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| number = ML20059L772
| number = ML20059L772
| issue date = 05/31/1993
| issue date = 05/31/1993
| title = Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leakage Rate Test Rept. W/931110 Ltr
| title = Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leakage Rate Test Rept
| author name = Hutcheson M, Mcmeekin T, Roberson P
| author name = Hutcheson M, Mcmeekin T, Roberson P
| author affiliation = DUKE POWER CO.
| author affiliation = DUKE POWER CO.
Line 282: Line 282:

McGuire Unit 1 Since both the "As Left" Total Time and Mass Point LICLs are less than 0.75La, the test results demonstrate that the leakage through the primary containment and systems and components penetrating containment does not exceed the allowable leakage rate specified in the McGuire Nuclear Station FSAR and the Technical Specifications.
McGuire Unit 1 Since both the "As Left" Total Time and Mass Point LICLs are less than 0.75La, the test results demonstrate that the leakage through the primary containment and systems and components penetrating containment does not exceed the allowable leakage rate specified in the McGuire Nuclear Station FSAR and the Technical Specifications.
C.  "As Found" Evaluation of Containment In a letter dated July 27,1989 (Reference J) to Duke Power Company, the Director of NRR concluded that "As Found" Type A testing is not an explicit              !
C.  "As Found" Evaluation of Containment In a {{letter dated|date=July 27, 1989|text=letter dated July 27,1989}} (Reference J) to Duke Power Company, the Director of NRR concluded that "As Found" Type A testing is not an explicit              !
requirement of the regulations. Therefore, the "As Found" evaluation in accordance with NRC IE Notice No. 85-71, " Containment Integrated leak Rate Tests", does not currently apply to McGuire Nuclear Station.
requirement of the regulations. Therefore, the "As Found" evaluation in accordance with NRC IE Notice No. 85-71, " Containment Integrated leak Rate Tests", does not currently apply to McGuire Nuclear Station.
However,10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Section III.A.l.(a) requires that, "during the
However,10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Section III.A.l.(a) requires that, "during the

Latest revision as of 00:11, 2 June 2023

Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leakage Rate Test Rept
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1993
From: Hutcheson M, Mcmeekin T, Roberson P
NUDOCS 9311170368
Download: ML20059L772 (132)


ll 1 IMe Isar r Company McGu r Aurlect Generatwn Departtrient T C Mcwt.xts I:7l' Huers Fern Re,d (MGO!A) Ykr Presideat Ha.r;tersni:e Y'bi??s-MM (704 MIS 4h00 (704/R75-609 TAK DUKE POWER November 10.1993 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


McGuire Nucleai Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-369 Reactor Containment Building integrated Leakage Rate Test Report, May 1993 Pursuant to 10CFR50, Appendix J, please find attached the Reactor Containment Building integrated Leakage Rate Test Report for McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 1.

Questions or problems should be directed to Kay Crane, Regulatory Compliance at (704) 875-4306.

Very truly yours, i-f


d[ T. C. McMeekin Vice Pres dent McGuire Nuclear Station Attachment 0


I ib55 '.

9311170368 930531 '

PDR ADOCK 05000369 P PDR

~ ~ s

_ ______.-----~~--

November 10,1993 NRC Document Contro: Desk Page 2 xc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 101 Marietta St. NW, Suite 2900 l Atlanta, Georgia 30323 .

Mr. Victor Nerses, Project Manager .

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i Washington, D.C. 20555 l Mr. George Maxwell  !

NRC Senior Resident inspector McGuire Nuclear Station i

i l

M a

I November 10,1993 NRC Document Control Desk Page 3 s

cc: M. A. Hutcheson P. W. Roberson R. O. Sharpe 4


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t Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 l

Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leakage Rate Test Report May 1993 Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket Number 50-369-NPF-9 Prepared By: bl e M. A. Hutcheson Enaineer P. W. Roberson Engineer Reviewed By: / e M. D. Rains Engineering Supervi Approved By: by T D rurtic i Systems Engineering Manager l l

l hicGuire Unit 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pace

1. INTRODUCTION. ... . . . . . . . .. . . 1 II. TEST SYNOPSIS . . . .. . . . .. . .. 2 i

l 111. TEST DATA SUhth1ARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 A. Plant Information B. Technical Data l C. Type A Test Results D. Verification Controlled Leakage Rate Test Results l E. Type B and C Test Results l F. Integrated Leakage Rate hieasurement System G. Description of Computer Program II. Information Retained at Plant IV. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION . . .. . . . . . . . I1 A. ILRT Test Corrections  ;

B. Reported "As Left" ILRT Results C. "As Found" Evaluation of Tontainment V. REFERENCES. . .. . . .. . . . . 13 i

VI. APPENDICES A. Temperature Stabilization Phase Data and Graphs B. Integrated Leakage Rate Test Data and Graphs l C. Verification Controlled Leakage Rate Test Data and Graphs D. hiiscellaneous Information E. Test Data Summary F. Local Leakage Rate Testing Conducted Since the Last ILRT 1


l l

McGuire Unit 1 1


1. INTRODUCTION A periodic Type A Containment Integrated Leabgc Rate Test (ILRT) was successfully conducted on the primary containment structure of the McGuire Nuclear i Station. Unit I pressurized water reactor. This test was completed on May 30,1993. The purpose of the test was to demonstrate that leakage through the primary reactor containment, and systems and components penetrating primary containment does not exceed the allowable leakage rate specified in the Plant Technical Specifications.

The test was conducted in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J using the Absolute Method defined in ANSI N45.4-1972. The leakage rate was calculated for both the Type A test and the verification test using the Total Time methodology and the calculational requirements of BN-TOP-1, Revision 1, " Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage Rate Testing of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants."

Leakage rates for both the Type A test and the veriGcation test were also calculated, for information only, using the Mass Point methodology given by ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987. The ILRT was performed at a pressure in excess of the calculated peak containment internal pressure related to the design basis accident as specified in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and the Plant Technical Specifications.

This report describes and presents the results of this periodic Type A test, including the supplemental test method used for veriGeation. The summary of events and test chronology are presented in Section II, Test Synopsis. Plant information, technical data, test results and mea:,urement system information are presented in Section III, Test Data l Summary. The test results are compared with the Acceptance Criteria in Section IV, Analysis and Interpretation. A summary of the local leakage rate testing (Type B and C) performed since the last ILRT is also provided in this report as Appendix F.

The "As Left" Type A test result reported at the 95 percent upper conGdence limit is 1

0.2064 percent of the contained mass per day. The "As Found" Type A test result reported at the 95 percent upper conGdence limit is also 0.2064 percent of the contained mass per j day. The acceptance criteria specified in the plant Technical Specifications is a leakage rate less than 0.75 L,, or 0.225 percent of the contained air mass per day.

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McGuire Unit 1 i II. TEST SYNOPSIS ,

t Preparations to pressurize containment for the conduct of the ILRT included: internal and external inspections of the containment vessel and the reactor building interior and  ;

j exterior; installation and checkout of the ILRT instrumentation; completion of all Type B j and Type C local leakage rate testing; alignment of valves and breakers for test conditions; the installation and leakage check of the pressurization / depressurization assembly at ice  ;

co.. k ser service penetration M383; and the installation and checkout of the temporaq ,

i pressurization facilities. These preparations were completed on May 29,1993. t t

1 Following Operations alignment of all required containment penetrations,  !

pressurization of the containment vessel began at 1245, on May 29,1993. Pressurization f

continued at an average rate of 2.1 psi /hr using the two diesel driven air compressors, the  !

t portable electric compressors and supplemental air available from the instrument air i i

system. At 1935, with a containment pressure of 14.9 psig, the instrument air system was l isolated and vented, and at 1945, with a containment pressure of 15.1 psig, the portable i electric compressors were secured. At 1951, with a containment pressure of 15.28 psig, the l l pressurization line was isolated at penetration M383 and the stabilization period started.  ;

f a

The upper containment ventilation fans (the only operating fans during pressurization) were (

also secured at this time.

i I

The temperature stabilization period was started with data set number 64 at 1955, on  !

I May 29,1993. Four hours into the stabilization period, both BN-TOP-1 and ANSI 56.8- l j 1987 temperature stabilization criteria were satisfied. Stabilization data continued for 4.0 additional hours to allow for the contained air mass to stabilize sufficiently to start the test.

I Penetration leak searches were periodically conducted throughout the pressurization and stabilization phases - no signiDeant leaks were observed. At 0200 on May 30, the soap j bubble testing was completed on all hot penetrations required by the McGuire Technical l Specifications.


The Type A test period started with data set number 96, at 0355 on May 30. A  !

, saccessful nine hour test was completed at 1256, with data set 132. The Total Time and )

] Mass Point Leak Rates at the 95 % Upper Confidence Limit were 0.2063 wt. '7e/ day and 1 0.148) wt. 9/ day respectively. All BN-TOP-1 termination criteria were also met at 'his time.

i I

i 2

McGuire Unit 1 l A verification flow of 4.71 scfm (0.2881 wt. 9/ day) was initiated at 1341 on May 30. {

l i Following the one hour stabilization period required by BN-TOP-1, a successful  ;

verification test was performed from 1451 to 1931. The composite leakage rates calculated j

, during this period were 0.3936 wt. %/ day for the Total Time method and 0.4003 wt. %/ day  !

) for the Mass Point method.

i The test results reported include the effects of a recurring ice condenser pressure ,

anomaly throughout the stabilization, the Type A test and the verification test. The typical i '

scenario for this anomaly was for the ice condenser pressure reading to drift lower than the 3

other two pressure instruments (by up to 0.03 psig) over the course of a few data sets, and ,

then to " rebound" back into agreement with the pressure indication for upper and lower l containment. The first efforts at troubleshooting included removal, reconnection and  !

verification of the leak tightness of the pressure sensing line. Following these steps the ice condenser pressure indication returned to agreement with the other two instruments. After approximately five hours, the anomaly occurred again. Now suspecting possible instrument l l

malfunction, the ice condenser pressure instrument was removed and the upper

] containment pressure sensor was connected to the ice condenser pressure sensing line.  ;

Again, af ter approximately five hours, another short lived deviation occurred. It was l concluded that the pressure perturbation resulted from some periodic influence on the j i

pressure sensing line; however its specific cause could not be identified. For information, the test results were recalculated using the pressure data from the upper and lower containment sensor in place of the ice condenser pressure data. The Total Time and Mass  ;

Point Leak Rates at the 95 % Upper Confidence Limit, when calculated for this case, were l 0.1718 wt. 9/ day and 0.1392 wt. 9/ day respectively. The test result graphs for this case, a

j which are included in Appendix D, show that the BN-TOP-1 Totil Time test could have i been successfully completed in six hours.

s I

Depressurization began at 1951 on May 30 and was complete at 2346 on May 30. The primary flow paths were through a 6 inch butterfly valve installed at ice condenser service

penetration M383 and through a 4 inch penetration, M346 (IVE5A & IVE6B). The air discharged into the annulus from containment, and then from the annulus through the annulus ventilation system HEPA and carbon filter units, and out the unit vent.

l Depressurization was accomplished in 3.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> at an average rate of 3.9 psi /hr. No equipment damage was found during the post-lLRT containment inspection.

l A contamment pressure ilme jihe ior l'he chiiFe iesi perioci is included in ppendix D. '

I 3

i j McGuire Unit 1 1 l l i  !

j j

j Test Chronoloev f Phase Data Set No. Time Period Duration

] Pressurization From: 001 1246 on 5/29/93 7.1 l 1 To: 064 1955 on 5/29/93 1 i l 4 1 i Stabilization From: 064 1955 on 5/29/93 8.0 )

l To: 096 0355 on 5/30/93 l ILRT From: 096 0355 on 5/30/93 9.0 <

132 1256 on 5/30/93 i
Leak Stabilization From
135 1341 on 5/30/93 1.2 ,

! for Verification Test To: 141 1451 on 5/30/93 I

) Verification Test From: 141 1451 on 5/30/93 4.7 To: 169 1931 on 5/30/93 j l l Depressurization From: 171 1951 on 5/30/93 3.9  !

l-To: 187 2346 on 5/30/93 j I

Total Elapsed Time: 35.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> i s



'i A. Plant Information i

Owner Duke Power Company Plant McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 1 l Location Hwy 73 Huntersville, North Carolina I

Containment Type Fre.e-standing cylindrical steel shell sunounded by a separate reinforced concrete -

, reactor building.

1 NSSS Supplier, Type Westinghouse, Ice Condenser PWR Docket No. 50-369 License No. NPF-9 1

J 4

l 4

McGuire Unit 1 B. Technical Data A six foot annular space is provided between the exterior surface of the steel containment vessel and the inner wall of the reactor building. The annulus ventilation filter system maintains this space at a negative pressure relative to the outside atmosphere during accident conditions.

Containment Net 1,195,911 cu. ft.

Free Air Volume Design Pressure, P 15.0 psig Design Temperature, T 250

  • F Calculated Peak Accident 14.80 psig l Pressure, P, l Maximum Allowable 0.300 wt. % / day  !

l Leakage Rate, L, ,

C. Test Results - Type A Test

1. Test Method Absolute
2. Test Pressure 14.99 psig  ;
3. Data Analysis Total Time (per BN-TOP-1,1972), i Techniques Mass Point (for information only,  !

per ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987) l

4. ILRT Acceptance 0.2250 wt. % / day .

Criteria ( < 0.75 L ) l P

5. Type A Test Results BN-TOP-1 ANSI 56.8 Total Time Mass Point t

Simple Leakage Rate 0.1477 wt.%/ day 0.1477 wt.%/ day Fitted Leakage Rate (L.) 0.1205 wt.%/ day 0.1346 wt.%/ day Upper 95 % Confidence Level 0.2063 wt.%/ day 0.1481 wt.%/ day -

6. All acceptance criteria for the Reduced Duration BN-TOP-1 ILRT were satisfied in 9.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />. A printout of the BN-TOP-1 Total Time Termination Criteria is included in Appendix B. Report printouts and data plots for both the Total Time and the Mass Point Analysis techniques are also provided in Appendix B.

McGuire Unit 1 D. Verification Controlled Leakage Rate Test Results

1. Verification Test Super- 4.7093 SCFM (0.2881 wt. %/ day) imposed Leakage Rate (Lo )
2. Verification Test Total Time Analysis Results and Limits Upper Limit 0.4836 wt. %/ day (L o+ L,m + 0.25 L, )

Verification Test Total 0.3936 wt W/ day i

Time Results (Lc )

Lower Limit 0.3336 wt. %/ day (Lo+ L,, - 0.25 L,)

3. Verification Test Mass Point Analysis Results and Limits (Presented for information only) r Upper Limit 0.4977 wt. %/ day l (L o+ L,, + 0.25 L, )

l Verification Test Mass 0.4003 wt. %/ day Point Results (L )

c l

l Lower 1.imit 0.3477 wt. %/ day l (L e+ L,o - 0.25 L,)

4. The report printouts and data plots for both the Total Time Analysis and Mass Point Analysis techniques are provided in Appendix C.

E Test Results - Type B and C Tests A summary of the local leakage rate test results conducted since the last ILRT in May 1990 is included in Appendix F.

1 F. Integrated Leakage Rate Measurement System i

The containment system was equipped with instrumentation to permit leakage rate determination by the absolute method. Data from the absolute system is reduced to a containment air mass by application of the Ideal Gas Law. The leakage rate is equal to the time rate of change of this value. The mass of dry air, W, within containment is calculated as follows:


1 McGuire Unit I

! ( P-P, ) V i W=

RT l

3 where: P = Containment Total Absolute Pressure P, = Containment Water Vapor Pressure (Average)

V = Containment Net Free Volume '

R = Gas Constant for Air T = Containment Absolute Temperature (Average)

The primary measurement variables required are containment absolute pressure, j containment dew point temperature and containment temperature as a function of time.

During the supplemental verification test, the calibrated leakage imposed on the existing leakage in the containment system is also recorded.

1. Absolute Pressure (3 sensors installed at start of test,2 sensors left in service l 1

following swap of ice condenser sensor with upper containment sensor) ,


! Type: Paroscientific Model 760-A Portable Field Standard Range: 0-45 psia j Relative Accuracy: 0.01 % Full Scale j Repeatability: 0.005 % Full Scale 3

Sensitivity: 0.000045 psia Calibration Dates: Lower: December 28,1992 Upper & Ice: January 29,1993 f The sensors provide an RS232 direct digital input to the computer. One sensor was used to monitor the upper and lower containment air volume and one sensor

, was used to monitor the ice condenser air volume.

2. Dew Point Temperature (5 Sensors)

Type: General Eastern Hygro-El Optical Dew Point Monitor with Model 1111H single stage sensor a Range: -40"F - 140"F, Analog output respanned from 20"F to 100"F dew point for the five upper & lower containment sensors and from -10"F to 40"F for the ice condenser sensor, corresponding to 4 to 20 mA.

Accuracy: 1.0 *F Repeatability: 0.09"F Sensitivity: 0.09"F Calibration Dates: April 5-6,1993 R

7 J


l' McGuire Unit i 1

3. Dry Bulb Temperature (47 Sensors) i Type: Rosemount Model No. 78S,4 wire,100 ohm platinum

. Resistance Temperature Detector, RTD Calibrated Range: 0 F - 200"F Accuracy: 0.45"F over entire range

] Sensitivity: 0.09"F (for conservatism, the manuf. specified repeatability is used for this value in the ISG calculation.)

] Calibration Date: April 27,1993

4. Data Acquisition System 3 The data acquisition system consists of a Fluke 2289A Helios system front end 3

and Fluke 2281 A extender chassis which interface with an IBM compatible,486 processor computer. The Fluke system acquires data from the dew point sensors l a

and the dry bulb temperature sensors. The required cards and pertinent data are as  !




Dew Point - DC current measurement J

l Cards Required: 161 High Performance A/D l 1

162 Thermocouple / DC Volts 171 Current Input Connector Range: 64 mA i Accuracy: 0.02 7c ofInput, 5 uA (15*C-35"C Operating Temp.)

Repeatability: 0.015 7e ofinput, 2 uA Resolution: 0.6uA

, Calibration Date: April 21,1993 j

Note: Accuracy improved over manuf. stated spec. due to change to 8 ohm, 0.017c precision resistors.

Temnerature - RTD Resistance Measurement Cards Required: 161 liigh Performance A/D

163 RTD / Resistance Scanner l 177 RTD / Resistance input Connector Range: 256 ohms Accuracy: 0.0175 % of Input,i 5.7 m ohms (15"C-35 C Operating Temp)

Repeatability: 0.005 7e ofInput, 4 m ohms Resolution: 2.4 m ohms Calibration Date: April 21,1993 8


McGuire Unit 1 L

5. Verification Flow Type: Brooks Hi-Accuracy, Full-View Flowmeter, Model No.

I110 Calibrated Range: 0 - 5.86 SCFM Accuracy: 1 % Full Scale Calibration Dates: April 28,1993

6. Instrumentation Selection Guide (ISG) Calculation The ISG calculation is a method used to evaluate the total instrumentation systems' ability to detect leakage rates in the range required. The ISG formula is described in ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987, Appendix G ahd requires that the sensitivity l must be a' least four times better than the containment's allowable leakage (ISO s 0.25 L,). , he ISG calculated for the instrumentation used for this test was 0.029 wt. %/ day for the nine hour test. The allowable value for this test is 0.075 wt. I

%/ day. ,

The ISG value given by the computer for the end of test data point reflects actual '

containment atmospheric conditions and the number of sensors in service at that time. For this test, the ISG value is based on 2 pressure sensors, 5 dew point ,

sensors and 47 temperature sensors.

7. Sensor Calibration Information and Volume Fractions Appendix D, Miscellaneous Information contains a Sensor Information report.

This report lists the calibration coefficients for each sensor, instrument serial numbers, DAS channel assignments and final volume fraction assignnents as  :

installed for the 1993 ILRT. -

G. Description of Computer Program  ;

1 The Duke Power ILRT is written in the C programming language and runs under  ;

the Microsoft (R) Windows operating environment. Through use of pull down menus, the user is made aware of all program options at any given time. All data including individual sensor readings, containment average readings and leakage calculations are accessible through spreadsheet data display windows, graphs, standardized reports, custom reports and data files written to disk. The program provides for multiple views of test data, both graphical and tabular, and also provides for real time updating of the displays with each new data set. Both ANSI 56.8 mass point and BN-TOP-1 total time leakage calculations are performed concurrently.


McGuire Unit i The ILRT program actually consists of two separate programs. The main program,

. illed LEAK.EXE, is a generic data analysis and reporting program. It can be used at ,

any facility with no changes required, as its personality is derived from a configuration  !

file developed prior to each test. The configuration file specifies all plant speci6c information, such as station name, unit number, number of compartments in containment, number of each sensor type within each compartment, sensor calibration constants, volume fractions, serial numbers, DAS channel assignments and containment


volume. The second program, called DATACQ.EXE, controls data acquisition and is i 1

customized for the type of system being used.

The ILRT program calculations were verified prior to test performance by loading a hand verified benchmark Raw Data File and Configuration Data file into the sub directory containing the ILRT program. Following selection of the Configuration data file, a Test Data file was recalculated by the program. Having rebuilt the Test Data File, all calculated values output by the program were compared with the benchmark calculations. Exact agreement (to the same number of significant figures given in the Benchmark Summary) was achieved between the benchmark calculation and the ILRT program output.

H. Information Retained at Plant The following information is available for review at McGuire Nuclear Station:

1. A listing of all containment penetrations, including the total number of like penetrations, penetration size and function.


2. A listing of normal operating instrumentation used for the leakage rate test.
3. A system lineup (at time of test), showing required valve positions and status of piping systems.
4. A continuous sequential log of events from initial survey of containment to restoration of all tested systems.
5. Documentation ofinstrumentation calibration and standards. l l
6. The working copy of the test procedure that includes signature sign-off of I procedural steps.
7. The procedure and all data that would verify completion of penetrations and valve l

10 l

i McGuire Unit I testing (Type B and C tests), including as found leakage rates, corrective action taken, and final leak rate.

8. A listing of all test exceptions including changes in containment system boundaries instituted by McGuire to conclude successful testing.
9. Description of method of leak rate verification of instrument measuring system l (superimposed leakage), with calibration information on flowmeters along with l

calculations that were used to measum the verification leakage rate.

10. The Instrumentation Selection Guide (ISG) Calculation  !
11. The P&lD's of pertinent systems.

IV. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION A. ILRT Test Corrections In accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix J, Section III A.I.D. leakage penalties must be added to the Type A test result. During the ILRT ten penetrations in addition to the electrical penetrations were not placed in the post-LOCA alignment. The penetrations and minimum pathway "As Left" leakage rates (instrument error included) are given below:

Penetration Descrintion Reason Leakage Rate (2) E Penet. Conax Electrical N 2gas left in penet. 0.5seem Penetrations M255A ILRT Pressure sensing line. 2.2 seem i

M255B ILRT Pressure sensing line. 2.2 seem 1 M255C ILRT Pressure sensing line. 2.2 seem M383 Spare NF Mech. Pressurization & depressur- 23 scem Penetration ization assembly installed.

