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* aV- il
* SA sTA CRUZGeorge E. Miller IRVINE, CA 92697-2025Senior Lecturer Emeritus (949) 824-6649 or 824-6082Department of Chemistry and FAX: (949) 824-8571Director, Nuclear Reactor Facility email: gemiller@uci.eduFaculty Advisor for Science, UCI Center for Education PartnershipsAugust 1st, 2011US Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDocument Control DeskWashington DC 20555Attention: Linh Tran, Senior Project ManagerFrancis DiMeglio, Senior Project ManagerRe: Docket 50-326 Relicense, RAI dated April 5, 2011 (TAC ME1579),additional response material -extension granted to August 1", 2011.Dear Ms Tran, Mr DiMeglio:A response was sent on June 24h to the referenced RAI. One remaining itemrequested was revision of the MHA discussion. A response is contained herein,along with other items discussed at our meeting in June.:A. Attached is a complete revision of SAR 13.2 addressing the MHA for the UCIReactor Facility and removing material from the 1968/1999 SAR that is no longerrequired.The following changes to the input data were incorporated:1. An increase in the total volume of the reactor room area used since the two labareas are not separated in air volume, from 5 x 108 cm3 to 6.6 x 108 cm3.2. An increase in the number of fuel elements across which the fission productinventory is distributed from 70 to 80 elements.3. A decrease in the peak to average power density from 1.6 to 1.45 according torecent neutronic calculations submitted earlier.These three revisions have the net effect of reducing the exposure risks associatedwith the MHA by 30%.4. The newly revised ventilation system (described in an attachment of revised SARsection 3.6) increases the dilution of reactor effluent from an assumed factor of40 used in the former SAR to a certain factor of almost 100. In addition thisplume is even further removed from public (or other personnel) potential access.This reduces the potential exposure risk to off-site persons.5. A new section 1132.4.2 addresses the potential for exposure to personnel in areasadjacent to the reactor during the MHA. These results are much lower, in disagreement with the assessment submitted in the facility original SAR, but theerror made then does not seem to be reproduced in this analysis.Our lower dose risk assessments are submitted herewith. However because these arerecent conclusions, based on simplified models, we have requested external reviewof these conclusions by General Atomic. The results are not yet available, but whentheir assessments are available, we will immediately submit them to NRC, howeverwe believe the present conclusions will be supported, and perhaps even lowered bytheir, more detailed, analysis.B. A revised section addressing the argon-41 production and release at thefacility is attached. This is in support of the proposed technical specification 3.7.2.setting the Argon-41 release concentration limit when released to the buildingexhaust to Ix 10.6 microcuries/mL.C. Two revisions to the proposed Technical Specifications for the facility that waslast reviewed in June are attached. The complete Technical Specifications have nowreceived approval from the UCI Reactor Operations Committee.(1) revision to the argon concentration limit in TS. 3.7.2, as mentioned.(2) revision to the surveillance for the seismic scram switch in TS 4.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and the attached are trueand correct to my knowledge.Executed on August 1st, 2011Dr. George E. Miller University of California -Irvine (UCAILicense No. R -116Docket No. 05000326Response to RAIs Dated April 5, 2011 (TAC ME1579), Additional Response Material -Extension Granted to August 1st, 2011Redacted Version*Security-Related Information Removed* Redacted text and figures blacked out or denoted by brackets.
UCI SAR Revision 20116.3.2.2 Argon-41In the UCINRF only the pneumatic tube system, the central thimble, and the rotary specimenrack contain air. There are no permanent beam tubes or exposure rooms. 41Ar is produced byneutron capture by 40Ar in the air and is the most significant hazard during normal operation. Asa noble gas with a short half-life, argon-41 contributes to internal and external exposure fromcloud submersion, but not to any committed dose.Experience with this and other TRIGA reactors has shown that no detectable release of 41Aroccurs from the rotary specimen rack or the central thimble during full power operation becausethere is no significant "flushing" of these regions. A small amount is released from the poolwater.The pneumatic tube (PT) systems discharge directly into the main reactor room exhaust duct.The concentration in the diluted discharge of the main PT system has been measured to be 6 x1 0" microcuries/mL with the PT blower running and the reactor operating at 250 kilowatts. Theflow rate of this discharge is I x 108 mL per minute. Measurements were also made of 4tAr overthe pool water after the reactor had been operated for several hours. Based on dilution estimatesthis is found to add less than 1 x 10-8 microcurie per mL to the exhaust discharge. Thus theestimated maximum release rate from the facility exhaust during pneumatic transfer systemoperation is 7 x 10"8 microcuries per mL, and with reactor operation without the PT in use is 1 x10-8 microcuries/mL.For comparison, the I OCFR 20 Appendix B values for 41Ar are:Table 1, Col. 3: DAC (inhalation) = 3 x 10-6 microcuries/mLTable 2, Col. 1: Air (effluent) = 1 x 10"8 microcuries/mLIn terms of occupational exposure, the individual in the reactor room could be in a localconcentration at the DAC directly over the pool during prolonged reactor operation. In the mainarea, the concentration is at I x 10-8 Vc/mL only, so TEDE from this source is acceptable. Argon-41 Dispersion in the AtmosphereIt was calculated above that the maximum release of 41Ar into the building exhaust flow is at aconcentration of 7 x 10-8 ptc/mL. It is shown in SAR section 3.6.1 that the building ventilationsystem provides a dilution by at least a factor of 100 when operational. Furthermore theventilation design extends the plume height to an effective 120 feet above roof level compared tothe 24 foot height of the actual mechanical fan system. Thus release is achieved at a height aboveground level of well over 200 feet. Thus the calculated maximum plume concentration isapproximately 7 x 10- 1° pc/mL, well below the 1OCRF20 Appendix B limit of 1 x 10.8 ptc/mL.This is only when the pneumatic transfer system is operating. Continuous operation of thereactor itself results in a concentration of only 1 x 10-°10 pc/mL.SAR Rev 3,7/2011 6-I UCINRF: Engineered Safety FeaturesSAR Rev 3, 7/20116-1UCINPLF: Engineered Safety Features To estimate the hazard to the community of such a constant source of gaseous activity requiresthe assumption of a Gaussian form for the plume dispersion', certain values for the diffusionparameters and a mean wind velocity corresponding to a certain meteorological condition. Thismethod tends to give a conservative account since it is improbable that such parameters willremain constant over long periods of time. Any variation will tend to reduce the dose received atany particular location away from the source.In order to obviate some uncertainty, an attempt is made to establish a lower limit of exposure byplacing a CaSQ4/Dy environmental dosimeter pack at the effluent stack to represent the exposurethat an individual at that location would receive. The pack is exchanged and read quarterly.Within the limits of error, the readings over many years have been consistently within theexpected background variation (approximately 10 mrem computed annually). This meets therequirement of 20.1101 (d) without invoking dilution from mixing beyond the exhaust plume.For reporting purposes, computations are made each year based on the conservative assumptionthat all reactor runs are at ull ower. The number of minutes of PT operation is recorded, andthe full annual production of Ar computed from the measurements of local concentrationslisted above. The upgrade of the ventilation system carried out in December 2010 has providedeven greater assurance of dilution before release to the environment. Prior to this, assumptionswere made that dilution of a factor of 40 was likely. Now, the dilution of 100 is assured, and therelease is at a greater height of 200 feet (almost 10 meters) above ground level.The maximum release value is attained only during operation of the pneumatic transfer system,typically for less than 500 minutes per year. Regular steady state operation generates less than1/7th of that amount. Concentration of 41Ar at the Air Intakes of Rowland Hall.The safety of persons inside the building must also be considered. The possibility ofcontamination of the air taken into the main building by the reactor effluent is considered here.The new ventilation system of Rowland Hall was specifically designed to carry and dilute fumesfrom fume hood vents from chemistry