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{{#Wiki_filter:.. ... Text proparod on Dato of e . entry into force: 1986-10-01 Safeguards Agreement between USA and the IAEA Subsidiary Arrangements Fae i l i ty Attachment No.
* 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Total number of pages: 19 Code 1. 1. 1 1.2 1. 3 1. 4 (0609W] .General Part Reference (Codas) Agreement Reference (Articles) 43(a) 8704290163 870420 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P PDR -''"'* Paga No. 1 of 19 pages SAFEGUARDS 69NFIDENT1Al Identification of the facility Facility identification code: UXHF Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 (SNGS 1) Owner and Operator Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Geographic location Salem County, New Jersey, USA Postal address . Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Nuclear Department P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Description The power station consists of one pressurized light water reactor. Pin removal or exchange is not normally performed.
Main design features are as follows: -Reactor thermal output: 3411 l'tl.l(th)  
Text proparod on       1986-0lf~fl£D                              e          .
-Refuelling interval:
Dato of entry into force:   1986-10-01 Safeguards Agreement between USA and the IAEA Subsidiary Arrangements Fae i l i ty Attachment No.
normally 15-19 months -Number of fuel assemblies*
* 13                 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Total number of pages:       19         - ''"'*  Paga No. 1 of 19 pages
in the reactor core: 193 -Fresh fuel storage capacity:
                    .General     Agreement Code        Part         Reference Reference   (Articles)             SAFEGUARDS 69NFIDENT1Al (Codas)
72 -Spent fuel storage capacity:
: 1.                       43(a)        Identification of the facility Facility identification code: UXHF
: 1. 1 Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 (SNGS 1)
.. . ' e Text prej>ared Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 . Facility No. 13 Facility UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF *Code General Part Reference (Codes) 1.4 (continued)
Owner and Operator Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
: 1. 5 2. 3.1 2.1 2.2 3 .1. 3 Agreement Reference (Articles) 43, 44 46(a) 8(c) 45 Page No. 2 of 19 pages SAFE6YAR9S 60NFl9ENTIAL
1.2                                    Geographic location Salem County, New Jersey, USA
-Nominal weight of nuclear material in an assembly:
: 1. 3                                  Postal address
462kg -Maximum fresh fuel enrichment (U-235): 3.80 w/o -Number of assemblies normally discharged on refuelling:
                                            . Public Service Electric and Gas Co.
72-117 Maps and plans See Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ). Information on th* faciliti This facility attachment is based on the design information dated 10 October 1985, and the design information supplement provided in September 1986. Location of information Identical sets of the information provided on the facility are kept .at the Agency, at the facility and at the USNRC Headquarters.
Nuclear Department P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038
Changes in the information on the facility to be provided in advance With reference to the relevant paragraphs of the Design Information Questionnaire
: 1. 4                                    Description The power station consists of one pressurized light water reactor. Pin removal or exchange is not normally performed.
-Change in the rated thermal output for continuous operation by or more; *(14) -Change of the type of fuel used; e.g. introduction of mixed oxide fuel for test purposes or for routine use; (22, 23, 25) -Change of the maximum enrichments of the fuel; (23) -Change in the design of the reactor fuel; (24, 26, 27) Installation of equipment for pin removals or exchange in assemblies for test purposes or for routine use; (13, 28) -Change in the method and/or procedure of identifying individual fuel assemblies; (31) -Change in the methods and/or equipment for .. refuelling and/or for handling of irradiated fuel; ( 41)
Main design features are as follows:
Text prepared on 1986PSIFIED
                                            - Reactor thermal output:     3411 l'tl.l(th)
-* Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility pode: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Code General Part Reference (Codes) 2.2 (continued)
                                            - Refuelling interval:     normally 15-19 months
: 3. 3.1 3. 1.1 3.1.2 Agreement Reference (Articles) 29 46(b) 46(b) 90(1<) Page No. 3 of 19 pages SAFE6UARBS CBNFIBENTIAL
                                            - Number of fuel assemblies* in the reactor core: 193
-Change influencing the access to the reactor vessel and/or its cover; (43) -Change in the number of fuel assemblies, control elements, dummy assemblies and/or irradiation positions inside the reactor vessel; ( 44) -Change in the method of storage of irradiated fuel and/or in the spent fuel storage capacity; (48) -Installation of any dismantling, decladding or dissolution equipment; (13, 28, Sl) -Change in the nuclear material accountancy and control procedures; (SS) -Change in the access routes to the reactor area; (10) Change in the shipping containers and/or the routes followed by irradiated fuel within the faci 1 i ty; (50) -Change in the health and safety rules and procedures affecting the conduct of inspection; (54) Any change in of the design information to be submitted when the change has been completed.
                                            - Fresh fuel storage capacity:     72
Safaguilrds maasures Accountancy Material Balance Areas and their identification codes. The Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1, UXHF, constitutes one material balance area, UXHF. Strategic points which are Key Measurement Points (KMPs), (for their specifications see Code 4.) (a) For determination of nuclear material flow: KMP 1 -Receipts, accidental gains and de-exemption of nuclear material; Text prepared on e Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 UXHF"/ MBA Code: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 General Coda Part Reference (Codes} 3 .1. 2 (continued) 3 .1. 3 3.2 Agreement Reference (Articles) 46(c) 29 46(f) 90(S) Page No. 4'of 19 pages SAFEGUARDS CBNFIBENTIAL KMP 2 -Nuclear loss (burn-up) nuclear production and category change in fuel discharged from the reactor; nuclaar loss (Pu-241 decay); KMP 3 -Shipments of nuclear material, withdrawals, exemptions and accidental losses; (b) For determination of physical inventory:
                                            - Spent fuel storage capacity:     1170 (0609W]
KMP A -Fresh fuel storage and inspection area; KMP B -Reactor*core; KMP C -Spent fuel storage racks and spent fuel shipping casks; KMP D -Other locations of nuclear material at the facility.
8704290163 870420 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P                        PDR
Physical inventory taking Nominal timing: As soon as possible after completion of each refuelling and before the reactor is closed again. In cases of prolonged shutdowns of one year or longer, PITs shall be performed once every twelve months. Procedures:
Item counting and identification.
Preparation of itemized list of nuclear material including identification number, material description, quantity of nuclear material and location of each item for each inventory KMP. Containment and surveillance Strategic points for application of containment and surveillance measures -Reactor hall including reactor vessel; -Access routes to from the reactor hall and spent fuel pool; -Fresh and spent fuel storage areas; -Any other points that might be mutually agreed.
Text prej>ared e
*. UNCLASSlf lED prepared on .
Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01
* Data of e . entry into force:
Text Facility Attachment No. 13 SALE11 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_
Facility  Attachmen~  No. 13                SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 .
Code: UXHF l MBA Coda: UXHF Coda 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 General Part Reference (Codes) 6.1 6.2 3.7, 7.1 .Page No. S of 19 pages Agreement Raf erence (Articles)
Facility ~ode:  UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 2 of 19 pages General      Agreement
** 69NFIDENTIAL' 73(d) 73(e) 11, 35 36, 37 12(a) Installed -Ageacy instruments and devicas (a) Seals to ensure the containment of the reactor* vessel; * (b) Cameras for surveillance of fuel movements into .or out of the reactor vessel, the. reactor containment and the.fresh and spent fuel storage areas; (c) Seals on shipping casks with spent fuel and other containers as applicable; (d) Seals on Agency instruments and devices; (e) Seals on containers with fuel assemblies received at the facility; (f) Seals on the reactor containment building (e.g. equipment hatches).
  *Code     Part         Reference Reference (Codes)
SAFE6YAR9S 60NFl9ENTIAL 1.4 (continued)                   - Nominal weight of nuclear material in an assembly: 462kg
                                        - Maximum fresh fuel enrichment (U-235):    3.80 w/o
                                        - Number of assemblies normally discharged on refuelling: 72-117
: 1. 5                                Maps and plans See Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ).
: 2.      3.1          43, 44       Information on th* faciliti 46(a)
This facility attachment is based on the design information dated 10 October 1985, and the design information supplement provided in September 1986.
2.1                    8(c)         Location of information Identical sets of the information provided on the facility are kept .at the Agency, at the facility and at the USNRC Headquarters.
2.2      3 .1. 3      45          Changes in the information on the facility to be provided in advance With reference to the relevant paragraphs of the Design Information Questionnaire
                                      - Change in the rated thermal output for continuous operation by 20~ or more; *(14)
                                      - Change of the type of fuel used; e.g.
introduction of mixed oxide fuel for test purposes or for routine use; (22, 23, 25)
                                      - Change of the maximum enrichments of the fuel; (23)
                                      - Change in the design of the reactor fuel; (24, 26, 27)
Installation of equipment for pin removals or exchange in assemblies for test purposes or for routine use; (13, 28)
                                      - Change in the method and/or procedure of identifying individual fuel assemblies; (31)
                                      - Change in the methods and/or equipment for
                                        . refuelling and/or for handling of irradiated fuel; ( 41)
Text prepared on  1986PSIFIED Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility pode: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF
Date of entry into force:  1986-10-01 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Page No. 3 of 19 pages General    Agreement Code    Part        Reference Reference (Codes)
(Articles)          SAFE6UARBS CBNFIBENTIAL 2.2 (continued)                  - Change influencing the access to the reactor vessel and/or its cover; (43)
                                - Change in the number of fuel assemblies, control elements, dummy assemblies and/or irradiation positions inside the reactor vessel; ( 44)
                                - Change in the method of storage of irradiated fuel and/or in the spent fuel storage capacity; (48)
                                - Installation of any dismantling, decladding or dissolution equipment; (13, 28, Sl)
                                - Change in the nuclear material accountancy and control procedures; (SS)
                                - Change in the access routes to the reactor area; (10)
Change in the shipping containers and/or the routes followed by irradiated fuel within the faci 1 i ty; (50)
                                - Change in the health and safety rules and procedures affecting the conduct of inspection; (54)
Any change in of the design information to be submitted when the change has been completed.
: 3.                              Safaguilrds maasures 3.1                29          Accountancy
: 3. 1.1              46(b)       Material Balance Areas and their identification codes. The Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1, UXHF, constitutes one material balance area, UXHF.
3.1.2              46(b)       Strategic points which are Key Measurement Points 90(1<)      (KMPs), (for their specifications see Code 4.)
(a) For determination of nuclear material flow:
KMP 1 - Receipts, accidental gains and de-exemption of nuclear material;
Text prepared on e
Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                   SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility~Cod*:    UXHF"/ MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 4'of 19 pages General     Agreement Coda     Part         Reference Reference    (Articles)          SAFEGUARDS CBNFIBENTIAL (Codes}
3 .1. 2 (continued)                       KMP 2 - Nuclear loss (burn-up) nuclear production and category change in fuel discharged from the reactor; nuclaar loss (Pu-241 decay);
KMP 3 - Shipments of nuclear material, withdrawals, exemptions and accidental losses; (b) For determination of physical inventory:
KMP A - Fresh fuel storage and inspection area; KMP B - Reactor*core; KMP C - Spent fuel storage racks and spent fuel shipping casks; KMP D - Other locations of nuclear material at the facility.
3 .1. 3                46(c)        Physical inventory taking Nominal timing:
As soon as possible after completion of each refuelling and before the reactor is closed again.
In cases of prolonged shutdowns of one year or longer, PITs shall be performed once every twelve months.
Item counting and identification. Preparation of itemized list of nuclear material including identification number, material description, quantity of nuclear material and location of each item for each inventory KMP.
3.2                  29          Containment and surveillance 46(f)        Strategic points for application of containment 90(S)        and surveillance measures
                                  - Reactor hall including reactor vessel;
                                  - Access routes to     a~d from the reactor hall and spent fuel pool;
                                  - Fresh and spent fuel storage areas;
                                  - Any other points that might be mutually agreed.
        *.                 UNCLASSlf lED                         e          .
Text prepared on  1986~24              .
* Data of entry into force: 198~10-01.
Facility Attachment No. 13                     SALE11 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_ Code: UXHF l MBA Coda: UXHF
                                                .Page No. S of 19 pages General     Agreement Part         Raf erence SAFEG~ARDS
* 69NFIDENTIAL' Coda Reference   (Articles)
(Codes) 3.2.2                 73(d)         Installed -Ageacy instruments and devicas 73(e)
(a) Seals to ensure the containment of the reactor*
                                    * (b) Cameras for surveillance of fuel movements into
