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I REPORT OF INTERVIEW WITH MARX 5. COLEMAN SY                                                                                              .
IE & OIA DN APRIL 10. 1980 I
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1 REPORT OF INTERVIEW l                                  Mark S. Coleman, Control Room Operator Unit #2, Three Mile Island Nuclear -
!                                                                                                                                                  1 Station Middletown, Pennsylvania was interviewed on. April 10, 1980, by                                _.        j
!    ;                          David H. Gamble Office of Inspector and Auditor, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory
    ;-                            Comission (NRC) and Donald C. Kirkpatrick, Office of Inspection and
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                        ,          Enforement NAC.                        Coleman was accompanied by Eric L. 8. Strahn, attorney for the Metropolitan Edison Cempany.
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At the conclusion of the interview, Coleman was asked whether he would be I                          willing to sign a stater.ent doceenting what he had said. Colman initially i 11 j                            replied that he was basically adverse to signing anything. After consulting with Colanan, Strahn requested that such a statament be prepared and they l-(Strahn and Coleman) would decide whether Coleman would sign it after reviewing l                                it.
i I
        ,                        Gamble then drafted the attached four-page statement which Coleman carefully i
reviewed. Strahn challenged the accuracy of several passages; however, Coleman
i 1
affirmed each passage as being accurate. The only changes Coleman made were (1) gramatical changes to page one which he initia11ed and (2) the rephrasing of a sentence on page three. After these changes were made, Coleman reread the entire statement several times and stated that it was all true. M 4tated _thatg."was,tadgf.r:2.4p Apm. eut" but .4m did. met emot da.wden.s s.tatment wEich could be used to *hemer",Ma.leteem j                                                    =_                                                                                            l l
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Wrk 5. Colanan                                                      2 i
The page three change concerned the response Coleman received from supervisory personnel.after turning in a record of an unacceptable leak rate test.
During.the interview, Coleman said he turned the test in to his foreman who '
                                                    ~ -
turned 1t Aver to his shift supervisor (names not recalled). Coleman did recall that the response he received (presumably from the shift supervisor) was something to the effect of " Don't bring as this shit. I want good test results." Upon reviewing this passage. Strahn called this passage to Coleman's attention.
Coleman repeated that this was what mes said to him; but he asked that it not be identified as a ' quotation, since he might not have recalled the statament word-for-word.                  Strahn then asked Coleman to identify who made the statement:
!    i Coleman said it was the shift supervisor. As the discussion ensued Colanan then said that he r ered a group of supervisors being present when he was q                                  told this and he could not recall which member of the group made the statement.
Coleman said he honestly could not recall who was in the group, but it definitely -
consisted of at least a foreman and a couple shift supervisors. Strahn questioned how more than one shift supervisor could have been present at any one time: Colanan replied that several shift supervisors are present on the' day shift. Strahn then suggested that Coleman revise the " Don't bring me any shit..." statement to clearly show its context. After several i
alternatives were suggested by Strahn (e.g.. " negative test results are unacceptable"), Colunan agreed to substituting Kirkpatrick's suggested language: " negative test results were not wanted to be seen".
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Coleman said he understood the purpose of the leak rate test to be finding out how much identified and unidentified leakage existed. He' believed the basis for perfonning the test was the potential for radiation leaking to the
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                                      ' . - Mark 5. Colanan                                                            3 In response to in question as to whether there was a problan getting good test results Colaman said ther2 were a 'lotta" leak rate tests with bad results.
s colaman attributed this prob?em to (1) changes in power (2) a large known-leak into the reactor coolant drain tank (RCDT), and (3) difficul, ties the _,
computer program had in taking into account differences in water density in                                                                                                            ,
q                                      the pressurizer and the RCDT. He said that he knew there were problems with
    . 3
                        -s the computer program because Bill Felds, the programer, uns frequently working t
on it.            Coleman mentioned a mober of ways that were commaly knous could improve the test results:
(1).pmping the ACDT; (2) putting antar.Ja..the .
make-up tank; (8) ". flip-flopping" seter between the make-up tank and.the
                              .              pressurizer; (4) adding hydrogen; (ft). adding water without docuset. fag..the a.Jdition in the computer; and, (6), adding unter even with proper h==a+ation
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i adding hydrogen during tests.                                His exact words on this point were. AL.ewst gave added hydrogen because', if there uns a may to improve your situation.,                                                                                                                !
i                                        I would do it". Coleman also said that having to add hydrogen to get a good leak rate test result did not indicate to him that there necessarily was a leak rate problan; Colanan believed that the discrepancies in the r2sults caused by the hydrogen addition was a normal function of the instruments. Colanan
i said that he knew that hydrogen addition would effect the leak rate because he had observed the make-up tank level indication rise during hydrogen addition.
He said that this indicator was the same one used by the computer.
* Attuhment:-As stated                                                                                                            ,
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Donald C. Xirkpatrick                                                                              David H. Gamble
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DATE:                                    ,
4      .                                                                                                              TIME:
      .i I Mark S. Colman do hereby make the following free and voluntary statement 3
to Mr. David H. Gamble, who has identified himself to me as an Investigator for the U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmission. I understand this statment is being ande in connection with an official NRC Investigation and any, if l
necessary, be used in judicial or administrative action. I aske this statment with no threats having been ande against me or promisas extended to me.
L                              .
In my capacity as a control rom operator at Unit #2 of Three Mile Island j
Nuclear Station, I performed leak rate tests during the period from startup
:                through March,1979.
I do not believe that I have ever added unter to the system without documenting the addition to the cceputer in an attenpt to alter the results of a leak rate                                                                                  I test to make it appear favorable, when it would not otherwise have been.                                                                          If I have ever so added water without docunenting it in the computer, it would have been inadvertent.                                I believe I have added water inadvertently during the time siy partner was perfoming a leak rate test.                                                        In that situation, we discarded the test results since they were inaccurate.
I know that there are a neber of- ways that test results could be altered.                                                                          For.
