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| number = ML11202A137
| number = ML11202A137
| issue date = 06/29/2011
| issue date = 06/29/2011
| title = Dresden, Units 2 and 3, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Revision 9
| title = Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Revision 9
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| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, Exelon Nuclear
| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, Exelon Nuclear
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{{#Wiki_filter:Exelon Generation NUClear.4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, I L 60555 RS-11-100 10 CFR 50.71 (e)10 CFR 50.59 10 CFR 54.37(b)June 29, 2011 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Facility Operating License Nos. DRP-2, (Renewed)
DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-010, 50-237, and 50-249
Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Revision 9 In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71, "Maintenance of records, making of reports," paragraph (e)(4), Exelon Generation Company (EGC), LLC submits Revision 9 to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Amendment 18 to the Fire Protection Report (FPR), summaries of evaluations conducted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, "Changes, tests, and experiments," and 10 CFR 54.37(b),"Additional records and recordkeeping requirements," and NEI 99-04, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes." Revision 9 of the UFSAR and Amendment 18 of the FPR reflect changes to the facility and procedures, which were in effect as of April 29, 2011. The UFSAR is being submitted on Compact Disk -Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) in its entirety, including documents incorporated by reference (i.e., Technical Specifications Bases, Technical Requirements Manual and the FPR). UFSAR pages changed as a result of this update are delineated with "Rev. 9 -June 2011" in the page header.Attachment A provides a brief summary of the changes incorporated into UFSAR Revision 9.Attachment B provides a brief summary of the changes incorporated into FPR Amendment 18.Attachment C provides the summary report pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2).
Attachment D provides a summary of changes to the TRM.Attachment E provides a summary of regulatory commitment changes.Attachment F provides the summary report pursuant to 10 CFR 54.37(b).Attachment G contains the directory path, filename, and size of each individual file.
June 29, 2011 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 One (1) CD-ROM is included in this submission.
The CD-ROM labeled, "Exelon Nuclear -Dresden Station UFSAR Rev 9 June 2011, Tech Spec Bases, TRM, Fire Protection Rpt" contains the following four components:
001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9.pdf, 93.9 megabytes (MB), publicly available 002 DRE Tech Spec Bases.pdf, 2.80 MB, publicly available 003 DRE TRM.pdf, 3.14 MB, publicly available 004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt.pdf, 9.92 MB, publicly available As Manager -Licensing, I certify that the information in this submittal accurately presents changes made since the previous submittal necessary to reflect information and analyses submitted to the NRC or prepared pursuant to NRC requirements, and changes made under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.There are no commitments made in this document.
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact: Amy Hambly Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 Phone: (630).657-2808 E-mail: Respectfully, Patrick R. Simpson Manager,-
Licensing Attachments:
Attachment A, "UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report" Attachment B, "FPR Amendment 18 Change Summary Report" Attachment C, "10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report" Attachment D, "Technical Requirements Manual Change Summary Report" Attachment E, "Summary of Regulatory Commitment Changes" Attachment F, "10 CFR 54.37(b) Aging Management Review Summary" Attachment G, "CD-ROM Directory Structure" cc:. Regional Administrator
-NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector
-Dresden Station Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 98055 Revision to UFSAR Section 11.2 Changes associated with preparation of equipment and systems in and associated with the Chemical Cleaning Building for SAFSTOR dormancy.01001 Revision to UFSAR Section 11.2 Change associated with removing references to Max Recycle Chemical addition system.04010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 3.1, 4.3, 7.2, 7.6, 15.4 Change associated with oscillation power range monitoring implementation changes.06015 Revision to UFSAR Section 5.4 Change associated with modifying description of hydrogen injection system.06024 Revision to UFSAR Section 9.1 Change associated with addition of Scorpion II platform to-Table 9.1-1.08005 Revision to UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with the replacement of the U2 main power transformer (MPT) with a new Elin/Siemens MPT.08010 Revision to UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with the replacement of the U3 MPT with a new Elin/Siemens MPT.08012 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.2 Change associated with addition of a fire protection line and valves from an existing fire protection line in U2 Turbine Building to provide alternate cooling supply for U2/3 control rod drive pumps.08014 Revision to the UFSAR Section 3.8 Change associated with updating Section 3.8 for ASME Section XI 2001 Edition, 2003 Addendum due to 10 year update.08016 Revision to the UFSAR Section 1.2, 8.3 and 10.1 Change associated with rewind and up-rate of the Unit 2 main generator.
08019 Revision to UFSAR Sections 4.6 Changes associated with description of on-line core monitoring calculation of control rod blade exposure.08022 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 15.0, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.8 Change associated with removing historical discussions related to Siemens Power Corporation and Atrium 9 fuel.08023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 3.9 and 6.3 Changes associated with the replacement of the in-vessel core spray piping.09003 Revision to UFSAR Sections 6.3 Changes associated with vent pathway for core spray to reflect plant configuration.
Page 1 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 09005 Revision to the UFSAR Section 11.2 Changes associated with correcting reference in table to Section Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with adding new UFSAR Section for control of heavy loads.09007 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.1 Change associated with changing existing fractions to decimals and adding clarifying references.