                                          .or out of the reactor vessel, the. reactor containment and the.fresh and spent fuel storage areas; (c) Seals on shipping casks with spent fuel and other containers as applicable; (d) Seals on Agency instruments and devices; (e) Seals on containers with fuel assemblies received at the facility; (f) Seals on the reactor containment building (e.g.
equipment hatches).
If there is a need to break *a seal or interfere
If there is a need to break *a seal or interfere
* with the operation of surveillance devices, the *Agency shall be informed in advance and by. the *fastest means. This information shall include the (probable) date on which the operation will take place. Specific provisions and criteria for termination of safeguards on nuclear material None. Specific prov1s1ons for exempting nuclear material *from safeguards None .. , Specific prov1s1ons and criteria for withdrawal of nuclear material from safeguards None.
* with the operation of surveillance devices, the
*. Ta>et prepared on 1986--09-24 SAFEGUARBS CBNFf NllAL Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEf'll NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA* Code: UXHF Paga No. 6 of f9 pages Coda 4. Agreement References (Articles):
                                  *Agency shall be informed in advance and by. the
1 Specifications for Key Measurement Points Coda 4.1: KMPs for the flow of nuclear material K I I D@scription of a typical I IMat. !Meas. Ml Inventory I ______________
                                  *fastest means. This information shall include the (probable) date on which the operation will take place.
! Source data IDescr. lbasis -----'b;;..;;a;;..;t
3.3      6.1          11, 35        Specific provisions and criteria for termination of safeguards on nuclear material None.
__ c __ h ____ I item I !Code I I 1---------1  
3.4      6.2        36, 37          Specific prov1s1ons for exempting nuclear material
--Chang a I I I 11 Receipts of I For fuel assemblies:
                                  *from safeguards None .. ,
1 Ona I For each fue 1 assembly:
3.5      3.7, 7.1    12(a)          Specific prov1s1ons and criteria for withdrawal of nuclear material from safeguards None.
I BQ2F N I nuclear I I fuel I I I material I One fuel assembly.
: 1) Identification number; I I I bly I 2) Weights of total and I I I I fissile uranium, and I .I I the chemical composi-1 I ti on; I I based on shipper's data.  
*.                 UNCl.AJSl~IJ                      SAFEGUARBS CBNFf NllAL Ta>et prepared on 1986--09-24                               Data of entry into force:     1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                         SALEf'll NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA* Code: UXHF Paga No. 6 of f9 pages Coda 4.
-----__ I I I For small guanti ties of I As I For each batch: As N I nuclear material (each lappro-1 appro-I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate
Agreement References (Articles): *-~--
: 1) Weight of compound; priate I kilogram):
1 Specifications for Key Measurement Points Coda 4.1:   KMPs for the flow of nuclear material KI                I       D@scription of a typical             I                             IMat.   !Meas.
I 2) Weights of total and I I fissile uranium, and I A number of such quanti-1 of plutonium, and the I ties received in one I chemical composition; I caiendar month from the I based on shipper's data. I same shipper or, if*a I I physical inventory was I I taken during the month, I I separately before and I I after the time of physi-1 I cal inventory taking. I I I -----------
Ml     Inventory I _  _  _  _  _  _    _  _ _ _ _  _  _ _  !           Source data       IDescr. lbasis
    ~I    Chang a    I -----'b;;..;;a;;..;t__c__h_ _ _ _ II item 1 I
! ____ I I I I De-exemption, I I Accidental Same* a*s for Receipts at KMP 1 above. I I gain I I_-----------
I I 12 M I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I Text prepared on 1986-09-24 e SAFEGUARDS GONFIBfilAL UNCl.ASSJFIED Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility Coda: _UXHF I M_BA *code: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Paga No. 7 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.1:
                                                                                                  !Code    I
Material Flow KMPs I I .
....... _._ .. :.-_ I Ii< I I Description of a typical I I Mat. I Meas. I IMI Inventory Source data IDescr. lbasisl IP I Change I batch i tam I ________ -"--__ I Code I_ I I 1-...............
I               I 11 Receipts of   I For fuel assemblies:               1 Ona I For each fue 1 assembly: I BQ2F             N I nuclear       I                                   I fuel I                               I I material       I One fuel assembly.                 lasse~I 1) Identification number; I               I                                   I bly I 2) Weights of total and I               I                                   I       I     fissile uranium, and I                                   .I       I     the chemical composi-1       I     ti on; I       I based on shipper's data.
-----, I I I I 121 Nuclear I I S) Nuclear loss of total I I I I I production, I I and fissile uranium I I I I Nuclear loss I I and nuclear production I I I (burn-up)
                        ----------~II                              1------------~
* of total plutonium I I I I when calculated, I I I [continued]
                                                                                                    ----- __ I For small guanti ties of I As              I For each batch:                As      N I nuclear material (each lappro-1                                          appro-        I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate 1) Weight of compound;                    priate        I kilogram):                        I           2) Weights of total and                  I I               fissile uranium, and                  I A number of such quanti-1                         of plutonium, and the                  I ties received in one              I               chemical composition;                  I caiendar month from the I                     based on shipper's data.                  I same shipper or, if*a            I                                                      I physical inventory was I                                                                I taken during the month, I                                                                I separately before and            I                                                      I after the time of physi-1                                                                I cal inventory taking.             I                                                      I I    ----------- ____________________ !                                                                    ____ I I                                                                                                              I I    De-exemption,                                                                                            I I    Accidental                                      Same* a*s for Receipts at KMP 1 above.                    I I    gain                                                                                                      I I_-----------
I including as of the I I I I date of dis charge. 11 I _I --1---------
I                   -----------------------=-----~---------------------,------,-----1I 12                                                                                                          M I I                                                                                                              I I                                                                                                            M I I                                                                                                               I I                                                                                                              I I                                                                                                               I I                                                                                                               I I                                                                                                               I I                                                                                                               I
'--Category change For fuel assemblies:
One fuel assembly One I 1) fuel I 2)
SAFEGUARDS GONFIBfilAL UNCl.ASSJFIED Text prepared on 1986-09-24            e                Data of entry into force:              1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                        SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda: _UXHF I M_BA *code: UXHF Paga No. 7 of 19 pages I                                                                                                                               I I Code 4.1:          Nucl~r    Material Flow KMPs
: 3) bly I I Identification number; Data of discharge; Weight of total aaid fissile uranium as of the data of discharge.
                                                                                  ~ . .---~-~~*-:* . . . . _._ .. :.-_            II I .,._---------:--------:--~--::~-:--~:-----:-__;_~-~'--------------"--~*~~~-
BQlG -----------------------
Ii< I                       I    Description of a typical      I                                                I Mat. IMeas. I IMI Inventory '------~---........,.~--'                                    Source data                           IDescr. lbasisl IP I Change                 I          batch             i tam I________-"--__ ICode I _ I I 1 -...............-----,                                      I                                               I       I     I 121 Nuclear                I                                   I S) Nuclear loss of total I                             I     I I I production, I                                              I    and fissile uranium                       I        I I I Nuclear loss I                                              I    and nuclear production                            I I I (burn-up)                                                  I
___ I ______________
* of total plutonium                                   I I I                                                            I    when calculated,                                   I I I [continued]                                                I    including as of the                               I I I                                                            I    date of dis charge. 11                            I
---Nuclear loss (Pu-241 decay) For fuel assemblies:
_I                                                  --1---------                                                      '--
One fuel assembly.
Category                For fuel assemblies:     One I 1)     Identification number;                        BQlG change                                            fuel I 2)    Data of discharge; One fuel assembly        asse~I 3)      Weight of total aaid bly I         fissile uranium as of I     the data of discharge.
1 One I fuel I For each fuel assembly:
      --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ I______________ - - -
BQlG 1)-2) As for .fuel BQ4G bly blies at KMP 1 above; 3) Date of discharge and shipment;
1 Nuclear loss            For fuel assemblies:      One I For each fuel assembly:                               BQlG (Pu-241 decay)                                    fuel I One fuel assembly.       asse~      1)-2) As for .fuel asse~                        BQ4G    M bly          blies at KMP 1 above;
: 4) Nuclear loss of total plutonium (Pu-241 decay) for each fuel assembly when lated, including as of the date of shipment.
: 3) Date of discharge and shipment;
M I 3 Shipment of nuclear material For fuel assemblies:
: 4) Nuclear loss of total plutonium (Pu-241 decay) for each fuel assembly when calcu-lated, including as of the date of shipment.
One For each fresh fuel BQ2F N I .I fuel assembly:
I 3    Shipment of            For fuel assemblies:      One        For each fresh fuel                              BQ2F    N I nuclear            .I                             fuel      assembly:                                                    I material            I Ona fuel assembly.        asse~I                                                                 I I                           I                             bly I 1) Identification number;                                        I I                         I                                   I 2) Weights of total and                                      I I                           I                                   I     fissile uranium, arid                                    I I                          I                                    I      the chemical compos i-                                   I II___________ I! __________________ I!_____________                    tion.
I I Ona fuel assembly.
I I I bly I 1) Identification number; I I I I 2) Weights of total and I I I I fissile uranium, arid I I I I the chemical compos i-I I I I tion. I I I ___________
I     I
! __________________
_____ l ____ I 11      If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded for these assemblies shall be kept.
! _____________ _____ l ____ I 11 If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded for these assemblies shall be kept.
Text prepared on 6UNHUH,AL UNCl.ASSlflED 1986-09-24.
. -
Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 . -Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT i-Fae i 1i ty UXHF I MBA. Code: UXHF Page No. 8 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.1: Nuclear P1aterial Flow KMPs I I 1< I Description of a typical I Mat. I Meas. I IMr Inventory
SAIHHAltH~ 6UNHUH,AL                        UNCl.ASSlflED Text prepared on 1986-09-24.                         Date of entry into force:     1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                    SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT i-Fae i 1i ty Code~- UXHF I MBA. Code: UXHF Page No. 8 of 19 pages I                                                                                                      I I Code 4.1:    Nuclear P1aterial Flow KMPs                                                          I I1-------------:-------------------------,,....---*--------------~---------'
1< I                     Description of a typical      I                             Mat. IMeas. I IMr      Inventory    ______________ !                              Source data        Descr. lbasisl lfl      Change                  batch              item I___________ Code l _ l I I                                                       I'                                  I     I 131 Shipment of        For fuel assemblies:       One I For each irradiated fuel       BQ2G I M I I I nucle~r                                          fuel I assembly:                           l    l I I material          Ona* fuel assembly.         assem-                                     I bly
! Source data Descr. lbasisl lfl Change batch item I ___________
* 1) Identification number;         I
Code l_l I I I ' I I 131 Shipment of For fuel assemblies:
: 2) Date of discharge;            I
