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: e. Core flood tank (CFT) vent valves CF-V3A and CF-V3B shall be closed and the breakers to the1CFT vent valve motor operators shall be . tagged open, except when adjusting core flood tank level and/or pressure.        Specification 3.0.1 applies. Reactor Building Spray System and Reactor Building Emeroency'Coolinq
.                    System The following components must be OPERABLE:
: a. Two reactor building spray pumps and their associated spray nozzles headers and two reactor building emergency cooling fans and associated cooling units (one in each train). Specification 3.0.1 applies,
: b. The sodium hydroxide (Na0H) tank shall be maintained at 8 ft.      1 6 inches lower than the BWST level as measured by the BWST/Na0H      '
tank differential pressure indicator.        The Na0H tank concentration shall be 10.0        .5 weight percent (%).
: c. All manual valves in the discharge lines of the sodium hydroxide tank shall be locked open. Cooling Water Systems - Specification 3.0.1 applies.
: a. Two nuclear service closed cycle cooling water pumps must be OPERABLE.
: b. Two nuclear service river water pumps must be OPERABLE.
: c. Two decay heat closed cycle cooling water pumps must be            ,
: d. Two decay heat river water pumps must be OPERABLE.
: e. Two reactor building emergency cooling river water pumps must be OPERABLE. Engineered Safeguards Valves and Interlocks Associated with the        >
Systems in Specifications,,, are OPERABLE. Specification 3.0.1 applies.
3.3.2  Maintenance or testing shall be allowed during reactor operation on  l any component (s) in the makeup and purification, decay heat, RB emergency cooling water, RB spray, CFT pressure instrumentation, CFT level instrumentation, BWST level instrumentation, or cooling water systems which will not remove more than one train of each system from service. Components shall not be removed from service so that the affected system inoperable for more than 72 consecutive hours. If the system is not restored to meet the requirements of Specification 3.3.1 within 72 hours, the reactor shall be placed in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition within six hours.
3-22 Amendment No. JJ, 50, 9S, JJ7, J79
,      9403210172 940311
.      PDR      ADOCK 05000289                                                                ,
p                  PDR                                                                '
  . l 3.4        DECAY HEAT REMOVAL CAPABILITY Applicability Applies to the operating status of systems and components that function to remove decay heat when one or more fuel bundles are located in the reactor vessel.
Obiective To define the conditions necessary to assure continuous capability of decay heat removal.*
Specification 3.4.1      Reactor Coolant System temperature greater than 250aF.  With the Reactor Coolant temperature greater than 250*F, three independent EFW pumps and associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE **
: a. Two EFW pumps, each capable of being powered from an OPERABLE emergency bus, and one EFW pump capable of being powered from an OPERABLE steam supply system.
(1) With one pump or flow path inoperable, restore the inoperable pump or flow path to OPERABLE status within 72 hours or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours.
(2) With more than one EFW pump or flow path inoperable, restore the inoperable pumps or flow paths to OPERABLE status or be subcritical within 1 hour, in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours, and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours.
NOTE: When EF-P-1 and EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B become inoperable due to T.S.
surveillance performance, entry into this LCO may be delayed for up to 8 hours.
: b. Four of the six turbine bypass valves OPERABLE. With more than two turbine bypass valves inoperable, restore operability of at least four turbine bypass valves within 72 hours.
: c. The condensate storage tanks (CSTS) OPERABLE with a minimum of 150,000 gallons of condensate available in each CST.
(1)      With a CST inoperable, restore the CST to operability within 72 hours or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours, and COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours.
(2)      With more than one CST inoperable, restore the inoperable CST to OPERABLE status or be subcritical within 1 hour, in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours,.and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours.                              ,
        " These requirements supplement the requirements of Sections,, l      3.3.1, and 3.8.3.
        **HSPS operability is specified in Section 3.5.1.                                              ,
1 Amendment No. 9, 7S, 9S, JJ9, JEp, JSE l
          -                      , _. - , , , -        ,            . . + . - - - - . ,
Bases                                                                                    'l l
A reactor shutdown following power operation requires removal of core decay heat.            I Normal decay heat removal is by the steam generators with the steam dump to the            i condenser when RCS temperature is above 250 F and by the decay heat removal                  i system below 250aF. Core decay heat can be continuously dissipated up to 15                i percent of full power via the steam bypass to the condenser as feedwater in the              j steam generator is converted to steam by heat absorption. Normally, the capability to return feedwater flow to the steam generators is provided by the main feedwater system.
