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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT2TOAEP:NRC:0956GEXISTINGTECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSPAGESMARKEDTOREFLECTPROPOSEDCHANGES93120100ib931117PDRADOCK05000315PDR UNinimumChannelsgmMMPasteCasHoldupS;.scamExplosiveGasAonicor."..z.'s=-ma.yrouenoHdHonitor.".''.'cI~(1)(2)b.OxygsnMonitor~.gcQC-370)30292.CondenserEvacuacionSyscema,NobleCasAccivi=yMonitor(SRA-1905)b.PlowRaceMonitor:SPR-'01)(1-NR-054and/orSRA-1910)(1)(1)(1)282727t:nitVane.Auxiliary3u'dingVencilacionSystema.NobleGasAccivl=;..'Loni"or(VRS-l.505.b.iodineSamplerCarerdge.or".R~~c.Part''cul,aceSample="efor':RS~'.=.'.fluentSvsca..==RataR,-0'nd/o=".=="-'101Sap'er"'-Rata.".easur'ng"aI''ce"..=S-1521)2832322727V~44a.AuxIdolb.AuxPard''.".gVent.."scam'eGasAccivi=y;'cor(VRS-1505)Suil.dingVane.rscant'ulacaSampl.erfor"RS-150'.re*a325.'PasteGasHoldupSvs""..a.Hobl.eGasActiv'':AonitorProvidingAlarmandTerminac'-=""<."-.a"eases(VRS-'505)2%*'4'k33O.GlandSealExhausta.nobleGasAccivi=':.'(oni"or(sRA-l.8051o.FloeRacelonitorS.=R-'01)(1-.'R-054and/orSPA'';0)i1)(1)(1)282727i1CCAAV.I1MTT13/43-63AmendmentNo~I~o