One I For each irradiated fuel BQ2G I M I I I fuel I assembly: l l I I material Ona* fuel assembly.
[continued]                                          3) Burn-up (f"MD/tU~;
assem-I [continued]
: 4) Weights of total and fissile uranium and -
of total plutonium, calculated as of the date of discharge, *and corrected for Pu-241 decay between the data of discharge and the date of shipment;
* 1) Identification number; I 2) Date of discharge; I 3) Burn-up
: 5) Isotopic composition of uranium and pluto-                I nium calculated for                  I each assembly as of                  I the date of discharge,                I and corrected for                      I Pu-241 decay between                  I I            the date of discharge                  I I            and the date of ship-                 I I            ment.                                  I
: 4) Weights of total and fissile uranium and -of total plutonium, calculated as of the date of discharge, *and corrected for Pu-241 decay between the data of discharge and the date of shipment;
___________ I ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ I I                                                   I For small guanti ties of I As        For each batch:               As     N, I nuclear material (each lappro-                                  appro-    M I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate      1) Weight of compound;     priate        I kilogram):                I         2) Weights of total and                 I I             fissile uranium, and                  I Any number of such quan-1                of plutonium, and_ the                I tities shipped in one      I             chemical composition.                I calendar month to the    I                                                  I same recipient or, if a I                                                    I physical inventory was I                                                      I taken during the month, I -                                                   I separately before and    I                                                  I after the time of physi-1                                                      I cal inventory taking. I                                                  I
: 5) Isotopic composition of uranium and pluto-I nium calculated for I each assembly as of I the date of discharge, I and corrected for I Pu-241 decay between I I the date of discharge I I and the date of ship-I I ment. I ___________
      -----~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ---------------~ ---- __*__ I                      _I Exemption                                                                                    I I
I ___ ---------------
Same as for Shipment at KMP 3 above.                   I Accidental                                                                                    I loss/                                                                                        I Withdrawal
---____ I I I For small guanti ties of I As For each batch: As N, I nuclear material (each lappro-appro-M I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate
  ------~--_..       ___________________________________________________ II
: 1) Weight of compound; priate I kilogram):
I 2) Weights of total and I I fissile uranium, and I Any number of such quan-1 of plutonium, and_ the I tities shipped in one I chemical composition.
SAFEGUARDS CBNFl91'TIAL U~lEO Text prepared on        1986-09-2~                      Data of entry in o force:                198~10-01              -
I calendar month to the I I same recipient or, if a I I physical inventory was I I taken during the month, I -I separately before and I I after the time of physi-1 I cal inventory taking. I I  
Facility Attachment No. 13                      SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda~ UXHF I MBA*Coda: UXHF Paga No. 9 of 19 pages I                                                                                                                              I I Code 4.2:      KfllP* for the physical inventory of nuclear ma_terial                                                        I I                                                          -* : * - * ~- ":"  - :- ** ** . .:. .,_ * ;_;,;..;_                I IKI            Description of a typical              I                                                      !Mat. _ !Meas.I IMI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=-~-'                                    Source data                          IDescr.jbasisl IPI                    batch              I item l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICoda l _ I
  ,-,                                        I        I                                                      I        I      I IAI For fuel assemblies:                  I One I      For each fuel assembly:                            I BQ1F I N I I                                      I fuel I                                                          I BQ2F I N I I One fuel assembly.                  lassern-1    As for fuel assemblies at                          I        I      I I                                      I bly I      KMP 1 above.                                    -I          I      I
_I                                        I        I                                                      I        l_ _ I I                                      I        I                                                      I        I      I Bl For fuel assambltas: -                I Ona I      As for fuel assemblies at KMP ll BQ4F I N I I                                      I fuel I      for unirradiated fuel or as forl BQ4G I M I I One fuel assembly.                      assarn-1    fuel assemblies at KMP 2 on - I                              I      I I                                          bly I      calculated values for                              I        I      I I                                                I  irradiated fuel.                                  I        I      I
* __ I Exemption Accidental loss/ Withdrawal Same as for Shipment at KMP 3 above. _I I I I I I I
  ~I                                                  I                                                      I        l_I I                                                I                                                      I        I      I C For fuel assemblies:                        One I For each fuel assembly:                                I BQ1G I -M I fuel I                                                        I BQ2G I M- I One fuel assembly.                    assern- 1) Identification number;                              I          -      I bly      2) Weights of total and fissile!                                      I uranium and of total pluto- I                                    I nium calculated-as of the                      I                I date of discharge, and                          I                I corrected for Pu-241 decay I                                    -1 between the date of dis-                        I                I charge and the date of                          I                I shipment;                                      I                I
: 3) Date of discharge;                              I                I
I Text prepared on SAFEGUARDS CBNFl91'TIAL Data of entry in o force:
: 4) Burn-up (1"1110/tU);                            I                I
-Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility UXHF I MBA*Coda:
: 5) Isotopic composition.                            I                I_
UXHF Paga No. 9 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.2: KfllP* for the physical inventory of nuclear ma_terial I I -* : * -* ":" -:-** ** ...:...,_
I_-------------- - - -------------'                                                                                      __ I I I                                                                                                          I                I IAI    For sinall quantities of nuclear        As      For each batch:                                    I As          N, I IBI    material (each less than 0.01        appro-                                                          lappro-      M I ICI    effective kilogram):                priate      1) Weight of compound;                            lpriate          I IOI                                                      2) Weights of total and fissile!                                    I I I    Any number of such quantities.                        uranium and of plutonium.                      I                I I                                                                                                                              I
* ;_;,;..;_
I IKI Description of a typical I !Mat. __ !Meas.I IMI ______________
UNClJ\.)Slt 'E.U Text prepared on    1986~24
Source data IDescr.jbasisl IPI batch I item l _____________
* Date of ent~int~ force:    1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                        SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Code: UXHF / MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 10 of 19 pages Gen*ral . Agreement Code      Part        Reference
ICoda l_I ,-, I I I I I IAI For fuel assemblies:
          . Reference. (Articles)
I One I For each fuel assembly:
I BQ1F I N I I I fuel I I BQ2F I N I I One fuel assembly.
: 5.                  'fa!},          Records svst*
lassern-1 As for fuel assemblies at I I I I I bly I KMP 1 above. -I I I _I I I I l __ I I I I I I I Bl For fuel assambltas:
-I Ona I As for fuel assemblies at KMP ll BQ4F I N I I I fuel I for unirradiated fuel or as forl BQ4G I M I I One fuel assembly.
S.1                    ~) * .a;.i* *Specific provisions for accounting records S.Ll                                  Inventory changes (for the specifications of source data see Code 4.1 above), time of recording .
assarn-1 fuel assemblies at KMP 2 on -I I I I bly I calculated values for I I I I I irradiated fuel. I I I I I l_I I I I I I C For fuel assemblies:
                                    . - Receipt:
One I For each fuel assembly:
Upon receipt.
I BQ1G I -M I One fuel assembly.
                                      - Nuclear loss (burn-up), nuclear production and category change:
fuel I I BQ2G I M -I assern-1) Identification number; I -I bly 2) Weights of total and fissile! I uranium and of total pluto-I I nium calculated-as of the I I date of discharge, and I I corrected for Pu-241 decay I -1 between the date of dis-I I charge and the date of I I shipment; I I 3) Date of discharge; I I 4) Burn-up (1"1110/tU);
When calcula.ted, including upon discharge. 2/, !/
I I 5) Isotopic composition.
                                      - Nuclear loss (Pu-241 decay):*
I I_ I_--------------
When calculated, including upon shipment.
                                      """ Shipment:
__ I I I I I IAI For sinall quantities of nuclear As For each batch: I As N, I IBI material (each less than 0.01 appro-lappro-M I ICI effective kilogram):
Upon shipment.
priate 1) Weight of compound; lpriate I IOI 2) Weights of total and fissile! I I I Any number of such quantities.
6.3,6.2                    - Exemption/de-exemption:
uranium and of plutonium.
I I I I Text prepared on UNClJ\.)Slt
* Date of force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility_Code:
UXHF / MBA Code: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Code 5. S.1 S.Ll 5 .1. 2 Gen*ral . Part . Reference. (Codes) 6.3,6.2 3. 7, 7 .1 2.1 Agreement Reference (Articles)
* 'fa!},
Page No. 10 of 19 pages SAFUiUARBS CGNFIBEtlTIAL Records svst* * .a;.i* *Specific provisions for accounting records *.b) d*: ...... Inventory changes (for the specifications of source data see Code 4.1 above), time of recording . . -Receipt: Upon receipt. -Nuclear loss (burn-up), nuclear production and category change: When calcula.ted, including upon discharge.
2/, !/ -Nuclear loss (Pu-241 decay):* When calculated, including upon shipment.  
""" Shipment:
Upon shipment.  
Upon accounting transfer of the nuclear material; Accidental loss/gain:
Upon accounting transfer of the nuclear material; Accidental loss/gain:
* Upon establishment of the amount of material lost/gained.  
* Upon establishment of the amount of material lost/gained.
: 3. 7, 7 .1                - Withdrawal:
Upon withdrawal.
Upon withdrawal.
Measurement (item counting and identification) results used for determination of the physical inventory (for specifications of source see Code 4.2 above), time of recording.  
5 .1. 2    2.1          *.b) d*:......
-Itemized list of nuclear material quantities on inventory for each inventory KMP: Upon identification and counting of during the physical inventory taking. -Itemized list of nuclear material inventory identifying changes since the physital inventory taking: . Before inventory  
Measurement (item counting and identification) results used for determination of the physical inventory (for specifications of source ~ata see Code 4.2 above), time of recording.
'fl Fuel removed from the reactor shall be considered as discharged if it remains out of the core after.the routine refuelling shutdown is completed.  
                                      - Itemized list of nuclear material quantities on inventory for each inventory KMP:
!/ If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded Tut .
Upon identification and counting of lte~s during the physical inventory taking.
* UNCLASSlflED prepared on e Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility_Coda:
                                      - Itemized list of nuclear material inventory identifying changes since the physital inventory taking: .
UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 Code 5.1. 3 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 General Part Reference Codes Agreement Reference (Articles) st:&deg;') .......... Page No. 11 of 19 pages Adjustments and corrections, time of recording.  
Before inventory v~rification.
'fl   Fuel removed from the reactor shall be considered as discharged if it remains out of the core after.the routine refuelling shutdown is completed.
!/ If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded
Normally not relevant.  
-MUF: Normally identical to zero. * -Corrections:
            .*               UNCLASSlflED Tut prepared on   1986~24                                    e Data of entry into force:   1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                   SALEM NUCLEAR  GENERAT~NG STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 11 of 19 pages General     Agreement Code    Part         Reference Reference     (Articles)
Codes 5.1. 3                              Adjustments and corrections, time of recording.
                                    - Shipper/rec~iver  difference:
Normally not relevant.
                                    - MUF:
Normally identical to zero.
                                  * - Corrections:
Whenever errors have been found, with specific reference to the entry being corrected.
Whenever errors have been found, with specific reference to the entry being corrected.
Specific provisions for operating records Operating data used to establish changes in the quantities and composition of nuclear material -Location of each fuel assembly at any time; -The relevant source data with respect to nuclear loss and production, including: (a) The monthly integrated thermal power produced by the reactor; and (b) The estimated burn-up (in f"WD/t of uranium) for each fuel assembly;  
