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Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Updated Documentation for License Amends Application for Southern Nuclear to Become Licensed Operator
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1996
Shared Package
ML20129A633 List:
NUDOCS 9609180367
Download: ML20129A646 (29)


. .

Unit 1 License - Marked pages 1

l 1

1 9609180367 960911 l PDR ADOCK 05000424 P PDR

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I' 00CttT No. 50-ata V0GTLE ELECTRIC GrutRATING PLANT, UNff I f FACILffY OPERATTNG LICENSE License No. HPF-68 1 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Consission (the Commission or the NRC) has found

          • (ue Oainers)

! ny acttrg

! A. The aos11 cation for Itcense filed by the Georgia Power for itself. Oglethorpe Power Corporation. Municies) ectric Authority of Georgia. and City of Dalton. Georgia. '..  ; ......-.i come11es with 1

the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as i

amended (the Act), and the Courrission's regulations set forth in

10 CFR Chapter !s and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly ends; j

j 8. Construction of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,tlnit 1 (the factitty) has been substantially comoleted in conforwity with Construe.

tion Permit No. CPPR-108 and the soo11 cation, as amended, the oesvisions

! of the Act and the regulations of the Commissiong l C. The facility will ooerste in conformity with the soo11 cation. as amended.

the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Coneistica (escent as esemoted from comoltance in Section 2.0. below);

D. There is reasonable assurance: (1)thattheactivitiesauthorizedby this operating license can be conducted without endangeeing the health and safety of the pub 1tc. and (11) that such activities will be con-ducted in comoltance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I (escent as esempted from comoltance in Section 2.0.

{ s.wneE"Mhlear operadi4 Companq* (herein or//e/ Sout%ern Mxlear>


- ' ^ ^

^ is Yechnically Wallfied engage in the activ-ittes authorized by this license in accordance wt Conset i 's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter li (Lh Go[

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  • i operdan., and mainkrtance of A Swiff. _

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F. The 44eeeeeee have satisfied the apo11 cable scovisions of 10 CFR Part

! 140. " Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements.* of the Cosemission's regulationsi 8

G. The issuance of this license will not be inteical to the co mon de.

i  ? fense and security or to the health and safety of the oublic; 1'

H. After weighing the environmental. economic, technical. and other bene.


j fits of the facility against ens 1ronmental and other costs and i

considering available alternatives, the issuance of this facility j Operating License No. NPF48. Subject to the conditions for orotection

( of the environment set forth in the Environmental Protection Plan attached as Aeoendia 8. is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comunission's regulations and all ase11 cable requirements have been satisfied;

!. The recatet, possession and use of source. byproduct and special y

nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30. 40, and 70.


2. Based on the foregoing findings and tne Partial Initial Decision and the Concluding Partial Initial Decision issued by the Atomic Safety and

! Licensing Board on August 27 and December 23. 1986. respectively,regarding l

i this facility and satisfaction of conditions therein 1ssosed. and oursuant j

to sooroval by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission at a meeting held on j SouOcm March 12. 1987 Facility Operating License No. NPF.61.1ssued on January 16.

g 7. is superseded by Facility Doerating License No. NPF48, hereby issued

' "#y J t Georgia Power Company (GPC). Oglethorse Power Corocration. Munictoel Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Balton. Georgia (the licensees) l to read as follows: ,

gy, M l

A. This license applies to the Vogtle Electric Generati Plant. Unit 1. OoudAerr)

' a pressurized water reactor and associated eeutosen the facility) g,j n w2*c.

owned by GPC. Oglethorse Power Corooration. Munic al Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton. Georgia. The factifty is

located r t' -- : ::' :'t: in Burke County. Georgia on the west bank of the Savannah River sooroutestely 25 miles south of Augusta.

1 Georgia, and is described in "...G in T- ,': Final Safety Analysis Report, as susolemented and amended, a inyEnviron.


' mental Report. as susolemented and amendedt - f jw, j

8. Subject to the conditions and requirements incoroorsted herein, the

'do a s!ndt

- (1) GoG pursuan o Section Ob of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50. to WS% possess >use, and operate the facility at the designated location j

in Burke County. Georgia, in accordance with the procedures and I

limit ions set ,1forth 1 this license; se6 Nmler a,n4 (2)86elethorse over Corporatt . Mictoal Electric Authority of

- Georgia, and City of Dalton. Georgia, oursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, to possess he facility at the designated location in Suche County Georgia, cordance with the procedures and i

limitations set forth in this ses 4

- but 110$ f i


--- .. -. - . - . . . . . j i


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' bddern MsAYear-s

( (3) 4P&, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in j accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemen d and amended; 4-80uYhern at

( (4) *ePt, pu suant to#'the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70 to re-l -

ceive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and I special ruclear satorial as sealed neutron sources for reactor i startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation 4

monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in i

I b0U M 4AC (5) -4Pe; pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to re-i coive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, i

source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or so late t adioactive apparatus or components; (6) 4Pt, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to pos-4 sess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials 1

as may be produced by the operation of the facility authorized herein.

I C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions i specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter ! '

and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, j regulations, and orders of the Cossaission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below.


( Maximum Power level i /fSY

{ #1M2Ys 48G orized to operate the facility at reactor core power i

A ,

1evels not in excess of 3565 megawatts thermal (100 percent power) Qi,0

in accordance with the conditions specified herein, t

(2) Technical Semeificatient and Environmental protection Plan i

The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised A through Amendment No. sets and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B, both of which are attached hereto, are g

! hereby incorporated into this Itcense, shall operate the


factitty in accordance with the Technical ecifications and the Environmental Protection Plan. gg4 l ,

(3) Initial startun Test Proeras (Section 14, SER)* M6CI!ar i


, Any changes to the Initial Test Program described in Section 14 of the FSAR sade in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 shall be reported in accordanca with 50.59(b) within one sonth of such change.

  • The parenthetical notation following t'he title of many license conditions denotes the section of the Safety Evaluation Report and/or its supplements j wherein the license condition is discussed.