09009 Revision to the UFSAR Section 1.2, 8.3, 10.1, 10.2 Change associated with correcting inconsistencies in UFSAR due to Table not being properly updated with Extended Power Uprate values.09010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.2 and 10.4 Changes associated with tripping Circulating Water pump 2C and Service Water pump 2A upon loss of coolant accident (LOCA) signal.09011 Revision to the Sections 9.2 and 10.4 Changes associated with tripping Circulating Water pump 3C and Service Water pump 3A upon LOCA signal.09013 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with updating information to reflect revision 3 to the EPRI recommendation.
09014 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with including reference to most recent version of EPRI Water Chemistry Guidelines-BWR VIP-190.09015 Revision to the UFSAR Section 7.6 Changes associated with including description of Cameron Leading Edge Flow Meter for U3 feedwater measurements.
09016 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with EPRI TR-1 07396 being superseded by EPRI-1 007820.09017 Revision to the UFSAR Section Appendix A Change associated with description of Compressed Air Monitoring Program.09019 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Change associated with implementation of NUREG 1796 commitments.
09020 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with clarifying existing description.
09021 Revision to UFSAR Sections 1.2, 8.3, 10.1, and 10.2 Changes associated with revisions for rewind and up-rate of Unit 3 main generator.
Page 2 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 09022 Revision to the UFSAR Section 15.0, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5 and 15.8.Changes associated with removing historical and obsolete information and reflecting current reload analysis in UFSAR.09023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 12.3 Changes associated with for U2 125/10 ton Turbine Building overhead crane control system upgrade.09024 Revision to the UFSAR Section 2.4 Change associated with adding description of canal cooling towers.09025 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with minor changes to the Compressed Air Monitoring Program.09027 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 5.2 Change associated with deletion of reference to flow rates being determined on flow integrator readings for drywell sump system.10001 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with ECCS suction strainer flange ultrasonic testing thickness measurement periodicity.
10002 Revision to UFSAR Sections 5.4 Changes associated with removal of Tech Spec temperature limit for reactor cavity.10004 Revision to the UFSAR Section 13.5 Changes associated with deletion of procedure designations and categories.
10005 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.4 Changes associated with modification to correct East Turbine Building Ventilation System air distribution.
10006 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.3 Change associated with implementation of amendment to remove the High Radiation Sampling System from Technical Specifications.
10007 Revision to UFSAR Sections Changes associated with the Unit 2 Shutdown Cooling Isolation Logic Tech Spec Amendment.
10008 Revision to UFSAR Sections Changes associated with the Unit 3 Shutdown Cooling Isolation Logic Tech Spec Amendment.
10009 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.2 Changes associated with the volume of Ultimate Heat Sink.Page 3 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 10011 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 8.3 Change associated with revision to match Tech Spec 3.8.6 and reference IEEE 450-1995.10012 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 8.3 Changes associated with correction of UFSAR statement regarding operation of the synchronizing relay.10015 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with inclusion of more specific information to remove inaccuracies and include NRC accepted exceptions.
10017 Revision to the UFSAR Section 3.11 Changes associated with revising high energy line break Temperature, pressure, and relative humidity for EQ Zones 17 and 18.10018 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 6.2 Changes associated with changes to Primary Containment Valves Table.10019 Revision to the UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with removing conflicts between the wording of the UFSAR and License Amendments 185/180.10020 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with the replacement of the Unit 2 existing analog electrohydraulic control (EHC) system with a digital EHC system.10021 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.5 Change associated with correcting the Diesel Fuel Oil bulk supply tank from two days supply at 10 percent overload condition to full load condition.
10023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 7.2 Changes associated with corrections to reflect the current scram setpoint for low reactor water level. Level was changed by Amendment 190/184 from +8 to 0. Table 7.3-1 was changed previously.
10024 Revision to UFSAR Sections 3.11 Changes associated with the high energy line break temperature and pressure for EQ Zone 18 is being changed to 304 F and 27.5 psia.10025 Revision to the UFSAR Section 4.1, 4.2. 4.3, 4.4, 5.4, 6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.6, 9.1, 15.4, 15.7, and 15.8 Changes associated with removing reference to Siemens fuel and methods; ensures that hydrogen water chemistry is described for both units; reflects the most recent LOCA analysis; ensure oscillation power range monitor was described for both units.10027 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.4 Changes associated with radwaste ventilation changing normal operation from one to two fans.Page 4 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 10029 Revision to the UFSAR Section 5.2, 9.3 Change associated with the receipt of license amendments 235/228 which allows alternate method for drywell sump monitoring.
11002 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with correcting Appendix A to reflect implementation of the Aging Management Program.11003 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with revising sections regarding control of heavy loads.11004 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.1 Changes associated with revising the number of test coupons in the fuel racks.11010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.5 Changes associated with correcting information related to the ability to crosstie the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pumps.11011 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with implementation of periodic inspection inspections of Standby Gas Treatment, Reactor Building, and Control Room Ventilation systems drain systems and supply plenums.11012 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with addition of Table A.4 to report newly identified SSCs added to License Renewal Aging Management Programs.11013 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with correcting the future tense to past tense in the Aging Management Program descriptions and provide clarifications.