TABLE3.3-1,3(Conc.)*Acall,times*~Duringvastegas.oupsystem~-s-emoperacion(treatmentforprimarysystemgases)****Duringreleasesviathispath~ay.ForPurgePurPosesonlv,seeTechnicalSPecifications3.3.3.10,Table3.3.l3andTable4.3-9(Items3.a,S.a'nbochcables)fornon-purgingrequirementsassociatedvichthisinscrumenc.2Forgasdecaytankreleasesonly,seeItem3(UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilacionSystem)foraddicionalrequirements.Thewastegasholdupsystemexplosivegasmonitoringsyscemmaybeinoperableloxygenarecobecaicenandanalyzedeveryl2hours.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT3/43-64AMENDMENTHO.'N s~sTA3ZS4.3-9CHANNELSOURCEC~K'iaC1QQtNELFUNCTZONALXQXpasteGasHo1dupSystemExplosiveCssHooloorioSSys=oos.HydroSooMonitor%&BR~-HQab.Oxygen-Monicor(4~Mope-c.Oxygen~~Monicor(hlc.',QC-370)NhQ(3)Q(4)Q(4)2.CondenserEvacuationSystema.NobleCasActivityMonicor(SRA.-1905)b.SystemEffluentFlowRace(SFR-401.1-MR-054,SRA-1910)D*%'AR(2)Q(l)3.AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystema.NobleGasActiv';Monitor(VRS-1505)b.IodineSampler(ForVRS-1503)c.ParticulateSample".'..""or'RS-'01)d.SvscemEf=luenc."-owRace.".easremenc"eviceJFR-315.'u&-054.RS-15e.Sampler."-~owRaceMeasuremen"Device(VFS-1521)10)DxR(2)NAQ(l)iNANAContainmentPurgeSystema.Aux.Buildi.ngVent.S'stemNobleCasAccivityMonktor(VRS-1505)b.Aux.BuildingVenc.S'seemParticulateSampler(ForVRS-1501)<<*XNAR(2NAQ(1)NA5.'<<asteCasHoldupSvscema.NobleGasAccivic'onitorProviding.Alarm&TerminacionofCasDecayTankReleases(VRS-1505)R(2)Q(5)D.C.COOK-UNIT13-66AendmencNo.9.>~9 TABLE3.3-13MinhaueChannelsQamhlaWasteCasHoldupSystem3ExplosiveCasMonitoringSystema.Hydr'ogenMonitor(g6-bk)Cgc;l~~(1)b.OxygenMont.tor(g~,~C,-f4-c~(2)QC-370)292.CondenserEvacuationSystema.NobleCasActivityMonitor(SRA-2905)b.FlovRateMonitor(SFR-401)(2-MR-054and/orSRA-2910)3.UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystema.NobleCasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.IodineSamplerCartridgeforVRS-2503c.ParticulateSamplerFilterforVRS-2501d.Ef'fluentSystemFlovRateMeasuringDevice(VFR-315)(2-MR-054and/orVRS-2510)e.SamplerFlovRateMeasuringDevi.ce(VFS-2521)(1)(1)(1)282?2T'83232272727ContainmentPurgeSystema.Aux.BuildingVent.SystemNobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.Aux.But.ldingVent.SystemParticulateSamplerf'rVRS-25015.@asteCasHoldupSystema.NobleCasActivityMonitorProvidingAlarmandTerminationofGasDecayTankReleases(VRS-2505)**~1313233~6.Gland.SealExhausta.NobleCasActivityMonitor(SRA-2805)b.FlovRateMonitor(SFR-201)(2-MR-054and/orSRA2810)D.C.COOK-UNIT2(1)'(1)(1)3/43-59*~28**+42727hndntNo.dd>'"
U Ninimum Channels gmMM Paste Cas Holdup S;.scam .'s=-m Explosive Gas Aonicor."..z
TABLE3.3-13(Cont.)*Atalltimescernoperation(treatmentforprimarysystemgases)**Duringwastegasholduosvscemo~*~DuringreleasesviathispacnwayFForpurgepurposesonrposesonlvseeTechnicalSpecifications3~3~3~10Table3.3-13and!Table.4,39(1cems3.a,5.ainbochtables')fornon-purgingrequirementsassociatedwiththisinstrument.Forgasdecaytankreleasesonly,seeitem3(UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystem)foradditionalrequirements.Thewastegasholdupsystemexplosivegasmonicori'ngsyscemmaybeinoperableoxygenaretobetakenandanalyzedevery12hours.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43>>60AMENDMENTNO.PP>114 CCHANNELSOURCECHANNELC''HKQ<CKeNELFUNCTIONALX@XgasceGasHoldupSystemExplosiveGasMonitoringSystema.Hydrogen~~Monitor(+6-3+)CvC-~eb.Oxygen~~~'tonicor(~~)CzC-l~~c.OxygenMonitor(hlc..QC-30)2.CondenserEvacuacionSystema.NobleGasActivityNonitor(SRA-2905)b.SystemEffluencFlowRace(SFR-401.2-HR-054,SRA-2910)Nh&#xc3;A~~NA...No~~Q(3)Q(4)Q(4).R(2)"Q(l)3..AuxiliaryBuildingVencilacionSystema.NobleCasAccivi"vAonitor(VRS-2505)b.IodineSampler(ForVRS~2503)c.ParticulaceSample:(corVRS-250')d.Svscern=""1enc:'wRate.".easure.encDevice(V.R-315.2-.'cR,-054.':RS-e.SamplerF'owRatemeasurementDevice(Vc5-252'.)2510)0*NAVANAYAR(2)iVAVAQ(l)NANAConminmentPurgeSystema.Aux.'BuildingVent.SystemNobleGasAccivit.r'tonitor(VRS-2505)b.Aux.BuildingVenc.5'rs"emParticu1ateSamp1e.(ForVRS~2501)<<*'4NAR(2)NAQ(1)VA'<<asceCasHoLdupSvs=ema.NobleGasActivityMonitorProvidingAlarm&Terminacionof'CasDecayTankReleases(VRS~2505)o**R(2)Q(5)D.C.COOK.UNIT23r43-62AmendmentNo.8114 ATTACHMENT3TOAEP:NRC:0956GPROPOSEDREVISEDTECHNICALSPECIFICATIONPAGES
: a. H y d rouen Honitoro
                                  ~.   ."      .''.'c gc I~   (1)
(2) 30 29
: b. Oxygsn Monitor QC-370)
: 2. Condenser          Evacuacion Syscem a, Noble Cas Accivi=y                                                                28 Monitor (SRA-1905)                                     (1)                    27
: b. Plow Race Monitor: SPR-'01)
(1)                    27 (1-NR-054 and/or SRA-1910)                             (1) t:nit    Vane. Auxiliary 3u'ding Vencilacion System
: a. Noble Gas Accivl=;.                                                                28
          .'Loni"or (VRS-l.505.
: b. iodine Sampler                                                                    32 Carer dge .or ".R~          ~
: c. Part''cul,ace Sample=                                                              32 "e for ':RS ~ '.=.'.
fluent    Svsca.   .=  =        Rata                                    27 R,-'nd/o=        ".= ="   -     101 Sa  p'er      "'- Rata .".easur'ng 27 "a I''ce    "..=S-1521) 150'.
V~ 4 4
: a. Aux              d''.".g Vent.."scam
                'e Gas  Accivi=y                                      re*a Idol ;'cor (VRS-1505)
: b. Aux Suil.ding Vane.                       rscan                                  32 Par t'ula    ca S amp l. e r        fo r  "RS -
: 5.   'Paste Gas Holdup Svs"                "..
                                                                        %*'4 'k 2
: a. Hob l.e Gas Ac t        iv'':                                                    33 Aonitor Providing Alarm and Terminac'-=""
of Gas Decav .an< ."-.a" eases (VRS-'505)
O. Gland Seal Exhaust
: a. noble Gas Accivi=':                                                                 28
          .'(oni"or (sRA-l.8051                                  i 1
: o. Floe Race lonitor S.=R- '01)                               (1)                     27 (1-.'R-054 and/or SPA '';0)                             (1) i1  C    CAAV . I1MTT          1                                3/4 3-63    Amendment No I~ o

