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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20140G4481 May 1997Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in Component of Dsrv & Dsr Enterprise Standby Diesel Generator Sys.Recommends That Springs Be Inspected on Periodic Basis,Such as During Refueling Outages
ML20115D2009 July 1996Part 21 Rept Re Mfg Defect of Enterprise DSR-4 & DSRV-4 Edgs,Originally Mfg by Calcon Corp.Amot Control Corp Purchased Calcon Product Line & Maintains Design & Production.Valves Returned to Cooper Energy Svcs on 960131
ML20058K3849 December 1993Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in Component of Dsrv & Dsr Enterprise Standby DG Sys,Regarding Potential Problem W/ Subcover Assembled Atop Power Head
ML20044G53126 May 1993Suppl to 921207 Part 21 Rept Re Declutch Sys Anomaly in Certain Types of Valve Actuators Supplied by Limitorque Corp.Limitorque Designed New Declutch Lever Which Will Be Available in First Quarter 1993Stroke time
ML20044G50126 May 1993Part 21 Rept Re Buffer Amplifier Modules Mfg by Bailey Controls Co Containing Suspect Negative Ref Power Supply Having Safety Implications.Caused by Design Error in Circuitry.Modules Would Not Result in Miscalibration
ML18010B0845 May 1993NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20127H23015 January 1993Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defeat in Component of Dsrv & Dsr Enterprise Standby DG Sys.Starting Air Distributor Housing Assemblies Installed as Replacement Parts at Listed Sites
ML20126B04217 December 1992Final Part 21 Rept Re Potential Problem W/Steel Cylinder Heads.Initially Reported on 921125.Caused by Inadequate Cast Wall Thickness at 3/4-inch-10 Bolt Hole.Stud at Location Indicated on Encl Sketch Should Be RemovedLoctite
ML20126D72116 December 1992Potential Part 21 Rept Re Actual Performance of Rosemount Supplied Bailey Bq Differential Pressure Transmitters Differing from Rosemount Original Spec.Bailey Controls Encl.Evaluation Not Yet Performed
ML18010A95230 November 1992NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20118B43911 September 1992Part 21 Rept Re Degradation in Abb Type 27N Undervoltage Relays Used in Electrical Switchgear.Recommends That Users Review Applications Requiring Exposures Greater than 1E03 Rads TID W/Time Delay Function Option
ML18094B32128 February 1990Annual Operating Repts for 1989 for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations
ML20012A90127 February 1990Suppls 900213 10CFR21 Rept Re Chilled Water Sys Operation. Evaluation of Crystal River Determined That Postulated High Energy Line Break in Intermediate Bldg May Be Subj to Steam Loads Higher than Normal Loads,Causing Rising Water Temp
ML20011F59722 February 1990Part 21 Rept Re Solder Connections in Abb 27/59 Relays Deteriorated Due to Thermal Stress,Causing Bonding of Printed Wiring Pattern to Glass Epoxy Circuit Board.Interim Circuit Board W/Larger Pads & Higher Wattage Will Be Used
ML20011F19422 February 1990Part 21 Rept Re Abb 27/59 Relay Catalog Series 211L.Solder Connections to Printed Wiring Runs on Bottom of Circuit Board Deteriorated Due to Thermal Stress.No Actual Failure Occurred & Relays to Be Changed at Next Outage
ML18153C1012 February 1990Part 21 Rept Re Two of Three Pc Cards in GE Type SLV11A1 Over/Undervoltage Relays Failing to Produce Output.Short Between Leads Would Result in Damage to Component 1C5. Sketch of Threshold Detection Board Encl
ML17223A74526 January 1990Part 21 Rept Re Backup Rings Furnished in Spare Parts Seal Kits & in 25 Gpm 4 Way Valves as Part of Actuators Made of Incorrect Matl.Rings Should Be Viton & Have Been Identified as Buna N
ML20006A82310 January 1990Errata to Rev 3 to BAW-1543, Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Consisting of Revised Tables 3-20 & E-1
ML20005G6835 January 1990Part 21 Rept Re Installation Instructions for Grommet Use Range for Patel Conduit Seal P/N 841206.Conduit Seals in Environ Qualification Applications Inspected for Proper Wire Use Range & Grommets Replaced
ML17347B46231 December 1989App a to USI A-46 & Generic Ltr 87-02.Safe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Commercial Grade
ML18094B14725 October 1989Emergency Plan Annual Exercise 1989 for Artificial Island on 891025. W/One Oversize Drawing
ML19325E08616 October 1989Followup Part 21 Rept Re Class 1E Battery Chargers W/ Transformers Running at Temps Exceeding Those Used in Qualification Rept When Operating at or Near Full Load Rating of Equipment.Listed Corrective Actions Underway