research and teaching laboratories, and avoid anybackflow or recycle into the building air in order to meet OSHA standards. Because of theintense odor of certain chemicals, failure of the system is readily detectable! The system iscontinuously monitored at the UCI Central Plant and alarms provide alerts in the event of failureor reduced performance. The provision of flow rate and pressure differential information in thereactor control room enable establishment of ventilation performance as limiting conditions foroperation of the reactor so that operations will be discontinued in the event of any ventilationsystem malfunction.These changes and policies help to assure that air from the reactor ventilation is diluted and keptaway from this and other local buildings.F. A. Gifford, Nuclear Safety, V. 2, No. 2, Dec. 1960, p. 56, and Nuclear Safety, Vol. 2, No, 4, July 1961, p. 47.SAR Rev 3, 7/20116-2UCINRF: Engineered Safety Features 3.6 VENTILATION SYSTEM3.6.1 Normal OperationThe ventilation system for this area is diagrammed in Fig. 3-1. In normal operation, fresh air isdrawn into the building at the service floor level via two air handling units equipped with filtersand hot and chilled water coils. The airflow is split to form a hot and cold deck supplydistribution system for the building. Three supply valves supply the control room, the reactorroom and the rear laboratories respectively. A local thermostat controls mixing dampers at theentrance to each supply area to maintain room temperature. Temperatures and static pressures inthe main supply ducts are maintained by automatic controls.on the Phoenix valve flow dampers.Exhaust ducts are controlled in a similar manner to maintain the negative pressures requirements.The complete system is under the control of the Central Plant which is manned 24 hours a day.In the reactor area system, in addition to the mixing control dampers, static pressure controllerregulates the supply air to the reactor room so that the negative pressure requirement is met; anadditional controller operates in emergency mode as described below.The system of supply and exhaust controllers operates 24/7 but provision is made for loweringexhaust and supply flow rates during periods when the facility is unoccupied. This change-overis accomplished manually using an intelligent control box in the control room. The negativepressure differential is maintained in both occupied and unoccupied modes.When the facility is occupied, and/or the reactor is in operation, the main reactor area exhaust isdesigned to provide a minimum total exhaust flow rate of 3500 cfm , with the fume hood addingover 500 cfm, for a total of over 4,000 cfm. Dilution of the exhaust from the facility and otherbuilding laboratories is provided at the roof level by the three building exhaust fans diagrammedin Fig. 3-1 and shown in detail in Fig. 3-2. The exhaust fans installed are 66 inch diameter highplume fan model Axijet-S 6600 which provide exhaust flow rates of 80,000 cfm. The fan designprovides an upward induced inflow of an additional 48,000 cfm of roof air for a combined totalof 128,000 cfm. This extends the plume height to an effective 120 feet above roof levelcompared to the 24 foot height of the mechanical system. In full normal operation, a dilutionfactor of 3 x 128,000/4,000 or a factor of 96 is achieved at a height above ground level of over200 feet. If any discharge, such as that from the pneumatic transfer system blower, is only intothe main exhaust, the dilution is by a factor of.1 10. Because the building houses many chemicallaboratories, the system design is provided to assure little likelihood of personnel exposure dueto feedback of chemical fumes, including radioactive materials, either directly, or into buildingair intakes which are at building ground level.M The flow rates and room pressure differential values aredisplayed locally and at the Central Plant.ONEM30iteThe local display is illustrated here. The upper unit shows thepressure differentials, the lower unit displays flow rates,temperatures, and other system information.
NEW AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION PLAN(DEC, 20 10)CU_____ IMP.INk, Vi11 AIN~ MAAI40I OiNEW VENTILATION SYSTEM CONTROL SCHEMATIC(DEC. 2010)Figure: 3-1 Reactor facility ventilation and air conditioning system 125.131 -284.666.91o72 10113.2Sye. No. LEF:1 i 3'2 EF-3Drawiing tf ~Revision IAir performanceModelFen SizeDia.[in)CFM.BHIPRPM.0 .........NV 72 tonTF ¶ 1ý28000 JcmICfl7-S P171rjALT-ý 0 1fteeltCLASS 11 WHEELIi oI~ -ro[W lw NV-Narllk. veocay: i~iqDl F~tt.ri~vo I angfl¶IE h .IS .T,pGI-.474.N.char.. .IOO ........C~ M+ GF.M-13P... .......S0000 I 000ur I ý,(XXKIFigure 3-2 Rowland. Hall roof exhaust fan Axijet S 6600 details 3.6.2 Emergency operationIn the unlikely event of an accidental release of particulate or gaseous radioactivity into thereactor room air it is desirable that this should be exhausted slowly to the atmosphere to allowdilution, and filtered to remove any radioactive particulates. Thus an emergency purge exhaustis installed, actuated by a signal from a continuous air particulate monitor (CAM describedbelow (3.7.1)). Emergency mode can also be actuated via a push button on the control console.In emergency mode, air is exhausted from the reactor room at a rate of about 250 cfm through aMagnamedia Beryllium-collector style filter. At the same time, supply valves (Fig. 3-i) to thereactor room and laboratories are closed and the regular reactor room exhaust and the fume hoodexhaust control valves are closed. The pneumatic transfer system blower is disabled, and audioand visual alarms indicate that an emergency condition has been actuated. Flow rates can bemonitored at the control room ventilation system controller to assure this has been accomplished.In the emergency condition, air inflow is only the natural leakage rate of the area. This should beless than the 250 cfm exhaust capacity so that a small negative pressure differential ismaintained. This can be validated at the system display in the control room.
3.7.2 EffluentsApplicability. This specification applies to the release rate of 4 1Ar.Objective. To assure that concentration of 4Ar in accessible unrestricted areas shall bebelow the applicable limits of 10 CFR Part 20.Specification. The annual average concentration of 4 Ar released into the buildingexhaust shall not exceed I x 10o6 Ci/mL.Basis. It is shown in sections 3.6.1 and of the SAR that.dilutionof at least a factorof. 00, is provided by the building-exhaust fan system during normal reactor operation.and further that the discharge plume. is at an inaccessible location and would experienceadditional dilution -before any exposure to an. individual would be experienced .: This willa .assure that the requirement of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table:2 for releaseto unrestrictedareas of a .concentration of4' Ar no greater than: I x. 10"' .pCi/mL is met.4.2 Reactor Control and Safety SystemsApplicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the reactorcontrol and safety systems.Objective. The objective is to verify performance and operability of those systems andcomponents which are directly related to reactor safety.Specifications.a. A channel calibration shall be made of the power level monitoring channels bythe calorimetric method annually.b. Control rod. drop (scram) times for all Tfur control rods shall be determinedannually.c. All control rods shall be visually inspected for deterioration quinquennially.d. The transient (pulse) rod pneumatic cylinders and the associated air supplysystems shall be inspected annually, and cleaned and lubricated if necessary.e. On each day that pulse mode operation ofthe reactor is planned, a functionalperformance check of the transient (pulse). rod system shall be performed.f. A channel test of each of the reactor safety system channels, shall be'performedprior to each dayis operation or prior to'each operation extending more than oneday.
: g. A channel verificationof the settings of the seismic switch shall be performed.annually or as soon as possible after observation or report of a seismic event ofsufficient magnitude to trip the switch.h. A calibration of the fuel temperature measuring channel shall be performedannually.Basis. The control rods are inspected and drop times checked to assure safe scram operations.The surveillance intervals for those and the channel surveillances are selected based. on the pasthistory for over 40 years at this facility and are adequate to correct for long term drifts and otherinstrument problems.[Note 1 : the seismic switch manuthcturer makes no recommendation for recalibration andbelieves accelerometer settings remain effective for the life of the device.][Note 2: the daily test of the seismic switch involves creating a simulated seismic event bytapping on the switch and initiating a reactor scram signal invoking a control rod scram. Thisestablishes operational functionality and is more than a channel check.]
