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{{#Wiki_filter:* *-* 4.0 invironm*ntal Conditions 4.l t'mi*U&l or Important Any occ::urrenc*
of an unusual or l:nportant event that indicates or could ln significant environmental lmpact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the tiRC within 24 hours followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. following are examples:
excessive bird impaction event*; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; mortality or unusual occurrence of any species by the Endangered Species 1973; fish kills or impingement events on the intake screen*; increase ln nuisance organism*
* 4.0       invironm*ntal Conditions 4.l       t'mi*U&l or Important ~nviror.mental ~vents Any occ::urrenc* of an unusual or l:nportant event that indicates or could =esu~t ln significant environmental lmpact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the tiRC within 24 hours followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. Th~ following are examples: excessive bird impaction event*; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; mortality or unusual occurrence of any species ~rotected by the Endangered Species ~ct ~f 1973; fish kills or impingement events on the intake screen*; increase ln nuisance organism* or conditions; unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.
or conditions; unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances. routine monitoring programs are required to implement thi* condition.
                      ~o    routine monitoring programs are required to implement thi* condition.
4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.l .Aquatic Monitoring  
4.2     Environmental Monitoring 4.2.l .Aquatic Monitoring
-:'he certification*
                      -:'he certification* and permit& required under the Clean Water Act provide mechanism* for protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The NRC will rely on the decision* by the State of New Jersey under the * >*
and permit& required under the Clean Water Act provide mechanism*
authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea tun:le* and shortnose sturgeon, decision* made by the National Marine Fisheriea Service (NMFSl under the authority of the indangered Species Act, for. any requirements pertaini:-:g to aquatic monitoring.
for protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The NRC will rely on the decision*
In accordance with Section 7(a) of the indarigered Specie* Act, on May l4, 1993, the National Marine Fisheriea Service isaued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion related to th* operation of Salem Onie l and 2 Generating Station*. Thi* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, ftReinitiation of a conaultation in accord&nc* with S*ction 7(a) of th* Endangered Species Act regarding continu*d operation of the Salem and Hop* Creek Nuclear Generating Station* on th* eaateJ:n *her* of th* Delaware River in New J*raey,M concluded that ft ... continu*d op*ration ia not likely to j*opardize the continued by the State of New Jersey under the * >* authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea tun:le* and shortnose sturgeon, decision*
      . #- ~          exiatence of liated *peciea.
made by the National Marine Fisheriea Service (NMFSl under the authority of the indangered Species Act, for. any requirements pertaini:-:g to aquatic monitoring.
* A..j.~ 0~ 0~1)(In          accordalac. with Attac:hm*nt 1, Incidental T&k* Statement, to this Biologl=a~
In accordance with Section 7(a) of the indarigered Specie* Act, on May l4, 1993, the National Marine Fisheriea Service isaued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion related to th* operation of Salem Onie l and 2 Generating Station*.
r.n.~~"i' ~d-'I( \   Opinioa;- aDd all *ub*equent amendment* H inay be approved by the National
Thi* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, ftReinitiation of a conaultation in accord&nc*
  \' ~                M&ript Pi*beri** Servict*. PSli&G sh&ll:
with S*ction 7(a) of th* Endangered Species Act regarding continu*d operation of the Salem and Hop* Creek Nuclear Generating Station* on th* eaateJ:n *her* of th* Delaware River in New J*raey,M concluded that ft ... continu*d op*ration ia not likely to j*opardize the continued . #-exiatence of liated *peciea.
(1)   Inapec:c Che Salem Station circulating vater intak* crub b&r* at lease.
* accordalac.
      . ~l't'-                one* e,,_ry two hour* frClll Jun* l through*occoeer 15. The*e inspections should be docum*n~ed.                                                        I I
