INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 3. 83E-06 9. 67E-06 1. 58E-07 1. 63E-05 4 48E-08 2. 44E-06 2 .79E-08 3. 4 9E-06 1. 03E-06 5. 85E-06 2. 79E-07 2. 01E-06 1 46E-07 6. 1OE-07 8. 37E-05 8. 59E-06 1. 12E-04 7 .76E-08 1. 39E-07 2. 84E-05 6. 71E-08 2. 99E-08 3. 48E-09 1. 79E-10 1. 33E-08 2. 35E-09 6. 96E-07 1. 31E-08 4. 30E-11 9. 38E-09 1. 46E-07 1. 7 6E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 7. 37E-11.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 4 .47E-08 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 1. 38E-06 3. 43E-06 5. 60E-08 6. 05E-06 1. 67E-08 1. 17E-06 1. 15E-08 2. 21E-06 2. 98E-06 8. 19E-06 7. 30E-07 3. 41E-06 3. 87E-07 1. 57E-06 1. 97E-04 3. 38E-05 1. 49E-04 1. 49E-07 9. 78E-11 3. 48E-08 5.01E-1I 2. 99E-11 1.71E-09 7. 95E-11 8.88E-09 1.71E-06 2. 88E-07 5.23E-09 1.76E-11 1. 02E-08 1. 19E-07 1. 66E-10 0.OOE+00 2.38E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.83E-11 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 87E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 S. 12E-07 1.15E-06 3.40E-08 2.58E-06 1 .09E-08 9.76E-07 8.72E-09 2. 08E-06 1.19E-06 4.40E-06 2. 62E-07 1.04E-06 1. 39E-07 5.82E-07 9. 14E-05 2. 27E-05 5. 19E-05 7. 45E-08 4.05E-09 1.83E-06 2. 24E-09 1.84E-09 4.55E-10 1. 98E-11 1.02E-09 1. 91E-10 3.74E-08 6. 52E-10 2 .18E-12 6. 11E-10 4.17E-08 9.22E-11 0. 0OE+00 3. 99E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 68E-12 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. OOE-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.07E-06 2 .30E-06 1. 09E-07 5.26E-06 3.20E-08 1.76E-06 2. 1SE-08 2. 33E-06 2.43E-04 2. 39E-03 2.4 6E-05 4.76E-04 6. 45E-06 1.01E-04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 3. 67E-08 0.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 92E-05 6.40E-07 6. 82E-05 1 .88E-07 1. 22E-05 1. 22E-07 2.12E-05 4.59E-06 1.41E-05 1.15E-06 5. 98E-06 6. 1OE-07 2 .48E-06 6.26E-05 1.84E-05 5. 07E-05 1.10E-07 9.22E-11 1.18E-08 4.65E-11 2.53E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.18E-09 7.67E-10 1.72E-07 3.04E-09 1.01E-lI 5. 99E-09 0.OOE+00 5.21E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.14E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.74E-07 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 39E-05 2. 90E-06 1. 97E-05 1. 28E-08 6. 74E-11 2. 34E-08 3. 43E-11 1. 99E-11 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 13E-05 2. 41E-05 1. 22E-05 6. 12E-05 2. 45E-07 9. 39E-05 2.2 9E-09 7. OE-05 2.2 9E-06 1. 62E-06 3. 18E-07 2. 58E-06 5. 10E-09 1. 74E-06 2. 45E-06 2. 72E-06 2. 12E-06 6.76E-11 1 .24E-06 4. 38E-05 1. 43E-13 9. 18E-20 9. 82E-05 2. 42E-06 2. 54E-05 5. 14E-05 1. 75E-04 4. 31E-05 4. 74E-14 3. 68E-05 3. 22E-0S 2. 67E-05 0 OOE+00 4 .44E-06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.37E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 1. 66E-09 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 65 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3c CHILD INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99rn Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 1. 18E-08 5. BOE-06 8.25E-04 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.15E-05 1. 65E-05 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 5. 38E-04 2.22E-06 0.OOE+00 1. 37E-05 4.38E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00'0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 32E-03 1.70E-02 2.40E-05 9. 03E-06 4. 11E-08 3. 82E-10 6. 02E-07 3. 60E-09 1. 14E-08 1. 16E-07 6. 99E-09 2. 25E-08 0. 00E+00 9. 23E-10 1. 07E-09 7.31E-07 6. 45E-08 1. 17E-05 5. 39E-07 9. 83E-07 1. lIE-05 7. 15E-06 2. 03E-07 2. OOE-08 S. 80E-06 3. 86E-05 0. 00E+00 1. 07E-05 3. 34E-07 6. lOE-06 2. 67E-05 1.80E-06 5. 29E-06 2.88E-05 2. 09E-07 2.45E-07 3. 65E-05 6. 33E-08 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 70E-05 1. 90E-07 1. 17E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2.55E-08 1.01E-09 8.76E-09 1. 33E-05 1.81E-09 1.12E-09 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 64E-07 1.45E-08 1.44E-07 5.51E-08 2. 03E-07 1. 32E-08 5. 80E-06 3. 18E-05 8. 90E-09 2 .85E-06 7. 54E-08 1.89E-06 1. 33E-05 5. 51E-06 1.56E-05 1.83E-05 1.22E-07 1.48E-07 2.27E-05 5.85E-09 1.71E-07 1. 98E-07 9. 12E-09 4.12E-05 1. 32E-07 1.04E-07 3. 77E-05 4. 31E-03 9.06E-07 3. 62E-07 1. 1OE-09 1. 39E-11 1. 61E-08 1. 03E-10 3. 13E-10 2. 27E-08 5. 96E-10 6.26E-09 3. 29E-06 3. OOE-08 1.42E-08 2. 81E-07 2. 34E-08 1. 46E-06 2. 91E-07 2. 88E-07 3. 88E-06 1.50E-06 2. 03E-07 0 OOE+00 5. 80E-06 0 OOE+00 4. 94E-09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 .26E-08 2 44E-08 6. 63E-09 2. 03E-07 1. 97E-08 5 .80E-06 0 OOE+00 1. 35E-09 3 .OOE-06 4 .04E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 92E-07 2. 30E-05 3. 84E-08 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 65E-08 1. 45E-09 8 .23E-09 2 84E-05 2 63E-08 1. 91E-08 1 .84E-06 5. 67E-07 1. 58E-05 6. 78E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2.03E-07 0.OOE+00 5.80E-06 0.OOE+00 9. 02E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 45E-06 7 .74E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 19E-10 5. 92E-10 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4. OOE-07 6. 15E-06 3. 9BE-06 2. 03E-07 1.12E-06 5.80E-06 2.28E-05 4.72E-07 8.98E-06 4.84E-05 1.13E-06 2.78E-05 1.05E-05 2. 93E-05 1.94E-06 2.56E-05 1.15E-05 6.41E-06 3. 99E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.31E-06 9. 32E-09 1.02E-09 5. 11E-05 2.29E-04 5.30E-05 1.71E-04 1.17E-04 7 .48E-07 8. 02E-05 1.04E-04 1.70E-04 2. 66E-05 1. 53E-04 1. 62E-05 1.10E-05 1.03E-06 3.56E-09 1.89E-05 4.21E-05 1. 82E-04 4.33E-05 7. 56E-05 6. 93E-05 1.71E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 66 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3c CHILD INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1. 14E-05 2. 89E-05 4 71E-07 4. 87E-05 1. 34E-07 7. 20E-06 8. 30E-08 1. 01E-05 2 92E-06 1. 72E-05 8 OOE-07 5. 92E-06 4. 19E-07 1. 75E-06 2.34E-04 2. 35E-05 3. 27E-04 2. 28E-07 4. 14E-07 8. 31E-05 2. OOE-07 8. 74E-08 1.01E-08 5.24E-10 3. 97E-08 6. 99E-09 2. 08E-06 3. 93E-08 1.29E-10 2.79E-08 4.29E-07 5.25E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 17E-10 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 .29E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 3.09E-06 7. 78E-06 1.27E-07 1. 36E-05 3. 74E-08 2.4 9E-06 2. 53E-08 4.47E-06 5. 90E-06 1.73E-05 1.47E-06 7. 32E-06 7.78E-07 3. 15E-06 3.84E-04 6.4 6E-05 3. 13E-04 3. 17E-07 2.21E-10 7.28E-08 1. 12E-10 6. 29E-11 3. 53E-09 1. 67E-10 1. 98E-08 3.79E-06 6. 52E-07 1.18E-08 3. 99E-11 2.26E-08 2. 54E-07 3. 77E-10 0. OOE+00 4. 93E-07 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 92E-11 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 80E-08 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1.52E-06 3. 43E-06 1.01E-07 7. 56E-06 3. 18E-08 2. 65E-06 2. 47E-08 5. 40E-06 3. 04E-06 9. 83E-06 6.76E-07 2.77E-06 3. 58E-07 1.4 9E-06 8. l0E-05 4.18E-05 4. 62E-05 2.01E-07 1.20E-08 4.85E-06 6. 51E-09 4. 88E-09 1. 19E-09 5. 23E-11 2. 94E-09 5. 49E-10 1. 11E-07 1. 95E-09 6. 49E-12 1 .75E-09 1. 14E-07 2. 65E-10 0. OOE+00 9. 98E-07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 83E-11 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 74E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.20E-06 6. 91E-06 3.26E-07 1.57E-05 9.56E-08 5.12E-06 6.35E-08 6.51E-06 6. 50E-04 5.72E-03 6.82E-05 1.36E-03 1.79E-05 2. 79E-04 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 02E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.24E-05 1. 34E-06 1. 43E-04 3 92E-07 2. 41E-05 2. 51E-07 4 .15E-05 8. 82E-06 2. 84E-05 2 .25E-06 1. 22E-05 1. 19E-06 4 .83E-06 1. 19E-04 3. 44E-05 1. 02E-04 2 23E-07 1. 93E-10 2. 37E-08 9. 69E-11 5. 09E-II 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8. 68E-09 1.59E-09 3. 61E-07 6. 39E-09 2.11E-l1 1.24E-08 0.OOE+00 1.09E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.35E-1I 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 37E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.27E-05 5. 13E-06 3. 67E-05 2.40E-08 1.30E-10 4. 34E-08 6.58E-i0 3. 70E-ii 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.10E-05 2.34E-05 1.84E-05 5. 94E-05 8. 34E-06 1.01E-04 4.36E-07 4.50E-05 2 .76E-06 1.54E-06 1.73E-06 2.95E-06 5.16E-07 2. 40E-06 2.07E-06 2.27E-06 1.96E-06 1.4 6E-07 2. 39E-05 4.21E-05 1.14E-07 1.14E-09 9.84E-05 3. 31E-05 2. 47E-05 5. 55E-05 1.70E-04 4.24E-05 8.59E-08 3.58E-05 3.57E-05 2 .79E-05 0.OOE+00 4.04E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 .21E-05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 5. 89E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 67 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3d INFANT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 2 .26E-08 1.01E-05 1. 70E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.39E-05 3.08E-05 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 34E-04 4.70E-06 0. OOE+00 1.84E-05 9. 33E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 51E-03 1.85E-02 5. OOE-05 1. 92E-05 8 .69E-08 8.10E-10 1.13E-06 7.65E-09 2.43E-08 2. 06E-07 1. 48E-08 4.20E-08 0. 00E+00 1. 92E-09 2. 27E-09 1. 48E-06 1. 36E-07 2. 41E-05 9. 96E-07 2 .1OE-06 2. 14E-05 1. 23E-05 3. 08E-07 4. 72E-08 1. 01E-05 1. OOE-04 0. 00E+00 1. 99E-05 8. 18E-07 8. 98E-06 5. 38E-05 3. 60E-06 1. 08E-05 3. 92E-05 5. 32E-07 6. 09E-07 6. 31E-05 1. 68E-07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1 70E-04 4. 98E-07 2 .86E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 02E-08 2. 54E-09 1. 73E-08 3. 40E-05 3. 96E-09 2 .86E-09 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7. 27E-07 3. 85E-08 3. 15E-07 1. 19E-07 3. 08E-07 2 51E-08 1. 01E-05 6. 59E-05 1. 41E-08 4. 51E-06 1. 41E-07 2. 40E-06 2. 12E-05 8. 98E-06 2. 55E-05 2. 20E-05 2. 42E-07 2. 82E-07 2. 91E-05 1. 25E-08 3. 63E-07 3. 82E-07 1. 94E-08 8. 40E-05 2. 73E-07 1. 97E-07 7. 20E-05 4 .71E-03 1. 81E-06 7. 13E-07 2. 33E-09 2 .76E-11 3. 01E-08 2 15E-10 6. 62E-10 3. 56E-08 1. 16E-09 1. OOE-08 6. 63E-06 5. 1OE-08 2 83E-08 4. 95E-07 4 .58E-08 3. 01E-06 4.81E-07 6. 13E-07 6. 63E-06 2. 53E-06 3.08E-07 0.OOE+00 1. 01E-05 0.OOE+00 9.20E-09 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.14E-08 5. 68E-08 1.54E-08 3.08E-07 3.34E-08 1. 01E-05 0.OOE+00 2 .01E-09 4 .41E-06 7. 03E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.03E-06 3.06E-05 6. 98E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.41E-08 2 .56E-09 1.24E-08 5.08E-05 4.26E-08 3.40E-08 3.08E-06 1 .OOE-06 2.85E-05 1.04E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.08E-07 0.OOE+00 1.01E-05 0.OOE+00 1.79E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.39E-06 1. 59E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.07E-09 1. 56E-09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 09E-06 1. 34E-05 3. 08E-07 1. 11E-06 1. 01E-05 2. 30E-05 4 11E-07 7. 31E-06 7. 43E-05 1. 14E-06 2. 57E-05 8. 97E-06 2. 57E-05 1. 95E-06 4. 05E-05 1. 25E-05 5. 33E-05 1. 37E-05 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .35E-06 4 .85E-07 9.74E-08 5. 16E-05 2. 31E-04 5. 92E-05 2. 07E-04 1. 20E-04 2 .70E-06 8. 1OE-05 1 46E-04 1. 92E-04 2. 50E-05 1. 62E-04 1. 4 6E-05 1. 12E-05 1. 15E-06 4 .86E-07 1 .80E-05 5. 41E-05 1 .83E-04 3. 77E-05 7 65E-05 6. 60E-05 72E-06 1.64E-05 IPEC ODCM Page 68 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-3d INFANT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (mrem per pCi ingested)Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 2. 33E-05 5. 85E-05 1. OOE-06 1. OOE-04 2. 84E-07 1. 52E-05 1 .76E-07 2 08E-05 6. OOE-06 3. 59E-05 1. 66E-06 1. 25E-05 8 69E-07 3. 64E-06 3. 77E-04 4. 59E-05 5. 22E-04 4. 81E-07 8. 81E-07 1. 71E-04 4 .25E-07 1. 84E-07 2. lIE-08 1. 1OE-09 7. 87E-08 1. 48E-08 2 98E-06 8. 13E-08 2. 74E-10 5. 53E-08 9. 03E-07 1. lIE-08 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 7 .79E-06 1. 94E-05 3. 35E-07 3. 43E-05 9. 79E-08 6. 12E-06 6. 50E-08 1. 03E-05 1. 32E-05 4 23E-05 3. 37E-06 1. 82E-05 1. 78E-06 7 .24E-06 7. 03E-04 1. 35E-04 6. 11E-04 7 82E-07 5. 84E-10 1 .71E-07 2. 91E-10 1. 53E-10 8.32E-09 4.04E-10 4.80E-08 9. 82E-06 1.22E-06 3. 04E-08 1.06E-10 5. 68E-08 6.28E-07 9. 93E-10 0.OOE+00 1.15E-06 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 15E-06 7. 08E-06 2. 15E-07 1.54E-05 6. 63E-08 5.05E-06 4.94E-08 9. 61E-06 5. 30E-06 1.86E-05 1.20E-06 5.33E-06 6.33E-07 2. 64E-06 7. l0E-05 5. 04E-05 4.33E-05 3.7 9E-07 2. 55E-08 8.81E-06 1.34E-08 9. 06E-09 2.14E-09 9. 67E-11 5. 65E-09 1.12E-09 1. 67E-07 4. 03E-09 1.38E-11 3. 48E-09 2. 17E-07 5. 61E-10 0. OOE+00 1.87E-06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. 84E-06 1. 69E-05 8.14E-07 3.84E-05 2. 38E-07 1.24E-05 1.57E-07 1.52E-05 1.48E-03 1.39E-02 1.58E-04 3.31E-03 4 .15E-05 6.49E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 44E-04 2.44E-06 2. 50E-04 7. 07E-07 4 .21E-05 4.50E-07 6.44E-05 1.45E-05 4.94E-05 3.76E-06 2.14E-05 1. 99E-06 8. 07E-06 1. 81E-04 5. 38E-05 1. 64E-04 3. 90E-07 3. 51E-10 4 .06E-08 1 .75E-10 8 .81E-11 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1 48E-08 2 .86E-09 4 .93E-07 1. 13E-08 3. 84E-11 2. 19E-08 0. OOE+00 1. 98E-09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 7 42E-05 1. 10E-05 6. 64E-05 6. 09E-08 3. 54E-10 1. 05E-07 1 .77E-10 9.26E-11 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. lIE-05 2. 36E-05 2. l0E-05 5. 97E-05 2 27E-05 1. 03E-04 7 11E-06 3 .81E-05 2 .83E-06 1 .51E-06 2 .73E-06 3 .08E-06 1 .84E-06 2.62E-06 1. 91E-06 2. 05E-06 1. 91E-06 1.25E-06 5. 58E-05 4.20E-05 5. 19E-06 7. 59E-07 9. 77E-05 6.8 6E-05 2. 48E-05 5.73E-05 1.71E-04 4.29E-05 4.93E-06 3. 60E-05 3. 69E-05 2.87E-05 0.OOE+00 3. 92E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 69 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-4 Total Body Dose Factors Ki From Noble Gases (gamma)Gamma Finite Cloud Correction Factor**Nuclide TB factor* x (pCi/uCi) x Unit 2 Unit 3 = U2 Ki U3 Ki Kr-83m 7.56E-08 1 E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 6.70E-02 4.37E-02 Kr-85m 1.17E-03 1E+6 7.49E-01 4.46E-01 8.76E+02 5.22E+02 Kr-85 1.61E-05 1E+6 6.73E-01 3.85E-01 1.08E+01 6.19E+00 Kr-87 5.92E-03 1 E+6 5.68E-01 3.09E-01 3.36E+03 1.83E+03 Kr-88 1.47E-02 1 E+6 5.40E-01 2.88E-01 7.93E+03 4.23E+03 Kr-89 1.66E-02 1 E+6 5.60E-01 3.03E-01 9.30E+03 5.03E+03 Kr-90 1.56E-02 1E+6 5.97E-01 3.29E-01 9.31 E+03 5.13E+03 Xe-131m 9.15E-05 1E+6 8.67E-01 5.62E-01 7.94E+01 5.14E+01 Xe-133m 2.51E-04 1EE+6 8.17E-01 5.12E-01 2.05E+02 1.29E+02 Xe-133 2.94E-04 1E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 2.60E+02 1.70E+02 Xe-135m 3.12E-03 1E+6 6.75E-01 3.87E-01 2.11E+03 1.21 E+03 Xe-1 35 1.81 E-03 1 E+6 7.60E-01 4.55E-01 1.38E+03 8.24E+02 Xe-137 1.42E-03 1E+6 6.46E-01 3.65E-01 9.18E+02 5.18E+02 Xe-138 8.83E-03 1E+6 5.75E-01 3.14E-01 5.07E+03 2.77E+03 Ar-41 8.84E-03 1E+6 5.89E-01 3.21 E-01 5.21 E+03 2.84E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)** The finite cloud correction factor is described in S ection 3.6 Ki (mrem/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 70 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part 11 -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-5 Skin Dose Factors Li From Noble Gases (beta)Beta Skin*Nucline Dose Factor x (pCi/uCi)

= Li**Kr-83m O.OOE+00 1 E+6 O.OOE+00 Kr-85m 1.46E-03 1E+6 1.46E+03 Kr-85 1.34E-03 1 E+6 1.34E+03 Kr-87 9.73E-03 1E+6 9.73E+03 Kr-88 2.37E-03 1 E+6 2.37E+03 Kr-89 1.01 E-02 1EE+6 1.01 E+04 Kr-90 7.29E-03 1 E+6 7.29E+03 Xe-131 m 4.76E-04 1E+6 4.76E+02 Xe-133m 9.94E-04 1E+6 9.94E+02 Xe-133 3.06E-04 1 E+6 3.06E+02 Xe-135m 7.11E-04 1E+6 7.11E+02 Xe-135 1.86E-03 1E+6 1.86E+03 Xe-1 37 1.22E-02 1 E+6 1.22E+04 Xe-138 4.13E-03 1E+6 4.13E+03 Ar-41 2.69E-03 1E+6 2.69E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, "** Li (mrem/yr per uCi/m 3)rable B-1 (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 71 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-6 Air Dose Factors Mi From Noble Gases (gamma)Gamma Finite Cloud Correction Factor**Nuclide factor

  • x (pCi/uCi) x Unit 2 Unit 3 U2 Mi *** U3 Mi Kr-83m 1.93E-05 1E+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 1.71E+01 1.12E+01 Kr-85m 1.23E-03 1E+6 7.49E-01 4.46E-01 9.21E+02 5.49E+02 Kr-85 1.72E-05 1E+6 6.73E-01 3.85E-01 1.16E+01 6.62E+00 Kr-87 6.17E-03 1E+6 5.68E-01 3.09E-01 3.50E+03 1.91E+03 Kr-88 1.52E-02 1 E+6 5.40E-01 2.88E-01 8.20E+03 4.37E+03 Kr-89 1.73E-02 1E+6 5.60E-01 3.03E-01 9.69E+03 5.24E+03 Kr-90 1.63E-02 1 E+6 5.97E-01 3.29E-01 9.73E+03 5.36E+03 Xe-131m 1.56E-04 1EE+6 8.67E-01 5.62E-01 1.35E+02 8.77E+01 Xe-133m 3.27E-04 1E+6 8.17E-01 5.12E-01 2.67E+02 1.68E+02 Xe-133 3.53E-04 1EE+6 8.86E-01 5.78E-01 3.13E+02 2.04E+02 Xe-135m 3.36E-03 1E+6 6.75E-01 3.87E-01 -2.27E+03 1.30E+03 Xe-1 35 1.92E-03 1 E+6 7.60E-01 4.55E-01 1.46E+03 8.74E+02 Xe-137 1.51E-03 1E+6 6.46E-01 3.65E-01 9.76E+02 5.51E+02 Xe-138 9.21E-03 1E+6 5.75E-01 3.14E-01 5.29E+03 2.89E+03 Ar-41 9.30E-03 1E+6 5.89E-01 3.21 E-01 5.48E+03 2.99E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrad/yr per pCi/m 3)** The finite cloud correction factor is described in S ection 3.6 Mi (mrad/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 72 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-7 Air Dose Factors Ni From Noble Gases (beta)Beta *Nucline Factor x (pCi/uCi)

= Ni**Kr-83m 2.88E-04 1 E+6 2.88E+02 Kr-85m 1.97E-03 1 E+6 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.95E-03 1 E+6 1.95E+03 Kr-87 1.03E-02 1 E+6 1.03E+04 Kr-88 2.93E-03 1E+6 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.06E-02 1 E+6 1.06E+04 Kr-90 7.83E-03 1 E+6 7.83E+03 Xe-131m 1.11E-03 1E+6 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 1.48E-03 1EE+6 1.48E+03 Xe-133 1.05E-03 1EE+6 1.05E+03 Xe-1 35m 7.39E-04 1E+6 7.39E+02 Xe-135 2.46E-03 1E+6 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.27E-02 1EE+6 1.27E+04 Xe-138 4.75E-03 1E+6 4.75E+03 Ar-41 3.28E-03 1 E+6 3.28E+03* From Reg Guide 1.109, Table B-1 (mrad/yr per pCi/m 3)** Ni (mrad/yr per uCi/m 3)IPEC ODCM Page 73 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3 -8 NOBLE GAS DOSE FACTORS For Instantaneous and Time Averacie Mixtures at the Site Boundary.