.4 (4) freegency Planntat (Section 13.3. SER and $$tRs 2. 3.' 4. and si In the event that the NRC ff ads that the lack of erogmst in consistion of the procedures in the Federal Emrgency Management Agency's final rule. 44 CFR Part 350. is an indication that a

, e4jor substantive probles exists in achieving or maintaining an l adeouste state of erer9ency creoarteess, the provisions of to CFR Section 50.$4(s)(2) will apply.

($) Steam Generator Tube Ruoture (Section 15.6.3. SER and $

Sy March 1.1968. GPC shall subsdt for NRC review a revised

( plant scocific steam generator f be rusture analysis based on the Westinghouse Gener's Grovo generic resolution, which includes j

radiological consequence analyses, analysis of ste ,

components credited in the analysis to mitigate actteent con.

sequtace_s are safety related.

g (8) del.ETED I7) NUtts-0737 ftest (Section4.4.8.$tt

a. Cons 11ance with NURCG-0737. Item 11.F.!

I and $$tRs 1 and 4)

In accordance proposed reactor with vesselNUttG 0737. Ites !!.F.t.

level instrumentation GPC syster shall sut (Ryt.!$)

report by June 1,1987.


b. Supolemental Report on Safety Parsester Otsolay System

[ ($ection18.2.55tR6) 1908, a suosienestal" recort SPC shall subedt by March 1. lay system as discussed in on the safety parameter disp Secti,on 18.2 of $$tR 6. ,


c. Supelemental Summery Resort on Dotatted Control team Design Review ($ectica18.$$tt5) d GPC shall submit by March 1,1988, a Supolemental Sussiery Report on the detailed control room design restew discussing:


1. the final resu}ts of the rossining control reen surveys 4

(asetent noise 1 jllustnattent heating, ventilation. and air conditionings slant safety sonttoring system coseuter surveys automatic tuttine suservisopy instrumentationa

  • coeputer survey;ineering discreoancies (NEDs) resulting of any human ang from these surveys

i l l

l l


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2. a complete assesssent of cumulative and interactive i effects of the NEOs l 3. the capolated review of annunciator nuisance alares and f' I scetfications to sinimize nuisance alares and the numer of annunciator winders lit during normal operations
4. documentation showing tradeoff analyses and other information used in resolving HEDs
5. the methodology by which control room changes were to be 4 ,

( factored into the ooerators' training orogras i 6. procedures that incorporate hwan factors review into the i design pmcess for future control room modifications

! Zine Coating of Dieset Fuel 011 Storage Tanks (Section 9.5.s.2.

1 (B) j 33LM 4) l Prior to restart following the first refueling. GPC shall '

l (1) replace the zinc coating in the diesel generator fuel oil l

storage tanks with a coating which does not contain zine or l


(2) by March 1,1988 provide an acceotable justifl will not affect the operability and reliability of the diesel ,

! generators ever the life of the olent as specified in IE l Circular 77-15.

l If option (1) is chosen. GPC shall provide the Nec with a modift-l cation status report 30 days before the esstration of the license j '


(g) Alternate Radweste Fact 11er (Section 11.4. 55ERs 3 and Prior to restart following the first refueling, the ventilation l the alternate roeraste facility shall be m i building HVAC system.

l GPC shall provide the NRC with a codification status report 30 4 days before the esoirstion of the license condition.

The facility requires emeestions from certain requirements of D.

{ Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 70.

j requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 foe two criticality monitors around the


fuel storage area. (b) an essection from the requirements of Paragra 111.0.f(b)(11) of Aeoendis J of 10 CFR 50, the testing of containme.t air locks at times unes contnifvent integrity is not required, and 4

i i

I i

l 4 b

1 (c) a schedular esemption from 10 CFR 50.34(b)(2)(1) as it pertatas

' to GDC 2, 61, and 62 of Appendts A to 10 CFR 50 for the spent fuel l

peel rocks for the ties perted before the racks contain irradtated fuel. The special circumstances ce ording eueestions b and c are


( identified in Sectlens 6.2.6 and 9.

2 of $$ER 5. respectively.

An esemption was previously eranted pursuant to 10 CFR 70.24. The esesption was granted with NRC materials 11 cense No. 5184-1947, issued August 21, 1986, and retteved GPC free the requirement of having a l criticality alarm systes. GpC hereby esempted free the criticality

( alare systen previston of 10 CF 0.2% se far as this section app)tes l a to the storage of fuel asseabites old ad 1 j

These eseestions are authertted by law, will not present a.. undue risk to the pubite health and safety, and are consistent with the common j defense and security. The esemptions in itees 6 and c above are granted i

pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12. With these esemptions, the factitty wl:1 l operate, to the estent authorized herein, in conformity with the i (

app 1tcation, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules l' tto o Commission, l

j .E. _: ;" ": _ __ ,_ , shall fully toplement and maintain in effect all previstons of the Coentssion-approved physical security -guard traintag_

j made pursuant to provts}sns of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Searcl '

,Jpoutrements revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27822) and to the ,,

authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). S: Phaer wh4th-contate' ,,


'p S':;= -d: h*:-ntion-peeteeted-undee-le-CFR-73,21r-ace-entitled: 'Alvin-N Y_ ur;t h "% - 81 ==* 89e te*1 S- raty as-. = Sth-covistou-submitted/? j

> ( Q, ef. ,

turn;t &= ; 5. -1988t 2Alvia-W,-Vegglo-Nusleae-plant-Guard-Traintaggad

-Quel 4f4satea plan,f--with revistens-submitted through June-2c1944r and--g l , MM4g "Alvin W.-Vogtle Nuclear plant Safeguards Contingency p)an," withw ,


-e-isia-s r_w t tM t"? 4-_9 ; L 1*** J Chshges made in accordance Avitty'10 CFR/13.55,sna11 ~

De 1eptemented in.accordance with the schedule


set f orth'theretn.

F. Gpt shall comply with the aptttrust conditions delineated in p a t Itcense, j

G. M shall implement and maintain in effect all previstens of the i approved fire protection progras as described in the Fins.1 Safety i Analysts Report for the f actitty, and subetstals dated July 2.

