SNRC-1855, Suppls 910826 Response to NRC Request for Addl Info from 910816 Meeting Re Decommissioning Plan.Topics Include, Removal of Insulation from Around Reactor Pressure Vessel & from Around Contaminated Piping Sys

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Suppls 910826 Response to NRC Request for Addl Info from 910816 Meeting Re Decommissioning Plan.Topics Include, Removal of Insulation from Around Reactor Pressure Vessel & from Around Contaminated Piping Sys
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/1991
From: Klimberg S
LSNRC-1855, NUDOCS 9110290099
Download: ML20085J026 (13)


E V ,.


- IO"9 200 Garden City Plaza

, Island - Garden City, NY 11530 Power ' (516) 742-2200

- Authority -

LSNRC - 1855

-October- 16,.1991 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 supplemental Response to Request for Additional Information for Shoreham Decommissioning Plan Docket No. 50-322 Ref: 1) -NRC -letter dated September 13, 1991 from A. Randolph Blough (USNRC Region I) to John D. Leonard, Jr. (LILCO),

x -documenting the meeting of August 16, 1991 to discuss L LILCO's plans following issuance of the Possession Only l- Licence.

-2) LIPA letter SNRC-1832 dat2d August 26,- 1991 from Stanley B. Klimberg (LIPA) ti,US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, providing .LIPA's responses- to NRC questions about the

-LIPA Shoreham Decommissioning Plan.

, Gentlemen:

Pursuant'to our commitment to keep the NRC staff fully apprised of additional- plans- and- further. developments pertaining to

. decommissioning preparatory activities at Shoreham,-LIPA hereby provides -- in Attachments 1= scope and : schedule details regarding Lactivities that were identified to the NRC at a meeting held on August- 16, 1991 (see References 1 and.2).

This information has been. packaged as a supplementary response to the - initial LIPA response to NRC Question No. I. ( chat was provided in Reference 2. ,

Based on our evaluation, it is our conclusion that the activities identified in Attachment 1 may be performed under 10 CFR 50.59 prior'to NRC approval of tha Shorehem Decommissioning Plan because L -these activities will-not:

L g 1) Involve an unreviewed safety question or ren 're a change l to the Shoreham Technical Specifications; t L

2) Foreclose Shoreham decommissioning alternatives, options ,

i 9110290099 911016 I l

4 PDR ADOCK 05000322 1 l

> L, P. PDR I

or methods; or

5) Mcterially affect the cost of decommissioning Shoreham.

ji Also, Attachment 2 to this letter provides a new Table I. (7)-4b for '

LIPA's response to NRC Question I. (7) . New "'able I. (7) - 4b, '

h supersedes the entire original version of this table as provided in @A3

!. Reference ;t. The revised table is intended to provide data in a more readily unable faphion to support certain conclusions regarding radwaste classJfication.

Please do not hesitste to centact me if you have any questions or ,

require additionn information.

Very truly yours,


Stanley B. Klimberg /

A9 President of Shoreham Project SBK/dd act S. Brown L. Bell D. Norris e

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The following provides current scope and schedule information for planned decommiss.loning preparatory activities that may be performed under 10CFR50.59 prior to NRC approval of the Shoreham Decommissioning Plan. It should be noted, however, that the preciso scope and schedule are subject to change.


AND BIOLOGICAL SHIELD WALL SAMPLES Scope: As nnny as fifteen samples will be removed from the RPV walls and head, and fourteen samples will be removed from the bioshield wall, to validate the conservative results of the activatien analysis of these components. Samples will be removed by taking full core bores from various elevations. Plugs will be installed in the RPV core boro voids to enable filling of the RPV.

Schedule: RPV wall and biosh m d wall samples will be taken from October through November 1991. One RPV head sample will be taken in December 1991.

ACTIVTlY: REMOVAL OF I?]SULATICN FROM AROUND THE RPV AND FROM AROUND CONTAMINATED PJEING SYSTEMS Scoper Mirror insulation around the RPV and thermal insulation around piping in the Recirculation System, Residual Heat Removal System, Core Spr ty Systert, and Reactor Water Cleanup System is being removed to facilitate decommissioning of the underlying piping and components.

Schedule: Insulation removal was begun in October 1991 and will continue into January 1992.

ACTIVITY: PdMOVE AND_JEGMENT_DRYWPLL SHIELD PLUSE Scope: The six non sontaminated _ drywell shield plugs will be removed from their c.rrent location above the RPV to either the refueling deck or tne dryer / separator pit, and segmented to enable their removal from the Reactor Building. This will facilitate the use of space on the rel' cling deck during decommissioning.

l Schedule: Segmentation c7tivities for the drywell shield plugs will be performed during November and December 1991.

