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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24164A2517 August 2024Issuance of Amendment No. 271 Technical Specification Change to Revise Surveillance Requirements Included in the Surveillance Frequency Control ProgramSurveillance Frequency Control Program
W3F1-2024-0011, Licensee Amendment Request to Modify Surveillance Requirements in Support of Surveillance Frequency Control Program8 May 2024Licensee Amendment Request to Modify Surveillance Requirements in Support of Surveillance Frequency Control ProgramSurveillance Frequency Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Commercial Grade
Operational leakage
ML23348A35714 December 2023Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology Slides and Affidavit for Pre-Submittal MeetingSurveillance Frequency Control Program
W3F1-2023-0035, Application for Technical Specification Change to Revise Surveillance Requirements Included in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program26 July 2023Application for Technical Specification Change to Revise Surveillance Requirements Included in the Surveillance Frequency Control ProgramAnticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
0CAN042301, Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 202214 April 2023Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2022Time of Discovery
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report
ML22342B28028 December 2022Issuance of Amendments Adoption of TSTF-580, Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 with No Operable RHR Shutdown Cooling, Revision 1
ML22104A22212 May 2022Issuance of Amendments Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 554Shutdown Margin
Packing leak
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Process Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML22075A10229 April 2022Issuance of Amendment No. 264 to Relocate Chemical Detection System Technical Specifications to Technical Requirements ManualProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML22073A1758 March 2022Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 16, Technical SpecificationsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML21279A2316 October 2021Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Requirements Using the Consolidated Line-Item ImprovementShutdown Margin
Packing leak
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Process Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
ML21208A44920 September 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 325 Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Allowable Values and Number of Degraded Voltage ChannelsAnticipated operational occurrence
ML21162A2112 July 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 208 to Adopt Generic Letter 86-10 Standard License Condition for Fire ProtectionSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML21148A0528 June 2021Correction to License Amendment 214 Request to Support Next Generation Fuel; Review and Approval of Revised ECCS Performance Analysis; and Review and Approval of Supplement to the ECCS Performance Analysis
ML21116A14326 April 2021(Waterford 3) - Revision to License Amendment Request to Relocate Boration Systems Technical Specifications to the Technical Requirements ManualBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML21088A43314 April 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 324 Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler, TSTF-569, Revision 2, Revise Response Time Testing DefinitionAnticipated operational occurrence
ML21027A42823 March 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 272 Replacement of Reactor Building Spray Sodium Hydroxide Additive with a Passive Reactor Building Sump Buffering AgentBoric Acid
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fuel cladding
ML21019A21924 February 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 227 Extension of Appendix J Integrated Leakage Test IntervalProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Aging Management
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Local Leak Rate Testing
Foreign Material Exclusion
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
1CAN022102, Supplement Related to License Amendment Request to Replace the Reactor Hydroxide Additive with a Passive Reactor Building Sump Buffering Agent Sodium Tetraborate22 February 2021Supplement Related to License Amendment Request to Replace the Reactor Hydroxide Additive with a Passive Reactor Building Sump Buffering Agent Sodium Tetraborate
ML21011A0481 February 2021Issuance of Amendments Adoption of TSTF-566, Revision 0, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling SubsystemsSurveillance Frequency Control Program
ML21039A26427 January 2021Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 16, Technical SpecificationsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML21039A32927 January 2021Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 16, Technical SpecificationsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20244A01128 September 2020Issuance of Amendment No. 202 Adopt TSTF-425, Revision 3, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control- RITSTF Initiative 5bWater Inventory Control
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML20135H14130 June 2020Issuance of Amendment Nos. 269 and 321 Request to Incorporate the Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator Into the Licensing BasisSafe Shutdown
High winds
Tornado Missile
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado-Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
Large early release frequency
Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML20160A14730 June 2020Issuance of Amendment No. 270 to Adopt TSTF 563, Revision 0, Revise Instrument Testing Definitions to Incorporate the Surveillance Frequency Control ProgramShutdown Margin
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
ML20148M10622 June 2020Corrections to Technical Specifications Issued in Amendments Nos. 102 and 225 and with the Renewed License
ML20113E83623 April 2020Summary of March 19, 2020, Category 1 Public Meeting with Entergy Operations Inc. a Planned LAR to Install Digital Systems in Accordance with Di&C ISG-06 Revision 2, Licensing Processes at Waterford Steam Electric StationSurveillance Frequency Control Program