5.2                                  Specific provisions for operating records 5.2.1                                Operating data used to establish changes in the quantities and composition of nuclear material
-Date and duration of any reactor shutdown;  
                                    - Location of each fuel assembly at any time;
-Date and nature of the use of fuel handling and transport equipment.
                                    - The relevant source data with respect to nuclear loss and production, including:
Calibrations Not required.
(a) The monthly integrated thermal power produced by the reactor; and (b) The estimated burn-up (in f"WD/t of uranium) for each fuel assembly;
Sequence of the actions taken in preparing for and in taking the physical inventory physical inventory KMPs: Dates and description of the actions taken and the results obtained.  
                                    - Date and duration of any reactor shutdown;
-An itemized list of nuclear material inventory after completion of inventory taking by the operator but bef.ore commencement of verification by the Agency.   
                                    - Date and nature of the use of fuel handling and transport equipment.
5.2.2                st:&deg;')
                      .......... Calibrations Not required.
5.2.3                ~c>          Sequence of the actions taken in preparing for and in taking the physical inventory
                                    ~All    physical inventory KMPs:
Dates and description of the actions taken and the results obtained.
                                  - An itemized list of nuclear material inventory after completion of inventory taking by the operator but bef.ore commencement of verification by the Agency.
UNCLA5Sl~lUJ Text praparad on 1986iJt-24 e
Data of entry into force:      1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                  SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1
. Facility_ Coda: UXHF"/ MBA Coda: UXHF Paga No. 12 of 19 pages General    Agreement Code    Part        Ref arence Raf erenca (Codes)
(Articles)        SAFE&UARBS r 68NFIBENTl-AL*,.
S.2.4                            Actions taken in order to ascertain tha cause and magni tuda of any accidental or unmeasured loss
                                  - Dates and description of the actions taken and
* the results obtained .
                      .....        Location and language of records At the facility in English.
S.4                              Retention period for records Five years.
                      * **
                      ~          Reports syst*
6 .1 6 .1.1 3.4.1 10
Specific provisions for Inventory Change Reports (ICRs)
Contents The recorded entries to be reported are those types specified in Code S.1.1 above.* ICRs Li.1ill be completed as specified in the relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part. Nuclear loss, nuclear production.and category change for irradiated fuel assemblies Li.1ill be reported Li.1hen calculated including as of the date of discharge.
6 1. 2 I                              Timing or frequency of dispatch As soon as possible and in any event Li.1ithin 30 days after the end of the month in Li.lhich inventory changes specified in Code S.l;l occurred or Li.1ere established.
6.2      3.4.1                  Specific provisions for concise notes 6,2.1                62(a)      Concise notes ekplaining the inventory changes
                                  - To be attached to ICRs containing data on nuclear loss and production; they are to state the burri-up in Jl'lt,ID/t of initial U for each fuel assembly discharged;
UNC~~l~ltu Text prepared on 1986-0tll4
* Date of entr~nto  force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                    SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 13 of 19 pages Gen.ral    Agreement Code    Part      Reference Reference (Codes)
SAFEGUARDS 60NFIDENTIAL 6.2.1 (continued)                  ~* To be attached to ICRs to explain unusual inventory changes (such as accidental loss) and corrections. They may also be used to explain any other part of information included in reports.
6.2.2                              Concise notes describing the anticipated operational programme; subject and time of dispatch.
                                  - Planned operations involving refuelling, fresh
                                      . fuel receipts and spent fuel shipments:
To be attached to each MBR (see Code 6;3.3 below) and to cover the period until the end of the next refue 11 ing, to be updated every six months.
                                  - Precise forecasts for:
a) Date of the next refuelling, physical*
inventory taking including date.when seals are expected to be removed from the reactor; and b) Spent fuel shipments, including information about the shipping casks to be used, the extent to which they are expected to be filled:
to reach the Agency at least 30 days in advance, subsequent changes as soon as known.
6.3      3.4.2      61(b},6~      Specific provisions for Material Balance Reports (MBR) 6.3.1    10        65; 90(M)    MBR contents The consolidated inventory ~hanges to be reported are those types specified in Code 5.1.1 above.
MBRs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part.
6.3.2  10          B; 90(M)      PIL contents
                                  - Physical inventory listings (PILs) based on the results of physical inventory taking, to be attached to MBRs. The batch data included in PILs will be based on the shipper's data on the initial nuclear material content for the fuel for unirradiated fuel assemblies or on the operator's data for irradiated fuel assemblies. PILs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part.
Text prepared on e.
Date of entry into force:
* Facility Attachment No. 13                SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 14 of 19 pages General    Agreement Code    Part        Reference Reference (Codes)
(Articles)        SAFEGUARDS*. GQN~l19E-NFIAL:
6.3.3                            Timing or. frequency of dispatch:
                                      - As soon as possible and in any event within 30 days after thQ physical inventory taking under Code 3.1.3 above.
6.4      3.5.1      lllli!f!W}  Special reports 6.4.1                            Specification of incidents or circumstances requiring submission of special reports (a) Losses:
One or more fuel assemblies; (b) Changes in containment:
                                          - Physical integrity of a fuel assembly as an accounting unit is accidentally broken;
                                          - Any Agency containm~nt and surveillance device, referred to in Code 3.2.2 is interfered with or removed in the absence of Agency inspectors, unless the Agency has been informed in advance as provided.4/
6.4.2                            Contents
                                    - Date when the incident occurred or circumstances were established;*
                                    - Description of the actions taken in order to ascertain the cause of the event and to establish the magnitude of any loss of nuclear material;
                                    - Cause and features of the incident or circumstances; ii      In respect of seals on shipping casks, this requirement applies only *while the cask remains in the facility.
Text praparad on                                  Data of entr"nto force:    1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                  SALEr1 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility ~a: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Page No. 15 of 19 pages General    Agreem.ant Code    Part        Ref arance Raf erence (Cadas)
(Articles)          SAFEBUARBS CBNFIBENTIAL 6.4.2 (continued)                - Estimated amount of nuclear material which has been lost .
: 7.      4.2        *** .
Inspections 7.1                1t,**        Mode of routine inspections Inhrmi ttent.
7.2                                Applicable formula and procedure for determination of maximum routine inspection effort:
                    ...,.    .
Article 78(a) of the Agreement Actual inspection effort related to routine inspection activities The actual inspection effort will be detanninad by the Agency on the basis of the relevant provisions of the Agreement to ensure the attainment of Agency safeguards objectives, assuming:
3.1                      a)  Circumstances at the facility to be as described in the design information referred to in.Code 2. above;
: 2.                        b)  The continued validity of the information on the State System of accounting for and control of nuclear material as set out in the General I
7.4                              Indication of the scope of routine inspections under ordinary circumstances
====7.4.1 General====
                                - Examination of the records, verification for self-consistency;
                                -  Com~arison ~f  reports and records for consistency ..
7.4.2                            At inventory KMPs
                                - ~erification of the inventory by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements.
                                - Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.
Text prepared on                                Date of ent~into force:    1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 16 of 19 pages General    Agreement Code    Part Reference Reference (Articles)            SAFEGUARDS 6BNFIBENTIAL (Codes) 7.4.3                            At flow l<MPs
                                  - Verification of inventory changes by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements of fras~ and irradiated fuel.
                                - Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.
7.4.4                            At strategic points for containment and surveillance
                                - Application, examination and removal of Agency
                                  *seals; Servicing and maintenance of C/S instruments and devices;
                                - Observation of refuelling and spent fuel removal operations.
7.4.S -                          During interim verification of nuclear material inventory
                                - Item counting, identification, integrity checks,
                                  .and NOA measurements (except material in core).
                                - Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.                          (
7.5                1.3-(d)    Arrangements for the use by the Agency of equipment for independent measurement Specific arrangements for the use of equipment to be made as the need arises.
7.6                            Persons to ~hom a request for any operation or for services at the facility should be addressed Vice President for Nuclear Public Service Electric and Gas Company 7.7                            Contacts at the facility Manager - Nuclear Fuel Nuclear Department Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit i
Text prepared on e
Date of entry into force:
Facility Attachment No. 13                  SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility.,Cod*: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Page No. 17 of 19 pages General    Agreement Code      Part      Reference Reference (Codes)
(Articles)            SAFE6HARBS 69NFIBENTJAL 7.8                ~-*'*.        Services and charges 7.8.1                              Inspection activities                      Charge
                                    - Observation of ongoing operational activities.                              None
                                    - Item counting arid identification.        None
                                    - Reading of instruments relevant to measurements connected with source and process data.                      None
                                    - NOA measurements:
a) Calibration of NOA instruments;      None b)  Verification of NOA instruments calibration through the use of standards.                          None c)  Agency NOA measurements.            None d)  Personnel and equipment for handling nuclear material during its measurement.                    None
                                  - Records:
Examination of re~ords including reconciliation of records and reports and establishment of updated book inventory.                              None Application, checking and removal of Agency seals.                        None
                                  - Surveillance:
Positioning, removal and use of Agency's surveillance devices.          None
                                  - Lighting, including emergency lighting to light all critical areas under surveillance.                None
                                  -  R~viewing  6f surveillance records. None
                                  - Other charges.                            *
* Charges in connection with inspection activities not included above will be discussed as the situation arises.
  ~I i
Taxt prepared on Facility Attachment No. 13 Fae il i ty _Coda: UXHF I MBA Coda: U>CHF
Data of entry into force:  1986-iCH>l SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Paga No. 18 of 19 pages General      Agreement Code      Part        Reference Reference    (Articles)
(Codas) 7.8.2                              *Services.
                                          - Health and safety (including e.g.
protective clothing, dosimeters).        None
                                          - Office space.                              None
                                          - Power supply for IAEA instruments          None
                                                                                                  ., I
                                          - Means of communication (telephone, telex, cable).                            R
                                          - Other services.                            **
                                          - Facility personnel to escort the            None Agency inspectors 7.8.3                                Mode of reimbursement of the expanses charged      to the Agency By cheque after receipt of the invoice by the Agency.
7.9                                  Specific facility health and safety rules and
                                        *regulations to be observed by. Agency inspectors.
As specified in paragraph 54 of the  O~sign Information Questionnaire.
                                          ~  The A~ency inspectors will be informed at the facility by.short briefings at the time of entry into the facility of any changes in health and safety rules or ad hoc rules as might be required in view of a special situation that has occurred at the facility. For heal th and safety reasons,
                                            . inspectors will be escorted by qualified personnel.
R    Costs to be reimbursed by the Agency.
    **  If any specific request by the Agency for services not covered above gives rise to expenses for which reimbursement is requeste.d from the Agency, the Agency shall be
        .~otified of the expenses before the service is performed.        The Agency will only reimburse such expenses *if it has confirmed its initial request and agreed in writing to the amount involved which it will reimburse.