with Attac:hm*nt 1, Incidental T&k* Statement, to this  
( 2)   Clean th* Salem Station circulating water tra*h bar* Qnc* per day from Jun* l through OctoO.r 15. The** cleaning* *hould O..doc:umented.             I 9002240262 900210 PDR ADOCK 05000272 II P                     PDR
\ Opinioa;-aDd all *ub*equent amendment*
H inay be approved by the National \' M&ript Pi*beri**
SALEM ONIT 1                               4-1                 Amendment No. * --:-
PSli&G sh&ll: .
                      *                                  *                                     -
(1) Inapec:c Che Salem Station circulating vater intak* crub b&r* at lease. one* e,,_ry two hour* frClll Jun* l through*occoeer
I (3 l   I! & lethal inc:iden*l!al take *of an endangered or chreatened spec:ies oc:::*..:rs bet1'9en June l through Septemi:ler 30, chac is direc:cly attribucable to :he plane intake struc:ture, monicoring of :he Salem cws inc&lte struc:cure muse be c:onduc:ted hourly (racher than every 2 hours). Two hour monicoring :nay be ree*tabliahed from October l through Oc:cober lS, however, i! a lechal
: 15. The*e inspections should be ( 2) Clean th* Salem Station circulating water tra*h bar* Qnc* per day from Jun* l through OctoO.r 15. The** cleaning*  
::ake occurs, moni taring must be again conducted hourly ..
*hould O..doc:umented.
i 4. i :-taite *..:se o_f dip necs and o_ther equipmenc whenever pos*ible co remove smaller sea turtles from intake water trash racks to reduc:e trauma caused by :he existing cleaning mec:hanism.         Ose supplemental lighting during night inspections to assist noting sea curtlea at the circulating wacer int&lte, impinged on the trash racks.
9002240262 900210 I PDR ADOCK 05000272 I P PDR SALEM ONIT 1 4-1 , . Amendment No. * --:--*-I I I 
(SJ     ::Iiplement the sea turtle resuac:itation proc:edurea for cOa\atose :urt:es described in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opinion. These procedures and related materials shall be po*ted in appropriate areas such as the fish pool buildings and che c:irc:ulating water int&lte operators office.*
* * ( 3 l I! & lethal inc:iden*l!al take *of an endangered or chreatened spec:ies oc:::*..:rs bet1'9en June l through Septemi:ler 30, chac is direc:cly attribucable to :he plane intake struc:ture, monicoring of :he Salem cws inc&lte struc:cure muse be c:onduc:ted hourly (racher than every 2 hours). Two hour monicoring
(6)   The monitoring and reporting system e*t&bliahed in 1981 and modified in Appendix II of the Sec:tion 7 Bioloqical Opinion will c:ontinue. These report* shall be .ent to the NMPS, North Baat Region (NBRl ~ithi.n 30 days o! any inc:idental t&lte. Notification and reporting to the NRC sh&l~ be in acc:ordanc:e with Section 4.l of this SPP.
:nay be ree*tabliahed from October l through Oc:cober lS, however, i! a lechal ::ake occurs, moni taring must be again conducted hourly .. i 4. i :-taite *..:se o_f dip necs and o_ther equipmenc whenever pos*ible co remove smaller sea turtles from intake water trash racks to reduc:e trauma caused by :he existing cleaning mec:hanism.
~~e    itllc w~** Conaeryation Recoqmend&;iona, . . to t h'ia Bio   . 1 Op'inion
Ose supplemental lighting during night inspections to assist noting sea curtlea at the circulating wacer int&lte, impinged on the trash racks. (SJ ::Iiplement the sea turtle resuac:itation proc:edurea for cOa\atose
                                                                  . l oqic:a     .
:urt:es described in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opinion. These procedures and related materials shall be po*ted in appropriate areas such as the fish pool buildings and che c:irc:ulating water int&lte operators office.* (6) The monitoring and reporting system e*t&bliahed in 1981 and modified in Appendix II of the Sec:tion 7 Bioloqical Opinion will c:ontinue.
suggests c:onaervation reccamendation1 !or implementation by Salem Generacing Station. The Station shall implement these reccamendationa to the satisfac:tion o! the National_M&rine Fisheries Servic:e.
These report* shall be .ent to the NMPS, North Baat Region (NBRl 30 days o! any inc:idental t&lte. Notification and reporting to the NRC be in acc:ordanc:e with Section 4.l of this SPP. . . h' . l . 1 Op' . itllc w ** Conaeryation Recoqmend&;iona, to t ia Bio oqic:a inion suggests c:onaervation reccamendation1  
4.2.2         Terrestrial Mcnitoring Terrestrial monitoring i1 not required.