~~'l~TABLE33-13RadioactiveGaseousEffluentMonitorinInstrumentationInstrumentInstrumentMinimumChannels~OemableAlicabilitCTION1.WasteGasHoldupSystemExplosiveGasMonitoringSystem~a.HydrogenMonitor(QC-1400)b.OxygenMonitor(QC-1400,QC-370)(1)(2)30292.CondenserEvacuationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(SRA-1905)b.FlowRateMoni.tor(SFR-401)(1-MR-054and/orSRA-1910)(1)(1)(1)2827273.UnitVent.AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-1505)b.IodineSamplerCartridgeforVRS-1503c.ParticulateSamplerFilterforVRS-1501d.EffluentSystemFlowRateMeasuringDevice(VFR-315)(1-MR-054and/orVRS-1510)e.SamplerFlowRateMeasuringDevice(VFS-1521)2832322727274.ContainmentPurgeSystema.Aux.BuildingVent.SystemNobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-1505)b.Aux.BuildingVent.SystemParticulateSamplerforVRS-150131325.WasteGasHoldupSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitorProvidingAlarmandTerminationofGasDecayTankReleases(VRS-1505)33COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-63AMENDMENTNO.84, TABLE3.3-13(Cont)InstrumentInstrumentMinimumChannels~OerableACTION6.GlandSealExhausta.NobleGasActivityMonitor(SRA-1805)b.FlowRateMonitor(SFR-201)(1-MR-054and/orSRA1810)282727*Atalltimes**During'wastegasholdupsystemoperation(treatmentforprimarysystemgases)****Duringreleasesviathispathway1Forpurgepurposesonly.SeeTechnicalSpecifications3.3.3.10,Table3.3-13andTable4.3-9(Items3.a,5.ainbothtables)fornon-purgingrequirementsassociatedwiththisinstrument.2Forgasdecaytankreleasesonly,seeItem3(UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystem)foradditionalrequirements.3Thewastegasholdupsystemexplosivegasmonitoringsystemmaybeinoperableforupto160daysonaone-timebasisforthepurposeofreplacingoneoxygenmonitor.Duringthistimegrabsamplesforoxygenaretobetakenandanalyzedevery12hours.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT13/43-64AMENDMENTNO.
TABLE 3.3-1,3    (Conc.)
* Ac all, times
TABLE3.3-13RadioactiveGaseousEffluentMonitorinInstrumentatioInstrumentInstrumentMinimumChannels~OerableAlicabilitACTION1.WasteGasHoldupSystemExplosiveGasMonitoringSystema.HydrogenMonitor(QC-1400)b,OxygenMonitor(QC-1400,QC-370)(1)(2)30292.CondenserEvacuationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(SRA-2905)b.FlowRateMonitor(SFR-401)(2-MR-054and/orSRA-2910)(1)(1)(1)2827273.UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.IodineSamplerCartridgeforVRS-2503c.ParticulateSamplerFilterforVRS-2501d.EffluentSystemFlowRateMeasuringDevice(VFR-315)(2-MR-054and/orVRS-2510)e.SamplerFlowRateMeasuringDevice(VFS-2521)2832322727274.ContainmentPurgeSystema.Aux.BuildingVentSystemNobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.Aux.BuildingVent.SystemParticulateSampleforVRS-250131325.WasteGasHoldupSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitorProvidingAlarmandTerminationofGasDecayTankReleases(VRS-2505)33COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-59AMENDMENTNO.80, f~~e,~ITABLE3.3-13(Cont)InstrumentInstrumentMinimumChannels~OeaableAlicabilitACTION6.GlandSealExhausta.NobleGasActivityMonitor(SRA-2805)b.FlowRateMonitor(SFR-201)(2-MR-054and/orSRA2810)(1)(1)(1)282727*Atalltimes.**Duringwastegasholdupsystemoperation(treatmentforprimarysystemgases)****Duringreleasesviathispathway.1Forpurgepurposesonly,seeTechnicalSpecifications3.3.3.10,Table3.3-13andTable4.3-9(Items3.a,5.ainbothtables)fornon-purgingrequirementsassociatedwiththisinstrument.2Forgasdecaytankreleasesonly,seeItem3(UnitVent,AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystem)foradditionalrequirements.3Thewastegasholdupsystemexplosivegasmonitoringsystemmaybeinoperableforupto160daysonaone-timebasisforthepurposeofreplacingoneoxygenmonitor.Duringthistimegrabsamplesforoxygenaretobetaken'andanalyzedevery12hours.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-60AMENDMENTNO.80, TABLE4.3-9RadioactiveGaseousEffluentMonitorinInstrumentationSurveillanceReuirementsInstrumentInstrumentCHANNELCHECKSOURCECHECKCHANNELCALIBRATIONCHANNELFUNCTIONALTEST1.WasteGasHoldupSystemExplosiveGasMonitoringSystema.HydrogenMonitor(QC-1400)b.OxygenMonitor(QC-1400)c.Oxygen+***Monitor(Alt.QC-370)NANANAQ(3)Q(4)Q(4)2.CondenserEvacuationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(SRA-2905)b.SystemEffluentFlowRate(SFR-401,2-MR-054,SRA-2910)3.AuxiliaryBuildingVentilationSystema.NobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.IodineSampler(ForVRS-2503)c.ParticulateSampler(ForVRS-2501)d.SystemEffluentFlowRateMeasure-mentDevice(VFR-315,2-MR-054,VRS-2510)e.SamplerFlowRateMeasurementDevice(VFS-2521)4.ContainmentPurgeSystema.Aux.BuildingVent.SystemNobleGasActivityMonitor(VRS-2505)b.Aux.BuildingVentSystemParticulateSampler(ForVRS-2501)D**D*D*NANANANANANAR(2)R(2)NANAR(2)NAQ(1)Q(1)NANAQ(1)NACOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT23/43-62AMENDMENTNO.80,}}
  *~ During vaste gas  .o      ~ -s-em up system  operacion (treatment for primary system gases)
  ****Duringreleases via this path~ay.
For Purge PurPoses onlv, see Technical SPecifications, Table 3.3.l3 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, S.a 'n boch cables) for non-purging requirements associated vi ch this ins crumenc.
2 For gas decay tank releases only, see Item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilacion System) for addicional requirements.
The waste gas holdup system  explosive    gas  monitoring syscem may be  inoperable l
oxygen are co be caicen and analyzed every l2 hours.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT -  UNIT                        -64                        'N 3/4  3              AMENDMENT HO.
  ~ s TA3ZS 4. 3-9 CHANNEL C~K    'ia    SOURCE C1QQtNEL FUNCTZONAL XQX paste Gas Ho1dup System Explosive Css HooloorioS Sys=oo                                        Nh    Q(3)
: s. HydroSoo Monitor %&BR ~-HQa                                            Q(4)
: b. Oxygen-(4~M ope-Monicor
: c. Oxygen      ~~
Monicor (hlc.',QC-370)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System                                                            R(2)          Q(l)
: a. Noble Cas Activity Monicor (SRA.-1905)
: b. System Effluent                            D*%'A Flow Race (SFR-401.
1-MR-054, SRA- 1910)
: 3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System                                                                Q(l)
: a. Noble Gas          Activ';                                      R(2)
Monitor (VRS-1505)
NA            iNA
: b. Iodine Sampler (For VRS-1503)                                                                NA
: c. Particulate Sample"
              .'..""or 'RS-'01)
: d. Svscem Ef=luenc                      ."-
ow Dx Race .".eas remenc "evice JFR-315. 'u&-054. RS-15 10)
: e. Sampler      ."- ~
ow Race Measuremen" Device (VFS -1521)
Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Vent. S'stem                                    R(2            Q(1)
Noble Cas Accivity Monk to r (VRS -1505 )
                                                        <<*X                NA              NA
: b. Aux. Building Venc. S'seem                                  NA Particulate Sampler (For VRS-1501)
: 5. '<<aste    Cas Holdup Svscem
: a. Noble Gas                                                        R(2)            Q(5)
Providing Accivic'onitor Alarm      & Terminacion of    Cas Decay Tank Releases        (VRS-1505)
D. C. COOK - UNIT                        1                  3-66        A  endmenc No. 9.  >~9