M221 WL Penetration Aux. bldg. side vent closed 2.2 seem during test to allow for condensate drainage from AB vent units to VUCDT I

l 4 .



McGuire Unit 1 Penetration Description Reason Leakage Rate M372 Ice Condenser Glycol recire required forice 2.2 seem glycol out condenser air handling units.

M373 Ice condenser Glycol recire required for ice 2.2 seem glycolin condenser air handling units.

M353 RF to containment Fire protection required by Tech 2.2 seem Specs. for assured fire suppression.

C152 VI to lower PAL Pressure instrument installed 2.2 scem to monitor PAL pressure. l a

C392 VI to upper PAL Pressure instrument installed 2.2 seem  !

to monitor PAI, pressure.

Total: 43.3 seem 0.0001 wt.W/ day Water volume changes in containment during the ILRT were negligible. During the period from 0355 on 5/30 to 1931 on 5/30 trends from the Point Accumulation and Output Program were recorded from several reactor building sump and tank volumes.

Water volume changes were as follows: the containment floor and equipment sump level remained constant, the pressurizer level increased from 35.2 % to 36.1 % , the pressurizer relief tank level decreased from 81.2 % to 81.0 % and the reactor coolant drain tank level increased from 69 % to 70 %.

B. Reported "As Left" ILRT Results The results of the ILRT to be reported including all corrections are:

Total Time Mass Point  ;

Analysis Analysis

. Calculated Leakage Rate 0.2063 wt. W/ day 0.1481 wt. %/ day at 95% UCL Corrections 0.0001 wt. W/ day 0.0001 wt. %/ day "As Left" Leakage Rate 0.2064 wt. %/ day 0.1482 wt. %/ day i 1

Acceptance Criterion ( < 0.75 L, ) < 0.225 wt. 9/ day l

12 l

l i

McGuire Unit 1 Since both the "As Left" Total Time and Mass Point LICLs are less than 0.75La, the test results demonstrate that the leakage through the primary containment and systems and components penetrating containment does not exceed the allowable leakage rate specified in the McGuire Nuclear Station FSAR and the Technical Specifications.

C. "As Found" Evaluation of Containment In a letter dated July 27,1989 (Reference J) to Duke Power Company, the Director of NRR concluded that "As Found" Type A testing is not an explicit  !

requirement of the regulations. Therefore, the "As Found" evaluation in accordance with NRC IE Notice No. 85-71, " Containment Integrated leak Rate Tests", does not currently apply to McGuire Nuclear Station.

However,10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Section III.A.l.(a) requires that, "during the

  • period between the initiation of the containment inspection and the performance of the ,

Type A test. no repairs or adjustments shall be made so that the containment can be tested in as close to the 'as is' condition as practical." Following the time of the j initiation of the containment inspection, described by paragraph V.A. of Appendix J, '

and the completion of the Type A test, no preparatory repairs and adjustments were  ;

made to any penetrations. Therefore, the total leakage savings for this test is equal to zero and the "As Found" leakage rate is equal to the "As Left" leakage rate.

i Total Time Mass Point Analysis Analysis l

"As Left" Leakage Rate 0.2064 wt. %/ day 0.1482 wt. %/ day Total Leakage Savings 0.0000 wt. %/ day 0.0000 wt. %/ day "As Found" Leakage Rate 0.2064 wt. %/ day 0.1482 wt. %/ day [

Acceptance Criterion ( < 0.75 L,) < 0.225 wt. 9/ day l

V. REFERENCES A. McGuire Nuclear Station FSAR Section 3.8, Section 6.2 and Section 14.4.15.

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McGuire Unit 1 i

B. McGuire Nuclear Station Technical Specifications; Section 3, Paragraphs, l and l l

C. McGuire Nuclear Station, Procedure PT/1/A/4200/01 A, Unit 1, Containment Integrated l Leak Rate and Structural Integrity Test, Approved 5/24/93. i D. McGuire Nuclear Station, Procedure PT/1/A/4200/Olj, Unit 1 Containment Leakage, l Approved 12/17/91. l l

E. Duke Power Company Integrated Leak Rate Test Software Documentation, Version l 1.76.

F. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J, " Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors".

G. ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987, " Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements". j IL Bechtel Topical Report BN-TOP-1, " Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage RateTesting of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1, i 197' l

l I. ANSI N45.4-1972. " Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors" J. July 27,1989 Letter to Mr. IL B. Tucker, Vice President Duke Power Company from Mr. Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Regulation, Determination of i Backfit Appeal Regarding Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Testing at Oconee, McGuire, and Catawba Nuclear Station (TACS 68443-68449).

i I

i l 14 l

l t



l l


i 15 I

I l

1 McGuire Unit 1 APPENI)IX A l

Temperature Stabilization Phase Data and Graphs Reading No. 64 to 96 Reports: ,

BN-TOP-1 Temperature Stabilization Criteria Mass Point Temperature Stabilization Criteria a

Containment Calculated Values by Reading No.


Containment Mass Average Pressure & Average Temperature Lower & Upper Containment Ice Condenser Average Vapor Pressure Lower & Upper Containment Ice Condenser Average Dew Point Lower & Upper Containment Ice Condenser l


BN-TOP-1 Temporatura Stabilization McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Containment l

l  !



, A  !

l (1 9 - T 1-2l l

l 2 ,



~19.55 77.524 i l 20.10 77.052 20 25 76.755

! 20-40 76.538 l 20.55 76.381 l

! 21:10 76 260

! 21:25  ; 76.112 ! l j 21:40 l 75.938 l l 21:55  ! 75.787 l 0.867 j 0.545 l 22:10 75.663 ) 0.694 O.195 j 22:25 '

75 564 i 0595 0.095

, 22.40  ! 75.471 I 0.533 0.133 i 22.55 j 75.384 O.498 0191 23:10 >

75 313 0.473 0.246 23:25  ! 75.237 0 437 0.221


23.40  ! 75.173 0,382 0.170 l 23 55 i 75.109 0.339 0.128 00.10  ! 75.046 } 0.308 l 0.084 00.25 l 74.986 j 0.289 l 0.076 ,

00.40 74 917 i 0.276 0.041 l l

l 00 55 i 74 863 i 0.260 j 0.029 l 01:10 1 74 804 ! 0.254  ! 0.024 l 01.25 74 742 l 0.247 0.007 01 40 74 686 ! 0244 0.024 01 55 74 634 i 0.237 0.017 02.10 74 553 i 0.246 0.009 l l 02'25 74.517 1 0.234 0.019 l 02 40 '

74 485 0216 ,

0.031 l 74.447 I 02:55 9.208 0.042 03:10  !

74 417 l 0.194 0.114


03'25 74 379 r 0.181 0.087 03-40 74 325 0.181 0.040 03 55 74 276 0.179 0.016 i

t I

, l

! l

. . _ - .._.____J_._.__J___._ .____ . . _ . _ _ _ )


i Mass Point Tomp3raturo Stabilization McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Containment l


,  ! HOURS

'T - 1 I l

l t l t


4 lT 9 - T 9_j{ h=h-h l

1 HOURS l 'T [ *F/HR  ! *F/HR *F/HR c -- - - - - -  ! -+

20.10 f 77.052 l 20:25 i 76.755 l l

l  ;

i l 20 40 l 76.538 l' 20.55 1 76.381 21:10 l 76.260 21:25 l 76.112 21:40 75.938 l 21:55 l 75 787 22.10 l 75 663 22:25 75.564 '

l 22:40 75.471 22.55 75 384 .

I 23:10 75.313 !

23:25 75.237 23.40 75.173 l 23.55 75.109 O603 0.275 0 328 00.10 75.046  ; 0.501 0.266 , 0.235 00 25 74 986 l 0 442 , 0 251  ! 0 191 l l

00 40 74 917 j 0405 0.256 l 0.149 1 00 55 74.663 , 0379 0246 l 0133 l 01:10 74 804 0 364 0 242 i 0.122 01:25 74.742 0 342 0.244 i 0.099 01:40 74.686 i 0313 0.231 0 081 G155  !

74 634  ; 0 268 l 0.229 0.059 02 10 74 553 i 0.277 l 0251 0.027 02.25 74.517 0 262 1 0.225 0 037 02 40 744BS , 0246 0.201 0.046 02:55 74 447 i 0234 0.187 0.047 03:10 74 417 l 0224 0.137 0.087 03 25 74 379 O 214 0.138 0 076 03 40 74.325 j 0.212 0.lto 0.052 03 55 74 276 j 0 208 , 0.171 0.037 l

i l

1 i I I l

- I 1 i l . l I t  ! > i

! i, I l


i Containmant Calculatcd Valu0s McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 64 19:55 15 Lower / Upper Cont. 150957.92 86.223 0.1758 29.5873 lee Condenser 26173.23 21.464 0.0420 29.5964 TOTAL 177131.16 65 20:10:26 Lower / Upper Cont. 150945.03 85.69S 0.1750 29.5555 Ice Condenser 26150.77 21.356 0.0422 29.5646 TOTAL 177095.79 66 20:25:27 Lower / Upper Cont, 150973.09 85.337 0.1722 29.5389 Ice Condenser 26130.44 21.450 0.0423 29.5475 TOTAL 177103 53 67 20 40:27 Lower / Upper Cont. 150987.10 85.085 0.1689 29.5247 lee Condenser 26117.08 21.458 0.0420 29.5327 TOTAL 177104.18 68 20.55 28 Lower / Upper Cont. 150996 31 84 903 0.1656 29.5134 Ice Condenser 26104.96 21.463 0.0427 29.5199 TOTAL 177101.26 69 21:10.28 Lower / Upper Cont. 150999.92 84.755 0.1628 29.5033 fee Condenser 26093.90 21.516 0.0424 29.5104 TOTAL 177093.82 70 21:25:29 Lower / Upper Cont. 150985.25 84.569 0.1593 29.4869 Ice Condenser 26074.46 21.612 0.0423 29.4943 TOTAL 177059.71 71 21 40:29 Lower / Upper Cont. 151002.85 84.362 0.1556 29.4756 Ice Condenser 26062.36 21.647 0.0426 29.4830 TOTAL 177065.21 72 21:55:30 Lower / Upper Cont. 151020.66 84 189 0.1521 29.4662 lee Condenser 26053.98 21.642 0 0423 29.4730 TOTAL l77074.65 73 22:10.30 Lower / Upper Cont. 151031.63 84.042 0.1493 29 4575 les Condenser 26043.97 21.669 0.0426 29.4636 TOTAL 177075.59 74 22:25 31 Lower / Upper Cont. 151040.30 83 915 0.1462 29.4494 Ice Condenser 26031.86 21.744 0.0427 29.4546 TOTAL 177072.16 75 22:40:31 Lower / Upper Cont. 151045.31 83 799 0.1435 29.4413 Ice Condenser 26021.44 21.796 0.0427 29.4460 TOTAL 177066.75 ,

16 22 55:32 Lower / Upper Cont. 151053 80 83 690 0 1408 29 4344  !

Ice Condenser 26012.54 21.854 0.0427 29.4394 TOTAL 177066.35 77 23:10 32 Lower / upper Cont. 151055.56 83.600 0.1382 29.4272 Ice Condenser 26002.49 21.909 0.0433 29.4320 TOTAL 177058.04 78 23 25:33 Lower / Upper Cont. 151058.56 83.507 0.1360 29.4207 tce Condenser 25995.60 21.939 0.0430 29.4258 TOTAL 177054.16 I


Containmant Calculatcd Valuas McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 79 23 40 33 Lower / upper Cont. 151060.01 83 421 0.1339 29A142 les Condenser 25984 95 22.023 0.0427 29A186 TOTAL 177044.96 60 23 55 34 Lower / Upper Cont. 151061.21 83.345 0.1315 29A080 Ice Condenser 25978.62 22.036 0.0431 29A126 TOTAL 177039.83 81 00:10:35 Lower / Upper Cont. 151060 47 83.264 0.1298 29A017 ice Condenser 25970.36 22.092 0.0430 29 4066 TOTAL 177030 83 B2 0025:35 Lower / Upper Cont. 151059.09 83 100 0.1278 29.3955 Ice Condenser 25962.2: 22.113 0 0432 29.3989 TOTAL 177021.30 l

83 00 40:36 Lower / Upper Cont. 151062.03 83.117 0.1261 29.3904 Ice condenser 25947.59 22.078 0.0432 29.3802 TOTAL 177009.62 84 00 55 36 Lower / Upper Cont. 151066 29 83.053 0.1243 29.3860 Ice Condenser 25939.23 22 083 0.0432 29.3711 TOTAL 177005.52 55 01 10 37 Lower / Upper cont. 151058.57 82.987 0.1230 29.3797 ice Condenser 25929 55 22.068 0.0433 29.3593 TOTAL 176988.12 6$ 01 25 37 Lower / Upper Cont. 151060 38 82 927 01212 29 3750 lee Condenser 25925 59 21.993 0.0432 29.3501 TOTAL 176985.96 87 01 40:38 Lower / Upper Cont. 151058 49 82.866 0.1199 29.3699 lee Condenser 25916.16 21.972 0 0432 29.3382 TOTAL 176974 65 65 01.55.38 Lower / Upper Cont. 151060 89 82.810 01182 29.365B Ice Condenser 25911.90 21.944 0.0432 29.3317 TOTAL 176972.78 69 02.10 39 Lower / Upper Cont. 151062 83 82.752 0.1166 29.3614 lee Condenser 25957 A7 21 720 0.0433 29.3697 TOTAL 177020 30 90 02:25:39 Lower / Upper Cont. 151061 77 82.703 0.1154 29.3573 lee Condenser 25950 93 21.760 0.0434 29.3648 TOTAL 177012.70 91 02 40 40 tower / Upper Cont. 151061 A9 82.651 0.1142 29.3533 Ice Condenser 25941.53 21 865 0 0435 29.3607 TOTAL 177C03 02 92 02 55 40 Lower / Upper Cont. 151051.87 82.603 0.1129 29.3494 Ice Condenser 25935.35 21.890 0.0435 29.3552 TOTAL 17699723 93 03.10 41 Lower / Upper Cont. 151058.68 82.557 0.1117 29.3452 Ice Condenser 25928.33 21 958 0 0436 29.3515 TOTAL 176987 01

Containmsnt Calculatcd Volucs McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 94 03:25:41 Lower / Upper Cont. 151059.10 82.505 0.1107 29.3414 lee Condenser 25921.81 22.007 0 0435 29.3471 TOTAL 176980 90 95 03 40:42 Lower / Upper Cont. 151053.54 82.467 0.1094 29.3370 Ice Condenser 25925.17 21.854 0-.0435 29.3415 TOTAL 176978.71 96 03 55 42 Lower / Upper Cont. 151053.24 82.425 0.1085 29.3339 Ice Condenser 25927.18 21.762 0.0442 29.3389 TOTAL 176980.42 l

l l

l l

Containment Mass McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 177; g ._. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ - . . _ . - . . . - . _ _ _ _

17 7130 t------ - --- -- - - - - - - - - - -

\ i 177110

\ ,-% g .

(/ \  !

177090 -


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(] N r

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! i 176970}

! I 176950 ,

19:55 20:55 21:55 22:55 23:55 00:55 01:55 02.55 03.55 Time - HR MIN

. . . .. - - __ . . _.- . _ - - . .- -. - . .-. -. - _= ._-- _= -. .. ..

Lower / Upper Cont. Average Pressure & Lower / Upper Cont. Average Temperature McGuire Nuclear Station 1.ower/ Upper Cont. Averago Pressure Lower / Upper Cont. Averogo Temperature 87 0


29.57 - l 86.5 p

l ',

  • \ l l

j 29.54 b 86.0 29.51 1 85 5 I

i I

29 48 s p 85.0 x i

, 29.45 q 84.5 p c:  ;

I 29.42 1 - 84 0

, \x 29.39 \ L .5 i N l 83 i

N ,


! x l 83.0 i

1 l

29.33 -

,, F- 82,5 i


. 29.30 82.0

, 19:55 20:55 21:55 22:55 23:55 00:55 01:55 02:56 03.55 Time - HR. MIN 1

- - _ - - _ _ _ . - - - - - - - . . - . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ - . - - - . - - ----____-a- --,-rv ----,-n-,-.-- .-u\-n es wee, e - - - - - - - , ,. , - a . - - - - . _ - - - - - , _ - - - ~ - _ - - _ - - - _ - - . . - - . _ _ _ . - - - -'

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Lower / Upper Cont. Average Dew Point McGuire Nuclear Station Unit I

. _ _ _ - _ ~ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

50 s

N 49 s


47 s N

s I 46 - 'x x


'N 44 - N


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40 - \



38 . \

\ N NJ 37 1 i i

35 19 s 20:55 21:55 22.55 23:55 00:55 01:55 02.55 03.55 Time - HR.M:N

Ice Condenser Average Dew Point McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 18 0 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - -

i 17.7 17.4 -

l 17.1 -



- /^%

16.8 -- A f%l l v'

i i '* 5 s'  !

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16.2 +'


i i

l 15.9 - j i

15.6 q l

I 15.3 H 15.0 19:55 20.55 21:55 22:55 23.55 00.55 01:55 02:55 03:55 Time - HR: MIN

i McGuire Unit 1 l APPENDIX B I Integrated Leakage Rate Test Data and Graphs Reading No. 96 to 132 Reports: i BN-TOP-1 Total Time Test Termination Criteria TotalTime Leak Rate Analysis Mass Point Leak Rate Analysis Containment Calculated Values by Reading No. ,

l Graphs:

Total Time Leak at UCL and Calculated Total Time Leak Mass Point Leak at UCL and Mass Point Leak Containment Mass Average Pressure Average Vapor Pressure and Average Dew Point Lower & Upper Containment Ice Condenser Average Temperature Lower & Upper Containment Ice Condenser i

l t

BN-TOP-1 Termination Critoria l McGuire Nuclear Station l Unit 1 l BN-TOP- 1 Terminot:on Cr:terio Evoluotion for Reading # 132

1. The Trend Report based on Total Time calculations shall indicate that the mognitude of the calculated leak rote is tending to stabilize at a value less than the maximum allowable leak ro+e (<.75La).

Requeed Value: 0.225000 %/doy Actual Value: 0.120467 %/doy (Note. The magnitude of the calculated look rate rnay be i

increasing slightly as it tends to stabilize. In this cose

! the overage rate of increase of the calculated leak rate shall be determined from the occumulated dato over the last five hours or lost twenty dato points, whichever provides the most points. Using this overage rate, the calculated leak rote l cor then be linearly extropolated to the 24th hour dato point.

If this extrapolated value of the calculated leak rate exceeds 75% of the maximum allowable leak rate (LO) then the leak rate test is continued )

Required Value: 0.225000 %/doy Actual Value: 0.033033 %/ day

2. The end of test upper 95% confidence limit for the calculated leck rate based on Total Time calculations shall be less than the moximum allowable leck rate (<.75Lo).

i i i

Required Value: 0 225000 %/ day Actual Value: 0206322 %/ day l i

j 3. The mean of the measured look rates based on Total Time l l co!culations over the lost five hours of test or lost twenty dato '

points. whichever provides the most dato, shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate (<.75La).

Required Value 0.225000 %/doy Actual Value: 0.160908 %/ day

& Dato shall be recorded of approximately equalintervals and j in no cose at intcrvals greater than one hour.

Requred interval. <=1 hr tAoximum ActualIntental 0 25 hr i 5. At least twenty (20) dato points sho!! be provided for proper I

statistical analys:s.

