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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 2toAEP:NRC:1193 ExistingTechnical Specifications forDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnits1and2MarkedtoReflectProposedChanges9311190298 931115PDRADOCK"05000315'-PPDR I~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~all~~~~~~~~~~~~'I~~~'~~~~'~I'I~~~~~~I~~~~I~~~~'I~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~'~'~~~~~~II~~~~,,~,~~~I~~~'~~~~~~\~
{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:1193 Existing Technical Specifications for Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Marked to Reflect Proposed Changes 9311190298 931115 PDR ADOCK" 0500031 5'-P PDR I~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~all~~~~~~~~~~~~'I~~~'~~~~'~I'I~~~~~~I~~~~I~~~~'I~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~'~'~~~~~~I I~~~~,,~,~~~I~~~'~~~~~~\~
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIREMEHTS Continued shallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannot,beobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1220poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additional basketsfromthesamebayshallbe'eighed.
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMEHTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot, be obtained for weighing)within each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be'eighed.
Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata958levelofconfidence.
The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 958 level of confidence.
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-bays1through8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.TheminimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata954levelofconfidence.
The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1-bays 1 through 8, Group 2-bays 9 through 16, and Group 3-bays 17 through 24.The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 954 level of confidence.
Theminimumtotalicecondenser iceweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketweightsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbelessthan2,371;450 pounds.3.Verifying, byavisualinspection ofatleasttwoflowpassagespericecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthetopdeckfloorgrating,ontheintermediate deckandonflowpassagesbetweenicebasketsandpast.latticeframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Ifoneflowpassageperbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional flowpassagesfromthesamebayshallbevisuallyinspected.
The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,371;450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least two flow passages per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and on flow passages between ice baskets and past.lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flow passage per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flow passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.
Iftheseadditional flowpassagesarefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
If these additional flow passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.
Morethanonerestricted flowpassageperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
More than one restricted flow passage per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
C.Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, eachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvanesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostandicegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
C.At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
d.At breast once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting.the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
.theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT NO.l08, f21, 138, 144  
~i I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~I~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~I~I~~~~~~%0~~I E
~iI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~I~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~I~I~~~~~~%0~~I E
COm~~STS~SUI VKZILAN&M~BAHTS Continued shal 1 be constituted of one basket each from~diaL RNts 1~2~4y 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same roe of an ad5acent bay if a basket fxom a designated xov cannot be obtained fox" veighiag)vithin~ach bay.Zf aay basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice.a xepresentative sample of 20 additioaal baskets'rom the same bay shall b>>veighed.The minimum average veight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall aot be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95%level of confidence.
COm~~STS~SUIVKZILAN&M~BAHTSContinued shal1beconstituted ofonebasketeachfrom~diaLRNts1~2~4y6,8and9(orfromthesameroeofanad5acentbayifabasketfxomadesignated xovcannotbeobtainedfox"veighiag) vithin~achbay.Zfaaybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1220poundsofice.axepresentative sampleof20additioaal baskets'romthesamebayshallb>>veighed.Theminimumaverageveightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallaotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 grcnzpa of baskets, as follovs: Croup 1-bays 1 through 4, Croup 2-bays 9 through 16, and Croup 3-bays 17 through 24.The minimum average ice veight of th>>sample baskets frcna Radial hnrs 1, 2, 4, 6, b and 9 in each gxoup shalL aot be less than 1220 pounds/basket at, a 95%level of confidence.