TABLE  3.3-13 Minhaue Channels Qamhla Waste Cas Holdup System            3 Explosive  Cas Monitoring System
: a. Hydr'ogen  Monitor  (g6-bk) Cgc; l~~ (1)
: b. Oxygen    Mont.tor (g~,    ~C,- f4-c~ (2)                          29 QC-370)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System
: a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (SRA-2905)                      (1)                      28
: b. Flov Rate Monitor (SFR-401)              (1)                      2?
(2-MR-054 and/or SRA-2910)              (1)                      2T
: 3. Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
: a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)
: b. Iodine Sampler
                                                                        '8 Cartridge for  VRS-2503                                        32
: c. Particulate Sampler Filter for  VRS-2501                                            32
: d. Ef'fluent System Flov Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315)                                      27 (2-MR-054 and/or VRS-2510)                                      27
: e. Sampler Flov Rate Measuring Devi.ce (VFS-2521)                                              27 Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Building Vent. System Noble Gas  Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)                            **~1            31
: b. Aux. But.lding Vent. System Particulate  Sampler f'r VRS-2501                            32
: 5.  @as  te Cas Holdup System
: a. Noble Cas Activity                                                33  ~
Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of  Gas  Decay Tank Releases (VRS-2505)
: 6. Gland. Seal Exhaust
: a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (SRA-2805)
: b. Flov Rate Monitor (SFR-201)
(1)    *~              28
                                                '(1)    **+4            27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA 2810)              (1)                    27 D. C. COOK - UNIT 2                            3/4 3-59                          >'"
h  nd nt No. dd
TABLE  3.3-13 (Cont.)
* At  all times for primary  system gases)
** During    waste gas holduo svscemcern operation o          (treatment
~*~During releases via this pacnway For F    purge purposes  onlv see Technical Specifications 3 3 3 10 Table 3.3-13 and rposes on                                        ~ ~ ~
Table. 4, 3 9 (1 cems 3. a, 5. a in boch tables') for non- purging requirements            !
associated with this instrument.
For gas decay tank releases      only, see item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation  System)  for additional requirements.
The waste gas holdup system      explosive gas monicori'ng syscem    may be inoperable oxygen are to be taken and analyzed every 12 hours.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT -    UNIT  2              3/4 3>>60          AMENDMENT NO. PP>  114
C CKeNEL CHANNEL        SOURCE CHANNEL        FUNCTIONAL C''HKQ<                          X@X gasce Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System                                          Q(3)
: a. Hydrogen~~
Nh Monitor (+6-3+) CvC-        ~e                            Q(4)
: b. Oxygen~~                    l~~
            'tonicor    (~~)      CzC -                ~ ~
NA      Q(4).
: c. Oxygen Monitor      (hlc.. QC-3 0)
: 2. Condenser Evacuacion System                                                          R(2)"
: a. Noble Gas Activity                              ... No ~~
Nonitor (SRA-2905)
: b. System Effluenc Flow Race (SFR-401.
2-HR-054, SRA-2910) 3 ..Auxiliary Building Vencilacion System
: a. Noble Cas Accivi "v                                          R(2)          Q(l)
Aonitor (VRS-2505)
: b. Iodine Sampler                                        NA      iVA          NA (For VRS ~ 2503)
: c. Particulace    Sample:                            VA      VA            NA (cor VRS-250')
: d. S        ""1 vs cern =    enc:    'w                        NA Rate .".easure. enc Device (V.R-315. 2-.'cR,-054. ':RS- 2510)
: e. Sampler F'ow Rate                    0*              YA measurement Device (Vc  5 -252'.)
Conminment Purge System
: a. Aux. 'Building Vent. System                                  R(2)          Q(1)
Noble Gas Accivit.r
          'tonitor (VRS-2505)
: b. Aux. Building Venc. 5'rs "em          <<*'4            NA      NA            VA Par ticu1 a te S amp 1e.
(For VRS ~ 2501)
      '<<asce Cas HoLdup Svs=em
: a. Noble Gas        Activity            o**                      R(2)        Q(5)
Monitor Providing Alarm & Terminacion of 'Cas    Decay Tank Releases      (VRS ~ 2505)
D. C. COOK . UNIT  2                      3r4 3-62          Amendment No. 8    114
  ~ ~
'l    ~
TABLE 3 3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Minimum Channels Instrument    Instrument                ~Oem able    A  licabilit        CTION
: 1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive  Gas  Monitoring System~
: a. Hydrogen Monitor (QC-1400)         (1)                           30
: b. Oxygen Monitor (QC-1400,          (2)                           29 QC-370)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System
: a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-1905)                 (1)                            28
: b. Flow Rate Moni.tor(SFR-401)         (1)                            27 (1-MR-054 and/or SRA-1910)         (1)                           27
: 3. Unit Vent. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
: a. Noble Gas  Activity                                              28 Monitor (VRS-1505)
: b. Iodine Sampler                                                    32 Cartridge for VRS-1503
: c. Particulate                                                      32 Sampler  Filter for  VRS-1501
: d. Effluent  System Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315)                                       27 (1-MR-054 and/or VRS-1510)                                       27
: e. Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFS-1521)                                       27
: 4. Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Building Vent. System                                          31 Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-1505)
: b. Aux. Building Vent. System                                        32 Particulate Sampler for VRS-1501
: 5. Waste Gas Holdup System
: a. Noble Gas  Activity                                              33 Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of Gas Decay Tank Releases  (VRS-1505)
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1              3/4 3-63              AMENDMENT NO. 84,
TABLE 3.3-13 (Cont)
Minimum Channels Instrument    Instrument                ~Oerable                          ACTION
: 6. Gland Seal Exhaust
: a. Noble Gas Activity                                                      28 Monitor (SRA-1805)
: b. Flow Rate Monitor(SFR-201)                                             27 (1-MR-054 and/or SRA 1810)                                           27
* At all times
** During'waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary        system gases)
**** During releases via this pathway 1
For purge purposes only. See Technical Specifications, Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, 5.a in both tables) for non-purging requirements associated with this instrument.
