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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 2ATOAEP:NRC:09000TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGESMARKEDTOSHOWPROPOSEDCHANGESREVISEDPAGESUNIT13/46-27B3/46-4'P8i208004b 98i203PDR 3/4LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOROPERATION ANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS Continued 4tD'aEO'ostgCd)C4OQCJ4C5OOOo~gyOcrtclstggO~O~rnCtgsts~Q~styOBBca3.48gW4E0gigQtshallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRowsI,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannotbeobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1333poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additional basketsfromthesamebayshallbcweighed.Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbeless,than1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
Theicccondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-baysIthrough8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.TheminimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRowsI,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
'P8i208004b 98i203 PDR
Theminimumtotalicecondenser iccweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketweightsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbclessthan2,590,000 pounds.+gVerifying, byavisualinspection ofatieastinve fioutAptutsegee pericecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonflowbetweenicebasketsandpastlatticeramesisrestricttoanommalthickness of3/8inches.Ifonefiow+ssage-perbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional floromthesame++bayshallbevisuallyinspected.
Iftheseadditional flowIaesagesarefoundacceptable, thcsurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingl'cdeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
Morethanonerestricted flowpaseegggperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation Atleastonceper40monthsbyliftingandvisuallyinspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, ofeachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerplenumsupportstr'uctures
~tunungvane'srestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
andwillrequirea100%inspection ofthatbaytodetermine, bycalculation, thatthctotalflowpassageblockageislessthanthe15%assumedintheanalysisoflowersubcompartment pressurization following a,LOCAorMSLB.Gys&rswK/44ghw~~a/~COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 1Page3/46-27AMENDMENT 408,AQUA,438,444,220 3/4BASES3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS'3/4.6.5'ICECONDENSERTherequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethattheoverallsystemwillbeavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthecontainment peakpressuretransient tolessthanl2psigduringLOCAconditions.
3/ ICEBEDTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedensuresthattherequirediceinventory willI)bedistributed evenlythroughthecontainment bays,2)containsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontaininent sumpfollowing theLOCAand3)containsufficient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolumereleasedduringaLOCA.Theseconditions areconsistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
Theminimumweightfigureof1333poundsoficeperbasketcontainsa5%conservative allowance foricelossthroughsublimation.
Intheeventthatobservedsublimation ratesareequaltoorlowerthandesignpredictions afterthreeyearsofoperation, theminimumicebasketsweightmaybeadjusteddownward.
Inaddition, thenumberoficebasketsrequiredtobeweighedeach18monthsmaybereducedafter3yearsofoperation ifsuchareduction issupported byobservedsublimation data.3/ ICEBEDTEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability isavailable formonitoring theicetemperature.
Intheeventthemonitoring systemisinoperable, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thattheicebedheatremovalcapacitywillberetainedwithinthespecified timelimits.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT IPageB3/4&4AMENDMENT 480,220

INSERTFORPAGEB3/46-4(Unit1)\Thecontainment sub-compartment analysesassumesa15%blockagethroughout theicecondenser flowpaths.Theminimumicecondenser flowareathrougheachbayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, andincludesthenetopenareaatthesesupportelevations.
3/4     LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6    CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows I, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets O                    from the same bay shall bc weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from o ~gy                    the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less, than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
Thisincludestheflowarealeftbetweenthecranewallandthecontainment wallinsidesurfaces, aftersubtracting outtheareasfortheicecondenser equipment atthatelevation, thatincludesicebasketsfullofice,latticeframe,latticeframecolumns,wallpanelairductsandwallpanelcradlesandotherappurtenances.
O crt cl  stg                The icc condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:
Insummary,aflowchannelconsistsoftheannularareaoutsideofeachbasketandone-halfofthetriangular areasformedbythelatticesupportsbetweenbaskets,suchthatthesumoftheseareasaroundeachbasketequalsthetotalflowareainthebay.Flowchannelsinradialrowsoneandnineincludetheareabetweenthebasketandthecontainment andcranewallrespectively.
                  ~O gO
Thereareatotalof81flowchannelsineachbay-onepericebasket.Theselection ofoneflowchanneleachfromradialrows1and9assuresthattheinspection shouldincludethoseareaswhere,basedonexperience, itisexpectedtoseefrostbuild-upfirst.The3/8"frostoriceaccumulation inaflowchannelcriterion providesonlyanindicator oficecondenser condition.
                      ~                    Group 1 - bays I through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays rn Ctg 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows I, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
Thelatticeframethickness is3/8",andtherefore, thisdimension providesaconvenient visualreference duringflowchannelinspections.
sts The minimum total ice condenser icc weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing
Frostoricebuildupinexcessof3/8"shallbeevaluated byselecting afurtherrepresentative sampleof20flowchannelsthatspiraloutwardfromtheaffectedflowchannel.Thissamplepopulation assuresthattheareasaroundandadjacenttotheblockedchannelarealsoinspected.
                  ~Q~O sty program and shall not bc less than 2,590,000 pounds.
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayrequiresa100%inspection ofthebayandcalculation toensurethatthe15%blockagelimitismet.Becausetheminimumicecondenser flowareaineachicecondenser bayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, theinspection ofthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvanes,topdeckfloorgratingandintermediate deckalsoprovidesonlyanindicator oftheoverallicecondenser condition.
                                                                                                        +g 4tD BBca          3.       Verifying, by a visual inspection of at ieastinve fioutAptutsegee per ice condenser 4 8g                      bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on
The3/8"thickness criterion providesathreshold toprovidereasonable assurance thatanyfrostoricebuildupiscorrected wellbeforethe15%blockageassumption isapproached intheseareas.
'a                W4                                                    flow            between ice baskets and past lattice 0 g E E                ig    Qt                    rames is restrict  to a nommal thickness of 3/8 inches. If one fiow+ssage-per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flo                rom the same ++
bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow I aesages are found O                                          acceptable, thc surveillance program may proceed considering the singl'c
'o stg deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow paseeggg per Cd)                                        bay is evidence  of abnormal degradation C4 O
Q At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support str'uctures tunung vane 's restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost
CJ                              or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice 4C5 condenser.
O At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice O                                baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that thc total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a, LOCA or MSLB.
Gys& rs wK/
4 4 ghw~~a/~
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1                              Page 3/4 6-27        AMENDMENT408,            AQUA, 438, 444, 220