praparad on 1986iJt-24 e Text Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 . Facility_
    ~                  UNCLASSIFIED Text prepared on 1986-<J~;4                               *.
Coda: UXHF"/ MBA Coda: UXHF Code S.2.4 S.3 S.4 6. 6 .1 6 .1.1 6 I 1. 2 6.2 6,2.1 General Part Raf erenca (Codes) 3.4.1 10 3.4.1 Agreement Ref arence (Articles)
Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13                 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility ~e: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Paga No. 19 of 19 pages Genar-al    Agreement Coda   Part         Reference Reference   (Articles)           SAFEGUARBS 69NFIBENTIAL
...... ..... * ** elf;),'
_,. 62(a) Paga No. 12 of 19 pages SAFE&UARBS r 68NFIBENTl-AL*,.
Actions taken in order to ascertain tha cause and magni tuda of any accidental or unmeasured loss -Dates and description of the actions taken and
: 8.                   30,.,.     Agancy statwnts 8.1 8.2   ....   -
* the results obtained . Location and language of records At the facility in English. Retention period for records Five years. Reports syst* Specific provisions for Inventory Change Reports (ICRs) Contents The recorded entries to be reported are those types specified in Code S.1.1 above.* ICRs Li.1ill be completed as specified in the relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part. Nuclear loss, nuclear production.and category change for irradiated fuel assemblies Li.1ill be reported Li.1hen calculated including as of the date of discharge.
88(a) 88(b).
Timing or frequency of dispatch As soon as possible and in any event Li.1ithin 30 days after the end of the month in Li.lhich inventory changes specified in Code S.l;l occurred or Li.1ere established.
A summary statement will be made on the, result of each inspection within 30 days of its completion .
Specific provisions for concise notes Concise notes ekplaining the inventory changes -To be attached to ICRs containing data on nuclear loss and production; they are to state the burri-up in Jl'lt,ID/t of initial U for each fuel assembly discharged; Text prepared on 1986-0tll4
A statement on the conclusions the Agency has.drawn from its verification activities in respect of the facility will be made within 60 days after the end of the month in which the Agency has verified the physical inventory. The statement will include, as appropriate, conclusions drawn from:
* Date of force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Code Gen.ral Part Reference (Codes) 6.2.1 (continued) 6.2.2 6.3 3.4.2 6.3.1 10 6.3.2 10 Agreement Reference (Articles)
(a) Records examination; (b) Reports to the Agency; (c) Examinat-ion of containment and surveillance results; (d) Verification of inventory changes; (e) Verification of material accountancy; (f) Verification of the quality and functioning of operator's measurement system.
Page No. 13 of 19 pages SAFEGUARDS 60NFIDENTIAL To be attached to ICRs to explain unusual inventory changes (such as accidental loss) and corrections.
(g) Activities in respect of MUF, shipper/receiver differences and/or losses.}}
They may also be used to explain any other part of information included in reports. Concise notes describing the anticipated operational programme; subject and time of dispatch.
-Planned operations involving refuelling, fresh . fuel receipts and spent fuel shipments:
To be attached to each MBR (see Code 6;3.3 below) and to cover the period until the end of the next refue 11 ing, to be updated every six months. -Precise forecasts for: a) Date of the next refuelling, physical*
inventory taking including date.when seals are expected to be removed from the reactor; and b) Spent fuel shipments, including information about the shipping casks to be used, the extent to which they are expected to be filled: to reach the Agency at least 30 days in advance, subsequent changes as soon as known.
Specific provisions for Material Balance Reports (MBR) 65; 90(M) MBR contents B; 90(M) The consolidated inventory to be reported are those types specified in Code 5.1.1 above. MBRs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part. PIL contents -Physical inventory listings (PILs) based on the results of physical inventory taking, to be attached to MBRs. The batch data included in PILs will be based on the shipper's data on the initial nuclear material content for the fuel for unirradiated fuel assemblies or on the operator's data for irradiated fuel assemblies.
PILs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part.
.. Text prepared on e . Date of entry into force:
* Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility_Coda:
UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Page No. 14 of 19 pages Code 6.3.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 General Part Reference (Codes) 3.5.1 Agreement Reference (Articles)
Timing or. frequency of dispatch:
-As soon as possible and in any event within 30 days after thQ physical inventory taking under Code 3.1.3 above. lllli!f!W}
Special reports Specification of incidents or circumstances requiring submission of special reports (a) Losses: One or more fuel assemblies; (b) Changes in containment:
-Physical integrity of a fuel assembly as an accounting unit is accidentally broken; -Any Agency and surveillance device, referred to in Code 3.2.2 is interfered with or removed in the absence of Agency inspectors, unless the Agency has been informed in advance as provided.4/
Contents -Date when the incident occurred or circumstances were established;*
-Description of the actions taken in order to ascertain the cause of the event and to establish the magnitude of any loss of nuclear material;
-Cause and features of the incident or circumstances; ii In respect of seals on shipping casks, this requirement applies only *while the cask remains in the facility.
Text praparad on Data of entr"nto force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEr1 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Code 6.4.2 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 General Part Raf erence (Cadas) (continued) 4.2 3.1 2. Agreem.ant Ref arance (Articles) . *** 1t,** ... ,. . CllWIJJ.:
-Estimated amount of nuclear material which has been lost . Inspections Mode of routine inspections Inhrmi ttent. Applicable formula and procedure for determination of maximum routine inspection effort: Article 78(a) of the Agreement Actual inspection effort related to routine inspection activities The actual inspection effort will be detanninad by the Agency on the basis of the relevant provisions of the Agreement to ensure the attainment of Agency safeguards objectives, assuming:
a) Circumstances at the facility to be as described in the design information referred to in.Code 2. above; b) The continued validity of the information on the State System of accounting for and control of nuclear material I as set out in the General Part. Indication of the scope of routine inspections under ordinary circumstances General: -Examination of the records, verification for self-consistency;
-reports and records for consistency
.. At inventory KMPs -
of the inventory by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements.
-Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.
Text prepared on Date of force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Code 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.S -7.5 7.6 7.7 General Part Reference (Codes) Agreement Reference (Articles) 1.3-(d) Page No. 16 of 19 pages SAFEGUARDS 6BNFIBENTIAL At flow l<MPs -Verification of inventory changes by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements of and irradiated fuel. -Application, examination and removal of Agency seals. At strategic points for containment and surveillance
-Application, examination and removal of Agency *seals; Servicing and maintenance of C/S instruments and devices; -Observation of refuelling and spent fuel removal operations.
During interim verification of nuclear material inventory
-Item counting, identification, integrity checks, .and NOA measurements (except material in core). -Application, examination and removal of Agency seals. ( Arrangements for the use by the Agency of equipment for independent measurement Specific arrangements for the use of equipment to be made as the need arises. Persons to a request for any operation or for services at the facility should be addressed Vice President for Nuclear Public Service Electric and Gas Company Contacts at the facility Manager -Nuclear Fuel Nuclear Department Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit i e Text prepared on Date of entry into force: Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility.,Cod*:
UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Code 7.8 7.8.1 General Part Reference (Codes) Agreement Reference (Articles)
Page No. 17 of 19 pages SAFE6HARBS 69NFIBENTJAL Services and charges Inspection activities Charge -Observation of ongoing operational activities.
None -Item counting arid identification.
None -Reading of instruments relevant to measurements connected with source and process data. None -NOA measurements:
a) Calibration of NOA instruments; None b) Verification of NOA instruments calibration through the use of standards.
None c) Agency NOA measurements.
None d) Personnel and equipment for handling nuclear material during its measurement.
None -Records: Examination of including reconciliation of records and reports and establishment of updated book inventory.
None Application, checking and removal of Agency seals. None -Surveillance:
Positioning, removal and use of Agency's surveillance devices. None -Lighting, including emergency lighting to light all critical areas under surveillance.
None -
6f surveillance records. None -Other charges. *
* Charges in connection with inspection activities not included above will be discussed as the situation arises. 
.. , i Taxt prepared on ** Data of entry into force: 1986-iCH>l Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Fae il i ty _Coda: UXHF I MBA Coda: U>CHF Code 7.8.2 7.8.3 7.9 General Part Reference (Codas) Agreement Reference (Articles)
Paga No. 18 of 19 pages *Services.  
-Health and safety (including e.g. protective clothing, dosimeters).
None -Office space. None -Power supply for IAEA instruments None -Means of communication (telephone, telex, cable). R -Other services.
** -Facility personnel to escort the None Agency inspectors Mode of reimbursement of the expanses charged to the Agency By cheque after receipt of the invoice by the Agency. Specific facility health and safety rules and *regulations to be observed by. Agency inspectors.
As specified in paragraph 54 of the Information Questionnaire. The inspectors will be informed at the facility by.short briefings at the time of entry into the facility of any changes in health and safety rules or ad hoc rules as might be required in view of a special situation that has occurred at the facility.
For heal th and safety reasons, . inspectors will be escorted by qualified personnel.
R Costs to be reimbursed by the Agency. ** If any specific request by the Agency for services not covered above gives rise to expenses for which reimbursement is requeste.d from the Agency, the Agency shall be of the expenses before the service is performed.
The Agency will only reimburse such expenses *if it has confirmed its initial request and agreed in writing to the amount involved which it will reimburse.
., I !
UNCLASSIFIED Text prepared on f *. Date o entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Paga No. 19 of 19 pages Genar-al Agreement Coda Part Reference Reference (Articles) (Codas) 8. -* 30,.,. 8.1 ---* 88(a) 8.2 .... -88(b). SAFEGUARBS 69NFIBENTIAL Agancy statwnts A summary statement will be made on the, result of each inspection within 30 days of its completion . A statement on the conclusions the Agency has.drawn from its verification activities in respect of the facility will be made within 60 days after the end of the month in which the Agency has verified the physical inventory.
The statement will include, as appropriate, conclusions drawn from: (a) Records examination; (b) Reports to the Agency; (c) Examinat-ion of containment and surveillance results; (d) Verification of inventory changes; (e) Verification of material accountancy; (f) Verification of the quality and functioning of operator's measurement system. (g) Activities in respect of MUF, shipper/receiver differences and/or losses.}}