Units 2 and 3 Radionuclide Instantaneous Time Average Mix (%) Mix (%)Kr-85m 3.09 Kr-85 0 18.98 Kr-87 2.80 Kr-88 5.22 Xe-131m 0 0.162 Xe-133m 1.39 0.485 Xe-133 56.8 78.1 Xe-135m 1.34 Xe-135 19.2 2.21 Xe-138 2.81 Ar-41 7.43 Total 100 100 Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective instantaneous instantaneous average average dose factors dose factors Units dose factors dose factors= 1507 K-= 849 mrem/yr per uCi/m 3 K- = 237 153 L- 1310 7 = 1310 mrem/yr per uCi/m 3 L =540 L-= 540 M-= 1601 m- = 905 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3 m- =281 = 181 N= 1977 N-= 1977 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3 N = 1254 1254 Instantaneous Mixture Basis: This mix defines the shared-site noble gas limits between the two units, and is used for administrative guidelines for instantaneous releases based on an RCS noble gas mix at 1.6 yrs into a 24-month cycle, with two failed fuel rods, per Reference

30. These mixtures provide conservative application for calculating setpoints per 1OCFR20, in terms of uCi/sec before an actual sample of the release is available, per Appendix I.Time Averaged Release Mixture Basis: This mix defines the routine (time-averaged) releases from either unit. It was derived from average noble-gas releases from year 2000-2003 at IPEC units 2 and 3 per Reference
30. They are used in conjunction with calculations to determine representative quarterly and annual time averaged release rates in curies per second for administrative purposes only, per Appendix I.IPEC ODCM Page 74 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies TABLE 3- 9 LOCATIONS OF SITE BOUNDARY AND NEAREST RESIDENCE Distance Distance Distance to Site to Site to nearest Boundary Boundary residence, by from Unit 2 from Unit 3 from Unit 1 compass Plant Vent, Plant Vent, superheater, point in meters in meters in meters N RIVER RIVER 1788.1 NNE RIVER RIVER 3111.3 NE 550 636 1907.3 ENE 600 775 1478.2 E 662 785 1370.9 ESE 569 622 715.2 SE 553 564 1168.2 SSE 569 551 1239.7 S 700 566 1132.5 SSW 755 480 1573.5 SW 544 350 3015.9 WSW RIVER RIVER 2169.6 W RIVER RIVER 1918.7 WNW RIVER RIVER 1752.4 NW RIVER RIVER 1692.7 NNW RIVER RIVER 1609.3 6/08 Distances to the Site Boundary are unit-specific and measured from the applicable unit's Plant Vent release point. Distances to the Nearest Residence are measured from the Unit 1 Superheater Stack for both Units 2 and 3, per Reference 31.IPEC ODCM Page 75 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10a 3 ADULT INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85.Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 1. 32E+06 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2 .46E+04 1. 18E+04 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 32E+05 1. 54E+00 0.OOE+00 3. 24E+04 3. 38E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 04E+05 9. 92E+07 6. 19E+01 6. 74E+00 2. 09E+03 2. 61E-01 4. 62E+05 1. 03E+01 9. 44E+01 1. 07E+05 9. 68E+01 1. 41E+04 0. OOE+00 1. 03E-03 4. 18E-05 1. 53E+03 7. 90E-01 6. 91E+04 1 08E+04 0 OOE+00 3. 12E+04 5. 34E+04 1.26E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 7.71E+04 0. OOE+00 3. 96E+04 1.24E+00 1.70E+04 2. 78E+04 1. 58E+03 1. 15E+04 3. 14E+04 2. l0E-01 1.4 6E+00 1. 03E+05 6. 51E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 35E+05 3. 87E+02 2. 56E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3.44E+04 1. 96E+01 7.82E+03 1.21E+02 2. 91E-03 6. 02E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.OOE+04 0.OOE+00 5.89E+02 5. 95E+02 1.26E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 5. 01E+04 1. OOE+02 6. 30E+03 1.83E-01 3. 94E+03 1.06E+04 2.07E+03 1.48E+04 1.45E+04 9. 12E-02 6. 15E-01 4. 66E+04 4.52E-03 2.4 1E+02 3. 13E+02 1.28E+01 5. 90E+04 1. 93E+02 1.70E+02 8.72E+03 6. 1OE+06 2. 50E+00 2 .91E-01 5. 61E+01 1. 02E-02 1.24E+04 3. 02E-01 2.61E+00 2. 33E+04 9. 04E+00 4.21E+03 2. 30E+01 3.70E-02 5. 90E-04 6. 58E+02 3. 11E-01 8.72E+03 5. 94E+03 0. OOE+00 1.24E+04 1.26E+04 1 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 1. 02E+04 0.OOE+00 5. 95E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7. 55E+01 5.40E+01 1 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 1 .02E+04 0.OOE+00 2.28E+01 9.84E+03 1. 30E+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .62E+00 6. 90E+04 4.22E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 42E+04 2 .97E+01 7 .74E+03 2. 91E+02 4 .42E-02 1. 08E-03 5. 83E+03 1.02E+00 1.34E+05 1 .97E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 2 6E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+04 0. OOE+00 1 44E+04 1. 40E+06 9. 44E+03 7 .21E+04 1 .02E+06 9. 28E+05 5. 97E+06 1. 78E+05 5. 60E+03 6.78E+03 8. 64E+05 9. 20E+02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1 40E+06 9. 60E+06 3. 65E+04 1. 65E+04 1 .70E+05 1 .92E+03 1 .70E+06 1. 57E+04 4 .85E+04 1 .77E+06 7 .87E+04 5. 05E+05 9. 12E+04 7. 64E+02 3. 99E+02 5. 05E+05 1. 10E+04 9. 36E+06 4. 63E+06 00.OE+00 2. 48E+06 1 .74E+06 1. 2 6E+03 0 OOE+00 1. 02E+04 8. 64E+04 3. 32E+03 7. 74E+04 2. 02E+04 6. 03E+03 1. 88E+05 1 .06E+05 2 .85E+05 1. 34E+04 1. 23E+04 4. 90E+04 5. 34E+04 1. 63E+01 2. 32E+02 1. 64E-03 0. OOE+00 1. 66E+04 3. 34E-09 9. 28E-12 3. 50E+05 7. 22E+05 1. 91E+05 4 .30E+04 5 .06E+05 1 .33E+00 3 .85E+05 7. 35E+04 4 .22E+05 1. 50E+05 5 .23E+05 1. 04E+05 2 .48E+05 4. 16E+03 1 .09E-11 1. 10E+05 4 .82E+04 9. 12E+05 3. 02E+05 0 OOE+00 4 .06E+05 1. 01E+05 IPEC ODCM Page 76 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10a 3 ADULT INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3. 42E+03 1 .26E+04 1. 40E+00 9. 7 6E+03 4. 98E-02 6. 99E+01 1 11E-02 2 60E+02 4 .58E+03 2. 52E+04 1. 16E+03 8. 64E+03 6. 44E+02 2 68E+03 3. 73E+05 3. 90E+04 4. 78E+05 3. 31E+02 9. 36E-01 3. 90E+04 1. OE-01 2. 63E-02 3. 44E+02 6. 83E-01 1. 99E+04 1. 86E+02 3 43E+06 9. 36E+03 3. 01E-02 5. 27E+03 8. 48E+00 2. 30E+02 0. DOE+00 0. DOE+00 3. 20E+04 0. 00E+00 0. DE+00 2. 22E-01 0. 00E+00 6. 56E+04 7. 60E+04 3. 07E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 58E+03 5. 77E+03 6. 42E-01 4. 67E+03 2. 39E-02 4. 36E+01 5. 95E-03 2 .15E+02 1. 34E+04 3. 58E+04 3. 2 6E+03 1. 48E+04 1. 73E+03 6. 98E+03 8. 48E+05 1. 46E+05 6. 21E+05 6. 21E+02 6. 66E-04 4. 90E+01 7. 53E-05 2. 70E-05 1. 74E+02 3. lDE-01 1. 35E+04 1. 38E+02 1. 43E+06 3. 75E+03 1. 25E-02 6. 10E+03 7.08E+00 2. 26E+01 S.OOE+00 6. 92E+02 D .OE+00 D. 0E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 62E-02 3. 92E+05 2 16E+03 3. 36E+03 2. 58E-02 0. D0E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 67E+02 1.57E+03 3. l0E-01 1.58E+03 1.24E-02 2 .90E+01 3. 59E-03 1. 62E+02 5. 28E+03 2. 05E+04 1. 16E+03 4.52E+03 6. 15E+02 2.57E+03 7. 28E+05 1. 10E+05 4.28E+05 3. 24E+02 2.74E-02 2. 57E+03 3. 36E-03 1. 66E-03 4.58E+01 7.72E-02 1.53E+03 1. 53E+01 1.84E+05 4. 64E+02 1. 53E-03 3. 65E+02 2.48E+00 1.24E+01 O.OOE+00 6. 71E+02 7 .76E+05.00E+00 0. D0E+00 2. 05E-02 1. 28E+04 4 48E+03 2 .OE+04 1 .26E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1.05E+03 3. 29E+03 1. 06E+00 3.44E+03 3. 90E-02 5. 50E+01 9. 36E-03 1. 90E+02 1. 14E+06 1. 19E+07 1 .14E+05 2. 15E+06 2. 98E+04 4.48E+05 D.00E+00 D.O0E+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 o.OOE+00 D.ODE+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.O0E+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 o.OOE+00 o.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 o.00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DOE+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 1. 36E+03 0. 00E+00 2 .75E-02 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 24E+04 4 .58E+04 5. 10E+00 3. 66E+04 1.87E-01 3. 09E+02 4.37E-02 1 .46E+03 2 .09E+04 6.13E+04 5. 18E+03 2. 58E+04 2 .75E+03 1. 11E+04 2 .87E+05 8 .56E+04 2.22E+05 4 .80E+02 6.22E-04 1. 67E+01 7. 00E-05 2.29E-05 D.OOE+00 0. D0E+00 6.26E+03 6. 08E+01 8.48E+05 2.16E+03 7.05E-03 3. 56E+03 0. D0E+00 7. 00E+01 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. D0E+00 O.0DE+00 O.D0E+00 6.54E-02 3.76E+05 0. 00E+00 1.68E+01 1 .74E-01 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 3. 14E+05 9. 60E+05 6. 51E+03 1. 16E+06 1. 94E+03 1.46E+05 1. 39E+03 2 .88E+05 D.0DE+00 o.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 D.0DE+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 9.7 6E+04 1. 20E+04 7. 52E+04 4.86E+01 3.76E+03 1 .27E+06 1. 94E+03 1. 19E+03 1. 36E+05 6. 33E+03 3. 62E+05 7. 98E+04 7.78E+06 2 .81E+05 1.02E+03 2 .21E+05 2 .90E+04 3. 76E+04 0. 00E+00 3.70E+05 4.80E+05 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 2 .40E+03 7.28E+05 9. 60E+05 1 .52E+06 3. 47E+03 o.00E+00 D.00E+00 7 .06E+04 1. 50E+05 5 .74E+04 3 .83E+05 1. 57E+02 5 .56E+05 1. 84E+01 5. 10E+05 7. 69E+03 6. 28E+03 4. 06E+02 8. 88E+03 1. 01E+00 5. 25E+03 1. 04E+04 1. 17E+04 8 40E+03 1 .86E-03 8. 96E+02 2 18E+05 1. 16E-07 1. 57E-16 4. 58E+05 2. 11E+03 1 .20E+05 2.2 6E+05 8. 16E+05 2. 00E+05 2. 15E-08 1. 73E+05 1. 55E+05 1. 19E+05 0. DDE+00 3. 14E+04 6. 08E+04 D.00E+00 D.DOE+00 2 .42E+02 6. 56E+04 1.20E+04 8. 00E+04 2.38E-01 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 77 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10b 3 TEEN INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-il0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-12S 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 38E+04 1. 89E+06 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 34E+04 1. 59E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 80E+05 2. 18E+00 0. OOE+00 3. 86E+04 4 .83E-02 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 34E+05 1. 08E+08 8. 80E+01 9. 52E+00 2. 98E+03 3. 70E-01 6. 61E+05 1.47E+01 1. 35E+02 1.46E+05 1. 38E+02 1. 86E+04 0. 00E+00 1. 38E-03 5. 92E-05 2 10E+03 1. 12E+00 9. 84E+04 1. 38E+04 0. OOE+00 4 .30E+04 7. 38E+04 1.27E+03 0. 0OE+00 1. 38E+04 1. 10E+05 0. OOE+00 5. lIE+04 1. 70E+00 2. 38E+04 3. 70E+04 2. 07E+03 1. 51E+04 4. 34E+04 2. 93E-01 2. 03E+00 1. 34E+05 9. 20E-02 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 90E+05 5.46E+02 3. 52E+02 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 58E+04 2. 72E+01 1. 03E+04 1. 69E+02 3.86E-03 8 40E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 31E+04 0. 0OE+00 7. 94E+02 8. 08E+02 1. 27E+03 0. OOE+00 1.38E+04 7. 16E+04 1.35E+02 8. 40E+03 2. 52E-01 S. 54E+03 1. 43E+04 2. 78E+03 1. 98E+04 1. 98E+04 1.27E-01 8. 48E-01 6. 24E+04 6. 46E-03 3. 44E+02 4.33E+02 1.83E+01 8.40E+04 2. 72E+02 2. 33E+02 1. 25E+04 6. 68E+06 3. 51E+00 4. 06E-01 8. OOE+01 1. 42E-02 1.77E+04 4. 29E-01 3. 72E+00 3. 15E+04 1.26E+01 5. 66E+03 3. 22E+01 4. 99E-02 8.24E-04 8. 96E+02 4.34E-01 1.24E+04 7. 99E+03 0. OOE+00 1. 68E+04 1.72E+04 1.27E+03 0.OOE+00 1.38E+04 0.O0E+00 7. 50E+01 0.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.7 6E+01 7 .04E+01 1. 27E+03 O.OOE+00 1.38E+04 O.OOE+00 3.07E+01 1. 27E+04 1 .79E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6. 41E+00 8. 64E+04 6. 02E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.74E+04 4.12E+01 1. 0OE+04 4.11E+02 5.76E-02 1. 52E-03 7.43E+03 1.41E+00 1. 90E+05 2. 50E+04 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 27E+03 O.OOE+00 1. 38E+04 O.OOE+00 2. 10E+04 1. 98E+06 1. 52E+04 1 .24E+05 1. 53E+06 1.34E+06 8. 72E+06 3.07E+05 9. 36E+03 1.l1E+04 1.24E+06 1. 58E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 2.42E+06 1. 65E+07 6. 07E+04 2 .74E+04 2.93E+05 3. 20E+03 2. 94E+06 2. 68E+04 8. 32E+04 2. 69E+06 1. 30E+05 7. 51E+05 1.54E+05 1. 15E+03 6. 67E+02 7.83E+05 1. 82E+04 1. 61E+07 6.75E+06 0. 0OE+00 3. 85E+06 2.74E+06 1. 27E+03 0. OE+00 1. 38E+04 9. 28E+04 3. OOE+03 6. 68E+04 5 .74E+04 6. 39E+03 1.78E+05 9. 52E+04 2. 59E+05 1 .42E+04 3. 67E+04 6. 14E+04 4 .66E+04 2 .85E+02 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 77E+04 2. 92E-05 3.38E-07 3.71E+05 7.65E+05 2.59E+05 1.19E+05 5.59E+05 3.02E+01 4.09E+05 1. 65E+05 5.79E+05 1. 49E+05 6. 30E+05 9. 68E+04 2. 69E+05 6. 13E+03 8. 72E-07 1. 09E+05 9.04E+04 9. 60E+05 2.73E+05 0.OOE+00 3. 98E+05 9. 92E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 78 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10b TEEN INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 3 uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4.88E+03 1.80E+04 2. 01E+00 1. 39E+04 7. 10E-02 9.84E+01 1. 58E-02 3. 60E+02 6.24E+03 3. 54E+04 1.59E+03 1.22E+04 8.88E+02 3.70E+03 5.02E+05 5. 15E+04 6. 70E+05 4 .66E+02 1.34E+00 5. 47E+04 1. 42E-01 3. 70E-02 4. 79E+02 9. 60E-01 2. 84E+04 2. 66E+02 4. 89E+06 1. 34E+04 4 .30E-02 7 .86E+03 1. 20E+01 3. 38E+02 0.00E+00 0 OOE+00 4. OOE+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 14E-01 0. 00E+00 1. 20E+05 3. 76E+05 4 .25E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 24E+03 8. 16E+03 9. 12E-01 6. 58E+03 3. 38E-02 6. 01E+01 8. 32E-03 2. 90E+02 1. 79E+04 4. 91E+04 4. 38E+03 2. 05E+04 2. 32E+03 9. 44E+03 1. 13E+06 1. 94E+05 8 48E+05 8. 56E+02 9. 44E-04 6. 70E+01 1. 06E-04 3. 70E-05 2. 36E+02 4 .25E-01 1. 90E+04 1. 94E+02 2 .02E+06 5. 31E+03 1. 76E-02 8. 56E+03 9. 7 6E+00 3. 19E+01 0. 00E+00 9. 44E+02 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 7. 78E-02 8. 00E+05 3. 7 6E+03 6. 40E+03 3. 48E-02 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 6. 67E+02 2 .18E+03 4 42E-01 2 .25E+03 1 .76E-02 4 .02E+01 5. 04E-03 2 19E+02 7 17E+03 2. 64E+04 1. 58E+03 6. 22E+03 8 40E+02 3 .49E+03 5 .49E+05 1 .37E+05 3. 11E+05 4 .46E+02 3. 90E-02 3. 52E+03 4.74E-03 2. 27E-03 6. 26E+01 1. 06E-01 2. 17E+03 2. 16E+01 2. 62E+05 6. 62E+02 2. 18E-03 5. 13E+02 3. 43E+00 1.77E+01 0.OOE+00 9. 20E+02 1. 04E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 84E-02 2. 72E+04 7.76E+03 2. 64E+04 2.91E-02 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 40E+03 4.38E+03 1.42E+00 4.58E+03 5. 18E-02 7 .25E+01 1.24E-02 2.4 6E+02 1 .49E+06 1 .46E+07 1.51E+05 2. 92E+06 3. 95E+04 6. 21E+05 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2. 32E+03 O.OOE+00 3. 57E-02 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 54E+04 7.28E+00 5. 19E+04 2.66E-01 4.39E+02 6. 18E-02 1. 95E+03 2 .75E+04 8.40E+04 6. 92E+03 3.59E+04 3. 66E+03 1.49E+04 3.75E+05 1. 10E+05 3.04E+05 6. 62E+02 8. 88E-04 2 .28E+01 9. 84E-05 3. 14E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 88E+03 8.64E+01 1.21E+06 3. 09E+03 1.01E-02 5.02E+03 0.OOE+00 1. OOE+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9. 12E-02 5.36E+05 0.OOE+00 2 .24E+01 2. 33E-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 LUNG GILLI 5.36E+05 7.50E+04 1.66E+06 1.59E+05 1.12E+04 8.08E+04 1.98E+06 4.05E+05 3.30E+03 1.62E+03 2.38E+05 6.21E+05 2.34E+03 1.51E+01 4.49E+05 4.63E+05 0.OOE+00 9.12E+03 O.00E+00 6.49E+03 O.00E+00 1.27E+03 O.OOE+00 1.03E+04 O.00E+00 2.04E+01 0.OOE+00 6.95E+03 1.46E+05 9.76E+03 1.78E+04 1.09E+04 1.21E+05 8.48E+03 7.87E+01 2.70E-01 6.46E+03 6.45E+03 2.03E+06 2.29E+05 3.29E+03 7.46E-04 1.91E+03 4.79E-10 2.14E+05 4.87E+05 1.02E+04 1.20E+04 6.14E+05 1.26E+05 1.30E+05 2.55E+05 1.34E+07 8.64E+05 4.83E+05 2.14E+05 1.75E+03 2.35E-04 3.72E+05 1.82E+05 4.74E+04 1.77E+05 6.49E+04 1.32E+05 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.86E+05 3.14E+04 7.04E+05 5.52E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3.93E+03 2.17E+03 1.28E+06 6.88E+04 1.60E+06 1.20E+04 2.32E+06 7.76E+04 5.40E+03 1.10E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 79 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-i0c 3 CHILD INHALATION Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 IRu-106.Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 2. 60E+06 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 74E+04 2. 07E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 21E+05 2. 99E+00 0. 00E+00 4 26E+04 6. 70E-02 0. 00E+00 D 0.E+00 0 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 S. 99E+05 1 01E+08 1. 21E+02 1. 31E+01 4. 11E+03 S. 07E-01 9. 14E+05 2. 04E+01 1. 86E+02 1. 90E+05 1. 88E+02 2. 35E+04 0. 00E+O0 1. 78E-03 8. lDE-05 2 .79E+03 1. 53E+00 1. 36E+05 1 69E+04 0. 00E+O0 5 74E+04 9. 84E+04 1. 12E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 1. 14E+05 0. 00E+00 4. 29E+04 1. 66E+00 2. 52E+04 3. 34E+04 1.77E+03 1.31E+04 4. 63E+04 2. 96E-01 1. 99E+00 1. 13E+05 9. 66E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 1. 98E+05 S. 62E+02 3. 45E+02 0. 0E+00 D 0. E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 4. 18E+04 2.72E+01 9. 18E+03 1.72E+02 3. 48E-03 8.51E-05 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. D0E+00 1. 14E+04 0. 00E+00 7. 40E+02 7. 59E+02 1. 12E+03 0. 0DE+00 1. 61E+04 9. 88E+04 1. 54E+02 9. 51E+03 3. 12E-01 7.77E+03 1. 67E+04 3. 16E+03 2. 26E+04 2.80E+04 1.64E-01 1.07E+00 7. 03E+04 8.92E-03 4.74E+02 5. 48E+02 2. 53E+01 1.14E+05 3. 66E+02 2. 90E+02 1.72E+04 6. 44E+06 4. 59E+00 5.25E-01 1.11E+02 1.84E-02 2.44E+04 5.81E-01 5. 11E+00 3.70E+04 1. 60E+01 6.55E+03 4.25E+01 5.77E-02 1.08E-03 1.07E+03 5. 55E-01 1. 69E+04 9. 14E+03 D.00E+00 2. 00E+04 2.07E+04 1. 12E+03 D.00E+00 1. 61E+04 C.00E+00 8.55E+01 0.00E+00 C.O0E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 0DE+00 0. 00E+00 0. D0E+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 o.0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. D0E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 1.26E+02 9. 10E+01 1. 12E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 61E+04 0. 00E+00 2.43E+01 1.00E+04 1. 67E+00 C0.00E+00 C.00E+00 O.OOE+O0 C.00E+00 C.0DE+00 D.00E+00 6.03E+00 7. 14E+04 5.85E-02 C.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 o.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.0DE+00 o.00E+00 5. 96E+04 3.88E+01 8. 62E+03 3. 92E+02 5.07E-02 1. 45E-03 7. 03E+03 1. 34E+00 1 .84E+05 2.12E+04 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 C.00E+00 1. 12E+03 0. DDE+00 1 61E+04 0. 0DE+00 1. 70E+04 1. 58E+06 1. 31E+04 1. 11E+05 1. 27E+06 1. 11E+06 7. 07E+06 2.75E+05 8.18E+03 9.58E+03 9. 95E+05 1 .42E+03 o.00E+00 0.0DE+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 2.1B6E+06 1. 48E+07 5. 33E+04 2 .40E+04 2.62E+05 2. 81E+03 2.63E+06 2 .39E+04 7. 44E+04 2 .23E+06 1.13E+05 6.14E+05 1.35E+05 9.51E+02 5.85E+02 6. 62E+05 1 .59E+04 1.43E+07 5.48E+06 C.0OE+00 3 .24E+06 2 .32E+06 1. 12E+03 C DDE+00 1. 61E+04 4 .22E+04 1. 08E+03 2 .29E+04 1 .23E+05 2 87E+03 7. 07E+04 3. 44E+04 9. 62E+04 6. 33E+03 8 40E+04 3. 67E+04 1. 63E+04 1. 02E+04 0. D0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 7. 99E+03 1.72E+01 1 .89E+00 1. 67E+05 3. 43E+05 1. 74E+05 2. 42E+05 2 68E+05 1. 72E+03 1. 84E+05 2 .39E+05 3.89E+05 6. 11E+04 3. 51E+05 3. 70E+04 1. 27E+05 4 .81E+03 1. 63E+01 4 .48E+04 9. 95E+04 4 .29E+05 1 D0E+05 C 0OE+00 1 64E+05 4 .03E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 80 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10c CHILD INHALATION Ri(I)3 (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 6.73E+03 2.49E+04 2.77E+00 1. 92E+04 9. 77E-02 1. 34E+02 2.17E-02 4.81E+02 8.18E+03 4. 81E+04 2. 12E+03 1. 66E+04 1. 17E+03 4. 92E+03 6. 51E+05 6. 51E+04 9. 07E+05 6. 33E+02 1. 84E+00 7.40E+04 1. 96E-01 4. 99E-02 6. 44E+02 1. 29E+00 3. 92E+04 3. 66E+02 6. 77E+06 1.85E+04 5. 96E-02 1. 08E+04 1. 63E+01 4. 66E+02 0. OOE+00 o.OOE+00 4.44E+04 o.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 29E-01 0. OE+00 1.41E+05 4.07E+05 5. 66E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+O0 2. 33E+03 8.55E+03 9. 51E-01 6. 85E+03 3. 50E-02 5. 92E+01 8.44E-03 2.72E+02 1. 64E+04 4.81E+04 4.07E+03 2. 03E+04 2.16E+03 8.73E+03 1.01E+06 1.71E+05 8.25E+05 8.40E+02 9. 84E-04 6. 48E+01 1.09E-04 3. 60E-05 2.25E+02 4 .11E-01 1. 95E+04 1. 99E+02 2. 12E+06 5. 55E+03 1. 85E-02 8. 73E+03 9. 66E+00 3. 34E+01 0. 00E+00 9. 03E+02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 7. 70E-02 7. 03E+05 3 .29E+03 4. 07E+03 3 .26E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 9. 14E+02 3. 02E+03 6. lCE-01 3. 04E+03 2. 38E-02 5. 07E+01 6. 59E-03 2. 63E+02 8 44E+03 2. 73E+04 1. 88E+03 7. 70E+03 9. 95E+02 4. 14E+03 2 25E+05 1. 16E+05 1. 28E+05 5. 55E+02 5. 36E-02 4. 33E+03 6. 36E-03 2 .79E-03 7. 55E+01 1 .29E-01 2 90E+03 2. 87E+01 3. 61E+05 9. 14E+02 3. OE-03 6. 81E+02 4. 33E+00 2. 35E+01 0. OE+00 1. 07E+03 1. 18E+04 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 60E-02 2. 96E+04 8. 51E+03 3. 70E+04 3. 48E-02 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 92E+03 6. 07E+03 1. 96E+00 6. 33E+03 7. 14E-02 9. 77E+01 1. 70E-02 3. 17E+02 1 .85E+06 1. 62E+07 1. 94E+05 3. 85E+06 5. 07E+04 7. 92E+05 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. C0E+00 0. C0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 2. 63E+03 o .0E+00 4 .59E-02 o .0E+00 o .0E+00 o.00E+00 6. 36E+04 7.07E+00 5. 03E+04 2.57E-01 4 .00E+02 5.88E-02 1. 77E+03 2.45E+04 7. 88E+04 6. 25E+03 3. 38E+04 3. 30E+03 1. 34E+04 3. 30E+05 9. 55E+04 2.82E+05 6. 22E+02 8. 62E-04 2. 11E+01 9. 47E-05 2.91E-05 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 8.55E+03 8.36E+01 1. 17E+06 3.00E+03 9.77E-03 4 .81E+03 o.00E+00 9.73E+01 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 0. CCE+00 D.0CE+00 o.00E+00 8. 55E-02 6.29E+05 0 .00E+00 2. 00E+01 2.11E-01 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 4.77E+05 1.48E+06 1 .00E+04 1 .76E+06 2. 93E+03 2 .06E+05 2. 05E+03 3.77E+05 o.00E+00 o.0DE+00 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 o.0CE+00 0. 00E+/-00 1.21E+05 1.45E+04 1.04E+05 6.81E+01 5.77E+03 1 .74E+06 2. 92E+03 1. 64E+03 1.83E+05 8.70E+03 5.44E+05 1. 15E+05 1 .20E+07 4.33E+05 1.57E+03 3.28E+05 4.11E+04 5.81E+04 0. 00E+00 5.07E+05 5. 55E+05 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 42E+03 1.11E+06 1. 33E+06 1.92E+06 4. 55E+03 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 38E+04 7. 14E+04 5. 62E+04 1.82E+05 2. 55E+04 3. 08E+05 1. 33E+03 1. 38E+05 5. 11E+03 2.84E+03 3. 20E+03 5. 48E+03 9. 55E+02 4.44E+03 3. 85E+03 4.18E+03 3. 62E+03 2.70E+02 5.77E+04 1.02E+05 2.75E+02 2.74E+00 2.26E+05 7. 59E+04 5. 66E+04 1.27E+05 3.8 9E+05 9. 73E+04 1. 97E+02 8.21E+04 9. 10E+04 6. 40ED04 o.00E+00 1. 32E+04 2.04E+04 o.00E+00 o.00E+00 2 .78E+04 3. 00E+04 4 .81E+03 3.07E+04 1.80E+03 C.0DE+00 C.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 81 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10d INFANT INHALATION Ri(I)3 (mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-l1lm Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. DDE+00 0. D0E+00 1. 06E+04 2.03E+06 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 97E+04 1.36E+04 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 3.39E+05 2. 39E+00 O.OOE+00 1. 93E+04 5.39E-02 0. OOE+O0 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+O0 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 98E+05 4.09E+07 9.56E+01 1.05E+01 3. 29E+03 4.07E-01 5. 88E+05 1. 64E+01 1. 50E+02 1. 15E+05 1. 50E+02 1. 57E+04 0. 00E+00 1. 40E-03 6. 51E-05 2. 02E+03 1. 22E+00 8. 68E+04 9. 98E+03 0. 00E+00 3.79E+04 S. 17E+04 6. 47E+02 0. OE+00 1. 06E+04 1. 12E+05 0. 00E+00 2. 53E+04 1.54E+00 1. 17E+04 2. 35E+04 1.22E+03 S. 02E+03 2.04E+04 2.84E-01 1. 88E+00 6.2 6E+04 9. 67E-02 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 90E+05 5. 57E+02 3. 21E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0DE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 79E+04 2. 56E+01 6. 43E+03 1. 65E+02 2. 88E-03 8.23E-05 0. DDE+00 0.00E+00 0. DDE+00 7. 22E+03 D.O0E+00 5. 56E+02 4.77E+02 6. 47E+02 0. 0OE+00 1 06E+04 7. 74E+04 S. 95E+01 4. 98E+03 2. 21E-01 3. 33E+03 9. 48E+03 1. 82E+03 1. 18E+04 1.16E+04 1.23E-01 7.74E-01 3. 11E+04 7. 18E-03 3.81E+02 4. OOE+02 2. 04E+01 8.82E+04 2. 87E+02 2. 06E+02 1.14E+04 2. 59E+06 3. 46E+00 3. 91E-01 8 82E+01 1. 39E-02'. 57E+04 4. 61E-01 4. 07E+00 2. 03E+04 1. 17E+01 3. 78E+03 3. 23E+01 3. 72E-02 8. 12E-04 6. 79E+02 4. lE-01 1. 09E+04 5. 00E+03 0. 00E+00 1. 20E+04 1 09E+04 6. 47E+02 o .OOE+00 1. 06E+04 S.OOE+00 5 .75E+01 D.O0E+00 D.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 o .OOE+00 o .OOE+00 o .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 D 0.E+00 o .OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00.00E+00 D 0.E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 D 0.E+00 1 .01E+02 6. 23E+01 6. 4,7E+02 0. 00E+00 1. 06E+04 0.100E+00 1.32E+01 4 .98E+03 1.10E+00 0. 00E+00 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 98E+00 3.25E+04 4.02E-02 0. 00E+00 D. 00E+O0 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+O0 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+O0 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+O0 0. 00E+O0 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3. 11E+04 2.59E+01 4.72E+03 2.65E+02 3. 11E-02 9.79E-04 4.24E+03 8. 99E-01 1. 07E+05 1.09E+04 D.OOE+00 D.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 6.47E+02 D.OOE+0O 1. 06E+04 D.OOE+00 1. 28E+04 1 .OOE+06 1.25E+04 8. 69E+04 1 .02E+06 7.77E+05 4. 51E+06 2.09E+05 8.12E+03 9. 30E+03 6. 47E+05 1.47E+03 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 2.03E+06 1. 12E+07 5.26E+04 2. 38E+04 2. 69E+05 2.79E+03 2.45E+06 2.45E+04 7. 64E+04 1.75E+06 1.10E+05 4.79E+05 1.35E+05 8. 11E+02 5.84E+02 5. 52E+05 1 .57E+04 1. 16E+07 3. 67E+06 D.OOE+00 2. 65E+06 1. 64E+06 6. 47E+02 O.OOE+00 1 .06E+04 1. 61E+04 3.57E+02 7.06E+03 7. 17E+04 1.09E+03 2.48E+04 1.l1E+04 3. 19E+04 2. 42E+03 5. 01E+04 1.50E+04 5.14E+04 1.32E+04 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 3.04E+03 3. 39E+02 6. 82E+01 6. 40E+04 1. 31E+05 7. 34E+04 1. 40E+05 1.04E+05 2. 35E+03 7. 03E+04 1.27E+05 1. 67E+05 2. 17E+04 1. 40E+05 1.27E+04 4.87E+04 2.03E+03 8.44E+02 1. 61E+04 4.84E+04 1. 64E+05 3. 30E+04 0.OOE+00 5.91E+04 1.47E+04 IPEC ODCM Page 82 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-10d 3 Ri(I) (mrem/yr per uCi/m )INFANT INHALATION Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 4.76E+03 1. 67E+04 2. 23E+04 1.41E+04 7. 88E-02 1. 07E+02 1.74E-02 3. 72E+02 6. 36E+03 3.79E+04 1. 69E+03 1. 32E+04 9. 21E+02 3. 86E+03 3. 96E+05 4.83E+04 5.4 9E+05 5. 05E+02 1. 48E+00 5. 60E+04 1. 57E-01 3. 98E-02 5. 05E+02 1. 03E+00 2.77E+04 2. 93E+02 3. 19E+06 1. 40E+04 4.79E-02 7. 94E+03 1. 30E+01 3.71E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 78E+04 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3. 42E-01 0.OOE+00 8.40E+04 2.66E+05 4.45E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 99E+03 6. 90E+03 9. 53E-01 6. 09E+03 3. 47E-02 5. 50E+01 8. 22E-03 2. 37E+02 1. 39E+04 4.44E+04 3. 54E+03 1. 92E+04 1.88E+03 7.60E+03 7.03E+05 1.35E+05 6. 12E+05 7.81E+02 9. 84E-04 5. 60E+01 1. 08E-04 3. 30E-05 2. OOE+02 3.77E-01 1. 67E+04 1. 93E+02 1.21E+06 5.24E+03 1.85E-02 8. 13E+03 9. 02E+00 3. 32E+01 0.OOE+00 6. 51E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 7 .29E-02 3. 64E+05 2. 24E+03 2. 38E+03 2.86E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6. 58E+02 2. 07E+03 4. 89E-01 2. 23E+03 1. 88E-02 3. 63E+01 5. 00E-03 1. 76E+02 5. 57E+03 1. 96E+04 1. 26E+03 5. 60E+03 6. 65E+02 2. 77E+03 7 45E+04 5. 29E+04 4. 55E+04 3. 98E+02 4. 30E-02 2 90E+03 4 97E-03 1. 96E-03 5. 15E+01 9. 04E-02 1. 99E+03 2. 21E+01 1 .76E+05 6. 99E+02 2 41E-03 5. OOE+02 3. 12E+00 1. 88E+01 0 OOE+00 6. 41E+02 7 .56E+03 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2 63E-02 1 .40E+04 5. 04E+03 1. 82E+04 2. 35E-02 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 62E+03 4.87E+03 1. 85E+00 5. 47E+03 6. 75E-02 8. 93E+01 1. 58E-02 2. 79E+02 1. 60E+06 1. 48E+07 1. 69E+05 3. 56E+06 4 45E+04 6. 96E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 1.82E+03 0.00E+00 4.07E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.75E+04 4.86E+00 3.18E+04 1.75E-01 2.65E+02 3.99E-02 1.03E+03 1.53E+04 5.18E+04 3.95E+03 2.24E+04 2.09E+03 8.47E+03 1.90E+05 5.64E+04 1.72E+05 4.10E+02 5.92E-04 1.34E+01 6.50E-05 1.90E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.25E+03 5.64E+01 5.38E+05 1.97E+03 6.72E-03 3.15E+03 0.00E+00 6.62E+01 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.70E-02 2.80E+05 0.00E+00 1.25E+01 1.34E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.47E+05 1.31E+06 1.03E+04 1.68E+06 3.00E+03 1. 99E+05 2.06E+03 3.40E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.97E+04 1.18E+04 7.13E+04 6.54E+01 5.95E+03 1.60E+06 2.97E+03 1.55E+03 1.68E+05 8.22E+03 5.17E+05 1.16E+05 9.84E+06 4.33E+05 1.61E+03 3.22E+05 3.96E+04 5.95E+04 0.00E+00 3.79E+05 4.20E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.32E+03 8.68E+05 1.09E+06 1.27E+06 4 .10E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.29E+04 2.73E+04 2 .44E+04 6. 90E+04 2 .63E+04 1 .19E+05 8.22E+03 4.41E+04 1.99E+03 1.06E+03 1.90E+03 2.16E+03 1.29E+03 1.83E+03 1.33E+03 1.43E+03 1.33E+03 8.76E+02 5.10E+04 3.84E+04 4.75E+03 6.93E+02 8.48E+04 5.95E+04 2.16E+04 4.97E+04 1.48E+05 3.72E+04 4.28E+03 3.12E+04 3.56E+04 2.4 9E+04 0.00E+00 4.86E+03 6.72E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2. 69E+04 1.12E+04 1.68E+03 1.08E+04 3.54E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 83 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11a ADULT INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)

