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'<<<<TIYEDATectober 1s1986SIGIIATURE OFDATETITLE:APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalPREPAREDBYsQUALITYASSURAIICE REVIEWAPPROVEDBYsis/is/sSss.r/RV/iz/agProramTableofContentsIntroduction:
'<<<<TIYE DATectober 1s 1986 SIGIIATURE OF DATE TITLE: APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval PREPARED BYs QUALITY ASSURAIICE REVIEW APPROVED BYs is/is/sS s s.r/R V/iz/ag Pro ram Table of Contents
== Introduction:==


Tables:Discussion ISI1.0ScopeandResponsibility ISI2.0Inspection Intervals ISI3.0ExtentandFrequency ISI4.0Examination MethodsISI5.0Evaluation ofExamination ResultsISI6.0RepairRequirements ISI7.0SystemPressureTestingISI8.0RecordsandReportsISI9.0Exemptions ISI1.1QualityGroupAComponents, PartsandMethodofExamination ISI1.2QualityGroupBComponents, PartsandMethodofExamination Attachment A-QualityGroupsA,B,andCExemptions 0
Tables: Discussion ISI 1.0 Scope and Responsibility ISI 2.0 Inspection Intervals ISI 3.0 Extent and Frequency ISI 4.0 Examination Methods ISI 5.0 Evaluation of Examination Results ISI 6.0 Repair Requirements ISI 7.0 System Pressure Testing ISI 8.0 Records and Reports ISI 9.0 Exemptions ISI 1.1 Quality Group A Components, Parts and Method of Examination ISI 1.2 Quality Group B Components, Parts and Method of Examination Attachment A-Quality Groups A, B, and C Exemptions 0
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:PAPPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE210/1/86OF22INTRODUCTION AppendixBofthisQualityAssurance Manualdescribes Ginna'sInservice Inspection Programforthe120monthinspection intervalcommencing January1,1980andendingDecember31,1989.Includedinthisprogramarethefollowing portionsofsystemsand/orcomponents:
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: P APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 2 10/1/86 OF 22 INTRODUCTION Appendix B of this Quality Assurance Manual describes Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program for the 120 month inspection interval commencing January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1989.Included in this program are the following portions of systems and/or components:
Quality Group A Components
-Quality Group B Components
-Quality Group C Components
-High Energy Piping Outside of Containment
-SteamGenerator Tubing-ReactorCoolantPumpFlywheels Following theguidanceofReference 1,SectionXIoftheCode,Ginna'sInservice Inspection Programadherestothere-quirements ofSection50.55aoftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Reference 2.Thisprogram,however,excludesthecontrolsoftheAuthorized NuclearInspector, Enforcement Authority, Re-portingSystems,andN-StampSymbol.TheInservice Inspection ProgramforQualityGroupsA,BandCcomponents, asdefinedinRegulatory Guide1.26,Refer-ence3,iscontrolled byGinna!sQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation.
-Steam Generator Tubing-Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheels Following the guidance of Reference 1, Section XI of the Code, Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program adheres to the re-quirements of Section 50.55a of the Code of Federal Regulations, Reference 2.This program, however, excludes the controls of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, Enforcement Authority, Re-porting Systems, and N-Stamp Symbol.The Inservice Inspection Program for Quality Groups A, B and C components, as defined in Regulatory Guide 1.26, Refer-ence 3, is controlled by Ginna!s Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.
Thissameprogramwhichisalsoincompliance withthereferenced SectionXI,providesthemostacceptable guidelines andlatesttechniques currently beingutilizedintheperformance ofaninservice inspection.
This same program which is also in compliance with the referenced Section XI, provides the most acceptable guidelines and latest techniques currently being utilized in the performance of an inservice inspection.
RepairstoQualityGroupsA,BandCcomponents shallbeperformed inaccordance withtheOwner'sDesignSpecification andConstruction Codeofthecomponent orsystem.LatereditionsoftheConstruction CodeorASMESectionIII,eitherinitsentiretyorportionsthereof,canalsobeused.Ifrepairweldingcannotbeperformed inaccordance withtheserec{uirements, thenArticle4000ofReference llwillbeused.Asindicated inRochester GasandElectric's report,Reference 4,andAugmented Inservice Inspection Programforhighenergypipingo'utsideofcontainment hasbeenestablished.
Repairs to Quality Groups A, B and C components shall be performed in accordance with the Owner's Design Specification and Construction Code of the component or system.Later editions of the Construction Code or ASME Section III, either in its entirety or portions thereof, can also be used.If repair welding can not be performed in accordance with these rec{uirements, then Article 4000 of Reference ll will be used.As indicated in Rochester Gas and Electric's report, Reference 4, and Augmented Inservice Inspection Program for high energy piping o'utside of containment has been established.
Theinspection programprovidesforvolumetric examination onallcircumferential buttweldssituatedatdesignbreaklocations oratdiscontinuity locations whereprobablefailurecouldoccur.Surveillance ofthesewelds S0~~TITLEsDATE42~52CQUAIITYASSURANCE MANUAIGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalPAGE10/1/86,3'DP22candetectmaterialchangesinadvanceofapotential failure,therebyassuringthatthedesignbasisorconsequential mainsteamorfeedwater breakwillnotoccur.TheInservice Inspection Programforsteamgenerator tubeswas.developed tomeet.theguidanceofReference 5.Atregularintervals, tubeswithineachlegofthesteamgenerator areexaminedandevaluated foracceptable-tube wallthickness.
The inspection program provides for volumetric examination on all circumferential butt welds situated at design break locations or at discontinuity locations where probable failure could occur.Surveillance of these welds S 0~~T ITLEs DATE 42~52 C QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval PAGE 10/1/86 ,3'DP 22 can detect material changes in advance of a potential failure, thereby assuring that the design basis or consequential main steam or feedwater break will not occur.The Inservice Inspection Program for steam generator tubes was.developed to meet.the guidance of Reference 5.At regular intervals, tubes within each leg of the steam generator are examined and evaluated for acceptable-tube wall thickness.
TheInservice Inspection Programforreactorcoolantpumpflywheels wasdeveloped tomeettheguidanceofReference 12.Attheintervals suggested, thereactorcoolantpumpflywheelwillbeexaminedbyeitherthevolumetric orsurfaceexami-nationmethod,andevaluated tothespecified acceptance criteria.
The Inservice Inspection Program for reactor coolant pump flywheels was developed to meet the guidance of Reference 12.At the intervals suggested, the reactor coolant pump flywheel will be examined by either the volumetric or surface exami-nation method, and evaluated to the specified acceptance criteria.Identification is given in Section 9.0 of Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program for those areas which deviate from the requirements of Reference 1.Where applicable, currently approved edition and addendas of Section XI will be utilized for clarification and guidance.It is the intent of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation to continually apply appropriate changes in the Code which improves the overall quality of Ginna's total Inservice Inspection Program.PROGRAM ISI 1.0 Sco e and Res onsibilit 1.2 Components of Quality Groups A and B are listed-in Tables ISI-1.1 and 1.2, respectively.
Identification isgiveninSection9.0ofGinna'sInservice Inspection Programforthoseareaswhichdeviatefromtherequirements ofReference 1.Whereapplicable, currently approvededitionandaddendasofSectionXIwillbeutilizedforclarification andguidance.
Quality Group C components are identified in Appendix A of Ginna's Quality Assurance Manual.The specific components to be examined for each Quality Group shall be defined in the Examination Plans by title and/or number.The Inservice Inspection Program for high energy piping outside of containment consists of main steam and feedwater piping welds is detailed in the Examination Plan for High Energy Piping.  
ItistheintentofRochester GasandElectricCorporation tocontinually applyappropriate changesintheCodewhichimprovestheoverallqualityofGinna'stotalInservice Inspection Program.PROGRAMISI1.0ScoeandResonsibilit 1.2Components ofQualityGroupsAandBarelisted-inTablesISI-1.1and1.2,respectively.
QualityGroupCcomponents areidentified inAppendixAofGinna'sQualityAssurance Manual.Thespecificcomponents tobeexaminedforeachQualityGroupshallbedefinedintheExamination Plansbytitleand/ornumber.TheInservice Inspection Programforhighenergypipingoutsideofcontainment consistsofmainsteamandfeedwater pipingweldsisdetailedintheExamination PlanforHighEnergyPiping.  

QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITlEsAPPENDIKBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATE10/1/86PAGEqOF42~52C221.31.4ISI2.0TheInservice Inspection Programforsteamgenerator tubes,whichisoutlinedinthisprogram,wasdeveloped totheguidanceprovidedinReference 5,isdetailedinGinna'sstationprocedures.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITlEs APPENDIK B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE q OF 42~52 C 22 1.3 1.4 ISI 2.0 The Inservice Inspection Program for steam generator tubes, which is outlined in this program, was developed to the guidance provided in Reference 5, is detailed in Ginna's station procedures.
TheInservice Inspection Programforreactorcoolantpumpflywheels, whichisoutlinedinthis'rogram,wasdeveloped totheguidanceprovidedinReference 12,isdetailedinGinna'sstationprocedures.
The Inservice Inspection Program for reactor coolant pump flywheels, which is outlined in this'rogram, was developed to the guidance provided in Reference 12, is detailed in Ginna's station procedures.
InsectionIntervals 2.1Theinservice inspection (ISI)intervals forQualityGroupAcomponents shallbetenyearintervals ofservicecommencing January1,1970.ThisprogramdefinestheISIrequirements forthesecond-interval forQualityGroupAcomponents.
Ins ection Intervals 2.1 The inservice inspection (ISI)intervals for Quality Group A components shall be ten year intervals of service commencing January 1, 1970.This program defines the ISI requirements for the second-interval for Quality Group A components.
Thetenyearexamination planshalldescribethedistribution ofexaminations withintheinspection intervalinaccordance withIWB-2400ofReference l.2.2Theinservice inspection intervals forQualityGroupBcomponents shallbetenyearintervals ofservicebeginning onMay1,1973,January1,1980,1990and2000,respectively.
The ten year examination plan shall describe the distribution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWB-2400 of Reference l.2.2 The inservice inspection intervals for Quality Group B components shall be ten year intervals of service beginning on May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.
ThisprogramdefinestheISIrequirements forthesecondintervalforQualityGroupBcomponents.
This program defines the ISI requirements for the second interval for Quality Group B components.
Thetenyearexamination planshalldescribethedistri-butionofexaminations withintheinspection intervalinaccordance withIWC-2400ofReference 1.2.3Theinservice inspection intervals forQualityGroupCcomponents shallbetenyearintervals ofservicebeginning onMay1,1973,January1,1980,1990and2000,respectively.
The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWC-2400 of Reference 1.2.3 The inservice inspection intervals for Quality Group C components shall be ten year intervals of service beginning on May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.
ThisprogramdefinestheISIrequirements forthesecondintervalQualityGroupCcomponents.
This program defines the ISI requirements for the second interval Quality Group C components.
Thetenyearexamination planshalldescribethedistri-butionofexaminations withintheinspection intervalinaccordance withIWD-2400ofReference
The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWD-2400 of Reference l.  
: l.  
~~QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For.the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 4Ri62C 10/1/86 OF 22 2.4 The inservice inspection intervals for the high*energy piping outside of containment shall be ten year intervals of service beginning May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.
~~QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramFor.the1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE4Ri62C10/1/86OF222.4Theinservice inspection intervals forthehigh*energypipingoutsideofcontainment shallbetenyearintervals ofservicebeginning May1,1973,January1,1980,1990and2000,respectively.
The ten year examination plan shall describe the distribution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with the requirements of Reference 4.2.5 The inservice inspection intervals for the exami-nation-of steam generator tubes shall not be more than 24 months.However,'if over a nominal 2 year period (e."g., two normal fuel cycles)at least 2 examinations of the separate legs result in less than 10/of the tubes with detectable wall penetration (20/)and no significant (10/)further penetration of tubes with previous indications, the inspection interval of the individual.
Thetenyearexamination planshalldescribethedistribution ofexaminations withintheinspection intervalinaccordance withtherequirements ofReference 4.2.5Theinservice inspection intervals fortheexami-nation-ofsteamgenerator tubesshallnotbemorethan24months.However,'ifoveranominal2yearperiod(e."g.,twonormalfuelcycles)atleast2examinations oftheseparatelegsresultinlessthan10/ofthetubeswithdetectable wallpenetration (20/)andnosignificant (10/)furtherpenetration oftubeswithpreviousindications, theinspection intervaloftheindividual.
legs may be extended to once.every 40 months.2.6 2.7 As permitted by IWA-2400 of Reference 1, the inservice inspection interval for Quality Groups A, B and C and high energy piping outside con-tainment may be necessary.
legsmaybeextendedtoonce.every40months.2.62.7Aspermitted byIWA-2400ofReference 1,theinservice inspection intervalforQualityGroupsA,BandCandhighenergypipingoutsidecon-tainmentmaybeextended.
The inservice inspection intervals for the reactor coolant pump flywheel shall be approximately 10 year intervals of service commencing on January 1, 1970.For areas of high stress concentration at the bore and keyway, a reduced interval of ,approximately 3 years shall be applied.The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with the requirements of Reference 12.ISI 3.0 Extent and Fre enc 3.1 Quality Group A components, as listed in Table ISI-l.l shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in Table IWB-2500 of Refer-ence l.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEi APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE 22 OF 3.2 Quality Group B components, as listed in Table ISI-1.2, shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in IWC-2400 and Table IWC-2500 of Reference 1.3.3 Quality Group C components as described in the ten year examination plan shall be examined to the extent and frequency required in IWD-2400 and IWD-2600 of Reference 1.3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 High energy piping welds outside of containment shall be examined to the following extent and frequency:
Theinservice inspection intervals forthereactorcoolantpumpflywheelshallbeapproximately 10yearintervals ofservicecommencing onJanuary1,1970.Forareasofhighstressconcentration attheboreandkeyway,areducedintervalof,approximately 3yearsshallbeapplied.Thetenyearexamination planshalldescribethedistri-butionofexaminations withintheinspection intervalinaccordance withtherequirements ofReference 12.ISI3.0ExtentandFreenc3.1QualityGroupAcomponents, aslistedinTableISI-l.lshallbeexaminedtotheextentandfrequency asrequiredinTableIWB-2500ofRefer-encel.
During each period of the first inspection inter-val, all welds at design break locations and one-third of all welds at locations where a weld failure would result in unacceptable consequences, will be volumetrically examined.During each period of succeeding intervals, one-third of all welds at design break locations and one-third of all welds at, locations where a weld failure would result in unacceptable consequences, shall be volumetrically examined.The extent and selection of steam generator tube examinations shall be as described in Sections C.4 and C.5 of Reference 5, with the interpretation that examination in a leg of all previously defective tubes (20/detectable wall penetration) and up to a maximum of two hundred previously defect-free tubes (20/detectable wall pene-tration)is deemed sufficient in meeting the requirements of Reference 5.In the event a primary to secondary leak exceeds technical specification limit,, a limited number of tubes shall be examined at, the next refueling outage'.In the event of a seismic occurance greater than'hat'for which the plant is designed to continue operation, Reference 6, a special examination of a limited number of tubes shall be conducted.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEiAPPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATE10/1/86PAGE22OF3.2QualityGroupBcomponents, aslistedinTableISI-1.2,shallbeexaminedtotheextentandfrequency asrequiredinIWC-2400andTableIWC-2500ofReference 1.3.3QualityGroupCcomponents asdescribed inthetenyearexamination planshallbeexaminedtotheextentandfrequency requiredinIWD-2400andIWD-2600ofReference shallbeexaminedtothefollowing extentandfrequency:
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE3 APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 3.5.3 3.6 ISI 4.0 In the event of a major steam line or feedwater line break, or a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)which imposes a significant pressure transient on the steam generators and requires actuation of the engineered safe-guards, a special exami-nation of a limited number of tubes shall be conducted.
Duringeachperiodofthefirstinspection inter-val,allweldsatdesignbreaklocations andone-thirdofallweldsatlocations whereaweldfailurewouldresultinunacceptable consequences, willbevolumetrically examined.
f The reactor'coolant pump flywheel, listed in Table ISI-l.l, shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in Reference 12.Examination Methods 4.1 Quality Groups A and B components shall be examined by the required visual, surface or volumetric methods.These examinations shall include one or a combination.of the following:
Duringeachperiodofsucceeding intervals, one-thirdofallweldsatdesignbreaklocations andone-third ofallweldsat,locations whereaweldfailurewouldresultinunacceptable consequences, shallbevolumetrically examined.
visual, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, eddy-current or radiographic exami-nation.These methods, shall as a minimum, be~in accordance with the rules of IWA-2000 of Reference Ultrasonic examinations shall be performed in accordance with the following:
Theextentandselection ofsteamgenerator tubeexaminations shallbeasdescribed inSectionsC.4andC.5ofReference 5,withtheinterpretation thatexamination inalegofallpreviously defective tubes(20/detectable wallpenetration) anduptoamaximumoftwohundredpreviously defect-free tubes(20/detectable wallpene-tration)isdeemedsufficient inmeetingtherequirements ofReference 5.Intheeventaprimarytosecondary leakexceedstechnical specification limit,,alimitednumberoftubesshallbeexaminedat,thenextrefueling outage'.Intheeventofaseismicoccurance greaterthan'hat'forwhichtheplantisdesignedtocontinueoperation, Reference 6,aspecialexamination ofalimitednumberoftubesshallbeconducted. For ferritic vessels with wall thickness of 2-1/2 inches or greater, an ultrasonic examination.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE3APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF223.5.33.6ISI4.0Intheeventofamajorsteamlineorfeedwater linebreak,oraloss-of-coolant accident(LOCA)whichimposesasignificant pressuretransient onthesteamgenerators andrequiresactuation oftheengineered safe-guards, aspecialexami-nationofalimitednumberoftubesshallbeconducted.
shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Appendix I of Reference l. For ferritic piping systems, an ultrasonic exami-nation shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Appendix III of Reference 7.For components other than those listed in and, an ultrasonic examination shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Article 5 of Reference 8.All indications which produce a response greater than 50/of the reference level shall be recorded.
fThereactor'coolant pumpflywheel, listedinTableISI-l.l,shallbeexaminedtotheextentandfrequency asrequiredinReference 12.Examination Methods4.1QualityGroupsAandBcomponents shallbeexaminedbytherequiredvisual,surfaceorvolumetric methods.Theseexaminations shallincludeoneoracombination
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 42~52 C 10/1/86 OF 22 All indications which produce a response 100%of the reference level shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can evaluate the shape, identity, and location of all such re-flectors in terms of the acceptance/rejection standards of IWA-3100 (b)of Reference 1.The length of reflectors shall be measured between ,points which give amplitudes equal to 100%of the reference level.4.2 4.3 4.5 ISI 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.3 Quality Group C components shall be visually examined for leakage during a system pressure test in accordance with IWA-2200 of Reference 11.Supports and hangers shall be visually inspected in accordance wtih IWD-2600 of Reference 1.High energy piping welds outside of containment shall be radiographically examined.Steam generator tubes shall be examined by a volumetric method (e.g.eddy current)or al-ternative method which is acceptable.
Reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be, examined by the required surface and volumetric methods, in accordance with the requirements of IWA-2200 of Reference 1.Evaluation of Examination Results The evaluation of nondestructive examination results shall be in accordance with Article IWB-3000 of Reference 1.All reportable indi-cations shall be subject to comparison with previous'data to aid in its characterization and in determining its origin.Quality Group B Components The evaluation of nondestructive examination re-'ults shall be in accordance with Article IWC-3000 of Reference 1.All reportable indications shall be subject to comparison with previous data to aid in its characterization and in determining its origin.Quality Group C Components 0
visual,liquidpenetrant, magneticparticle, ultrasonic, eddy-current orradiographic exami-nation.Thesemethods,shallasaminimum,be~inaccordance withtherulesofIWA-2000ofReference examinations shallbeperformed inaccordance withthefollowing:
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE 22 OF 5.3.1 5.4 5.4.1 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 The evaluation of the visual examination results shall be in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 1 for hangers and supports and Reference 11 for pressure tests.High Energy Piping The evaluation of nondestructive examination results shall be in accordance with Reference 9.Indications that were recorded in previous pre-service or inservice inspections and which were not characterized as propagating flaws are acceptable for continued service.The evaluation of any corroded area shall be.performed in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 11.Steam Generator Tubes and Tube Sleeve Combinations Repair Steam generator tubes that have imperfections greater than 40/through wall, as indicated by eddy current, shall be repaired by plugging or sleeving.Steam generator sleeves that, have imperfections greater than 30/through wall, as indicated by eddy current, shall be repaired by plugging.Reporting Within 15 days following the completion of the evaluation of each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes required by 5.7.1 above to be plugged or sleeved in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commis-sion in a Special Report pursuant to Technical Specification complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be submitted to the 0 of2-1/2inchesorgreater,anultrasonic examination.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 4 Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Tech-nical Specification within 12 months following the completion of the.inspection.
shallbeconducted inaccordance withtherulesofAppendixIofReference l.,anultrasonic exami-nationshallbeconducted inaccordance withtherulesofAppendixIIIofReference 7.Forcomponents otherthanthoselistedin4.1.1.1and4.1.1.2,anultrasonic examination shallbeconducted inaccordance withtherulesofArticle5ofReference 8.Allindications whichproducearesponsegreaterthan50/ofthereference levelshallberecorded.
This Special Report shall include: 1.Number and extent of tubes inspected.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE42~52C10/1/86OF224.1.1.5Allindications whichproducearesponse100%ofthereference levelshallbeinvestigated totheextentthattheoperatorcanevaluatetheshape,identity, andlocationofallsuchre-flectorsintermsoftheacceptance/rejection standards ofIWA-3100(b)ofReference 1.Thelengthofreflectors shallbemeasuredbetween,pointswhichgiveamplitudes equalto100%ofthereference level. shallbevisuallyexaminedforleakageduringasystempressuretestinaccordance withIWA-2200ofReference 11.Supportsandhangersshallbevisuallyinspected inaccordance wtihIWD-2600ofReference 1.Highenergypipingweldsoutsideofcontainment shallberadiographically examined.
2.Location and percent of wall-thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection.
Steamgenerator tubesshallbeexaminedbyavolumetric method(e.g.eddycurrent)oral-ternative methodwhichisacceptable.
3.Identification of tubes plugged or sleeved.If the number of tubes in a generator falling into categories (a)or (b)below exceeds the criteria, then results of the inspection shall be considered a Reportable Event pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73.Oral notification of NRR shall be accomplished within 48 hours,.but no sooner than the next normal working day after the final review of the eddy current results..A written followup report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to determine the course of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to preclude recurrence.
Reactorcoolantpumpflywheels shallbe,examinedbytherequiredsurfaceandvolumetric methods,inaccordance withtherequirements ofIWA-2200ofReference 1.Evaluation ofExamination ResultsTheevaluation ofnondestructive examination resultsshallbeinaccordance withArticleIWB-3000ofReference 1.Allreportable indi-cationsshallbesubjecttocomparison withprevious'datatoaidinitscharacterization andindetermining itsorigin.QualityGroupBComponents Theevaluation ofnondestructive examination re-'ultsshallbeinaccordance withArticleIWC-3000ofReference 1.Allreportable indications shallbesubjecttocomparison withpreviousdatatoaidinitscharacterization andindetermining itsorigin.QualityGroupCComponents 0
Categories (a)and (b)are: (a)More than 10%of the total tubes inspected are degraded (imperfections greater than 20%of the nominal wall thickness).
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEsAPPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATE10/1/86PAGE22OF5. ofthevisualexamination resultsshallbeinaccordance withArticleIWA-5000ofReference 1forhangersandsupportsandReference 11forpressuretests.HighEnergyPipingTheevaluation ofnondestructive examination resultsshallbeinaccordance withReference 9.Indications thatwererecordedinpreviouspre-serviceorinservice inspections andwhichwerenotcharacterized aspropagating flawsareacceptable forcontinued service.Theevaluation ofanycorrodedareashallbe.performed inaccordance withArticleIWA-5000ofReference 11.SteamGenerator TubesandTubeSleeveCombinations RepairSteamgenerator tubesthathaveimperfections greaterthan40/throughwall,asindicated byeddycurrent,shallberepairedbypluggingorsleeving.
However, previously degraded tubes must exhibit at least.10%further wall penetration to be included in this calculation.
Steamgenerator sleevesthat,haveimperfections greaterthan30/throughwall,asindicated byeddycurrent,shallberepairedbyplugging.
ISI 6.0 (b)More than 1%of the total tubes inspected are degraded (imperfections greater than the plugging limit).Re air Re irements 6.1 Repair of Quality Groups A, B and C components shall be performed in accordance with the appli-cable Subsections of Reference 11.6.'2 Examinations associated with repairs or modifi-cations shall meet the applicable design and inspection Code requirements as described in the following paragraphs:  
Reporting Within15daysfollowing thecompletion oftheevaluation ofeachinservice inspection ofsteamgenerator tubes,thenumberoftubesrequiredby5.7.1abovetobepluggedorsleevedineachsteamgenerator shallbereportedtotheCommis-sioninaSpecialReportpursuanttoTechnical Specification tubeinservice inspection shallbesubmitted tothe 0
~'QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 6.2.1 Whenever Quality Groups A, B or C System modifi-cations or repairs have been made which involve new strength welds on components greater than 2 inches diameter, the new welds shall receive both surface and 100 percent volumetric nondestructive examinations.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF225.7.2.34Commission inaSpecialReportpursuanttoTech-nicalSpecification thecompletion ofthe.inspection.
6.2.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.6 6.7 Whenever system modifications or repairs have been made which involve new strength wilds on Quality Groups A;B or C components of 2 inches or less, a surface examination shall be performed.
Surface defects in Quality Groups A, B or C bolts, studs, nuts and ligaments may be removed by mechanical means provided the removal of that defect.does not alter the basic configuration of the item.Bolts, studs and nuts that have de-fects that cannot be removed by mechanical means shall be replaced.Repair of high energy piping,welds outside of containment shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Code.specified in Reference 11., Repair of Steam Generator Tubes Repair of steam generator'tubes that have un-acceptable defects shall be performed by using a tube plugging technique or by sleeving.Preventative sleeving of tubes as part, of a pre-ventative maintenance program may also be accom-plished.Repair of steam generator sleeves that have unacceptable defects shall be performed by using a tube plugging technique.
2.Locationandpercentofwall-thickness penetration foreachindication ofanimperfection.
Repair of reactor coolant, pump flywheel that have unacceptable defects shall be performed in accordance with Reference 12.ISI 7.0 7.1 7.1.1 S stem Pressure Testin General Requirements System pressure test shall be conducted in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 11.
3.Identification oftubespluggedorsleeved.Ifthenumberoftubesinagenerator fallingintocategories (a)or(b)belowexceedsthecriteria, thenresultsoftheinspection shallbeconsidered aReportable Eventpursuantto10CFR50.73.Oralnotification ofNRRshallbeaccomplished within48hours,.butnosoonerthanthenextnormalworkingdayafterthefinalreviewoftheeddycurrentresults..Awrittenfollowupreportshallprovideadescription ofinvestigations conducted todetermine thecourseofthetubedegradation andcorrective measurestakentoprecluderecurrence.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE i APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.3 7.3.1 Repairs of corroded areas shall be performed in a'ccordance with Section 6.0 of this program.Quality Group A Components Whenever the reactor coolant system is closed after it has been opened, the system shall be leak tested to the requirements of Article IWB-5000 of Reference-'ll.Temperature and pressure requirements of Figure 3.1-1, Section 3.1 of Ginna's"Technical Specifications" shall not be exceeded.At or near the end of each inspection interval, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed on the reactor coolant system components.
Categories (a)and(b)are:(a)Morethan10%ofthetotaltubesinspected aredegraded(imperfections greaterthan20%ofthenominalwallthickness).
This test shall be conducted in accordance with the require-ments of Article.IWB-5000 of Reference 11.Test pressures and temperatures shall be maintained for at least four hours prior to performing the visual examination.
However,previously degradedtubesmustexhibitatleast.10%furtherwallpenetration tobeincludedinthiscalculation.
Section 3.1 of Ginna's"Technical Specification" shall not be exceeded.Quality Group B Components At or near the end of each inspection interval, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed on Quality Group B Systems and Components.
ISI6.0(b)Morethan1%ofthetotaltubesinspected aredegraded(imperfections greaterthantheplugginglimit).ReairReirements6.1RepairofQualityGroupsA,BandCcomponents shallbeperformed inaccordance withtheappli-cableSubsections ofReference 11.6.'2Examinations associated withrepairsormodifi-cationsshallmeettheapplicable designandinspection Coderequirements asdescribed inthefollowing paragraphs:  
This test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Article IWC-5000 of Reference 11.When Quality Group A systems and components are also being pressurized, the pressure and temper-ature shall comply with the reguirements of Paragraph 7.2.2 of this Appends.x.
~'QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF226.2.1WheneverQualityGroupsA,BorCSystemmodifi-cationsorrepairshavebeenmadewhichinvolvenewstrengthweldsoncomponents greaterthan2inchesdiameter, thenewweldsshallreceivebothsurfaceand100percentvolumetric nondestructive examinations.
This test temperature and pressure shall be maintained for at least 10 minutes prior to the performance of the visual examination for uninsulated pipes and 4 hours for insulated pipes.During each period, systems or portions of systems not required to operate during normal reactor operation shall be pressure tested in accordance with IWC 5221.Inservice leakage tests may also be performed on other systems and components which are normally in servo.ce once each period. orrepairshavebeenmadewhichinvolvenewstrengthwildsonQualityGroupsA;BorCcomponents of2inchesorless,asurfaceexamination shallbeperformed.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TIT LE i APPENDIX B~Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 7.4 7.4.1 Quality Group C Components Quality Group C components shall have system pressure test in accordance with*Article IWD-5000 of.Reference 11.ISI 8.0 8.1 ISI 9.0 9.1 Records and Re orts Records and reports developed from those exami-nations performed in accordance with this Appendix shall be maintained in accordance with Article IWA-6000 of Reference ll;E~t'uality Groups A, B and C components exemptions are identified in Attachment A to this Appendix.However, Paragraphs IWB-1220 and IWC-1220 of Reference 1 exempt certain components from exami-nations, where certain conditions are met.These exemptions will be applied to the components listed on Tables ISI-1.1 and 1.2 with the result that only those non-exempt components are listed herein.REFERENCES 1.American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (B&PVC)Section KI"Rules for Inseryice Inspection
SurfacedefectsinQualityGroupsA,BorCbolts,studs,nutsandligaments mayberemovedbymechanical meansprovidedtheremovalofthatdefect.doesnotalterthebasicconfiguration oftheitem.Bolts,studsandnutsthathavede-fectsthatcannotberemovedbymechanical meansshallbereplaced.
'of Nuclear Power Plant Components", 1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Addenda.2.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, dated January 1, 1978.3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 1, dated February 1976"Quality Group Classifi-cations and Standards for Water, Steam, and Radioactive Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants".4.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Report"Effects of Postulated Pipe Breaks Outside the Containment Building", dated October 29, 1973.
Repairofhighenergypiping,welds outsideofcontainment shallbeperformed inaccordance withtheapplicable Code.specified inReference 11.,RepairofSteamGenerator TubesRepairofsteamgenerator'tubes thathaveun-acceptable defectsshallbeperformed byusingatubepluggingtechnique orbysleeving.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 5.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1, dated July 1975,"Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes'.6.Ginna's Final Safety Analysis Report, Section, B&PVC, Section XI, 1974 Edition through Summer 1976 Addenda.8.ASME, B&PVC, Section V, 1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Addenda.9.USAS B31.1.0-1967,"Power Piping".10.ASME, B&PVC, Section III, 1974 Edition through Summer'975 Addenda.11.'SME, B&PVC Section XI, 1977 Edition through Summer 1978, Addenda.12.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.14, Revision 1, dated August 1975,-"Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Integrity".
Preventative sleevingoftubesaspart,ofapre-ventative maintenance programmayalsobeaccom-plished.Repairofsteamgenerator sleevesthathaveunacceptable defectsshallbeperformed byusingatubepluggingtechnique.
0 V FXANI NATION CAT FGORY ITFH TAOI,E Ho.I Mll-2500 TABLE ISI I.l qOALiTY CnnNP A COMPONFHTS, PARTS, AllD llFTllnnS OF RXAllrHATION COHPOHFHTS AHD PARTS TO OF.F.XAHlHF.D HETllnn A M R 3: Ul K3 WwM c: 2e i roc gv XL nw M O C Bl.l B1.2 Bl~3 BI.4 BI.>Reactor Vessel 8-B Longitudinal and circumferential shall uelds in.core region.Longitudinal and circurmferentinl velds in shell (other than those of Category B-A nnd B-C)and meridiona) and circumferential beam uclds in bottom head nnd closure lrcnd (other tlran those of Cntegory B-C).Vessel-to-flange and head-to-flange circumferen-tia1 vclds.B-0 Primary nozzle-to-'vessel vcldn and nozzle inside tial.vclds.