Revision as of 12:58, 21 October 2019

Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Facility Attachment 13 to Us/Iaea Safeguards Agreement Into Unit 1 OL
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Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1987
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Text proparod on 1986-0lf~fl£D e .

Dato of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Safeguards Agreement between USA and the IAEA Subsidiary Arrangements Fae i l i ty Attachment No.

  • 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Total number of pages: 19 - "'* Paga No. 1 of 19 pages

.General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Articles) SAFEGUARDS 69NFIDENT1Al (Codas)

1. 43(a) Identification of the facility Facility identification code: UXHF
1. 1 Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 (SNGS 1)

Owner and Operator Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

1.2 Geographic location Salem County, New Jersey, USA

1. 3 Postal address

. Public Service Electric and Gas Co.

Nuclear Department P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038

1. 4 Description The power station consists of one pressurized light water reactor. Pin removal or exchange is not normally performed.

Main design features are as follows:

- Reactor thermal output: 3411 l'tl.l(th)

- Refuelling interval: normally 15-19 months

- Number of fuel assemblies* in the reactor core: 193

- Fresh fuel storage capacity: 72

- Spent fuel storage capacity: 1170 (0609W]

8704290163 870420 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P PDR


Text prej>ared e

Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01



Facility ~ode: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 2 of 19 pages General Agreement

  • Code Part Reference Reference (Codes)


SAFE6YAR9S 60NFl9ENTIAL 1.4 (continued) - Nominal weight of nuclear material in an assembly: 462kg

- Maximum fresh fuel enrichment (U-235): 3.80 w/o

- Number of assemblies normally discharged on refuelling: 72-117

1. 5 Maps and plans See Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ).
2. 3.1 43, 44 Information on th* faciliti 46(a)

This facility attachment is based on the design information dated 10 October 1985, and the design information supplement provided in September 1986.

2.1 8(c) Location of information Identical sets of the information provided on the facility are kept .at the Agency, at the facility and at the USNRC Headquarters.

2.2 3 .1. 3 45 Changes in the information on the facility to be provided in advance With reference to the relevant paragraphs of the Design Information Questionnaire

- Change in the rated thermal output for continuous operation by 20~ or more; *(14)

- Change of the type of fuel used; e.g.

introduction of mixed oxide fuel for test purposes or for routine use; (22, 23, 25)

- Change of the maximum enrichments of the fuel; (23)

- Change in the design of the reactor fuel; (24, 26, 27)

Installation of equipment for pin removals or exchange in assemblies for test purposes or for routine use; (13, 28)

- Change in the method and/or procedure of identifying individual fuel assemblies; (31)

- Change in the methods and/or equipment for

. refuelling and/or for handling of irradiated fuel; ( 41)

Text prepared on 1986PSIFIED Facility Attachment No. 13 Facility pode: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF


Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Page No. 3 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Codes)

(Articles) SAFE6UARBS CBNFIBENTIAL 2.2 (continued) - Change influencing the access to the reactor vessel and/or its cover; (43)

- Change in the number of fuel assemblies, control elements, dummy assemblies and/or irradiation positions inside the reactor vessel; ( 44)

- Change in the method of storage of irradiated fuel and/or in the spent fuel storage capacity; (48)

- Installation of any dismantling, decladding or dissolution equipment; (13, 28, Sl)

- Change in the nuclear material accountancy and control procedures; (SS)

- Change in the access routes to the reactor area; (10)

Change in the shipping containers and/or the routes followed by irradiated fuel within the faci 1 i ty; (50)

- Change in the health and safety rules and procedures affecting the conduct of inspection; (54)

Any change in of the design information to be submitted when the change has been completed.

3. Safaguilrds maasures 3.1 29 Accountancy
3. 1.1 46(b) Material Balance Areas and their identification codes. The Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1, UXHF, constitutes one material balance area, UXHF.

3.1.2 46(b) Strategic points which are Key Measurement Points 90(1<) (KMPs), (for their specifications see Code 4.)

(a) For determination of nuclear material flow:

KMP 1 - Receipts, accidental gains and de-exemption of nuclear material;

Text prepared on e

Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility~Cod*: UXHF"/ MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 4'of 19 pages General Agreement Coda Part Reference Reference (Articles) SAFEGUARDS CBNFIBENTIAL (Codes}

3 .1. 2 (continued) KMP 2 - Nuclear loss (burn-up) nuclear production and category change in fuel discharged from the reactor; nuclaar loss (Pu-241 decay);

KMP 3 - Shipments of nuclear material, withdrawals, exemptions and accidental losses; (b) For determination of physical inventory:

KMP A - Fresh fuel storage and inspection area; KMP B - Reactor*core; KMP C - Spent fuel storage racks and spent fuel shipping casks; KMP D - Other locations of nuclear material at the facility.

3 .1. 3 46(c) Physical inventory taking Nominal timing:

As soon as possible after completion of each refuelling and before the reactor is closed again.

In cases of prolonged shutdowns of one year or longer, PITs shall be performed once every twelve months.


Item counting and identification. Preparation of itemized list of nuclear material including identification number, material description, quantity of nuclear material and location of each item for each inventory KMP.

3.2 29 Containment and surveillance 46(f) Strategic points for application of containment 90(S) and surveillance measures

- Reactor hall including reactor vessel;

- Access routes to a~d from the reactor hall and spent fuel pool;

- Fresh and spent fuel storage areas;

- Any other points that might be mutually agreed.

  • . UNCLASSlf lED e .

Text prepared on 1986~24 .

  • Data of entry into force: 198~10-01.

Facility Attachment No. 13 SALE11 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_ Code: UXHF l MBA Coda: UXHF

.Page No. S of 19 pages General Agreement Part Raf erence SAFEG~ARDS

  • 69NFIDENTIAL' Coda Reference (Articles)

(Codes) 3.2.2 73(d) Installed -Ageacy instruments and devicas 73(e)

(a) Seals to ensure the containment of the reactor*


  • (b) Cameras for surveillance of fuel movements into

.or out of the reactor vessel, the. reactor containment and the.fresh and spent fuel storage areas; (c) Seals on shipping casks with spent fuel and other containers as applicable; (d) Seals on Agency instruments and devices; (e) Seals on containers with fuel assemblies received at the facility; (f) Seals on the reactor containment building (e.g.

equipment hatches).