I Required # Dato Points: >=20 Actuot Data Points: 37 l 6. In no cose shall the minimum test durotion be less than six (6)

! hours Required t/inimum Duratiorr 6 hr Actual Duration: 9.0 hr l


TotalTimo Lcak Rafa Analysis McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME (MINUTES) ME ASURED LEAK (WT CALCULATED LEAK (WT UCL LEAK (WT %/ DAY)

%/ DAY)  %/ DAY)

I 96 0.00 - - -

97 15.02 0.291467 - -

98 30.02 0.251715 0.251715 -

l 99 45.03 0.304592 0.289163 0.655496 100 60.03 0.297372 0.296880 0 431193 101 75 05 0.335006 0.322585 0.417964 102 90.05 0.335771 0.335810 0.407608 103 105.07 0.165765 0.263961 0.458023 104 120 07 0 185125 0 227396 0.406275 105 135.08 0.217298 0.2iS851 0.374001 106 150.08 0.220862 0.209560 0.352889 l 107 165.10 0.173465 0.190352 0.322841 108 180.10 0.178985 0.178229 0.300984 109 195 12 0.199447 0.175057 0.291791 110 210 13 0.183211 0.168758 0.279288 l 111 225 17 0184733 0.164463 0.270272 l 112 240.18 0.159261 0.155497 0.256208 113 255 22 0.131012 0.142387 0.238918 114 270.22 0.145536 0.134886 0.227688 115 285.23 0.180711 0.135744 0.229277 116 300.23 0 191419 0.138653 0.234178 117 315 25 0.223475 0.146956 0.249196 118 330 25 0.237026 0.156458 0.265043 119 345 27 0210857 0.160430 0.269'64 120 360 27 0.138720 0.152652 0.258549 121 375.28 0143623 0.146738 0.249797 122 390 30 0.139712 0 141106 0 241527 123 405.30 0.150814 0 137822 G.235982 124 420 32 0.150778 0.135004 0.231149 125 435.32 0 146152 0,131991 0.226201 126 450.33 0.144616 0.129191 0.221629 127 465 33 0.141208 0.126351 0.217109 128 480.38 0145737 0124406 0 213816 129 495 38 0150943 0.123341 0.211775 130 510 40 0 155072 0.122903 0.210671 131 525 40 0.144i45 0.121436 0.208133 132 540.42 0.147651 0.120467 0206322


%n iss%jI" -

90Rio N 7 63 5335 M 029iA6 0 .3 37 0 25T722336 O

  1. 0.36BB wta0" T. 029'J T3 0.300 0.369AM 0 9999 0.352 EDG 0 0999 # 7 0 297IW 0 00 O M 0.32339T

@6 0 272 T302 0 9996 0 3002 f2AA3B'J 96 A503 999B 0 20'a29 0258025 323U 97 6003 009 99790 0 20@b 02 9B 0 2T5WA7

@ 0 99967 A6 0 2 TOT b 75.05 ggggB O W'063 0 0 20 0^

100 9005 0'9997 f36 A9 l 07 03702 T05 l TOT 12007 g999770 o371930 0 39'J t 102 OT f36602B 03BA2 T35OB 9 999B 0370770 103 09997 0 T62062 T04 TSODB 0 999730 0 3 66257 TO'a T6530 0 99973 0 T57 ^U 7 f36AB6B 0 f3A280 TB03 T06 0T30 037 39532 0 9997 107 33 f3AT2A0 03 B63B5 10B 2T0 0 999I3 qq976B O 2027 g

109 7 7 020 67V 00 2253 099972 03ABT904 039'a9@

2A03B 0~99 9 0 T6 25522 f376247 U 22 03 BTBO5 03B7 U2 270 09999 037903 265 23 09995TT 0 37055 U3 456 037379M U3 0999 A 424 036 A7N 30023 0 999^9 o T62 0 U 25 0 T550 036 3T5 0 9996a3 06 33925 f350B6 03 A8087 93 #

7 34527 0 999626 tA720 U, 3927 962T o~3 03'3B 035 AB N of99999576 "9 03AMT7 03 522BA T20 3752B30 f999560 0 35T629 399 0 0 999558 o1366 A053 0 T36BBS 03 4952T 9B T2I A2032 fT362 9 T22 0 9996 03 4B 435.32 0 999' f33656 T23 33 0 999'a 5 T2A A50 0 999^0 033a29 5 125 A6533 0 999 O T3A62 ASO3B T26 T27 49536 t o999472 330 0 0~999^

T2B T2g A0 52 5 T30 cso L2 T3i T32

i Mass Point Lcak Roto Analysis McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME (MINUTES) NORM. M ASS ME ASURED LEAK (WT UCL LE AK (WT %/ DAY)

%/ DAY) l 96 0 00 1,000000 -

97 15.02 0.999970 0.291467 -

98 30.02 0.999948 0 251722 0.448194 99 45.03 0.999905 0295336 0.375335 100 60.03 0.999876 0.300131 0.337668 101 75 05 0.999825 0.327991 0.368863 102 90 05 0.999790 0.339181 0.369444 103 105.07 0999879 0.244385 0.352936 104 120.07 0.999846 0.205239 0.297735 105 135 08 0.999796 0.200005 0.272644 106 150.08 0.999770 0.199555 0.258025 107 165.10 0 999801 0.180063 0.232311 108 180.10 0.999776 0.170249 0.215171 109 195.12 0.999730 0.171930 0.210147 110 210.13 0.999733 0.168028 0.201154 111 225.17 0 999711 0.166257 0.195122 112 240 18 0.999734 0.157411 0.184282 113 255.22 0.999768 0.142807 0.170770 114 270.22 0999727 0.136300 0.162062 115 285.23 0 999642 0.141240 0.164868 116 300.23 0.999601 0.148190 0.170603 117 315.25 0 999511 0.161904 0186385 118 330.25 0 999456 0176247 0 202708 119 345.27 0 999494 0.181880 0.206717 120 360.27 0999653 0.170555 0.195964 121 375 28 0999626 0.162424 0.187175 122 390.30 0 999621 0.155015 0.179032 123 405.30 0.999576 0.151186 0.173770 124 420.32 0 999560 0.148087 0.169303 125 435.32 0 999558 0.144720 0.164770 126 450.33 0 999548 0.141694 0.1(0660 127 465.33 0.999544 0 138617 0.156632 128 480.38 0 999514 0.136855 0.153848 129 495 38 0 999481 0.136298 0.152284 130 510.40 0 999450 0.136569 0151629 131 525 40 0.999472 0 135252 0.149521 132 540 42 0.999446 0.134625 0.148125 l


l Containm3nt Calculatad Voluss McGuire Nucleor Stotion Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 96 03:55 42 Lower / Upper Cont. 151053 24 82.425 0.1085 29.3339 fee Condenser 25927.18 21.762 0.0442 29.3389 TOTAL 176980.42 97 04:10 43 Lower / Upper Cont. 151053.38 82.385 0.1077 29.3309 lee Condenser 25921.66 21.820 0.0438 29.3358 TOTAL 176975.04 98 04.25:43 Lower / Upper Cont. 151057.01 82.339 0.1066 29.3279 Ice Condenser 25914.13 21.902 0.0437 29.3322 TOTAL 176971.14 99 04 40 44 Lower / Upper Cont. 151054 77 82.300 0.1057 29.3246 fee Condenser 25908.79 21.929 0.0439 29.3280 TOTAL 176963.56 100 04 55 44 tower / Upper Cont. 151056.66 82.255 0.1047 29.3215 Ice Condenser 25901.82 21.936 0.0435 29.3201 TOTAL 176958.48 101 05:10 45 Lower / Upper Cont. 151054.14 82.218 0.1039 29.3182 lee Condenser 25895.38 21.890 0.0440 29.3106 TOTAL 176949.52 102 05-25:45 Lower / Upper Cont. 151056.13 82.180 0.1030 29.3156 Ice Condenser 25887.13 21 906 0.0440 29.3022 TOTAL 176943.26 103 05:40 46 Lower / Upper Cont. 151057.34 82.141 0.1021 29.3128 Ice Condenser 25901.68 21,936 0.0439 29.3203 TOTAL 176959.02 104 05:55 46 Lower / Upper Cont. 151056.06 82.105 0.1014 29.3100 lee Condenser 25897.05 21.963 0.0439 29.3168 TOTAL 176953.10 105 06:10 47 Lower / Upper Cont. 151055.37 82.067 0.1008 29.3072 Ice Condenser 25888.98 22.053 0.0439 29.3131 TOTAL 176944.35 106 06 25:47 Lower / Upper Cont. 151052.50 82.034 0.1001 29.3042 ice Condenser 25887.18 22.026 0.0442 29.3098 TOTAL 176939.68 107 D6 40 48 Lower / Upper Cont. 151057.57 81.989 0.0994 29.3020 lce Condenser 25887.65 21.986 0 0442 29.3079 TOTAt 176945 22 108 06:55 4B Lower / Upper Cont. 151059.91 81.967 0.0969 29.3007 lee Condenser 25880 90 22.086 0.0440 29.3061 TOTAL 176940.80 109 07:10 49 tower / Upper Cont. 151054 92 81 934 0 0981 29.2972 ice Condenser 25877.67 22.076 0.0440 29.3018 TOTAL 176932.59 110 07:25 50 tower / Upper Cont. 151053.04 81.907 0 0976 29.2949 lee condenser 25880.07 21.995 0.0442 29.2999 TOTAL 176933.11

~ -


Containment Calculated Values McGuire Nuclear Station Untt 1 PRES $URE TEMP VAPOR PRESS MASS RDG TIME 0.0970 29.2923 81.878 29.2970 151050 87 0.0441 Lower / Upper Cont. 21 981 07.40.52 25B78.43 111 tco Condenser 176929.30 TOTAL 29.2907 81.844 0.0964 151055.01 0.0446 29.2952 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.942 07:55 53 25878.40 112 lee Condenser 176933.41 TOTAL 29.2886 81 819 0.0960 151053.38 0.0442 29.2905 Lower / Upper Cont, 21.732 08:10 55 25BB5 94 113 Ice Condenser 176939.33 TOTAL 29.2870 81.793 0.0955 151055.01 0.0440 29.2821 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.763 08 25 55 25877 08 114 lee Condenser 176932.09 TOTAL 29 2845 81.762 0.0950 151052.65 0 0443 29.2741 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.861 08 40 56 25864.42 115 lee Condenser 176917.07 TOTAL 29 2826 81 731 0 0945 151054.32 0 0441 29.2655 Lower / Upper cont. 21.889 08 55 56 25855 47 116 lee Condenser 176909.79 TOTAL 29.2803 81.708 0.0940 151051.20 0.0442 29.2572 Lower / Upper cont. 21 990 09.10 57 25842.63 117 tco Condenser 176893 84 TOTAL 29.2778 81.675 0.0937 151049.21 0 0445 29.2520 Lower / Upper Cont. 22.040 118 0?-25 57 25835 01 lee condenser 176884.22 TOTAL 0 0932 29.2753 81.648 29.2523 151046 17 0 0446 Lower / Upper Cont. 21 661 09 40 58 25844.7 B 119 leo Condenser 176890 95 TOTAL 29.2731 81.619 0.0928 151045.40 0 0447 29.2797 Lower / Upper cont. 21.774 09 55 58 25B73 60 120 Ice Condenser 176919 00 TOTAL 29 2717 81.504 0.0924 151047.14 0.0447 29.2770 Lower / Upper cont. 21.853 10:10 59 25867.04 121 tce Condenser 176914.18 TOTAL 29.2703 81.569 0.0918 151049 64 0.0445 29.2754 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.890 10-26 00 25663.77 122 Ice Condenser 176913.40 TOTAL 29.2683 81.549 0 0915 151046 49 0 0448 29 2728 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.935 10 41 00 2565B11 123 lee Condenser 176905.30 TOTAL 29.2665 81.524 0.0912 151045 97 0.0447 29.2704 tower / Upper Conf. 21 938 10 56'01 25856 56 124 ice Condenser 176902.53 TOTAL 29.2651 81.502 0.0910 151045.73 0 0449 29.2694 Lower / Upper Cont. 21.920 11.11:01 25856.50 125 Ice Condenser 176902 23 iOTAL

j Containment Calculatcd Valucs McGuire Nuclect Station Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 126 11:26:02 Lower / Upper Cont. 151046.68 81.479 0 0905 29.2635 les Condenser 25B53.70 21.968 0.0447 29.2689 TOTAL 176900.38 127 11.41:02 Lower / Upper Cont. 151049.57 81.449 0.0902 29.2621 Ice Condenser 25850.09 21.993 0.0447 29.2664 l TOTAL 176899.66 1

i 128 11:56 05 Lower / Upper Cont. 151048.57 81.428 0.0899 29.2605 l lee Condenser 25B45 81 22.000 0.0445 29.2617 TOTAL 176894.38 129 12 11:05 Lower / Upper Cont. 151047.79 81.405 0.0895 29.2588 Ice Condenser 25B40.73 22.099 0.0448 29.2624 TOTAL 176888.52 l 130 12.26 06 Lower / Upper Cont. 151043.62 81.388 0.0892 29.2568 lee Condenser 25839.53 22.055 0.CM47 29.2582 TOTAL 176883.15 131 12 41.06 Lower / Upper Cont. 151048.86 81.363 0.0891 29.2563 Ice Condenser 25838.09 22.091 0.0445 29.2586 TOTAL 176886.96 132 12 56 07 Lower / Upper Cont. 151052.28 81.346 0.0887 29.2556 lee Condenser 25830.0B 22.220 0.0447 29.2575 TOTAL 176882.35 i


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McGuire Unit 1 APPENDIX C Verification Controlled Leakage Rate Test Data and Graphs l Reading No.141 to 169 Reports:

Total Time Leak Rate Analysis l Mass Point Leak Rate Analysis  ;

Containment Calculated Values by Reading No.  ;

Graphs: I Calculated Total Time Leak l

  • Mass Point Leak Containment Mass Average Pressure  ;

Average Vapor Pressure and Average Dew Point

. Lower & Upper Contamment 1 I lee Condenser Average Temperature 1 Lower & Upper Containment I Ice Condenser i


Verification Tcst Total Timo Leak Rata Analysis McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME Norm Moss TT M eos TT Cole

%/doy  %/ day 141 0 00 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 142 10 00 0 999968 0 456015 0.000000 143 20.02 0999938 0442705 0.442705 144 30.02 0.999879 0.581506 0.556116 145 40.02 0.999847 0.549864 0.570555 146 50 G3 0.999870 0.373328 0.469019 147 60 03 0.999869 0.313572 0.384826 148 70.03 0.999863 0.281094 0.322107 149 80 05 0 999756 0.439609 0.350402 150 90.05 0.999786 0.342808 0.333444 151 100 05 0.999753 0.356064 0.327091 152 110.07 0.999684 0.412990 0.341295 153 120.07 0999685 0.377611 0.341813 154 130.07 0 999654 0.383108 0.344091 155 140 08 0 999631 0.379095 0.345112 156 150.08 0.999567 0 415212 0.354908 157 160.08 0 999531 0.421897 0364437 158 170.10 0.999495 0.427444 0.373477 159 180.10 0.999425 0459657 0.387582 160 190.10 0 999375 0.473318 0.401977 161 200.12 0.999313 0.494549 0.417982 162 210.12 0.999287 0.488856 0.430466 163 220.12 0999440 0.366072 0.420192 164 230.13 0 999423 0.361327 0.410623 165 240.13 0 999365 0.380577 0.405405 166 250.15 0.999294 0 406168 0404754 l 167 260 15 0 999295 0.390311 0.401899 168 270.17 0.999291 0 377908 0.397673 169 280.17 0.999270 0.374972 0 393575 i

I 1

Vcrification Tcst Mass Point Laak Rato Analysis McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG T!ME Norm Moss MPleak

%/ day 141 0.00 1.000000 0 000000 142 10.00 0.999968 0.456015 143 20.02 0999938 0.442702 144 30.02 0.999879 0.566264 145 40.02 0.999847 0568727 146 50 03 0 999870 0 440614 147 60.03 0.999869 0.349264 148 70 03 0 999863 0.289287 149 80.05 0.999756 0.345294 150 90.05 0.999786 0.331426 151 100.05 0 999753 0.330403 152 110 07 0.999684 0.3548B6 153 120.07 0.999685 0.357601 154 130 07 0 999654 0 361921 155 140 08 0 999631 0.363855 156 150.08 0.999567 0.377433 157 160 08 0.999531 0.389589 158 170 10 0.999495 0.400341 159 180 10 0.999425 0.417619 160 190.10 0.999375 0.434512 161 200.12 0999313 0.453038 162 210.12 0 999287 0 466023 163 220.12 0 999440 0 446798 164 230.13 0.999423 0.430094 165 240 13 0 999365 0.420721 166 250.15 0 999294 0 418474 167 260.15 0 999295 0 413322 i 168 270.17 0.V99291 0 406553 i 169 280 17 0.999270 0 400328 1

Containm:nt Calculat d Voluts McGuire Nuclear Station Unit i RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 141 14.51.11 Lower / Upper Cont. 151019.67 81.182 0.0870 29.2388 Ice Condenser 25831.10 22.004 0.0446 29.2455 TOTAL 176850.77 142 15:01:11 Lower / Upper Cont. 151017.54 81.170 0.0869 29.2376 Ice Condenser 25827.63 22.032 0.0445 29.2431 TOTAL 176845.16 143 15:11:12 Lower / Upper Cont. 151018 25 81.157 0 0867 29.2369 Ice Condenser 25821.63 22.112 0 0462 29.2429 TOTAL 176839.88 144 15.21:12 Lower / Upper Cont. 151012.57 81.150 0 0863 29.2351 lee Condenser 25816.76 22.151 0.0456 29.2391 TOTAL 176829.33 145 15:31.12 Lower / Upper Cont. 151007.23 81.134 0.0863 29.2331 lee Condenser 25816 51 22.125 0.0458 29.2375 TOTAL 176823.74 146 15 41:13 Lower / Upper Cont. 151003.89 81.121 0.0861 29.2316 Ice Condenser 25823 94 21.956 0.0448 29.2346 TOTAL 176827.83 147 15.51:13 Lower / Upper Cont. 150999.63 81.109 0.0862 29.2302 lee Condenser 25828.02 21.881 0.0453 29.2352 TOTAL 176827.65 14B 16.01 13 Lower / Upper Cont. 150908 46 81.096 0.0861 29.2292 lee Condenser 25828.13 21.896 0 0456 29.2365 TOTAL 176826.59 149 16.11:14 Lower / Upper Cont. 150991,60 81.081 0.0860 29.2269 fee Condenser 25815 95 21.974 0.0458 29.2277 TOTAL 176807.55 150 16:21:14 Lower / Upper Cont. 150993 81 81.070 0 0859 29.2266 Ice Condenser 25819.04 21.987 0 0456 29 2318 TOTAL 176812 85 151 16.31 14 Lower / Upper Cont. 150993 01 81.062 0.0857 29.2258 l lee Condenser 25B14 01 22.028 0 0455 2?.2285 l TOTAL 176807.01 152 16 41:15 Lower / Upper Cont. 150982.24 81.051 0.0858 29.2233 lee Condenser 25812.70 22.033 0 0457 29.2275 TOTAL 176794.94 153 16 51 15 Lower / Upper Cont. 150985.64 81.034 0 0857 29.2229 Ice Condenser 25809.44 22.055 0.0458 29.2253 TOTAL 176795.0B 154 17.01:15 Lower / Upper Cont. 150980.80 81.022 0.0855 29.2212 Ice Condenser 25808 77 22.053 0.0457 29.2242 TOTAL 176789.57 155 17.11 16 Lower / Upper Cont. 150979 09 81.010 0.0853 29.2200 lee Condenser 25806 45 22.072 0,0456 29.2227 TOTAL 176785,55 l

Containm:nt Calculatad Voluss McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 156 17:21 16 Lower / Upper Cont. 150974 47 81.000 0.0853 29.2186 les Condenser 25799.76 22.122 0.0457 29.2182 TOTAL 176774 23 157 17.31:16 Lower / Upper Cont. 150975.34 80.985 0.0849 29.2175 les Condenser 25792 48 22.100 0 0461 29.2146 TOTAL I76767.82 158 17.41:17 Lower / Upper Cont. 150973.55 80 970 0.0848 292163 -

Ice Condenser 25787.92 22.165 0.0456 29 2073 TOTAL 176761.47 159 17 51 17 Lower / Upper Cont. 150969.08 80 962 0.0848 29.2150 i

Ice Condenser 25780.01 22.150 0.0458 29.1978 TOTAL 176749.10 160 18 01:17 Lower / Upper Cont. 150968.85 80 944 0.0848 29 2139 Ice Condenser 25771.41 22.193 0.0457 29.1905 TOTAL 176740 26 161 18 11:18 Lower / Upper Cont. 150962.83 80.940 0.0847 29.2125 fee Condenser 25766.39 22.228 0 0452 29.1864 TOTAL 176729 22 162 18 21:18 Lower / Upper Cont. 150957.80 80.930 0.0847 29.2110 lee Condenser 25766.81 22.197 0.0447 29.1846 TOTAL 176724.62 163 18 31 18 Lower / Upper Cont. 150956.14 80 920 0.0845 29 2099 I lee Condenser 25795.67 22.168 0 0457 29.2164 TOTAL 176751.80 164 18 41 19 Lower / Upper Cont. 150957.90 80 902 0.0844 292002 Ice Condenser 25790.74 22.242 0.0457 29 2154 TOTAL 176748 64 165 18 51 19 Lower / Upper Cont. 150953 59 80.897 0 0845 29 2081 Ice Condenser 25784 93 22.323 0.0457 29.2136 TOTAL 176738.53 166 190120 Lower / Upper Cont. 150950 86 80.876 0 0843 29 2063 ice Condenser 25775.13 22 44B 0.0464 292108 TOTAL 176725.98 167 191120 Lower / Upper Cont. 150946 29 80.869 0.0844 29 2051 lee Condenser 25779.77 22.344 0.0459 29 2093 ,

TOTAL 176726.06

'68 19:2121 Lower / Upper Cont. 150942.57 80 860 0 0841 292037 tco Condenser 25782.81 22.242 0 0465 29 2071 TOTAL 176725.38 169 19 3121 Lower / Upper Cont. 150939 82 80.848 0.0841 292025 lee Condenser 25781.93 22250 0.0459 202061 TOTAL 176721.74

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l l

Lower / Upper Cont. Average Pressure & Ice Condenser Average Pressure i McGuire Nuclear Station Unit I Lower / Upper Cont. Average Pressure Ice Condenser Averogo Pressure 7 ,__


i 29.26 ,  !

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Lower / Upper Cont. Average Vapor Pressure & Lower / Upper Cont. Average Dew Point McGuire Nuclear Station , ,

Unit 1 L w r/ Upper Cont. Average Vapor Pressure Lower / Upper Cont. Average Dew Point 0.14 33 0

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Ice Condenser Average Temperature McGuire Nuclear Statien Unit 1 230------------------------ ,

l l

22.8 -

22.6 -

22.4 -



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4 l

l McGuire Unit 1 APPENDIX D l Miscellaneous Information I


Average Pressure (Chronological Time Sequence)

Configuration Data


Sensor Information Test Results with Ice Condenser Pressure Sensor Removed from Cale:

Total Time Leak at UCL & Calculated Total Time Leak

. Mass Point Leak at UCL & Mass Point Leak


Containment Mass (ILRTtest interval: data set 96-132)

Calculated Total Time Leak (from venfication test)


Mass Point Leak (from venfication test)

Containment Mass (verification test interval: data set 141-169) i i


l l

Lower / Upper Average Pressure M leor Station 1

32 l

i l

Temperature Stabilization ----

30 Verification Test

/ \

/ Type A Test Measurement j

28 - - - -

t-- + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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14 h 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 j Time - Hours

Pop t c va Sensor Informat. ion McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Lower / Upper Cont.

c Pressures VOL FRACT CO C1 C2 C3 C4 NUM CHAN SERIAL 1 1001 SNPRF40759 1.000000 0.0 1.0 - -

2 1002 SNPRF40761 0 000000 0.0 1.0 - -

Dew Points CO C1 C2 C3 C4 NUM CHAN SERIAL VOL FRACT 1 1 SNPRF41101 0.177500 0.0 5000 0 - -

2 2 SNPRF41128 0177500 0.0 5000.0 -

3 3 SNPRF41103 0.322500 00 5000.0 - -

4 4 SNPRF41104 0.322500 00 5000.0 - -

Temperatures VOL FRACT CO C1 C2 C3 C4 NUM CHAN SERIAL 1 101 SNPRF40121 0.014800 -408.38190 4 2136410 0.00192337 - -