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  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0.OOE+00 9.36E+04 2.69E+05 1.40E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 10E+08 1 .26E+08 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.04E+10 6. 15E+01 0. OOE+00 3. 17E+08 8.73E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9. 96E+09 6.05E+II 3.05E+05 4 .27E+02 1. 33E+04 5. 22E-09 5. 11E+06 9. 15E-01 1. 70E+02 1. 17E+06 3. 37E+02 1. 43E+05 0. OOE+00 3. 10E+00 8 22E-31 4 .76E+06 5. 39E+01 1. 93E+08 1. 05E+07 2. 80E+05 1. 04E+08 1. 37E+08 2 .26E+03 2. 11E+05 2 69E+05 8 .73E+07 0. 00E+00 3. 13E+08 1. 59E+01 1. 45E+08 2 .96E+08 3. 07E+07 1. 67E+08 7 .21E+08 7 .99E+00 9. 20E+03 1. 01E+09 1 67E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 19E+08 3. 43E-22 1. 39E-26 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 77E+05 6. 81E+01 7. 94E+04 6. 1SE+O6 8. 77E+00 1. 18E-30 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 75E+06 6. 43E+03 1. 96E+06 1. 53E+06 2.26E+03 1. 05E+05 2 69E+05 5. 43E+07 4. 64E+04 5. 97E+07 2. 82E+00 3. 38E+07 1. 13E+08 6. 89E+07 3. 69E+08 3. 49E+08 3. 64E+00 4. 32E+03 4. 56E+08 1. 16E-06 3. 11E+00 2. 48E-11 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+08 1. 2E-22 9. 74E-27 2 .86E+08 1. 48E+II 1. 23E+04 1. 85E+01 3. 56E+02 2. 02E-10 1.37E+05 2.68E-02 4.6BE+00 2. 55E+05 3. 11E+01 4.27E+04 1. 17E+06 1. 12E+02 1. 16E-29 2. 05E+06 2. 13E+01 2.44E+07 5.79E+06 9. 65E+04 4.07E+07 3.25E+07 2 .26E+03 0.OOE+00 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 2. 78E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.34E+03 2. 52E+05 1.39E+05 2 .26E+03 2.22E+05 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 1. 02E+04 9.31E+07 2. 02E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 32E+04 6.75E+08 1. 09E-05 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 91E+05 1. 03E+02 7 .85E+04 1.39E+07 1. 33E+02 2. 13E-29 1. 82E+07 6. 96E+02 3. 72E+08 1. 92E+07 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.26E+03 0. OOE+00 2.69E+05 0.OOE+00 6. 16E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.08E+07 8. 27E+07 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4. 30E+00 6. 05E-31 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1 68E+05 8. 07E+07 1. 05E+08 2.2 6E+03 3 65E+07 2. 69E+05 1. 58E+08 1. 17E+07 9. 58E+08 5. 07E+02 8 31E+07 9.86E+08 6. 23E+08 3. 14E+09 1. 50E+08 2. 03E+02 7 .84E+05 6. 36E+08 2 .51E-06 4 .47E+00 1. 94E-16 0 OOE+00 4. 33E+07 4 .74E-33 8 .05E-40 1. 60E+09 1 .75E+10 1. 45E+06 8. 45E+03 1. 41E+08 1. 53E-08 2 .81E+09 1. 60E+04 5 .38E+06 1. 19E+09 2 1E+07 4. 82E+08 1. 43E+07 5. 19E+03 3. 56E-42 5. 56E+08 3. 29E+04 1. 25E+10 3. 98E+09 1 .06E+08 2. 94E+09 1. 50E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 84 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11a ADULT INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)

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  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-12 7m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-13 4 Cs-136 Cs-13 7 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 9. 66E+07 3. 49E+08 5. 66E+03 2. 51E+08 7. 62E-04 9. 12E+05 1.50E-15 4. 30E+06 3. 92E+05 8. 08E+07 5. 76E+01 2. 09E+06 9. 65E-05 3. 90E+04 4 .67E+09 4.24E+07 6. 36E+09 3. 91E-1I 2.68E-02 1. 28E+08 1. 15E-21 2.46E-39 1. 98E+03 1. 41E-04 1. 97E+05 9. 98E+02 3.2 9E+07 6.26E+04 3.09E-26 3. 33E+04 3.82E+04 1. 43E+03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 15E-06 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 3. 56E-08 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 3. 50E+07 1.25E+08 2. 03E+03 9. 38E+07 2. 87E-04 4 .46E+05 6.27E-16 2.78E+06 1. 16E+06 1. 16E+08 1. 54E+02 3. 63E+06 2. 62E-04 1. 02E+05 1. I1E+I0 1. 68E+08 8. 70E+09 7. 73E-11 1. 91E-05 1. 61E+05 8.70E-25 2. 53E-42 9. 98E+02 6. 43E-05 1. 33E+05 7.38E+05 1. 38E+07 2.51E+04 1.28E-26 3. 85E+04 3. 19E+04 1.41E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 17E+07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 45E-07 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 33E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.29E+07 4.26E+07 1.22E+03 3. 98E+07 1.86E-04 3.72E+05 4.74E-16 2.61E+06 4. 57E+05 6. 62E+07 5. 39E+01 1.l1E+06 9. 38E-05 3. 77E+04 9. 08E+09 1.21E+08 5.70E+09 3. 83E-11 7. 86E-04 8. 38E+06 3. 89E-23 1. 55E-40 2. 64E+02 1. 60E-05 1.51E+04 8.16E+01 1. 77E+06 3. 10E+03 1.57E-27 2. 31E+03 1. 12E+04 7.76E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 95E+07 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1. 99E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.43E-08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 90E+07 8. 92E+07 4 .19E+03 8 63E+07 5. 85E-04 7 .06E+05 1 .23E-15 3 .07E+06 9 .81E+07 3 .79E+10 5. 39E+03 5.33E+08 4.54E-03 6. 73E+06 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 O0E+00 0. OE+00 3. 11E-08 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 3. 93E+08 1. 42E+09 2. 31E+04 1. 05E+09 3. 20E-03 4 .52E+06 6. 57E-15 2. 68E+07 1.81E+06 1. 98E+08 2.45E+02 6. 33E+06 4. 17E-04 1. 64E+05 3. 59E+09 9. 32E+07 2. 95E+09 5. 68E-I1 1 .79E-05 5 .46E+04 8 .09E-25 2. 14E-42 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 6. 19E+04 3.25E+02 8 16E+06 1. 45E+04 7. 23E-27 2 .25E+04 0 OOE+00 4. 39E+02 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.35E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.25E-07 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.19E+09 1.28E+07 9.81E+08 5. 61E-12 1.08E-05 9.20E+04 4. 94E-25 1.43E-42 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.8 6E+08 1. 17E+09 4.47E+05 1.27E+09 5.75E-04 4.43E+07 2. 13E-16 1. 32E+08 9. 96E+05 3. 05E+07 2.89E+01 3.26E+06 2 .29E-07 1. 15E+05 1. 94E+08 1. 90E+07 1. 68E+08 3.30E-16 4 .76E-02 2. 63E+08 5.43E-31 0.OOE+00 7. 33E+07 4. 69E-01 5. 10E+08 2.76E+07 1.11E+10 2.74E+08 4.44E-33 1. 85E+08 1.05E+07 2.8 9E+07 0.OOE+00 2.97E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 01E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 95E-11 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 85 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11b 2 m *TEEN INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable) mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: Ri (V)3 mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 1.43E+05 2 .39E+05 1. 61E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 3. 2 6E+08 1. 79E+08 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 61E+10 5. 72E+01 0. 0OE+00 4. 24E+08 8. 18E-06 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 51E+10 7. 51E+11 2. 85E+05 3. 97E+02 1. 24E+04 4 .86E-09 7. 84E+06 8. 60E-01 1. 59E+02 1. 72E+06 3. 12E+02 1. 93E+05 0. 00E+00 2. 74E+00 7. 64E-31 6. 81E+06 5. 00E+01 3. 10E+08 1. 52E+07 3. 03E+05 1. 54E+08 2. 14E+08 2. 59E+03 3. 20E+05 2. 39E+05 9. 97E+07 0. 0OE+00 4 .54E+08 1. 43E+01 2. 31E+08 4. 18E+08 4 .36E+07 2 .49E+08 1. 13E+09 7. 31E+00 8. 34E+03 1. 47E+09 1. 56E-05 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 74E+08 3. 17E-22 1 .25E-26 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 43E+05 6. 18E+01 1. 07E+05 5. 65E+06 7. 63E+00 I. 09E-30 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 43E+07 5. 89E+03 2.84E+06 2. 34E+06 2. 59E+03 1. 60E+05 2. 39E+05 6. 24E+07 6. 17E+04 9. 01E+07 2 55E+00 5. 39E+07 1. 61E+08 1. OOE+08 5. 60E+08 5. 45E+08 3. 33E+00 3. 92E+03 6.8 6E+08 1. 09E-06 2. 91E+00 2. 25E-11 0. OOE+00 1. 29E+08 1. 69E-22 8.82E-27 4.33E+08 1.85E+I1 1.13E+04 1. 69E+01 3. 34E+02 1.86E-10 2. 10E+05 2.49E-02 4.36E+00 3. 73E+05 2. 85E+01 5. 89E+04 1.08E+06 9. 89E+01 1.07E-29 2. 91E+06 1. 94E+01 3. 90E+07 8.72E+06 8.85E+04 6. 02E+07 5.OOE+07 2.59E+03 O.OOE+00 2.39E+05 O.0OE+00 3 .43E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.0OE+00 O.O0E+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.85E+03 3.50E+05 2.04E+05 2 .59E+03 3.39E+05 2. 39E+05 O.O0E+00 1.35E+04 1 .36E+08 1.81E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 2. 11E+04 9. 42E+08 1.02E-05 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7. 98E+05 9.37E+01 1. 04E+05 1 .29E+07 1. 14E+02 1.97E-29 2 40E+07 6. 31E+02 5. 97E+08 2. 74E+07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 59E+03 0. OOE+00 2. 39E+05 0. 0OE+00 8. 81E+04 0. OE+00 0 00E+00 1. 47E+08 1. 32E+08 0. OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O.00E+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 0. ODE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 O.O0E+00 0. 00E+00 O .OOE+00 4 .24E+00 6. 62E-31 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 1 .89E+05 1. 34E+08 1.86E+08 2 .59E+03 3. 90E+07 2. 39E+05 1. 35E+08 1. 04E+07 9. 32E+08 9.44E+02 1. OE+08 9. 88E+08 6. 01E+08 3 .24E+09 1. 81E+08 3. 97E+02 6. 47E+05 6. 23E+08 2. 87E-05 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 05E+07 2 .71E-29 1. 91E-35 1. 80E+09 2. 11E+10 1 .29E+06 1. 01E+04 1. 02E+08 2 .29E-07 3. 21E+09 2 .36E+04 4 .86E+06 1 .25E+09 1. 67E+07 4. 57E+08 1.01E+07 5. 01E+03 1.86E-37 5. 69E+08 4. 04E+04 1. 48E+10 4.03E+09 6. 35E+07 3. 11E+09 1. 66E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 86 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-11b TEEN INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V)2 m

  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m.Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY 1. 48E+08 5. 51E+08 5. 34E+03 3. 62E+08 7. 14E-04 8.44E+05 1.39E-15 3. 91E+06 3. 51E+05 7. 69E+07 5.19E+01 1. 94E+06 8.73E-05 3. 52E+04 7. 10E+09 4. 34E+07 1.01E+10 3. 61E-11 2. 52E-02 1. 37E+08 1. 08E-21 2. 27E-39 1.81E+03 1. 30E-04 2. 83E+05 9. 33E+02 5. 27E+07 7 .OOE+04 2.89E-26 3. 62E+04 3. 55E+04 1. 39E+03 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 00E-06 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 3. 23E-08 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5. 34E+07 1. 96E+08 1.89E+03 1. 34E+08 2. 66E-04 4. 05E+05 5. 75E-16 2.47E+06 1.01E+06 1. 08E+08 1. 36E+02 3. 29E+06 2. 31E-04 9. 07E+04 1. 67E+10 1.71E+08 1. 35E+10 6. 93E-11 1.78E-05 1. 68E+05 8.04E-25 2. 27E-42 8.89E+02 5.76E-05 1.89E+05 6.79E+05 2. 18E+07 2. 80E+04 1. 18E-26 3. 94E+04 2. 90E+04 1.31E+02 0. 00E+00 1.79E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 4.95E-07 0.O0E+00 O.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 2. 07E-08 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 98E+07 6. 56E+07 1. 15E+03 5. 73E+07 1.74E-04 3. 38E+05 4.36E-16 2. 33E+06 4. 05E+05 5.78E+07 4.88E+01 1. OOE+06 8.31E-05 3. 36E+04 7.75E+09 1. 15E+08 4 .69E+09 3. 47E-11 7. 35E-04 8.85E+06 3. 59E-23 1. 40E-40 2. 37E+02 1.43E-05 2. 17E+04 7. 58E+01 2. 83E+06 3. 4 9E+03 1. 47E-27 2 .36E+03 1. 02E+04 7. 28E+01 0. 0OE+00 3. OOE+07 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 81E-07 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 17E-08 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4. 14E+07 1. 31E+08 3. 68E+03 1. 17E+08 5. 1OE-04 6. 09E+05 1. 07E-15 2 61E+06 8 28E+07 3. 14E+10 4 58E+03 4 .59E+08 3. 85E-03 5 .83E+06 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 O .0E+00 0. 00E+00 O .0E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2 65E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2 .24E+09 2. 16E+04 1.51E+09 3.OOE-03 4.22E+06 6. l0E-15 2. 37E+07 1. 56E+06 1.85E+08 2.14E+02 5.76E+06 3. 65E-04 1.43E+05 5.31E+09 9.30E+07 4.59E+09 5. 12E-11 1. 67E-05 5. 70E+04 7.46E-25 1. 92E-42 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 89E+04 3.04E+02 1.30E+07 1. 63E+04 6. 80E-27 2. 31E+04 0.OOE+00 4 .11E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.79E-07 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 1.98E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 LUNG GILLI 0.OOE+00 4.37E+08 0.OOE+00 1.37E+09 0.00E+00 4.12E+05 0.OOE+00 1.36E+09 0.OOE+00 3.90E-03 0.OOE+00 3.25E+07 0.OOE+00 1.14E-16 0.OOE+00 7.84E+07 0.00E+00 7.80E+05 0.OOE+00 2.13E+07 0.00E+00 5.92E+01 0.OOE+00 2.49E+06 0.OOE+00 3.05E-06 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+05 2.03E+09 2.08E+08 1.47E+07 1.37E+07 1.78E+09 1.92E+08 5.96E-12 3.15E-14 1.22E-05 2.25E-01 1.13E+05 2.12E+08 5.50E-25 2.29E-27 1.51E-42 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.11E+07 0.00E+00 1.75E+00 0.OOE+00 5.40E+08 0.OOE+00 2.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.33E+10 0.OOE+00 2.30E+08 0.OOE+00 3.19E-29 0.OOE+00 1.42E+08 0.OOE+00 7.84E+06 0.OOE+00 2.11E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.33E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.18E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.20E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 87 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-iic CHILD INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V)2 m *3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 2-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 3. 37E+05 3. 73E+05 3. 37E+09 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8. 01E+08 3. 97E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 95E+10 1. 05E+02 0. OOE+00 8. 12E+08 1. 51E-05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 59E+10 1. 24E+12 5 24E+05 7. 28E+02 2. 30E+04 8. 91E-09 1. 86E+07 1. 58E+00 2. 93E+02 3. 86E+06 5. 70E+02 4 12E+05 0. OOE+00 4 .71E+00 1. 41E-30 1. 53E+07 9. 16E+01 7 45E+08 3. 21E+07 5. 58E+05 3. 52E+08 4. 99E+08 4 .01E+03 5. 72E+05 3. 73E+05 1. 58E+08 0. OOE+00 6. 65E+08 1. 88E+01 4. 25E+08 6. 42E+08 6. 44E+07 3. 78E+08 2. 11E+09 9. 89E+00 1. 10E+04 2 16E+09 2 .18E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 52E+08 4. 37E-22 1. 64E-26 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 8 48E+05 8. 24E+01 1. 60E+05 7 .71E+06 9. 24E+00 1. 47E-30 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 17E+07 8. 24E+03 4. 56E+06 3. 84E+06 4. 01E+03 3. 77E+05 3. 73E+05 1. 30E+08 1.17E+05 1.77E+08 4. 24E+00 1. 32E+08 3.20E+08 1. 97E+08 1. 12E+09 1.34E+09 5. 77E+00 6. 64E+03 1.35E+09 2.02E-06 5. 37E+00 3.82E-11 0.OOE+00 2.78E+08 3. 04E-22 1.46E-26 1. 03E+09 3. 15E+I1 1. 98E+04 2. 92E+01 6. 17E+02 3. 24E-10 4. 99E+05 4.53E-02 8. 04E+00 7. 55E+05 4.86E+01 1. 15E+05 1. 91E+06 1. 53E+02 1.87E-29 5.88E+06 3. 32E+01 9. 30E+07 1.73E+07 1. 64E+05 1.23E+08 1. 05E+08 4 .01E+03 0. OOE+00 3.73E+05 0.OOE+00 6. 50E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 7.16E+03 7.73E+05 4.63E+05 4. 01E+03 5.63E+05 3.73E+05 0.00E+00 1. 78E+04 1.86E+08 2.27E+01 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.66E+04 1.36E+09 1. 32E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.21E+06 1.18E+02 1.51E+05 1. 65E+07 1. 34E+02 2 .51E-29 3.85E+07 8. 05E+02 1.01E+09 4.04E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 01E+03 0 OOE+00 3. 73E+05 0. 00E+00 1 .19E+05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 40E+08 1. 86E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 4 .69E+00 7. 78E-3i 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 27E+05 1. 95E+08 2.78E+08 4 .01E+03 3. 20E+07 3. 73E+05 9. 31E+07 6. 21E+06 5. 58E+08 2 .72E+03 7. 87E+07 6. 68E+08 3 76E+08 2. 10E+09 1. 42E+08 1 .21E+03 5. 16E+05 3. 80E+08 1. 37E-03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 91E+07 2. 15E-23 1. 43E-28 1.39E+09 1. 67E+10 1. 16E+06 1. 38E+04 6. 56E+07 1.74E-05 2. 48E+09 4. 58E+04 4. 37E+06 8 .84E+08 1. 25E+07 2 97E+08 6. 38E+06 5.26E+03 4. 68E-30 3. 96E+08 5. 98E+04 1.16E+10 2. 58E+09 4 .30E+07 2.20E+09 1.19E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 88 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-iic 2 m *CHILD INGESTION (Leafy Vegetable)