3/4LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOROPERATION ANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUlREMENTS Continued 4'OtDCO'OCtgCOCOOO'aOOOOCtgOOjlyVlOQ~CtoCO~cnCtgcntnOtyP.Cc,shallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannotbeobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1333poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additional basketsfromthesamebayshallbeweighed.Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/ba'sket ata95%levelofconfidence.
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-bays1through8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.TheminimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
'3/4.6.5 'ICE CON DENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than l2 psig during LOCA conditions.
3.Theminimumtotalicecondenser iceweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketweightsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbelessthan2,590,000 pounds.Verifying, byavisualinspection ofatteastjttwe tlowgpassegee pericecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonflowbetweenicebasketsandpastlatticeramesisrestricttoanoaunalicknessof3/8mches.Ifoneflowjgssage-perbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation of.frostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional floromthesamebayshalbevisu~lyinspect~.
3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will I) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containinent sump following the LOCA and
: 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
flow~mmearefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.
Morethanonerestricted flowpassageperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation Atleastonceper40monthsbyliftingandvisuallyinspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.
Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, ofeachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerplenumsupportstiuctures andgturnmgvan'srestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT I                            Page B 3/4 &4                        AMENDMENT480, 220
andwillrequirea100%inspection ofthatbaytodetermine, bycalculation, thatthetotalflowpassageblockageislessthanthe15%assumedintheanalysisoflowersubcompartment pressurization following aLOCAorMSLB.vV&tlapnate,/Q44Cj~nna/X COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 2Page3/46-36AMENDMENT QO,42$,204 3/4BASES3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS3/4.6.4COMBUSTIBLE GASCONTROL'L~TheOPERABILITY oftheequipment andsystemsrequiredforthedetection andcontrolofhydrogengasensuresthatthisequipment willbeavailable tomaintainthehydrogenconcentration withincontainment belowitsflammable limitduringpost-LOCA conditions.
Eitherrecombiner unitiscapableofcontrolling theexpectedhydrogengeneration associated with:I)'zirconium-water reactions; 2)radiolytic decomposition ofwater;and3)corrosion ofmetalswithincontainment.
Thesehydrogencontrolsystemsareconsistent withtherecommendations ofRegulatory Guide1.7,"ControlofCombustible GasConcentrations inContainment Following aLOCA,"March1971.Theacceptance criterion of10,000ohmsisbasedonthetestbeingperformed withtheheaterelementatanambienttemperature, butcanbeconservatively appliedwhentheheaterelementisatatemperature aboveambient.3/4.6.5ICECONDENSER Therequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethattheoverallsystemwillbeavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthecontainment peakprcssuretransient tolessthan12psigduringLOCAconditions.
INSERT FOR PAGE B    3/4 6-4 (Unit 1)
3/ ICEBEDTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedensuresthattherequirediceinventory willI)bedistributed evenlythroughthecontainment bays,2)containsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontainment sumpfollowing theLOCAand3)containsufficient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolumereleasedduringaLOCA.Theseconditions areconsistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
The containment    sub-compartment analyses assumes a 15% blockage throughout    the  ice condenser flow paths.       The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces,             after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances.         In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay  one per ice basket.
Theminimumweightfigureof1333poundsof,iceperbasketcontainsa5%conservative allowance foricelossthroughsublimation.
The  selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures  that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.
Intheeventthatobservedsublimation ratesareequaltoorlowerthandesignpredictions afterthreeyearsofoperation, theminimumicebasketsweightmaybeadjusteddownward.
The 3/8" frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel criterion provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition.             The lattice frame thickness is 3/8", and therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections.     Frost or ice buildup in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated by selecting a further representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.
Inaddition, thenumberoficebasketsrequiredtobeweighedeach18monthsmaybereducedafter3yearsofoperation ifsuchareduction issupported byobservedsublimation data.3/ ICEBEDTEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability isavailable formonitoring theicetemperature.
Because the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support              elevations,   the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to provide reasonable assurance that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.
Intheeventthemonitoring systemisinoperable, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thattheicebedheatremovalcapacitywillberetainedwithinthespecified timelimits.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 2PageB3/464AMENDMENT 4,444,104,207 INSERTFORPAGEB3/46-4(Unit2)lThecontainment sub-compartment analysesassumesa15%blockagethroughout theicecondenser flowpaths.Theminimumicecondenser flowareathrougheachbayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, andincludesthenetopenareaatthesesupportelevations.
Thisincludestheflowarealeftbetweenthecranewallandthecontainment wallinsidesurfaces, aftersubtracting outtheareasfortheicecondenser equipment atthatele'vation, thatincludesicebasketsfullofice,latticeframe,latticeframecolumns,wallpanelairductsandwallpanelcradlesandotherappurtenances.
Insummary,aflowchannelconsistsoftheannularareaoutsideofeachbasketandone-halfofthetriangular areasformedbythelatticesupportsbetweenbaskets,suchthatthesumoftheseareasaroundeachbasketequalsthetotalflowareainthebay.Flowchannelsinradialrowsoneandnineincludetheareabetweenthebasketandthecontainment andcranewallrespectively.
Thereareatotalof81flowchannelsineachbay-onepericebasket.Theselection ofoneflowchanneleach,fromradialrows1and9assuresthattheinspection shouldincludethoseareaswhere,basedonexperience, itisexpectedtoseefrostbuild-upfirst.The3/8"frostoriceaccumulation inaflowchannelcriterion providesonlyanindicator oficecondenser condition.
3/4      LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6    CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UlREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets O                  from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from Ctg O jlyO                  the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/ba'sket at a 95% level of confidence.
Thelatticeframethickness is3/8",andtherefore, thisdimension providesaconvenient visualreference duringflowchannelinspections.
Vl The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:
Frostoricebuildupinexcessof3/8"shallbeevaluated furtherbyselecting afurtherrepresentative sampleof20flowchannelsthatspiraloutwardfromtheaffectedflowchannel.Thissamplepopulation assuresthattheareasaroundandadjacenttotheblockedchannelarealsoinspected.
                    ~OQ  Cto Group 1- bays 1 through 8, Group 2- bays 9 through 16, and Group 3- bays CO
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayrequiresa100%inspection ofthebayandcalculation toensurethatthe15%blockagelimitismet.Becausetheminimumicecondenser flowareaineachicecondenser bayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations,
.theinspection ofthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvanes,topdeckfloorgratingandintermediate deckalsoprovidesonlyanindicator oftheoverallicecondenser condition.
cn Ctg 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