  '                axampla, cna =athod - which wss not prohibitad by any proc 3duras - was tha addition of hydrogen during the test.                                                      I believe I have addad hydrogen during a test l
Mark 5. Coleman                                                                3                              ,
4                    I have read the above statament, consisting of four pages and find it true and c:eplete to-the best of my knowledge and belief.
1 i,
2.i              Subscribed and sworn to before as this 10th day of April 1980.                                                                                                  .
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Nuc ear Reguiatory Cossefssion.
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',                              McGovern.~ Earl Hemila and Mark Coleman,                                                                10, 1980,          on AprilI assisted i!
'                              at the of Office    sita,          Also participating Inspector                  and the interview was David N. Gamble of theat the N operators a series of questions. The                                        As part of the interview. I asked each of the'                                      t substance of these questions 'and the operator's answers derived from sy memory and sparse notes, are briefly listed in the two attached sheets.
which Mr. McGovern and Mr. Hemmila did.Each operator was asked to sign a written tion and editing of a statement, but decided not td sign                                                                      it.Mr. Coleman parti Where the answer to a question appears in the statament it is not included.
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OF LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M. S. COLEMAN AND D. I. OLSON DURING THE PERIOD                                                                1 l
09/30/78 THROUGH 03/28/79                                  -
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                                                ~ .  -s  w._ w :wwus :n2-asaw 1-2.nzu.:,:..awex:a LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M.S. COLEMAN (09/30/78 through 03/28/79)
Test No. Date        Start
* Ston*    Test                          CR0                Coments**
1        09/30    1734        1834    Coleman                        Wright            No apparent problems. -
1914        2014 3        10/01  1929        2029    01 son                        Coleman            No apparent. problems. " ~
i                                0004f        0104f                                                      #10/02/78.
7        10/04  2034        2134    Olson                          Coleman          No apparent problems.
        ;                              0930f        1030f                                                      #10/05/78
      ,              33        11/02  1829        1929'    Coleman                        Olson            No apparent problems.
1839        1939 i                    35        11/03  1658        1758    Wright                          Coleman          No apparent problems.
l'708        1808 46 7      12/04  0628        0728    Coleman                        111jes/          0705 water addition 100 gil.
1038          1138                                    Coleman          Not logged in CR0 log or include .
        .                                                                                                      in calculation.
50        12/08  1617        1717    NcGovern                        Coleman          1622 water addition 60 gal.
;                                      2005        2105                                                      Not logged in CR0 log or inc1- ':
i                                                                                                              in calculation.
54        12/10  1820          1920    Coleman                        Wright          No apparent problems.
2220        2320 57        12/11  1659        1759    Cnleman                        Coleman          No apparent problems.
2059        2159 1
60        12/13  1950        2050    Coleman                        Wright          No apparent problems.
        !                              2350        0050f                                                    f12/14/78 70        12/21  0259        .0359    Coleman                        Wright          Unstable plant conditions for 0259        0359                                                      LRT.
79 7      12/27  0810        0910    Coleman                        Phi"ippe        LT switch for LRT. Possible 0825        0925                                                    water additions: 30 gal at 0820 l and 45 gal at 0845. Pzr Spray          ;
back in auto'at 0835.                    ;
1 88 7      01/06  1029          1129    Coleman                        Olson            LT switch for'LRT. Possible 1044        1144                                                    siter addition df 30 gal, at 1105-1125.
93        01/Il  2153        2253    Coleman                        01 son          2230 water addition 240 gal.
2208        2308                                                      CR0 log shows 200 gal added
                                .,                                                        _                  and included in calculation.
122        02/16  1203          1303    Olson                          Coleman          1245 water addition 60 gal.
1333          1433                                                    1250 water addition 180 gal.
Not logged in CR0 log or include in calculation.
Key on Page 2
_ = = - - _ - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                        - ~ ~ - ~ - - - -          - - - - -        - -      - - -    - - ~
                                        ;. u .: w.c.:        mm'            w = =~w' ' "'                    ''?%2nwM ~- '-
(09/30/78 through 03/28/78)
Test No.1 Date    l Start
* Step
* Test            CR0            Consnents**
s 129      02/25      2002      2102    Coleman          Wight          2058 water addition 200 gal.
2117      2217                                    CR0 log shows 150 gal added t        ,
and included in calculation.
i                                                                                        Water added 4 mins beftrre end            I i                                                                                                  of test.
1 l                          131      02/26      1839      1939    Coleman        Olson          1922 water addition 180 gal.
1                                        2009      2109                                    CR0 log shows 150 gal added.
154 gal included in the calcula-tion. Water added 17 mins.
before end of test.
132 ?    02/27    2150      2250    Coleman/        Coleman        2240 water addition 150 gal, i'                                              2255      2355    Olson                          CR0 log shows 162 added and
              ~                                                                                  included in calculation. A      -
60 gal water addition may have don's earlier in the test. The i'                                                                                        150 gal. addition was made 10 min. before the end of test.
138        03/04  0142      0242    Coleman          Coleman        0240 water addition 270 gal.
0212      0312                                    CR0 log shows 238 added and included in calculation. Water added 2 mins. before end of test          1 146        03/13    1105      1205    01 son          Colemen        1200 water addition 330 gal.
1050      1150                                    CR0 log shows 305 gal added and included in calculation.
Water added 5 min. before end
      ,                                                                                          of test.
      .1 j
* Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MIT strip chart time that i                    corresponds with the leak rate test clock time.
                        ** Time shown in comments section is clock time.
1;                      7 Analysis findings questionable.
j-t i      i 1    -?
i 1                                                                                                                                            l l
_ _ , _ . 2-2 . _ , _ _ . .J. . U'72?N_IlZf          1  T    'I C_        ' ~_. ' [  [._[).  $_ . _ _ _ _ .      _ _ _ _ . ,
  ; h.. __ ;-            2: . - meo - - c z.,-v mw :<' "::c                                        #5      &;;;.. a:...s. :...    .
i l
OF LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M.S. COLEMAN (09/30/78 throuch 03/28/79)