August 4 and 13, October 10 and 24. November 5, and December 19, l 1986, and January 2,1947, as approved in the SER (NUREG-1137) 2 rou up e 5 subject to the following provision:

1 aGp6 may saka changes to the approved fire protection progres without prior approval of the Cosmission, on)y if these


changes would not adversely affect the ab(11ty to achieve and saintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.


1 4

i G

1 e


i Insert i

The plans, which contain Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, are entitled
"Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit I and Unit 2 Physical Security and Contingency Plan," with revisions submitted through January 16,1995 (Amendment 27);

and "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Guard Training and Qualification Plan," with revisions submitted through December 14,1992 (Rev. 9).

i 4

4 4

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Reporting to the Cassission Escent as othemise provi in the Technical $cecifications or Environ.

hell report any violations of the roogtr,.

sental Protection Plan, ments contained in section 2.C. of this license in the following ranner; initial nottf tcation shall be snee within twenty four (24) hours to the I hRC Ocerations Center via the Emergency Natification System with writter, follow uo within 30 days in accordance with the orocedures 6escribed te 10 C 50.73(b), (c), and (e).


ntrt The

+evewes shall have and maintain financial protection of such tree i 1.

. and Section in170 such amounts of the Atomic Energy as the Act ofCesarissten1954, as arended, shall reovirt in accolj to corer pubitt 11ab111ty claims. ,

J. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall em midnight on January 16, 20!7.


/W Haeoid R. Denton, Director I

l l

Office of Nuclear Reactor Requistion I

Enclosurest A I, EllTE E.Li 1

1. Attachment 1 I l
2. Aeoendix A . TeciMcaT Saecifications
3. Aeoendia 5 . Environmental .

Protection Plan 4 Aeoendia C - Antitrust Conditions Date of Issuance: March 14, 1987 l

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Unit 2 License - Marked pages 1

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  • a NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N me . etoss, o, c. asses


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1. The Nuclear Regulatory Cosmission (the Commission or the NRC) has found that:

A. The application for license filed by the Georgia Power Company (GPC)*

acting for itself, Oglethorpe Power Corporation Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, I.M 'k. ....d (tMe OW//er'.5) cosplies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; and all required notifications to other agtncies or bodies have been duly made;

'B. Construction of the Yogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 (the factitty) has been substantially completed in conformity with

' Construction permit No. CPPR-109 and the application, as amended, j

the provisions of the Act and the regulations of the Commission;

! C. The facility will operate in conforsity with the application, as i amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the

' Commission (except as asespted from cos911ance in Section 2.0.

l below);

I D. There is reasonable assurances (i) that the activities authorized 4

by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the pubite, and (11) that such activities util be conducted in compliance with the Cosaitsion's regulations set

- forth in 10 CFR Chapter 1 (except as unempted from compliance in n / h

_ _ _ , - - _ _ . . _ _ g;por.e,

$ ' $0 t ally a led,to engage in the M j/

Nrtn W N U S W)


is techn activities authortred by this license in accordance utta tne g/

Consission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; Sogg% gen A/pg/re.r-

&#1d t%t 0 Wrtct3 att Gle.nck//

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F. The b m .... have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR l

Part 1a0, " Financial Protection Requirweents and indesnity Agreements " of the Cosmission's regulations; G. The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the conson L defense and security or to the health and safety of the public;

, H. Af ter weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other e

benefits of the faciltty against environmental and other costs and 1 considering available alternatives, the issuance of this Facility Operating License No. MPF-81, subject to the conditions for l


(- protection of the environment set forth in the Environsental  :

Protection Plan attached as Appendix 8, is '.n accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Cornission's regulations and all applicable l requirerents have been satisfied; i

!. The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct and special i

i nuclear unter141 as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Cosmission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70.


) 2, Based on the foregoing finjings and the Partial Initial Decision and the 1

Concluding Fartial Initial Decision issued by the Atomic Safety and i Licensing Board on August 27 and Deces6er 23,1986, respectively, regarding this fal: titty and satisfaction of conditions therete imposed.

' and pursuant to approval by the Nuclear Regulatory Cosmission at a l meeting held on March 30, 1989 Facility Operating License No. MPF 79, issued on February 9,1989 is superseded by Factitty Operating License No.

MPF-81, hereby issued to t rgia Power Company, Cglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electr Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, j

, Georgia to read as follows: yQ y, A. This license applies to the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, nit f MderM 2, a pressurtred water reactor and associated equipment (th j facility) owned by GPC, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Muni pal / tar Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia. The factitty is located O .t.nn;' d; in Burke County Georgia, on the west bank of the Savannah River approximately 25 miles sout%



of Augusta, Georgia, and is described in f r ;M "r:- f:rg': rt)d Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended, and in J.ta Environmental Report, as supplemented and amended; j B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the I So rit r $airda'r1 #

l i

j (1) SPt. pursuant o Section 103 ef the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, to 4 posses use, and operate the factitty at the designated lo on in Burke County, Georgia, in accordance with the ,

I 1

cadures and 1)pitations set forth in this iteense;

% 'r la. rower Com bipal Electric Authority of l (2) hhorpe er Corporation Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia, pursuant to the Act and l O


}p k /10$ O y $C

( 10 CFR Part 50, to possess facility at the designated )

location in Burke County, Georgia, in accordance with the >

pro es mitations set forth in this license; (3) 4pe, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear satorial as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the F Safe sis Report, as supplemented and amended; (4) 4pe,pursuanttot$eActand10CFRParts30,40,and70to '

receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor

tartup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors unts as required; bMOft (5) 4pt, pursuant to he Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, j source or special nuclear satorial without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or u hittr' (6) M, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Cossaission now or hereafter in effect, and is subject to the additional conditions -

specified or incorporated below.