The main steam safety valves will be able to relieve to atmosphere the total steam flow if necessary. Below 5% power, only a minimum number of Main Steam Safety Valves need to be operable as stated in Technical Specification and This is to provide Steam Generator overpressure protection during hot functional testing and low power physics testing. Additionally, when the Reactor is between hot shutdown and 5% full power operation, the over power trip setpoint in the RPS shall be set to less than 5% as is specified in Technical Speci fication The minimum number of valves required to be operable allows margin for testing without jeopardizing plant safety. Plant specific analysis shows that one Main Steam Safety Valve is sufficient to relieve reactor coolant pump heat and stored energy when the reactor is subcritical by 1%
delta K/K for at least one hour. Other plant analyses show that two (2) Main Steam Safety Valves on either OTSG are more than sufficient to relieve reactor coolant pump heat and stored energy when the reactor is below 5% full power operation but had been subcritical by 1% delta K/K for at least one hour since power operation above 5% full power. According to Technical Specification, both steam generators shall be operable whenever the reactor coolant average temperature is above 250aF. This assures that all four (4) Main Steam Safety Valves are available for redundancy. During power operations at 5% full power or above, if Main Steam Safety Valves are inoperable, the power level must be reduced, as stated in Technical Specification such that the remaining safety valves can prevent overpressure on a turbine trip.
In the unlikely event of complete loss of off-site electrical power to the
.      station, decay heat removal is by either the steam-driven emergency feedwater pump, or two half-sized motor-driven pumps. Steam discharge is to the atmosphere via the Main Steam Safety Valves and controlled atmospheric relief valves, and in the case of the turbine driven pump, from the turbine exhaust.
Both motor-driven pumps, or the steam-driven EFW pump are required initially to remove decay heat with one EFW pump eventually sufficing. If emergency feedwater is required during surveillance testing, acceptably minor operator action may be required to ensure both motor-driven pumps are available. The minimum amount of water in the condensate storage tanks, contained in Technical Specification
,, will allow cooldown to 250 F with steam being discharged to the atmosphere. After cooling to 250*F, the decay heat removal system is used to achieve further cooling.
,i 3-26b Amendment No. JJ9, J79, J/E, JJE, JE7
C311-94-2024 Page 3 T.S. Table 4.1-1, Section 51.d requires quarterly Heat Sink c.
Protection System (HSPS) Train Actuation Logic testing.
Note:    (b) and (c) ircludes -verifying pump starts, valve control, indicatiors, and-alarms.
The above Table 4.1-1 surveillances involve both trains of HSPS actuation logic and the three EFW pumps. One HSPS train is tested at'a time. An HSPS train involves one EFW flow path and one motor-driven EFW pump (EF-P-2A or EF-P-28) and the turbine-driven EFW pump-(EF-P-1), which is common to both trains. During a test of an HSPS train, one flow path is made inoperable and both EFW pumps associated with that HSPS train are made inoperable. The flow path is made inoperable to ensure no water is introduced into the OTSGs during the part of the test when EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B is started. Complying with T.S. provides adequate assurance that the flow path can be made OPERABLE expeditiously if reluired. The' pumps are mada inoperable to avoid potential damage due 's excessive pump starts during the tcsting.
EF-P-1 requires local operator action to return it to service; however, EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B can be returned to service very quickly, if needed, by the control room operator since they are disabled only by placing the control switch in the Pull-To-Lock (PTL) position. If emergency feedwater is needed during surveillance testing, the flow path is restored promptly by a dedicated operator upon instruction from the Control Room. The Control Room Operator then removes the EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B control switch from PTL and makes this motor-driven EFW pump OPERABLE to provide emergency feedwater to the steam generators. Thus, the NOTE that allows EF-P-1 and EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B to be inoperable for up to 8 hours when performing T.S. surveillance testing is reasonable based on the time required to perform this testing and because EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B can be made fully 0PERABLE in a short time by the control room operator who is involved in performing the testing.
: 3. Page 3-26 b The last paragraph of the bases for T.S. 3.4 on this page was changed identically to this proposed change with Amendment 124. Due to an administrative error during the processing of Amendment 133, this paragraph was inadvertently changed to pre-Amendment 124 wording.