2 For gas decay tank releases    only, see Item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System) for additional requirements.
3 The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monitoring system may be inoperable for up to 160 days on a one-time basis for the purpose of replacing one oxygen monitor. During this time grab samples for oxygen are to be taken and analyzed every 12 hours.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1            3/4 3-64                AMENDMENT NO.
TABLE 4.3-9 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Surveillance Re uirements CHANNEL CHANNEL      SOURCE    CHANNEL      FUNCTIONAL Instrument    Instrument          CHECK        CHECK    CALIBRATION  TEST
: 1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas  Monitoring System
: a. Hydrogen                    D*~          NA          Q(3)
Monitor (QC-1400)
: b. Oxygen                    D***          NA          Q(4)
Monitor (QC-1400)
Oxygen%'***               D***          NA          Q(4)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System
: a. Noble Gas Activity          D**                     R(2)           Q(1)
Monitor (SRA-1905)
: b. System Effluent              D**          NA Flow Rate (SFR-401, 1-MR-054, SRA-1910)
: 3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
: a. Noble Gas  Activity                                R(2)           Q(1)
Monitor (VRS-1505)
: b. Iodine Sampler                          NA          NA (For VRS-1503) c.. Particulate  Sampler                    NA          NA              NA (For VRS-1501)
: d. System Effluent Flow      D*          NA Rate Measurement Device (VFR-315, 1-MR-054, VRS-1510)
: e. Sampler Flow Rate          D*            NA Measurement Device (VFS-1521) 4,  Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Building Vent.          D**                     R(2)           Q(l)
System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-1505)
: b. Aux. Building Vent.                     NA        NA              NA System Particulate Sampler (For VRS-1501)
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 1            3/4 3-66                AMENDMENT NO.
TABLE 3.3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentatio Minimum Channels Instrument    Instrument                    ~Oerable    A  licabilit        ACTION
: 1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive  Gas  Monitoring System
: a. Hydrogen Monitor (QC-1400)             (1)                            30 b, Oxygen Monitor (QC-1400,               (2)                            29 QC-370)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System
: a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-2905)                   (1)                            28
: b. Flow Rate Monitor (SFR-401)             (1)                            27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA-2910)           (1)                           27
: 3. Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation    System
: a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)                                                   28
: b. Iodine Sampler Cartridge for    VRS-2503                                            32
: c. Particulate Sampler  Filter for  VRS-2501                                      32
: d. Effluent  System Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315)                                                     27 (2-MR-054 and/or VRS-2510)                                           27
: e. Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFS-2521)                                         27
: 4. Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Building Vent System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)                                                           31
: b. Aux. Building Vent. System Particulate Sample for VRS-2501                                                        32
: 5. Waste Gas Holdup System
: a. Noble Gas  Activity Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of Gas Decay Tank Releases  (VRS-2505)                                               33 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT      - UNIT 2            3/4 3-59              AMENDMENT NO. 80,
        ~ e
I TABLE  3.3-13 (Cont)
Minimum Channels Instrument    Instrument                ~Oeaable          A  licabilit        ACTION
: 6. Gland Seal Exhaust
: a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-2805)                 (1)                                  28
: b. Flow Rate Monitor (SFR-201)         (1)                                  27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA 2810)         (1)                                 27
* At all times.
            ** During waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary        system    gases)
            **** During releases via this pathway.
1 For purge purposes only, see Technical Specifications, Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, 5.a in both tables) for non-purging requirements associated with this instrument.
2 For gas decay tank releases  only, see Item  3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation  System) for additional requirements.
3 The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monitoring system may be inoperable for up to 160 days on a one-time basis for the purpose of replacing one oxygen monitor. During this time grab samples for oxygen are to be taken 'and analyzed every 12 hours.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2            3/4 3-60                    AMENDMENT NO. 80,
TABLE 4.3-9 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Surveillance Re uirements CHANNEL CHANNEL      SOURCE    CHANNEL    FUNCTIONAL Instrument    Instrument          CHECK        CHECK    CALIBRATION  TEST
: 1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas  Monitoring System
: a. Hydrogen                                NA        Q(3)
Monitor (QC-1400)
: b. Oxygen                                  NA        Q(4)
Monitor (QC-1400)
: c. Oxygen+***                             NA        Q(4)
Monitor (Alt. QC-370)
: 2. Condenser Evacuation System
: a. Noble Gas Activity          D**                      R(2)           Q(1)
Monitor (SRA-2905)
: b. System Effluent                            NA Flow Rate (SFR-401, 2-MR-054, SRA-2910)
: 3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
: a. Noble Gas  Activity      D*                      R(2)          Q(1)
Monitor (VRS-2505)
: b. Iodine Sampler                          NA        NA            NA (For VRS-2503)
: c. Particulate Sampler                      NA        NA            NA (For VRS-2501)
: d. System  Effluent          D*            NA Flow Rate Measure-ment Device (VFR-315, 2-MR-054, VRS-2510)
: e. Sampler Flow Rate                        NA Measurement Device (VFS-2521)
: 4. Containment Purge System
: a. Aux. Building Vent.                                 R(2)          Q(1)
System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)
: b. Aux. Building Vent                      NA        NA            NA System Particulate Sampler (For VRS-2501)
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT    - UNIT 2           3/4 3-62              AMENDMENT NO. 80,}}