2 102 SNPRF40146 0 020100 -407.81010 4.2047370 0.00197086 - -

3 103 SNPRF40149 0.020100 -407.82460 4 2041140 0.00195792 - -

4 104 SNPRF40134 0 020100 -407.86510 4.2039890 0.00197826 -

5 105 SNPRF40161 0.020100 -407.82370 4.2026210 0.00196115 -

6 106 SNPRF40164 0 010500 -408 40280 4 2151930 0.00192010 - -

7 107 SNPRF40172 0 010500 409 04250 4.2244970 0.00185730 - -

8 108 5NPRF40131 0.010500 -408.30470 4.2134580 0.00'94188 - -

9 109 SNPRF40741 0.010500 -408 04240 4.2050690 0.00lVwo7 - -

10 110 SNPF R40140 0 013400 -407 89980 4.2041350 0 00196698 - -

11 111 SNPRF 40744 0 013400 -408.i?610 4.2075630 0.00197920 - -

12 112 SNPRF40152 0.013400 -408.10520 4.2036220 0.00193625 - -

13 113 SNPRF40126 0.013400 -408 29230 4 2122150 0.00193609 - -

14 114 SNPRF40174 0 013400 -405.94570 4.1648040 0.00213234 - -

15 115 SNPRF4014B 0.020100 -407 85650 42060680 0.00197241 - -

16 116 SNPRF40135 0 020100 -408 16070 4.2117290 0.00194213 - -

17 117 SNPRF40145 0 013400 -407.98050 4.2076390 0.00195938 - -

18 118 SNPRF40156 0 004200 -408 06580 4 2062690 0.00193979 - -

19 119 SNPRF40136 0 003500 -407.75070 4 2040410 0.00197331 - -

20 120 SNPRF40167 0 004000 -408.44380 4.2143810 0.00191064 - -

21 121 SNPRF40160 0 004rJ00 -408.43860 4.2162110 0.00191117 - -

22 122 SNPRF40391 0.012200 -408.10750 4 20SS590 0.0019433B - -

23 123 SNPRF40740 0.015500 -408.25890 4.2076760 0.00196860 -

24 124 SNPRF41123 0 013400 -408 70920 4.2172640 0 00192952 - -

25 125 SNPRF40143 0.011400 -408 28220 4 2138230 0 00193136 - -

4.2125750 0.00195761 26 126 SNPPF40742 0.014400 -408 55270 -

27 127 SNPRF40122 0 014400 -407.59930 4.2008470 0.00198869 - -

28 128 SNPRF40123 0 049200 -408 56S60 4 218310 0.00191325 - -

29 129 SNPRF40129 0 049200 -408.31430 4 2115640 0.00193362 - -

30 130 SNPRF40138 0.049200 -407.95050 4.2060240 0.00196184 - -

31 131 SNPRF40120 0.(M9200 -407.72210 4.2029130 0.0019B859 - -

32 132 SNPRF40169 0 054700 -408.00760 4 2050130 0.00194235 - -

33 133 SNPRF 40142 0.054700 -408 08910 4.2082980 0.00196131 - -

34 134 SNPRF40132 0.087500 -408 1S490 4 210430 0.00195423 -

ab 135 SNPRF40117 0 087500 -408.04370 4 205670 0.00197160 -

136 SNPRF40168 0 082000 -408 32090 4.2119570 0,00192850 - -

36 37 137 SNPRF40171 0 082000 -407.98870 4 2041370 0 00195523 -


S nsorinformation McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Ice Condenser Pressure NUM CHAN SERIAL VOL FR8 OT CO C1 C2 C3 C4 1 1003 SNPRF40760 1.000000 0.0 1.0 - - -

Dew Point NUM CHAN SERIAL VOL FRACT CO C1 C2 C3 C4 1 5 SNPRF41105 1.000000 -22.50 3125.0 - - -

Temperatures NUM CHAN SERIAL VOL FRACT C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 1 138 SNPRF40157 0.114500 -408.0450 4.2066670 0.00193543 - -

2 140 SNPRF40154 0.114500 -407.65230 4.1979960 0.00197229 - -

3 142 SNPRF40151 0.114500 -407.470 4.1966170 0.00198177 - -

4 144 SNPRF40119 0.114500 -407.71770 4.200590 0.00200173 - -

5 146 SNPRF40133 0.114500 -408.27210 4.2122150 0.00105060 - -

6 148 SNPRF40165 0.085500 -406.42370 4.1752210 0.00210261 - -

7 149 SNPRF41125 0.085500 -410.02890 4.2363340 0.00185050 - -

8 150 SNPRF40150 0.085500 -406.10090 4.1714970 0.00211812 - -

9 151 SNPRF40386 0.085500 -408.04930 4.2007230 0.00193905 - -

10 152 SNPRF403B2 0.085500 -407.89270 4.20480 0.00196099 -

l l

1 l


Total Time Leak at UCL & Calculated Total Time Leak


McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Totof Time Leak at UCL -

Calculated Total ilme Leck O.50 .r------ --

1 1

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  • 176880 , i i i 03:55 04:55 05.55 06:55 07:55 08:55 09.55 10 55 11.55 12:55 Time - HR. MIN

Calculated Total Time Leak McGuire fluclear Station Unit 1 0.70 -

0.60 --

0.50 -


d 0.40 -

O 0.30 -

0.20 - ,

i i

O 10 . . i 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Time - Hours

Mass Point Leak McGuire rJuclear Station Unit 1 0,70 - - - - " - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -

1 i

i 0.60 -


d 0.40 4 /

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l APPENDIX E Test Data Summary Reports:

Calibrated Instrument Data (by reading number) l 1

l I

Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Rooding

  • 64 - May 2919.55:15 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 2 29.587 29.586 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.596 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 45 068 45415 51.623 52.605 Ice Condenser 1.. ) 16.18 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 85 458 86.263 86.788 85.061 86.046 83 434 82.802 82.544 83 421 88.185 11.20 87.21 87.341 88.984 86 499 87.407 26.586 86.646 87.105 84.79 85.663 21.30 85 67 72.566 85.299 81.987 83.508 85.775 84 948 85.359 84.948 84.701 31.37 85.258 87 152 86 407 86.958 87.467 88.269 88.181 ico Condenser 1.10 22.331 30.395 22.243 23.914 23.333 17.754 17.854 17.18 17.391 17.598

< nd'ng # 65- May 29 20:10:26 Pressures (PSI A)

' Upper Cont.1. 2 29.556 29.554

".andenser 1. 1 29.565 Dew Points (*F) i.ower/ Upper Cont.1. 4 44.121 44.55 52.014 52 838 ice Condenser 1. 1 16.277 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1.10 84.952 85.892 86.477 84.791 85.725 83.099 22.751 82.256 83.035 87.809 11.20 86.754 87.086 BB 64 86 1 86.664 86.159 86.227 86.812 84.525 85.464 21.30 85.485 72.224 84.629 81.221 83.258 85.357 84.683 84.83 84.576 84.339 31.37 84 831 86.586 85.836 86.442 86.91 87.386 87.229 i

. Cendenser 1 10 22.273 29.94 22.162 23 876 23.156 17.708 17.762 17.131 17.364 17.614 Eeoding # 66 - May 29 20:25:27 l Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.539 29.537 l lee Condenser 1. 1 29 548 i Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 43.341 43.702 51.784 52.606 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16.326 Ternperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 84 627 85.632 86 241 84 652 85 531 83.002 82.751 82.149 82.961 87.623 ,

11.23 86.573 86.01 88 478 85.808 86.39 85.917 85.953 86.715 84.395 85.283  !

21.30 B5 35 71.055 84.308 BD 886 83 077 85.189 84.502 84A35 84.233 84.028 31.37 84 455 66.252 85A59 85 959 86 473 86.801 86 658 ,

ice Condenser 1.10 22.535 30.117 22.285 23.968 23.302 17.723 17.746 17.157 17.368 17.629 '


i f

l Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire fJuclear Station Unit 1 Rooding a 67 - May 29 20:40.27 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 20 525 29123 tce Condenser 1. 1 29533 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 42 64 42 918 51 387 52 218 tce Condenser 1.. I 16 225 Temperatures ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont. I 10 84 432 85 437 86 078 84522 85.359 82.951 82.751 82 07 82.872 87.484 11.20 85387 86 771 85.338 85.636 86.241 85.704 85.749 86 617 84 33 85.139 21.30 E5 271 71 774 84 122 80.682 82 956 85.013 84.381 84 184 83.973 83.819 31.37 84.185 85 862 65 185 85 611 86.143 86.467 86.333 Ice Condenser 1.10 22 857 29.786 22.274 23 968 23.322 17.743 17.746 17.18 17.379 17.652 Reading # 68 - May 29 20.55:28 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.513 29 512 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 52 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 41939 42.218 50 915 51.827 l Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 519

( Temperatures ( F) i Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 84302 85 26 85.002 84.359 85.206 82.872 82.677 82.015 82.83 87.363 l 11.20 86.247 B6422 88.203 85 441 86.153 85.518 85.563 86.515 84.232 85.014 21.30 85 183 71 612 84 001 80 543 82.872 84.906 84.242 84.022 83.787 83.67 31.37 84 009 85 667 85 037 85.36 85.939 86 202 86 074 lee Condenser 1.10 22 888 29.507 22.317 24.085 23.376 17.754 17.746 17.2 17.422 17.672 Reading # 69 - May 29 21:10:28 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.503 29.502 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.51 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 41.393 41.597 50 533 51.43 tce Condenser 1. 1 16.373 Temperotures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 84.204 85.121 85.744 84.197 85.076 82.821 82.686 81.964 82.789 87.224 11.20 86 126 86.488 BB 087 85 274 86 046 85 355 85.401 86.501 84.191 84.902 21.30 85.141 71.469 83S94 80 454 82.738 84.762 84.112 83.892 83.648 83.54 31.37 83 86 85 393 84058 85.285 85.697 86 007 85879 lee Condenser 1.10 22 996 29.373 22 44 24.143 23 616 17.771 17.753 17.216 17.46 17.688

Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 70 - May 29 21:25:29 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 20497 29485 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 494 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 40488 41 058 53 064 50 804 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 371 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 84 116 81912 85 647 84 034 84937 82.723 82.644 81 908 82.733 87.135 11.20 B5.996 86.335 87.99 85.079 85 818 85 202 85.238 86.371 84 093 84 805 21.30 85 044 71 353 83 764 80 348 82 608 84.711 84.015 83.738 83 504 83.429 31.37 83.725 84 92 84 73 85025 85 372 85.868 85 716 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 061 29.507 22.724 24 246 23 762 17.809 17.769 17.254 17.496 17.705 Reading # 71 - May 29 21.40:29 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 21476 29 474 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 483 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 40.298 40.516 49.604 49.878 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16.474 Temperatures ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 84 06 84.773 85 484 83 904 84 825 82.677 82 709 81.866 82.668 87.029 11.20 85.847 86.177 87.892 84.93 85.721 85 039 85.;22 86.339 84.028 84.717 21 30 85.044 71.233 83 634 80.213 82.543 84 599 83.926 83.543 83.332 83.29 31.37 8353 84 494 84 414 84103 84 949 85.738 85.605 lee Condenser 1.10 22.911 29.55 22.883 24.3 23 88 17.831 17.789 17.285 17f07 17.726 Reading # 72 - May 29 21:55:30 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.466 29465 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.473 Dew Points ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 39.736 39.992 48 893 49 327 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16.372 Temperatures ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 84 009 84.619 85.373 83 783 84.719 82.635 82.784 81.81 82.635 86.954 11.20 85 75 86.038 87.781 84.777 85.674 84.909 85.011 86.2B3 83.949 84.619 21.30 84 979 71.112 83.536 80 139 82.422 84.543 83.838 83.381 83.17 B3127 31.37 83.382 84 243 84.16B 84273 84 601 85.585 85.475 tce Condenser 1.10 23.103 29.115 22 879 24 358 23.993 17.855 17.805 17.292 17.48 17.742

Calibrated Instrument Data McGune Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 73 - May 29 22:10:30 Pressures (PS! A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 20 458 29 456 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 464 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont 1. 4 39 266 39 499 48.35 48 851 lce Condenser I. 1 16 475 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 949 84 466 85 247 83 602 84.003 82.575 82.658 81.773 82.5M 86815 11.20 85 657 85908 87.678 M.629 85.679 84.775 84 867 86.158 83.903 84.522 21.30 84 946 71.001 83 457 80 05 82.339 84 478 83 787 83.251 83.04 82.983 31.37 83.261 M 072 83 95 M 036 84 318 85455 85.377 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.211 28 BGi 23 06 24 509 23.993 17.878 17.816 17.301 17.438 17.764 l

Reading # 74 - May 29 22:25:31 ,

I Pressures (PSIA) I Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 449 29 448 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29A55 l Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 38.875 39.105 47.723 48.225 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16.52 j Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 921 84 308 85.159 83.514 84.51 82.538 82.635 81.745 82.538 86.745 i l 11.20 85.555 85.788 87.5B6 84.476 85 34 84.649 B4.75 86.13 83.833 84A57 l l 21.30 84 881 70 885 83.36 79.985 82.227 84 427 83.764 33.13 82.928 82.867 31.37 83.14 83.96 83.755 83 85 84.132 85.334 E.s.271 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 3B3 28.822 23.217 24.74 24.029 17.905 17.834 17.319 17.507 17.802 l

Reading # 75 - May 29 22:40.31 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.441 29A4 ice Condenser 1. 1 29446 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 38 4 38 439 47.251 47.677 Ice Condenser 1. 1 16.52 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1 10 83.87 84.183 85 043 83A21 84.394 82AB7 82.723 81.694 82A87 86.666 11.20 85 257 85.69 87.516 84 374 85.149 84.524 84.602 86.05i 83.791 84.35 21.30 84.849 70.768 83.23 79.911 82.185 84 329 83.69 83.023 82.84 82.747 31.37 83 043 83.83 83.601 83 697 83.969 85.209 85,150 tee Condenser 1 10 23 587 29.042 23.253 24.702 23 939 17.931 17.85 17.334 17.619 17.806 l

l l

! Calibrated Instrument Data

, McGuire tJuclear Station Unit 1 l

Reading # 76 - May 29 22:55.32 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 434 29 433 lee Condenser 1. 1 29 439 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 38 013 38.247 46 695 47.133 Ice Condense 1.. I 16 521 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 833 84 081 M 941 83.352 84.338 82A4 82.515 81.671 82A49 86.587 11.20 85.369 85.593 87 455 84.272 84.894 84 422 84.523 86.014 83.712 84.295 21.30 84 816 70.709 83 113 79 846 82.106 84.209 83.578 82.944 82.757 82.635 31.37 82 945 83 747 83A95 83.567 83.807 85 074 85 029 lee condenser 1.10 23 661 29.234 23.284 24.668 24 098 17.952 17.87 17.354 17.662 17.818 Reading # 77 - May 29 23:10.32 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29A27 29A26 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.432 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 37.549 37.783 46 231 46.578 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 808 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 805 83.951 84.83 83.24 84.241 82.394 82.57 81.639 82.426 86.509 11.20 85.2S 85 496 87.349 84.151 85.024 84.315 84A25 85.935 83.657 84.22 21.30 84.761 70.635 83 034 79.781 82.055 84.12 83.536 82.847 82.669 82.538 31.37 82.871 83.636 83.374 83A6 83.686 84.977 84.923 ice Condenser 1.10 24.252 28.976 23.295 24A33 24.399 17.963 17.892 17.377 17.673 17.838 Reading

  • 78 - May 29 23.25:33 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29A21 29A19 sce Condenser 1. 1 29A26 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 37.235 37A82 45.759 46.112 lee Condenser 1. 1 16 664 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.773 83.909 84.714 83.189 84.157 82.371 82.542 81.564 82.38 86A25 11.20 85.206 85 422 87.28S 84 058 84.854 84.176 84.268 85.94 83.596 84.132 21.30 84 737 70 561 82.992 79.684 82 84 055 83 439 82.773 82.594 82A5 31.37 82.792 83 562 83.244 83.372 83.556 84 856 84 Bil Ice Condenser 1.10 24.51 29.003 23 41 24 269 24 329 17.981 17.908 17A03 17.7 17.887

l Calibrated Instrument Data f4cGuire Nuclear Sichon Unit 1 Reading 8 79 - May 29 23:43:33 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 414 29 413 tce Condenser 1. 1 29 419 Dew Points (*F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 36841 37 156 45 366 45 637 l Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 519 Temperatures (*F) lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.74 83.793 84653 83 073 84.074 82.324 82.519 81.513 82.333 86.374 11.20 85.131 85 315 87.209 83 984 84 88 84 078 84.147 85.856 83.541 84.076 21.30 84 696 704 M S2 SS) 79 66 81.958 84 046 83 318 82.684 82.539 82.366 31.37 82.694 83 454 83.179 83 274 83 449 84.759 84.686 l

Ice Condenser 1.10 24 284 29.577 z3.745 24444 24.132 17 996 17.912 17.43 17.738 17 914 1

Reading # 60 - May 29 23:55:34 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 40B 29 406 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.413 l Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 36.45 36.762 44.835 45.17 ice Condenser 1.. I 16.712 l Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 726 83.756 84.593 83.003 83.995 82.287 82.538 81.476 82.31 86.3 11.20 85.052 85.255 87.154 83.924 84.689 83 999 84.091 85.842 83.508 84.025 21.30 84 682 70.395 82.62 79.586 81.902 83.916 83.221 82.619 82.464 82.301 31.37 82.62 83.376 83.1 83.195 83.352 84.684 84.584 ,

ice Condenser 1.10 24 113 29.651 23.819 24.594 24 078 18.005 17.924 17.451 17.738 17.934 '

l Reading # 81 - May 30 00:10.35 Pressures (PSIA) lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.402 29 4 Ice Conderwer 1. 1 29 407 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 36.217 36.375 44 515 44.785 lee Condenser 1. 1 16.66B Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 83.698 83 672 84 5 82.887 83.921 82.25 82.519 81.448 82.268 86.23 11.20 84.953 85.153 87.07 83 849 84.587 S3.883 84.007 85.778 83.443 83.97 21.30 84 654 70.33 82.732 79.521 81.795 83 883 83.1 82.545 82.399 82.227 31.37 82.564 83 311 83.002 83.121 83 254 84 578 84.487 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 456 29.7 23.633 24 899 24 008 18.032 17.939 17.478 17.722 17.952 l

l l


Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nucieor Stohon Unit 1 Reading # 82 - 74cy 30 00:25:35 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 396 29 394 Ice Condenser 11 29.399 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 35 827 36 066 44043 44.39 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 761 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1 10 S3 675 83 59B 84A21 82.757 83 846 02.204 82.593 81.416 82.226 86.156 11.20 84 913 85.074 87.005 83.766 B4A$$ 83.795 83 887 85.736 83 401 83.928 21.30 84 631 70.256 82 662 79 498 81.74 83.772 83 017 82A9 82.344 82.157 31.37 82.499 83 246 82.937 83.037 83.157 84 49 84 412 lee Condenser 1.10 24 437 '9.79 23 627 24.937 23 981 18.048 17.955 17A93 17.738 17.968 Reading # 83 - t4cy 30 00.40:36  !

Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.39 29.389 Ice Condenser 11 29.38 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 35.591 35.751 43 658 43.996 lee Condenser 1. 1 16.761 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 643 83.519 84.38 82.576 83.768 82.176 82AB7 81.369 82.194 86.091 11.20 84.862 85.023 86.954 83.71 84.313 83.679 83.822 85.727 83.36 83.882 21.30 84.598 70.168 82.602 79 442 81.642 83.707 82.947 82A25 82.288 82.106 31.37 82A48 83.191 82.872 82.958 83.059 84A01 84.333 ice Condenser 1 10 24.145 29.635 23A94 24.953 24 179 18.043 17.973 17.531 17.796 17.994 Reading # 84 - tAoy 30 00.55:36 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.386 29.3S4 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.371 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 35.282 35.524 43.262 43.53 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16.763 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 624 B3 445 84.282 82 455 83.703 82.139 82.505 81.351 82.171 86.012 11.20 84.797 84.058 86 875 83.622 84.225 83 614 83.747 85 662 83.318 83.84 21.30 8415D 70.112 82 545 79.363 81.545 83 656 82 896 82.36 82.237 82.051 31.37 62.379 83 126 82 821 82.893 82.994 84 318 84.282 lee Condenser 1.10 23 919 29.674 23 499 25.011 24.291 18.059 17.977 17.547 17.823 18.01 i

1 j

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Calibrated instrument Data tocGuno Nuclear Station Unit 1 Readeng # 85 - May 30 01:10 37 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 38 29 378 ice Condenser 1. 1 29 359 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 34 967 35 215 42.947 43 372 tce Condenser 1. 1 16812 Temperatures (*F) 81.3 82.147 65.965 Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 610 B33M M 227 82.353 83 647 82.115 82.598 11.20 64 727 M 558 66 B39 83.566 B4104 63 544 83 669 85 634 83 2 81.995 21.30 64 556 70 052 62 425 79 326 81.512 83.5S6 82.822 82 304 82.191 31.37 62 314 83 051 62 742 82 819 82 906 17S4 0BB246 M.208 17.569 17.843 18.03 f Ice Condenser 1.10 23 759 29 5$6 23 45B 25 065 24 314 18 07 l

l Reading a 86 - May 30 01:25.37 Pressures (PStA)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 2 29.375 29 373 Ice Condenser 1. 1 2935 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 34 734 34 096 42.562 42 824 Ice Condenser 1. 1 16 701 Temperatures (*F)

M.1 ES 82 26 83.573 82 0M 82.626 81.26283.248 82.119 85.905 83.752 Lowe / Upper cont.1.10 B3 592 83 315 83 428 83.555 85 55 82.14 81 939 11.20 64 667 64228 66 768 83 483 M.15 79.303 81.447 83.544 82.752 82.271 21.30 64 501 69.987 82.36 31.37 82 258 82.976 82.677 82.763 82.827 17.998 64.17417M.12 589 17.854 18.053 ice Condenser 1.. t 0 23.587 29.203 23 553 24 764 24 356 180S1 Keoding

  • 87 - May 30 01:40:38 Pressu;es (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.37 29 368 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 338 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 34 49B 34 74 42.166 42.592 lee Condenser 1.. I 16.763 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 E3 56B 83.236 64 83.331 134 82.099 83 498 B3 4B7 85.532 82.032 83.197 83.719 82.626 81.216 82 11.20 84 592 84.754 66.703 E3 441 64 81 1.0602 63 511 82.687 82.216 82.093 Bl .8EB 21.30 64 519 69.932 82 32B 79.28 31.37 E2.216 82 954 82422 82 695 82.753 84 118 64.041 lee Condenser 1.10 23 553 29.133 23 622 24.567 24 318 18.097 1B 027 17.607 17.8

] Calibrated instrument Data d

McGuire Nuclear Station i Unit 1

! Reading a 88 - May 30 01:55 38 ,

Pressures (PSIA) i

) Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 366 29 364 j tco Condenser 11 29 332 Dew Points (*F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 34 262 34428 41.854 42.122

ice Condenser 1. I 16 761 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1 10 83 554 83.222 84.097 82.047 83 438 81.995 82.589 81.193 82.059 85.803 11.20 84 555 84 703 66 643 83.381 84.909 83.261 83 436 85 495 83.183 83 696 a 21.30 84 477 69.867 82.286 79.229 81.368 83.446 82.636 82.165 82.042 81.842

, 31.37 62.16 82.889 82.557 82.633 82.688 84.076 83.958 tce Condenser 1.10 23 457 29.212 23.595 24.466 24 194 18.101 18.031 17.611 17.876 18.095 i

S Reading a 89 - May 30 02:10:39 Pressures (PSI A)

< 1ower/ Upper Cont. L 2 29 361 29.36 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 37 Dew Points (*F)

, tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 34 026 34 113 41.461 41.726 lee Condenser 1I 16 81 Temperatures (*F)

! Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.554 83.157 84.022 81.973 83.387 81.953 82.556 81.151 82.017 85.738 1

4 11.20 84 476 84.652 86.591 83.316 83.756 83.163 83.376 85 42 83.137 83.668 21.30 84 477 69.811 82.263 79.182 81.308 83.391 82.58 82.118 81.996 81.791 31.37 82.118 82 843 82.515 82.568 82.632 84.012 83.87 i lee Condenser 1.10 23.287 27.753 23 322 24 342 24 116 18.119 18.05B 17.649 17.914 18.111 1

i Reading # 90 - May 30 02:25:39 s

j Pressures (PSIA) i Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.357 29.356 i