The3/8"thickness criterion providesathreshold toensurethatanyfrostoricebuildupiscorrected wellbeforethe15%blockageassumption isapproached intheseareas.
cn tn The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.
ATTACHMENT 3ATOAEP:NRC:09000PROPOSEDTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGESREVISEDPAGESUNIT1 3/4LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOROPERATION ANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIRIMENTS 3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSurveillance.Re uirements Continued shallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannotbeobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1333poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additional basketsfromthesamebayshallbeweighed.Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
4                                 3.       Verifying, by a visual inspection of at teastjttwe tlowgpassegee per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-bays1through8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.TheminimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
'O                                                                        flow            between ice baskets and past lattice O
Theminimumtotalicecondenser iceweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallicebasketweightsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbelessthan2,590,000 pounds.Verifying, byavisualinspection ofatleastfourflowchannelspericecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonflowchannelsbetweenicebasketsandpastlatticeframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Flowchannelswillbeselectedasfollows:twoatrandomfromradialrows2through8andoneeachfromradialrows1and9.Ifoneflowchannelperbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional flowchannelsfromthesamebayshallbevisuallyinspected.
ty P. C rames is restrict  to a noaunal ickness of 3/8 mches. If one flowjgssage-per bay is found to have an accumulation of. frost or ice greater than this tD                                          thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flo              rom the same bay shal be visu~ly inspect~. If these addition~ flow ~mme              are found C
Iftheseadditional flowchannelsarefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
O                                          acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation andwillrequirea100%inspection ofthatbaytodetermine, bycalculation, thatthetotalflowpassageblockageislessthanthe15%assumedintheanalysisoflowersubcompartment pressurization following aLOCAorMSLB.Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, ofeachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andtamingcanes,onthetopdeckfloorgratingandontheintermediate deck,isrmtricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostandicegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
'O Ctg deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow passage per CO                                          bay is evidence of abnormal degradation C
Atleastonceper40monthsbyliftingaridvisuallyinspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
c,   At least once per    18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser O                                bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support stiuctures andg O
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 1Page3/46-27AMENDMENT 408,4Skp488,444p220 lW44AI'sIl 3/4BASES3/4,6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS3/4,6.5ICE.CONDENSER Therequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethattheoverallsystemwillbeavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthecontainment peakpressuretransient tolessthan12psigduringLOCAconditions.
turnmg van 's restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost O                                or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice
3/ ICEBEDTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedensuresthattherequirediceinventory will1)bedistributed evenlythroughthecontainment bays,2)containsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontainment sumpfollowing theLOCAand3)containsufficient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolumereleasedduringaLOCA.Theseconditions areconsistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
'a                                condenser.
Theminimumweightfigureof1333poundsoficeperbasketcontainsa5%conservative allowance foricelossthroughsublimation.
Intheeventthatobservedsublimation ratesareequaltoorlowerthandesignpredictions afterthreeyearsofoperation, theminimumicebasketsweightmaybeadjusteddownward.
At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice O                                baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
Inaddition, thenumberoficebasketsrequiredtobeweighedeach18monthsmaybereducedafter3yearsofoperation ifsuchareduction issupported byobservedsublimation data.Thecontainment sub-compartment analysisassumesa15%blockagethroughout theicecondenser flowpaths.Theminimumicecondenser flowareathrougheachbayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, andincludesthenetopenareaatthesesupportelevations.
Thisincludesthefiowarealeftbetweenthecranewallandthecoritainment wallinsidesurfaces, aftersubtracting outtheareasfortheicecondenser equipment atthatelevation, thatincludesicebasketsfullofice,latticeframe,latticeframecolumns,wallpanelairductsandwallpanelcradlesandotherappurtenances.
and willrequire a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.
Insummary,aflowchannelconsistsoftheannularareaoutsideofeachbasketandone-halfofthetriangular areasformedbythelatticesupportsbetweenbaskets,suchthatthesumoftheseareasaroundeachbasketequalsthetotalfiowareainthebay.Flowchannelsinradialrowsoneandnineincludetheareabetweenthebasketandthecontainment andcranewallrespectively.
vV &tlap Q 4 4Cj~nna/X COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2                              Page 3/4 6-36                      AMENDMENTQO, 42$ , 204
Thereareatotalof81flowchannelsineachbay-onepericebasket.Theselection ofoneflowchanneleachfromradialrows1and9assuresthattheinspection shouldincludethoseareaswhere,basedonexperience, itisexpectedtoseefrostbuild-upfirst.The3/8"criterion forfrostoriceaccumulation inaflowchannelprovidesonlyanindicator oficecondenser condition.
Thelatticeframethickness is3/8"and,therefore, thisdimension providesaconvenient visualreference duringflowchannelinspections.
Frostoricebuild-upinexcessof3/8"shallbeevaluated furtherbyselecting arepresentative sampleof20flowchannelsthatspiraloutwardfromtheaffectedfiowchannel.Thissamplepopulation assuresthattheareasaroundandadjacenttotheblockedchannelarealsoinspected.
  'L ~
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayrequiresa100%inspection ofthebayandcalculation toensurethatthe15%blockagelimitismet.Becausetheminimumicecondenser fiowareaineachicecondenser bayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, theinspection ofthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvancs,topdeckfloorgratingandintermediate deckalsoprovidesonlyanindicator oftheoverallicecondenser condition.
The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with: I)'zirconium-water reactions; 2) radiolytic decomposition of water; and 3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, "Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA," March 1971.
The3/8"thickness criterion providesathreshold toensurethatanyfrostoricebuildupiscorrected wellbeforethe15%blockageassumption isapproached intheseareas.3/ ICEBEDTEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability isavailable formonitoring theicetemperature.
The acceptance criterion of 10,000 ohms is based on the test being performed with the heater element at an ambient temperature, but can be conservatively applied when the heater element is at a temperature above ambient.
Intheeventthemonitoring systemisinoperable, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thattheicebedheatremovalcapacitywillberetainedwithinthespecified timelimits.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT IPageB3/464AMENDMENT 480,RRO ATTACHMENT 3BTOAEP:NRC:09000PROPOSEDTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGESREVISEDPAGESUNIT2 43/4LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOROPERATION ANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS Continued shallbeconstituted ofonebasketeachfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9(orfromthesamerowofanadjacentbayifabasketfromadesignated rowcannotbeobtainedforweighing) withineachbay.Ifanybasketisfoundtocontainlessthan1333poundsofice,arepresentative sampleof20additional basketsfromthesamebayshallbeweighed.Theminimumaverageweightoficefromthe20additional basketsandthediscrepant basketshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak prcssure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.