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1 ACTIVITY _: REMOVE __AND SEGMEliT DR1 ELL llEAD Scope: The non-contaminated drywell head will be moved from its current location above the RPV to either the refueling deck or the dryer / separator pit, and segmented to enabic its removal from the ,

Reactor Building. This will facilitato the use of spaco on the '

refueling deck during decommissioning.

Schedulo: Segmentation activities for the drywoll head will be performed from December 1991 through January 1992.


- TE_Q_1ULLQlLE DItiellEIMTIoli/0PTIM1ZATlQlf Scopo Pipo spools will be removed from one or more systems in order to confirm and/or optimize the parameters associated with the planned dismantlement techniques prior to full scale application during decommissioning. At present, only one pipe spool from the Recirculation System is scheduled for removal, however, additional systems may be considered.

Schedulo: The Rocirculation System pipe diamantlement demonstration will be performed in December 1991.

ACTIVITY: REMQVAL OP IQPITIOliAL IliTJMJEliCXgL.AllD/OR GALVJM13EE COMPOliEILTE Scope: In addition to the drywell shield plugs and drywell head discussed earlier, the following componente and structural elements have been identified as either potential interferences to future ,

decontamination /dismantler.etit activities, or as having potential salvage value which warrants precautionary removal to avoid the risk of damage during decommissioning:

  • Pump motors and motor operated valve operators associated with the Recirculation System, Residual lleat Removal System, Control Rod Drive System, and Coro Spray System.
  • Pumps and I.fdraulic cc.itrol units associated with the control Rod Drive System.
  • Air- operated valve oporators associated with the Recirculation System and Residual lleat Removal System.
  • Conduits, piping, platform steel and grating around one or more Residual lleat Removal System pumps.
  • Platform stool, grating and block walls in the vicinity l of the two Residual lleat Removal System heat exchange"s.
  • Platform steel and grating in the vicinity of one Core Spray purnp.

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  • Block wall separating the two hydrogen recombiners, e Two shield walls, two instrument racks, two instrument panels, and two emergency equipment lockers at various points in the Reactor Building.

< Schedule: Removal of the above interferences and/or salvage items has not been formally scheduled at this time.




Table If71-4b 10 CFR 61 Waste Classification page l'.of 6 ,

Core Shroud weight =

Long Ltved I:Otopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1)

Concent. Class A Class A Class C Class C

! Nuclide- .uCi/cc Linit Fraction Limit Fraction C-14 (Act)' O.0011 8 0.0001 EO Not Req.

j N-59 (Act) 0.0074 22 0.0003 220 Not Req.

Sum of fractions: 0.0005 Not Req.

Short Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2)

Concent. Class A Class A Class B Class B Class C Class C Nuclicie uCi/cc Limit Fraction L_in_it; Fraction Limit Fraction H-3 0.0100 40 0.0002 l' ~ \ -

N/A Fe-55 31.05 700 0.0444 N/A -

N/A Co-60 12.40 700 0.0177 N/A -

N/A Ni-63(Act) 1.C2 35 O.0292 700 Not Req. 7000 Not Steq.

Sum of fractions: 0.0915 Not Req. Not Req.

Core Shroud is Class A based on sum of Class'A fractions < 1

10 CFR 61 Waste Classification page 2 of 6 Table I(71-4b .

Jet Pumps weight = 24160 lb.

Long Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1)

Concent. Class A Class A Class C Class C UCi/cc Limit Fraction Limit Fraction Nuclid_e .

8 0.0000 80 Not Req.

C-14 (Act} 0.0001 22 0.0000 220 Not Reg.

N-59 (Act) 0.0009 Sum of fractions: 0.0001 Not Req.

Short Lived Is- ts (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2) 4 Class A Class B Class B Class C Class C Concent. Class A Linit Fraction Linit Fraction Limit Fraction Nuclide uCi/cc H-3 0.0013 40 0.0000 N/A -

N/A Fe-55 .1.96 700 0.0057 N/A -

N/A Co-60 1.58 700 0.0023 N/A -

N/A 0.0037 700 Not Req. 7000 Not Req.

Ni-63(Act) 0.13 35 0.0117 Not Req. Not Req.