        ,        1.        Leak rate tests With no accarant hydrocen or water additions j                    Number- Test No. Date
1                        1          1      09/30/78                                                                                                _.-
  .a                          2          3      10/01/78                                                                        -
  #3                            3          7      10/04/78'                          .
  -1                          4        .33        11/0248      :
  ,4                          5      . 35      11/03/78                        ,
M                            6        54      12/10/78                        ~ ,
    ?.,                        7        57      12/11/78 I
8        60      12/13/78
: 2.          Unstable plant conditions. Not able to evaluate Number Test No. Date
_                    1        70      12/21/78
: 3.          Hydrogen Additions =
  . . .                      None                                                                                                                                    .
d            4.          Unrecorded water additions /Not included in calculation
      ]                      Number Test No. Date            Amount Added 17        46      12/04/78          100 gal.
        \                      2        50      ,12/08/78                60 gal.
3?        79      :12/27/78                30 gal. & 45 gal.                                                                              -
            -                  47        88      01/06/79                30 gal.                                      -
      ;                      Recorded water additions (Amount on MUT strip chart different from logged amount) 5.
' 2 i                    Number Trest No. "Datd          Logged Amt. Calculation Amt.                                Stip Chart Time added befort 4                                                                                                                                            end of test t ..                                                                                          .
* 1        93      01/11/79      200 gal.                              200 gal.            240 gal.                  23 mins.
2      129        02/25/79      150 gal.                              150 gal.            200 gal.                    4 mins.
3      131        02/26/79      150 gal.                              154 gal.            180 gal.                  17 mins.
4      132        02/27/79      162 gal.                              162 gal.              60 gal.                  --    7'              .
150 gal.                  10 mins.
  . .i                        5      138        05/04/79      238 gal.                          . 238 pa1.              270 gal.                    2 mins.
71                            6      146        03/13/79      305 ga.l.                            305 gal..            330 gal.                    5 mins.
1        6.          Overall Suninarv                          ,
LTRs on file involving M. Coleman: 20
      .                    LRTs involving water additions:                              11.(55%)(100% for all tests after 12/21/78-9 tests) d                        Hydrogen additions          0
      ;                      Water, additions                                                                                ,,
Unrecbrded              5      .
Underrecorded          6*  (4 tests involve waterc additions during the last 10 mins.
4 of the one hour test)
NOTE: ? indicates analysis finding's are questionable i
                                                                      ._.m--__,,-=c        --e,                    - -              ,e -w-  e-w----,-  c-t e t- t m ep      ,e--vgy -
                    .                      := m w :m__wi~ -                              ?.-    -      m gu ;sy;.s.
                                                                                                                        .s. .xx __ .                            w ._ ._= _ . . _ :. .
Test No..          Date          Start
* Stop*    Test          CR0                              Coments**
,                                            7            10/04          2034                2134      Olson        Coleman                          No apparent problems.
.'                                                                      0930f                1030f                                                    $10/05/78
: g.                                        -
q                                    14 (?)        10/18        1221                1321      Olson        Coooer                          1235 water addition 100 gal aA 1216                1316                                                    1255 water addition 60 gal 1305 water addition 60 gal
Not logged in CR0 log or
, .:                                                                                                                                                  included in calculation 30            10/30        1131                1231      Olson        Frederick No apparent problems.
            !_                                                        1131                1231 33            11/02        1829                1929 Coleman      01 son                          2 apparent problems.
1829                1929 38            11/06        1931                2031      Olson        Wright                          No apparent problems.
;                                                                      1945                2045
  ,    b                                  52            12/09        1149                1249      Hartman      01s'on                          No apparent problems.
        .j                                                            1549                  1649 e                                66            12/17      0220                  0320      Olson        Olson                            No apparent problems.
0220                  0320 88(?)        01/06        1029                  1129      Coleman      Olson                          1105-1125 water addition of 1044                  1144                                                  30 gal.
Not logged in CR0 log or
            ,                                                                                                                                      included in calculation
            ;                            93          01/11          2153                2253      Coleman      Olson                          2230 water addition 240 gal
* 2208                2308                                                    CR0 log shows 200 gal added 200 gal included in calcut-
        ;}                                                                                                                                          1ation.
119(?)        02/14          2046                2146      Kidwell      Olson/                          2130 Hydrogen added to MUT.
2220                2320                    Kidwell                        causing a 2" to 3" (60 gal to90 gal)effect. No log entry. Kidwell relieved
:]                                                                                                                                      Olson at 2130.
l        'j                              122          02/16          1203                1303      Olson        Coleman                        1245 water addition 60 gul
            !                                                        1333                1433                                                    1250 water addition 180 gal Not logged in CR0 log or l                                                                                                                                                included in calculation.
l          :                            131          02/26          1839                1939      Coleman      01 son                        1922 water addition 180 gal.
!      ~'
2009                  2109                                                  CR0 log shows 150 gal added.
154' gal included in calcu          .
lation. Water added 17 mins.
before end of test.
Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MUT strip chart time that corresponds with the leak rate test clock time.
                                    ** Time shown in cor:eent; section are clock times. (?) Analysis findings cuestionable.
                                                                . . - _ .    - . - _-__                = - ._                _ - - - . - _ . . - , _ _ . - -
                                                                ^                            ^"      "    ~