!or implementation by Salem Generacing Station. The Station shall implement these reccamendationa to the satisfac:tion o! the National_M&rine Fisheries Servic:e.
                                                                                        . ,.
4.2.2 Terrestrial Mcnitoring Terrestrial monitoring i1 not required.
Amendment No. ~ ... ')
SALBM UNIT 1 4-2 . , . Amendment No. ... ') -I  
SALBM UNIT 1                                  4-2
.. *
* t.O lnvironzneneal Conditions t.l atzu.ual or Imporeane Environmeneal Evenes Arry occ:urronce of an unu*ual or imporeane evene thae indicaee*
or could result in significant environmental impact cau*ally related to plane operaeion shall b* recorded and to the NRC wiehin 24. hour* followed by a writeen repore per Sub*ection 5.4..2. 111* following are axcGm=ive bird impaction event*; on*iee plant or animal di***** ouebrealc*;
mortality or unu*ual occurrence of any *p*ci** protected by the ind&ngered Specie* Ace of 1973; fi*h kill* or impingemene event* on eha ,intalc* *cre*n*; increa*e in nuisance organisma or condition*;
* t.O       lnvironzneneal Conditions t.l     atzu.ual or Imporeane Environmeneal Evenes Arry occ:urronce of an unu*ual or imporeane evene thae indicaee* or could result in significant environmental impact cau*ally related to plane operaeion shall b* recorded and rep~~t*d to the NRC wiehin 24. hour* followed by a writeen repore per Sub*ection 5.4..2. 111* following are *~les: axcGm=ive bird impaction event*; on*iee plant or animal di***** ouebrealc*; mortality or unu*ual occurrence of any *p*ci** protected by the ind&ngered Specie* Ace of 1973; fi*h kill* or impingemene event* on eha ,intalc* *cre*n*; increa*e in nuisance organisma or condition*; unanticipaeed or emergency discharge of wa*t* water or chemical *ub*tance*.
unanticipaeed or emergency discharge of wa*t* water or chemical *ub*tance*.
No rouein* inonitoring proqram. are required to implement thi* condition.
No rouein* inonitoring proqram. are required to implement thi* condition.
4..2 Bnvironmental Monitoring 4..2.l Aqua.tic Monitoring Th* certificatic:m*
4..2     Bnvironmental Monitoring 4..2.l Aqua.tic Monitoring Th* certificatic:m* and permit* required und.9r th* Clean Water A.ct provide mec:hani ... for protecting wat*r quality and, indirectly, aquatic oiota. 111*
and permit* required und.9r th* Clean Water A.ct provide mec:hani ... for protecting wat*r quality and, indirectly, aquatic oiota. 111* NRC will rely oath* daci8ion*
NRC will rely oath* daci8ion* made by th*'Stat* of New JarHy under th*
made by th*'Stat*
auchority of ch* Clean Water ~ and, in th* ca** of *** turtl** and 1hcrenose
of New JarHy under th* auchority of ch* Clean Water and, in th* ca** of *** turtl** and 1hcrenose  
                            *turgeon, deci8ion* made by th* National Ha.rine Phherie* Service INMP'Sl *m.der the auchority of th* Endangered Specie* Act, for any requirement* pertaining to aquatic monitoring.
*turgeon, deci8ion*
In acccrdanc* wich Secticn 7(&) of th* Kndallgerad Specie* Act, on May H, l99l, th* National Marin* Pi*heri** S*rvice i**u*d a Section 7 Ccn*ultation Biological Opinicn related to th* operation of Salem Unit l and 2 Generating Station*. '11\i* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a conaultation in acccrdazice with Sectica 7(&) of the lndangerad Specie* Act regarding ccmtinued operation of th* Sal* and Jlq.4 Creek Nuclear Generating S~ation* on che ... tarn *her* of th* Delawar* Sliver in New Jer*ey," concluded
made by th* National Ha.rine Phherie* Service INMP'Sl *m.der the auchority of th* Endangered Specie* Act, for any requirement*
                        ~ac:cazdaace t " ... continued operation i* not: likely to jeopardiH th* continued
pertaining to aquatic monitoring.
              -~    iU°')   xiatence of li*t:ed specie* .
In acccrdanc*
* _,{,,.t.J.\\ ('it l~
wich Secticn 7(&) of th* Kndallgerad Specie* Act, on May H, l99l, th* National Marin* Pi*heri**
- 'j'~ ~°"' l~
S*rvice i**u*d a Section 7 Ccn*ultation Biological Opinicn related to th* operation of Salem Unit l and 2 Generating Station*.  
ri*(In                   with  
'11\i* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a conaultation in acccrdazice with Sectica 7(&) of the lndangerad Specie* Act regarding ccmtinued operation of th* Sal* and Jlq.4 Creek Nuclear Generating on che ... tarn *her* of th* Delawar* Sliver in New Jer*ey," concluded " ... continued operation i* not: likely to jeopardiH th* continued  
-iU°') xiatence of li*t:ed specie* .
* _,{,,.t.J.\\
('it ri -*(In ac:cazdaace with  