If there is a need to break *a seal or interfere

  • with the operation of surveillance devices, the
  • Agency shall be informed in advance and by. the
  • fastest means. This information shall include the (probable) date on which the operation will take place.

3.3 6.1 11, 35 Specific provisions and criteria for termination of safeguards on nuclear material None.

3.4 6.2 36, 37 Specific prov1s1ons for exempting nuclear material

  • from safeguards None .. ,

3.5 3.7, 7.1 12(a) Specific prov1s1ons and criteria for withdrawal of nuclear material from safeguards None.

  • . UNCl.AJSl~IJ SAFEGUARBS CBNFf NllAL Ta>et prepared on 1986--09-24 Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEf'll NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA* Code: UXHF Paga No. 6 of f9 pages Coda 4.

Agreement References (Articles): *-~--

1 Specifications for Key Measurement Points Coda 4.1: KMPs for the flow of nuclear material KI I D@scription of a typical I IMat. !Meas.

Ml Inventory I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  ! Source data IDescr. lbasis

~I Chang a I -----'b;;..;;a;;..;t__c__h_ _ _ _ II item 1 I


!Code I


I I 11 Receipts of I For fuel assemblies: 1 Ona I For each fue 1 assembly: I BQ2F N I nuclear I I fuel I I I material I One fuel assembly. lasse~I 1) Identification number; I I I bly I 2) Weights of total and I I I I fissile uranium, and I .I I the chemical composi-1 I ti on; I I based on shipper's data.

~II 1------------~


__ I For small guanti ties of I As I For each batch: As N I nuclear material (each lappro-1 appro- I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate 1) Weight of compound; priate I kilogram): I 2) Weights of total and I I fissile uranium, and I A number of such quanti-1 of plutonium, and the I ties received in one I chemical composition; I caiendar month from the I based on shipper's data. I same shipper or, if*a I I physical inventory was I I taken during the month, I I separately before and I I after the time of physi-1 I cal inventory taking. I I I ----------- ____________________ ! ____ I I I I De-exemption, I I Accidental Same* a*s for Receipts at KMP 1 above. I I gain I I_-----------

I -----------------------=-----~---------------------,------,-----1I 12 M I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I

SAFEGUARDS GONFIBfilAL UNCl.ASSJFIED Text prepared on 1986-09-24 e Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda: _UXHF I M_BA *code: UXHF Paga No. 7 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.1: Nucl~r Material Flow KMPs

~ . .---~-~~*-:* . . . . _._ .. :.-_ II I .,._---------:--------:--~--::~-:--~:-----:-__;_~-~'--------------"--~*~~~-

Ii< I I Description of a typical I I Mat. IMeas. I IMI Inventory '------~---........,.~--' Source data IDescr. lbasisl IP I Change I batch i tam I________-"--__ ICode I _ I I 1 -...............-----, I I I I 121 Nuclear I I S) Nuclear loss of total I I I I I production, I I and fissile uranium I I I I Nuclear loss I I and nuclear production I I I (burn-up) I

  • of total plutonium I I I I when calculated, I I I [continued] I including as of the I I I I date of dis charge. 11 I

_I --1--------- '--

Category For fuel assemblies: One I 1) Identification number; BQlG change fuel I 2) Data of discharge; One fuel assembly asse~I 3) Weight of total aaid bly I fissile uranium as of I the data of discharge.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ I______________ - - -

1 Nuclear loss For fuel assemblies: One I For each fuel assembly: BQlG (Pu-241 decay) fuel I One fuel assembly. asse~ 1)-2) As for .fuel asse~ BQ4G M bly blies at KMP 1 above;

3) Date of discharge and shipment;
4) Nuclear loss of total plutonium (Pu-241 decay) for each fuel assembly when calcu-lated, including as of the date of shipment.

I 3 Shipment of For fuel assemblies: One For each fresh fuel BQ2F N I nuclear .I fuel assembly: I material I Ona fuel assembly. asse~I I I I bly I 1) Identification number; I I I I 2) Weights of total and I I I I fissile uranium, arid I I I I the chemical compos i- I II___________ I! __________________ I!_____________ tion.



_____ l ____ I 11 If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded for these assemblies shall be kept.

. -

SAIHHAltH~ 6UNHUH,AL UNCl.ASSlflED Text prepared on 1986-09-24. Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT i-Fae i 1i ty Code~- UXHF I MBA. Code: UXHF Page No. 8 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.1: Nuclear P1aterial Flow KMPs I I1-------------:-------------------------,,....---*--------------~---------'

1< I Description of a typical I Mat. IMeas. I IMr Inventory ______________ ! Source data Descr. lbasisl lfl Change batch item I___________ Code l _ l I I I' I I 131 Shipment of For fuel assemblies: One I For each irradiated fuel BQ2G I M I I I nucle~r fuel I assembly: l l I I material Ona* fuel assembly. assem- I bly

  • 1) Identification number; I
2) Date of discharge; I

[continued] 3) Burn-up (f"MD/tU~;

4) Weights of total and fissile uranium and -

of total plutonium, calculated as of the date of discharge, *and corrected for Pu-241 decay between the data of discharge and the date of shipment;

5) Isotopic composition of uranium and pluto- I nium calculated for I each assembly as of I the date of discharge, I and corrected for I Pu-241 decay between I I the date of discharge I I and the date of ship- I I ment. I

___________ I ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ I I I For small guanti ties of I As For each batch: As N, I nuclear material (each lappro- appro- M I less than 0.01 effectivelpriate 1) Weight of compound; priate I kilogram): I 2) Weights of total and I I fissile uranium, and I Any number of such quan-1 of plutonium, and_ the I tities shipped in one I chemical composition. I calendar month to the I I same recipient or, if a I I physical inventory was I I taken during the month, I - I separately before and I I after the time of physi-1 I cal inventory taking. I I

~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ---------------~ ---- __*__ I _I Exemption I I

Same as for Shipment at KMP 3 above. I Accidental I loss/ I Withdrawal

~--_.. ___________________________________________________ II

SAFEGUARDS CBNFl91'TIAL U~lEO Text prepared on 1986-09-2~ Data of entry in o force: 198~10-01 -

Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda~ UXHF I MBA*Coda: UXHF Paga No. 9 of 19 pages I I I Code 4.2: KfllP* for the physical inventory of nuclear ma_terial I I -* : * - * ~- ":" - :- ** ** . .:. .,_ * ;_;,;..;_ I IKI Description of a typical I !Mat. _ !Meas.I IMI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=-~-' Source data IDescr.jbasisl IPI batch I item l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICoda l _ I

,-, I I I I I IAI For fuel assemblies: I One I For each fuel assembly: I BQ1F I N I I I fuel I I BQ2F I N I I One fuel assembly. lassern-1 As for fuel assemblies at I I I I I bly I KMP 1 above. -I I I

_I I I I l_ _ I I I I I I I Bl For fuel assambltas: - I Ona I As for fuel assemblies at KMP ll BQ4F I N I I I fuel I for unirradiated fuel or as forl BQ4G I M I I One fuel assembly. assarn-1 fuel assemblies at KMP 2 on - I I I I bly I calculated values for I I I I I irradiated fuel. I I I

~I I I l_I I I I I I C For fuel assemblies: One I For each fuel assembly: I BQ1G I -M I fuel I I BQ2G I M- I One fuel assembly. assern- 1) Identification number; I - I bly 2) Weights of total and fissile! I uranium and of total pluto- I I nium calculated-as of the I I date of discharge, and I I corrected for Pu-241 decay I -1 between the date of dis- I I charge and the date of I I shipment; I I

3) Date of discharge; I I
4) Burn-up (1"1110/tU); I I
5) Isotopic composition. I I_

I_-------------- - - -------------' __ I I I I I IAI For sinall quantities of nuclear As For each batch: I As N, I IBI material (each less than 0.01 appro- lappro- M I ICI effective kilogram): priate 1) Weight of compound; lpriate I IOI 2) Weights of total and fissile! I I I Any number of such quantities. uranium and of plutonium. I I I I

UNClJ\.)Slt 'E.U Text prepared on 1986~24

  • Date of ent~int~ force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Code: UXHF / MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 10 of 19 pages Gen*ral . Agreement Code Part Reference

. Reference. (Articles)

5. 'fa!}, Records svst*


S.1 ~) * .a;.i* *Specific provisions for accounting records S.Ll Inventory changes (for the specifications of source data see Code 4.1 above), time of recording .

. - Receipt:

Upon receipt.

- Nuclear loss (burn-up), nuclear production and category change:

When calcula.ted, including upon discharge. 2/, !/

- Nuclear loss (Pu-241 decay):*

When calculated, including upon shipment.

""" Shipment:

Upon shipment.

6.3,6.2 - Exemption/de-exemption:

Upon accounting transfer of the nuclear material; Accidental loss/gain:

  • Upon establishment of the amount of material lost/gained.
3. 7, 7 .1 - Withdrawal:

Upon withdrawal.

5 .1. 2 2.1 *.b) d*:......

Measurement (item counting and identification) results used for determination of the physical inventory (for specifications of source ~ata see Code 4.2 above), time of recording.

- Itemized list of nuclear material quantities on inventory for each inventory KMP:

Upon identification and counting of lte~s during the physical inventory taking.

- Itemized list of nuclear material inventory identifying changes since the physital inventory taking: .

Before inventory v~rification.

'fl Fuel removed from the reactor shall be considered as discharged if it remains out of the core after.the routine refuelling shutdown is completed.

!/ If fuel assemblies discharged from the reactor are returned to the core, the values for nuclear production and nuclear loss which had been recorded

.* UNCLASSlflED Tut prepared on 1986~24 e Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERAT~NG STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 11 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Articles)

Codes 5.1. 3 Adjustments and corrections, time of recording.

- Shipper/rec~iver difference:

Normally not relevant.

- MUF:

Normally identical to zero.

  • - Corrections:

Whenever errors have been found, with specific reference to the entry being corrected.

5.2 Specific provisions for operating records 5.2.1 Operating data used to establish changes in the quantities and composition of nuclear material

- Location of each fuel assembly at any time;

- The relevant source data with respect to nuclear loss and production, including:

(a) The monthly integrated thermal power produced by the reactor; and (b) The estimated burn-up (in f"WD/t of uranium) for each fuel assembly;

- Date and duration of any reactor shutdown;

- Date and nature of the use of fuel handling and transport equipment.

