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Proposed Change to Tech Spec,requiring That Type C Penetration Tests Be Performed at 24-month Interval, Deviating from 10CFR50,App J Requirement to Perform Test During Each Refueling Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1982
Shared Package
ML20065P766 List:
TAC-48982, NUDOCS 8210260336
Download: ML20065P779 (4)


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McGuire Technical Specification requires that Type C penetration tests "be conducted at intervals no greater than 24 months". This is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, III.c.3, which requires that Type C penetration tesus"be per-formed.during each reactor shutdown for refueling but in no case at ir.tervals greater than 2 years".

McGuire Unit I had previously been scheduled for shutdown in October, 1982 to install the design modification on the Model D Westinghouse steam generators.

Recent delays in delivery of the special tooling required for this modification -

has resulted in a delay of the scheduled shutdown until November, 1982. There-fore, Duke Power Conpany is requesting an exemption from Technical Specifications (and thus 10 CFR 50 Appendix J) to allow penetration number M320 to be leak tested no later than November 30, 1962. This would allow an insignificant exten-sion to the 24 months currently required to a maximum of 25 months. The proposed Technical Specification change is shown in Attachment 1.

Justification Several penetrations require that the unit be in cold shutdown to perform the Type C leakage tests. These penetrations were last tested in 1980 and, there- .

fore, are required to be tested in 1982. Previous shutdowns for steam generator eddy carrent inspections provided an opportunity to test penetrations which were tested mid-year 1980. At the time of the last shutdown in July, 1982, a review was performed of all surveillance rcquiring a unit shutdown to insure the unit

( could operate until the next shutdown, which at that time was scheduled for September, 1982. Penetration M320 was not leak tested during this July outage since it was believed the next shutdown in 1982 would occur no later than the expiration of the interval for this penetration. Other penetrations with earlier test dates were tested during this outage.

As shown on Figure 1 (excerpt f rom FSAR Figure 9.2.4-3 (2 of 2)), penetration M320 is on the component cooling (KC) line from components in the reactor building including the reactor coolant pump motor coolers. Testing of this penetration requires isolating and draining this portion of the line, and thus requires isolation of KC flow to the affected components. Therefore, Unit I would have to be shutdown and cooled down in order to switch to residual heat removal which would allow isolation of KC to reactor coolant pump motor coolers. Current estimate for shutdown, cooldown, penetration testing, and heatup is approximately 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. More important is the thermal cycle which would be required only for the purpose of obtaining test results a few days earlier than otherwise available. In addition, the probability of the penetrations failure during the brief delay is extremely remote. Also, the NRC, allows a grace period (generally 125%) for many other types of testing and surveillance, including some valve leak testing pursuant to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Subsection IWV. The current outage planned to begin in mid-November allows more than sufficient time to complete this penetration test and all other required surveillance for 1982.


B210260336 821021 .

PDR ADOCK 05000369 i P PDR

i (d Duke Power Company feels the insignificant increase in the surveillance frequency compared to the unnecessary thermal cycle of cooldown and heatup represents responsible and prudent concern for the safety of plant opera-tions.

Safety Evaluation 4

Component cooling system penetration M320 (component cooling water from reactor vessel support coolers and RCP coolers) was tested in May, 1979 and October,

  • 1980. The results from these tests were 40 seem and 45 seem respectively. The total allowable leakage for penetrations is specified as 0.07 La or 6343 seem at 14.8 psig. The average maximum allowable leakage for each of the 69 penetra-tions would be 92 sccm. Therefore, pene ration M320 has exhibited leakage rates

, less than half the maximum allowable for individual penetrations. The latest results for leakage rates of all penetrations shows a current total of 2187 seem which is well below the allowable limit of 6343 scem.

The past history shows the leak rate of the penetration has been well within the allowable limit and ther is no justification to assume the penetration will degrade beyond the allowable limit by November 30, 1982. Therefore, Duke believes

, this limited extension in the surveillance period does not involve an unreviewed safety question aad has no effect on the health and safety of the public.


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\v OmmMcGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION Figure 9.2.4-3 i, (2 of 2)

Revision 37 I

TABLE 3.6-1 SECONDARY CONIAINMENI BYPASS LEAKAGE PATils A PENEIRATION TEST NUMBER SERVICE RELEASE LOCATION TYPE H317 Instrument Air Auxiliary Building Type C H243 Containment Air Release Auxiliary Building Type C H384 Containment Air Addition Auxiliary building Type C H361 Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor Oil Supply Auxiliary Building Type C H353 Fire Protection lleader N Auxiliary Building Type C g H376 Component Cooling Water to Auxiliary Building Type C m Reactor Coolant Drain Tank o 2 lleat Exchanger

[ H355 Component Cooling Water from

' Auxiliary Building Type C Reactor Coolant Drain Tank fleat Exchanger

, H327 Component Cooling Water to Auxiliary Building Type C l Reactor Vessel Support Coolers and RCP Cealers I

j H320 Component Cooling Water from Auxiliary Building Type C**

Reactor Vessel Support Coolers and RCP Coolers Flued llead to Guard Pipe Atmosphere, or ,*

Welds on all llot -

Auxiliary Building, -

Penetrations or Turbine Building

  • t Equipment llatch Atmosphere i

Type C l *Fursuant to S'jieHiication

    • This penetration is exempted from the Type C leak rate test requirementsof specification for the y period November I through November 30, 1982. >


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