l, Ipcidlncal Tak* Stuwnc, to this Biological
""'1>-~                    Opini*a and all .W:,*equenc amendmeiic. ** may be approved by th* National
~                          Maria9 riaberi** Service*, PSil.G *hall;
        ))\Q.~              (l)  ID.8peC:C the Salem Scacian circulatiiig water intake traah bar* at leuc once every two hour* frCllll June l through October 15. '11\*** inspections
                                  *hould be dccumented.
(2)  Clean the Salem Station circulating water traah bar* once per day from Jun*. l through Occober lS. Th*** cleaaing* *t'lould 0. documented.
                                                                    ... -l                  Amendlllene so . ...

l, Ipcidlncal Tak* Stuwnc, to this Biological Opini*a and all .W:,*equenc amendmeiic.
** may be approved by th* National Maria9 riaberi**
Service*, PSil.G *hall; (l) ID.8peC:C the Salem Scacian circulatiiig water intake traah bar* at leuc once every two hour* frCllll June l through October 15. '11\*** inspections
*hould be dccumented.
    ,. ~                  *                                     *
(2) Clean the Salem Station circulating water traah bar* once per day from Jun*. l through Occober lS. Th*** cleaaing*  
*t'lould 0. documented.
(3) If a leth&l incidental take of a.n endangered or threatened apecle9 ~c~~= 9 beCW9eli   June l through September 30, that 1s directly attribut&ble :o :he pi.De intake *tructure, monitoring of the Salem CWS intake striJcture ~ust be ccmducted hourly (rather than every 2 hour*l . ,Two hour monitoring :nay be ree*t&Dli*h*d from October l through Octcber 15, hCW9ver, 1f a lethal take occur*, IJIODitoring i?N*t be again conducted hourly.
SAI.D IJ!IIT 2 ... -l Amendlllene so . ... 
(4 l Mak* u**   o: dip n*C* oth=r eqo..:.ipm=nc ~enever po1'~~ :;;,J. e t:o re.mClve smaller **a turtle* from intake water tra*h rack* to r~-:t~ce trauma caused by the exi*ting cleaning mec:.hani...       0** *upplemental lighting durlng night inmpection* to a**i*c noting *** turtle* ac the circulating water intake, impinged on the tra*h rack*.
' ' ' ,. * * * (3) If a leth&l incidental take of a.n endangered or threatened apecle9 beCW9eli June l through September 30, that 1s directly attribut&ble
(5) Implement th* **a turtle re*u*citation procedure* for c~ato*e turtles de*cribed in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opi.::.;;.on. These procedure* and related material* *h&ll be po*t*d in &i1Propriate area*
:o :he pi.De intake *tructure, monitoring of the Salem CWS intake striJcture be ccmducted hourly (rather than every 2 hour*l . ,Two hour monitoring
1uch a* the fi*h pool building* and th9 circulating water inc&ite operator* office.
:nay be ree*t&Dli*h*d from October l through Octcber 15, hCW9ver, 1f a lethal take occur*, IJIODitoring i?N*t be again conducted hourly. ( 4 l Mak* u** o: dip n*C* oth=r eqo..:.ipm=nc
(6)   nie mcmicoring and nporting syn* **t&blhhed in UU and mod.Hied in Appendix II of the Se~ion 7 Biological Opinicm will ccmcinue. 'nlieH report* 1hall tie Hnt co th* RIO'S, Ror1:h luc Ragion (mlJl) within JO d.&y1 of any incidmical t&ite. Rocificacion and reporting co the nc ab&ll be in accordance with Se~ion t.1 of thi* IPP.
:;;,J. e t:o re.mClve smaller **a turtle* from intake water tra*h rack* to trauma caused by the exi*ting cleaning mec:.hani...
                  ""Thll lft Cgp11ryatigq RIC91'D'nd&tion*, co thi* Biological Opiruoa su99e1c* cca*ervacicn r*c~ndacicm* for implmnencaciaa by Salem ~nerat*ng Station. nie Station *hall implwnc th*** recC'll!IMcdacion* co the saci1faccion of ch* Rational Marin* Pi*heri** Service.
0** *upplemental lighting durlng night inmpection*
t.l.l     Terre1cri&l Mcaicoring Terreacrial mcnicorin9 i* nee required.
to a**i*c noting *** turtle* ac the circulating water intake, impinged on the tra*h rack*. (5) Implement th* **a turtle re*u*citation procedure*
for turtles de*cribed in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opi.::.;;.on.
These procedure*
and related material*  
*h&ll be po*t*d in &i1Propriate area* 1uch a* the fi*h pool building*
and th9 circulating water inc&ite operator*
office. (6) nie mcmicoring and nporting syn* **t&blhhed in UU and mod.Hied in Appendix II of the 7 Biological Opinicm will ccmcinue.  
'nlieH report* 1hall tie Hnt co th* RIO'S, Ror1:h luc Ragion (mlJl) within JO d.&y1 of any incidmical t&ite. Rocificacion and reporting co the nc ab&ll be in accordance with t.1 of thi* IPP. ""Thll lft Cgp11ryatigq RIC91'D'nd&tion*, co thi* Biological Opiruoa su99e1c* cca*ervacicn for implmnencaciaa by Salem Station. nie Station *hall implwnc th*** recC'll!IMcdacion*
co the saci1faccion of ch* Rational Marin* Pi*heri**
Service. t.l.l Terre1cri&l Mcaicoring Terreacrial mcnicorin9 i* nee required.
SALDl*CBlT l}}
SALDl*CBlT l}}