                                                                                                                *                ' ^ ^ -              ~ ~ ~
: 7.            . .      . , m.-              ..      . v .- = m - - - -                      v n g;.m          '
cM '
    ~,I          .                    .                                                                        -
a            -
LEAX RATE TEST AT TMI-2 INVOLVING 0. OLSON (09/30/78 - 03/28/79) i I
Test No.-          Date    Start
* Stop*    Test          CR0          Coments**          s 132 (7) _ 02/27    '2150        2250    Coleman/      Coleman      2240 water addition 150 gal '
'      '                                                                  2255      2355    Olson                        CR0 log shows 162 gal added I 1]                                                                                                                      and entered in calculation. '
Water added 10 min. before f
IEY N a TN F N tIItadd. 60 il1                                              133          02/28    1909      2009      Olson        Wright        2005 water addition 150 gal
      "                                                                    2159      2259                                  CR0 log shows 100 gal added
and entered in calculation.
Water added 4 mins before end of test.    .
137          03/03  0238      0338      Olson        Olson        0335 water addition 200 gal 0238      0338                                  CR0 log shows 150 gal added
                -                                                                                                          and 152 gal included in the calculation. Water added 3 mins. before end of test.
139            03/05  0320      0420      Olson        Wright
    ''                                                                                                                    0400 water addition 60 gal.      ,
t 0350      0450                                  0410 water addition 210 9al.
      "                                                                                                                    CR0 log shows 128 gal addd i                                                                                                                  and included in calculatica Water added 10 mins before end of test.
140          03/06    0321      0421    Wright          Olson        0420 water addition 210 gal.
0351      0451                                  CR0 log shows 180 gal ad6d and included in calculai n ..
Water added 1 min before
,                                                                                                                          and of test.
    'l  .
141            03/08    0306 0306 0406 0406 Olson          Wright'      0403 water addition 270 gal CR0 log shows 228 gal added        '
and included in calculation.
Water added 3 mins. before        :
and of test.              -
i                                            142        03/09  0323      0423    Wright          Olson        0355 water addition 60 gal. I 9                                                                    0323      0423                                  0415 water addition 180 gal. '
CR0 log shows 180 gal ad:Od i
and included in calculation.
Water addition 8 mins. befor end of test.
146        03/13  1105      1205    Olson          Coleman      1200 water addition 330 gal.
j                                                                  2050      .1150                                  CR0 log shows 305 gal added
                                                            ~  "                                                          and. included in calculation.
Water added 5 mins before
                                                                                                                    .      and of test.
* Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MUT strip chart time that correspends with the leak rate test clock time.
                                          ** Time shown in coments section are clock times.
(?) Analysis findings questionable.
_ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .._. _.                                    a. _ ..__ _ .__.____ _ _ _____ _ . _._._.
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_ _ ,        3. _..; 3.. ; -
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Hydrogen Additions:
s Number                Test No.                                                                                                                        '-
c.l                                                1 (?)-                          119 Unrecorded Water Additions:
_4 4j                                                Number                Test No.                    Amoont Added j
U 1 (7)                                14          220 gal
                      -                                    2(7)                                88            30 gal
        .:                                                3                              122                60 gal 180 gal                                                                                  -
Recorded Water Additions:                                                                                                                          <
Naiber                Test No. Logged Amount Included in Calculation                                      Strip Chart                                Time added i                                                                                                                                                                  (MIT)                        before end of test
          }                                              1                                    g3          200 gal                                    200 gal    240 gal
      '                                                                                                                                                                                                            23 mins
    -i                                                  2                              131            -  150 gal                                    154 gal      180 gal                                      17 mirr.
1                                                  3(7)                          132                162 gal                                    162 gal    180 gal                                      10 mins 4                            133                100 gal                                    100 gal    150 gal                                        4 min 5                              137                150 gal                                    152 gal    200 gal                                        3 mins 6                            139                128 gal                                    128 gal        60 gal                                    1g mins 210 gal                                          g mins I                                              7                            140                180 gal                                    180 gal    210 gal                                          1 mins  ,
8                            141                228 gal                                    228 gal    270 gal                                          3 mins l>                                                9                            142                180 gal                                    181 gal        60 gal                                    28 mins 180 gal                                          8 mins
,                                                        10                            146                  305 gal                                    305 gal  330 gal                                          5 mins Overall Sumary LRTs on file involving D. Olson:                                                          20 LRTs involving water or H2 addition: 14(70%)(100% for all test after 12/17/78) i H2 additions                                    1 I
Water additions
      ;                                                  Unrecorded                                                                                                                                                        i 3                                                                                                                    !
    ?!                                                    Underrecorded 10*
* 8 tests involved water additions during the last 10 mins of
  ]                                                  Total:              ,
14      the one hour test.                                    ,,
  ,                                                  (?) Analyses findings are questionable.
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_ _ , _ , , _ , . _ , , , .      _ _ , . , _}}