Theicecondenser shallalsobesubdivided into3groupsofbaskets,asfollows:Group1-bays1through8,Group2-bays9through16,andGroup3-bays17through24.TheminimumaverageiceweightofthesamplebasketsfromRadialRows1,2,4,6,8and9ineachgroupshallnotbelessthan1333pounds/basket ata95%levelofconfidence.
3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will I) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and
Theminimumtotalicecondenser iceweightata95%levelofconfidence shallbecalculated usingallice'basketweightsdetermined duringthisweighingprogramandshallnotbelessthan2,590,000 pounds.Verifying, byavisualinspection ofatleastfourflowchannelspericecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonflowchannelsbetweenicebasketsandpastlatticeframesisrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Flowchannelswillbeselectedasfollows:twoatrandomfromradialrows2through8andoneeachfromradialrows1and9.Ifoneflowchannelperbayisfoundtohaveanaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness, arepresentative sampleof20additional fiowchannelsfromthesamebayshallbevisuallyinspected.
: 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
Iftheseadditional flowchannelsarefoundacceptable, thesurveillance programmayproceedconsidering thesingledeficiency asuniqueandacceptable.
The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of, ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayisevidenceofabnormaldegradation andwillrequirea100%inspection ofthatbaytodetermine, bycalculation,.that thetotalflowpassageblockageislessthanthe15%assumedintheanalysisoflowersubcompartment pressurization following aLOCAorMSLB.Atleastonceper18monthsbyverifying, byavisualinspection, ofeachicecondenser bay,thattheaccumulation offrostoriceonthelowerplenumsupportstructures andturningvanes,onthetopdeckfloorgratingandontheintermediate deck,isrestricted toanominalthickness of3/8inches.Anaccumulation offrostoricegreaterthanthisthickness isevidenceofabnormaldegradation oftheicecondenser.
3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.
Atleastonceper40monthsbyliftingandvisuallyinspecting theaccessible portionsofatleasttwoicebasketsfromeach1/3oftheicecondenser andverifying thattheicebasketsarefreeofdetrimental structural wear,cracks,corrosion orotherdamage.Theicebasketsshallberaisedatleast12feetforthisinspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2                          Page B 3/4  64                  AMENDMENT 4, 444, 104, 207
COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 2Page3/46-36AMENDMENT 90,485,%4 3/4BASES3/4.6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS3/4:6.4COMBUSTIBLE GASCONTROLTheOPERABILITY oftheequipment andsystemsrequiredforthedetection andcontrolofhydrogengasensuresthatthisequipment willbeavailable tomaintainthehydrogenconcentration withincontainment belowitsflammable limitduringpost-LOCA conditions.
Eitherrecombiner unitiscapableofcontrolling theexpectedhydrogengeneration associated with1)zirconium-water reactions, 2)radiolytic decomposition ofwaterand3)corrosion ofmetalswithincontainment.
INSERT FOR PAGE B    3/4 6-4 (Unit 2) l The containment    sub-compartment analyses assumes a 15% blockage throughout    the  ice condenser flow paths.       The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces,           after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that ele'vation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances.         In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay  one per ice basket.
Thesehydrogencontrolsystemsareconsistent withtherecommendations ofRegulatory Guide1.7,"ControlofCombustible GasConcentrations inContainment Following aLOCA,"March1971.3/4.6.5ICECONDENSER Therequirements associated witheachofthecomponents oftheicecondenser ensurethattheoverallsystemwillbeavailable toprovidesufficient pressuresuppression capability tolimitthecontainment peakpressuretransient tolessthan12psigduringLOCAconditions.
The  selection of one flow channel each, from radial rows 1 and 9 assures  that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.
3/ ICEBEDTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedensuresthattherequirediceinventory will1)bedistributed evenlythroughthecontainment bays,2)containsufficient borontoprecludedilutionofthecontainment sumpfollowing theLOCAand3)containsufficient heatremovalcapability tocondensethereactorsystemvolumereleasedduringaLOCA.Theseconditions areconsistent withtheassumptions usedintheaccidentanalyses.
The 3/8" frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel criterion provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition.           The lattice frame thickness is 3/8", and therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections.     Frost or ice buildup in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a further representative sample of 20 flow channels      that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected.         More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100%
Theminimumweightfigureof1333poundsoficeperbasketcontainsa5%conservative allowance foricelossthroughsublimation.
inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15%
Intheeventthatobservedsublimation ratesareequaltoorlowerthandesignpredictions afterthreeyearsofoperation, theminimumicebasketsweightmaybeadjusteddownward.
blockage  limit is  met.
Inaddition, thenumberoficebasketsrequiredtobeweighedeach18monthsmaybereducedafter3yearsofoperation ifsuchareduction issupported byobservedsublimation data.Thecontainment sub~mpartmcnt analysisassumesa15%blockagethroughout theicecondenser flowpaths.Theminimumicecondenser flowareathrougheachbayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, andincludesthenetopenareaatthesesupportelevations.
Because  the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay  occurs at the lattice frame support elevations,         . the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.
Thisincludestheflowarealeftbetweenthecranewallandthecontainment wallinsidesurfaces, aftersubtracting outtheareasfortheicecondenser equipment atthatelevation, thatincludesicebasketsfullofice,latticeframe,latticeframecolumns,wallpanelairductsandwallpanelcradlesandotherappurtenances.
Insummary,aflowchannelconsistsoftheannularareaoutsideofeachbasketandone-halfofthetriangular areasformedbythelatticesupportsbetweenbaskets,suchthatthesumoftheseareasaroundeachbasketequalsthetotalflowareainthebay.Flowchannelsinradialrowsoneandnineincludetheareabetweenthebasketandthecontainment andcranewallrespectively.
Thereareatotalof81flowchannelsineachbay-onepericebasket.Theselection ofoneflowchanneleachfromradialrows1and9assuresthattheinspection shouldincludethoseareaswhere,basedonexperience, itisexpectedtoseefrostbuild-upfirst.The3/8"criterion forfrostoriceaccumulation inaflowchannelprovidesonlyanindicator oficecondenser condition.
Thelatticeframethickness is3/8"and,therefore, thisdimension providesaconvenient visualreference duringflowchannelinspections.
3/4      LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCEREQUIRIMENTS 3/4.6     CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS Surveillance.Re uirements Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
Frostoricebuild-upinexcessof3/8"shallbeevaluated furtherbyselecting arepresentative sampleof20flowchannelsthatspiraloutwardfromtheaffectedflowchannel.Thissamplepopulation assuresthattheareasaroundandadjacenttotheblockedchannelarealsoinspected.
The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:
Morethanonerestricted flowchannelperbayrequiresa100%inspection ofthebayandcalculation toensurethatthe15%blockagelimitismet.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 2PageB3/4&4AMENDMENT 4,464,204,2%  
Group 1- bays 1 through 8, Group 2- bays 9 through 16, and Group 3- bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.
3/4BASES3/4,6CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSBecausetheminimumicecondenser flowareaineachicecondenser bayoccursatthelatticeframesupportelevations, theinspection ofthelowerinletplenumsupportstructures andturningvanes,topdeckfloorgratingandintermediate deckalsoprovidesonlyanindicator oftheoverallicecondenser condition.
Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least four flow channels per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on flow channels between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. Flow channels will be selected as follows: two at random from radial rows 2 through 8 and one each from radial rows 1 and 9. If one flow channel per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flow channels from the same bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow channels are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow channel per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.
The3/8"thickness criterion providesathreshold toensurethatanyfrostoricebuildupiscorrected wellbeforethe15%blockageassumption isapproached intheseareas.3/ ICEBEDTEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEMTheOPERABILITY oftheicebedtemperature monitoring systemensuresthatthecapability isavailable formonitoring theicetemperature.
At least once per    18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay,  that  the accumulation  of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and taming canes, on the top deck floor grating and on the intermediate deck, is rmtricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
Intheeventthemonitoring systemisinoperable, theACTIONrequirements provideassurance thattheicebedheatremovalcapacitywillberetainedwithinthespecified timelimits.COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT 2PageB3/46-5AMENDMENT 4,464,204,2%
At least once per 40 months by lifting arid visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.             The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT1                              Page 3/4 6-27            AMENDMENT408,         4Skp 488, 444p 220
ATTACHMENT 4TOAEP:NRC:09000 EVALUATION OFSIGNIFICANT HAZARDSCONSIDERATION Attachment 4TOAEP:NRC:09000 Page1Evaluation ofSinificantHazardsConsideration TheLicenseehasevaluated thisproposedamendment anddetermined thatitinvolvesnosignificant hazardsconsideration.
According to10CFR50.92(c),
l W4 4
aproposedamendment toanoperating licenseinvolvesnosignificant hazardsconsideration, ifoperation ofthefacilityinaccordance withtheproposedamendment shouldnot:1.involveasignificant increaseintheprobability ofoccurrence orconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated; 2.createthepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanypreviously analyzed; or3.involveasignificant reduction inamarginofsafety.TheLicenseeproposestoreviseT/S4.6.5.1b.3 and4.6.5.1c, "IceCondenser, IceBed,"anditsassociated basesforunits1and2.Theproposedchangeswouldrevisethesurveillance foricecondenser flowchannelstoprovidereasonable assurance thatblockageofflowchannelsisdetectedandevaluated tothemaximumanalyzedblockageof15%.ThebasesarerevisedtoreflectthechangestotheT/Sandtoclarifytheintentofadditional representative samplingwhenblockedchannelsaredetected.
A I 's Il
Thedetermination that'thecriteriasetforthin10CFR50.92aremetforthisamendment requestisindicated below.1.Doesthechangeinvolveasignificant increaseintheprobability orconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated?
Theicecondenser systemisusedtomitigatetheconsequences ofanaccidentandhasnoimpactontheinitiation ofanyevaluated accidents.
3/4      BASES 3/4,6    CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS 3/4,6.5 ICE.CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.
Therefore, changingtheflowchannelsurveillance doesnotincreasetheprobability ofanevaluated accident.
3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and
Theproposedchangestotheflowchannelsurveillance provideadditional assurance beyondcurrentrequirements toprovidereasonable assurance thatthemaximumanalyzedblockageof15%isnotexceeded.
: 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
Therefore, thechangedoesnotrepresent anincreaseintheconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated.
The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.
2.Doesthechangecreatethepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanyaccidentpreviously evaluated?
The containment sub-compartment analysis assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the fiow area left between the crane wall and the coritainment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total fiow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.
Theproposedchangesdonotcreatethepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanyaccidentpreviously evaluated.
The selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.
Theicecondenser hasnofunctionduringnormaloperation.
The 3/8" criterion for frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8" and, therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice build-up in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected fiow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.
Itisapassivesystemthatfunctions afteran Attachment 4TOAEP:NRC:09000 Page2accidenthasalreadyoccurred.
Because  the minimum ice condenser fiow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vancs, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.
Theproposedchangetotheicecondenser flowchannelsurveillance doesnotalterphysicalcharacteristics oftheicecondenser, nordoesitchangethefunctionoftheicecondenser.
3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.
Nonewfailuremechanisms areintroduced bythischange.Therefore, itwasconcluded thattheproposedchangesdonotcreatethepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanypreviously evaluated.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNITI                              Page B 3/4   64                        AMENDMENT480,           RRO
3.Doesthechangeinvolveasignificant reduction inamarginofsafety?Theproposedchangetotheicecondenser flowchannelsurveillance providesadditional assurance thattheicecondenser shouldcontainthe'inimum analyzedflowarea.Byensuringtheminimumanalyzedareaisalwaysavailable, inherentmarginsduetoconservative assumptions inthecalculation aremaintained.
Theseconservative assumptions include,forexample,takingnocreditforiceorfrostblockagebeingblownclearduringtheaccidentandassumingonlyonedimensional flowthroughtheicebedwithnocredittakenforcrossflow.Therefore, thesechangesdonotinvolveasignificant reduction inamarginofsafety.Insummary,basedupontheaboveevaluation, theLicenseehasconcluded thatthesechangesdonotinvolveasignificant hazardsconsideration.
4L ATTACHMENT 5TOAEP:NRC:09000ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Attachment 5toAEP:NRC:09000 Page1Environmental Assessment TheLicenseehasevaluated thislicenseamendment requestagainstthecriteriaforidentification oflicensing andregulatory actionsrequiring environmental assessment inaccordance with10CFR51.21.TheLicenseehasdetermined thatthislicenseamendment requestmeetsthecriteriaforacategorical exclusion setforthin10CFR51.22(c)(9).
Thisdetermination isbasedonthefactthatthischangeisbeingproposedasanamendment toalicenseissuedpursuantto10CFR50thatchangesarequirement withrespecttoinstallation oruseofafacilitycomponent locatedwithintherestricted area,asdefinedin10CFR20,orthatchangesaninspection orasurveillance requirement, andtheamendment meetsthefollowing specificcriteria.
4 3/4  LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCEREQUIREMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
(i)Theamendment involvesnosignificant hazardsconsideration.
The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:
Asdemonstrated inattachment 4,thisproposedamendment doesnotinvolveanysignificant hazardsconsideration.
Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.
(ii)Thereisnosignificant changeinthetypesorsignificant increaseintheamountsofanyeffluentthatmaybereleasedoffsite.Asdocumented inattachment 1,therewillbenochangeinthetypesorsignificant increaseintheamountsofanyeffluents releasedoffsite.(iii)Thereisnosignificant increaseinindividual orcumulative occupational radiation exposure.
The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice 'basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.
IITheproposedchangeswillnotresultinsignificant changesintheoperation orconfiguration ofthefacility.
Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least four flow channels per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on flow channels between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. Flow channels will be selected as follows: two at random from radial rows 2 through 8 and one each from radial rows 1 and 9. If one flow channel per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional fiow channels from the same bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow channels are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow channel per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation,.that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.
