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{{#Wiki_filter:LaSalle Station 2601 North 21st Road ExeLon Generation..
{{#Wiki_filter:LaSalle Station 2601 North 21st Road ExeLon Generation..                                           Marseilles, IL 61341 815 415 2000 Telephone www.exeloncorp.com 10 CFR 50.4 RA1 2-051 October 23, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-1 1 and NPF-1 8 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374
Marseilles, IL 61341 815 415 2000 Telephone www.exeloncorp.com 10 CFR 50.4 RA1 2-051 October 23, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-1 1 and NPF-1 8 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374  

2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report Enclosed is the Exelon Generation Company, LLC, (EGC), 2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report for LaSalle County Station. Revisions to docketed correspondence were processed using the Nuclear Energy Institute's (NEI) 99-04, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes," Revision 0, dated July 1999.Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Stephen T. Shields, Acting Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2811.Respectfully, Harold T. Vinyard Plant Manager LaSalle County Station Attachment cc: Regional Administrator, NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector  
2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report Enclosed is the Exelon Generation Company, LLC, (EGC), 2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report for LaSalle County Station. Revisions to docketed correspondence were processed using the Nuclear Energy Institute's (NEI) 99-04, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes," Revision 0, dated July 1999.
-LaSalle County Station bcc: NRC Project Manager, NRR -LaSalle County Station, Units I and 2 ILLD 2011 Regulatorv Commitment Change Summary Report Commitment Date of Original Original Commitment Changed Commitment Basis for Change Change Commitment Document Tracking No. Change 11-001 4/12/2011 1.) Letter from C. Gratton (NRC) to C.Crane (Exelon)"Approval to Use Delta Protection Mururoa Model BLU Single-Use, Self-Fed Respiratory Equipment," dated July 5, 2007 2.) NRC Safety Evaluation Report per letter from K. Jabbour (NRC) to C.Crane (Exelon)"Use of French Designed Respiratory Protection Equipment," dated January 31, 2005.The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits will be used in a configuration consisting of: Mururoa BLU one-piece encapsulating suit (of either PVC or Ethyfuge construction), fitted with a Micronel C500X-0 1 2EK-AB60 blower with a C501A-01 2AK-A battery (consistent with the parts list in Section 7 of Attachment 6.6.6 to the Topical Report TR MURUBLU05NP), and four Scott PF 10 P3, or four Delta Protection P3, high efficiency particulate filter cartridges.
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Stephen T. Shields, Acting Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2811.
All four filter cartridges must be matching and replaced as a set (
Respectfully, Harold T. Vinyard Plant Manager LaSalle County Station Attachment cc:     Regional Administrator, NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector - LaSalle County Station bcc:   NRC Project Manager, NRR - LaSalle County Station, Units I and 2 ILLD
2011 Regulatorv Commitment Change Summary Report Commitment   Date of   Original                 Original Commitment                 Changed Commitment                   Basis for Change Change       Commitment Document Tracking No. Change 11-001       4/12/2011   1.) Letter from   The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-         In lieu of the Mururoa Blu        This commitment change is being C. Gratton          PAPR Suits will be used in a         Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits, LaSalle    made since LaSalle had previously (NRC) to C.        configuration consisting of:         had previously committed on the    committed on the use of the Crane (Exelon)      Mururoa BLU one-piece               use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and      Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Air "Approval to        encapsulating suit (of either PVC   V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits.          Supplied Suits to the NRC.
Use Delta          or Ethyfuge construction), fitted   Approval and implementation on      Furthermore, Radiation Protection Protection          with a Micronel C500X-0 12EK-        the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2      Department procedure, RP-AA-Mururoa Model      AB60 blower with a C501A-           and V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits was    825-1011 "Inspection and Use of BLU Single-        01 2AK-A battery (consistent with   based on the NRC's Safety          the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Use, Self-Fed      the parts list in Section 7 of       Evaluation Report that was          Air Supplied Suits" was developed Respiratory        Attachment 6.6.6 to the Topical     documented in a letter from K.      and established, and is currently in Equipment,"        Report TR MURUBLU05NP), and         Jabbour (NRC) to C. Crane          use at LaSalle to address the dated July 5,      four Scott PF 10 P3, or four Delta   (Exelon) "Use of French Designed    following additional commitments 2007                Protection P3, high efficiency       Respiratory Protection Equipment,"  related on the use of this type of 2.) NRC Safety      particulate filter cartridges. All  dated January 31, 2005.            suits:
Evaluation          four filter cartridges must be
* Procedural guidance will Report per letter  matching and replaced as a set       The SER states, "Based on the                ensure appropriate suit from K. Jabbour    (