Latest revision as of 03:25, 17 December 2020

Rept of Interview W/Ms Coleman by IE & Ofc of Inspector & Auditor on 800410
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1980
From: Gamble D, Kirkpatrick D
Shared Package
ML20151L202 List:
NUDOCS 8605270197
Download: ML20155J778 (18)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ . _ . _ _. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _. _ ____. t t I r 1 I e' I s.

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i aL8 i .:4 i  ;'] e< ENCLOSURE 1 1,j 3 I REPORT OF INTERVIEW WITH MARX 5. COLEMAN SY . IE & OIA DN APRIL 10. 1980 I r,

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l . 1 REPORT OF INTERVIEW l Mark S. Coleman, Control Room Operator Unit #2, Three Mile Island Nuclear - 1

!                                                                                                                                                   1 Station Middletown, Pennsylvania was interviewed on. April 10, 1980, by                                 _.        j
!     ;                           David H. Gamble Office of Inspector and Auditor, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory
    ;-                            Comission (NRC) and Donald C. Kirkpatrick, Office of Inspection and
,   r,                                                                                          .

l "j

                       ,          Enforement NAC.                         Coleman was accompanied by Eric L. 8. Strahn, attorney for the Metropolitan Edison Cempany.

i . . At the conclusion of the interview, Coleman was asked whether he would be I willing to sign a stater.ent doceenting what he had said. Colman initially i 11 j replied that he was basically adverse to signing anything. After consulting with Colanan, Strahn requested that such a statament be prepared and they l-(Strahn and Coleman) would decide whether Coleman would sign it after reviewing l it. i I

       ,                        Gamble then drafted the attached four-page statement which Coleman carefully i

reviewed. Strahn challenged the accuracy of several passages; however, Coleman ) i 1 affirmed each passage as being accurate. The only changes Coleman made were (1) gramatical changes to page one which he initia11ed and (2) the rephrasing of a sentence on page three. After these changes were made, Coleman reread the entire statement several times and stated that it was all true. M 4tated _thatg."was,tadgf.r:2.4p Apm. eut" but .4m did. met emot da.wden.s s.tatment wEich could be used to *hemer",Ma.leteem j =_ l l l l _ . , _ _ . ._ __ ' e MW "*

Wrk 5. Colanan 2 i The page three change concerned the response Coleman received from supervisory personnel.after turning in a record of an unacceptable leak rate test. During.the interview, Coleman said he turned the test in to his foreman who '

                                                   ~ -

turned 1t Aver to his shift supervisor (names not recalled). Coleman did recall that the response he received (presumably from the shift supervisor) was something to the effect of " Don't bring as this shit. I want good test results." Upon reviewing this passage. Strahn called this passage to Coleman's attention. Coleman repeated that this was what mes said to him; but he asked that it not be identified as a ' quotation, since he might not have recalled the statament word-for-word. Strahn then asked Coleman to identify who made the statement: 1 ! i Coleman said it was the shift supervisor. As the discussion ensued Colanan then said that he r ered a group of supervisors being present when he was q told this and he could not recall which member of the group made the statement. Coleman said he honestly could not recall who was in the group, but it definitely - consisted of at least a foreman and a couple shift supervisors. Strahn questioned how more than one shift supervisor could have been present at any one time: Colanan replied that several shift supervisors are present on the' day shift. Strahn then suggested that Coleman revise the " Don't bring me any shit..." statement to clearly show its context. After several i alternatives were suggested by Strahn (e.g.. " negative test results are unacceptable"), Colunan agreed to substituting Kirkpatrick's suggested language: " negative test results were not wanted to be seen". l l Coleman said he understood the purpose of the leak rate test to be finding out how much identified and unidentified leakage existed. He' believed the basis for perfonning the test was the potential for radiation leaking to the


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                                     ' . - Mark 5. Colanan                                                             3 In response to in question as to whether there was a problan getting good test results Colaman said ther2 were a 'lotta" leak rate tests with bad results.

s colaman attributed this prob?em to (1) changes in power (2) a large known-leak into the reactor coolant drain tank (RCDT), and (3) difficul, ties the _, computer program had in taking into account differences in water density in , q the pressurizer and the RCDT. He said that he knew there were problems with

   . 3
                       -s the computer program because Bill Felds, the programer, uns frequently working t

on it. Coleman mentioned a mober of ways that were commaly knous could improve the test results: (1).pmping the ACDT; (2) putting antar.Ja..the . make-up tank; (8) ". flip-flopping" seter between the make-up tank and.the

                              .              pressurizer; (4) adding hydrogen; (ft). adding water without docuset. fag..the a.Jdition in the computer; and, (6), adding unter even with proper h==a+ation
    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 in the computer (due to the program's failure to account for the Sammph in water densities). As indicated in the attached statament, falamma assittad.                                                                                                          '

i adding hydrogen during tests. His exact words on this point were. AL.ewst gave added hydrogen because', if there uns a may to improve your situation.,  ! i I would do it". Coleman also said that having to add hydrogen to get a good leak rate test result did not indicate to him that there necessarily was a leak rate problan; Colanan believed that the discrepancies in the r2sults caused by the hydrogen addition was a normal function of the instruments. Colanan


i said that he knew that hydrogen addition would effect the leak rate because he had observed the make-up tank level indication rise during hydrogen addition. He said that this indicator was the same one used by the computer.