5.2.2 st:°')

.......... Calibrations Not required.

5.2.3 ~c> Sequence of the actions taken in preparing for and in taking the physical inventory

~All physical inventory KMPs:

Dates and description of the actions taken and the results obtained.

- An itemized list of nuclear material inventory after completion of inventory taking by the operator but bef.ore commencement of verification by the Agency.

UNCLA5Sl~lUJ Text praparad on 1986iJt-24 e

Data of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1

. Facility_ Coda: UXHF"/ MBA Coda: UXHF Paga No. 12 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Ref arence Raf erenca (Codes)

(Articles) SAFE&UARBS r 68NFIBENTl-AL*,.

S.2.4 Actions taken in order to ascertain tha cause and magni tuda of any accidental or unmeasured loss

- Dates and description of the actions taken and

  • the results obtained .



..... Location and language of records At the facility in English.

S.4 Retention period for records Five years.


  • **

~ Reports syst*

6 .1 6 .1.1 3.4.1 10




Specific provisions for Inventory Change Reports (ICRs)

Contents The recorded entries to be reported are those types specified in Code S.1.1 above.* ICRs Li.1ill be completed as specified in the relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part. Nuclear loss, nuclear production.and category change for irradiated fuel assemblies Li.1ill be reported Li.1hen calculated including as of the date of discharge.

6 1. 2 I Timing or frequency of dispatch As soon as possible and in any event Li.1ithin 30 days after the end of the month in Li.lhich inventory changes specified in Code S.l;l occurred or Li.1ere established.

6.2 3.4.1 Specific provisions for concise notes 6,2.1 62(a) Concise notes ekplaining the inventory changes

- To be attached to ICRs containing data on nuclear loss and production; they are to state the burri-up in Jl'lt,ID/t of initial U for each fuel assembly discharged;

UNC~~l~ltu Text prepared on 1986-0tll4

  • Date of entr~nto force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Code: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 13 of 19 pages Gen.ral Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Codes)


SAFEGUARDS 60NFIDENTIAL 6.2.1 (continued) ~* To be attached to ICRs to explain unusual inventory changes (such as accidental loss) and corrections. They may also be used to explain any other part of information included in reports.

6.2.2 Concise notes describing the anticipated operational programme; subject and time of dispatch.

- Planned operations involving refuelling, fresh

. fuel receipts and spent fuel shipments:

To be attached to each MBR (see Code 6;3.3 below) and to cover the period until the end of the next refue 11 ing, to be updated every six months.

- Precise forecasts for:

a) Date of the next refuelling, physical*

inventory taking including date.when seals are expected to be removed from the reactor; and b) Spent fuel shipments, including information about the shipping casks to be used, the extent to which they are expected to be filled:

to reach the Agency at least 30 days in advance, subsequent changes as soon as known.

6.3 3.4.2 61(b},6~ Specific provisions for Material Balance Reports (MBR) 6.3.1 10 65; 90(M) MBR contents The consolidated inventory ~hanges to be reported are those types specified in Code 5.1.1 above.

MBRs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part.

6.3.2 10 B; 90(M) PIL contents

- Physical inventory listings (PILs) based on the results of physical inventory taking, to be attached to MBRs. The batch data included in PILs will be based on the shipper's data on the initial nuclear material content for the fuel for unirradiated fuel assemblies or on the operator's data for irradiated fuel assemblies. PILs will be completed as specified in relevant paragraphs of Code 10, General Part.


Text prepared on e.

Date of entry into force:

  • Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility_Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 14 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Codes)


6.3.3 Timing or. frequency of dispatch:

- As soon as possible and in any event within 30 days after thQ physical inventory taking under Code 3.1.3 above.

6.4 3.5.1 lllli!f!W} Special reports 6.4.1 Specification of incidents or circumstances requiring submission of special reports (a) Losses:

One or more fuel assemblies; (b) Changes in containment:

- Physical integrity of a fuel assembly as an accounting unit is accidentally broken;

- Any Agency containm~nt and surveillance device, referred to in Code 3.2.2 is interfered with or removed in the absence of Agency inspectors, unless the Agency has been informed in advance as provided.4/

6.4.2 Contents

- Date when the incident occurred or circumstances were established;*

- Description of the actions taken in order to ascertain the cause of the event and to establish the magnitude of any loss of nuclear material;

- Cause and features of the incident or circumstances; ii In respect of seals on shipping casks, this requirement applies only *while the cask remains in the facility.

Text praparad on Data of entr"nto force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEr1 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility ~a: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Page No. 15 of 19 pages General Agreem.ant Code Part Ref arance Raf erence (Cadas)

(Articles) SAFEBUARBS CBNFIBENTIAL 6.4.2 (continued) - Estimated amount of nuclear material which has been lost .

7. 4.2 *** .

Inspections 7.1 1t,** Mode of routine inspections Inhrmi ttent.

7.2 Applicable formula and procedure for determination of maximum routine inspection effort:


...,. .


Article 78(a) of the Agreement Actual inspection effort related to routine inspection activities The actual inspection effort will be detanninad by the Agency on the basis of the relevant provisions of the Agreement to ensure the attainment of Agency safeguards objectives, assuming:

3.1 a) Circumstances at the facility to be as described in the design information referred to in.Code 2. above;

2. b) The continued validity of the information on the State System of accounting for and control of nuclear material as set out in the General I


7.4 Indication of the scope of routine inspections under ordinary circumstances

7.4.1 General

- Examination of the records, verification for self-consistency;

- Com~arison ~f reports and records for consistency ..

7.4.2 At inventory KMPs

- ~erification of the inventory by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements.

- Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.

Text prepared on Date of ent~into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility Coda: UXHF I MBA Code: UXHF Page No. 16 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Articles) SAFEGUARDS 6BNFIBENTIAL (Codes) 7.4.3 At flow l<MPs

- Verification of inventory changes by item counting, identification, integrity checks, non-destructive measurements of fras~ and irradiated fuel.

- Application, examination and removal of Agency seals.

7.4.4 At strategic points for containment and surveillance

- Application, examination and removal of Agency

  • seals; Servicing and maintenance of C/S instruments and devices;

- Observation of refuelling and spent fuel removal operations.

7.4.S - During interim verification of nuclear material inventory

- Item counting, identification, integrity checks,

.and NOA measurements (except material in core).

- Application, examination and removal of Agency seals. (

7.5 1.3-(d) Arrangements for the use by the Agency of equipment for independent measurement Specific arrangements for the use of equipment to be made as the need arises.

7.6 Persons to ~hom a request for any operation or for services at the facility should be addressed Vice President for Nuclear Public Service Electric and Gas Company 7.7 Contacts at the facility Manager - Nuclear Fuel Nuclear Department Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit i

Text prepared on e

Date of entry into force:

Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility.,Cod*: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Page No. 17 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Codes)

(Articles) SAFE6HARBS 69NFIBENTJAL 7.8 ~-*'*. Services and charges 7.8.1 Inspection activities Charge

- Observation of ongoing operational activities. None

- Item counting arid identification. None

- Reading of instruments relevant to measurements connected with source and process data. None

- NOA measurements:

a) Calibration of NOA instruments; None b) Verification of NOA instruments calibration through the use of standards. None c) Agency NOA measurements. None d) Personnel and equipment for handling nuclear material during its measurement. None

- Records:

Examination of re~ords including reconciliation of records and reports and establishment of updated book inventory. None Application, checking and removal of Agency seals. None

- Surveillance:

Positioning, removal and use of Agency's surveillance devices. None

- Lighting, including emergency lighting to light all critical areas under surveillance. None

- R~viewing 6f surveillance records. None

- Other charges. *

  • Charges in connection with inspection activities not included above will be discussed as the situation arises.


~I i

Taxt prepared on Facility Attachment No. 13 Fae il i ty _Coda: UXHF I MBA Coda: U>CHF

Data of entry into force: 1986-iCH>l SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Paga No. 18 of 19 pages General Agreement Code Part Reference Reference (Articles)

(Codas) 7.8.2 *Services.

- Health and safety (including e.g.

protective clothing, dosimeters). None

- Office space. None

- Power supply for IAEA instruments None

., I


- Means of communication (telephone, telex, cable). R

- Other services. **

- Facility personnel to escort the None Agency inspectors 7.8.3 Mode of reimbursement of the expanses charged to the Agency By cheque after receipt of the invoice by the Agency.

7.9 Specific facility health and safety rules and

  • regulations to be observed by. Agency inspectors.

As specified in paragraph 54 of the O~sign Information Questionnaire.

~ The A~ency inspectors will be informed at the facility by.short briefings at the time of entry into the facility of any changes in health and safety rules or ad hoc rules as might be required in view of a special situation that has occurred at the facility. For heal th and safety reasons,

. inspectors will be escorted by qualified personnel.

R Costs to be reimbursed by the Agency.

    • If any specific request by the Agency for services not covered above gives rise to expenses for which reimbursement is requeste.d from the Agency, the Agency shall be

.~otified of the expenses before the service is performed. The Agency will only reimburse such expenses *if it has confirmed its initial request and agreed in writing to the amount involved which it will reimburse.

~ UNCLASSIFIED Text prepared on 1986-<J~;4 *.

Date of entry into force: 1986-10-01 Facility Attachment No. 13 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 Facility ~e: UXHF I MBA Coda: UXHF Paga No. 19 of 19 pages Genar-al Agreement Coda Part Reference Reference (Articles) SAFEGUARBS 69NFIBENTIAL



8. 30,.,. Agancy statwnts 8.1 8.2 .... -

88(a) 88(b).

A summary statement will be made on the, result of each inspection within 30 days of its completion .

A statement on the conclusions the Agency has.drawn from its verification activities in respect of the facility will be made within 60 days after the end of the month in which the Agency has verified the physical inventory. The statement will include, as appropriate, conclusions drawn from:

(a) Records examination; (b) Reports to the Agency; (c) Examinat-ion of containment and surveillance results; (d) Verification of inventory changes; (e) Verification of material accountancy; (f) Verification of the quality and functioning of operator's measurement system.

(g) Activities in respect of MUF, shipper/receiver differences and/or losses.