Latest revision as of 01:28, 4 February 2020

Proposed TS Tables 3.3-13 & 4.3-9 Re Waste Gas Holdup Monitoring Sys
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/1993
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ML17331B075 List:
NUDOCS 9312010016
Download: ML17331B076 (16)



U Ninimum Channels gmMM Paste Cas Holdup S;.scam .'s=-m Explosive Gas Aonicor."..z

a. H y d rouen Honitoro

~. ." ..'c gc I~ (1)

(2) 30 29

b. Oxygsn Monitor QC-370)
2. Condenser Evacuacion Syscem a, Noble Cas Accivi=y 28 Monitor (SRA-1905) (1) 27
b. Plow Race Monitor: SPR-'01)

(1) 27 (1-NR-054 and/or SRA-1910) (1) t:nit Vane. Auxiliary 3u'ding Vencilacion System

a. Noble Gas Accivl=;. 28

.'Loni"or (VRS-l.505.

b. iodine Sampler 32 Carer dge .or ".R~ ~
c. Partcul,ace Sample= 32 "e for ':RS ~ '.=.'.

fluent Svsca. .= = Rata 27 R,-0 'nd/o= ".= =" - 101 Sa p'er "'- Rata .".easur'ng 27 "a Ice "..=S-1521) 150'.

V~ 4 4

a. Aux d.".g Vent.."scam

'e Gas Accivi=y re*a Idol ;'cor (VRS-1505)

b. Aux Suil.ding Vane. rscan 32 Par t'ula ca S amp l. e r fo r "RS -
5. 'Paste Gas Holdup Svs" "..

%*'4 'k 2

a. Hob l.e Gas Ac t iv: 33 Aonitor Providing Alarm and Terminac'-=""

of Gas Decav .an< ."-.a" eases (VRS-'505)

O. Gland Seal Exhaust

a. noble Gas Accivi=': 28

.'(oni"or (sRA-l.8051 i 1



o. Floe Race lonitor S.=R- '01) (1) 27 (1-.'R-054 and/or SPA ;0) (1) i1 C CAAV . I1MTT 1 3/4 3-63 Amendment No I~ o


TABLE 3.3-1,3 (Conc.)

  • Ac all, times
  • ~ During vaste gas .o ~ -s-em up system operacion (treatment for primary system gases)
        • Duringreleases via this path~ay.

For Purge PurPoses onlv, see Technical SPecifications, Table 3.3.l3 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, S.a 'n boch cables) for non-purging requirements associated vi ch this ins crumenc.

2 For gas decay tank releases only, see Item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilacion System) for addicional requirements.

The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monitoring syscem may be inoperable l

oxygen are co be caicen and analyzed every l2 hours.



~ s TA3ZS 4. 3-9 CHANNEL C~K 'ia SOURCE C1QQtNEL FUNCTZONAL XQX paste Gas Ho1dup System Explosive Css HooloorioS Sys=oo Nh Q(3)

s. HydroSoo Monitor %&BR ~-HQa Q(4)
b. Oxygen-(4~M ope-Monicor
c. Oxygen ~~

Monicor (hlc.',QC-370)


2. Condenser Evacuation System R(2) Q(l)
a. Noble Cas Activity Monicor (SRA.-1905)
b. System Effluent D*%'A Flow Race (SFR-401.

