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{{#Wiki_filter:NATURAL GAMMA LOG-INCREASING RADIATION~BASIC SOIL PROPERT I E S LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTIONS DATA PALEO-CARBONATE MAGNETIC UNITSV CONTENT POLARITY COUNTS PER SECOND I40/60 ISO 200 220 240 260 pi 6 S 90 IOO 50 I20 2'c 20 40 60 60 IOO B Cu Ov'.'L E Y/0 I o'Gi'AVELL V SAND AND Sll TY GRAVEL, (SWGM),b v n,g o el uh o s'o ro ded, sand s bongo/or, sightly co/co to s,me/ceous/se frochor a/runic.-CLAYEY'SILT/(ML) brow, non caicareo s, cahche nodule s.-GRAVELLY SAND,(SW), I ghi'oy bro ni gro els bongo/, so d sub o ded, moderately olcaieo v calcic nod/es<-SILTY SAND,(SM),brown, sub-ro ded, nonce/et eo si hfn speck s, m cue eous.SILTY'LAY,(CL.CH),b own, noncalcoreous, icaceouo;M epe ks.-CLAYEY SAND AND SILTI SAAID, (SM), braw to ied.brown, sub ounded, noncalcoi roue, hvcoceous, concha odule s.+0+8 POSITIVE e---I20 I40-CLAYEY 5'AiVD, (SC), brawn sub ro nded,moder
/ely Icoreous, co sous.-GILTV CLAY/(CL.CH), brown, slightly to oderafely co/ca coos, M pe/-CLAVEY SILT,(ML), b o n,sightly cu/careo s, m caceous.T40-CLAVEV SILTAND SILTY CLAY((ML-CL-CH), byowrt, highly cotcarsous, iricaceousioccasiom sand lenses.00-SILTY CLAVI(CL-CII), yellow rsd, madecufeiy fo highly cakareous, micaceous, Mn specks.340 560 360-5R.TV CLAY WITH SAND/I'CL.CH), yellow-red, modecafely ca/core/os micoceo s, Mn opeolra.400 TD-400 440 460 460 500 520 SAMPLE LOCATION y DEPTH (FEET)~SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS Pl plasticity indev minus 200-percent passinp 200 sieve WIC percent mais/vie Sd dry density SAMPLE TYPE ASVN DVSZ fietZ/ASV/D ASS AstN/De/4 tte/I/AS/NI D ZZIS-t/-Dnve Sample-Pitcher TvbeSomple
                                    ~                               BASIC PROPERT SOIL I ES LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTIONS DATA UNITSV CARBONATE CONTENT 8
-HR Cora, IVuuber Indicates N Recovery-Slandord Penetration Test, h'olue Astn Dress'.St CARBONATE CONTENT-Ho Rene/in/i Stiphny Reactive-Moderately Reocfi ve++-Hi pldy ti'eocltve (based on sompie reaction to a ID%HCI sole/ion/UNITS Vntts column refers lo genera/stratigraphic divisions identtfied withm Ihli costi/s!/dime//is PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Inclnotior, of remnant mopnetic vector in general ogiesmenl wiih f(P)or opposition io (e)the present mtignetic field 8-htognehc vector indeleiminoie depth Paleomagnetic IF tss Reveisal~ID szr V-elevation DE 6 0 RIFT IONG/ithologic descriphons were compiled from peolopisfs field tops, IODoralory teel doto, ond down-hole peophysics Field lope were prepared in accordance with ASTN D2488-59 Ctassificohons Dosed on laboratory test data are/n occordonce with ASTN D248T-69.Rock descripHons to/lan procedures ooHined In the QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Vo/ume SD, IVo I Descnphons for iolaiy borings aie based upon cvltinps samples, geophysical logs and dr/liars'commen/s LOG OF BORING PV-134}}
PALEO-MAGNETIC POLARITY I40 /60   ISO       200       220       240         260       pi 2
                                                                      'c6 S 90 IOO 50 I20 E Y /0 I o
                                                                                                                                                                        +  0+  e---
POSITIVE Gi'AVELL V SAND AND Sll TY GRAVEL, (SWGM),b v n,g o el uh o                   s'o ro ded, sand s bongo/or, 20                sightly co/co to s,me/ ceous/
CLAYEY'SILT/(ML) se frochor a/runic.
caicareo s, cahche nodule s.
brow, non 40      Ov'.'L  bro ni groSAND,(SW),
GRAVELLY                        I ghi' oy B
Cu                                  els bongo/, so d sub o ded, moderately olcaieo                   v calcic nod /es 60              <-SILTY SAND,(SM),brown, sub-ro ded, nonce/et eo si hfn speck s, m cue eous.
SILTY'LAY,(CL.CH),b own, noncalcoreous,               icaceouo; 60 CLAYEY M epe ks.
SAND AND SILTI SAAID, (SM), braw to ied.brown, sub ounded, noncalcoi roue, IOO                hvcoceous, concha odule s.
I20 CLAYEY ro nded,moder 5'AiVD, (SC), brawn sub Icoreous,
                                                                                                                                            /ely I40                    co sous.
to oderafely co/ca brown, slightly                                coos, M pe /
CLAVEY cu/careo SILT,(ML), b o n,sightly m caceous.
(ML-CL-CH), byowrt,           highly cotcarsous, iricaceousioccasiom T40                  sand lenses.
00 SILTY     CLAVI(CL-CII),yellow rsd, madecufeiy fo highly cakareous, micaceous, Mn specks.
360 yellow-red, modecafely             ca/core/os micoceo s, Mn opeolra.
400                 TD -400 440 460 460 500 520 SAMPLE       LOCATION y                 DEPTH (FEET)     ~
SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                                                                       PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Pl minus WIC 200      plasticity indev percent passinp 200 sieve percent mais/vie ASVN DVSZ ASV/ D ASS AstN/ De/ 4 fietZ/
Inclnotior, of remnant mopnetic vector in general ogiesmenl wiih field f(P)     or opposition io         (e)     the present mtignetic Sd              dry density                AS/NI D ZZIS -t/                    8 htognehc vector indeleiminoie SAMPLE TYPE Dnve Sample Pitcher TvbeSomple HR Cora, IVuuber Indicates N Recovery Paleomagnetic Reveisal~ ID szr           IF  tss V
DE 6 0 RIFT IONG depth elevation Slandord Penetration Test, h'olue Astn Dress'.St                            /ithologic descriphons were compiled from peolopisfs field tops, IODoralory teel doto, ond down-hole peophysics Field lope were HoCARBONATE Rene/in/i CONTENT prepared in accordance with ASTN D2488-59 Ctassificohons Dosed on laboratory test data are /n occordonce with ASTN Stiphny Reactive Moderately Reocfi
                  +  pldy ti'eocltve ve D248T-69. Rock descripHons to/lan procedures ooHined In the QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Vo/ume SD, Hi
                  +                                                                                IVo I Descnphons for iolaiy borings aie based upon cvltinps (based on sompie reaction to a ID% HCI sole/ion/                            samples, geophysical logs and dr/liars'commen/s UNITS Vntts column refers lo genera/ stratigraphic divisions identtfied withm Ihli costi/ s!/dime//is LOG OF BORING               PV-134}}