Letter from C. Gratton  testing data provided; and when              disposal after each use (NRC) to C.        (NRC) to C. Crane (Exelon)          used in accordance with the              " Procedural guidance will Crane (Exelon)      "Approval to Use Delta Protection    applicable manufacturer's                  be established to ensure "Use of French      Mururoa Model BLU Single-Use,        instructions, licensees                      Exelon/AmerGen Designed            Self-Fed Respiratory Equipment,"    commitments, and requirements of            identified defects and Respiratory        dated July 5, 2007)                  10 CFR Part 20 Subpart H; the              usage problems are Protection                                              NRC staff concludes that the                reported to the suit Equipment,"                                              licensees' request to use the two            manufacturer dated January                                            suits, MURUROA V4 Fl and V4
* All of the manufacturer's 31, 2005.                                                MTH2, satisfies the 10 CFR Part              "Instructions for use," and 20 ALARA requirements, and will              emergency features" provide the suit wearer with an            technical adequate level of protection while          information/directions working in high and potentially            provided will be adhered high airborne radioactivity areas.          to, with the exception of Therefore, the staff finds that the        "instructions for donning request is acceptable. The staff            and removal," Attachment also concludes that the licensees          2.5.5 Caution Step 2 can take credit for an APF of 2,000 for both of these suits and that    Therefore and in accordance with Page 1 of 2

Letter from C. Gratton (NRC) to C. Crane (Exelon)"Approval to Use Delta Protection Mururoa Model BLU Single-Use, Self-Fed Respiratory Equipment," dated July 5, 2007)In lieu of the Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits, LaSalle had previously committed on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits.Approval and implementation on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits was based on the NRC's Safety Evaluation Report that was documented in a letter from K.Jabbour (NRC) to C. Crane (Exelon) "Use of French Designed Respiratory Protection Equipment," dated January 31, 2005.The SER states, "Based on the testing data provided; and when used in accordance with the applicable manufacturer's instructions, licensees commitments, and requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 Subpart H; the NRC staff concludes that the licensees' request to use the two suits, MURUROA V4 Fl and V4 MTH2, satisfies the 10 CFR Part 20 ALARA requirements, and will provide the suit wearer with an adequate level of protection while working in high and potentially high airborne radioactivity areas.Therefore, the staff finds that the request is acceptable.
2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report standby rescue persons, discussed the NRC approval that is in 10 CFR Section 20.1703(f), are documented in the referenced not required when these suits are Safety Evaluation Report, LaSalle used."                           is committed on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 F I Air Supplied Suits.
The staff also concludes that the licensees can take credit for an APF of 2,000 for both of these suits and that This commitment change is being made since LaSalle had previously committed on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 F l Air Supplied Suits to the NRC.Furthermore, Radiation Protection Department procedure, RP-AA-825-1011 "Inspection and Use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 F l Air Supplied Suits" was developed and established, and is currently in use at LaSalle to address the following additional commitments related on the use of this type of suits:* Procedural guidance will ensure appropriate suit disposal after each use" Procedural guidance will be established to ensure Exelon/AmerGen identified defects and usage problems are reported to the suit manufacturer
The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits have never been used at LaSalle.
* All of the manufacturer's"Instructions for use," and emergency features" technical information/directions provided will be adhered to, with the exception of"instructions for donning and removal," Attachment 2.5.5 Caution Step 2 Therefore and in accordance with Page 1 of 2 2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report standby rescue persons, discussed the NRC approval that is in 10 CFR Section 20.1703(f), are documented in the referenced not required when these suits are Safety Evaluation Report, LaSalle used." is committed on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 F I Air Supplied Suits.The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits have never been used at LaSalle.Page 2 of 2}}
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Latest revision as of 21:25, 11 November 2019

Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/2012
From: Vinyard H
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12312A067 (3)


LaSalle Station 2601 North 21st Road ExeLon Generation.. Marseilles, IL 61341 815 415 2000 Telephone www.exeloncorp.com 10 CFR 50.4 RA1 2-051 October 23, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-1 1 and NPF-1 8 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374


2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report Enclosed is the Exelon Generation Company, LLC, (EGC), 2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report for LaSalle County Station. Revisions to docketed correspondence were processed using the Nuclear Energy Institute's (NEI) 99-04, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes," Revision 0, dated July 1999.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Stephen T. Shields, Acting Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2811.