Additionally, a clarifying statement was added to explain that operator action may be required if emergency feedwater is needed during surveillance testing. The scope of this operator action is minor, as explained above (for page 3-25 changes), thus it is judged acceptable for this short time duration.
: 4. Page 3-41 T.S. 3.6.6 requires, if a reactor building isolation valve (other than a purge valve) is determined to be inoperable in a position other than the required position, the other reactor building isolation valve in the line shall be tested to ensure OPERABILITY. This requirement is unnecessary in that all applicable reactor building isolation valves are tested periodically to assure their operability. In addition, in some instances, testing the other reactor building isolation valve could disrupt required process flow paths that could lead to system instability, equipment damage, or render the remaining OPERABLE valve
3.6 REACTOR BUILDING Applicability Applies to the containment integrity of the reactor building as specified below.
Otjective 2
To assure containment integrity.
Specification 3.6.1      Containment integrity as defined in Section 1.7, shall be maintained whenever all three of the following conditions exist:
: a. Reactor coolant pressure is 300 psig or greater,
: b. Reactor coolant temperature is 200*F or greater.
: c. Nuclear fuel is in the core.
3.6.2      Containment integrity shall be maintained when both the reactor coolant system is open to the containment atmosphere and a shutdown margin exists that is less than that for a refueling shutdown.
3.6.3      Positive reactivity insertions which would result in a reduction in shutdown margin to less than 1% A k/k shall not be made by control rod motion or boron dilution unless containment integrity is being maintained.
3.6.4      The reactor shall not be critical when the reactor building internal pressure exceeds 2.0 psig or 1.0 psi vacuum.
3.6.5      Prior to criticality following refueling shutdown, a check shall be made to confirm that all manual containment isolation valves which should be closed are closed and are conspicuously marked.
3.6.6      While the reactor is critical, if a reactor building isolation valve (other than a purge valve) is determined to be inoperable in a position other than the required position, the other reactor building isolation valve in the line shall be verified to be OPERABLE. If the inoperable valve is not restored within 48 hours, the OPERABLE valve will be closed or the reactor shall be brought to HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours and to the COLD SHUTDOWN condition within an additional 30 hours.
3.6.7      The hydrogen recombiner shall be operable during REACTOR CRITICAL, HOT STANDBY and POWER OPERATION. With the hydrogen recombiner inoperable, restore the recombiner to operable status or bring the reactor to H0T SHUTOOWN within seven (7) days.
3.6.8      While containment integrity is required (see T.S. 3.6.1), if a 48" reactor building purge valve is found to be inoperable perform either or below.
3-41                                  ,
Amendment No. S7, 192, JpS                                                          j 1
4 3.15        AIR TREATMENT SYSTEMS 3.15.1    , EMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM Applicabil it.y Applies to the emergency control room air treatment system and its associated filters.
Objective To specify minimum availability and efficiency for the emergency control room air treatment system and its associated filters.
Specifications    Except as specified in Specification below, t,ath emergency treatment systems, AH-E18A fan and associated filter AH-F3A and AH-E188 fan and associated filter AH-F3B shall be operable at all times, per -  '
the requirements of Specification below; when containment integrity is required and when irradiated fuel handling operations are in progress.    a. The results of the in-place D0P and halogenated. hydrocarbon tests        ,
at design flows on HEPA filters and charcoal absorber banks shall        ;
show <0.05% DOP penetration and <0.05% halogenated hydrocarbon            '
penetration, except that the DOP test will be conducted with prefilters installed.
: b. The results of laboratory carbon sample analysis shall show A 90%
radioactive methyl iodide decontamination efficiency'when tested at 125"F, 95% R.H.                                                        ,
: c. The fans AH-E18A and B shall each be shown to operate within 4000 CFM of design flow (40,000 CFM). From and'after the date that one control room air treatment system is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor. operation or irradiated fuel handling operations are permissible only during the succeeding 7 days provided the' redundant system is verified to be OPERABLE.    From the date that both control room air treatment systems are made or          ,
found to be inoperable or if the inoperable system of cannot be made operable in 7 days, irradiated fuel handling operations shall be terminated in 2 hours and reactor shutdown shall be initiated and            i the reactor shall be in cold shutdown within 48 hours.
l 3-61' Amendment No. 55, $7, 75, H9                                                                )
    .      .                    -                        . _ . . - -                          -  -l}}