Page 5 of 5 Attachment B FPR Amendment 18 Change Summary Report 09-001 Revision to FPR, Vol 1. Pages viii (TOC), xii (TOO), 3.3-4, 4.7-3, 4.7-5, 4.8-7, 4.8-10, 4.10-9, 4.10-12, 4.15-10, 5.4-2 and Figure 3.3-26 and FPR Vol. 2, page 2.2-12 Several changes to the FPR have been implemented to accurately reflect current plant conditions.
Specifically, the description of the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)detection system was updated to remove the statement that local alarms are present in the HPCI room upon initiation of the detection system. Also, the fire barrier descriptions for areas in the turbine building have been updated to indicate that several electrical penetrations specific to certain switchgears and motor control centers are not sealed.Assumption 3.2.b was revised to provide an exception having unsealed electrical penetrations in these fire barriers.
In addition, an enhancement to the station's position on the combustibility of self leveling epoxy floor coverings has been added to state the station's position on this subject. Several editorial changes have also been implemented.
10-003 Revision to FPR Sections 4.8.10, 4.10.10, and 4.12.2 This change deletes inaccurate information regarding the possibility of actuation of the 002 systems in the Diesel Generator rooms and the Aux Electric Equipment Room causing an overpressure situation.
Also, a correction is being made to have the report reflect that a full concentration test has been conducted in the Diesel Generator Rooms to verify actual conditions during system operation.
11-001 Revision to FPR Sections 4.2.1, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.5.1, 4.5.8, 4.5.9, 4.8.1 and 5.6.18 Changes associated with enhancing the description of the Fire Protection Program in sections 4.2.1, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.5.1, 4.5.8, and 4.5.9. In section 4.8.1, a reference to floor drains in the station battery rooms was removed to reflect current plant configuration.
Section 5.6.18 had the outside bulk hydrogen storage tanks listed as being in the yard north of the plant. They are now stored south of the Training Building.
The report was changed to reflect this change in location.11-002 Revision to FPR Appendix B Changes associated with correction of erroneous statement in notes section.Page 1 of 1 Attachment C 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report Evaluation Number: 2009-07-001 Type of Evaluation:
Modification Reference Number: EC 5771 Title: Unit 2 Core Spray Low Sectional Line Replacement
Result: This activity replaces most of the welded connections in the 6-inch diameter Core spray (CS) down comer piping with non-integral connections.
The existing four (4) vertical sections of the degraded CS piping from the reactor pressure vessel wall to the core shroud are removed and replaced with four (4) down comer couplings.
A piping joint assembly connects each down comer coupling to the remaining 6-inch CS pipe in the annulus area. Also, the other end of each down comer coupling is connected to the core shroud and CS sparger piping by a new sparger clamps (S1 and S2). Each down comer coupling eliminates seven (7) visible (P4c, P4d, P5, P6, P7, P8a, and P8b) and one (1)hidden (P9) CSL welds. The new, non-integral S1 and S2 sparger clamps structurally replace one weld that connects the sparger T-box end plate to the sparger T-box and the two welds that connect the sparger pipes to the sparger T-box inside the shroud. The new pipe fittings are made with inter granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) resistant material.
The new down comer couplings, sparger clamps, and piping flexible joint assemblies are designed and analyzed to ensure allowable loads are not exceeded.Implement the Activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.
Evaluation Number: 2009-09-002 Type of Evaluation:
Temporary Alteration Title:
== Description:==
Result: Reference Number: EC 376856 Gag 3-1599-61 Valve Open to Allow Torus Water Transfer The purpose of this TCCP is to gag the air operated (AO) 3-1599-61 valve in the open position to allow torus water transfer into the hotwell.This TCCP is required because the air operator of the AO 3-1599-61 valve is degraded and does not allow normal remote operation of the valve. System 15 (LPCI/CCSW) and System 33 (Condensate) are the affected systems.Implement the activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.
Page 1 of 2 Attachment C 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report Evaluation Number: 2009-09-003 Type of Evaluation:
Miscellaneous Reference Number: EC 377999 Title:
== Description:==
D2R21 Cumulative Effects of Foreign Material (FM) in the Reactor Vessel and Connected Systems This activity is to provide a 50.59 Evaluation for accumulated foreign material (FM) that may reside in either reactor pressure vessel currently or may migrate in from connecting systems. The 50.59 will evaluate whether or not there is an issue that would require prior NRC approval for operation with the known FM.Engineering evaluation EC 368210 is being performed to determine the cumulative effects of the FM that could be in the reactor vessel and connecting systems.Implement the activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.
Result: Evaluation Number: 2010-04-002 Type of Evaluation:
Temporary Alteration Reference Number: EC 382243 Title:
== Description:==
D3R21 Cumulative Effects of Foreign Material on the Dresden U3 RPV and connected Systems This activity is to provide a 50.59 Evaluation for accumulated foreign material (FM) that may reside in either reactor pressure vessel currently or may migrate in from connecting systems. The 50.59 will evaluate whether or not there is an issue that would require prior NRC approval for operation with the known FM.Engineering evaluation EC 382243 is being performed to determine the cumulative effects of the FM that could be in the reactor vessel and connecting systems.The material evaluated in this 50.59 is tabulated in EC Evaluation 382243, Rev. 0.Implement the Activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.
Result: Page 2 of 2 Attachment D Technical Requirements Manual Change Summary Report 09003 Revision to TRM Section 3.7.i Changes associated with clarifying the description of the pre-action sprinkler system.09005 Revision to TRM Appendix F Changes associated with Unit 3 Core Operating Limits Report transition from Powerplex to Westinghouse core monitoring system.10001 and 10005 Revision to TRM Sections 3.0, 3.7 Changes associated with clarification to the Action Condition that the Carbon Dioxide system is a subsystem and to make the description consistent with other portion of the TRM. Additionally provisions of NRC RIS 2005-07 were incorporated in TRM.10002 Revision to TRM Appendix D Changes associated with administrative revisions to the Technical Specification Bases Control Program.10003 Revision to TRM Sections 3.8.a Changes associated.