13.2 Maximum Hypothetical Accident (MHA) -Rupture of Single Fuel Element in Air.13.2.1. SummaryThe MHA for TR!GA reactors has been adopted (NUREG-1537) to be the release of fissionproducts from a single fuel element whose cladding has been stripped. This is analyzed bothunder water and in air. The assumption for the MHA is made that maximum fission productinventory has been achieved in the most active fuel element, i.e., that the reactor has beenoperating for an infinite time period prior to the release. This is obviously a highly conservativeassumption for the UCI reactor which has operated on a very intermittent schedule since it wascommissioned. The actual likelihood for such a complete rupture event is very small, but is notfurther considered here. This section examines the consequences of the postulated MHA. Themost significant activity released from the perspective of personal exposure risk is that of iodineisotopes since this delivers exposure to the thyroid gland. Direct radiation is also considered forrisk to any occupants of adjacent areas not subject to risk from the volatile materials.The released radioactivity is the product of the fission product inventory and the release fraction.Consideration is then given to the exposure risk to personnel within the facility, those insurrounding spaces including laboratories or offices, and release beyond the building via thebuilding ventilation system. Factors included are the facility volume, the ventilation purge rateand an estimated plating factor for iodine radio-nuclides on walls and facility structures whichwill reduce inhalation exposures.The total number of fission product nuclei present from the fuel was estimated from Blomekeand Todd' and the release fraction was used from NUREG 1282. The modest levels predicted inthe MHA come about as a result of the very low value of fission product release fractionestablished for TRIGA fuel elements that have stripped their cladding.13.2.2. Fission Product InventoryThe inventory of fission product gases, halogens and noble gases in the B-ring fuel element inwhich the average power density is 1.45 times greater than the core average, was determined byassuming infinite operation at 250 kw with N elements in the core.Using the data developed by Blomeke and Todd2 results in the volatile fission products compiledin Table 13-1.Two groups of gaseous fission products are recognized. The first comprises bromine and iodineisotopes that will dissolve if water is present, and be airborne if it is not. The second groupcomprises the insoluble volatiles: krypton and xenon isotopes. The second are the major sourceof radioactivity in the room (and outside) if the unclad element were to be under water.J. 0. Blomeke and Mary F. Todd, "U-235 Fission Product Production as a Function of Thermal Neutron Flux,Irradiation Time and Decay Time", ORNL- 2127.2 J. 0. Blomeke and Mary F. Todd, "U-235 Fission Product Production as a Function of the Thermal NeutronFlux,'lrradiation Time, and Decay Time", ORNL-2127, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1957-November 1958.Page 1 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 TABLE 13-1GASEOUS FISSION PRODUCTS IN MAXIMUM POWER FUEL ELEMENT 250 kwSATURATEDACTIVITY-Page 2 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 20111 Fission Product Release FractionThe effect of a fuel element rupture resulting in a release of fission products from a B -ring fuelelement was evaluated in the 1968 SAR. More recently the issue of fission product releasefraction for TRIGA fuel3 was reviewed. The value proposed remains the same, so that theearlier analysis remains valid. The potential release is the product of the Fission ProductInventory and the Release Fraction.NUREG-1 282 quotes a release fraction of 1 x i 0-5 that has been measured for 8.5% uraniumTRIGA fuel. Some indications in experiments are that the release increases with fueltemperature. As a result, facilities have adoptedrelease fraction = 1.5 x 105as an appropriate value for hypothetical use.Multiplying this release fraction by the inventory of gaseous fission products produced in themaximum power fuel element, as given in Table 13-1, gives the total activity that would bereleased should the integrity of a fuel element cladding be compromised. These values areshown in Table 13-2Table 13-2 Releases from Maximum Power Fuel Element Unclad in AirTotal Total ReleasedCuries (Curies)Noble GasesIodine mHalogens m13.2.3 Pool Water Activity if Rupture is Under Water.We review briefly the course of events if the rupture did occur in water in which case thesoluble (Group halogen products will remain in the water, totaling ý curies, orimicrocuriesSince the volume of water in the reactor pool is f lcm , the activit concentration ismj^.c/cm3 3 Bq/mL) In 24 hours the activity would decrease t c/cmiBq/mL). The activity remains moderately high because of the small decay constants for 1-129, I-131, and 1-133. The demineralizer can be used to safely concentrate these for subsequentdisposal. 20 millicuries of activity on the resin is a readily handled quantity by trainedpersonnel. Thus the personnel exposure consequences of such an incident are relatively minor.13.2.4 Predicted Exposures to Personnel Inside the Reactor Room if Rupture in Air.3 USNRC, Safety Evaluation Report on High Uranium Content, Low Enriched Uranium-Zirconium HydrideFuels for TRIGA Reactor, NUREG-1282, August 1987Page 3 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 Direct External Personnel Exposure.The maximum exposure to a person in the reactor room will occur if the fission products from aruptured element are distributed within the room and no air change occurs. The key parameter isthe room air volume in which the fission products will be mixed. This is calculated to be 6.6 x108 cm3.The total release of noble gases is ý curies, or
* microcuries and the volume ofthe reactor room is 6.6 x 108 cm3 so that the concentration on mixing i ýmicrocuries/cm3, oU Bq/cm3.If this is assumed to be an infinite cloud around a person for dose rate calculation, then theformula4 to use for external beta and gamma ray dose equivalent rate isif = 0.26 S Ey + 0.23 S Ep rem/secWhere:S = source strength in Ci/cm3  C,/cm3.Ey = mean gamma ray energy in MeV = 1.0 MeV assumed (see table 11.3, ref 4)Ep = mean beta energy in MeV = 0.4 MeV assumed (see table 11.3, ref 4)The result is 1.7 x 10-11 Rem/sec. More conveniently this is converted to mr/h by multiplying by1000 x 3600 or 3.6 x 10 6, yielding a prediction of a negligible dose equivalent rate of 6 x 10-mr/h. Including the halogens increases this to 1 x 104" mr/h, less than 1 microrem/h. The factthat this exposure is so small is attributed to the low operating power, an extremely small fissionproduct release fraction, and the large volume of the reactor area for dilution. If, in thehypothesized accident, the water were to be absent from the pool, the volume for dilution wouldbe increased by a further 10%, reducing the exposure still further. However, with the waterpresent, halogens are likely to be absorbed rapidly into the water leaving only the noble gases inthe source term.The controlling factor for personnel exposure will be a longer term dose to the thyroid from thehalogen activity, specifically iodine. Thyroid Exposure.The decay rate of halogens Bq/mL) will accumulate rapidly on the Continuous Air MonitorAM) filter which has a flow rate of 30L/min, or 500 mL/sec. Thus in Isecond,Bq should be collected. Assuming a typical counting efficiency of 9%, the count ratewould already be 8100 cpm which will alarm the instrument (alarm is set to 5,000 cpm), switchto emergency purge ventilation, and indicate the room should be evacuated.Once the emergency purge exhaust is operating, venting air at the rate of at least 240 clm, thedose rate to any person remaining in the reactor room will decrease.The dose to the thyroid can be calculated at any time (t) from54 J. R. Lamarsh, and A.J. Baratta, "Introduction to Nuclear Engineering", 3Pd edition, Prentice hall, New Jersey,2001, page 654-656.5 J. J. DiNunno et al., "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites", TID-14844, 1962.Page 4 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 (5.92x10 2)A-faf _ e-%eitDm = (rads)where, A, = inhaled iodine, in curiesfa = fraction which is deposited in critical organE = effective energy absorbed by thyroid perdisintegration (Mev)= effective decay constant, comprising bothradioactive decay and biological eliminationm = mass of the thyroid in gramsin a long time, t = o, and using Te (= 0.693/2,e), the equation becomes:(8. 