Latest revision as of 14:54, 6 January 2021

Proposed Tech Specs Re Allowable Outage Time for Emergency Feedwater Pumps During Surveillance Activities
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1994
Shared Package
ML20064J380 List:
C311-94-2024, NUDOCS 9403210172
Download: ML20064J381 (6)


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e. Core flood tank (CFT) vent valves CF-V3A and CF-V3B shall be closed and the breakers to the1CFT vent valve motor operators shall be . tagged open, except when adjusting core flood tank level and/or pressure. Specification 3.0.1 applies. Reactor Building Spray System and Reactor Building Emeroency'Coolinq

. System The following components must be OPERABLE:

a. Two reactor building spray pumps and their associated spray nozzles headers and two reactor building emergency cooling fans and associated cooling units (one in each train). Specification 3.0.1 applies,
b. The sodium hydroxide (Na0H) tank shall be maintained at 8 ft. 1 6 inches lower than the BWST level as measured by the BWST/Na0H '

tank differential pressure indicator. The Na0H tank concentration shall be 10.0 .5 weight percent (%).

c. All manual valves in the discharge lines of the sodium hydroxide tank shall be locked open. Cooling Water Systems - Specification 3.0.1 applies.

a. Two nuclear service closed cycle cooling water pumps must be OPERABLE.
b. Two nuclear service river water pumps must be OPERABLE.
c. Two decay heat closed cycle cooling water pumps must be ,


d. Two decay heat river water pumps must be OPERABLE.
e. Two reactor building emergency cooling river water pumps must be OPERABLE. Engineered Safeguards Valves and Interlocks Associated with the >

Systems in Specifications,,, are OPERABLE. Specification 3.0.1 applies.

3.3.2 Maintenance or testing shall be allowed during reactor operation on l any component (s) in the makeup and purification, decay heat, RB emergency cooling water, RB spray, CFT pressure instrumentation, CFT level instrumentation, BWST level instrumentation, or cooling water systems which will not remove more than one train of each system from service. Components shall not be removed from service so that the affected system inoperable for more than 72 consecutive hours. If the system is not restored to meet the requirements of Specification 3.3.1 within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, the reactor shall be placed in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition within six hours.



3-22 Amendment No. JJ, 50, 9S, JJ7, J79

, 9403210172 940311

. PDR ADOCK 05000289 ,

p PDR '

. l 3.4 DECAY HEAT REMOVAL CAPABILITY Applicability Applies to the operating status of systems and components that function to remove decay heat when one or more fuel bundles are located in the reactor vessel.

Obiective To define the conditions necessary to assure continuous capability of decay heat removal.*

Specification 3.4.1 Reactor Coolant System temperature greater than 250aF. With the Reactor Coolant temperature greater than 250*F, three independent EFW pumps and associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE **


a. Two EFW pumps, each capable of being powered from an OPERABLE emergency bus, and one EFW pump capable of being powered from an OPERABLE steam supply system.

(1) With one pump or flow path inoperable, restore the inoperable pump or flow path to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

(2) With more than one EFW pump or flow path inoperable, restore the inoperable pumps or flow paths to OPERABLE status or be subcritical within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

NOTE: When EF-P-1 and EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B become inoperable due to T.S.

surveillance performance, entry into this LCO may be delayed for up to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

b. Four of the six turbine bypass valves OPERABLE. With more than two turbine bypass valves inoperable, restore operability of at least four turbine bypass valves within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.
c. The condensate storage tanks (CSTS) OPERABLE with a minimum of 150,000 gallons of condensate available in each CST.

(1) With a CST inoperable, restore the CST to operability within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

(2) With more than one CST inoperable, restore the inoperable CST to OPERABLE status or be subcritical within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />,.and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. ,

" These requirements supplement the requirements of Sections,, l 3.3.1, and 3.8.3.

    • HSPS operability is specified in Section 3.5.1. ,

1 Amendment No. 9, 7S, 9S, JJ9, JEp, JSE l


- , _. - , , , - , . . + . - - - - . ,


Bases 'l l

A reactor shutdown following power operation requires removal of core decay heat. I Normal decay heat removal is by the steam generators with the steam dump to the i condenser when RCS temperature is above 250 F and by the decay heat removal i system below 250aF. Core decay heat can be continuously dissipated up to 15 i percent of full power via the steam bypass to the condenser as feedwater in the j steam generator is converted to steam by heat absorption. Normally, the capability to return feedwater flow to the steam generators is provided by the main feedwater system.