1 Ice Condenser 1.. ) 29.365


1 Dew Points ( F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 33.795 33.956 41.154 41.414


Ice Condenser 1I 16.861

]' Temperatures ("F)

Lower / Upper cont.1 10 83.531 83 092 83.985 81.94 83.322 81.921 82.515 81.128 82,008 85.687 11.20 84 425 84 596 86 545 83.274 83.746 83.098 83.311 85 365 83.104 83.631

, 21.30 84 459 69.756 82.198 79.15 81.294 83.349 82.566 82.086 81.949 81.75B 31.37 82 063 82.792 82.459 82.512 82.567 83 965 83.805 a Ice Condenser 1 10 23.361 28181 23.259 24.235 24.093 18 128 18 069 17.67 17.923 18.133 l

a d

Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station

Unit 1 3

Esoding s 91 - May 30 02:40.40 Pressures (PSI A)

J Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 353 29 351 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 361 Dew Points (*F)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1. 4 33 635 33 734 40.75B 41.189

, ice Condenser 1.. I 16 91 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 508 83 036 83.902 81.889 83.276 81.888 82.598 81.095 81.985 85.631 11.20 84.360 84 541 86 48 83.209 83 626 83.024 83.232 85 42 83 062 83.599

, 21.30 84 445 69.696 B2109 79.108 81.197 83.274 82 492 82.03 81.922 81.716

! 31.37 82.035 82 745 82.408 82 471 82.516 83.891 83.74 Ice Condenser 1 10 23 856 28 448 23 43 24.215 24 073 18.139 18.078 17 681 17.914 18.153 Reading a 92 - May 30 02.55.40 t Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.349 29.348 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 355 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 4 33.402 33.574 40.447 40.79 lee Condenser 1. 1 16 909 Temperatures (4)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 489 82.994 83.855 81.833 83.225 81.842 82.58 81.063 81.962 85.575 11.20 84.327 84.49 86 438 83.154 83.57 82.968 83.19 85.3 83.039 83.58 1 21.30 84422 69.64 82.109 79.085 81.174 83.209 82.441 81.97 81.889 81.679 31.37 81 988 82.704 82.371 82.415 82.446 83.84 83.684 lee Condenser 1.10 24 017 2S 436 23 494 24.181 24 04 18.162 18.09 17.692 17.946 18.176 Rooding # 93 - May 30 03:10.41 Pressures (PSIA) 3 Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.345 29.344 lee Condenser 11 29.352 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 33.169 33.335 40.137 40.566 '

ice Condenser 1. 1 16.958 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.476 82.897 83.814 B1.81 83.169 81.823 82.733 81.021 81.938 85.524 11.20 84 262 84.443 86.373 83.098 83.496 82.903 83.116 85 235 83 021 83 548 21.30 84.459 69.594 82.077 79.052 81.123 83.177 82.408 81.946 81.833 81.638 31.37 81.947 82.662 82.32 82.382 82.386 83.77 83.633 Ice Condenser 1.10 2408 28 775 23.606 24 134 24.109 18.177 18.105 17.708 17.984 18.18 l 1

l l

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i l

l i

Calibrated instrument Data f4cGuire Nuclear Stefion Unit 1 Read:ng # 94 - FAoy 30 03:25:41 Prossures (PSI A) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 341 29.34 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 347 Dew Poinf a (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 33.087 33 181 39 913 40 169 Ice Condenser 1. 1 16907 Temperatures ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 457 82.832 83.79 81 778 83113 81.781 82.538 B0 975 81.929 B5 454 85267 82.997 83 501 11.20 84 207 84 402 66 327 83.024 83.333 82829 83.06 81.067 83 13 82 362 81.9 81.801 81.605

21. 30 84 A36 69.575 82.002 79.02 l

31.37 81.9 82 606 82.273 82.327 82.3/9 83 705 83.577 17.739 17.984 18 202 tce Condenser 1.10 24122 28 934 23 692 24.154 24 174 18 108 18.117 Reading e 95 - tAoy 30 03 40:42 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 2 29.337 29 335 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.342 Dew Points ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32 857 32.947 39 502 30.942 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 907 Temperatures (*F) 85A27 Lower / Upper cont.1 10 83 434 82.781 83.781 81.694 83.072 81.767 82.538 80 956 81.92 11.20 84 151 84.346 86 299 82.982 83.389 82.773 83.037 85.212 82.942 83.45 21.30 84 A36 69.51 81.979 78.987 81.034 83.098 82.306 81.858 81.768 81.559 31.37 81.868 82.565 82.208 82 285 82.298 83.663 83.554 ice Condenser 1.10 23 802 27 966 23 696 2& O65 2&l25 18.215 18.132 17.757 17.988 18.218 # 96 - TAoy 30 03.55:42 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1 2 29.334 29.332 lee Condenser 1. 1 29.339 Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32.7 32.799 37.269 39.698 ice Condenser 11 17.252 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83A25 82.734 83 661 81.703 83.03 81.735 82A03 80.924 81.887 85.394 11.20 84.109 84 304 86 243 82.926 83.359 82.732 82.972 82.288 81 82685.202 81.727 82.923 81.531 83.427 21._30 64A45 69A$4 81.937 78.978 80 993 83 01 83AS?

3i.37 81.835 82.518 e2.176 82.243 82.242 83 64 18.01 18.24 Ice Condenser i .. i 3 23 35 27.634 23.537 21085 21136 18.247 18.155 17.777

Calibrated Instrument Data McGune Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 97 - May 30 04:10 43 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 331 29.329 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 336 Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32 702 32.72 39.108 39.306 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 054

[ Temperatures ('F) 9 Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 411 82.725 83461 81406 82.974 81.702 82.45 80 0 81.887 85.338 11.20 84 053 84249 86 187 82.885 83 194 82467 82.921 85.137 82.877 83 395 21.30 S4 422 69 441 81 891 78 936 80.960 82.991 82.223 81.793 81.69 81.508 31.37 81.793 82.5 82.148 82.201 82.2 83 589 83447 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 310 28.185 23 38 24 197 24 109 18.251 18.17 17.815 18.035 18.257 Reading # 98 - fAoy 30 04.25.43 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 328 29 326 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.332 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32.315 32.414 38.796 39.143 lee Condenser 1. 1 17.007 Temperatures ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.401 82469 83.596 81.518 82.919 81.67 82.306 80 868 81.864 85.297 11.20 84 01: 64.207 86 146 82.838 83.147 82.62 82.875 85.114 82.867 83.371 21.30 84 371 69.399 81.891 78 881 80.937 82.958 82.19 81.751 81.657 81.461 31.37 81.775 82.453 82.125 82.155 82.144 83.524 83.392 Ice Condenser 1 10 23 683 28.243 23 483 24.342 24.105 18.278 18.175 17.82 18.042 18.283 Reoding # 99 - May 30 04:40:44

... C:.*f Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.325 29.323 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.328 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32.236 32.332 38.4B2 38 908 ice Condenser 1. 1 17.103 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 378 82 628 83.577 81.508 82.886 81.661 82.394 80 845 81.841 85.25 11.20 83.969 84.161 86.113 82.796 83.096 82.56 82.842 85.072 82 835 83.339 21.30 84 371 69.367 81.84 78.867 60937 82.912 82.111 81.714 81.629 81 42 31.37 81.738 82 412 82 069 82 122 82.089 83 4751 83.35 lee Condenser 1.10 23 952 28 281 23 488 24 284 24 089 18.335 18.181 17.793 18.035 18.28B


Cah.. orated Instrument Data McGune Nuclear 5tation Unit 1 Reading # 100 - May 30 04.55.44 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.321 29.32 les Condenser 1. 1 29 32 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 32 155 32.178 36.168 38.596 Ice Condenser 1.. I 16 911 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 369 62.572 83A9B 81262 82.821 81.614 82.287 80 821 81 822 85.208 '

11.20 83 904 84 119 86 048 82.741 83.073 32.514 82.777 85.017 82.802 83.316 21.30 81371 69 334 81.807 78843 80.904 82.87 82.093 81.672 81.592 81.387 31.37 81.677 82 365 82.013 82.067 82.047 83 427 83.317 Ice Condenser 1 10 24 06 28 259 23 477 24 154 24 141 18 316 18.202 17.815 18.058 18.299 Rooding # 101 - May 30 05:10.45 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.318 29.317 Ice Condensor 1. 1 29.311 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 32 32 094 37.931 38.359 ke Condenser 1.. I 17.152 Temperatures (*F) i Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 341 82.526 83 48 81A25 82.752 81.61 82.246 80.784 81.794 85.157 l 11.20 83 863 84.068 86.02 82 694 83.022 82A53 82.731 84.98 82.761 83.274 21.30 84.338 69.27 81.765 78816 80 881 82.828 82.046 81.64 81.56 81.364 31.37 81.654 82.324 81.972 82.034 82.005 B3.38 83 294 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 037 28.174 23 445 23.618 24.291 18.327 18.213 17.858 18.131 18.310 l Reading # 102 - May 30 05:25:45 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.316 29.314 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.302 Dew Points (*F)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1. 4 31.761 31.939 37.695 38.123 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.152 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.336 82A74 83A24 81.346 82 724 81.605 82.232 80.761 81.776 85.12 11.20 83 849 84 031 85 969 82.625 82.975 B2 416 82.67 84.975 82.756 83.255 21.30 84 338 69 246 81.742 78.778 80 83 82 805 82.005 81.612 81.518 81.322 31.37 81 622 82.29: 81.948 81.992 81.959 83.348 83.239 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 08 26 44S 23 43 23 367 24.266 18.354 18.229 17.896 18.169 18.357 l

Calibrated Instrument Data fAcGuire Nuclear Station Untt1 Reomng # 103 - tAoy 30 05-40.46 Pressures (Pi,l A) tower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.313 29 312 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 32 Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 31.685 31.785 37.392 37.885 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.102 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 327 82 474 83.382 81.323 82 66B 81.586 82.232 80.724 81.757 85 078 11.20 83 784 84003 85 95 82.643 82 78 82.36 82.629 84 943 82.714 83.218 21.30 84 315 60 219 81.728 78.737 80 83 82.786 81.949 81.543 81.485 81.29 31.37 81.575 82 249 81.907 81.96 81 926 83.306 83.197 l Ice Condenser 1.10 24 006 28.532 23494 23.593 24159 18.363 18 24 17.916 18.192 18.379 l

Reading # 104 - thy 30 05:55:46 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.31 29.309 Ico Condenser 1. 1 29.317 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 31.61 31 627 37.159 37.733 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.103 Ternperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 83 304 82.433 83.35 81.25B 82.617 81.563 82.125 80.719 81.734 " 046 11.20 83.751 83.924 85.885 82.602 83 073 82.3 82.582 84.878 82.705 83.209

' 21.30 84 306 69.172 81.072 78.704 80.807 82.731 81.907 81.519 81.453 81.257 31.37 81.543 82.208 Bl .851 81 913 81.884 83.25 83.155 fee Condenser 1.10 24.04 B 28.571 23 445 23.802 24132 18.37 18.256 17.932 18.185 18.384 Reading # 105 - f4cy 30 06:10:47 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.307 29.306 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.313 Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 31.531 31.557 36987 37.502 tce Condenser 1. 1 17.103 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.276 82.405 83.331 81.239 82.566 81.545 82.065 80.678 81.673 85.004 11.20 83.714 83 873 85 834 82.551 82 743 82.258 82.545 84.901 82.677 83.209 21.30 84.273 69 14 81.654 78 704 80.774 82.707 81.884 81,491 81 42 81.239 31.37 81.501 82 184 81818 81.856 81 Bol 83 218 83 109 lee Condenser 1.10 24.306 28 822 23.418 24 031 24 159 18.397 18.271 17.947 18.203 18.389 l

Calibrated instrument Data fAcGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 106 - fAoy 30 06.25 47 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 304 29 303 Ice Condense 1. 1 29.31 Dew Points ('F) tower /Opper Cont.1. 4 31 531 31 476 36.757 37.264 ice Condenser 1.. I 17.255 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 B3 271 82 36B 83.28 81 225 82.543 81.54 82.005 80.664 81.659 Be.967 11.20 63.677 83 836 85.811 82.537 82.757 82.212 82.499 84.887 82 64 83.19 21.30 84.259 69.108 81.621 78.662 60.751 82.666 81 861 81.445 81.388 81201 31.37 81.468 82138 81.777 81 839 81 819 83 195 83.086 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 445 28.331 23 376 24 127 24 17 18.417 18283 17.947 18.203 18.411 i Reoding # 107 - FAoy 30 06:40:48 i

Pressures (PSIA) I Low ,./ Upper Cont.1. 2 29.302 29 301 l

l Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.30B '

l Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 31.376 31.475 36.514 37.025 l

Ice Condenser 1. 1 17 257 I Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.244 82.331 33.224 81.174 82.478 81.535 81.968 80.626 81.641 84.93 11.20 83 626 83 799 85.769 82.476 82.655 82.151 82.448 84.836 82.621 83.i S3 21.30 84.259 69.075 81.589 78.621 80.709 82.642 81.81 81.403 81.346 81.169 l 31.37 81.413 82.106 81.753 81.807 81.764 83.13 83035 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 167 28 131 23.2B4 24.154 24 282 18.424 18.287 17.974 18.239 18,438 l Reading # 108 - FAoy 30 06:55:48 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.301 29.299 Ice Condenser 1_1 29 306 Dew Points ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 31.379 3. 254 36.363 36873 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.154 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 234 82.284 83.201 81.156 82.45 81.503 82.074 80 613 81.608 84.874 11.20 83 593 83.757 85.72B 82.453 82.655 82.11 82.401 84.785 82.598 83.144 21.30 84 227 69 043 81.565 78.63 80.719 82.61 81.786 81.394 81.332 81.15 31.37 81.403 82.087 81.698 81.783 81.731 83.121 83.011 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 006 28 826 23.264 24.35B 24.387 1 B 424 18 298 18.008 18.261 18.458 l

l t _ _

! Calibrated instrument Data

! McGuire fJuclear Station Unr1 1 Peoding # 109 - fAoy 30 07:10 49 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29297 29 296 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.302 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont I. 4 31.138 31251 36.13 36 632 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 155 Ternperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 211 82.261 83 146 81.091 82 404 81.489 81.935 80.589 81.585 84.846 11.20 83 561 83.725 85.695 82.402 82.674 82.054 82.359 84.729 82.58 83.121 21.30 84 227 69 01 81.556 78.607 80.686 82.568 81.754 81.348 81.314 81.104 .

l 31.37 81.34 B 82.041 81.67 81.742 81.699 83.111 83.002 l ice Condenser 1.10 23 78 28 506 23.519 24 486 24.356 18.455 18.321 18.039 18.281 18.48 I

Fooding # 110 f4cy 30 07:25:50 Pressures (PSIA) lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.295 29.294 lee Condenser 1. 1 29.3 l Dew Points (*F) i Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 31.141 31.091 35.97 36.477 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.255 l Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.216 82.256 83.122 81.105 82.367 81.498 81.81 80.585 81.581 84.818 11.20 83.533 83.711 85.667 82.416 82.66 82.049 82.345 84.692 82.561 83.112

21. 30 B4 204 68 978 81.533 78.583 80.645 82.554 81.722 81.324 81.267 81.085 31.37 81.325 82.022 81.647 81.723 81.666 83.046 82.97 Ice Condenser 1 10 23 672 28 042 23 537 24.235 24.383 18.471 18.348 18.054 18.288 18.496 Reading # 111 - f4cy 30 07.40.52 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 292 29 291 Ice Condenser 1. I 29 297 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.986 31.058 35.731 36.323 lee Condenser 1.. I 17.204 Temperatures (*F) .

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 S3.197 82.215 83.10B 81.0M 82.358 81.489 81.898 80 566 81.548 84.772 11.20 83 491 83.656 85 616 82 36 82.864 81.984 82.322 84.724 82.552 83.102 21.30 B4185 68.946 81.5 78.565 60.575 82.522 81.689 81.297 81.235 81.062 31.37 81 2 S3 81.976 Bl.6 8165$ 81.634 83.014 82.937 lee Condenser 1.10 23 695 27.977 23.515 24 107 24 372 16.493 18.359 18.066 18 308 18.527

1 Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 112 - f4cy 30 07.55.53 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 291 29 289 tce Condenser 1.. I 29.295 Dew Poir's (*F)

Lowor/ Upper Cont.1. 4 30 828 30 936 35 582 36.171 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.448 Temperatures (*F) tower /Uppor Cont.1.10 83 183 32.182 83 044 81.03 82.302 81 489 81.842 80.566 81.506 84.73 11.20 83 458 83 6 85.593 82.351 82.553 81.952 82.267 84 683 82.519 83.093 21.30 84 162 68.89 81.468 78.556 80.556 82 512 81.67 81.283 81.226 81.03 l 31.37 81.273 81.953 81.572 81 653 81.592 82.991 82.905 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 598 27 869 23.365 24107 24 329 18.504 18 368 18.088 18 319 18.55 Reading # 113 - May 30 08:10.55 l Pressures (PSIA) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 289 29.287 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 291 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.753 30.937 35.422 35.011 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.255 Temperatures (*F) 1 Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 165 82.122 83.039 81.003 82.265 81.457 81.824 80.529 61.488 84.702 l 11.20 83.407 83.581 85.565 82.282 82.576 81.901 82.206 84.632 82.468 83.079 l 21.30 84.143 68.881 81.449 781265 80.547 82.471 81.633 81.241 81.202 81.007 31.37 81.25 81.934 81.572 81.63 81.555 82.981 82.872 lee Condenser 1.10 23.533 26.292 23.168 24.015 24.334 18 52 18.384 18.104 18.335 18.554 l l

l Reoding # 114 - May 30 08:25:55 Pressures (PSIA) j Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.287 29.286 i Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 282 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.75 30.779 35.264 35.853 ice Condenser 1.. I 17.154 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 83.151 82.108 82.988 80 956 82.269 81.466 81.93 80.524 81.497 84.656 11.20 83 393 83.544 85.519 82.277 82.474 81.887 82.192 84.66 82.478 83.07 21.30 84 088 6B B48 81.435 78 532 80501 82.447 81.624 81.218 81.17 80 997 31.37 81.227 81 911 81.526 81.602 81.536 82.926 82.849 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 511 26.751 23.125 23 899 24 302 18.529 18.384 18.113 18 335 18.577 l

Calibrated Instrument Data MCGusfe Nuclear StatlOn Unit 1 Reading # 115 - May 30 08:40 56 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 284 29 2S3 Ice Condenser I .. I 29 274 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30 75 30 701 35 111 35.693 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 304 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 137 82 047 82 941 80.938 82.209 81.438 81 879 80 483 81.455 84.628 11.20 83 342 83 507 85 477 82.226 82 646 81.827 82.146 84.525 82.427 83.056 21.30 84 097 68 816 81.393 78.509 80477 82A15 81.559 81.185 81.151 80.965 31.37 81.204 81 879 81.493 81.579 81.504 82.884 82.817 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 63 27.349 23 338 23.876 24.217 18.54 18 406 18.135 18 335 18.588 Reading # 116 - May 30 08.55:56 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 283 29 281 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.266

% Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.674 30.7m NN59 35 46 tce Condenser 1.. I 17.203 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont. ).10 83.114 82.015 82.909 80 873 82.167 81.424 81.782 80.473 81.446 84.596 11.20 83 333 83 484 85 444 82.184 62.558 81.794 82.099 84.567 82.403 83.056 21.30 84.068 68.793 81.33 78.477 80.45 82.392 81.55 81.162 81.114 80.932 31.37 81.153 81.855 81.461 81.547 81.471 82.87 82.784 tce Condenser 1.10 23.769 27.415 23.372 23 865 24.152 18.572 18.417 18.155 18.367 18.608 Peoding # 117 - May 30 09:10:57 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 20.28 29.279 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.257 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30435 30 701 34,807 35.382 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.255 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1 10 83109 82.034 82.881 80.826 82.14 81 A1 81.754 80A55 81.423 84.568 11.20 83 296 83 43B 85 421 82.189 82.618 81.766 82.086 84.539 82.389 83.047 i 21.30 84.046 68 77 81.361 78 463 80 426 82.373 B1.517 81.129 81.105 80.909 l 31.37 81.153 81 837 81.452 81.505 81.439 82.828 82.761 l Ice Condenser 1.10 24 017 27 925 23 434 23 845 24.174 18.5B3 18 A26 18.178 18.389 18 63 1

' * ~ "

Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 118 - May 30 09:25:57 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 20 278 29 277 Ice Condenser 1. 1 292t2 Dow Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 30 517 30 631 34 65 35.23 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.399 Tempelotures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 83 09 81.941 82.835 80 784 82.102 81 ADS 81.782 80.436 81.39 84.517 11.20 83 245 83 433 85.37 82.096 82 414 81.729 82.048 84 558 82 371 83.037 21.30 84.046 68.742 El 352 78 458 80.394 82.336 81.4B 81.111 81.072 80.886 31.37 81 13 81.804 81 405 81 468 81.406 82.814 82.742 Ice Condenser 1.10 24.06 28 062 23 557 23 849 24.222 18.621 18 A55 18204 18A05 18.646 Rooding # 119 - May 30 09.40.58 Pressures (PSIA) t ower/ Upper Cont.1. 2 .?9 275 29 274 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 252 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.517 30.549 34 492 35.073 ice Condenser 1.. I 17.448 Temperatures (*F)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1.10 83 09 81 062 82.812 80.775 82.07 81.382 81.699 80A27 81 A04 84.498

11. 20 f>3 212 83 387 85.337 82.054 82A37 81.683 82.011 84.511 82.352 83.023 21.30 84.009 68.719 81.338 78 412 80.361 82.317 81.452 81.097 81.054 80.867 31.37 81.097 81.772 81.373 81 ASB 81.374 82.763 82.719 tce Condenser 1.10 23.822 26.783 23.53 23.791 24 194 18 625 18 471 18 209 18A2 18.65 Reading # 120 - May 30 09:55:58 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.273 29.274 Ice Conderner 1. 1 29 28 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 30.283 30.397 34.414 34 996 lee Condenser 1. 1 17.495 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 067 81.853 82.77 80.71 82.047 81.359 81.652 80 418 81.381 84 461 11.20 83.179 83.354 85 305 82.045 82A37 Bl .65 81.979 84.534 82.306 83.005 21.30 83.999 6B 696 81 305 78.389 BO.33B 82.285 81 429 81.078 81.017 80.835 31.37 81.078 81.735 81 363 81 435 81.332 82 74 82.677 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.5 26543 23.356 23 732 24 125 18 643 18498 18.236 18.447 18.677 l

l l


Calibrated Instrument Data tAcGuire tJuelear Station Unit 1 Reading # 121 - IAoy 3010:10 59 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 272 29 273 fee Condenser 1.. I 29 277 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.362 30 473 34 174 34 842 lee Concenser 1.. I 17495 Temperatures ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 067 81 82 82.714 80 687 82.024 01.373 81.708 80.394 81.358 84 433 11.20 63.147 83.313 85 272 82 008 82.511 81.632 81.951 84.428 82.32 83.005 21.30 83 981 68.673 81.282 78A12 80.315 82.261 81.397 81.041 81.008 80 826 31.37 81.055 81 707 81 308 81 407 81.295 82.698 82.654 fee Condonser 1.10 23 437 27A6B 23 264 23.706 24 055 18 636 18.503 18.242 18AS4 18 6B4 Rooding # 122 - f4cy 3010.26-00 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 27 29 271 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.275