Martmum power Level (1) 4p6

. Southern Nucker is authorized to operate the facility at reactor core power levels not in excess of 3565 segawatts thermal (100 percent power) in accordance with the conditions specified herein, i

,l l j (2) Technical Snecifientions and Environmental protection plan The Technical Specifications nined in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No and the Environmental A i^

o Protection Plan contained in endix B, both of which are g

.g$puffernattached g 4DG hereto, shall operate the facility inare hereby accordance incorporated with Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.

the Technical into this license j

4 i

5 i .'

i . ..

- - n.- -


. . ~~


-I J l 1, . 1 l

l l .

i I D. The facility requires exemptions fms certain requirements of 10 CFR t Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 70. These include (a) en exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 for two criticality sonitors around the g-fuel storage area (b) an exemption from the requirements of l Paragraph !!1.D.2(b)(ti) of Appendix J of 10 CFR part 50, the testing

of containment air locks at times when containment integrity is not 3

required, and (c) an enesotion from the schedule requirements of 10

. CFR 50.33(k)(1) related to availability of funds for decommissioning j the facility. The special circumstances regarding exemptions b and c

( are identified in Sections 6.2.6 and 22.5 of SSER 8, respectively.


] An exemption was previously granted pursuant to 10 CFR 70.24. The

, onesotion was granted with NRC materials license No. 5104-1981, ,

issued July 13, 1988, and relieved GPC from the requirement of l having a criticality alarm system. GPC hereby exempted from the '

1 criticality alarm systes provision of 10 R 70.24 so far as this section applies to the storage of fuel ass lies held under this i

    • "' gac[Sev1%em Medear 12,rr
These exengtions are authorised by law, will not present an undue

, risk to the pubite health and safety, and are consistant with the

cosmon defense and security. The enesotions in items b and c ,

above are granted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12. With these exemptio,ns,

the facility will operate, to the extent authorized herein, in
conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the  !

an a rules and regulations of the Commission.

! E. 404, shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of l the Cosmission-approved physical security, guard training and_

qualification, and safeguards contingency plans including amendments

made pursuqnt to provisions of the Misce 17aneous Amendments and j^

! Startch Requiresents revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and

! G 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p)..-

i N Be-tiees r Mch-coatet*-Safeguards-information-protected-unders w

I g le-CFA4M1, c : :00444edt 8Alvin-WrVogtle-Ilvelear-plant-Physical y

a. j Security-plan /-with-rev4stons-subattted-through-July-11r-1988 %

. , .M D1!W1I

'Alvin-Wrvogtle-Nuclear-plant-Guard Tr; inia; ad "alifintic 'g 2

! (f th:," zith-revisions-submitted-tt.mer, h;nrj 10,1-- ; nd "Ahi W,4ettle-Nuclear plaat-Safeguards-Contingency 41an,*--with-revisionss,/

drit"d tr.zM t r y ?, !""". TChanges made in accordance witik i 10 CFR 73.55Aba11 be\teplemented 'in accordance with the schedule set-

' ' -~ ~

j 'forth therein. *

F. GPC shall comply with the antitrust conditions delineated in gnatz this license.

. G. Ope shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the .

l . approved fire protection program as described in the Final Safety l Analysis Report for the f acility, as approved in the SER (NUREG-1137) through Suppleeent 9 subject to the following provision:

1 o

Insert 1 The plans, which contain Safeguards Information erotected uncter 10 CFR 73.21, are entitled: "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit I and Unit 2 Physical Security and Contingency Plan," with revisions submitted through January 16,1995 (Amendment 27);

and "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Guard Training and Qualification Plan," with revisions submitted through December 14,1992 (Rev. 9).


t be ablltra car Many maks changes to the approved fire protection prograa without prior approval of the Coeustssion, only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain i safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

H. Reporting to the Cornission gfM Myc/ ear Except as otherwise provided in e Technical Specifications or

Environsental Protection Plan, shall report any violations of the requirements centained in Section 2.C. of this license in the

( following manner: initial notification shall be made within twenty-four (24) hours to the NRC Operations Center via the Emergency Motification System with written follow-up within 30 days in accordance with the procedures described in 10 CTR 50.73(b), (c), ,

l and (e).Odners ,

j 1. The ":: =: shall have and e.aintain financial protection of such l type and in such secunts as the Cosinission shall require in .

accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as  !

amended, to cover public liability claims.

J. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall aspire at midnight on,f.abruary 9, 2029.


Thomas E. Murley, Director Offica of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


l '

1. Appendix A. - Technical Specifications
2. Appendix B - Egironmental Protection Plan f)

! 3. Appendix C - Antitrust Conditions Cate of Issuance: March 31, 1989 l l

l O

d b i .


0 4 '

f Technical Specifications Changes (Appendix A to the Operatine Licenses)


O t


1@fCE CHECK 1.34 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor ir exposed to a source of increased radioactivity.


a. A test schedule for n systems, subsystems, trains, or other designated components obtained by dividing the specified test interval into n equal subintervals, and
b. The testing of one system, subsystem, train, or other designated component at the beginning of each subinterval.

THERMAL POWER 1.36 THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.

TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST 1.37 A TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST shall consist of operating the Trip Actuating Device and verifying OPERABILITY of alarm, interlock and/or trip functions. The TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST shall include adjust-ment, as necessary, of the Trip Actuating Device such that it actuates at the required Setpoint within the required accuracy.


UNRESTRICTED AREA 1.39 UNRESTRICTED AREA means an area, access to which is neither limited nor '

controlled by the licenseef or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes. l f T1t IerM "[l($1TC" Wfel UNCl iil The Vdle technicctL i sgaficcttions shnL nefer e 9cuRdm scLear '

0(em.h % Compory.