Repairofreactorcoolant,pumpflywheelthathaveunacceptable defectsshallbeperformed inaccordance withReference 12.ISI7. Systempressuretestshallbeconducted inaccordance withArticleIWA-5000ofReference
I Vessel penetrations, inclurllng control rod drive anil instrumentation pcnctrnt iona.I Volumetric Volumetric Volumetric Voiumettic Visual (I@A-5000)
: 11.
H 0 or 8 re rt g e 0 nr A r>io H 8 CO 0&rrl ar tg r SCAN MQ rt&cart rrr N Ol t5 r-r~0 re~Q I m B1.6 O6.10 B-C-I B6.20 B-C-I O6.30 O-C-I Nozzle-to-safe-end uclds.Closure head nuts.Closrrre studs, in place.Clonirre studs, uhcn rcmovcil.'olumetric snd Surface Surface Vo lume t ric Volumetric and Surface a m U m C) lTF.H No.FX AH 1 N AT I ON CATF.GOR'I TAIII.F.I Mll-2 500 TAQ1,E ISI.1 (Cont'd)CO)IPONFIITS, PARTS, AND Hf'.TIIOI)S OI'XAHINATIOM, COHPONEtfTS Afff)PARTS TO l)F.FXAHI Nf'.I)HF.TIIOD A H M 3;o)lO W~MN Zch MCg t O<H 0 B6.40 86.50 B-C-I.B-C-1 D8.10 B1.15 sl.i7 B1.19 B-N-1 B-N-3 sz.i B2.2 B2~3 IIZ.4 B-F 87.10 BW-2 Reactor Vcsscl Ligaments betucen stud hnlca-.Closure Mashers, bushinps.Bolts, studs snd nuts.Integrnlly-ueldcd at tnclImcnta.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEiAPPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF227. ina'ccordance withSection6.0ofthisprogram.QualityGroupAComponents Wheneverthereactorcoolantsystemisclosedafterithasbeenopened,thesystemshallbeleaktestedtotherequirements ofArticleIWB-5000ofReference
Vessel Interior.Core-aIIpport structures.
-'ll.Temperature andpressurerequirements ofFigure3.1-1,Section3.1ofGinna's"Technical Specifications" shallnotbeexceeded.
Control rod drive hoI)sings.
Fxcmptcd components.
: interval, ahydrostatic pressuretestshallbeperformed onthereactorcoolantsystemcomponents.
Pressurizer l.ongitudinnl and circumfcrcntinl uclds.tfozzle-to-vessel uelIls and nozzle-to-'vessel rndiuscd section.lfcatcr penctrat(ons.
Thistestshallbeconducted inaccordance withtherequire-mentsofArticle.IWB-5000 ofReference 11.Testpressures andtemperatures shallbemaintained foratleastfourhourspriortoperforming thevisualexamination.
Nozzle-to-safe-cnIf uelds.Volumetric Visual Visual Surface Visual..Visual Volumetric v isi)al (I@A-5000)
Section3.1ofGinna's"Technical Specification" shallnotbeexceeded.
Volume'tric Vo lume tric Visual (IMA<<5000)
QualityGroupBComponents Atorneartheendofeachinspection
Volumetric and Surface H 0 m 8 6 rt g 8 0 e Q r>&HO CO g co Ul QJ h3 MR V)U MQ AM COrtQ OC IO r ft 0 r-u)HP 0 ft'u e 8 0'-g~'O 00 CA~1 n FXAMI NATION CATrrORY IT F.M Thill,K Hn.lull-2500 TAllLK ISl 1.1 (Cont'>I)COIIIOHFHTS, PARTS, ANn MFTIIOIIS OF FXAIIINATION COMPOHFHTS AHD PARTS'O llF.I'.XAICIHI'.I)
: interval, ahydrostatic pressuretestshallbeperformed onQualityGroupBSystemsandComponents.
MF.TIIOD A H RMN>C>P P V>C'.(o c HW&r>nw H h7 0 a 86.60 8-G-I B6.70 B-C-1 Pressurizer C V Bolts and studs, in plan.Bolts and studs, Vien'rcmove>l.
Thistestshallbeconducted inaccordance withtherequirements ofArticleIWC-5000ofReference 11.WhenQualityGroupAsystemsandcomponents arealsobeingpressurized, thepressureandtemper-atureshallcomplywiththereguirements ofParagraph 7.2.2ofthisAppends.x.
Volumetric Volumetric and Surface Bb.80 DW-1 BB.20 B-ll 82.10 8-P 87.20 8-C-2 Bol ting.Integrally-Melded at tschmcnts.
Thistesttemperature andpressureshallbemaintained foratleast10minutespriortotheperformance ofthevisualexamination foruninsulated pipesand4hoursforinsulated pipes.Duringeachperiod,systemsorportionsofsystemsnotrequiredtooperateduringnormalreactoroperation shallbepressuretestedinaccordance withIWC5221.Inservice leakagetestsmayalsobeperformed onothersystemsandcomponents whicharenormallyinservo.ceonceeachperiod.
Fxempted components.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEiAPPENDIXB~GinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF227.47.4.1QualityGroupCComponents QualityGroupCcomponents shallhavesystempressuretestinaccordance with*ArticleIWD-5000of.Reference 11.ISI8.08.1ISI9.09.1RecordsandReortsRecordsandreportsdeveloped fromthoseexami-nationsperformed inaccordance withthisAppendixshallbemaintained inaccordance withArticleIWA-6000ofReference ll;E~t'uality GroupsA,BandCcomponents exemptions areidentified inAttachment AtothisAppendix.
Bolts, studs, end nuts.Visual Surface Visual (I@A-5000)
However,Paragraphs IWB-1220andIWC-1220ofReference 1exemptcertaincomponents fromexami-nations,wherecertainconditions aremet.Theseexemptions willbeappliedtothecomponents listedonTablesISI-1.1and1.2withtheresultthatonlythosenon-exempt components arelistedherein.REFERENCES 1.AmericanSocietyofMechanical Engineers (ASME)BoilerandPressureVesselCode(B&PVC)SectionKI"RulesforInseryice Inspection
Visuai 83.1 83.2 83.3 86.80 B~-I Iieet Exchangers and Steam Gencrntors I.ongitudinnl nn>l circ>>>>>fercnt lnl vclde, including Tube sl>cct-to-head or sl>cll Mcl>I>>on the pri-mary slclc, Nozzle-to-head Mclds and nozzle lnsl>le radiused section on the primary sl>lc.Nozzle-to-safe-end Melds.Bolts and st>>ds,.in place.Volumetric Vo 1ume t r ic Volumetric and Surface Volumetric c>m O C>Co Ch"-I 0 ITEH Nn.FXAHI llAT ION CATFGORY TARLF.lull-ZSOO TADI.E iSI I~1 (Cont'd)COllPONFNTS
~PAIITS, ANO Ill'.TIIOI'IS OF FXAHINATION COMPOHFNTS ANII PARTS To nr;rxAMINrli MFTIIOD A RRNa3 W~U)c ZC 0 HCAVY'PP H PVR R OW H 0 n6.100 B-c-1 B6.110 D-C-I D8.30, D-II De.40 83.9 B7.30'W-2 n7.40 n4.1 n6.150 B-c-I D6.160 D-G-I 06.170 B-6-1 n4.5 B<<J Ilent Fxchnngcrs nnd Stcam Generators Bolts and studs, Mhen rcmovcd.Bo 1 t at tnchments.
1974EditionthroughSummer1975Addenda.2.CodeofFederalRegulations, Title10,Part50,datedJanuary1,1978.3.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide1.26,Revision1,datedFebruary1976"QualityGroupClassifi-cationsandStandards forWater,Steam,andRadioactive Waste-Containing Components ofNuclearPowerPlants".4.Rochester GasandElectricCorporation Report"EffectsofPostulated PipeBreaksOutsidetheContainment Building",
Exempted components.
Bolts, studs, and nuts.Piping I'rcssure no>>ndary'afe-end to piping acids nnd'afe-cnd fn branch piping Mclda.Bolts and studs, in ploce.Bolts nnd st>>ds, Mhen removed.noltfng.Circ>>mfcrentfal nnd 1ongit>>dfnnl pipe vclds.Volumetric nnd Surface Visual Surface visuals (ILIA-5000)
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXBGinnaStationInservice Inspection ProgramForthe1980-1989 IntervalDATEPAGE10/1/86OF225.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide1.83,Revision1,datedJuly1975,"Inservice Inspection ofPressurized WaterReactorSteamGenerator Tubes'.6.Ginna'sFinalSafetyAnalysisReport,Section2.9.3.7.ASME,B&PVC,SectionXI,1974EditionthroughSummer1976Addenda.8.ASME,B&PVC,SectionV,1974EditionthroughSummer1975Addenda.9.USASB31.1.0-1967,"PowerPiping".10.ASME,B&PVC,SectionIII,1974EditionthroughSummer'975Addenda.11.'SME,B&PVCSectionXI,1977EditionthroughSummer1978,Addenda.12.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide1.14,Revision1,datedAugust1975,-"ReactorCoolantPumpFlywheelIntegrity".
Visual Volumetric and Surface Volumetric Volumetric and Surface Visual Volumetric O 0 m A 8 rt g vr-S 0 O A I'LO H 0@op p CO 0 Ql hl&RCOQ MArtM mrtP X'LO I rt 0 I ta Hg 0 ft~8 8 8 0 C)I Ch CX AH I tt AT I Ott CATFIsORY I TADI.C No.IVII-2500 TADl.C ISI 1.1 (Cont'd)COWONCNTS, PARTS, AND HFTIIOI)S OF CXAHINATION COtIPONCNTS AND PARTS TO DI'.F.XAHlttl'.D HFTIIOD A M M 3,'0)C3 WWMc coc:NV OK H 0 84.6 B-J-84.7 B-J D4.8 84.11 87.50 B-G-2 B 1 o.10 B-K-1 D11~10.B-K-2 Piping Prcssure Boundary Dranch pipe connexion Melds six inch diameter and smaller.Surface~.Socket velds.Integrally Mclded attachments.
0V FXANINATIONCATFGORYITFHTAOI,EHo.IMll-2500TABLEISII.lqOALiTYCnnNPACOMPONFHTS, PARTS,AllDllFTllnnS OFRXAllrHATION COHPOHFHTS AHDPARTSTOOF.F.XAHlHF.D HETllnnAMR3:UlK3WwMc:2eirocgvXLnwMOCBl.lB1.2Bl~3BI.4BI.>ReactorVessel8-BLongitudinal andcircumferential shallueldsin.coreregion.Longitudinal andcircurmferentinl veldsinshell(otherthanthoseofCategoryB-AnndB-C)andmeridiona) andcircumferential beamucldsinbottomheadnndclosurelrcnd(othertlranthoseofCntegoryB-C).Vessel-to-flange andhead-to-flange circumferen-tia1vclds.B-0Primarynozzle-to-'vessel vcldnandnozzleinsidetial.vclds.
Component supports.Fxcmptcd components.
IVesselpenetrations, inclurllng controlroddriveanilinstrumentation pcnctrntiona.IVolumetric Volumetric Volumetric Voiumettic Visual(I@A-5000)
Bolts, studs and nuts.Surface Surface Visual Visual (I@A-5000)
H0or8rertge0nrAr>ioH8CO0&rrlartgrSCANMQrt&cartrrrNOlt5r-r~0re~QImB1.6O6.10B-C-IB6.20B-C-IO6.30O-C-INozzle-to-safe-end uclds.Closureheadnuts.Closrrrestuds,inplace.Clonirrestuds,uhcnrcmovcil.'olumetric sndSurfaceSurfaceVolumetricVolumetric andSurfaceamUmC) lTF.HNo.FXAH1NATIONCATF.GOR'I TAIII.F.IMll-2500TAQ1,EISI.1(Cont'd)CO)IPONFIITS, PARTS,ANDHf'.TIIOI)S OI'XAHINATIOM, COHPONEtfTS Afff)PARTSTOl)F.FXAHINf'.I)HF.TIIODAHM3;o)lOW~MNZchMCgtO<H0B6.4086.50B-C-I.B-C-1D8.10B1.15sl.i7sl.lsB1.19B-N-1B-N-3sz.iB2.2B2~3IIZ.4B-F87.10BW-2ReactorVcssclLigaments betucenstudhnlca-.ClosureMashers,bushinps.
Visual Pump'Pressure Boundary Branch pipe connection vclds exceeding six inch Volumetric diame tcr.H 0 m 8 e W V.O 0 tb Q'LO M 5 Co 8 C)tO Ql h3 I M VsO CAD MQ ftH co rt.S X LO V ft Q V tg HP Q e 6 0'-g~86.180 8-C-I 86.190 B-C-I 86.200 8-C-1 810.20 B-K-1-K-2 Bolts and studs,]n place.Bolts nnd studs, Mhcn removed.Bolting.Integrally-Mclded bttachmrnts.
Bolts,studssndnuts.Integrnlly-ueldcd attnclImcnta.
Com onen su orts Vo 1ume t ric Volumetric and Surface Visual Surface Visual, O C)CO D ITl EXAMI HAT I OH CATFGORY ITFH TA III.F.Ho.I'Mfl-2SOO TABLE ISI 1.1 (Cont'd)COMPOHI'.HTS
Core-aIIpport structures.
HF.TIIOD A H K R Rrn&W~MC roag>O N M W 0 BS.6 II-L-1 D5.8 B-1 87.60 B-C-2 B6~210 D-C-1 B6.220 BW-1 Pump Pressure Boundary Pump casing vclds.Exempted components.
Bolts, studs, nnd nuts.lfenctor Coolant Pump Flyvlrccl.
Valve Pressure ffoundnry Bolts nnd studs, in place.Bolts nnrf studs, MIIen removed.Volume tric Visual Vieual Volumetric and Surface Volumetric Volumetric and.Surface M 0 m 8 O ff'r.nI 0 O Q'lO M V co 0 ED Ol QI hl rb$0%0 NH cort nI R ClV rt 0 I uf Hg 0 N 8 0 I m B6.230 D-C-I B10.30 B-K-1 II11.30 B-K-2 B6.6.D-M-1 D6.8 B-P.fl7.70 B-C-2 Bo1 ting.Integrally velrfcd attnchmcnts.
Pressurizer l.ongitudinnl andcircumfcrcntinl uclds.tfozzle-to-vessel uelIlsandnozzle-to-'vessel rndiuscdsection.lfcatcrpenctrat(ons.
Component supports.Va 1 ve-body oa I de.Fxcmptcrf components.
Nozzle-to-safe-cnIf uelds.Volumetric VisualVisualSurfaceVisual..VisualVolumetric visi)al(I@A-5000)
IIolts, studs, anrf nuts.Vieual Volume tr ic Visual Volumetric Visual (If'-5000)
Volume'tric VolumetricVisual(IMA<<5000)
Volumetric andSurfaceH0m86rtg80eQr>&HOCOgcoUlQJh3MRV)UMQAMCOrtQOCIOrft0r-u)HP0ft'ue80'-g~'O00CA~1n FXAMINATIONCATrrORYITF.MThill,KHn.lull-2500 TAllLKISl1.1(Cont'>I)
MFTIIOD A H R Ro)lO W~olC gCW OlCP&O N H 0 Pressure Vessels, Cl.i C-A C1.2 C3.20 C3.30 C-E C<<E C3.10 C-C C4.10 C-n Circumferential butt vclds.Nozzle-to-vessle zelda.Integrally-uelded support" attachments.
Bolts and studs.Component supports.Supports mechanical and hydraulic.
MF.TIIODAHRMN>C>PPV>C'.(ocHW&r>nwHh70a86.608-G-IB6.70B-C-1Pressurizer CVBoltsandstuds,inplan.Boltsandstuds,Vien'rcmove>l.
'fping Volumetrfc Volumetric
Volumetric Volumetric andSurfaceBb.80DW-1BB.20B-ll82.108-P87.208-C-2Bolting.Integrally-Melded attschmcnts.
.Surface Volumetric Visual Visual Om 8 8 W v O 0.e A r v'c)M 8'O<<0 8 orna ta I 8 OlU MO WM corfu X%D V ft o r.ta 0 rt 0 S 4 0" I m C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C4.20 C3.4O C-F, CW C-F, C-0 C-F, C-C c-n C-E-1 C I rcumferentinl butt-vc f tud 1 nnl uc1 d go in ts fn f i t t in ps;Brnnch pipe-to-pipe veld Joints.Bolts and studs.TntegralJy welded support nttnctiments..
Volumetric Volumetric Volumetric Volumetrfc Surface O m C)CO C3.50.C-E-2 C3.60 Component supports.Supports mechanfcnl and hyrnultc.~Vfsunl Visual
Visuai83.183.283.386.80B~-IIieetExchangers andSteamGencrntors I.ongitudinnl nn>lcirc>>>>>fercnt lnlvclde,including Tubesl>cct-to-head orsl>cllMcl>I>>onthepri-maryslclc,Nozzle-to-head Mcldsandnozzlelnsl>leradiusedsectionontheprimarysl>lc.Nozzle-to-safe-end Melds.Boltsandst>>ds,.in place.Volumetric Vo1umetricVolumetric andSurfaceVolumetric c>mOC>CoCh"-I0 ITEHNn.FXAHIllATIONCATFGORYTARLF.lull-ZSOO TADI.EiSII~1(Cont'd)COllPONFNTS
~PAIITS,ANOIll'.TIIOI'IS OFFXAHINATION COMPOHFNTS ANIIPARTSTonr;rxAMINrli MFTIIODARRNa3W~U)cZC0HCAVY'PPHPVRROWH0n6.100B-c-1B6.110D-C-ID8.30,D-IIDe.4083.9B7.30'W-2n7.40n4.1n6.150B-c-ID6.160D-G-I06.170B-6-1n4.5B<<JIlentFxchnngcrs nndStcamGenerators Boltsandstuds, attnchments.
Bolts,studs,andnuts.PipingI'rcssure no>>ndary'afe-endtopipingacidsnnd'afe-cnd fnbranchpipingMclda.Boltsandstuds,inploce.Boltsnndst>>ds,Mhenremoved.noltfng.Circ>>mfcrentfal nnd1ongit>>dfnnl pipevclds.Volumetric nndSurfaceVisualSurfacevisuals(ILIA-5000)
VisualVolumetric andSurfaceVolumetric Volumetric andSurfaceVisualVolumetric O0mA8rtgvr-S0OAI'LOH0@oppCO0Qlhl&RCOQMArtMmrtPX'LOIrt0ItaHg0ft~8880C)ICh CXAHIttATIOttCATFIsORY ITF.tfTADI.CNo.IVII-2500 TADl.CISI1.1(Cont'd)COWONCNTS, PARTS,ANDHFTIIOI)S OFCXAHINATION COtIPONCNTS ANDPARTSTODI'.F.XAHlttl'.D HFTIIODAMM3,'0)C3WWMccoc:NVOKH084.6B-J-84.7B-JD4.884.1187.50B-G-2B1o.10B-K-1D11~10.B-K-2PipingPrcssureBoundaryDranchpipeconnexion Meldssixinchdiameterandsmaller.Surface~.Socketvelds.Integrally Mcldedattachments.
Component supports.
VisualPump'Pressure BoundaryBranchpipeconnection vcldsexceeding sixinchVolumetric diametcr.H0m8eWV.O0tbQ'LOM5Co8C)tOQlh3IMVsOCADMQftHcort.SXLOVftQVtgHPQe60'-g~86.1808-C-I86.190B-C-I86.2008-C-1810.20B-K-1-K-2Boltsandstuds,]nplace.Boltsnndstuds,Mhcnremoved.Bolting.Integrally-Mclded bttachmrnts.
ComonensuortsVo1umetricVolumetric andSurfaceVisualSurfaceVisual,OC)CODITl EXAMIHATIOHCATFGORYITFHTAIII.F.Ho.I'Mfl-2SOO TABLEISI1.1(Cont'd)COMPOHI'.HTS
ValvePressureffoundnry Boltsnndstuds,inplace.Boltsnnrfstuds,MIIenremoved.VolumetricVisualVieualVolumetric andSurfaceVolumetric Volumetric and.SurfaceM0m8Off'r.nI0OQ'lOMVco0EDOlQIhlrb$0%0NHcortnIRClVrt0IufHg0N80ImB6.230D-C-IB10.30B-K-1II11.30B-K-2B6.6.D-M-1D6.8B-P.fl7.70B-C-2Bo1ting.Integrally velrfcdattnchmcnts.
Component supports.
Va1ve-bodyoaIde.Fxcmptcrf components.
IIolts,studs,anrfnuts.VieualVolumetricVisualVolumetric Visual(If'-5000)
MFTIIODAHRRo)lOW~olCgCWOlCP&ONH0PressureVessels,Cl.iC-AC1.2C3.20C3.30C-EC<<EC3.10C-CC4.10C-nCircumferential buttvclds.Nozzle-to-vessle zelda.Integrally-uelded support"attachments.
Boltsandstuds.Component supports.
Supportsmechanical andhydraulic.
'fpingVolumetrfc Volumetric
.SurfaceVolumetric VisualVisualOm88WvO0.eArv'c)M8'O<<08ornataI8OlUMOWMcorfuX%DVftor.ta0rt0S40"ImC2.1C2.2C2.3C4.20C3.4OC-F,CWC-F,C-0C-F,C-Cc-nC-E-1CIrcumferentinl butt-vcTds.T.ongftud1nnluc1dgointsfnfittinps;Brnnchpipe-to-pipe veldJoints.Boltsandstuds.TntegralJy weldedsupportnttnctiments..
Volumetric Volumetric Volumetric Volumetrfc SurfaceOmC)COC3.50.C-E-2C3.60Component supports.
Supportsmechanfcnl andhyrnultc.