with incorporation of recommendation from IEEE 450 -1995 and the Technical Specification amendment that incorporated TSTF 360.10004 Revision to TRM Appendix E Changes associated with Unit 2 Core Operating Limits Report addition of discussion of Westinghouse correlations affecting GE 14 fuel.10007, 10008, 10011, and 11002 Revision to TRM Sections 3.6.b, 3.7.d. 5.0.b Changes associated with the ability to use the Auxiliary Nitrogen Tank for Combustible Gas Control. Additionally, corrections were made to remove equipment that had been demolished and procedures that have been superseded.
Page 1 of 1 Attachment E Summary of Regulatory Commitment Changes In accordance with the guidance provided in Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 99-04, Revision 0, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes," dated July 1999, Dresden Nuclear Power Station did not change any regulatory commitments requiring notification to the NRC during the period of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.Page 1 of 1 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary A.4 Newly Identified SSCs (10 CFR 54.37(b))After the renewed license is issued, the UFSAR update required by 10 CFR 50.71(e)must include any systems, structures, and components newly identified that would have been subject to an aging management review or evaluation of time-limited aging analyses in accordance with § 54.21. This UFSAR update must describe how the effects of aging will be managed such that the intended function(s) in § 54.4(b) will be effectively maintained during the period of extended operation.
No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion 1.4/27/2011 The following Shutdown Cooling System valve actuators which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.L05 2-1001-2A (ACTUATOR)
U3 SDC PMP 3C SUCT MO VLV SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA). Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 1 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion 2.4/27/2011 The following Shutdown Cooling System valve actuator motors which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.M10 2-1001-2A MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2A SUCT MO VLV M10 2-1001-2B MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2B SUCT MO VLV M10 2-1001-2C MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2C SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2A MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3A SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2B MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3B SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2C MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3C SUCT MO VLV SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis.Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 2 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program_I __Conclusion
_3.4/27/2011 The following Low Pressure Coolant Injection System pressure switches which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.PS 2-0263-111 A U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111 B U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111C U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111D U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 A U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 B U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 C U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111D U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis.Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 3 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion
: 4. 4/27/2011 The following High SSCs that are The addition of Pressure Coolant Injection included in the these SSCs to the System pressure switches scope of the EQ scope of the EQ which were installed in the Program are subject Program included plant prior to license to Time Limited them in the scope renewal and were added to Aging Analysis.
of Aging the scope of the EQ Since these SSCs Management Program after the renewed have been added to Program B.1.35.license was issued. the scope of the EQ The effects of Program, they are aging on these PS 2-2368-A U2 HPCI within the scope of SSCs will be TURBINE EXHAUST HI its TLAA. managed under PRESS ALM that program.PS 2-2368-B U2 HPCI TURBINE EXHAUST HI PRESS ALM Page 4 of 4 Attachment G CD-ROM Directory Structure All files, listed bielow are publicly ~availiable~.
Directory Path .Fi.Name Size.E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 000 List of Affected Pages.pdf 153 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 001 CHAP 01 Introduction.pdf 1012 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 002 CHAP 02 Site Characteristics.pdf 1581 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 003 CHAP 03 Design of SCE.pdf 6570 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 004 CHAP 04 Reactor.pdf 5203 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 005 CHAP 05 Reactor Coolant Sys.pdf 2616 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 006 CHAP 06 Engineered Safety Features.pdf 6646 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 007 CHAP 07 Instrumentation and Controls.pdf 5188 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 008 CHAP 08 Electrical Power.pdf 712 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 009 CHAP 09 Auxiliary Systems.pdf 2355 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 010 CHAP 10 Steam and Power Conv Sys.pdf 824 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 011 CHAP 11 Radioactive Waste Mgmt.pdf 6843 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 012 CHAP 12 Radiation Protection.pdf 318 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 013 CHAP 12 Figures Part 1 of 2.pdf 18072 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 014 CHAP 12 Figures Part 2 of 2.pdf 16150 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 015 CHAP 13 Conduct of Operations.pdf 220 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 016 CHAP 14 Initial Test Program.pdf 606 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 017 CHAP 15 Accident and Transient Analysis.pdf 3557 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 018 CHAP 16 Technical Specifications.pdf 50 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 019 CHAP 17 Quality Assurance.pdf 63 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 020 APP A UFSAR Supplement.pdf 17501 KB E:\002 DRE Tech Spec Bases 001 DRE Tech Spec Bases.pdf 2424 KB E:\002 DRE Tech Spec Bases 002 DRE TSB Affected Page List.pdf 445 KB E:\003 DRE TRM 001 DRE TRM.pdf 3140 KB E:\003 DRE TRM 002 DRE TRM Affected Page List.pdf 77 KB E:\004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt 001 DRE Fire Protection Rpt.pdf 10093 KB E:\004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt 002 DRE FPR Affected Page List.pdf 73 KB Page 1 of 1}}