ML19351A2949 October 1989Part 21 Rept Re Potential of Ambient Compensated Molded Case Circuit Breakers to Deviate from Published Info. Instantaneous Trip Check Will Be Instituted on All Class 1E Thermal/Magnetic Ambient Breakers Prior to Shipment
ML20248G8292 October 1989Rev 19 to YOQAP-I-A, Operational QA ProgramBoric Acid
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Condition Adverse to Quality
Liquid penetrant
Fire Protection Program
ML19351A41930 September 1989Mark-BW Reload LOCA Analysis for Catawba & McGuire Units.Boric Acid
ML19327C06830 September 1989Nuclear Safety & Compliance Semiannual Rept Number 11,Apr- Sept 1989. W/891027 LtrHigh Radiation Area
Feedwater Heater
ML17347B38230 September 1989Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1989 for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 & St Lucie Units 1 & 2.W/891016 Ltr
ML19325C95229 September 1989Part 21 Rept Re Potential Common Failure of SMB-000 & SMB-00 Cam Type Torque Switches Supplied Prior to 1981 & 1976. Vendor Recommends That Switch W/Fiber Spacer Be Replaced
ML20248F00029 September 1989Debris in Containment Recirculation Sumps, Technical Review ReptBoric Acid
Foreign Material Exclusion
ML20248E01213 September 1989Supplemental Part 21 Rept Re Potential Problem W/Six Specific Engine Control Devices in Air Start,Lube Oil, Jacket Water & Crankcase Sys.Initially Reported on 890429. California Controls Co Will Redesign Valve Seating
ML20248D15713 September 1989Rev 56 to QA ProgramNon-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
Commercial Grade
Liquid penetrant
ML20247K25311 September 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 123 & 41 to Licenses DPR-61 & NPF-49,respectively
ML20247E3767 September 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 122,34,143 & 40 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21,DPR-65 & NPF-49,respectivelyOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML17347B33431 August 1989Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1989 for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 & St Lucie Units 1 & 2.W/890913 Ltr
ML20246D68714 August 1989Rev 1 to Criticality Analysis of Byron & Braidwood Station High Density Fuel Racks
ML20248C0733 August 1989Sser Accepting 880601,0909 & 890602 Changes to ATWS Mitigation Sys Actuation Circuitry for Plants
ML19327B40131 July 1989Safety Evaluation for Byron/Braidwood Stations Units 1 & 2 Transition to Westinghouse 17 X 17 Vantage 5 Fuel.
ML17347B27331 July 1989Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1989 for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 & St Lucie Units 1 & 2
ML18008A03131 July 1989NTH-TR-01 Decrease in Heat Removal by Secondary Sys.Safe Shutdown
Rod Drop Event
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20246P71117 July 1989Part 21 Rept Re Quench Cracks in Bar of A-SA-193 Grade B7 Component.Quench Cracks Found in One Bar of Matl.Listed Purchasers Informed of Potential Defect.Next Rept Will Be Submitted When Addl Info Becomes Available
ML20247D30112 July 1989Part 21 Rept 10CFR21-0047 Re Control Wiring Insulation of Inner Jacket Used on General Motors Diesel Generator Sets Identified as 999 or MP Series.Encl List of Owners of Units Notified
ML20246D67130 June 1989Criticality Analysis of Byron/Braidwood Fresh Fuel Racks
ML17347B27430 June 1989Corrected Monthly Operating Repts for June 1989 for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4
ML17347B18530 June 1989Monthly Operating Repts for June 1989 for St Lucie Units 1 & 2 & Turkey Point Units 3 & 4.W/890717 Ltr
ML20247H07130 June 1989Description & Verification Summary of Computer Program, GappipeEarthquake
ML20246L25726 June 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 118,33,142 & 36 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21,DPR-65 & NPF-49,respectively
ML20247H07922 June 1989App to Description & Verification Summary of Computer Program,Gappipe
ML18151A54121 June 1989Updated Operational QA Program Topical Rept.Nondestructive Examination
Commercial Grade
Early Warning Fire Detection
ML20245B66515 June 1989Part 21 Rept 150 Re Potential Defect in Component of Dsr Standby Diesel Generator.Cause of Failure Determined to Be Combination of Insufficient Lubrication to Bushings.Listed Course of Action Recommended at Next Scheduled Engine Maint
ML18101A49313 June 1989Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Rept.Siren
Potassium iodide