Therewillbenochangeinthelevelofcontrolsormethodology usedforprocessing ofradioactive effluents orhandlingofsolidradioactive waste,norwilltheproposalresultinanychangeinthenormalradiation levelswithintheplant~Therefore, therewillbenoincreaseinindividual orcumulative occupational radiation exposureresulting fromthischange.
At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support structures and turning vanes, on the top deck floor grating and on the intermediate deck, is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage.          The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2                    Page 3/4 6-36                      AMENDMENT90, 485, %4
3/4      BASES 3/4.6    CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS 3/4:6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITYof the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1) zirconium-water reactions, 2) radiolytic decomposition of water and 3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, "Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA," March 1971.
3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.
3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and
: 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.
The containment sub~mpartmcnt analysis assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.
The selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.
The 3/8" criterion for frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8" and, therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice build-up in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2                              Page B 3/4  &4                AMENDMENT4, 464, 204, 2%
~, ~
u ~
3/4      BASES 3/4,6    CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS Because the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.
3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.
COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2                            Page B 3/4 6-5                    AMENDMENT4, 464, 204, 2%
~ ~
ATTACHMENT 4 TO AEP:NRC:09000 EVALUATION OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION TO  AEP:NRC:09000                                      Page 1 Evaluation of Si nificant Hazards Consideration The Licensee has      evaluated this proposed amendment and determined that it involves no significant hazards consideration. According to 10 CFR 50.92(c), a proposed amendment to an operating license involves no significant hazards consideration, if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment should not:
: 1. involve    a    significant increase      in the probability of occurrence      or  consequences    of  an  accident    previously evaluated;
: 2. create    the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed; or
: 3. involve  a  significant reduction in      a  margin of safety.
The Licensee    proposes    to revise T/S      and, "Ice Condenser,    Ice Bed," and    its  associated  bases  for units    1 and 2.
The  proposed changes would revise the surveillance for ice condenser flow channels to provide reasonable assurance that blockage of flow channels is detected and evaluated to the maximum analyzed blockage of 15%. The bases                  are revised to reflect the changes to the T/S and to clarify the intent of additional representative sampling when blocked channels are detected.
The  determination that 'the criteria set forth in 10            CFR  50.92 are met  for this amendment request is indicated below.
: 1. Does    the    change    involve    a  significant    increase in the probability      or  consequences      of  an    accident previously evaluated?
The  ice condenser system is used to mitigate the consequences of an accident and has no impact on the initiation of any evaluated accidents.          Therefore, changing the flow channel surveillance does not increase the probability of an evaluated accident.
The proposed    changes  to the flow channel surveillance provide additional assurance        beyond current requirements to provide reasonable assurance that the maximum analyzed blockage of 15%
is not exceeded. Therefore, the change does not represent an increase in the consequences              of an accident previously evaluated.
: 2. Does the change create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?
The proposed changes      do not  create the    possibility of    a new or different kind of accident            from any    accident previously evaluated.      The ice condenser      has no function during normal operation.      It is a passive      system that functions after an TO  AEP:NRC:09000                                  Page 2 accident has already occurred. The proposed change to the ice condenser flow channel surveillance does not alter physical characteristics of the ice condenser, nor does        it  change the function of the ice condenser. No new failure mechanisms are introduced by this change.
Therefore, create the it was  concluded that the proposed changes possibility of  a new do not or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
: 3. Does the change involve a      significant reduction in  a  margin of safety?
The  proposed    change  to the ice condenser flow channel surveillance    provides additional assurance      that the ice condenser should contain the'inimum analyzed flow area.            By ensuring the minimum analyzed area is always available, inherent margins due to conservative assumptions in the calculation are maintained. These conservative assumptions include, for example, taking no credit for ice or frost blockage being blown clear during the accident and assuming only one dimensional flow through the ice bed with no credit taken for cross flow.
Therefore,    these changes      do not    involve  a    significant reduction in a margin of safety.
In summary, based upon the above evaluation, the Licensee has concluded that these changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration.
4 L
ATTACHMENT 5 TO AEP:NRC: 09000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT to  AEP:NRC:09000                                    Page  1 Environmental Assessment The Licensee      has evaluated    this license    amendment  request against the  criteria for identification of licensing                and regulatory actions    requiring environmental        assessment    in accordance with 10 CFR 51.21.        The Licensee has determined that this license amendment request meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). This determination is based on the fact that this change is being proposed as an amendment to a license issued pursuant to 10 CFR 50 that changes a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, or that changes an inspection or a surveillance requirement, and the amendment meets the following specific criteria.
(i)  The        amendment      involves      no    significant      hazards consideration.
As demonstrated        in attachment    4,  this  proposed  amendment does not      involve any significant hazards consideration.
(ii)  There is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluent that may be released      offsite.
As documented      in attachment 1, there will be no change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents released offsite.
(iii) There        is no significant increase in              individual    or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.
II The proposed changes        will not result in significant changes in the operation or configuration of the facility. There will be no change in the level of controls or methodology used for processing of radioactive effluents or handling of solid radioactive waste, nor will the proposal result in any change in the normal radiation levels within the plant              ~
Therefore, there will be no increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure resulting from this change.
1 t'
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Latest revision as of 00:30, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs, Ice Condenser,Ice Bed & Associated Bases,Reflecting Max Ice Condenser Flow Channel Blockage Assumed in Accident Analyses
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1998
Shared Package
ML17335A357 List:
NUDOCS 9812080046
Download: ML17335A358 (27)