Latest revision as of 15:34, 18 March 2019

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Revision 9
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2011
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
NRC/FSME, Document Control Desk
Download: ML11202A137 (17)


Exelon Generation NUClear.4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, I L 60555 RS-11-100 10 CFR 50.71 (e)10 CFR 50.59 10 CFR 54.37(b)June 29, 2011 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Facility Operating License Nos. DRP-2, (Renewed)

DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos.50-010, 50-237, and 50-249


Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Revision 9 In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71, "Maintenance of records, making of reports," paragraph (e)(4), Exelon Generation Company (EGC), LLC submits Revision 9 to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Amendment 18 to the Fire Protection Report (FPR), summaries of evaluations conducted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, "Changes, tests, and experiments," and 10 CFR 54.37(b),"Additional records and recordkeeping requirements," and NEI 99-04, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes." Revision 9 of the UFSAR and Amendment 18 of the FPR reflect changes to the facility and procedures, which were in effect as of April 29, 2011. The UFSAR is being submitted on Compact Disk -Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) in its entirety, including documents incorporated by reference (i.e., Technical Specifications Bases, Technical Requirements Manual and the FPR). UFSAR pages changed as a result of this update are delineated with "Rev. 9 -June 2011" in the page header.Attachment A provides a brief summary of the changes incorporated into UFSAR Revision 9.Attachment B provides a brief summary of the changes incorporated into FPR Amendment 18.Attachment C provides the summary report pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2).

Attachment D provides a summary of changes to the TRM.Attachment E provides a summary of regulatory commitment changes.Attachment F provides the summary report pursuant to 10 CFR 54.37(b).Attachment G contains the directory path, filename, and size of each individual file.

June 29, 2011 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 One (1) CD-ROM is included in this submission.

The CD-ROM labeled, "Exelon Nuclear -Dresden Station UFSAR Rev 9 June 2011, Tech Spec Bases, TRM, Fire Protection Rpt" contains the following four components:

001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9.pdf, 93.9 megabytes (MB), publicly available 002 DRE Tech Spec Bases.pdf, 2.80 MB, publicly available 003 DRE TRM.pdf, 3.14 MB, publicly available 004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt.pdf, 9.92 MB, publicly available As Manager -Licensing, I certify that the information in this submittal accurately presents changes made since the previous submittal necessary to reflect information and analyses submitted to the NRC or prepared pursuant to NRC requirements, and changes made under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.There are no commitments made in this document.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact: Amy Hambly Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 Phone: (630).657-2808 E-mail: Respectfully, Patrick R. Simpson Manager,-

Licensing Attachments:

Attachment A, "UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report" Attachment B, "FPR Amendment 18 Change Summary Report" Attachment C, "10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report" Attachment D, "Technical Requirements Manual Change Summary Report" Attachment E, "Summary of Regulatory Commitment Changes" Attachment F, "10 CFR 54.37(b) Aging Management Review Summary" Attachment G, "CD-ROM Directory Structure" cc:. Regional Administrator

-NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector

-Dresden Station Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 98055 Revision to UFSAR Section 11.2 Changes associated with preparation of equipment and systems in and associated with the Chemical Cleaning Building for SAFSTOR dormancy.01001 Revision to UFSAR Section 11.2 Change associated with removing references to Max Recycle Chemical addition system.04010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 3.1, 4.3, 7.2, 7.6, 15.4 Change associated with oscillation power range monitoring implementation changes.06015 Revision to UFSAR Section 5.4 Change associated with modifying description of hydrogen injection system.06024 Revision to UFSAR Section 9.1 Change associated with addition of Scorpion II platform to-Table 9.1-1.08005 Revision to UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with the replacement of the U2 main power transformer (MPT) with a new Elin/Siemens MPT.08010 Revision to UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with the replacement of the U3 MPT with a new Elin/Siemens MPT.08012 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.2 Change associated with addition of a fire protection line and valves from an existing fire protection line in U2 Turbine Building to provide alternate cooling supply for U2/3 control rod drive pumps.08014 Revision to the UFSAR Section 3.8 Change associated with updating Section 3.8 for ASME Section XI 2001 Edition, 2003 Addendum due to 10 year update.08016 Revision to the UFSAR Section 1.2, 8.3 and 10.1 Change associated with rewind and up-rate of the Unit 2 main generator.

08019 Revision to UFSAR Sections 4.6 Changes associated with description of on-line core monitoring calculation of control rod blade exposure.08022 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 15.0, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.8 Change associated with removing historical discussions related to Siemens Power Corporation and Atrium 9 fuel.08023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 3.9 and 6.3 Changes associated with the replacement of the in-vessel core spray piping.09003 Revision to UFSAR Sections 6.3 Changes associated with vent pathway for core spray to reflect plant configuration.

Page 1 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 09005 Revision to the UFSAR Section 11.2 Changes associated with correcting reference in table to Section Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with adding new UFSAR Section for control of heavy loads.09007 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.1 Change associated with changing existing fractions to decimals and adding clarifying references.

09009 Revision to the UFSAR Section 1.2, 8.3, 10.1, 10.2 Change associated with correcting inconsistencies in UFSAR due to Table not being properly updated with Extended Power Uprate values.09010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.2 and 10.4 Changes associated with tripping Circulating Water pump 2C and Service Water pump 2A upon loss of coolant accident (LOCA) signal.09011 Revision to the Sections 9.2 and 10.4 Changes associated with tripping Circulating Water pump 3C and Service Water pump 3A upon LOCA signal.09013 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with updating information to reflect revision 3 to the EPRI recommendation.

09014 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with including reference to most recent version of EPRI Water Chemistry Guidelines-BWR VIP-190.09015 Revision to the UFSAR Section 7.6 Changes associated with including description of Cameron Leading Edge Flow Meter for U3 feedwater measurements.