, Dew Points ("F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.208 30.242 34.017 34 681 l Ice Condenser 11 17.397 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83 058 81.797 82.691 80.678 81.982 81.35 81.675 80.394 81.358 84A01 11.20 83 114 83 271 85.24 81.989 82.372 81.585 81.914 84A46 82.297 82.982 21.30 83.967 68.654 81 282 78 412 80 283 82.238 81.373 81.023 80.975 80.802 31.37 81.032 81.684 81.298 81.37 81.286 82.675 82.631 lee Condenser 1.10 23 672 27.341 23 295 23.791 24.109 18.659 18.514 18.263 18 A63 18.704 I

Reading # 123 - f4cy 3010 41:00 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.268 29.269 lee Condenser 1.. I 29.273 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30 053 30 243 33 941 34.606 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.544 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.039 81.774 82.672 80.622 81.963 81.317 81.699 80.376 81.348 84.387 11.20 83.091 83.257 85 207 81.948 82.534 81.567 81.872 84 404 82.273 82.958 21.30 83 944 68 645 81.263 78.365 80.241 82.21 81.341 80.99 80966 80.779 31.37 81 009 81.651 81.275 81.352 81.253 82.666 82.608 lee Condenser 1.10 23 715 27 538 23.279 23 795 24.222 18.686 18.541 18.258 18 481 18.711

. - ~


Calibrated instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading 8124 - May 3010.56 01 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower /Uppe. Cont.1.,2 29 267 29267 ice Condenser 1.. I 29.27 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30 054 30 17 33 784 34 522 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17497 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 025 81.723 82 64 80 613 81.926 81.308 81.685 80.376 81.348 84.345 11.20 83 063 83 225 85.184 81.901 82.395 81.543 B1.853 84 33 82 255 82.949 21.30 83.925 68.645 81 263 78.347 80208 82.187 81.308 80 981 80.943 80.761 31.37 60 981 81 637 81.257 81.328 81.235 82.633 82.58 fee Condenser 1.10 23 876 27.314 23 259 23.806 24 266 18.706 18.552 18.28 18.492 18.72 Reoding # 125 - May 3011:11:01 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 265 29 266 Ice Condenser 1. I 29269 Dew Points f*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 30.205 30.17 33.705 34.367 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.593 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 83.021 81.685 82.612 80.608 81.912 81.313 81.606 80.348 81.325 84.308 11.20 83.045 83.201 85.147 81.873 82.497 81.506 81.835 84.335 82.227 82.94 21 30 83.902 68 608 81.217 78.347 80.232 82.173 81.276 80.944 80.91 80.737 31.37 80.944 81.633 81.233 81.296 81.211 82.61 82.557 lee Condenser 1.10 23.963 27.399 23.259 23.367 24275 18.728 18.561 18.323 18.534 18.731 Reoding # 126 - May 3011:26:02 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.264 29264 lee Condenser 1.. I 29.269 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.966 30.024 33.632 34.207 lee Condenser 1.. I 17.495 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1_10 83.016 81.658 82.575 80.557 81.875 81.285 81.546 80.329 81.292 84.271 11.20 82 994 83.16 85.087 81.827 82.599 81.469 81.784 84293 82.208 82.917 21.30 83.883 68 60B B1.194 76.282 S0.167 82.164 81.257 80.935 80.896 80.714 31.37 80.925 81.587 81.21 81.287 81.188 82.592 82.534 Ice Condemer 1.10 24.026 28 046 23.199 23llo 24248 18.732 1B.567 18 348 18.55 18.759 l

l i


i Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire fJuclear Stohon Unit 1 Reading # 127 - May 3011:41:02 l

l Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 ?? 262 29 263 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 266 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 885 20 916 33 469 34 204 Ice Cor. denser 1. 1 17.404 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 83 007 81.625 82.529 80 538 81 829 81.285 81.523 80 311 81.283 8 t224

11. 20 e2.966 83 127 S5.073 81.813 82.404 81.437 81.742 84.316 82.176 22.894 21.30 83 869 68 608 81.184 78 268 80.157 82.131 81.243 80.893 80 863 80.691 31.37 80.902 81.577 81.187 81.254 81.146 82,578 82.492 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 865 28.174 23.21 23.351 24.206 18.732 18.577 18.37 18.57 18.78 Reading # 128 - May 301156:05 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 26 29 261 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.262 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.73 30 021 33.388 34 046 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.397 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.993 81 593 82.505 80.469 81.81 81.276 81.564 80.2B8 81.283 84.206 11.20 82.942 83.109 85.045 81.795 82.437 81.404 81.71 B4.316 82.157 82.875 21.30 83.869 68.608 81.166 78.268 80.12 82.117 81.188 80.879 80 B45 80.663 31.37 80 884 81.554 81.145 81.222 81.146 82.554 82.469 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.963 27.88 23.152 23.56 24.222 18.748 18.595 18.397 18.588 18.807 Reading # 129 - May 3012:11:05 Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29.259 29.26 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.262 Dow Points (*F) tower / Upper cont.1. 4 29 808 29.841 33.314 33.892 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.544 l Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.984 81.569 82.496 80 469 81.796 81.252 81.523 80.241 81.26 84.173 11.20 82.919 83.065 85 022 81.753 82.437 81.381 81.7 84.265 82.134 82.861 21.30 83.814 68 622 81.152 78.282 80.078 82.076 81.169 80 846 80.822 80.649 31.37 80 86 81.531 81.122 81.19B 81.1 82 536 82.459 lee Condensor 1.10 24 241 28 259 23.136 23.737 24 271 18 764 18.61 18.401 18.581 18 8 l


l l

Calibrated Instrument Data tAcGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Rooding # 130 - May 3012:26:06 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29257 29 258 '

ice Condenser 1. 1 29 258 Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 805 29 838 33 154 33.813 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 403 Temperatures ('F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 97 81.537 82 441 80 469 81.778 81262 81.587 80223 81.26 84.15 l 11.20 82 587 83 044 84.989 81.716 82.428 81.348 81 677 84.275 82.125 82.829 21.30 83.814 68 622 81.152 78268 80.078 82.066 81.137 80.846 80.799 80.64 31.37 80 837 81 522 81.113 81.166 B1081 82.513 82.445 Ice Condenser 1.10 24.4?? 27 426 23.168 23.854 24 282 18.786 18.63 18 37 18.592 18.8 Reading # 131 - t4cy 3012:41:06 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 256 29.257 Ice Cor. denser 1. 1 29 259 Dew Points CF)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 29.888 29 919 33.003 33.738 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.399 <

l l Temperatures (T)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.96 81.495 82.422 80.418 81.755 81.252 81.717 80.19 81.26 84.127 11.20 82.868 83 021 84.957 81.683 82.2 81.316 81.645 84.242 82.111 82.819 21.30 83 804 68 631 81.142 78.282 80 078 82.043 81.114 80.828 80.78 80.617 31.37 80.828 81.512 81.08 81.152 81.049 82.48 82.413 Ice Condenser 1 10 24.221 27.816 23.098 23.946 24.372 18.793 18.658 18.386 18.63 18.838 Reading # 132 - FAoy 3012:56:07 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.256 29257 ice Condenser 1.. I 2925B Dew Points ("F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.73 29.838 32.919 33.58 fee Condenser 1.. I 17.495 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.96 81.439 82 431 80 427 81.713 81.252 81.611 80 158 81.251 84.004 11.20 82 836 82.958 84 933 81.632 82.395 S1.274 81 612 84.233 82.078 82.796 i

21.30 83.772 68.631 81,11 78 249 80.069 82.011 81.1 80.795 80.771 80.608 l 31.37 80 814 81.466 81.057 81.143 81.026 82.471 82.394 lee Cendenser 1.10 24 08 28.683 23 076 24215 24 450 18 802 18.669 18.419 18.662 18.87 l

Calibrated Instrument Data fACGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Feoding # 133 - May 3013:11:07 Press"ms (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 253 29 254 lee Condenser 1. 1 '9

< 25 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 651 29 841 32.764 33.501 lee Condenser 1. I 17497 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1.10 62 951 81 A3 82.389 80.367 81.69 81.229 81.629 80.158 81.227 84.062 11.20 82.798 82.933 84.892 81.618 82.395 81.251 81.589 84.233 82.06 82.778 21.30 83 781 68 631 81.11 78.259 80.078 82.001 81.072 80.781 80.748 80.584 31.37 80.786 81 434 81.038 81.11 81.016 82.457 82.362 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 834 28 34 23 41 24 331 24 414 18 813 18.68 18.439 18.684 18.881 Reading 134 - May 3013:26:08 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.252 29253 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 246 Dow Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 884 29 838 32 /61 33.344 Ice Condenser 1. 1 18 233 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.942 81.384 82.389 80.353 81.68 81.22 81.555 80.158 81.251 84.029 11.20 82.771 82.923 84.859 81.6 82.274 81.218 81.556 84.168 82.069 B2.74 21.30 83.772 68.645 81.077 78.203 80.037 81.992 81.049 80.772 80.725 80.566 31.37 80.749 81.434 81.001 81.092 80.979 82.425 82.371 lee Condenser 1 10 23.706 27.778 23 414 24.1 24.334 18.829 18.684 18.466 18.689 18.886 Reading # 135 - May 3013 41:08 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont 1 2 29.249 29.25 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.241 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 29887 29.759 32.609 33.347 Ice Condenser 1I 17.839 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82.928 81.365 82.38 80.33 81.625 81.211 81.62 80.15B 81.241 83.997 11.20 82.747 82 914 84.827 81.577 82.363 81.186 81.524 84.177 82.051 82.731 21.30 83 749 68 654 81.087 78.226 80 81.945 81.016 80.763 80.701 80.552 31.37 83.749 81A15 80983 81.06B 80 951 82.406 82.348 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.726 27.672 23.392 23.995 24.367 18.851 18.696 18.489 18.689 18.908

Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclect Sichon Unit 1 Reading # 136 May 3013 56:09 Pressures (PSIA)

I j tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 247 29 248 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.238 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 29.648 29.756 32 534 33 262 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.693 Temperatures (*F) lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 919 81.31 82.389 80.297 81.616 81.187 81.629 80.125 81.218 83.955 11.20 e2 715 82.891 84.794 81.502 82.144 81.154 81.515 84.094 82 037 82.699 21.30 B3 73 68.654 81.068 78.203 79.99 81.936 80.993 80.74 80.683 80.529 31.37 80 716 81.392 80.941 81.045 80 928 82.36 82.316 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 672 27.585 23 264 23 973 24 345 18.871 18.716 18.509 18.709 18 919 Rooding # 137 - May 3014:11:09 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.246 29 246 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.235 Dew Points (*F) l Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 29.648 29.756 32.534 33166 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.397 Temperatures (*F)

Lowor/ Upper Cont.1.10 82.909 81.286 82.366 80.255 81.583 81.178 81.652 80.125 B1.227 83.932 11.20 82.692 82.826 S4 752 81.502 82.200 81.13 81.473 84.112 82.004 82.68 21.30 83.707 68.654 81.045 78.249 80.013 81.913 80.96 80.73 80 683 80.519 31.37 80.716 81.369 80.918 81.036 80.919 82.336 82.297 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.619 25 885 23.103 23.899 24 271 18.871 18.727 18.52 18.731 18.939 Road!ng # 138 - May 3014:21:10 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.244 29.245 leo Condemvi 1.. I 29.221 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.575 29.68 32.455 33.186 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.593 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.009 81.235 82.343 80.223 81183 81.164 81.532 80.116 81.227 83.91; 11.20 82 632 82.803 84 73B 81.461 81.94 81.121 81.473 84.103 82.004 82.666 21.30 83.707 68 654 81.045 78.226 80.037 81.894 80.96 80.73 80.683 80.51 31.37 80 684 81 369 80.918 81.013 80.B82 82.318 82.297 lee Condenser 1.10 23.576 25 857 23 013 23 849 24.255 18 889 18.745 18.536 18.735 18.946

Calibrated Instrument Data f4cGuire tJuclear Station l Unit 1 l Reading # 139 - May 3014.31:10  !

Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 243 29 244 leo Condenser 1. 1 29 221 Dew Points (T)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 805 29.68 32.382 33.107 lee Condenser 1.. I 17 591 Temperatures (T) tower / Upper Cont.1 10 e2 895 81 235 82.334 80.255 81.56 81 155 81.629 80.093 81.218 83.899 11.20 e2 659 82.826 84.706 81.461 81.917 81.098 81.44 84.057 81.995 B '.648 21.30 83 702 68 659 81.05 78.231 79 962 81.862 80 942 80.702 80.655 80 492 31.37 80 67 81.341 80 S7 80.994 80.877 82.299 82.269 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 645 26 494 23 145 23.811 24.206 18.894 18.749 18.551 18.742 18.95 Rooding # 140 - f4ay 3014.41:10 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 241 2?.242 lee Condenser 1.. I 29.212 Dew Points (T) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.73 29.598 32.297 33 032 Ice Condenser 1.. I 18 045 Temperatures (T)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 895 81.254 82 334 80 223 81.551 81.132 81.513 80.093 81.195 83.881 11.20 82.65 82.794 84.706 81.447 82.024 81.075 81.44 84.135 81.981 82.638 21.30 83.6S8 68.668 81.026 78 231 79.986 81.853 80 933 80.689 80.632 80.482 31.37 80 67 81.341 80 881 80 985 80.845 82.299 82.232 Ice Condenser 1.10 23.741 26.72 23 329 23.791 24.163 18.905 18.76 18.551 18.742 18.962 Reading # 141 - f4cy 3014.51:11 l Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.239 29 24 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.245 Dew Points (T) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 27 643 29.756 32 297 32 95 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17449 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.895 81.189 82.325 80.223 81.527 81.122 81.513 80.069 81.209 83.867 11.20 82.617 82.77 84 678 81.424 81.94 81.065 81.417 84.047 81.981 82.634 21.30 83 707 68 663 81.012 78 226 79.99 81.848 80 919 80.675 80 636 80 478 31.37 80 651 81 327 80.862 80 971 80 854 82.276 82 241 ice Cnnr1anser 1.10 23 811 26 993 23 376 23 806 24159 18.92 18.765 18 578 18.75B 18.977 i



Calibrated instrument Data McGune Nuclear Station Unit 1 f

Reading # 142 - May 3015.01:11 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 238 29 239 Ice Condenser I.. I 29 243 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 808 29.596 32.216 32 95 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.397 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82886 81.221 82.301 80.214 81 518 81.122 81.523 80 06 81.209 83.848 11.20 82 617 82.752 84 683 81.424 81.852 81.056 81.394 84 08 81.962 82.624 21.30 83.675 68.673 81.012 78 184 80 013 81 825 80.905 80 684 80.627 80 464 31.37 80.651 81.294 80 853 80 957 80.831 82.262 82.232 Ice Condenser 1 10 23 963 27.014 23.302 23 81B 24 233 18.932 18.776 18.601 18.769 19 Read:ng # 143 - May 3015:11:12 Pressures (PSIA) lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.237 29.23 B Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.243 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont. I. 4 29.648 29.677 32.137 32.947 Ice Condenser 1.. I 18.183 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.872 81.203 82.269 80.214 81.504 81.122 81.448 80.046 81.195 83.816 11.20 82 594 82719 84 664 81.382 81.819 81.047 81.385 84.057 81.953 82.615 21.30 83.675 68.686 81.012 78.184 79.972 81.815 80.895 80.675 80.618 80.454 31.37 80.665 81.281 80.82 80.948 80.831 82.239 82.218 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 134 27.388 23.365 23.806 24 309 18 952 18.788 18.601 18.789 19 Reading # 144 - May 3015:21:12 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.235 29.236 Ice Conenser 1.. I 29.239 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 418 29.52 32.137 32.872 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.888 Temperatures (*F) tower / Upper cont.1 10 82 872 81.189 82.269 80.167 81.486 81.099 81.532 80.046 81.195 83.793 11.20 22.575 82.719 84.655 81.382 81.963 81.014 81.361 B4.112 81.93 82.592 21.30 83.651 68 696 60.998 78 17 79.893 81.806 80.886 80.665 80 618 80 445 31.37 80 665 81 271 80.83 80 929 80.808 82.239 82..

Ice Condenser 1.10 24 198 27.511 23 456 23 78 24 356 18.968 18.80s 18 616 18.796 19.004

i Calibrated instrument Data McGuire Nuciocr Stotson i 'Jnit 1 Peoding a 145 - May 3015 31.12 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 2 29 233 29 234 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 237 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 497 27.596 32 061 32.796 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 987 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 863 81.189 82.246 80.125 81.476 81.09 81.448 80.037 81.186 83.783 l 11.20 82.552 82.706 84.622 81.382 81 819 81 81.352 84.024 81.93 82.578

, 21.30 83 642 68 686 80.98 78.143 79.925 81.783 80 877 80.651 80 604 80 431 1 31.37 80.665 81271 80 83 80.915 80.784 8222 82.2 l Ice condenser 1.10 24.113 27 184 23 548 23.795 24 363 18.985 18 819 18 632 18.812 19.02 1

Reading # 146 - May 3015:41:13 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29232 29 233 lee Condenser 1.. I 29235 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29415 29.596 31.977 32.793 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.542 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper cont.1 10 82.863 81.147 82227 80 093 81.463 81.081 81.504 80.028 81.172 83.783 11.20 82.538 82.682 84.585 81.349 81.787 80.991 81.352 83.996 81.916 82.569 21.30 83.642 68.673 80.971 78.194 79.925 81.783 80.854 80 633 80.585 80.422 31.37 80 642 81.262 80 S06 B0.906 80.766 82.22 82.186 lee Condenser 1.10 23.865 26.162 23.445 23.737 24.291 18.09 18.823 18.627 18.805 19.024 Peoding # 147 - May 3015:51:13 Pressures (PSIA) tower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.23 29231 les Condenser 1. 1 29.235 Dew Points (*F)  ;

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 567 29 678 31 977 32.717 I Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.741 j Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82.863 81.138 B2.195 80.093 81.439 81.067 81.578 80.018 81.162 83.76 11.20 22.529 82473 84 585 81.326 81.713 80.977 81.343 84.057 81.907 82.56 21.30 83 628 6S 696 80.971 78164 79.893 81.76 80.84 B0.633 BO.576 80.408 31.37 80.628 81 239 80.806 80.892 80.766 82.211 82.153 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 672 25.873 23.349 23.683 24.237 18 979 18.834 18 636 18.816 19.036

! Calibrated Instrument Data l l McGuire Nuclear $10 tion Unit 1 Eeoding e 148 - May 3016-01:13 Pressures (PSIA) lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 229 29.23 ice Condenser 1.. I 29 237 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 64B 29.596 31.901 32 72 tco Condenser 1.. I 17.887 Temperatures (*F)


Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 854 81.115 82.185 80.102 81.421 81.044 81.49 80.004 81.172 83.728 11.20 62 i.2 82 664 B4.567 81.326 81.722 80.959 81.32 84 015 81.907 82.546 21.30 83 628 68.705 80 98 78.17 79.902 81.741 80.83 80 61 80.562 80.399 l

31.37 80 619 81 239 80.797 80 883 80.743 82.188 82.144 ice Condenser 1.10 23 576 26.27 23 21 23 694 24.185 18 99 18.834 18.627 18 827 19.047 l Eeod:ng # 149 - May 3016:11:14 I Pressures (PSIA) i Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 227 ??228 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.228 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 493 29.596 31.904 32.72 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.957 Temperatures (*F) l Lower / Upper cont.1.10 81 854 81.059 82.14B 80.102 81.407 81,044 81.532 79.995 81.153 83.714 11.20 82 496 82.641 84.557 81.285 81.666 80 926 81.296 83.982 81.907 82.536 21.30 83.61 68.719 80.957 78.161 79.874 81.741 80.807 80.6 80.539 80.399 31.37 80.61 81.206 80.778 80 874 80.719 82.188 82.13 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 565 26.928 23.237 23 69 24.159 18.994 18.85 18.643 18.843 19.062 Reading # 150 - May 3016:21:14 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.227 29 22B Ice Condenser I. 1 29.232 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.494 29.596 31.904 32.642 lee Condenser 1.. I 17.8S7 )

Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82 844 81.059 82.116 80.028 81.398 81.034 81.504 79.981 81.144 83 695 11.20 82 487 82 641 84 534 81.285 81.657 80.926 81.278 83.941 81 874 82.527 21.30 83 6 68.719 80.947 78.161 79 851 81.727 80.798 80 6 80.53 80.38

! 31.37 80 6 81.206 80.778 80.56 80.733 62.155 82.121 Ica Cnndenser 1.10 23 715 26 801 23 237 23.732 24.159 19.006 18.862 18 663 18 854 19.074 l


Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nucleor S?ction und 1 Reading # 151 - May 3016:31:14 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 ??226 29 227 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29 228 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29491 29 596 31 823 32.563 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17839 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 844 81.05 82.107 80.037 81.365 81.025 81.578 79.981 81.144 83 686 11.20 82 478 82 599 84.511 81.266 81.68 80.903 81.278 83.95 81.874 82.518 21 30 83 586 68 728 80 933 78 161 79 851 81.709 80.798 80 6 80.53 80.38 31.37 80 6 81.177 80.765 80 86 80 701 82.132 82.112 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 78 26 933 23 253 23.854 24.174 19.01 18.866 18.679 18.847 19.069 l

Reading # 152 - May 3016:41:15 Pressures (PSIA) ,

l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 223 29 224 i ice Condenser 1. 1 29 227 I Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.572 29.6B 31.825 32.563 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.439 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.831 81.026 82.088 79.995 81 356 81.016 81.62 79.972 81.121 83.686 11.20 82 464 82565 84.502 81.252 81.768 80.894 81.264 83.927 81.874 82.495 21.30 83.568 68 728 80.924 78.17 79.786 81.718 80.789 80 6 80.52 80.366 31.37 80.586 81.183 80 741 80.841 80.687 82.123 82.102 tco Condenser 1 10 23 834 26.763 23.233 23 95 24.228 19.032 18.877 18.679 18.847 19.069 Reading # 153 - May 3016:51:15 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29223 29 224 Ice Cundenser 1.. I 29 225 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.493 29 595 31 825 32.562 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.987 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.831 81 017 82 051 80.028 81.333 81.002 81.458 79.963 81.111 83.653 11.20 82.455 82.557 84 469 B1.22 81.55 80.88 81.245 83.908 81.874 82.481 21.30 83 568 68 742 80 924 78 152 79.754 81.709 80 779 80.586 80.507 80.357 l 31.37 80.577 81.16 80 732 80 841 80 678 82.123 82.079 l lee Condenser 1.10 23 887 26.794 23.233 24.015 24 237 19.044 18.8B8 1 B 69 18.859 10.078 '



Calibrated Instrument Data ,

1 f4cGuire Nuclear Station j Unit I l I

l Eeoding a 154 - May 3017:01:15 Pressures (PStA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 221 29.222 ,

ice Condenser 1.. I 29.224 l Dow Points (*F)  !