MFTttnnAMRR3lMlOWQto&CCtocAKM0C3.1C-F,C-Cc4.3oC-ltC3.20C-E-1C3.80C-E-2C3.90C4.1C-F,C-CC4o40C-DC3.100.C-E-1C3.110C-I'.-2c3.12oPumpcasingzelda.Boltsandstuds.PumpsValveboclyMelds.Boltsnndstuds~Integrally Melcledsupportnttnchmen'tn.
MFTttnn A M R R 3lMlO WQto&C C to c AK M 0 C3.1 C-F, C-C c4.3o C-lt C3.20 C-E-1 C3.80 C-E-2 C3.90 C4.1 C-F, C-C C4o40 C-D C3.100.C-E-1 C3.110 C-I'.-2 c3.12o Pump casing zelda.Bolts and studs.Pumps Valve bocly Melds.Bolts nnd studs~Integrally Melcled support nttnchmen'tn.
Component supports.
Component supports.Supports'mechanical nnd hy<lrnnl I c.Integrally velded support attachments.
Supports'mechanical nndhy<lrnnlIc.Integrally veldedsupportattachments.
Component supports.Supports mechnnical nncl hydraulic.
Component supports.
Valves Volumetric Volumetric Surface Visual Visual Volumetric Volumetric Surface Visual Visual O M 0 N 8 O m ft g O 0 O A CO M Q coypu c)cn Qt I RtoQ NO CtM COt-Ct 0 t I Mg 0 rt W O t1 c2~o C)CQ CZl n Ill}}
Supportsmechnnical nnclhydraulic.
ValvesVolumetric Volumetric SurfaceVisualVisualVolumetric Volumetric SurfaceVisualVisualOM0N8OmftgO0OACOMQcoypuc)cnQtIRtoQNOCtMCOt-Ct0tIMg0rtWOt1c2~oC)CQCZlnIll}}