Ri(V)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 LUNG GILLI 3. 51E+08 1. 32E+09 9. 85E+03 8. 41E+08 1. 32E-03 1. 54E+06 2. 57E-15 7 .OOE+06 6. 16E+05 1. 43E+08 9. 22E+01 3. 53E+06 1. 55E-04 6. 2 6E+04 1. 60E+10 8. 17E+07 2. 39E+10 6. 57E-11 4 .65E-02 2 .75E+08 1. 99E-21 4 .11E-39 3. 25E+03 2 .35E-04 6. 56E+05 1. 72E+03 1. 27E+08 1. 4 6E+05 5. 37E-26 7. 15E+04 6. 47E+04 2. 57E+03 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 O0E+00 0. 00E+00 3 .64E-06 O .OE+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 76E-08.00E+00 0 OOE+00 9. 50E+07 3. 56E+08 2.65E+03 2. 35E+08 3. 69E-04 5. 33E+05 7.83E-16 3. 10E+06 1.24E+06 1.44E+08 1. 69E+02 4.37E+06 2.88E-04 1. 13E+05 2. 63E+10 2. 25E+08 2 29E+10 9. 13E-11 2 48E-05 2 41E+05 1. 11E-24 2. 96E-42 1. 14E+03 7 .49E-05 3. 27E+05 9. 31E+05 3. 98E+07 4. 37E+04 1 .66E-26 5.79E+04 3. 83E+04 1. 84E+02 0. OOE+00 2. 99E+07 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 6. 57E-07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 59E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 67E+07 1. 57E+08 2. 11E+03 1. 31E+08 3. 14E-04 5. 68E+05 7. 64E-16 3.74E+06 6. 41E+05 8. 17E+07 7.79E+01 1. 65E+06 1.32E-04 5. 33E+04 5. 55E+09 1.45E+08 3. 38E+09 5.79E-11 1. 35E-03 1. 60E+07 6. 47E-23 2.29E-40 3. 83E+02 2. 35E-05 4 .86E+04 1. 35E+02 6. 78E+06 7. 23E+03 2. 70E-27 4 .48E+03 1.72E+04 1. 29E+02 0.00E+00 6. 04E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 07E-07 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 46E-08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 84E+07 3. 16E+08 6. 81E+03 2.71E+08 9.4 3E-04 1. 10E+06 1. 97E-15 4. 51E+06 1. 37E+08 4 .75E+10 7. 86E+03 8. 11E+08 6. 62E-03 9. 97E+06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 4.56E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 3. 77E+09 2 .80E+04 2 47E+09 3. 87E-03 5. 16E+06 7. 77E-15 2 88E+07 1.86E+06 2 .36E+08 2. 59E+02 7.28E+06 4.40E-04 1 .73E+05 8.15E+09 1. 20E+08 7. 46E+09 6. 43E-11 2.17E-05 7 .84E+04 9. 62E-25 2. 39E-42 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.43E+05 3.91E+02 2.21E+07 2.37E+04 8 .79E-27 3. 18E+04 0.OOE+00 5.33E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 .29E-07 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.40E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 93E+09 1. 78E+07 2 68E+09 6. 91E-12 1 .46E-05 1. 44E+05 6. 53E-24 1 .74E-42 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 38E+08 1. 07E+09 3 .85E+05 1. 03E+09 8 .23E-02 2 .16E+07 1. 35E-14 3. 12E+07 5. 82E+05 1.28E+07 1. 99E+02 1.76E+06 1. 91E-04 8. 58E+04 1. 42E+08 7 90E+06 1 .43E+08 4 .21E-11 2 69E+00 1 .39E+08 1. 13E-21 5. 36E-41 3. 17E+07 1 .48E+01 4. 08E+08 1 .36E+07 1. 04E+10 1. 57E+08 3. 58E-23 9. 17E+07 5.38E+06 1 .36E+07 0 OOE+00 2 .45E+08 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 03E-01 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 63E-07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 89 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12a ADULT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m

  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-110m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. OOE+00 1. 65E+03 2 44E+06 1. 71E+10 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 51E+07 2. 97E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 6. 73E+09 3. 70E-01 0 OOE+00 1. 37E+09 5. 18E-12 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 1. 45E+09 4. 68E+10 2. 89E+04 4. 88E-01 7. 07E+01 5. 98E-20 8. 59E+03 5. 58E-05 2. 23E-01 9. 43E+02 4. 33E-01 8 .26E+04 0. OOE+00 3. 32E+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E+03 8. 57E-04 2. 04E+04 5. 82E+07 2. 24E+05 2. 57E+07 2- 04E+07 7.63E+02 3.73E+03 2.44E+06 1. 06E+09 0. OOE+00 8. 4 1E+06 4.15E-03 1.74E+07 6. 98E+07 4.71E+06 1. 64E+07 4. 66E+08 4 .81E-02 2. 38E+04 4. 36E+09 9. 91E-12 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2.59E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 02E+02 8.74E-02 4. 60E+04 2.48E+07 9.38E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 5. 39E+07 5. 16E+03 4.87E+05 2. 28E+05 7.63E+02 1.85E+03 2.44E+06 6. 61E+08 2.86E+04 1.61E+06 7. 36E-04 4.05E+06 2. 67E+07 1. 06E+07 3. 62E+07 2. 26E+08 2.19E-02 1.12E+04 1. 97E+09 6.89E-13 9. 72E-02 1. 61E-23 0. OOE+00 1. 21E+09 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.16E+07 1. 15E+10 1. 17E+03 2. 1lIE-02 1. 90E+00 2. 32E-21 2. 30E+02 1. 63E-06 6. 17E-03 2. 05E+02 4. OOE-02 2.47E+04 4.71E+06 1.20E+02 0.OOE+00 4.38E+02 3. 38E-04 2. 58E+03 3.20E+07 7.73E+04 1.01E+07 4. 86E+06 7. 63E+02 0.OOE+00 2.44E+06 0.OOE+00 1.71E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 47E+03 6. 25E+04 2. 08E+04 7 63E+02 3. 92E+03 2 44E+06 0 OOE+00 6. 30E+03 2. 50E+06 5. 27E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.01E+04 2 .92E+09 6.44E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.75E+02 1.32E-01 4.54E+04 5. 61E+07 1. 43E+02 0.OOE+00 3.88E+03 1.11E-02 3. 94E+04 1.06E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. 63E+02 0- OOE+00 2 44E+06 0 OOE+00 3. 79E+04 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 68E+06 1. 95E+07 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4 .60E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1. 35E+05 2. OOE+07 1.58E+07 7. 63E+02 6. 44E+05 2 44E+06 1. 92E+09 7 19E+06 2. 58E+07 1. 32E-01 9. 95E+06 2. 33E+08 9. 55E+07 3. 08E+08 9. 73E+07 1. 22E+00 2. 03E+06 2. 75E+09 1. 49E-12 1 .40E-01 1.26E-28 0 OOE+00 5. 12E+08 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 2. 33E+08 1. 35E+09 1. 38E+05 9. 68E+00 7. 4 9E+05 1 .76E-19 4. 73E+06 9. 77E-01 7. 08E+03 9. 59E+05 2 .71E+04 2 .79E+08 5 74E+07 5. 55E+03 0 OOE+00 1 .19E+05 5. 24E-01 1. 32E+06 2 20E+10 8. 52E+07 7. 31E+08 2 -25E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 90 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12a ADULT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1. 63E+07 4. 58E+07 6. 53E+02 6. 02E+07 2 82E-I0 3. 61E+05 3. 60E-33 2 40E+06 4. 20E+05 2. 96E+08 1. 64E-01 3. 87E+06 2. 02E-12 1. 28E+04 5. 65E+09 2. 63E+08 7. 38E+09 9. 04E-24 3. 92E-08 2. 68E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 .52E+00 9. 34E-12 4.84E+03 4. 16E+01 3. 58E+05 1. 58E+02 0. OOE+00 9. 42E+01 6. 56E+03 3. 68E+00 O .OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 3. 29E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 90E-19 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 90E+06 1. 64E+07 2. 34E+02 2. 25E+07 1.06E-10 1.77E+05 1.51E-33 1.55E+06 1.24E+06 4.23E+/-08 4. 39E-01 6. 73E+06 5. 48E-12 3. 36E+04 1.35E+10 1.04E+09 1.01E+10 1.79E-23 2.79E-11 3. 37E+04 O. OOE+00 O. OOE+00 2.28E+00 4 .25E-12 3.28E+03 3.07E+04 1.50E+05 6.33E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 09E+02 5. 48E+03 3. 62E-01 0. OOE+00 1.28E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 32E-13 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 83E-19 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 18E+06 5. 58E+06 1.41E+02 9. 53E+06 6. 88E-11 1. 47E+05 1. 14E-33 1. 46E+06 4.89E+05 2. 43E+08 1.54E-01 2. 05E+06 1. 96E-12 1.24E+04 1. 10E+10 7.46E+08 6. 61E+09 8. 85E-24 1. 15E-09 1.76E+06 O. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 02E-01 1. 06E-12 3.72E+02 3. 40E+00 1. 92E+04 7 .83E+00 O.O0E+00 6. 51E+00 1.92E+03 2. OOE-01 0.00E+00 2.13E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 3. 04E-13 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 57E-19 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4.90E+06 1.17E+07 4.84E+02 2. 07E+07 2.17E-10 2.80E+05 2. 96E-33 1.72E+06 1.05E+08 1.39E+ll 1.54E+01 9.89E+08 9. 49E-11 2 .22E+06 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.0DE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.0DE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 7 .78E-19 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 6. 63E+07 1.86E+08 2. 66E+03 2.51E+08 1.19E-09 1.79E+06 1.58E-32 1.50E+07 1.93E+06 7.26E+08 7. OOE-01 1. 17E+07 8.71E-12 5. 39E+04 4.35E+09 5.77E+08 3. 43E+09 1.31E-23 2. 61E-li 1. 15E+04 0.0OE+00 0. 00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.ODE+00 1. 52E+03 1.35E+01 8. 87E+04 3. 66E+01 O.00E+00 6.36E+01 0.0OE+00 1. 13E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 9.71E-13 0.0OE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 5. 63E-18 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. DOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 45E+09 7 90E+07 1. 14E+09 1. 30E-24 1. 58E-I1 1. 93E+04 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0 0OE+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 00E+00 6. 50E+07 1. 54E+08 5. 15E+04 3. 03E+08 2 .13E-10 1 .75E+07 5. IOE-34 7. 35E+07 1. 07E+06 1. 12E+08 8 .25E-02 6. 05E+06 4 .77E-15 3. 80E+04 2. 35E+08 1. 18E+08 1. 95E+08 7 62E-29 6. 94E-08 5. 52E+07 0 O0E+00 0. OE+00 1. 67E+05 3. lOE-08 1 .25E+07 1. 15E+06 1 .21E+08 6. 92E+05 0. 0E+00 5. 22E+05 1. 80E+06 7 43E+04 0. OE+00 3. 25E+07 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0E+00 3. 07E-09 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0E+00 9. 87E-22 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 91 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12b 2 m *TEEN GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr 3 per uCi/m Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 3. 05E+03 4 26E+06 3. 15E+10 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 45E+07 5. 18E+07 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 1. 18E+10 6. 77E-01 0. OE+00 2 .lE+09 9. 55E-12 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0 OOE+00 O .OOE+00 0. OE+00 2 .67E+09 6. 61E+10 5. 31E+04 8 .94E-01 1. 30E+02 1. 1DE-19 1. 58E+04 1. 03E-04 4 12E-01 1. 65E+03 7 .88E-01 1.41E+05 0. 00E+00 5 .76E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 81E+03 1. 56E-03 3. 75E+04 9. 63E+07 4. 77E+05 4. 58E+07 3. 65E+07 9. 94E+02 6. 83E+03 4 .26E+06 1. 95E+09 0. 00E+00 1. 40E+07 7. 36E-03 3. 16E+07 1. 21E+08 7. 94E+06 2. 78E+07 8. 35E+08 8. 65E-02 4 .25E+04 7 .31E+09 1. 82E-11 O .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4 .73E+09 0. OOE+00 O .OOE+00 O. 00E+00 O .OE+00 0. O0E+00 0. OE+00 0. DDE+00 O .OE+00 O .OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .OOE+00 5. 20E+02 1. 56E-01 7 82E+04 4 47E+07 1. 61E+01 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. DDE+00 0. DDE+00 9. 1lE+07 9. 29E+03 8 44E+05 3. 99E+05 9. 94E+02 3. 41E+03 4.26E+06 1.22E+09 4. 99E+04 2. 78E+06 1.31E-03 7. 36E+06 4. 67E+07 1.83E+07 6.2 6E+07 4. 01E+08 3. 94E-02 2 .OOE+04 3.41E+09 1.27E-12 1. 79E-01 2.88E-23 O.00E+00 2. 22E+09 O.OOE+00 0.60E+00 7. 66E+07 1. 63E+10 2 .1lE+03 3. 81E-02 3. 50E+00 4 19E-21 4 .24E+02 2. 98E-06 1. 13E-02 3. 58E+02 7 19E-02 4. 30E+04 8 52E+06 2 .08E+02 0. D0E+00 7. 74E+02 6. 07E-04 4. 73E+03 5. 54E+07 1. 39E+05 1 .79E+07 8. 53E+06 9. 94E+02 O.ODE+00 4.26E+06 0.00E+00 2. 77E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6. 06E+O3 1.04E+05 3.48E+04 9. 94E+02 7.23E+03 4.26E+06 0. OOE+00 1.09E+04 4.18E+06 9. 31E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+05 4 .68E+09 1. 19E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.65E+02 2. 37E-01 7. 58E+04 1. 02E+08 2. 39E+02 0. OOE+00 6. 38E+03 1. 97E-02 7 .24E+04 1.74E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9. 94E+02 0.OOE+00 4.26E+06 0. OOE+00 7 .13E+04 0. O0E+00 0.OOE+00 2 .OOE+07 3.81E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8. 92E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. ODE+00 0. OOE+00 2.98E+05 4 .OOE+07 3. 18E+07 9. 94E+02 8. 31E+05 4 .26E+06 2. 65E+09 8. 39E+06 2. 87E+07 4 .84E-01 1. 37E+07 2 .86E+08 1. 09E+08 3. 62E+08 1. 33E+08 4. 69E+00 3 .29E+06 3. 10E+09 3. 35E-11 0 OOE+00 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 7. OOE+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3. 18E+08 1.86E+09 2 .41E+05 2.28E+01 1.07E+06 5.17E-18 6. 48E+06 2. 83E+00 1 .26E+04 1. 20E+06 4. 22E+04 3. 34E+08 8. 01E+07 1. 05E+04 0. OOE+00 1.51E+05 1.26E+00 1. 80E+06 2.56E+10 1.OOE+08 9.26E+08 2.83E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 92 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12b TEEN GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m )Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3. 0OE+07 8. 44E+07 1. 21E+03 1. 10E+08 5. 20E-10 6. 57E+05 6. 58E-33 4 .29E+06 7. 38E+05 5. 37E+08 2. 91E-01 7. 07E+06 3. 58E-12 2. 28E+04 9.82E+09 4 47E+08 1. 34E+10 1. 64E-23 7. 24E-08 4. 84E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 12E+00 1. 69E-11 8. 88E+03 7. 64E+01 6. 58E+05 2. 90E+02 0. DDE+00 1. 81E+02 1. 20E+04 7. 03E+00 0. 00E+00 o .OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 00E+00 5. 99E-12 O .OE+00 o. 00E+00.00E+00 1. 59E-18 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1 08E+07 2. 99E+07 4 .29E+02 4 .09E+07 1. 94E-10 3. 15E+05 2 .71E-33 2. 72E+06 2. 14E+06 7. 52E+08 7. 62E-01 1. 20E+07 9. 50E-12 5. 87E+04 2. 31E+10 1.76E+09 1. 78E+10 3. 15E-23 5. 09E-11 5. 93E+04 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 99E+00 7. 49E-12 5. 93E+03 5. 56E+04 2. 72E+05 1. 16E+02 0. DDE+00 1. 97E+02 9. 78E+03 6. 63E-01 0. 00E+00 2 .25E+06 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.49E-12 S.OOE+00 S.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 02E-18 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.02E+06 1. 0OE+07 2.60E+02 1. 74E+07 1. 26E-10 2 63E+05 2. 06E-33 2 .56E+06 8. 53E+05 4 .04E+08 2. 74E-01 3. 66E+06 3. 41E-12 2. 18E+04 1. 07E+10 1. 18E+09 6. 20E+09 1. 57E-23 2. 11E-09 3. 12E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E+00 1. 86E-12 6. 81E+02 6. 21E+00 3. 54E+04 1. 44E+01 0. OOE+00 1. 18E+01 3. 43E+03 3. 68E-01 0. OOE+00 3 .76E+06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 43E-13 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 06E-18 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 39E+06 2. 01E+07 8. 35E+02 3. 55E+07 3.71E-10 4 .74E+05 5.07E-33 2 .87E+06 1.74E+08 2.19E+11 2. 57E+01 1.67E+09 1.58E-10 3.78E+06 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.DOE+00 D.0DE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0. OOE+O0 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.0DE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 D.0DE+00 D.OOE+00 o.DOE+00 1.30E-18 D.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.DOE+00 3. 42E+08 4.90E+03 4 .61E+08 2.18E-09 3.29E+06 2.88E-32 2. 61E+07 3.29E+06 1 .29E+09 1.20E+00 2. 10E+07 1.50E-11 9. 27E+04 7. 34E+09 9. 57E+08 6. 06E+09 2. 33E-23 4 .80E-I1 2. 01E+04 o.0OE+00 o.OOE+00 D.00E+00 D.0OE+00 2 .79E+03 2.49E+01 1. 63E+05 6. 73E+01 o.OOE+00 1.16E+02 D.0OE+00 2.08E+00 o.00E+00 o.0OE+00 D.0OE+00 o.OOE+00 D.OOE+00 1.74E-12 D.0OE+00 o.00E+00 D.0OE+00 9. 72E-18 o.00E+00 0. OOE+00 o.ODE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. DOE+00 0. OOE+00 D.OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.80E+09 1.51E+08 2. 35E+09 2 .71E-24 3.51E-11 3. 99E+04 o.OOE+00 D.00E+00 D.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 o.00E+00 8 86E+07 2 10E+08 9. 34E+04 4. 13E+08 2 .84E-09 2 .53E+07 5. 40E-34 8. 61E+07 1. 64E+06 1. 4 9E+08 3. 32E-01 9. 07E+06 1. 25E-13 6. 51E+04 2. 87E+08 1. 42E+08 2. 53E+08 1. 43E-26 6.4 6E-07 7.4 6E+07 o.OOE+00 o.OOE+00 2 .29E+05 2.28E-07 1.70E+07 1.67E+06 1. 66E+08 9.54E+05 D.O0E+00 7. 11E+05 2. 65E+06 1.07E+05 D.OOE+00 4.19E+07 D.O0E+00 0. DDE+00 0. 0OE+00 3.55E-08 0. DDE+00 o.O0E+00 0. DDE+00 5. 89E-20 O.0OE+00 O.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 93 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12c CHILD GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 0. 00E+00 7.4 9E+03 8.85E+06 7. 78E+10 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.00E+00 1. 12E+08 1.20E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 2. 96E+10 1. 66E+00 C.0DE+00 4.13E+09 2.35E-11 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 6. 62E+09 1.12E+II 1. 30E+05 2. 18E+00 3.21E+02 2. 68E-19 3. 90E+04 2. 53E-04 1.01E+00 3.83E+03 1. 92E+00 3. 18E+05 C.00E+00 1. 32E+01 0. 00E+00 4.28E+03 3. 82E-03 9. 24E+04 2. 09E+08 1.17E+06 1.09E+08 8 .69E+07 1. 57E+03 1. 27E+04 8 .85E+06 3. 64E+09 0. 0OE+00 2. 10E+07 1. 28E-02 5. 93E+07 1. 94E+08 1 .21E+07 4. 32E+07 1. 59E+09 1. 56E-01 7. 46E+04 1. 10E+10 3. 39E-11 C.0CE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 8. 77E+09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+O0 C. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 8.42E+02 2.77E-01 1.24E+05 8. 13E+07 2. 59E+01 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 1. 41E+08 1. 73E+04 1. 41E+06 6. 70E+05 1 .57E+03 8. 38E+03 8. 85E+06 3. 00E+09 1. 02E+05 5. 59E+06 2. 90E-03 1. 84E+07 9. 68E+07 3. 71E+07 1. 27E+08 1. 01E+09 9. lE-02 4. 51E+04 6. 85E+09 3. 13E-12 4 .40E-01 6. 51E-23 0. 00E+00 5. 39E+09 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 1. 89E+08 2 .83E+10 4 .92E+03 8. 75E-02 8. 60E+00 9.74E-21 1. 04E+03 7. 24E-06 2. 78E-02 7. 50E+02 1. 64E-01 8.85E+04 2. 01E+07 4.29E+02 0. OE+00 1. 65E+03 1. 39E-03 1. 15E+04 1. 13E+08 3. 44E+05 3.80E+07 1. 82E+07 1. 57E+03 C.0OE+00 8. 85E+06 C O0E+00 5. 65E+04 C 00E+00 C 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 0OE+00 O .OOE+00 O .0E+00 C 00E+00 0. OE+00 0 0OE+00 C 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C 00E+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 C OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 O0E+00 C 0OE+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0E+00 1. 50E+04 2. 39E+05 8. 06E+04 1. 57E+03 1.25E+04 8 .85E+06 O.0OE+00 1.54E+04 5.88E+06 1. 55E-02 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0OE+00 0.O0E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E+05 6. 94E+09 2.06E-lI 0. 0OE+00 O.0OE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+O0 0.00E+00 1.21E+03 3.98E-01 1. 16E+05 1.74E+08 3.76E+02 0.00E+00 1.08E+04 3. 36E-02 1. 25E+05 2.63E+08 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 0.0OE+00 1. 57E+03 C.0OE+00 8 .85E+06 O.00E+00 1.03E+05 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 3. 35E+07 5. 64E+07 0.O0E+00 0.00E+00 C.O0E+00 0.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.0OE+00 C.O0E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OE+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 C.00E+00 1.32E+01 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.00E+00 4.77E+05 6. 02E+07 4.84E+07 1.57E+03 7. 11E+05 8.85E+06 2. 15E+09 5.40E+06 1 .76E+07 1.86E+00 1. 10E+07 2.02E+08 7. 07E+07 2. 39E+08 1. 07E+08 1.91E+01 3.50E+06 1.93E+09 2. 14E-09 O.00E+00 C.00E+00 C.0OE+00 5. 64E+08 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 2. 56E+08 1.51E+09 2.88E+05 4 .13E+01 9. 15E+05 5.24E-16 5.20E+06 7. 31E+00 1. 51E+04 8 .79E+05 4.20E+04 2.29E+08 6. 73E+07 1.47E+04 C.O0E+00 1.l1E+05 2.4 9E+00 1. 44E+06 1. 68E+10 9. 02E+07 6. 78E+08 2. 08E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 94 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12c CHILD GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m *Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m mrem/yr per uCi/sec BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 7. 38E+07 2. 08E+08 2. 98E+03 2. 71E+08 1. 28E-09 1. 60E+06 1. 62E-32 1. 02E+07 1. 73E+06 1. 30E+09 6. 89E-01 1. 72E+07 8. 48E-12 5. 40E+04 2.2 6E+10 1. 01E+09 3. 22E+10 3. 98E-23 1. 78E-07 1. 17E+08 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 94E+01 4 .07E-11 2. 19E+04 1. 87E+02 1. 62E+06 7. 18E+02 0. OOE+00 4. 45E+02 2. 91E+04 1. 73E+01 0 0OE+00 0 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0 OOE+00 1. 46E-11 0 0OE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 77E-18 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 2. OOE+07 5. 60E+07 8. 02E+02 7 58E+07 3. 58E-10 5. 53E+05 4 .93E-33 4. 53E+06 3. 49E+06 1. 31E+09 1. 27E+00 2 12E+07 1. 58E-11 9. 72E+04 3. 72E+10 2. 77E+09 3. 09E+10 5. 53E-23 9. 50E-11 1. 02E+05 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 6. 80E+00 1. 30E-11 1. 09E+04 1. 02E+05 5. 09E+05 2. 16E+02 0 OOE+00 3. 60E+02 1. 72E+04 1. 24E+00 0 OOE+00 3 .84E+06 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 63E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.70E-18 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.84E+06 2.47E+07 6. 38E+02 4.21E+07 3. 04E-10 5.89E+05 4.81E-33 5. 48E+06 1.80E+06 7.45E+08 5. 82E-01 8.03E+06 7.25E-12 4 .60E+04 7. 84E+09 1.79E+09 4.55E+09 3. 51E-23 5. 16E-09 6. 82E+06 0. OE+00 0. OE+00 2. 29E+00 4.06E-12 1. 62E+03 1.47E+01 8. 66E+04 3. 56E+01 0.O0E+00 2.79E+01 7. 73E+03 8.73E-01 0. OOE+00 7 .77E+06 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.23E-12 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 2. 26E-18 0. OOE+00 0.O0E+00 2. 07E+07 4.97E+07 2 .06E+03 8 .75E+07 9. 15E-10 1.14E+06 1.24E-32 6. 60E+06 3.84E+08 4.33E+Il 5.87E+01 3. 94E+09 3. 62E-10 8. 61E+06 0.0OE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 0OEi00 0.OCE00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 98E-18 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 5. 93E+08 8.47E+03 7. 97E+08 3.75E-09 5. 35E+06 4.89E-32 4.21E+07 5.22E+06 2 .15E+09 1. 94E+00 3. 54E+07 2.41E-11 1.49E+05 1.15E+10 1.48E+09 1.01E+10 3. 89E-23 8.29E-11 3. 33E+04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.78E+03 4.26E+01 2.82E+05 1. 17E+02 0. OOE+00 1. 98E+02 0. OOE+00 3. 59E+00 0.0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.0OE+00 2 .92E-12 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.57E-17 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4.13E+09 2.20E+08 3.62E+09 4.19E-24 5.59E-11 6. 10E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7 12E+07 1. 68E+08 1. 16E+05 3. 31E+08 7. 98E-08 2 .24E+07 8 .4 9E-32 4. 57E+07 1. 63E+06 1. 17E+08 1. 4 9E+00 8 .56E+06 1. 04E-11 7. 40E+04 2. OOE+08 9. 74E+07 1. 93E+08 2. 55E-23 1. 03E-05 5. 92E+07 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 1.89E+05 2. 57E-06 1 .36E+07 1 49E+06 1. 33E+08 7 .75E+05 0. OOE+00 5. 70E+05 2 42E+06 9. 19E+04 0. OE+00 3. 14E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0 OOE+00 8. 12E-07 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 C ODE+00 1. 72E-17 C OOE+00 0. OE+00 IPEC ODCM Page 95 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12d 2 m *INFANT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)mrem/yr per uCi/sec (H-3: mrem/yr 3 per uCi/m LUNG GILLI Isotope BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY H-3 Be-7 Na-24 P-32 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Fe-55 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Ni-63 Ni-65 Cu-64 Zn-65 Zn-69 Br-83 Br-84 Br-85 Rb-86 Rb-88 Rb-89 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91m Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Tc-101 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Ag-ll0m Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 O.OOE+00 1. 43E+04 1. 54E+07 1. 60E+lI O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.35E+08 2. 24E+08 O.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 49E+10 3. 50E+00 O.OOE+00 5.55E+09 5 OOE-II 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1.26E+10 1. 22E+11 2. 72E+05 4. 64E+00 6. 80E+02 5. 67E-19 7. 33E+04 5. 38E-04 2 16E+00 6. 80E+03 4. 06E+00 5. 94E+05 0. 0OE+00 2. 75E+01 0. OE+00 8. 67E+03 B. 05E-03 1. 90E+05 3. 86E+08 2. 51E+06 2. 09E+08 1. 50E+08 2. 38E+03 3. OE+04 1. 54E+07 9. 43E+09 0. OOE+00 3. 90E+07 3. 14E-02 8 73E+07 3. 92E+08 2. 42E+07 8 B2E+07 2. 16E+09 3. 97E-01 1. 86E+05 1. 90E+10 9. COE-11 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 2. 23E+10 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 66E+03 6. 97E-01 2. 45E+05 2. 08E+08 5. 67E+01 0. 0OE+O0 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 2 82E+08 4. 59E+04 3. 08E+06 1. 45E+06 2. 38E+03 1. 59E+04 1. 54E+07 6.21E+09 1. 61E+05 8 84E+06 5. 42E-03 2. 33E+07 1. 54E+08 6. 05E+07 2 08E+08 1.21E+09 1.80E-01 8 .59E+04 8.78E+09 6. 70E-12 9. 34E-01 1. 26E-22 0. OE+00 1. 10E+10 0. C0E+00 0. 00E+00 3. 61E+08 3. 10E+10 9. 83E+03 1.72E-01 1.82E+01 1. 93E-20 1. 95E+03 1.51E-OS 5. 87E-02 1. 18E+03 3. 18E-01 1.41E+05 4.05E+07 7.30E+02 C.OOE+00 2 .90E+03 2.71E-03 2 .38E+04 1. 86E+08 7.31E+05 6. 49E+07 3.08E+07 2. 38E+03 0. O0E+00 1.54E+07 0. 00E+00 1.05E+05 0. 0OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 C.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 3. 75E+04 5. 56E+05 1.87E+05 2.38E+03 2 .12E+04 1. 54E+07 O.00E+00 2. 30E+04 8. 64E+06 2.70E-02 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3. 14E+05 9.23E+09 3.74E-11 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 3.00E+00 9.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.OOE+00 1. 79E+03 7 .03E-01 1.75E+05 3. 11E+08 6. 10E+02 O.OOE+00 1.80E+04 5. 92E-02 2 .2 5E+O5 4.03E+08 0.00E+00 1.70E+00 1.00E+00 2. 38E+03 O.00E+00 1. 54E+07 0.00E+00 2. 05E+05 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 4.27E+07 1.16E+08 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.O0E+00 O.00E+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00OE+00 O.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 2 .96E+01 C.OOE+00 C.00E+00 O.00E+00 C.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.30E+06 1.31E+08 9.38E+07 2. 38E+03 7. 05E+05 1. 54E+07 2. 17E+09 4 .70E+06 1. 43E+07 2. 85E+00 1. l1E+07 1. 87E+08 6. 04E+07 2. 10E+08 1. 07E+08 3. 02E+01 3. 81E+06 1. 61E+10 7. 34E-09 O.O0E+O0 O .OE+00 O .0E+00 5. 69E+08 O OCE+00 O .OE+00 2. 59E+08 1. 52E+09 3. 21E+05 5. 00E+01 9. 39E+05 1.89E-15 5 .25E+06 1. 03E+O0 1.70E+04 8 .26E+05 4 .45E+04 2 .06E+08 6.85E+07 1. 65E+04.00E+00 1 .05E+05 3.20E+00 1.4 4E+06 1.46E+10 9. 13E+07 6. 4 6E+08 1. 99E+08 IPEC ODCM Page 96 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-12d INFANT GRASS/COW/MILK PATHWAY Ri(C)2 m
  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec 3 (H-3: mrem/yr per uCi/m Isotope Te-125m Te-127m Te-127 Te-129m Te-129 Te-131m Te-131 Te-132 1-130 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ba-141 Ba-142 La-140 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pr-144 Nd-147 W-187 Np-239 K-40 Co-57 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-94 Nb-97 Cd-109 Sn-113 Ba-133 Te-134 Ce-139 Hg-203 BONE LIVER TOT BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GILLI 1.51E+08 4.21E+08 6. 32E+03 5. 57E+08 2.72E-09 3. 38E+06 3. 43E-32 2. 11E+07 3. 55E+06 2. 72E+09 1. 43E+00 3. 63E+07 1.76E-11 1. 12E+05 3. 65E+10 1. 97E+09 5. 15E+10 8. 39E-23 3.79E-07 2.40E+08 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 06E+01 8. 55E-11 4. 34E+04 3. 97E+02 2. 33E+06 1. 4 9E+03 0. OOE+00 8. 81E+02 6. 12E+04 3. 66E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 5. 04E+07 1. 40E+08 2 12E+03 1. 91E+08 9. 37E-10 1. 36E+06 1. 27E-32 1. 04E+07 7. 81E+06 3. 20E+09 2. 90E+00 5. 28E+07 3. 60E-11 2. 23E+05 6. 80E+10 5. 79E+09 6. 02E+10 1. 36E-22 2. 51E-10 2. 40E+05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 60E+01 3. 14E-11 2. 64E+04 2 63E+05 9. 52E+05 5. 55E+02 0 OOE+00 9. 05E+02 4. 26E+04 3. 27E+00 0. OOE+00 8. 95E+06 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. 04E+07 5. 10E+07 1. 36E+03 8. 58E+07 6. 35E-10 1. 12E+06 9. 62E-33 9. 75E+06 3. 13E+06 1. 41E+09 1. 03E+00 1. 55E+07 1. 28E-11 8. 14E+04 6. 87E+09 2. 16E+09 4. 27E+09 6. 61E-23 1. 10E-08 1. 24E+07 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 4 12E+00 7. 51E-12 3. 11E+03 3. 00E+01 1. 30E+05 7. 36E+01 0.OOE+00 5. 55E+01 1.47E+04 1.85E+00 0. OOE+00 1.4 6E+07 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.07E+07 1. 22E+08 5.14E+03 2 .14E+08 2 .28E-09 2 .75E+06 3. 06E-32 1. 54E+07 8.75E+08 1. 05E+12 1. 36E+02 9. 60E+09 8. 40E-10 2. OOE+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1 .04E+09 1.54E+04 1. 39E+09 6.77E-09 9.35E+06 8 .76E-32 6.53E+07 8.58E+06 3 .74E+09 3.24E+00 6.21E+07 4 .03E-Il 2.49E+05 1.75E+10 2 .31E+09 1.62E+10 6.80E-23 1.51E-10 5.71E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8. 15E+03 7.67E+01 3.85E+05 2. 06E+02 0.OOE+00 3. 49E+02 0.OOE+00 6.53E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.18E+09 4.72E+08 6. 55E+09 1 .06E-23 1.52E-I0 1.48E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00OE+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 0OE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7. 18E+07 1. 70E+08 1. 33E+05 3. 33E+08 2.17E-07 2.29E+07 1.38E-30 3. 87E+07 1. 67E+06 1.14E+08 2. 35E+00 8. 93E+06 3.73E-II 8.08E+04 1.85E+08 8.80E+07 1.88E+08 2. 18E-22 2. 40E-05 5. 91E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.88E+05 5.33E-06 1.37E+07 1.54E+06 1.33E+08 7. 84E+05 C.00E+00 5.74E+05 2. 50E+06 9.4 6E+04 0. 00E+00 3. 05E+07 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0. 0E+00 0 OOE+00 0. 0E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 97 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-13 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S)2 (m
  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec)-1 Isotope Decay Constant (sec) Ri(G) Ri(S)H-3 1.780E-09 0.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 Be-7 1.505E-07 O.OE+00 O.OE+00 Na-24 1.284E-05 1.19E+07 1.39E+07 P-32 5.614E-07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Cr-51 2.896E-07 4.66E+06 5.51E+06 Mn-54 2.567E-08 1.39E+09 1.62E+09 Mn-56 7.467E-05 9.03E+05 1.07E+06 Fe-55 8.141E-09 0.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 Fe-59 1.802E-07 2.72E+08 3.20E+08 Co-58 1.133E-07 3.79E+08 4.44E+08 Co-60 4.170E-09 2.15E+10 2.53E+10 Ni-63 2.290E-10 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ni-65 7.641E-05 2.97E+05 3.45E+05 Cu-64 1.516E-05 6.07E+05 6.88E+05 Zn-65 3.289E-08 7.46E+08 8.58E+08 Zn-69 2.027E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OE+00 Br-83 8.056E-05 4.87E+03 7.08E+03 Br-84 3.633E-04 2.03E+05 2.36E+05 Br-85 3.851E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 4.299E-07 8.99E+06 1.03E+07 Rb-88 6.490E-04 3.31E+04 3.78E+04 Rb-89 7.600E-04 1.21E+05 1.45E+05 Sr-89 1.589E-07 2.16E+04 2.51E+04 Sr-90 7.548E-10 0.O0E+00 O.OE+00 Sr-91 2.027E-05 2.15E+06 2.51E+06 Sr-92 7.105E-05 7.77E+05 8.63E+05 Y-90 3.008E-06 4.48E+03 5.30E+03 Y-91m 2.324E-04 1.OOE+05 1.16E+05 Y-91 1.371E-07 1.07E+06 1.21E+06 Y-92 5.439E-05 1.80E+05 2.14E+05 Y-93 1.906E-05 1.83E+05 2.51E+05 Zr-95 1.254E-07 2.45E+08 2.84E+08 Zr-97 1.139E-05 2.96E+06 3.44E+06 Nb-95 2.282E-07 1.37E+08 1.61E+08 Mo-99 2.917E-06 3.99E+06 4.62E+06 Tc-99m 3.198E-05 1.84E+05 2.11E+05 Tc-101 8.136E-04 2.04E+04 2.26E+04 Ru-103 2.042E-07 1.08E+08 1.26E+08 Ru-105 4.337E-05 6.36E+05 7.21E+05 Ru-106 2.179E-08 4.22E+08 5.07E+08 Ag-ll0m 3.210E-08 3.44E+09 4.01E+09 Sb-122 2.971E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sb-124 1.333E-07 5.98E+08 6.90E+08 Sb-125 7.935E-09 2.34E+09 2.64E+09 IPEC ODCM Page 98 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Table 3-13 Total Body & Skin Ground Plane Dose Factors Ri(G) and Ri(S)2 (m
  • mrem/yr per uCi/sec)-1 Isotope Decay Constant (sec) Ri(G) Ri(S)Te-125m 1.383E-07 1.55E+06 2.13E+06 Te-127m 7.360E-08 9.16E+04 1.08E+05 Te-127 2.059E-05 2.98E+03 3.28E+03 Te-129m 2.388E-07 1.98E+07 2.31E+07 Te-129 1.660E-04 2.62E+04 3.10E+04 Te-131m 6.418E-06 8.03E+06 9.46E+06 Te-131 4.621E-04 2.92E+04 3.45E+07 Te-132 2.462E-06 4.23E+06 4.98E+06 1-130 1.558E-05 5.51E+06 6.69E+06 1-131 9.978E-07 1.72E+07 2.09E+07 1-132 8.371E-05 1.25E+06 1.46E+06 1-133 9.257E-06 2.45E+06 2.98E+06 1-134 2.196E-04 4.47E+05 5.30E+05 1-135 2.913E-05 2.53E+06 2.95E+06 Cs-134 1.066E-08 6.86E+09 8.00E+09 Cs-136 6.124E-07 1.50E+08 1.70E+08 Cs-137 7.327E-10 1.03E+10 1.20E+10 Cs-138 3.588E-04 3.59E+05 4.10E+05 Ba-139 1.397E-04 1.05E+05 1.19E+05 Ba-140 6.297E-07 2.04E+07 2.34E+07 Ba-141 6.323E-04 4.17E+04 4.75E+04 Ba-142 1.090E-03 4.44E+04 5.06E+04 La-140 4.781E-06 1.92E+07 2.18E+07 La-142 1.249E-04 7.36E+05 8.84E+05 Ce-141 2.468E-07 1.37E+07 1.54E+07 Ce-143 5.835E-06 2.31E+06 2.63E+06 Ce-144 2.822E-08 6.95E+07 8.04E+07 Pr-143 5.916E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Pr-144 6.685E-04 1.83E+03 2.11E+03 Nd-147 7.306E-07 8.39E+06 1.01E+07 W-187 8.056E-06 2.36E+06 2.74E+06 Np-239 3.399E-06 1.71E+06 1.98E+06 K-40 1.717E-17 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Co-57 2.961E-08 1.88E+08 2.07E+08 Sr-85 1.237E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Y-88 7.523E-08 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Nb-94 1.083E-12 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Nb-97 1.602E-04 1.76E+05 2.07E+05 Cd-109 1.729E-08 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Sn-113 6.970E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ba-133 2.047E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Te-134 2.764E-04 2.22E+04 2.66E+04 Ce-139 5.828E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Hg-203 1.722E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 IPEC ODCM Page 99 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies



4.1 40CFR190

Dose Evaluation Per RECS D3.4, the direct radiation com ponent for potential offsite dose is routinely determined and reported, along with doses from effluent.

Radiological Support has determined bounding calculations (using References 26 thro ugh 29) as follows: Direct Radiation Dose = VC + IRWSF + SGM + ISFSI + RMHAs where;VC = The Vapor Containm ent structures IRWSF = The Interim Radioactive Waste Storage Facility SGM = The Steam Generator Mausoleums (both units)ISFSI = The Dry Cask Storage Facility, once active RMHA = Radioactive Material Handling Areas, as posted, summed Other structures or tanks are incl uded as determined by Rad Support. The calculations in References 26 through 29 were performed in order to meet the requirements of the annual effluent report, and N RC Generic Letter 81-38, 11/1 0/1981, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes at Power Reactor Sites."Offsite doses from onsite storage must be sufficiently low to account for other uraniu m fuel cycle sources (e.g., an additional dose of <1 m rem/year is not likely to cause the limits of 40 CFR 190 to be exceeded).

On site dose Ii mits will be controlled per 10CFR20..." The IRWSF, SGM, and RMHAs fence line dose rates are limited by department procedures to keep dose rates at the SITE BOUNDARY fence < 1 mrem/yr based on calculations performed in References 26 through 29. These calculations contain realistic occupancy factors for the SITE BOUNDARY fence and the nearest neighbor.ISFSI dose rate calculations and specifi cation are bounded by a conservatively applied maximum annual dose of 17 mrem at the site boundary.

This special bounding criteria ensure that combined offsite doses (effluent and direct shine) are in compliance with 40CFR190.4.2 Doses From Liquid Releases Doses to real individuals can be determined with the same (maximum individual) methodology described in the ODCM, but with more realistic assumptions with regard to dilution, diet, and occupenncy.

Actual radionuclide concentrations in foodstuffs can be applied per the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP), such that more accurate doses are determined from actual intakes, rather than models only.4.3 Doses From Atmospheric Releases Similarly, real individual methodology can be substituted for maximum individual modeling for airborne releases.

Specific dose transfer factors can be used in lieu of weighted dose transfer factors. Information on the location and occupancy of real individuals, as well as more precise meteorological information and the consumption of foodstuffs, can be employed to re-calcul ate more accurate doses. The REMP can also provide actual concentrations to apply for a more accurate determination than modeling alone.IPEC ODCM Page 100 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies Data from the land use census can be used to either extend times from food production to consumption, or otherwise show that the exposure of the critical receptors is reduced.Also, estimates of direct exposure through calculation may be supplanted by REMP results, since these are often more indicative of the true impact at specific locations.

Default values used in NUREG-0133 and Reg Guide 1.109 methodology can be supplanted by m ore specific values if there has been sufficient science and pedigree involved in their determ ination.4.4 Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Visiting the Site Per the RECS Bases, and the discussion regarding gaseous effluent dose rate, visiting MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC will receive negligible dose from plant effluents, as calculated per ODCM Part II, Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, due the application of multiplicative occupancy factors. These factors are determined by comparing the expected hours on site to 8760 hours0.101 days <br />2.433 hours <br />0.0145 weeks <br />0.00333 months <br /> (the number of hours in a year, which is used in the calculations demonstrated in Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). Examples of these calculations are as follows: example 1: Several students visit the site for an 8-hour guided tour.Their occupancy factor is: 8 / 8760 or .0009.example 2: A man drives his wife to work and drops her off at the security gate each morning, with a total stay-time on site for 2 minutes per day. His occupancy factor is calculated as fol lows: 2 min/60 min per hour =.0333 hr; 0.0333 / 8760 = 3.8E-6 These factors, when multiplied by doses calculated per Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, demonstrate that dose to these M EMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is negligible, despite any potential reduction in the atmospheric dispersion.

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LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD)The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

2.7 1+3.29sb* I+()Tb LLD= T, E

  • V
  • k
  • Y e-where: LLD = The lower limit of detection as defined above (as picocurie per unit mass or volume)Ts = The sample counting time in minutes Sb = The standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the countin g rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)Tb = The background count time in minutes E = The counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)

V = The sample size (in units of mass or volume)k = A constant for the number of transformations per minute per unit of activity (normally, 2.22E+6 dpm per [iCi)Y = The fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

?= The radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide t = The elapsed time between midpoint of sample collection and time of counting Note: The above LLD form ula accounts for differing background and sample count times.The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, REMP, uses an LLD formula that assumes equal background and sample count times, in accordance with the RECS.When the above LLD formula is more appropriate for the effluents program, it may be used.IPEC ODCM Page 102 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies The constants 2.71 and 3.29 and the general LLD equation were derive d from the following two sources: 1) Currie, L.A. "Limits for Qualitative Detection of Quantitative Determination". (Anal. Chem. 40:586-593, 1968); and, 2) Mayer, Dauer "Application of Systematic Error Bounds to Detection Limits for Practical Counting".(HP Journal 65(1): 89-91,1993)

The value of Sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank sam pies (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoreticall y predicted variance.

In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples. Typical values of E, V, Y, and t shall be used in the calculation.

The background count rate is calculated from the background counts that are determined to be within + one FWHM (Full-Width-at-Half-Maximum) energy band about the energy of the gamma ray peak used for the quantitative analysis for that radionuclide.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defi ned as an a orio (before the fact) lim it representing the capability of a measurement process and not as an a posterior i (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

To handle the a posteriori problem, a decision level must be defined, which has been identified as the Critical Level. Following an experimental observation, one must decide whether or not a real signal was, in fact, detected.

This type of binary qualitative decision is subject to two kinds of error: deciding that the radioactive material is present when it is not (a: Type I error), and the converse, failing to decide that it is present when it is (b: Type II error). The maximum acceptable Type I error (a), together with the standard deviation, Snet, of the net signal when the net si gnal equals zero, establish the Critical Level, Lc, upon which decisions may be based.Operationally, an observed signal, S, must exceed L, to yield the decision, detected.Lc = kaSb(1 +Tb/TS)0 5 where: ka is related to the standardized normal distribution and corresponds to a probability level of 1-a.For instance, selection of a = 0.01 corresponds to a 99% confidence level that activity is present.When determining the Lc for different measurement processes, it is allowable to set a at less than or equal to 0.05 as long as the following condition is met: To set a for Lc determination at less than 0.05, the equation for the LLD (which places a less than or equal to 0.05) should be employed to verify that the calculated LLD is less than or equal to the LLDs specified in the RECS. This calculation, if necessary, will be performed on a case by case basis.IPEC ODCM Page 103 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies REFERENCES

1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", USNRC Report NUREG-0133, Washington D.C.20555, October 1978.2. M.E. Wrenn and J. W. Lentsch, "The Fate of Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides Released into the Hudson River Estuary and an Evaluation of Their Environmental Significance", New York University Medical Center, Institute of Environmental Medicine, 1974.3. Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I, Revisions 1 and 0 (original draft for information only), USNRC Washington D.C. 20555, October 1977.4. "An Evaluation to Demonstrate the Compliance of the Indian Point Reactors with the Design Objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I", Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. and Power Authority of the State of New York, February 1977.5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "XOQDOQ Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations", USNRC Report NUREG-0324, Washington D.C. 10555, September 1977. (Later updated by NUREG CR 2919).6. "Semi-Annual Report of Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents for Indian Point Three", Power Authority of the State of New York, January 1, 1978 to June 30, 1980.7. "Environmental Technical Specification Requirements for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Number 3", Power Authority of the State of New York, December 12, 1975 (original ETSR).8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specification for PWR's", USNRC Report NUREG-0472, Washington D.C. 20555.9. Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix ", Revision 1, USNRC, Washington D.C. 10555, October 1977.10. IP-SMM-CY-001, "Radioactive Effluents Control Program" (formerly AP-1 1 for unit 3).11. NUREG/CR-4007, 1984, "Lower Limit of Detection:

Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements".

12. New York University Medical Center, "Radioecological Studies of the Hudson River Progress Report (1986-1987)", N.Y.U. New York, New York 10016, March 1988.13. IPI-DM-1 53, "Antimony Dose Factors", IPS Memorandum to M. Kems from D. Mayer, August 8, 1988.14. New York University Medical Center, "Radiological Studies of the Hudson River Progress Report (1987-1988)", N.Y.U. New York, New York 10016, September 1988.IPEC ODCM Page 104 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies
15. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods of Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (October 1977, Rev. 1).16. CRE Computer Code AEOLUS-3, "A Computer Code for the Determination of Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition of Nuclear Power Plant Effluents During Continuous, Intermittent and Accident Conditions in Open-Terrain Sites, Coastal Sites and Deep-River Valleys," RAD-004, Version 1, Level 2 (June 1991).17. CRE Engineering Calculation IP3-CALC-RAD-00001, "IP3 -Revised ODCM Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters (Multi-Year Hourly Data, Mixed-Mode Releases and Valley Effects, July 1991)," and updated reports from Entech Engineering (March 2005), by John N. Hamawi.18. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.23, "Onsite Meteorological Programs," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2/17/72) (Safety Guide 23 and and proposed revision 1 to the Reg Guide).19. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.145, "Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (August 1979).20. D. H. Slade, Ed., "Meteorology and Atomic Energy -1968," USAEC, TID-24190 (1968).21. WCRE-93-157, "lP3-Annual Average Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition factors for Ground-Level Release, December , 1993 Memorandum Hamawi to Mayer.22 NRC Generic Letter 89-01 (Technical Specification Amendment 199) with NUREG 1301,"Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance:

Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors." 23. Improved Technical Specifications from NUREG 1431, Amendment 205, Feb 2001.24. ERDA 660 (ORNL-4992), "A Methodology for Calculating Radiation Doses from Radioactivity Released to the Environment".