Revision as of 21:26, 20 October 2019

Log of Boring PV-134
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/2018
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18193A706 (1)




PALEO-MAGNETIC POLARITY I40 /60 ISO 200 220 240 260 pi 2

'c6 S 90 IOO 50 I20 E Y /0 I o


+ 0+ e---

POSITIVE Gi'AVELL V SAND AND Sll TY GRAVEL, (SWGM),b v n,g o el uh o s'o ro ded, sand s bongo/or, 20 sightly co/co to s,me/ ceous/

CLAYEY'SILT/(ML) se frochor a/runic.

caicareo s, cahche nodule s.

brow, non 40 Ov'.'L bro ni groSAND,(SW),

GRAVELLY I ghi' oy B

Cu els bongo/, so d sub o ded, moderately olcaieo v calcic nod /es 60 <-SILTY SAND,(SM),brown, sub-ro ded, nonce/et eo si hfn speck s, m cue eous.

SILTY'LAY,(CL.CH),b own, noncalcoreous, icaceouo; 60 CLAYEY M epe ks.

SAND AND SILTI SAAID, (SM), braw to ied.brown, sub ounded, noncalcoi roue, IOO hvcoceous, concha odule s.

I20 CLAYEY ro nded,moder 5'AiVD, (SC), brawn sub Icoreous,

/ely I40 co sous.


to oderafely co/ca brown, slightly coos, M pe /

CLAVEY cu/careo SILT,(ML), b o n,sightly m caceous.


(ML-CL-CH), byowrt, highly cotcarsous, iricaceousioccasiom T40 sand lenses.

00 SILTY CLAVI(CL-CII),yellow rsd, madecufeiy fo highly cakareous, micaceous, Mn specks.


360 yellow-red, modecafely ca/core/os micoceo s, Mn opeolra.

400 TD -400 440 460 460 500 520 SAMPLE LOCATION y DEPTH (FEET) ~

SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Pl minus WIC 200 plasticity indev percent passinp 200 sieve percent mais/vie ASVN DVSZ ASV/ D ASS AstN/ De/ 4 fietZ/


Inclnotior, of remnant mopnetic vector in general ogiesmenl wiih field f(P) or opposition io (e) the present mtignetic Sd dry density AS/NI D ZZIS -t/ 8 htognehc vector indeleiminoie SAMPLE TYPE Dnve Sample Pitcher TvbeSomple HR Cora, IVuuber Indicates N Recovery Paleomagnetic Reveisal~ ID szr IF tss V

DE 6 0 RIFT IONG depth elevation Slandord Penetration Test, h'olue Astn Dress'.St /ithologic descriphons were compiled from peolopisfs field tops, IODoralory teel doto, ond down-hole peophysics Field lope were HoCARBONATE Rene/in/i CONTENT prepared in accordance with ASTN D2488-59 Ctassificohons Dosed on laboratory test data are /n occordonce with ASTN Stiphny Reactive Moderately Reocfi

+ pldy ti'eocltve ve D248T-69. Rock descripHons to/lan procedures ooHined In the QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Vo/ume SD, Hi

+ IVo I Descnphons for iolaiy borings aie based upon cvltinps (based on sompie reaction to a ID% HCI sole/ion/ samples, geophysical logs and dr/liars'commen/s UNITS Vntts column refers lo genera/ stratigraphic divisions identtfied withm Ihli costi/ s!/dime//is LOG OF BORING PV-134