Revision as of 15:44, 7 July 2018

Rev 9 to QA Manual,App B Re Inservice Insp Program for 1980-1989 Interval
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Issue date: 09/22/1986
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'<<<<TIYE DATectober 1s 1986 SIGIIATURE OF DATE TITLE: APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval PREPARED BYs QUALITY ASSURAIICE REVIEW APPROVED BYs is/is/sS s s.r/R V/iz/ag Pro ram Table of Contents




Tables: Discussion ISI 1.0 Scope and Responsibility ISI 2.0 Inspection Intervals ISI 3.0 Extent and Frequency ISI 4.0 Examination Methods ISI 5.0 Evaluation of Examination Results ISI 6.0 Repair Requirements ISI 7.0 System Pressure Testing ISI 8.0 Records and Reports ISI 9.0 Exemptions ISI 1.1 Quality Group A Components, Parts and Method of Examination ISI 1.2 Quality Group B Components, Parts and Method of Examination Attachment A-Quality Groups A, B, and C Exemptions 0

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: P APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 2 10/1/86 OF 22 INTRODUCTION Appendix B of this Quality Assurance Manual describes Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program for the 120 month inspection interval commencing January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1989.Included in this program are the following portions of systems and/or components:

Quality Group A Components

-Quality Group B Components

-Quality Group C Components

-High Energy Piping Outside of Containment

-Steam Generator Tubing-Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheels Following the guidance of Reference 1,Section XI of the Code, Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program adheres to the re-quirements of Section 50.55a of the Code of Federal Regulations, Reference 2.This program, however, excludes the controls of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, Enforcement Authority, Re-porting Systems, and N-Stamp Symbol.The Inservice Inspection Program for Quality Groups A, B and C components, as defined in Regulatory Guide 1.26, Refer-ence 3, is controlled by Ginna!s Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.

This same program which is also in compliance with the referenced Section XI, provides the most acceptable guidelines and latest techniques currently being utilized in the performance of an inservice inspection.

Repairs to Quality Groups A, B and C components shall be performed in accordance with the Owner's Design Specification and Construction Code of the component or system.Later editions of the Construction Code or ASME Section III, either in its entirety or portions thereof, can also be used.If repair welding can not be performed in accordance with these rec{uirements, then Article 4000 of Reference ll will be used.As indicated in Rochester Gas and Electric's report, Reference 4, and Augmented Inservice Inspection Program for high energy piping o'utside of containment has been established.

The inspection program provides for volumetric examination on all circumferential butt welds situated at design break locations or at discontinuity locations where probable failure could occur.Surveillance of these welds S 0~~T ITLEs DATE 42~52 C QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval PAGE 10/1/86 ,3'DP 22 can detect material changes in advance of a potential failure, thereby assuring that the design basis or consequential main steam or feedwater break will not occur.The Inservice Inspection Program for steam generator tubes was.developed to meet.the guidance of Reference 5.At regular intervals, tubes within each leg of the steam generator are examined and evaluated for acceptable-tube wall thickness.

The Inservice Inspection Program for reactor coolant pump flywheels was developed to meet the guidance of Reference 12.At the intervals suggested, the reactor coolant pump flywheel will be examined by either the volumetric or surface exami-nation method, and evaluated to the specified acceptance criteria.Identification is given in Section 9.0 of Ginna's Inservice Inspection Program for those areas which deviate from the requirements of Reference 1.Where applicable, currently approved edition and addendas of Section XI will be utilized for clarification and guidance.It is the intent of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation to continually apply appropriate changes in the Code which improves the overall quality of Ginna's total Inservice Inspection Program.PROGRAM ISI 1.0 Sco e and Res onsibilit 1.2 Components of Quality Groups A and B are listed-in Tables ISI-1.1 and 1.2, respectively.

Quality Group C components are identified in Appendix A of Ginna's Quality Assurance Manual.The specific components to be examined for each Quality Group shall be defined in the Examination Plans by title and/or number.The Inservice Inspection Program for high energy piping outside of containment consists of main steam and feedwater piping welds is detailed in the Examination Plan for High Energy Piping.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITlEs APPENDIK B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE q OF 42~52 C 22 1.3 1.4 ISI 2.0 The Inservice Inspection Program for steam generator tubes, which is outlined in this program, was developed to the guidance provided in Reference 5, is detailed in Ginna's station procedures.

The Inservice Inspection Program for reactor coolant pump flywheels, which is outlined in this'rogram, was developed to the guidance provided in Reference 12, is detailed in Ginna's station procedures.

Ins ection Intervals 2.1 The inservice inspection (ISI)intervals for Quality Group A components shall be ten year intervals of service commencing January 1, 1970.This program defines the ISI requirements for the second-interval for Quality Group A components.

The ten year examination plan shall describe the distribution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWB-2400 of Reference l.2.2 The inservice inspection intervals for Quality Group B components shall be ten year intervals of service beginning on May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.

This program defines the ISI requirements for the second interval for Quality Group B components.

The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWC-2400 of Reference 1.2.3 The inservice inspection intervals for Quality Group C components shall be ten year intervals of service beginning on May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.

This program defines the ISI requirements for the second interval Quality Group C components.

The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with IWD-2400 of Reference l.

~~QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For.the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 4Ri62C 10/1/86 OF 22 2.4 The inservice inspection intervals for the high*energy piping outside of containment shall be ten year intervals of service beginning May 1, 1973, January 1, 1980, 1990 and 2000, respectively.

The ten year examination plan shall describe the distribution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with the requirements of Reference 4.2.5 The inservice inspection intervals for the exami-nation-of steam generator tubes shall not be more than 24 months.However,'if over a nominal 2 year period (e."g., two normal fuel cycles)at least 2 examinations of the separate legs result in less than 10/of the tubes with detectable wall penetration (20/)and no significant (10/)further penetration of tubes with previous indications, the inspection interval of the individual.

legs may be extended to once.every 40 months.2.6 2.7 As permitted by IWA-2400 of Reference 1, the inservice inspection interval for Quality Groups A, B and C and high energy piping outside con-tainment may be necessary.