25. International Atomic Energy Agency, Generic Models and Parameters for Assessing the Environmental Transfer of Radionuclides from Routine Releases:

Exposures of Critical Groups, Safety Series No. 57, IAEA, Vienna (1978).26. IP3-CALC-RAD-00013, "Radiological Analysis of Site Boundary Gamma Dose from Onsite Radioactive Material Holding Areas".27. MicroShield Manual and Calculations, Grove Engineering.

28. M020.02, Calculations for Steam Generator Storage Facility Site Boundary Dose.29. NYPA 3899.001, Calculations for Direct Shine Dose from the Interim Radioactive Waste Storage Facility.30. IPEC CHM-04-035, "Nuclide Mixtures for Instantaneous and Time Average Releases".
31. IPEC CHM-05-003, "Site Specific Distances to Site Boundary and Nearest Resident".

IPEC ODCM Page 105 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies

32. IPEC CHM-06-012, "Updated Ground Water Dose Evaluations", Apr 2006.33. IPEC CHM-05-042, "Update to Initial Monitoring Well Offsite Dose Calculation", Dec 2005.34. Indian Point Technical Specifications (all units).35. Indian Point Final Safety Analysis Reports (all units).36. 10CFR20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation." 37. 40CFR190, "Environmental Rad Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations." 38. Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." 39. G. Knoll, "Radiation Detection and Measurement," (1979)40. TS (RS) 92-24, "Ingestion Dose Factor Methodology." 41. NPG (RS) 92-88, "Process and Effluent Monitor Energy Calibration." 42. NPG (RS) 92-97, "Effective Stack Height for Blowdown Flash Tank Vent." 43. IPEC-CHM-05-022, "Alternative Methods for Liq Rad Monitor Setpoints

/ Conv Factors." 44. IPEC Chemistry Department Procedures 0-CY-2730 and 0-CY-2740, Airborne and Liquid Radioactive Effluents.

45. IPEC-CHM-06-026, Reporting Levels and Lower Lim its of Detection for Sr-90 in REMP.I 6/08 46. IPEC-CHM-08-008, Reporting Levels and Low er Limits of Detection for N i-63 in REMP.IPEC ODCM Page 106 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX A


of RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS (RECS)LIQUID: AIRBORNE: Dose The diluted concentration of each Rate isotope in UNRESTRICTED AREAS Dose rate is limited at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to: is limited to ten times the ECs of 10CFR20, defined as the Maximum 0 500 mrem/yr whole body, per site, for noble gases;Permissible Concentrations (MPCw) = 3000 mrem/yr to the skin, per site, for noble gases;identified per Section D1.1. The

  • 1500 mrem/yr to any organ, per site for iodine-131, diluted concentration of dissolved or tritium, or 8 day particulates.

entrained noble gases is limited to 2E-4 uCi/ml.Cumulative Dose commitment to any member Air Dose at the SITE BOUNDARY is limited to: of public in UNRESTRICTED 5 mrad per quarter and 10 mrad per year for noble AREAS is limited to: gases, gamma air dose;1 ) In any calendar quarter, 1.5 mremto te toal bdy ad 510 mrad per quarter and 20 mrad per year for noble mrem to the total body and 5air dose.mrem to any organ.2) In a calendar year, 3 mrem to Maximum Individual Dose to a Member of the Public at the total body and 10 mrem to the nearest resident is limited to 7.5 mrem per qtr and any organ. 15 mrem per yr for Iodine, H-3, & 8 day particulates to any organ.Dose Projection Projection of liquid effluent doses Projection of airborne effluent doses shall be computed shall be computed at least every 31 at least every 31 days. If projected doses exceed days. If projected doses exceed: 0.2 mrad gamma air dose, 0.06 mrem citotal boda, o0.4 mrad beta air dose, or 0.2 mrem critical organ, 0.3 mrem to any organ at the nearest residence, clean-up treatment systems are clean-up treatment systems are required to be required to be operational and operational.

applied to future releases.TOTAL DOSE: 25 mrem/yr, all sources, whole body or any organ except thyroid, 75 mrem/yr, all sources, thyroid.IPEC ODCM Page 107 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX B (Page 1 or 2)UNITS 1 and 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM canal canal Others* bc Storm Drains* canal and Ground Water anal Ison River r-lUL*e.g.: House Service Boilers Blowdown; Steam Condensate; Service Water Return; Utility Tunnel Sump (expectedly

<LLD for gamma emitters in effluents).

These and other systems are monitored per the IPEC 80-10 compliance program.IPEC ODCM Page 108 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX B (Page 2 or 2)UNIT 3 LIQUID EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Flash Tank Vent see Fiqure 3-1 IP #1 Waste -SProcessing SI D 0 S /G IB D BGD BI I Recovery H-G Condenser E I Turbine Hall Drains Monitor Tank Vent-Waste See Figure 3-1 Processing Monitor R18~~Tanks C A N Service A Water

  • L Corn ponent Cooling, tor Water, A SComponent Cooling Heat Exchan7ger Service WRiver Component Cooling Wae -Heat Exchanger SComponent Cooling WaterR-7 Storm Drains, Ground Water, and 80-10 J- To Hudson River IPEC ODCM Page 109 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX C (Page 1 of 2)UNITS I and 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Ventilated PAB A 'Unit 2 Vent atmosphere Waste Gas Storage Fuel Storage Building Condenser Air Ejector+atmosphere containment MOB Exhaust 0 Blowdown Flash BID Flash Tank k(Unit 2) Vent (Unit 2)S............
  • .... *..........
  • ...........

Blowdown Flash 0

  • B/D Flash Tank..........


.Vent (Unit 1, for SBBPS)* from other unit atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere Unit 1 Stack atmosphere IPEC ODCM Page 110 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX C (Page 2 of 2)UNIT 3 GASEOUS EFFLUENT SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM Batch Release Points Vents Cont.R e le a s e M ot, ser Point .Monitor LiquidTanks Waste Cont.Ri Release R1S Point serRecirc See igh alarm River Figure 2-1 alrm or J PV m Point Raioc tie -Point IPEC ODCM Page 111 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX D STEAM PARTITION FACTOR CALCULATION (f)The Steam Partition Factor f for the Unit 2 flash tank vent is given by: f = hBD -180 970 For the secondary boiler blowdown purification system flash tank, the factor f is calculated by: f hBD -291 895 Where;hBD is the enthalpy of blowdow n liquid, as taken from SOP 15.1, "Calorimetric Thermal Power Calculation," in BTU/Ibm. A typical value = 500 BTU/lbm.180 or 291 is the enthalpy of condensed water in each flash tank, in BTU/Ibm 970 or 895 is the enthalpy of associated with the latent heat of vaporization in each tank, in BTU/lbm f = A multiplicative factor used to determine the curies of H-3 escaping the flash tank vent, as follows: f

  • SGBD activity (uCi/ml)
  • 3785 ml/gal
  • min = uCi released from vent (1-f)
  • SGBD activity (uCi/ml)
  • 3785 ml/gal
  • min = Liquid uCi released IPEC ODCM Page 112 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX E ALLOWED DILUTED CONCENTRATION (ADC)The Allowed Diluted Concentration (ADC) is derived and calculated as follows: MPCWt
  • CG MPCWt
  • CGMP t ADC= or ADC= or ADC= MPCWt Total activity CG+CB 1+ C,/CG Where;ADC = Allowed diluted concentration in jiCi/ml MPCWt = Maximum permissible concentration in water for all isotopes (beta &gamma), in uCi/ml, as defined in RECS D3.1.1, as follows: CIa MPCWt = i.\ /YMP CWi/Where;Ci and M PCWi = Concentration and M PCW for each isotope CB = The concentration of the non gamma emitters, in ýtCi/cc CG = The concentration of the gamma emitters in uCi/mI Applications of ADC: If simultaneous liquid radioactive discharges are being performed from one unit, dilution flows may need to be re-apportioned.

This may be performed by allocation or by calculation.

The required dilution flow is calculated as follows: E Dr

  • CG ADC where;Dr = Current release discharge rate, gpm E = Required dilution for current existing release(s), gpm The permissible discharge rate is then calculated as follows: D=ADC *B CG Where: D = Permissible discharge rate in gal/min B = Adjusted dilution flow (Available

-E, above), in gpm Note that when there are no other releases (E=O), B simply becomes the available dilution flow.IPEC ODCM Page 113 of 135 Revision I ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX F CONVERSION FACTORS FOR LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORS Monitor conversion factors are derived from circulating a representative sample (or NIST traceable fluid) through t he monitor until a stable reading is obtained.

The conversion factor is then determined by quantifying the uCi /cc (by gamma spectroscopy or known activity) and dividing this value by the net cpm displayed on the monitor.Fluid may be recirculated within the monitoring system, or introduced into a closed loop, to provide elevated, stable readings on the monitor. This fluid should be representative of the expected nuclide mixture in the system, as the conversion factor is energy-dependent.

When the process fluid itself is of sufficient activity to provide this function, it is this fluid that is measured and applied to develop a typical conversion factor.When the process fluid is usually free of contamination, N IST traceable fluid must be injected into the sample chamber to accomplish this task.Once the sample chamber is providing a stable reading, an alequate of the fluid is measured by gamma spectroscopy to determ ine the average energy and the m onitor's conversion factor.Conversion Factors for effluent monitors are maintained by Chemistry and updated when standard mixtures change which would warrant an im proved average energy representation.

If desired, a more robust method can be applied per Reference 43.IPEC ODCM Page 114 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 1 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION

/STATION DR1/57 DR2/59 DR3/90 DR4/28 DR5/35 DR6/88 DR7/14 DR8/03 DR9/34 DRI 0/05 DR1 1/53 DR1 2/74 DR13/76 DR14/78 DR1 5/80 DR16/82 DR17/58 DR18/60 DR1 9/62 DR20/64 DR21/66 DR22/67 DR23/69 DR24/92 DR25/71 DR26/72 DR27/73 DR28/81 DR29/77 DR30/79 DR31/75 DR32/83 DR33/33 DR34/38 DR35/89 DR36/61 DR37/56 DR38/20 DR39/29 DR40/23 DR41/27* Control Station LOCATION Roa Hook Old Pemart Avenue Charles Point Lents Cove Broadway and Bleakley Avenue Reuter-Stokes Pole #6 Water Meter House Service Center Building South East Corner of Site NYU Tower White Beach West Shore Drive -South West Shore Drive -North Rt. 9W, across from R/S #14 Rt. 9W -South of Ayers Road Ayers Road Rt. 9D -Garrison Gallows Hill Road and Sprout Brook Road West Brook Drive (near the Community Center)Lincoln Road -Cortlandt (School Parking Lot)Croton Ave. -Cortlandt Colabaugh Pond Rd. -Cortlandt Mt. Airy & Windsor Road Warren Rd. -Cortlandt Warren Ave. -Haverstraw Railroad Ave. & 9W Haverstraw Willow Grove Rd. & Captain Faldermeyer Drive Palisades Parkway, Lake Welch Exit Palisades Parkway Anthony Wayne Park Palisades Parkway Rt. 9W Fort Montgomery Hamilton Street (Substation)

Furnace Dock. (Substation)

Highland Ave. & Sprout Brook Rd. (near Rock Cut)Lower South Street and Franklin Street Verplanck

-Broadway & 6 th St.Cortlandt Yacht Club (aka Montrose Marina)Grassy Point*Roseton Croton Point DISTANCE 2.0 mi -N 1.8 mi- NNE 0.88 mi -NE 0.45 mi -ENE 0.37 mi -E 0.32 mi- ESE 0.3 mi -SE 0.35 mi -SSE 0.52 mi -S 0.88 mi -SSW 0.92 mi -SW 1.59 mi -WSW 1.21 mi -W 1.2 mi -WNW 1.02 mi- NW 1.01 mi-NNW 5.41 mi- N 5.02 mi -NNE 5.03 mi- NE 4.6 mi- ENE 4.87 mi -E 4.5 mi -ESE 4.97 mi -SE 3.84 mi -SSE 4.83 mi -S 4.53 mi -SSW 4.97 mi -SW 4.96 mi -WSW 4.15 mi-W 4.57 mi -WNW 4.65 mi- NW 4.82 mi -NNW 2.88 mi- NE 3.43 mi -SE 2.89 mi -NNE 1.3 mi- NE 1.25 mi -SSW 1.5 mi -S 3.37 mi -SSW 20.7 mi -N 6.36 mi -SSE IPEC ODCM Page 115 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 2 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/

STATION LOCATION A1/4 A2/94 A3/95 A4/5 A5/23 Airborne Algonquin Gas Line IPEC Training Center Meteorological Tower NYU Tower*Roseton DISTANCE 0.28 mi -SW 0.39 mi -S 0.46 mi -SSW 0.88 mi- SSW 20.7 mi- N Wa 1/9 Wa2/10 Waterborne

-Surface (Hudson River Water)*Plant Inlet (Hudson River Intake)0.

16 mi -W Discharge Canal (Mixing Zone)0.3 m i -WSW Waterborne

-Drinking Wbl/7 Camp Field Reservoir Soil From Shoreline 3.4 mi -NE Wcl/53 Wc2/50 Exposure Pathway/Sample:

Milk White Beach*Manitou Inlet 0.92 mi -SW 4.48 mi -NNW There are no milch animals whose milk is used for human consumption within 8 km distance of Indian Point; therefore, no milk samples are taken (lal -la4).Exposure Pathway/Sample:

Ingestion-Fish and Invertebrates The RECS designate two required sample locations labeled Ib1/25 and lb2/23. The downstream Ibl location and samples will be chosen where it is likely to be affected by plant discharge.

Ib2 will be a location upstream that is not likely to be affected by plant discharge.

The following species along with other com mercially/recreationally important species are considered accep table: 6/08 Striped Bass Bluegill Sunfish White Perch Pumpkin Seed White Catfish Blueback Herring American Eel Crabs Exposure Pathway/Sample:

Ingestion-Food Products (Broad Leaf Vegetation)

Icl/95 Ic2/94 Ic3/23 Meteorological Tower IPEC Training Center*Roseton 0.46 mi -SSW 0.39 mi -S 20.7 mi -N*Control Station IPEC ODCM Page 116 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 3 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/

STATION SAMPLE TYPES DR8/3 A1/4 A4, DR10/5 Wbl/7**/8 Wa 1/9 Wa2/10 DR7/14**/137 DR38/20 Ib2,A5,DR40,Ic3/23 Ibl/25 DR41/27 DR4/28 DR39/29 DR33/33 DR9/34 DR5/35 DR34/38**/44 Wc2/50 Wcl, DR11/53 DR37/56 DR1/57 DRI 7/58 DR2/59 DR18/60 LOCATION Service Center Building Algonquin Gas Line NYU Tower Camp Field Reservoir Croton Reservoir*Plant Inlet (Hudson River Intake)Discharge Canal (Mixing Zone)Water Meter House Off Verplanck Cortlandt Yacht Club (AKA Montrose Marina)*Roseton where available, downstream Croton Point Lents Cove Grassy Point Hamilton Street (Substation)

South East Corner of Site Broadway & Bleakley Avenue Furnace Dock (Substation)

Peekskill Gas Holder Building*Manitou Inlet White Beach Verplanck

-Broadway & 6 1h Street Roa Hook Rt. 9D Garrison Old Pemart Ave.Gallows Hill Road and Sprout Brook Road Lower South Street and Franklin Street West Brook Drive (near the Community Center)Lincoln Road -Cortlandt (School Parking Lot)Croton Ave. -Cortlandt Colabaugh Pond Rd. -Cortlandt Mt. Airy & Windsor Road DISTANCE 0.35 mi -SSE 0.28 mi -SW 0.88 mi -SSW 3.4 mi -NE 6.3 mi -SE 0.16 mi -W 0.3 mi -WSW 0.3 mi -SE 1.5 mi -SSW 1.5 mi- S 6/08 3 1,2 1,2,3 6 6 7 7,8 3 8,9,10 3 20.7 mi- N N/A 6.36 mi -SSE 0.45 mi -ENE 3.37 mi -SSW 2.88 mi -NE 0.52 mi -S 0.37 mi -E 3.43 mi -SE 1.84 mi -NE 4.48 mi -NNW 0.92 mi -SW 1.25 mi- SSW 2.0 mi -N 5.41 mi- N 1.8 mi- NNE 5.02 mi -NNE 1.3 mi- NE 5.03 mi -NE 4.6 mi -ENE 4.87 mi -E 4.5 mi- ESE 4.97 mi -SE 1,2,3,4,5,11,12 12 1,2,3 3,8,9,10 1,2,3 3 3 3 3 1,2,11 10 3,10 3 3 3 3 3 DR36/61 DR1 9/62 DR20/64 DR21/66 DR22/67 DR23/69 3 3 3 3 3 3* Control Station** Items are in excess of RECS requirements IPEC ODCM Page 117 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 4 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLE DESIGNATION/

STATION SAMPLE TYPES DR25/71 DR26/72 DR27/73 DR1 2/74 DR31/75 DR13/76 DR29/77 DR14/78 DR30/79 DR15/80 DR28/81 DR16/82 DR32/83**/84**/85 DR6/88 DR35/89 DR3/90 DR24/92 A2, Ic2/94 A3, Ic1/95 MW-40/104 MW-51/105 LOCATION Warren Avenue -Haverstraw Railroad Ave. & 9W -Haverstraw Willow Grove Rd. & Captain Faldermeyer Dr West Shore Drive -South Palisades Parkway West Shore Drive -North Palisades Parkway Rte. 9W, across from R/S #14 Anthony Wayne Park Rte. 9W -South of Ayers Road Palisades Parkway, Lake Welch Exit Ayers Road Rte. 9W -Fort Montgomery

  • Cold Spring Quality Control Reuter-Stokes Pole #6 Highland Ave. & Sprout Brook Road (near rock cut)Charles Point Warren Rd. -Cortlandt IPEC Training Center Meteorological Tower DISTANCE 4.83 mi -S 4.53 mi -SSW 4.97 mi -SW 1.59 mi -WSW 4.65 mi -NW 1.21 mi -W 4.15 mi-W 1.2 mi -WNW 4.57 mi -WNW 1.02 mi- NW 4.96 mi -WSW 1.01 mi- NNW 4.82 mi -NNW 10.88 mi- N 0.32 mi- ESE 2.89 mi -NNE 0.88 mi- NE 3.84 mi -SSE 0.39 mi -S 0.46 mi -SSW 0.21 mi -SW 0.18 mi -SSW 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8,9,10 6 3 3 3 3 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5 6/08 Boundary Well #40 Boundary Well #51 13 13* Control Station** Items are in excess of RECS requirements Sample types are: particulates Radioiodine Direct gamma Broadleaf vegetation Soil Drinking water Hudson River (H.R.) water bottom sediment-silt H.R. aquatic vegetation H.R. shoreline soil Fallout Fish and invertebrates Ground Water Boundary M onitoring (see ODCM Part I, Figure D 4.1-1)IPEC ODCM Page 118 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 5 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLING LOCATIONS Within Two Miles of Indian Point N Peekskill Rockland County Indian 3 Point., 0 ~ d~4 1 ~Ibi Hudson Ic1l River 1c2 Buci Verplanck (38 Key: A -Waterborne:

Surface (HR) Wa#O -Direct Radiation Sample Location DR#0 -Air Particulate

& Radioiodine A#-HR Shoreline Sediment Wc#Westchester County 1 mile an Ic# -Broadleaf Vegetation Ibl -Fish and Invertebrates (where available downstream)

IPEC ODCM Page 119 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 6 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS SAMPLING LOCATIONS Greater Than Two Miles from Indian Point N Roseton (20.7 mi. N): *E Upstream:

Ib2@ Ic3 Orange County 2 Bear Mountain Bridge ndian Point G@ Hudso River Rockland County Key: 0 -Direct Radiation Sample Location DR#[] -Air Particulate

& Radioiodine A#.-HR Shoreline Sediment Wc#O -Waterborne:

Drinking Wb#C Putnam County 5 miles Westchester County Ic3 -Broadleaf Vegetation Ib2 -Fish and Invertebrates (where available upstream)IPEC ODCM Page 120 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX G (Page 7 of 7)ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING POINTS ADDITIONAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS N Roseton (20.7 mi. N): 23 p-1 6/08 Orange County Bear Mountain Bridge 10: 41 , Putnam County Cold Spring (1.0.88 mi, N) 84 Y 410 17: V 104/105 :gw 29: N Rockland County 27: d/Westchester County 8: dw 5 miles Key: E -Air Particulate

& Radioiodine V -Aquatic Vegetation

-* -HR Bottom Sediment p -Precipitation dw -Drinking Water 0- HR Shoreline Sediment* -Soil gw -Ground Water Boundary Monitoring (see detailed site map)IPEC ODCM Page 121 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX H INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM Laboratories used for analysis of samples to support the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) participate in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program or comparable program with an approved vendor (EPA, NIST, etc).Samples of various media containing known activities of radionuclides are sent to participating laboratories for analyses.

Results of the analyses are compared to the known values.While laboratory results may be reported in terms of normalized deviations from a known value (generally

+ 3 sigma), the results are evaluated for acceptance criteria using the NRC 's standardized com parison requirements for agreement found in the site quality control procedures (as a function of resolution).

Annual results of the interlab participation, along with resolution and agreement criteria, are summarized in the Annual Environmental Operating Report.IPEC ODCM Page 122 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 1 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 Primary Assumptions: " Units 2 and 3 effective dose factors (KLMN) are equivalent, except for unit-specific finite cloud correction factors, which represent different recirculation contribution, as required.* For instantaneous release calculations, the default (initial) condition is for each unit to share (50-50) in the application of the site's 10CFR20 limit (converted to uCi/sec from mrem/yr).* The following data represent long-term meteorological factors. Short term correction, if applicable, should be applied to these values, as discussed in Section 3.5, and Reference 17.Unit 1 or 2 Site Nearest 5-miles Release Points Receptor Boundary Resident Down Valley, Haverstraw Concentration 2.219E-06 1.030E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 755 ml [SSW, 1574 m]Primary Vent Releases Deposition 1.407E-08 7.517E-09 D/Q (M-2) [SSW, 755 m [S, 1133 ml Concentration 2.873E-05 5.158E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 440 m] [SSW, 1374 m]Ground Level Releases Deposition 8.759E-08 1.878E-08 1.35E-09 D/Q (M-2) [SSW, 440 m [S, 933 m]Unit 3 Site Nearest 5-miles Release Point Receptor Boundary Resident Down Valley, Haverstraw Concentration 4.473E-06 1.016E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SW, 350 m] [SSW, 1574 m]Primary Vent Deposition 2.599E-08 7.451E-09 Releases D/Q (m-2) [SSW, 480 m] [S, 1133 m] 1.35E-09 Concentration 6.980E-05 5.158E-06 X/Q (sec/m 3) [SSW, 250 m] [SSW, 1374 m]Ground Level Releases Deposition 2.012E-07 1.878E-08 1.35E-09 DIQ (M-2) [SSW, 250 m] [S, 933 m]IPEC ODCM Page 123 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 2 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 Instantaneous Release Rates vs Dose Rates Indian Point units 2 and 3 share a common site boundary limit of 500 mrem/yr. This 500 mrem/yr limit was divided between the units based upon a 50-50 split of the release rate in [iCi/sec.

Because each unit has its own X/Q and K-bar, equal ptCi/sec discharges from each plant will result in different dose rates for each plant at the most restrictive site boundary location.

In order to define the split of the 500 mrem/yr limit, IPEC units 2 and 3 must base the dose split on the mixture presented in Table 3-8.Dose Split Between IP2 and IP3 A. Instantaneous Dose Rates and Calculation of Allowable Release Rate in uCi/sec: i. Whole Body Dose Rate Calculations:

Given: a) site limit is 500 mrem/yr Note: b) IP3 worst sector X/Q = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 mrem

  • m3 Units 2 and 3 effective c) IP3 K-bar for instantaneous mixture = 849 yr dose factors (KLMN)d) wr care equivalent, except d) IP2 worst sector X/Q = 2.22E-6 sec/in 3 for site-specific finite cloud correction, as e) IP2 K-bar for instantaneous mixture = 1507 mremm defined in Table 3-8.pCi
  • yr f) Q = iCi/sec Solve for Q: Q [ (X/Q 3) (K bar 3) + (X/Q 2) (K bar 2)] = 500 mrem/yr Q [ (4.47E-6)

(849) + (2.22E-6)

(1507)1 = 500 mrem/yr Therefore, without performing any specific calculations for an actual release, the default back-calculated instantaneous release rate (Q) for either unit = 7.OOE+4 pLCiIsec.In other words, if both u nits were releasing at this rate, with the default instantaneous mixture identified in Table 3-8, IPEC would be releasing at 500 mrem/yr (the RECS and 1OCFR20 release rate limit).Since this value assumes ALL releases are included (per unit), a partitioning factor should be applied for each applicable release point when this limit is used. Should it become necessary to "borrow" from the other unit, isotopic mixtures from specific sample results should replace the dose factors used in this default calculation.