54xi02 )A~faETeD -= (rads)m= constant x A -iEiTeiiwhere the parameters are for the ith isotope.The inhaled iodine is given byA~i = RR *Vwhere -is the activity concentration, and R the breathingVrate for time t. If r is made equal to I sec, then= (8.54xi02 )faR AiEiTei (rads/sec)m vFor the standard man6  f, = 0.23m = 20 gramsR = 10m3/8 hr= 3.47 x 10-4 m3sec-1and the value of the constant is thus 3.41 x 10"3.The data necessary for the summation are in the cited reference7, and the necessary activity6 "Report of ICRP Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation (1959)," Health Physics 3, June 1960.7 J. J. DiNunno et al., "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites", TID-14844, 1962.Page 5 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 concentrations are calculated from Table 13-1 using 1.5 x 10-5 for the release fraction. Thesummation for 1-131 through 1-136 yields a value for D, = 0.36 rad/sec.In Oregon State University's SAR, they adopted a method which suggests halogen release platesout to reduce the airborne concentrations to less than 25% of the initial release.With this assumption, the revised dose rate expected to the thyroid in the unlikely event of a fuelelement cladding rupture in air, is 0.25 x 0.36 rads/second = 0.09 rads/second. If the water in thepool is assumed to be present there is a high likelihood that this will rapidly absorb the majorityof halogens from the air and reduce the source for thyroid exposure to an individual in thefacility to even less than 25% of that released.Given a 2 minute evacuation time for personnel from the facility, the revised maximum doseestimate is 11 Rads to the thyroid.Given that 50 rem to the thyroid is a limiting annual exposures a person will have a longer timethan 2 minutes to evacuate. This is a very conservative estimate since in addition to thecomments made above that would reduce exposure, infinite operation at full power prior to theaccident was assumed. Nor was credit taken for operation of the room emergency purge exhaustwhich will also act to reduce the dose received.13.2.5 Predicted Exposure Outside the BuildingOn detection of release of radioactive fission products into the reactor room, the continuous airmonitor will close the normal exhaust and start the emergency purge. The room air will then beexhausted through a filter at 240 cfm (0.113 m3/sec) which will not remove the noble gases andmay not remove all the iodine isotopes released. However, credit may also be taken for plate-outon surfaces of the iodine isotopes.The ventilation system (SAR Section 3.6) discharges the emergency purge exhaust into the mainbuilding exhaust which has three exhaust fans designed to create a flow of 3 x 80,000 cfm,further diluted to 3 x 128,000 cfm at a height of 120 feet above the building roof by means ofAxijet structures. From that point, natural dispersion, aided by the jet stream, will further dilutethe effluents.From the above, it is reasonable to assume a conservative dilution of the exhaust effluent by afactor of 384,000/240 = 1.6 x 103 Using this, and assuming no climatic or other dilution outsidethe building exhaust flow,.the maximum dose to an individual's thyroid may be calculated.The calculation assumes:(1) Complete mixing in the reactor room at all times(2) The person is immersed in the effluent from the building exhaust flow in which theconcentration of radioactivity Xt at any time t is equal to Ct/1.6 x 103 where Ct is theconcentration in the exhaust and in the room.With (1) Ct is given by a simple first order rate law: C, = C rexp-r a]where a = exhaust rate in m3/sec = 0.113 m3/secV = room volume in m3 = 6.6 x 102 m38 IOCFR20.1201(I)(i)Page 6 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 Co = initial concentration, at t = 0the inhaled activity Adt = R. Xt. dt as above and thus the total amount inhaled up to time t isAt= RC' Yexj[- tJt1600.= RC°V 1 -exp(- a t)11600a LVJIf the exposure is for an infinite time,A,, RCoV/a. 1600and, comparing with the previous calculation, the total doseD (rads/sec).V(m3) D (rads/sec) x 6.6x102int D,, 3 o=o1600*a(m3 /sec) 1600 x 0.113= 0.33 radIf the person were to remain in the effluent cloud for only one hour, the corresponding figure isless than 0.2 rad. Thus we may conclude that for a location above the roof of the building incompletely calm conditions, the maximum possible dose to the thyroid from a fission productrelease will be significant. Since the building of the roof is not open to the public, the exhaustplume is over 100 feet above the roof level, and is approximately 100 feet above ground level,the general public would be unable to approach to within over 100 feet of the initial source cloudbefore it becomes further diluted by random or wind-driven plume expansion and dilution.Gulf General Atomic has developed computer programs which take'allowance both for decayand for further meteorological dilution.9 Calculations using these programs for a similarsituation to that presented here'0 indicate that these factors will reduce the maximum dose to aperson a short distance away from the building by several orders of magnitude. Thus for a slowleak rate from a typical room (a = 1.69 x 10-2 m3/sec) and very stable atmospheric conditions(Pasqual F), hey found predicted exposures of:Whole Body y Thyroid._(millirem) (millirem)Outside Max dose (12 hours) 2.9 x 10" 2.6(General Public)Inside Max dose (1 hour) 6.0 x 10-3 7,000Occupational PersonnelSimilar calculations using more sophisticated programming for MNRC" resulted in exposure9 GA-651 1, "GAD0 SE and GAO SET--Programs to Calculate Environmental Consequences of RadioactivityRelease". GAMD-5939, "PHICHK and PHIBAR programs to Calculate Atmospheric Dispersion".'o Addendum to GA-6499, "Hazards Report for the Oregon State University 250 kw TRIGA Mark 11 reactor--dated June 23, 1965", April 20, 1966.11 SAR, McClellan Nuclear Radiation Facillity, 1999, Chapter 13.Page 7 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 predictions within similar ranges when corrected for their greater source term by roughly a factorof 8. However the UCI greater room size and expanded building ventilation system reduce thecalculated exposure rates significantly.The high variability of local climatic conditions actually prevalent when an accident occurs makeit relatively ineffective to try to predict accident exposures with any greater degree of certainty.It seems very likely that the present predictions will be conservative, and that accidents of thishypothetically very serious nature at this facility will not result in unacceptably hazardousexposures either to personnel in the facility, nor to the general public. Since the probability ofsuch an event could increase during fuel handling operations, in order to further guard against thelikelihood of public exposures, operational regulations at UCINRF preclude the presence of anyinessential or untrained personnel within the facility whenever operations such as fuel handlingare in progress. Events involving handling of irradiated fuel elements in air are subject to evengreater restrictions and personnel training, and include procedures to exclude the public from allareas adjacent to the facility. This was the practice followed during the transfer of one cask loadof irradiated fuel elements into the facility in 1974. The protocol for that procedure is on file forfurther use and inspection.13.2.6 Predicted Exposure to Rowland Hall Occupants Near the FacilityThe calculations presented in section can be applied to assessment of potential exposurein an MHA to individuals located in adjacent areas outside the reactor facility.There is no pathway for airborne activities to reach the adjacent areas of the building, so that thedeep dose rates established in that section for individuals within the facility may be utilized.Such individuals will not be immersed in an infinite cloud of radioactive volatiles, so the facilitymay be considered as a single source. Further only gamma-ray exposures would be experiencedsince the walls and windows are thick enough to absorb all beta radiation. There are no doorsdirectly opening from the facility to adjacent building areas, so no leakage to interior buildingareas is anticipated.Section established a uniform dose rate within the facility of less than 1 microrem/hour.This rate from within the facility would represent no hazard to those in adjacent rooms andhallways, even assuming no distance factors or absorption reductions.Page 8 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011

Revision as of 11:39, 4 April 2018

University of California - Irvine Response to Request for Additional Information Dated April 5, 2011 (TAC ME1579), Additional Response Material - Extension Granted to August 1st, 2011
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 08/01/2011
From: Miller G E
University of California - Irvine
To: DiMeglio A F, Tran L N
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME1579
Download: ML11255A073 (19)



  • aV- il