09016 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with EPRI TR-1 07396 being superseded by EPRI-1 007820.09017 Revision to the UFSAR Section Appendix A Change associated with description of Compressed Air Monitoring Program.09019 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Change associated with implementation of NUREG 1796 commitments.

09020 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with clarifying existing description.

09021 Revision to UFSAR Sections 1.2, 8.3, 10.1, and 10.2 Changes associated with revisions for rewind and up-rate of Unit 3 main generator.

Page 2 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 09022 Revision to the UFSAR Section 15.0, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5 and 15.8.Changes associated with removing historical and obsolete information and reflecting current reload analysis in UFSAR.09023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 12.3 Changes associated with for U2 125/10 ton Turbine Building overhead crane control system upgrade.09024 Revision to the UFSAR Section 2.4 Change associated with adding description of canal cooling towers.09025 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with minor changes to the Compressed Air Monitoring Program.09027 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 5.2 Change associated with deletion of reference to flow rates being determined on flow integrator readings for drywell sump system.10001 Revision to the UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with ECCS suction strainer flange ultrasonic testing thickness measurement periodicity.

10002 Revision to UFSAR Sections 5.4 Changes associated with removal of Tech Spec temperature limit for reactor cavity.10004 Revision to the UFSAR Section 13.5 Changes associated with deletion of procedure designations and categories.

10005 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.4 Changes associated with modification to correct East Turbine Building Ventilation System air distribution.

10006 Revision to the UFSAR Section 9.3 Change associated with implementation of amendment to remove the High Radiation Sampling System from Technical Specifications.

10007 Revision to UFSAR Sections Changes associated with the Unit 2 Shutdown Cooling Isolation Logic Tech Spec Amendment.

10008 Revision to UFSAR Sections Changes associated with the Unit 3 Shutdown Cooling Isolation Logic Tech Spec Amendment.

10009 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.2 Changes associated with the volume of Ultimate Heat Sink.Page 3 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 10011 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 8.3 Change associated with revision to match Tech Spec 3.8.6 and reference IEEE 450-1995.10012 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 8.3 Changes associated with correction of UFSAR statement regarding operation of the synchronizing relay.10015 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with inclusion of more specific information to remove inaccuracies and include NRC accepted exceptions.

10017 Revision to the UFSAR Section 3.11 Changes associated with revising high energy line break Temperature, pressure, and relative humidity for EQ Zones 17 and 18.10018 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 6.2 Changes associated with changes to Primary Containment Valves Table.10019 Revision to the UFSAR Section 8.3 Change associated with removing conflicts between the wording of the UFSAR and License Amendments 185/180.10020 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with the replacement of the Unit 2 existing analog electrohydraulic control (EHC) system with a digital EHC system.10021 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.5 Change associated with correcting the Diesel Fuel Oil bulk supply tank from two days supply at 10 percent overload condition to full load condition.

10023 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 7.2 Changes associated with corrections to reflect the current scram setpoint for low reactor water level. Level was changed by Amendment 190/184 from +8 to 0. Table 7.3-1 was changed previously.

10024 Revision to UFSAR Sections 3.11 Changes associated with the high energy line break temperature and pressure for EQ Zone 18 is being changed to 304 F and 27.5 psia.10025 Revision to the UFSAR Section 4.1, 4.2. 4.3, 4.4, 5.4, 6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.6, 9.1, 15.4, 15.7, and 15.8 Changes associated with removing reference to Siemens fuel and methods; ensures that hydrogen water chemistry is described for both units; reflects the most recent LOCA analysis; ensure oscillation power range monitor was described for both units.10027 Revision to the UFSAR Sections 9.4 Changes associated with radwaste ventilation changing normal operation from one to two fans.Page 4 of 5 Attachment A UFSAR Revision 9 Change Summary Report 10029 Revision to the UFSAR Section 5.2, 9.3 Change associated with the receipt of license amendments 235/228 which allows alternate method for drywell sump monitoring.

11002 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with correcting Appendix A to reflect implementation of the Aging Management Program.11003 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.6 Changes associated with revising sections regarding control of heavy loads.11004 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.1 Changes associated with revising the number of test coupons in the fuel racks.11010 Revision to UFSAR Sections 9.5 Changes associated with correcting information related to the ability to crosstie the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pumps.11011 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with implementation of periodic inspection inspections of Standby Gas Treatment, Reactor Building, and Control Room Ventilation systems drain systems and supply plenums.11012 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with addition of Table A.4 to report newly identified SSCs added to License Renewal Aging Management Programs.11013 Revision to UFSAR Sections Appendix A Changes associated with correcting the future tense to past tense in the Aging Management Program descriptions and provide clarifications.

Page 5 of 5 Attachment B FPR Amendment 18 Change Summary Report 09-001 Revision to FPR, Vol 1. Pages viii (TOC), xii (TOO), 3.3-4, 4.7-3, 4.7-5, 4.8-7, 4.8-10, 4.10-9, 4.10-12, 4.15-10, 5.4-2 and Figure 3.3-26 and FPR Vol. 2, page 2.2-12 Several changes to the FPR have been implemented to accurately reflect current plant conditions.

Specifically, the description of the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)detection system was updated to remove the statement that local alarms are present in the HPCI room upon initiation of the detection system. Also, the fire barrier descriptions for areas in the turbine building have been updated to indicate that several electrical penetrations specific to certain switchgears and motor control centers are not sealed.Assumption 3.2.b was revised to provide an exception having unsealed electrical penetrations in these fire barriers.