Without specific sample data, the default SITE release rate limit is then: 1.40E5 uCilsec.IPEC ODCM Page 124 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 3 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 ii. Skin Dose Rate Calculations:

Given: a) site limit is 3,000 mrem/yr b) IP3 worst sector X/Q = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 mrem

  • m3 c) IP3 (Li + 1.1 Mi) = 2306 u ieym pCi e yr d) IP2 X/Q for SSW sector = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 e) IP2 (Li + 1.1 Mi) = 3071 pCi e yr f) Q = uCi/sec Solve for Q: Q [(X/Q)3 (Li + 1.1 Mi)3 + (X/Q)2 (Li + 1.1 Mi)2] = 3,000 mrem/yr Q [(4.47E-6)

(2306) + (2.22E-6)

(3071)] = 3,000 m rem/yr Q = 1.75E+5 [tCi/sec (less restrictive than Whole Body)iii. Solve for WB dose rate commitments per site (with Q 7.OOE+4 uCi/sec)Indian Point 2: (7.00E+4 ýtCi/sec)

(2.22E-6 sec/m 3) (1507 mrem M =234 mremlyr (pCi e yr Indian Point 3: mreme*m (7.OOE+4 ptCi/sec)

(4.47E-6 sec/m 3) (849 ) = 266 mrem/yr pCi e yr The less restrictive skin dose rate limit for each unit (information only): mreme*m Unit 2: (1.75E+5 uCi/sec) (2.22E-6 sec/m 3) (3071 ) = 1194 mrem/yr pCi 9 yr mrem 0 M3 Unit 3: (1.75E+5 uCi/sec) (4.47E-6 sec/rn) (2306 ) = 1806 mrrem/yr PCi -yr IPEC ODCM Page 125 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 4 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 RELEASE RATE LIMITS FOR QUARTERLY AND ANNUAL AVERAGE NOBLE GAS RELEASES Gamma air dose Beta air dose For a Calendar Quarter 5 mrad limit 10 mrad limit For a Calendar Year 10 mrad limit 20 mrad limit I. Assumptions:

1. Doses are delivered to the air at the site boundary.2. Finite cloud geometry is assumed for noble gas releases at site boundary.3. X/Q for Unit 2 = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 , (Q = release rate uCi/sec)4. X/Q for Unit 3 = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 , (Q = release rate uCi/sec)5. Gamma and Beta air dose factors (M and N), Corrected for finite cloud geometry (as described on Table 3-8) are as follows: Unit 2 effective Unit 3 effective Units average dose factors average dose factors= 281 = 181 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3= 1254 =1254 mrad/yr per uCi/m 3 I1. Calculation of Quarterly Release Rates: a) for gamma dose: (Q )*[(M)(X/Q)]

less than or equal to 5 m rad/qtr b) for beta dose: (Q )*[(N)(X/Q)]

less than or equal to 10 mrad/qtr gamma dose rate beta dose rate unit 2 Q= 5mrad/qtr

-3.21E+4 tCi/sec (1/ 4yr)(M)(X

/Q)Q= l0mrad /qtr = 1.44E+4 [tCi/sec (1 / 4yr)(N)(X

/ Q)unit 3 2.47E+4 itCi/sec 7.14E+3 [iCi/sec Based on the above analysis, the beta dose is limiting for time average doses.Therefore, the allowable quarterly average release rates are 1.44E+4 [tCi/sec for unit 2 and 7.14E+3 iiCi/sec for unit 3.Ill. Calculation of Calendar Year Release Rate Annual limits are one half of quarterly limits. Therefore, using Beta air dose as most limiting, the maximum annual average release rates are 7.20E+3 [tCi/sec for unit 2 and 3.57E+3 ltCi/sec for unit 3.IPEC ODCM Page 126 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 5 of 7 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATES FOR INDIAN POINT UNITS 2 and 3 ALLOWABLE INSTANTANEOUS RELEASE RATE for 1-131 & Particulates w/ TY 2> 8 DAYS)Given: Wv(in): X/Q at the Site Boundary for 1P3 = 4.47E-6 sec/m 3 Wv(in): X/Q at the Site Boundary for 1P2 = 2.22E-6 sec/m 3 Pl(c) = 1.62 E7 mrem/yr/Ci /m 3 Assumed Pathway: Child Inhalation at Unrestricted Area Boundary Solve the following equation for Q:[(Q)Pl(c)(Wv(in))

Unit 3] + [(Q)PI(c)(Wv(in))

Unit 2] = 1500 mrem/yr IP3: (Q)PI(c)(Wv(in))3

= Q

  • 1.62E7 mrem / yr 4.47E-6 s/m 3 POCi / m 3 IP2: (Q)Pl(c)(Wv(in))2

= Q

  • 1.62E7 mnrem,/yr 2.22E-6 s/m 3 pUCi / m 3 The sum equals : (108) (Q) mrem/yr per uCi/sec Limit is 1500 mrem/yr per site: Therefore:

108 *Q mrem/yr _ 1500 mrem/yr T o 8 Ci / sec Q = 1.38E+1 ICi/sec (for each unit)=*72.4=Q36.0 mrem / yr pCi / sec mrem / yr pCi / sec IP3 Dose Contribution:

IP2 Dose Contribution:

pCi 2 mrem m3 sec 1.38E+1 sec*1.62E7

  • 4.47E-6 3 = 1003 mrem/yr sec yr ptCi m3 1.38E+1 Pci*1.62E7mrem m3 *2.22E-6sec

= 497 mrem/yr sec yr 10Ci me Sum = 1500 mrem/yr (Approximately a 67 / 33 percent dose split for IP3 and IP2 respectively).

IPEC ODCM Page 127 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 6 of 7 ALLOWABLE QUARTERLY and ANNUAL IODINE/PARTICULATE RELEASE RATES DOSE LIMITS AT THE NEAREST RESIDENT Dose factors for the child, thyroid (for Iodine 131 ) are used for this category as a conservative assumption since this nuclide has the highest thyroid dose factor of all iodines and particulates, and its most significant effect in on the child age group. The H-3 dose factor is about 4 orders of magnitude less significant and its contribution to the total dose is considered negligible.

The back-calculated release rate for Iodine and Particulate is as follows: X/Q (in sec/m 3 at the nearest reside nt)D/Q (in m 2 at the nearest resident)Unit 2 1.03E-6 7.52E-9 Unit 3 1.02E-6 7.45E-9 RI(c) = 1.62E+7 mrem/yr child thyroid inhalation dose factor for 1-131 ROCi / m e 'RG = 1.72E+7 m2 mreml/yr, ground plane dose factor for 1-131 pCi / sec (for both units)(for both units)RV(c) = 4.75E+10 m 2 mremcyr, child thyroid vegetation dose facto r for 1-131 (for both units)PCi / see Calculating the allowable time average release rate by solving the following equation for Q: Q [(Rlc)(X/Q)

+ (RG)(D/Q)

+ (RVc)(D/Q)]

= limit in mrem/yr (Rlc)(X/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =(RG) (D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RVc)(D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Unit 2 Unit 3 16.7* 0 16.5*0 0.129" Q 0.128* Q 357" Q 354* Q The sum for each unit ( X

  • Q 371
  • Q Quarterly time average limit is 7.5 mrem to any organ (or 30 mrem/yr).

Solving for 0 yields: (IP2)

  • 374 mrem/yr _ 30 mrem/yr;pCi/sec (IP3) Q
  • 371 mrem/yr -30 mrem/yr;pCi / sec (Quarterly Limit)8.02E-2 jiCi/sec 8.10E-2 jiCi/sec (Annual Limit)4.01 E-2 gCi/sec 4.05E-2 gCi/sec (Annual limits are 1/2 quarterly limits, or 15 mrem to any organ/yr)IPEC ODCM Page 128 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX I Page 7 of 7 ALLOWABLE QUARTERLY and ANNUAL IODINE/PARTICULATE RELEASE RATES DOSE LIMITS AT THE 5-MILE SECONDARY RECEPTOR (when aDolied)Dose factors for the infant, thyroid (for Iodine 13 1) are used for this category as a conservative assumption since this nuclide has the highest thyroid dose factor of all iodines and particulates, and its most significant effect is on the infant age group at this location.

When applied (as required by the applicable current Land Use Census), this pathway may be approximately four times more limiting than the Primary Receptor.

The back-calculated release rate for Iodine and Particulate are as follows: X/Q (in sec/m 3 at 5-miles down valley)D/Q (in m-2 at 5-miles down valley)Units 2 or 3 7.22E-7 1.35E-9 RI(i) = 1.48E+7 mrem/yr, infant thyroid inhalation dose factor for 1-131 Ci / m 3'RG = 2.10OE+7 M2 mrMC / yr, ground plane dose factor for 1-131 R) E m / Sec RC(i) = 1.05E+12 M2 mrem/yr, infant thyroid cow-milk dose factor for 1-131/ Sec (for both units)(for both units)(for both units)(there is no vegetative pathway for the infant)Calculating the allowable time average release rate by solving the following equation for Q" Q [(Rli)(X/Q)

+ (RG)(D/Q)

+ (RCi)(D/Q)]

= limit in mrem/yr Q (Rli)(X/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RG) (D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =Q (RCi)(D/Q) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec =The sum for each unit ( X

  • Q ) in mrem/yr per uCi/sec.Units 2 or 3 10.7* Q 0.028
  • Q 1412
  • Q 1428
  • Q Quarterly time average limit is 7.5 mrem to any organ (or 30 mrem/yr).Solving for Q yields the following limits, at either unit: Q
  • 1428 mrem/yr _ 30 mrem/yr;/iCi / sec (Quarterly Limit)2.10E-2 [tCi/sec (Annual Limit)1.05E-2 jICi/sec (Annual limits are 2 quarterly limits, or 15 mrem to any organ/yr)IPEC ODCM Page 129 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 1 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Overview: Site hydrologists have verified the overall direction of groundwater flow at IPEC to be ultimately into the Hudson River. From this established understanding, two independent models are applied to determine groundwater flowrates from the site into the river, the precipitation mass balance and the Darcy's Law models.The precipitation mass balance model applied prior to 2007 was enhanced and further validated for 2007 and beyond by a calibration process involving the Darcy's Law model. A total of six zones on site are evaluated to better partition the distribution of flow across the site. Each zone was also further subdivided into a s hallow flow regime and a deeper flow regime based on the depth-specific differences in formation hydraulic conductivity.

In addition, the groundwater flow val ues before and after the Discharge Canal were com puted and compared to estimate the amount of groundwater flowing into the canal as well as that discharging directly to the river. The overall precipitation mass balance model was also validated through calibration against a Darcy's Law model relative to groundwater flow through each zone. This calibration was also used to provide the basis for the 6/08 depth specific and pre-canal/post-ca nal differentiation of flow values in each zone.The concentrations at groundwater to surface water discharge points were updated using wells specifically drilled at these points for a more accurate assessment of the plume boundaries, limits and release concentrations.

Average concentrations are used, and based on multiple samples, generally at least one per quarter per elevation per well. The additional .wells, and the instrumentation installed therein, also provides further definition of groundwater elevations to enha nce the Darcy's Law calibration of the precipitation mass balance model. The hydrology portion of the fin al model was produced by IPEC's hydrological consultant, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. The specific processes for release and dilution flow evaluation are defined in the following text.The precipitation mass balance model partitions the precipitation falling on the watershed catchment area (i.e., that portion of the Facility area where the surface topography is sloped towards the river)into water that infiltrates the ground to become groundwater (GW), water which infiltrates but then moves back into the atmosphere via evaporation

/transpiration and other processes, and water that flows off the surface as storm water (SW).There are five parameters required by the precipitation mass balance method of computing radionuclide release rate to the Hudson River via the groundwater pathway.1. Overall direction of qroundwater flow -The surface topography shows that the IPEC facility is located in a significant depression in the eastern bank of the Hudson River. Given that groundwater elevations generally mirror ground surface topography and groundwater flow is from high elevations to lower elevations, the groundwater flows from the north, east and south towards the facility, with ultimate discharge to the Hudson River to the west.2. Facility-specific Wroundwater flow paths -To establish facility-specific groundwater flow paths relative to on-site release areas, facili ty ground surface topography mapping was used. These flow paths were refined based on groundwater contours developed from the groundwater elevations measured with transducers install ed in groundwater monitoring installations.

The groundwater flow in each zone was then proportioned into shallow flow and deeper flow regimes based on relative hydraulic conductivities measured for the geologic deposits in each zone.IPEC ODCM Page 130 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 2 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS 3. Rate of groundwater flow -The groundwater flow rates through the individual z ones were computed using mass-balance relationships that begin with the overall average yearly precipitation for the watershed area an d then subtract out precipitation volum es reflecting removal mechanisms such as:* Direct evaporation;

  • Vegetative transpiration;
  • Paved and roof surfaces -transport precipitation directly to the river via storm drains;" Footing drains.The net precipitation infiltration rates resulting in groundwater flow were adopted from a USGS study performed specifically for the Westchester County area, the location in which the facility is sited. The total groundwater flow rate was i nitially proportioned relative to the c atchment areas associated with individual groundwater flow zones.These groundwater flow val ues were subsequently refined using the relative flow values computed using the Darcy's Law model (changes in hydraulic pressure).

The gradient was computed from the groundwater elevati on contours.

For this computation, each flow zone was segregated into two depth regim es; a higher hydraulic conductivity shallow regime and a lower conductivity deeper regime. Finally, the zone-specific flow rates before the Discharge Canal were compared to those after the canal to evaluate the groundwater flux to the river via the Discharge Canal as compared to that discharging directly to the river.4. Groundwater radionuclide concentration

-A number of multi-level groundwater monitoring installations are in place up-gradient of the Discharge Canal and along the waterfront, thus allowing the radionuclide concentrations to be measured for groundwater flowing into the canal as well as that near the groundwater/river interface.

5. Radionuclide release rate to river -Once the grou ndwater flow rates were established, the zone-specific radionuclide release rates to the Hudson River were computed by multiplying the area/depth-specific groundwater flow rates ti mes the associated radionuclide concentr ations;these individual zone-specific values were then summed to arrive at the total radionuclide release rate to the river.Over the entire watershed catchm ent area of 3.2 million ft 2 , the GW and SW has been segmented relative to areas of the facility through which it flows (primarily established based on the relative concentrations and types of contam inants in the various facility areas). The bulk of the GW activity is identified down gradient of the Unit 2 transformer yard. While tritium is suspected to have originated at both Unit 2 and U nit 1 leaks, most of the offsite dose has been demonstrated to originate from Unit 1 contamination from Sr-90 and other radionuclides (tritium has little dose effect). Stream tubes have been drawn throug h the boundaries of these areas to define six individual groundwater flow zones: ZONES:* Northern Clean Zone, the area north of Unit 2;* Unit 2 North Zone, the northern areas of Unit 2, including some I ow levels of tritium;* Unit I and 2 Zone, the area encompassing most of the known plume, between units 1 and 2;* Unit 3 North Zone, the area between U nit 1 and Unit 3;* Unit 3 South Zone, the area that primarily includes operating areas of Unit 3;* Southern Clean Zone, south of Unit 3 to the edge of the property line.IPEC ODCM Page 131 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 3 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Overall, the partitioning is established for groundwater and storm water, including recharge rates where storm drains and ground water com municate.

In each zone, the groundwater flow is further subdivided into a shallow flow regime and a deeper flow regime based on the depth-specific differences in formation hydraulic conductivity.

In addition, the groundwater flow values determined from hydraulic pressure differences before and after the Discharge Canal, were computed and compared to estimate the amount of groundwater flow ing into the canal as well as that discharging directly to the river.Source Terms: Concentrations of identi fled radionuclides for all Zones (from quarterly groundwater sam pling data from Monitoring Wells and the accumulated Storm Drain sample data) are then applied for routine offsite dose cacluations per ODCM Part II, Section 2. All wells and storm drains are analyzed for gamma spectroscopy and tritium by liquid scintillation.

Additionally, groundwater analyses are completed for beta emitters, such as Ni-63 and Sr-90. Quarterly results from effected wells in the effluent locations are evaluated to com pute an average source term for each area or zone.If a result is below MDC (whether positive or negative) it was not included in the computed average, so as not to drive the computed average value down. Therefore more conservative average values, based on only those results above MDC, should be used to avoid averaging in zero and negative values (below M DC) for any location that had at lea st one identified value above M DC. However, if all the sampling locations assigned to a given stream tube provided results below the M DC, then an average concentration value of zero can be assigned to the effected portion of the stream tube. (This mathematically allows the calculation to proceed in the absence of positive detections).

Ground Water and Storm Drain Source Term selection to the canal is as follows: Streamtube Manholes Monitoring Wells, Monitoring Wells, upper zone lower zone Northern Clea n NA Background


Clean Zone Unit 2 MW-52-11 MW-52-64 MW-52-122 North None MW-52-48 MW-52-162 MW-52-18 MW-52-181 MW-36-24 MW-36-41 MW-32-92 MW-32-140 Units MW-36-52 MW-50-42 MW-32-165 MW-32-196 MH-4A MW-50-66 MW-54-37 MW-53-120 MW-54-58 land 2 MW-57-11 MW-57-20 MW-54-123 MW-54-144 MW-57-45 MW-54-173 MW-54-190 Unit 3 MW-58-26 MW-54-58 MW-54-123 North C13-14, CB-34 MW-58-65 MW-54-144 MW-54-173 MW-54-190 Unit 3 U3-T2 MW-44-102 MW-41-63 B88 South U3-TI U3-4D MW-40-27 MW-40-81 MW-40-100 Southern Cl, Dl, E6, MW-40-46 MW-40-127 MW-40-162 Clean Zone EI0, E13 MW-51-40 MW-51-104 MW-51-135 MW-51-79 MW-51-163 MW-51-189 IPEC ODCM Page 132 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 4 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Ground Water and Storm Drain Source Term selection directly to the river is as follows: Streamtube Manholes Monitoring Wells, Monitoring Wells, upper zone lower zone Northern Clean NA Background


Clean ZoneI Unit 2 MH-i MW-60-35 MW-37-22 MW-60-53 MW-60-72 MW-37-32 MW-49-26 MW-60-135 MW-60-154 North MH-12 MW-49-42 MW-60-176 MW-37-22 MW-37-32 MW-67-105 MW-67-173 Units MW-49-26 MW-49-42 MW-67-219 MW-67-276 land 2 MW-49-65 MW-66-21 MW-6-3 M-6739MW-67-323 MW-67-340 MW-66-36 MW-67-39 MW-62-18 MW-62-37 MW-62-92 MW-62-138 Unit 3 C15 MW-62-53 MW-62-71 MW-62-182 MW-63-112 North MW-63-18 MW-63-34 MW-63-121 MW-63-163 MW-63-50 MW-63-93 MW-63-174 Unit 3 MW-41-63 MW-44-102 South none U3-T1 U3-T2 U3-4D MW-40-81 MW-40-100 Southern MW-40-27 MW-40-46 MW-40-127 MW-40-162 Clean Zone MW-51-40 MW-51-79 MW-51-104 MW-51-135 MW-51-163 MW-51-189 Flow Rates: Determination of flow rates to the canal and the river through each zone depend on infiltration rates as well as rainfall and measured hydraulic pressure differences.

The infiltration rate in non-paved areas (or building areas) was computed at 0.87 feet/year, and consistent w ith the range provided in the USGS report: Water Use, Groundwater Recharge and Availability, and Quality in the Greenwich Area, Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY, 2000 -2002.The precipitation rate for the IPEC area is recorded each year, and averages approximately 3 feet per year. A long-term onsite meteorological average should be used for a starting point in determining annual effluent flow rate. All precipitation falling on paved/buildi ng areas is assumed to result in SW flow. Although some of this water actually evaporates directly to atmosphere from pavement and buildings, no credit for this evaporation is taken to ensure conservativis m in the model. Some of the Stormwater, however, naturally recharges the groundwater.

The following values are currently applied i n the flow model: Percent of Stormwater Flow Recharging Groundwater Northern Clean Zone 0%Unit 2 North 50%Unit 1/2 30%Unit 3 North 50%Unit 3 South 1%Southern Clean Zone 1%IPEC ODCM Page 133 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 5 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS Known extration rates from existing pathways need to be subtracted from the zones applicable to these specific pathways, as follows:* Five gallons per minute (gpm) from the Unit 2 Footing Drain is removed from the Unit 2 North streamtube.

  • Five gpm from the Unit 1 North Curtain Drain and 7.5 gpm from the Unit 1 Chemical-Systems Building Foundation Drain are removed from the Unit 1/2 streamtube.
  • Seven and a half gpm from the Unit 1 Chemical Systems Foundation Drain are removed from the Unit 3 North stream tube Beyond the known flow and/or extraction rates, the model uses Darcy's Law to determine the flow contours for each of the six zones. Groundwater elevation contours and measurements of hydraulic conductivity are developed from the wells on site, recognizing that flow is perpendicular to the contours.

This effort also provides knowledge of facility-specific flow paths. Measurments of pressure differential are then applied (per Darcy's Law) to determ ine flow rate: Q =K*i*A Where: Q is groundwater flow (cubic feet/day).

This value is calculated.

K is the hydraulic conductivity (ft/day).

This value is a log normal average of hydraulic conductivity values measured within the appropriate portion of the streamtube.

In other words, the ease of which flow can be forced through sub-surface media.A is the cross sectional area through which groundwater is m oving (ft 2).i is the change in head over a distance (ft/ft), or a measure of the pressure driving the flow. This value is calculated for the shallow and deep zones both upgradient and downgradient of the canal.The data above was applied to calibrate the precipitation mass balance model in 2007 and will be similarly applied in subsequent dose determination, with potential minor updates in pararmetes, such as the change in head (i) defined above, as the model is further refined. This calibration routine consists of the following steps, as they applied in the 2007 effluent determination:

1) Groundwater elevation data was downloaded from transducers and/or recorded manually with an electronic water level indicator or equivalent.

Following download, the data was reduced and evaluated by the site Hydrologists.

2) A period of time was selected to evaluate the groundwater at key elevations and positions along all three axes, such that the maximum number of working transducers were included.Evaluations were also optimized by selecting readings during low-low tide on the targeted day.IPEC ODCM Page 134 of 135 Revision 1 ODCM Part II -Calculational Methodologies APPENDIX J Page 6 of 6 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION DETAILS 3) Two sets of groundwater contours were prepared.

Shallow groundwater contours were drawn based on groundwater elevation data collected generally at elevations higher than 40 feet below top of bedrock. Deep groundwater contours were drawn based on groundwater elevation data from sampling locations deeper than 40 feet below the top of rock, although preference was given to data from the upper portion of that zone.4) Using the groundwater contours within each streamtube, the groundwater flux was calculated within each zone using Darcy's Law as described above.5) The total flow, both upgradient and downgradient of the Discharge Canal, was summed separately.

The difference between these flows constitutes that groundwater which is recharging the Discharge Canal.6) The total flow downgrad ient of the Discharge Canal discharges into the Hudson river.7) The percentage of groundwater flow in the upper and lower zones of each streamtube was calculated for proportioning of groundwater flow in the upper and lower zones in the Precipitation Mass Balance Model.NOTE: The groundwater contours used for the Darcy's Law calibration are based on data collected in calendar year 2007. Seasonal variations in precipitation and runoff are expected to cause variations in the groundwater contours for individual quarterly monitoring rounds. It is anticipated that quarterly data will be collected and reviewed through 2008 to update t he model as required.

The set of groundwater contours that provide the highest release rate (i.e. those with the steepest gradients) will ultimately be used to provide a final calibration of the Precipitation Mass Balance Model.8) A final determination of offsite dose can be performed with the previously compiled data (dilution flow, effluent flow rates, and source terms) using an integrated dose calculation model (electronic Excel spreadsheet) identified in Reference

44. This spreadsheet, called the Master Groundwater Dose Calculator, is available from Chemistry Management." The distribution of flow rates to the canal and the river, from each zone, is determined within this asset as a result of calibrations of the rainfall model with Darcy's Law and transducer data. Its purpose is to bound the effluent flow rate in a conservative fashion, until there is evidence of a need to recalibrate the precipitation mass balance method.* Averaged or conservative assessments of source term are entered for each zone from a list of required input locations (wells or drains in each effected area).* Dose calculations are performed with this information per ODCM Part II, Section 2.4, in the same fashion as other liquid effluents.

IPEC ODCM Page 135 of 135 Revision 1 ENCLOSURE 3 TO NL-09-045 Summary of the Process Control Proqram (PCP) Changes for IPEC ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 1, 2, and 3 DOCKETS 50-3, 50-247 and 50-286 Summary of the PCP changes for IPEC as a result of adopting the Entergy Fleet PCP EN-RW-1 05 Revision 1, July 30, 2008 The revision to EN-RW-1 05 included a major re-write to provide updates to allow VTY, PLP and IPEC to be included as sites implementing this Process Control Program. This revision resulted in the following updates for IPEC: " Waste management practices section replaced dry and liquid waste management

  • Waste stream sampling methods and frequency section added* Waste classification section added* Quality Control section added" Dewatering section added* Waste packaging section added* Miscellaneous section added for special tools/equipment

& training requirements Procedure Contains NMM REFLIB Forms: YES El NO Z Effective Procedure Owner: Mark L. Carver Executive Sponsor: Kevin Walsh Date Title: Manager, Fleet Radwaste Title: VP -Operations 7/30/2008 Site: Echelon -HQN Site: Waterford 3 Exception Site Site Procedure Champion Title Date*ANO David Moore RPM N/A BRP N/A N/A GGNS Roy Wilson RPM IPEC Dennis Loope RPM JAF John Solowski RPM PLP Chuck Sherman RPM PNPS Jack Priest RPM RBS Brad Houston RPM VY Sam Wender IV RPM W3 Blake Pilutti RPM N/A NP N/A N/A N/A HQN Mark L. Carver Manager, Fleet Radwaste Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision Palisades Nuclear Plant, Process Control Program (PCP) -Rev. 11 Process Applicability Exclusion All Sites: El Specific Sites: ANO E] BRP El GGNS F1 IPEC--] JAF E] PLP E] PNPS El RBS [] VY El W3 El NP El Change Statement" The revision to EN-RW-1 05 included a major re-write to provide updates to allow VTY, PLP and IPEC to be included as sites implementing this Process Control Program." The following are updates: o Waste management practices section replaced dry and liquid waste management o Waste stream sampling methods and frequency section added o Waste classification section added o Quality Control section added o Dewatering section added o Waste packaging section added o Miscellaneous section added for special tools/equipment

& training requirements

  • Exception Dates to permit appropriate change management training and to facilitate outage schedules.

EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Title Page PURPOSE ..................................................