  • SA sTA CRUZGeorge E. Miller IRVINE, CA 92697-2025Senior Lecturer Emeritus (949) 824-6649 or 824-6082Department of Chemistry and FAX: (949) 824-8571Director, Nuclear Reactor Facility email: gemiller@uci.eduFaculty Advisor for Science, UCI Center for Education PartnershipsAugust 1st, 2011US Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDocument Control DeskWashington DC 20555Attention: Linh Tran, Senior Project ManagerFrancis DiMeglio, Senior Project ManagerRe: Docket 50-326 Relicense, RAI dated April 5, 2011 (TAC ME1579),additional response material -extension granted to August 1", 2011.Dear Ms Tran, Mr DiMeglio:A response was sent on June 24h to the referenced RAI. One remaining itemrequested was revision of the MHA discussion. A response is contained herein,along with other items discussed at our meeting in June.:A. Attached is a complete revision of SAR 13.2 addressing the MHA for the UCIReactor Facility and removing material from the 1968/1999 SAR that is no longerrequired.The following changes to the input data were incorporated:1. An increase in the total volume of the reactor room area used since the two labareas are not separated in air volume, from 5 x 108 cm3 to 6.6 x 108 cm3.2. An increase in the number of fuel elements across which the fission productinventory is distributed from 70 to 80 elements.3. A decrease in the peak to average power density from 1.6 to 1.45 according torecent neutronic calculations submitted earlier.These three revisions have the net effect of reducing the exposure risks associatedwith the MHA by 30%.4. The newly revised ventilation system (described in an attachment of revised SARsection 3.6) increases the dilution of reactor effluent from an assumed factor of40 used in the former SAR to a certain factor of almost 100. In addition thisplume is even further removed from public (or other personnel) potential access.This reduces the potential exposure risk to off-site persons.5. A new section 1132.4.2 addresses the potential for exposure to personnel in areasadjacent to the reactor during the MHA. These results are much lower, in disagreement with the assessment submitted in the facility original SAR, but theerror made then does not seem to be reproduced in this analysis.Our lower dose risk assessments are submitted herewith. However because these arerecent conclusions, based on simplified models, we have requested external reviewof these conclusions by General Atomic. The results are not yet available, but whentheir assessments are available, we will immediately submit them to NRC, howeverwe believe the present conclusions will be supported, and perhaps even lowered bytheir, more detailed, analysis.B. A revised section addressing the argon-41 production and release at thefacility is attached. This is in support of the proposed technical specification 3.7.2.setting the Argon-41 release concentration limit when released to the buildingexhaust to Ix 10.6 microcuries/mL.C. Two revisions to the proposed Technical Specifications for the facility that waslast reviewed in June are attached. The complete Technical Specifications have nowreceived approval from the UCI Reactor Operations Committee.(1) revision to the argon concentration limit in TS. 3.7.2, as mentioned.(2) revision to the surveillance for the seismic scram switch in TS 4.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and the attached are trueand correct to my knowledge.Executed on August 1st, 2011Dr. George E. Miller University of California -Irvine (UCAILicense No. R -116Docket No. 05000326Response to RAIs Dated April 5, 2011 (TAC ME1579), Additional Response Material -Extension Granted to August 1st, 2011Redacted Version*Security-Related Information Removed* Redacted text and figures blacked out or denoted by brackets.

UCI SAR Revision 20116.3.2.2 Argon-41In the UCINRF only the pneumatic tube system, the central thimble, and the rotary specimenrack contain air. There are no permanent beam tubes or exposure rooms. 41Ar is produced byneutron capture by 40Ar in the air and is the most significant hazard during normal operation. Asa noble gas with a short half-life, argon-41 contributes to internal and external exposure fromcloud submersion, but not to any committed dose.Experience with this and other TRIGA reactors has shown that no detectable release of 41Aroccurs from the rotary specimen rack or the central thimble during full power operation becausethere is no significant "flushing" of these regions. A small amount is released from the poolwater.The pneumatic tube (PT) systems discharge directly into the main reactor room exhaust duct.The concentration in the diluted discharge of the main PT system has been measured to be 6 x1 0" microcuries/mL with the PT blower running and the reactor operating at 250 kilowatts. Theflow rate of this discharge is I x 108 mL per minute. Measurements were also made of 4tAr overthe pool water after the reactor had been operated for several hours. Based on dilution estimatesthis is found to add less than 1 x 10-8 microcurie per mL to the exhaust discharge. Thus theestimated maximum release rate from the facility exhaust during pneumatic transfer systemoperation is 7 x 10"8 microcuries per mL, and with reactor operation without the PT in use is 1 x10-8 microcuries/mL.For comparison, the I OCFR 20 Appendix B values for 41Ar are:Table 1, Col. 3: DAC (inhalation) = 3 x 10-6 microcuries/mLTable 2, Col. 1: Air (effluent) = 1 x 10"8 microcuries/mLIn terms of occupational exposure, the individual in the reactor room could be in a localconcentration at the DAC directly over the pool during prolonged reactor operation. In the mainarea, the concentration is at I x 10-8 Vc/mL only, so TEDE from this source is acceptable. Argon-41 Dispersion in the AtmosphereIt was calculated above that the maximum release of 41Ar into the building exhaust flow is at aconcentration of 7 x 10-8 ptc/mL. It is shown in SAR section 3.6.1 that the building ventilationsystem provides a dilution by at least a factor of 100 when operational. Furthermore theventilation design extends the plume height to an effective 120 feet above roof level compared tothe 24 foot height of the actual mechanical fan system. Thus release is achieved at a height aboveground level of well over 200 feet. Thus the calculated maximum plume concentration isapproximately 7 x 10- 1° pc/mL, well below the 1OCRF20 Appendix B limit of 1 x 10.8 ptc/mL.This is only when the pneumatic transfer system is operating. Continuous operation of thereactor itself results in a concentration of only 1 x 10-°10 pc/mL.SAR Rev 3,7/2011 6-I UCINRF: Engineered Safety FeaturesSAR Rev 3, 7/20116-1UCINPLF: Engineered Safety Features To estimate the hazard to the community of such a constant source of gaseous activity requiresthe assumption of a Gaussian form for the plume dispersion', certain values for the diffusionparameters and a mean wind velocity corresponding to a certain meteorological condition. Thismethod tends to give a conservative account since it is improbable that such parameters willremain constant over long periods of time. Any variation will tend to reduce the dose received atany particular location away from the source.In order to obviate some uncertainty, an attempt is made to establish a lower limit of exposure byplacing a CaSQ4/Dy environmental dosimeter pack at the effluent stack to represent the exposurethat an individual at that location would receive. The pack is exchanged and read quarterly.Within the limits of error, the readings over many years have been consistently within theexpected background variation (approximately 10 mrem computed annually). This meets therequirement of 20.1101 (d) without invoking dilution from mixing beyond the exhaust plume.For reporting purposes, computations are made each year based on the conservative assumptionthat all reactor runs are at ull ower. The number of minutes of PT operation is recorded, andthe full annual production of Ar computed from the measurements of local concentrationslisted above. The upgrade of the ventilation system carried out in December 2010 has providedeven greater assurance of dilution before release to the environment. Prior to this, assumptionswere made that dilution of a factor of 40 was likely. Now, the dilution of 100 is assured, and therelease is at a greater height of 200 feet (almost 10 meters) above ground level.The maximum release value is attained only during operation of the pneumatic transfer system,typically for less than 500 minutes per year. Regular steady state operation generates less than1/7th of that amount. Concentration of 41Ar at the Air Intakes of Rowland Hall.The safety of persons inside the building must also be considered. The possibility ofcontamination of the air taken into the main building by the reactor effluent is considered here.The new ventilation system of Rowland Hall was specifically designed to carry and dilute fumesfrom fume hood vents from chemistry research and teaching laboratories, and avoid anybackflow or recycle into the building air in order to meet OSHA standards. Because of theintense