The inservice inspection intervals for the reactor coolant pump flywheel shall be approximately 10 year intervals of service commencing on January 1, 1970.For areas of high stress concentration at the bore and keyway, a reduced interval of ,approximately 3 years shall be applied.The ten year examination plan shall describe the distri-bution of examinations within the inspection interval in accordance with the requirements of Reference 12.ISI 3.0 Extent and Fre enc 3.1 Quality Group A components, as listed in Table ISI-l.l shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in Table IWB-2500 of Refer-ence l.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEi APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE 22 OF 3.2 Quality Group B components, as listed in Table ISI-1.2, shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in IWC-2400 and Table IWC-2500 of Reference 1.3.3 Quality Group C components as described in the ten year examination plan shall be examined to the extent and frequency required in IWD-2400 and IWD-2600 of Reference 1.3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 High energy piping welds outside of containment shall be examined to the following extent and frequency:

During each period of the first inspection inter-val, all welds at design break locations and one-third of all welds at locations where a weld failure would result in unacceptable consequences, will be volumetrically examined.During each period of succeeding intervals, one-third of all welds at design break locations and one-third of all welds at, locations where a weld failure would result in unacceptable consequences, shall be volumetrically examined.The extent and selection of steam generator tube examinations shall be as described in Sections C.4 and C.5 of Reference 5, with the interpretation that examination in a leg of all previously defective tubes (20/detectable wall penetration) and up to a maximum of two hundred previously defect-free tubes (20/detectable wall pene-tration)is deemed sufficient in meeting the requirements of Reference 5.In the event a primary to secondary leak exceeds technical specification limit,, a limited number of tubes shall be examined at, the next refueling outage'.In the event of a seismic occurance greater than'hat'for which the plant is designed to continue operation, Reference 6, a special examination of a limited number of tubes shall be conducted.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE3 APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 3.5.3 3.6 ISI 4.0 In the event of a major steam line or feedwater line break, or a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)which imposes a significant pressure transient on the steam generators and requires actuation of the engineered safe-guards, a special exami-nation of a limited number of tubes shall be conducted.

f The reactor'coolant pump flywheel, listed in Table ISI-l.l, shall be examined to the extent and frequency as required in Reference 12.Examination Methods 4.1 Quality Groups A and B components shall be examined by the required visual, surface or volumetric methods.These examinations shall include one or a combination.of the following:

visual, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, eddy-current or radiographic exami-nation.These methods, shall as a minimum, be~in accordance with the rules of IWA-2000 of Reference Ultrasonic examinations shall be performed in accordance with the following: For ferritic vessels with wall thickness of 2-1/2 inches or greater, an ultrasonic examination.

shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Appendix I of Reference l. For ferritic piping systems, an ultrasonic exami-nation shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Appendix III of Reference 7.For components other than those listed in and, an ultrasonic examination shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of Article 5 of Reference 8.All indications which produce a response greater than 50/of the reference level shall be recorded.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 42~52 C 10/1/86 OF 22 All indications which produce a response 100%of the reference level shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can evaluate the shape, identity, and location of all such re-flectors in terms of the acceptance/rejection standards of IWA-3100 (b)of Reference 1.The length of reflectors shall be measured between ,points which give amplitudes equal to 100%of the reference level.4.2 4.3 4.5 ISI 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.3 Quality Group C components shall be visually examined for leakage during a system pressure test in accordance with IWA-2200 of Reference 11.Supports and hangers shall be visually inspected in accordance wtih IWD-2600 of Reference 1.High energy piping welds outside of containment shall be radiographically examined.Steam generator tubes shall be examined by a volumetric method (e.g.eddy current)or al-ternative method which is acceptable.

Reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be, examined by the required surface and volumetric methods, in accordance with the requirements of IWA-2200 of Reference 1.Evaluation of Examination Results The evaluation of nondestructive examination results shall be in accordance with Article IWB-3000 of Reference 1.All reportable indi-cations shall be subject to comparison with previous'data to aid in its characterization and in determining its origin.Quality Group B Components The evaluation of nondestructive examination re-'ults shall be in accordance with Article IWC-3000 of Reference 1.All reportable indications shall be subject to comparison with previous data to aid in its characterization and in determining its origin.Quality Group C Components 0

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE 10/1/86 PAGE 22 OF 5.3.1 5.4 5.4.1 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 The evaluation of the visual examination results shall be in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 1 for hangers and supports and Reference 11 for pressure tests.High Energy Piping The evaluation of nondestructive examination results shall be in accordance with Reference 9.Indications that were recorded in previous pre-service or inservice inspections and which were not characterized as propagating flaws are acceptable for continued service.The evaluation of any corroded area shall be.performed in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 11.Steam Generator Tubes and Tube Sleeve Combinations Repair Steam generator tubes that have imperfections greater than 40/through wall, as indicated by eddy current, shall be repaired by plugging or sleeving.Steam generator sleeves that, have imperfections greater than 30/through wall, as indicated by eddy current, shall be repaired by plugging.Reporting Within 15 days following the completion of the evaluation of each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes required by 5.7.1 above to be plugged or sleeved in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commis-sion in a Special Report pursuant to Technical Specification complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be submitted to the 0

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 4 Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Tech-nical Specification within 12 months following the completion of the.inspection.

This Special Report shall include: 1.Number and extent of tubes inspected.

2.Location and percent of wall-thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection.

3.Identification of tubes plugged or sleeved.If the number of tubes in a generator falling into categories (a)or (b)below exceeds the criteria, then results of the inspection shall be considered a Reportable Event pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73.Oral notification of NRR shall be accomplished within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />,.but no sooner than the next normal working day after the final review of the eddy current results..A written followup report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to determine the course of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to preclude recurrence.

Categories (a)and (b)are: (a)More than 10%of the total tubes inspected are degraded (imperfections greater than 20%of the nominal wall thickness).

However, previously degraded tubes must exhibit at least.10%further wall penetration to be included in this calculation.

ISI 6.0 (b)More than 1%of the total tubes inspected are degraded (imperfections greater than the plugging limit).Re air Re irements 6.1 Repair of Quality Groups A, B and C components shall be performed in accordance with the appli-cable Subsections of Reference 11.6.'2 Examinations associated with repairs or modifi-cations shall meet the applicable design and inspection Code requirements as described in the following paragraphs:

~'QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 6.2.1 Whenever Quality Groups A, B or C System modifi-cations or repairs have been made which involve new strength welds on components greater than 2 inches diameter, the new welds shall receive both surface and 100 percent volumetric nondestructive examinations.

6.2.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.6 6.7 Whenever system modifications or repairs have been made which involve new strength wilds on Quality Groups A;B or C components of 2 inches or less, a surface examination shall be performed.

Surface defects in Quality Groups A, B or C bolts, studs, nuts and ligaments may be removed by mechanical means provided the removal of that defect.does not alter the basic configuration of the item.Bolts, studs and nuts that have de-fects that cannot be removed by mechanical means shall be replaced.Repair of high energy piping,welds outside of containment shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Code.specified in Reference 11., Repair of Steam Generator Tubes Repair of steam generator'tubes that have un-acceptable defects shall be performed by using a tube plugging technique or by sleeving.Preventative sleeving of tubes as part, of a pre-ventative maintenance program may also be accom-plished.Repair of steam generator sleeves that have unacceptable defects shall be performed by using a tube plugging technique.

Repair of reactor coolant, pump flywheel that have unacceptable defects shall be performed in accordance with Reference 12.ISI 7.0 7.1 7.1.1 S stem Pressure Testin General Requirements System pressure test shall be conducted in accordance with Article IWA-5000 of Reference 11.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE i APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.3 7.3.1 Repairs of corroded areas shall be performed in a'ccordance with Section 6.0 of this program.Quality Group A Components Whenever the reactor coolant system is closed after it has been opened, the system shall be leak tested to the requirements of Article IWB-5000 of Reference-'ll.Temperature and pressure requirements of Figure 3.1-1, Section 3.1 of Ginna's"Technical Specifications" shall not be exceeded.At or near the end of each inspection interval, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed on the reactor coolant system components.

This test shall be conducted in accordance with the require-ments of Article.IWB-5000 of Reference 11.Test pressures and temperatures shall be maintained for at least four hours prior to performing the visual examination.

Section 3.1 of Ginna's"Technical Specification" shall not be exceeded.Quality Group B Components At or near the end of each inspection interval, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed on Quality Group B Systems and Components.

This test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Article IWC-5000 of Reference 11.When Quality Group A systems and components are also being pressurized, the pressure and temper-ature shall comply with the reguirements of Paragraph 7.2.2 of this Appends.x.

This test temperature and pressure shall be maintained for at least 10 minutes prior to the performance of the visual examination for uninsulated pipes and 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for insulated pipes.During each period, systems or portions of systems not required to operate during normal reactor operation shall be pressure tested in accordance with IWC 5221.Inservice leakage tests may also be performed on other systems and components which are normally in servo.ce once each period.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TIT LE i APPENDIX B~Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 7.4 7.4.1 Quality Group C Components Quality Group C components shall have system pressure test in accordance with*Article IWD-5000 of.Reference 11.ISI 8.0 8.1 ISI 9.0 9.1 Records and Re orts Records and reports developed from those exami-nations performed in accordance with this Appendix shall be maintained in accordance with Article IWA-6000 of Reference ll;E~t'uality Groups A, B and C components exemptions are identified in Attachment A to this Appendix.However, Paragraphs IWB-1220 and IWC-1220 of Reference 1 exempt certain components from exami-nations, where certain conditions are met.These exemptions will be applied to the components listed on Tables ISI-1.1 and 1.2 with the result that only those non-exempt components are listed herein.REFERENCES 1.American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (B&PVC)Section KI"Rules for Inseryice Inspection

'of Nuclear Power Plant Components", 1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Addenda.2.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, dated January 1, 1978.3.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 1, dated February 1976"Quality Group Classifi-cations and Standards for Water, Steam, and Radioactive Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants".4.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Report"Effects of Postulated Pipe Breaks Outside the Containment Building", dated October 29, 1973.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX B Ginna Station Inservice Inspection Program For the 1980-1989 Interval DATE PAGE 10/1/86 OF 22 5.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1, dated July 1975,"Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes'.6.Ginna's Final Safety Analysis Report, Section, B&PVC,Section XI, 1974 Edition through Summer 1976 Addenda.8.ASME, B&PVC,Section V, 1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Addenda.9.USAS B31.1.0-1967,"Power Piping".10.ASME, B&PVC,Section III, 1974 Edition through Summer'975 Addenda.11.'SME, B&PVC Section XI, 1977 Edition through Summer 1978, Addenda.12.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.14, Revision 1, dated August 1975,-"Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Integrity".