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.491 29.596 31.749 32.484 lee Condenser 1. 1 17.938 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82 821 81.003 82 042 79.995 81.323 80.993 81.407 79.963 81.111 83.63 11.20 82.431 82.557 84.46 81.22 81.494 80.87 81.245 83.917 81.842 82.462 21.30 83 568 68.751 80.915 78.129 79.74 81.685 80.766 80.563 80.507 80 357 j 31.37 80.577 81.155 80.723 80.832 80 668 82.114 82.056  ;

ice Condenser 1.10 23.941 26.816 23 221 23 854 24 26 19.052 18.9 18.701 18.881 19.089 l i

Reading # 155 - May 3017:11:16 Pressures (PSIA) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 22 29 221 i Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.223 Dew Points (*F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.493 29.441 31.665 32.487 '

ice Condenser 1. 1 17.888 Temperatures (*F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.821 80.985 82.018 79.982 81.31 80.993 81.458 79.039 81.121 83.616 l 11.20 82 399 82.543 84 437 81.196 81.485 80.87 81.231 83.876 81.856 82.448 21.30 83.568 68.76 80.901 78.143 79.754 81.676 80.756 80.554 80.488 80.334 1 31.37 80.554 81.132 89.723 80 809 80 659 82.1 82.056 ice Condenser 1 10 24.048 26 993 23 217 23 602 24.329 19.07 18.904 18.728 18.908 19.116 Reading # 156 - May 3017:21:16 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.219 29.22 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.218 Dew Points ('F)  !

Lower / Upper cont.1. 4 29.415 29 596 31.662 32.487 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.938 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82 821 80 G75 82.009 79.94 81.3 80.969 81.532 79.939 81.097 83.588 11.20 82.399 82.534 84 413 81.178 81.527 80.838 81.222 83.853 81.819 82.439 21.30 83.531 68.77 80 901 78.105 79.763 81.653 80.742 80.545 80 479 80.325 31.37 80.554 81.118 80 709 80 795 80.645 82.09 82.047 i Ice Condenser 1.10 24 102 27 484 23 163 23 443 24 372 19.079 18 915 18.751 18.928 19.138 '


Calibrated instrument Data tACGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 Reading # 157 - May 3017.31:16 Pressures (PSIA) l Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 218 29 218 '

ice Condaser 1.. I 29 ??S Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 258 29.441 31 586 32.414 Ice Condenser 1.. I 18 138 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont. I.10 82 812 80 975 81 967 79.954 81.282 80 983 81.523 79.949 81.088 83.565 11.20 e2 38 02 525 84.413 81.178 81.583 80 819 81.18 83.853 81.819 82.42 21.30 83.517 68 765 80 878 78.156 79.735 81.634 80.705 80.54 80 46 80.306 31.37 80 535 81.104 80.672 80.781 80 627 82.063 82.019 lee Condenser 1.10 24 096 27.966 23.206 23 455 24 414 19.079 18.926 18.771 18.939 19.147 i Reading # 158 - May 3017.41:17 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.216 29.217 l ice Condenser 1.. I 29.207 Dew Points (*F) i Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.334 29 439 31.583 32.33 l Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.887 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.812 80 952 81.954 79.917 81.259 80.969 81.578 79.939 81.088 83.565 11.20 82.366 82.502 84 386 81.169 81.494 80.805 81.18 83.829 81.809 82.411 21.30 83 494 68.774 80.8'/8 78.124 79.689 81.634 80.714 80.54 80.446 80.297 31.37 80.526 81.081 80.662 80.757 80 608 82.049 82.005 Ice Condenser 1.10 23 934 27.724 23.179 23 587 24 464 19 CS6 18 931 18.775 18.944 19.154 Reading # 159 - May 3017:51:17 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.215 29.216 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.196 Dew Points (*F)

Lowor/ Upper Cont.1. 4 29.258 29439 31.529 32.333 Ice Condenser 1. 1 17.989 Temperatures (*F)

I Lower / Upper cont.1.10 82812 80 943 81.944 79.875 81.259 80 96 81.481 79.921 81.074 83.542 11.20 82.343 82.488 84.366 81.145 81.374 80.796 81.167 83.788 81.8 82.406  !

21.30 83.521 68 807 80.8B2 78.143 79 698 81.62 80.701 80.535 80.456 80.283 31.37 60 521 81.0E6 80 667 80 753 80 613 82.035 82.005 Ice condenser 1.10 23 963 27 421 23.195 23 656 24 468 19.102 18.947 18.782 18.961 19.17 l

l Calibrated Instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 1 l

Reoding # 160 - May 3018:01:17 P'essures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 214 29 215 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 19 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.179 29 517 31.508 32 412 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17.94 Ternperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82 798 80.906 81.921 79.898 81.245 80.96 81.546 79.921 81.074 83 533 11.20 82334 82.469 84.348 81.132 81.388 80 796 81.134 83 829 81.786 82.388 21.30 83 494 68 811 83.878 78.101 79.689 81.616 80.673 80.508 80 423 80.274 31.37 80 494 81.067 80 649 80.734 80.576 82.021 81.972 fee Condenser 1.10 24.138 27.453 23.163 23.849 24 437 19.113 18.958 18.793 18.961 19.181 Reading # 161 - May 3018:11:18 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 213 29 214 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.186 Dew Points (*F)

I Lower /Uppor Cont.1. 4 29.334 29.439 31.508 32.33 l lee Condenser 1.. I 17.692 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.798 80 887 81.912 79 884 81.245 80 946 81.513 79.907 81.074 83.5 11.20 82 311 82.469 84.339 81.099 81.406 80.773 81.125 83.82 81.786 82.383 21.30 83 503 68.825 80.873 78 105 79.656 81.611 80.691 80.503 80.423 80.269 31.37 80.48 81.063 80.658 80 734 80.58 82.021 81.972 Ice Condenser 1.10 24.349 27.554 23.168 23 854 24.43 19.118 18.963 18.797 18.955 19.175 Rooding # 162 - May 3018:21:18 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.211 29.212 Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.185 Dew Points ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.418 29.441 31.432 32.332 Ice Condenser 1.. I 17 497 Temperatures ('F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.789 80.845 81.893 79.856 81.226 80 937 81.504 79.907 81.056 83 491 11.20 82.301 82.437 84.316 81.081 81.439 80.754 81.125 83.764 81.777 82.374 l 21.30 83 489 68 825 80 836 78087 79.642 81.597 B0.682 80489 80 409 80.269 l 31.37 80 459 81.058 80 644 80.72 80.58 82.016 81.959 Ice Condenser 1.10 24.521 27.029 23.168 23.899 24 43 19.14 18.974 18 775 18 966 19.186

Calibrated instrument Data McGuire Nuclear Stohon Unit 1 Reading # 163 - May 3018.31:18 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont 1. 2 29 21 29 211 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29 216 Dew Points (*F) ,

lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 334 29 439 31 429 32.251 ice Condenser 1.. I 17 936 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82789 80 822 81 879 79.866 81.212 80.928 81.504 79 898 81.046 83 477 11.20 82 292 82 427 84 297 81.071 81.471 80 74 81.102 83.82 81.758 82.374 21.30 83 48 68 848 80 859 78.105 79.61 81.578 80 668 80 48 80.4 80.26 31.37 80 48 81 044 80 635 80.72 80.58 81.979 81.926 Ice Condenser 1.10 /4 5B6 26 825 23 091 23 822 24 452 19.14 18.974 18.766 18.986 19.197 Reading # 164 - May 3018.41:19 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.209 29.21 leo Condenser 1. 1 29.215 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.255 29.439 31.429 32.169 Ice Condenser I .. I 17.938 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.789 60 822 81.87 79.833 81.194 80918 81.504 79.884 81.046 83.435 11.20 82.269 82 427 84.297 81.034 81.388 80.754 81.092 83.82 81.767 82.355 21.30 83 438 68.844 80.822 78.068 79.605 81.56 80.663 80.452 80.381 80.241 31.37 80 452 81.016 80.616 80.692 80 552 81 965 81.94 Ice Condenser 1.10 24 461 27.488 23.071 23 887 24 484 19.149 18.974 18.775 19.009 19.217 Reading # 165 - May 3018:51:19 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29.208 29.209 ,

Ice Condenser 1.. I 29.214 I Dew Points (*F) towor/ Upper Cont.1. 4 29.337 29 442 31.432 32.172  !

Ice Condenser 1 -.1 17.938 l Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.789 80.80S 81.847 79.856 81.17 80.004 81.504 79.874 81.032 83.421 11.20 82 259 82 404 84.265 81.025 81 429 80.731 81 069 83 829 81.767 82.342 21.30 83 447 6B.848 80 817 78.073 79.61 81.564 80 645 80 456 80.377 80.227 31.37 80 447 81.021 80602 80.6B8 80.548 81.97 81.935 Ice Condenser 1.10 24.371 28 089 23 C71 24.004 24.518 19 14 18 985 18 809 19.031 19.228 l

l l

l I

1 l

1 l




Calibrated Instrument Data  !

tAcGuire PJuclear Station I Unit 1 l l

l Pooding # 166 - faoy 3019.01:20 l l

Pressures (PSIA)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 2? 206 29208 Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.211 l Dew Points ('F) i Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29.255 29A39 31 35 32.169 1.. I 18 234 Ice Condenser Temperatures (*F) ,

Lower /Uppor Cont.1.10 82 775 80 781 81.856 79.801 81.161 80 904 81 A67 79.874 81.023 83 412  !

11.20 82 236 82 39 84.251 81.016 81.234 80.699 81.051 83 82 81.735 82.342 21.30 83 424 68 839 80 803 78.031 79 601 81.541 80.645 80 447 80.358 80.213 31.37 80 424 81.012 80.593 80.679 80.524 81 947 81.908 ice Condenser 1.10 24 221 28 849 23 253 24 273 24 538 19.149 18 996 18.829 19.031 19 239 Reading # 167 - tAoy 3019:11:20 Pressures (PSIA)  ;

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 29 205 29.206 l Ice Condenser 1. 1 29.209 l Dew Points (*F)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1. 4 29.258 29.514 31.353 32.16?

Ice Condenser 1.. I 18.045  ;

Temperatures (*F) l Lower / Upper Cont.1.10 82.775 80 781 81.838 79.81 81.147 80 904 81.578 79.865 81.014 83.421 '

11.20 82.227 82.381 84.242 81.016 81.234 80.708 B1.06 83.811 81.712 82.332 21.30 83 424 68.848 80.826 78 008 79.591 81.537 80.626 80 424 80.344 80.204 ,

31 37 80 424 80.989 80.56 80.665 80.524 81.937 81.90B l Ice Condenser 1.10 24 017 27.907 23 423 24 293 24.518 19.16 19.005 18.851 19.031 19.251 l l

Pooding a l'8 - tAoy 3019:21:21 Pressures (PSIA)

Lower /Uppor Cont.1. 2 29.204 29.205 j fce Condenser 1. 1 29.207 Dew Points (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 337 29.365 31.274 32.097 ice Condenser 1I 18 234 Temperatures (*F)

Lower / Upper Cont.1 10 82.766 80.748 81.824 79.787 81.129 80.904 B1.425 79.865 81.014 83.38 11.20 82.227 82.363 84.207 80.983 81.29 80.708 81.037 83.811 81.735 82.309 l 21.30 83 405 6B858 80817 78.045 79.601 81.537 80.626 80.415 80.335 80 204 l 31.37 80 415 80989 80 56 80.655 80.506 Bl .937 81.894 j ice Condenser 1.10 23.919 27 195 23 441 24118 24 511 19 176 19.023 18 867 19.047 19.266 l

1 I




Calibrated Instrument Data McGuns Nuclear Stofson Unit 1 Reading # 169 - May 3019.31:21 Pressures (PSI A)

Lower / Upper Cont.1. 2 ?? 202 27 234 ice Condenser 1.. I 29.;O 6 Dew Points (*F) tower / Upper Cont.1. 4 29 258 29365 31 274 32 094 Ice Condenser 1. 1 1E 045 Temperatures (*F) lower /Uppor Cont.1 10 82 766 E0711 81.796 79 736 61.115 80.686 81.513 79.842 81 83.361 11.20 E2 213 82.347 84 200 80 937 81.276 80 6B5 81 027 83 653 81.721 82.309 21.30 83 371 68 548 80 8D3 78.073 79.624 81.513 80 603 80 405 80.321 80.204 31.37 EO405 80 965 80 546 80 646 80 483 81 937 81.684 tce Condonser 1.10 23 876 27.349 23 434 24 026 24 538 19 183 19.027 18 883 19 062 19 271

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McGuire l' nit I !

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APPENDIX F i Local Leakage Rate Testing Conducted Since Last ILRT Reports:

. Local Leak Rate Test Summary l

. EOC-7 Type B & C Leak Rate Test Report

! - EOC-8 Type B & C Leak Rate Test Report l

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i McGuire Unit 1 5/1/90 to 6/5/93 Local Leak Rate Test Summary McGuire Unit 1's last Type A test was performed on 5/1/90 during the End of Cycle 6 refueling outage. Since that time, local leak rate testing in accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix J and the station Technical Specifications have been performed. Summary lists of the local testing performed during EOC 7 and 8 outages are included in this section as Attachments 1 and 2. Quarterly tests of the Containment Purge system I isolation valves and semi-annual tests of the Upper and Lower Airlocks have also been performed.

Evaluation of all data shows that in no case has the total leakage for all penetrations l and valves subject to Type B and C testing approached the Technical Specification l limit of 0.60 La (80,800 sccm). Similarly, the bypass leakage total (those leak paths  !

that communicate beyond the annulus boundary) has not exceeded the Technical Specification limit of 0.07 La (9427 sccm).

i One significant local leak testing issue that has arisen during this report period is the l degradation of a 54" diameter Main Steam system penetration bellows. In accordance I

with the Technical Specification requirements, this dual ply bellows was tested following the completion of the Type A test. On 6/5/93, the total leakage associated with this bellows was determined to be 12,780 +/- 200 sccm. The portion of this leakage that was categorized as bypass was 3990 +/- 282 sccm. This issue was

! separately reported to the NRC, and discussions relating to increased testing commitments and future maintenance plans are continuing.

All local leak rate test results are maintained in detail at McGuire Nuclear Station, and are available for further review id desired.

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M212 NC0053B 3.14 0.2 3.14 0.20 9/26/91 NC0054A 2.78 0.2 9/26/91 M215 VB0049B 15.00 9.2 29.90 0.28 11/2/91 VB0050 5.20 0.2 11/2/91 VB0051 14.90 0.2 11/2/91 M216 NC0056B 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/24/91 NC0057 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NC0120 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 M219 VS0012B 2.00 0.2 7.00 0.28 11/14/91 VS0013 5.00 0.2 11/14/91 VS0025 2.00 0.2 11/14/91 M220 V!0040 36.00 2 36.00 2.00 10/19/91 V10129B 2.00 0.2 10/19/91 V10284 2.00 0.2 10/19/91 M221 WLO321 A 57.80 2 57.80 2.00 9/23/91 WLO385 57.80 2 9/23/91 WLO322B 2.00 0.2 9/23/91 WLO800 2.00 0.2 9/23/91 M235 NM0003A 8.50 0.2 42.40 2.02 11/25/91 NM0006A 22.00 2 11/25/91 NM0007B 11.90 0.2 11/25/91 NM0067 11.90 0.2 11/25/91 NM0420 22.00 2 11/25/91 M240 RV0032A 4.00 0.2 6.00 0.28 11/9/91 RV0033B 4.00 0.2 11/9/91 RV0445 4.00 0.2 11/9/91 RV0316 2.00 0.2 11/9/91 M243 VOOOO1 A 19.00 0.2 21.00 0.28 9/24/91 VOOOO2B 19.00 0.2 9/24/91 VOOO14 2.00 0.2 9/24/91 M259 NB0260B 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 9/30/91 NB0261 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 NB0262 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 Page 1 of 8 l


McGuire Unit 1 EOC 7 Local Leak Rate Tests i



i M279 RV0076A 3.50 0.2 5.50 0.28 11/9/91 RV0077B 3.50 0.2 11/9/91 RV0446 3.50 0.2 11/9/91 RV0317 2.00 0.2 11/9/91 M280 NM0069 2.00 0.2 37.55 2.04 10/22/91 NM0072B 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 j NM0075B 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 l

NM0078B 2.00 0.2 9/30/91  ;

NM0081B 29.55 2 11/29/91 NM0082 2.00 0.2 10/22/91 NM0280 2.00 0.2 10/22/91 M307 RN0252B 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/19/91 RN0253A 2.00 0.2 11/19/91 RN0451 2.00 0.2 11/19/91 M309 NM0022A 2.00 0.2 3.00 2.84 10/11/91 NM0025A 21.00 2 10/11/91 NM0026B 26.00 2 10/11/91 NM0068 26.00 2 10/11/91 NM0421 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 NM0423 26.00 2 10/11/91 M315 RN0276A 2.00 0.2 4.00 2.83 11/19/91 RN02778 2.00 0.2 11/19/91 F.N0452 2.00 0.2 11/19/91 M317 V10124 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/24/91 V10150B 2.00 0.2 11/24/91 V10378 2.00 0.2 11/24/91 l M320 KC0279 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/8/91 KC0424B 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 KC0425A 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 l

M321 N10046 2.00 0.2 4.35 0.28 11/28/91 N10095 2.35 0.2 11/28/91 N100968 2.35 0.2 11/28/91 N10120B 2.35 02 12/4/91 N10436 2.00 0.2 11/8/91 l

M322 KC0047 95.00  ? 95.00 2.00 10/17/91 KC04296 95.00 2 10/17/91 KC0430 2.00 0.2 10/31/91 Page 2 of 8 i




0.2 7.00 0.20 9/24/91 VX0030 2.00 M325 9/24/91 2,00 0.2 VX0040 0.2 17.80 0.28 9/30/91 NC0141 12.80 M326 9/30/91 5.00 0.2 NC0142 9/30/91 NC0154 5.00 02 0.2 9/30/91 NCO261 12.80 0.2 70.50 2.01 10/19/91 KC0338B 2.00 M327 10/19/91 2.00 0.2 KC0339 10/10/91 68.50 2 KC0340 0.2 10.00 0.20 11/29/91 N10047A 10.00 M330 9/30/91 2.00 0.2 N10048 9/30/91 2.00 0.2 N10107 2 30.00 2.01 9/25/91 VE0010A 28.00 M331 9/25/91 VE0011 15.00 0.2 10/16/91 VE0012 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/7/91 YM0115B 2.00 0.2 M337 11/7/91 YM0116 2.00 0.2 11/7/91 YM0124 2.00 0.2 2 85.50 2.01 9/30/91 NV0849A 83.50 M342 9/30/91 NV1001 2.00 0.2 0.2 9/30/91 NV1002 2.00 0.2 22.00 2.01 9/25/91 WL1301B 2.00 M348 9/25/91 WL1302A 2.00 0.2 0.2 9/25/91 WL1307 2.00 0.2 9/25/91 WL1316 2.00 0.2 4.06 0.28 9/27/91 RF0821 2.60 M353 9/27/91 RF0822 2.06 0.2 0.2 9/27/91 RF0823 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/8/91 KC0280 2.00 M355 10/8/91 KC0332B 2.00 0.2 0.2 11/7/91 KC0333A 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 KC0852 2.00 0.2 7.80 0.28 10/16/91 M356 WE0013 5.80 0.2 10/16/91 WE0014 2.00 0.2 10/16/91 WE0023 5.80 Page 3 of 8


) McGuire Unit 1 EOC 7 Local Leak Rate Tests I




M358 FWOO11 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/11/91 l

FWOO12 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 FWOO13 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 FWOO67 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 M359 V 0160B 2.00 0.2 32.00 2.00 10/19/91 V10; 61 32.00 2 10/19/91 ViO282 2.00 0.2 10/19/91 M360 WLOU39A 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/17/91 WL0041B 2.00 0.2 10/17/91 l

WLO389 2.00 0.2 10/17/91 j

M361 NC0195 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 9/30/91

, NC0196 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 NC0259 2.00 0.2 9/30/91 i

M372 NF0233B 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/26/91 1

1 NF0234A 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 NF0957 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 NF1051 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 NF1172 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 j

M373 NF0228A 2.00 0.2 6.00 0.35 11/26/91 i NF0229 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 NF0231 2.00 0.2 11/26/91

! NF0959 2.00- 0.2 11/26/91 I NF1173 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 M374 WL0064A 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/26/91 WLOO658 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 j WLO264 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 3 WLO390 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 WLO852 2.00 0.2 11/26/91 M375 WL00018 18.00 0.2 25.00 2.00 9/30/91 WL0002A 25.00 2 9/30/91 WLOO24 25.00 2 9/30/91 WLO859 18.00 0.2 9/30/91 i

M376 KC0320A 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/8/91 4

KC0321 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 KC0322 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 KC0842 2.00 0.2 10/8/91 1 Page 4 of 8



McGuire Unit 1 EOC 7 Local Leak Rate Tests j i



l M377 FW0004 22.00 2 22.00 2.00 10/11/91 l FW0005 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 FWOO30 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 f M378 VX0031 A 20.00 2 40.00 2.83 9/23/91 ,

VX0033B 20.00 2 9/23/91 l VX0034 20.00 2 9/23/91 M384 VOOOO5B 30.00 2 55.00 2.83 9/24/91 VOOOO6A 30.00 2 9/24/91 VOOO11 25.00 2 9/24/91 RV0079A 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/11/91 M385 RV0080B 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 RV0365 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 RV0429 2.00 0.2 10/11/91 V10148B 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/7/91 M386 V10149 2.00 0.2 11/7/91 V10362A 2.00 0.2 11/7/91 V10376 2.00 0.2 11/7/91 M390 RV0101 A 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 10/9/91 RV0102B 2.00 0.2 10/9/91 RV0366 2.00 0.2 10/9/91 RV0428 2.00 0.2 10/9/91 M119 VP0015A 4.40 0.2 4.40 0.20 12/1/91 VP0016B 4.40 0.2 12/1/91 VPPX5240 2.00 0.2 12/1/91 M138 VP0019A 170.00 2 170.00 2.00 11/27/91 VP0020A 170.00 2 11/27/91 VPPX5260 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 M213 VP0017A 20.00 2 20.00 2.00 11/27/91 VP0018B 20.00 2 11/27/91 VPPX5250 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 M357 VP0006B 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 11/30/91 VP0007A 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 VPPX5200 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 1