odor of certain chemicals, failure of the system is readily detectable! The system iscontinuously monitored at the UCI Central Plant and alarms provide alerts in the event of failureor reduced performance. The provision of flow rate and pressure differential information in thereactor control room enable establishment of ventilation performance as limiting conditions foroperation of the reactor so that operations will be discontinued in the event of any ventilationsystem malfunction.These changes and policies help to assure that air from the reactor ventilation is diluted and keptaway from this and other local buildings.F. A. Gifford, Nuclear Safety, V. 2, No. 2, Dec. 1960, p. 56, and Nuclear Safety, Vol. 2, No, 4, July 1961, p. 47.SAR Rev 3, 7/20116-2UCINRF: Engineered Safety Features 3.6 VENTILATION SYSTEM3.6.1 Normal OperationThe ventilation system for this area is diagrammed in Fig. 3-1. In normal operation, fresh air isdrawn into the building at the service floor level via two air handling units equipped with filtersand hot and chilled water coils. The airflow is split to form a hot and cold deck supplydistribution system for the building. Three supply valves supply the control room, the reactorroom and the rear laboratories respectively. A local thermostat controls mixing dampers at theentrance to each supply area to maintain room temperature. Temperatures and static pressures inthe main supply ducts are maintained by automatic controls.on the Phoenix valve flow dampers.Exhaust ducts are controlled in a similar manner to maintain the negative pressures requirements.The complete system is under the control of the Central Plant which is manned 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day.In the reactor area system, in addition to the mixing control dampers, static pressure controllerregulates the supply air to the reactor room so that the negative pressure requirement is met; anadditional controller operates in emergency mode as described below.The system of supply and exhaust controllers operates 24/7 but provision is made for loweringexhaust and supply flow rates during periods when the facility is unoccupied. This change-overis accomplished manually using an intelligent control box in the control room. The negativepressure differential is maintained in both occupied and unoccupied modes.When the facility is occupied, and/or the reactor is in operation, the main reactor area exhaust isdesigned to provide a minimum total exhaust flow rate of 3500 cfm , with the fume hood addingover 500 cfm, for a total of over 4,000 cfm. Dilution of the exhaust from the facility and otherbuilding laboratories is provided at the roof level by the three building exhaust fans diagrammedin Fig. 3-1 and shown in detail in Fig. 3-2. The exhaust fans installed are 66 inch diameter highplume fan model Axijet-S 6600 which provide exhaust flow rates of 80,000 cfm. The fan designprovides an upward induced inflow of an additional 48,000 cfm of roof air for a combined totalof 128,000 cfm. This extends the plume height to an effective 120 feet above roof levelcompared to the 24 foot height of the mechanical system. In full normal operation, a dilutionfactor of 3 x 128,000/4,000 or a factor of 96 is achieved at a height above ground level of over200 feet. If any discharge, such as that from the pneumatic transfer system blower, is only intothe main exhaust, the dilution is by a factor of.1 10. Because the building houses many chemicallaboratories, the system design is provided to assure little likelihood of personnel exposure dueto feedback of chemical fumes, including radioactive materials, either directly, or into buildingair intakes which are at building ground level.M The flow rates and room pressure differential values aredisplayed locally and at the Central Plant.ONEM30iteThe local display is illustrated here. The upper unit shows thepressure differentials, the lower unit displays flow rates,temperatures, and other system information.

NEW AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION PLAN(DEC, 20 10)CU_____ IMP.INk, Vi11 AIN~ MAAI40I OiNEW VENTILATION SYSTEM CONTROL SCHEMATIC(DEC. 2010)Figure: 3-1 Reactor facility ventilation and air conditioning system 125.131 -284.666.91o72 10113.2Sye. No. LEF:1 i 3'2 EF-3Drawiing tf ~Revision IAir performanceModelFen SizeDia.[in)CFM.BHIPRPM.0 .........NV 72 tonTF ¶ 1ý28000 JcmICfl7-S P171rjALT-ý 0 1fteeltCLASS 11 WHEELIi oI~ -ro[W lw NV-Narllk. veocay: i~iqDl F~tt.ri~vo I angfl¶IE h .IS .T,pGI-.474.N.char.. .IOO ........C~ M+ GF.M-13P... .......S0000 I 000ur I ý,(XXKIFigure 3-2 Rowland. Hall roof exhaust fan Axijet S 6600 details 3.6.2 Emergency operationIn the unlikely event of an accidental release of particulate or gaseous radioactivity into thereactor room air it is desirable that this should be exhausted slowly to the atmosphere to allowdilution, and filtered to remove any radioactive particulates. Thus an emergency purge exhaustis installed, actuated by a signal from a continuous air particulate monitor (CAM describedbelow (3.7.1)). Emergency mode can also be actuated via a push button on the control console.In emergency mode, air is exhausted from the reactor room at a rate of about 250 cfm through aMagnamedia Beryllium-collector style filter. At the same time, supply valves (Fig. 3-i) to thereactor room and laboratories are closed and the regular reactor room exhaust and the fume hoodexhaust control valves are closed. The pneumatic transfer system blower is disabled, and audioand visual alarms indicate that an emergency condition has been actuated. Flow rates can bemonitored at the control room ventilation system controller to assure this has been accomplished.In the emergency condition, air inflow is only the natural leakage rate of the area. This should beless than the 250 cfm exhaust capacity so that a small negative pressure differential ismaintained. This can be validated at the system display in the control room.

3.7.2 EffluentsApplicability. This specification applies to the release rate of 4 1Ar.Objective. To assure that concentration of 4Ar in accessible unrestricted areas shall bebelow the applicable limits of 10 CFR Part 20.Specification. The annual average concentration of 4 Ar released into the buildingexhaust shall not exceed I x 10o6 Ci/mL.Basis. It is shown in sections 3.6.1 and of the SAR that.dilutionof at least a factorof. 00, is provided by the building-exhaust fan system during normal reactor operation.and further that the discharge plume. is at an inaccessible location and would experienceadditional dilution -before any exposure to an. individual would be experienced .: This willa .assure that the requirement of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table:2 for releaseto unrestrictedareas of a .concentration of4' Ar no greater than: I x. 10"' .pCi/mL is met.4.2 Reactor Control and Safety SystemsApplicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the reactorcontrol and safety systems.Objective. The objective is to verify performance and operability of those systems andcomponents which are directly related to reactor safety.Specifications.a. A channel calibration shall be made of the power level monitoring channels bythe calorimetric method annually.b. Control rod. drop (scram) times for all Tfur control rods shall be determinedannually.c. All control rods shall be visually inspected for deterioration quinquennially.d. The transient (pulse) rod pneumatic cylinders and the associated air supplysystems shall be inspected annually, and cleaned and lubricated if necessary.e. On each day that pulse mode operation ofthe reactor is planned, a functionalperformance check of the transient (pulse). rod system shall be performed.f. A channel test of each of the reactor safety system channels, shall be'performedprior to each dayis operation or prior to'each operation extending more than oneday.

g. A channel verificationof the settings of the seismic switch shall be performed.annually or as soon as possible after observation or report of a seismic event ofsufficient magnitude to trip the switch.h. A calibration of the fuel temperature measuring channel shall be performedannually.Basis. The control rods are inspected and drop times checked to assure safe scram operations.The surveillance intervals for those and the channel surveillances are selected based. on the pasthistory for over 40 years at this facility and are adequate to correct for long term drifts and otherinstrument problems.[Note 1 : the seismic switch manuthcturer makes no recommendation for recalibration andbelieves accelerometer settings remain effective for the life of the device.][Note 2: the daily test of the seismic switch involves creating a simulated seismic event bytapping on the switch and initiating a reactor scram signal invoking a control rod scram. Thisestablishes operational functionality and is more than a channel check.]