Respectfully, Harold T. Vinyard Plant Manager LaSalle County Station Attachment cc: Regional Administrator, NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector - LaSalle County Station bcc: NRC Project Manager, NRR - LaSalle County Station, Units I and 2 ILLD

2011 Regulatorv Commitment Change Summary Report Commitment Date of Original Original Commitment Changed Commitment Basis for Change Change Commitment Document Tracking No. Change 11-001 4/12/2011 1.) Letter from The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC- In lieu of the Mururoa Blu This commitment change is being C. Gratton PAPR Suits will be used in a Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits, LaSalle made since LaSalle had previously (NRC) to C. configuration consisting of: had previously committed on the committed on the use of the Crane (Exelon) Mururoa BLU one-piece use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Air "Approval to encapsulating suit (of either PVC V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits. Supplied Suits to the NRC.

Use Delta or Ethyfuge construction), fitted Approval and implementation on Furthermore, Radiation Protection Protection with a Micronel C500X-0 12EK- the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 Department procedure, RP-AA-Mururoa Model AB60 blower with a C501A- and V4 Fl Air Supplied Suits was 825-1011 "Inspection and Use of BLU Single- 01 2AK-A battery (consistent with based on the NRC's Safety the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 Fl Use, Self-Fed the parts list in Section 7 of Evaluation Report that was Air Supplied Suits" was developed Respiratory Attachment 6.6.6 to the Topical documented in a letter from K. and established, and is currently in Equipment," Report TR MURUBLU05NP), and Jabbour (NRC) to C. Crane use at LaSalle to address the dated July 5, four Scott PF 10 P3, or four Delta (Exelon) "Use of French Designed following additional commitments 2007 Protection P3, high efficiency Respiratory Protection Equipment," related on the use of this type of 2.) NRC Safety particulate filter cartridges. All dated January 31, 2005. suits:

Evaluation four filter cartridges must be

  • Procedural guidance will Report per letter matching and replaced as a set The SER states, "Based on the ensure appropriate suit from K. Jabbour (


Letter from C. Gratton testing data provided; and when disposal after each use (NRC) to C. (NRC) to C. Crane (Exelon) used in accordance with the " Procedural guidance will Crane (Exelon) "Approval to Use Delta Protection applicable manufacturer's be established to ensure "Use of French Mururoa Model BLU Single-Use, instructions, licensees Exelon/AmerGen Designed Self-Fed Respiratory Equipment," commitments, and requirements of identified defects and Respiratory dated July 5, 2007) 10 CFR Part 20 Subpart H; the usage problems are Protection NRC staff concludes that the reported to the suit Equipment," licensees' request to use the two manufacturer dated January suits, MURUROA V4 Fl and V4

  • All of the manufacturer's 31, 2005. MTH2, satisfies the 10 CFR Part "Instructions for use," and 20 ALARA requirements, and will emergency features" provide the suit wearer with an technical adequate level of protection while information/directions working in high and potentially provided will be adhered high airborne radioactivity areas. to, with the exception of Therefore, the staff finds that the "instructions for donning request is acceptable. The staff and removal," Attachment also concludes that the licensees 2.5.5 Caution Step 2 can take credit for an APF of 2,000 for both of these suits and that Therefore and in accordance with Page 1 of 2

2011 Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report standby rescue persons, discussed the NRC approval that is in 10 CFR Section 20.1703(f), are documented in the referenced not required when these suits are Safety Evaluation Report, LaSalle used." is committed on the use of the Mururoa V4 MTH2 and V4 F I Air Supplied Suits.

The Mururoa Blu Ethyuge/PVC-PAPR Suits have never been used at LaSalle.

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