'P8i208004b 98i203 PDR

3/4 LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows I, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets O from the same bay shall bc weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from o ~gy the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less, than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

O crt cl stg The icc condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

~O gO

~ Group 1 - bays I through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays rn Ctg 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows I, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

sts The minimum total ice condenser icc weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing

~Q~O sty program and shall not bc less than 2,590,000 pounds.

+g 4tD BBca 3. Verifying, by a visual inspection of at ieastinve fioutAptutsegee per ice condenser 4 8g bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on

'a W4 flow between ice baskets and past lattice 0 g E E ig Qt rames is restrict to a nommal thickness of 3/8 inches. If one fiow+ssage-per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flo rom the same ++

bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow I aesages are found O acceptable, thc surveillance program may proceed considering the singl'c

'o stg deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow paseeggg per Cd) bay is evidence of abnormal degradation C4 O

Q At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support str'uctures tunung vane 's restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost


CJ or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice 4C5 condenser.

O At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice O baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.

and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that thc total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a, LOCA or MSLB.

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COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 Page 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT408, AQUA, 438, 444, 220


'3/4.6.5 'ICE CON DENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than l2 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will I) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containinent sump following the LOCA and

3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.

3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.



INSERT FOR PAGE B 3/4 6-4 (Unit 1)

The containment sub-compartment analyses assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.

The selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.

The 3/8" frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel criterion provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8", and therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice buildup in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated by selecting a further representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.

Because the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to provide reasonable assurance that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.


3/4 LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UlREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets O from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from Ctg O jlyO the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/ba'sket at a 95% level of confidence.

Vl The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

~OQ Cto Group 1- bays 1 through 8, Group 2- bays 9 through 16, and Group 3- bays CO


cn Ctg 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

cn tn The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.

4 3. Verifying, by a visual inspection of at teastjttwe tlowgpassegee per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on

'O flow between ice baskets and past lattice O

ty P. C rames is restrict to a noaunal ickness of 3/8 mches. If one flowjgssage-per bay is found to have an accumulation of. frost or ice greater than this tD thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flo rom the same bay shal be visu~ly inspect~. If these addition~ flow ~mme are found C

O acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single

'O Ctg deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow passage per CO bay is evidence of abnormal degradation C

c, At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser O bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support stiuctures andg O

turnmg van 's restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost O or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice

'a condenser.


At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice O baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.


and willrequire a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.

vV &tlap Q 4 4Cj~nna/X COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page 3/4 6-36 AMENDMENTQO, 42$ , 204


'L ~

The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with: I)'zirconium-water reactions; 2) radiolytic decomposition of water; and 3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, "Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA," March 1971.

The acceptance criterion of 10,000 ohms is based on the test being performed with the heater element at an ambient temperature, but can be conservatively applied when the heater element is at a temperature above ambient.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak prcssure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will I) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and

3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of, ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.

3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page B 3/4 64 AMENDMENT 4, 444, 104, 207

INSERT FOR PAGE B 3/4 6-4 (Unit 2) l The containment sub-compartment analyses assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that ele'vation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.

The selection of one flow channel each, from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.

The 3/8" frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel criterion provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8", and therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice buildup in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a further representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100%

inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15%

blockage limit is met.

Because the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, . the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.


3/4 LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCEREQUIRIMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS Surveillance.Re uirements Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

Group 1- bays 1 through 8, Group 2- bays 9 through 16, and Group 3- bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.

Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least four flow channels per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on flow channels between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. Flow channels will be selected as follows: two at random from radial rows 2 through 8 and one each from radial rows 1 and 9. If one flow channel per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional flow channels from the same bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow channels are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow channel per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation, that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.

At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower inlet plenum support structures and taming canes, on the top deck floor grating and on the intermediate deck, is rmtricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost and ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

At least once per 40 months by lifting arid visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT1 Page 3/4 6-27 AMENDMENT408, 4Skp 488, 444p 220

l W4 4

A I 's Il

3/4 BASES 3/4,6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS 3/4,6.5 ICE.CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and

3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.

The containment sub-compartment analysis assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the fiow area left between the crane wall and the coritainment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total fiow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.

The selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.

The 3/8" criterion for frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8" and, therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice build-up in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected fiow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.

Because the minimum ice condenser fiow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vancs, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.

3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.



4 3/4 LIMITINGCONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCEREQUIREMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1333 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1333 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice 'basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,590,000 pounds.

Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least four flow channels per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on flow channels between ice baskets and past lattice frames is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. Flow channels will be selected as follows: two at random from radial rows 2 through 8 and one each from radial rows 1 and 9. If one flow channel per bay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness, a representative sample of 20 additional fiow channels from the same bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow channels are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable. More than one restricted flow channel per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation and will require a 100% inspection of that bay to determine, by calculation,.that the total flow passage blockage is less than the 15% assumed in the analysis of lower subcompartment pressurization following a LOCA or MSLB.

At least once per 18 months by verifying, by a visual inspection, of each ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on the lower plenum support structures and turning vanes, on the top deck floor grating and on the intermediate deck, is restricted to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inches. An accumulation of frost or ice greater than this thickness is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.

At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 12 feet for this inspection.


3/4 BASES 3/4.6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS 3/4:6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITYof the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1) zirconium-water reactions, 2) radiolytic decomposition of water and 3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, "Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA," March 1971.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and

3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1333 pounds of ice per basket contains a 5% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation. In the event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predictions after three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 18 months may be reduced after 3 years of operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation data.

The containment sub~mpartmcnt analysis assumes a 15% blockage throughout the ice condenser flow paths. The minimum ice condenser flow area through each bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, and includes the net open area at these support elevations. This includes the flow area left between the crane wall and the containment wall inside surfaces, after subtracting out the areas for the ice condenser equipment at that elevation, that includes ice baskets full of ice, lattice frame, lattice frame columns, wall panel air ducts and wall panel cradles and other appurtenances. In summary, a flow channel consists of the annular area outside of each basket and one-half of the triangular areas formed by the lattice supports between baskets, such that the sum of these areas around each basket equals the total flow area in the bay. Flow channels in radial rows one and nine include the area between the basket and the containment and crane wall respectively. There are a total of 81 flow channels in each bay one per ice basket.

The selection of one flow channel each from radial rows 1 and 9 assures that the inspection should include those areas where, based on experience, it is expected to see frost build-up first.

The 3/8" criterion for frost or ice accumulation in a flow channel provides only an indicator of ice condenser condition. The lattice frame thickness is 3/8" and, therefore, this dimension provides a convenient visual reference during flow channel inspections. Frost or ice build-up in excess of 3/8" shall be evaluated further by selecting a representative sample of 20 flow channels that spiral outward from the affected flow channel. This sample population assures that the areas around and adjacent to the blocked channel are also inspected. More than one restricted flow channel per bay requires a 100% inspection of the bay and calculation to ensure that the 15% blockage limit is met.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page B 3/4 &4 AMENDMENT4, 464, 204, 2%

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3/4 BASES 3/4,6 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS Because the minimum ice condenser flow area in each ice condenser bay occurs at the lattice frame support elevations, the inspection of the lower inlet plenum support structures and turning vanes, top deck floor grating and intermediate deck also provides only an indicator of the overall ice condenser condition. The 3/8" thickness criterion provides a threshold to ensure that any frost or ice buildup is corrected well before the 15% blockage assumption is approached in these areas.

3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page B 3/4 6-5 AMENDMENT4, 464, 204, 2%

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ATTACHMENT 4 TO AEP:NRC:09000 EVALUATION OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION TO AEP:NRC:09000 Page 1 Evaluation of Si nificant Hazards Consideration The Licensee has evaluated this proposed amendment and determined that it involves no significant hazards consideration. According to 10 CFR 50.92(c), a proposed amendment to an operating license involves no significant hazards consideration, if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment should not:

1. involve a significant increase in the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident previously evaluated;
2. create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed; or
3. involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The Licensee proposes to revise T/S and, "Ice Condenser, Ice Bed," and its associated bases for units 1 and 2.

The proposed changes would revise the surveillance for ice condenser flow channels to provide reasonable assurance that blockage of flow channels is detected and evaluated to the maximum analyzed blockage of 15%. The bases are revised to reflect the changes to the T/S and to clarify the intent of additional representative sampling when blocked channels are detected.

The determination that 'the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 50.92 are met for this amendment request is indicated below.

1. Does the change involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?

The ice condenser system is used to mitigate the consequences of an accident and has no impact on the initiation of any evaluated accidents. Therefore, changing the flow channel surveillance does not increase the probability of an evaluated accident.

The proposed changes to the flow channel surveillance provide additional assurance beyond current requirements to provide reasonable assurance that the maximum analyzed blockage of 15%

is not exceeded. Therefore, the change does not represent an increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

2. Does the change create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?

The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated. The ice condenser has no function during normal operation. It is a passive system that functions after an TO AEP:NRC:09000 Page 2 accident has already occurred. The proposed change to the ice condenser flow channel surveillance does not alter physical characteristics of the ice condenser, nor does it change the function of the ice condenser. No new failure mechanisms are introduced by this change.

Therefore, create the it was concluded that the proposed changes possibility of a new do not or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

3. Does the change involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety?

The proposed change to the ice condenser flow channel surveillance provides additional assurance that the ice condenser should contain the'inimum analyzed flow area. By ensuring the minimum analyzed area is always available, inherent margins due to conservative assumptions in the calculation are maintained. These conservative assumptions include, for example, taking no credit for ice or frost blockage being blown clear during the accident and assuming only one dimensional flow through the ice bed with no credit taken for cross flow.

Therefore, these changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

In summary, based upon the above evaluation, the Licensee has concluded that these changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration.

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ATTACHMENT 5 TO AEP:NRC: 09000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT to AEP:NRC:09000 Page 1 Environmental Assessment The Licensee has evaluated this license amendment request against the criteria for identification of licensing and regulatory actions requiring environmental assessment in accordance with 10 CFR 51.21. The Licensee has determined that this license amendment request meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). This determination is based on the fact that this change is being proposed as an amendment to a license issued pursuant to 10 CFR 50 that changes a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, or that changes an inspection or a surveillance requirement, and the amendment meets the following specific criteria.

(i) The amendment involves no significant hazards consideration.

As demonstrated in attachment 4, this proposed amendment does not involve any significant hazards consideration.

(ii) There is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluent that may be released offsite.

As documented in attachment 1, there will be no change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents released offsite.

(iii) There is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

II The proposed changes will not result in significant changes in the operation or configuration of the facility. There will be no change in the level of controls or methodology used for processing of radioactive effluents or handling of solid radioactive waste, nor will the proposal result in any change in the normal radiation levels within the plant ~

Therefore, there will be no increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure resulting from this change.

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