In addition, an enhancement to the station's position on the combustibility of self leveling epoxy floor coverings has been added to state the station's position on this subject. Several editorial changes have also been implemented.10-003 Revision to FPR Sections 4.8.10, 4.10.10, and 4.12.2 This change deletes inaccurate information regarding the possibility of actuation of the 002 systems in the Diesel Generator rooms and the Aux Electric Equipment Room causing an overpressure situation.

Also, a correction is being made to have the report reflect that a full concentration test has been conducted in the Diesel Generator Rooms to verify actual conditions during system operation.11-001 Revision to FPR Sections 4.2.1, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.5.1, 4.5.8, 4.5.9, 4.8.1 and 5.6.18 Changes associated with enhancing the description of the Fire Protection Program in sections 4.2.1, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.5.1, 4.5.8, and 4.5.9. In section 4.8.1, a reference to floor drains in the station battery rooms was removed to reflect current plant configuration.

Section 5.6.18 had the outside bulk hydrogen storage tanks listed as being in the yard north of the plant. They are now stored south of the Training Building.

The report was changed to reflect this change in location.11-002 Revision to FPR Appendix B Changes associated with correction of erroneous statement in notes section.Page 1 of 1 Attachment C 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report Evaluation Number: 2009-07-001 Type of Evaluation:

Modification Reference Number: EC 5771 Title: Unit 2 Core Spray Low Sectional Line Replacement



Result: This activity replaces most of the welded connections in the 6-inch diameter Core spray (CS) down comer piping with non-integral connections.

The existing four (4) vertical sections of the degraded CS piping from the reactor pressure vessel wall to the core shroud are removed and replaced with four (4) down comer couplings.

A piping joint assembly connects each down comer coupling to the remaining 6-inch CS pipe in the annulus area. Also, the other end of each down comer coupling is connected to the core shroud and CS sparger piping by a new sparger clamps (S1 and S2). Each down comer coupling eliminates seven (7) visible (P4c, P4d, P5, P6, P7, P8a, and P8b) and one (1)hidden (P9) CSL welds. The new, non-integral S1 and S2 sparger clamps structurally replace one weld that connects the sparger T-box end plate to the sparger T-box and the two welds that connect the sparger pipes to the sparger T-box inside the shroud. The new pipe fittings are made with inter granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) resistant material.

The new down comer couplings, sparger clamps, and piping flexible joint assemblies are designed and analyzed to ensure allowable loads are not exceeded.Implement the Activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.

Evaluation Number: 2009-09-002 Type of Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Title:


Result: Reference Number: EC 376856 Gag 3-1599-61 Valve Open to Allow Torus Water Transfer The purpose of this TCCP is to gag the air operated (AO) 3-1599-61 valve in the open position to allow torus water transfer into the hotwell.This TCCP is required because the air operator of the AO 3-1599-61 valve is degraded and does not allow normal remote operation of the valve. System 15 (LPCI/CCSW) and System 33 (Condensate) are the affected systems.Implement the activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.

Page 1 of 2 Attachment C 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary Report Evaluation Number: 2009-09-003 Type of Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Reference Number: EC 377999 Title:


D2R21 Cumulative Effects of Foreign Material (FM) in the Reactor Vessel and Connected Systems This activity is to provide a 50.59 Evaluation for accumulated foreign material (FM) that may reside in either reactor pressure vessel currently or may migrate in from connecting systems. The 50.59 will evaluate whether or not there is an issue that would require prior NRC approval for operation with the known FM.Engineering evaluation EC 368210 is being performed to determine the cumulative effects of the FM that could be in the reactor vessel and connecting systems.Implement the activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.

Result: Evaluation Number: 2010-04-002 Type of Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Reference Number: EC 382243 Title:


D3R21 Cumulative Effects of Foreign Material on the Dresden U3 RPV and connected Systems This activity is to provide a 50.59 Evaluation for accumulated foreign material (FM) that may reside in either reactor pressure vessel currently or may migrate in from connecting systems. The 50.59 will evaluate whether or not there is an issue that would require prior NRC approval for operation with the known FM.Engineering evaluation EC 382243 is being performed to determine the cumulative effects of the FM that could be in the reactor vessel and connecting systems.The material evaluated in this 50.59 is tabulated in EC Evaluation 382243, Rev. 0.Implement the Activity per plant procedures without obtaining a License Amendment.

Result: Page 2 of 2 Attachment D Technical Requirements Manual Change Summary Report 09003 Revision to TRM Section 3.7.i Changes associated with clarifying the description of the pre-action sprinkler system.09005 Revision to TRM Appendix F Changes associated with Unit 3 Core Operating Limits Report transition from Powerplex to Westinghouse core monitoring system.10001 and 10005 Revision to TRM Sections 3.0, 3.7 Changes associated with clarification to the Action Condition that the Carbon Dioxide system is a subsystem and to make the description consistent with other portion of the TRM. Additionally provisions of NRC RIS 2005-07 were incorporated in TRM.10002 Revision to TRM Appendix D Changes associated with administrative revisions to the Technical Specification Bases Control Program.10003 Revision to TRM Sections 3.8.a Changes associated.

with incorporation of recommendation from IEEE 450 -1995 and the Technical Specification amendment that incorporated TSTF 360.10004 Revision to TRM Appendix E Changes associated with Unit 2 Core Operating Limits Report addition of discussion of Westinghouse correlations affecting GE 14 fuel.10007, 10008, 10011, and 11002 Revision to TRM Sections 3.6.b, 3.7.d. 5.0.b Changes associated with the ability to use the Auxiliary Nitrogen Tank for Combustible Gas Control. Additionally, corrections were made to remove equipment that had been demolished and procedures that have been superseded.

