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12Q0108.50-R-002, Rev. 1, Seismic Walkdown Report in Response to the 50.54(f) Information Request Regarding Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic for the LaSalle County Station, Unit 2, Part 6 of 16
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/2012
From: Delaney M
Stevenson & Associates
Exelon Generation Co, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RS-12-163 12Q0108.50-R-002, Rev 1
Download: ML12353A213 (46)


12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 7 Status: r-7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-CO02B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps Equipment



2B RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PMP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 673.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yes 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Minor shrinkage cracking near front edge of pump pedestal judged to be acceptable based on depth of cast-in-place anchors.5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Anchorage shown on drawings M-1573, Rev. G and M-1590, Sheet 3, Rev.M.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes Yes Yes C-227 12Q.108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 7 Status: FY-i N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-C002B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps EauiDment Descriotion:

2B RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PMP Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Small line supported from adjacent wall. Deflection during seismic event judged not to be significant.
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/30/2012 Evaluated by: David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 47- James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-228 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 7 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-CO02B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps Equipment



2B RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PMP Photos C-229 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-1 2-1 63 Sheet 4 of 7 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-CO02B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps C-230 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 5 of 7 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-CO02B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps C-231 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 6 of 7 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-CO02B Equipment Class: (6) Vertical Pumps C-232 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 7 of 7 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: 2E1 2-COO2B (6) Vertical Pumps LT REMOVAL PMP C-233 12QOiO8.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 4 Status: FY] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-C300B Equipment Class: (5) Horizontal Pumps Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER PUMP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

DG, 674.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% Yes of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?

Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Yes Minor shrinkage cracks in pedestal judged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: Yes This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Anchorage verified per drawings M- 1573, Rev. G and M-1592, Sheet 10, Rev. P.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Yes potentially adverse seismic conditions?

C-234 12QO108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 4 Status: j N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-C300B Equipment Class: (5) Horizontal Pumps Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER PUMP Interaction Effects 7.. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls* not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10' Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. 'Have you looked for and found no'adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: M. Etre & M. Wodarcyk -9/18/2012 Evaluated.

by: -Mark Etre Date: 10/19/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 10/19/2012 C-235 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 4 Status: F--j N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-C300B Equipment Class: (5) Horizontal Pumps Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER PUMP C-236 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 4 Status: -FYI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: 2E1 2-C300B (5) Horizontal Pumps rE C-237 12Q.108.50-R-002 Rev. I Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 7 Status: [Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER STRAINER Project: Lasalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

DG, 674.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% Yes of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?

Yes 2 anchors at end bell (south) end with nut not tightened against base plate (maximum 1/2" gap between bottom of nut and top of base plate). Judged to be acceptable per station Engineering department.

Station Maintenace department tightened nuts against base plates. See IR 1406061.3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Yes Minor spalling in grout pads judged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: Yes This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Anchorage shown on drawings M-1573, Rev. G and M-1591, Sheet 11, Rev.E.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Yes potentially adverse seismic conditions?

C-238 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 7 Status: FYI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER STRAINER Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/28/2012 Evaluated by: David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-239 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 7 Status: j N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other Equipment



B RHR SERVICE WATER STRAINER C-240 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 7 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other L C-241 1200108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 5 of 7 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other C-242 12Q-108.50-R-002 Rev I Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 6 of 7 Status: F- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other Labaiie -d-zu-i z 1 jo C-243 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 7 of 7 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-D300B Equipment Class: (0) Other EaUioment DescriDtion:

B RHR SERVICE WATER STRAINER C-244 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 4 Status: F-ý N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO03B

.Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Ecuioment



B RHR HX OTLT STOP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 694.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-245 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 4 Status: F-ý N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F003B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX OTLT STOP Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/29/2012 Evaluated by: David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-246 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 4 Status: -Y- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: Equipment



2E12-F003B (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves B RHR HX OTLT STOP C-247 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 4 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO03B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves C-248 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: [-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F004B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves EauiDment Descriotion:

B RHR PMP SUCT FROM SUP POOLSTOP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 673.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes C-249 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 5 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO04B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR PMP SUCT FROM SUP POOLSTOP 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Clearance between valve yoke and adjacent gallery grating is judged to be adequate.Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/30/2012 Evaluated by: PQJAIOQ-6 David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-250 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: EquiDment DescriDtion:

2E12-FO04B (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves B RHR PMP SUCT FROM SUP POOLSTOP Photos L C-251 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO04B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves 0 C-252 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: [-1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F004B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves RHR PMP SUCT FROM SUP POOLSTOP C-253 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 4 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F011B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX STM COND TO SUP CHBR STOP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 694.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes C-254 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 4 Status: FY] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO11B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Eauioment DescriDtion:

B RHR HX STM COND TO SUP CHBR STOP 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/29/2012 Evaluated by: QJA/QPk David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-255 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 4 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F011B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX STM COND TO SUP CHBR STOP C-256 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 4 Status: E-i N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FOIIB Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Dpw WY CONDTO SUPCI C-257 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 4 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F026B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX STM COND OTLT TO RCIC STOP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 694.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorane 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-258 12QO108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 4 Status: Eli N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F026B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX STM COND OTLT TO RCIC STOP Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/29/2012 Evaluated by: ,.AJQ,- David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-259 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 4 Status: FYJ N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: Equipment



2E12-F026B (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves B RHR HX STM COND OTLT TO RCIC STOP Photos L C-260 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 4 Status: [-1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F026B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Op erated and Solenoid-Operated Valves COND OTLT TO C-261 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet I of 6 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Equipment



VALVE, RHR RI PP SUCT LINE RELIEF Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 694.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-262 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 6 Status: F-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Equipment



VALVE, RHR RI PP SUCT LINE RELIEF Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines-have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/30/2012 Evaluated by: QJ 6/-4,-- David Carter Date: 10/17/2012

' .e James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-263 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 6 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Ope EauiDment DescriDtion:

VALVE, RHR rated Valves RI PP SUCT LINE RELIEF Photo$C-264 1200108-50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 6 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves DD C-265 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 5 of 6 Status: EY7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves L C-266 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 6 of 6 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F036B Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Eauioment Descriotion:

VALVE. RHR RI PP SUCT LINE RELIEF C-267 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YI-1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F048B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX BYP STOP Project: LaSalle 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

RB, 694.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-268 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 2 of 5 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F048B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX BYP STOP Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: D. Carter & J. Griffith -8/29/2012 Evaluated by: Qdk David Carter Date: 10/17/2012 James Griffith 10/17/2012 C-269 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. I Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F048B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves Equipment



B RHR HX BYP STOP C-270 12Q0108.50-R-002 Rev. I Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 4 of 5 Status: r-7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-F048B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves C-271 1200108.50-R-002 Rev. 1 Correspondence No.: RS-12-163 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2E12-FO48B Equipment Class: (8) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves C-272