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{{#Wiki_filter:75 95 115 135 155 175 195 NATURAL GAMMA LOG-INCREASING RADIATION~COUNTS PER SECOND PI Sd 100 50 I20 u/c 0 2 0 30 29 20 BASIC SOIL PROPERTIES ELEV 958-5IL TT'AND WITH Gh'AVEL, (SM), Ight 0 o, loose tcdrnse.d y, sc He ed co/nhr nodules-+0+IB POSITIVE e---6 14 LITHOLOGIC DATA PA LEO-CARBONATE MAGNETIC DESCRIPTIONS UNITS L CONTENT POLARITY WEASUAES WATER LEVEL 12 20 98 ST Te 99 99 20-CIA YF Y 5/I.T, (htL), bvow-GRAVFL2 V SIL 7Y 5ANDI(5M.Ght), brown, med um dense, moist-CLAVEY SILT,/ML)red-brown, very shff, must/hf speck el scattered co/clio nodules-SIL 7Y CLAY, (CL)brown, rhlf mr si, ore ca/<<he nodules 40''..-5/LTY SAND,(SM), b own, msdnlm Cense,m ist, cf ohhrd 24 I 34 49 I 64 94 91-CLAYEV SILT, (ASL),hghl bro n, shff, moist', frrguent s lfy cloy inlerbeCS El P 107 102 6 122~9 80-5ILTV SAND.(SM)brown, medium dehse, mots/I scrlterrd dandy s It I/creeds-SANDY SILT, (ML), ree'crown'f33 132 142 152-CLAYEY SAND/(SC).rso'-I o n, dens mwrh sc/ter d gravel.91-SILTY CLAV WITH SAI'D, (CL CH), Iwd 9/0 I fc sr, mo st 66 69 90-CLAYEY G/TAVEL AND GRAVFLLY CL4V;(5'C-CL),vol o ic brie/ca nlohm inc Caret w th drpth;cobbles ii d bou(dere ob ndant, po holly cr e tdfon 92 0 98 100 47 34 L oQ*a;.2'0 I L4 W LSWLA lbn P~L gib L J.'?-?'''++5++i+++?+0+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-FANGLGIAFRATFI ed-bro n, hard/angular I'o rou ded, m/red volcan c closts n a silty sand matric;clasts range n s ze/corn greival ta boulders.-TIIFF, white, moderately hard P-AA'DESITEI gray, hard/sucked al olivine arid pyrovene pneno-crysts m an ophamhc ground.mass;vesicular, moderately
                                          ~                                BASIC PROPERTIES SOIL                      LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTIONS DATA UNITS L CARBONATE CONTENT PA LEO-MAGNETIC POLARITY IB POSITIVE 75    95      115      135          155      175        195        PI Sd u/c 100 50 I20 0 2 0 30                                                                             -+    0+  e---
8A5ALTI d A gray fared, hard, aphanlh,rare fervomag s phenocrysts, locally v rico/or/rect ed-TD-/FSD/50 SAMPLE LOCATION~DEPTH (FEET)~SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS Pl ploshcity indes minue 200-percent piissinp 200 sieve W/0 percent mo stere Sd dry densify SAMPLE TYPE ssfu orzz Iistzi A s Tu'rzs AsTHI ooze I/I'7/I ASTu/aisle-TI Dri ve Sample Filcher Tube Sample-NR Core, Hc InCicalti%Recovery-Sliindard Pens/Talion Tref,'IV"votre Asrw older-sr CARBONATE CONTENT-Nii Reochoii+-SilghHI'sactivii tp-Moderately Reactive++-Hiphly Reoctivs Ibosed on somple reac/Ion lo a ION HCI solution)UNITS Itn/Is column refers/o psneral stratigraphic Civisions Identified wilhin fhe bosin seC/ments PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY/nchnation of remi/ant miipnelic vector in general ogreemen/with (I or opposifion lo (e)the present maga/bc field.8-Mognelic vector inde/erminois w depth Paleomapnetic R iss Reverso/~ID szr W-elevation D E 6 0 R I PT I 0 N 5 Lifholopic descriptions were compiled ftom peolopisls field lope, lobonitiiry leal dale, ond down-hole prophysics Field lope were piepsredin occordoncs
29 20 Ight o, tcdrnse. d y, ELEV 958 5IL TT'AND WITH Gh'AVEL, (SM),
<<ith ASTM D2488-6'9 Classificahons based on hiborolory
0         loose 6
/esl dohi herein accordance mlh ASTM 02O87.69.Rock descriptions
sc He   ed co/nhr nodules                                                 14 12                       20                 CIAYF Y 5/I.T,     (htL), bvow brown, med  V GRAVFL2 SIL       7Y 5ANDI(5M.         Ght),
/CHcw procodu es CCHlned in fhe QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Volume 50, Ho I Descrplions for rotary borinps oro based upon cuttinps samples, poophysicol lops ond drHlrrs'con/ments LOG OF BORING PV-5}}
24 WEASUAES WATER LEVEL 20 40  '  '    ..
Cense,m ist, cf um dense, moist 5/LTY SAND,(SM),ohhrd      b own, msdnlm                        I            34 49 CLAVEY 98 ST Te shff, SILT, /ML) red-brown, very must/ hf speck scattered co/ clio nodules el I
99 ore7Yca/<<he SIL     CLAY, (CL) brown, rhlf mr si, nodules                                                 64 99 94 El    P 107 102 91 CLAYEV       SILT, (ASL),hghl bro n, shff, moist', frrguent s 6
lfy   cloy inlerbeCS                                                                 122
                                                                                                                                                                                        'f33        132 142
                                                                            ~9 dehse, 5ILTV SAND. (SM) brown, medium mots/I scrlterrd dandy It          s 152 I /creeds 80 SANDY SILT, (ML), ree'crown CLAYEYsc SAND/(SC).rso'-I