The main steam safety valves will be able to relieve to atmosphere the total steam flow if necessary. Below 5% power, only a minimum number of Main Steam Safety Valves need to be operable as stated in Technical Specification and This is to provide Steam Generator overpressure protection during hot functional testing and low power physics testing. Additionally, when the Reactor is between hot shutdown and 5% full power operation, the over power trip setpoint in the RPS shall be set to less than 5% as is specified in Technical Speci fication The minimum number of valves required to be operable allows margin for testing without jeopardizing plant safety. Plant specific analysis shows that one Main Steam Safety Valve is sufficient to relieve reactor coolant pump heat and stored energy when the reactor is subcritical by 1%

delta K/K for at least one hour. Other plant analyses show that two (2) Main Steam Safety Valves on either OTSG are more than sufficient to relieve reactor coolant pump heat and stored energy when the reactor is below 5% full power operation but had been subcritical by 1% delta K/K for at least one hour since power operation above 5% full power. According to Technical Specification, both steam generators shall be operable whenever the reactor coolant average temperature is above 250aF. This assures that all four (4) Main Steam Safety Valves are available for redundancy. During power operations at 5% full power or above, if Main Steam Safety Valves are inoperable, the power level must be reduced, as stated in Technical Specification such that the remaining safety valves can prevent overpressure on a turbine trip.

In the unlikely event of complete loss of off-site electrical power to the

. station, decay heat removal is by either the steam-driven emergency feedwater pump, or two half-sized motor-driven pumps. Steam discharge is to the atmosphere via the Main Steam Safety Valves and controlled atmospheric relief valves, and in the case of the turbine driven pump, from the turbine exhaust.

Both motor-driven pumps, or the steam-driven EFW pump are required initially to remove decay heat with one EFW pump eventually sufficing. If emergency feedwater is required during surveillance testing, acceptably minor operator action may be required to ensure both motor-driven pumps are available. The minimum amount of water in the condensate storage tanks, contained in Technical Specification ,, will allow cooldown to 250 F with steam being discharged to the atmosphere. After cooling to 250*F, the decay heat removal system is used to achieve further cooling.



,i 3-26b Amendment No. JJ9, J79, J/E, JJE, JE7

C311-94-2024 Page 3 T.S. Table 4.1-1, Section 51.d requires quarterly Heat Sink c.

Protection System (HSPS) Train Actuation Logic testing.

Note: (b) and (c) ircludes -verifying pump starts, valve control, indicatiors, and-alarms.

The above Table 4.1-1 surveillances involve both trains of HSPS actuation logic and the three EFW pumps. One HSPS train is tested at'a time. An HSPS train involves one EFW flow path and one motor-driven EFW pump (EF-P-2A or EF-P-28) and the turbine-driven EFW pump-(EF-P-1), which is common to both trains. During a test of an HSPS train, one flow path is made inoperable and both EFW pumps associated with that HSPS train are made inoperable. The flow path is made inoperable to ensure no water is introduced into the OTSGs during the part of the test when EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B is started. Complying with T.S. provides adequate assurance that the flow path can be made OPERABLE expeditiously if reluired. The' pumps are mada inoperable to avoid potential damage due 's excessive pump starts during the tcsting.

EF-P-1 requires local operator action to return it to service; however, EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B can be returned to service very quickly, if needed, by the control room operator since they are disabled only by placing the control switch in the Pull-To-Lock (PTL) position. If emergency feedwater is needed during surveillance testing, the flow path is restored promptly by a dedicated operator upon instruction from the Control Room. The Control Room Operator then removes the EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B control switch from PTL and makes this motor-driven EFW pump OPERABLE to provide emergency feedwater to the steam generators. Thus, the NOTE that allows EF-P-1 and EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B to be inoperable for up to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> when performing T.S. surveillance testing is reasonable based on the time required to perform this testing and because EF-P-2A or EF-P-2B can be made fully 0PERABLE in a short time by the control room operator who is involved in performing the testing.