Revision as of 09:02, 21 October 2019

Marked-up TS Pages for Section 4.2.1 of App B
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/18/1998
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18106A321 List:
NUDOCS 9802240262
Download: ML18106A322 (4)


  • -
  • 4.0 invironm*ntal Conditions 4.l t'mi*U&l or Important ~nviror.mental ~vents Any occ::urrenc* of an unusual or l:nportant event that indicates or could =esu~t ln significant environmental lmpact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the tiRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. Th~ following are examples: excessive bird impaction event*; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; mortality or unusual occurrence of any species ~rotected by the Endangered Species ~ct ~f 1973; fish kills or impingement events on the intake screen*; increase ln nuisance organism* or conditions; unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

~o routine monitoring programs are required to implement thi* condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.l .Aquatic Monitoring

-:'he certification* and permit& required under the Clean Water Act provide mechanism* for protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The NRC will rely on the decision* by the State of New Jersey under the * >*

authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea tun:le* and shortnose sturgeon, decision* made by the National Marine Fisheriea Service (NMFSl under the authority of the indangered Species Act, for. any requirements pertaini:-:g to aquatic monitoring.

In accordance with Section 7(a) of the indarigered Specie* Act, on May l4, 1993, the National Marine Fisheriea Service isaued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion related to th* operation of Salem Onie l and 2 Generating Station*. Thi* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, ftReinitiation of a conaultation in accord&nc* with S*ction 7(a) of th* Endangered Species Act regarding continu*d operation of the Salem and Hop* Creek Nuclear Generating Station* on th* eaateJ:n *her* of th* Delaware River in New J*raey,M concluded that ft ... continu*d op*ration ia not likely to j*opardize the continued

. #- ~ exiatence of liated *peciea.