V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 1-6 Amendment No. 66 (Unit 1)

Amendment No. 45 (Unit 2)

4 4

t i

j Antitrust Conditions Changes j (Annendix C to the Operatina Licenses) 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPDATING DOCUMENT Replace all Unit I marked pages '

4 Replace all Unit 2 marked pages 1

i I i

4 4

i i


) ;

4 I

t a

e i





1 l

l Unit I License, Appendix C Marked pages

.I 4

'I J

y The following anti Daa19Lc

( Operating License N (1) , As trust PF-68: conditionsAntitrust Conditi ons l (a) used herein: are hereby incorpor

" Entity" means public ated in Facility corporationany financially resp operating within Fannin, the $ tate ng or,toock propos,iassociation municipality, county associationonsible joint st person. pri Townsand of Georgia ow or (n or isorr distributio o oth operate or business trust, cooperative, vat

, municipalities,n f electricitUnion epipment Counties)er or than Chath faciliti,

, owning

\ the laws festricted o counties, or y, for the genera,ti provided am Effingham, es I States and w e a the Stateto of are or will Georgia ethose rural or will hich ar excepton, electricthat, fo I


\ r gulation funder , contract or or


Georgia or rate schedulebe under be public providing the u laws tiliticooperatives,r retai

" entity" s

electricprovided o the any, tha Public further Servi regulatory agenc w l electric of es muce on fileo ith and f servicesub the Unitedund provide y ofCcamission

\ Georgia electricicooperatives.t as theto Uni ty to

  • entity"nicipalities,ted the public is Statesthe of to the Stateject

\ ofGeorgia of such (other or to m)unicipalitiCounties(other am at r Effingham,etail thresponsibile,and t

e than Chat l ruralwithin threstricted i as es, counti which egor 11y walified orFannin, Townse Sta 3 (b)

\ "hteenste' to the,extentanand Chathaaes c and Union of this license a$

or G

eorgia Power Effingham,ooperatives Cthey theirFannin, Towns may in theganizations bind Power Company, assigns members State

, ofPower Company 'to tassets, oree of bulk power Georgia (supply he all orompany, any su and Union other landbut rights extent it engages generation specifically or inand any of affiliatesubstan the subsidiary ofGeorgia

( )droelectric part of generation acquired or transmissio not including (nownership of anyGeorgia beCthe Sfacilities located in the State f G rights

) flood 1

(2) h4eense%p* o tates w

f facilities estGeorgiathe of o

located resource Chattahoochee inte theRSta engagin 3 iver the s threadthe eorgia in ofanother incidentaland for to in recognizes in bulk power that s it i and

. Alabama)ervingstressstate and as the bound costs rol ability and ec on that ary between costs order to increase supply onony n i and purchaseoften , in the pubite i Q c other i

p(articipatingof in luding a and engage reaso. Such arran systes nable electric in bulk pos wer power'terco,nnected to interconnectnterest for tho 7nterconnected any1 eensee o+therInpa. entities bulk return power full acc)gements in reliabilitysupply, andcoordinate red transactions enteri aust provide for uce th rticipant s into supply operations sound engineering ative uld pra be ess connection therewithWe to the benefits c

/bv arrangement or such ctice with anot requiredarrangements to and must provide available fromand allow qmgs' her, foregoa developed violate reasonably in goodcontemp the principleneither or 14+easeenet faith oraneo6s in 4.

ams lengthaltern9-U Amendment No. 30 F' y -


. Appendix C , f i

Antitm st Conditions l The following antitrust conditions are hereby incorporated in Facility Operating License NPF-68:

(1) Aa used herein:

( i (a) " Entity" means any financially responsible person, private or public corporation, municipality, county, cooperative, association, joint stock association or business trust, owning, operating or proposing to own or operate equipment or facilities within the State of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin Towns and Union Counties) for the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity, provided that, except for municipalities, counties, or rural electric cooperatives, " entity" is restricted to those which are or will be public utilities under the laws of the State of Georgia or under the laws of the United

. States, and are or will be providing retail electMc service under a contract or rate schedule on file with and subject to the regulation of the Public Service Commission of the State of Georgia or any regulatory agency of the Unite.1 States, and, provided further, that as to municipalities, counties or rural electric cooperatives " entity" is restricted to those which provide electricity to the public at retail within the State of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin Towns and Union i

Counties) or to responsibile and legally salified organizations of such municipalities, counties and/or cooperatives in the State

of Georgia (other than Chatham, Effingham, Fannin, Towns and Union es to the, extent they may bind their members.

! (b) "Lu.a a$ Georgia Power Company, any successor, assignee of j

this license, or assignee of all or substantially all of Georgia power Company's assets, and any affiliate or subsidiary of Georgia Power Company to the extent it engages in the ownership of any

bulk power supply generation or transmission resource in the State

! of Georgia (but specifically not including (1) flood rights and

other land rights acquired in the State of Georgia incidental to hydroelectric generation facilities located in another state and I (Z) facilities located west of the thread of the stream on that
part of the Chattahoochee River serving as the boundary between

' 3he States of Georgia and Alabama).

f* W M l

(2) b4eenserecognizes that it is often in the public interest for those i engaging in bulk power supply and purchases to interconnect, coordinate for reliability and econony, and engage in bulk power supply transactions ,

l in order costs to increase of electric power. interconnected systas reliability and reduc '

i costs (including a reasonable return) in connection therewith and allow other participating entities full access to the benefits available from interconnected bulk power supply operations and must provide net benefits b __

[ MM to-Heensee. In entering into such arrangements neither 14eeeeee any other participant should be required to violate the principleg g::, y sound engineering practice or forego a reasonably contemporaneoi,s altern g ative arrangement with another, developed in good faith in arms length . .

l .

Amendment No. 30 (Unit 1) l l


2 N*j negotiations (butnotincI which g arrangesents between -Heensee and its impair such arrangements made in good affiliates or subsidia faith between it;;a;;. and a non-affiliate or non subsidiary) which affoads it greater benefits. ' Any such arrangement sust pesvide for

( adeouste notice and joint planning procedures consistent with sound engineering practice, and st!~.t re ,1 eve 14eenoet t from obligations under-followed by any taken by it in the event such procedures a ici ng entity. R,e C.

b4eeneee ree nizes that each entity soy acquire some or all of its bulk i pener supply from sources other than apo11 cant.