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3grcnzpaofbaskets,asfollovs:Croup1-bays1through4,Croup2-bays9through16,andCroup3-bays17through24.Theminimumaverageiceveightofth>>samplebasketsfrcnaRadialhnrs1,2,4,6,band9ineachgxoupshalLaotbelessthan1220pounds/basket at,a95%levelofconfidence.
The minimum totaL ice condensez ice veight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket reights determined during this veighing pzogram and shall not be less than 2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection oi at least xvo flov passages per ice condenser bay, that the acc elation of fzost ox ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and oa flov passages betveen ice baskets aad past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.Zt one flow passage pex bay i.s found to have an accumulation of frost ox ice gzeater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flov passages from the same bay shall be visuaLLy inspected.
TheminimumtotaLicecondensez iceveightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketreightsdetermined duringthisveighingpzogramandshallnotbelessthan2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, byavisualinspection oiatleastxvoflovpassagespericecondenser bay,thattheaccelationoffzostoxiceonthetopdeckfloorgrating,ontheintermediate deckandoaflovpassagesbetveenicebasketsaadpastlatticeframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Ztoneflowpassagepexbayi.sfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoxicegzeaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional flovpassagesfromthesamebayshallbevisuaLLyinspected.
If these additional flov passages ax'e found acceptable, the surveillance pzogram may px'oceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.
Iftheseadditional flovpassagesax'efoundacceptable, thesurveillance pzogrammaypx'oceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
More thaa one restx'icted flov passage pez bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condensex.
Morethaaonerestx'icted flovpassagepezbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondensex.
C~'ht least once per Ld months by verifying, by a visual inspectioa, of<<ach ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of fzost or ice on the lover plenum support structuxes and tuzaing vance is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost ox'ce greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradatioa of the ice condenser.
C~'htleastonceperLdmonthsbyverifying, byavisualinspectioa, of<<achicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offzostoriceontheloverplenumsupportstructuxes andtuzaingvanceisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostox'cegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradatioa oftheicecondenser.
d.At least once pez 40 months by lifting and vt.sually inspecting the accessible portions of at least tvo ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser snd verifying that the ice baskets aze fx'ee of detrimental structuzal veer, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be rai.sed at least 12 feat for this inspection.
d.Atleastoncepez40monthsbyliftingandvt.sually inspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttvoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser sndverifying thattheicebasketsazefx'eeofdetrimental structuzal veer,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberai.sedatleast12featforthisinspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 3/4 6-36 AMENDMENT NO)P,125 CONTAI QlENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems requir ed for the detec-tion and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will'be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions.
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/46-36AMENDMENT NO)P,125 CONTAIQlENTSYSTEMSBASES3/4.6.4COMBUSTIBLE GASCONTROLTheOPERABILITY oftheequipment andsystemsrequiredforthedetec-tionandcontrolofhydrogengasensuresthatthisequipment will'beavailable tomaintainthehydrogenconcentration withincontainment belowitsflammable limitduringpost-LOCA conditions.
Either rccombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radiolytic decomposition of water and 3)corrosion of metals within containment.
Eitherrccombiner unitiscapableofcontrolling theexpectedhydrogengeneration associated with1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radiolytic decomposition ofwaterand3)corrosion ofmetalswithincontainment.
These hydrogen control systems ar''ons7st>ht~it'h-the&#x17d;rccommendrtions-of ReguUrtory..Guile..l;7,"Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a lOCA", March 1971.3/C.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The r equirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensur e that.thc overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.