ML19308B10711 December 2019Issuance of Amendments Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-564, Revision 2, Safety Limit MCPR (Minimum Critical Power Ratio)Reactor Vessel Water Level
Anticipated operational occurrence
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Fuel cladding
ML19232A37919 September 2019Correction to Issuance of Amendment No. 264 Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-425, Revision 3
ML19175A04211 September 2019Arkansas Units 1 and 2; Grand Gulf, Unit 1; Indian Point 2 and 3; Palisades; River Bend, Unit 1; Waterford Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendments to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application RulesTime of Discovery
Fire Protection Program
ML19022A33713 February 2019Issuance of Amendment No. 253 to Revise Section of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report to Account for Fuel MisloadAnticipated operational occurrence
ML18284A37020 December 2018Renewed Facility Operating License NPF-47 Attachments and AppendicesSafe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Loop seal
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Post Accident Monitoring
Scram Discharge Volume
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Process Control Program
Spiral reload
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
Fire Protection Program
Unidentified leakage
Power Uprate
Overspeed trip
Operational leakage
ML17251A21110 October 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 307 Revision of Steam Generator Technical Specifications to Reflect Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-510 (CAC MF9654; EPID L-2017-LLA-0222)Nondestructive Examination
ML17240A2324 October 2017Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 - Issuance of Amendment No. 213 for Administrative Name Change to Licensee South Mississippi Electric Power Association (CAC No. MF9588)
ML17192A00727 July 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 250 Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF 545, Revision 3Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Incorporated by reference
Missed surveillance
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML16165A42310 March 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 257 Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-545, Revision 3,High Radiation Area
Incorporated by reference
Missed surveillance
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML16224B07519 September 2016NRC Response to Request for Interpretation of Technical SpecificationsSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Functionality Assessment
ML16077A27010 May 2016Issuance of Amendment No. 247 Regarding Cyber Security Plan Milestone 8 Full Implementation ScheduleCyber Security
W3F1-2016-0010, Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Risk-Informed Surveillance Requirements License Amendment Request (LAR)3 March 2016Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Risk-Informed Surveillance Requirements License Amendment Request (LAR)Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML16027A10924 February 2016Issuance of Amendment Nos. 255 and 303 Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule (CAC Nos. MF6258 and MF6259)Cyber Security
ML16011A24717 February 2016Issuance of Amendment No. 209 Revision of Technical Specifications for Containment Leak Rate TestingLocal Leak Rate Testing
Integrated leak rate test
Grace period
Power Uprate
GNRO-2015/00091, Supplemental Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications for Containment Leak Rate Testing/10 December 2015Supplemental Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications for Containment Leak Rate Testing/
GNRO-2015/00077, Request for Additional Information Regarding Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) TSTF-522, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours.24 November 2015Request for Additional Information Regarding Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) TSTF-522, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours.
ML15289A14313 November 2015Redacted - Issuance of Amendment No. 246 Changes to Technical Specification Regarding Control Element Assembly Drop Times
RBG-47626, ISFSI - Correction of Technical Specification Typographical Errors27 October 2015ISFSI - Correction of Technical Specification Typographical Errors
ML15195A06121 September 2015Issuance of Amendment No. 188 Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-523, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas AccumulationOperability Determination
Water hammer
GNRO-2015/00037, Application to Revise the Technical Specifications to Remove the Inservice Testing Program and to Clarify SR Usage Rule Application to Section 5.5 Testing15 September 2015Application to Revise the Technical Specifications to Remove the Inservice Testing Program and to Clarify SR Usage Rule Application to Section 5.5 Testing
ML15244B3863 September 2015Correction to Issuance of Amendment Extension of the Integrated Leak Rate Testing to 15 YearsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
ML15229A21931 August 2015Redacted, Issuance of Amendment Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus License Amendment RequestSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Anticipated operational occurrence
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Cyber Security
High Energy Line Break
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Feedwater Heater
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Process Control Program
Feedwater Controller Failure
Large early release frequency
Stress corrosion cracking
Time Critical Operator Action
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fuel cladding
Power change
Power Uprate
Failure to Scram
Manual Operator Action
Water rod
Water hammer
ML15139A48331 August 2015Issuance of Amendment No. 245 Change to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Clarifying Pressurizer Heaters Function for Natural Circulation at the Onset of a Loss of Offsite PowerBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Ultimate heat sink
Time Critical Operator Action
Power Uprate
Manual Operator Action
ML15180A17031 August 2015Issuance of Amendment Revision to Technical Specification 5.65.B to Add Reference NEDC-33075P-A, GE Hitachi Boiling Water Reactor Detect and Suppress Solution - Confirmation DensityMELLLA