Sum of fractions:

Jet Pumps cre Class A based on sum of Class A fractions < 1

Table I(7f-4b 10 CFR 61 Waste Classification ;page'3 of 6 ,

Top Guide' Plate weight = 12000 'lb.

i, Long Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1) i Concent. Class A Class A Class C Class C Nuclide uCi/cc Limit Fraction Limit Fraction C-14 (Act) 0.0121 8 0.0015 80 N-59 ( Act) . 0.0799 22 0.0036 220 Sum of fractions: 0.0051 l Short Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2) l Concent. Class A Class A Class B Class B Class C Class C l Nuclide uCi/cc Limit Fraction Limit Fraction Limit Fraction

! H-3 0.1074 40 0.0027 'N/A -



Fe-55 335.23 700 0.4789 N/A -

N/A Co-60 135.19 700 0.1931 N/A -

N/A Ni-63(Act) 11.02 35 0.3148 700 Not Req. 7000 Not Req.

Sum of fractions: 0.9895 'Not Req. Not Req.

Top Guide Plate is Class A based on sum of Class A fractions < 1



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Table'If71-4b '10 CFR 61 Waste Classification page 4 of 6 ,

Core Support

, weight = 17500 lb.

, Long' Lived Isotopes-(frc' 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1)

Concent. Class A Class A Class C , Class C Nuclide uCi/cc Limit Fraction Linit Fraction C-14 (Act) 0.0002 8 0.0000 80 Not Req.

N-59 (Act) 0.0012 ~2 2 0.0001 22.0 Not Req.

-Sun of fractions: 0.0001 Not Req.

4 Short Lived isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2)

Concent. Class A Class A Class B Class.B Class C Class C

-lide uCi/cc Limit Fraction Linit Fraction Limit Fraction h, 0.0168 40 0.0004 N/A -

N/A Fe-55 5.16 700 0.0074 N/A -

N/A Co-60 2.06 700 0.0029 N/A -

N/A Hi-63(Act) 0.17 35 0.0048 700 Not Req. 7G00 Not' Req.

Sum of fractions: 0.0156 Net Req. Not Req.

Cure Support'is Class A based on sum of Class A fractions < 1



Table'I(71-4b' '10 CFR 61 Waste Classification page 5 of 6 SRM/IRM Dry Tubes weight =

Long Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1)

Concent. Class A Class A Class C Class C Nuclide uCi/cc Lj nit Fraction Limit _ Fraction C-14 (Act) 0.1038 8 0.0130 80 Not Req.

N-59 (Act) 0.4828 22 0.0219 220 Not Req.

Sum of fractions: 0.0349 Not Req.

Short Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2)

Concent. Class A Class A Class B Class B Class C Class C Nuclide uCi/cc Linit Fraction Limit Eraction Limit Fraction H-3 0.0000 40 0.0000 N/A -

N/A Fe-55 2367.32 700 3.3819 N/A -

N/A Co-60 965.70 700 1.3796 N/A -

N/A Ni-63(Act) 69.95 35 1.9984 700 0.0999 7000 Not Req.

Sum of fractions: 6.7599 0.0999 Not Req.

SRM/IRM' Dry Tubes are Clat,s B based on sum of Table 2 Class A fractions > 1 and sum of Class B fractions < 1

t-6, 10 CFR 61 Waste Classification page 6 of 6 ,

Table I(71-4b A

Control Rod Drive Guide Tubes weight = 63000 lb.

Long Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 1)

Concent. Class A Class A Class C Class C Nuclide uCi/cc Limit Fraction Linit f_raction r

8 0.0000 80 Not Reg.

C-14 (Act) 0.0001 22 0.0000 220 Not Req.

N-59 (Act) 0.0002 Sum of fractions: 0.0000 Not Req.

Short Lived Isotopes (from 10 CFR 61.55 Table 2)

Class A Class A Class B Class B Class C Class C Concent.

UCi/cc Limit Fraction Linit _ Fraction , Limit Fraction Nuclide H-3 0.0000 40 0.0000 N/A -

N/A Fe-55 1.13 700 0.0016 N/A -

N/A Co-60 0.46 700 0.0007 N/A -

N/A 35 0.0010 700 Not Req. 7000 Not Raq.

Ni-63 (Act) 0.03 0.0032 Not Reg. Not Req.

Sum of fractions:

1 Control Rod Guide Tubes are Class A based on sum of Class A fractions < 1  !

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Note 1 - The classifications computed here are"for each type of ,

component considered' separately and are for indication purposes only. Final classification will account for decay and will be computed 'or packages in which these segmented components are commingled.


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