  • A..j.~ 0~ 0~1)(In accordalac. with Attac:hm*nt 1, Incidental T&k* Statement, to this Biologl=a~

r.n.~~"i' ~d-'I( \ Opinioa;- aDd all *ub*equent amendment* H inay be approved by the National

\' ~ M&ript Pi*beri** Servict*. PSli&G sh&ll:

(1) Inapec:c Che Salem Station circulating vater intak* crub b&r* at lease.

. ~l't'- one* e,,_ry two hour* frClll Jun* l through*occoeer 15. The*e inspections should be docum*n~ed. I I

( 2) Clean th* Salem Station circulating water tra*h bar* Qnc* per day from Jun* l through OctoO.r 15. The** cleaning* *hould O..doc:umented. I 9002240262 900210 PDR ADOCK 05000272 II P PDR


SALEM ONIT 1 4-1 Amendment No. * --:-

  • * -

I (3 l I! & lethal inc:iden*l!al take *of an endangered or chreatened spec:ies oc:::*..:rs bet1'9en June l through Septemi:ler 30, chac is direc:cly attribucable to :he plane intake struc:ture, monicoring of :he Salem cws inc&lte struc:cure muse be c:onduc:ted hourly (racher than every 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />). Two hour monicoring :nay be ree*tabliahed from October l through Oc:cober lS, however, i! a lechal

ake occurs, moni taring must be again conducted hourly ..

i 4. i :-taite *..:se o_f dip necs and o_ther equipmenc whenever pos*ible co remove smaller sea turtles from intake water trash racks to reduc:e trauma caused by :he existing cleaning mec:hanism. Ose supplemental lighting during night inspections to assist noting sea curtlea at the circulating wacer int&lte, impinged on the trash racks.

(SJ  ::Iiplement the sea turtle resuac:itation proc:edurea for cOa\atose :urt:es described in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opinion. These procedures and related materials shall be po*ted in appropriate areas such as the fish pool buildings and che c:irc:ulating water int&lte operators office.*

(6) The monitoring and reporting system e*t&bliahed in 1981 and modified in Appendix II of the Sec:tion 7 Bioloqical Opinion will c:ontinue. These report* shall be .ent to the NMPS, North Baat Region (NBRl ~ithi.n 30 days o! any inc:idental t&lte. Notification and reporting to the NRC sh&l~ be in acc:ordanc:e with Section 4.l of this SPP.

~~e itllc w~** Conaeryation Recoqmend&;iona, . . to t h'ia Bio . 1 Op'inion

. l oqic:a .

suggests c:onaervation reccamendation1 !or implementation by Salem Generacing Station. The Station shall implement these reccamendationa to the satisfac:tion o! the National_M&rine Fisheries Servic:e.

4.2.2 Terrestrial Mcnitoring Terrestrial monitoring i1 not required.

. ,.

Amendment No. ~ ... ')



  • t.O lnvironzneneal Conditions t.l atzu.ual or Imporeane Environmeneal Evenes Arry occ:urronce of an unu*ual or imporeane evene thae indicaee* or could result in significant environmental impact cau*ally related to plane operaeion shall b* recorded and rep~~t*d to the NRC wiehin 24. hour* followed by a writeen repore per Sub*ection 5.4..2. 111* following are *~les: axcGm=ive bird impaction event*; on*iee plant or animal di***** ouebrealc*; mortality or unu*ual occurrence of any *p*ci** protected by the ind&ngered Specie* Ace of 1973; fi*h kill* or impingemene event* on eha ,intalc* *cre*n*; increa*e in nuisance organisma or condition*; unanticipaeed or emergency discharge of wa*t* water or chemical *ub*tance*.

No rouein* inonitoring proqram. are required to implement thi* condition.