  • Attuhment:-As stated ,

Gh - i N oW . Y l' $O o Donald C. Xirkpatrick David H. Gamble

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DATE: , 4 . TIME:

      .i I Mark S. Colman do hereby make the following free and voluntary statement 3

to Mr. David H. Gamble, who has identified himself to me as an Investigator for the U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmission. I understand this statment is being ande in connection with an official NRC Investigation and any, if l necessary, be used in judicial or administrative action. I aske this statment with no threats having been ande against me or promisas extended to me. L . In my capacity as a control rom operator at Unit #2 of Three Mile Island j Nuclear Station, I performed leak rate tests during the period from startup

through March,1979.

I do not believe that I have ever added unter to the system without documenting the addition to the cceputer in an attenpt to alter the results of a leak rate I test to make it appear favorable, when it would not otherwise have been. If I have ever so added water without docunenting it in the computer, it would have been inadvertent. I believe I have added water inadvertently during the time siy partner was perfoming a leak rate test. In that situation, we discarded the test results since they were inaccurate. i. I know that there are a neber of- ways that test results could be altered. For. 1

 '                axampla, cna =athod - which wss not prohibitad by any proc 3duras - was tha addition of hydrogen during the test.                                                      I believe I have addad hydrogen during a test l

Mark 5. Coleman 3 , 4 I have read the above statament, consisting of four pages and find it true and c:eplete to-the best of my knowledge and belief. 1 i, 2.i Subscribed and sworn to before as this 10th day of April 1980. . 1 i I 1 t 8


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                                   ' and say, if necessary, he'used in judiciah or adminfstrative                                                                             .

action. I make this statement with no threats having been mada against me or proefses extended to me.

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e ':m 2s ra.uh.:;2c:ntausnnw'2 evi c e o r- ', McGovern.~ Earl Hemila and Mark Coleman, 10, 1980, on AprilI assisted i! ' at the of Office sita, Also participating Inspector and the interview was David N. Gamble of theat the N operators a series of questions. The As part of the interview. I asked each of the' t substance of these questions 'and the operator's answers derived from sy memory and sparse notes, are briefly listed in the two attached sheets. which Mr. McGovern and Mr. Hemmila did.Each operator was asked to sign a written tion and editing of a statement, but decided not td sign it.Mr. Coleman parti Where the answer to a question appears in the statament it is not included.


cwew!*s Donald C. Kirkpatrick J l 8 - 1 l \ - S

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                                  .                                                                                                                                          r I
          .                                                                                                                                                                  t l                                                                                   ENCLOSURE 2                                                                              ;


OF LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M. S. COLEMAN AND D. I. OLSON DURING THE PERIOD 1 l 09/30/78 THROUGH 03/28/79 - l I I. , i l s .E I i i t i t i i ! 6 I i' i , l ? l l

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                                               ~ .  -s   w._ w :wwus :n2-asaw 1-2.nzu.:,:..awex:a LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M.S. COLEMAN (09/30/78 through 03/28/79)

Test No. Date Start

  • Ston* Test CR0 Coments**

1 09/30 1734 1834 Coleman Wright No apparent problems. - 1914 2014 3 10/01 1929 2029 01 son Coleman No apparent. problems. " ~ i 0004f 0104f #10/02/78. 7 10/04 2034 2134 Olson Coleman No apparent problems.

        ;                               0930f        1030f                                                      #10/05/78
     ,               33         11/02   1829         1929'    Coleman                        Olson             No apparent problems.

1839 1939 i 35 11/03 1658 1758 Wright Coleman No apparent problems. l'708 1808 46 7 12/04 0628 0728 Coleman 111jes/ 0705 water addition 100 gil. 1038 1138 Coleman Not logged in CR0 log or include .

       .                                                                                                      in calculation.

50 12/08 1617 1717 NcGovern Coleman 1622 water addition 60 gal.

2005 2105 Not logged in CR0 log or inc1- '

i in calculation. 54 12/10 1820 1920 Coleman Wright No apparent problems. 2220 2320 57 12/11 1659 1759 Cnleman Coleman No apparent problems. 2059 2159 1 60 12/13 1950 2050 Coleman Wright No apparent problems. 1

       !                               2350         0050f                                                     f12/14/78 70         12/21  0259        .0359     Coleman                         Wright          Unstable plant conditions for 0259         0359                                                      LRT.

79 7 12/27 0810 0910 Coleman Phi"ippe LT switch for LRT. Possible 0825 0925 water additions: 30 gal at 0820 l and 45 gal at 0845. Pzr Spray  ; back in auto'at 0835.  ; 1 88 7 01/06 1029 1129 Coleman Olson LT switch for'LRT. Possible 1044 1144 siter addition df 30 gal, at 1105-1125. 93 01/Il 2153 2253 Coleman 01 son 2230 water addition 240 gal. 2208 2308 CR0 log shows 200 gal added

                                .,                                                         _                  and included in calculation.

122 02/16 1203 1303 Olson Coleman 1245 water addition 60 gal. 1333 1433 1250 water addition 180 gal. Not logged in CR0 log or include in calculation. Key on Page 2 _ = = - - _ - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

                                       ;. u .: w.c.:        mm'            w = =~w' ' "'                    ?%2nwM ~- '-

LEAK RATE TESTS AT THI-2 INVOLVING M.S. COLEMAN (CONTINUED) (09/30/78 through 03/28/78) Test No.1 Date l Start

  • Step
  • Test CR0 Consnents**

s 129 02/25 2002 2102 Coleman Wight 2058 water addition 200 gal. 2117 2217 CR0 log shows 150 gal added t , and included in calculation. i Water added 4 mins beftrre end I i of test. 1 l 131 02/26 1839 1939 Coleman Olson 1922 water addition 180 gal. 1 2009 2109 CR0 log shows 150 gal added. 154 gal included in the calcula-tion. Water added 17 mins. before end of test. 132 ? 02/27 2150 2250 Coleman/ Coleman 2240 water addition 150 gal, i' 2255 2355 Olson CR0 log shows 162 added and