3. Page 3-26 b The last paragraph of the bases for T.S. 3.4 on this page was changed identically to this proposed change with Amendment 124. Due to an administrative error during the processing of Amendment 133, this paragraph was inadvertently changed to pre-Amendment 124 wording.

Additionally, a clarifying statement was added to explain that operator action may be required if emergency feedwater is needed during surveillance testing. The scope of this operator action is minor, as explained above (for page 3-25 changes), thus it is judged acceptable for this short time duration.

4. Page 3-41 T.S. 3.6.6 requires, if a reactor building isolation valve (other than a purge valve) is determined to be inoperable in a position other than the required position, the other reactor building isolation valve in the line shall be tested to ensure OPERABILITY. This requirement is unnecessary in that all applicable reactor building isolation valves are tested periodically to assure their operability. In addition, in some instances, testing the other reactor building isolation valve could disrupt required process flow paths that could lead to system instability, equipment damage, or render the remaining OPERABLE valve

3.6 REACTOR BUILDING Applicability Applies to the containment integrity of the reactor building as specified below.

Otjective 2

To assure containment integrity.

Specification 3.6.1 Containment integrity as defined in Section 1.7, shall be maintained whenever all three of the following conditions exist:

a. Reactor coolant pressure is 300 psig or greater,
b. Reactor coolant temperature is 200*F or greater.
c. Nuclear fuel is in the core.

3.6.2 Containment integrity shall be maintained when both the reactor coolant system is open to the containment atmosphere and a shutdown margin exists that is less than that for a refueling shutdown.

3.6.3 Positive reactivity insertions which would result in a reduction in shutdown margin to less than 1% A k/k shall not be made by control rod motion or boron dilution unless containment integrity is being maintained.

3.6.4 The reactor shall not be critical when the reactor building internal pressure exceeds 2.0 psig or 1.0 psi vacuum.

3.6.5 Prior to criticality following refueling shutdown, a check shall be made to confirm that all manual containment isolation valves which should be closed are closed and are conspicuously marked.

3.6.6 While the reactor is critical, if a reactor building isolation valve (other than a purge valve) is determined to be inoperable in a position other than the required position, the other reactor building isolation valve in the line shall be verified to be OPERABLE. If the inoperable valve is not restored within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, the OPERABLE valve will be closed or the reactor shall be brought to HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and to the COLD SHUTDOWN condition within an additional 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

3.6.7 The hydrogen recombiner shall be operable during REACTOR CRITICAL, HOT STANDBY and POWER OPERATION. With the hydrogen recombiner inoperable, restore the recombiner to operable status or bring the reactor to H0T SHUTOOWN within seven (7) days.

3.6.8 While containment integrity is required (see T.S. 3.6.1), if a 48" reactor building purge valve is found to be inoperable perform either or below.

3-41 ,

Amendment No. S7, 192, JpS j 1

4 3.15 AIR TREATMENT SYSTEMS 3.15.1 , EMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM Applicabil it.y Applies to the emergency control room air treatment system and its associated filters.

Objective To specify minimum availability and efficiency for the emergency control room air treatment system and its associated filters.

Specifications Except as specified in Specification below, t,ath emergency treatment systems, AH-E18A fan and associated filter AH-F3A and AH-E188 fan and associated filter AH-F3B shall be operable at all times, per - '

the requirements of Specification below; when containment integrity is required and when irradiated fuel handling operations are in progress. a. The results of the in-place D0P and halogenated. hydrocarbon tests ,

at design flows on HEPA filters and charcoal absorber banks shall  ;

show <0.05% DOP penetration and <0.05% halogenated hydrocarbon '

penetration, except that the DOP test will be conducted with prefilters installed.

b. The results of laboratory carbon sample analysis shall show A 90%

radioactive methyl iodide decontamination efficiency'when tested at 125"F, 95% R.H. ,

c. The fans AH-E18A and B shall each be shown to operate within 4000 CFM of design flow (40,000 CFM). From and'after the date that one control room air treatment system is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor. operation or irradiated fuel handling operations are permissible only during the succeeding 7 days provided the' redundant system is verified to be OPERABLE. From the date that both control room air treatment systems are made or ,

found to be inoperable or if the inoperable system of cannot be made operable in 7 days, irradiated fuel handling operations shall be terminated in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and reactor shutdown shall be initiated and i the reactor shall be in cold shutdown within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

l 3-61' Amendment No. 55, $7, 75, H9 )


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