0 V FXANI NATION CAT FGORY ITFH TAOI,E Ho.I Mll-2500 TABLE ISI I.l qOALiTY CnnNP A COMPONFHTS, PARTS, AllD llFTllnnS OF RXAllrHATION COHPOHFHTS AHD PARTS TO OF.F.XAHlHF.D HETllnn A M R 3: Ul K3 WwM c: 2e i roc gv XL nw M O C Bl.l B1.2 Bl~3 BI.4 BI.>Reactor Vessel 8-B Longitudinal and circumferential shall uelds in.core region.Longitudinal and circurmferentinl velds in shell (other than those of Category B-A nnd B-C)and meridiona) and circumferential beam uclds in bottom head nnd closure lrcnd (other tlran those of Cntegory B-C).Vessel-to-flange and head-to-flange circumferen-tia1 vclds.B-0 Primary nozzle-to-'vessel vcldn and nozzle inside tial.vclds.

I Vessel penetrations, inclurllng control rod drive anil instrumentation pcnctrnt iona.I Volumetric Volumetric Volumetric Voiumettic Visual (I@A-5000)

H 0 or 8 re rt g e 0 nr A r>io H 8 CO 0&rrl ar tg r SCAN MQ rt&cart rrr N Ol t5 r-r~0 re~Q I m B1.6 O6.10 B-C-I B6.20 B-C-I O6.30 O-C-I Nozzle-to-safe-end uclds.Closure head nuts.Closrrre studs, in place.Clonirre studs, uhcn rcmovcil.'olumetric snd Surface Surface Vo lume t ric Volumetric and Surface a m U m C) lTF.H No.FX AH 1 N AT I ON CATF.GOR'I TAIII.F.I Mll-2 500 TAQ1,E ISI.1 (Cont'd)CO)IPONFIITS, PARTS, AND Hf'.TIIOI)S OI'XAHINATIOM, COHPONEtfTS Afff)PARTS TO l)F.FXAHI Nf'.I)HF.TIIOD A H M 3;o)lO W~MN Zch MCg t O<H 0 B6.40 86.50 B-C-I.B-C-1 D8.10 B1.15 sl.i7 B1.19 B-N-1 B-N-3 sz.i B2.2 B2~3 IIZ.4 B-F 87.10 BW-2 Reactor Vcsscl Ligaments betucen stud hnlca-.Closure Mashers, bushinps.Bolts, studs snd nuts.Integrnlly-ueldcd at tnclImcnta.

Vessel Interior.Core-aIIpport structures.

Control rod drive hoI)sings.

Fxcmptcd components.

Pressurizer l.ongitudinnl and circumfcrcntinl uclds.tfozzle-to-vessel uelIls and nozzle-to-'vessel rndiuscd section.lfcatcr penctrat(ons.

Nozzle-to-safe-cnIf uelds.Volumetric Visual Visual Surface Visual..Visual Volumetric v isi)al (I@A-5000)

Volume'tric Vo lume tric Visual (IMA<<5000)

Volumetric and Surface H 0 m 8 6 rt g 8 0 e Q r>&HO CO g co Ul QJ h3 MR V)U MQ AM COrtQ OC IO r ft 0 r-u)HP 0 ft'u e 8 0'-g~'O 00 CA~1 n FXAMI NATION CATrrORY IT F.M Thill,K Hn.lull-2500 TAllLK ISl 1.1 (Cont'>I)COIIIOHFHTS, PARTS, ANn MFTIIOIIS OF FXAIIINATION COMPOHFHTS AHD PARTS'O llF.I'.XAICIHI'.I)

MF.TIIOD A H RMN>C>P P V>C'.(o c HW&r>nw H h7 0 a 86.60 8-G-I B6.70 B-C-1 Pressurizer C V Bolts and studs, in plan.Bolts and studs, Vien'rcmove>l.

Volumetric Volumetric and Surface Bb.80 DW-1 BB.20 B-ll 82.10 8-P 87.20 8-C-2 Bol ting.Integrally-Melded at tschmcnts.

Fxempted components.

Bolts, studs, end nuts.Visual Surface Visual (I@A-5000)

Visuai 83.1 83.2 83.3 86.80 B~-I Iieet Exchangers and Steam Gencrntors I.ongitudinnl nn>l circ>>>>>fercnt lnl vclde, including Tube sl>cct-to-head or sl>cll Mcl>I>>on the pri-mary slclc, Nozzle-to-head Mclds and nozzle lnsl>le radiused section on the primary sl>lc.Nozzle-to-safe-end Melds.Bolts and st>>ds,.in place.Volumetric Vo 1ume t r ic Volumetric and Surface Volumetric c>m O C>Co Ch"-I 0 ITEH Nn.FXAHI llAT ION CATFGORY TARLF.lull-ZSOO TADI.E iSI I~1 (Cont'd)COllPONFNTS

~PAIITS, ANO Ill'.TIIOI'IS OF FXAHINATION COMPOHFNTS ANII PARTS To nr;rxAMINrli MFTIIOD A RRNa3 W~U)c ZC 0 HCAVY'PP H PVR R OW H 0 n6.100 B-c-1 B6.110 D-C-I D8.30, D-II De.40 83.9 B7.30'W-2 n7.40 n4.1 n6.150 B-c-I D6.160 D-G-I 06.170 B-6-1 n4.5 B<<J Ilent Fxchnngcrs nnd Stcam Generators Bolts and studs, Mhen rcmovcd.Bo 1 t at tnchments.

Exempted components.

Bolts, studs, and nuts.Piping I'rcssure no>>ndary'afe-end to piping acids nnd'afe-cnd fn branch piping Mclda.Bolts and studs, in ploce.Bolts nnd st>>ds, Mhen removed.noltfng.Circ>>mfcrentfal nnd 1ongit>>dfnnl pipe vclds.Volumetric nnd Surface Visual Surface visuals (ILIA-5000)

Visual Volumetric and Surface Volumetric Volumetric and Surface Visual Volumetric O 0 m A 8 rt g vr-S 0 O A I'LO H 0@op p CO 0 Ql hl&RCOQ MArtM mrtP X'LO I rt 0 I ta Hg 0 ft~8 8 8 0 C)I Ch CX AH I tt AT I Ott CATFIsORY I TADI.C No.IVII-2500 TADl.C ISI 1.1 (Cont'd)COWONCNTS, PARTS, AND HFTIIOI)S OF CXAHINATION COtIPONCNTS AND PARTS TO DI'.F.XAHlttl'.D HFTIIOD A M M 3,'0)C3 WWMc coc:NV OK H 0 84.6 B-J-84.7 B-J D4.8 84.11 87.50 B-G-2 B 1 o.10 B-K-1 D11~10.B-K-2 Piping Prcssure Boundary Dranch pipe connexion Melds six inch diameter and smaller.Surface~.Socket velds.Integrally Mclded attachments.

Component supports.Fxcmptcd components.

Bolts, studs and nuts.Surface Surface Visual Visual (I@A-5000)

Visual Pump'Pressure Boundary Branch pipe connection vclds exceeding six inch Volumetric diame tcr.H 0 m 8 e W V.O 0 tb Q'LO M 5 Co 8 C)tO Ql h3 I M VsO CAD MQ ftH co rt.S X LO V ft Q V tg HP Q e 6 0'-g~86.180 8-C-I 86.190 B-C-I 86.200 8-C-1 810.20 B-K-1-K-2 Bolts and studs,]n place.Bolts nnd studs, Mhcn removed.Bolting.Integrally-Mclded bttachmrnts.

Com onen su orts Vo 1ume t ric Volumetric and Surface Visual Surface Visual, O C)CO D ITl EXAMI HAT I OH CATFGORY ITFH TA III.F.Ho.I'Mfl-2SOO TABLE ISI 1.1 (Cont'd)COMPOHI'.HTS


HF.TIIOD A H K R Rrn&W~MC roag>O N M W 0 BS.6 II-L-1 D5.8 B-1 87.60 B-C-2 B6~210 D-C-1 B6.220 BW-1 Pump Pressure Boundary Pump casing vclds.Exempted components.

Bolts, studs, nnd nuts.lfenctor Coolant Pump Flyvlrccl.

Valve Pressure ffoundnry Bolts nnd studs, in place.Bolts nnrf studs, MIIen removed.Volume tric Visual Vieual Volumetric and Surface Volumetric Volumetric and.Surface M 0 m 8 O ff'r.nI 0 O Q'lO M V co 0 ED Ol QI hl rb$0%0 NH cort nI R ClV rt 0 I uf Hg 0 N 8 0 I m B6.230 D-C-I B10.30 B-K-1 II11.30 B-K-2 B6.6.D-M-1 D6.8 B-P.fl7.70 B-C-2 Bo1 ting.Integrally velrfcd attnchmcnts.

Component supports.Va 1 ve-body oa I de.Fxcmptcrf components.

IIolts, studs, anrf nuts.Vieual Volume tr ic Visual Volumetric Visual (If'-5000)


MFTIIOD A H R Ro)lO W~olC gCW OlCP&O N H 0 Pressure Vessels, Cl.i C-A C1.2 C3.20 C3.30 C-E C<<E C3.10 C-C C4.10 C-n Circumferential butt vclds.Nozzle-to-vessle zelda.Integrally-uelded support" attachments.

Bolts and studs.Component supports.Supports mechanical and hydraulic.

'fping Volumetrfc Volumetric

.Surface Volumetric Visual Visual Om 8 8 W v O 0.e A r v'c)M 8'O<<0 8 orna ta I 8 OlU MO WM corfu X%D V ft o r.ta 0 rt 0 S 4 0" I m C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C4.20 C3.4O C-F, CW C-F, C-0 C-F, C-C c-n C-E-1 C I rcumferentinl butt-vc f tud 1 nnl uc1 d go in ts fn f i t t in ps;Brnnch pipe-to-pipe veld Joints.Bolts and studs.TntegralJy welded support nttnctiments..

Volumetric Volumetric Volumetric Volumetrfc Surface O m C)CO C3.50.C-E-2 C3.60 Component supports.Supports mechanfcnl and hyrnultc.~Vfsunl Visual


MFTttnn A M R R 3lMlO WQto&C C to c AK M 0 C3.1 C-F, C-C c4.3o C-lt C3.20 C-E-1 C3.80 C-E-2 C3.90 C4.1 C-F, C-C C4o40 C-D C3.100.C-E-1 C3.110 C-I'.-2 c3.12o Pump casing zelda.Bolts and studs.Pumps Valve bocly Melds.Bolts nnd studs~Integrally Melcled support nttnchmen'tn.

Component supports.Supports'mechanical nnd hy<lrnnl I c.Integrally velded support attachments.

Component supports.Supports mechnnical nncl hydraulic.

Valves Volumetric Volumetric Surface Visual Visual Volumetric Volumetric Surface Visual Visual O M 0 N 8 O m ft g O 0 O A CO M Q coypu c)cn Qt I RtoQ NO CtM COt-Ct 0 t I Mg 0 rt W O t1 c2~o C)CQ CZl n Ill