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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20196J23529 June 1999Summary of 990617 Meeting with B&Wog & FTI Re B&Wog Emergency Operating Procedure Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Presentation Slides Encl
ML20195F40113 November 1998Summary of 980915 Meeting with NEI License Renewal Task Force in Rockville,Md Re Prioritization of Generic License Renewal Issues for Resolution.List of Meeting Attendees, Resolution Criteria & List of Issues EnclHigh Energy Line Break
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML20211A01616 September 1997Summary of 970828 Meeting W/B&Wog Re Mgt of Aging Effects for Reactor Vessel Internals & Activities Related to Baffle Bolting Integrity Issues.List of Attendees & Their Affiliation & Handouts EnclAging Management
License Renewal
ML20134P25620 February 1997Summary of Operating Reactors Events Briefing 97-01 on 970212.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Discussed Events & Reactor Scram Statistics for Listed Wks EnclLoop seal
Anchor Darling
Operability Assessment
ML20129K37921 November 1996Summary of 961016 Meeting W/Dpc at Plant Re Ongoing Current Licensing Issues & Safety Initiatives at Three Nuclear Stations.Meeting Attendees,Agenda & Handouts Encl
ML20129G31423 October 1996Summary of Operating Reactors Event Briefing 96-12 on 961016.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Discussed Events & Reactor Scram Statistics for Wks Ending 960922,29 & 1006 & 13 EnclLoop seal
Non-Destructive Examination
Feedwater Heater
Water hammer
ML20057F1476 October 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-37 on 930929
ML20057D07627 September 1993Summary of 930903 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Ways Util Might Improve Quality & Completeness of Plant Licensing Submittals.List of Meeting Attendees & List of Specific Licensing Submittals Discussed During Meeting Encl
ML20056D98418 May 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-17 on 930512
ML20217C5123 July 1991Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 91-12 on 910626
ML20247R01621 September 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-34 on 890920 to Brief Senior Managers & Regional Offices on Selected Events That Occured Since Last MeetingSafe Shutdown
ML20247E3646 September 1989Summary of 890717 Meeting W/Numarc,B&W Owners Group & Representatives of Lead Plants Re Status of STS Amends & Outstanding Issues Associated W/Lead Plant STS Submittals
ML20247D5295 September 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-31 on 890830.Significant Event for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program IdentifiedLoop seal
ML20246K21724 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-30 on 890823 Re Reactor Trip W/Multiple Instrumentation & Equipment Failures at DC Cook Unit 2 on 890814 & Auxiliary Feedwater Flows at Hb RobinsonFuel cladding
ML20248B5173 August 1989Summary of 890725 Interface Meeting W/Util in Birrmingham,Al Re Sonopco/Util Corporate Organization Including Generic Activities & Initiatives Re Plants.Agenda & Viewgraphs EnclLicense Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20245G5423 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-28 on 890802.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Summaries of Reactor Scrams for Wks Ending 890723 & 30 Encl
ML20246P77713 July 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-26 on 890712.Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events Presented in Encl 2.List of Attendees Also Encl
ML20246F86922 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-24 on 890621.On 890615,potential Unmonitored Primary Coolant Release Path to Environ Discovered at WPPSS-2.On 890617,loss of Offsite Power Occurred at Brunswick,Unit 2
ML20245G64115 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-23 on 890614.On 890607,multiple Electrical Distribution Sys Problems Occurred at Oconee,Units 1,2 & 3.On 890610,unit Power Signal Caused ScramUnanalyzed Condition
ML20245F2228 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-21 on 890531.List of Attendees & Related Info Encl
ML20245A38530 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-20 on 890524.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclInternal Flooding
ML20247M79624 May 1989Summary of 890502 Meeting W/Util,Sargent & Lundy & Rl Cloud Assoc in Rockville,Md Re Nonlinear Piping Analyses Used to Justify Removal of Snubbers & Pipe Supports.List of Attendees & Presentation by Licensee & Contractors Encl
ML20247K09023 May 1989Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo Re Similarities & Differences Between Performance Indicator Programs.Detailed Discussion Encl
ML20247J70519 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl. Record CopyAnticipated operational occurrence
Exemption Request
ML20247J69919 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclExemption Request
ML20247D34416 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-19 on 890510.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Rept of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Scrams for Wk Ending 890507 EnclBoric Acid
ML20247K10116 May 1989Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo in Bethesda,Md Re Similarities & Differences Between INPO & NRC Performance Indicators
ML20246L7285 May 1989Summary of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Containment Vessel Structural Integrity Tech Specs for Plants.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation EnclScaffolding
ML20246C3264 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-18 on 890503
ML20246B51628 April 1989Summary of 890419 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-16. List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20248K37610 April 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-014 on 890405.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Reactor Scrams for Wk Ending 890402 Encl
ML20247F19924 March 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-12 on 890322.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements,Summary of Reactor Scrams & Comparison of Weekly Statistics W/Industry Averages for Wk Ending 890319 Encl
ML20247A89716 March 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-11 on 890315.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Four Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Scrams EnclReactor Vessel Water Level
ML20246N92016 March 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-010 on 890308.List of Attendees,Significant Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams for Wk Ending 890305 EnclUnanalyzed Condition
Overspeed trip
ML20245H80123 February 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-08 on 890222.Attendee List & Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events Encl
ML20235M16717 February 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-07 on 890215.List of Attendees,List of Events Discussed,Summary of Events for Long Term Followup or Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20196B9821 December 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-47 on 881129.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events,Two Events Suggested for long-term Followup & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20206L98325 November 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-45 on 881115.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20195H02725 November 1988Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 88-46 on 881122
ML20206E35910 November 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-44 on 881108.List of Meeting Attendees,Significant Events & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl.One Significant Event Identified for Input to Performance Indicator ProgramHot Short
Safe Shutdown
ML20205H75218 October 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-41 on 881018.No Significant Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator ProgramAnchor Darling
ML20207M0775 October 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-39 on 881004.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclUnanalyzed Condition
Loop seal
Continuous fire watch
ML20207K9464 October 1988Summary of 880830 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Fire protection-related Issues.Draft Fire Protection Engineering Evaluation, Cables on Svc Bldg Outside Wall & List of Attendees EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
ML20245D84128 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-38 on 880927 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880920Reactor Vessel Water Level
ML20155B82320 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-37 on 880920.Info Encl Includes rept-to-date of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Reactor ScramsFire Watch
ML20154F79715 September 1988Summary of 880901 QA Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Rev 2 of Util Operational QA Plan for Plants.Agenda & List of Participants Encl
ML20154N4477 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-036 on 880906 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880830.List of Attendees EnclFuel cladding
Overspeed trip
ML20153G63330 August 1988Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 88-35 on 880830, Including Summary of Reactor Scrams for Wk Ending 880828. Significant Event Identified for Input to NRC Performenance Indicator Program
ML20153C18623 August 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-34 on 880823
ML20151R5398 August 1988Summary of 880623 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Emergency Procedure Guidelines. Resolution of Issues Listed