P- in the .imolementation of the obligations stated in the succeeding para-

@' a aA graphs 71;;;;;;; and entities shall act in accordance with the foregoing principles, and these principles are conditions to each of it;;;;;;';

obligations herein undertaken. gg (3) U;.a;.; shall interconnect with any entity whith provides, or which has undertaken firm contractual obligations to provide, some or all of its bulk power supply from sources other snan-ti;;;;;; on terms to be included in an interconnection agreement which shall orovide for sporooriate allo-cation of the costs of interconnection facilitiest provided however, that if an entity undertakes to negotiate such a firm contractual obligation, thP44eensee shall in good faith, negotiate with such entity concerning any proposed interconnection. Such interconnection agreement shall provide, without undue preference or discrimination, for the following,f P ;;;;;';among other things, and anyinsof ar as consistent participating entity's systems: with the operating necessities o b@ -

i, (a) maintenance and coordination of reserves including, where approcriate, the purchase and scle thereof.

(b) energency support.

l 1

(c) maintenance support.

(d) ecenomy energy exchanges.

l ,

a i (e) purchase and sale of firm and non-firm capacity and energy.

(f) economic dispatch of power resourede 4 thin the State of Georgia.

i orovided, however, that in no event shall such arrangements irpose a higher t I percentage of reserve requirements or ?he participating entity than that i

maintained by ?I:::: ; for similar Foupes. -

(4) N1 sell vil requireeents power ny entity. k4eeneet sL11 sell partial reoutrements power to any entity. Such sales shall be made pursuant to rates on file with the Federal Power Commission, or any I l

j. successor regulatory agency, and so. set to reasonable teres and conditions.

8 v v ,- - - - . - _ _ . _ -_--.---__--

l- l 1-1 .

l C 1 4 l (5) (a[)systemdS:me shall to any entity transmit or entities with (" which transmission it is interconnected. service') bulk i

/ pursuant to rate schedules on file with the Federal Power Comission which will fully compensate 90;;;;;; for the use of its system. to

} ( /

/ the extent that such arrangements can be accosinodated free a functions)

! engineering stanocotat ans so sne extent snat'Heeeeet has surslus

! line capaci*.y or reasonably available funds to finance new construction for this surpose. To the extent the entity or entities are able, they 4


shall reciprocally provtee transatssion service tN ;;;;;;.

./ mission service will be provided under this suboaragraoh for the j delivery of power to an entity bothing for itscontained or its herein members' )

! {""f"3s consumption or (2) its retail distribution, shall require theN44enses to transmit bulk power so as to have the effect of making the Tennessee Valley Authority ("TVA") or its dis.


  • tributors, directly or indirectly, a source of sower sucaly outside-l the area determined by the TVA toard of Directors by resolution of l May 16, 1966 to be the area for which the TVA or its distributors i

were the primary source of oower svooly on July 1. 1957, the date specified in the Revenue Bond Act of 1959,16 USC 831 n-4 i

(b) L4eenvee shall transmit over its system from any entity or entit i with which it it interconnected

! with the Federal Power Cs ;issten whfch will fully compensate 414eeeeee

, for the use of its system, bulk power which results from any such i


entity having excess capacity available from self-own

! results for economic unit sizing or from failure to forecast load accurately or from suen generating resources becoming operational l - earlier than the planned in-service date, to the extent that such arrangements can be acconenodated from a func 1

l l

l est.5;;.a;c; shall previde service to any entity ourchasing (6) Upon r trements service. full requirements service or transmission partial I service from licensee at a delivery voltage sporopriate for loads served j


by such entity cossensurate with .Le;;;" available transmissionoursuant to ra l

facilities. Sales of such service shall be gulatory agency.

4 with the Fedent Power Commission or any successo g i and subject n iessonab terms and conditions. , f

[sN11 grant any entit the cooortunity

(7) Voon reasonable notice i;;e ore at the cotton to purchare an acoropriate share in the ownership ofnit power from. each l ( of the entity, to ourthase an appropriate share of of the following nuclear generating units at !!;
::::': costs, to the ex-Natc tent the same are constructed and operated:

! and any other nuclear generating unit constructed by M4 eases in the$AIC or its State of 3eurgia which. in the soolication filed with the to January 1.

successor agency is scheduled for comercial operation ort

( 1989.

A l

W*.'l l

I i l

1 i
  • l

e 1

An entity's request for a share must have regard for the economic site of such nuclear unit (s). for the entity's load size. growth and characteristics,

  • and for demands uponM '-- :: ': system f rom other entitles ans'2 4- :::':

Nor' retail customers, all in accordance with sound engineering practice. Execu- ~

O*mPef*. . ~. tory agreements to accomplish the foregoing shall contain provisions reasonably speciftea cyt M: ::: requiring the entity to consuunate' and pay for such purchase by an early date or dates certain. For purposes of this provision " unit power" shall mean capacity and associated energy from a specified generating unit.

Jaf To effect the foregoing conditions, the following steps shall be laken:

(a) TM;;;;; shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorities and er- thereafter maintain in force as needed an appropriate transmission ComPony tariff available to any entity; (b) .M::: : shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorities and thereafter maintain in force as needed an appropriate partial require-ments tariff available to any entity;iu;;;;; shall have its liability limited to the partial requirements service actually contracted for and the entity shall be made responsible for the. security of the bulk power supply resources acquired by the entity from sources other than the


} .h::::: shall amend the general terms and conditions of its current Federal Power Commission tariff and thereafter maintain in force as needed provisions to enable any entity to receive bulk power at trans-mission voltage at appropriate rates; (d .h::::: shall not have the unilateral right to defeat the intended t access by each entity to alternative sources of bulk power supply pro-vided by tie conditions to this license; but*2 M::::: shall retain the right to seek regulatory approval of changes in its tariffs to the end that it be adequately compensated for services it provides, specifically including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 205 of the Federal Power Act; (e) .M::::: shall use its best efforts to amend any outstanding contract to which it is a party that contains provisions which are inconsistent with the conditions of this license; (f) .h::::: affirms that no consents are or will become nokssary from

"----- ' parent, affiliates or subsidiaries to enable .M::::: to carry out its obligations hereunder or to enable the entities to enjoy h g their rights hereunder; All provisions of these conditions shall be t;ubject to and implemented (g) in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of

. Georgia, as applicable, and with rules, regulations and orders of agencies of both, as applicable.