             ~                                                                                   included in calculation. A       -

60 gal water addition may have don's earlier in the test. The i' 150 gal. addition was made 10 min. before the end of test. 138 03/04 0142 0242 Coleman Coleman 0240 water addition 270 gal. 0212 0312 CR0 log shows 238 added and included in calculation. Water added 2 mins. before end of test 1 146 03/13 1105 1205 01 son Colemen 1200 water addition 330 gal. 1050 1150 CR0 log shows 305 gal added and included in calculation. Water added 5 min. before end

      ,                                                                                          of test.
     .1 j
  • Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MIT strip chart time that i corresponds with the leak rate test clock time.
                       ** Time shown in comments section is clock time.

1; 7 Analysis findings questionable. j-t i i 1 -? i 1 l l l _ _ , _ . 2-2 . _ , _ _ . .J. . U'72?N_IlZf 1 T 'I C_ ' ~_. ' [ [._[). $_ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ,

  ; h.. __ ;-            2: . - meo - - c z.,-v mw :<' "::c                                         #5       &;;;.. a:...s. :...     .

i l


OF LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING M.S. COLEMAN (09/30/78 throuch 03/28/79)

        ,         1.         Leak rate tests With no accarant hydrocen or water additions j                     Number- Test No. Date

1 1 1 09/30/78 _.-

  .a                           2          3       10/01/78                                                                         -
 #3                            3          7       10/04/78'                          .
  -1                           4        .33        11/0248       :
  ,4                           5       . 35       11/03/78                         ,

M 6 54 12/10/78 ~ ,

   ?.,                         7         57       12/11/78 I

8 60 12/13/78

2. Unstable plant conditions. Not able to evaluate Number Test No. Date

_ 1 70 12/21/78

3. Hydrogen Additions =
  . . .                      None                                                                                                                                    .

d 4. Unrecorded water additions /Not included in calculation

     ]                      Number Test No. Date            Amount Added 17        46       12/04/78           100 gal.
        \                      2         50      ,12/08/78                60 gal.

3? 79 :12/27/78 30 gal. & 45 gal. -

            -                  47        88       01/06/79                30 gal.                                      -
     ;                      Recorded water additions (Amount on MUT strip chart different from logged amount) 5.

' 2 i Number Trest No. "Datd Logged Amt. Calculation Amt. Stip Chart Time added befort 4 end of test t .. .

  • 1 93 01/11/79 200 gal. 200 gal. 240 gal. 23 mins.

2 129 02/25/79 150 gal. 150 gal. 200 gal. 4 mins. 3 131 02/26/79 150 gal. 154 gal. 180 gal. 17 mins. 4 132 02/27/79 162 gal. 162 gal. 60 gal. -- 7' . 150 gal. 10 mins.

  . .i                         5       138        05/04/79      238 gal.                           . 238 pa1.              270 gal.                     2 mins.

71 6 146 03/13/79 305 ga.l. 305 gal.. 330 gal. 5 mins. 1 6. Overall Suninarv , LTRs on file involving M. Coleman: 20

      .                     LRTs involving water additions:                              11.(55%)(100% for all tests after 12/21/78-9 tests) d                        Hydrogen additions          0
     ;                      Water, additions                                                                                ,,

Unrecbrded 5 . Underrecorded 6* (4 tests involve waterc additions during the last 10 mins. 4 of the one hour test) NOTE: ? indicates analysis finding's are questionable i e

                                                                     ._.m--__,,-=c        --e,                     - -               ,e -w-   e-w----,-   c-t e t- t m ep      ,e--vgy -
                    .                       := m w :m__wi~ -                              ?.-    -      m gu ;sy;.s.
                                                                                                                        .s. .xx __ .                             w ._ ._= _ . . _ :. .

LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING D. OLSON (09/30/78 - 03/28/79) Test No.. Date Start

  • Stop* Test CR0 Coments**

, 7 10/04 2034 2134 Olson Coleman No apparent problems. .' 0930f 1030f $10/05/78

g. -

q 14 (?) 10/18 1221 1321 Olson Coooer 1235 water addition 100 gal aA 1216 1316 1255 water addition 60 gal 1305 water addition 60 gal


Not logged in CR0 log or , .: included in calculation 30 10/30 1131 1231 Olson Frederick No apparent problems.

           !_                                                         1131                 1231 33             11/02        1829                 1929 Coleman       01 son                           2 apparent problems.

1829 1929 38 11/06 1931 2031 Olson Wright No apparent problems.

1945 2045
 ,     b                                  52             12/09        1149                 1249      Hartman       01s'on                          No apparent problems.
       .j                                                            1549                  1649 e                                66             12/17       0220                  0320      Olson        Olson                            No apparent problems.

0220 0320 88(?) 01/06 1029 1129 Coleman Olson 1105-1125 water addition of 1044 1144 30 gal. Not logged in CR0 log or

           ,                                                                                                                                       included in calculation
           ;                             93           01/11          2153                 2253       Coleman      Olson                           2230 water addition 240 gal
  • 2208 2308 CR0 log shows 200 gal added 200 gal included in calcut-
       ;}                                                                                                                                          1ation.