13.2 Maximum Hypothetical Accident (MHA) -Rupture of Single Fuel Element in Air.13.2.1. SummaryThe MHA for TR!GA reactors has been adopted (NUREG-1537) to be the release of fissionproducts from a single fuel element whose cladding has been stripped. This is analyzed bothunder water and in air. The assumption for the MHA is made that maximum fission productinventory has been achieved in the most active fuel element, i.e., that the reactor has beenoperating for an infinite time period prior to the release. This is obviously a highly conservativeassumption for the UCI reactor which has operated on a very intermittent schedule since it wascommissioned. The actual likelihood for such a complete rupture event is very small, but is notfurther considered here. This section examines the consequences of the postulated MHA. Themost significant activity released from the perspective of personal exposure risk is that of iodineisotopes since this delivers exposure to the thyroid gland. Direct radiation is also considered forrisk to any occupants of adjacent areas not subject to risk from the volatile materials.The released radioactivity is the product of the fission product inventory and the release fraction.Consideration is then given to the exposure risk to personnel within the facility, those insurrounding spaces including laboratories or offices, and release beyond the building via thebuilding ventilation system. Factors included are the facility volume, the ventilation purge rateand an estimated plating factor for iodine radio-nuclides on walls and facility structures whichwill reduce inhalation exposures.The total number of fission product nuclei present from the fuel was estimated from Blomekeand Todd' and the release fraction was used from NUREG 1282. The modest levels predicted inthe MHA come about as a result of the very low value of fission product release fractionestablished for TRIGA fuel elements that have stripped their cladding.13.2.2. Fission Product InventoryThe inventory of fission product gases, halogens and noble gases in the B-ring fuel element inwhich the average power density is 1.45 times greater than the core average, was determined byassuming infinite operation at 250 kw with N elements in the core.Using the data developed by Blomeke and Todd2 results in the volatile fission products compiledin Table 13-1.Two groups of gaseous fission products are recognized. The first comprises bromine and iodineisotopes that will dissolve if water is present, and be airborne if it is not. The second groupcomprises the insoluble volatiles: krypton and xenon isotopes. The second are the major sourceof radioactivity in the room (and outside) if the unclad element were to be under water.J. 0. Blomeke and Mary F. Todd, "U-235 Fission Product Production as a Function of Thermal Neutron Flux,Irradiation Time and Decay Time", ORNL- 2127.2 J. 0. Blomeke and Mary F. Todd, "U-235 Fission Product Production as a Function of the Thermal NeutronFlux,'lrradiation Time, and Decay Time", ORNL-2127, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1957-November 1958.Page 1 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 TABLE 13-1GASEOUS FISSION PRODUCTS IN MAXIMUM POWER FUEL ELEMENT 250 kwSATURATEDACTIVITY-Page 2 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 20111 Fission Product Release FractionThe effect of a fuel element rupture resulting in a release of fission products from a B -ring fuelelement was evaluated in the 1968 SAR. More recently the issue of fission product releasefraction for TRIGA fuel3 was reviewed. The value proposed remains the same, so that theearlier analysis remains valid. The potential release is the product of the Fission ProductInventory and the Release Fraction.NUREG-1 282 quotes a release fraction of 1 x i 0-5 that has been measured for 8.5% uraniumTRIGA fuel. Some indications in experiments are that the release increases with fueltemperature. As a result, facilities have adoptedrelease fraction = 1.5 x 105as an appropriate value for hypothetical use.Multiplying this release fraction by the inventory of gaseous fission products produced in themaximum power fuel element, as given in Table 13-1, gives the total activity that would bereleased should the integrity of a fuel element cladding be compromised. These values areshown in Table 13-2Table 13-2 Releases from Maximum Power Fuel Element Unclad in AirTotal Total ReleasedCuries (Curies)Noble GasesIodine mHalogens m13.2.3 Pool Water Activity if Rupture is Under Water.We review briefly the course of events if the rupture did occur in water in which case thesoluble (Group halogen products will remain in the water, totaling ý curies, orimicrocuriesSince the volume of water in the reactor pool is f lcm , the activit concentration ismj^.c/cm3 3 Bq/mL) In 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the activity would decrease t c/cmiBq/mL). The activity remains moderately high because of the small decay constants for 1-129, I-131, and 1-133. The demineralizer can be used to safely concentrate these for subsequentdisposal. 20 millicuries of activity on the resin is a readily handled quantity by trainedpersonnel. Thus the personnel exposure consequences of such an incident are relatively minor.13.2.4 Predicted Exposures to Personnel Inside the Reactor Room if Rupture in Air.3 USNRC, Safety Evaluation Report on High Uranium Content, Low Enriched Uranium-Zirconium HydrideFuels for TRIGA Reactor, NUREG-1282, August 1987Page 3 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 Direct External Personnel Exposure.The maximum exposure to a person in the reactor room will occur if the fission products from aruptured element are distributed within the room and no air change occurs. The key parameter isthe room air volume in which the fission products will be mixed. This is calculated to be 6.6 x108 cm3.The total release of noble gases is ý curies, or

  • microcuries and the volume ofthe reactor room is 6.6 x 108 cm3 so that the concentration on mixing i ýmicrocuries/cm3, oU Bq/cm3.If this is assumed to be an infinite cloud around a person for dose rate calculation, then theformula4 to use for external beta and gamma ray dose equivalent rate isif = 0.26 S Ey + 0.23 S Ep rem/secWhere:S = source strength in Ci/cm3 C,/cm3.Ey = mean gamma ray energy in MeV = 1.0 MeV assumed (see table 11.3, ref 4)Ep = mean beta energy in MeV = 0.4 MeV assumed (see table 11.3, ref 4)The result is 1.7 x 10-11 Rem/sec. More conveniently this is converted to mr/h by multiplying by1000 x 3600 or 3.6 x 10 6, yielding a prediction of a negligible dose equivalent rate of 6 x 10-mr/h. Including the halogens increases this to 1 x 104" mr/h, less than 1 microrem/h. The factthat this exposure is so small is attributed to the low operating power, an extremely small fissionproduct release fraction, and the large volume of the reactor area for dilution. If, in thehypothesized accident, the water were to be absent from the pool, the volume for dilution wouldbe increased by a further 10%, reducing the exposure still further. However, with the waterpresent, halogens are likely to be absorbed rapidly into the water leaving only the noble gases inthe source term.The controlling factor for personnel exposure will be a longer term dose to the thyroid from thehalogen activity, specifically iodine. Thyroid Exposure.The decay rate of halogens Bq/mL) will accumulate rapidly on the Continuous Air MonitorAM) filter which has a flow rate of 30L/min, or 500 mL/sec. Thus in Isecond,Bq should be collected. Assuming a typical counting efficiency of 9%, the count ratewould already be 8100 cpm which will alarm the instrument (alarm is set to 5,000 cpm), switchto emergency purge ventilation, and indicate the room should be evacuated.Once the emergency purge exhaust is operating, venting air at the rate of at least 240 clm, thedose rate to any person remaining in the reactor room will decrease.The dose to the thyroid can be calculated at any time (t) from54 J. R. Lamarsh, and A.J. Baratta, "Introduction to Nuclear Engineering", 3Pd edition, Prentice hall, New Jersey,2001, page 654-656.5 J. J. DiNunno et al., "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites", TID-14844, 1962.Page 4 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 (5.92x10 2)A-faf _ e-%eitDm = (rads)where, A, = inhaled iodine, in curiesfa = fraction which is deposited in critical organE = effective energy absorbed by thyroid perdisintegration (Mev)= effective decay constant, comprising bothradioactive decay and biological eliminationm = mass of the thyroid in gramsin a long time, t = o, and using Te (= 0.693/2,e), the equation becomes:(8. 