(S) Sou$hern $Ptlter .sball not snarked or bnhe power or energy from %gue Eleefrie Genersbh* >%h Unif I . Gorgis Saue Cemynn ha// confince Va At m' ear wNh.the ions ' en jf by1%n.rhmipe s i&v.rt eendN' far aanrplan.s e,enialneallir k 6 of the Lc'ertte dix,eble for tihe ac.6dnr of .SnuthwGeorgis Pensee 43*

n responsib/s a.nd' V-r >

Maclese, to 4%e extient chel Southern )%Ioary aegime tranyas a.y un3iconi,ru. verse, +.he antilrasi cen&*dions of t%4 AgehC.

l l

l l

l l

Unit 2 License, Appendix C Marked pages I

l l

l l

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l I

l 1

l l

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l l

l l



l. , March 31, 1989 l

l Aeoenet C

$ ( Antitrust Conditions -

I' ~

The fellowing Lfconse NPF.81:antitrust conettions are heroty incervsrated in Factlity Coerating l


(1) As used heretn ,

j j

(a) " Entity" means any financially responsible person, private or public j corporation, unicipality, county, cooperative, association, joint i

f stock association or business trust, owning, operating or proposing i , to own or operate equipment or fact 11 ties within the Stata of Georgia (other than Chathas. Effingham, Fanata. Towns and Union i Counties) for the generation, transatssion or distribution of i elsetricity, provided that, except for matcipalities, cuaties, or i

rural electric cooperatives, " entity" is restricted to those we:.4

! are or will be public utilities under the laws of the State of i


Georgia or under the laws of the United States, and are er will be provietng retail electric senica under a contract or rate schedule on file with and subject to the regulation of the public Service Cosmission of the State of Georgia or any regulatory agensy of the l United States, and provided further, that as to maicipalities.

counties or rural electric cooperatives, ' entity" is restricted to those which provide electricity to the public at retail within the

{ 5 tate of borgia (other than Chatham, Efft ham, Fannin, Towns and  ;

Union Ceartus) or to responsibiu and legal y qualifted

) organizwo of such municipalities, counties and/or cooperatives i in the State of Georgia f ather than Chathas, Effingham, Fannin, j Towns and Union Counties) to the extent they may bind their members.

l * # A wer &f a $

l (b) "L;;; .;;;" means Georgia Power Caseeny, any successor, assignee of ,

this license. cr essignee of all or substantially all of Georgia l Power Casseny's assaits, and any affiliate or subsidiary of Georgia

! Power Company to the extent it engages in the ownership of any bulk

oower supply generation or transmission resource in the State of i 4

Georgia (but specifically not including (1) flood rights and other  !

i  :' land rights acquired in the State of Georgia incidental te hydre- '

j electric generation facilities located in another state and (2)

facilities locatce est of tne thread of the stream on that part i i of the Chattahrschee River serving as the boundary between the l

! States of Georyta and Alabama).

i hec q nn

! [' (2) Lin.n. ognizes that it is often in the public interest for those

! engaginc in bolk power susaly and purchases to interconnett, coordinate l for rel' ability and economy, and engage in bulk power sueely transactions in order to increase interconnected system reliability and reduce the

! costs of electric comer. Such arrangements must provide for 14*enece24 P-*

costs (including a reasonable returnt in connection therewith and allow d, ye*J i

( [cwer other participating entities full access to the benefits available from in arconnected bulk power sueoly operations and sust provide not benefit,s knn:. In entering into such arrangements peither 'tr :Z %e i

i gN any other participant should be reeutred to violate the princieles of g sound engineering practice or forego a reasonably contessoraneous alterep"f**J j ative arrangement w'ith another, developed in good faith in ams length


l- .

2 &~-

( negotiations (but not including arrangements between and its i

affiliates or subsidiaries which impair entities' rights hereunder more l than they would be impaired were such arrangements made in good faith between r:= and a non-affiliate or non-subsidiary) which affords

. it greater ben fits. Any such notice and jo t planning proce,dures arrangement must provide soundfor adequate j

( consistent with practice, an must relieve Heeneee from obligations undertaken by it in the even such procedures are t fc11 owed by any participating engineering 1


Wsw Gm Pe G,n pe 3 Heensee gnizes that each entity may acquYre some or all of its bulk i

f power supply from sources other than apo11 cant.


! In the isolementation of the obitystions stated in the succeeding para graphs *16eensee and entities sha'I act in accordance with the foregni

! n erinciples, and these orircioles are conditions to each of ??:r:::':

F# obligations herein undertaken.

P- c.sp M $.(3) I,4eensee shall interconnect with any entity rh gro N s, or which has undertaken fim contractual obligations to o vide, some or all of its i

bulk power supply from sources other than x::: on terms to be included in an interconnection agreement which shall provide for accropriate allo.

i tion of the costs of interconnection facilitiest provided, however, that I 1 n entity undertakes to negotiate such a fim contractual obligation,


' the Heeeeee shall, in good faith, negotiate with such entity concerning any proposed interconnection. Such interconnection agreement shall provide, without undue criference or discrimination, for the following, among other a things, insofar as consistent with the operating necessities f 'f t: :::':


  • and any participating entity's systems: -

G 7gJ

! (a) maintenance and coordination of reserves, including, where acerceriate,

the purchase and sale thereof, I '

j (b) emergency support,

! (c) maintenance support,

{ (d) economy energy exchanges, j

I (e) purchase and sale of fim and non fim capacity and energy, j (f) economic dispatch of power resources within the State of Georgia,

orsvided, however, that in no event shall such arrangements impose a higher

( percentage of reserve requirements on the participating entity tnan that l maintained-by IQfor similar resources.

l (4)  !"- !!!ihall sell full requirements power to any e~ 3ty. .as u i shall sell partial requirements power to any entity, uch sales shall be made cursuant to rates on file with the Federal Power wenission, or any

( succ'essor regulatory agency, and subject to reasonable tems and conditions.

i ~


) .

i f . .