119(?) 02/14 2046 2146 Kidwell Olson/ 2130 Hydrogen added to MUT. 2220 2320 Kidwell causing a 2" to 3" (60 gal to90 gal)effect. No log entry. Kidwell relieved

] Olson at 2130.

l 'j 122 02/16 1203 1303 Olson Coleman 1245 water addition 60 gul

           !                                                         1333                 1433                                                    1250 water addition 180 gal Not logged in CR0 log or l                                                                                                                                                 included in calculation.

l  : 131 02/26 1839 1939 Coleman 01 son 1922 water addition 180 gal. ! ~' 2009 2109 CR0 log shows 150 gal added. 154' gal included in calcu . lation. Water added 17 mins. before end of test. Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MUT strip chart time that corresponds with the leak rate test clock time.

                                   ** Time shown in cor:eent; section are clock times. (?) Analysis findings cuestionable.
                                                                . . - _ .    - . - _-__                = - ._                _ - - - . - _ . . - , _ _ . - -


                                                               ^                            ^"      "    ~
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7. . . . , m.- .. . v .- = m - - - - v n g;.m '

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    ~,I           .                     .                                                                        -

a - LEAX RATE TEST AT TMI-2 INVOLVING 0. OLSON (09/30/78 - 03/28/79) i I Test No.- Date Start

  • Stop* Test CR0 Coments** s 132 (7) _ 02/27 '2150 2250 Coleman/ Coleman 2240 water addition 150 gal '

' ' 2255 2355 Olson CR0 log shows 162 gal added I 1] and entered in calculation. ' Water added 10 min. before f IEY N a TN F N tIItadd. 60 il1 133 02/28 1909 2009 Olson Wright 2005 water addition 150 gal

     "                                                                     2159      2259                                  CR0 log shows 100 gal added

and entered in calculation. Water added 4 mins before end of test. . 137 03/03 0238 0338 Olson Olson 0335 water addition 200 gal 0238 0338 CR0 log shows 150 gal added

                -                                                                                                          and 152 gal included in the calculation. Water added 3 mins. before end of test.

139 03/05 0320 0420 Olson Wright

                                                                                                                         0400 water addition 60 gal.       ,

t 0350 0450 0410 water addition 210 9al.

      "                                                                                                                    CR0 log shows 128 gal addd i                                                                                                                   and included in calculatica Water added 10 mins before end of test.

140 03/06 0321 0421 Wright Olson 0420 water addition 210 gal. 0351 0451 CR0 log shows 180 gal ad6d and included in calculai n .. Water added 1 min before , and of test.

   'l  .

141 03/08 0306 0306 0406 0406 Olson Wright' 0403 water addition 270 gal CR0 log shows 228 gal added ' and included in calculation. Water added 3 mins. before  : and of test. - i 142 03/09 0323 0423 Wright Olson 0355 water addition 60 gal. I 9 0323 0423 0415 water addition 180 gal. ' CR0 log shows 180 gal ad:Od i I. and included in calculation. Water addition 8 mins. befor end of test. 146 03/13 1105 1205 Olson Coleman 1200 water addition 330 gal. j 2050 .1150 CR0 log shows 305 gal added

                                                           ~  "                                                           and. included in calculation.

Water added 5 mins before

                                                                                                                   .      and of test.
  • Start /Stop - Top entry is clock time. The second entry is MUT strip chart time that correspends with the leak rate test clock time.
                                          ** Time shown in coments section are clock times.

(?) Analysis findings questionable. _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .._. _. a. _ ..__ _ .__.____ _ _ _____ _ . _._._.

      ,.g +,c. . g                                     . 3. m _-                                       ..
                                                                                                            .r . .;            ;;    ,:..y..- x y . . .g-      ;             ,

_ _ , 3. _..; 3.. ; - 1." . , , h.*


OF LEAK RATE TESTS AT TMI-2 INVOLVING D. OLSON (09/30/78to03/28/79) Hydrogen Additions:


s Number Test No. '- c.l 1 (?)- 119 Unrecorded Water Additions: _4 4j Number Test No. Amoont Added j U 1 (7) 14 220 gal

                     -                                    2(7)                                 88            30 gal
        .:                                                3                              122                 60 gal 180 gal                                                                                   -

Recorded Water Additions: < Naiber Test No. Logged Amount Included in Calculation Strip Chart Time added i (MIT) before end of test

          }                                              1                                    g3           200 gal                                     200 gal     240 gal
     '                                                                                                                                                                                                            23 mins
    -i                                                   2                              131            -   150 gal                                     154 gal      180 gal                                       17 mirr.

1 3(7) 132 162 gal 162 gal 180 gal 10 mins 4 133 100 gal 100 gal 150 gal 4 min 5 137 150 gal 152 gal 200 gal 3 mins 6 139 128 gal 128 gal 60 gal 1g mins 210 gal g mins I 7 140 180 gal 180 gal 210 gal 1 mins , 8 141 228 gal 228 gal 270 gal 3 mins l> 9 142 180 gal 181 gal 60 gal 28 mins 180 gal 8 mins , 10 146 305 gal 305 gal 330 gal 5 mins Overall Sumary LRTs on file involving D. Olson: 20 LRTs involving water or H2 addition: 14(70%)(100% for all test after 12/17/78) i H2 additions 1 I Water additions

      ;                                                  Unrecorded                                                                                                                                                         i 3                                                                                                                     !
   ?!                                                    Underrecorded 10*
  • 8 tests involved water additions during the last 10 mins of
  ]                                                   Total:               ,

14 the one hour test. ,,

  ,                                                  (?) Analyses findings are questionable.

t _ - _ _ _ - _ _ , _ _ , , _ , , _ , , _ , _,_,,._,,____,,,_,__,,_,___g,_,.,_,_,_,,, _ _ , _ , , _ , . _ , , , . _ _ , . , _}}