54xi02 )A~faETeD -= (rads)m= constant x A -iEiTeiiwhere the parameters are for the ith isotope.The inhaled iodine is given byA~i = RR *Vwhere -is the activity concentration, and R the breathingVrate for time t. If r is made equal to I sec, then= (8.54xi02 )faR AiEiTei (rads/sec)m vFor the standard man6 f, = 0.23m = 20 gramsR = 10m3/8 hr= 3.47 x 10-4 m3sec-1and the value of the constant is thus 3.41 x 10"3.The data necessary for the summation are in the cited reference7, and the necessary activity6 "Report of ICRP Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation (1959)," Health Physics 3, June 1960.7 J. J. DiNunno et al., "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites", TID-14844, 1962.Page 5 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 concentrations are calculated from Table 13-1 using 1.5 x 10-5 for the release fraction. Thesummation for 1-131 through 1-136 yields a value for D, = 0.36 rad/sec.In Oregon State University's SAR, they adopted a method which suggests halogen release platesout to reduce the airborne concentrations to less than 25% of the initial release.With this assumption, the revised dose rate expected to the thyroid in the unlikely event of a fuelelement cladding rupture in air, is 0.25 x 0.36 rads/second = 0.09 rads/second. If the water in thepool is assumed to be present there is a high likelihood that this will rapidly absorb the majorityof halogens from the air and reduce the source for thyroid exposure to an individual in thefacility to even less than 25% of that released.Given a 2 minute evacuation time for personnel from the facility, the revised maximum doseestimate is 11 Rads to the thyroid.Given that 50 rem to the thyroid is a limiting annual exposures a person will have a longer timethan 2 minutes to evacuate. This is a very conservative estimate since in addition to thecomments made above that would reduce exposure, infinite operation at full power prior to theaccident was assumed. Nor was credit taken for operation of the room emergency purge exhaustwhich will also act to reduce the dose received.13.2.5 Predicted Exposure Outside the BuildingOn detection of release of radioactive fission products into the reactor room, the continuous airmonitor will close the normal exhaust and start the emergency purge. The room air will then beexhausted through a filter at 240 cfm (0.113 m3/sec) which will not remove the noble gases andmay not remove all the iodine isotopes released. However, credit may also be taken for plate-outon surfaces of the iodine isotopes.The ventilation system (SAR Section 3.6) discharges the emergency purge exhaust into the mainbuilding exhaust which has three exhaust fans designed to create a flow of 3 x 80,000 cfm,further diluted to 3 x 128,000 cfm at a height of 120 feet above the building roof by means ofAxijet structures. From that point, natural dispersion, aided by the jet stream, will further dilutethe effluents.From the above, it is reasonable to assume a conservative dilution of the exhaust effluent by afactor of 384,000/240 = 1.6 x 103 Using this, and assuming no climatic or other dilution outsidethe building exhaust flow,.the maximum dose to an individual's thyroid may be calculated.The calculation assumes:(1) Complete mixing in the reactor room at all times(2) The person is immersed in the effluent from the building exhaust flow in which theconcentration of radioactivity Xt at any time t is equal to Ct/1.6 x 103 where Ct is theconcentration in the exhaust and in the room.With (1) Ct is given by a simple first order rate law: C, = C rexp-r a]where a = exhaust rate in m3/sec = 0.113 m3/secV = room volume in m3 = 6.6 x 102 m38 IOCFR20.1201(I)(i)Page 6 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 Co = initial concentration, at t = 0the inhaled activity Adt = R. Xt. dt as above and thus the total amount inhaled up to time t isAt= RC' Yexj[- tJt1600.= RC°V 1 -exp(- a t)11600a LVJIf the exposure is for an infinite time,A,, RCoV/a. 1600and, comparing with the previous calculation, the total doseD (rads/sec).V(m3) D (rads/sec) x 6.6x102int D,, 3 o=o1600*a(m3 /sec) 1600 x 0.113= 0.33 radIf the person were to remain in the effluent cloud for only one hour, the corresponding figure isless than 0.2 rad. Thus we may conclude that for a location above the roof of the building incompletely calm conditions, the maximum possible dose to the thyroid from a fission productrelease will be significant. Since the building of the roof is not open to the public, the exhaustplume is over 100 feet above the roof level, and is approximately 100 feet above ground level,the general public would be unable to approach to within over 100 feet of the initial source cloudbefore it becomes further diluted by random or wind-driven plume expansion and dilution.Gulf General Atomic has developed computer programs which take'allowance both for decayand for further meteorological dilution.9 Calculations using these programs for a similarsituation to that presented here'0 indicate that these factors will reduce the maximum dose to aperson a short distance away from the building by several orders of magnitude. Thus for a slowleak rate from a typical room (a = 1.69 x 10-2 m3/sec) and very stable atmospheric conditions(Pasqual F), hey found predicted exposures of:Whole Body y Thyroid._(millirem) (millirem)Outside Max dose (12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />) 2.9 x 10" 2.6(General Public)Inside Max dose (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />) 6.0 x 10-3 7,000Occupational PersonnelSimilar calculations using more sophisticated programming for MNRC" resulted in exposure9 GA-651 1, "GAD0 SE and GAO SET--Programs to Calculate Environmental Consequences of RadioactivityRelease". GAMD-5939, "PHICHK and PHIBAR programs to Calculate Atmospheric Dispersion".'o Addendum to GA-6499, "Hazards Report for the Oregon State University 250 kw TRIGA Mark 11 reactor--dated June 23, 1965", April 20, 1966.11 SAR, McClellan Nuclear Radiation Facillity, 1999, Chapter 13.Page 7 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011 predictions within similar ranges when corrected for their greater source term by roughly a factorof 8. However the UCI greater room size and expanded building ventilation system reduce thecalculated exposure rates significantly.The high variability of local climatic conditions actually prevalent when an accident occurs makeit relatively ineffective to try to predict accident exposures with any greater degree of certainty.It seems very likely that the present predictions will be conservative, and that accidents of thishypothetically very serious nature at this facility will not result in unacceptably hazardousexposures either to personnel in the facility, nor to the general public. Since the probability ofsuch an event could increase during fuel handling operations, in order to further guard against thelikelihood of public exposures, operational regulations at UCINRF preclude the presence of anyinessential or untrained personnel within the facility whenever operations such as fuel handlingare in progress. Events involving handling of irradiated fuel elements in air are subject to evengreater restrictions and personnel training, and include procedures to exclude the public from allareas adjacent to the facility. This was the practice followed during the transfer of one cask loadof irradiated fuel elements into the facility in 1974. The protocol for that procedure is on file forfurther use and inspection.13.2.6 Predicted Exposure to Rowland Hall Occupants Near the FacilityThe calculations presented in section can be applied to assessment of potential exposurein an MHA to individuals located in adjacent areas outside the reactor facility.There is no pathway for airborne activities to reach the adjacent areas of the building, so that thedeep dose rates established in that section for individuals within the facility may be utilized.Such individuals will not be immersed in an infinite cloud of radioactive volatiles, so the facilitymay be considered as a single source. Further only gamma-ray exposures would be experiencedsince the walls and windows are thick enough to absorb all beta radiation. There are no doorsdirectly opening from the facility to adjacent building areas, so no leakage to interior buildingareas is anticipated.Section established a uniform dose rate within the facility of less than 1 microrem/hour.This rate from within the facility would represent no hazard to those in adjacent rooms andhallways, even assuming no distance factors or absorption reductions.Page 8 of 8UCINRF Section 13.2, revision 3B July 2011