1 3 .

l f (


(5) (a) Unnn sha11 transmit (" transmission service") bulk powee over its systes to any entity er entities with which it is interconnected, nursuant ta rete schefyles on file with the Federal Power Casmission

/ whien util fully compenssW'inaa for the use of its system. to i

(\ / the estent that such arraneaments can be accosanodated from a fungggen.)

j p engineertas ssenesoint and to sne entens snac'M n 2: has surstog 10uJ8e itne capacity er reasonably available funds to finance new constructier i

  • for this surpose. To the extent the entity or entities are able the, j

f snell reciprocally provice transatssion serytce t# 8 ?'-- :n. Trans.

i L.e9atn] . mission service will be orovided under this subparagraph for the j l delivery of power to an entity for its or its mesters' consumotion and

  • reta11 distribution or for casual resale to assether entity for (1) its eensumotion or (2) its rotati distributton. hathing contained herein shall reeutre theMinn= to transmit bulk power so ss to have the effeet of asking the Tennessee Valley Authertty ('TVA") or tts eis.

!l tributors. directly or indirectly, a source of power sueoly outside-the area determined by the TVA loard of Directors by resolution of j ' -

May 16. 1968 to be the area for which the TVA or its distributors were the ortmary source of sover supoly on July 1.1957 the date 4

specif ted in the Revenue Bond Act of 1H9.15 USC 831 n-4, i

bl 44eensee shall transmit over its system from any entity or entitles with watch it is interconnected. sursuant to rate schedules en file witn tne reseral rower Lesentssion unica w111 rus ty coseensate'"-- :n i for the use of its system, bulk power which results from any such I

' entity having escess capacity available from self-owned generating  !


= resources in the State of Georgia, to the extent such ascess necessarity l t

results from economic unit. sizing.or from failure to forecast load l accurately or from such generating resources becoming ooerational i

eariter than the slanned in-service data, to the estant that such arrangements can be accommodated from a functional engineering stand.

j soint. and to the antaat 'innx has surelus line casacity available.

i - (5) Upon . tinnn shall orovide service to any entity purchasing

partial rweents service. full roovirements service or transmission
service from 't=nx at a deliver voltage assrooriate for loads served l by such entity. commensurate with {tz
n ': available transmissten i

j -

facilities. Sales of such service shall de oursuant to rates on file with the Federal Power Commission or any succe e regulatory agency.

! f and snasject to reasons and conditions. P we ,

(7) Upon reasonable notice ??x .n. s all grant any en t e ty j ta purchase an agorooriate share in the ownership f,yor, theat sethe estion of the entity. to ourchase an amoropriate share f unit somer from. each l

of the following nuclear generating units at :nn=': costs to the en-

! tent the same are constructed and ooersted: Hatch 2. Vogtle 1. Vogtle 2

' and any other nuclear generating unit constructed by " x;; in the 5 tate of Georgia which. in the apolication filed with USAtt or its

! successor agency. is scheduled for esmercial operation o e to January 1.


b i

( DJ i

j l



e ., . ,

An entity's request for a share must have regard for the econcelc site of such nuclear unit (s), for the entity's load size. growth and characteristics,

  • and for demands upon9 t  :: ': system f rom other entitles ano9' ::::':

h et- retail customers, all in accordance with sound engineering practice. Execu-

  • Coefs. . . torv acreements to accomplish the foregoing shall contain provisions reasonably spectried Dyi ' ::::: requiring the entity to consummate'and pay for such purchase by an early date or dates certain. For purposes of this provision, " unit power" shall mean capacity and associated energy from a specified generatini, unit.

Jef To effect the foregoing conditions, the following steps shall be taken:

(a) h shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorttles and Ner- thereafter maintain in force as needed an appropriate transmission -

Compmy tariff available to any entity;

' shall file with the appropriate regulatory authorities and (b) . ::::::

thereafter maintain in force as needed an::::: appropriate partial require-shall have its liability ments limited tartff to theavailable to any entity;-':

partial requirements service actually contracted for and the entity shall be made responsible for the security of the bulk power supply resources acquired by the entity from sources other than the I .  ;


. :::::: shall amend the general terms and conditions of its ' current Federal Power Commission tariff and thereafter maintain in force as needed provisions to enable any entity to receive bulk power at trans-mission voltage at appropriate rates; (d

. :::::: shall not have the unilateral right to defeat the intended access by each entity to alternative tources of bulk power supply pro-vided by the conditions to this license; but"':::::: shall retain the right to seek regulatory approval of changes in its tariffs to the end l that it be adequately compensated for services it provides, specifically ,

l including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 205 of the Federal Power Act; l

(e) . :::::: shall use its best efforts to amend any outstanding contract f to which it is a party that contains provisions which are ine,:;r.sistent with the conditions of this license; i

(f) % '----- affinns that no consents are or will become nok.ssary from

----- ' parent, affiliates or subsidiaries to enable ':::::: to l

l -

carry out its obligations hereunder or to enable the entities to enjoy l h (g)

,their rights hereunder; All provisions of these conditions shall be subject to and implemented l in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of i

Georgia, as applicable, and with rules, regulations and orders of I l

agencies of both, as applicable.

~~ rNed ae beekr*~ pesMr or enery

( S) .5 o u O e e n $ st le t r'.$ b a ll n e f*

%m %gue Beefrie Geners %sh Unit t . Gorgis l Reabee [emysts .$ball Con /inde be !"t3p n3INe & eCM9lleNQt win #e ns .ted on if b i

I c.ontainec/ In is dix C of the}yn%e anfitrust anaV ierue, Georgia. Pmaine, M OUkdeble for be GCW/bott O/.$nu G erg

/t Nspensible, Ant l >

i Nuclear, 'to

  • ex'ierst t/ sat Seso1Mern Nactent's act%wer irseyas f


% *ls conitu.vene,42ne antiksf cenaidions ef tJa yd

- -