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{{#Wiki_filter:SNCDegradedGridDesignCriteria SNC Degraded Grid Design Criteria1April 23, 2014 Agenda *Purpose*Backgroundg*New SNC Degraded Grid Relaying Design Criteria
{{#Wiki_filter:SNCDegradedGridDesignCriteria SNC Degraded Grid Design Criteria 1 April 23, 2014 Agenda *Purpose*Back g round g*New SNC Degraded Grid Relaying Design Criteria
*Methodology*Comments and Questions 2
*Methodology*Comments and Questions 2
Purpose Review the design criteria being used by Southern Nuclear for the new degraded grid voltage protective relaying at Hatch Nuclear Plant and Farley Nuclear plant. These criteria draw from previous industry guidance and ourownexperiencebutarenotintendedasacommitment our own experience
Purpose Review the design criteria being used by Southern Nuclear for the new degraded grid voltage protective relaying at Hatch Nuclear Plant and Farley Nuclear plant. These criteria draw from previous industry guidance and ourownexperiencebutarenotintendedasacommitment our own experience , but are not intended as a commitment to any particular existing guidance document.Obtain NRC feedback on the criteria to help ensure that the implemented solutions meet NRC expectations for automaticprotectionforpotentialdegradedgrideventsand automatic protection for potential degraded grid events and resolve NRC findings from the related CDBIs.
, but are not intended as a commitment to any particular existing guidance document.Obtain NRC feedback on the criteria to help ensure that the implemented solutions meet NRC expectations for automaticprotectionforpotentialdegradedgrideventsand automatic protection for potential degraded grid events and resolve NRC findings from the related CDBIs.
3 Background For a potential degraded grid event, previous designs:*Relied on manual actions b y the transmission s y stem yyand plant operators to prevent an occurrence.*Some required Class 1E loads were not automatically ttdftidltid pro t ec t e d f rom a sus t a i ne d vo lt age i na d equacy.Therearecurrentlytwosubmittalsonthedocketonefor There are currently two submittals on the docket , one for Plant Farley and one for Plant Hatch, that include a schedule for the degraded grid modification projects. The LARbittlihlttilit LAR su b m itt a l s rev ise eac h p l an t s opera ti ng li cense t o include completion dates, by unit, for the modifications.
3 Background For a potential degraded grid event, previous designs:*Relied on manual actions b y the transmission s ystem yyand plant operators to prevent an occurrence.*Some required Class 1E loads were not automatically ttdftidltid protected from a sus tained voltage inadequacy.Therearecurrentlytwosubmittalsonthedocketonefor There are currently two submittals on the docket, one for Plant Farley and one for Plant Hatch, that include a schedule for the degraded grid modification projects. The LARbittlihlttilit LAR submittals revise each plants operating license to include completion dates, by unit, for the modifications.
4 Background -Scope of Modifications *FNP:-Replacement of the existing degraded voltage relays-Raising the existing voltage setpoints.*HNP:Rltfthitidddltlildi-R ep l acemen t o f th e ex i s ti ng d egra d e d vo lt age re l ays i nc l u di ng change from 2 relays to 3 relays (2 of 3 logic). -Raising the existing voltage setpoints.-Replacement of 4 existing startup auxiliary transformers
4 Background -Scope of Modifications *FNP:-Replacement of the existing degraded voltage relays-Raising the existing voltage setpoints.*HNP:Rltfthitidddltlildi-Replacement of the existing degraded voltage relays including change from 2 relays to 3 relays (2 of 3 logic). -Raising the existing voltage setpoints.-Replacement of 4 existing startup auxiliary transformers
-Addition of 2 new startup auxiliary transformers and 230KV breakers including associated relaying, fire protection, etc.-Upgrade of 4.16KV bus short circuit capability for 10 buses (breakers and bus bracing).
-Addition of 2 new startup auxiliary transformers and 230KV breakers including associated relaying, fire protection, etc.-Upgrade of 4.16KV bus short circuit capability for 10 buses (breakers and bus bracing).
5 Background -Farley Schedule*January 2015 -Submit Farley License Amendment Request(LAR)
5 Background -Farley Schedule*January 2015 -Submit Farley License Amendment Request(LAR)
Request (LAR)*January 2016 -NRC approval of Farley LAR
Request (LAR)*January 2016 -NRC approval of Farley LAR
-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2016 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Fall Outage 2016 (U1R27) -Design implementation biU1begins on U1*Fall Outage 2017 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation completed on U1 6
-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2016 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Fall Outage 2016 (U1R27) -Design implementation biU1 b eg ins on U1*Fall Outage 2017 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation completed on U1 6
Background -Hatch Schedule*December 2015 -Submit Hatch License Amendment Request(LAR)
Background -Hatch Schedule*December 2015 -Submit Hatch License Amendment Request(LAR)
Request (LAR)*December 2016 -NRC approval of Hatch LAR
Request (LAR)*December 2016 -NRC approval of Hatch LAR
-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2017 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation biU1begins on U1*Spring Outage 2019 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2020 (U1R29) -Design implementation completed on U1 7
-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2017 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation biU1 b eg ins on U1*Spring Outage 2019 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2020 (U1R29) -Design implementation completed on U1 7
Definitions & Acronyms*DVR -Degraded Voltage Relaying*MEV -Minimum Ex pected Volta ge -The stead y state pgyvoltage level at the 4.16kV buses that is expected when the 230kV switchyard is at the minimum voltage based oncontingencystudiesdefinedbytheFSAR on contingency studies defined by the FSAR.*MRV -Minimum Required Voltage -The steady state voltage level at a Class 1E 4.16kV bus that is required for its safety-related loads to accomplish their safety functions. The safety-related motors shall be able to start successfullywiththe pre-startsteady
Definitions & Acronyms*DVR -Degraded Voltage Relaying*MEV -Minimum Ex p ected Volta g e -The stead y state pg yvoltage level at the 4.16kV buses that is expected when the 230kV switchyard is at the minimum voltage based oncontingencystudiesdefinedbytheFSAR on contingency studies defined by the FSAR.*MRV -Minimum Required Voltage -The steady state voltage level at a Class 1E 4.16kV bus that is required for its safety-related loads to accomplish their safety functions. The safety-related motors shall be able to start successfullywiththe pre-startsteady
-statebusvoltage successfully with the prestart steadystatebus voltage at the MRV.
-statebusvoltage successfully with the pre start steady state bus voltage at the MRV.
8 Design Criteria -Voltage*The DVR shall be set such that offsite power will be automatically disconnected and transferred to onsite power during an extended degraded grid  
8 Design Criteria -Voltage*The DVR shall be set such that offsite power will be automatically disconnected and transferred to onsite power during an extended degraded grid  

condition (any voltage dip having a longer durationthanexpectedfornormaloraccident duration than expected for normal or accident operations). *The DVR on the Class 1E 4.16KV bus will be set so that, including tolerances, voltage dropout valuewill be above the MRV value.ThDVRlttlildi*The DVR voltage reset value, including tolerances, will be set below the MEV.
condition (any voltage dip having a longer durationthanexpectedfornormaloraccident duration than expected for normal or accident operations). *The DVR on the Class 1E 4.16KV bus will be set so that, including tolerances, voltage dropout value will be above the MRV value.ThDVRlt tlildi*Th e DVR vo lt age rese t va l ue , i nc l u di ng tolerances, will be set below the MEV.
9 Design Criteria -Time Delay*The DVR minimum time delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will delay actuation to prevent a spurious trip due to motor starting or  
9 Design Criteria -Time Delay*The DVR minimum time delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will delay actuation to prevent a spurious trip due to motor starting or  

other momentary transient events.
other momentary transient events.
*TheDVR maximumtimedelaywillbesetsuch
*The DVR maximumtime delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will:
*The DVR maximum time delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will:
-be less than the maximum time allowed for the diesel generator to start and obtain rated speed and voltage.-prevent loss of Class 1E functions when the voltage is inadequatebyactuationpriortoatripofloadson inadequate by actuation prior to a trip of loads on overload.
-be less than the maximum time allowed for the diesel generator to start and obtain rated speed and voltage.-prevent loss of Class 1E functions when the voltage is inadequatebyactuationpriortoatripofloadson inadequate by actuation prior to a trip of loads on overload.10 Voltage Setpoint Methodology *Part 1 -Using maximum expected non-accident bus loading, determine minimum acceptable steady-state voltage for normal operation.*Part 2 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determinetheminimum pre-startvoltagethatprovides determine the minimum pre-start voltage that provides acceptable Class 1E motor starting (e.g. during LOCA  
10 Voltage Setpoint Methodology *Part 1 -Using maximum expected non-accident bus loading, determine minimum acceptable steady-state voltage for normal operation.*Part 2 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determinetheminimum pre-startvoltagethatprovides determine the minimum pre-startvoltage that provides acceptable Class 1E motor starting (e.g. during LOCA  

block motor starting)*Part 3 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determine the minimum steady-state voltage that providesacceptableClass1Emotoroperationand provides acceptable Class 1E motor operation and starting for individual motors.*The maximum voltage of Parts 1-3 determines the MRV 11(i.e. analytical limit).
block motor starting)*Part 3 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determine the minimum steady-state voltage that providesacceptableClass1Emotoroperationand provides acceptable Class 1E motor operation and starting for individual motors.*The maximum voltage of Parts 1-3 determines the MRV 11(i.e. analytical limit).
DVR Voltage Setpoint ExampleSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 12Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Voltage Setpoint Example Limiting PartSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 13Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Time Delay Setpoint Example *Minimum Delay:-At MEV, LOCA block motor starting voltage transient lasts for 7 seconds (i.e. recovers above the DVR voltage reset value).-The duration of all other motor starting or fault transient events is less than 7 seconds.*Maximum Delay:-Upon a LOCA, the diesel must start and be at normal voltage andfrequency(iereadyforloading)at15seconds and frequency (i.e. ready for loading) at 15 seconds.-With inadequate voltage, motors cannot stall for greater than 12 seconds without tripping on overload.CidiDVRidlihi
DVR Voltage Setpoint ExampleSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 12Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Voltage Setpoint Example Limiting PartSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 13Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Time Delay Setpoint Example *Minimum Delay:-At MEV, LOCA block motor starting voltage transient lasts for 7 seconds (i.e. recovers above the DVR voltage reset value).-The duration of all other motor starting or fault transient events is less than 7 seconds.*Maximum Delay:-Upon a LOCA, the diesel must start and be at normal voltage andfrequency(iereadyforloading)at15seconds and frequency (i.e. ready for loading) at 15 seconds.-With inadequate voltage, motors cannot stall for greater than 12 seconds without tripping on overload.CidiDVRidlihi
*Considering DVR time delay uncerta inty, the setting must be between 7 and 12 seconds.
*C ons id er i ng DVR t i me d e lay uncerta i nty, t h e sett i ng must be between 7 and 12 seconds.
14 LAR Submittal Content*Calculations (portions) demonstrating the use of the methodology and the setpoint results.-Criteria, methodology and assumptions-Steady-state and starting cases for the MEV and the DVR setting part of the anal ysis showin g voltages for each Class 1E bus and pyggits required loads.-Setpoint uncertainty calculationsBasisforsetpoints
14 LAR Submittal Content*Calculations (portions) demonstrating the use of the methodology and the setpoint results.-Criteria, methodology and assumptions-Steady-state and starting cases for the MEV and the DVR setting part of the anal y sis showin g volta ges for each Class 1E bus and pyggits required loads.-Setpoint uncertainty calculationsBasisfor setpoints-Basis for setpoints*List of the most limiting components for each study case.
-Basis for setpoints*List of the most limiting components for each study case.
15 Comments or Questions?
15 Comments or Questions?

Revision as of 18:35, 9 July 2018

April 23, 2014, Public Meeting Presentation Slides, Southern Nuclear Company, SNC Degraded Grid Design Criteria.
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/2014
Southern Co, Southern Nuclear Company
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Williams S A
Download: ML14108A005 (16)


SNCDegradedGridDesignCriteria SNC Degraded Grid Design Criteria 1 April 23, 2014 Agenda *Purpose*Back g round g*New SNC Degraded Grid Relaying Design Criteria

  • Methodology*Comments and Questions 2

Purpose Review the design criteria being used by Southern Nuclear for the new degraded grid voltage protective relaying at Hatch Nuclear Plant and Farley Nuclear plant. These criteria draw from previous industry guidance and ourownexperiencebutarenotintendedasacommitment our own experience , but are not intended as a commitment to any particular existing guidance document.Obtain NRC feedback on the criteria to help ensure that the implemented solutions meet NRC expectations for automaticprotectionforpotentialdegradedgrideventsand automatic protection for potential degraded grid events and resolve NRC findings from the related CDBIs.

3 Background For a potential degraded grid event, previous designs:*Relied on manual actions b y the transmission s y stem yyand plant operators to prevent an occurrence.*Some required Class 1E loads were not automatically ttdftidltid pro t ec t e d f rom a sus t a i ne d vo lt age i na d equacy.Therearecurrentlytwosubmittalsonthedocketonefor There are currently two submittals on the docket , one for Plant Farley and one for Plant Hatch, that include a schedule for the degraded grid modification projects. The LARbittlihlttilit LAR su b m itt a l s rev ise eac h p l an t s opera ti ng li cense t o include completion dates, by unit, for the modifications.

4 Background -Scope of Modifications *FNP:-Replacement of the existing degraded voltage relays-Raising the existing voltage setpoints.*HNP:Rltfthitidddltlildi-R ep l acemen t o f th e ex i s ti ng d egra d e d vo lt age re l ays i nc l u di ng change from 2 relays to 3 relays (2 of 3 logic). -Raising the existing voltage setpoints.-Replacement of 4 existing startup auxiliary transformers

-Addition of 2 new startup auxiliary transformers and 230KV breakers including associated relaying, fire protection, etc.-Upgrade of 4.16KV bus short circuit capability for 10 buses (breakers and bus bracing).

5 Background -Farley Schedule*January 2015 -Submit Farley License Amendment Request(LAR)

Request (LAR)*January 2016 -NRC approval of Farley LAR

  • SpringOutage2016(U2R24)

-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2016 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Fall Outage 2016 (U1R27) -Design implementation biU1 b eg ins on U1*Fall Outage 2017 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation completed on U1 6

Background -Hatch Schedule*December 2015 -Submit Hatch License Amendment Request(LAR)

Request (LAR)*December 2016 -NRC approval of Hatch LAR

  • SpringOutage2017(U2R24)

-Designimplementation Spring Outage 2017 (U2R24) Design implementation begins on U2*Spring Outage 2018 (U1R28) -Design implementation biU1 b eg ins on U1*Spring Outage 2019 (U2R25) -Design implementation completedonU2 completed on U2*Spring Outage 2020 (U1R29) -Design implementation completed on U1 7

Definitions & Acronyms*DVR -Degraded Voltage Relaying*MEV -Minimum Ex p ected Volta g e -The stead y state pg yvoltage level at the 4.16kV buses that is expected when the 230kV switchyard is at the minimum voltage based oncontingencystudiesdefinedbytheFSAR on contingency studies defined by the FSAR.*MRV -Minimum Required Voltage -The steady state voltage level at a Class 1E 4.16kV bus that is required for its safety-related loads to accomplish their safety functions. The safety-related motors shall be able to start successfullywiththe pre-startsteady

-statebusvoltage successfully with the pre start steady state bus voltage at the MRV.

8 Design Criteria -Voltage*The DVR shall be set such that offsite power will be automatically disconnected and transferred to onsite power during an extended degraded grid

condition (any voltage dip having a longer durationthanexpectedfornormaloraccident duration than expected for normal or accident operations). *The DVR on the Class 1E 4.16KV bus will be set so that, including tolerances, voltage dropout value will be above the MRV value.ThDVRlt tlildi*Th e DVR vo lt age rese t va l ue , i nc l u di ng tolerances, will be set below the MEV.

9 Design Criteria -Time Delay*The DVR minimum time delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will delay actuation to prevent a spurious trip due to motor starting or

other momentary transient events.

  • TheDVR maximumtimedelaywillbesetsuch
  • The DVR maximum time delay will be set such that, with tolerances, it will:

-be less than the maximum time allowed for the diesel generator to start and obtain rated speed and voltage.-prevent loss of Class 1E functions when the voltage is inadequatebyactuationpriortoatripofloadson inadequate by actuation prior to a trip of loads on overload.10 Voltage Setpoint Methodology *Part 1 -Using maximum expected non-accident bus loading, determine minimum acceptable steady-state voltage for normal operation.*Part 2 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determinetheminimum pre-startvoltagethatprovides determine the minimum pre-start voltage that provides acceptable Class 1E motor starting (e.g. during LOCA

block motor starting)*Part 3 -Using maximum expected accident loading, determine the minimum steady-state voltage that providesacceptableClass1Emotoroperationand provides acceptable Class 1E motor operation and starting for individual motors.*The maximum voltage of Parts 1-3 determines the MRV 11(i.e. analytical limit).

DVR Voltage Setpoint ExampleSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 12Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Voltage Setpoint Example Limiting PartSetting for normal steady state Setting to detect inadequate LOCA starting voltage prior to startsteadystate requirementSetting for LOCAsteady state requirement 13Colored bar represents the DVR voltage setting uncertainty & reset requirement DVR Time Delay Setpoint Example *Minimum Delay:-At MEV, LOCA block motor starting voltage transient lasts for 7 seconds (i.e. recovers above the DVR voltage reset value).-The duration of all other motor starting or fault transient events is less than 7 seconds.*Maximum Delay:-Upon a LOCA, the diesel must start and be at normal voltage andfrequency(iereadyforloading)at15seconds and frequency (i.e. ready for loading) at 15 seconds.-With inadequate voltage, motors cannot stall for greater than 12 seconds without tripping on overload.CidiDVRidlihi

  • C ons id er i ng DVR t i me d e lay uncerta i nty, t h e sett i ng must be between 7 and 12 seconds.

14 LAR Submittal Content*Calculations (portions) demonstrating the use of the methodology and the setpoint results.-Criteria, methodology and assumptions-Steady-state and starting cases for the MEV and the DVR setting part of the anal y sis showin g volta ges for each Class 1E bus and pyggits required loads.-Setpoint uncertainty calculationsBasisfor setpoints-Basis for setpoints*List of the most limiting components for each study case.

15 Comments or Questions?