1-MR-054, SRA- 1910)

3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System Q(l)
a. Noble Gas Activ'; R(2)

Monitor (VRS-1505)


b. Iodine Sampler (For VRS-1503) NA
c. Particulate Sample"

.'..""or 'RS-'01)

d. Svscem Ef=luenc ."-

ow Dx Race .".eas remenc "evice JFR-315. 'u&-054. RS-15 10)

e. Sampler ."- ~

ow Race Measuremen" Device (VFS -1521)

Containment Purge System

a. Aux. Vent. S'stem R(2 Q(1)

Noble Cas Accivity Monk to r (VRS -1505 )

<<*X NA NA

b. Aux. Building Venc. S'seem NA Particulate Sampler (For VRS-1501)
5. '<<aste Cas Holdup Svscem
a. Noble Gas R(2) Q(5)

Providing Accivic'onitor Alarm & Terminacion of Cas Decay Tank Releases (VRS-1505)

D. C. COOK - UNIT 1 3-66 A endmenc No. 9. >~9

TABLE 3.3-13 Minhaue Channels Qamhla Waste Cas Holdup System 3 Explosive Cas Monitoring System

a. Hydr'ogen Monitor (g6-bk) Cgc; l~~ (1)
b. Oxygen Mont.tor (g~, ~C,- f4-c~ (2) 29 QC-370)
2. Condenser Evacuation System
a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (SRA-2905) (1) 28
b. Flov Rate Monitor (SFR-401) (1) 2?

(2-MR-054 and/or SRA-2910) (1) 2T

3. Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)
b. Iodine Sampler

'8 Cartridge for VRS-2503 32

c. Particulate Sampler Filter for VRS-2501 32
d. Ef'fluent System Flov Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315) 27 (2-MR-054 and/or VRS-2510) 27
e. Sampler Flov Rate Measuring Devi.ce (VFS-2521) 27 Containment Purge System
a. Aux. Building Vent. System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505) **~1 31
b. Aux. But.lding Vent. System Particulate Sampler f'r VRS-2501 32
5. @as te Cas Holdup System
a. Noble Cas Activity 33 ~

Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of Gas Decay Tank Releases (VRS-2505)

6. Gland. Seal Exhaust
a. Noble Cas Activity Monitor (SRA-2805)
b. Flov Rate Monitor (SFR-201)

(1) *~ 28

'(1) **+4 27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA 2810) (1) 27 D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 3-59 >'"

h nd nt No. dd

TABLE 3.3-13 (Cont.)

  • At all times for primary system gases)
    • During waste gas holduo svscemcern operation o (treatment

~*~During releases via this pacnway For F purge purposes onlv see Technical Specifications 3 3 3 10 Table 3.3-13 and rposes on ~ ~ ~

Table. 4, 3 9 (1 cems 3. a, 5. a in boch tables') for non- purging requirements  !

associated with this instrument.

For gas decay tank releases only, see item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System) for additional requirements.

The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monicori'ng syscem may be inoperable oxygen are to be taken and analyzed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


C CKeNEL CHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL CHKQ< X@X gasce Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System Q(3)

a. Hydrogen~~

Nh Monitor (+6-3+) CvC- ~e Q(4)

b. Oxygen~~ l~~



'tonicor (~~) CzC - ~ ~

NA Q(4).

c. Oxygen Monitor (hlc.. QC-3 0)
2. Condenser Evacuacion System R(2)"
a. Noble Gas Activity ... No ~~


Nonitor (SRA-2905)

b. System Effluenc Flow Race (SFR-401.

2-HR-054, SRA-2910) 3 ..Auxiliary Building Vencilacion System

a. Noble Cas Accivi "v R(2) Q(l)

Aonitor (VRS-2505)

b. Iodine Sampler NA iVA NA (For VRS ~ 2503)
c. Particulace Sample: VA VA NA (cor VRS-250')
d. S ""1 vs cern = enc: 'w NA Rate .".easure. enc Device (V.R-315. 2-.'cR,-054. ':RS- 2510)
e. Sampler F'ow Rate 0* YA measurement Device (Vc 5 -252'.)

Conminment Purge System

a. Aux. 'Building Vent. System R(2) Q(1)

Noble Gas Accivit.r

'tonitor (VRS-2505)

b. Aux. Building Venc. 5'rs "em <<*'4 NA NA VA Par ticu1 a te S amp 1e.

(For VRS ~ 2501)

'<<asce Cas HoLdup Svs=em

a. Noble Gas Activity o** R(2) Q(5)

Monitor Providing Alarm & Terminacion of 'Cas Decay Tank Releases (VRS ~ 2505)

D. C. COOK . UNIT 2 3r4 3-62 Amendment No. 8 114


~ ~

'l ~

TABLE 3 3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Minimum Channels Instrument Instrument ~Oem able A licabilit CTION

1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System~
a. Hydrogen Monitor (QC-1400) (1) 30
b. Oxygen Monitor (QC-1400, (2) 29 QC-370)
2. Condenser Evacuation System
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-1905) (1) 28
b. Flow Rate Moni.tor(SFR-401) (1) 27 (1-MR-054 and/or SRA-1910) (1) 27
3. Unit Vent. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
a. Noble Gas Activity 28 Monitor (VRS-1505)
b. Iodine Sampler 32 Cartridge for VRS-1503
c. Particulate 32 Sampler Filter for VRS-1501
d. Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315) 27 (1-MR-054 and/or VRS-1510) 27
e. Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFS-1521) 27
4. Containment Purge System
a. Aux. Building Vent. System 31 Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-1505)
b. Aux. Building Vent. System 32 Particulate Sampler for VRS-1501
5. Waste Gas Holdup System
a. Noble Gas Activity 33 Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of Gas Decay Tank Releases (VRS-1505)