Page 1 of 1 Attachment E Summary of Regulatory Commitment Changes In accordance with the guidance provided in Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 99-04, Revision 0, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes," dated July 1999, Dresden Nuclear Power Station did not change any regulatory commitments requiring notification to the NRC during the period of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.Page 1 of 1 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary A.4 Newly Identified SSCs (10 CFR 54.37(b))After the renewed license is issued, the UFSAR update required by 10 CFR 50.71(e)must include any systems, structures, and components newly identified that would have been subject to an aging management review or evaluation of time-limited aging analyses in accordance with § 54.21. This UFSAR update must describe how the effects of aging will be managed such that the intended function(s) in § 54.4(b) will be effectively maintained during the period of extended operation.

No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion 1.4/27/2011 The following Shutdown Cooling System valve actuators which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.L05 2-1001-2A (ACTUATOR)






U3 SDC PMP 3C SUCT MO VLV SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA). Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 1 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion 2.4/27/2011 The following Shutdown Cooling System valve actuator motors which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.M10 2-1001-2A MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2A SUCT MO VLV M10 2-1001-2B MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2B SUCT MO VLV M10 2-1001-2C MOTOR U2 SDC PMP 2C SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2A MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3A SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2B MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3B SUCT MO VLV M10 3-1001-2C MOTOR U3 SDC PMP 3C SUCT MO VLV SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis.Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 2 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program_I __Conclusion

_3.4/27/2011 The following Low Pressure Coolant Injection System pressure switches which were installed in the plant prior to license renewal and were added to the scope of the EQ Program after the renewed license was issued.PS 2-0263-111 A U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111 B U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111C U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 2-0263-111D U2 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 A U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 B U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111 C U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET PS 3-0263-111D U3 RX -LPCI RECIRC LOOP LINE BREAK DET SSCs that are included in the scope of the EQ Program are subject to Time Limited Aging Analysis.Since these SSCs have been added to the scope of the EQ Program, they are within the scope of its TLAA.The addition of these SSCs to the scope of the EQ Program included them in the scope of Aging Management Program B.1.35.The effects of aging on these SSCs will be managed under that program.Page 3 of 4 Attachment F 10 CFR 54.37(b)Aging Management Review Summary No. Date SSC Description Aging Management Aging Management Identified Review (AMR) Program Conclusion

4. 4/27/2011 The following High SSCs that are The addition of Pressure Coolant Injection included in the these SSCs to the System pressure switches scope of the EQ scope of the EQ which were installed in the Program are subject Program included plant prior to license to Time Limited them in the scope renewal and were added to Aging Analysis.

of Aging the scope of the EQ Since these SSCs Management Program after the renewed have been added to Program B.1.35.license was issued. the scope of the EQ The effects of Program, they are aging on these PS 2-2368-A U2 HPCI within the scope of SSCs will be TURBINE EXHAUST HI its TLAA. managed under PRESS ALM that program.PS 2-2368-B U2 HPCI TURBINE EXHAUST HI PRESS ALM Page 4 of 4 Attachment G CD-ROM Directory Structure All files, listed bielow are publicly ~availiable~.

Directory Path .Fi.Name Size.E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 000 List of Affected Pages.pdf 153 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 001 CHAP 01 Introduction.pdf 1012 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 002 CHAP 02 Site Characteristics.pdf 1581 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 003 CHAP 03 Design of SCE.pdf 6570 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 004 CHAP 04 Reactor.pdf 5203 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 005 CHAP 05 Reactor Coolant Sys.pdf 2616 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 006 CHAP 06 Engineered Safety Features.pdf 6646 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 007 CHAP 07 Instrumentation and Controls.pdf 5188 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 008 CHAP 08 Electrical Power.pdf 712 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 009 CHAP 09 Auxiliary Systems.pdf 2355 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 010 CHAP 10 Steam and Power Conv Sys.pdf 824 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 011 CHAP 11 Radioactive Waste Mgmt.pdf 6843 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 012 CHAP 12 Radiation Protection.pdf 318 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 013 CHAP 12 Figures Part 1 of 2.pdf 18072 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 014 CHAP 12 Figures Part 2 of 2.pdf 16150 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 015 CHAP 13 Conduct of Operations.pdf 220 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 016 CHAP 14 Initial Test Program.pdf 606 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 017 CHAP 15 Accident and Transient Analysis.pdf 3557 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 018 CHAP 16 Technical Specifications.pdf 50 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 019 CHAP 17 Quality Assurance.pdf 63 KB E:\001 DRE UFSAR Rev 9 020 APP A UFSAR Supplement.pdf 17501 KB E:\002 DRE Tech Spec Bases 001 DRE Tech Spec Bases.pdf 2424 KB E:\002 DRE Tech Spec Bases 002 DRE TSB Affected Page List.pdf 445 KB E:\003 DRE TRM 001 DRE TRM.pdf 3140 KB E:\003 DRE TRM 002 DRE TRM Affected Page List.pdf 77 KB E:\004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt 001 DRE Fire Protection Rpt.pdf 10093 KB E:\004 DRE Fire Prot Rpt 002 DRE FPR Affected Page List.pdf 73 KB Page 1 of 1