3 D E F IN IT IO N S ..........................................................................



9 D E T A ILS ..............................................................................



20 RECORDS ............................................................................





21 EN-RW-105, Rev. 1


The Process Control Program (PCP) requires formulas, sampling, analyses, test and determinations to be made to ensure that the processing and packing of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61 and 71, State Regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste. The scope of a PCP is to assure that radioactive waste will be handled, shipped, and disposed of in a safe manner in accordance with approved site or vendor procedures, whichever is applicable.

[GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 1]1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the solid radioactive waste Process Control Program (PCP) at all the Entergy fleet sites. The PCP describes the methods used for processing, classification and packaging low-level wet radioactive waste into a form acceptable for interim on-site storage, shipping and disposal, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 61 and current disposal site criteria.1.2 To ensure the safe operation of the solid radwaste system, the solid radwaste system will be used in accordance with this Process Control Program to process radioactive wastes to meet interim on-site storage, shipping and burial ground requirements.

1.3 This document addresses the process control program in the context of disposal criteria, on-site processing and vendor processing requirements.

1.4 The Process Control Program implements the requirements of 1 OCFR50.36a and General Design Criteria 60 of Appendix A to 1 OCFR Part 50. The process parameters included in the Process Control Program may include but are not limited to waste type, waste pH, waste/liquid/solidification agent/catalyst ratios, waste oil content, waste principal chemical constituents, and mixing and curing times.1.5 This document does NOT address the requirements for 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (waste characteristics) for material sent to intermediate processors, because the final treatment and packaging is performed at the vendor facilities.


[1] EN-QV-1 04, "Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual Control"[2] Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations

[3] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20[4] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 61[5] Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71, Appendix H [QAPM, Section A.1.c]EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 2.0 continued[6] Low-Level Waste Licensing Branch Technical Position on Radioactive Waste Classification, 11 May 1983[7] Disposal Site Criteria and License[8] Waste Processor Acceptance Criteria[9] EN-LI-100, "Process Applicability Determination"[10] NRC Information and Enforcement Bulletins* NRC Information Notice 79-19: Packaging of Low-Level Radioactive Waste for Transport and Burial.* NRC Information Notice 80-24: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Burial Criteria.* NRC Information Notice 80-32: Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive-Use Shipments of Radioactive Materials.

  • NRC Information Notice 80-32, Rev. 1: Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive-Use Shipments of Radioactive Materials.

Solidification Operations by Outside Contractors EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 2.0 continued[11], NRC Information and Enforcement Bulletins (continued)

  • NRC Information Notice 89-27: Limitations on the Use of Waste Forms and High Integrity Containers for the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste* NRC Information Notice 92-62: Emergency Response Information Requirements for Radioactive Material Shipments* NRC Information Notice 92-72: Employee Training and Shipper Registration Requirements for Transporting Radioactive Materials* NRC Generic Letter 89-01, "Implementation of Programmatic Controls for Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications in the Administrative Controls Section of the Technical Specifications and the Relocation of Procedural Details of RETS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or to the Process Control Program".[12] Nureg-0800 Standard Review Plan Section 11.4 Revision 2, Solid Waste Management Systems.[13] NRC Waste Form Technical Position, Revision 1 Jan 24 1991.[14] NRC SECY 94-198 Review of Existing Guidance Concerning the Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste.[15] EPRI TR-106925 Rev-1, Interim On-Site Storage of Low Level Waste: Guidelines for Extended Storage -October1996

[16] NRC Branch Technical Position On Concentration Averaging And Encapsulation Jan 17 1995[17] Commitment Documents (U-2 and U-3)* IPN-99-079, "Supplement to Proposed Changes to Technical Specifications Incorporating Recommendations of Generic Letter 89-01 and the Revised 10 CFR Part 20 and 10 CFR Part 50.36a.Appendix B Technical Specifications, Section 4.5 [IP, RECS ODCM Part 1]3.0 DEFINITIONS

[1] Batch -A quantity of waste to be processed having essentially consistent physical and chemical characteristics as determined through past experience or system operation knowledge by the Radwaste Shipping Specialist.

A batch could be a waste tank, several waste tanks grouped together or a designated time period such as between outages as with the DAW waste stream. An isolated quantity of feed waste to be processed having essentially constant physical and chemical characteristics.(The addition or removal of water will not be considered to create a new batch).EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[2] Certificate of Compliance

-Document issued by the USNRC regulating use of a NRC licensed cask or issued by (SCDHEC) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Conservation regulating a High Integrity Container.

[3] Chelating Agents -EDTA, DTPA, hydroxy-carboxylic acids, citric acid, carbolic acid and glucinic acid.[4] Compaction

-The process of volume reducing solid waste by applying external pressure.[5] Confirmatory Analysis -The practice of verifying that gross radioactivity measurements using MCA are reasonably consistent with independent laboratory sample data.[6] Dewatered Waste -Wet waste that has been processed by means other than solidification, encapsulation, or absorption to meet the free standing liquid requirements of 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (a)(3) and (b)(2).[7] De-watering

-The removal of water or liquid from a waste form, usually by gravity or pumping.[8] Dilution Factor -The RADMAN computer code factor to account for the non-radioactive binder added to the waste stream in the final product when waste is solidified.

[9] Dry Waste -Radioactive waste which exist primarily in a non-liquid form and includes such items as dry materials, metals, resins, filter media and sludges.[10] Encapsulation

-Encapsulation is a means of providing stability for certain types of waste by surrounding the waste by an appropriate encapsulation media.[11] Gamma-Spectral-Analysis

-Also known as IG, MCA, Ge/Li and gamma spectroscopy.

[12] Gross Radioactivity Measurements

-More commonly known as dose to curie conversion for packaged waste characterization and classification.

[13] Homogeneous

-Of the same kind or nature; essentially alike. Most Volumetric waste streams are considered homogeneous for purposes of waste classification.

[14] Incineration

-The process of burning a combustible material to reduce its volume and yield an ash residue.[15] Liquid Waste -Radioactive waste that exist primarily in a liquid form and is contained in other than installed plant systems, to include such items as oil, EHC fluid, and other liquids. This waste is normally processed off-site.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[16] Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW) -Those wastes containing source, special nuclear, or by-product material that are acceptable for disposal in a land disposal facility.

For the purposes of this definition, low-level radioactive waste has the same meaning as in the Low-Level Waste Policy Act, that is, radioactive waste not classified as high-level radioactive waste, transuranic waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by-product material as defined in section 11 e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act (uranium or thorium tailings and waste).[17] Measurement of Specific Radionuclides

-More commonly known as direct sample or container sample using MCA data for packaged waste characterization and classification.

[18] Operable -A system, subsystem, train, component or device SHALL be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified functions(s), and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).

[19] Prequalification Program -The testing program implemented to demonstrate that the proposed method of wet waste processing will result in a waste form acceptable to the land disposal facility and the NRC.[20] Processing, -Changing, modifying, and/or packaging radioactive waste into a form that is acceptable to a disposal facility.[21] Quality Assurance/Quality Control -As used in this document, "quality assurance" comprises all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, or component will perform satisfactorily in service.Quality assurance includes quality control, which comprises those quality assurance actions related to the physical characteristics of a material structure, component, or system to predetermined requirements.

[22] Reportable Quantity Radionuclides (RQ) -Any radionuclide listed in column (1) of Table 2 of 49CFR Part 172.101 which is present in quantities as listed in column (3) of Table 2 of 49CFR Part 172.101.[23] Sampling Plan -A program to ensure that representative samples from the feed waste and the final waste form are obtained and tested for conformance with parameters stated in the PCP and waste form acceptance criteria.[24] Scaling Factor -A dimensionless number which relates the concentration of an easy to measure radionuclide (gamma emitter) to one which is difficult to measure (beta and/or alpha emitters).

EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[25] Significant Quantity -For purposes of waste classification all the following radionuclide values SHALL be considered significant and must be reported on the disposal manifest." Any value (real or LLD) for radionuclides listed in Appendix G to 1 OCFR20 (H-3, C-14, 1-129, Tc-99).* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the concentration limits as listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55 Table 1." Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the Class A concentration limits listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55 Table 2.* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the total activity.* Greater than or equal to 1 percent of the Reportable Quantity limits listed on 49CFR Part 172.101 Table 2.[26] Solidification

-The conversion of wet waste into a free-standing monolith by the addition of an agent so that the waste meets the stability and free-standing liquid requirements of the disposal site.[27] Special Radionuclides

-The RADMAN computer code term for radionuclides listed in Appendix G to 100OFR20 (i.e., H-3, C-14,1-129

& Tc-99)[28] Stability

-Structural stability per 1 OCFR61.2, Waste Form Technical Position, and Waste Form Technical Position Revision 1. This can be provided by the waste form, or by placing the waste in a disposal container or structure that provides stability after disposal.

Stability requires that the waste form maintain its structural integrity under the expected disposal conditions.

[29] Training -A systematic program that ensures a person has knowledge of hazardous materials and hazardous materials regulations.

[30] Type A Package -Is the packaging together with its radioactive contents limited to Al or A2 as appropriate that meets the requirements of 49CFR Part 173.410 and Part 173.412, and is designed to retain the integrity of containment and shielding under normal conditions of transport as demonstrated by the tests set forth in 49CFR Part 173.465 or Part 173.466 as appropriate.

[31] Type B Package -Is the packaging together with its radioactive contents that is designed to retain the integrity of containment and shielding when subjected to the normal conditions of transport and hypothetical accident test conditions set forth in 10CFR Part 71.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 3.0 continued[32] Volume Reduction

-any process that reduces the volume of waste. This includes but is not limited to, compaction and incineration.

[33] Waste Container

-A vessel of any shape, size, and composition used to contain the waste media.[34] Waste Form -Waste in a waste container acceptable for disposal at a licensed disposal facility.[35] Waste Stream -A Plant specific and constant source of waste with a distinct radionuclide content and distribution.

[36] Waste Type -A single packaging configuration and waste form tied to a specific waste stream.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES

[1] The Vice President Operations Support (VPOS) is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

[2] Each site Senior Nuclear Executive (SNE) is responsible for ensuring that necessary site staff implements this procedure.

[3] The Low Level RadWaste (LLRW) Focus Group is responsible for evaluating and recommending changes and revisions to this procedure.

[4] Each site RP Department

-Radwaste Supervisor

/ Specialist (title may vary at the site's respectively) has the overall responsibility for implementing the PCP and is responsible for processing and transportation is tasked with the day-to-day responsibilities for the following:

  • Implementing the requirements of this document." Ensuring that radioactive waste is characterized and classified in accordance with 1 OCFR Part 61.55 and Part 61.56.* Ensuring that radioactive waste is characterized and classified in accordance with volume reduction facility and disposal site licenses and other requirements." Designating other approved procedures (if required) to be implemented in the packaging of any specific batch of waste.* Providing a designated regulatory point of contact between the Plant and the NRC, volume reduction facility or disposal site.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 4.0 continued* Maintaining records of on-site and off-site waste stream sample analysis and Plant evaluations.
  • Suspending shipments of defectively processed or defectively packaged radioactive wastes from the site when the provisions of this process control program are not satisfied.


An isotopic analysis SHALL be performed on every batch for each waste stream so that the waste can be classified in accordance with 1 0CFR61. The isotopic and curie content of each shipping container SHALL be determined in accordance with 49CFR packaging requirements.

The total activity in the container may be determined by either isotopic analysis or by dose-rate-to-curie conversion.

5.1. Precautions

and Limitations

[1] Precautions (a) Radioactive materials SHALL be handled in accordance with applicable radiation protection procedures.(b) All radioactive waste must be processed or packaged to meet the minimum requirements listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.56 (a) (1) through (8).(c) If the provisions of the Process Control Program are not satisfied, suspend shipment of the defectively processed or defectively packaged waste from the site. Shipment may be accomplished when the waste is processed

/ packaged in accordance with the Process Control Program.(d) The generation of combustible gases is dependent on the waste form, radioactive concentration and accumulated dose in the waste. Changes to organic inputs (e.g. oil) to waste stream may change biogas generation rates.[2] Limitations (a) Only qualified personnel will characterize OR package radioactive waste OR radioactive materials for transportation or disposal.(b) All site personnel that have any involvement with radioactive waste management computer software SHALL be familiar with its functions, operation and maintenance.

EN-RW-105, Rev. 1

5.2. Waste

Manaqement Practices[1] Waste processing methods include the following: (a) Present and planned practice is NOT to solidify or encapsulate any waste streams.(b) Waste being shipped directly for burial in a HIC (High Integrity Container) is dewatered to less than 1 percent by volume prior to shipment.(c) Waste being shipped directly for burial in a container other than a HIC is dewatered to less than 0.5 percent by volume prior to shipment.(d) IF solidification is required in the future, THEN at least one representative test specimen from at least every 10th batch of each type of radioactive waste will be checked to verify solidification.

(1) IF any specimen fails to verify solidification, THEN the solidification of the batch under test SHALL be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative solidification parameters can be determined, and a subsequent test verifies solidification.

If alternative parameters are determined, the subsequent tests shall be verified using the alternative parameters determined.

(2) IF the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify solidification, THEN provide for the collection and testing of representative test specimens from each consecutive batch of the same type of waste until at least 3 consecutive initial test specimens demonstrates solidification.

The process SHALL be modified as required to assure solidification of subsequent batches of waste.[2] Operation and maintenance of dewatering systems and equipment include the following: (a) Present and planned practice is to utilize plant personnel supplemented by vendor personnel or contracted vendor personnel, to operate AND maintain dewatering systems and equipment (as needed to meet disposal site requirements).(b) All disposal liners are manufactured by and purchased from QA-approved vendors.[3] ALARA considerations are addressed in all phases of the processes involving handling, packaging AND transfer of any type OR form of radioactive waste (dewatered or dry).Resin, charcoal media, spent filter cartridges AND sludges are typically processed within shields. Sluiceable demineralizers are shielded when in service. Radiation exposure and other health physics requirements are controlled by the issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) for each task.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1

5.3. Waste

Stream Samllinq Methods and Frequency[1] The following general requirements apply to Plant waste stream sampling: (a) Treat each waste stream separately for classification purposes.(b) Ensure samples are representative of or can be correlated to the final waste form.(c) Determine the density for each new waste stream initially or as needed (not applicable for DAW and filters).(d) Perform an in-house analysis for gamma-emitting radionuclides for each sample sent to an independent laboratory.(e) Periodically perform in-house analysis for gamma emitting radionuclides for comparison to the current data base values for gamma emitters. (The current database is usually based on the most recent independent laboratory results.)(f) Resolve any discrepancies between in-house results AND the independent laboratory results for the same or replicate sample as soon as possible.(g) Maintain records of on-site and off-site waste stream sample analysis and evaluations.

[2] When required, waste stream samples should be analyzed, re-evaluated and if necessary, shipped to a vendor laboratory for additional analysis.

The same is true when there is a reason to believe that an equipment or process change has significantly altered the previously determined scaling factors by a factor of 10.Specific examples include but are not limited to:* Changes in oxidation reduction methods such as zinc, injection, hydrogen water chemistry,* Changes in purification methods including media specialization, media distribution, ion/cation ratios," Changes in fuel performance criteria including fuel leaks" Other changes in reactor coolant chemistry.

  • Sustained, unexplained, changes in the routinely monitored Beta/Alpha ratios, as determined by Radiation Protection,* When there is an extended reactor shutdown (> 90 days).* When there are changes to liquid waste processing, such as bypassing filters, utilizing filters or a change in ion exchange media.* When there are changes to the waste stream that could change the biogas generation rate.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.3 continued[3] The following requirements apply to infrequent or abnormal waste types: (a) Infrequent OR abnormal waste types that may be generated must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.(b) The RP Department Supervisor

/ Specialist responsible for processing AND shipping will determine if the waste can be correlated to an existing waste stream.(c) IF the radioactive waste cannot be correlated to an existing waste stream, THEN the RP Department Supervisor

/ Specialist responsible for processing and shipping SHALL determine specific off-site sampling and analysis requirements necessary to properly classify the material.[4] Specific sampling methods and data evaluation criteria are detailed in EN-RW-104 for specific waste streams.5.4. Waste Classification

[1] General requirements for scaling factors include the following: (a) The Plant has established an inferential measurement program whereby concentrations of radionuclides which cannot be readily measured are estimated through ratio-ing with radionuclides which can be readily measured.(b) Scaling factor relationships are developed on a waste stream-specific basis.These relationships are periodically revised to reflect current independent lab data from direct measurement of samples. The scaling factor relationships currently used by the sites are as follows: Hard to detect ACTIVATION product radionuclides and C-14 are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Co-60 activities.

Hard to detect FISSION product radionuclides and H-3, Tc-99 and 1-129 are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Cs-1 37 activities.

Hard to detect TRANSURANIC radionuclides are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Ce-144 activities.

Where Ce-144 cannot be readily measured, transuranics are estimated by using scaling factors with measured Cs-1 37 activities.

Second order scaling of transuranics is acceptable when Cs-1 37 and Ce-144 are not readily measurable.

EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.4 continued[2] General requirements for the determination of total activity and radionuclide concentrations include the following: (a) The activity for the waste streams is estimated by using either Gross Radioactivity Measurement OR Direct Measurement of Radionuclides.

Current specific practices are as follows:* DAW -Gross radioactivity measurement in conjunction with the RADMAN computer codes, other approved computer codes or hand calculation." Filters -Gross radioactivity measurement in conjunction with the FILTRK computer code, other approved computer codes or hand calculation." All Other Waste Streams -Direct measurement of radionuclides in conjunction with the RADMAN computer codes, other approved computer codes or hand calculation.(b) Determination of the NRC waste classification is performed by comparing the measured or calculated concentrations of significant radionuclides in the final waste form to those listed in 1 OCFR Part Quality Control[1] The RADMAN computer code provides a mechanism to assist the Plant in conducting a quality control program in accordance with the waste classification requirements listed in 1 OCFR Part 61.55. All waste stream sample data changes are written to a computer data file for future review and reference.

[2] Audits and Management Review includes the following: (a) Appendix G to 1 OCFR20 requires conduct of a QC program which must include management review of audits.(b) Management audits of the Plant Sampling and Classification Program SHALL be periodically performed to verify the adequacy of maintenance sampling and analysis.(c) Audits and assessments are performed and documented by any of the following:

  • Radiation Protection Department
  • Quality Assurance Department
  • Qualified Vendors (d) Certain elements of the Entergy.Quality Assurance Program Manual are applied to the Process Control Program. [QAPM, Section A.1l.c]EN-RW-105, Rev. 1

5.6. Dewaterinq


[1] Processing requirements during dewatering operations include the following: (a) All dewatering operations are performed per approved Plant or vendor operating procedures and instructions.(b) Dewatering limitations and capabilities are verified by vendor Topical Reports or Operating and Testing Procedures.

[2] Dewatered resin activity limitations include the following: (a) Dewatered resins will not be shipped off-site that have activities which will produce greater than 1.0E+8 rads total accumulated dose over 300 years. This is usually verified by comparing the container specific activity at the time of shipment to the following concentration limits for radionuclides with a half-life greater than five years:* 10 Ci (0.37 TBq) per cubic foot.* 350 uCi (12.95 MBq) per cubic centimeter

5.7. Waste

Packaging Waste in final form will be packaged in accordance with Title 10 and Title 49 of the Code of federal regulations and in accordance with current burial site criteria as is detailed in EN-RW-102.

EN-RW-105, Rev. 1

5.8. Administrative

Controls[1] Information on solid radioactive waste shipped off-site is reported annually to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report as specified by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) or Technical Specification.

[ANO1 Technical Specifications -5.6.3] [ANO2 Technical Specifications -6.9.3][WF3 Technical Specifications -6.9.18] [GGNS ODCM -5.6.3.c] [JAF Technical Specifications -5.6.3] [PLP ODCM, Appendix A -IV. A].[2] All changes to the PCP SHALL be documented.

All records of reviews performed SHALL be retained as required by the Quality Assurance Program. The documentation of the changes SHALL [GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 2]: (a) Contain sufficient information to support the change with appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change.(b) Include a determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste product (if applicable) to existing requirements of Federal, State or other applicable regulations.

[3] All changes in the Process Control Program and supporting documentation are included in each site's next Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

[ANO ODCM -L3.2.1.B]

[VTY TRM 6.12][4] The changes to EN-RW-1 05 SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by the site's General Plant Manager except as listed below: (a) For Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, the changes to RW-105 SHALL be accomplished as specified in Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by the On-site Safety Review Committee (OSRC) and the approval of the GGNS Plant General Manager. [GGNS UFSAR, Chapter 16B.1 / TRM - paragraph 2](b) For River Bend Nuclear Station, the procedure approval along with changes to RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per the River Bend Nuclear Station Technical Requirements, Section

The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance by approval from the River Bend Nuclear Station Plant Manager or Radiation Protection Manager. [RBS Technical Requirements

-, & 5.8.2]EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1

5.8 Continued

(c) For Waterford 3, the procedure approval along with changes to RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per Waterford 3 Technical Specifications 6.13.2. The changes SHALL. become effective upon review and acceptance by the Waterford 3 General Plant Manager. [WF3 Technical Specifications -6.13.2.b](d) For James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Station, the procedure approval along with changes to EN-RW-1 05 SHALL be accomplished per the James A. FitzPatrick Station Technical Specifications, Section 5.6.3. The changes SHALL become effective upon review and acceptance through approval from the James A.FitzPatrick Nuclear Station On-Site Safety Review Committee.

[JAF UFSAR, Chapter 11.3.5](e) For Vermont Yankee, Changes to the Process Control Program SHALL become effective after review and acceptance by. the (OSRC) On-Site Safety Review Committee and the Site VP.(f) For IPEC, Changes to the Process Control Program SHALL become effective after final review and acceptance by the On-Site Safety Review Committee (OSRC).5.9. Vendor Requirements

[1] Vendors performing radwaste services under 10CFR61 and 1OCFR71 requirements will be on the Entergy Qualified Supplier's List (QSL). [QAPM, Section A.1.c][2] Vendors performing radwaste services on-site are to comply with the following: (a) Dewatering and solidification services SHALL have a NRC-approved Topical Report or other form of certification documenting NRC approval of the processes and associated equipment/containers.(b) All vendor procedures utilized for performing on-site radwaste processing services (to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61 and 71, State Regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste) will be reviewed per the requirements of EN-LI-1 00, technically by the applicable site's Radiation Protection organization and only be accepted per the approvals specified in Section 5.8 [4].(c) All changes to vendor procedures for ongoing on-site radwaste services will be reviewed technically by the site's Radiation Protection organization and screened per the requirements of EN-LI-1 00. Significant procedural changes will require the approvals specified in Section 5.8 [4]. During screening, the level of significance for procedural changes on equipment and process parameters may warrant the full 1 OCFR50.59 documentation and approval process.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1

5.9 continued

(d) Plant management SHALL review vendor(s) topical reports and test procedures per applicable requirements in Section 5.8.NOTE The PCP does not have to include the vendor's Topical Report if it has NRC approval, or has been previously submitted to the NRC.(e) Plant management review will assure that the vendor's operations and requirements are compatible with the responsibilities and operation of the Plant.(f) Training requirements and records listed in Section 5.10 also apply to contracted vendors.5.10. Miscellaneous

[1] Special tools and equipment (a) Frequency of Use and Descriptions Required tools and equipment will vary depending on the specific process and waste container that is used. The various tools and equipment which may be required are detailed in specific procedures developed to govern activities described in this document.[2] Pre-requisites (a) Maintenance of Regulatory Material Ensure that a current set of DOT, NRC, EPA and applicable State regulations, vendor processing facility and disposal site regulations and requirements are maintained at the site and are readily available for reference.

The use of web based regulations is acceptable.(b) Representative Radionuclide Sample Data Ensure that representative radionuclide sample data is on file for each active waste stream. Unless operation conditions or changes in processing methods require increased sample frequency, data is considered to be current if it meets the requirements of EN-RW-1 04.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1 5.10 continued (c) Initial and Cyclic Training* A training program SHALL be developed, implemented and maintained for all personnel involved in processing, packaging, handling and transportation of radioactive waste to ensure radwaste operations are performed within the requirements of NRC Information Bulletin 79-19 and 49CFR Part 172.700 through Part 172.704.* Training requirements and documentation also apply to contracted on-site vendors.NOTE Cyclic training is defined as within three years for DOT, and two years for IATA (d) Specific employee training is required for each person who performs the following job functions

[1 72.702(b)]." Classifies hazardous materials." Packages hazardous materials.

  • Fills, loads and/or closes packages.* Marks and labels packages containing hazardous materials." Prepares shipping papers for hazardous materials." Offers or accepts hazardous materials for transportation.
  • Handles hazardous materials." Marks or placards transport vehicles.* Operates transport vehicles." Works in a transportation facility and performs functions in proximity to hazardous materials which are to be transported." Inspects or tests packages.EN-RW-105, Rev. 1 5.10 continued (e) Cyclic training is defined as within three years for DOT & within two years for IATA.Copies of training records are required for as long as a person is employed and 90 days thereafter.

The records should include, as a minimum, the following:

  • Trainee's name and signature" Training dates* Training material or source reference* Trainer's information


[1] EN-LI-100, "Process Applicability Determination"[2] EN-RW-104, "Scaling Factors"[3] EN-QV-104, "Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual Control" 7.0 RECORDS[1] Documentation of pertinent data required to classify waste and verify solidification will be maintained on each batch of processed waste as required by approved procedures.

[2] Documentation will also be maintained to ensure that containers, shipping casks, and methods of packaging wastes meet applicable Federal regulations and disposal site criteria.

The records of reviews performed and documents associated with these reviews will be maintained as QA records.EN-RW-1 05, Rev. 1


AND REGULATORY COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCES Document Document NMM Procedure Site Applicability Section Section ANO ODCM L3.2.1 .B 5.8 [31 ANO ANO1 Technical Specifications 5.6.3 5.8 [11 ANO ANO2 Technical Specifications 6.9.3 5.8 [11 ANO RBS Technical Requirements 5.5.14

  • VY NRC Letter 1.88.078 All
  • All* Covered by directive as a whole or by various paragraphs of the directive.


None EN-RW-105, Rev. 1