MONTHYEARML20100L3581996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Submitting Corrected Version of Plant Decommissioning TS Updated to Reflect All Approved Amends ML20082K2461995-04-14014 April 1995 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Administrative Control 5.3.1,reflecting Organizational Changes That Impact Membership of Decommissioning Safety Review Committee ML17291B3261993-05-18018 May 1993 Proposed TS Section 2.2 Re Activated Graphite Blocks,Section 2.4 Re Channel Calibr & SR 3.2.1 Re Verification of Reactor Bldg Pressure & SR 3.2.2 Re Verification of Pressure Drop Across Each HEPA Filter ML20036A8241993-05-0707 May 1993 Proposed TS 4.3 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Water Leakage Protection ML20118B2141992-09-25025 September 1992 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Replacing Radiation Safety with Nuclear Safety, Revising Applicability Requirements for Specs Dealing W/Reactor Bldg Confinement Integrity & Clarifying Items Re Unreviewed Safety Questions ML20096H1961992-05-19019 May 1992 Decommissioning TS Deleting Section 4.2.15 Re LCO 4.2.15 Covering Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20095B0951992-04-14014 April 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Organization,Review & audit-administrative Controls ML20094L2831992-03-19019 March 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Controls & Limits Appropriate for Decommissioning ML20086C5301991-11-15015 November 1991 Proposed Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20091D7631991-10-11011 October 1991 Proposed,Revised Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Cooling Water Sys Temp ML20082L9311991-08-30030 August 1991 Proposed Tech Specs Re Decommissioning ML20066A3781990-12-21021 December 1990 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Re Reactor Bldg Integrity,Reactor Bldg Ventilation Exhaust Sys,Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & Pcrv Shielding Water Tritium Concentration ML20059L5891990-09-14014 September 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Design Features Section 6.1 to Permit Removal of CRD & Orifice Assemblies from Core Regions Defueled in Support of Plant Closure Activities ML20042F3151990-04-26026 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Defueling ML20006B7921990-01-25025 January 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative Title Changes to Section 7.1 ML19332F3561989-12-0404 December 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Limiting Condition for Operations 4.7.3, Fuel Storage Wells & 4.7.5, Instrumentation ML19332E8901989-12-0404 December 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactivity Control & Control Rod Pair Position Requirements During Shutdown ML19332C8151989-11-21021 November 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Items 2.D.(1) & 2.D.(4) Re Max Power Level & Early Shutdown,Respectively ML19324B6961989-10-30030 October 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactor Core & Reactivity Control ML19351A3271989-10-13013 October 1989 Proposed Tech Specs 6.1 Re Defueling Phase Document Design Features ML19327B1321989-10-13013 October 1989 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Deleted Limiting Conditions of Operations 4.1.2 Through 4.1.6,deleted Surveillance Requirements 5.1.1,5.1.2,5.1.3 & 5.1.5 & Newly Added Reactivity Control Section ML20248G4731989-10-0101 October 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re End of Operations ML20248G4461989-09-30030 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Chlorine Detection & Alarm Sys & Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys ML20247J2371989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Fuel Handling & Storage ML20247L1721989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactivity Control ML20247G7341989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting Fire Protection Limiting Condition of Operation & Surveillance Requirements from Tech Specs ML20247G7811989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs,Documenting Design Features for Defueling Phase of Operation ML20246L0231989-07-14014 July 1989 Proposed Tech Specs,Rewording Basis for Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.2 Re Operable Circulator ML20246K9921989-07-14014 July 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Documenting Improvements to Battery Surveillance Procedures ML20244B3771989-06-0909 June 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Early Shutdown of Plant ML20245B3211989-04-14014 April 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Radiation Monitors & Noble Gas Monitors ML20155J6281988-10-14014 October 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Concerning Administrative Controls ML20155J6111988-10-14014 October 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Re Pcrv & Pcrv Penetration Overpressure Protection Surveillance ML20204E8171988-10-13013 October 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Re Linear channel-high Neutron Flux Trip Setpoints ML20207E1591988-08-0505 August 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Re Auxiliary Electric Sys Involving Proposed Change of Dc Batteries ML20155J7181988-06-14014 June 1988 Revised Draft Tech Specs 3/,deleting Charcoal Filter Test Exceptions After Painting W/Low Solvent paints, &,reflecting Recent Util Reorganization & 3/ & 3/,requiring One Operable Valve Per Loop ML20151R8191988-04-20020 April 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting 10CFR51.5(b)2 ML20151S2471988-04-20020 April 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Pages 4.6-4 & 4.6-8,allowing Up to 5 Consecutive Days to Perform Equalizing Charge W/Station Battery ML20148N2751988-03-29029 March 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Requirement to Monitor Ambient Temp in Instrument Penetrations Housing Flow Sensors for Dewpoint Moisture Monitoring Sys ML20149M2901988-02-0808 February 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Re Plant Protective Sys Trip Setpoint & Operating Requirements ML20149N0391988-02-0505 February 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes to Administrative Controls to Reflect Organizational Changes in Util & NRC ML20238C3481987-12-23023 December 1987 Proposed re-drafted Tech Specs,Upgrading Sections Re safety- Related Cooling Sys.Related Info Encl ML20236C6361987-10-15015 October 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Fire Protection Limiting Conditions for Operation & Surveillance Requirements ML20235W8611987-10-0101 October 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Actions on Inoperable Halogen or Particulate Monitors & Conditions Requiring Weekly Gamma Spectral Analysis on Inservice Gas Waste Tank ML20235B0091987-08-28028 August 1987 Proposed Tech Specs Re Trip Setpoints & Operating Requirements ML20216H7301987-06-25025 June 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Definition of Calculated Bulk Core Temp & Core Average Inlet Temp for Determination of Core Temp ML20210B7081987-04-23023 April 1987 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance & Calibr Requirements of Plant Protective Sys Parameters ML20206P3931987-04-0808 April 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising 3/4.1.7, Reactivity Change W/Temp to Be Consistent W/Increased Values for Calculated Reactivity Worth of Reserve Shutdown Sys,Per Rev 4 to FSAR, Section ML20207P9911987-01-15015 January 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Requiring Both evaporator-economizer Superheater Sections & Both Reheater Sections to Be Available During Operation at Power as Min Number of HXs ML20207D2421986-12-23023 December 1986 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting Snubber Tables & Correcting Typos 1996-02-22
MONTHYEARML20148U0111997-06-17017 June 1997 Confirmatory Survey of Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Fsv Nuclear Station Platteville,Co ML20133D7661996-09-16016 September 1996 Confirmatory Survey Plan for Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project ML20129A4621996-09-11011 September 1996 Rev 0 to Fsv Decommissioning Project Final Survey Requirements for Liquid Effluent Pathway ML20100L3581996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Submitting Corrected Version of Plant Decommissioning TS Updated to Reflect All Approved Amends ML20097C2601996-01-17017 January 1996 Confirmatory Survey Activities Plan for Fsv Nuclear Station PSC Platteville,Co ML20101F2091995-09-18018 September 1995 Issue 7 to DPP 5.4.2, Odcm ML20084B8801995-05-25025 May 1995 Rev 1 to Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Plan for Site Release ML20084B6881995-05-10010 May 1995 Issue 5 to Fire Protection Operability Requirements (Fpor) FPOR-7, Fire Extinguishers ML20082K2461995-04-14014 April 1995 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Administrative Control 5.3.1,reflecting Organizational Changes That Impact Membership of Decommissioning Safety Review Committee ML20082T2151995-04-12012 April 1995 Issue 7 to Fire Protection Operability Requirements (Fpor) FPOR-12, Fire Detectors ML20082B9411995-03-17017 March 1995 Confirmatory Survey Plan for Repower Area,Fort St Vrain, Platteville,Co ML20082C0801995-03-16016 March 1995 Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Repower Area,Fort St Vrain,Platteville,Co ML20082B9821995-03-15015 March 1995 Instrumentation Comparison Plan Between Orise & Fort St Vrain ML20086S2471995-02-0909 February 1995 Decommissioning Plan for Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station ML20077C7171994-11-30030 November 1994 Issue 9 to FPOR-14, Fire Protection Operability Requirements ML20078C0641994-10-12012 October 1994 Revised Fire Protection Operability