Thesehydrogencontrolsystemsar''ons7st>ht~it'h-the&#x17d;rccommendrtions-of ReguUrtory..Guile..l;7, "ControlofCombustible GasConcentrations inContainment Following alOCA",March1971.3/C.6.5ICECONDENSER Therequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethat.thcoverallsystemwillbeavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthecontainment peakpressuretransient tolessthan12psigduringLOCAconditions.
B 3/4 6-.4 amendment No, 1 3/ I CE BED The OPERABILITY of the,ice bed ensures that the required ice inven-tory will 1)be distributed evenly through th~containment bays, 2)con-tain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump follow-ing the LOCA and 3)contain suf,icient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA.These conditions arc'.consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.The minimum+eight figure of 1220 pounds of ice per basket contains a 10>>conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation which is a factor of 10 higher than assumed fot the ice condenser design.In the event that observed sublimation.
B3/46-.4amendment No,13/ ofthe,icebedensuresthattherequirediceinven-torywill1)bedistributed evenlythroughth~containment bays,2)con-tainsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontainment sumpfollow-ingtheLOCAand3)containsuf,icient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolumereleasedduringaLOCA.Theseconditions arc'.consistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
rates'are equal to or lower than de'sign'redictions after three years'f operation, the minimum ice baskets weight.may be adjusted downward.In addition', the number of ice baskets.required to be weighted each gI8months may'e reduced after'3.years of'pera ion if such a r eduction is supported by observed sublimation
Theminimum+eightfigureof1220poundsoficeperbasketcontainsa10>>conservative allowance foricelossthroughsublimation whichisafactorof10higherthanassumedfottheicecondenser design.Intheeventthatobservedsublimation.
'data.' ICE BED TEHPERATURE HONITORING SYSTEH The OPERABILITY-of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability fs available for.monitoring the ice temperature.
rates'areequaltoorlowerthande'sign'redictions afterthreeyears'foperation, theminimumicebasketsweight.maybeadjusteddownward.
In''the event the monitoring system is inoperablc, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity retainei within the specified time limits.D.C.COOK-UNIT 2 k,'I E Attachment 3 to AEP:NRC:1193 Proposed Technical Specifications for Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2
thenumberoficebaskets.requiredtobeweightedeachgI8months may'ereducedafter'3.yearsof'peraionifsuchareductionissupported byobservedsublimation
'data.' HONITORING SYSTEHTheOPERABILITY-of theicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability fsavailable for.monitoring theicetemperature.
In''theeventthemonitoring systemisinoperablc, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thattheicebedheatremovalcapacitywill.beretaineiwithinthespecified timelimits.D.C.COOK-UNIT2 k,'IE Attachment 3toAEP:NRC:1193 ProposedTechnical Specifications forDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnits1and2
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIMDKNTSContinued shallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannotbeobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1220poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additSonal basketsfromthesamebayshallbe'eighed.
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIMDKNTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing)within each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additSonal baskets from the same bay shall be'eighed.
Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata95$levelofconfidence.
The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95$level of confidence.
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-bays1through8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.ThemSnimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata954levelofconfidence.
The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1-bays 1 through 8, Group 2-bays 9 through 16, and Group 3-bays 17 through 24.The mSnimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 954 level of confidence.
ThemininmntotalScecondenser iceweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketweS.ghtsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbelessthan2,371',450 pounds.3.Verifying, byavisualinspectS.
The mininmn total Sce condenser ice weight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weS.ghts determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,371',450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspectS.on of at least two flow passages per Sce condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and on flow passages between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flow passage per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 addi.tional flow passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.
onofatleasttwoflowpassagesperScecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthetopdeckfloorgrating,ontheintermediate deckandonflowpassagesbetweenicebasketsandpastlatticeframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Ifoneflowpassageperbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20addi.tional flowpassagesfromthesamebayshallbevisuallyinspected.
If these additional flow passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.
Iftheseadditional flowpassagesarefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
More than one restricted flow passage per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
Morethanonerestricted flowpassageperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
c~At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
c~Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, eachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvanesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostandicegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
d.At breast once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
d.Atbreastonceper40monthsbyliftingandvisuallyinspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT NO.108, f21, 138i 144
~VZZXLANCX REUIEErfEHTS Continued shallbeconstituted ofoaebasketeachfromRadialLoca1,2,4,6,8and9(ortzoathesamerovofanad)aceatbayifabasketfromadesignated rovcannotbeobtainedtorveighing) vithineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1220poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additioaal basketsfromthesamebiyshallbeveighed.Theminimumsaverageveightoficetroathe20addi.tional basketsindthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1220pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
~VZZXLANCX RE UIEErfEHTS Continued shall be constituted of oae basket each from Radial Loca 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or tzoa the same rov of an ad)aceat bay if a basket from a designated rov cannot be obtained tor veighing)vithin each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additioaal baskets from the same biy shall be veighed.The minimums average veight of ice troa the 20 addi.tional baskets ind the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95%level of confidence.
Thei.cecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,isfollovs:Czoup1-bays1thzough8,Croup2-bays9through16,aad'Croup 3-bays17through24.TheaCaimaaverageiceveightofthesamplebasketsfromkadialkcnrs1,2,4,6,8iad9ineachgroupshallnotbelesschan1220pounds/basket aca95%levelofconfi.dence.
The i.ce condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, is follovs: Czoup 1-bays 1 thzough 8, Croup 2-bays 9 through 16, aad'Croup 3-bays 17 through 24.The aCaima average ice veight of the sample baskets from kadial kcnrs 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 iad 9 in each group shall not be less chan 1220 pounds/basket ac a 95%level of confi.dence.
Theminimumtotali.cecondenser icevei.ghc,ata95%levelofconfidence shillbecalculated usingallicebasketreightsdetermined duringthisveighingprogramindshallnotbelessthin2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, byavisualinspection oiicleasttvoflovpassagespezi,cecondenser bay,thattheaccelationoffrostoriceonchetopdeckfloorgrating,onthe'ncermediate deckandonflovpassagesbecveenicebasketsindpastlicciceframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Ifoneflovpassageperbiyisfoundtohaveanaccumulation oftroatoricegzeacerthanthisthi.ckness, irepresentacive sampleof20addi.tioaal tlovpassagesfromthesamebayshallbevisuallyinspected.
The minimum total i.ce condenser ice vei.ghc, at a 95%level of confidence shill be calculated using all ice basket reights determined during this veighing program ind shall not be less thin 2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection oi ic least tvo flov passages pez i,ce condenser bay, that the acc elation of frost or ice on che top deck floor grating, on the'ncermediate deck and on flov passages becveen ice baskets ind past liccice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flov passage per biy is found to have an accumulation of troat or ice gzeacer than this thi.ckness, i representacive sample of 20 addi.tioaal tlov passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.
Iftheseadditional flovpassagesarefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency isuniqueandacceptable.
If these additional flov passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency is unique and acceptable.
Morethanonerestricted flovpassageperbayisevidenceotabnormaldegradation oftheicecondensez.
More than one restricted flov passage per bay is evidence ot abnormal degradation of the ice condensez.
C~'Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, ofeichicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation oftroscoriceontheloverplenumsupportstructures indturningvinesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccmxlation offrostori.cegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegridatioa oftheicecondenser.
C~'At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of eich ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of trosc or ice on the lover plenum support structures ind turning vines is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accmxlation of frost or i.ce greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degridatioa of the ice condenser.