4..2 Bnvironmental Monitoring 4..2.l Aqua.tic Monitoring Th* certificatic:m* and permit* required und.9r th* Clean Water A.ct provide mec:hani ... for protecting wat*r quality and, indirectly, aquatic oiota. 111*

NRC will rely oath* daci8ion* made by th*'Stat* of New JarHy under th*

auchority of ch* Clean Water ~ and, in th* ca** of *** turtl** and 1hcrenose

  • turgeon, deci8ion* made by th* National Ha.rine Phherie* Service INMP'Sl *m.der the auchority of th* Endangered Specie* Act, for any requirement* pertaining to aquatic monitoring.

In acccrdanc* wich Secticn 7(&) of th* Kndallgerad Specie* Act, on May H, l99l, th* National Marin* Pi*heri** S*rvice i**u*d a Section 7 Ccn*ultation Biological Opinicn related to th* operation of Salem Unit l and 2 Generating Station*. '11\i* Section 7 Conaultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a conaultation in acccrdazice with Sectica 7(&) of the lndangerad Specie* Act regarding ccmtinued operation of th* Sal* and Jlq.4 Creek Nuclear Generating S~ation* on che ... tarn *her* of th* Delawar* Sliver in New Jer*ey," concluded

~ac:cazdaace t " ... continued operation i* not: likely to jeopardiH th* continued

-~ iU°') xiatence of li*t:ed specie* .

  • _,{,,.t.J.\\ ('it l~

- 'j'~ ~°"' l~

ri*(In with


l, Ipcidlncal Tak* Stuwnc, to this Biological

""'1>-~ Opini*a and all .W:,*equenc amendmeiic. ** may be approved by th* National

~ Maria9 riaberi** Service*, PSil.G *hall;

))\Q.~ (l) ID.8peC:C the Salem Scacian circulatiiig water intake traah bar* at leuc once every two hour* frCllll June l through October 15. '11\*** inspections

  • hould be dccumented.

(2) Clean the Salem Station circulating water traah bar* once per day from Jun*. l through Occober lS. Th*** cleaaing* *t'lould 0. documented.

... -l Amendlllene so . ...





,. ~ * *

(3) If a leth&l incidental take of a.n endangered or threatened apecle9 ~c~~= 9 beCW9eli June l through September 30, that 1s directly attribut&ble :o :he pi.De intake *tructure, monitoring of the Salem CWS intake striJcture ~ust be ccmducted hourly (rather than every 2 hour*l . ,Two hour monitoring :nay be ree*t&Dli*h*d from October l through Octcber 15, hCW9ver, 1f a lethal take occur*, IJIODitoring i?N*t be again conducted hourly.

(4 l Mak* u** o: dip n*C* oth=r eqo..:.ipm=nc ~enever po1'~~ :;;,J. e t:o re.mClve smaller **a turtle* from intake water tra*h rack* to r~-:t~ce trauma caused by the exi*ting cleaning mec:.hani... 0** *upplemental lighting durlng night inmpection* to a**i*c noting *** turtle* ac the circulating water intake, impinged on the tra*h rack*.

(5) Implement th* **a turtle re*u*citation procedure* for c~ato*e turtles de*cribed in Appendix I of the Section 7 Biological Opi.::.;;.on. These procedure* and related material* *h&ll be po*t*d in &i1Propriate area*

1uch a* the fi*h pool building* and th9 circulating water inc&ite operator* office.

(6) nie mcmicoring and nporting syn* **t&blhhed in UU and mod.Hied in Appendix II of the Se~ion 7 Biological Opinicm will ccmcinue. 'nlieH report* 1hall tie Hnt co th* RIO'S, Ror1:h luc Ragion (mlJl) within JO d.&y1 of any incidmical t&ite. Rocificacion and reporting co the nc ab&ll be in accordance with Se~ion t.1 of thi* IPP.

""Thll lft Cgp11ryatigq RIC91'D'nd&tion*, co thi* Biological Opiruoa su99e1c* cca*ervacicn r*c~ndacicm* for implmnencaciaa by Salem ~nerat*ng Station. nie Station *hall implwnc th*** recC'll!IMcdacion* co the saci1faccion of ch* Rational Marin* Pi*heri** Service.

t.l.l Terre1cri&l Mcaicoring Terreacrial mcnicorin9 i* nee required.