Requirements,Including Issue 21 to Depp Table of Contents,Issue 2 to FPOR-22 & Issue 3 to FPOR-23 ML20081J7951994-09-15015 September 1994 Issue 5 to DPP 5.4.2, Odcm ML20063M1551994-02-17017 February 1994 Rev 0 to Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Plan for Site Release ML20057A6151993-08-30030 August 1993 Issue 2 to FPOR-23, Fire Water Makeup Sys ML17291B3261993-05-18018 May 1993 Proposed TS Section 2.2 Re Activated Graphite Blocks,Section 2.4 Re Channel Calibr & SR 3.2.1 Re Verification of Reactor Bldg Pressure & SR 3.2.2 Re Verification of Pressure Drop Across Each HEPA Filter ML20036A8241993-05-0707 May 1993 Proposed TS 4.3 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Water Leakage Protection ML20035D1071992-12-0707 December 1992 Odcm ML20118B2141992-09-25025 September 1992 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Replacing Radiation Safety with Nuclear Safety, Revising Applicability Requirements for Specs Dealing W/Reactor Bldg Confinement Integrity & Clarifying Items Re Unreviewed Safety Questions ML20114D6871992-09-0101 September 1992 Tritium Leach Test on H-327 Graphite ML20096H1961992-05-19019 May 1992 Decommissioning TS Deleting Section 4.2.15 Re LCO 4.2.15 Covering Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20095B0951992-04-14014 April 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Organization,Review & audit-administrative Controls ML20094L2831992-03-19019 March 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Controls & Limits Appropriate for Decommissioning ML20086C5301991-11-15015 November 1991 Proposed Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20091D7631991-10-11011 October 1991 Proposed,Revised Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Cooling Water Sys Temp ML20079M4261991-10-11011 October 1991 Revised Abnormal Operating Procedures,Reflecting Deletion of Issue 9 of EP Class ML20082L9311991-08-30030 August 1991 Proposed Tech Specs Re Decommissioning ML20082H8851991-08-16016 August 1991 Issue 2 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-I-2, Chemical, Petroleum & Hazardous Waste Spill Response ML20091C4141991-08-0202 August 1991 Issue 58 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-L, Loss of Instrument Air Header ML20024H3341991-05-10010 May 1991 Nonproprietary Rev 2 to FSV-P-SCP-100, Fort St Vrain Initial Radiological Site Characterization Program Program Description ML20072V5291991-04-12012 April 1991 Revised Defueling Emergency Response Plan,Including Section 1 Definitions,Section 2 Scope & Applicability,Section 3 Summary of Fsv Derp,Section 4 Emergency Classifications & Section 5 Emergency Organization ML20070V6871991-03-20020 March 1991 Issue 55 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-R, Loss of Access to Control Room ML20072S0521991-03-15015 March 1991 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 9 to CMIP-11, Classification of Emergency for McGuire Nuclear Station & Rev 11 to CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML20066J1171991-02-15015 February 1991 Issue 56 to Intro Section of Abnormal Operating Procedure (Aop),Issue 58 of AOP-A,Issue 58 to AOP-B,Issue 56 of AOP D-1 & Issue 2 of RERP-TRANSPORTATION ML20066A3781990-12-21021 December 1990 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Re Reactor Bldg Integrity,Reactor Bldg Ventilation Exhaust Sys,Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & Pcrv Shielding Water Tritium Concentration ML20059L5891990-09-14014 September 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Design Features Section 6.1 to Permit Removal of CRD & Orifice Assemblies from Core Regions Defueled in Support of Plant Closure Activities ML20058N1071990-08-10010 August 1990 Issue 56 to AOP-I, Discussion of Fire ML20042F3151990-04-26026 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Defueling ML20034C7781990-04-25025 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-2, Abnormal Radioactive Gas Release from Plant ML20034C7851990-04-25025 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-EP Q, Steam Leak or Inadvertent Lifting of Steam Relief Valve ML20034C7771990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-1, Abnormal Radioactive Liquid Waste from Plant ML20034C7801990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 59 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-K-1, Environ Disturbances - Earthquake ML20034C7841990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-P, Loss of DC Bus ML20034C7821990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-L, Loss of Instrument Air Header ML20034C7831990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 56 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-N, Loss of Instrument Bus ML20034C7791990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-3, High Activity in Plant 1997-06-17
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