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l McGune Unit 1 EOC 7 l Local Leak Rate Tests l




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M367 VP0001B 2.89 0.2 2.89 0.20 12/1/91 VP0002A 2.89 0.2 12/1/91 VPPX5180 2.00 0.2 12/1/91 )

M368 VP0010A 46.20 2 46.20 2.00 11/27/91 VP0011B 46.20 2 11/27/91 VPPX5220 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 M454 VP0003B 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 11/27/91 VP0004A 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 VPPX5190 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 M455 VP0012A 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 11/30/91 VP0013A 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 VPPX5230 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 M456 VP0008B 25.00 2 25.00 0.20 11/27/91 VP0009A 25.00 2 11/27/91 VPPX5210 2.00 0.2 11/27/91 E396 FLANGE 12.00 0.2 12.00 0.20 11/30/91 E429 FLANGE 6.00 0.2 6.00 0.20 11/30/91 E461 FLANGE 22.00 2 22.00 2.00 11/30/91 l

l M260 TEST VENT VOL. 37.00 2 37.00 2.00 11/28/91 M346 VE0005A 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/2/91 VE0006B 2.00 0.2 12/2/91 l

l M383 FLANGE 35.00 2 35.00 2.00 11/23/91 M395 FLANGED PEN. 4.00 0.2 4.00 0.20 11/23/91 j M118 NSSV5560 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91 NSPT5070 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5390 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5520 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5530 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 i 1

M118A VOPS5000 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91 Page 6 of 8

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McGuire Unit 1 EOC 7 Local Leak Rate Tests i  !



s M239 NSSV5570 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91 NSPT5060 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 i j NSPT5380 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5510 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 M239A MISV6870 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 11/30/91 ,

i MiSV6890 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 I j M239B M!SV6880 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 11/30/91 l j MISV6900 2.00 0.2 11/30/91 M239C MISV6910 4.40 0.2 4.70 0.20 10/28/91 MISV6930 4.70 0.2 10/28/91 l

M239D M!SV6920 27.30 2 27.30 2.00 10/28/91 MISV6940 20.00 2 10/28/91 M255A MIMV6980 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/18/91 MIMV7010 2.00 0.2 10/18/91 M255B MIMV6990 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/18/91

! MIMV7020 2.00 0.2 10/18/91 M255C MIMV7000 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/18/91 MIMV7030 2.00 0.2 11/29/91 M313 NSSV5580 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91 j NSPT5050 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5370 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5500 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 M313A VOPS5010 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91 M323A MISV5580 23.20 2 23.20 2.00 12/1/91 MISV5581 19.40 0.2 12/1/91 I

M323B MISV5582 7.20 0.2 7.20 0.20 12/1/91 MISV5583 2.00 0.2 12/1/91 j M394 FLANGED PENE. 4.00 0.2 4.00 0.20 11/22/91 M402 NSSV5590 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 10/24/91

) NSPT5040 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 i NSPT5360 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 NSPT5490 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 i

NSPT5540 2.00 0.2 10/24/91 Page 7 of 8

) McGuire Unit 1 EOC 7 Local Leak Rate Tests i



M402A NSSV5550 2.00 0.2 4.00 0.28 11/23/91 i NSSV5551 2.00 0.2 11/23/91 UPAL AIRLOCK 24.00 2 24.00 2.00 12/3/91 Emerg. Air Flange 20.00 2 20.00 2.00 12/1/91 LPAL AIRLOCK 1220.00 20 1220.00 20.00 12/3/91 Emerg. Air Flange 16.00 0.2 16.00 0.20 12/3/91

. M354 FUEL XFER TUBE 10.00 02 10.00 0.20 11/30/91 C157 WZ incore Smpt. 124.00 2.01 124.00 2.01 1P/1/91 C412 EQUIPMENT HAT 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/3/91 C152 1ASV5160 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/3/91 IACV5350 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/3/91 C392 lASV5080 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/1/91

IACV5340 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.20 12/1/91 MISC. ELECT. PENS. 151.30 2 151.30 2.00 11/29/91 i

i MISC. ELECT. PENS. 0.50 0.50 11/27/91 a

M153 BELLOWS 75.00 2 75.00 2.00 5/4/90 l M154 BELLOWS 80.00 2 80.00 2.00 5/8/90 I M278 BELLOWS 130.00 2 130.00 2.00 5/5/90 i

i M261 BELLOWS 20.00 2 20.00 2.00 5/5/90 M302 BELLOWS 20.00 2 20.00 2.00 5/5/90 a i M308 BELLOWS 160.00 2 160.00 2.00 5/4/90 l l

M393 BELLOWS 80.00 2 80.00 2.00 5/5/90 M440 BELLOWS 300.00 20 300.00 20.00 5/4/90 1

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PT/1/A/4200/01C - Isolation Valve Leak Rate Test I (TYPE C)

M212 INC54A - I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 4/11/93 INC53B -0 2.00 0.2 4/11/93 M215 IVB50 - I 2.00 0.2 32.0 '2.01 3/16/93 1VB493 -0 30.00 2.0 3/16/93 IVB51 -0 2.00 0.2 3/16/93 M216 INC120 - I 2.00 0.2 20.2 0.28 4/11/93 INC57 - I 18.20 0.2 4/11/93 INC56B -0 2.00 0.2 a/11/93 M219 IVS25 - I 2.00 0.2 88.0 2.00 3/15/93 IVS13 - I 75.40 2.0 3/15/93 IvS12B -O 88.00 2.0 3/15/93 M220 IVI40 - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/5/93 IVI284 -0 2.00 0.2 4/5/93 l

IVI129B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/5/93 l M221 IWL321A - I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/17/93 IWL385 - I 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 IWL322B - 0 2.00 0.2 3/15/93 IWL800 -0 2.00 0.2 3/15/93 M235 1NM6AC - I l 2.00 0.2 6.0 0.35 5/26/93 INM3AC - I 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 INM420 - I f 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 INM67 - I 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 INM7B -0 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 M240 1RV445 - I 15.00 0.2 33.0 0.28 5/19/93 1Rv33B - I 15.00 0.2 5/19/93 1RV32A -0 15.00 0.2 5/19/93 1RV316 -0 18.00 0.2 4/9/93 l

M243 IVOIA - I 6.26 0.2 17.0 0.28 5/17/93 IVQ2B - O 6.26 0.2 5/17/93 IVQ14 -0 10.75 0.2 5/17/93



M259 INB262 - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/20/93 INB261 - I 2.00 0.2 4/20/93 INB260B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/20/93 M279 1RV76A - I 2.00 0.2 24.2 2.00 5/27/93 1RV446 - I 2.00 0.2 5/27/93 1Rv77B -0 2.00 0.2 5/27/93 1RV317 -0 24.20 2.0 5/27/93 M280 INM788 - I 2.00 0.2 10.0 0.45 5/31/93 INM75B - I 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 INM81B - I 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 1NM72B - I 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 1NM69 - I 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 INM82A -O 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 INM280 -0 2.00 0.2 5/31/93 M307 1RN253A - I l 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 5/20/93 i

1RN451 - I 2.00 0.2 5/20/93 5/20/93 1RN252B - 0 l 2.00 0.2 M309 1NM22AC - I 2.00 0.2 6.0 0.35 5/28/93 1NM421 - I 2.00 0.2 5/28/93 INM25AC - I 2.00 0.2 5/28/93 INM68 - I 2.00 0.2 5/28/93 INM423 - I 2.00 0.2 5/28/93 INM26B -0 2.00 0.2 5/28/93 1NMLP5260 0 2.00 0.2 M315 1RN276A - I l 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/13/93 1RN452 - I 2.00 0.2 4/13/93 1RN277B - 0 l 2.00 0.2 4/13/93 M317 IVI124 - I 23.00 2.0 52 0 2.00 4/4/93 IvI378 - I 2.00 0.2 4/4/93 1VI150B - O 52.00 2.0 4/4/93 M320 1KC424B - I 100.00 2.0 300.0 2.00 4/30/93 1KC279 - I 100.00 2.0 4/30/93 1KC425A - O 79.00 2.0 4/30/93 l



M321 INI95A -- I l 15.00 0.2 38.0 2.01 5/29/93 INI436 - I 23.00 2.0 5/10/93 INI96B -0 15.00 0.2 5/29/93 1NI120B - 0 15.00 0.2 5/29/93 INI46 -O 3.10 0.2 4/1/93 M322 IKC429B - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 3/19/93 1KC47 - I 2.00 0.2 3/19/93 1KC430A - 0 2.00 0.2 3/19/93 M325 IVX30 - I 16.00 0.2 16.0 0.20 4/7/93 Ivx40 -0 2.00 0.2 4/7/93

" 2.01 4/8/93 M326 INC14] - I 5.00 0.2 42.0 1NC261 - I 5.00 0.2 4/8/93 INC154 - I 37.00 2.0 4/8/93 1NC142 - O 37.00 2.0 4/8/93 M327 1KC339 - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/2/93 1KC340 - I 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 1KC338B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 M330 INI48 - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/15/93 INIl07 - I 2.00 0.2 4/15/93 1NI47A -0 2.00 0.2 4/15/93 M331 IVE11 - I 51.50 2.0 51.5 2.00 3/31/93 IVE10A -0 2.00 0.2 3/31/93 IVE12 -0 2.00 0.2 M337 M124 - I 15.00 0.2 17.0 0.28 3/15/93 M116 - I 2.00 0.2 3/15/93  !

M115B - 0 2.00 0.2 3/15/93 l 1

M342 INV1002 - I 2.00 0.2 58.5 2.01 5/19/93 INV1001 - 0 17.00 0.2 5/17/93 INV849AC- O 41.50 2.0 5/17/93 M348 IWL1302A- I l 2.00 0.2 6.0 0.35 4/1/93 IWL1307 - I 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 IWL1316 - I 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 l 1WL1301B- 0 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 l



McGuire Unit 1 EOCB Page 4 of 14 Local Leak Rate Teste PT/1/A/4200/01J TOTAL TOTAL


1 M353 1RF823 - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/5/93 1RF822 - I 2.00 0.2 4/5/93 1RF821A - 0 3.20 0.2 4/5/93

, M355 1KC332B - I 2.00 0.2 17.5 0.20 4/30/93 IKC280 - I 2.00 0.2 4/30/93 1K0333A - 0 17.50 0.2 4/30/93 1KC852 -0 17.50 0.2 4/30/93 M356 IWE23 - I 5.80 0.2 9.6 0.28 3/31/93 IWE13 -0 5.80 0.2 3/31/93 IWE14 -O 3.80 0.2 3/31/93 M358 IFW11 - I 2.00 O_2 9.0 0.35 3/22/93 IFW67 - I 2.00 0.2 3/22/93 IFW12 - I 2.00 0.2 5/3/93 IFW13 -0 2.00 0.2 5/3/93 i M359 IVI161 - I 11.60 0.2 11.6 0.20 4/5/93 IVI160B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/5/93 ,

IVI282 -O 2.00 0.2 4/5/93 M360 IWL39A - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/16/93 IWL41B -0 2.00 0.2 4/16/93  ;

IWL389 - 0 2.00 0.2 4/16/93 M361 INC196A - I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 4/19/93 INC259 - I 2.00 0.2 4/19/93 INC195B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/19/93 M372 1NF233B - I 2.00 0.2 99.0 2.01 5/17/93 1NF957 - I 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 INF1172 - I 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 1NF234A - 0 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 1NF1051 - O 97.00 2.0 5/17/93 M373 1NF229 - I 2.00 0.2 6.0 0.35 5/17/93 1NF959 - I 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 1NF1173 - I 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 t INF228A - 0 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 1NF231 -O 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 v

l \



M374 IWL64A - I 7.00 0.2 9.0 0.28 4/23/93 IWL264 - I 7.00 0.2 4/23/93 IWL390 -0 2.00 0.2 4/23/93 IWL65B -O 7.00 0.2 4/23/93 IWL852 -O 7.00 0.2 4/23/93 l

i M375 IE2 A - I 3.50 0.2 3.5 0.20 4/14/93 l IwL24 - I 3.50 0.2 4/14/93 l IWL1B -0 2.00 0.2 4/14/93 j IWL859 -0 2.00 0.2 4/14/93 M376 IKC322 - I 2.00 0.2 15.0 0.20 4/13/93 IKC321 - I 2.00 0.2 4/13/93 1xC320A - o 15.00 0.2 4/13/93 IKC842 -0 15.00 0.2 4/13/93 l

M377 IFW5 - I 2.00 0.2 25.0 2.00 3/22/93 1FW30 - I 2.00 0.2 3/22/93 IFW4 -O 25.00 2.0 3/22/93  !

l l

M378 IvX31A - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/8/93 IvX33B - I 2.00 0.2 4/8/93 i IVX34 -0 2.00 0.2 4/8/93 M384 IVQ6A - I l 27.00 2.0 41.6 2.01 5/27/93 l IVQ11 -0 14.56 0.2 5/27/93 IVQ5B -0 l 27.00 2.0 5/27/93 l M385 1RV80B - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/10/93 l 1RV365 - I 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 1RV79A -0 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 1Rv429 -0 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 l M386 1VI149 - I 58.60 2.0 60.6 2.01 5/29/93 l IVI376 - I 2.00 0.2 5/29/93 l

IVI362A - O 45.30 2.0 5/29/93 IVI14BB - O 45.30 2.0 5/29/93 l

l M390 1RV101A - I 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 4/10/93 1RV366 - I 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 j 1RV102B - 0 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 1 l

1RV428 -0 2.00 0.2 4/10/93 I




PT/1/A/4200/01N - VP Valve Leak Rate Test (TYPE B & C)

M119 IVP15A - I 51.20 2.0 51.2 2.00 5/26/93 IVP16B -O 51.20 2.0 5/26/93 M138 IVP19A - I 8.80 0.2 8.8 0.20 5/26/93 1VP20B -O 8.80 0.2 5/26/93 M213 1VP17A - I 3.81 0.2 3.8 0.20 5/26/93 IVP18B -O 3.81 0.2 5/26/93 M357 IvP7A - I 23.60 2.0 23.6 2.00 5/26/93 IVP6B -O 23.60 2.0 5/26/93 M367 IVP2A - 1 18.00 0.2 18.0 0.20 5/27/93 IVPIB -O 18.00 0.2 5/27/93 M369 IVP10A - I 30.00 2.0 30.0 2.00 5/27/93 IVP11B -0 30.00 2.0 5/27/93 M454 IVP4A - I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 IVP3B -0 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 M455 IVP12A - I 2.00 P.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 IVP13B -0 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 M456 IVP9A - I 8.42 0.2 8.4 0.20 5/26/93 IVPSB -O 8.42 0.2 5/26/93 M119 IVPPX5240 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 M138 1VPPX5260 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 M213 1VPPX5250 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 1

M357 1VPPX5200 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 M367 IVPPX5180 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/27/93 M368 IVPPX5220 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/27/93 M454 IVPPX5190 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 l


- - , - . . - . - , _ ~ , - - - , . - - - , , . - , , - - , , , , - - - . - - ,

._ _ m . _ _



M455 IVPPX5230 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 M456 IVPPX5210 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 PT/1/A/4200/01B - Electrical Penetration Leak Rate Test (O-Rings)


E100 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/3b/93 E103 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E105 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 l E106 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 .

l l E108 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E109 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E111 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 l E112 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E114 2.00 0.2 2.00 C.2 3/30/93 E115 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E116 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E117 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 1

! E120 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E123 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E125 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E126 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E228 2.00 0.2 2 . v. 0.2 3/28/93 E129 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 4

i l

McGuire Unit 1 EOC8 Page 8 of 14 Local Leak Rate Tests PT/1/A/4200/01J l



E131 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 i

E132 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E135 18.00 0.2 18.00 0.2 3/26/93 E136 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 E139 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 E]40 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 I

E142 2.00 0.2 2.00 0. 2 3/26/93 l

l l E143 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 i

E202 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 j l

l E203 4.00 0.2 4.00 0.2 3/26/93 l

l E205 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 l l

E206 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 l l

E20S 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 '

E209 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/26/93 E211 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E222 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 t

1 E223 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 l E225 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E226 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E227 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 6/1/93 E231 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E232 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93



E237 3.40 0.2 3.40 0.2 3/28/93 E238 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E241 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E242 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E244 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E245 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E246 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E251 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 E252 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/28/93 I E268 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 E269 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 E270 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 E271 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 E310 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/2/93 E311

  • E312
  • E363
  • E364
  • E365 -

E366 *

  • Test per IMIPX7170 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E397 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93





! E399 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 i

, E401 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/95 l

E422 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 l

E425 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E428 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E431 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E435 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E437 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E438 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 3/30/93 E443 **

1 E444 **

E446 **

E447 **

E449 **

E450 **

    • Test per 3MIPX7190 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E452 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E453 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E462 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E463 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 E464 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 4/1/93 i


- - " .-.-y



E436 2.00 0.2 2.00 0.2 MW PT/1/A/4200/01D - Fuel Transfer Tube Leak Rate Test (TYPE B) 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/25/93 FUEL TRANSFEn TUBE PT/1/A/42U0/01E - Upper Containment Personnel Air Lock LRT (TYPE B) 1162.00 20.0 1164.0 20.00 6/1/93 UPPER PAL EMERGENCY AIR FLANGE 2.00 0.2 6/1/93 PT/1/A/4200/01F - Lower Containment Personnel Air Lock LRT (TYPE B)

LOWER PAL 1169.00 20.0 1171.0 20.00 EMERGENCY AIR FLANGE 2.00 0.2 PT/1/A/4200/01H - Equiprrent Hatch LRT (TYPE C)

EQUIPMENT HATCH 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 6/3/93 TEST VALVE 2.00 0.2 PT/1/A/4200/01I - Electrical Penetration SF6 and N2 Gas Leak Rate Test (TYPE B)

SUM OF 011 LFTvlGES 5.2 4

PT/1/A/4200/010 - Airlock Isolation Valee Leak Rate Test (TYPE B r, C)

C392 IIACV5340-I 2.00 0.2 6/1/93 IIASVs080-0 2.00 0.2 6/5/93 C152 11ACvs350-1 2.00 0.2 6/3/93 IIASvs160-o 2.00 0.2 6/3/93

I McGuire Unit 1 EOC8 Page 12 of 14 l Local Leak Rate Tests ,



UPPER PAL RELIEF LINE 10.50 0.2 6/1/93 i

2.00 0.2 6/3/93 j LOWER PAL RELIEF LINE PT/1/A/4200/01P - Penetration Leak Rate Test i (TYPE B)

M383 NF H2O ADD 2.00 0.2 4.9 0.28 6/1/93 TEST CONNECT 2.90 0.2 6/1/93 M371 ICE BLOWING 2.20 0.2 4.2 0.28 5/18/93 TEST CONNECT 2.00 0.2 5/18/93 l M346 VESA 103.00 2.0 153.0 2.00 3/31/93 VE6B 153.00 2.0 3/31/93 1 E396 SERVICE 5.00 0.2 15.0 0.28 5/28/93 TEST CONNECT 10.00 0.2 5/28/93 E461 SERVICE 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 5/19/93 TEST CONNECT 2.00 0.2 5/19/93 E429 SERVICE 6.30 0.2 8.3 0.28 5/19/93 l TEST CONNECT 2.00 0.2 5/19/93 M260 SERVICE 25.20 2.0 29.7 2.01 5/19/93 l TEST CONNECT 4.50 0.2 5/19/93 M313A VQPS5010 CAL 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/4/93 M118A VQPS5000 CAL 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/4/93 l



C157 GROUNDWATER 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 3/23/93 i SAMPLE  !

PT/1/A/4200/010 - Penetration Leak Rate Test (TYPE C) l M118 IMPULSE 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/4/93  !

LINE 0.2 l

M239 IMPULSE 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/4/93 LINE 0.2 j

l l

i i



M239A 1MISV6870-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/17/93 IMISV6890-0 2.00 0.2 5/17/93 M2393 IMISV6880-1 30.00 2.0 2.0 0.20 5/17/93 1MISVG900-0 28.00 2.0 5/17/93 M239C IMISV6910-I 3.80 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/17/93 IMISV6930-0 4.00 0.2 5/17/93 M239D IMISV6920-1 22.00 2.0 2.0 0.20 5/17/93 1MISV6940-0 7.00 0.2 5/17/93 M255A IMIMV6980-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 l IMIMV7010-0 2.00 0.2 5/19/93 M255B IMIMV6990-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 1MIMV7020-0 2.00 0.2 5/19/93 l

l M255C 1MIMV7000-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 ,

1MIM'n 030-0 2.00 0.2 5/19/93  !

M313 IMPULSE 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 LINE )

l M323A 1MISV5581-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 1MISV5580-0 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 M323B IMISV5583-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/26/93 IMISV5582-0 2.00 0.2 5/26/93 l

1 M394 FLANGED PEN. 2.00 0.2 4.0 0.28 5/18/93 i TEST VENT 2.00 0.2 5/18/93 l

M402 IMPULSE 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 LINE M402A INSSV5550-I 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 5/19/93 INssv5551-0 2.00 0.2 5/19/93



PT/1/A/4200/01K - Bellows Leak Rate Test (TYPE B)

, MI53 BELLOWS 6.20 0.2 6.2 0.20 6/1/93 M154 BELLOWS 380.00 20.0 380.0 20.00 6/1/93 M261 BELLOWS 35.00 2.0 35.0 2.00 6/1/93 M274 BELLOWS 9.25 0.2 9.3 0.20 6/1/93 M278 BELLOWS 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 6/1/93 M302 BELLOWS 2.00 0.2 2.0 0.20 6/1/93 M307 BELLOWS 32.00 2.0 32.0 2.00 6/5/93 M308 BELLOWS 25.00 2.0 25.0 2.00 6/1/93 M336 BELLOWS 20.00 2.0 20.0 2.00 6/3/93 M338 BELLOWS 6.25 0.2 6.3 0.20 6/1/93 l

M348 BELLOWS 25.10 2.0 25.1 2.00 5/31/93 M356 BELLOWS 3.45 0.2 3.5 0.20 6/1/93 l

M360 BELLOWS 21.50 2.0 21.5 2.00 5/30/93 M393 BELLOWS 70.00 2.0 70.0 2.00 6/1/93

M440 BELLOWS 7.75 0.2 7.8 0.20 6/1/93 4

M441 BELLOWS 12780.00 200.0 12780.0 200.00 6/5/93 2

i TOTAL B & C LEAKAGE <SCCM>= 17336.8 )


- - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . - -- .. . . , . --- , - - - . . , - , - . - - . . . . , , - , . , . . , . , , . . - . . . , .