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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217M53125 October 1999Notification of 991103 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Analytical Approach in Design of Pipe Supports at Plant
ML20217C90512 October 1999Forwards SER Input Approving License Request for Amend to Plant,Units 1 & 2.Licensee Proposal to Modify Definition of Core Alteration in Section 1.0 of TS & Update Sections 3/4.1,3.4.3 & 3/4.9 to Reflect Proposed Definition ChangeSpiral reload
ML20211K8611 September 1999Informs That There Has Been Some Confusion Re Recently Issued ODCM Generic Section Rev Which Needs to Be Clarified. Clarifications Are Listed
ML20211H44427 August 1999Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 990916 & 17 in Arlington,Tx to Improve Utility & NRC Understanding of Industry & Regulatory Perspectives on Current Issues
ML20211E14923 August 1999Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 990830 to Discuss Recent Refueling Maint Outage
ML20210P1364 August 1999Notification of 990817 Meeting with Util in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss Status of Licensing Actions Submitted by Comm Ed & Plan for Proposed Licensing Workshop
ML20209G24214 July 1999Notification of 990722 Meeting with License in Rockville, MD to Discuss Changes in EOI Licensing Organization Including Division of Responsibilities within New EOI Corporate Licensing Group
ML20209F61112 July 1999Revised Notification of 990805 Meeting with Util to Discuss Radiation Protection Issues Identified in NRC Insps Repts 50-458/98-10 & 50-458/99-04
ML20209D8277 July 1999Notification of 990719 Licensee Meeting in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Failed Fuel Recovery Project
ML20196G03224 June 1999Notification of 990726 Meeting with Util to Discuss Radiation Protection Issues
ML20195F88110 June 1999Notification of 990622 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Related Issues Associated with Fuel Integrity Problems Experienced During Recent Cycle 8 Operation
ML20207E9232 June 1999Notification of 990611 Meeting with EOI in Rockville, Maryland to Be Briefed by EOI & to Discuss Related Issues Associated with Fuel Integrity Problems Experienced During Recent Cycle 8 Operation
ML20207G3762 June 1999Revised Notification of 990611 Meeting with EOI in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss Issues Associated with Fuel Integrity Problems Experienced During Recent Cycle 8 Operation.Meeting Cancelled
DD-99-05, Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petition as of 990331.During March,Director'S Decision (DD-99-06) on Browns Ferry & DD on Army Corps of Engineers Was Issued & (DD-99-05) on Diablo Canyon Became Final Agency Action20 April 1999Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petition as of 990331.During March,Director'S Decision (DD-99-06) on Browns Ferry & DD on Army Corps of Engineers Was Issued & (DD-99-05) on Diablo Canyon Became Final Agency Action
ML20205R88720 April 1999Notification of 990504 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposal to Submit Consolidated Security Plan for Util Sites
ML20196K9476 April 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting with Util on 990420 to Discuss Results of Most Recent NRC Plant Performance Review
IR 05000458/199930129 March 1999Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-458/99-301 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 990222-0303Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Half scram
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Time to boil
Met Tower
Job Performance Measure
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20205C44829 March 1999Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990222-0303Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Half scram
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Time to boil
Met Tower
Job Performance Measure
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Failure to Scram
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20207K91611 March 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting with Util on 990325 to Discuss River Bend Station Engineering Program & Performance with Project,Maintenance & Engineering Branch Personnel
ML20199L05121 January 1999Notification of 990222 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md for Ucs to Present Addl Info & Clarify Issues Raised in Two 10CFR2.206 Petitions Re River Bend Station & Perry Nuclear Power Plant
ML20195G11217 November 1998Notification of 981201-02 Meeting with Entergy Operations in Taft,Louisianna to Conduct Joint Workshop for Licensing Personnel from Entergy & Nrc,Project Directorate IV-1
ML20195F16912 November 1998Notification of 981123 Meeting with Entergy Operations,Inc in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Apparent Inoperability of Divs I & II Emergency DGs
ML20151U7978 September 1998Notifies of 980929 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Level of Instructions & Details for Transferring Quality Assurance Plan Details from Current Program Plans at Four Sites to Std Quality Assurance Program Plan
ML20153H6678 September 1998Revised Notification of 981007 Meeting with Util to Discuss Level of Instructions & Details for Transferring QA Plan Details from Current Program Plans at Four Sites to Std Program Plan at All Sites.Originally Scheduled for 980929
ML20151T6143 September 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980910 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Plant Performance W/Regional Administrator & Division Directors