d.Atleastonceper40monthsbyliftingindvisuallyinspecting theaccessibLe portionsofatleasttvoi.cebasketsfromeach1/3ottheicecondenser indverifying thattheicebasketsizetreeofdetrimental structural veer,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedaclease12feetforthisinspection.
d.At least once per 40 months by lifting ind visually inspecting the accessibLe portions of at least tvo i.ce baskets from each 1/3 ot the ice condenser ind verifying that the ice baskets ize tree of detrimental structural veer, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised ac lease 12 feet for this inspection.
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/46-36AMENDMENT NOPP,125 CONTAItPENT SYSTEMSBASES3/4.6.4COMBUSTIBLE GASCONTROLThcOPERABILITY oftheequipment andsystemsrequiredforthedetec'-'ion andcontrolof.hydrogengasensures'thatthisequipment will.'beavailable tomafntafnthehydrogenconcentration withincontainment belowitsflaim-,ible limitduringpost-LOCA conditions.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 3/4 6-36 AMENDMENT NO PP,125 CONTAItPENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL Thc OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detec'-'ion and control of.hydrogen gas ensures'that this equipment will.'be available to mafntafn the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flaim-,ible limit during post-LOCA conditions.
Eitherrecombfner unitfscapableofcontrolling theexpectedhydrogengeneration associated with1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radfolytfc decomposition ofwaterand3)corrosion ofmetalswithincontainment.
Either recombfner unit fs capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radfolytfc decomposition of water and 3)corrosion of metals within containment.
Thesehydrogencontrolsystemsare'onsisfMt~fth-the recammendrtfons-of Regubitory
These hydrogen control systems ar e'onsisfMt~fth-the recammendrtfons-of Regubitory.Gu&c..l;7,."Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations fn Containment Following a LOCA", March lg71.3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that.thc overall system will bc available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit thc containment peak pressure transient to 1ess than 12 psfg during LOCA conditions.
'/ ICE BED B 3/4 6-.4 Amendment Na, 1 The OPERABILITY of bed ensyres that the required fce inven-tory will 1)be distributed evenly through th~contafnment bays, 2)con-tain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump follow-ing the LOCA and 3)contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume.re1eased during a LOCA.'These conditions are'.consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.The minimum~eight figure of 1220 pounds of ice per basket contains a 10>>conservative aliowa'nce for ice.loss through sublimation which is a factor of 10 higher than assumed for the fce co~denser design.In the'vent that observed sublimation.rates
"ControlofCombustible GasConcentrations fnContainment Following aLOCA",Marchlg71.3/4.6.5ICECONDENSER Therequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethat.thcoverallsystemwillbcavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthccontainment peakpressuretransient to1essthan12psfgduringLOCAconditions.
'hre equal to or lower than design, predict/ons after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets~eight may be adjusted downward.In addition', the number of fce baskets required to be weighted each j.8 months may'e reduced after'3.years of'peration if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimatfon'data,'
'/ ICEBEDB3/46-.4Amendment Na,1TheOPERABILITY ofthc.icebedensyresthattherequiredfceinven-torywill1)bedistributed evenlythroughth~contafnment bays,2)con-tainsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontainment sumpfollow-ingtheLOCAand3)containsufficient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolume.re1eased duringaLOCA.'Theseconditions are'.consistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
Theminimum~eightfigureof1220poundsoficeperbasketcontainsa10>>conservative aliowa'nce forice.lossthroughsublimation whichisafactorof10higherthanassumedforthefceco~denser design.Inthe'ventthatobservedsublimation.rates
of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for.monitoring the fce temperature..
'hreequaltoorlowerthandesign,predict/ons afterthreeyearsofoperation, theminimumicebaskets~eightmaybeadjusteddownward.
In" the event thc monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that thc ice bed heat removal capacity retafnei within the specified time limits.D.C.COOK-UNIT 2 P+5'I'I~cgC}}
thenumberoffcebasketsrequiredtobeweightedeachj.8monthsmay'ereducedafter'3.yearsof'peration ifsuchareduction issupported byobservedsublimatfon'data,'
oftheicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability isavailable for.monitoring thefcetemperature..
In"theeventthcmonitoring systemisinoperable, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thatthcicebedheatremovalcapacitywill.beretafneiwithinthespecified timelimits.D.C.COOK-UNIT2 P+5'I'I~cgC}}

Revision as of 08:23, 6 July 2018

Proposed Tech Specs,2 & 3,changing Ice Condenser Bed SR from 9 Months to 18 Months
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Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1993
Shared Package
ML17331B069 List:
NUDOCS 9311190298
Download: ML17331B070 (15)


Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:1193 Existing Technical Specifications for Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Marked to Reflect Proposed Changes 9311190298 931115 PDR ADOCK" 0500031 5'-P PDR I~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~all~~~~~~~~~~~~'I~~~'~~~~'~I'I~~~~~~I~~~~I~~~~'I~~~'~'~~~~~~~~~'~'~~~~~~I I~~~~,,~,~~~I~~~'~~~~~~\~

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMEHTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot, be obtained for weighing)within each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be'eighed.

The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 958 level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1-bays 1 through 8, Group 2-bays 9 through 16, and Group 3-bays 17 through 24.The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 954 level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,371;450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least two flow passages per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and on flow passages between ice baskets and past.lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flow passage per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flow passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.

If these additional flow passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.

More than one restricted flow passage per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

C.At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

d.At breast once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting.the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT NO.l08, f21, 138, 144

~i I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~I~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~I~I~~~~~~%0~~I E

COm~~STS~SUI VKZILAN&M~BAHTS Continued shal 1 be constituted of one basket each from~diaL RNts 1~2~4y 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same roe of an ad5acent bay if a basket fxom a designated xov cannot be obtained fox" veighiag)vithin~ach bay.Zf aay basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice.a xepresentative sample of 20 additioaal baskets'rom the same bay shall b>>veighed.The minimum average veight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall aot be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95%level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 grcnzpa of baskets, as follovs: Croup 1-bays 1 through 4, Croup 2-bays 9 through 16, and Croup 3-bays 17 through 24.The minimum average ice veight of th>>sample baskets frcna Radial hnrs 1, 2, 4, 6, b and 9 in each gxoup shalL aot be less than 1220 pounds/basket at, a 95%level of confidence.

The minimum totaL ice condensez ice veight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket reights determined during this veighing pzogram and shall not be less than 2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection oi at least xvo flov passages per ice condenser bay, that the acc elation of fzost ox ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and oa flov passages betveen ice baskets aad past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.Zt one flow passage pex bay i.s found to have an accumulation of frost ox ice gzeater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flov passages from the same bay shall be visuaLLy inspected.

If these additional flov passages ax'e found acceptable, the surveillance pzogram may px'oceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.

More thaa one restx'icted flov passage pez bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condensex.

C~'ht least once per Ld months by verifying, by a visual inspectioa, of<<ach ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of fzost or ice on the lover plenum support structuxes and tuzaing vance is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost ox'ce greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradatioa of the ice condenser.

d.At least once pez 40 months by lifting and vt.sually inspecting the accessible portions of at least tvo ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser snd verifying that the ice baskets aze fx'ee of detrimental structuzal veer, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be rai.sed at least 12 feat for this inspection.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 3/4 6-36 AMENDMENT NO)P,125 CONTAI QlENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems requir ed for the detec-tion and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will'be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions.

Either rccombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radiolytic decomposition of water and 3)corrosion of metals within containment.

These hydrogen control systems arons7st>ht~it'h-theŽrccommendrtions-of ReguUrtory..Guile..l;7,"Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a lOCA", March 1971.3/C.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The r equirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensur e that.thc overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

B 3/4 6-.4 amendment No, 1 3/ I CE BED The OPERABILITY of the,ice bed ensures that the required ice inven-tory will 1)be distributed evenly through th~containment bays, 2)con-tain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump follow-ing the LOCA and 3)contain suf,icient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA.These conditions arc'.consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.The minimum+eight figure of 1220 pounds of ice per basket contains a 10>>conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation which is a factor of 10 higher than assumed fot the ice condenser design.In the event that observed sublimation.

rates'are equal to or lower than de'sign'redictions after three years'f operation, the minimum ice baskets weight.may be adjusted downward.In addition', the number of ice baskets.required to be weighted each gI8months may'e reduced after'3.years of'pera ion if such a r eduction is supported by observed sublimation

'data.' ICE BED TEHPERATURE HONITORING SYSTEH The OPERABILITY-of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability fs available for.monitoring the ice temperature.

Inthe event the monitoring system is inoperablc, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity retainei within the specified time limits.D.C.COOK-UNIT 2 k,'I E Attachment 3 to AEP:NRC:1193 Proposed Technical Specifications for Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2


CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIMDKNTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing)within each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additSonal baskets from the same bay shall be'eighed.

The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95$level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1-bays 1 through 8, Group 2-bays 9 through 16, and Group 3-bays 17 through 24.The mSnimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 954 level of confidence.

The mininmn total Sce condenser ice weight at a 95%level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weS.ghts determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,371',450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspectS.on of at least two flow passages per Sce condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the top deck floor grating, on the intermediate deck and on flow passages between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flow passage per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 addi.tional flow passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.

If these additional flow passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.

More than one restricted flow passage per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

c~At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

d.At breast once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT NO.108, f21, 138i 144


~VZZXLANCX RE UIEErfEHTS Continued shall be constituted of oae basket each from Radial Loca 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or tzoa the same rov of an ad)aceat bay if a basket from a designated rov cannot be obtained tor veighing)vithin each bay.If any basket is found to contain less than 1220 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additioaal baskets from the same biy shall be veighed.The minimums average veight of ice troa the 20 addi.tional baskets ind the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1220 pounds/basket at a 95%level of confidence.

The i.ce condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, is follovs: Czoup 1-bays 1 thzough 8, Croup 2-bays 9 through 16, aad'Croup 3-bays 17 through 24.The aCaima average ice veight of the sample baskets from kadial kcnrs 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 iad 9 in each group shall not be less chan 1220 pounds/basket ac a 95%level of confi.dence.

The minimum total i.ce condenser ice vei.ghc, at a 95%level of confidence shill be calculated using all ice basket reights determined during this veighing program ind shall not be less thin 2,371,450 pounds.3.Verifying, by a visual inspection oi ic least tvo flov passages pez i,ce condenser bay, that the acc elation of frost or ice on che top deck floor grating, on the'ncermediate deck and on flov passages becveen ice baskets ind past liccice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.If one flov passage per biy is found to have an accumulation of troat or ice gzeacer than this thi.ckness, i representacive sample of 20 addi.tioaal tlov passages from the same bay shall be visually inspected.

If these additional flov passages are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency is unique and acceptable.

More than one restricted flov passage per bay is evidence ot abnormal degradation of the ice condensez.

C~'At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of eich ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of trosc or ice on the lover plenum support structures ind turning vines is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches.An accmxlation of frost or i.ce greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degridatioa of the ice condenser.

d.At least once per 40 months by lifting ind visually inspecting the accessibLe portions of at least tvo i.ce baskets from each 1/3 ot the ice condenser ind verifying that the ice baskets ize tree of detrimental structural veer, cracks, corrosion or other damage.The ice baskets shall be raised ac lease 12 feet for this inspection.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 3/4 6-36 AMENDMENT NO PP,125 CONTAItPENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL Thc OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detec'-'ion and control of.hydrogen gas ensures'that this equipment will.'be available to mafntafn the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flaim-,ible limit during post-LOCA conditions.

Either recombfner unit fs capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radfolytfc decomposition of water and 3)corrosion of metals within containment.

These hydrogen control systems ar e'onsisfMt~fth-the recammendrtfons-of Regubitory.Gu&c..l;7,."Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations fn Containment Following a LOCA", March lg71.3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that.thc overall system will bc available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit thc containment peak pressure transient to 1ess than 12 psfg during LOCA conditions.

'/ ICE BED B 3/4 6-.4 Amendment Na, 1 The OPERABILITY of bed ensyres that the required fce inven-tory will 1)be distributed evenly through th~contafnment bays, 2)con-tain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump follow-ing the LOCA and 3)contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume.re1eased during a LOCA.'These conditions are'.consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.The minimum~eight figure of 1220 pounds of ice per basket contains a 10>>conservative aliowa'nce for ice.loss through sublimation which is a factor of 10 higher than assumed for the fce co~denser design.In the'vent that observed sublimation.rates

'hre equal to or lower than design, predict/ons after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets~eight may be adjusted downward.In addition', the number of fce baskets required to be weighted each j.8 months may'e reduced after'3.years of'peration if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimatfon'data,'


of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for.monitoring the fce temperature..

In" the event thc monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that thc ice bed heat removal capacity retafnei within the specified time limits.D.C.COOK-UNIT 2 P+5'I'I~cgC