                                                                                                                                        /ter d gravel.
o   n, dens mwrh 91 SILTY CLAV WITH SAI'D, (CL CH),
Iwd 9/0     I   fc sr, mo st 66 (5'C-CL),vol CLAYEY G/TAVEL AND GRAVFLLY CL4V; o ic     brie/ca       nlohm 69                                                        inc Caret w th drpth; cobbles ii d bou(dere ob ndant, po holly 90                                                        cr e tdfon L oQ*
FANGLGIAFRATFI              ed- bro 0
2'0 I angular     I'o rou ded, m /red volcan c closts n a silty sand n, hard/
L4      W    matric; clasts range n s ze /corn LSWLA            greival ta boulders.
lbn LP        TIIFF, white, moderately               hard P gib L J.
34  '?    -?'''+
                                                                                                              +i+ AA'DESITEI
                                                                                                            +    5                        gray, hard/sucked al 92
                                                                                                        +                olivine arid pyrovene pneno-
                                                                                                        ++                crysts m an ophamhc ground.
mass; vesicular, moderately
                                                                                                            ?+    0        /racfuved.
                                                                                                            + +
                                                                                                        + ++
                                                                                                            + +
                                                                                                        +++                8A5ALTI d A gray fared, hard,
                                                                                                        ++++              aphanlh,rare fervomag s phenocrysts, locally v rico/or 98
                                                                                                        +++                /rect ed 100
                                                                                                        + ++
                                                                                                            + +
47                                      ++++ +
                                                                                                        ++++4 TD- /FSD/
50 SAMPLE       LOCATION ~                   DEPTH (FEET) ~
SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                                                                         PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Pl ploshcity indes               ssfu orzz Iistzi                  /nchnation of remi/ant miipnelic vector in general ogreemen/
(I                              (e)
minue   200       percent piissinp 200 sieve     As Tu '  rzs                      with              or opposifion lo                  the present maga/bc W/0               percent mo stere               AsTHI ooze I/I'7/I               field.
Sd              dry densify                    ASTu/ aisle-TI                   8 Mognelic vector inde/erminois SAMPLE TYPE Dri ve Sample Filcher Tube Sample NR Core, Hc InCicalti % Recovery Paleomapnetic Reverso/
R iss ID szr DE 6 W
w 0 R I PT I 0 N 5 depth elevation Sliindard Pens/Talion Tref, 'IV"votre Asrw       older-sr                 Lifholopic descriptions were compiled ftom peolopisls field lope, CONTENT                                                  lobonitiiry leal dale, ond down-hole prophysics Field lope were NiiCARBONATE                                                                  piepsredin occordoncs <<ith ASTM D2488-6'9 Classificahons
                        +  SilghHI'sactivii Reochoii based on hiborolory /esl dohi herein accordance mlh ASTM tp
Moderately      Reactive 02O87.69. Rock descriptions /CHcw procodu es CCHlned in fhe QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Volume 50,
                          +      Hiphly Reoctivs                                                          Ho I Descrplions for rotary borinps oro based upon cuttinps Ibosed on somple reac/Ion lo a ION HCI solution)                            samples, poophysicol lops ond drHlrrs'con/ments UNITS Itn/Is column refers /o psneral stratigraphic Civisions Identified wilhin fhe bosin seC/ments LOG OF BORING                 PV-5}}

Latest revision as of 21:08, 2 February 2020

Log of Boring PV-5
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/2018
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18194A158 (1)




29 20 Ight o, tcdrnse. d y, ELEV 958 5IL TT'AND WITH Gh'AVEL, (SM),

0 loose 6

sc He ed co/nhr nodules 14 12 20 CIAYF Y 5/I.T, (htL), bvow brown, med V GRAVFL2 SIL 7Y 5ANDI(5M. Ght),

24 WEASUAES WATER LEVEL 20 40 ' ' ..

Cense,m ist, cf um dense, moist 5/LTY SAND,(SM),ohhrd b own, msdnlm I 34 49 CLAVEY 98 ST Te shff, SILT, /ML) red-brown, very must/ hf speck scattered co/ clio nodules el I

99 ore7Yca/<<he SIL CLAY, (CL) brown, rhlf mr si, nodules 64 99 94 El P 107 102 91 CLAYEV SILT, (ASL),hghl bro n, shff, moist', frrguent s 6

lfy cloy inlerbeCS 122

'f33 132 142

~9 dehse, 5ILTV SAND. (SM) brown, medium mots/I scrlterrd dandy It s 152 I /creeds 80 SANDY SILT, (ML), ree'crown CLAYEYsc SAND/(SC).rso'-I

/ter d gravel.

o n, dens mwrh 91 SILTY CLAV WITH SAI'D, (CL CH),

Iwd 9/0 I fc sr, mo st 66 (5'C-CL),vol CLAYEY G/TAVEL AND GRAVFLLY CL4V; o ic brie/ca nlohm 69 inc Caret w th drpth; cobbles ii d bou(dere ob ndant, po holly 90 cr e tdfon L oQ*



2'0 I angular I'o rou ded, m /red volcan c closts n a silty sand n, hard/

L4 W matric; clasts range n s ze /corn LSWLA greival ta boulders.


lbn LP TIIFF, white, moderately hard P gib L J.

34 '? -?+


+ 5 gray, hard/sucked al 92

+ olivine arid pyrovene pneno-

++ crysts m an ophamhc ground.

mass; vesicular, moderately

?+ 0 /racfuved.

+ +

+ ++

+ +

+++ 8A5ALTI d A gray fared, hard,

++++ aphanlh,rare fervomag s phenocrysts, locally v rico/or 98

+++ /rect ed 100

+ ++

+ +

47 ++++ +

++++4 TD- /FSD/


SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Pl ploshcity indes ssfu orzz Iistzi /nchnation of remi/ant miipnelic vector in general ogreemen/

(I (e)


minue 200 percent piissinp 200 sieve As Tu ' rzs with or opposifion lo the present maga/bc W/0 percent mo stere AsTHI ooze I/I'7/I field.

Sd dry densify ASTu/ aisle-TI 8 Mognelic vector inde/erminois SAMPLE TYPE Dri ve Sample Filcher Tube Sample NR Core, Hc InCicalti % Recovery Paleomapnetic Reverso/

R iss ID szr DE 6 W

w 0 R I PT I 0 N 5 depth elevation Sliindard Pens/Talion Tref, 'IV"votre Asrw older-sr Lifholopic descriptions were compiled ftom peolopisls field lope, CONTENT lobonitiiry leal dale, ond down-hole prophysics Field lope were NiiCARBONATE piepsredin occordoncs <<ith ASTM D2488-6'9 Classificahons

+ SilghHI'sactivii Reochoii based on hiborolory /esl dohi herein accordance mlh ASTM tp


Moderately Reactive 02O87.69. Rock descriptions /CHcw procodu es CCHlned in fhe QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Volume 50,

+ Hiphly Reoctivs Ho I Descrplions for rotary borinps oro based upon cuttinps Ibosed on somple reac/Ion lo a ION HCI solution) samples, poophysicol lops ond drHlrrs'con/ments UNITS Itn/Is column refers /o psneral stratigraphic Civisions Identified wilhin fhe bosin seC/ments LOG OF BORING PV-5