TABLE 3.3-13 (Cont)

Minimum Channels Instrument Instrument ~Oerable ACTION

6. Gland Seal Exhaust
a. Noble Gas Activity 28 Monitor (SRA-1805)
b. Flow Rate Monitor(SFR-201) 27 (1-MR-054 and/or SRA 1810) 27
  • At all times
    • During'waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary system gases)
        • During releases via this pathway 1

For purge purposes only. See Technical Specifications, Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, 5.a in both tables) for non-purging requirements associated with this instrument.

2 For gas decay tank releases only, see Item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System) for additional requirements.

3 The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monitoring system may be inoperable for up to 160 days on a one-time basis for the purpose of replacing one oxygen monitor. During this time grab samples for oxygen are to be taken and analyzed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


TABLE 4.3-9 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Surveillance Re uirements CHANNEL CHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL Instrument Instrument CHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TEST

1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System
a. Hydrogen D*~ NA Q(3)

Monitor (QC-1400)

b. Oxygen D*** NA Q(4)

Monitor (QC-1400)

Oxygen%'*** D*** NA Q(4)


2. Condenser Evacuation System
a. Noble Gas Activity D** R(2) Q(1)

Monitor (SRA-1905)

b. System Effluent D** NA Flow Rate (SFR-401, 1-MR-054, SRA-1910)
3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
a. Noble Gas Activity R(2) Q(1)

Monitor (VRS-1505)

b. Iodine Sampler NA NA (For VRS-1503) c.. Particulate Sampler NA NA NA (For VRS-1501)
d. System Effluent Flow D* NA Rate Measurement Device (VFR-315, 1-MR-054, VRS-1510)
e. Sampler Flow Rate D* NA Measurement Device (VFS-1521) 4, Containment Purge System
a. Aux. Building Vent. D** R(2) Q(l)

System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-1505)

b. Aux. Building Vent. NA NA NA System Particulate Sampler (For VRS-1501)


TABLE 3.3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentatio Minimum Channels Instrument Instrument ~Oerable A licabilit ACTION

1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System
a. Hydrogen Monitor (QC-1400) (1) 30 b, Oxygen Monitor (QC-1400, (2) 29 QC-370)
2. Condenser Evacuation System
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-2905) (1) 28
b. Flow Rate Monitor (SFR-401) (1) 27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA-2910) (1) 27
3. Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505) 28
b. Iodine Sampler Cartridge for VRS-2503 32
c. Particulate Sampler Filter for VRS-2501 32
d. Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFR-315) 27 (2-MR-054 and/or VRS-2510) 27
e. Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (VFS-2521) 27
4. Containment Purge System
a. Aux. Building Vent System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505) 31
b. Aux. Building Vent. System Particulate Sample for VRS-2501 32
5. Waste Gas Holdup System
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor Providing Alarm and Termination of Gas Decay Tank Releases (VRS-2505) 33 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 3-59 AMENDMENT NO. 80,


~ e


I TABLE 3.3-13 (Cont)

Minimum Channels Instrument Instrument ~Oeaable A licabilit ACTION

6. Gland Seal Exhaust
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor (SRA-2805) (1) 28
b. Flow Rate Monitor (SFR-201) (1) 27 (2-MR-054 and/or SRA 2810) (1) 27
  • At all times.
    • During waste gas holdup system operation (treatment for primary system gases)
        • During releases via this pathway.

1 For purge purposes only, see Technical Specifications, Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-9 (Items 3.a, 5.a in both tables) for non-purging requirements associated with this instrument.

2 For gas decay tank releases only, see Item 3 (Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System) for additional requirements.

3 The waste gas holdup system explosive gas monitoring system may be inoperable for up to 160 days on a one-time basis for the purpose of replacing one oxygen monitor. During this time grab samples for oxygen are to be taken 'and analyzed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


TABLE 4.3-9 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitorin Instrumentation Surveillance Re uirements CHANNEL CHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL Instrument Instrument CHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TEST

1. Waste Gas Holdup System Explosive Gas Monitoring System
a. Hydrogen NA Q(3)

Monitor (QC-1400)

b. Oxygen NA Q(4)

Monitor (QC-1400)

c. Oxygen+*** NA Q(4)

Monitor (Alt. QC-370)

2. Condenser Evacuation System
a. Noble Gas Activity D** R(2) Q(1)

Monitor (SRA-2905)

b. System Effluent NA Flow Rate (SFR-401, 2-MR-054, SRA-2910)
3. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
a. Noble Gas Activity D* R(2) Q(1)

Monitor (VRS-2505)

b. Iodine Sampler NA NA NA (For VRS-2503)
c. Particulate Sampler NA NA NA (For VRS-2501)
d. System Effluent D* NA Flow Rate Measure-ment Device (VFR-315, 2-MR-054, VRS-2510)
e. Sampler Flow Rate NA Measurement Device (VFS-2521)
4. Containment Purge System
a. Aux. Building Vent. R(2) Q(1)

System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (VRS-2505)

b. Aux. Building Vent NA NA NA System Particulate Sampler (For VRS-2501)