ML20238F58628 August 1998Notification of 980909 Meeting w/BWR/6S:EOI & Listed Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss W/Nrc Planned Applications by Licensees to Reduce Operability Requirements During Refueling Outages
ML20237E31326 August 1998Forwards for Public Release,Info Re NRC SMM Held on 980714-15.Summary of January 1998 NRC SMM & Watch List Removal Evaluation Factors Also EnclSafe Shutdown
Missed surveillance
Operability Determination
Maintenance Rule Program
ML20237A28112 August 1998Notification of 980827 Meeting W/Nrc & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Level of Instructions & Details for Transferring QA Plan Details from Current Program Plans at Four Sites
ML20237D98211 August 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980915 to Discuss Status of LaSalle Unit 1 & Performance Improvement & Restart Plans for LaSalle Unit 2
ML20237D97511 August 1998Notification of Cancelled Licensee Meeting W/Util to Discuss Effectiveness of Performance Improvement Initiatives & Progress Toward LaSalle Unit 1 Restart
ML20237D97211 August 1998Notification of Cancelled Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980903 to Discuss Effectiveness of Performance Improvement Initiatives & Progress Toward LaSalle Unit 1 Restart
ML20236Q93713 July 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc on 980729 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Results of Plant Fire Protection Functional Insp
ML20249A21011 June 1998Notification of 980702 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Level of Instructions & Details for Transferring Quality Assurance Plan Details from Current Program Plans at Four Sites to Std Quality Assurance Program Plan for Site
ML20248M1968 June 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980626 in Arlington,Tx Re Predecisional EC to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.9
ML20216D63513 April 1998Notification of 980416 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Entergy Operations,Inc Initial Proposal to Standardize Security Plans for Listed Plants
ML20217E84726 March 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980402 to Discuss Entergy Operations,Inc Annual Performance Assessment
ML20216H69717 March 1998Notification of 980326 Meeting W/Commonwealth Edison Co in Lisle,Il to Discuss Comed Request to Consolidate near-site Emergency Operations Facility Into Single Central EOF
ML20216B13910 March 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980324 to Consider Licensee Assessment of Performance Since Feb 1997 & to Discuss Design Basis of Standby Gas Treatment Sys & Effect on Operator Access to Reactor Bldg
ML20197B8725 March 1998Notification of 980401 Meeting W/Util in Jackson,Ms to Discuss Licensing Issues & Regulatory Performance Efficiencies W/Licensing Staff for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20203B4135 February 1998Notification of 980319 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc,In Rockville,Md to Discuss Level of Instructions & Details of Transferring QA Plan Details from Current Program Plans at Four Sites to Standard QA Program Plan for Use at All Sites
ML20198N79613 January 1998Confirms Rev to Time of NRC Oversight Panel Meeting for LaSalle County Station.Meeting Will Be Conducted on 980126 in Lisle,Il to Discuss Status & Effectiveness of Restart Plan Plant Performance Improvement Actions
ML20198M83512 January 1998Notification of 980122 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Site Licensing Status for Listed Plants & to Explore Ways to Standardize Licensing Submittals & Issuances
ML20197A89016 December 1997Forwards Plant Restart Action Plan,For Review & Approval. Restart Action Plan Status Will Be Updated on as Required BasisEnforcement Discretion
ML20202G1683 December 1997Forwards SRO Exam Rept Key for Exams Administered on 970728-0801 at PlantSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Loop seal
Half scram
Abnormal operational transient
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Fuel cladding
Fire Watch
Failure to Scram
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20202G1563 December 1997Forwards Facility Submitted Outline,Initial Exam Submittal & as Given Operating Exam,Administered on 970728-0801 at Plant,Unit 1
ML20199E68518 November 1997Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 971202 to Discuss Circumstances Surrounding Two Incidents on 970913 & 971004
ML20198K07915 October 1997Notification of 971022 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc in Rockville,Md Re Standard Quality Assurance Manual for Entergy Sites
ML20217D42630 September 1997Informs of Scheduled Visits W/Nuclear Services at Gpu on Nov 14th & Visit at Commonwealth Edison on Dec 3rd & Would Like to Receive Any Info Available.Supporting Documentation EnclStroke time
Enforcement Discretion
Stress corrosion cracking
Operability Determination
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML20211D67215 September 1997Provides NRR Concurrence to Remove Big Rock Point from SALP Program,To Extend Current Point Beach SALP Cycle from 15 to 19 Months & to Extend Current LaSalle County Station SALP Cycle to Approx Six Months Following Restart of Either Unit
ML20211D7663 September 1997Informs of Intent & Rationale for Extending Current LaSalle County Station SALP Cycle to Approx Six Months Following Restart of Either UnitSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance